The life-giving tree of the Cross of the Lord. Where is the life-giving cross the Lord? The life-giving cross of the Lord. Village Godenovo. Modern pilgrimage chronicle

The life-giving tree of the Cross of the Lord. Where is the life-giving cross the Lord? The life-giving cross of the Lord. Village Godenovo. Modern pilgrimage chronicle

The cross became an altar, which brought a great sacrifice for all humanity. And if in the life of Christ, they sought to touch his clothes in the hope of getting healing - and received it (for example, a bleeding wife), if he was revered by the first Christians of the hazing and boards of the Holy Apostle Paul, then equally, and even more, should be honored and the cross, to which the body of the Savior was not only killed, but on which the deliverance of all of us was committed.

This comes from Jerusalem, from Reliquard, where part of the cross remaining in Jerusalem is located. This shrine with a cross was stolen by Persians in 614 during the conquest of Jerusalem. Splitter is in the form of wax under glass in the center. Church festivals with the expulsion of the cross. The cross meant complete exile and perfect death. If hell has a reason, the cross marked the hell. That is why, as a victim for all mankind, Christ chose a crucifix as a way of suffering, which unites all the spiritual and physical agony.

The blood of the cross, absorbing the cross, redeemed all the sins of mankind. The Son of God, the Divine Logos, carried in his idea, even until time, all the created world, all of humanity; And on the cross, he sacrificed himself for his creation. In commemoration of the crucifixion in memory of the opening of the Cross of Christ, the Holy Apostle Empress Mother Elena at the end of the vigor, the cross comes to the center of the church and bowed to his knees. When we clearly see the sea evil and all the cruelty of the world, we must understand that Christ on the cross makes this attack evil centrally and through its presence opens a completely new meaning for this event.

However, it is necessary to make a reservation. Not everything, touched to the flesh of Christ, must necessarily be consecrated and obtain a healing, saving force from God. Only what could perceive sanctification, to accommodate and store. It is better to understand by comparing with the adoption of the Holy Tynents - the body and the blood of the Savior. Many are sesshed, but not all the communion benefits.

The victory of love that will lead us to the completeness of the transfigured life of infinite kindness. For this, we are called freedom: listening to such an outrageous event. In silence, this depth opens. Under the Holy Apostle, Konstantin, the mother of Emperor Elena went to Jerusalem to find the greatest of all Sanctures - the Cross of the Lord. With the help of some residents of the sacred city, who knew the location of the cross from their ancestors, began excavations. The pagan temple, built during the Emperor Adrian, who was known for its Christian persecutions, was abolished along with the basis.

The same thing that served as an instrument of glorifying Christ should not be in dishonutia, because the glorification and dishonor of mutually exclusive. On the Cross, the glorification of Christ - the cross must be read. Cross made our salvation, defeated the power of evil. The godfather gets graceful strength through the suffering of the Savior. The tree of the cross sanctified with a touch of the Major Body of Christ and the Merge of the Holy Blood of Christ, was prevented by a life-giving and saving for men, therefore the Christian world would be reverends. The Cross of Christ is Popran Death, lowland hell and holes of the gate of Paradise. We, formerly overlooking God, were returned to him through the faith of Christ.

Under the ground there was a cave with three crosses and nails. The sovereign nails of the Savior seemed wrought from silver. They sent Sieche on the Cross of the Savior, and they were healed. The cross was found before Easter. That day a large number of pilgrims gathered in Palestine. The streets and square of Jerusalem were filled with streams of people, as if flooding flooded the city. Neither pilgrims could not get closer to the cross, or even see it from afar.

The Jerusalem Patriarch Macarium and the clergy took the Cross Calvary and attributed it to the hill. Several times they raised the cross and set it up so that people could see the cross. People rushed to the ground and shouted: "Lord, ame!". Emperor Konstantin erected the majestic sublime Cathedral of the Resurrection of the Lord, whose crusts of the Holy Ark or an invaluable treasury, like the Christian world, are the most important sanctuary - Calvary and the tomb of the Lord. The Monk Cross was installed at the Altar of the Resurrection Basilica in the so-called "Heavenly Place" for the sacrificial stone.

Certificates of reverend the Cross of the Lord remained in the writings of the Apostolic and the Scriptures of the Church teachers. And the living examples of this force, which are at all times, caused a special rule to reveal the Cross, installed on the sixth Universal Cathedral who occurred in the 680 year in Tsargrad.

The 73rd rule says: "Thinking the life-giving cross revealed to us the salvation: it applies to us every thorough of consuming, may the honor of this that we are saved from the Old Falls."

The life-giving cross of the Lord. Village Godenovo. Modern pilgrimage chronicle

Jerusalem was occupied by the Persian King Hosvar, which, besides other trophies, also carried a cross in Persia. His military trips to Persia are compared with the campaigns of Alexander Macedonian. Iran suffered defeat. The eldest son of Hosvar killed his father. The cross was returned to Palestine. Emperor Heraklion carried a cross on the shoulders from the gate of Jerusalem to the first cathedral.

From the worship of the Cross, the emperor took the crown and purple color and walked in rags wrapped on the streets of the sacred city. Currently, Calvary Cross is divided into separate parts, which are preserved in all countries of the Christian world. His largest part was preserved in the Altar of the Jerusalem Church of the Savior's throne.

Not only the cross, on which the Calvary Sacrifice, was accomplished, but also the other crosses depicting the first cross and crucified on it. And only with such a meaning they are revered...(Saint Grigory Palama)

There is no fruitless life-giving cross of Christ. But the uncertain fan can not be a particant of his gracious and life-giving power. Some of the Christians make a worship of a cross only on the eventual customer or submitting to others, without proper reverence, without living faith and love in the heart. Some of the crisps are indifferent, carelessly, without thought to the Lord, who was redeemed by the godfather. Such an urgency of the cross and the indifferent use of cross-signs will not only do not reduce the blessings of God, but will serve in sin. This is hung the name of God, according to the word of the apostle.

Without a cross in Calvary, the commandment of sacrificial love would remain unresolved. Christ suffered as a person, but his divine dignity gave the human suffering rank of sacrifices. Genius Rome enriched world culture a comprehensive set of laws underlying European legislation; And the cross is an extremely painful way of execution - intended for traitors, robbers and rebellious slaves. The crucifixion on the cross was terrible. With the help of steel wedges convicts were killed on the cross, and sometimes to increase their flour, they were associated with knitting.

Through the honest cross is served a Christian much needed on the way to spa. Speaking with the words of St. John of Zlatoust: "No one is stale-doves the signs of our salvation, which we live, and the beginning of all the benefits that we exist. But as a crown we will wear the cross of Christ. The cross is the sign of our salvation, the common freedom and mercy of our Lord ... So, not be ashamed of such a great good, and Christ will not be ascended, when you come in our glory, and when this sign will be before him, shining the brighter of the best solar rays».

Then torment and agony were dragged for several days. Death seemed crucified as the greatest mercy. The execution attracted more viewers than the theater game - real man Soared from agony. The person sentenced to the crucifix lost all human rights, even the right to burial. Most of his body hung on the cross until the corpse broke up on the bone. Or the corpse of prey birds and sacking were thrown into the walls of the city in the form of a carcass. Thus, the swarms of falling raven circled over the temples, gloomy clouds or smoke above a kilometer.

Christ was sentenced to death penalty. Many can not understand that he was crucified - with such cruelty? Something else should make you think: how could hell and the divine-hostile world to endure the preaching of Christ for three years? Christ was sentenced to crucifixion. As the enemy of the Jewish people: better man Dies for people, because all the people corps, said the high priest Kaiafa; As an enemy of the emperor: the one who makes himself the king, against the emperor; As the enemy of religion: he is a hool of God. Compared to the safety of the emperor and the happiness of people, the life of one person was worth nothing.

The congestion has the same saving force as the life-giving cross. Sembirs sinful wishes and distinguishes unclean thoughts. "If you hesitate in life," says Pub. Ephraim Sirin, - then put on behalf of the sovereign sign of the cross, and the enemy will be defeated. A total is better not to succumb to the sled thoughts, but if you are already shocked by them, then captured myself immediately in a life-giving cross, and the enemy will be lowered. Fencing with a cross, you do not be wondering from the fear of the novice, from the arrows flying in the days, from the thing in the darkness of transient, from shaking and demi noon (Ps. 90)

The sentence was made, the cross was long ago prepared. Under the cross of the cross, stumbling and opening, Christ, penetrated by blood flows purple color, went on Calvary. In the mid-40-day fast time, on Saturday evening during a voyage, the cross is solemnly transferred to the center of God's house and put on analogy of worship. Memories of the passions and death of Christ, the post must be strengthened. For a whole week before the next Friday, the cross is located in the center of the church and worship at the entrance, as well as when leaving the church and during the service.

This is the fourth week of the week of Monday. Worships are also defined by the cross. This week, therefore, half the way will be covered. Holiday value: Orthodox Christians should find their own spiritual path In Heavenly Jerusalem - for the feast of the resurrection - the tree of the cross and attract his shadow strength for the further path. The cross of the Lord sends the rays of victory over death. Patience must be strengthened by looking at the resurrection of light through the cross. This is the song of cross-worship: "In front of the cross we fall, oh myrd, and we glorify your glorious resurrection!".

In church history, a lot of miracles are connected to the cross, which the savivity of his worship is shown.

TOthe Holy City of Jerusalem in 7th century. He was taken to the Persian king, and holy places were conquered by wicked barbarians, - when the life-giving tree of the Cross of the Lord was captured and attributed to the rich military prey to Persia, the famous names of Christ began to shine in the wonders who came from the life-glory trees. Being in captivity itself, it captured the soul of the human God, attracted them to Christ, enlightening the knowledge of the truth and the igniting hearts with Divine Love. The victory of the Victory of the Byzantine Emperor Irakli over the Persians was obsessed with the Multiplication of the Glory of the Cross of God, and the cross was solemnly returned to Jerusalem.

Providing the honorable cross of our Lord. Holiday of the meader and Blessed Virgin Mary. First day God's Mother The Cross of Christ is transferred to the center of the Church. With the life-giving death of the Son of God on the Cross, the former martyr and the instrument of execution received the Great, wonderful power. The festival originates in Constantinople, where one day during the epidemic, part of the Church of St. Helen was delivered to the city to stop the disease. He moved to all the houses and streets of the city. From this point on, the cross was held annually at the beginning of Our Lady and returned to the Imperial Palace on the last day before the success.

<Почитаю же и благоговею и пред веществом, при посредстве котораго it was pretended My salvation, as a pre-executed divine power and grace. Or tree criss, three times happy and complexnot substance? Or not a substance worthy of respect and holy mountain of Calvary? Or not the substance of the gracious and lively rock, the holy coffin, the source of our resurrection? Or not a substance all the Book of the Gospels? Or not a substance with a lively meal that gives us the bread of life? Or not a substance of both gold and silver, of which crosses and disks are prepared, also a pace? Or not a substance, mainly before all this, the body and blood of our Lord?

The Russian Church accepted the festival from the Greeks. It was associated with the celebration of Rus's baptism. At the end of the Great Doxology, the cross in the middle of the church is designed to worship. According to the Russian tradition, this day is also celebrated a new harvest of honey: honey is consecrated. Of course, the traditional consecration of honey or fetus should not cover or even close the spiritual measurement of festivals and post: prayer, restraint and mercy. Therefore, practicing this eternity on time so sweet and fruitful for our souls.

Let the merciful father of our Savior, Jesus Christ, will open us this path in the Holy Spirit and through the power of His Holy Cross in prayer and post, we will win through flavors and passions through the petitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Virgin Mary. In the surrounding door castles were relics. It is displayed in the Diocesan Museum next to the Cathedral of Limburg.

Or eliminate reading and worshiping all this or, obeying the church legend, allow the worship of the subjects, the sanctified name of God and the friends of God and because of this the authorities with the grace of the Divine.\u003e (St. John Damaskin)

With the end of the sufferings of God, the humiliation began to humiliate the adopted drove of the cross; But attentive and here can see the manifestation of the fishery of God about his glory. Crosses usually or got buried with the bodies hanging on them, or were left on the place of execution for other criminals. But with a cross of the Savior, neither one nor the other happened. Shortly after the burial of the Lord Joseph and Nicodemus the Cross was hidden by Jews, and the very place was entrusted to this shrine, wasted from Christians. According to the fishery of God, it should not stay at the place of execution for a long time at the place of execution, otherwise the Bograyak Sovereign, in which the sins of the world would have taken the sins of the world, would have said the blood of any criminal, a dedicated execution.

Every Wednesday and Friday - the memory of St. Sound: Save, Lord, your people and bless your legacy! Turn your believers in your opponents. And save your gospel with your gospel. Sound: You voluntarily rose to the cross, Christ, our God. Give your mercy to your new community, named after you. Strengthen everyone who is responsible for them, with your strength. Give a victory over evil, the world is in your community. Arms of the cross of irresistible signs of victory.

In addition to the bishop of Hugh Gilbert as a deacon, Brother Matthias and colleague Archbishop Joseph Jules Zesey, Greco-Melkitsky patriarchal Vicar Jerusalem. I am very pleased to participate in this celebration and share with you some thoughts about the importance of the festival.

The pagans, who changed the Jews in Hate to Christ and his followers, were involuntarily taken by the victims of the burial place of the hosquitable tree of the Cross, erecting the Kapieche on Calvary and over the Rock of the Mernel. At one time, it was a faithful indication of hidden holy places. The cross of the cross needed to appear to the world for joy, celebrations and church decorations. Konstantin Great, repeatedly experiencing the power of the cross, it was removed to find the very tree, the Savior was crucified. This sacred work accepted his mother, Tsaritsa Elena. "Holy Spirit," says one Father of the Church, "inspired this equal to the Apostles Tsarice, so that she to fame the crucified and joy of Orthodox to use possible efforts to recover the Cross of the Lord."

We remember the forest of the Cross, the tree of life and at the beginning of the monastic life in this place. Monasteries and trees are connected. Then the tree has grown. About clean overpass! About Orpheus sings! ABOUT tall tree In the ear! And everything was quiet. But even in silence there was a new beginning, winking and changing.

Animals from silence came out of sight. Allowed forest camp and genitals; And it was so that they were not cunning. And they were not so silent in fear. The roar, scream, the roar seemed small in their hearts. And where it was hardly a hut to get it. Refuge of the most gloomy desire. With access, whose messages are trembling. Then you created the temple in their hearing.

Any Jew Juda, who of the written ancestor of his ancestor definitely knew where the life-giving tree was buried, was forced to specify this sacred place. After finding the cross and the miracles originating from him, Judas believed in the crucified, was inflicted in the baptism of Kiriak, later became the Patriarch of Jerusalem and a martyr's crown was conceived. Judah under the name Kiriak is revered by the Orthodox Church as a priest.

Rainer Maria Rilke. There was a huge tree, the oldest chestnut tree in the whole Poland. In Psalms, the righteous is compared with a tree planted near running water, and it brings fruit at one time. Benedict Anianian at the Indian River is a monastery tree.

Yes, there is relatives between monasteries and trees: constancy, loyalty, silence, depth, protection, movement to the sky. For health in the world you need trees. Charles Dickens wrote famous Roman "Tale of two cities" - London and Paris. The history of salvation is the story of two trees, about the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden and the Tree of the Cross in Calvary.

The shepherds of Jerusalem, during the centuries, rapid violent violent, under the daily threat of their fanaticism andracy, found the best over time to crush the tree of the cross for other churches so that in the event of a loss or extermination of it in one place, it was not forever lost for the church. For its history, the trees of the life-giving cross was divided into particles different sizewhich can now be found in many temples and monasteries of the world.

Two trees form centers of two different movements, two trees that create two of different world. Woman saw that the tree is good to eat and admire the look and wish to get a presentation. And he took the fruit with him, and ate, and gave her husband to her who was with her, and ate.

In this tree, the world became something that can be taken that you can eat and rob. The man and woman did not want to hear and take the gift of life from the one who gave them them, and they took the world for themselves. The world was simply concluded in one attitude - "preferably"; Only for us.

Paul: "A sin came across a person, and death was death." But - today our liturgy sings - "the enemy who won the forest was also defeated by the Lord Jesus Christ." In this second tree, we do not find the history of desire, taking, robbery. This is the expression of the opposite attitude and creating another world.

The church reformer Jean Calvin polemically declared in the XVI century, which could be built from the numerous parts of the cross. However, research end XIX. The century showed that the total weight of all documented fragments of the cross is only about 1.7 kilograms.

The largest of the famous parts of the life-giving cross is kept in the sacristy next to Calvary, in the Temple of the Globa of the Lord in Jerusalem.

Life-giving cross in silver-plated rim, covered with diamonds

The honest and life-giving cross of the Lord, who was acquired by Empress Elena in 325, was kept in Jerusalem in her temple erected as the greatest shrine of the whole Christian world.
In 614, the cross was captured by the Persians and exported from Jerusalem to KTesyphone. In 629, Emperor Irakli, who defeated Persia, returned it to Jerusalem, where he was before the conquest of this city Arabs. Shortly until 638, when Jerusalem was captured by Muslims, the cross of the Lord was taken to Constantinople, where the custom of performing the 1st of August a special procession And sanctifying the water with a holy tree. This custom became the foundation of the holiday. Origin (meal) of the trees of the honest and life-giving cross. Subsequently, a significant part of the cross was fragmented and smoked throughout the Christian world. Crusaders who captured the capital of Byzantium in 1204, taken out most Holy Tree to the West.

The cross particles of Christ were worn into large crosses, stood in the temples, ...

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Life-giving Cross Lord Godenovsky Cross

On the edge of the Yaroslavl region, 15 kilometers from Petrovsk, located on the highway Moscow - Yaroslavl, in the semi-closed village, Godenovo rises on the hillside, a beautiful stone church in the name of St. John Zlatoust.

This temple belongs to the female Pereslavsky Monastery. It keeps great orthodox shrines - the life-giving cross of the Lord who came from the sky and miraculous icon Nicholas.

The phenomenon time of the life-giving Cross of the Lord is now difficult to establish. However, as the famous historian A.A.Titov considered in the book "Rostov hierarchs. Materials for the history of the Russian Church ", published in 1890 in Moscow, time of phenomenon 1423. Other authors, such as, G.K.Vagner (1980), consider the time of phenomenon 1425 or point to the even later deadlines 1490. Currently, with a lot of confidence, it can be assumed that the phenomena of the life-giving cross of the Lord occurred ...

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One of orthodox countries, where is the greatest number The Lord Cross Particles is Russia. IN currently Shrine particles are stored in the Epiphany Cathedral in Elokhov (Moscow), the Trinity-Sergiyev Lavra (Sergiev Posad), Alexander Svir Monastery (Leningrad Region), the Blagoveshchensky Monastery ( Nizhny Novgorod), Resurrection-Feodor monastery (Ivanovo region), Cross women's monastery (Yekaterinburg), Pokrovsky Alexander Nevsky Monastery (Novosibirsk Oblast), Cross-Zodzhensky Kyltov Women's Monastery (Komi Republic) and a number of other places.


In Ukraine, the parties of the Cross of the Lord are in the Cross-Promotional Church (Vinnitsa), the Cross-Cathedral (Uzhgorod), in the Assumption Cathedral (Mukachev), as well as in the Holy Assumption Pochaevsky Lavra (Ternopil region).


The particle of the honest and life-giving cross is kept in the Cathedral of Svetitskhoveli (Mtskheta). According to legend, the particle of the Cross of the Lord, one ...

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Many Christian relics possess an amazing miraculous force. The grace of God autokes them. Icons, power of saints, flaps from their clothes, cult items have repeatedly returned health, peace of mind, helped overcome heavy periods in life, find themselves to those who came to church, monasteries for moral support, in search of exit from deadlock situations and in many other cases.

Great Shrine

In the very center of Russia, in the Yaroslavl region, near Pereslavl-Zalessky, there is one of these relics - the cross of the life-giving. Godenovo - a small village in which the female Holy Nikolaev monastery has long existed. On his foundation is a temple built in honor of John of Zlatoust. It was this church that became the place where in the 1930s of the last century I found my refuge of the Grand Cross Life-giving. Gomegeno saw a lot in their century. The domes of his five-chapted church from 1794 are sparkled in the sky, and the sonorous bells are poured with crimson ...

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Holy Land. The origin of the life-giving Cross of the Lord.

Life-friendly creation, the true cross, the cross of the Lord, the life-giving tree_ the cross, on which Jesus Christ was crucified. It is one of the instruments of the Passion of Christ and refers to the main Christian shrines.
The origin of the life-giving Tree transfers us to distant biblical times Old Testament. The basis of history on the origin of the material for the life-giving cross is associated with the fall of the lot. Lot is the nephew of the Patriarch Abraham (son of Aran).

The genealogy of Abraham rises to Sim (Gen. 11. 10-26), his father was Farra, who had sons: Abram, Nakhor, Aran (Gen. 11). From Abraham begins new stage "Sacred History" of the Post-Cottage Time: the latter of the house-building of God is opposed to a new beginning of history from Abraham (Wed. Life 11. 4 and Ghost 12. 2).
Abraham lived in the country of Chaldean, not far from Babylon. He with all his family, retained true faith In God. He was rich, had a lot of livestock, ...

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Life-giving cross of the Lord

In the temple of St. John Zlatoust

Sela Godenovo

The phenomenon of the life-gloomy Cross of the Lord is celebrated

Quite not far from Moscow, in the Yaroslavl region, there are amazing placewhere one of the greatest wonders was accomplished - the phenomenon of the life-giving Cross of the Lord. And again we speak with you about miracles. This topic is hearing all Orthodox, she worries, pleases and worries. From her do not dismiss, it is not silent. However, as not to understand until the end, do not put all the points over "I" in the stories about the wonders. Yes, and who we are to be wondering over what to be wondering is not by rank. Lacility and aplomb - values \u200b\u200bare equivalent. Moreover, the first is not ashamed of the second, while the second is essential first. But even such unequal confrontation allows you to peacefully coexist these self-sufficient vices in our unassuming heart ....

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On the edge of the Yaroslavl region, 15 kilometers from Petrovsk, located on the highway Moscow - Yaroslavl, in the semi-closed village, Godenovo rises on the hillside, a beautiful stone church in the name of St. John Zlatoust. This temple belongs to the foundation of the female Pereslavsky monastery. It keeps the great Orthodox shrines - the life-giving cross of the Lord who was from the sky, and the miraculous icon of Nicholas.
Get to public transport It is extremely difficult to suitable. First you need to go to a long-distance bus from Moscow towards Yaroslavl. Next, without reaching the final stop, planted in Petrovsk and catch a local bus that goes only three times a day. Yes, and then often happens, flights are canceled. But the one who in the grace of God still reached this holy place is immersed in the infinite grace and thanks the Lord for such a discovered mercy.
On the phenomenon of the miraculous crucifix, the narrative of which is given by the preserved publication ...

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Life-giving cross. The history of the cross is the story of signs from the sky! (Vyenovo village) Miracles next to us

History of the Cross - the history of signs from the sky

1423 - the chronicler calls this date, telling about the life-giving cross. And not only a year, but also day - May 29 (June 11 in a new style). Nikolsky graveyard was called the place where the local shepherds of cattle. Suddenly they saw in the swamp a big pillar of light. I was afraid of, of course: where to be the light where the person cannot get it, caustious by the marsh albeit. And the pillar of the unspecified light stood and stood. Crighted and went. According to great tops, jumping from the bump on the hammer, on the dark - to the light. And they saw the cross, and on it a crucified Savior. And nearby, standing among the swamp turbines, Nikolai Wonderworker with the Gospel in Hands. The fear of the legs of the shepherds, they collapsed before God's miracle In the sacred trepidation. And when quietly came to themselves, heard a voice from the Lord Crucifixion: "There will be a grace of God and the House of God in Sez. Healing Many ...

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The Lord committed salvation to our congestion; On the cross, he was confused by the manuscript of our sins; The cross reconciled us to God and the Father; Through the cross, the gifts of ferthodified and all blessings of the Heavenly Cross of Christ are referred to us by Honestly, because he is worthy of honoring as a great shrine, an instrument of our salvation ... The cross of Christ is honored with a prayer in front of him, bonquers, lobsia, fuse and the holyness, images of the cross in the temples and houses ...

The cross of Christ is referred to as life-giving, because it gives life to those who joined the fruits of the godfather, and because crossing death Christ won the death of bodily, putting the beginning of the Universal Resurrection: Christ was risen from the dead, the firstborn of the dead (1 Cor, 15:20).

"Glory, Lord, Cross Your Honest!" - So praises the fame of the Cross Church of Christ.

To full, this glory manifested itself in times ...

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Life-giving cross

The life-giving cross is a cross, on which, according to the conviction of the majority of Christians, Jesus Christ was crucified. He is one of the instruments of the Passion of Christ and refers to the main Christian Relics.

The gospel does not report special details about the cross, in which Christ was executed through a crucifix. It is referred to as a ready-made subject when describing his carrying of Christ in Calvary.

Apocryphic literature, unlike canonical texts, contains many details legendary Story Life-giving cross. However, the history of the cross as a significant relic for the Christian world, supported by reliable evidence, begins only with excavations conducted by the Holy equal to the Apostles Tsaritsa Elena and many early Christian historians described by many early Christian historians.

The cycle of legends about the lively cross arose mainly in Palestine and has ancient origin (early lists The gospel of Nicodema is dated V c.). The main focus of apocryphic ...

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Initially, this holiday is installed by the church in the memory of the founding of the Cross of the Lord in the IV century. According to the description of the ancient Christian historians (Eusevia, Feodorita, etc.), the event seems to be in this form.

Emperor Konstantin Great, by a sense of awe to the Cross of the Lord, with the help of which he won many victories, had a desire to find a honest tree of the Cross of the Lord and build a temple on Calvary. To fulfill this desire, the pious mother of Konstantin - Elena - went in 326 in Jerusalem to find the Cross of the Lord. According to the ancient and the usual, the guns of execution usually rumbled near her place. According to the legend, recorded from Grigoria of the Turovsky, the place of finding the Cross of the Lord under the ruins of the pagan regime pointed out one old elderly Jew named Judas (later adopted Christianity).

During the excavations near the frontal place, three crosses, nails and the table with the inscription in three languages, which was nailed over the gland crucified ...

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Exodues of the honest life-giving cross of the Lord of the Exaltation of the Honest Cross of the Lord - one of the two-month (twelve largest) orthodox holidays. Mounted in honor of the acquisition of the cross, on which the Lord was crucified. For more than three hundred years, no one knew where this cross is located, and it was not destroyed at all: in the II-III century, the aircraft emperors actively reduced the Kapieche on the places of suffering and the death of the Savior. So, Calvary and the coffin of the Lord were covered with the earth, the Venels were built on them, put the statue of Jupiter.

However, after the victory of Konstantin the Great and termination of repression against Christians since 313, the searches began to search for shrines. In Jerusalem, Konstantin's mother went, Tsaritsa Elena. For a long time, the search was unsuccessful. Finally, one old Jew said where the Golgotha \u200b\u200band the Merrian coffin was located (later this man accepted Christianity, became the Jerusalem bishop and adopted a martyrdom for the Board of Julian's apostate.

The capital was destroyed, began excavations. Soon...

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The word for the elimination of the Cross of Lordarchimandrite John (Peastery)

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit!

About the Multi-Tree Cross! About the lively tree of the Cross! About the designed tree of the cross! ABOUT honest Cross, the all-handing sign of our redemption! We indicate, sinful, the path of life of the saving.

Other friends! "... the word about the cross for perishing people is, and for us, saved, is the power of God" (1 Cor.1: 18). And yesterday we also touched this force with you, becoming participants in the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord. Past of each of you sailed a life-giving tree heated from the holy of saints, from the earth's sky, from the Altar of the Lord. Sleepy, and rose to the height, and dropped to the ground to rise again, the autumn all sides of the world so that everyone saw, understood and felt the strength and power of this great sign of victory.

Not human fabrication entered the world, this wonderful holiday, which made three different events of the history of the life-giving Tree, and not human ...

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The life-giving cross of the Lord. Village Godenovo. Modern pilgrimage chronicle

And there was a shepherd light ineffable, poured from the sky to the ground. And in the midst of him, in the air, the life-giving cross with the image of the Crucifixion of the Lord, and in front of him - the wonderworker Great Nikolai with the Holy Gospel. The shepherds fell from fear, as if the dead, but when the power of God strengthened them and they came to themselves, then the voice from the sky was called: "There will be a grace of God and the House of God in Sez; Those who will come to pray with faith, there will be many healing and miracles of prayers for the sake of the Wonderworker Nikola. "

In the wild, the semi-closed village of Godenovo is this cross. Among the wide fields and meadows, green vests enveloping the surroundings, the White Temple of John Zlatoust rises. Five-cycle, with small silver masters on white beams and a low semicircular chapel, decorated with a carved openwork pattern, he captivates with his humble charm and beauty at first glance. Every year, here, ...

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V.E.Shmatov, L.N.Valsa

Life-giving Cross Lord - Shrine
nizhny Novgorod lands

Slightly know that in the Nizhny Novgorod Earth more than 300 years was one of the wonderful shrines of the Russian orthodox church - Miraculous life-giving cross the Lord. According to legend, this cross was brought by Prince D.M. Pozharsky in 1606 from Solovetsky Monastery "... To the monastery of Petrovsky for the sake of deliverance from the seaside telny and the invasion of Hetman, who is still in the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord and everyone with faith comes in an uncoordous feeling" 1.

We are talking about a life-giving cross (three-hour measure) - one of the main shrines of the Savior Transfiguration Church of the village of Purech Balakhninsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod province, which was the subject of worship of the surrounding population and all those who coming to him believers from more remote places. The most pilgrims to the life-giving cross came from the Gorokhovetsky County of the Vladimir province, from the Kostroma province, with units, and "... the most ...

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Handling honest trees of the life-giving Cross of the Lord

The origin of honest hands

Brothers and sisters, today we remember three events sacred for all orthodox Christian. The first is the deployment of honest trees of the life-giving Cross of the Lord. The rite of the meal was made in the ancient Constantinople Church before the invasion of the Turks and even to the terrible devastating ruin of the city of Crusaders in the early XIII century, when Constantinople was still as if the second Jerusalem, the Second Holy City.

From all over Byzantine Empire All the shrines were overlooking the territory, subject to Orthodox Emperor. Pilgrims who could travel to holy places in those difficult times were always trying to visit not only in the Holy Land, but also in Constantinople, where there was a meeting of all sorts of Orthodox Christian shrines.

Part of the treave of the Cross of the Lord was carried along the streets of Constantinople in the hot summer months, when in the city ...

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