National culture Bashkir. Bashkirs closer to Hunt and Proto-Higrand, Tatars - to Europeans

National culture Bashkir. Bashkirs closer to Hunt and Proto-Higrand, Tatars - to Europeans
National culture Bashkir. Bashkirs closer to Hunt and Proto-Higrand, Tatars - to Europeans

Results of 1076 representatives of 30 groups living from the Baltic Sea to Baikal. Edition Biomed Central (BMC) specializing in research on research in the field of biology, medicine, oncology and other sciences, published material on the study of DNA of these peoples, making a special focus on the Idel-Ural region. "Idel. Ray" decided to explore the material and tell their readers about the main conclusions of scientists about the ethnogenesis of the peoples of the Volga region.

Scientists have discovered an unusually high level of similarity at the level of genetics between representatives of several ethnic groups of Siberia, such as Khanty and Kets, with carriers of a large number of different languages \u200b\u200bon huge geographic expanses. It turned out that there is a significant genetic relationship between the Khanty and the Turkic-speaking residents of the Urals, that is, Bashkirs. Such a discovery strengthens the arguments of supporters speaking in favor of the "Finno-Ugric" origin of Bashkir. The study also showed that in the Bashkir genetic series there is no main "sound" gene of any group, and it is a mixture of Turkic, Ugric, Finnish and Indo-European genes. This indicates a multi-stage weaving of the genetic series of the Turkic and Ural groups of the population.
Comparison with the genetic structures of the peoples of Siberia and the geography of the region, which they inhabit, shows that there was a "great resettlement of the peoples of Siberia", which led to a mutual "genetic exchange" in Siberia and part of Asia.

Eastern Slavs at the genetic level turned out to be similar to each other. The carriers of Slavic languages \u200b\u200bof Eastern Europe as a whole have a similar genetic set of each other. Ukrainians, Belarusians and Russians have almost the same "proportions" of the genes of the peoples of the Caucasus and Northern Europe, while practically do not have an Asian influence.

See also:

In Central Asia, the carriers of Turkic languages, including Kazakh and Uzbek, dominates the Central Asian Gene (\u003e 35%). Bashkir turned out to be less (~ 20%). The Chuvash and Tatars Volga region of the Central Asian component are even less (~ 5%).

The dominant gene among the peoples of Western and Central Siberia (Khanty, Mansi, Kets and Selkups) is also represented in the western part of the Ural Mountains. So, he was revealed from Komi (16%), Udmurts (27%), which belong to the Perm branch of the Urals. The same component is represented in the Chuvash (20%) and Bashkir (17%), while the Tatars have its share significantly lower (10%). Interestingly, the same gene is available at the insignificant level among the Turkic peoples of Central Asia (5%).

The East Siberian component is represented by carriers of the Turkic and self-identified languages \u200b\u200bof the Central Siberian Plain: Yakuts, Dolgan and Nganasanov. The same component was found in carriers of Mongolian and Turkic languages \u200b\u200bin the area of \u200b\u200bBaikal and Central Asia (5-15%), to a lesser extent (1-5%) - the carriers of the Turkic languages \u200b\u200bof the Idel-Ural region.

Different Idel-Ural

The Idel-Ural region inhabited, as is known, mostly three groups of peoples: Ural, Turkic and Slavic. Bashkirs and Tatars are representatives of the main Turkic-speaking ethnic groups of the region. Despite the fact that these peoples live in one region, have mutually affixed languages, they are greatly different. Tatars have a lot in general in genetics with neighboring peoples, while Bashkir - with living in other regions. Therefore, it gives reason to say that Bashkirs are initially not Turks, but an ethnic group that has passed on Turkic.

There are three main versions of Bashkir: Turkic, Finno-Ugorskaya and Iranian. According to the Turkic version, most of the ancestors Bashkir were formed from the Turkic tribes that migrated from Central Asia in the first millennium of our era. The Finno-Ugric version holds on the assumption that Bashkirs originated from Magyar (Hungarians), and then they were assimilated with turks. According to the Iranian version of Bashkira, the descendants of Sarmat from the South Urals are descendants.

In general, the study strengthens the argument in favor of the Finno-Ugric origin of Bashkir. Many components in the Genetic row of the Bashkir coincides with those kantov, the ethnic group of related vessels. Interestingly, the fact that some researchers point to the use of the ethnonym "Bashkirs" against the Hungarians of the XIII century. It is known that Magyars (Hungarians) were formed between the Posyzhem and the Ural Mountains. In the 6th century, they moved to the steppe Don Kuban, leaving the proto-boulgar, and then moved to the places where they live and now.

Bashkirs, despite their Turkicism, were affected by the ancient northern Euro-Asian peoples. Thus, the genetic row and the Bashkir culture is different. In turn, the peoples of Eastern Europe, speaking the Urals, have genetic relationship with Khanty and Ketti.

It should be noted that the genome of the Language in the language Bashkir and the Volga Tatars has little to do with their "ancestors" from East Asia or Central Siberia. The Volga Tatars are a mixture of Bulgarians, having a significant Finno-Ugric component, Pechenegs, Kuman, Khazar, Local Finno-Ugric Peoples and Alan. Thus, the Volga Tatars are mainly the European people with a minor influence of the East Asian component. The genetic relationship of the Tatars with various Turkic and the Ural nations of the Idel-Ural region is obvious. After the conquest of the region, the Turkic peoples of the ancestors of Tatars and the Chuvash experienced a significant impact on the tongue, while they retained their original genetic series. Most likely, these events occurred in the VIII century of our era, after the resettlement of the Bulgarians in the lower reaches of the Volga and Kama and the expansion of the Turkic tribes.

See also:

The authors of the study suggest that Bashkirs, Tatars, Chuvashi and the Nelfons of Finno-Ugric languages \u200b\u200bhave a common Turkic gene, which in the Idel-Ural arose as a result of the Turkic expansion to the region. However, the Finno-Ugric substrate was not homogeneous: the Tatars and the Chuvish Finno-Ugric substrate consists mainly of the Finno-Perm component, while Bashkir is "Magyarsky" (Hungarian). The Turkic component of Bashkir without a doubt quite significant, and it differs from the Turkic component of the Tatar and the Chuvash. The Bashkir Turkic component indicates an impact on this ethnic group by South Siberia. Thus, the Turkic genes of Bashkir make them closer to the Altets, Kirgizam, Tuvints and Kazakhs.

An analysis on the principle of genetic relationship is insufficient in order to categorically argue about the Finno-Ugric origin of the Bashkir, but it indicates a separateness of the periods of the genetic components of Bashkir. In its study, scientists have shown that the Genotype Bashkir is multifaceted, middle component, and this ethnic group does not have some kind of dominant genotype. As noted, Bashkir genotype includes Turkic, Ugric, Finn and Indo-European genes. In this mosaic, it is impossible to say for some kind of main component. Bashkirs are the only people in the region of the Idel-Ural with such a variety of gene set.

Previously, "IDEL.RALII" wrote that the Russian media (including Tatarstan) converted the news that the Crimean, Kazan and Siberian Tatars are genetically different groups, and therefore cannot be parts of a single Tatar ethnic group that formed in the Middle Ages.

The Russian Federation is a multinational country. The state is inhabited by various peoples whose beliefs, culture, traditions. There is such a subject of the Russian Federation - the Republic of Bashkortostan. It enters this subject of the Russian Federation borders with the Orenburg, Chelyabinsk and Sverdlovsk regions, the Perm Territory, the republics as part of the Russian Federation - Udmurtia and Tatarstan. is the city of Ufa. The republic is the first autonomy on the national basis. It was formed back in 1917. In terms of population (more than four million people), she also ranks first among autonomy. The republic is inhabited mainly by Bashkirs. Culture, religion, people will be the topic of our article. It should be said that Bashkirs live not only in the Republic of Bashkortostan. Representatives of this nation can be found in other parts of the Russian Federation, as well as in Ukraine and in Hungary.

What kind of people are Bashkirs?

This is an autochthonous population of the historical area of \u200b\u200bthe same name. If there are more than four million people, then the ethnic Bashkirov lives only 1172287 people (according to the last census of 2010). In the whole of the Russian Federation there are one and a half million representatives of this nationality. About a hundred thousand left abroad. The Bashkir language stood out from the Altai family of Western-Ukrainian subgroup for a long time. But writing up to the beginning of the twentieth century they had on the basis of Arabic Vizia. In the Soviet Union "Decree from above", she was transferred to Latin, and during the reign of Stalin to Cyrillic. But not only the language unites the people. A fastening factor that allows to preserve its identity is also religion. Most believers Bashkir are Muslim Sunni. Below we will look at their religion in more detail.

History of the people

According to scientists, the ancient Bashkirs described even Herodotes and Claudi Ptolemy. "Father of History" called them argippey and pointed out that this people dress in Scythian, but speaks of a special adverium. The Chinese chronicles rank Bashkir to the Hun tribes. In the "Book of Sui" (seventh century), the nations of Bay Dean and Bo-Khan are mentioned. They can be identified as Bashkir and Volga Bulgar. Most clarity make medieval Arab travelers. Approximately 840 Sallam At-Tardzhun visited the region, described its limits and life of residents. He characterizes Bashkir as an independent people living on both slopes of the Ural Range, between the rivers Volga, Kama, Tobol and the Yik. These were semi-courses, but very militant. The Arab traveler mentions the animism that professed the ancient Bashkirs. The religion of them implied twelve gods: summer and winter, wind and rain, water and land, day and nights, horses and people, death. The main thing was the spirit of the sky. In beliefs, Bashkir also included elements of totemism (some tribes worshiped caravals, fish and snakes) and shamanism.

Great outcome to the Danube

In the ninth century, the foothills of the Urals in search of the best pastures left not only the ancient Magyars. They were joined by some Bashkir tribes - Cessa, Eni, Yurmaty and some others. This nomadic confederation first asslaved on the territory between Dnipro and Don, forming the country to Levedi. And at the beginning of the tenth century, under the leadership of the Arpad, she began promoting further to the West. Pass through the Carpathians, nomadic tribes won Pannonia and founded Hungary. But it should not be thought that Bashkirs quickly assimilated with the ancient Magyars. The tribes were divided and began to live on both shores of the Danube. Believers of the Bashkir, who managed to Islamined in the Ural region, began to be gradually replaced by one-hour. The Arabic chronicles of the twelfth century mention that Christian Hunkars live on the northern shore. And in the south of the Hungarian kingdom, Bashgird Muslims live. The main city they had Kerat. Of course, Islam in the heart of Europe could not exist long. Already in the thirteenth century, most Bashkirov passed into Christianity. And in the fourteenth Muslims in Hungary did not turn out at all.


But back to early times, before the outcome of the part of the nomadic tribes from the Urals. Consider more detail beliefs, which then confessed Bashkirs. This religion was called Tengri - by the name of the father of all things and God of the sky. In the universe, according to the ancient Bashkirov, there are three zones: the earth, on it and under it. And in each of them there was an explicit and invisible part. The sky was divided into several tiers. At the highest Tengri Khan. Bashkir, who did not know the statehood, was, however, a clear concept of all the other gods were responsible for the elements or the phenomenon of nature (the change of the time of the year, thunderstorms, rain, wind, etc.) and the Tengri Khan was unconditioned. Ancient Bashkirs did not believe in the resurrection of the soul. But they believed that the day would come, and they would come to life in the body, and would live on the Earth with a worldly mistake.

Connection with Islam

In the tenth century, Muslim missionaries began to penetrate the territory inhabited by Bashkirs and Volzhsky Bulgars. Unlike the Baptism of Russia, who met the fierce resistance of the pagan people, the nomads-Tengrians adopted Islam without excesses. The concept of the religion of Bashkir was ideally connected with ideas about the United Body, which the Bible gives. Tengri began to be associated with Allah. Nevertheless, the "lower gods", responsible for the elements and natural phenomena, were still honored. And now the trail of ancient beliefs can be traced in proverbs, rites and rituals. It can be said that the Tengryanism was ordered in the mass consciousness of the people, creating a kind of cultural phenomenon.

Taking Islam

The first Muslim burials on the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan are dated to the eighth century. But, judging by the subjects found in the burial ground, one can judge that the deceased, most likely, were the arrivals. At an early stage of the deployment of the local population in Islam (the tenth century), the missionaries of such fraternities like N Naxbandia and Yasaviya played a major role. They arrived from the cities of Central Asia, mainly from Bukhara. It predetermined what religion to confess Bashkirs now. After all, the Bukhara kingdom adhered to Sunni Islam, in which the Sufi submissions and the Khanafi interpretations of the Quran were closely intertwined. But for the Western neighbors, all these nuances of Muslims were incomprehensible. Franciscans John Hungary and Wilhelm, who lived continuously for six years in Bashkiria, was sent in 1320 such a relational to the general of his order: "We found the sovereign of Baskardia and almost all of his households with completely infected Sarazinsky delusions." And this suggests that in the first half of the fourteenth century, most of the region's population took Islam.

Accession to Russia

In 1552, after the fall of Bashkiria, he became part of the Moscow kingdom. But local elders stated the rights to some autonomy. So, Bashkirs could continue to own their lands, confess their religion and live by the same way. Local cavalry participated in the battles of the Russian army against the Livonian Order. Religion at Tatars and Bashkir had a slightly different meaning. The second accepted Islam much earlier. And religion became a factor in the self-identification of the people. With the accession of Bashkiria to Russia, dogmatic Muslim cults began to penetrate. The state wishing to keep under the control of all believing countries, established in 1782 in Ufa Muftiat. Such a spiritual domination led to the fact that in the nineteenth century, the believers split the edges. There was a traditionalist wing (cadymism), reformist (jadidism) and the iszanism (suffered sacred base).

What is the religion of Bashkir now?

Starting from the seventeenth century, the uprising constantly passed against the powerful North-Western neighbor. They especially become frequent in the eighteenth century. These uprisings were brutally suppressed. But Bashkirs, whose religion was a fracting element of the self-identification of the people, managed to preserve their rights to beliefs. They still confess the Islam of the Sunni sense with the elements of Sufism. At the same time, Bashkortostan is a spiritual center for all Muslims of the Russian Federation. There are more than three hundred mosques, the Islamic Institute, several madrasas in the republic. In Ufa there is central spiritual administration of the Muslims of the Russian Federation.

The people have retained early associate beliefs. Studying Bashkir rites, you can see that amazing syncretism appears in them. So, Tengri turned into the minds of the people in a single God, Allah. Others began to associate with Muslim spirits - evil demons or who are favorable by Jeans. A special place among them is occupied by Yort Eije (an analogue of the Slavic House), Hyu Eyah (Water) and Shurale (Leshel). An excellent illustration of religious syncretism is auble, where along with the teeth and claws of animals, from the evil eye they help written in the Bester of saying from the Quran. The grace holiday of Kargatuy is traces of a cult of ancestors, when the ritual porridge was left on the field. Many rituals practiced during childbirth, funeral and commemoration, also testify to the pagan past of the people.

Other religions in Bashkortostan

Given that from the entire population of the republic, ethnic Bashkirs constitute only a quarter, and should be mentioned about other religions. First of all, it is Orthodoxy, which penetrated here with the first Russian settlers (end of the XVI century). Later, the Old Believers passed here. In the XIX century, German and Jewish masters arrived in the edge. Lutheran chicks and synagogues appeared. When Poland and Lithuania became part of the Russian Empire, military and exile Catholics began to settle in the edge. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the Colony of Baptists moved to Ufa from the Kharkiv region. The multinationality of the population of the republic served as the cause and diversity of beliefs to which the indigenous Bashkirs are very tolerant. The religion of this people, with syncretism inherent in it, still remains an element of self-identification of the ethnic.

Bashkira - People in Russia, the indigenous population of Bashkiria (Bashkortostan). Number b Ashshir Russia is 1 million 584 thousand 554 people. Of these, 1,172,287 people live in Bashkiria. Live Bashkiraalso in the Chelyabinsk, Orenburg, Sverdlovsk, Kurgan, Tyumen regions and the Perm region. In addition, 17263 Bashkira lives in Kazakhstan, 3703 - in Uzbekistan, 1111 - in Kyrgyzstan and 112 in Estonia.

Speak Bashkiraon the Bashkir language of the Turkic group of the Altai family; Dialects: South, East, allocated the North-West Group of Govorov. Common Russian, Tatar languages. Writing on the basis of the Russian alphabet. Believers Bashkira - Muslim Sunni.
Most Bashkir, in contrast to the surrounding population, is the descendants of the PaleoEuropean population of Western Europe: the frequency of the haplogroup R1B varies in large limits and is, on average, 47.6%. It is assumed that the carriers of this haplogroup were Khazars , although other data suggest that the Khazars wore a haplogroupG.

Share of haplogroup R1A. among Bashkir is 26.5%, and Finno-Ugor N1C - 17%.

Mongoloid in Bashkir is expressed more than Tatarbut less than Kazakhov.
In formation Bashkir The crucial role was played by the Turkic cattle breeding tribes of South-Bird-Central Asian origin, which, before coming to the southern Urals, had a considerable time in the Priaral-Syrdaryan steppes, entered into contacts with the Pechenezhsky-Ogzu and Kimako-Kypchak's tribes; Here, in the 9th century, written sources are recorded. From the end of the 9th - early 10th century lived in the southern Urals and adjacent steppe and forest-steppe spaces.
Even in Siberia, the Sayano-Altai Highlands and Central Asia, the ancient Bashkir tribes experienced some influence of Tunguso-Manchuri and Mongols. Embossing in the southern Urals, Bashkira Part of the local Finno-Ugric and Iranian (Sarmato-Alansky) population assimilated part of the part. Here, they apparently came into contact with some anodian-like tribes.
In the 10th - early 13th century Bashkira Were under the political influence of Volzhsko-Kama Bulgaria, adjacent to the Polovtsy Kipchak. In 1236. Bashkirwere conquered by Mongol-Tatars and are attached to the Golden Horde.

In the 14th century Bashkirskaya know accepted Islam. During the Mongol-Tatar rule in the composition Bashkir Some Bulgarian, Kypchak and Mongolian tribes joined. After falling Kazan in 1552 Bashkira Accepted Russian citizenship, retaining the right to have armed formations. It is reliably known about the participation of Bashkir horse regiments in battles on the side of Russia since the time of the Livonian War Bashkira Stand the right to own on the initial principles with their lands, live by their customs and religion.

In 17 and especially the 18th century Bashkira Rerender raised many times. In 1773-1775, Bashkir resistance was broken, however, victims were stored Bashkir on land; In 1789, the spiritual administration of Muslims of Russia was established in Ufa.

By decree of April 10, 1798, Bashkir and Mishar The population of the region was translated into a military-serving estate equivalent to the Cossacks, and was obliged to carry the border service on the eastern borders of Russia. Bashkiria was divided into 12 cantons, which put a certain number of warriors to military service with all equipment. By 1825, over 345,493 populations of both sexes were held in Bashkiro-Meshcheryak troops and about 12 thousand were on the actual service. Bashkir. In 1865, the canton system was canceled, and Bashkir equated to rural residents and subordinate to the general provincial and countable institutions.
After the February Revolution 1917 Bashkira Entered into an active struggle for creating their statehood. In 1919, the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic formed.
As a result of the 1st World and Civil Wars, Droughts and Hunger 1921-22, the number of Bashkir decreased almost twice; By the end of 1926, it amounted to 714 thousand people. Negatively affected the number of Bashkir and large losses in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45, as well as assimilation Bashkir Tatars. The pre-revolutionary number of Bashkir was achieved only by 1989. Bashkir migration occurs outside the republic. The share of Bashkir, living outside Bashkiria, in 1926 was 18%, in 1959 - 25.4%, in 1989 - 40.4%.
Significant changes occurred, especially in post-war decades, in the socio-demographic structure of Bashkir. The proportion of citizens among Bashkir amounted to 1989,42.3% (1.8% in 1926 and 5.8% in 1939). Urbanization is accompanied by an increase in the number of workers, engineering and technical workers, creative intelligentsia, the strengthening of cultural interaction with other peoples, an increase in the share of interethnic marriages. In recent years, the national self-consciousness of Bashkir has been intensified. In October 1990, the Supreme Council of the Republic adopted a declaration on the state sovereignty of the Bashkir ASSR. In February 1992, the Republic of Bashkortostan was proclaimed.

The traditional type of farm Bashkir is a semi-oral cattle breeding (mainly horses, as well as sheep, cattle, in the southern and eastern regions of the camel). They also were engaged in hunting and fishing, borrothetic, the collection of fruits and roots of plants. There was agriculture (millet, barley, shepherd, wheat, cannabis). Agricultural tools - Wooden Plow (Saban) on wheels, Later Sokh (Huka), Frame Harrow (tyrma).
From the 17th century, half-pastoral cattle breeding gradually loses importance, the role of agriculture increases, baking beekeeping is developing on the basis of Brunette. In the North-Western regions, in the 18th century, agriculture becomes the main occupation of the population, but in the south and east, the nomadic has been preserved in places until the beginning of the 20th century. However, here by this time the transition to a complex agricultural economy was completed. Arranged and the housing system is gradually inferior to the place of client-steam and three-headed, increase, especially in the northern regions, sowing winter rye, and from industrial crops - flax. Garden appears. At the end of the 19th - early 20th century, the factory plows and the first agricultural machines are found in everyday life.
Home processing of animal raw materials, hand weaving, wood treatment. Bashkira They knew the blacksmithous craft, the cast iron was paid and iron, in places the development of silver ore; Decorations made from silver.
In the 1st half of the 18th century, industrial exploitation of ore deposits of the region began; By the end of the 18th century, the Ural became the main center of metallurgy. but Bashkira Were occupied mainly on utility and seasonal work.
In the Soviet period in Bashkiria created a diversified industry. Agriculture Integrated, agricultural animals: in the southeast and in Trans-Urals retains the meaning of horse breeding. Developed beekeeping.
After joining the Russian state, the social structure of the Bashkir was determined by the weakening of commodity-monetary relations with the remnants of the patriarchal-generic life. Based on the birth and tribal division (there were about 40 tribes and tribal groups: Burzyan, Usorgan, Tyaman, Yurmaty, Tabin, Kipchak, Katay, Ming, Elan, Ene, Bull, Salet, and others, many of which were the fragments of the ancient tribal And the ethnopolitical associations of the steppes of Eurasia) were formed parish. Volosts, large in size, possessed some attributes of a political organization; We were divided into generic units that united the groups of related families (Aimak, Tyuba, Ara) who were inherited from the generic community of the customs of exogamy, mutual assistance, etc. At the head of the parish was hereditary (after 1736 elected) foreman (BIY). In the affairs of volosts and aimakov, Tarkhans played the leading role (estate, liberated from the filings), batyr, clergy; Some families complained nobility. In 1798-1865 there was a semi-axis canton control system, Bashkira Called the military service, among them the canton chiefs and officers were distinguished.
The ancient Bashkir existed a largest community. In 16-19 centuries, large and small families existed in parallel, the latter were gradually approved as prevailing. In the inheritance of family property, the minion principle was mainly adhered. Among the rich Bashkir housed polygamy. In the marriage relationship, the customs of the leftirata, the engagement of young children persisted. Marriages were committed in walling, but the bride washed and wrap (which was released from the payment of Calym), sometimes by mutual agreement.

Traditional type of settlement - Aul, located on the banks of the river or lake. In the conditions of nomadic life, each aul had several settlement locations: winter, spring, summer, autumn. Permanent settlements arose with the transition to settling, as a rule, in the places of winter. Initially, a cumulative arrangement of housing was common; Close relatives settled compactly, often behind the overall fence. In the 18-19th centuries, street layout began to prevail, each related group formed separate "ends" or streets and quarters.
The traditional dwelling Bashkir is the felt yurt with the lattice framework team, Turkic (with a hemispherical riding) or Mongolian (with a conical top) type. In the steppe zone, clannitis, reservoir, saman houses, in the forest and forest-steppe zone - logged horses with genes, houses with a connection (Izba - Seni - Izba) and five-ranking, occasionally met (at the prosperous) crusades and two-storey houses. Coniferous breeds, aspen, lip, oak used for log cabins. Temple housing and summer kitchens served boardboard, pellery huts, halashi. The Russian and neighboring peoples of the Ural Volga region were greatly influenced by the Bashkir construction technique. Modern rural dwellings Bashkira Build from logs, applying cutting equipment, brick, slag concrete, concrete blocks. In the interior, traditional features retain: division on economic and guest and guest half, a device of Nar.
Folk Clothing Bashkir unites the traditions of steppe nomads and local sedentary tribes. The basis of women's clothing was a long cutting on the waist dress with ruffles, apron, camisole, decorated with ancient and silver coins. Young women wore chest decorations from corals and coins. The headdress of women is a coral nets with silver pendants and coins, with a long, leaning on the back of the blade, embroidered beads and cauric sinks; The girl is a helmet hat, also covered with coins, also wore caps, handkerchiefs. Young women wore bright head covers. Outerwear - Swing Caftans and Chekmena from color cloth, trimmed by pose, embroidery, coins. Decorations - various kinds of earrings, bracelets, ribs, cakes, clashes - made of silver, corals, beads, silver coins, using turquoise inserts, carnelian, stained glass.

Men's clothing - shirts and pants with a wide step, lightweight bathrobes (straight and folded), Camzoles, Tulup. Headwear - Tubetakes, Round Fur Happers, Malahai, Closing Ears and Neck, Hats. Caps of fur beast worn and women. Boots, leather shoes, Ichigi, booties, and in Ural, and Napti were widespread.
Meat and dairy food prevailed, used food, fishing, honey, berries and herbs. Traditional dishes - fine-cut Konified or lamb with broth (Bishbarmak, Cullama), dried sausage from horse meat and fat (Kaza), various types of cottage cheese, cheese (short), porridge from millet, barley, cavity and wheat cereals, interopolo. Popular noodles on meat or milk broth, cereal soups. Bread (cakes) used fresh, in 18-19 centuries sour bread spread, potatoes, vegetables entered the food diet. Low-alcohol drinks: Kumys (from the mare milk), a buzz (from the sprouted megrims barley, the shelf), the ball (a relatively strong drink from honey and sugar); Drinking also diluted sour milk - Ayran.

In the wedding ritual, the customs of the bride's hiding, on the day of the wedding pyr (Tui) in the house of the bride, arranged competitions in the struggle, horse racing. There was a custom of avoiding the ride of Svokra. Family life Bashkir was built on the worship of the elders. Now, especially in cities, family ritual has simplified. In recent years, there is some revival of Muslim rituals.
The main folk holidays were celebrated in springtime. After arrival, Graco arranged Cargatui ("Gracy Holiday"). On the eve of the spring field work, and in places after them they held a feast of Plow (Sabantuy, Habantuy), which included a common meal, fighting, horse racing, competitions in running, archery, compete with a humorous effect. The holiday was accompanied by prayers at the local cemetery. In the middle of the summer, Gyin (Yyyn) passed, a holiday, common to several villages, and in more distant times - parish, tribe. In the summer, the girls are taking place in the lap of nature, the rite of "Cukushkin Tea", in which some women participate. In the dry time, a rite was carried out by raining with sacrifice and prayers, pouring each other with water.
The leading place in oral-poetic creativity is occupied by Epos (Ural-Batyr, "Akbuzat", "Iduukai and Muradim", "Kusk-bi", "Urdas Bi with Tolchan", "Alpamysh", "Kuzy-Kurpic and MAYAHLYLU "," ZALATULAK AND KHYUKHYLU "). The fabulous folklore is represented by magical, heroic, household fairy tales, animal fairy tales.
Speed-musical creativity developed: epic, lyrical and domestic (ritual, satirical, humorous) songs, chastushki (takmak). A varied dance melodies. The dances are peculiar to the narrative, many ("cuckoo", "Trorone", "Baik", "Perovsky") have a complex structure and contain pantomime elements.
Traditional musical instruments - Kurai (kind of swirls), Domra, Kumyz (KOBZ, VANGAN: Wooden - in the form of an oblong plate and metallic - in the form of a handicap with the tongue). In the past there was a bow tool Kyl Kumyz.
Bashkira Saved elements of traditional beliefs: reverence of objects (rivers, lakes, mountains, forests, etc.) and phenomena (winds, bosenov) of nature, heavenly luminaries, animals and birds (bear, wolf, horses, dogs, snakes, swan, caravel , Berkut, Sokol, and others, the cult of Graca was associated with the cult of ancestors, dying and coming nature). Among the numerous hosts-hosts (ae), a special place is occupied by the house (Yort Eyje) and the Water Spirit (Hyu Eije). The Supreme Heavenly Deity of the Tenr merged afterwards with Muslim Allah. The forest spirit of Shuraile, the house is endowed with the features of Muslim Shaitanov, Iblis, Jeans. Syncretic Demonic characters Bisur, Albaste. The interweaving of traditional and Muslim beliefs is also observed in rites, especially homeland and funeral-memorial.

- The Turkic people talking on the Bashkir language. The total number of approximately 1.6 million people. One of the title peoples of Russia. The main population of the subject of the Russian Federation is Bashkortostan, which is located in the south of the Urals. The formation of the republic refers to 11.10.1990. Finally, the name - the Republic of Bashkortostan adopted 11.10.1992. The total area of \u200b\u200bland of the republic is 142.9 sq. Km, that 0.79% of the entire area of \u200b\u200bRussia. The population is 4 million 052 thousand people, a density of 28.4 people. on square. km. (With density in the country - 8, 31 people. in square. km). The capital of Ufa, the population of 1 ml. 99 thousand. According to the composition of the population of the Republic: Russians - 36.28%, Bashkirs -29.78%, Tatars -24.09%, as well as representatives of Chuvashia, Mari - Al, Ukraine, Mordovia, Germany.

Culture Bashkir

The Bashkir people are the indigenous population of the Southern Urals, which led a nomadic lifestyle, began to play one of the leading roles in the agricultural device of the Russian state. Neighborhood with Russia has provided an important role in the development of the people.

The Bashkir population did not move from other locations, and formed in a very complex historical self-development. In the 7th and 8th centuries BC Theanirov tribes lived in the mountains of the Urals, according to scientists, the direct ancestors of the Turkic peoples of which came out: comi-perumets, Udmurts, Mari, and the descendants of these nations are attributed to the origin of Chuvashia, Volga Tatars, Bashkir and many others. Tribes living in the Urals and Volga region.

Bashkir's families lived in yurts, which were transported to new pastures after the herds of animals. But the people lived not only by their cattle breeding, their passion was hunting, fisheries, combatants (honey collection). Until the XII century, the Bashkir people were united by the generic communities that were going to the tribes. The tribes often knew each other for the territory of pastures, fishing, hunting. The feud among the tribes led to the isolation of marriages within the borders of the tribes and in some cases led to blood mixing. This was the reason for the decline of the generic system and significantly weakened the tribes than the Bulgarian khan used, subordinating the Bashkir tribes and forcibly imposing an Islamic religion. A nomadic lifestyle affected the originality of life, national costumes.

History of the people

Time of the Golden Horde.

In the 13th century, the countries of Eastern Europe were conquered by the Mongol-Tatar army. Bulgaria with Bashkir tribes fell under the rink of the horde. In the future, Bulgarians and Bashkirs were part of the Golden Horde under the leadership of Khan Batya with the mandatory payment of Yasak - tribute. This service included obligatory payment by fur skins, horses, wagons, concubines. This service was distributed to each family and included:
- Purchas - money collection from pastures and cattle heads;
- the skins of fur animals are at least 5 pieces;
- military, all young men since 12 years are obliged to undergo military fees;
- Underwater, delivery Supplies or kibilities for transportation of boosted in troops or transportation of chiefs.
Generic to know Bashkir was not subject to Yasakov, but it was supposed to supply an annual provisioning part of the Bashkir's military, which were in the campaigns of the Golden Horde. To know Bashkiria in gratitude for the benefits was loyal to power. In the 15th century, the Golden Horde finally broke up, but it was easier to Bashkir people. The territory of Bashkiria fell under the power of three Khanate to the Golden Horde and was divided into southern, Western and North-Western, who constantly knew each other demanding the payment of Yasaka all in large volumes.

Accession to Russia.

In the 16th century, Russia was completely freed from the Mongolian yoke and began to recruit its power. But Tataro - Mongols continued their raids and constantly ruined Russian lands capturing many captured. Only in Kazan there were more than 150 thousand Ruschi. Ivan the Terrible won Kazan, and the Khanation of the Golden Horde ceased to exist. After what Ivan Grozny appealing to the peoples of the conquered Golden Ord called them to go to Russian citizenship. They were promised protection and patronage from all external enemies, immunity of land, customs and religions. In 1557, the Bashkir lands adopted the citizenship of Russia.

Rebellion under the post of E. Pugacheva.

Further development of Bashkiria was closely related to the history of Russia. The infinite attempts to capture Russia from European states demanded a huge voltage of human and state resources from it. It was associated with the excessive exploitation of workers and peasants. 17.09 1773. The runaway Don Cossack Emelyan Pugachev declare himself to King Peter 3. read out the manifest of the forpate of the Yaitsky garrison. With a detachment of 60 people. Captured G. Yaitsk. This was the beginning of the uprising. The Bashkir people exploited by local feudals and the worst of Yasaku joined the uprising. Salavat Yulaev Certaining Manifesto Pugacheva called on Bashkir peasants to join the uprising. Soon the entire Bashkir region was covered by flames of struggle. But the nailed peasants could not withstand the government troops who arrived from St. Petersburg. Soon the uprising was suppressed. Salavat Yulaev speaking at the Katorga for more than 25 years. E. Pugachev captured and executed and executed.

Bashkiria in the Great Patriotic War.

During the years V.O.V. Bashkortostan became one of the main territories of the USSR to which enterprises and the population were evacuated. The region provided the front with weapons, fuel and safety equipment. During the war years, the republic has placed about 109 factories, dozens of hospitals, many central states. and economic institutions, 279 thousand evacuated.
Despite the fact that the workable male population is recognized in war agriculture by the efforts of adolescents and women continued to supply the front with food and animal husbandry products.

Bashkirs are the people inhabiting Bashkortostan region. They relate to Turks and are accustomed to the harsh climate of the Urals.

This people have a rather interesting story and culture, and the old traditions of honor are still.


Bashkirs believe that their ancestors began to move into the territory occupied today about a thousand years ago. The assumption is confirmed by the Arab travelers who studied local edges in the 9-13 century AD. Following their records, you can find a mention of the people, which occupy the Ural Range. The land of Bashkir was divided by classes. For example, camel holders took their steppes to themselves, and the mountain pastures were delivered to cattle. The hunters preferred to live in the forests where there was a lot of beast and game.
Since the organization of society, the National Assembly Gyin played the main role. The princes had limited power, the most important role was the voice of the people. With the arrival of Khan Batya Life Bashkir has not changed significantly. Mongols saw the tribesmen in Bashkara, so they decided not to touch their settlements. Later in Bashkiria began to spread Islam, replacing paganism. With the exception of the Yasak fee, the Mongols did not interfere in the life of the people. Mountain Bashkirs remained completely independent.
With Russia, Bashkirs always led trading relationships. Novgorod merchants Foreignly responded about goods, especially about wool. During the reign of Ivan the third soldiers sent to the White Wildlife, the Tatars ruined, but did not touch Bashkir. However, Bashkirs themselves suffered from Kyrgyz Kaisakov. These persecution in aggregate with the growing power of the Moscow king, who was advocated Bashkir to unite with the Russians.

Bashkirs did not want to pay the tax of Kazan and still tested raids from the neighbors, so after the adoption of citizenship decided to ask the king to build the city of Ufa. Later, Samara and Chelyabinsk are being built.
The Bashkir people began to divide on parish with fortified cities and big counties.
Due to the fact that the dominant religion in Russia was Orthodoxy, Bashkirs could not feel independence, which was the reason for the uprising, which was headed by an adherent Islam Seit. This uprising was suppressed, but after a long time, a new one flared up. It aggravated the relationship with Russian kings, which were tolding from one country not to oppress the people, and on the other hand, in every way limited his right to own territories.
Gradually, the number of uprisers began to decrease, and the development of the region has increased. Peter first personally pointed out the importance of the development of the Bashkir region, which led to the creation of plants producing copper and iron. The population grew steadily, including thanks to the progress. In the position of 1861, the rural rights of the rural population fastened for Bashkirs.
In the 20th century, enlightenment, culture and ethnic self-consciousness begin to develop. The February Revolution allowed the people to gain statehood, but the Great Patriotic War began to slowly slow down the progress. The negative role was played by repression, drought and assimilation. Currently, the region is called the Republic of Bashkortostan and is characterized by active urbanization.

A life

For a long time, Bashkirs led a partially nomadic lifestyle, but gradually switched to settlement. Yurts, characteristic of nomads, have changed to a wooden log house and global huts. The commitment to Islam always implied the patriarchy, so the man remains the main thing. Also for Bashkir are characterized by the following features of lifefriend:

  1. Relivity is clearly divided into maternal and fatherly part so that the inheritance can be determined.
  2. Property and house were inherited to younger sons.
  3. The elder sons and daughters received a part of the inheritance when marriage.
  4. The guys married at 16, and the girls became wives already at 14.
  5. Islam made it possible to have several wives, although only rich uses such a privilege.
  6. For the bride to this day they give a calm, which always depends on the status of parents of newlyweds. Previously, Kalim was paid to cattle and horses, outfits, painted scarves, foxes.



The holidays of Bashkir take place lush and solemnly. There are events in spring and summer. One of the oldest holidays is the arrival of rursters, which symbolizes the arrival of spring. Bashkirs are asking for fertility of lands, crop, arrange lush dance and walking. Be sure to feed the ritual porridge.
The noteworthy holiday is Sabantuy, marking the start of work in the fields. During this holiday, the residents competed with each other, arranged competitions in the fight, running, horse races, played in the "rope". The winners were awarded, and after the people suited a lush feast. The main dish on the table was Beshbarmak - soup with noodles and boiled meat. Initially, Sabantuy was a holiday, which was conducted by rituals to crawl harvest gods. Now Bashkirs celebrate it as tribute to tradition. A significant popular holiday is Gyin, to which the fairs are made. This is a great day for profitable shopping and making transactions.
Bashkirs celebrate Muslim holidays and honor all traditions, following religion.


The spread of Bashkir Folklore touched on many Russian regions. It is presented in the republics of Tatarstan, Sakha and some CIS countries. In many ways, Folklore Bashkir converges with Turkic. But there are a lot of distinctive features. For example, Kubair Epos, in which there may be a plot, although sometimes there is no such. Kubair with plots are called epic poems, and unwitting - oodas.
The youngest is Bat - it is a lyrical legend, epic songs. Munkens are considered close to Baita - these are poems whose goal is to challenge the afterlife.
Folk tales became especially revered by Bashkir. Often the main characters in them appear animals, stories take the appearance of legends, replete with fantastic meaning.
The characters of Bashkir fairy tales face witches, spirits of water bodies, house and other creatures. There are among the fairy tales of individual genres, for example, kulyamasi. There are a lot of basins filled with clichés with local aphorism.
Folklore affects family-household relations, which we have already spoken above and told in the "Character" and "Traditions" sections. Thus, as the phenomenon of folklore absorbed the pagan customs and canons of Islam.


Bashkirs are distinguished by freedom and spiritual temper. They always strive for justice, remain proud, stubborn. The people applied to the emergence with understanding, never imposed and accepted people with such as Caica they are. Without exaggeration, it can be said that Bashkirs are absolutely loyal to all people.
The hospitality is prescribed not only ancient customs, but also the current Norms of Sharia. Each guest needs to feed, leaving to give a gift. If the guests came with an infant child, it means that he needs to be presented to the gift. It is believed that so the kid will be pushed and will not bring the curse to the home of the owners.
The attitude towards a woman in Bashkir has always been trembling. According to tradition, the bride chose their parents, they were responsible for organizing the wedding. Previously, the girl could not communicate with her husband's parents after marriage. However, for a long time in the family, it was read and respected. Husband strictly forbidden to raise his hand to his wife, be greedy and stupid in her respect. The woman should not have stored loyalty - treason punished strictly.
Bashkirs are scrupulous to children. At the birth of a child, a woman became a similar queen. All this was necessary in order for the child to grow healthy and happy.
The most important role in the life of Bashkir was playing elders, so the custom of reverending the elders has been preserved until now. Many Bashkirs are advised to the old men and ask for blessings on deals.



Obviously, the Bashkir people honor not only traditions, but also customs that are associated with past generations and Icelamians. So, to bury the deceased before the sunset. The washing is produced three times, the deceased will surely be enveloped into the savan, read prayers and equip the graves. According to Muslim rites, burial occurs without a coffin. Bashkir custom prescribes to read the prayer of Ayat.

Amazing wedding traditions and customs, which include a whole complex. Bashkirs believe that the man will not become respectable until he marries. Interestingly, Bashkirs are planning weddings of their children from adolescent age. This is due to the old tradition to combine children with a marriage. For a wedding gifts gave a special way:

  • Seda Horse, ordinary boy collected gifts from everyone who came to congratulate newlyweds;
  • Gathering money, scarves, threads and other gifts, he went to the bridegroom;
  • To gifts were to touch forbidden;
  • The mother-in-law invited guests to the tea ceremony, they were mainly relatives and acquaintances;
  • During the wedding, the struggle for the bride was committed. The girl was trying to kidnap, and the fiance was imposed on the struggle. Sometimes it came to pretty serious fight, and by tradition, all the damage was to cover the bride.

In connection with the marriage, a lot of prohibitions were introduced. So, the husband was supposed to be older than his wife at least 3 years, it was forbidden to take women from a kind of women, only representatives of 7 and 8 generations could enter into marriage.
Now the weddings have become more modest, and the newlyweds are more pragmatic. Modern urbanization rates led to a different life line, so Bashkirs is preferable to get a car, a computer, another valuable property. Magnificent rites and payments of Calym went into the past.
The custom of observance of hygiene appeared since a long time. People soap hands before sitting at the table. Be sure to wash your hands after meat. Rinsing the mouth was considered good preparation for reception.
Mutual assistance from Bashkir is called Kaz Uhane. Custom concerned the workpiece of ducks and geese. Usually young girls were invited to him. At the same time, goose feathers were spread, and women asked abundant rating. Then Husey ate with pancakes, honey, chuck-chuck.


Bashkir cuisine offers sophisticated gourmet simple dishes. The main thing for Bashkira is to be full, and the sings are in second place. A distinctive feature of the kitchen is the absence of pork, and it is not connected with Islamic canons, but a purely with ancient nutritional features. In the local places there were no kabanov, so they were eating lamb, beef and horseback. Bashkir dishes are satisted, nutritious and be prepared from fresh ingredients. Often, onions, greens, spices and herbs are put in the dish. It is the bow appreciated by Bashkirs very much for useful properties, because in the fresh form this product contributes to the fight against bacteria, allows you to get vitamin C and normalize blood pressure.
Meat can eat in boiled, dried, stewed. From the horse, they make a horse sausage kaza. It is customary to serve with a fermented drink Ayran.
Kumys became the most important drink. For worst tribes, the drink was indispensable, because even on the hottest day, he kept his properties. There are many ways to prepare Kumsa, which Bashkirs retain and transmit from generation to generation. The positive properties of the drink are the strengthening of immunity, improving the work of the nervous system and the preservation of skin elasticity.
Milk dishes in Bashkir cuisine are replete with a variety. Bashkirs love fused milk, sour cream, cottage cheese with honey. An important product is the carot - cheese, which was stored in winter to get nutrients and fat. It was added to the brows and even tea. Bashkir noodles is called Salma and can have a variety of forms. It is prepared in the form of balls, squares and chips. Salma is always done manually, so a lot of performance options.
Tea Party is an important tradition, and tea along with Kuism is considered a national drink. Bashkirs drink tea with cheesecakes, boiled meat, chuck-chuck, berry wedge and cakes. Fastille was prepared from exclusively natural berries, flew through sieve. The puree was laid out on the boards and dried in the sun. For 2-3 days, exquisite and natural delicacy was obtained. Most often tea drink with milk and currants.
Bashkir honey brand Bashkiria. Many gourmets consider him reference, because the recipe for the preparation of the first honey has one and a half thousand years. The people of Bashkiria gently kept traditions, so in our days the wonderful delicacy is excellent. About the preparation of honey in ancient times is evidenced by rock paintings found in the Burzian district. Bashkir honey is forbidden to fake. Under this brand is produced solely national product. It is he who serves as the basis for the preparation of such a dessert, like chuck-chuck.



The feature of Bashkir's clothing is the use of various types of weaving arts. For example, appliques, knitting, embroidery of patterns, decoration with coins and corals, applying ornament on the skin. Often the creation of one costume was engaged in several masters. Their task was to get a coordinated ensemble, combined with a single artistic design. Nontentially in drawing up the costume was required to comply with traditions. The formation of the costume occurred under the influence of herbal craft. For insulation, people used Toulups, sheep's fur coats.
The homemade cloth was rather fat, and the festive, on the contrary, thin. To make the material as thick as possible, it was dumped and watered with hot water.
Boots were made of leather. The skin could be combined with cloth or felt. To insulate clothes, used the wild beast fur. The protein, hare, wolf and lynx were especially in demand. For festive fur coats and hats used beaver and wipe. Conducting filaments with high strength played a significant role. The shirts were made of a canvas, decorating a geometric pattern.
The design of the costume differed depending on the region of living. For example, in southeastern regions preferred red, blue and green colors. Northeast, Chelyabinsk and Kurgan Bashkirki wore dresses with an ending embroidery.
Heat dresses were decorated with ornaments, like sleeves. In the 13th century, new materials began to appear for the manufacture of clothing, including cloth Flemish, Dutch and English production. Bashkirs began to appreciate thin wool, velvet and satin. The shared feature of the female and male costume remained pants and a shirt (women wore dresses).
Often Bashkirs had to wear a whole set of outerwear. Everyone was free of the previous one, which made it possible to move with the convenience and to escape from the cold. The same feature was kept for festive outfits. For example, Bashkirs could carry several bathrots at the same time, and already regardless of weather conditions.
In the Mountain Bashkiria men put on a stem shirt, canvas pants, lightweight bathrobe. In winter, the time of cold weather occurred, and the tissue clothing was replaced by the cloud. It was made of camel wool. The shirt was not obscured, but for fixing the robe used a belt with a knife. Ax served as an additional weapon for hunting or campaign to the forest.
Balances themselves served everyday clothes. Many copies can be seen in museums located on the territory of Bashkiria. A bright example of the beauty of women's clothing from Bashkir serves Beshmet and Elhans. They clearly show the ability of masters to use embroidery, corals, beads and coins for decorating fabrics. To make outfits as color as colorful, the masters used cloth different colors. In aggregate with gold and silver pose received a unique gamut. As an ornament used sun, stars, animals and anthropomorphic patterns.
Corals allowed to lay triangles and beautiful diamonds. The fringe was used for stripes, which was done by the waist. Different kinds of brushes, buttons, decorative parts allowed to produce even more bright effect.
Men wore clothing from fur necessarily, in women she was considered rarity. They accounted for a quilted coat, enjoyed the shawl. With the onset of strong cold, the woman could hide her husband's fur coat. Fur coats for women began to appear quite late and used exclusively for rites.
Jewels could afford only rich Bashkirs. The most common precious metal was silver, which loved to combine with corals. Such decorations were made up of outerwear, shoes and hats.
Bashkirs are small people in numbers. They are a little more than one and a half million, but thanks to the careful attitude to traditions, this people were able to achieve prosperity, gained a rich culture and became one of the most remarkable in the Russian Federation. Urbanization is greatly affected by the region, more and more youth rushes to the city for searching for permanent work and housing. However, this does not interfere with Bashkir, to observe the ancient customs, transfer the recipes of national dishes from generation to generation and live in peace with each other, as the time for the time of centuries.