Count Saint-Germain - or eternal youth. Count Saint-Germain and Mystery of Immortality Saint Germain Graph

Count Saint-Germain - or eternal youth. Count Saint-Germain and Mystery of Immortality Saint Germain Graph
Count Saint-Germain - or eternal youth. Count Saint-Germain and Mystery of Immortality Saint Germain Graph

Russia is associated with the names of many famous foreign prophets, prisoners and other sorcerers. These applies and count Saint-Germain - One of the most mysterious figures in the history of the XVIII century. To this day, the name of the graph is shut-impermeable secret, the mystery of his personality remains unsolved. Contemporaries called him a magician and magician, the prophet and teacher of wisdom. It was believed that he was known for the secret of longevity, in other words, to preserve the youth, and the recipe for the elixir of immortality. Theosophists, following Elena Blavatskayawere confident that he "was certainly the greatest Adept of the East, which Europe saw in the last century", who came to the world as a messenger of the Grand Brotherhood Mahatm, that is, teachers of wisdom, and appeared to humanity "in the hope of improving him, make wiser and happier ".

Biography Graph Saint-GermomanDespite the efforts of researchers, not tired of looking for new facts of his life, it looks like a patchwork with a lot of rush. Rather, he has many biographies, and one is incredible to other. He was believed to be almost embodied by God, the carrier of the secret wisdom, the great prophet, equally twisted both the future and the past. In his memories, he narrated in detail about the events of the past centuries, as if there was their contemporary and saw all his own eyes. And still Saint-Germain was famous as an alchemist capable of transforming non-denominated metals in gold. They also thought that he was Mason, almost their chapter, and even if he belonged to the ancient Order of the Templars and was dedicated to their secrets.

The graph often disappeared from the field of view of contemporaries, and, announced again, did not explain any disappearance, no more strange returns. Usually he appeared suddenly, say, in Paris, in London, the Hague or Rome, lived there under different names. And if it were not for the evidence of those who knew him well, it would be possible to think that the Count of the Tsarogov (Anagram from Rakkotsi), Marquis Monfera, Count Bellamar, Count Weldon, Count Saltykov and Count Saint-Germain - Different People.

It is known about a dozen pseudonyms, under which this person appeared and acted in various places and at different times. Some thought he was a Spaniard, the illegal son of the widow of the Spanish king Karl II and the Madrid banker, others considered the side son of the Portuguese king. Accepted him and for the son of the Savoy collector of the filters named Rotondo. In a word, guesses and assumptions was a lot.

But all unanimously converged on the fact that the age of the graph is impossible to determine. From here, probably the legend of his longevity, which would be known to him by the path leading to immortality. He himself loved the lacaround himself, which was once ever familiar with Christ himself and predicted him that he would face badly. He knew and Cleopatra, and Plato, and the Sequecia and "easily chatted with the queen Sava." Speaking about it, the Count suddenly was uncomfortable as a person who said unnecessary, and mysteriously silent.

You can order a book of Shakonaka fields "Count Saint-Germain - the keeper of all secrets"
Once in Dresden, someone asked Kucher Saint-Germen, is it true that his Mr. Four hundred years? He replied: "I don't know exactly. But for those one hundred and thirty years, that I serve him, his lightness did not change at all ..."

This at least a strange recognition found a confirmation in some elderly aristocrats. They suddenly recalled that a long time in childhood had already seen this man in their grandmothers salons. And since then, they were amazed, he completely did not change outwardly. For example, the Countess D'Demar was surprised how Saint-Germain manage to live for so long, not old. After all, she knew, according to her, the elderly people who saw his forty-fifty-year-old at the very beginning of the XVIII century. He looked the same as half a century later ...

How did this strange Graph Saint-Germain? This is how modern contemporaries describe his appearance. It was medium height, years of forty-five, the face was dark, spiritualized, marked with undoubted signs of deep intelligence. The features are correct, the eyes are insightful, the hair is black, the posture is magnificent. The graph was dressed simply, but tasteful. The only thing that allowed himself is dazzling diamonds on the fingers, tobacco, clocks and buckles. In all his appearance, noble origin was felt.

He himself hinted, which belongs to the ancient Hungarian genus Raccots. Two of his ancestors are most famous: Diere Rakoki (1593-1648) - Prince of Transylvania, a member of the thirty-year war on the side of the Antihabssburg Coalition, and Ferenc Rakocy II, head of the liberation war of Hungarians in 1703-1711.

So, according to one of the versions, he could well be the son of Ferenz Racci I (1645-1676). His mother, Ilona Zrinyi, was the daughter of parents executed by the Austrians. Ilona managed to escape thanks to the mediation of Jesuits and with the help of a huge redemption. Ferenc and Ilona had three children: Differ, born in 1667 and lived just a few months; Julian, born in 1672 and died in 1717; Ferrenz, born in 1676 and deceased in 1735th. Their Father, Ferenc Rakocy I, died in 1676, a few months after the birth of Ferenz Jr..

And here there is a rather strange version. The year of birth of Ferenz coincides with the year of the death of his father of Ferenz Rakocy II. From here, they conclude that the death of this was staged and that the Son and Father is the same person.

There is another version of the origin if not the Graph Saint-Ghermen itself, then his name: alleged someone bought the estate of Saint-Germain in Italian Tyrol, paid Pope for the title and became count Saint-Germ.

The graph itself said that the evidence of its origin "is in the hands of the Operations, from which it depends (that is, from the Austrian emperor), and this dependence will take all his life over it in the form of constant surveillance ...". However, to disclose each of his personal secrets, he stated, not in his rules.

Anyway, it is relifically known that the count appeared in a variety of European capitals, causing an amazement and admiration for the variety of their amazing talents. Saint-Germain played on many tools, especially preferred the violin. It happened, conducted even an orchestra, and without score. Some were inclined to consider his skill to be equal to the skill of Paganini.

Saint-German was known and as an artist; He owned a special secret of the paints, which glowed in the dark with extraordinary light. Alas, none of his picture reached us. He had a phenomenal memory, and he could repeat several pages of printed text, reading them just once. Write to write with both hands at the same time, and often she threw one hand, a love letter, and the other is poems.

Well, of course, the knowledge of the graph in physics and chemistry was striking. He enjoyed a special favor in the ladies of the French court as an unsurpassed master in the preparation of dyes and cosmetics. In Italy, the Count conducted experiments to improve the release of flax, developed a new method of cleaning olive oil - the bad turned into refined top quality. According to the latest technology, it was engaged in the manufacture of hats at the request of Count Cobenzl, Austrian ambassador in Belgium. It was in the Belgian city of Tourna.

There, once, the famous adventurer Kazanova was the passage. Elena Blavatskaya He wrote that during their meeting, Saint-Germain decided to show his strength as an alchemist. Taking a coin in 2 Su, put it on a hot hot charcoal and worked as a soldering tube; the coin melted and remained cooling. "Now, - Saint Germain - Take your money. "-" But she is of gold! "-" From clean. "Casanova does not believe in the transformation and looks at the entire operation, like a trick, but nevertheless puts the coin in his pocket ..."

Saint-Germain could tell all kinds of funny stories about precious stones, especially about diamonds. Moreover, using his knowledge and skill of the Chemist, as contemporaries argued, managed to "cure" diamonds, eliminate cracks or any other flaw in them.

It is not surprising that many believed in his wonderful abilities, that stones are relatively small value turned into the jewelry of the purest water after they visited the hands of Saint-Germa. And I did not surprise anyone that the guests were found at the table on his dinner dinners next to the nominal card indicating their place, some jewel.

The contemporaries of the graph also noted that as a historian he had almost supernatural knowledge about everything that had happened over the past two thousand years, and in his oral stories, he described the smallest details of the events of previous centuries. On the dinners in the houses of the aristocrats, where he was happy to be invited, he pulled those present by the stories about his incredible adventures in distant countries or about the stories from the personal, intimate life of great people, the French and other kings, with whom he stated, he was met And at the courtyard of which was himself. And once even mentioned that he owned a staff or a rod, with the help of which Moses removed the water from the rock. At the same time, the devices would have added that the staff was presented in Babylon.

The authors of Memoirov, telling about all this, are lost in guessing, which evidence of the graph can be trusted. Considering, came to the conclusion that the majority saint-Germale Taken from any sources, for example, from Beantom's memoirs, Saint-Simon and other memories, then already quite affordable. But, on the other hand, the information reported to them was so accurate, and knowledge of such unusual, excellent in all respects, that his words had a special power of belief. And he believed.

Contradictive information about the reasons and circumstances of the visit of Count Saint-Germa in distant Russia: Even the dates of this trip are argued. Most likely, the count arrived in St. Petersburg at the invitation of his old friend and friend, the famous Italian artist of Count Pietro Rotary, who was then working in the Russian capital as a court painter. There is, however, there is reason to believe that even then Saint-Germain was familiar with Grigory Orlov and came to Northern Palmyra at his invitation.

In St. Petersburg, Saint-Germain, accompanied by the artist, visited the most famous families - Razumovsky, Yusupovy, Golitsyn ... As usual, fascinated their virtuoso players on the violin. And he even dedicated to them the music play for Harf, A.I. Sosterman, nee Tanisin, written. He communicated with the Manyak trader who was engaged in buying and selling precious stones. This nonsense was postponed by defective stones and passed their count, with that "so that he attached to them the original shine."

Saint-Germain and Knyagini Golitsyn, however, is unknown, which is exactly. But it is just known that Saint-Germain lived in the county alley near Anichkova Bridge on Nevsky. He stayed in St. Petersburg the count for long. When in early July 1762 there was a coup and Peter III was overthrown by his wife Catherine Alekseevna, count Saint-German There was no longer in the capital. Nevertheless, there were stubborn rumors that he participated in the preparation of the coup and was almost one of the active conspirators, although "his name is nowhere else quoted among others."

However, F. Tasheven in the book "The History of the French Colony in" without obsteakov declares that the famous Saint-Germain "organized a coup of 1762, as a result of which Emperor Peter III lost first of the throne, then life." And the student of the life of Saint-Germa British Cooker-Okley writes that "Count Saint-Germain was in these parts in the era of Peter III and left Russia for climbing the throne ...". As if even awarded the title of General of the Russian Army.

In any case, our domestic researcher O.Vodarskaya speaks in his work "Following the mysterious graph": "It is indisputable to the fact that Saint-Germain was in Russia in 1760-1762 and together with the Orlov brothers played a prominent role in the palace coup, Which on June 28, 1762, he elevated a new empress on the Russian throne. "

The Great Princess Catherine was distinguished by a thin waist, beautiful skin and believing to kisses lips. At fifteen years, it was completely young when she was called Sofia-Frederic-August and was an Angultserbski princesse, she was married to the cousin - Peter, the son of the Duke of the Golucian and his wife Anna, daughter, and the nephew of the queen Elizabeth Petrovna. He was also a German and became the heir of the Russian throne in the wild of the aunt Elizabeth. He had a bad reputation: a nasty jester, similar to a small monkey, a cunning deceiver and a coward. He was unanimous.

And the future empress already at that time began to surround themselves with fans. At first she turned a favorable look at the young and beautiful officer Sergei Saltykov. He cared for her in 1752. In a year and a half after their convergence, Catherine gave birth to a son, the future king Paul I. The Grand Duchess loved Sergey Saltykov, but once she was in vain waiting for him all night.

"My pride did not allow me to forgive betray!" - wrote Catherine. She broke with him and replaced the wrong lover on the young and inexperienced Stanislav-August of the Constable, who gave her his innocence and presented the child. Peter III recognized him as his.

In 1760, Catherine broke up with understood. He returned to Poland, and she quickly comforted - the future queen was still very young. In 1761, she dreamed and sighed about the irresistible guarantor of Grigory Orlov, about this "Giant with the Angel's Face." He served in the regiment, who guarded the palace, together with the four brothers. Soon, in July 1762, Grigory Orlov and his brothers helped Catherine to take the throne, launched her spouse, Peter III.

Was Saint-Germain was involved in the events played with the royal court? In confirmation that Saint-Germain was still involved in them, they lead to a testimony of the gatherer of the last century of Pyraev. He managed to buy in St. Petersburg at the auction a note sheet with a melody for the harp, labeled 1760, - an essay count Saint-German In a beautiful binding from the Red Safian. Notes were devoted to Countess Osterman and signed by Saint-Germain.

If this is so, then it turns out that the count stayed in the Russian capital about one and a half years and left it on the eve of the coup. However, there are no absolutely reliable data about his stay. The investigation of P. Shakornak, who established only that Saint-German had no relations with "and that in the official documents of the time, according to the certificate received by Shakornak in 1932 in the Leningrad Archive," Name Saint-Germa Among others are not mentioned. "

It was assumed that in St. Petersburg, Saint-Germain operated under the name of Odara, who played a well-known role at the time. He was a lawyer at the city chamber of sale, but ignorance of the Russian language prevented him to fulfill this position. Then, with the support of Dashkaya Princess, one of the inspirational coup, the Italian tried to become secretary of Catherine, but this attempt failed. In the end, he received the post of intedantant in Peter III country house in Oranienbaum. Shortly before the coup, Dashkov saw him, what he writes in his memoirs.

It is tempting, of course, to imagine that Saint-Germain under the name of Odar entered the confidence of Peter III and helped conspirators. And yet it is hardly a good reason to identify Odar with Saint-Germain.


Saint-Germain was a centerast and broad-sized man, according to the testimony of contemporaries, dressed with "magnificent exquisite simplicity" (Baron de Gleichen), "modestly, but with taste" (Ms. Du Osse, Cameric Madame de Pompadur).


Significant information about the origin of the Saint-Germa does not exist. According to the most common version, the Portuguese Jew.

According to A. F. Stroyev, a typical adventurer:

... A man without fray, without a genus and a tribe, without age, like the "immortal" Count Saint-Germain, about which it is not known, Spaniard he, Portuguese Jew, French or Hungarian, if not Russian.

Saint-Germain also heard the extramarital son of the Portuguese king or the princess of Palatinate-Neurburg, the widow of the last Spanish Habsburg Charles II.

Count Karl von Koblenz in a letter dated April 8, 1763 to the first Minister Kaunitsa:

I (Saint-Germain) seemed the most original of all the people I had the happiness to know earlier. About his origin, I find it difficult to speak with confidence. However, I fully admit that it can be a sprayer of a very well-known influential last name, for one reason or another, hiding its origin. Possessing a huge fortune, he is satisfied very small and lives very simple and simple. He is known, apparently, all sciences. And at the same time, there is a fair and decent person in it, possessing all the soulful qualities worthy.

Saint-Germain, as stated in "Chroniques de L'Oeil De Boeuf", spoke Decante de Zezlis: "Seven years from the family I hid in the forests, and for my head was appointed award. On the day of my appearance, my mother, which I was never destined to see more, tied a mascot with my portrait on my hand. ". Saint-Germain, as the author reports, showed this portrait the interlocutor.

Path to Paris

Danish ambassador in France Graf von Velel-Fris, on December 24, 1759, wrote to his minister: "I can't tell you the accuracy, the gracious sovereign, who he is essentially such. His no one or almost no one knows. He spent here for many years, while remaining unemployed. "

Diplomatic mission during a seven-year war

In early 1760, Count Saint-Germain was sent by the King of Hague with a secret mission. Baron de Glyaichn reports that the French Marshal of Bel-Ile in the middle of the seven-year war tried to conclude a separate agreement with England and Prussia and smash the Alliance between France and Austria, who held at the authority of France Foreign Minister - Shoazelyl. Louis XV, like Mrs. Pompadur, secretly supported Bel-Ile's intentions through his own intelligence - Secret King, who often joined the conflict with the Foreign Ministry. Marshal prepared all the necessary recommendations. The king personally presented them with Saint-Germain with a special cipher.

An important proof of the political activity of Saint-Germere is a diplomatic correspondence between General York, the English representative in Hague and Lord Holderness - in London, which, as Cooper-Okley reports, is located in the archives of the British Museum. General York in his letter dated March 14, 1760 wrote that he talked to Saint-Germain about the possible conclusion of a truce between France and England. It was authorized by Louis XV, Madame de Pompadour and Marshal Bel-Ile. In response, Lord Holderness on behalf of King Great Britain George II reported that "Saint-Germain may indeed be authorized to conduct such negotiations ... We are also interested in this, for it is important to us all that contributes to the early promotion to the desired goal ..." .

The Minister of Saxon Court in The Hague Kaudbach reported that he talked with Saint-Germain about the reasons of difficulties comprehended by France. According to Kaudbach, Saint-Germain was the pillar of Marshal Bel Ilya, which had credentials. Saint-Germain intended to carry out plans to Marshal and Madame Pompadur on the conclusion of a contract with England through the mediation of Holland, and that Saint-Germa has a relationship with Count Bennink, President of the Council of Plenipotentiaries of the province of Holland. Being in the Netherlands, Saint-Germain on March 11, 1760 wrote a letter to Madame Pompadur, in which he said: "You should also know my devotion to you, Madame. Therefore, order, and I - at your service. You can install the world in Europe, bypassing tedious and complex manipulations of the Congress ... " .

The French ambassador to the Netherlands Count D'Affrey in the reports of Shiazel wrote about the financial projects of Saint-Germa and that he wanted to achieve a huge loan for France. According to P. Andreon, the amount was supposed to be 30 million florines; Cash affairs, from his point of view, served as the cover of diplomatic intrigues.

Honing about the mission of Saint-German, Shoiselle "insisted on public deavavation of Saint-Germa and the expulsion of Holland." From the letter of English General York to Lord Holderness dated April 4, 1760: "The Duke of Shoazelsky seems to take desperate attempts to discredit this person (Saint-Germane) and prevent his interventions in the affairs of state importance" . From the letter of the Ambassador of France in the Netherlands d'Affri Duchogu Shoazyul from April 5, 1760: "If we are not able to discredit at least something (Saint-Germa), then it will be very dangerous for us, especially in the current situation".

As a result, Louis XV canceled the powers of Saint-Germa. In the official statement by Ambassador D'Affri, published on April 30, 1760 it states that "His Majesty orders to declare this adventurist by a person who does not deserve confidence" ("Reclamor Cet Aventurier Comme Un Homme Sans Aveu").

Alchemy and other projects. Double and imitators

Madame Osse in his memoirs described the case as Saint-Germain at the request of the king eliminated the defect in the diamond, which led to delight. For King's questions "The graph did not really answer anything. However, he confirmed that he knows how to increase the pearls and give them a special shine. ". This diamond king left a memory. She also claimed that "His Majesty, apparently, is completely blinded by the talents of Saint-Germa and at times talking about him, as if about the man of the highest origin."

Another famous adventurer of Jacomo Casanova, a rival Saint-Germa, whom he called "black" and criticized in pamphlet, wrote about Saint-Germain: " This extraordinary person (Saint-Germain), a born deceiver, without any shy, how about something like that, of course, said that he was 300 years old that he owns panacea from all diseases that nature does not have a must that he knows how to melted diamonds and from ten-twelve small to make one big, the same weight and with the most accurate water» .

In his memoirs, Casanova described the case when he had to meet Saint-German for the last time. This happened in Tournah, in the house of the graph itself. The Count asked for Casanov's coin, he gave him 12 su. Throwing her little black grains to her, Saint-Germain put the coin on coal and warmed it with a soldering tube. Two minutes later, the coin was fused. A minute later she cooled, and Saint-Germain gave her Casanov. " I began to consider the coin. Now she was golden. I didn't doubt my mig in the fact that I kept my coin in my hands<…> Saint-Germain simply could not imperceptibly replace one coin another" Then adds: " That coin really looked gold, and two months later in Berlin, I sold it to Field Marshal Keit, who showed great interest in an unusual gold coin in 12 SU " .

After all of his statements, Kazanova adds: " Oddly enough, as if in addition to my will, the count is irremissive of me, he managed to hit me ...»

In 1759-1760, Saint-Germain turned to Madame de Pompadur and the Danish king Frederick V with a number of projects, where he proposed to build a non-swapped high-speed ship without sails and a unwitting speed-fire gun, which one person can manage:

Great knowledge let me work great things. I am completely free and completely independent; But the virtuous and kind king of Danish with his true royal virtues conquered me. I am passionately I wish it useful and wonderfully serve him. Among other great enterprises that I conceived for him, I promise to send his royal staging on a sevenpuscan admiral ship to East India for a month or rather, not complicating the design of the vessel, which will not be terrible any danger, nor ordinary naval adversity ... and the most wonderful that it will not be mast, except for sentinny, no sails, no sailors, for any person will be suitable for this wonderful and new navigation. I enriched this amazing invention to a gun that does not give returns and therefore does not need a boiler on wheels that shoots ten times faster than any other, in the same time, which does not warm up at all, which aiming shot is splitting up rope or hair , and serving which one person can with amazing speed; In addition, it shoots further, it takes very little space and other great advantages possesses.

In the correspondence accompanying correspondence, Danish ambassador, FRES-FRIS and Foreign Minister Von Bernstorf noticed:

"His projects seemed to me so extensive, so as not to say paradoxical that I wanted to get rid of him, but his persistent requests forced me to give me ..." and: "We, the gracious sovereign, do not appreciate the fans of secrets and projects; As it seems to us, the honor of the king strongly requires that the public does not think that His Majesty brings to her such people ... "

From Memoirov Kazanov:

The graph provided the ladies of grinding and cosmetics that made them painshche. Saint-Germain did not inspire hope for rejuvenation, modestly recognizing his powerlessness here, but he promised that they would well preserve thanks to his infusion.

According to the memories of Baron Gleichen, Saint-Germain told about Francis I with details that only an eyewitness could know, and, harming the listeners, proved: "And then I told him ...".

At the same time, Saint-Ghermen appeared in Paris imitators and "twins":

A certain Paris Has, known as Milord Gower, was inimitable mime and walked in Parisian salons, giving himself to Saint-Germa, naturally very fartered. However, in many people, this fun figure was perceived for the real Saint-Germa.

From the memories of Baron Gleichen:

The secondary characters, for example, the old servant of the graph was invented. Cardinal de Roan somehow heard a story about dinner at Pontius Pilate, addressing the Saint-Germen chamberneur, or rather, to the one who issued himself for him, asked if it was true. What he answered: "Oh no, Monsignor, it was before me. After all, I serve Mr. Count only 400 years ... "


In 1777, in Germany, Saint-Germain met with D. I. Phonvizin. On December 1, 1777, Fonvizin in the letter native called him "first in the light of Charlatan", and 20 (31) March 1778 wrote P. I. Panin: "Well, I will appreciate to another miracle, Saint-Germene, I broke up with him friendly, And on his proposal, which Golden Mountains suled me, responded with gratitude, saying to him that if he had only projects for Russia, it could treat them to our attorney in the affairs. The medicine is my wife, but without any success; For healing, I am obliged to the Montpel'evsky climate and nut oil. "

There is information about the "appearance" of the Saint-Germa Count in Masonic meetings in 1785, that is, later the generally accepted date of his death (see above).

Names and pseudonyms

In different countries of Europe, Count Saint-Germain used the following names: General Saltykov, Prince of Rakoshi, Count Tsarogov, Marquis de Montfert, Count de Bellamy, Count de Veldon.

Musical writings

A significant part of the music of the Count Saint-Germa was published during the author of the author in the UK. The hypothesis was expressed that, in fact, many of them were created outside its territory and there are only printed. The exclusive right to publish musical works of the graph was originally provided by Walsh publishing house (a document was preserved, signed by the State Secretary of Newcastle of November 27, 1749).

Among the vocal works of Saint-Germen: English songs (cit. 4-7), Italian arias (cit. 8-46). There is no connection between them, they do not form cycles and are not intended for the observed opera, despite the fact that some of them are underlined dramatic character. Sometimes vocal works were written on their own text. It was suggested that they were intended to enjoy music as exercises.

Instrumental works of the graph: six trio-sonatas for two violins and Basso Continuo (Op. 47-52, they were published in 1750 in Walsh's Publishing House and have a headline "Six Sonatas for Two Violins with Bass for Clavician Or Cello, written by Saint-Germain CSS ") And seven solo sonatas for violin and Basso Continuo (Op. 53-39, published in 1758 already in the publishing house J. Johnson).

The style of trio-sonats and solo violin soundats are different. Trio Sonatas have three or four parts. Usually the last part is slow, written in size 3/4. Trio Sonatas are written in the style of Late Baroque. Solo Sonats for Violin will always be made of four parts: Adagio, Allegro, Andante and again Allegro. They are sustained in the style of Rococo. Basso Continuo in them is only a set of consecutive chords without self-melodic line. Trelli and other virtuoso elements are present in abundance, often excessive. Documents also inform about the column of Saint-Germain as the organizer of public concerts and violinist. There are evidence of his close acquaintance with Christoph Willibald Gluck, Francesco Savorio Geminiani and other major composers and musicians of his time.

Music works of Saint-Germa after a long oblivion were published in Los Angeles in 1981. The first major public concert, which was performed only by the works of Saint-Germen, took place on November 28, 2002 in the Baltic town of Eckernfjord. The compositions of the graph were performed by Ensemble Phoenix on the initiative of the Cellist Mattias Han-Engel. They have repeatedly been recorded on DVD and CD. The most significant is the publication of the works of the Count Saint-Germa on three CDs in the Interpretation of Ensemble Phoenix. In Russia, Sonata for Violin and Basso Continuo to Minor entered the repertoire of the "Soloists of Catherine Great" (St. Petersburg).

Work on Saint-Germain

Saint-Germain is devoted to the monograph L. A. Langiewleld "Count de Saint-Germain" ( LangeVeld L. A. Der Graf Von Saint-Germain. - Berlin: La Haye, 1930) and P. Andreon "Three Lifts of Count de Saint-Germen" ( Andremont P. Les Trois Vies du Comte de Saint-Germain. - Genève, 1979.).

The last in time of the books published abroad about Saint-Germain is published in 1995 in Paris Patrick Riviera "Secrets and Mystery of Okkultism: Saint-Germain and Caliostro".

In the context of the cultural phenomenon, an adventurerist XVIII century, Saint-Gerrene's life is considered in the work of A. F. Stroiva "Those who corrects Fortuna: adventurers of enlightenment", published in 1997 in French in PRESSES Universitaires De France, and then in 1998 In Russian (prepared in the West Literary Department of the Institute of World War RAS).

Occult and theosophical version of the biography of Saint-Germa

There are stories that Saint-German saw after death in 1784, and he is attributed to the various kinds of prophecies.

Count Saint-Germain - a revered figure among the occultists and theosophists of the XX-XXI centuries, which consider it one of the most important figures of European history of the XVIII century. From this circle, the work of the famous actor of the Teosophical Society Isabel Cooper-Okley (-) was published, called " Count Saint-Germain. Mystery of Kings" Initially, passages from this work were published in the London theosophical magazine for -1898, and then the book was published in a full edition in 1912.

The work of Isabel Cooper-Oakley is equipped with a solid application in the form of a selection of archival documents (business and diplomatic correspondence in -1780) related to the name of the mysterious graph. Isabel Cooper-Okli refers to the testament of Prince Rakkotsi, where they are mentioned not two, as in most sources, and its three sons: St. Carl, St. Elizabeth and Karl Gesky, whom she identifies with Saint-Germain, who was under the patronage of the last Medici. The execution of the will was rendered on the "Duke of Burbonsky" (in reality Burgundy, the grandson of Louis XIV), as well as on the Duke of Mensky and "Duke Charlerua-Toulouse" (in reality Count Toulouse) - the extramarital sons of Louis XIV. It is their care, according to this text, provided the prince of Rakoki his Third Son, who was assumed to be an impressive share of inheritance.

French writer, owner of the largest occult publishing house "Shakornak", chief editor of the "Astrological Journal" Paul Shakornak wrote the book "Count de Saint-Germain", which in the preface is stated as "the most comprehensive study on this topic, from those written in French " The first edition was published in 1947, then the book was twice reissued. Shakornak argues that the extensive archive of information collected about Saint-Germain under Napoleon III by order of the emperor, burned during the September 1870 revolution.

Paul Shakornak restored in detail the biography of several contemporaries Saint-Germa, who were called the same name, which, from his point of view, were often confused with the graph. First of all, this is Count Robert Claude Louis de Saint-Germain, French Minister, Secretary of State for Military Affairs, Feldmarshal in the service of the Danish King, Commander of the Order of the Elephant, Lieutenant-General (-), famous for military talents and in 1775, appointed by Louis XVI Military Minister, after the death of Marshal de Muy. Shakornak believes that many of the famous episodes, participation in which attributed Count Saint-Germain, actually talk about the minister.

The largest figures of the theosophical movement E. P. Blavatskaya and E. I. Roerich believed that the epithet "adventurist" attached to Saint-Germain is insinuate, and that he was indeed a student of Indian and Egyptian hierophants, an expert on the secret wisdom of the East.

... What is offered as evidence that Saint-Germain was "an adventurerist" that he sought to "play the role of magician" or that he lured money from the opponents. There is no uniform confirmation here that he was someone else than it seemed, namely, the owner of huge funds that helped him honestly maintain his position in society. He argued that he knew how to melting small diamonds to make them large, and how to transform metals and supported his claims with unmeasant wealth and a collection of rare sizes and beauty diamonds. Is the "adventurists" such? Am the charlatans enjoy many years with the confidence and admiration of the most famous statesmen and know Europe?<…> Was anything detected among the secreted archive papers at least one of these yards speaking in favor of this version? Not a single word, not a single evidence of this vile slander has never been found. It's just a malicious lie. The way Western writers cost with this great man, this disciple of Indian and Egyptian hierophants and the connoisseur of the secret wisdom of the East - shame for all mankind. Similarly, this stupid world turned with each who, like Saint-Germain, after a long age of privacy dedicated to the study of science and comprehending esoteric wisdom, again visited him, hoping to do it better, wiser and happier ...

You can remember how the Swedish king of Karl XII received a strong warning not to start the fatal campaign against Russia, which put an end to the development of his state. Since the publication of the diary of the Countess D'Demar, the court lady, held with the ill-fated Maria Antoinette, became widely known for the repeated warnings of the Queen by letters and a personal date, through the same Countess, about the risk of the country, the whole royal house and many friends. And, invariably, all these warnings walked from one source, from Count Saint-Germa, a member of the Himalayan community. But all saving warnings and advice were taken for insulting and deception. He was persecuted, and he repeatedly threatened Bastilly. The tragic consequences of these denies are well known. "

In the occult and theosophical works, Saint-Germain appears as a composer, about his musical writings, many of which are allegedly stored in Russia, pay Shakanak and the first vice-president of the MOO "International Roerich Center" Lyudmila Shaposhnikova.

Image in culture

in classical literature:
"With her, he was briefly familiar a man very wonderful. You have heard about the column of Saint-Germain, which is told so much wonderful. You know that he gave himself for the eternal Jew for the inventor of the life elixir and philosophical stone, and so on. They laughed at him as over a charlatan, and Kazanov said in their notes that he was a spy, however, Saint-Germain, despite his mystery, had a very accurate appearance, and there was a very kind person in society. Grandma still loves him without memory, and angry, if they talk about him with disrespect. Grandma knew that Saint-Germain could have big money. She decided to resort to him. (...)

Saint-Germain thought. - "I can serve you this sum," he said, "But I know that you will not be calm while I don't pay with me, but I would not want to enter you into new troubles. There is another tool: you can play out. "
"But, a kind of graph," answered grandmother, "I tell you that we have no money." "" The money is not needed here, "said Saint-Germain:" EXCHANT me listen. " Here he opened her secret, for which any of us would be expensive ... "

Alexander Pushkin, "Peak Lady".
in mass literature:
  • Herman Keschen. Roman "Kazanova", 1952: Saint-Germain is one of the characters.
  • Irina Saburov. Fantastic story-anti-nightopia "after", 1960: Saint-Germain is one of the main characters.
  • Boris Akunin. "Saint-Germa Mirror."
  • One of the characters of the novel "DRAGONFLY IN AMBER" Diana Gabeldon, whose action takes place in Paris XVIII century.
  • Nikolay Dubov. "Fortune Wheel": Roman about the journey of Saint-Gerrene to Russia.
  • Irena Tezlaff. "Count Saint-Germain. The light in the darkness"
  • Mikhail Ishkov. Saint-Germain
  • Mikhail Volkonsky. "Willow of Fate": the history of the Ekaterina II throne with the participation of Saint-Germa.
  • One of the characters of the novel about the American revolution "Two Crowns for America" Catherine Kurtz.
  • Friend of the main character in the novel "The Red Lion: The Elixir of Eternal Life" Mary Tshenesh.
  • Figures in the novel about magic and metaphysics "The Cosmic Logos" Tracy Harding.
  • The character of the novel "The Sanctuary" Raymond Huri..
  • Chelsea Quinn Yarbro. "Hotel" Transylvania ", 1978. Mystical Roman. The name of Saint-Germain is wearing an ever-living vampire who has entered the fight against the dark forces. There are also about two dozen novels of the same author who continues this series. See the en: Count Saint-Germain series (Vampire).
  • The character of the novel "Royal Cross" Vadim Panova And one of the keepers of the black book.
  • Prototype of the main hero of the novel Bullver-Litton "Zanony", according to critics, served Saint-Germain.
  • One of the heroes of the historical novel E. Kapandu "Knight of the Kuryatnik"
  • Like Prince Senager in Roman K. E. Antarus "Two Life"
  • Character Trilogy About Travel in the time of German writer Kerstin Gir
  • The main character in the novel of Messadier Gerald "Saint-Germain. Man who did not want to die. "
  • Edward Radzinsky. Roman "Iron Mask and Graph Saint-Germain", 2010.
  • In the book of Daria Dontsova "Matryoshka in the feathers" Veniamin Podolsky claimed that he was a Count Saint-Germain.
In cinema:

"Taimless. Emerald book" - German film of 2016, shot on the trilogy of Kerstin Gir. One of the time travelers, the founder of the secret lodge in Temple

  • "Molière Pour Rire Et Pour Pleurer", 1965. TV series O.

Count Saint-Germain

Russia is associated with the names of many famous foreign prophets, prisoners and other sorcerers. The Graph Saint-Germain belongs to them - one of the most mysterious figures in the history of the XVIII century. To this day, the name of the graph is shut-impermeable secret, the mystery of his personality remains unsolved. Contemporaries called him a magician and magician, the prophet and teacher of wisdom. It was believed that he was known for the secret of longevity, in other words, to preserve the youth, and the recipe for the elixir of immortality. Theosophists, following E. P. Blavatskaya, were confident that he was "of course the greatest Adept of the East, which Europe saw in the last century", who came to the world as a messenger of the great fraternity Mahatm, that is, teachers of wisdom, and appeared to humanity " In the hope of improving it, make wiser and happier. "

The biography of Saint-Ghermen, despite the efforts of researchers, not tired of looking for new facts of his life, looks like a patchwork with a lot of rush. Rather, he has many biographies, and one is incredible to other. He was believed to be almost embodied by God, the carrier of the secret wisdom, the great prophet, equally twisted both the future and the past. In his memories, he narrated in detail about the events of the past centuries, as if there was their contemporary and saw all his own eyes. And still Saint-Germain was famous as an alchemist capable of transforming non-denominated metals in gold. They also thought that he was Mason, almost their chapter, and even if he belonged to the ancient Order of the Templars and was dedicated to their secrets.

The count often disappeared from the sight of contemporaries, and announced again, did not explain any disappearance, no more strange returns. Usually he appeared suddenly, say, in Paris, in London, the Hague or Rome, lived there under different names. And if it were not for the evidence of those who knew him well, it would be possible to think that the Count of the Tsarogov (Anagram from Rakkotsi), Marquis Monfera, Count Bellamar, Count Weldon, Count Saltykov and Count Saint-Germain - Different People. It is known about a dozen pseudonyms, under which this person appeared and acted in various places and at different times. Some thought he was a Spaniard, the illegal son of the widow of the Spanish king Karl II and the Madrid banker, others considered the side son of the Portuguese king. Accepted him and for the son of the Savoy collector of the filters named Rotondo. In a word, guesses and assumptions was a lot.

But all unanimously converged on the fact that the age of the graph is impossible to determine. From here, probably the legend of his longevity, which would be known to him by the path leading to immortality. He himself loved the lacaround himself, which was once ever familiar with Christ himself and predicted him that he would face badly. He also knew Cleopatra, and Plato, and the Sequecia and "easily chatted with the queen Sava." Speaking about it, the Count suddenly was uncomfortable as a person who said unnecessary, and mysteriously silent.

Once in Dresden, someone asked Kucher Saint-Germen, is it true that his Mr. Four hundred years? He answered: "I don't know exactly. But for those one hundred and thirty years that I serve him, His lickness did not change at all ... "

This at least a strange recognition found a confirmation in some elderly aristocrats. They suddenly recalled that a long time in childhood had already seen this man in their grandmothers salons. And since then, they were amazed, he completely did not change outwardly. For example, the Countess D "Ademar was surprised at how Saint Germain manages to live for so long, not older. After all, she knew, according to her, the elderly people who saw His forty - fifty-year-old at the very beginning of the XVIII century. He looked just like And half a century later ...

How did this strange graph look like? This is how modern contemporaries describe his appearance. It was medium height, years of forty-five, the face was dark, spiritualized, marked with undoubted signs of deep intelligence. The features are correct, the eyes are insightful, the hair is black, the posture is magnificent. The graph was dressed simply, but tasteful. The only thing that allowed himself is dazzling diamonds on the fingers, tobacco, clocks and buckles. In all his appearance, noble origin was felt.

He himself hinted, which belongs to the ancient Hungarian genus Raccots. Two of his ancestors are most famous: Dieurre Rakokotsi (1593-1648) - Prince of Transylvania, a member of the thirty-year war on the side of the Antihabssburg Coalition, and Ferenc Rakocy II, head of the liberation war of Hungarians in 1703-1711.

So, according to one of the versions, he could well be the son of Ferenz Rakcyc I (1645-1676). His mother, Ilona Zrinyi, was the daughter of parents executed by the Austrians. Ilona managed to escape thanks to the mediation of Jesuits and with the help of a huge redemption. Ferenc and Ilona had three children: Dieur, born in 1667 and lived just a few months; Julian, born in 1672 and died in 1717; Ferrenz, born in 1676 and deceased in 1735th. Their Father, Ferenc Rakocy I, died in 1676, a few months after the birth of Ferenz Jr..

In eighteen, Ferenz Racci II married Charlotte-Amalia Hessian (from the Rhinefald line). This happened in 1694. From this marriage there were four children: Lipot Dieur (1696-1700), Yozhep (1700-1738), Dieur (1701-1756) and Charlotte (1706 -?).

Some believe that it is the Lipot Dieur, the eldest son of Ferenz Racci II, and became a Count Saint-Germain. However, it is reliably known that the boy died four years old. And here there is a rather strange version. The year of birth of Ferenz coincides with the year of the death of his father of Ferenz Rakocy II. From here, they conclude that the death of this was staged and that the Son and Father is the same person.

There is another version of the origin if not the Graph Saint-Ghermen itself, then his name: alleged someone bought the estate of Saint-Germain in Italian Tyrol, paid Pope for the title and became a Count Saint-Germain.

The Count himself said that the evidence of its origin "is in the hands of the Operations, from which it depends (that is, from the Austrian emperor), and this dependence will bring all his life over it in the form of constant surveillance ...". However, to disclose each of his personal secrets, he stated, not in his rules.

Anyway, it is relifically known that the count appeared in a variety of European capitals, causing an amazement and admiration for the variety of their amazing talents. Saint-Germain played on many tools, especially preferred the violin. It happened, conducted even an orchestra, and without score. Some were inclined to consider his skill to be equal to the skill of Paganini.

Saint-Germain was known and as an artist. He owned a special secret of the paints, which glowed in the dark with extraordinary light. Alas, none of his picture reached us.

He had a phenomenal memory, and he could repeat several pages of printed text, reading them just once. Write to beat both hands at the same time, and often one hand threw a love letter, and the other is poems.

Well, of course, the knowledge of the graph in physics and chemistry was striking. He used the special favor of the ladies of the French courtyard as an unsurpassed master in the preparation of dyes and cosmetics. In Italy, the Count conducted experiments to improve the release of flax, developed a new method of cleaning olive oil - the bad turned into refined top quality. According to the latest technology, it was engaged in the manufacture of hats at the request of Count Cobenzl, Austrian ambassador in Belgium. It was in the Belgian city of Tourna.

There, once, the famous adventurer Kazanova was the passage. Elena Blavatskaya wrote that during their meeting "Saint-Germain decided to show his power as an alchemist. Taking a coin in 2 Su, put it on hot hot charcoal and worked as a soldering tube; The coin melted and remained cool. "Now," Saint-Germain says, "take your money." - "But she is of gold!" - "From pure." Kazanova does not believe in the transformation and looks at the entire operation, as on the trick, but nevertheless puts the coin in his pocket ... "

Saint-Germain could tell all kinds of funny stories about precious stones, especially about diamonds. Moreover, using its knowledge and skill of the Chemist, as contemporaries claimed, managed to "cure" diamonds, eliminate cracks or any other flaw in them.

It is not surprising that many believed in his wonderful abilities, that stones are relatively small value turned into the jewelry of the purest water after they visited the hands of Saint-Germa. And I did not surprise anyone that the guests were found at the table on his dinner dinners next to the nominal card indicating their place, some jewel.

The contemporaries of the graph also noted that as a historian he had almost supernatural knowledge about everything that had happened over the past two thousand years, and in his oral stories, he described the smallest details of the events of previous centuries. On the dinners in the houses of the aristocrats, where he was happy to be invited, he pulled those present by the stories about his incredible adventures in distant countries or about the stories from the personal, intimate life of great people, the French and other kings, with whom he stated, he was met And at the courtyard of which was himself. And once even mentioned that he owned a staff or a rod, with the help of which Moses removed the water from the rock. At the same time, the devices would have added that the staff was presented in Babylon.

The authors of Memoirov, telling about all this, are lost in guessing, which evidence of the graph can be trusted. Thinking, came to the conclusion that most of the Saint-Germa stories are taken from any sources, for example, from Beantom's memoirs, Saint-Simon and other memories, then quite affordable. But, on the other hand, the information reported to them was so accurate, and knowledge of such unusual, excellent in all respects, that his words had a special power of belief. And he believed.

Contradictive information about the reasons and circumstances of the visit of Count Saint-Germa in distant Russia: Even the dates of this trip are argued. Most likely, the count arrived in St. Petersburg at the invitation of his old friend and friend, the famous Italian artist of Count Pietro Rotary, who was then working in the Russian capital as a court painter. There is, however, there is reason to believe that even then Saint-Germain was familiar with Grigory Orlov and came to Northern Palmyra at his invitation.

In St. Petersburg, Saint-Germain, accompanied by the artist, visited the most famous families - Razumovsky, Yusupovy, Golitsyn ... As usual, fascinated their virtuoso players on the violin. And even devoted to them a music play for Herf, A. I. Osterman, nee Talolin. He communicated with the manian trader who was engaged in buying and selling precious stones. This discontinuity was postponed by defective stones and passed their count, so that he attached to them the original shine. " Saint-Germain and Knyagini Golitsyn, however, is unknown, which is exactly.

But it is just known that Saint-Germain lived in the county alley near Anichkova Bridge on Nevsky. He stayed in St. Petersburg the count for long. When in early July 1762 there was a coup and Peter III was overthrown by his wife Ekaterina Alekseyevna, Saint-German's Count in the capital was no longer. Nevertheless, there were stubborn rumors that he took part in the preparation of the coup and was almost one of the active conspirators, although "his name is nowhere else quoted among others."

However, F. Tastiewan in the book "The History of the French Colony in Moscow" declares that the famous Saint-Germain "organized a coup of 1762, as a result of which Emperor Peter III lost first of the throne, then life." And the student of the life of Saint-Gherman Englishwoman I. Cooper-Okli writes that "Count Saint-Germain was in these parts in the era of Peter III and left Russia to climb Catherine II for the throne ...". As if even awarded the title of General of the Russian Army. In any case, our domestic researcher O. Volodarskaya speaks in his work "Following the mysterious graph": "It is indisputable to the fact that Saint-Germain was in Russia in 1760-1762 and with the Orlov brothers played a prominent role in the palace coup, Which on June 28, 1762, he elevated a new empress on the Russian throne. "

... The Grand Duchess of Catherine was distinguished by a thin waist, beautiful skin and gnawing to kisses lips. At fifteen years, it was completely young when she was called Sofia-Frederic-August and was an Angultserb princess, she was married to the cousin - Peter, the son of the Duke of the Golucian and his wife Anna, the daughter of Peter I, and the nephew of the queen Elizabeth Petrovna. He was also a German and became the heir of the Russian throne in the wild of the aunt Elizabeth. He had a bad reputation: a nasty jester, similar to a small monkey, a cunning deceiver and a coward. He was unanimous.

And the future empress already at that time began to surround themselves with fans.

At first she turned a favorable look at the young and beautiful officer Sergei Saltykov. He cared for her in 1752. After a year-half Torah after their convergence, Catherine gave birth to a son, the future king Paul I. The Great Princess loved Sergey Saltykov, but one day she was in vain waiting for him all night.

"My pride did not allow me to forgive betray!" - wrote Catherine.

She broke with him and replaced the wrong lover on the young and inexperienced Stanislav-August of the Constable, who gave her his innocence and presented the child. Peter III recognized him as his.

In 1760, Catherine broke up with understood. He returned to Poland, and she quickly comforted - the future queen was still very young. In 1761, she dreamed and sighed about the irresistible guarantor of Grigory Orlov, about this "Giant with the face of an angel." He served in the regiment, who guarded the palace, together with the four brothers. Soon, in July 1762, Grigory Orlov and his brothers helped Catherine to take the throne, launched her spouse, Peter III.

Was Saint-Germain was involved in the events played with the royal court?

In confirmation that Saint-Germain was still involved in them, they lead to a testimony of the gatherer of the last century of Pyraev. He managed to purchase a musical leaf with a melody for the Auction on the auction, labeled 1760 in St. Petersburg, - an essay of Saint-Germa Count in a beautiful binding from Red Safyan. Notes were devoted to Countess Osterman and signed by Saint-Germain.

If this is so, then it turns out that the count stayed in the Russian capital about one and a half years and left it on the eve of the coup. However, there are no absolutely reliable data about his stay. Nothing gave anything and investigation of P. Shakornak, who had only established that Saint-German "there were no relations with Catherine II" and that in the official documents of the time, according to the certificate received by Shakornak in 1932 in the Leningrad Archive, " The ghermen is not mentioned anywhere among others. "

It was assumed that in St. Petersburg, Saint-Germain operated under the name of Odara, who played a well-known role at the time. He was a lawyer at the city chamber of sale, but ignorance of the Russian language prevented him to fulfill this position. Then, with the support of Dashkaya Princess, one of the inspirational coup, the Italian tried to become secretary of Catherine, but this attempt failed. In the end, he received the post of Intendant in the country house of Peter III in Oranienbaum. Shortly before the coup, Dashkov saw him, what he writes in his memoirs.

It is tempting, of course, to imagine that Saint-Germain under the name of Odar entered the confidence of Peter III and helped conspirators. And yet it is hardly a good reason to identify Odar with Saint-Germain.

Certificate I. Cooper-Okli served as the basis of the writer Nikolay Dubov already in our time to bring Saint-Germa in his historical novel "The Wheel of Fortune", where the graph is the most significant and most mysterious hero. On the pages of the book N. Dubova, Count Saint-Germain participates in the overthrow of Peter III, it is dedicated to the secret-secret Russian Empress and it becomes dangerous in the end. She decides to get rid of the unwanted witness and sends a killer to him ...

In St. Petersburg, Count Saint-Germain met with Prince Gregory Orlov and, according to him, which leads the same I. Cooper-Oakley, really "played an important role in Russian coup." He was a sign of Saint-Germain and with another participant of this event, with one of the conspirators Alex Eaglov, the brother of the previous one. Later, together with him, the commander-in-chief of the Russian fleet - was located on the flagship ship "Three Hierarch" during the Chesme battle with the Turks in 1770. And in 1773, Saint-Germain again met with her old familiar with Gregory Orlov and acted as his adviser in Amsterdam. He helped the prince to buy a famous diamond.

By that time, the uncommon favorite of Prince Grigory Orlov turned out to be with the new favorites of the Empress - Vasilchikov and Potemkin. And either hoping to fix your position at the court, or on old memory, - as they say, old love does not rust, - he decided to present a gemstone to the day of Angel. It was a green-blue diamond in 189 carats, in shape resembling half of a pigeon egg and a faceted by the Venetian master of Borgio, who worked at the court of great Mughal. There are several versions of the history of this stone and how he found himself in Russia through the mediation of Saint-Germale.

According to one of the versions, a diamond managed fraudulently to take possession of the Armenian merchant Grigory Safras, who killed for the sake of this Afghan soldier.

Soon the Silver about the unprecedented beauty of Diamond spread over Europe. He learned about this and Catherine II. She invited Safras to St. Petersburg (in Russia he was called the "Millioner of Shaffrasov"), where he brought him with his jeweler Ivan

Lazarevich Lazarev - Armenian merchant from Astrakhan. But Safuras flatly refused to sell his treasure, or rather, he launched an incredible price for him.

However, in his testament, written on the eve of departure from Russia in 1771, Safras appointed Johanna Agazar with his hearthranna - this is a German writing named Ivan Lazarev.

In the will it was said that "October 1st 1767 in the Amsterdam bank them to preserve three seals on the red wax the laid package in which the diamond stone weighing 779 grams of Dutch is ...".

From this point on, the stone began to call Amsterdam. And in 1773, Lazarev testified that "Grigory Safrasis of his one hundred and ninety-five carat diamond, the half part sold me for 125,000 rubles ...". He, in turn, "The same Diamond was sold to the infantless prince Orlov." The prince specially arrived in Amsterdam, met here with the Count Saint-Germain and, perhaps, when he was mediated by a cherished diamond, which the Russian Empress dreamed of.

Orlov paid for the stone one and a half million florines, that is, four hundred thousand rubles, and on the day of Angel, Catherine presented her a diamond. In November 1773, the Prussian Messenger came to King Friedrich: "Today, the prince of the city of Orlov in the royal village was raised by Empress instead of a bouquet - diamond, bought by him for 400,000 rubles from Banker Lazarev. This stone was put on this day at the court. " The Empress was ordered to insert a diamond, from now called "Orlov", in the holding scepter of the Russian Empire.

There is, however, another version of the purchase of this diamond. Allegedly there is a document signed by Orlov and Lazarev, which draws a completely different picture of the acquisition of this stone. According to this version, the eagles as if only the role of an intermediary in the transaction and Ekaterina II herself bought this diamond.

As for the role of Saint-Germa in this story, then we repeat, there are only indirect evidence. But the fact remains that the Count "was another and trustee of Orlova", helped him in St. Petersburg on the eve of the coup of 1762 and as if even Orlov paid a large amounts for the prediction of the future victories of Catherine II and for their assistance in the topics of her on Russian The throne. Friendship between Orlov and Saint-Germain was preserved for years and continued in Amsterdam, where the famous diamond was bought.

With the influence of Saint-Germa in Russia, another story is connected. Pushkin in the "peak lady" is told about the card game at the French Queen, during which one Russian Countess was played by Dotla. And it was a genuine case. The grandson of this "Moscow Venus" told Pushkin about him. Her princess Natalia Petrovna Golitsyn was called. In his youth, she had been at the French yard. So, after playing in Paris, she, according to the grandson of Princess, decided to resort to the help of the mysterious and rich Count Saint-Germa. What was between him and the Russian princess, it is definitely unknown, although the grandson argued that his grandmother loved the count without memory and was angry if he was talking about disrespect. One way or another, she considered it possible to turn to the count, knowing that he had big money. He wrote to him a note and asked to come to her immediately. Graf Saint-Germain immediately appeared, and she told that he hoped on his friendship and courtesy and that he would help her the necessary amount. "I can serve you this sum," he said, "but I know that you will not be calm while I don't pay with me, but I would not want to enter you into new troubles. There is another tool: you can play out. " "But, a kind of graph," grandma answered, "I tell you that we have no money." "The money is not needed here," Saint-Germain objected. "Let me listen to me." Here he opened her the secret, for which everyone would have given ... "Saint-Germain called the princess three cards, putting on which she would certainly be played.

Many years later, the grandson of Prinjean Golitsyn told Pushkin, that since he was playing and came to the grandmother to ask for money. She didn't give him money, but she told three cards, appointed by her in Paris Saint-Germain.

Try, - Grandma said.

The grandson put the cards and played.

The further development of Pushkin's story is all fictional. So under the pen of Pushkin, the family legend turned into a brilliant literary work.

All researchers agree that Pushkin used a story about a true case. Saint-Germain was really in Paris from the beginning of 1770 to 1774 and could well meet with Russian princes, formerly there. It is also accurate in the description of the appearance of Count Saint-Germa and the princess itself, served by the prototype of his heroine with its striking history.

Significantly about the death of Count Saint-Germa little is known. Landgraf Carl Hessen-Kasselsky, who has Saint-Germain in recent years before his death, testified that the graph died in his palace on February 27, 1784. This is an entry in the church book of the city of EquernFord, as well as that on March 2, he was buried here without publicity.

However, contemporaries doubted that the way it was and that the mysterious magician and the wizard was left of life as a simple mortal. M. P. Hall writes: "Strange circumstances related to its departure make us suspect that his funerals were fictitious," that "absolute ambiguity surrounded by his last days and that it is impossible to trust the announcement of his death."

E. P. Blavatskaya expressed even more definitely. She notes: "Isn't it funny to assume that if he really died at the specified time in the specified place, was laid in the ground without pomp and ceremonies, official supervision and police registration, which are accompanied by the funeral of people of his rank and fame? Where is this information? None of the memoirs do not contain them, although he left the field of view of society more than a hundred years ago. A man who lived in bright light of full public lighting could not disappear, if only he really died there and then, and not leave no trace. Moreover, to this negative we have a reliable positive testimony that he lived a few more years after 1784. It is said that in 1785 or 1786 he had the most important confidential meeting with the Russian Empress ... "In one of his prophecies belonging to, as they belong to 1789-1790, Saint-Germain pre-prominct:" I'm leaving. Someday we will see. I really need now in Constantinople. Then I go to England, where I have to prepare the two inventions that you will hear about the next century. We are talking about trains and steamboats. They will be needed in Germany. Later, successive shifts will occur in the days of the year, especially vivid changes will be expected first in the spring, and then summer. All this is the signs of the end of the end of the time, the completion of the cycle. I see all this. Believe me, astrologers and meteorologists are not known anything. In order to enjoy true knowledge, it is necessary to learn from the pyramids. By the end of this century, I would disappear from Europe and go to the Himalayas. I need to relax. And I have to find peace. Exactly after 85 years, I will again appear before people. Farewell. May my love will be with you. "

In 1785, that is, a year later, after the official death of Saint-German, he was seen at the Masonic Assembly in Wilhelmsbad among such famous personalities as Caliostro, Saint-Martin and Mesmer. Seen him and in subsequent years. An anonymous author wrote: "I really believe that Count Saint-Germain did not die. His enemies must have spread this hearing, and the elder somewhere wanders among the shadows, that is, among us. I will not even venture to bet - ten against one that at this time a dear graph is not concluded in some Bastille. "

In a word, the contemporaries were confident that Count Saint-Germain did not die, and the message of his death is false. And in the 1790s, the news appeared that the real Graph Saint-Germain "is now alive and live."

A hundred years later, books about Saint-Germain began to appear, in particular the famous "cases from the life of the Saint-Germér, Ms. Cooper-Oakley. She wrote: "Count Saint-Germain was a messenger of the highest beings, managing humanity, in order to try to change the state of society in the XVIII century and to give what the encyclopedists and their school were missing: the basis on which ideas could be updated and laws. Saint-Germain tried in vain to influence representatives of privileged classes and monarchical authorities to achieve concessions and reforms from them that would not be given to people's passions. He could not fulfill his mission, and he disappeared without a trace ... Attempt this did not succeed, but Count Saint-Germain nevertheless continues his job, and he will speak openly as soon as he deemed, namely, in our era ... "

It was written a hundred years ago, at the very end of the XIX century. Interest in the mysterious column awakened again. The theosophical society and its founder of E. P. Blavatskaya, which arose in those years, proclaimed Saint-Germa, its predecessor. (About Blavatsky said that "she was Saint-Germain of the XIX century.") And more and more often recalled the words of Voltaire about Saint-Germain, that "this man is immortal." His unprecedented longevity already in our century was explained by the fact that "his mighty abilities allowed him to save the most natural Prana."

He appeared in various embodiments, he saw him here, then there. Thus, the Teosopop C. W. Lefeter claimed that he had seen this eastern adept in 1926: "I met him under the most common circumstances, without prior arrangement, as if by chance, going down the Corso Boulevard in Rome. He was dressed as any first Italian gentleman. He led me to the garden on Pinchio Hill, we sat down and talked more than an hour about society and about his future, or rather, he said, and I listened to him and answered only when he asked questions. "

In 1935, the book S. W. Ballard "Exposed Secrets" was published in Chicago in the publishing house "Saint-Germain Press". In the preface, the author claims that the book was published under the leadership of Count Saint-Germa, located in America since 1930. About the column is said as an allegedly real person, with whom the author as if visited several temples in Sahara. The journalist Smith conducted an investigation in all of what the author writes about, and found that "the whole story is only fiction and deception." Despite this, in the United States in the 1930s of the 20th century, a sect of balladists emerged, who worship Saint-ghermen on a par with Jesus Christ.

As historic E. B. Chernyak writes, contemporaries, who have witnessed many people who seemed inexplicable actions and actions of Saint-Germa, laid the first foundations of the magical fairy tale, which stories about his life turned. Back in the middle of the 19th century, Emperor Napoleon III ordered to collect everything that was preserved in state archives about Saint-Germain. But the Frankoprucian War was killed, the siege of Paris began, and the building where the documents were kept burnt. The mystery became even more impenetrable, and the identity of the graph is even more mysterious. This used in addition to Ballard many writers. Books and articles about Saint-Germene went out one after another.

Caliosostro was Bastan, but Count Saint-Germain was not Bastan, and when she argued that he was learned by the Chemical Secrets of the Egyptians, he did not exaggerate anything. But when he mentioned such episodes, no one believed him, and he did from politeness to the interlocutors, as if he had a joke.

Umberto Eco, "Fouco Pendulum"

Count Saint Germain - Immortal Guardian secrets

Nobody knew exactly where and when the radiant graph was born, which allowed him with ease to talk about his meetings with celebrities, dead hundreds, and then and thousands of years ago. The graph perfectly owned German, English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, knew oriental languages, so it was absolutely impossible to establish which one for him is native.

His colorful stories about exotic countries simply hit the imagination of listeners. It is not difficult that the count caused an extreme curiosity and many tried to output his maritose, bribing servants.

The old man of servant has taken the proposed money, however, he stated that he knew nothing about the pedigree and his past, since he serves him just ... 300 years!

After such an answer, the surroundings decided that the Count Saint Germain knows the secret of making the elixir of immortality. And soon there were witnesses who argued that they saw the count of decades years ago, and since then he had not changed anything.

In historical documents, the name of Count de Saint-German was first mentioned in 1745, when that two years of living in England have been arrested for bringing letters to support Stuarts. After the suppression of the Yakobin insurgency in this country, with distrust relate to foreigners, especially those who asshed the nose into her internal affairs. Several weeks, Graf Saint Germain spent under house arrest; He was interrogated, but only two circumstances found out: he lives under a false name and does not want to have any cases with women.

In 1746, Count Saint Germain left London and disappeared at twelve years. There are no references to where he spent these years; Presumably, engaged in Germany alchemy or traveled in India and Tibet.

About the column Saint Germain in France did not know anything, only rumors were rumored that it was very rich and possesses phenomenal abilities. And soon Louis XV received a mysterious letter from the count. Count Saint Germain wrote that "The king may have no need for some reason - about which there is no time to spread - he could help him" .

The Messenger Monarch is extremely intrigued, what can this strange person who many called the adventurer and the passing can help him. Despite the negative attitude to the Saint Germain of his surroundings, Louis XV invited the graph to France and even provided him with Shambian castle, and instead the Graph Saint Germain promised Louis to do everything for his prosperity.

In early 1758, Count Saint-Germain arrived in France. In the Shambian castle, he posted a laboratory, assistants and workers.

True, he himself preferred to spend time not in melting furnaces and chemical retort, but in the salons of French nobility. The graph was perfectly dressed, on the buttons of Camzole and buckles shrugged large diamonds, and the little finger decorated the diamond ring, which he used to rotate.

He looked at forty-fifty years, just like twelve years ago in England: the time for him was stopped ...

The old Countess de Serzhi found out in him who met in Venice fifty years ago ... the lady swore that since he did not change at all!

Graph Saint Germain rumors about his immortality did not refute and even skillfully heated them. He played perfectly on the violin, understood in the subtleties of political intrigue and owned a rich collection of precious stones. His influence and popularity grew day by day.

The most beautiful secular lions dreamed of a novel with him, but he skillfully managed by them traps, remaining unattainable.

In May 1758, in dinner, Marquis Dürfe Saint-Germain met with Kazanova, what the last in the Memoirs wrote:

"Count Saint Germain wanted to seem unusual, to amaze everyone, and often it was able to surprise. His tone was very confident, but so thoughtful that he did not cause irritation. "

The king of France dreamed of using the knowledge of the graph for its purposes, for example, to find out the secret of converting various metals into gold. In addition, Louis, constantly fascinating to be poisoned, extremely interested, whether there is a universal antidote. Count Saint Germain direct answers to the King's questions did not give, but he found him, promising to do everything possible for the prosperity of his royal patron.

Soon, Louis XV in practice was convinced of the talents of Saint-Germa. He complained to the count that his diamond had a noticeable defect - a major stain. A few days later, Saint-Germain returned it completely transparent. It is not known how he managed to eliminate the defect. Specialists are confident that he simply restricted exactly the same diamond.

After that, Louis finally believed in the ability of Saint-Ghermen, and he became his man with the court. Of course, not everyone had to do. Especially the first Minister of the king, the powerful Duke of Shoazel, was especially unbelievable. He constantly regrets the monarch that Saint-Germain is undergoing and it is necessary or put in Bastilia, or send from the country.

One day, Louis on a falcon hunt drank wine cup and slightly with strong thumbs in the stomach. He commanded to call the graph to him. He appeared in the rest of Louis immediately, reminded that he wrote in his time that he was necessarily useful to the king.

Graf Saint Germain examined the palate and the language of the patient and demanded goat milk. Having stirred in it powders, gave drinking the drug to weakening Louis, and soon he calmly fell asleep.

The graph not only saved the king, but also pointed to the evidence - the duke of Shuazel, however, Louis did not believe him. Saint-Germain reassured the king that the attempts would no longer be and he would die his death. The French monarch was delighted to such news, but he refused to know the day and the hour of his death.

By the way, Count Saint Germain could actually name the day and an hour of death of the French king: he became famous for very accurate predictions. It was rumored, this phenomenal ability he is obliged to the magic mirror, in which it was supposed to see future events, fate of people and states.

If you believe legends, the magic mirror once belonged to Nostradamus and it was with his help he walked over the greatest predictor. He wrote about his existence in his diary and Ekaterina Medici. When Nostradamus showed her a magic object, she saw in him the bloody events of the Varfolomeev night and the death of Heinrich III.

Whether the Count Saint-Germain had a mysterious mirror or was simply a talented clairvoyant - unknown, but his prophecies really came true.

The ability of a mysterious graph to predict the events, his knowledge of poisons and antids attracted his close attention of the favorite of the king of Marquis de Pompadur. Then that such a knowledgeable person will be extremely useful to her, Marquis decided to "tame". Understanding that he is not needed money and positions, and it is impossible to intimidate it, I decided to put my chairs into the course. Pompadour knew that all the attempts of secular beauties to seduce the graph ended in failure, so he was led by the excitement - to do what was failed to others.

The favorite invited the graph to him, referring to the disease. However, Saint-Germain as if reading her thoughts and led himself with a coquette pretty boldly. To begin with, she said that the cause of malaise in overeating was then reproached in meaningless hatred of the queen of Mary, and at the end, called the exact date of her death.

It is necessary to say that after such a "sincere" communication of Marquis, de Pompadour became the worst enemy of Saint-Germa.

She even tried to plant it in Bastilia, but Louis got to protect his Savior, refusing to fulfill the persistent request of the favorite. Then Pompadour, together with Shuazel, developed a cunning plan, advised the king to send Saint-Germoman to negotiations in Hague.

He skillfully defended the interests of France, but soon he was arrested on charges of preparing the killing of Queen Mary, the spouses of Louis XV. The reason was the letter, which allegedly choking Saint-Germain, in him he expressed this insidious plan.

The letter, no doubt, was fake, but until the circumstances of the count threw into a Dutch prison, from where he, of course, fled.

But as a graph of Saint Germain, which is able to foresee events, gave himself to a trap? Most likely, he knew that everything would end safely, and used this story in order to simply leave France, where he was too long for a long time.

After that, Saint-Ghermen was seen in England, Italy, Saxony, Prussia and even in Russia on the eve of the coup of 1762, when Ekaterina II came to power. It is possible that the graph had the most direct attitude to this.

In any case, there are references to the meeting of Saint-Germane with Alexey Orlov. And one German, who served at the time in Russia, wrote in memoirs that one day a drunk Grigory Orlov told him about the true coup spring:

"Kaby is not a graph of Saint Germain, nothing would happen ..."

In 1766, Saint-Germain found a refuge among the Prussian King Friedrich II, but the next year he moved to Prince Hessian, in the Gottorp on the Baltic. If you believe the prince, Saint-Germain died in 1784, he was ninety-three years old, although it looked no older than sixty. Soon rumors crawled in 1785 in 1785 in the Masonic Congress, and Maria-Antoinette argued that Count Saint-Germain warned her in a few months about an imminible revolution.

Count seen in 1788, 1793, 1814. Then everyone who knew him at the turbulent XVIII century, left this world. True, there were sometimes passing, trying to use the name of the graph for personal purposes, but they had no relation to Saint-Germain.

Who was the mysterious graph actually? Elena Blavatskaya wrote:

« Saint-Germain, of course, was the greatest oriental adept, which Europe saw in the last century. But Europe did not recognize him».

Who knows, maybe Saint-Germain still incognito in the world, secretly affecting the course of history?

Heirs of Saint-Germoman

Theosophists consider Saint-Germa to their mentor. (from Greek. Theos, "God", and Sophia, "Wisdom"), something average between science and religious teachings, is trying to find an explanation of the origins and meaning of life. Theosophical ideas can be found in the writings of antique philosophers (for example, Plato), Christian Gnostics and the Sacred Literature of Egypt, China and India.

The revival of ancient theosophical ideas in our time was associated with the establishment in 1875 of the theosophical society. At first, a few, society today has tens of thousands of members in more than 50 countries of the world, with headquarters in Adyar (Madras, India). The main theosophical essay is the "secret doctrine" Elena Blavatskaya (1888). The objectives of the Company are declared: to create a core of the world fraternity of people without distinguishing races, faith, gender, caste or skin color; encourage research in the field of comparative religion, philosophy and natural science; Study the unknown laws of nature and hidden human abilities.

Saint-Germain: Start positively thinking!

Each of you passed through a lot of realities, choosing your own way. Many of you have our own ideas about what is the path. We know that some of you who have a more complete understanding are puzzled by the inability to estimate this in the same way. Nevertheless, many of you in your own belief systems understand what is happening.

Dear, do not worry about whether other people share your beliefs. Allow that they know life in such a way that they chose for themselves, and believe me: they will also reach a certain goal, like you. None of you reached another point of complete understanding, and it will be so as long as you have achieved a higher level of consciousness.

You go through life through different tests. You have a big privilege - to be at this time on Earth. Many already know that the process of cleansing occurs, and that all fairly prepared forms of life will move to higher levels. You call it differently, but the most appropriate name is ascension. You will assign consciously, and when you wake up in a higher dimension, you will be perfect and beautiful in every sense. "Golden Age" is not just words, you will feel the exciting energies that are similar to liquid gold.

Of course, there are those who have no interest in improving, and the decision on their future falls into the hands of Karma's gods. You can stay at any level for so long as you want, but there is always a driving force that encourages you to think about the sense and goal of life. Free will can be on the one hand - the gift of heaven, and on the other - a stone on the neck, it depends on you: how do you understand free will and implement this your understanding of life. This is due to the full responsibility for your thoughts and actions that have physical and spiritual nature.

Many of you already know that no one except you yourself will judge your life. You will be surrounded by gentle, caring and understanding entities. There is no accusation, no punishment, nor, of course, "God is anger."

Your subconscious takes a cumulative all your experiences, and they make you who you are. Unfortunately, the past is graduated with erroneous teachings left the mark in your consciousness. And as a result, you are difficult to understand the past, and the future. Dark forces had loose hands to produce their experiments and intentionally in the general whirlwind of knowledge put barriers on your way.

Think about the fact that duality is the struggle between the light and darkness, and having entered it once, you knew very well what kind of difficult challenge. You knew the same thing that you would never leave for an arbitrariness of fate, and that you again leave this cycle as a wonderful creature, more beautiful than you were when it was all starting. True, this experience damaged your psyche, but the light, an increasingly crushing this planet, heales you.

Forget the stories about the "hell" and "eternal curses"! They are invented by people and exist only because you feed them with your thoughts. Do you really think that the Almighty Great God of this Universe, the God of Infinite Love, turned with her children in this way? And if you think about it, you will understand that this can not be that you are united with everything that is and inseparable. Think something else is a pure illusion.

The energy of love surrounds you, and if darkness is the lack of light, then there is something to reflect. I want to tell you: a person forgot his spiritual heritage and lost contact with his higher me, and it confesses his soul.

Start thinking positively and live your life on the highest moral standards that you can climb. Do not flaunt about your past. What lies in front of you - multiplely exceeds your presentation.

Your experience includes sensual pleasures, but now it's time to close the book about this episode of your life. There are pleasures at a much higher level, where there is a clean and absolute beauty, waiting for your presence, as high beings. Everything on earth is only a reflection of the true creation of God. Of course, there is beauty on Earth, and deep inside there is a memory of mankind about the zenith of his spiritual times.

You are much more powerful than you think! Please learn how to direct your thoughts and focus on the expression of love. Everything else, ultimately, will disappear. See the beauty and harmony in everything you are, and helping it to create where it is missing. See all who you meet, or pass by, Favorite Beings, also wanting happiness. Light the days of other people with your smile or amiable words. Instead of leaving those who spread negative and destructive energy, try sending them to your loving energy. You can make a lot to raise the energy around you.

I am a Saint-Germain, I know you well and I came to spend you home. No need to fluctuate into this decisive time when light and darkness oppose each other in the last battle. We know that you have already won it, but all the way to the end is not yet passed. After aons, the aons of the years are ready to take their place next to us and we are waiting for you with outstretched hugs. Every soul returned to the light celebrates a big victory over temptations that you were constantly on the way. Of course, it is perfectly performed work and heaven already reveal to celebrate your arrival. Let them already start, because you are so close to the completion of your long and difficult journey.

We salute you and wrap our love and light!

Thank You St. Germain.

Mike Quinsey, August 2008

Saint-Germale Chenneligov Archivesince 2006. :

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