Tkachenko S.N. Separate seaside army: certificate of strength and organizational opportunities

Tkachenko S.N. Separate seaside army: certificate of strength and organizational opportunities

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Part 4. Reflection of the marines of the Black Sea Fleet of the first assault of Sevastopol by German troops in the period October 31 - November 24, 1941. Processes of formation and re-formation of parts of the marines in the Sevastopol defensive area during this period

Spreading the Ishun positions and escaped on the steppe expanses of the Crimea on October 29, 1941 The German and Romanian corps of the 11th German army continued the offensive in the divergent areas: the 54th AK (50th, 132nd PD) was sent to Sevastopol; The 30th AK (22nd, 72nd PD) was aimed at capturing Simferopol and the further persecution and destruction of the seaside army in the Mining and Forestry of the South-West Crimea; 42nd AK (46th, 73rd, 170th PD) pursued from Janka to Kerch 51st Army. In the reserve of the commander of the 11th A and there was a Romanian mining corps (1st Mornetrelkaya and 8th cavalry brigades), but he was soon aimed at the persecution and destruction of the Primorsk army. one

In the forefront of the 54th AK to Sevastopol, a consolidated German - Romanian mechanized group under the general command of the headquarters of the 11th army of Colonel Tsigler (according to other data - headquarters of the 42nd Army Corps of the 11th Army), the number of up to 15 thousand people Formed from motorized regiments Brigades of the Romanian mining corps, motorized intelligence, artillery and disposal divisions of divisions 54 and 30-year-old buildings. 2.

The order for the formation of this consolidated mechanized group was given by the command of the 11th German army, even before the breakthrough of the Ishun positions - on the evening of October 27, 1941.

This consolidated mechanized grouping was also enhanced by several self-propelled assault tools and anti-tank arthdivisions of the 54th and 30th AC, which had car traction, as well as several anti-aircraft art drawing of German infantry divisions that were in service with 20 - mm anti-aircraft automatic guns or self-propelled Or on the automotive thrust.

It should also be noted that according to the then structure in the reconnaissance battalions of a number of German infantry divisions, they were part of the suspension of SD.KFZ armored personnel carriers. 221, 222 and 223. In the 11th Army, the reconnaissance battalions of the 22nd 24th, 50th, 46th and 73rd infantry divisions possessed such platifiers (two armored vehicles).

For artillery support for this mechanized group, it was included fairly battered in previous battles The Army 190th Division of self-propelled assault guns (four self-propelled guns) under the command of Major Foget.

A number of sources indicates that the mechanized group of the ciegler consisted of two separate mechanized columns: German, under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Oscar von Boddin (commander of the 22nd intelligence battalion of the 22nd Infantry Division) and Romanian, under the command of Colonel Rada Core.

The Romanian mechanized column, which was under the command of the former cavalry colonel Rada Rador - the founder in 1938 - 1941, the Romanian armored and mechanized forces, before that, who commanded the 3rd motorized regiment, consisted of both Romanian and German motorized and mechanized parts.

The Cornoe column was part of the 6th mechanized regiment from the 5th Romanian Cavalry Brigade, the 10th mechanized regiment from the 10th Romanian Cavalry Brigade. In addition to them, as part of the Corn's column were, as well as the divisions of the 5th mechanized squadron of the 8th Cavalry Brigade, two heavy motorized artillery divisions (52nd and 54th). As part of the Romanian column, there was also about 15 French tanks like R-1

The German parts of the Core column were represented by two heavy motorized welded divisions with guns 105 and 150-mm caliber, 22 anti-tank artillery motorized division, the infantry battalion of the 16th regiment of the 22nd Infantry Division planted on trucks, motorcycle roth and 622 motorized anti-tank division. This artillery division is interesting because some of its 37mm anti-tank guns were installed on top of the armor of French tracked tractors "Renault UE" on the manner of self-propelled guns. In the first days of the defense of Sevastopol, they were often taken for tanks in the Soviet units.

The total number of Romanian column of Cores was about 7,500 people, 200 motorcycles, more than 300 trucks, 95 guns, more than a hundred tractors and conveyors.

Currently, there is information about the presence of French Type R-2 tanks, German Stug III assault tools, and a large number of trophy Soviet tanks. Unfortunately, documentary sources on this issue have not yet been found. But there are many memories, and not only from the Soviet side. Mention of tanks as part of the Brigade and Romanian veterans and German. The former soldiers of the cadet battalion of the School of School, in the "German" tanks confidently identified T-26 and BT-7.

The German column of the mechanized group of Tsigler, under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Oscar Background Boddin, a total number of about 7,500 people, consisted of various mechanized parts of the 11th German army.

Boddin's column was in its composition, the following parts: the reconnaissance battalion of the 22nd Infantry Division, the 22nd Motorized Anti-aircraft Division, from the same division, 72th anti-tank motorized division and 72th Sapper battalion from the 72nd Infantry Division, 46 - And the intelligence and 46th spernic battalions from the 46th Infantry Division. In addition, this column included separate motorized artillery batteries (three 150 - mm and two 105 - mm high-wing batteries).

Total amount of military equipment, Boddin's columns, was about hundreds of combat motorcycle with machine guns, about two hundred trucks and armored cars (SD.KFZ. 221, 222 and 223), French tracked tractors "Renault UE", armored personnel carriers SD.KFZ 10 and 251 .

According to the initial plans of the commander of the 11th Army, it was the forces of the mechanized group of the Tsygler, the sevastopol is assumed to capture.

On the day of breakthrough of German troops in the Crimea, October 28, 1941 The Commander of the ChF Vice-Admiral Oktyabrsky on the destroyer "Boyky" was serving from Sevastopol to Novorossiysk to prepare the evacuation of the fleet and the main objects of its main base from Sevastopol in the ports of the Caucasus. The duties of the fleet commander remained to fulfill the head of the headquarters of the ChF counter-admiral Eliseev I.D. It is on him, and the organization of the defense of Sevastopol in the first decisive days October 31 - November 3, 1941.

The direct leadership of the defense on the land front October 31 - November 3, 1941 was carried out by counter-admiral G.V. Zhukov. On October 15, 1941, he was appointed to a specially created position - Deputy Commander of the Fleet for the Main Base Fleet. This appointment was due to the fact that he, being the head of the Odessa Naval Baza, with the beginning of the defense of Odessa became the commander of Odessa (in the photo the Commander of the ChF Vice-Admiral Oktyabrsky), the defensive area.

In Sevastopol, the counter-admiral Zhukow was subordinated to all parts of the marine infantry, coastal artillery, air defense and airflowing fleets.

Order of the counter-admiral zhukov G.V. October 29, 1941 In Sevastopol, the siege and part of the marines, moving coastal and anti-aircraft batteries began to prepare for the nomination on the prepared defensive binds. The Balaklava plot of defense and three sectors in the number of relevant fortified areas are formed: Chorgin (1st), Cherkis-Kermen (2nd) and Arangian (3rd) on the river Kacha.
The preparation of Sevastopol to defense was seriously complicated by the fact that by order of the commander of the "troops of Crimea" Vice-Admiral Levchenko G.I. On October 28, 1941, the 7th Marine Circuits Brigade was sent from Sevastopol to the north of the peninsula.

October 29, 1941 7th Brigade of Marine Corps under the command of Colonel Zhidilov led battles in the territory of the current Krasnogvardeysky district, and then on October 30-31 defended the northern and northwestern approaches to Simferopol on the highway, Janka-Simferopol and Saki Simferopol, driving battles from 72 "PD Germans. In the afternoon on October 31, 1941, the brigade retreated to the southern outskirts of Simferopol, preparing to move away to Sevastopol. From the Alma station (postal), where at that moment two battalions of marines at this point were occupied, it was separated only 20 kilometers. However, instead of waste to Sevastopol, in direct, that is, along the highway Simferopol - Sevastopol, a brigade, by order of the commander of the Primorsk army, moved through the mountains to Yalta. As a result, the brigade arrived in Sevastopol only on November 7-8, 1941, losing two battalions of four, part of the guns and mortars.

It was one of the many mistakes of the commander of the seaside army during the second defense of Sevastopol. The forces of the forces of the Army heaver and attached to it the 7th marine infantry brigade were quite enough to defeat and even completely destroy the Tsigler's brigade, which bleeding them the direct path to Sevastopol, which was actually four days later on November 4, 1941 in Mountain part of the Valley of the Belbek River.

October 30, the 54th coastal battery (4 sea guns of 102-mm caliber) under the command of Lieutenant I. I. Zaiki, which was kilometers forty-north of Sevastopol, at the village of Nikolaevka, opened fire on the column of armored vehicles and infantry cars - the advanced parts of Romanian Meholonna, moving towards Sevastopol along the coast. Leaving several Romanian units for further storming of the positions of this coastal battery Korne led his column further. Soon the column turned from the coastal highway Evpatoria - Sevastopol and turned to the West in order to come out south of Simferopol on the highway leading to Sevastopol. Coming out in the specified district, Colonel Core was the main forces continued to move south to Alma Station (now postal).

On October 31, the avant-garde column Corn has reached the heights of the north of the Alma River. On the night of October 31, on November 1, 1941, a part of the forces Romanian column captured the village of Mangush (now cool), eight kilometers east of Bakhchisaraya. At the same time, the Highway and Railway Road Simferopol - Bakhchisarai in the Alma Station area was converted.

On October 31, 1941, the first fight of the second defense of Sevastopol began, when defending on the Almo River from her mouth and further upstream the local rifle regiment, the 1st battalion of the Electromechanical School of the Educational Council of the Black Sea (Commander - Captain Zhigachev) 2nd Battalion of the Electromechanical School ( Commander - Captain Kagarlytsky), Battalion of the United School of the Educational Council of the Black Sea (Commander - Captain Galaichuk), the battalion of the School of Specialists of the stock of coastal defense (commander - Colonel I. F. Casilov), entered into battle with the advanced parts of the 132nd German Infantry Division.

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe alma station (postal) consolidated regiment of the marine infantry as part of the cadet battalion of the Sevastopol School of Coastal Defense (SUBO) and the 16th Marine Battalion under the general command of Colonel Kostina (commander of the Battalion MP SUBO), which had a total number of about 2 thousand people and two The artillery batteries of the 76-mm caliber, as well as armored train No. 1 ("Logovac"), entered into battle with the main forces of the Cygler's summary brigade - the mechanized Romanian-German column with a total number of about 7.5 thousand personnel, which had absolute superiority over the marines in artillery and armored vehicles.

On the day of breakthrough of German troops in the Crimea, October 28, 1941 The Commander of the ChF Vice-Admiral Oktyabrsky on the destroyer "Boyky" was serving from Sevastopol to Novorossiysk to prepare the evacuation of the fleet and the main objects of its main base from Sevastopol in the ports of the Caucasus. The duties of the fleet commander remained to fulfill the head of the headquarters of the ChF counter-admiral Eliseev I.D. It was the organization of the Defense of Sevastopol in the first decisive days.

The direct leadership of the defense on the land front October 30 - November 3, 1941 was carried out counter-admiral G.V. Zhukov. On October 15, 1941, he was appointed to a specially created position - Deputy Commander of the fleet on the defense of the main base. This appointment was due to the fact that he, being the head of the Odessa naval base, with the beginning of the defense of Odessa became the commander of the Odessa defensive area. In Sevastopol, the counter-admiral Zhukow was subordinated to all parts of the marine infantry, coastal artillery, air defense and airflowing fleets. 3.

According to the order of the counter-admiral Zhukova G.V. From October 29, 1941, on this day, part of the marines, mobile coastal and anti-aircraft batteries in Sevastopol began to prepare for nomination for previously prepared defensive frontiers. The Balaklava plot of defense and three sectors in the number of relevant reinforced areas were formed: Chorgin (1st), Cherkis-Kermen (2nd) and Aranchensky (3rd) on the Kacha River. four

Head of the air defense of the fleece ChF Colonel I. S. Zilin, receiving data on areas where the support of anti-aircraft batteries was particularly required from the headquarters of the Fleet, on October 30 - November 1, 1941 brought them to land fighter positions. So, the following movable anti-aircraft batteries were put forward to the area of \u200b\u200bcombat orders of our parts: 217th (commander - Senior Lieutenant I. I. Kovalenko) to the Duvanka district, 227th (commander - Senior Lieutenant I. G. Grigorov), in Plateau Karatau district, 229th (commander - Senior Lieutenant Startsev Nikolai Ivanovich), in the area of \u200b\u200bthe sugar head, 75th to the New Shuli region (now assault), in the area of \u200b\u200bKacha - Belbek acted 214, 215, 218 - I (commander - Senior Lieutenant I. A. Popirajko), 219th (commander - senior lieutenant A. M. Limonov) anti-aircraft batteries.

Other Sevastopol Artillery Parts of the Air Defense of ChF: The 122nd regiment and the 114th division were placed in the Belbek district - Mekensiyev Mountains - Kamyshal.

On the night of October 29-15, three marine patrol battalions were nominated on the line, the so-called "long-range defense", held along the Alma River. However, this line existed for the most part on paper, and almost no fortifications on it.

By performing an order, these three battalions of the educational unit of the Black Sea (two battalions of the Electromechanical School and the Battalion of the Joint School of Educational Council of the Black Sea), ranked positions, ranging from the mouth of the alma, along the river along its left bank.

All three battalions were not bad armed with small arms (pistols - PPD machine guns, SVT self-loading rifles), but practically did not have machine guns and did not have artillery. It was planned to bring all the newly formed marine infantry battalions to the far defensive line and take defense on the most distant out of the planned borders. As a reserve of this defensive line was planned to use the cadet battalion, which was nominated for Almian positions on the night from 29 to October 30, 1941.

According to the plan G.V. Zhukov on the Alma River The right of the battalions of the educational detachment should have occupied the positions of the license plates of the marines (15, 16, 17, 18 and 19th) left the local rifle regiment. But SMEs unfolded much south at the turn of the lower flow of the river Kacha. Only one battalion of the local rifle advanced to the Alma, but it was a combat guard that had no elbow connection with the battalions of the educational detachment. Supported the local rifle regiment Coastal moving batteries: 724 and 725th. (8 guns - Gaubiz type ml - 20 caliber 152 - mm)

The cadet battalion, who arrived at the Alm region of defense in the morning of October 31, 1941, began self-dipling and construction of jets. Advanced battalion was on the Hill of Egiz-both and two adjacent heights controlling the highway and the railway. The construction of four suits was launched on these heights.

The battalion commander, Colonel V. A. Kostyushin, sent to the area of \u200b\u200bthe alma (postal) exploration led by the captain N. N. Yershin, who was located a few kilometers to the captain N. N. Yershin and his assistant lieutenant of the Aluminum in order to identify the forces and intentions of the enemy.

Soon the intelligencemen discovered the Romanian mechanized column. Scouts moving on the motorcycles were noticed by the enemy. Blooming a group of group, an advanced motorcycle with a carriage, which moved Lieutenant Ashimin and two cadets stopped, covering the fire machine gun of the main group. In battle both cadet and the lieutenant died, but the main structure of the intelligence returned to the location of the battalion.

Going to the railway in the Alma (postal) station (postal) station, Romanian mechanized parts installed two heavy batteries from the 52nd Artyivizion and intercepted the railway and highway.

German sources also argue that in addition to Romanians, by this time the German parts from the mechanized Boddin column: the platoon of the 22nd intelligence battalion from the 22nd PD, a sperm platter, one assault gun from the 1st battery 190th division of assault guns and the 3rd platoon of the 150th anti-tank arthdivizion.

Soon after the exit to the station, Alma, the enemy fell under the fire of the guns maneuvering in this area of \u200b\u200barmy armored train No. 1 ("Logovac"), who was departed from the Sarabuz station (Serega). Commanded the armored train former commander of the 5th Tank Regiment of the 172nd Rifle Division Major Baranov - Hero of Fights at Perekop and Isaun in September - October 1941.

During the day earlier, on October 30, 1941, the Armored Train "Vokolov", pose at the Sarabuz station (now Sarakovo), who came to this area, the crew previously completed from the rails on the night from 27 to 28 October 1941, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Kurman station (now the station is a yield in the village of Krasnogvardeyskoye) Fleet armored train "Ordzhonikidzevets" (commander - Captain S. F. Bulagin, before the armored train commanded the 35th coastal battery in Sevastopol), after which the breakthrough began to Sevastopol.

On the night from 29 to October 30, 1941, the armored train went to the area of \u200b\u200bAlma Station (now postal), while his intelligence, discovered that in the direction of Bakhchisarai railway canvas destroyed by aviation of the enemy, leaving the part of the crew to restore the canvas, the armored ticket commander, returned to the station Alma, where he entered into battle with the parts of the Romanian consolidated motorized column of Core, stopping its further advance towards Sevastopol on this day. When, in the evening, on October 30, the Alma Station passed parts of the 25th Rifle Division, the armored train began to cover their departure to Sevastopol, slowly with battles leaving towards Bakhchisara.

The next day, not far from Bakhchisaraya, at the Shakul station (now Samokhvalovo), during the battles with Romanian parts, "Logovac" was subjected to blows from the air caused by Romanians to help German aviation. As a result, the armored train was disabled locomotive. After that, the armored train was in a stationary battle for some time. After the ammunition ended, the carriage crew, removed the machine guns, and blowing up armored diagrams with the guns in them, went to Sevastopol, where Zheleznyakov's fleet was shortly enrolled.

During the battles on October 30 and 31, 1941, according to Soviet reports, the Armored Train "Logovac" destroyed the two living force of the enemy to two infantry mouths, as well as 8 guns and 12 mortars. Romanian sources give more modest numbers about this, but they mark large losses in the first battalion of the 10th motorized shelf and in the 52nd heavy artillery division, which were fighting in the area ..

This fight of the Soviet armored train in the Alma Station area, with enemy motorcycle, was deliberately unequal: French 155 - MM tools of the Romanian artdivizion, had a much greater range of shooting than 75 and 76mm "Vokobtsovs" instruments. As a result, the armored train was forced to move south to the Shakul station (Samokhvalovo). There, at 14 o'clock on October 31, "Logovac" was attacked by German aviation. His steam locomotive was broken, the wiping was over to the tools. Personal composition of the damaged armored train, removing the machine guns from him began to go to the location of the consolidated shelf of the marines (Cadet and 16th battalions). By 19 o'clock on October 31, the soldiers of the crew of the armored train "Vokolov" came out in the position of marine infantrymen.

During this battle, the commander of the armored train "Logger" - Major Baranov was seriously injured. The crew fighters on their hands carried their commander from the battle. In the future, in Sevastopol, Major S. P. Baranova surgeons during the operation was taken out of the body about twenty fragments.

The preparation of Sevastopol for defense was seriously complicated by the fact that by order of the commander of the Crimea, Vice Admiral Levchenko G.I. On October 28, 1941, the 7th Marine Circuits Brigade was sent from Sevastopol to the north of the peninsula.

October 29, 1941 7th led battles on the territory of the current Krasnogvardeysky district, and then on October 30-31 defended the northern and northwestern approaches to Simferopol on the Highway Dzhanki - Simferopol and Saki - Simferopol, driving battles with the 72nd Infantry Division Germans.

In the afternoon on October 31, 1941, the brigade retreated to the southern outskirts of Simferopol, preparing to move away to Sevastopol. From the Alma station (postal), where at that moment two battalions of marines at this point were occupied, it was separated only 20 kilometers.

However, instead of waste to Sevastopol, in a straight line through the Alma station, a brigade, by order of the commander of the Primorsk army, General Major I. E. Petrov began on October 31 through the mountains to Yalta. As a result, the brigade arrived in Sevastopol only on November 7 - 8, 1941, having lost his two battalions from five along the way in the mountains, as well as part of the guns and mortars. five

A breakthrough of the 7th brigade of the marine infantry in Sevastopol occurred as follows. The seaside army throughout the day on October 31, 1941 continued to move along the way to Simferopol. The 80th separate intelligence battalion of the 25th Chapaevsky Rifle Division took exploration towards Bakhchisaraya. During the intelligence, it turned out that the road to Sevastopol is closed. Despite the fact that the minor workarounds to Sevastopol still remained open, and the barrier on the main road was not too dense, the commander of Primorskoy was decided to move to the left, to the Crimean Mountains.

The corresponding order to change the route also received the 7th Marine Circus Brigade. More precisely, not the whole brigade, but only its 3 and 4th battalions, which moved along with the headquarters of the brigade. The remaining 1, 2 and the 5th battalions of the brigade moved independently, under the guidance of their commanders. This has been played soon, a tragic role in their further fate.

From the memories of E.I. Zhidilova: "The fate of the second battalion and two who attached the mouth of the first battalion was tragically. Lieutenant Colonel of Illarionov, having met them at Atman, for an unknown reason led the column not to Simferopol, as the Brigade followed, but on Bulganak-Bodrac. The village of Azek (fruit) attacked her major enemy forces. In battle with enemy tanks and infantry of the Illarionov and the commander of the battalion of blacks died. 138 fighters under the command of the younger lieutenant Vasily Timofeyev with great difficulties came out of the environment and got to Sevastopol. There are few people left and from the fifth battalion. " So it is written in Memochi E.I.Zhidilov, but the reason for the loss of management is known. The battalion did not have time to warn that the road ahead is already busy opponent. A similar way was the fate of the fifth battalion of the brigade.

If you apply the route to the movement of the battalions of the Soviet 7th Brigade and the German 132nd Infantry Division, then these routes will cross several times. One of these "intersections" turned out to be fatal for the 5th battalion. In battle with the 437th Infantry Regiment of the German 132nd Division, the 5th battalion (commander - Captain Dyachkov) was defeated.

This fight of the 5th battalion, occurred approximately 10 kilometers of south of Simferopol, a pleasant date. Marines directly from the march were forced to join the battle. Soon Dyachkova and his headquarters of the senior lieutenant Mikhail Nadoku hardly wounded. The wounded were immersed by the car, but her Germans captured. Commissioner Battalion joined the battalion - Senior Politruk Turulin. Sailors under his leadership fought bravely and persistently. They beat off all the attacks of the enemy, but by the end of the fight there were only fifty people in the battalion. Blowing out of the environment, they came to Sevastopol in Sevastopol. A total of 38 fighters of the 5th battalion reached Sevastopol.

Thus, the 7th Brigade came out of Simferopol consisting of 4500 people, and broke into Sevastopol along with the seaside army of only 2 thousand marine. True, it did not mean at all that the remaining 2500 of all the Germans were shot or captured, because until November 5-6, 1941, fighters of 1 and the 2nd battalions of this brigade were made to the collection point in the barracks in Sevastopol Sevastopol column of anti-aircraft artillery and after a short rest, then directed to the replenishment of various parts of the marines, defended the city. Also, some, quite a large number of marines from the 7th Brigade during their wandering in the mountains joined the Crimean partisans.

On the evening of October 31, 1941, defended on the Alma River, west of the Cadet Battalion of the Marine Infantry, due to the lack of pre-prepared rules of defense, under the blows of parts 132 of the German infantry division were forced to start the retreat on the Highway Simferopol - Sevastopol, south to the river Kacha, where there were Already ready defensive frontier enhanced by various concrete firepoints.

On November 1, 1941, the Romanian motorized column under the command of R. Korne, taking advantage of the destruction of the Armored Train "Logger", moved along Simferopol highway to Bakhchisaray.

By the strength of this column, a two-bedroom consolidated regiment of marines with the remains of the crews destroyed earlier armored trains "Ordnezhekhodzevets" and "Loggy," was pushed south to the Bakhchisarai station.

On this day, on November 1, 1941, an operational order for the 11th army before the mechanized group of Tsigler was tasked - after the release of November 2, on the line of the duvanka - Biyuk-Suren to strike in the direction of Camara (now defense), and cut the Yalta highway there, to proceed To capture Sevastopol coming from the east and southeast. But then the following orders given by the Command of the 11th Army in the period from 2 to 5 November 1941, the task of capturing Sevastopol with the move MehGroup Tsigler was no longer put. All Cash forces of the Germans and Romanians were thrown to prevent breakthrough to Sevastopol of the Primorsk army.

After the retreat to the Kach River on November 1, 1941, the location of the parts of the marines, who held the defense on the distant approaches to Sevastopol, to the beginning of the first assault was as follows: from the mouth of the river Kacha and then upstream to the village of Aranchi (Aivova) held a defense Local Rifle Regiment and the bid of the coastal defense reserve for him (only about 3 thousand people of personnel), then there was a strip of defense of the 8th B. MP (3744 people), then a strip of defense of the 3rd PMP (2692 people), in front of which occupied Positions at the Alma Station (postal) consolidated regiment as part of the Cadet (1009 personnel person) and the 16th MP battalions. The strip of defense of the 3rd PMP ended in the village of the village of Old Shuli (Ternovka). From him and to the village of Nizhny Chorgin (Chernorechenskoye) near the Yalta-Simferopol highway, the positions of the 2nd PMP (2494 person of the personnel) were held.

According to the order of the commanding at that time, the Sevastopol defensive district of the counter-admiral Zhukova No. 002 from December 1, 1941, for the 8th BRPD, as the largest and efficient part of the marines, enhanced, besides heavy cannon 724th batteries, the following frontier was installed Defense: Northern Beach of the Valley of the Belbek River in Western. The outskirts of the duvanka - the height of Aziz - both - the village of Efendica - the height of 36.5, the North - the west of the village of Aranchi inclusive, having 3 PMPs on the right flank.

In the reserve in the rear of the 8th BMP in the area of \u200b\u200bthe height of Azis Boe, there was a 17th battalion (811 people) - Commander Senior Lieutenant L. S. Unchur) with a battery of 76-mm guns, one battalion from the educational squad and the Danube Flotilla's battalion was On Sapun - Mountain, the 18th battalion (729 people) at the Meknziev Maland station, one of the battalions of the electromechanical school of the educational squad in the area of \u200b\u200bthe farmers Mekenia -Kamyshlensky ravine, the battalion of the spare coastal defense system in the Sapun-Mountain area - French cemetery. 7.

By this time, the commander of the 18th battalion was Captain Hovrich, the Military Commissar - Senior Politruk Melnikov. The 19th battalion - commanded the captain of Cherniusov, the military commark - Batalion Commissioner Goryunin.

One of the battalions of the electromechanical school of the educational detachment was included in the 8th BMP as its 5th battalion. eight

Sevastopol's field defense, occupied by the parts of the marines, relied on a significant amount of closed-type reinforced concrete firepoints (dot). According to the head of the coastal defense of the ChF P. A. Morgunov by October 30, 1941, 74 guns were installed on various defensive borders of Sevastopol in constructed Dot.

The well-known Soviet military historian A. V. Basov specifying this data claimed that the beginning of the defense of Sevastopol in artillery and machine-gun dotes were 82 instruments of caliber 45, 76 and 100 - mm and about 100 machine guns.

True, it should be noted that by the beginning of the defense of Sevastopol, most of the boys were built not on the advanced line of defense, held along the river Kacha, but south, along the Belbek River, and then closer to the city.

In addition to artillery and mortar batteries in individual battalions, artillery and mortar divisions in brigades and shelves, the marine infantry to the beginning of the defense was supported by almost all the coastal artillery of the ChF (with the exception of the 18th and 35th batteries), which was at that time in Sevastopol.

To the top of defense in Sevastopol was eleven stationary and two moving coastal batteries 724 and 725th (caliber 152-mm) delivered to the city in early October 1941 from the Danube Flotilla. In armament of coastal batteries there were eight guns of the caliber of 305 - mm, four tools of caliber 203 - mm, twenty tools of caliber 152 - mm, four tools of caliber 100 - mm and four caliber nuts 45 - mm. Of these, they had the opportunity to maintain the land front with their fire with a caliber of 100 to 305 - mm. 10

In addition, the beginning of defense in Sevastopol remained a significant number of field and anti-aircraft artillery, both the seaside army and some of its divisions. These artillery parts remained in Sevastopol due to the lack of horses and means of mechanical thrust that did not have time to take out during the evacuation from Odessa. These were the 57th artpol of the 95th Rifle Division, the ArtDivisians of the 161th and 241th rifle regiments of the same division, the 164th anti-tank and 333rd anti-aircraft arthdivizions of the 25th Rifle Division, and its 99th Gaubic ArtPolk. eleven

Part of the sevastopol artillery of the seaside army in Sevastopol was used to form artillery batteries for individual marine patrol battalions, while other guns participated in the defense of Sevastopol as part of their parts.

To support the marines, most of the anti-aircraft batteries in Sevastopol were used as a field artillery before the first assault.

By November 1, 1941, the air defense of Sevastopol was forty-batteries of caliber 76 and 85 - mm (160 guns), seven caliber batteries 37 and 45 - mm (30 guns), as well as a significant number of zenith machine guns. By order of command of the FF, two thirds of the anti-aircraft guns (about 130) were nominated to the combat orders of marines. 12

From the mouth of the river Kacha, on her left bank, up against the flow was located 214, 215, 216, 217, 218 and 219th anti-aircraft batteries. They were in the defense strip of the local rifle regiment and the 8th BRF. Thus, one anti-aircraft battery accounted for an average of one battalion of these parts.

As a result, in the number of guns used for the land targets, the defenders of Sevastopol during the first assault had an approximate equality or even a small superiority over the stormed city of 4 divisions of the 11th German army and two brigades of the Romanian mining corps.

According to one of the latest directories in the German artillery of the Second World War period, until 1943, the basis of the German field artillery was the artillery parts and divisions of infantry divisions. In the composition of the army corps and armies of the staff artillery parts were not. Additional artillery parts in the form of the Artyivizions of the reserve with the guns of caliber 150 and 211 - mm and the divisions of self-propelled assault guns were attached to armies or army buildings to solve the commands of the armies groups, or the Supreme Command of the Wehrmacht.

The artillery of the infantry divisions of the Wehrmacht in 1941-1942 looked like this: the main artillery part is artpolk, whose commander was simultaneously the head of the division artillery. The artpolc consisted of three divisions of twelve 105-mm of warmness in each and one division of twelve 150-mm warm. In reality, the 150-mm division is often absent. The artillery of the infantry division, also included anti-tank arthdivizion (sixteen caliber 37 guns, less often 50 - mm) and an anti-aircraft arthdivizion with twelve anti-aircraft 20 - mm automatic artists). As part of each infantry regiment of the division, there were six short-barreled 75-mm and two 150-mm, so-called "infantry guns". 13

Based on this source, on a staffing schedule in the German infantry division there was up to 100 guns and division artillery. But in reality, due to the constant losses in the artillery part during the fighting, there were fewer them.

As for the artillery of the divisions of the 11th German army, they approached Sevastopol to the significant losses in the material part during the battles at the silence and the north of the Crimea from September 12 to October 30, 1941, and these losses were not replenished, because, according to the memoirs of the commander 11- In the army of E.Manttein, it was replenished with a living force and technique in the "residual" principle.

Thus, based on these data, it can be argued that in each of the four German infantry divisions during the first assault, there were an average of about 80 instruments of all types, as well as an incomplete division of assault guns from among the army of the army, and a small amount of artillery of Romanian The mining corps. Total about 300 guns.

And the whole above the listed artillery litter, by the beginning of the first assault, there were about 300 implements. If you do not take into account the guns of women who were on the rear borders and who did not have the opportunity to fire on the enemy during the first assault, then about 250 guns were fire on the opponent.

A relatively equal ratio of forces was to the beginning of the first assault and aviation. At the airfields of Sevastopol by October 31, 1941, 82 Air Force Airplane were based on. fourteen

With the German side, there was approximately the same or a little more aircraft. The fact was that all the main forces of German aviation, acting on the southern wing of the Soviet-German front, supported the 1st tank, 6th and 17th field army, which were advancing in Kharkov and, especially, the Rostov direction, as the capture of Rostov was considered Germany as a decisive step towards the mastery of Caucasian oil. In the Crimea itself, the command of the 11th Army until November 18, 1941 was forced to direct a significant part of the attached aircraft for action under the Kerch.

Approximately equality, between the litter and the 11th army was alive. By November 10, 1941, when two buildings of the 11th Army were focused under Sevastopol, and a significant part of the Romanian mining corps, the total number of German-Romanian troops under Sevastopol was 35-37 thousand people.

The fact is that although in the state of the German infantry division in 1941-1942 amounted to 15 thousand people, it was really much smaller. So, according to P.A. Morgunov, to the beginning of the second assault on Sevastopol by December 16, 1941, the number of divisions of the 11th army was 9.5-10 thousand people. fifteen

This number of the German divisions to the time of the second assault had a significant replenishment, since the capture of Sevastopol was in December 1941 declared the main task of the South Army Group. Therefore, most likely, by the beginning of the first assault, the number of German divisions near Sevastopol did not exceed 8 thousand people in each.

The total number of troops of Sorrow by November 10, 1941 was 32-33 thousand people. There was a significant reserve of the live strength in the coastal parts. This allowed, during the beginning of the first assault battles on November 1, 1941 to form the 17th and 18th (1120 people, 7 machine guns) Commander Captain A. F. Egorov, and on November 2 - 19th battalion (557 people, 5 machine guns ) Marine infantry. The commanders of these divisions were: the 17th battalion - Captain Cherniusov MS, then Senior Lieutenant Unchur Leonid Stepanovich; 18th - Captain Egorov A.F. then Captain Cherniusov M.S., and then - Senior Lieutenant Trushlyakov V.G.; 19th - Captain Cherniusov M.S. sixteen

The first assault on Sevastopol, continued more actively in the morning on November 1, 1941. On this day, the main forces of the Romanian column of the mechanized group of Tsigler continued the attacks on the position of the 16th and Cadet battalions in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Bakhchisarai station. Two enemy motorcycle battalions have been accessed against them, reinforced 15 armored vehicles and heavy artillery batteries with a caliber of 150 - 155 - mm. During this fight, these marine patrol battalions first received support for coastal artillery from Sevastopol. At 12 o'clock 40 minutes November 1, 1941, the 30th coastal battery produced a fireflower on the Alma Station reserves and the rear of the Romanian column, making them serious losses. 17.

An active assistance to the marines on the Kaczynsky line of defense was provided by anti-aircraft. So in the battles on November 1, 1941, 217 - I am a battery under the command of Senior Lieutenant Kovalenko I. I., being near the highway Simferopol - Sevastopol, destroyed about a dozen units of the enemy armored vehicles, after which it was subjected to massive bombing by enemy aviation and losing three guns, nevertheless continued the battle with one surviving gun. Neighboring 218 - I am a battery under the command of Senior Lieutenant Popriyko I. A. In the same battles destroyed up to hundreds of soldiers and officers of the enemy and hit two aircraft.

Lowned in the battles for Bakhchisarai November 1, 1941 Significant losses Colonel Tzygler realized that it was impossible to take its mechanized group from the go to the coherent. He reported to the Manstein. The commander of the 11th Army decided to turn the mechanized cygler from Bakhchisaraya to the mountains to strengthen the grouping of troops pursuing the Primorsk army. A further operation on the capture of Sevastopol was pinned at the 132nd PD of the 54th AK, enhanced by the 5th Romanian cavalry regiment.

On the same day, on November 1, 1941, the reconnaissance battalion and advanced tanks of the regiments of the 132nd PD and the 5th Romanian cavalry regiment began to go to the river Kacha on the front from her mouth to Bakhchisaraya. There they were met with fire and mortars of the local rifle shelf and the 8th BRF, as well as the movable anti-aircraft batteries actively supported these parts. 17.

In the defense strip of the local rifle shelf on this day, the 219th anti-aircraft battery of senior lieutenant Denisova, 553 - I am an anti-aircraft battery of Senior Lieutenant George Volovik, who confronts the German aircraft during the battles - Scout type FV-189 (Rama), and destroying a significant number of live strength and techniques of the enemy. The Volovik himself was injured in his head, but continued to command, until the fight ended and his battery began to move to new positions. From the area of \u200b\u200bthe north of the Belbek airfield, fire was fire on the enemy - 218th anti-aircraft battery of senior lieutenant Popriyko I.S. From the standpoint of the 8th, from the village of Duvanka (Verneshyadova), fire 227th anti-aircraft battery of Senior Lieutenant Grigorieva I.G.

Also, the 8th BRFD supported 724 - I am a mobile coastal defense battery (four 152-mm guns) Captain Spiridonova M.V. eighteen

The total offensive of the 132nd PD to Sevastopol began in the morning of November 2, 1941 throughout the line of defense. On this day, the local rifle regiment began to maintain four of its 203 -mm caliber tools of the 10th coastal battery. The 30th coastal battery struck the reserve parts of the 132nd PD at the station Bakhchisarai and the village of Alma Tarkhan. At the front of the 8th BRF, the 227th anti-aircraft battery was held back at the 5th Romanian Cavalry Shelf. nineteen

To reflect the attacks of the 132nd PD, the Command of the Black Sea 2 of November conmensed defense on the Kacha River by placing at the junction of the 8th BMP and the 3rd PMP, as well as the 16th and Cadet battalions, who left Bakhchisaraya. In the evening of this day, the 19th battalion is transferred to the reserve 8th BRF, in the reserve of the 3rd PMP - the Battalion of the Air Force. twenty
On the morning of November 2, the Commander of the ChF Vice-Admiral Oktyabrsky returned from the Caucasus to Sevastopol. In Sevastopol, he heard the reports of the Council Admiral Zhukov and Major Morgunov General about the state of defense and the course of hostilities, approved the measures taken. At the same time, the commander of the seaside army, Major Petrov, along with the headquarters left Alushta to Sevastopol. 21.

All opponent's attacks on November 2 were successfully repulsed. He could not move on any of the front sites.

Meanwhile, on the night of November 2 to November 3, 1941, the headquarters of the seaside army arrived in Sevastopol. Then during the day after November 3, the commander of Crimea Vice -admila Levchenko arrived in Sevastopol.

Realizing that the forces of one division Sevastopol do not take, Manstein in the morning on November 3 launched a 50-mumesed division into battle from Bakhchisaraya. Thus, on this day, the entire 54th AK has occurred to Sevastopol.

Thanks to the narrowing of the front of the occurrence of the 132nd PD, I managed to wed up in the defense of the 8th LDR and master the village of Efendika (IIV). On the site of the local rifle regiment part of the 132nd PD on November 3 did not have success.

Due to the contraction of the enemy from the reserve 8th BMP to the front line, the 17th battalion was put forward with a battery of 76-mm cannons. At the front of the 3rd PMP, parts of the 50th PD wound into his defense and captured the village of Zalaya (Hormska). Their further promotion was stopped by entering the 19th battalion and the Air Force battalion. 22.

Some successes of the opponent's offensive on November 3, 1941 were associated, not only with the latest divisuse in entering them into battle, but also that on this day several weakened the management of troops, defeated Sevastopol. The reason for this was the arrival on this day to Sevastopol the commander of the Armed Forces of Crimea Vice-Admiral Levchenko and the commander of the Primorsk army of Major General Petrov with his headquarters.

As a result, on November 4, 1941, the Senior Military Head in Sevastopol was Vice - Admiral Levchenko. On this day, he created the Sevastopol Defensive District (SOR) and appointed his commander General - Major Petrova. The leadership of the Defense of Sevastopol was assigned to Petrov to free the Oktyabrsky for the organization and the subsequent evacuation of the main base of the fleet from Sevastopol in the Caucasus. And without that, before that, covered by the evacuation sentiments, the commander of the ChF Vice-Admiral Oktyabrsky, Levchenko gave an indication to keep the defense of Sevastopol for another 7-10 days to have time to take out all valuable military and other property in the Caucasus. 23.

After that, on behalf of the Military Council of the ChF, Oktyabrsky sent I.V. Stalin and the People's Commissar of Navy Kuznetsov, the first telegram justifies the prepared delivery of Sevastopol. In the telegram, it was argued that the successful defense without the ground forces is impossible, and the seaside army is cut off from Sevastopol and is unknown - whether it can break into it. Further, it was argued that Sevastopol defend limited forces of marines, poorly equipped with automatic small arms and absolutely not having field artillery to reflect the enemy tanks. German aviation is continuously bombed by defensive frontiers who are in Sevastopol ships and other objects of the Black Sevastopol. Intected bombing of ships going to Sevastopol and back. In this regard, the Oktyabrsky offered the following: 1) to bring the main forces of the fleet to the Caucasus, leaving only two old cruisers in Sevastopol, 4 old destroyers; 2) withdraw from Sevastopol in the Caucasus all repaired and completed ships, the Marine Plant and Fleet Workshops; 3) send the fleet to the Caucasus; 4) To entrust the leadership of the Defense of Sevastopol and Kerch on the commander of the troops of Crimea Levchenko. 24.

The same telegram Oktyabrsky repeated November 4, 1941, and then on the same day, removing responsibility from the fleet for the further defense of Sevastopol, he freed the counter-admiral Zhukov from the manual of battles on the land front. Admiral Zhukov was appointed commander of the Sevastopol naval base with submission to him forces of coastal defense, the protection of the water area, air defense, remaining in Sevastopol of ships and aviation. 25.

On the morning of November 4, 1941, the commander of the Primorsk army General General - Major I. E. Petrov and the commander of the coastal defense of the main base of the ChF in Sevastopol General - Major P. A. Morgunov Communted the Defense Sectors, where they familiarized themselves with the defenders of parts and connections, with the organization of their interaction With coastal and ship artillery, aviation, as well as terrain and engineering equipment of the frontier. The opponent on this day, in the morning, took several attacks on the sites of Aranchi - Mamashai, a duvanka - a prison and in the height of 157.8.

During November 4, the enemy attacked along the entire line of the Sevastopol defensive area (SO). At the front of the 8th BRF, all attacks of the 132nd PD were repulsed. The 3rd regiment of marines, reinforced by the 19 Battalion and the Battalion of the Air Force, conducted fighting with the 50th German infantry division south of Bakhchisaraya, on the river Kacha.

In the course of the reflection of German attacks on November 4, 1941, the 30th coastal battery applying 305-mm shrynetic shells with two volleys almost completely destroyed two German infantry battalions and their weapons: 2 implements, mortar battery, 15 machine guns and 2 cars.

Despite this powerful fire support, on November 4 - 5, part of the 50th German PD pushed out the 3rd PMP from its previous positions on the River Kachu to the south of the Belbek River in Orta Kissek (Svidek) and Bick-Outarka (Front) , and at the site of the 19th battalion and battalion of the Air Force, the shelves of the 50th German PD took possession of heights 134.3, 142.8, 103.4 and a tract of Kizil-Bair. After that, the turn of defense regiment stretched 10 kilometers from Duvanka to Cherkis - Kermen. 26.

On the fourth day of his breakthrough to Sevastopol - November 4, 1941, the seaside army, moving its main forces on the road of Bakhchisarai - Yalta, to the Petri Potri's pass crushed the main forces of the Cygler's consolidated mechanized group of the Ziegler in the mountain range of the Belbek Valley.

The defeat of the mechanized group occurred during two large-scale battles on November 4, 1941, when in the village of Ulu - Sala of parts of the 25th Chapaevsky Rifle Division, under the command of General - Major Kolomyac destroyed the motorized battalion and 72nd German Anti-Tank Artillery Division, capturing 18 guns, 25 machine guns , and a significant number of cars (Central Archive of the USSR Ministry of Defense Foundation 288, Inventory 9900, Case 17, Sheet 3.), 7 Marine Brigade Between Villages of Yeni - Sala and Foti - Sala (now Golubinka) defeated the main forces of the Tsigler's Brigade, destroying 1 armored vehicles, 28 cars, three motorcycles, 19 field and anti-tank guns, 3 anti-aircountal small-caliber automatic 20-millimeters caliber guns, and capturing as trophies: 20 cars, 10 motorcycles and 3 guns. (TsAMO USSR f. 288, op. 9905, d. 12, l. 62.)

Thus, on November 4, 1941, a consolidated mechanized German - the Romanian group of Colonel Tsigler who has lost during this day in battles with the 25th Chapayevsky Rifle Division of the Primorsk Army and the 7th Brigade of the Black Sea Fleet, all his artillery, most of the vehicles, and so The same considerable amount of living force killed and wounded, actually ceased to exist as an organized military force.

Soon after this defeat on November 6, 1941, the mechanized group of Ciegler was disbanded, and the German and Romanian military units that were incurred in its composition, which suffered significant losses in alive and technique were sent to their former military units, with the following deployment, some of them: Romanian motorized The regiment took positions opposite the Aranchi, the reconnaissance battalion of the 22nd German PD was directed along the road of Suren-Ai-Petri-Yalta Narreza Primorskoye Army, the reconnaissance battalion of the 50th German PD was aimed at the road to Khutora Mekenia, the 190th division of self-propelled guns of the 6th week was Directed to strengthen the 42th Army Corps of the advancing on Kerch.

It is only strange that this very significant fact turned out to be completely not seen by the Soviet historiography of the second defense of Sevastopol 1941-1942 for the entire period of its existence.

On the morning of November 5, the Germans resumed the offensive in the village of Duvanka. The 1st and 3rd battalions of the 3rd regiment of the marines, which have lost their big losses, were forced to move on the south of the villages of Duvanka, Gaggika and Biyuk-Otarka. The garrisons of the marine guns there, shot all the guests, blew up the guns and moved away, besides the calculation of the 130-mm gun, located to the left of the railway and surrounded by an opponent. His calculation continued to be stubbornly fight surrounded by the enemy of large losses.

On November 5, the 121st Infantry Regiment of the 50th German Infantry Division took possession of the mountain of Yayla-Bash North Cherkis-Kermen, and the 122nd Infantry Regiment of the same Division of the village of Yuhary Karalez.

In response to the loss of a number of its defensive frontiers, on the same day, on November 5, the front of the 3rd PMP was inflicted by Conitary forces of the 17th (600 people), the 18th battalions of the marine infantry and the 80th separate intelligence battalion (450 people) of the 25th Chapaev division under the command of Captain Antipina M.S., having a cannon-haired armored armored tanks and two flamethrow tanks. This conrter was returned most of the previously lost positions.

In response, the Germans counted with the support of armored vehicles and in the evening on November 5 broke in a duvanka, where street fighting began. 132 The German Infantry Division was able to master the Duvankah, but because of the large losses incurred during the battles on November 5 and an increase in the length of his occurrence of up to 20 kilometers was forced to stop further offensive.

The results of the fighting on November 5, she summed up the head of the Operational Department of the Staff of the Primorsk Army, Colonel Kovtun-Stankevich in the report of the Army sent from the advanced CP in the evening of the 1st Cordon in the evening of November 5: "The enemy mastered the duke of the power of the additional battalion, to two battalions took possession of the northern surroundings of Cherezz Kermen. Our 18 battalion saddled the road and the Duvanka Valley - west of the Duvanka. Major's battalion Ludwincchuk focuses in the Cordon area No. 1. 80 Orb in battle for a duvanka lost a lot of personnel. 4 anti-aircraft machine guns are broken with projectiles, the radio is broken. The remains of the battalion on the height of 158.1. On the section, the Cherkis-Kermen and the north are defended by 12 independent detachments, the connection and management of them is almost lost. Sailors do not have a chant tool at all and therefore are not prone. "

In the meantime, the German infantry division continued to operate on the left of 132-10-10 - I continued on this day on November 5 to attack the valleys of the eastern part of Mekenziev Mountains towards Shuli (now Ternovka). In connection with this evening on November 5, at 17 o'clock 35 minutes, General Petrov was given the following combat order: "1. The enemy grows the forces in the area of \u200b\u200bKaya-Bash - Zalana, preparing a blow to Cherkis Kermen.2. I order: Commander 3 Marine Certificate Shelf by Lieutenant Colonel Zodelkina to get this immediately 19 BMP to take and defend the frontier to the north of the Cherkis Kermen (from the left flank 2 of the 3-sea shelf battalion) to Yayla-Bash (height 131.55) and Next to the height of 83.6 - prevent the exit of the enemy parts into the area of \u200b\u200bCherkis-Kermen. 3. On the performance of the battalion and the lesson of the defense of the defense. 4. The valley of the Duvanka to defend 18 BMP, subdued by his commander Datsishin. At the same time, the Cadet and 19th battalions were transferred to the position of the Cherkis-Kermen-Fortified District, the 2nd Perekopsky Sea Control Square due to the approach to the enemy. 28.

On the same day, on November 5, 1941, the Oktyabrsky for the third time he sends a telegram to Moscow with a justification for the need to pass Sevastopol, adding threatening information on the position on the front line, which did not fit the real situation around Sevastopol: "The position of Sevastopol under the threat of capture. The enemy captured a duvanka. Our advanced defense line is broken. There are no more reserves. One hope that after a day or two will be suitable for army parts. Based on this situation, I made a decision and sent two reports about him. But I have not received any guidelines. I repeat the third time. Please confirm the correctness of me events. If there is no answer again, I consider my actions correct. " 29.
And, all this despite the fact that Sevastopol this day is November 5, 1941, attacked, only two of the seven infantry divisions of the 11th Army and one Romanian cavalry regiment.

On the morning of November 6, in order to prevent the enemy breakthrough to the area of \u200b\u200bBelbek railway station (now the railway station Verneshyadovaya) was urgently overdone from the reserve of the 18th Marine Battalion, which covered the Belbek valley, railway and highway on Mekensiyevs Mountains and Sevastopol. He was subordinated to the commander of the right subsector of the III sector Colonel Datsishin. By evening, on November 6, the opponent in the Valley of the Belbek River advanced to the Bebkek station, where the 18th battalion was stopped. At the same time, on November 6, the battles were walking in the area of \u200b\u200bCherkis - Kermen at one of the defense sites of the 3rd PMP. Here, one of the parts of the 50th PD took possession of the village of Cherkis-Kermen (strong) and 363.5 height. Counterattack height was repulsed, but the village remained at the opponent.

By morning, on November 7, the 18th Marine Battalion occupied his position from heights above the Belbek station (Vernezhadovaya) to the skates of the Kara-Tau plateau, without any elbow connection with the 3rd ppm with the 8th Brigade. On November 7, the 8th BRFT Kontrudar aligns the front, and it becomes on the same line with 18 battalion.

At 2 o'clock in the night, on November 7, a telegram signed by Stalin and Kuznetsov, who was a response to previous Eyabelian messages came to Sevastopol from Moscow. It contained the following categorical requirements for the commander of the Black Sea Commander: 1) The main task of the ChF Active defense of Sevastopol and the Crimean Peninsula by all means; 2) Sevastopol not to pass in any way and defend it by all means; 3) The Commander of the ChF personally leads the defense of Sevastopol, while in it, and the head of the headquarters leads the main forces of the fleet translated into the Caucasus, while with the headquarters in the city of Tuapse. thirty

Oktyabrsky on the same day, the Oktyabrsky on the same day, was switched to the active defense of Sevastopol on November 7, organizing Constridar forces by the 8th BMP. For the offensive, reinforced companies were allocated from each team of the Brigade. After a short artillery preparation, with the participation of two 203 mm, the coastal battery gun No. 10, they broke into the enemy's trenches and seized altitudes 132.3, 158.7, 165.4.

As a result of the offensive on November 7, the 8th BMP - part of the 132nd German infantry division and the 50th Romanian cavalry regiment led 250 people killed, by the marines, 2 anti-tank guns of the enemy of the caliber of 37 mm and 6 mortars were destroyed. Taken as trophies: Three anti-tank guns of caliber 37 - mm, six 81 - mm and four 50 - mm mortar, 20 machine guns, 150 rifles, 15 boxes with ammunition, 4 field telephone. 31.

During the fighting for Sevastopol on November 7, the opponent's appearance was shifted southeast of previously attacked defense sites, and at 14 o'clock from the district of Cherkez - Kermen, he began to step in the direction of the farmers Mekenie and the Verkhovyev Valley of Kara - Koba at the junction of the 3rd and 2nd PMP . During the offensive, the enemy mastered the farmers of Mekenie and was stopped here. In the upper reaches of the Kara Valley - Coba divisions of the 2nd PMM beat all German attacks.

On the same day, on November 7, the remnants of the 7th BMP were transferred to Sevastopol ships from Yalta: the headquarters, the 3rd and 4th battalions, the mortar division, the Rota of Communications. In the evening of the same day, the 7th BRF was transferred to the front line to the farmers district of Mekenia.

On the morning of November 8, after the counterpart of the enemy, the 8th BMP left earlier heights occupied during the day and retreated to the previous positions. On the same day, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe farm, the 3rd PMP, the 16th and cadet battalions, the 3rd PMP, the 16th and cadet battalions were applied. In a combat dispatch, General - Major Petrova Commander 7th Bruvel Colonnik Zhidilov about the beginning of the offensive at 9:30 November 8, on November 8, the following is said: "7 morbigade: focused on 10 o'clock on November 8, 1941 in the region of 3 kilometers in North - West Farm Mekenia, a blow to the direction of Cherkis-Kerman to discard the enemy from the area of \u200b\u200bthe farm Meknzia and master the frontier. Mark.149.8 - Tashl Mount inclusive. With the exit to the area of \u200b\u200bconcentration in your submission, 2 Perekop battalion and the Major Lyudinchuk battalion are included. The offensive of the 7th Marine Brigade in the direction of Cherkez - Kermen supported the fire of their twenty-four-mM tools of Cruiser Chervona Ukraine and "Red Crimea", and so The 85-mm 35-mm caliber guns of the 305th and 35th coastal batteries, four tools of a 152-mm caliber of the 2nd coastal battery. As a result, the enemy was discarded to Khutur Mekenie, but failed to master the farm himself. 33.
Marine infantry attacks on Khutor Mekenia continued all the next day on November 9, but to no avail. In turn, on the same day the opponent, here it was also continuously counteranched, our advancing parts.

On the night of November 8, November 9, 1941, an explosion of 8 BMPs, 1 kilometer of the North-west village of Duvanka captured a soldier of the 2nd company of the 1st battalion of the 47th Infantry Regiment of the 22nd German Infantry Division. Interrogation of the captive allowed to obtain information on some opponent's plans for the upcoming battles on November 9. Therefore, the onset of the morning of the German and Romanian troops began on the morning of November 9 for the brigade units unexpected. Nevertheless, during the battles on November 9, two Romanian companies, with the support of three tanks, the height of 165.4 managed to reset the combat stop of the 2nd BTRF battalion from it. Counterattacks Further enemy promotion stopped. In this battle, the commander of one of the plates of the 2nd battalion Lieutenant I. M. Plukico was killed.

On November 8 - 9, the 2nd PMP with the support of several anti-aircraft batteries, the 19th and 35th coastal batteries, the artillery of the Zheleznyaki armored train, successfully bought off the opponent's attack in the Kara-Koba valley.

On the morning of November 9, 1941 in the Duvanka district, in the Simferopol highway, the German infantry enhanced by armored vehicles tried to accumulate a breakthrough. This offensive was first stopped by Dot No. 4 and 217 - a movable anti-aircraft battery, which was commanded by Senior Lieutenant N. I. Kovalenko, who was granted the 18 Marine Battalion, and a little later, about 12 hours of this day, this German group was broken by the marine battalion The infantry of the spare artpol who commanded the Mayr Ludwinchug. During this fight, this battalion suffered very heavy losses, but fulfilled its task. Major Ludwintchug himself was seriously injured and his further fate is still unknown. 217 - I lost the anti-aircraft battery in this battle, lost all four of its guns and most of the personnel killed and wounded. Survived to the outcome of the day only 12 Zenitchikov. The remains of the battalion of the spare artpol in the amount of 197 people on November 13, 1941, were sent as replenishment in the 7th Brigade of Marines.

In connection with this German offensive, soon after its start, in the morning of November 9, 1941, the order, the then commander of Cyrus General - Major Petrov, was partially undermined by Kamyshlovsky railway bridge.

An offensive of the 8th BMP north of the village of Duvanka (Verkhne-Garden) and the 7th BRFR in the area of \u200b\u200bKhutor Mekenzi on November 7-9, 1941 forced the commander of the 11th German army to start a transfer from the Yalta district under Sevastopol of the 22nd Infantry Division from the composition The 30th AK and thereby significantly weaken the offensive on November 11 on the Yalta Highway in the Baidar and Varnutskaya Varnutskaya valleys.

In connection with the approach from Yalta for the approach to Sevastopol, the 72nd PD, in Balaclava on November 9, the Balaklava Commercial Regiment of Marines (BSPMP) was formed with a total number of about 2188 people. It consisted of battalions of the maritime border school, a diving technical school (now the School of Ferodolazov ChF), as well as the Balaclava Fighter Battalion. As soon as this regiment was formed, he immediately was sent to the Varnutsk Valley.

Regarding the start of the hostilities of the Marine Corps of the Border School on the Balaclava direction there are two versions.

According to the first, on the night of November 9, 1941, an order was charged from the headquarters of the Sevastopol defensive region, prescribing the Balaclava School of Watchboat Boats in full, together with the marine battalion formed in its composition immediately forced march to go to heights in the area of \u200b\u200bthe forester's house and take defense from the front from Kuchuk-Musomia village to Varnutka village, breaking the Yalta Highway to reflect the onset of the broken German parts, which, using the help of local traitors-Tatars, were able to bypass on mountain roads and paths, our support points on the Yalta highway and fell in general direction through Balaklava heights of Balaklava And her suburb village Kadykovka.

According to another version, the marine border school, together with its marine infantry battalion, the order of the commander of the Primorsk army No. 001 of November 6, 1941 was brought to reserve 1 sectors of the Sevastopol defensive region and the frontier of the east of the Balaclava were engaged in them only November 11, 1941.

On November 9, 1941, a breakthrough ended in Sevastopol the main forces of the Primorsk army in the composition of 25, 95, 172, 421th rifle and 40, 42nd cavalry divisions. Despite a number of authoritative refutations made in the early 60s of the last century, it is still still the most common literary data that in these divisions of the seaside army, a total of 8 thousand people were. According to the archival data of the forces of the Primorsk army, those who arrived in Sevastopol on November 10, 1941 were 31,453 people, including about 25 thousand in combat parts and a few more than 6 thousand in the rear parts), 116 guns, 36 Gaubitz. 233 mortars and 10 tanks. Also from the seaside army in Sevastopol arrived 971 cars and 4066 horses. 34.

According to P.A. Morgunov, the seaside army delivered 107 instruments of field artillery of the caliber of 76, 107, 122, 152 and 155 - mm in Sevastopol, as well as a significant amount of 45-mm. Anti-tank guns. Total about 200 guns. According to A.V. Basova, the Primorsk army delivered about 200 mortars and 10 units of armored vehicles to Sevastopol. According to other data, the Primorsk army delivered in Sevastopol 28 Gaubitz caliber 122 - mm, 8 Gaubitz caliber 152 - mm, 116 guns of various calibers, more than 200 mortars, 10 tanks type T - 26, 10 cannon armored vehicles, 526 cars.

The assistance of the Primorsk army Cyrus Field and Anti-Tank Artillery was especially valuable in that it compensated for the conclusion from Sevastopol in the Caucasus considerable part of the anti-aircraft artillery for the organization there is a FLOT air defense. By mid-November 1941 in Sevastopol out of 40 middle-caliber anti-aircraft batteries (160 guns), there were 16 batteries (64 guns). Of the 7 low-caliber batteries (36 guns) there are 5 batteries (25 guns). With the arrival of the Primorsk Army on November 10, 1941, the number of personnel of the Sevastopol defensive area was about 52 thousand people. 35.

After completing the breakthrough of the Primorsk army to Sevastopol on November 10, 1941, the commander of the Black Sea Fleet Vice-Admiral Oktyabrsky was appointed the new commander of the Sevastopol defensive area, and the Major Petrov, who held this position from 4 to 9 November 1941, was his deputy defense deputy .

In order for the divisions of the Primorsk army to take part in hostilities under Sevastopol, they needed to replenish the personnel. On the small number of these divisions, the fact that the 421th SD immediately after his arrival in Sevastopol was disbanded. All her personal composition was in her 1330th joint venture (the former 1st Black Sea Regiment of MP), the number of which was 1,200 people. The 134th Gaubic regiment of this division was transferred to the 172nd SD. 36.

Replenishment of the divisions of the Primorsk Army was carried out by the personnel of marines and began almost immediately after arriving in Sevastopol on November 9, 1941. On this day, one of the battalions of the electromechanical school of school entered the 90th SP 95th SD as its 1st rifle battalion. The Chief Department, and as the 2nd Rifle Battalion - the Battalion of the School of Coastal Defense. 37.

On the replenishment of the 90th SP, the 95th CD was also facing a personal composition of 14, 15 and 67th individual fugasno-flame retardant coastal defense of the ChF. 38.

As the 3rd Rifle Battalion in the 161th Rifle Regiment, the 95th SD entered the 18th Marine Battalion. At the same time, the coastal spare coastal defense battalion, 16 and the 15th marine battalions of the marines of steel 1. 2 and the 3rd rifle battalions of the 287th rifle regiment 25th CD. 39.

The air defense battalion (AZO) of the CheF is used to replenish the personnel of the 31st rifle shelf 25 SD.

According to A.V. Basova in November 1941, the Primorsk army received 7250 marines and 2 thousand marins of marching from the North Caucasus Military District (SKVO) from the North Caucasus Military District. 40.

However, the Soviet marines of H.H.Kamalov argued that the replenishment of the Primorsk army was much more. According to the data given by him, from 9 to 15 November 1941, the number of the seaside army by replenishing the marine infantry increased with eight thousand to almost twenty thousand people. At the same time, in parts of the marines and coastal defense of the ChF, which was not included in the seaside army, there was another 14,366 people.

In addition, due to the disbandment of some parts of the marines, others took place. So, on November 9, 17, 19th battalions, the Battalion of the Air Force, the 2nd battalion of the electrical school and their personnel were aimed at replenishing the 3rd PMP. 41.

Similar to November 9, the 1st Sevastopol Regiment of MP was formed. His 1st battalion was the 1st Perekopsky detachment of MP; 2 battalion - Danube Flotilla's battalion; The 3rd battalomet - the battalion of the weapon school and the battalion of the united school of the educational detachment. The headquarters of the regiment was formed from the headquarters of the disbanded 42nd Cavalry Division. The former head of the weapon school was appointed commander of the regiment, then the commander of the battalion of this school Colonel Gorpishchenko. 42.

In the 3rd sector of SAT, the 2nd Perekopsky detachment MP was reformed in the 2nd Perekopian regiment of MP. His commander was the former commander of the detachment - Major Kulagin.

After the end of the battles of the first assault, at the end of November 1941, parts of the marines became the basis for the formation of the 109th Rifle Division. Its 381th Rifle regiment was the 1330th Rifle Regiment (former 1st Black Sea PMP), disbanded earlier than the 421th SD. The other of her 383rd rifle regiment was fully formed from the marines. His 1 rifle battalion became the marine border school marine battalion, 2 Rifle battalion - Marine Battalion Spare Artpolka Coastal Defense, 3 Rifle Battalion - Marine Battalion, formed previously from the personnel of the junior team of coastal defense and company MPVO ChF. 43.

It is also a very numerous source of replenishment of both parts of the marines and parts of the Primorsk army who broke into Sevastopol, became various divisions of the national militia, formed in Sevastopol in August - October 1941.

The process of forming a folk militia in Sevastopol and in the Crimea began in August 1941, when 33 fighter anti-infant battalions were created. Soon, most of them entered the Crimean divisions of the national militia of the 51st Army, with the exception of parts of this type formed in Sevastopol, in the face of 7, 8, and the 9th fighter battalion (sometimes they were also called - squads), as well as 1 and 2 communist battalion.

At the end of October 1941, in Sevastopol there were following part of the folk militia:
- 1, 13, 14, 19, 31st brigades (only 12001 people, including 2582 women), Sevastopol Communist Regiment (991 people), urban fighter battalion (200 people), 27 groups of promoting the fighter battalion (500 people) . True, there were only 300 rifles on their weapons (converted from training), as well as a certain amount of the population confiscated with the beginning of the war of smooth-bore hunting weapons.

In the period from 5 to 10 November 1941, all these parts of the national militia were included in the combat units and compounds of the Sevastopol defensive area. Including: The 1st Communist Battalion entered the 514th Rifle Regiment, the 7th Fighter Battalion entered the 3rd PMP.

On November 17-18, 1941 from Sevastopol begins the evacuation of a number of parts of the marines, consisting of the necessary fleet of specialists. The teaching and command staff of the marine border school, the personnel of the Balaklavsky diving technical school, the teaching and command staff of the Sevastopol School of Coastal Defense, and then the company of the cadets of senior courses of this school, was taken to the Caucasus. The last three companies of the junior courses cadets were taken out of Sevastopol by January 14, 1942, before that they were part of the 105th separate sample battalion of the 25th CD. 44.

The day after the arrival of the main forces of the seaside army in Sevastopol, namely, on November 10, 1941, from the side of Yalta, the 72nd PD of Germans was included in the Baidar Valley. There, the remains of 40 and the 42nd cavalry divisions of the Primorsk army entered into battle. A day later, on November 11, the battles moved to the approaches to Balaclava in the Varnutsk Valley. With the 105th Infantry Regiment of the 72nd PD, the Balaklava Commary Regiment of MPs was entered into battle under the command of Major Pisarichina - the head of the Maritime Border School.

The regiment was in service only small arms, with the complete absence of guns and mortars. Artillery support should have reached the 19th coastal battery and the 926th anti-aircraft battery of senior lieutenant. White A. S. from the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Kamara (defense). 45.

Such a small number of live strength and technique allocated by the Soro command to reflect the occurrence of the enemy from a new direction was explained by the fact that on the one hand believed that in the difficult mining and forest area of \u200b\u200bsuch a number of forces, and on the other hand, in the period 10 -14 His attention was drawn to Khutur Mekenie, where the occurrence of the 7th BMP and the 3rd PMP.

As a result, in the battles with 105 PP 72nd PD, the Balaclava Commercial Regiment of the Marine Corps left the village of Varnutka (pottery) and Kuchuk-Musca (Reserve) and retreated to Balaklava heights. On the first day of the battle, the commander of the regiment Major Pisarichin was injured. He was changed by Captain Bondar - before that the commander of the marine border school border school battalion. With other shelves, the 72rd PD woven battles at altitudes in the area of \u200b\u200bAlsu and Dry River, the remains of 40 and the 42nd cavalry divisions, who were departed from the Baidar Valley.

During the ongoing fights on November 12-13, on the front between the valley of Kara-Koba and the Baidar valley, part of the 22nd German division took into battle, which took the gap between the 50 and 72nd PD. After that, the persecution of the sewn parts of the Primorsk army, the 184th rifle division from the "Crimea troops" and battles with the partisans, led the Romanian mining corps, who, with battles, gradually advanced to Sevastopol.

Therefore, the command Sor ordered a new offensive to distract part of the enemy's forces from the direction of his main strike by the command of the Sory, moving to the Balaclava direction, decided to apply the counter forces of the 8th BMP. According to the order of the command, the 8th BR. MMP on November 13-14, again attacked the position of the 132nd PD and again took possession of the village of Efendik. 46.

At the same time, on November 13, he moved to the attack 2nd PMP in the village of Nizhny Chorgun (Chernoechnoshsky), salting heights 555.3, 479.4, 58.7. Nearby, in the Kara-Koba Valley, the 31st SP 25th SD discarded the enemy and went to the height of 269.0.

November 13, 1941 in the 7th Brigade arrived replenishment of 190 people. It was all that left from the once numerous marine battalion of the maritime artpol of Major Lünerchuk, who at the beginning of the battle on November 7, 1941 had more than a thousand two hundred fighters and commanders.

But on the same day, on the Balaklava direction, the 105th Infantry Regiment of the 72nd PD dropped the Balaclava Commercial Regiment of Marines from Heights of 440.8 and 386.6. The next day, on November 14, during fierce battles, these heights moved several times from hand to hand. The enemy managed to keep the height of 386.6 with the "Southern Balaklava Fort" on its vertex. A day ago, on November 15, the enemy again began to advance and by November 18 again mastered the height of 440.8 and the village of Kamara at her foot, as well as height 212.1 above Balaklava with the "Northern Balaklava Fort". However, during the fighting 19-20 of November, the 2nd PMP transferred to Balaklava and the local rifle regiment knocked the Germans and returned some of the previously lost heights.

On the evening of November 21, the enemy, during the day she mastered the village of Camara and a height of 440.8, was knocked out from there with a local rifle regiment, which then took the rods and a height comb adding to the village. Already the next day on November 22, the enemy again captured this village and a height of 440.8, but again was discarded at the initial position.

During the battles for Balaklava, for further distraction of the enemy's forces, on November 17, on the north side, again passed on the onset of the 8th BRFM. Her battalions in some sites wedged into the defense of the enemy. 47.

On the same day, on November 17, a large loss of 7th BRFP in the attacks on the farmers, which was launched in the rear in the reserve of the commander of the Primorsk army.

On November 22, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe farm Mekenie, the 2nd Perekopsky PMP, embedded in German defense, cut the road Cherkis-Kermen - Khutor Mekenia, but then he was stopped by the counterattacks of the enemy. On the same day, the enemy after a strong art preparation was trying to discard the Perekopsky 2nd PMP with the road captured by him. But all the attacks of the Germans were repulsed.

The next day, on November 23, an opponent's attacks on a height of 440.8 and the village of Kamara at her foot were repulsed.

November 23, 1941, Marine Battalion from the Maritime Border school, now nursing as the 1st battalion of the 383th Rifle Regiment, again took the position of Balaklava and held the defense until December 22, 1941

The last major battle during the first assault of Sevastopol was the 8th Br.Mamp of November 27, 1941 at the position of the 132 German Infantry Division. As a result of the fights on the reflection of the first assault on Sevastopol, the German troops of the loss of personnel 8 BMP from November 1 to December 1, 1941 amounted to: 160 killed, 696 wounded and 861 missing.

In total, in the battles participated in the reflection of the first assault on Sevastopol, the troops of the 11th German army participated 32 battalions of marines, both those who were part of the brigades and regiments and separate.

The composition of the troops of the Odessa Military District 22.06.41g.

14th Rifle Case (25th and 51th Infantry Divisions, Case Parts)

35th Rifle Corps, Commander - Commbridge I. F. Dashichev (95th and 176th Rifle, 30th Mainstold Division, Case parts)

48th Rifle Case (74th and 150th Infantry Divisions, Case Parts)

2nd Cavkorpus (5th and 9th Crimean Cavdivia)

18th Mechanized Case (44th and 47th Tank, 218th Motorized Division, Case Parts)

9th Communication Regiment

Airs of District

26th and 268th separate anti-aircraft divisions

The 9th separate rifle body was located in Crimea, the commander - Lieutenant-General P. I. Batov, (106th, 156th rifle and 32nd cavalry divisions, housing parts).

There were also parts on the territory of the district, the district did not obey, but those who had submission to the General Staff of the Republic of Redek:

2nd Mechanized Case (11th and 16th Tank Divisions, 15th Sivash Motorized Division, Case Parts)

7th Rifle Case (116, 196, 206th SD, Case parts)

147th Infantry Division

3rd Airborne Case

137, 515, 522, 527th GAP B / M RGK

296th and 391th separate anti-aircraft divisions.

They were located on the territory of the district and the parts that historians traditionally include in its composition, but in reality that had a separate submission. We are talking about reprimandations, border detachments, parts of Morpogranhran NKVD, etc.

On the territory of the district were:

2, 24, 25, 26 and 79th border units NKVD

84th Verkhneprutsky, 86th Nizhneprutsky, 80s Rybnitsky, 82nd Tiraspol fortified areas

Morpographic parts of the NKVD.

In addition, new border strengthenions were built:

81st Danube fortified area

83rd Odessa fortified district

Those. Before the war, there were more than 360 thousand military personnel and a large number of equipment on the territory of the district. Even a quick glance at the composition of parts and formations of EDO shows that the seaside group of troops, which later became the seaside army, was formed from a wide variety of parts that had the most detailed submission. If you carefully analyze the failures of the first days of the war, then you can make an unequivocal conclusion that the main reason was not that the attack was sudden, and not that the parts were poorly equipped (this is not true), and it's not even in The number of German troops. The Achilles Fifth of the Red Army (and indeed our army) has always been the absence of a single command and a normal organization. Often, departmental boundaries turned out to be stronger than government, and often it turned out that at the time when the troops of the district acted according to one plan, the troops subordinate to the General Staff acted differently. The events of the first days of the war stirred parts and a change in subordination (including departmental) in July 1941. It happened very dynamically. More clearly, this picture will manifest, if the composition of the parts in more detail.

So, for example, the 397th artillery regiment, until its disposal, fought in the 95th Rifle Division, originally did not belong to it, and was part of the 82nd Stolongon.

The 26th frontier became the basis for the formation of one of the regiments of the 421st division, the rifle division, which fought as part of the seaside army. Division, which has never been listed as part of the Odessa Military District. But about this later.

Traditionally, it is considered that the seaside army was created on the basis of the seaside group of troops. Formally, this is the case, in fact, this statement is very controversial. On July 7, the Military Council of the Southern Front was created by a seaside group of troops, "As part of: 25, 51st and 150th rifle divisions and parts located on the Black Sea coast". In addition to these parts, it includes: 79th and 26th border detachments, Danube military flotilla, Odessa Naval Base, 69th Fighter Aviation Regiment. Those. In one compound, parts belonging to various delegations of drug addicts were reduced. Moreover, parts were not completely subordinated. The border materials, parts of the ChF, Danube Flotilla were transferred to the prompt submission of the Group's command. Those. Parts had double submission. Those. Sailors and border guards obeyed their command, and at the same time received orders from the command of the seaside group.

If we pay attention to the group, then only one division entered the future seaside army: 25th Chapaevskaya. In fact, it was the 14th Rifle Corps, reinforced by the 150th division from the 48th Corps. The events of the first days of the war, mixed the parts strongly, and made their adjustments to the arrangement of parts.

Directive of the commander of the South Front of July 18, the seaside group of troops was transformed into a seaside army, with a change in its composition. The seaside group of troops again took the 150th division (which stayed in the group of only 14 days). In fact, it turns out that the seaside army was formed on the basis of the 14th Rifle Corps, but with some changes.

14th rifle housing Was formed in November 1922 in the territory of the Ukrainian Military District. By the beginning of the war, the corps was located in the Odessa area. The Corps (Commander - Major General D. G. Egorov, deputy. According to Politchasti - Brigadier Commissioner G. M. Axelrod, Head of Staff - Colonel F. T. Rybalkchenko, Head of Artillery - Colonel N. K. Ryzh) included:

25th Infantry Division

51th Infantry Divisions,

265th and 685th corpus artillery shelves,

26th Separate anti-aircraft artillery division,

76th Separate Case Battalion

82nd Cabinet Sapper Battalion.

In addition to the 51st Perekop division and the 685th corps artpol (which were transferred to the 9th Army), all these parts were included in the Primorsk army.

During the fighting, changes were made inside the divisions: the 25th Chapaev division gave its 263rd regiment in the 51st CD, having received the 287th regiment from the same 51st.

In addition to them, the seaside army were transferred:

Newly formed 1st Cavalry Division (future 2nd CD, 2nd SD, 109SD)

82nd Tiraspol Strong

15th Separate Air Defense Brigade

In exchange for the 51st SD in the 9th Army, the seaside army received the 95th Moldavian division and a motorized pontoon battalion, previously submitted to the 35th corps. The complexity was that the division was transferred along with its 40 kilometer defense strip.

The first composition of the seaside army at the time of formation looked as follows:

Office of the seaside army (Virio Commander Lieutenant General N. E. Chibisov, Member of the Military Council - Division Commissioner F. N. Voronin, Head of Staff - Major General G. D. Sishenin, then Lieutenant-General of Sofrons, then Major General I.E. Petrov)

25th Chapaevskaya SD (Commander Colonel A.S. Zakharchenko until 20.08.43. from 20.08.43. to 3.10.41. I.E.Petrov, then T.Kolomiets) as part of:

31st Pugachevsky them. Furmanov, 54th them. S. Razina and 287th rifle shelves (until 08/20/41. Commanders Lieutenant Colonel Sultan-Galiev, Captain Kovtun-Stankevich, Colonel Zakharov M.V.), 69th Easy artpolk, 99th Gobichiki artpolk, 80th separate Explore, 105th separate sapper battalion, 52nd communication battalion, 323th anti-aircraft division, 164th anti-tank division, 47th Medicalbat, 89th motorway battalion, other military units.

As of the time at that time in the division there were: 15075 people, 15 tanks, 10 armored vehicles, 147 guns, 161 mortars, 169 machinery and 29 anti-aircraft machine guns. Division almost did not participate in the formation of the seaside army in the battles. Her losses until July 18, 1941. Aged 12 people killed 34 people with wounded 2 people with drowned.

-95th Moldavian SD (until 10.08.41. Vrio commander Colonel MS Sokolov, NSh Captain Sakharov, from 10/10/41 to 29.12.41. Major General V.F.Vorobyev). It was included in its composition: 90, 161 (Major Silver Commander) and the 241th Rifle Shelves, 57th Easy Artpolk (Commander-Major Filippovich), 134th Gabichic Artpolk, 13th Explosion (Commander Art Plc Long), 175th Zenitsky Division, 97th Separate Anti-Tank Division (Commander Captain Barkovsky), 48th Safety Battalion, 91st Communication Battalion, 103rd Medsanbat, 46th Motor Rota I.T.D.

Division at that time behaved the battle. Division losses were more significant but small. As of the formation at the time of the formation, it was listed: 14147 people, 12 tanks, 9broneautomotivers, 134 guns, 82 mortars, 123 machine tools, 26 anti-aircraft machine guns. Because of the failure to fulfill the task (which was, in principle, I was impossible to the allocated forces) The commander of the division Colonel Pashevich Alexander Ivanovich was removed from the command. He was replaced by the chief of the division headquarters.

-1-I cavdivia(Commander: Until 20.08.41. Major General I.E.Petrov, from 20.08.41 Colonel P.G.Novikov) 1st Cavdivia was originally a "light" cavdivision, its number (about 2 thousand contesions) was less The regiment of the "normal" formation, therefore the proportion of new, not personnel formations in the army was small. It includes the 3rd, 5th (commander Kn Parleen) and the 20th Cavipolki

-82-th Tiraspol Strong (Commandant - Colonel G. M. Kochenov, Head of Staff - Lieutenant Colonel R. T. Prasolov), had in its composition: 284 long-term fire facilities (262 machine gun and 22 artillery), in which 610 machine and 321 handmade machine guns were located, 47 guns Caponiary artillery. The garrison included three separate machine gun battalions with a number from 1600 to 1840 people, the 397th artillery regiment (36 pcs. 76mm of division guns), a spernaya company, the company's company, a number of smaller units. In addition, oddly enough, the composition of the 82nd Turner included a separate tank company with the 26th light tanks T-13M. In total, Turur had more than 10 thousand fighters. The exact number of this unit is difficult to specify, because After he was transferred to the seaside group of troops, it began to transfer the personnel and the match for the replenishment of the 25th CD and the formation of the 1st Cavdivia.

-265th corpus artpolk(Former Cabinet Art Plc of the 14th SC, commander Colonel Bogdanov). He treated the body of the 3rd type artpol. It consisted of 2 divisions of 107mm guns (24 guns) and a 152mm division of 152mm guns-20 (24 guns), the number of personnel is about 3.5 thousand people.

-69th fighter airlock (from the 21st Mixed Aircraft Division) Commander - major Shestakov

-15th anti-aircraft artillery brigade(commander Colonel Silekov ) as part of: 46th anti-airliner-artillery division 638th anti-aircraft artillery regiment. Directly the city from the northern, western and southern directions was covered by the 638th anti-aircraft artillery regiment, which had five tribady-binding divisions with 85-mm anti-aircraft guns and Poazo-3.

-26-th separate anti-aircraft arthdivizion

- 44th Motorized Pontoon Bridge Battalion.(from the 35th Corps)

- 47th Motorized Pontoon Bridge Battalion(Commander Art. Lt. S.Y. Barsukovsky)

-76-th separate corpus communication battalion

- 82nd corusculus sapper battalion.

- 247th Saper Battalion(from the 35th Corps)

- 388th Easy Engineering Battalion

- 138th Separate Engineering Battalion

-150th separate communication battalion

-45th Separate Battalion

- Management of the Commandant of the 83rd fortified district (from September 5, 1941, reformed in the 83rd management of military field construction)

-The management of military field construction number 5(Commander Milnagerger 3 rank Kulagin)

-136th spare army rifle regiment

Initially, the formed "army" in its number was a little more housing, which threatened it, but had a lot of auxiliary and attached parts, and new parts appeared in its composition. 07/31/1941 The commander of the Primorsk army was appointed Lieutenant General of Sofronov, who was before this deputy commander of the troops of the Baltic district. I started the seaside army earlier in the 9th Army Colonel Kedrinsky. On August 1, the commander of the Primorsk army, Lieutenant Lieutenant, Sofronov unexpectedly appointed commander of the Naval Base Zhukov by the head of the Odessa garrison.

Chapter 2 New Parts

It is worth paying attention to the fact that in addition to the 1st Odessa Cavdivia, which was formed in the Kotovsk region, all army parts were personnel, initially fully equipped with people and technology.

At the same time, the formation of new military units began, due to the available reserves. And reserves at the time there were still a lot.

Separate tank Rota(Commander Art. L-T G. Wengezko, then st.L-T Yudin). In the seaside army, this part appeared by the will of the case. At the end of July on Art. Separate stuck echelon with faulty and beaten in the battles in Moldova tanks of the 2nd Mecorpus. The road to Voznesensk was blocked, so Echelon was directed to Odessa. By August 5, 1941 Of the 12 faulty machines were able to repair six. During the raid on August 9, the tankers found in the area of \u200b\u200bMarinovovo's travel another echelon of chucks of tanks from the 16th Tank Division (2nd Mechkorpus), accompanied by crews. Echelon from the 12th BT, too, managed to send for repairs. The third echelon with a shot down tanks of the 11th Tank Division was able to repel and send to Odessa on August 12th. By the end of August, a tank company was formed (10 BT-7 cars) and the formation of an armored battalion was launched. In early September, 2-ROT was formed (5 BT-5 cars, 1 BT-2 car, 1 BT-7M car) by the end of the defense, it was possible to form a three-dimensional tank battalion (commander of Art. L-T Yudin). For 2 months of the Rembase Plant. January 44 cars of the following types were restored: BT-7 - 10 pieces, BT-7M - 2 pcs., BT-5 - 4 pcs., BT-2 - 1 pcs, T-26 - 2 pcs, T-20 - 8 pcs, BA-20 - 5 pcs, T-37 and T-38 - 12 pcs.

Construction parts2 of the Military Field Construction Management (OHPS) was decided to deploy on the basis of the states of the militarizers of the 82nd Tiraspol Street (82rd OHPS, the commander of the militant 2 rank of B. S. Nemirovsky) and the 83rd Odessa UR (83r-EHPS). The third OHPS was deployed on the basis of the construction of the Odessa District. The fourth office managed to create a little later due to the 2nd OHPS of the Southern Front from Moldova. It turned out to be the most numerous and consisted of 14 battalions, which, however, arrived in the city for a fairly long time.

On July 21, 1941, five construction battalions were formed at 1 thousand people in each ( 824, 827, 828, 829, 830 separate building battalions), And in addition, on July 25, another eight working battalions were additionally formed.

20th Separate Railway Recovery Battalion

29th Separate Road Operating Battalion

Armored train №22.(4x45mm guns of 12 machine guns) built by the railway station "IMAVSKY Uprising". He was commissioned on August 11, 1941 Equipped with workers factory.

Armored train №21 "Chernomorets" (2x45mm, 2x76mm 12 machine guns) built at Shipbuilding Plant No. 1

Armored Train "For Homeland!" (2x45mm, 2x76mm 12 machine guns) was released by the factory. October revolution.

Reserves for creating and replenishing parts has been disbanding the units of the Odessa Military District, not necessary for defense. In Odessa, were disbanded:

33rd Road Operating Regiment

182th local (guard) Rifle company

Departure Spare rifle battalion

64th off. machine gun battalion

45th Dep. Battalion VNOS.

21st and 22nd aeronautical surveillance troops

6th Zap. Sapper battalion

62nd Depth. Local Rifle Rota

19th Dep. Anti-aircraft arthdivizion (due to the loss of matching)

The list is solid, but contrary to the present representation, the defense of Odessa demanded great victims. In Soviet sources about the Romanian troops, he is written with disregard, apparently completely in vain. The losses of the Odessa defensive area were huge. As reported by the staffing department of the headquarters of the seaside army, "At the replenishment of the military units, the entire human composition suitable for military service, aged 18 to 55 years, was completely called up and sent to the military units."16 thousand people were called from Odessa. But this was not enough.

The bid was decided to entrust the replenishment of the Odessa defensive area of \u200b\u200bthe living force of the North Caucasus Military District. From August 30 to September 2, ten march battalions were landed in the Odessa port - 10 thousand fighters. For the week from September 5 to 12, Odessa received another fifteen battalions. The number of replenishment arrived from the Big Earth only in two weeks was 25,350 people. And just during the defense of the city in Odessa, 30,408 people arrived in Odessa, including 395 people of Middle Nachsostav, 2629 Junior Nachsostav and 27,386 people of the rank. Fleet sent six seafarers in Odessa, but ...

But the rifle pieces melted faster than the replenishment came. In order to replenish the rifle parts, engineering, construction and sperm parts began to use. In particular: the 44th separate motorized pontoon-bridge battalion - the 95th Rifle Division, the 388th Easy Engineering Battalion - the 25th Rifle Division, the 138th Separate Sapper Battalion amounted to the odor rifle reserve. At the final stage of defense, the personnel of all building battalions was used to replenish the rifle parts. In construction cyats remained only one company. The 47th separate motorized pontoon-bridge battalion was given the 421th rifle division ...

Stop. Up to this point, such a division number in the seaside army did not meet. In the list of parts formed in Odessa, really missed the connection: 1st Odessa Division (she 421st)(Commander-Combrig S.F.Monakhov), but this is done intentionally. The fact is that this compound only partially consisted of parts of the seaside army. The division was created on the basis of the "Combridge Group of Monakhov", had two shelves in its composition, but both of them were attached.

Consider its composition:

1330th regiment (he is the 1st marine) commander Colonel Ya.I. Osipov

1331th regiment (he is the 26th rifle regiment of the NKVD) commander Lieutenant Colonel Malovsky

The 54th rifle regiment (from the 25th division, was located 421th to 26.09.41)

The 1327th regiment (was at the initial stage of formation, was formed on the basis of the 47th motor-confonst battalion)

983th artpolk (in fact, never entered the division)

134th Gobichic ArtPolk (from the 95th Division)

688th Sapper Battalion (he is the 247th Cabinet Sapper Battalion of the 35th Case)

3rd regiment of marines (from 09/26/41, but a little later)

Those. The foundation of the division was two shelf. One regiment was "sea", the second was formed from parts of the NKVD. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the 1st Sea Regiment (which became the 1330th after receiving the division of the Union-Union Room) and the 26th Rifle Regiment of the NKVD (which became the division into operational submission was initially transferred to operational submission. After evacuation from Odessa, departments (NKVD and the ChF), they returned the allocated personal composition, because of which the shelves were in a very weakened state. Only the divisional parts and the 1327th regiment, the formation of which was not completed, were purely army.

26th rifle regiment of the NKVD (Commander Major NKVD Malovsky A.A.) An important reserve for the formation of new parts was part of the NKVD. The newly formed on the basis of the 26th Odessa border, the regiment, had a sufficient number of small armament, including two cannon (76mm) and two warm batteries. The regiment included parts of the NKVD: the 27th security railway regiment of the NKVD, the 79th frontier of the I.T.D. To replenish the shelf were disbanded: headway department of the NKVD headway, 249th off. The Konvoy Battalion of the NKVD, Odessa Point, a number of smaller parts of the NKVD.

Where did the sea regiment come from in the seaside army? As part of the seaside group of troops, the Odessa naval base was listed. On July 27, the commander of the Odessa naval base Council Admiral Zhukov received the telegram of the commander of the Black Sea Fleet October: "... Zhukov. Specially warn you. Regardless of the position on the land front, you should not disappear. Fight the base to the end. Understand this as a combat order: to defeat or die, but no waste. You have been banned. The base and ships of the fleet will fight to the end. No evacuation. Start training batteries and ships in shooting on land. Attract the strict responsibility of those who are going to take the base ... Sailors never retreated if the order does not disappear. "

But parts of the Ombert, as well as parts of the NKVD, were not included in the seaside army, but only enrolled in operational submission.

1-y.(Commander Major Morozov, from August 14, Miliatrener of the 1st Rank I. Osipov) and 2nd shelves of marine infantry. 2 naval regiments were formed to help the Primorsk Army in the Odessa Naval Base . Shelves they were more by name. In terms of number and armament, these were the battalions rather than the shelves were closer to battalions: 1,700 fighters got into one, in the other - about 700. The regiments included the school of younger commanders, and various coastal teams, and everyone, without anyone could do on Ship, batteries and communication posts. Small weapons in the Odessa VBM lacked, and therefore the request was given to Sevastopol. Sailors had their own supply, their army. Heavy weapons did not have these shelves. Only on August 10, the 1st Sea Regiment received a three-Russian 45mm battery of homemade guns (commander of the Art. L-T Luvak) The guns were made from the educational and practical barrels of the batteries of the 42nd Division. During battles, both shelf were merged into one.

Appeared during the defense of Sevastopol 28.10.41. "New" 2nd Black Sea regiment of Morpecot, to the Odessa 2nd regiment of Morphota did not have any relationship.

In addition to rifle units, other parts of the ChF took part in the defense of Odessa:

73rd anti-aircraft gun The Black Sea Fleet covered the Odessa Naval Base, as well as the city from the Eastern direction.

27th division of marine anti-aircraft gunsshe covered the waterproof station in Belyaevka, cracking plant and oilfield.

162th separate anti-aircraft machine gun battalion Together with the machine-gun battalion of the 73rd zenith artpolka, he was raised on the defense of the headquarters of the Odessa Military District, the station and stations of the Zavoy, commercial and sorting.

6th Separate Aerostate Bargent Bargeted Divisionin the night she covered the city with one squad from the northern direction, the second - from the southern, and the third is the most important objects within the city. The 21st separate searchlight battalion together with the searchlight of the 73rd anti-aircraft artpolta was created on the eastern, southeast and south-west directions.

Coastal Batteries OMB, incl. and mobile

When considering the composition of the 421st division, we met another name : 3rd regiment of marines. The regiment was created in Sevastopol on September 3, 1941, the regiment was formed under the command of Major Haricheva Peter Vasilyevich. .

September 21, 1941 Under the command of Captain's root of Kuzma Mefodievich. Cossack's bay was immersed on the ships and early in the morning September 22 landed in the rear of the eastern group of the Romanian troops, precipitated Odessa (district of Grigorievka). Three battalions were listed as part of the shelf:

The 95th division lost 1868 killed, 10,445 wounded, 209 sick, 3360 missing, I.T.D. Total about 16 thousand people. If in the rear and auxiliary parts of the divisions, the personal composition almost has not changed, then in the riflers l / s changed 3-4 times.

The 2nd Cavdivia (former 1-Odessa) was killed 210, 3029 was injured, was missing 1231, etc., only 4.5 thousand people, i.e. Personal composition in the division was changed twice.

The same picture in the 136th spare shelf, which was used as a common rifle division. In total, on the seaside army: 4.3 thousand were killed, 24.5 thousand were injured, 450 people were sick, 9.7 thousand people were missing, etc. Total loss of 40,427 people. It is worth paying attention to that these are minimum numbers in which the loss of disbanded military units are not taken into account. They do not have the replenishments entered into battle, "from the pier", i.e. Immediately after their arrival in Odessa. 250 miners who were introduced into battery per battery, arming only grenades, knives and sperm blades in official statistics, because Did not belong to any of the military units. And this is far from a single case.

Total from Odessa was taken out 86 thousand people. Of these, in Sevastopol 56 thousand. But ... The specified number of fighters and commanders includes both parts of the NKVD and part of the Black Sea operative Submission, which immediately upon arrival in Sevastopol were "seized" from the composition of the army. The question of the number of seaside army, selection of Vorontsiv, and the number of army returned to Sevastopol, was considered sufficiently detailed in the work of the "History of one digression". As for the structure of the divisions, it has changed much. If the 44th and 47th motor-touch battalions, a number of other parts appear on evacuation orders, a number of other parts, in the orders of the seaside army in the Crimea, they are almost never found.

The 69th airmall after the redeployment in Crimea almost ceased to exist, and the orders are not found, because It was disbanded on 10.29.41.

The 15th air defense team was disbanded in Odessa, September 1, 1941, part of its guns and personnel arrived in Sevastopol, where in rework, were included in the degree of air defense tools.

Upon arrival in Sevastopol, the seaside army was forced to start a rush rework, in order to fill the "seized" marine units and parts of the NKVD. The thing is that in Odessa, the sailors were not only as part of individual units (for example, the 1st regiment of Morpecot), but also as part of the army parts. So, for example, seafarers of 6 volunteer detachments went to replenish the regiments of 95-ysd. The 1st squad (commander of the detachment - Major A. Potapov) was part of the 161st regiment of the 95th SD.

2nd (commander - Captain I. Vestechikov), 3rd (commander - Major P. Tymoshenko) and the 4th (commander Captain A. S. Zhuk), detachments were transferred to the replenishment of the 90 and 241st regiments 95- SD, the 5th (commander - Captain V.V. Spilnyak) and the 6th (commander - Major A. Shchekin) detachments were alleged in the 25th SD. Upon return, these fighters were withdrawn into the fleet crew, and used to replenish a number of marine infantry formations, incl. The 3rd Morphotel (which remained in the city). The lack of personnel in divisions was replenished due to a spare rifle shelf, engineering, construction, sperm battalions, auxiliary parts, air defense parts.



Field Army Management

3rd sea regiment

Parts of combat

Rear parts

136th spare rifle regiment

Compass battalion

The 421th division was actually pulled by parts. NKVD took part of the personnel in the 184th Rifle Division of the NKVD, part of the fighters were sent to strengthen 23, 24, 25 border commandants. Sailors took the "their" personnel. The remains of the division, brought into two "regiments" of the 1330th and 1331th, each number near the battalion. The shelves were poured by a spernal battalion of the division (former 247th battalion), "undeformed" 1327th regiment, divisional parts. The 134th HAP moved to the front line on his own.

Primorsk army I formation Created July 20, 1941 on the basis of the South Front Directive of July 18, 1941 on the basis of the seaside group of troops.

Initially, its composition included the 25th, 51st, 150th rifle divisions, the 265th Cabulus Artillery Regiment, 69th Fighter Aviation Regiment and a number of parts of special troops. Leading heavy defensive battles with superior enemy forces, the army troops went away in the direction of Odessa. The directive of the BGK rate of August 5, 1941 was ordered to defend the city to the last opportunity.

Until August 10, he created defensive on the approaches to the city. All attempts by the 4th Romanian army master Odessa with the go to successfully reflected. From August 20, it was included in the Odessa defensive area, with the name "separate" and direct submission of the BGK rate. I had in its composition on August 20, the three rifle and cavalry divisions, two regiments of marines and detachments of the Black Sea Fleet seafarers. The army led the fighting against 17 infantry divisions and 7 enemy teams. On September 21, the army's troops stopped its promotion at 8 - 15 km from the city, having worked in interaction with the compounds and parts of the Black Sea Fleet for more than 2 months about 20 enemy divisions. Due to the threat of a breakthrough of the German troops of the Army Group "South" in the Donbass and Crimea, the TGC rate decided to evacuate the troops of the Odessa defensive area, including the Primorsky Army, in Crimea. This task was performed by the Black Sea Fleet and the Primorsk army in the period from October 1 to October 16, 1941

After concentrating in a new district, the army is subordinate to the command of the troops of the Crimea. In the second half of October, part of the forces took part in the defensive battle against the troops of the 11th German army and the Romanian corps, which broke into the steppe part of the Crimea. Leading heavy battles, the joints of the army went away to Sevastopol. On November 4, a Sevastopol defensive area was formed, in which, remaining in subordination of the troops of the Crimea until November 19, the seaside army entered. By this time, it consists of 25th, 95th, 172nd and 421th rifle, 2nd, 40th and 42nd cavalry divisions, the 7th and 8th marine infantry brigades, 81- A separate tank battalion and a number of other parts ranked defense on the approaches to Sevastopol.

From October 20, the Sevastopol defensive area was in operational submission of the Transcaucasian, from December 30 of the Caucasus, from January 28, 1942. Crimean fronts, from April 26, in direct submission of the Commander-in-West Direction. On May 20, the seaside army is included in the North Caucasus Front.

For 8 months, the army in cooperation with other troops heroically reflected numerous attacks of superior enemy forces, inflicted him a big damage and contributed to the breakdown of plans to seize the Caucasus. June 30, the enemy managed to break through to Sevastopol. Created a crisis position for Soviet troops.

From July 1, 1942, the significant losses of the connection and part of the Primorsk army on the orders of the NGC bet began to be evacuated to the Caucasus. On July 7, the seaside army disbanded, its compounds and parts were transferred to other armies.

Primorsk army II formation Created on November 20, 1943. Based on the Directive of the TGK rate No. 46201 of November 15, 1943 on the basis of the field department of the North Caucasian Front and the Troops of the 56th Army.

It includes the 11th Guards and 16th Rifle, the 3rd mining corps, the 89th Infantry Division, 83rd and 89th Sea Rifle Brigades, Tank, Artillery, Engineering, Aviation Connections and Parts. The army was subordinate directly to the rate of VGK and was called a separate seaside army.

By November 20, the 11th Guards and 16th rifle buildings were located on the Kerch bridgehead, the remaining army troops remained at the Taman Peninsula.

It was tasked with the task of expanding the Kerch bridgehead, to send it all the compounds and parts to it and prepare an offensive operation in order to liberate the Crimea.

From the end of November 1943 to January 1944, the army's troops conducted three private offensive operations, as a result of which they expanded the bridgeheads and improved their operational position. From February to the beginning of April, they were firmly held by the bombards occupy, improved them in engineering and engaged in combat training.

In April - May the army participated in the Crimean strategic operation. At first, he defeated the opponent's ariecard norther Kerch. Then, in cooperation with ships and aircraft of the Black Sea Fleet and with the support of the 4th air army on April 11, I freed Kerch. The next day, her troops were traded by Ak-monkey positions - the last reinforced border of the enemy defense at the Kerch Peninsula. Successfully developing the offensive, the connections of the army on April 13 liberated the Feodosia and with the assistance of the Crimean partisans - the old Crimea and Karasubazar (Belogorsk). Continuing to pursue the enemy, he freed Sudak (April 14), in cooperation with the troops of the 4th Ukrainian Front and with the assistance of the Crimean partisans - Alushta (April 15), Alupka and Yalta (April 16). On April 16, the opponent under the Sevastopol was reached on April 16.

On April 18, 1945, on the basis of the Directive of the TGK rate No. 220078 of April 15, 1944, it was included in the 4th Ukrainian Front and was renamed to the Primorsk army. By May 7, her troops led to the assault on the assault of the Sevastopol fortified opponent area. On May 9, after two-day fierce fighting of the army compounds in cooperation with the 2nd Guards and 51st armies troops, and Sevastopol was liberated by the Black Sea Fleet. The main forces of the army developed an offensive in the direction of Cape Chersonesos, where the enemy focused the most persistent parts from the remnants of German divisions and all cash artillery. By 12 o'clock on May 12, Chersonese was cleared of an enemy by the army troops in cooperation with the 19th tank corps.

On May 20, 1944, the Directive of the BGK rate No. 220098 of May 16, 1944 was derived from the 4th Ukrainian Front and renamed a separate seaside army with direct submission of the VGC rate. By the end of the war defended the coast of the Crimea.

At the end of July - early August 1945, the field administration of a separate seaside army was reformed into the Office of the Tavrichesky Military District.

OPA - GHG consisting of: 227 SD (Colonel Preobrazhensky Georgy Nikolaevich, he is the commander of PG), part of the forces 339 SD (Colonel Vasilenko Gabriel Tarasovich), part of the forces 383 SD (Major General Gorbachev Veniamin Yakovlevich), 257th Dep. TP (Lieutenant Colonel Soychenkov Andrey Spiridonovich); 244th Dep. TP (Lieutenant Colonel Malyshev Mikhail Georgievich); 29 separate Minbre (Colonel Popov Mikhail Nikolaevich).

"Lord, Lord you God! For what is it me? And where is it? Why?" He glanced at the operative sitting next to him. "Ask? I won't say. What did they know? What? Maybe for gasoline? Think, I sold one hundred liters. All cases. No, not for gasoline. For the seventh distributor. For jerked, this is a vodka that is damned. That is the most that He dreamed in Perovo. For sure. It was realized. But he will say. Everything will say. Whom he is to cover it! Pasha, Gada Mordasto, he, probably, for which money Haplaned, and he gave him three bottles of vodka. And why did he why? What do you do this time from this thousand? What can you buy? Putting Papiriot from hand - one hundred rubles. And maybe not for Pasha? Suddenly the neighbors gone away? Could. Especially this redhead, philologist, or what? Book worm, pascut envious. It was necessary to write to him where the books of German should be. So I regretted the children. Here's the science will continue. And what could he write about the products. Let them prove. They gave him a comrade of Pupies. He is not touched Everywhere hands. Friends. What if he refuses? Pavel something Egorovich? Then how? Then his mock. I'll tell you everything about bitch Blonde, and about products. Surely the end? How drank is good as I lived! Oh, what it is for me to be milk! It is necessary to keep silent. Who am I? Chauffeur. Working class. And if a neighbor said? The intellectual, bastard, he has a German book and the last name is also German. Grimfeld him last name. Wants to pump the proletaria. If Petka? Well, I drove, well, he gave me vodka, and I paid money to him. Who saw? No one. Who will prove? Petka? Corresponds to. It wants to confuse. And the fact that I did not give the coupons for this vodka? Punish. Judge. What if they are typing? Let be. The war is the end. While taught. You look, and everything. "

Kalinin passed by a strictly glanced policeman at him, and he became completely not good. The legs became like from the wool, the shoulders came up with a severity, as if he was sitting behind the Baranka for two days without rejecting, rushed to the throat, which prevented breathing. Not noticing anything, as in a dream, he rose to the second floor.

Sit here. - The operative showed him on the bench. - Sit down and wait for the call.

Kalinin is hardly dropped on a rigid wooden seat and sat down, meaninglessly looking along the corridor.


Nikitina, he met at the Cabinet.

Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, Witness Kalinin delivered.

And won on the bench. Couple releases.

What now?

For your stuffs took?

What other things? Nikitin asked blankly.

And what, he took him a little bit on "understood - I understood." And all things.

When I teach you that the witness is one thing, and ... Well, let's talk later. Five minutes later you deliver it to me.

Danilov entered the office, sat down at the table. Damn him knows, this Nikitina, what is the person! To love people, he will, of course, will not teach him, but respect forwards. Let even externally behave decently, as the police officer applies.

On the door knocked.

Sign in.

Nikitin stretched on the threshold.

Kalinin's chauffeur in your order was delivered. Allow me to enter, comrade lieutenant colonel?

Danilov considered Kalinina and thought: he was crying great. The chauffeur was not sitting on a chair, but walked on it like a quasch, limp and defenselessly.

Your last name?

Kalinin Vladimir Danilovich.

Does your car number?

My, yes? Mine?

Your, naturally, and calm down you. - Danilov got up and saw the head Kalinina jerked. "Lord," he thought, "it is necessary to be such a coward!" Ivan Alexandrovich poured a glass of water from the counter, handed the witness. - Drink and calm down.

Kalinin drank greedily, splashing water with shaking hands.

Well, calmed down?

I can, I barely squeezed.

Nat you a criminal code. Here is a ninety-five article. Check out. No, so we will not work. Well, I will have drained you! Keep yourself in your hands, you are in the end. Listen. Article Ninety Fifth Criminal Code RSFSR says:

"Obviously false denier judicial authority or other who has the right to initiate criminal prosecution officials, and equally a false testimony given by a witness by an expert or translator in the production of inquiry, investigators or trial in the case - imprisonment or correctional work For up to three months. "

Did you understand the meaning of the article?

Kalinin nodded again his head.

Perfectly. Please call the car number.

MT 51-50, - witnessing a witness.

Danilov seemed to say not Kalinin. In this limit, who lost control over himself, as if someone inserted a fixture similar to a broken old phonograph with erased rollers. You press the button, the worn spring begins to twist the roller, and something similar to the human voice comes into the pipe through the hiss and crack.

Come to the table and look at this photo, "did not say sharply - the Danilov commanded. He knew from experience that rigidity makes such people gather.

Kalinin got up, looked at Sudina's photo and nodded his head.

You know him?

Yes, - again they heard wheezing and hissing.

Calm down. And tell me, under what circumstances you got acquainted.

Who exactly?

This, which is in the photo, and colonel aviation. The hand raised. I stopped, brought them.

First, in Zacchensky, to this, then on the patriarching ponds, there a woman was taken - and in the commercial restaurant "Grand Hotel".

He was only once seen. And that's it.

And colonel? - Danilov strained internally.

Its often.

Where did you get?

In the "Grand Hotel" and the Patriarch, to this, then a woman, she sings there.

Where, on the patriarchs?

No, in the restaurant. Artist, it means.

Who is this colonel?

Did he tell you?

And I and the woman. In the car told.

Where does he live?

I do not know. Outside the city. In Saltykovka. I brought it there once.

Where exactly?

What is this woman's name?

Singer from the restaurant.

He called her Larisa.

In the Black Sea stronghold. A separate seaside army in the defense of Odessa and Sevastopol. Memories , Yet


Colonel V. P. Sakharov, Lieutenant-General E. I. Zhidilov, Colonel A. D. Kharitonov
In the Black Sea stronghold. A separate seaside army in the defense of Odessa and Sevastopol. Memories.

During the Great Patriotic War, a separate seaside army had an honor together with the Black Sea Fleet to defend Odessa and Sevastopol.

The defense of Odessa and Sevastopol took place in much conditions. It was carried out on isolated and blocked from sushi seaside bridgeheads, removed from the supply bases, with an insufficient aviation cover. The only ways of delivery on these bridgeheads of all necessary for life and the fight were maritime communications, which created extremely difficult conditions for maintaining defensive battles. Defenders of the city-heroes showed exceptional courage and durability and their unparalleled heroism, respect and admiration for not only the peoples of the Soviet Union, but also the whole world.

Time gives us from the heavy struggle with the fascist invasion, and therefore the word of participants and living witnesses of the heroic past is becoming increasingly important.

The authors of this collection are direct participants in the defense of two cities-heroes. In his memoirs, they reveal the pictures of the experienced in that severe, formidable year, talk about the glorious struggle of the compounds and parts of the army, show mass heroism and courage, resistance and dedication of its ordinary, command and political composition. From the read we learn about the many valiant affairs of our warriors, divisions and parts, affairs that have not yet been said or said very little. It is valuable that many authors reinforced their memories of archives and diaries that were conducted at that time.

I read these memories with great satisfaction. They deeply excited me, because I myself had a chance during the defense of Odessa and Sevastopol to be in the ranks of a separate seaside army as the head of her headquarters. Many large and small events of those days have emerged in memory.

The defense of Odessa is devoted to the meaningful memories of the former commander of the individual Primorsk army of Lieutenant-General in resignation of G. P. Sofronova, the former member of the Military Major General of the reserve F. N. Voronin. With the glorious deeds of the pilots of the 69th Fighter Airport introduces the readers of the Hero of the Soviet Union Colonel of the reserve A. T. Corstenko. The work of the former commander of the 95th division of Lieutenant General V. F. Vorobyov is published posthumously.

The largest part of the compilation materials is devoted to the defense of our troops in the Crimea and under Sevastopol. It tells well about the creation of an insurmountable defense and combat actions of the Primorye under this city of Russian Glory, the former commander of the army artillery army General Colonel, retired N. K. Ryzh. Special attention N. K. Redhead, naturally, pays artillery, revealing its role in the reflection of all three enemy storms. He brightly shows the close interaction and combat Commonwealth of the Army and Fleet, which was one of the most important conditions for the relic of Sevastopol.

In the first rows of defenders of Sevastopol and Odessa, the Communists and Komsomol members were always located. They wrote about them in his memoirs, the former head of the Army Political Detail General-Major L. P. Bocharov.

On the selfless loyalty of Soviet soldiers to the socialist Fatherland and the native communist party, about their combat values \u200b\u200bin the struggle for honor, the freedom and independence of our Motherland also say other authors and political workers.

Memories of participants in the defense of two cities-heroes, for the first time such widely illuminating the actions of a separate seaside army in the most difficult period of the Great Patriotic War will certainly bring much benefit. The cognitive and educational value of the collection is undoubtedly.

Marshal of the Soviet Union N. I. Krylov

Lieutenant-General P. Sofronov
Odessa bridgehead

The Great Patriotic War found me as a deputy commander of the arms of the North-Western Front. In July, they called to Moscow, to the head of the General Staff, General of the Army, K. Zhukov. He, without any prefaces, said that the commander of the Primorsk army formed on the South Front, and there is a proposal to send me there.

Position on the southern front is difficult, - the head of the General Staff continued. - It is possible that this army will have to link their actions with the Black Sea Fleet, staying in the rear at the enemy. Specifically - in the Odessa area. Odessa we need to keep, do not give the enemy to use it as your base on the Black Sea.

Protect Odessa is always ready, "I replied.

Georgy Konstantinovich interestedly looked at me, and I explained that in 1917 I had a chance to command a squad of revolutionary soldiers in Odessa, to suppress the rebellion of Gaidamaks. And in January - March 1918 was the head of the Socialist Army headquarters created in Odessa for the defense of the city from the Romanian-German troops.

It is good that the Odessa area is familiar to you, "the beetles smiled.

Obviously, considering the question of my appointment with solved, he briefly introduced me to represents the seaside army. Rather, what she should represent, for the army as such has not yet been.

On the left flank of the South Front, - said Georgy Konstantinovich, - allocated from the ninth army the Primorskaya group as part of three rifle divisions. She is deployed to the army. It will include five to six divisions. How the military will go there, to say it is still difficult. But just in case you need to prepare Odessa to defense surrounded. And when the conditions for the transition of the Red Army will be created in a counteroffensive, the seaside army will be able to promote his success, using its position on the enemy's flank ...