Working program "Bashkir folklore". Oral folk art Bashkir Bashkir musical folklore

Working program "Bashkir folklore". Oral folk art Bashkir Bashkir musical folklore

The Bashkirs have created a rich folklore. In the works of oral folk art, the views of the ancient Bashkirs on nature, their worldly wisdom, customs, understanding of justice and creative imagination are artistically reflected.

The epic of the Bashkir people originates in the era of decay of the primitive communal system and reaches its fullest development during the period of feudalism, during the period of unification of fragmented clan groups into large clan and tribal unions in the face of foreign invaders. One of the most perfect forms of the Bashkir folk epic was the form of a heroic poem - kubair. Cubai reflected the motives of unification and the idea of ​​forming a single Bashkir nation.

In the legends and legends, passed down from generation to generation, the history of the people, their way of life, customs, and customs are highlighted.

Bashkir fairy tales express national traits, way of life and customs of the people. In fairy tales, there are egetes (good fellows) and batyrs (brave warriors). They are good at bowing, that is, they shoot accurately, do good deeds, and help people.

Bashkir tales evilly ridicule the oppressors of the people: padishahs, khans, bays.

Fairy tales tell about the hard life of the poor, orphans, but more often it is funny than sad.

Bashkir fairy tales praise honesty and generosity, stigmatize the cowardice of those who leave comrades in trouble, call for work, study crafts, teach to value and honor old people.

Heroic tales tell about the fight against monsters, about the trials associated with solving difficult problems. Batyr leaves home to see the light, to show himself and to find an application for his powers.

Fairy tales tell about various miracles, animals speak with a "human voice", help in trouble. Magic items can change their appearance and turn into other items.

Everyday fairy tales tell about the life of the people, their daily works and worries, about the relationship between people (rich and poor, good and evil, and so on).

Comic tales are imbued with good-natured humor, they usually ridicule stupidity. Often in such tales, the characters are shaitans, devas, witches, who are distinguished by unreasonable cruelty and stupidity.

The Bashkir proverbs and sayings reflect the history of the people from ancient times to our time. For example, the proverb “The crow croaks - unfortunately” is associated with the ancient ideas of the Bashkirs that the crow is a prophetic bird, warning people of danger.

Animation of nature found expression in the saying "Forest - ears, field - eyes". In the proverb “A lonely person can lose his bow, but someone who is with a family will not lose an arrow,” the people express the idea that a person should live in a team. The people condemned biys, mullahs, officials with proverbs: "Do not go to the biy - he will come for you, do not go to the khan - he will come for your good", "Every day is a holiday for the rich, every day for the poor, grief and worries."

Bashkir folklore has been created and passed down orally by generations over the centuries. Its creators and carriers were folk singers and musicians, sesens, yyrau, etc. The themes of Bashkir folklore were the views of the ancient Bashkirs on nature, moral ideals, life and aspirations. Folklore was the source of their knowledge. The peculiarities of folklore include the oral transmission, improvisation and collectivity of performance, multivariance. The genres of Bashkir folklore are a fairy tale, epic, kulamas, fable, lacap, fable, kulamas-riddle, boring fairy tale, satire, parable, proverb, proverb, riddle, nasikhat, etc. , children, etc. The Bashkirs have a rich song folklore. Dance, comic, play songs accompanied the festivities and entertainment. Ditties and baits became widespread. Many baits were dedicated to tragic events. Such is the bait "Sak-Sok", which speaks of children cursed by their parents. Small genres of folklore are widespread, such as chants, sentences, riddles, proverbs, sayings, omens. From children's folklore among the Bashkirs, game rhymes, teasing, and sentences are common. One of the most ancient genres of Bashkir folklore is considered to be kubair-epics, which are subject and plotless. The most ancient Kubaiers are the world famous "Ural-Batyr" and "Akbuzat". According to their theme, kubair-epics are divided into heroic and everyday ones. In kubaiirs-odes, the beauty of the native land is praised, which is personified in the images of Ural-Tau, Yaik and Agidel, the feats of the legendary batyrs (Muradim, Akshan, Sukan, Sura, Salavat, etc.) are glorified. Oral folk prose is represented by akiyats (fairy tales), legends, rivayats (legends), khurafati hikaya-bylichki, khetire (tales and oral stories), as well as kulamasy-anecdotes. Bashkir fairy tales as an independent type of bunks. prose (karhuz) includes fairy tales about animals, magical and everyday, which, in turn, have intra-genre varieties. Legends and traditions have an installation on etiology and are presented as the narration of true stories, although the former are based on fantastic fiction, the latter are stories of a realistic nature. A wide variety and abundance of colors is distinguished by the palette of folklore associated with family and household, in particular, the wedding ceremony, which for the Bashkirs is a multi-stage theatrical action: the first stage - bishek tuyy (lullaby wedding) is held when the girl and the boy whom the parents want see in the future as a wife and husband, reach forty days of age; the second khyrgatui (wedding of earrings) is held when the "groom" is able to independently mount and control the horse, and the "bride" can carry water (in this case, the boy gives the intended earrings). After these symbolic weddings and the young people come of age, a real wedding is arranged - nikah tuyy (nuptial wedding). Until the groom pays the mahar (kalym), it is forbidden to take the bride away, to show his face to his father-in-law and mother-in-law, so he comes to her late in the evening and only on the appointed days. Before seeing off the bride to the groom's house, a senglau settles down: the bride's friends and young wives of the older brothers lament on her behalf, expressing their attitude towards their parents, relatives, the groom and mother-in-law. In Bashkir folklore, there is a dual faith - a combination of pagan customs with the canons of Islam. The influence of Islam was especially strong in funeral rites. In modern conditions, four tendencies are visible in Bashkir folklore: the existence of traditional genres; the revival of the old song repertoire and creativity of the sesens; growing interest in the national rite, in national holidays; development of amateur performances.


Branch manager Director


N.E. SelivYerstova ______ L.Z.Sharipova

"___" _______ 2016 "___" _______ 2016





Khismatullina G.G.

Bashkir teacher

language and literature

the village of Salikhovo

Explanatory note

The supplementary general educational (general developmental modified) program "Bashkir folklore" is based on:

    Federal Law No. 273-FZ dated December 29, 2012 “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

    The procedure for organizing and carrying out educational activities for additional general education programs (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) dated August 29, 2013 No. 1008 of Moscow)

    SanPin 2.4.3172-14 "Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for the Design, Content and Organization of the Operating Mode of Educational Institutions of Additional Education for Children" (approved by the chief state doctor of the Russian Federation on July 4, 2014, No. 41)

    Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 11.12.2006, No. 06-1844 "On approximate requirements for programs of additional education for children"

    Charter MBOU DO DD (Y) T of Ishimbay municipal district Ishimbay district of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Relevance of the program

Each has its own educational system that has developed over many millennia. It covers all aspects of preparing a child for a future life, transfers from the older generation to the younger all the best that has been accumulated by generations, and gives excellent results in the moral formation of the personality.

Folk art, as art in general, is multifunctional and one of its functions is educational. Folk art has great educational opportunities, which are still not fully realized. This prompted me to start purposeful work on raising children on the basis of Bashkir folk art.

The additional educational program of the folklore circle is aimed at a true revival of interest in the history of the people, its cultural values. Participants in the implementation of programs have the opportunity to appeal to the wisdom and moral purity reflected in folklore. Their activity is expressed in the development of the cultural traditions of their native land. Learning everyday and ritual songs, calendar holidays and folk rituals, acquaintance with folk costume, folk life, theater and calendar finds, through musical folklore and oral folk art, reflected in the organization of concert activities, participation in scientific and practical conferences, in the organization of folklore art festivals.

The norms of morality, enshrined in proverbs and sayings, are not only a regulator of moral relations in our people, they serve as a clear program for the moral education of the younger generation. Under their interaction, morality is formed, moral feelings develop, skills and habits are developed. What does folk wisdom, speaking in the language of proverbs, require of us? She teaches to respect parents, speaks of friendship and love of the family, praises labor, condemns laziness, cheating, bulud and shamelessness. In the words, the popular concepts of honor and dishonor, justice and not justice, and the duty and dignity of a person are formulated.

Acquaintance with Bashkir folklore, the best works of folk poetry (epos, kubai, baits), help to form such qualities of character as humanism, hard work, honesty, courage, patriotism, modesty, responsibility, kindness and respect for elders. At the same time, the people, as it were, are drawing their mighty and kind hand from the distant past to their future.

He cares about the spiritual and physical health of our contemporaries. He teaches children and adolescents to feel the truth more subtly and deeper, to understand life situations, in the surrounding phenomena, and fosters a sensitivity to beauty. This is how the people protect themselves. He provides, in fact, only one way to protect oneself from all, very likely today to hold on to their roots.

Directions of the program

The educational program is based on the achievements of classical and modern pedagogy, is built taking into account the age and psychological characteristics of children, is aimed at developing the emotional sphere of the child, his aesthetic sense, as well as stimulating creative activities for the development of folk culture.

Wisdom and simplicity, organically combined in folklore, help to convey to students the high moral ideals of their native people. Fostering diligence, mercy, tolerance, honesty, respect for elders, caring for the younger ones are the commandments of folk pedagogy, which serve as a kind of guideline for this program, its spiritual compass.

The novelty of the program

Preservation of customs, folklore, music, objects of material culture of each locality is necessary for the preservation of the culture of the entire country. Its impact is high both on the mind and on the soul.

One of the objectives of this program is to help children find their way into new life conditions, to draw attention to the history of our ancestors, to teach children to use this knowledge and experience in modern life.

Interest in culture, history, traditions of the native land has grown significantly lately. But children are not always interested in what an adult is interested in. For a child, information is valuable that can be perceived not only with the eyes, but also tactilely, to pass information through himself, through the history of his family, through the still preserved objects of material culture.

The program in an accessible and fun way allows children to gain full knowledge of oral folk art, includes their creative artistic activities.

The participation of parents in the educational process is mandatory. Parents who are interested in folk art join the children's activities and take an active part in folk festivals.

The program is modified, developed on the basis of the educational program "Kupava", teacher of additional education Drozhzhevoy TA, 2009.

Purpose of the program: instill love and interest in their culture and art, promote the harmonious development of the child's personality through folk art.

Objectives of the program:


1) Give an idea of ​​the historical past of the region, the traditions and customs of its people, the relationship of different peoples living in this region, the interaction of man and the environment.

2) To form the child's performing skills in the field of singing, movement, playing music.


    Develop and maintain an interest in various aspects of the past and present of the region.

    Promote the development of logical thinking, observation, attention, imagination, fantasy, creative initiative in children.


    To cultivate a respectful attitude, respect for the traditions of Bashkir culture, for Bashkir folklore, costume, national pride for their people, their cultural heritage.

    Formation of the child's spiritual and moral personality by means of folk art, based on the traditional values ​​of the national culture.

    To form the ability to find beauty in folk art.

Content and direction of educational activities

The program is designed for the study of folklore by children from 12 to 14 years old. The implementation of the program is designed for 2 years, training includes the study of the following sections:

    Oral folklore.

The simplest children's poems, ditties, and counting rhymes form the basis of the “rhythmic mood” from which each lesson begins, as well as the basis of “finger games”, which develop the child's freedom of movement, imaginative thinking, memory, attention and speech. This includes fairy tales, jokes, riddles.

    Musical and song folklore.

Develops an ear for music, a singing voice, the ability to move, perform the simplest dance movements.

    Ethnographic information.

They are of great educational and educational value. These are conversations about the traditional life of the people and its historical changes, holidays, about the importance of arts and crafts in life. Excursions to the local history museum.


This is the most important component in raising our children. This section includes music, sports and drama games.

    Folklore theater.

Along with folk holidays, this is the most powerful way for a child to feel like in the culture in which he is immersed in the classroom. By acting out the simplest scenes, children get the opportunity to try themselves in various roles.


This is the brightest collective part of folklore, in which many spheres of folklore creativity of the people find their application. It is supposed to get acquainted with the calendar holidays, including the preparation and holding of such holidays as "Nardugan", "Nauruz", "Sumbulya", "Crow porridge".

Forms of conducting classes

Each lesson for each section has the following structure:

    Conversation on one of three topics:

Folk calendar, folk customs and ceremonies; Bashkir way of life, traditional way of life; Folklore genres.

    Listening to and perceiving music.

    Singing, dancing.

    Musical and folklore games.

All these elements of the lessons are reflected in the calendar and thematic planning.

Activity Mode

Classes are held 2 times a week for 2 hours, with a break of 10 minutes. Only 144 hours.

Expected results

As a result of mastering the program, it is assumed that children will acquire the following knowledge:

Family traditions of the Bashkir people;

About the traditional occupations of the Bashkir people (craft, national costume, national dishes);

About the national costume of the peoples living in Bashkortostan;

About the folk calendar;

About Bashkir culture and culture of other peoples living in Bashkortostan.

Learn to:

Perform Bashkir folk songs;

Perform dance moves;

Organize and conduct folk games.

Children will be able to educate in themselves:

Self-respecting person (thinking, creative and free), awakening interest in family traditions and becoming a mediator between generations of his family;

Ability to see beauty in folk art;

Adequate self-esteem.

Forms of control of testing knowledge, abilities and skills.

General control is carried out at the final events of the year, where the sphere of folklore creativity is reflected: oral, musical, play.

An individual approach and control is carried out:

In the form of oral interrogations and control works on the assimilation of material from the section "Ethnographic information".

In the form of reporting concerts.

Results tracking methods

1) Organization and participation in competitions, games, holidays.

2) Test assignments and quizzes.

3) Conversations with children and their parents.

4) Collective creative affairs.

Objectives of the first year of study

    Awaken interest in the study of the history, culture and life of the people.

    Introduce local folklore.

    Foster moral feelings.

    To instill practical skills in performing folklore chants.

Curriculum-thematic plan of the first year of study



The content of the program of the first year of study.

Section 1. Introductory lesson. Safety briefing. Acquaintance with the work plan of the circle.

Section 2. Introduction to the subject. The people are the creator of folklore. The concept of folklore. Folk art genres. Outstanding researchers, folklorists. Acquaintance with folklore collections.

Section 3. Autumn.

Topic 3.1 Oral - poetic folklore. Theory . Acquaintance with children's folklore: jokes, nursery rhymes, teasers. Riddles, proverbs about autumn. Folk omens, their role in human life.

Topic 3.2 Musical folklore. Practice. Learning lullabies, about autumn, about the harvest. Chastushki. Work on the development of vocal and choral skills. Individual voice training lessons, work with soloists. Folk choreography.

Topic 3.3 Folk games. Theory. Conversation about folk games.Practice. Learning counting rhymes, games "Our Gardens", "Yasheram Yaulyk", "Geese-Swans", "Shlepanki".

Topic 3.4 Folklore theater. Theory. Practice. Preparation and holding of the holidays "Sumbyulya-harvest festival", "Sugim ashy", "Daughters-mothers".

Topic 3.5 Ethnographic information. Theory. Women's and men's clothing of different classes.Practice. Drawing sketches of folk clothes.

Section 4 Winter

Topic 4.1 Oral-poetic folklore. Theory. Proverbs and sayings, folk signs about winter.Practice.

Topic 4.2 Musical folklore. Theory. Conversation about folk dances.Practice. Learning songs about winter. Words with music, movement. Ability to present the performed repertoire emotionally and expressively. Mastering the movements of folk choreography.

Topic 4.3 Folk games. Practice. Music and dance games. "Naza", "Kurai". Games for the development of intuitions "Quresheu", "Gate".

Topic 4.4 Folklore theater. Theory.

Topic 4. 5 Ethnographic information. Theory. Winter works in the village. The brownie is the master of the house. Conversation about the traditional way of life of the people.

Section 5 Spring

Topic 5.1 Oral-poetic folklore. Theory. The chants of spring.Appeal to the sun, rain, earth. Sayings, folk signs about spring. Observations of nature according to spring signs. Proverbs about spring.

Topic 5.2 Musical folklore. Practice. Folk songs about spring, about birds, about the beauty of spring nature. Individual work on voice production, preparation of solo numbers. Practicing the movements of folk choreography.

Topic 5.3 Folk games. Practice. Musical games "Suma oirak, suma kaz", "Ak tirak, kuk tirak".

Topic 5.4 Folklore theater. Theory. Acquaintance with the holiday "Kar syuyna baryu".Practice. Preparation and holding of the ritual holiday "Kar syuyna baryu".

Topic 5.5 Ethnographic information. Theory.

Section 6 Summer.

Topic 6.1 Usto-poetic folklore. Theory. Conversation. What a beauty these fairy tales are.Practice. reading and viewing fairy tales. Competition for storytellers.

Topic 6.2 Musical folklore. Theory. conversation about the genres of songs. Labor songs. Songs and dances.Practice. contests of songs, ditties. Combining the learned elements of dance with songs.

Topic 6.3 Folk games. Practice. Preparation and implementation of children's Sabantui. Collection of gifts according to the ancient custom "Solgo yiyyu".

Topic 6.4 Folklore theater. Theory. Acquaintance with the holiday

"Nardugan". Practice. Preparation and holding of the ritual holiday "Summer Nardugan".

Topic 6.5 Ethnographic information. Theory. Bashkir yurt. Features of the construction.Practice. Yurt decoration. Drawing sketches.

Topic 6.6 Final lesson. Theory. Testing.Practice. Game "Own game", Folk games in the open air.

Section 7 Educational work. Theory ... Conversations with students.Practice.

Objectives of the second year of study

1) Continue acquaintance with the traditions and customs of the Bashkir people.

2) Deepen previous knowledge.

Curriculum plan for the second year of study

p / p

Topic name





Introductory lesson. Safety briefing

Introduction to the subject.

The image of a bird.

The image of animals.

The tree of Life.

Family and everyday life.

Celestial bodies.


Final lesson.

Educational work



Content of the second year program

Topic 1 Introductory lesson. Theory. Acquaintance with the work plan of the circle. Safety briefing.

Topic 2 Introduction to the subject. Theory. Folk art genres. Researchers folklorists. New collections of folklore.

Topic 3 The image of a bird.

Oral and poetic folklore. Theory . Artistic reading and discussion of fairy tales about birds. Acquaintance with riddles, proverbs, sayings, counting rhymes about birds.Practice. Playing fairy tales by roles. Drawing contests - "The bird is a symbol of happiness." Competition of riddles about birds.

Musical folklore. Theory. Birds in Bashkir and other folk songs. Musical instruments imitating birdsong. Kurai, kubyz, whistles. Acquaintance with the work of the master, virtuoso kubyzist, musician Zagretdinov. Viewing the video film "Seungrau Torn".Practice. Learning the "Seungrau Torn" dance.

Folk games. Practice. "Geese-Swans", "Goose Bridge", "Burner". The musical quiz "Around the Folk Islands".

Topic 4 Animal image

Oral and poetic folklore. Theory . Fairy tales about animals. Acquaintance with riddles, proverbs, sayings about animals. Acquaintance with animal calls.Practice. Competition of storytellers about animals. Competition of riddles, proverbs and sayings about animals. Drawing competition “Once upon a time”. Folk signs about animals and birds.

Musical folklore. Theory. Images of animalsin Bashkir folk songs. Acquaintance with the history of Bashkir folk songs "Kara Yurga", "Akbuzat".Practice. Learning these songs. Learning the dance "Riders".

Ethnographic information. Theory. Conversation about the way of life of the Bashkir people. The Bashkir horse is the pride of the people. Kymyz is the national drink of the Bashkir people. Watching a video about making harness.

Topic 5 Tree of Life

Oral and poetic folklore. Theory. Respect for elders in everyday fairy tales. Acquaintance with riddles, proverbs, sayings about trees. An appeal to trees in the Russian people. The healing power of trees.Practice. The rite of decorating trees among the people.

Musical folklore. Theory. Reflection of the image of a tree in folk songs.Practice. Learning the Russian folk song "There was a birch in the field", the Bashkir folk song "Ak Kayyn". Learning the dance "Leaf Fall". Repetition of lullabies.

Folk games. Practice. Repetition and replay of completed games.

Ethnographic information. Theory. A conversation about an ancient tradition - the compilation of a genealogical tree by each family.Practice. Shezhere. Acquaintance with the rules of its compilation.

Topic 6 Family and everyday life

Oral-poetic folklore Theory. Who lives in our house?Family concept. Traditional peasant family. Family lifestyle and its relationship with the interior of a traditional home. Family composition, head, family members. The role and place of each family member in the daily routine and in accordance with the economic activities of each.

Musical folklore. Practice. Learning lullabies, songs about mothers, about family. Learning to dance "Bishmarmak", "Three brothers".

Folklore theater. Practice. Preparation and holding of the ritual holiday "Issem tuyy".

Topic 7 Celestial bodies

Oral and poetic folklore. Theory. The image of the sun, moon, stars in fairy tales. Proverbs, sayings, riddles, folk signs about the sun, moon and stars. Practice. Playing fairy tales by roles. Acquaintance with the legend “Etegan Yondoz”.

Musical folklore. Theory. The image of heavenly bodies in folk songs. Practice. Learning the song "Ete kyz".

Folk games. Practice. "Ay kurde, koyash aldy", "Ak tirak, kuk tirak".

Folklore theater. Practice. Preparation and conducting a tetralized performance according to the legend “Etegan Yondoz”.

Topic 8 Ethnographic expedition.

Practice. Collecting material on folklore.

Practice. Collecting material about rituals and holidays.

Topic 9 Final lesson. Practice. Crossword "Through the pages of your favorite fairy tales", Musical quiz "Guess the melody". Contests for riddles, proverbs and sayings. Testing.

Topic 10 Educational work. Theory. Conversations with students.Practice. Excursions. Holidays, matinees, concerts. Participation in competitions, festivals.

Methodological support

Methodical developments;

Educational program;

Magazines "Teacher of Bashkortostan"

Electronic textbook "State Academic Dance Ensemble named after F. Gaskarov ".

Logistics support

TSO: computer, speakers;

Discs with recordings of Bashkir folk music, songs, dances;

Costumes for competitive performances;

Elements of the Bashkir folk costume for games, dances;

Attributes for folk games, round dances, dances;


    Burakaeva M. Bashkir culture. Ufa, 2004

    Bashkir folk art: Fairy tales. - Ufa 1981,1984.

    Bashkir folk art: Ritual folklore 1.2 volumes. - Ufa, 1984.

    Bashkir folk art: Proverbs, sayings, signs, riddles. –Ufa 2006.

    Bashkir folk art: Baits, songs, takmaks. –Ufa 1984.

    Bashkir folk art: songs-legends. –Ufa 1997.

    Lissitskaya T.S. Choreography and dance. T.S.Lissitskaya. - M, 1998.-p.18-42.

    Nagaeva L.I. Bashkir folk choreography. Ufa: "Kitap", 1995.

    Nagaeva L.I. Three Bashkir dances. Ufa, 1992.

    F.A. Nadrshina Bashkir folk melodies. Song and dance games. Ufa, 1996.

    Suleimanov A. Children's folklore. Ufa, 2007.

Calendar but-thematic plan mug "Bashkir folklore"

MBOU DO DYUT Ishimbay on the basis of the village of Salikhovo

p / p

Names of sections and topics

Total hours





Introductory lesson. Rules of conduct in the lesson, about safety during the use of TCO and features of appearance.

Acquaintance with the plan of the circle.


Introduction to the subject.

Folk-creator of folklore.

Folk art genres.



Oral-poetic folklore

Collectors of Bashkir folklore.


Study of folklore in Bashkortostan.G. Argynbaev, A. Kharisov, S. Galin, A. Suleimanov and others.

Riddles, proverbs about autumn.


Jokes, nursery rhymes, teasers

Folk omens, their role in human life.


Musical folklore Learning a lullaby.


Learning songs, about autumn, about the harvest.



Creativity of the sesenov (Ekietter, rivayetter, hikeyeler. Sesender izhady)

Fairy tales.


Learning tongue twisters.

Work on the development of vocal and choral skills.


Individual lessons in voice training, work with soloists. Folk choreography.


Folk games. Conversation about folk games.

Traditional folk games.

Games (, kuz bailash, gurguldek, uskunis, tayak tashlamysh)

Educational games.







Learning counting rhymes.

Subject with the presence of characters and roles ("uyrly karsyk" - "witch", "aiyu menәn kuyandar" - "bear and hares", "yәsherәm yaulyk" - "hiding a handkerchief")

Games-dances with improvisation of behavior of animals and birds: "Game of blackcocks", "Game of cuckoos".




1 3

Folklore theater

Acquaintance with folk ritual holidays.

Seasonal and traditional holidays of the Bashkirs.



1 .11

1 4

Preparation for the autumn holiday "Sumbula Bayramy".







Preparation and holding of "Sugym ashy" holidays.

EntertainmentMothers and Daughters.





Ethnographic information







Oral and poetic folklore. Proverbs and sayings about winter.

Haodic signsabout winter.





Through the pages of fairy tales. Staging your favorite fairy tales.






Musical folklore.

Conversation about folk dances.





Learning songs about winter. Words with music, movement. Ability to present the performed repertoire emotionally and expressively.






Mastering the movements of folk choreography.

Learningdancing « Naza» . Practicing dance elements.

Working out movementsdancing

Practicing the whole dance « Naza» .







Folk games

Games for the development of intuitions "Quresheu", "Gate".





Folklore theater

Acquaintance with the holidays "Winter Nardugan", "Kis ultyryu".





Holiday preparation"Winter Nardugan".





Holiday preparation"Kis ultyryu".





Ethnographic information.

Winter works in the village.

The brownie is the master of the house. Conversation about the traditional way of life of the people.






Oral-poetic folklore

Spring calls.

Appeal to the sun, rain, earth.





Sayings, folk signs about spring.

Observations of nature according to spring signs.

Proverbs about spring.





Musical folklore

Folk songs about spring, about birds, about the beauty of spring nature.





Individual work on voice production, preparation of solo numbers.





Practicing the movements of folk choreography.





Round dance game songs.

Comic songs.





Folk games.

Games with the arrival of spring.

Sports games: jogging (yugeres), sacking, sacking, running with an egg in a spoon, pulling a woven towel, etc.






Musical games "Suma oirak, suma kaz". "Ak tirak, kuk tirak".

Games for emancipation.





Outdoor games on the themes of fairy tales.

Bashkir folk games for the holiday.

Entertaining games.





Folklore theater. Acquaintance with the holiday "Kar syuyna baryu".




28.0 2


Holiday "Kar syuyna baryu" in literature.

Life cycle rites.








Ethnographic information

Viewing a video film about the ancient crafts of the Bashkir people.

Ancient crafts of the Bashkir arkan isheu, etc.







Oral-poetic folklore. Conversation. What a beauty these fairy tales are.

My favorite fairy tale characters.

Reading and viewing fairy tales.

Competition for storytellers.







Musical folklore. Conversation about the genres of songs.





Labor songs. Songs and dances.

Competitions of songs, ditties.

Combining the learned elements of dance with songs.

Learning the dance "Thresh Mowerlka ".

Practicing dance elements.

Practicing dance movements.

Working out the whole dance.







4 5

Folk games.

Preparation for the children's Sabantui.






4 6

Folklore theater

Acquaintance with the holiday






Acquaintance with the holiday

"Nardugan". "Summer Nardugan".

Preparation and holding of a ceremonial holiday.



2 .05

5 .05




Ethnographic information






Final lesson






Educational work

Harvest Festival "Syumbulya Bayramy"




Carrying out the holiday "Winter Nardugan"




Int. Event "Goodbye to the Year of Cinema".



Holding the spring holiday "Nauruz Bayramy"



Participation in the festival "Rainbow of Talents"



Int. Event "I am a child of nature"



Carrying out the "Karga Butkasy" holiday.



Participation in competitions, festivals.


In tech.

of the year




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Bashkir folklore is widespread not only in Bashkiria, but also in the adjacent Saratov, Samara, Perm, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Kurgan, Orenburg regions, in Tatarstan, where the Bashkirs live compactly, as well as in the Republic of Sakha, Tyumen region. and in a number of CIS countries.
In terms of the composition of clans and genres, Bashkir folklore is in many respects similar to the folklore of other, in particular, Turkic peoples. At the same time, it has many distinctive features. One of the most ancient genres of Bashkir folklore is considered to be kubair-epics, which are subject and plotless. Plot kubair are epic poems, and plotless ones are odes, poetic nasikhats are didactic verses. The chronological boundaries of the kubaiir-epics (CE) cover the period from the time of the disintegration of the primitive tribal society to the era of late feudalism.
The most ancient Kubaiers are the world famous "Ural-Batyr" and "Akbuzat". According to their theme, epic cubaiers are divided into heroic and everyday ones. The first includes the already named CE, in addition, the epics about intertribal strife ("Alpamysha", "Kusyak-biy"), about the struggle against the Tatar-Mongol yoke ("Idukai and Muradym", "Targyn and Kuzhak", "Ek-mergen" , "Mergen and Mayan"), on the fight against foreign invaders and against colonization ("Karas and Aksha", "Karakhakal", "Batyrsha", "Yulai and Salavat"); to the second - mythological and associated with the cult of animals ("Zayatulyak and Khyukhylyu", "Akhak-kula", "Kara Yurga", "Kongur-buga"), about friendship and unity of clans and peoples, about love and family relations ("Kuz -Kurpyas "," Aldar and Zugra "," Yusuf and Zulaikha "," Tagir and Zugra "," The last song "," Bayrambike and Tatlybai "). In kubaiirs-odes, the beauty of the native land is praised, which is personified in the images of Ural-Tau, Yaik and Agidel, the exploits of the legendary batyrs (Muradim, Akshan, Sukan, Sura, Salavat, etc.) are glorified. And in the kubaiirs-nasikhats, the moral and ethical credo of the Bashkirs is revealed. The songs of the Bashkirs, according to genre characteristics, are divided into lyric-epic, lyrical and takmaks. On the subject of heads. songs form two large groups - historical and everyday, which have their own internal subgroups. Historical songs reflect the history of the Bashkirs: the memory of the Golden Horde ("Golden Horde"), of the khans-conquerors ("Buyagym-khan and Akhak-Timer"), the struggle against the colonization of the region ("Karakhakal", "Salavat-batyr", "Salavat and Pugachev"), participation in the Patriotic War of 1812 ("Second Army", "Kakhym-turya", "Kutuzov", "Lyubizar", etc.), about canton chiefs ("Kului-canton", "Kagarman -kanton "," Abdulla-akhun ", etc.), about fugitive fighters for social justice (" Buranbai "," Yalan-Yarkai "," Biish-batyr "," Gazibak-Nasyr ", etc.) ), about army life and border (line) service ("Army", "Karpaty", "Perovsky", "Tsiolkovsky", "Akmaset", "Syr-Darya", "Port-Arthur", etc.). Mn. ist. the songs are imbued with the idea of ​​friendship of peoples, the Great Fatherland. The thematic range of everyday songs and takmaks (like ditties) is wide and varied. Bait is considered the youngest poetic genre, adjoining, on the one hand, songs with epic content, and on the other, to legends and lyric songs. Unlike songs, baits do not have a specific melody attached to one text. They are usually composed about accidents and have the character of an elegy, but there are also satirical and ode types. They are close to baits in genre, as well as in the form of performance of muunazhata, poems with religious content and glorifying the afterlife. Baits use a limited number of melodies.
Oral folk prose in B.F. represent akiyats (fairy tales), legends, rivayats (legends), khurafati hikaya-bylichki, khetire (tales and oral stories), as well as kulamasy-anecdotes. Bash. fairy tales as an independent type of bunks. prose (karhuz) includes fairy tales about animals, magical and everyday, which, in turn, are inherent in intra-genre varieties. Legends and traditions have an installation on etiology and are presented as the narration of true stories, although the former are based on fantastic fiction, the latter are stories of a realistic nature. The repertoire of legends is supplemented by stories about encounters with demonic forces (en-witches, shaitans, hey-masters of the house, reservoirs, etc .; shurale, pyari, albasty, bisura); rivayaty - at the expense of hetire-memories that have lost their "authorship". Kulyamasy belong to small humorous genres. Among such genres, nasikhats (parables), miniature fables and laptops are also distinguished. In terms of pathos, the kumals gravitate towards satirical tales, the nasikhats - towards short stories, fables - towards fairy tales about animals, the lakapas are colloquial folk. a cliché that forms a local aphorism associated with a certain anecdotal situation. In addition to satirical tales and small humorous forms, B.F. there are kulduruk (fables) and yymkhyndyryk (boring fairy tales). Aphoristic genres in B.F. represent makal (proverbs), aitem (stanzas consisting of several proverbs), tapkyr khuz (sayings), as well as yomak, tabyshmak (riddles). Roots pl. traditional images, motives and plots go into mythology. And according to the mythological representation of the ancestors of the Bashkirs, mountains, rivers, trees, celestial bodies, natural phenomena are living beings, human-like (anthropomorphism) or bestial (zoomorphism). In the head. mythology, the world consists of three tiers: heavenly, terrestrial and underground (underwater). Each of them is inhabited by certain mythical creatures, which, by the nature of their relationship to a person, are classified as evil, kind and harmless. Ritual folklore is distinguished by a special abundance of images and motives associated with mythology (animism, totemism, belief in the magical power of words and certain actions). This Bashkir folklore is divided into calendar and family and household, which reflect everyday life, work experience, health care, renewal of generations, provision of households. well-being.
A wide variety and abundance of colors is distinguished by the palette of folklore associated with family and household, in particular, the wedding ceremony, which for the Bashkirs is a multi-stage theatrical action: the first stage - bishek tuyy (lullaby wedding) is held when the girl and the boy whom the parents want see in the future as a wife and husband, reach forty days of age; the second khyrgatui (wedding of earrings) is held when the "groom" is able to independently sit on the horse and control it, and the "bride" can carry water (in this case, the boy gives the intended earrings). After these symbolic weddings and the young people come of age, a real wedding is arranged - nikah tuyy (nuptial wedding). Until the groom pays the mahar (kalym), it is forbidden to take the bride away, to show his face to his father-in-law and mother-in-law, so he comes to her late in the evening and only on the appointed days. Before seeing off the bride to the groom's house, a senglau gets a job: the bride's friends and young wives of the older brothers lament on her behalf, expressing their attitude towards their parents, relatives, the groom and mother-in-law.
In Bashkir folklore, there is a dual faith - a combination of pagan customs with the canons of Islam. The influence of Islam was especially strong in funeral rites. In the present. conditions in B.F. four trends are seen: the existence of traditional genres; the revival of the old song repertoire and creativity of the sesens; growing interest in the national rite, in national holidays; development of amateur performances.

For research work, we chose this topic since it is very relevant in our time, when the problem of humanizing a person and society is relevant, the importance of national cultures in saving mankind from spiritual impoverishment is obvious. artistic education of young people, enriching their emotional and spiritual potential, developing a sense of mutual understanding, friendship and cooperation. Today, the upbringing and education of children in Bashkortostan through the development of national traditions in music lessons forms true respect for the peoples living in all regions of our vast Russia. Our work explores the folk origins of the musical culture of our region: Bashkir folklore in the form of oral folk art, Bashkir folk songs and rituals, instrumental folk music. Knowledge of the folk art of their people contributes to the education of patriotism, a sense of pride in their small homeland, forms respect for the history, language and national characteristics of the Bashkir people.



Municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education for children, the palace of children and youth creativity "Orion" GO Ufa RB.


Musical culture of Bashkortostan.

Completed by: Shutanova Ksenia Dmitrievna

Pupil of the "Learning to play the violin" association

Head: Kudoyarova Alfiya Askhatovna.



For research work, we chose this topic since it is very relevant in our time, when the problem of humanizing a person and society is relevant, the importance of national cultures in saving mankind from spiritual impoverishment is obvious. Appeal to the spiritual traditions of the people, to national musical culture contributes to moral and aesthetic and artistic education of young people, enriching their emotional and spiritual potential, developing a sense of mutual understanding, friendship and cooperation. Today, the upbringing and education of children in Bashkortostan through the development of national traditions in music lessons forms true respect for the peoples living in all regions of our vast Russia. Our work explores the folk origins of the musical culture of our region: Bashkir folklore in the form of oral folk art, Bashkir folk songs and rituals, instrumental folk music. Knowledge of the folk art of their people contributes to the education of patriotism, a sense of pride in their small homeland, forms respect for the history, language and national characteristics of the Bashkir people.

The purpose of our study is to familiarize children with the study of all types and genres of folk musical creativity of the Bashkirs, the formation of a persistent interest in this topic and the ability to independently navigate in extensive information, applying the knowledge gained in practical classes.

Chapter 1 Musical creativity of the Bashkirs.

The musical creativity of the Bashkirs is very ancient. The data on the ethnic history of the Bashkirs, as well as the materials contained in the folklore itself, give reason to believe that the folding of Bashkir folk music into a single figurative-semantic and stylistic system occurred simultaneously with the formation of a single Bashkir nationality from various tribal groups. It is known that constantly evolving and changing, musical folklore, nevertheless, retains over the centuries such primary elements as intonation, voles, modal and rhythmic formations, and in some cases individual plots and images. Naturally, the processes of the emerging Bashkir nationality were reflected in the system of means of musical expression in the same way as they were reflected in the language and other elements of the material and spiritual culture of the Bashkirs. The richness and originality of the Bashkir musical folklore is largely due to the long process of interaction and fusion of the folklore of the ancient Bashkir people with the musical and poetic forms of the Turkic tribes. This process was so organic and gradual, and the role of the music of the ancient Bashkir tribes was so dominant that by the time a single Bashkir nation was formed, a rich and varied folklore was formed, distinguished by originality and unity of style. Being in the oral tradition, folk art, naturally, is constantly changing, certain forms and genres die off, and new ones are born to replace them, carrying the features of continuity. This process continues from ancient times to the present day.
Relatively few monuments have survived from the emerging genres and forms of folk oral tradition that have been replacing each other over the centuries. Moreover, they came in an updated, so to speak, modernized form, since passing from generation to generation, genres and forms, along with the preservation of traditional continuity, absorb new, more modern features. This process is especially evident in folk poetry, where researchers, comparing, analyzing different versions of one legend, like archaeologists, reveal a number of different time layers in them.

Chapter 2 Bashkir folklore: Irtek and Kubair.

The Bashkir song and poetic folklore, preserved from ancient times, with all its diversity of genres and forms, forms two large groups that have much in common.
One of them includes works of folk art with a predominance of textual, poetic principles. The musical side, if present in them, plays a more or less subordinate role. This group includes the ancient legends "Kuziy Kurpes and Mayan Khylu", "Alpamysha and Barsyn Khylu", "Akbuzat" and others in the form of irteks and kubaiirs.
When performing a folk epic, some musical and poetic patterns are caught. The developed, poetic text of the kubayirs "affects" in a chant. The rhythm of the short, recitative structure of the melody of the Kubairi is subordinated to the metric of the seven-syllable "Kubairian verse".
Byte (bayet) became a later epic-poetic genre. Initially, this was the name of poems of book origin, which have settled in the memory of the people and passed from mouth to mouth.
Later, bytes began to be called a poetic work of the oral tradition, which is based on a significant, most often dramatic, plot that tells about a historical or everyday event, about bright, heroic personalities.
Unlike the genres of irtek and kubair, which do not develop in modern conditions (not a single irtek and kubair have been recorded on a modern theme), byte is a viable form of epic that is actively developing. We can say that he, in essence, absorbed the functions of the irtek and kubair, became a living modern form of the folk epic. Folklore expeditions annually record more and more new bytes on the theme of the Civil War, the partisan movement, the Patriotic War.
Bytes, like kubair, are performed in a chanting recitative, but the tunes are more diverse and individualized, based on a certain melodic cell

Chapter 3 Bashkir folklore: historical songs and tunes.

Another vast group of Bashkir folklore, embracing all aspects of folk life, is formed by musical genres. These are primarily historical songs and tunes. They were formed as a genre during the heyday of the traditional Bashkir epic, incorporating many features of epic forms. In a number of texts of historical songs, in legends to instrumental tunes, there are themes, images, artistic and structural features of Kubair's verse.
Historical songs about the fate of the people, about the unity of tribes and clans, about the perniciousness of ruin and civil strife, about the defense of the homeland are associated with the heroic epic ("Ural", "Semirod", "Iskender", "Sultanbek", "Boyagym Khan"). From the legends to the songs, as well as from their specific historical content, one can judge the time of the emergence of a number of songs. For example, the legend-song "Ural" says that the song was composed in honor of the return of the Bashkir ambassadors from the Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible.
Not later than the 18th century. a new layer of historical songs is emerging, in which the patriotic theme of the homeland and national unity is intertwined with angry motives of protest and the struggle against oppression and colonization (see the songs Ruin, Coloi Canton, Tevkelev, etc.). The lyrics and tunes of such songs are full of drama. They depict the images of the oppressors and rapists of the people, and the people's hatred is expressed.
The theme of homesickness was reflected in the historical songs of this period. The heroes of the songs are quite real people who have remained in the people's memory as courageous, disobedient to the authorities, sufferers for a just cause ("Buranbai", "Biish", etc.).
The military theme is also characteristic of Bashkir historical songs, which is revealed widely, from different sides. Her vivid images "Kutuzov", "Lyubizar", "Squadron", "Second Army" - about the participation of the Bashkirs in the Patriotic War of 1812; "Port Arthur" - about the Russian-Japanese war; "Tsiolkovsky" - about the hapless and cruel military commanders of the Bashkir troops (XIX century).
The historical song is an actively developing genre, reflecting the most important moments in the history of the Bashkir people. There are songs about the events of the First World War, about the revolution, the civil war, about the memorable days of our reality.

Chapter 4 Folk songs and rituals of the Bashkirs.

A wide and varied layer of folk songs is associated with life and everyday life, with labor processes. There are whole cycles of songs about a horse, about hunting, about a shepherd's life. (Songs and tunes "Kara Yurfa" - "Black pacer", "Saptar yurfa" - "Playful pacer", "Burte at" - "Karak horse", "Alkhak kola" - "Lame gray horse", "Yulfotto hunarsy" - "Hunter Yul got-to", "Irenek" (the name of the mountain), "Ak yauryn sal berket" - "Golden eagle with white shoulders and a gray head", etc.).
The everyday rituals of the Bashkirs are also rich in songs. The most developed, colorful wedding ceremony has long been. It is distinguished by its great originality, and many of its features remind of deep antiquity. Ethnographers attribute such elements of the Bashkir wedding as the payment of kalym, the secret visit of the bride by the groom, the election for the bride kiematlek esei, kiematlek atay (the bridegroom's nominated mother and father), throwing the young in the morning after the wedding in a stream of silver coins, etc. e. Songs are an integral part of the Bashkir wedding. Wedding song genres include senlyau (senleu - lamentations, crying), calf (telek - wishing the young all prosperity), hamak (hamak - wedding recitative), festive, drinking songs sung at a wedding feast (tuy yyry, mazhles yyry).
The songs "Crow's Porridge" and "Crow's Holiday" are associated with spring ritual games. There are large cycles of songs and tunes about rivers, streams, lakes. Many of them probably date back to the time when the Bashkirs had a cult of nature and animals. You can at least refer to the songs "Zayatulyak", "Agidel", "Irenek". The circle of songs dedicated to mountains, valleys, images of sounding nature, and birds is widened. Many of them are lyrical in nature, and the images of nature in them push back psychological moments, human moods. Such are the songs "Kurtash" (mountain), "Mountain song", "Cuckoo", "Burenushka", "Ringing crane" and many others.
Lyric songs are rich in themes and genre shades. Among them there are peculiar "valiant songs", revealing the world of thoughts and feelings of a Bashkir traveler, horseman, reflections of an experienced person who has seen a lot in life. These include the songs "Life Passed", "Traveler", "Ilyas", "Azamat".
An independent group is composed of lyric songs about girls and women. Such as "Tashtugay", "Salimakay", "Zulkhizya", "Shaura" represent the classic images of the Bashkir lyrical melos. Love lyrics are highly developed in Bashkir music. Love songs are distinguished by chastity, poeticization of the feeling of love and its carriers.
Among everyday songs, drinking, guest songs, songs on comic and satirical plots, as well as dance songs are widely represented. An independent group consists of lullabies and children's songs. At the end of the XIX century. the so-called songs of zimogors appeared, reflecting the work and life of the Bashkirs working in trades, factories and plants.

Chapter 5 Instrumental folk music of the Bashkirs.

The songs and instrumental tunes of the Bashkirs are similar in content and in musical and stylistic features, although, of course, there are specific differences in the nature of the instrumental melody from the vocal melody.
The instrumental folk music of the Bashkirs, represented by tunes on the kurai, less often on the kubyz, and in the post-revolutionary period on the accordion and violin, is mainly programmatic. The content of the programs for the most part coincides with the content of the songs. The performance of songs and tunes is often preceded by a legend (yyr tarikhy) about the history of the origin of this song or melody. In the legends preceding the performance of instrumental music, the content of the performed work is revealed.
The closeness of the vocal and instrumental forms of Bashkir folk music is evidenced by the presence of such an original type of music-making as "uzlyau" (ezleu), which is a special way of performing a two-part voice by one singer, which is a kind of imitation of the sound of the kurai folk instrument.
The classic genre of folk song is the group of uzun kyui (drawn-out slow songs and tunes). In essence, the term uzun kyui (ezen kei) is not only a definition of the type of melody, it is popularly defined by the genre and style features of both the melody itself and the style of its performance. In a broad sense, uzun kyui is a set of style and genre techniques developed by centuries of artistic practice, when the creator of the melody was also its first performer, when the skill of improvisation, within the aesthetic norms developed by tradition, lay at the basis of folk art. In a narrower sense, Uzun kyui means a slow, drawn-out song or tune. Instrumental melodies in the uzun kyui style are most often variants of songs, rather peculiar and developed in their form.
The term "kyska kyuy" (kyska kei), that is, a short song, defines a very wide layer of folk song art, vocal melodies and instrumental tunes in the kyska kyuy genre are usually associated with everyday and lyrical themes, but there are also kyska kui on historical Topics.
Just like the songs of the uzun kyui type, the songs in the kiska kyui style have their own characteristics, which probably took shape over a very long period. The concept of kyska kyui, like uzun kyui, includes certain stylistic features of the melody and the nature of its performance.
According to their content and genre characteristics, the kiska kui tunes can be divided into several groups. A number of songs in the style of kiska kui are called by the people halmak kei, that is, a calm song. They are performed at a moderate pace, have a lyrical-contemplative character, most often they sing the images of nature. You can cite, for example, the songs "Tyuyalias", "Round Lake", "Stepnoy Erkei".
Thus, Bashkir folk music is rich and diverse both in content and genre. It is in constant development, and its specific features have a strong impact on the modern Bashkir musical culture.


Thus, we see that the history of folk music in Bashkortostan is very rich and meaningful. Contemporary musical culture is inextricably linked with its roots and is in constant development. There are a lot of outstanding composers, musical groups performing folk music in our republic. In our palace of children's and youth's creativity there is a music studio "Lira", where children learn to play various musical instruments. The leading place in the repertoire of students belongs to Bashkir folk music, the works of the best composers of the Republic of Belarus. Our plans for the future: to continue the work begun on the study of folk music, to involve educational institutions of our region in joint work and creativity.

I would like to believe that we are on the right track!


  1. Bashkortostan. Brief Encyclopedia, ed. RZ Shakurova Ufa, publishing house: "Bashkir Encyclopedia", 1996.
  2. Essays on the culture of the peoples of Bashkortostan. Compiled by Benin V.L. Ufa, publishing house: Kitap, 1994
  3. Website on the Internet: