A participant in a reality show about former convicts: “Prison is a school that I graduated with honors. "gentlemen at the dacha" - reality with the participation of former prisoners Show about girls from prison

A participant in a reality show about former convicts: “Prison is a school that I graduated with honors.
A participant in a reality show about former convicts: “Prison is a school that I graduated with honors. "gentlemen at the dacha" - reality with the participation of former prisoners Show about girls from prison

Show "Experiment-12" started on November 6. In continuous online streaming on YouTube, "In contact with" and the Hype app features 12 volunteers who portray a mock prison. Four of them are guards and eight are prisoners.

The broadcast will continue until December 30, every week the participant with the lowest votes in the Hype app will be put on the electric chair (whatever that means).

The show's writers decided to repeat the 1971 Stanford Prison Experiment. Then in the United States, under the guidance of psychologist Philip Zimbard, 24 volunteers were divided into prisoners and guards and forced to live in conditions that resemble a real prison.

Every third security guard began to show sadistic inclinations, prisoners tried to organize an escape, the prison in the basement of the university turned into a place of arbitrariness. The experiment, designed for two weeks, was completed after six days.

Unlike the secret experiment in the Stanford basement, Experiment 12 can be watched through webcams by anyone.

The host of the show is the famous blogger Yuri Khovansky, but in the first hour and a half of the broadcast, his voice sounded only twice when he asked the guards to go to the observation post, where they receive assignments.

The first task for the participants was to identify one person in the women's cell and one in the men's cell who would sleep on a bare bed frame without a mattress, pillow or blanket. As a result, the guys shared things with each other, and the girls decided to resolve this issue before going to bed.

The second task was more difficult - the blindfolded prisoners were forced to kneel down and stand until the first two people got up and agreed to go to the punishment cell. One of the guards stood with them.

At first, the guards tried to force the men to stand up and not torture the girls, then one of the prisoners suggested that everyone stand up at the same time, but this idea was rejected. As a result, a girl named Zlata stood up first, followed by another guy. But they were not punished - on the contrary, they were given immunity from the punishment cell. Zlata was allowed to call her parents.

“Prison” looks very conditional - prisoners can freely go to the kitchen, move around in rooms, corridor, communicate. Some viewers of the broadcast compared what was happening with the reality show "House 2".

The show organized the Black Elephant project, which specializes in reality quests and various experiments. In May 2017, they staged a stream with a tied girl to whom a countdown timer was tied. In the background, the broadcast of the radio "Moscow speaking" was heard and the presenters began a live broadcast and tried to talk to the girl, find out where she was.

When the timer reached zero, the broadcast stopped. The representatives of Black Elephant, which frightened many people, called the stream

Common cell for approximately ten people. Everything is like in the most real and ordinary Russian prison of a strict regime or even a special one. Bunk bunk, food, clothing and daily routine are prison. The selection of participants is thorough, through special casting, a group of psychoanalysts, lawyers and other personnel. Which? Participants must be completely different in character, demeanor, psychotype, social status, profession, material well-being and so on. What? This will contribute to the emergence of conflicts in the team that has come up. Real criminals are excluded !!! They may have to be involved as consultants or as an option to arrange a meeting of the participants with some kind of criminal authority. The camera with the project participants is "stuffed" with video cameras. In case of excessively harsh conflicts, specially trained guards are always on duty near the cell doors inside the project, ready at any second to break in and suppress the conflict. For the instigators and participants in the conflict, it is necessary to come up with a system of fines, in addition to a prison - a lone cell. Project participants are guaranteed to receive a monthly minimum wage plus a system of prizes, for example, for exemplary behavior, plus the main prize, you need to think over its size, it seems to me that it should be astranomically huge, for example, a million dollars.
Possible development of the show. There is a male chamber and through a thick soundproof wall - a female one. It is necessary to think over how they eventually learn about the presence of each other, or maybe they will know about it initially. Then they begin to get acquainted, naturally, without seeing each other, with notes, according to all prison laws, for example, they bribe the guards, drill the wall with improvised means, or use ventilation for this purpose. Option: after some time, there is an exchange between the cameras five to five at the request of the participants. Perhaps the initial creation of a mixed chamber for men and women at the same time, but this is unlikely, firstly, this does not happen in prisons, at least in Russian ones, and secondly, it seems to me, it will not be as interesting as the first option, though. .. Who knows how to know.
If desired, any project participant can leave it, when leaving, take the money and all the bonuses that are due to him, if any, and by itself, he loses the opportunity to fight for the main prize. The dropped out participant is immediately replaced by a new one. Dropping out is also possible forcibly, for example, in case of excessive conflict. The project participants are occasionally tested by psychoanalysts and, by the decision of the commission, can be removed from the show for a time or always, regardless of their wishes, with a two-week severance pay. It is necessary to consider how the main winner will be determined. As a variant of a civilized struggle among the participants: armwrestling, push-ups, pull-ups, kettlebells, cards, chess, checkers, backgammon. Possible books, paper, pens. Each project participant has the right to receive one parcel per month from relatives or just acquaintances, no more than thirty kilograms. Letters are allowed to be written in unlimited quantities, provided that there are envelopes, paper and pens that can only be received in a parcel or from inmates. It is necessary to provide a room for visits, with relatives or with the chosen one from the next cell. The time and number of visits are strictly limited. The condition of the show is pairing? As the conflict intensifies, the appearance of a same-sex couple, whether male or female, can be provoked.


Hello Eugene. The idea is interesting and close, because I myself know everything not by hearsay. Despite this, I do not despair at all and do not try to burn out the memories of everything with a red-hot iron like some. On the contrary, I think about the same thing that you wrote about. I wish you good luck with your literary idea.

The daily audience of the Proza.ru portal is about 100 thousand visitors, who in total view more than half a million pages according to the traffic counter, which is located to the right of this text. Each column contains two numbers: the number of views and the number of visitors.

Image caption In a reality television show, 12 former prisoners live in a dacha in the suburbs

The Russian entertainment TV channel Peretz is launching the reality show Gentlemen at the Dacha in October, which will feature former prisoners. The name of the show comes from the name of the famous 1971 film "Gentlemen of Fortune", the music from which sounds in the television project.

"The investigators did not believe them, the judges often did not listen to them, and on October 15 they will be seen by the whole country," the Peretz TV channel announces the start of a new project.

The shooting of the first season of "Gentlemen at the Dacha" took place in Odessa with the participation of Ukrainian prisoners who were released. After the success of the show on Russian TV, the Peretz channel began filming the second season - already at a dacha near Moscow.

The channel's management intends to contribute to solving the problem of socialization of prisoners after their release from prison. This problem, according to experts, is extremely acute for Russian society.

Most of the project participants admit that it is almost impossible to find a job with the stigma of a criminal record, and in their daily life at large they face exclusively negative attitudes towards themselves.

"Gentlemen at the dacha" is not a game or a show, - says the general director of the Peretz TV channel Dmitry Troitsky. - You will understand this as soon as you learn the stories of the participants. Rather, our project can be called an intensive rehabilitation program. And, of course, a test - a test of freedom. "

No killers and rapists

According to the casting results, the organizers selected 12 people from the many applications received for participation in the project, the total prison term of each of which exceeds three years.

Most of the "gentlemen" were in prison for theft and robbery. According to the author of the idea and format of the program, Alla Lipovetskaya, it was decided not to take the murderers and rapists into the project.

Prison life and drugs

Relations in the zone, of course, are changing. Now all the concepts have gone, now the wallet is working - whoever is richer sleeps by the wall. At least some commissions began to travel, parental days appeared when relatives could come.

You can communicate, keep in touch with loved ones by phone, even though the police themselves enter the phones. You no longer need to write letters to a post office that does not work. You send a letter, it takes 5 weeks, and it may not come back.

Drugs are brought in again by the administration, people in uniform. Parents bring in a lot, risking themselves. I know of many cases when mothers of prisoners brought drugs and they themselves were already given 10-15 years. The sons simply say that they have lost the game, and they have to give them drugs, otherwise they will kill them, and they themselves simply use them.

Statistics in the zone are kept, reports every year. For example, it is said that 1,700 kg of heroin were seized in the zone during the year, although in fact much more was seized. They seize and distribute them themselves.

Eduard Scheglov, former prisoner, participant of the "Gentlemen at the Dacha" project

"Of course, we were afraid of murderers, maniacs, rapists, like all ordinary people. We did not know how to manage their emotions in case they get out of control. Our participants are not in prison, and they are in a rather relaxed state Since we did not understand how people think, think and react, who were able to commit a serious crime, we decided not to experiment with this group of prisoners, "- says the general producer of the project to the BBC.

In the new reality show, former prisoners get the chance not only to start their lives anew, but also the opportunity to work with professional psychologists, lawyers, entrepreneurs, actors and even fitness instructors.

During their stay at the dacha, the project participants studied Russian and English, traffic rules, and also visited nursing homes, orphanages and animal shelters. Filming the reality show, which took place in the summer, took about a month.

“We were all there like plasticine, they began to mold us, they began to rebuild us for a new life in order to show what it is in reality,” one of the project participants, Eduard Shcheglov, told the BBC.

The leader of the project, writer Anatoly Barbakaru, who in the past was one of the most successful card cheaters in the Soviet Union, himself paid with freedom for his deeds, after which he decided to abandon the old craft.

"It was as if a new code started in my head, which helped me find a new vocation and find family happiness. What happened to me gives me confidence: everyone can change. I want to launch this" freedom code "in the participants of our project," admits Barbakar.

According to the reality TV host, it is the negative attitude towards former prisoners in society that makes them break the law again and again. Statistics show that about 60% of Russian prisoners return to the "zone" after some time.

Repeat offender "Wild"

All participants in the "Gentlemen at the Dacha" project are repeat offenders who have served in prison from two to fifteen terms. A native of the Smolensk region, Eduard Scheglov, nicknamed "Wild", spent a total of 7 years and 6 months in prison for bodily harm and fraud.

“I didn’t get into trouble myself. It so happened that I stood up for a disabled person, then for a girl whom they wanted to rape. I could not pass by in these cases,” Shcheglov says in an interview with the BBC Russian Service. they asked why I didn’t call the police? And the police were 17 kilometers away. I’ll call the police and what should I do? Stand near the entrance and shoot on camera how he will rape? This is life. "

"Dikiy" went to a television project out of despair - since April, after the last release, he was out of work.

"Wherever I tried to get a job, it is very difficult with a criminal record. There are profiles in which the line" criminal record. " 2-3 months that I was free, nothing happened, "says Eduard Scheglov.

According to a participant in "Gentlemen in the Country", who after filming a reality show still got a job as a locksmith, the attitude towards former prisoners in society should change.

“Firstly, it is necessary that society does not reject so much, at least look closely at people. I’m not saying that we are all clean, there are animals that I would never let out. more than half, I would say, but very many are imprisoned for nothing at all - because they were driven into a corner, "Shcheglov admits.

The last time "Dikiy" ended up in jail for the fact that, for fun, he paid in a store with a toy bill of 5 thousand rubles, which are sold in kiosks. Despite the fact that, according to the former prisoner, it is written in the file that this bill is not a forgery and material evidence, he was imprisoned for two years.

In your language

Image caption For the visit to the orphanage "gentlemen" from the dacha staged the play "Kolobok"

Psychologist Viktor Yakovlev, who worked on the project, draws attention to the cautious attitude not only on the part of society towards former prisoners, but also vice versa.

"The project was divided into two parts - those who actively worked with psychologists, and those who shied away. Some of the heroes had a wary attitude towards people from the will. They do not trust us - this is an objective reality, and this is a two-sided border. If we find ways leveling these boundaries, a good effect can be expected, "Yakovlev believes.

According to the psychologist, one of the most important aspects of a reality show with the participation of prisoners is its general cultural part.

“After all, they speak their own language, and this is a different version of the Russian language. The group was rather heterogeneous, although there were mostly thieves. And when they began to understand that Russian speech was generally different, it was one of the educational moments for them. This lay not in a purely professional psychological plane, but in a general cultural one, "says Viktor Yakovlev.

The psychologist says that the unfortunate fate of the project participants was mainly affected by childhood injuries that they received either in the family or on the street.

Producer Alla Lipovetskaya considers the reality show "Gentlemen in the Countryside" to be a project for parents.

"If you look at the stories of our heroes, the whole problem is in the parents, and this is actually scary. All the crazy dramas and broken fates turned out to be the" merit "of the parents. Such a breakdown happened at the level of childhood," says Lipnitskaya.

Womens season

Three participants of the first, Ukrainian, season of "Gentlements at the Dacha" have already returned to their places of detention. According to the producer of the project, this once again confirms that not all former prisoners are ready to work hard and for a long time on themselves, both internally and physically, because they leave prison very weak and often sick. Many of them fall off very easily.

However, Alla Lipovetskaya has no doubts that the heroes of the Russian project will become popular in society, that they will be discussed on social networks and on the pages of print media, since there are many talented people among them.

“Of course, on a state scale it is impossible to deal with every liberated person in such a targeted manner, but I do not see any other way out. hold the hand, "Lipovetskaya sums up.

The winner of the TV project will get a car. The best among the former prisoners who made an attempt to erase the zone from their souls will be determined by the house committee of the show (Domkom), consisting of a presenter, a psychologist, an art psychologist, a lawyer and a professional housekeeper.

In the spring, on March 8, the first female season of the reality show with the participation of former prisoners starts on "Pepper". In September, the casting of this project was completed, after which 10 girls went to shoot in Odessa.

"The velvet season in Odessa in a luxurious villa by the sea, the best psychologists, lawyers, stylists, massage therapists, coaches and specialists - all this awaits women and girls who are ready to prove their right to a better lot," the channel's website says.

In order to take part in the project, former prisoners between the ages of 18 and 40 had to have a Russian passport, as well as fill out a questionnaire with such columns as "Total length of stay in places of detention", "Composition of the last crime by sentence" and "Dream".

In the women's season, according to the producer of the reality show, two former prisoners with a murder conviction will take part at once.