Entertainment scenario for children of the preparatory group dedicated to the Day of Slavic Writing. Scenario for the holiday "Slavic writing"

Entertainment scenario for children of the preparatory group dedicated to the Day of Slavic Writing. Scenario holding holiday
Entertainment scenario for children of the preparatory group dedicated to the Day of Slavic Writing. Scenario for the holiday "Slavic writing"

The festive bell ringing sounds.


On our broad Russia, Mother,

Bell ringing Split.

Now the brothers Saints Cyril and Methodius

For the works are glorified.

Remember Kirill with Methodius,

Brothers of glorious equivalent

In Belarus, Macedonia,

In Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Praise the brothers wisdom in Bulgaria,

In Ukraine, Croatia, Serbia.

All the peoples that they write Cyrillic

What is since ancient times by Slavyansky,

Glory the feat of the first points,

Christian enlighteners.

Today we will talk about our history, about the emergence slavic writing. Every year on May 24, Russia is celebrated the day of Slavic writing and culture. Without culture, letters, writing can not live a nation, people, state.

Tom in the cover of blue,
Familiar volumes
Pulse of Russia beats in them,
In them, life is eternal.
Page per page ...
Everyone will find the answer.
No, they do not dreamed
And after many years.

Writing is a real treasure that man mastered.

So in antiquity, people exchanged information, sending various objects to each other. Opened cumbersome and not particularly understandable. When people realized that they would exchange interlaced items - the thing was troublesome, they became these items to draw.

(Demonstration of rock paintings)

Such images were found on the walls of the caves, in which ancient people once lived. These are the first steps of a person to create writing. Gradually, people began to replace drawings with symbols.

(Demonstration of fascinated characters-letters)

The inscriptions were made on the stones, a rock, on the board. Of course, it was inconvenient to transfer such "letters" at distances, and it was possible to understand these signs in different ways.

There was time. Gradually, people moved to signs that began to be called letters. So the writing originated.

(Illustration with the image of Kirill and Methodius)

VIUE See the image of two brothers in the monastic robe. This is Cyril (in the world of Konstantin) and Methodius (in the world Mikhail). Right from the city of Soluni (Thessaloniki), which is located in Greece. Enlighteners of Slavs, the creators of Slavic ABC, preachers. They were so educated people. There was from the pious Slavic family, their father was a warlord. Cyril began to attend school from 8 years old, mastered Greek, latin language. Cyril and Methodius participated in combat campaigns, fulfilled diplomatic missions, translated books, were sent with the educational mission to Moravia. But the enlightenment of Slavs turned out to be impossible without books in their language. Therefore, Cyril and Methodius began to create a Slavic alphabet. On May 24, 863, the brothers announced the invention of the Slavic alphabet.

(Image: Alphabet. Glagolitz and Cyrillic)

The verbs and Cyrillic are the first Slavic alphabets. The name of the ABC "Glagolitsa" comes from the word verb, which means "speech". And "Cyrillic" is named after her creator. IN Ancient Russia The verbs were used to transmit church texts and existed for 3 centuries, and Cyrillic was used in household writing. In Cyrillic, 43 letters, subsequently, this alphabet has become the basis of the Russian alphabet.

(Image of the first books)

In 988, the Palace School of "Book Teachings" was opened in Kiev. Originated new Centr Book Culture, School connected Kievan Rus with European civilization.

Books in Russia were very expensive. They were made on parchment: the skin of the sheep was soaked in lime, dried, then rubbed the honey.

(Image: Berchini Diplomas)

In Russia, another material for the letter - Beresto has long been used. Signs on Beresta were applied bone rod.

From the 10th century on the basis of the verbs and Cyrillic in the Old Russian language the literature applies. Most often it was church books, teachings, scientists.

(Image:. Alphabet)

The appearance of the letters of the Slavic alphabet helps us see the world through the eyes of our ancestors. Each letter is individual, unique and has its name: lead, people, beech, az, earth.

The names of the letters were to remind people about such words that could not be forgotten: "Good", "live", "Earth", "People", "Peace".

"AZ" and "Buki". It turned out the word "alphabet".

They say in the people: "At first," Az "yes" Buki ", then and science." It is from the Azov that begins the path of each of us into the world of knowledge.

Guys, listen to proverbs about the benefits of exercise.

Who wants to know a lot, one must sleep.
Go to science - tolerate flour.
God's will stand behind, people live with science.
No flour and science.
Nothing to think - the eyelids.

Total 44, the sister letters look at us from an old scroll. It was they who became the basis of modern Russian alphabet.

(Image: Monuments Kirill and Methodius)

In honor of Chirill's enlighteners and Methodius, a holiday was established - the day of Slavic writing and culture. This holiday came to us from Bulgaria, where this tradition has been over 100 years old. To this day, on the eve of the holiday of Bulgarians, there are flowers to monuments Kirill and Methodius.

In our country, the holiday began to be celebrated since 1986. In 1992, the sculptor V.Klikov created a monument to Slavic enlighteners, Cyril and Methodius, which was installed in Moscow.

Russian language.
I love my native language!
It is understandable for everyone,
He singeh,
He, like the Russian people, Multicoligo,
As our power, mighty.
He is the language of the moon and planets,
Our companions and rockets,
On the round table
Talk to it:
Unequivocal and straight
He is like the truth itself.

On May 24, all of our people celebrates the holiday of Slavic writing and culture. On this day, a monument to Kirill and Methodius was opened in Moscow in Slavic Square. At the foot of this monument installed a non-day-free lamp - the sign of eternal memory. Since then, every year on May 24, we celebrate Cyril and Methodius.

It is a pity that the holiday of Slavic writing we began to celebrate with a big delay, because in others slavic countries This day is celebrated long ago, in many ways, very colorfully and truly festive.

(38 Slide. Saints Cyril and Methodius)

Solun brothers Kirill and Methodius are the pride of the entire Slavic world. They said: isn't the sun shine for everyone, isn't it raining for everyone, isn't it all feeding the earth? All people are equal, all people are brothers, all the same in front of the Lord, and everyone needs a gram. Orthodox Church Brothers Kirill and Methodius ranked saints.

Two brothers, Cyril and Methodius,
Thanks want to tell you
For the letters that we really need
To teach us to read.

Ekaterina Malygin

Municipal Autonomous Secondary Institution

"Secondary school № 2 Nemman" before

Entertainment« Day of Slavic writing and culture»

for elder children preschool age .

Prepared and spent:

Malygina E. A.

purpose: To acquaint preschool children with Slavic culture.


1. Continue the formation of interest and respect for the native culture.

2. Develop cognitive interest, expand the horizon.

3. To introduce it staroslavan alphabet;

4. Pay attention children To the importance of each letter Cyrillic

5. Educating love for the Motherland, a sense of patriotism, pride for the country in which we live, respect for folk traditions.

Event flow:

Educator B. folk costume Enters the gym


On our broad Russia, Mother,

The bell ringing is bottled.

Now the brothers Saints Cyril and Methodius

For the works of their own glorified.

Remember Kirill with Methodius,

Brothers nice equivalent,

In Belarus, Macedonia,

In Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Praise the brothers wisdom in Bulgaria,

In Ukraine, Croatia, Serbia.

All the peoples that they write Cyrillic

What is since ancient times slavyansky,

Slavyat. feat of the primer

Christian enlighteners.

The festive bell ringing sounds. Children snake enter the hall and stop the face to guests

Russola, serubly,

Face all bright and heart glorious.

Treesch, Rusichi, slavs

Tell me who we are?

Children (chorus) We - slavs!

His article all the priesthood

All different and all similar

I now know the Russians,

Since sincerrove?

Children (chorus) We - slavs!

We honor birchovolnaya birch

We love our free lys.

I call Oli, Masha, Tanya

Tell me who we are?

Children (chorus) We - slavs!

Bell ringing sounds. Children sit down to the seats.

The teacher comes out with a scroll in his hands.


Hello, nice to our guests, soberous cute deubs. I will tell you about the Holy Rus, about distant times, you are unknown.

We lived - there were well-good kinds, the colorsavitsa red maiden girls. And they had good matushki, bearded wise bassushki. They knew how to plow so mow, home-termes chopped, knelling and canvases to weave, to embroider them with patterns. Here are the letters of our ancestors did not know, I could not read books letters write.

(Slide 2) And there were two enlighteners on Russia, the brothers wise Cyril and Methodius. They were from the Macedonian city of Soluni. Cyril studied theology and taught philosophy. He was nicknamed by a philosopher, and in Russian sage. Since childhood, he dreamed of writing books, understandable slavanym. He began to help methodius elder brother. For a long time, they listened to Russian, and then they began to record it. And they came up with the initiatives, and of them were the alphabet. (Slide 3)

Reveals the scroll, shows the alphabet. Slide 4.

Sounds hor. « Single» From the opera M. I. Glinka "Ivan Susanin".

Educator What is the name of this alphabet?

Children (chorus) Cyrillic!

Educator And why is it so named?

Children in honor of Cyril, her creator.

Educator Look more closely on these letters.

Do they remind you already familiar to you letters?

Educator every letter in ancient slavyanskaya The alphabet was special. She had her name.

Listen to how it sounds ancient alphabet: Az, beech, lead, verb ...

The names of letters reminded people about their life:

"good", "people", "land", "Peace" etc.

Today we will revive these stainless Letters and learn about their meaning.

An excerpt of the choir sounds « Single» M. I. Glinka.

Children take letters and take turns

It comes out a child with a letter.

Reb BUT (Lisa) Hello children! My name is AZ. Name words that begin with this letter.

Children list.

The child comes with the letter.

Reb B. (Pasha) My name is Buki. Remember how much good words Starts with this letter.

Children list.

The tutor, dear letters, fell a great honor to stand at the beginning of our alphabet. In the people speak: "First "AZ", "Buki", and then all sciences. " With the knowledge of Azov begins the path of each of you into the world of knowledge! And another letter hurries to us.

A child runs out.

Introduce youreself!

Reb My call is "Hold"! I know everything, I know everything about everything.

Guess my riddle:

She is richer than all in the world

They run on it, children rushing.

And in the spring it is all in color,

And so beautiful at dawn.

And feeds all people in the world.

What is it? Tell me, children. (Land) Slide 5.

Horticulture "Land in Chernozem"


And we will continue to familiarize slavic ABC.

Sounds a chora fragment « Single» M. I. Glinka.

A child runs out.

Reb R Hello, Children! I'm letter "Verol". Glombing, meaning

speak. But before talking, you need to think prey.

People said in the people: "Polvish - do not turn, and would be expensive for

loudly, but do not buy. "


In Russia, always respected those who were trained by a diploma - able to read and write. And many proverbs about it lay. And now we will check how you know proverbs:

Who reads a lot, he knows a lot

We will tell the book, you'll get a mind.

More competent, smaller fools.

Written in pen, do not cut down the ax

Who is a lot of literacy, this is not the abyss.

Educator: See, another letter is in a hurry.

A child runs out.

Reb D good day! My name is "Good".

What do you have a good name! Good.

Reb D Slide number 7

Kindness is the best feature of the character of a person.

Good to be not at all just

Does not depend good growth

Does not depend a kindness of color

Kindness is not a gingerbread, not candy.

Just need to be very kind to be

So that in trouble do not forget each other.

And peoples will live together

If we are good with you.

Kindness brings joy to people

And in return does not require award.

Kindness over the years not street,

Walked from the cold will warm.

If the kindness like the sun shines,

Adults and children are rejoiced.

Educator: Iz "ABC" A new guest goes to us!

A child runs out.

Reb L Hello, Children! I'm letter "People"!

People, do you live in Lada?

Look and love?

The radiant sun is not divided into parts,

And the eternal land can not be divided,

But sparkling of happiness

You can, you must

You are able to give friends to friends.

Dance "Friendship"

Educator: Meet, a new letter goes to us.

A child runs out.

Reb M Hello, my name is "Think".

About my wisdom knows for a long time.

Try to guess my puzzles:

1. Although not a hat, but with fields,

Not a flower, but with the root,

Talking with us

Patient language. (Book)

2. The first book for kids.

He teaches - torment, but he will teach - pleases. (ABC)

3. Black, curves,

From born all dumb.

Will be in a row -

Now focusing. (Letters)

The educator is hissing letters,

There are letters whistling,

And only one of them

Letter lever.

A child runs out.

Reb R Slide 8.

Hello children! I'm letter "RCS"!

No wonder I am proud of myself,

After all, I start the word "RUS '".

In the heart you have everyone

Homeland - Russia!

White birrors,

Colosum pillow.

No excuse you

No you beautiful

No other in the world

Motherland such!

Reb Rus talents rich

Rus talents strong.

If you are singing guys,

So she will live.

Song "Grose" (Children diverge throughout the carpet, after the song pass on chairs)

Thank you, letters, you teach us beauty, kindness, wisdom.

Thanks to the Holy Brothers Kirill and Methodius, that they gave us slavic ABC . 43 Sister letters look at us and invite to further acquaintance. But it will be the next time. Now meet the modern Russian alphabet.

Music sounds. Slide 10.

Comes Russian alphabet.

Russian language.

I love my native language!

It is understandable for everyone,

He singeh,

He, like the Russian people, Multicoligo,

As our power, mighth.

He is the language of the moon and planets,

Our companions and rockets,

On the round table

Talk to Nya m.:

Unequivocal and straight

He is like the truth itself.


We surely serve

You are one of the sons.

So grow so that you are needed

Roads homeland your!

Waiting for your work award -

The goal is beautiful away,

But it is necessary to look around

On the way that we passed.

Nothing is better

Mute your homeland!

Look at our ancestors,

On the heroes of past days!

Remember them good word -

Slava name, harsh wrestlers,

Glory to our side!

Glory to Russian stainer!

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Programmer's secondary comprehensive school»

Kursk region

Holiday script

"Day of Slavic Writing and Culture"


teacher primary classes

Eremenko V.D.

Spent: Eremenko V.D.

Fedorenko I.N.

Sukhuivanova G.S.

Purpose: Rise love to the motherland, a sense of pride for the country in which we live, respect for folk traditions.
Continue the formation of interest and respect for native culture, show her relationship with Slavic culture.
To acquaint children with the history of the creation of the Slavic alphabet and its founders - Brothers Kirill and Methodius.
To draw the attention of children to the importance of the names of each letter of Cyrillic.
To form in children the idea of \u200b\u200bthe similarity and difference of modern alphabet and Cyrillic.

Equipment: Slavic alphabet; Stand with books about Slavic writing; portraits of Cyril and Methodius; musical accompaniment.

For a merry Russian people's melody, children enter the hall, perform rebuilding, get a semicircle. (Slide 1)
Teacher: Guys, today we go on a journey, but not by cities and countries, but on a time trip. We will look into the distant past of our country.
We live in a country that is surprising beautiful name - Russia!
- What is the name of our country, where do we live with you? (children's responses)
Many years ago, Russia was called differently - and inhabited by its Slavs, our distant ancestors. These are people who lived many, many years ago, these are grandparents of our grandparents and grandmothers. The ancestors called themselves the Slavs, the beginning of Russia.
And this means that Slavs are a nice people.
Dear Guys! Every year all Slavic countries old tradition May 24 celebrate a holiday dedicated to the brothers who created Slavic writing - Kirill and Methodius. Brothers Methodius and Kirill were Orthodox monks. Living in the Greek Monastery, they created a new alphabet for slavic peoples: "Cyrillic" and "Glagolitsa". In 1991, a holiday appeared in our country slavic culture and writing. (Slide 2)

On the broad Russia - our Mother -
The bell ringing is bottled.
Now the brothers Saints Cyril and Methodius
For the works are glorified.

Remember Kirill with Methodius -
Brothers nice, equivalent
In Belarus, Macedonia,
In Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia.
Praise the brothers wisdom in Bulgaria,
In Ukraine, Croatia, Serbia.

All the peoples that they write Cyrillic
What is since ancient times by Slavyansky,
Glory the feat of the first points,
Christian enlighteners.

Rusolay and seruly
The face is all bright and glorious heart,
Trees, Rusichi, Polyana,
Tell me, who are you?
We are Slavs!

His article all the priesthood
All different and all similar
You are called now - Russians,
Since ancient times, who are you?
We are Slavs!

Let's go on a little journey on the locomotive into the past to find out how writing developed.
Children sit in the "train" and under the song traveling to the station. (Slide 3)

1 station. "Primitive." Shark symbols - letters, hieroglyphs.
Slide 4.So in antiquity, people exchanged information, sending various objects to each other. Opened cumbersome and not particularly understandable. When people realized that they would exchange interlaced items - the thing was troublesome, they became these items to draw.
Slide 5..This images were found on the walls of the caves in which ancient people had ever lived. These are the first steps of a person to create writing. Gradually, people began to replace drawings with symbols.
Slide 6.. The inscriptions were made on the stones, a rock, on the board. Of course, to transfer such "letters" at distances was difficult and understanding these signs could be different.
Slide 7. - went time. Gradually, people moved to signs that began to be called letters. So the writing originated.
Children get into the train and go on. (Slide 8)

Slide 9.. 2 station. "Historical". Cyril and Methodius. Glagolitsa and Cyrillica
Leading: I will tell you about the Holy Rus, about distant times, you are unknown. There were also well-how well done, color awards - the marsh of the maiden. They knew how to plow so mow, home-termes chopped, knelling and canvases to weave, to embroider them with patterns. But the letters our ancestors did not know, did not know how to read the books and write letters. And the brothers wise Kirill with Methodius were on Russia. (Slide 10) Younger brother Cyril dreamed of writing books, understandable to the Slavs, and for this it was necessary to come up with letters. Years have passed. The brothers grew up, learned. But the dream of creating a Slavic alphabet did not leave the younger brother. He worked a lot. And the Alphabet was ready. He began to help the elder brother of Methodius. Cyril and Methodius performed a great deal! This event happened a long time ago.
The teacher shows Cyrillic - Slavic alphabet, emphasizing that the names of letters had to remind people about the words that could not be forgotten: "Earth", "Life", "Good", etc. (Slide 11)
Each letter in the ancient Slavic alphabet was special. She had a name.

Listen, how the old alphabet sounds: az, beech, lead, verb, good, earth, people ... The names of letters were supposed to remind people about such words that could not be forgotten: good, live, earth, people, peace. Let these vintage letters now revive with our big magic alphabet.

The letters of az and beech are included.

AZ. Hello children! Guess what I am the letter? (AZ!)

That's right, my name is AZ. Name the words that begin with me. (Watermelon, Africa, Pharmacy, Aquarium, etc.)

Buki. And now guess what my name is? (Buki)

Buki.True, my name is Buki. Remember how much delicious words Start with my letter. Name them. (Bublik, Bun, Baranca, Sandwich, Pancake, etc.)

AZ. And now name us in order. (ABC)

Lead 1.. It turned out the word "alphabet". You, dear letters, fell a great honor to stand at the beginning of our alphabet. They say in the people: "First az and beech, and then science." With Azov, the path of each of you in the world of knowledge begins. Guys, remember the proverbs about the benefits of the exercise. ("Hours - light, and unacceptable - darkness", "For one scientist two, they are unaccustomed, and they do not take", "Web live - a century and learning")

Lead 2.. And another letter hurries to us. Introduce youreself!

Vedi. Hello children! My name is visiting. I know everything, about everything I know.

Lead 1.

Hy then listen to my riddle.

On the glade girl

In white shirts,

In green heals. (Birch)

Children get up in the dance and sing the Russian People's song "There was a Berezonka field."

Lead 2.. We will continue to get acquainted with the Slavic alphabet.

Verb. Hello children! I'm a legend letter.

Lead 1. What is your beautiful name! What does it indicate? What do you think guys? (Speak)

Lead 2.. Right, verbat - it means to speak. But before talking, you need to think thoroughly. The people said: "Polly - do not turn, and would be expensive for the word, but do not buy." So you, dear verb, you need to listen to the riddle, think and give the right answer.

Patch on the patch,

And not a single stitch. (Cabbage)

Lead 1.. See, another letter is in a hurry!

Good. Good afternoon, children! My name is good.

Lead 2.. What you have good name! Kindness is the best feature of the character of a person.

Reader 1.

Good to be not at all just

Does not depend good growth

Does not depend a kindness of color

Kindness is not a gingerbread, not candy.

Just need to be very kind to be

So that in trouble do not forget each other.

And peoples will live together

If we are good with you.

Reader 2.

Kindness brings joy to people

And in return does not require award.

The kindness over the years does not age.

Walked from the cold will warm.

If the kindness like the sun shines,

Adults and children are rejoiced.

Lead 1.. And to us from the alphabet there is a new guest!

People. Hello children! I am a letter people.

People, you live in Lada,

Lask and love are carrying.

The radiant sun is not divided into parts,

And the eternal land can not be divided,

But sparkling of happiness

You can, you must

You are able to give friends to friends.

Children sing the song "If good you" (Muses B. Savelieva, Sl. M. Pestankovsky).

And what do you think, how many books were at that time? Why? (Children's responses).
At that time, the books wrote from hand, one book wrote for several years. Many wanted to read the books, but there were very few of them, so people began to think how to simplify this process. (Slide 12)
And now listen to the story. In one Russian village there was a boy Vanya Fedorov. His father rewritten the books, was a scribe, and Vanya saw how difficult it was. I wanted to make a printed car so that you can print a lot of books so that people from books have learned a lot of wisdom. To print a book, it was necessary to first cut the letters. Capital letters were beautifully decorated. (Slide 13)
We go to the next station. (Slide 14)

3 station. "Music - Game." Folk games. (Slide 15)
Teacher: Yes, what kind of beauties is rich in Russian land: long braids, bright sundresses, multicolored, motley handkerchiefs. And not to play with them now interesting game? Disassemble, people, handkerchiefs, go out in a circle.
Held music game "Pass the scarf" by choice
Who remained the handkerchiefs in the circle and dancing, the rest repeat.
Song "My Russia"
Slavs worked a lot, but loved, and have fun, loved to sing songs and driving away


And we go to the next station. (Slide 16)

4 Station "Fabulous - Zagalkno"(Slide 17)
1) 33 sisters sat on the pages.
They sat the row, do not silent, we say riddles.
If you know their secret, then you will find any answer. (Letters)

2) She says silently, but understandable and not boring.
You talk more often with her, you will become twirrow. (Book)
3) the first book where the letters are studying,
How do you call it? (Primer)

Letter to the letter - will be the word
The word to the word is ready.
And singing and slim,
She sounds music.

So send these letters!
Let them come to children,
And let it be famous
Our Slavic alphabet.

Proverbs read children
Mind without a book, like a bird without wings.
What is written in pen, do not cut down the ax.
Do not red Bird Feather, Krasnoy Mel.
A good book read not in a burden.
Impact of the century growing man.
Gold is mined from the ground, and knowledge from the book.
Not for the benefit of the book to read, if only the tops are enough in them.
The word said was yes no, but written lives a century.
In vain work without a hook and learn without a book.
Book for mind that warm rain for shoots.
The book is happiness decorates, and in misfortune comforts.
Bread nourishes heat, and the book nourishes the mind.

We read a lot of books: stories, poems. But from the itself early childhood We all love fairy tales.

What fairy tales do you know? And let's check? (Slide 18)

1) Girl good in a fairy tale
The grandmother in the forest went to the guests.
Mom has sewed a beautiful hat
And the pies did not forget with them.
What kind of lape girl.
What is her name? … (Little Red Riding Hood)

2) I'm a wooden boys
Here and the key is golden!
Friends all of them with me.
Everywhere I bless me long,
My name ... (Buratino)

3) Three live in the hut,
There are three chairs and three circles,
Three cribs, three pillows.
Guess without a prompt
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (Three Bears)

4) in the forest dark on the edge,
We lived together everything in the hut.
Mom children waited,
The wolf house was not allowed.
This fairy tale for the guys ... (wolf and seven goats)

5) performed three wishes,
But an old man in punishment
For old old mistakes
All back took ( gold fish)...

6) grandma old, grandma ancient,
Black cat, bone leg,
In Russian fairy tales of the villain first.
Children, it is (Baba Yaga) ...

Lead 1.. Well done boys! All the riddles guess.

Reader 1.

Wise men have long known:

Where intelligent thoughts are closely

There is no envy nor boredom.

Masters there on all hands.

Sew, cook and draw,

Single singing and dance.

We traveled from the past to the present and learned how difficult it was created, a lot of people worked on its creation, she was our true friend, And a lot teaches us, according to this, let's take care of the book.
Here are the guys, and ended our fabulous journeyI suggest to sit in my place and go back to school. (Slide 19)

Two brothers, Cyril and Methodius,
Thanks want to tell you
For the letters that we really need
To teach us to read. (Slide 20)

Look at our ancestors,

On the heroes of past days!

Remember their goodwalk -

Glory to them, harsh fighters ...

Everything (chorus).

Glory to our side!

Glory to Russian antiquity!

Lead 1.. Our holiday is finished. Thanks for attention!

Scenario of the holiday timed to the day

Slavic writing

Multimedia - Festive Screensaver

For a merry Russian people's melody, children enter the hall, perform rebuilding, get a semicircle.

Leading: Dear Guys! Every year, all Slavic countries on the old tradition of May 24 celebrate a holiday dedicated to the brothers who created Slavic writing - Kirill and Methodius. Brothers Methodius and Kirill were Orthodox monks. Living in the Greek Monastery, they created a new alphabet for Slavic peoples: "Cyrillic" and "Glagolitsa".

Multimedia - Image of Cyril and Methodius

Child 1: On the broad Russia - our Mother

The bell ringing is bottled.

Now the brothers Saints Cyril and Methodius

For the works are glorified.

Child 2: Remember Kirill with Methodius,

Brothers of glorious equivalent

In Belarus, in Macedonia,

In Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Child 3: Praise the brothers wisdom in Bulgaria,

In Ukraine, Croatia, Serbia.

All the peoples that they write Cyrillic

What is since ancient times by Slavyansky,

Glory the feat of the first points,

Christian enlighteners.

Child 4: Rusolay and seruly

The face is all bright and glorious heart,

Trees, Rusichi, Polyana,

Tell me, who are you?

All: We are Slavs!

Performed by Anthem Cyril and Methodius

Children sit in place

Multimedia - Painting of the Americans

Leading: Guys, now, thanks to the wheel of the story, we will fall in the distant century, to our ancestors. In those days, Vasilisa was beautiful on Earth, Vasilisa was wonderful, and the evil was created by the serpent of Gorynych, the nightingale of the robber, and the blasphemous.

Vasilisa lovely and Koschey Immortal appears in the hall in the hall. He pulls her hands into his kingdom of evil.

Koschey: Ah, it's you came here ...

Well, you found your death!

I am misunderstanding my name

Always win me waiting!

And in vain now you are tormented by

You will not get Vasilis!

She should be mine

And she will be my wife!

Under the music of wagon leaves. Vasilisa remains in the kingdom.

Leading: Guys, I think we need to help you out from captivity Vasilisa beautiful. Look, she prepared a message for you to unravel. I suggest you divide the team of the older group and preparatory. Ready? Then forward!

There is a game "Collect Message by Letters"

Children are divided into two teams, each envelope with letters. Task: Collect the words "save".

Leading: You absolutely solved the message. And now it's small, who will save our beauty from captivity? Of course, Russian Bogati: Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich and Dobrynya Nikitich. And here they are, meet!

Multimedia - "Three heroes"

To the music of the song "Bogatirskaya Silhushka Our" in Zade appear hero, Save Vasilisa.

The game "Dopsy missing element" is held

Children are divided into two teams, each has its own easel on which the task. Task: add missing elements to get letters.

Leading: Yes, you taught us a mind - reason! And on the joy of such

Hey, musicians, quick

Play us hollow!

And you, girls, break,

His delets show us!

Executed dance with scarves

Leading: Yes, what kind of beauties is rich Russian land: long braids, bright sundresses, multicolored, motley handkerchiefs. And not to play with them now in an interesting game? Disassemble, people, handkerchiefs, go out in a circle.

The music game is held "Pass the scarf" by choice

Children sit in place

Leading: And this is what a cry, what kind of gam, it seems, someone is in a hurry to us.

A buckle with a bag and balalaica appears to the music in the hall.

Skomoroch: Oh, oh, oh, grief, then what, again I was late for the holiday. And missed the most interesting.

Leading: Do not worry, Guest is dear, we have a holiday in full swing.

Skomoroch: Then I am calm that there are not all the songs of the Songs, but not to play all the games. Do you have to be koving on the holiday?

Children: Yes!

Skomoroch: Then I start: Taras - bars, bars - Vary, Tuki - Duks, sticks - rolls - a tree from simple to sound.

Educators bring two trees to the middle of the hall with letters.

This is what I tried, well done, straight wizard. Instead of leaflets, the letter has found. And let's play with them now. Ready? Then I propose to all divide into two teams.

The "Sound Tree" game is held.

Children are divided into two teams. Each is a tree with letters. Task: pick up necessary pictures To the letters that are on the tree.

Skomoroch: I came to you for a holiday not with empty hands, but with a magic bag, in which the ancient Russian book of riddles is located. Do you know how to guess riddles?

Children: Yes!

Skomoroch: Then listen carefully

The first mystery: 33 sisters sat on the pages.

They sat the row, do not silent, we say riddles.

If you know their secret, then you will find any answer. (Letters)

Riddle Second: She says silently, but it is clear and not boring.

You talk more often with her, you will become twirrow.(Book)

Third mystery : First book, where letters are you studying,

How do you call it?(Letter)

Fourth mystery: Without legs and without wings it

Quickly flies, you will not catch it up.(Time)

Fifty mystery : Not on moderation, not by weight,

But all people have it.(Mind)

Mystery Six: The wall has a big and important

The house is worth a multi-storey.

We on the lower floor of all residents read already.(Bookcase)

Skomoroch: Now I suggest you play a little with my magic bag. Please get up, please, in the circle, and listen carefully the rule of the game: I come to one of you and suggest to lower your hand in the bag, you find the subject in it that should describe in your own words. Ready? Then begin!

The game "Magic Pouch"

Children sit in place

Children get up in a circle, the bogger comes to some child and asks to lower his hand into the bag, after the child took the subject in his hand, he must explain his essence in his own words.

Skomoroch: What are you smart and clever guys, only such can live in modern Russia. And what is she now? Tell me, please!

Multimedia - Panorama of Russia

Leading: Russia is seven blue seas; Mountains crowned with white ice; Russia is endless forests, meadow carpets. Russia is the country of unheard of richest treasures that are taught in her deaf depths. Russia is the country of Byzantine domes, a stall and blue incense, which ride from the Great and fascinated heiress of Rome - Byzantium, the Second Rome, and give Russia the unheard of beauty, captured in Russian art.

Child 6: No edge in the light of beautiful

No Motherland in the world of light!

Russia, Russia, Russia, -

What could be a heart mile?

Child 7. : Who was equal to you?

Tolerated the striking anyone!

Russia, Russia, Russia, -

We are in Mount and Happiness - with you!

Child 8. : Russia! Like a blue bird

We save you and honor

And if you break the border,

We will protect you!

Child 9: And if we suddenly asked us:

"And what the country is the country?"

- yes, for all of us Russia,

Like my mother, one!

Performed song about homeland

Skomoroch: Yes, they did not translate on Earth people who love their fatherland, their homeland. Russia continues to be fulfilled by knowledge, yes the skills. Today you guys have deserved excellent praise and gifts. But where they will tell us now, my magic key, which I will open this chest.

The crude opens the chest, the educators distribute gifts to children.

Leading: So our holiday approached the end. In conclusion, I would like to say to you, dear guys: "Take care of our tongue, our beautiful Russian language, this treasure, this is the wealth, transferred to us by our predecessors! .. Contact with this powerful tool; in the hands of skillful it is able to make wonders "

Child: We are grateful to Enlightenment.

Science - Sun, Gray Soul!

The hand of fathers is blessed

Go to the story of bold!

Child: The fate of us revived

Creators of Methodius and Kirill,

Names their time did not forget

The people of Slavic did not forget.

To music, children are built into the group

Anna Petrishenko
Classes with children of senior preschool age "Day of Slavic Writing and Culture"

Purpose: Educating love for homeland, respect for folk traditions.


Give knowledge of Cyril and Methodius, as founders of Slavic writing.

Become acquainted with the Old Slavonic alphabet;

To form in children the idea of \u200b\u200bthe similarity and difference of the modern and Slavic ABC;

To form moral and aesthetic attitude towards the world around the world.

Methods and techniques:

Activation of various analyzers:

verbal ( artistic word, conversation, question-answer, problematic issues)

game (movable, surprise moment)

practical (entertaining exercises, reading proverbs, poems, dynamic pause, reflection)

Equipment: Demonstration: Alphabet, Computer Presentation; a rock; shallow wax, sheets of paper; Shows books.

Music design: Musical accompaniment

Preliminary work.

Cognitive development: Excursion to the library, viewing books

Speech development: learning poems and proverbs on the subject of classes

Node move:


(Shows the children of the alphabet.)

What is it? (book, alphabet, tutorial)

What is it needed for? (children teach the letters on it, learn to read)

All letters together as they are called (alphabet)

Alphabet - our best friend, Knish everything in the world!

Letters have a lot around, they teach them all children.

Why do we need letters? (We can communicate with each other at a distance - write a letter, learn new from books and magazines)

How did the letters appear? Now I will tell you how writing appeared.

Long ancient people transferred to each other information, drawing animals, scenes hunting on rocks and stones. These were the first steps of a person to create writing. (Slide)

Later, people began to replace drawings with symbols. That information is preserved longer, primitive people They knocked out to beat animal silhouettes and symbols on the rocks with a sharp stone. (Slide)

So we have a stone from the past. Let's try to leave some message to leave anyone. (In the hall a large stone. Children on it are trying to carve sign)

Is it easy to send a message and deliver it to destination? (No, he is heavy, knock out the drawing is difficult and long)

That's right, so people began to write on the material that is easier to find or manufacture. People began to write pointed chopsticks - they were called writing. Instead of paper used wax boots and birch birch bark. (Slide)

There was time. For replacing, they came goose feathers and paper (slide)

Listen to the history of the appearance of the ABC.

Long ago, our ancestors were treated with the land, the farm was built, the canvas were built, embroidered, but did not know the books and letters to write books. In those days, there were two brothers of the preacher. Cyril and Methodius. The younger brother Kirill decided to write books understandable to the Slavs, but for this it was necessary to come up with Slavic letters. This was the brothers. There were 44 letters in their alphabet. (slide)

In honor of Chirill's enlighteners and Methodius, a holiday was established - the day of Slavic writing and culture. Every year, on May 24, in all Slavic countries solemnly glorify Saints Cyril and Methodius. (slide)

The first Slavic alphabets were the verbs and Cyrillic. The name of the ABC "Glagolitsa" comes from the word verb, which means "speech". And "Cyrillic" is named after her creator - Kirill. Later, this alphabet has become the basis for the Russian alphabet (slides).

Books in Russia were made of parchment: specially treated sheep leather. For one book sometimes left to 30 animals skins - whole herd! That is why the books were expensive and bought them only very rich people. (slide)

Conventional letters wrote on a cheaper Bester material. Signs were applied bone rod. Berchinsky Novgorod diplomas confirmed the assumption that there was a lot of those who could write a lot in ancient Russia. (slide)


Let's guys, and we will write a message in the past.

(I distribute paper and wax crayons)

With advent old Russian alphabet, began to write books. These were mainly church books, teaching and scientific works. (slide)

Each letter in the Old Russian alphabet has its name: Az, beech, lead, land.

The names of the letters reminded people about such words as: "Welcome", "live", "Earth", "People", "Peace"


Guys, do you have names? Let's play?

Who has a name begins on the letter "A" - swell, who has a name begins on "b" - clap, all the rest we jump ...

The first beech of an ancient alphabet was called "AZ" the second - "Buks". Try to fold them and see what happens. (Children fold syllable written on paper)

It turned out the word "alphabet".

They say in the people: "At first," Az "yes" Buki ", then and science." It is from the Azov that begins the path of each of us into the world of knowledge.

Guys, do you know the proverbs about the benefits of the teachings?

(Children read proverbs at the discretion of the teacher)

Not a pen write - the mind.

Who is a lot of literacy, this is not the abyss.

More competent, smaller fools.

Who wants to know a lot, one must sleep.

Go to science - tolerate flour.

God's will stand behind, people live with science.

No flour and science.

Nothing to think - the eyelids.

A lot of time passed before a person came up with printing press. The first in Russia, printed books published Ivan Fedorov. It was more than 400 years ago. (slide)

The first letter was written and printed in 1574. He was without pictures and was not at all looked like a trap, which led the alphabet now. Slavic letters are much more difficult and harder than Russians, for their memorization it was necessary to have more time and effort than to memorize Russians. "Azbuka is taught - for the whole hut screaming" Listen, as in the old days they taught a diploma.

"As church certificates in Starin taught children" (children read verse)

Children studied in the old days -

They were taught church deque, -

Came at dawn

And told the letters like this:

Yes b - like az yes beech,

In - as led, g - verb.

And teacher for science

On Saturdays their porol.

That's wonderful at first

Our grade was!

That's what a pen was writing -

From the goose wing!

There was time and from the alphabet difficult letters were excluded, others replaced. And our alphabet now looks like this (slide)

And let's learn letters now for such a lettering (slide)

(Children read poems)

Letters you need

Letters everyone is important

We form the word of them,

And from the word will be speech!

People would not know how

If there were no letters,

There was no shared.

Two brothers Kirill and Methodius,

Thanks want to tell you

For the letters that we really need us

We are infinitely grateful to Saint Cyril and Methodius for creating a Slavic alphabet. Now we can not even imagine how we would do without books. From the books we will learn a lot of new and interesting, the book teaches a lot. Before the book comes to our house, many people invest their work to create this book, we have already spoken about this in other classes, and now we suggest you consider books.

(the children are invited to the exhibition of books)