Exaltation is a church holiday that cannot be done. Do's and don'ts on the feast of the raising of the cross of the lord

Exaltation is a church holiday that cannot be done.  Do's and don'ts on the feast of the raising of the cross of the lord
Exaltation is a church holiday that cannot be done. Do's and don'ts on the feast of the raising of the cross of the lord

September 27 is one of the most significant in folk calendar... There are many associated with it. It was believed that from that day on, autumn began to move towards winter - it was time to prepare fur coats and hats. It is on this day that the bears climb into their dens, and the birds are preparing to fly south - which means it's time to warm the house. But at the same time, many people do not know, for example, why it is impossible to go to the forest on September 27. But this superstition also has an explanation.

September 27 - Orthodox feast of the Exaltation

This day is red on the calendar because it marks one of the most important church holidays - the Exaltation of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord According to biblical legend, Jesus Christ was crucified on Mount Calvary on an oblique cross, which after the execution was buried in the same place. Many years later, the city of Jerusalem, attacked by an army of Roman soldiers, was destroyed, and the sacred place of execution was razed to the ground. Emperor Hadrian ordered to equip a pagan temple on it. And only a few centuries after this event, a miracle was shown to Emperor Constantine - christian cross with a victory inscription, thanks to which it was possible to win many important victories. The pious ruler, striving to fulfill the will of the Lord, ordered his mother, Queen Helena, to find the very cross on which the Savior was crucified. It was not possible for a very long time, but in the end the shrine was found. With her help, it was possible to resurrect a recently deceased person, which is why the cross was named Life-giving. In his honor, the Temple of the Ascension of the Lord was laid in Jerusalem, revived by that time. And the very day of finding the shrine has become a widely celebrated religious holiday.

The folk tradition connected September 27 with natural phenomenon- raising autumn towards winter. Hence the appearance of many associated with this day will accept and have little to do with the church holiday. Although all the same in Russia they tried to illuminate the newly built temples and begin the construction of chapels precisely during the Exaltation. In the villages on this day, religious processions through the nearby fields, and the housewives began to chop and ferment cabbage.

Why can't you go to the forest on September 27?

The Russian people have many prohibitions associated with the Feast of the Exaltation. One of the most famous is the ban on visiting the forest. On the question of whether it is possible to go to the forest on September 27, the answer was always unequivocally negative. And this was due to two reasons. Firstly, it was believed that on this day all forest evil spirits became active. Orthodox holiday For some reason, for the goblin, kikimor, werewolves, there was no decree, not paying attention to it, they arranged the last gathering before winter. The forester checked his possessions, the readiness of the animals for the winter. It was extremely dangerous for a person to stumble upon him at that moment. Secondly, it was believed that on September 27 the doors to the virii would open for all creeping reptiles, into which they rush to winter, huddling in huge tangle. To stumble upon them in the forest is to be bitten. And a person could also fall into the ground - through the same open viry gates, and spend many months there until spring with snakes.

What else can't you do on September 27?

According to popular belief, September 27 not only is it forbidden to go to the forest, but also to do some other things.

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The Orthodox Church celebrates on October 14 (October 1, old style) the feast of the Intercession Holy Mother of God in memory of the appearance in the Blachernae Church in Constantinople of the Mother of God, extending her veil over all believers.

What is the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos

The Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos is one of the great holidays of the Russian Orthodox Church... Its full name is the Protection of the Most Holy Lady of our Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary.

According to legend, the Mother of God appeared to those praying at the Blachernae Church in Constantinople. It happened in 910. The Mother of God spread her omophorion (head cover) over people, and this miracle became a sign of intercession and consolation over people. The Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos is celebrated only in the Russian Church.

When is the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos celebrated

The Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos is one of the great holidays. The holiday date is fixed - October 14 New Style (October 1 Old Style).

What can you eat on the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos

There is no fast on the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos. If the day of the holiday falls on Wednesday or Friday, fish is allowed.

Events of the Protection of the Holy Virgin

The history of the event itself, which gave rise to the establishment of the holiday, is well known. The troops of the barbarians approached Constantinople. In those years, such raids often ended in bloody massacres, and the inhabitants of the Byzantine capital justifiably expected that by morning they could say goodbye to life.

The priests of the city prayed for deliverance from their enemies, and at four o'clock in the morning, the future famous Christian saint, the holy fool Andrew of Constantinople (a Slav who once fell into Byzantine captivity), a vision appeared in the Blachernae Church of Constantinople. In the sky, he saw the Mother of God walking through the air, illuminated by heavenly light, surrounded by angels and a host of saints. As St. Demetrius of Rostov describes this vision, the Mother of God "took off the great and terrible veil that shone like lightning, which she wore on Her Most Pure Head and, holding it with great solemnity with Her Most Pure Hands, spread it over all the standing people."

The city was protected by a wonderful cover. The rising storm scattered the ships of the barbarians, saving the inhabitants of Constantinople from death.

Of course, the fact of a miracle cannot be scientifically proven, but there is a lot about the very fact of the siege and the saving storm. historical information... The only question is, who were the bloodthirsty conquerors of the Byzantine capital? According to some reports, these were the Saracens who came to Constantinople. However, there is another version.

According to a number of scholars, the events of the holiday describe what happened to the squads of the Russian princes-Varangians Askold and Dir. Famous historian Churches Anton Kartashov cites the text of Patriarch Photius, which chronologically confirms that the events could have taken place precisely in 866, which means that the attackers were exactly the Russians, and not the Saracens, since the Saracen invasions happened half a century later. The Patriarch writes: “Do you remember that dark and terrible night when the life of all of us was about to go down with the sunset and the light of our existence was swallowed up by the deep darkness of death? Do you remember that unbearably sad hour when barbarian ships came to us, breathing something fierce, savage and murderous? When the sea quietly and serenely spread out its ridge, giving them a pleasant and longed-for voyage, and raising fierce waves of battle against us. When they passed in front of the city, carrying and advancing the swimmers, who raised their swords and, as it were, threatening the city with death from the sword ...

When, raising our hands to God, all night long we asked for mercy from Him, having placed all our hopes on Him, then we got rid of the misfortune, then we were worthy of the abolition of the calamities that surrounded us. Then we saw the dispersal of the thunderstorm and saw the departure of the wrath of the Lord from us. For we saw our enemies departing, and the city, which was threatened with plunder, rid of the ruin ... "

So why exactly in Russia these events remained in the memory of the believing people deeper than even in the memory of the descendants of the miraculously saved Byzantines? Princes Askold and Dir are known not only as about brutal wars and the destroyers of foreign lands. It is also known that after an unsuccessful campaign to Constantinople, the Russians sent an ambassador to the emperor of Byzantium with a request to send a Christian missionary to Kiev. The warlike Varangians became interested: what kind of God is the Greeks, capable of scattering the strongest army? Once warlike pagan barbarians, Askold and Dir were baptized by the end of their lives, and many of their warriors were baptized.

If this is really so, then an instant defeat in a not very glorious military campaign deprived the Russians of material trophies, but brought them something much more. It is not without reason that the events of the times of Askold and Dir are sometimes called "the first baptism of the Rus."

The history of the celebration of the Protection of the Holy Virgin

We read about the establishment of a holiday in the Russian Prologue of the 12th century (Old Russian hagiographic collection).

“Behold, when you have heard - in your thoughts; what a terrible and merciful vision, and even more than our hope and intercession, be without celebration ... admiration, but your Holy Protection, Abiding, will not remain without a holiday ”.

In Russia, churches in honor of the Intercession Mother of God began to build in the XII century. One of the most ancient and beautiful - Cover on the Nerl... It was erected by the holy prince Andrey Bogolyubsky. There is an assumption that it was he who spread the tradition of celebrating the Protection of the Virgin in Russia.

Cover day - folk traditions of the holiday

Shibanov Mikhail. “Celebration of the wedding contract”. 1777. Tretyakov Gallery... Moscow.

In Russia, the holiday of the Intercession of the Most Holy Lady of our Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary was called the Intercession Day, and also: First Winter, Wedding, Third Most Pure, Zasidki, Obsichane, Roman the Sweet Singers Day, Intercession-Father.

In the popular mind christian meaning the event that formed the basis of the holiday was closely intertwined with purely worldly customs. The change of seasons, remnants of pagan beliefs, household chores - all had an impact.

At this time (October 1 according to the old style, October 14 - according to the new) agricultural work was over, the peasants were preparing for the winter, the girls gathered for gatherings. It was also the beginning of the fall wedding season.

Pokrov - "the meeting of Autumn and Winter". People were waiting for the first frost, which "covered" the ground and was an omen of impending cold weather. In addition, the peasants associated the word "cover" with the custom, according to which, after the wedding, a woman could only walk with her head covered. Only unmarried girls were allowed to go "simple-haired".

How it is customary to celebrate the Protection of the Virgin and what cannot be done on this day

One of the main holidays of Orthodox believers - the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary is celebrated on October 14. The people often call it the Cover of the Day. How it is customary to celebrate it and what can not be done on this day, he says in the "Question-Answer" section.

Can I clean the house and mop the floors?

Traditionally, Saturday is considered a women's day. Most women on this day off do the cleaning, wash the floors, iron and wash things. But since in 2017 the Veil falls on Saturday, it is better to refrain from these household chores. Also, on this day, it is not recommended to sew, engage in construction, dig the ground.

Can I drink alcohol on Pokrov?

It is allowed to eat and drink everything on the Pokrov. There is no fasting at this time. If you know that it is difficult for you to limit yourself, it is better not to touch alcohol. The main joy on this holiday is spiritual.

On the feast of the Intercession, one should also not use foul language or swear with people.

Is it possible to work for Pokrov?

As on any religious holiday, serious economic work cannot be done on the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos. But if you have a "shift schedule", then your work is not considered a sin. It is important to do your job in good faith, and this will be much more pleasing to God than idle pastime.

How should the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos be celebrated?

On the eve of the holiday in the temples all-night vigil... On the day of the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos, a solemn liturgy is held. Believers ask through prayer from the Mother of God for protection and help, good health, prosperity in family life... It is believed that throughout the year the Mother of God protects the person who is asking, covering him with her veil.

Signs for Pokrov Day

People believed that if the leaves from the birch had not yet fallen off by mid-October, the snow would not fall soon. And if the squirrels have stored a lot of nuts for the winter, the winter will be cold and snowy. If thunder breaks out in October, it will be winter without snow, and if in a circle - summer will be without rain.


If the birds fly away together to warm regions - be strict in winter. Large ant heaps by the fall speak about this.

If a leaf falls on the ground upside down on the Pokrov, this is for the harvest, but when the first snow passes before the Pokrov, then it will take a long time to wait for winter.

Veil of the Day Traditions

In Russia, the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos was called the Intercession of the Day, as well as the First Winter, Svadebnik, the Third Most Pure, Zasidki, Obsichane, and the Intercession-Father.

In the popular consciousness, the Christian meaning of the Intercession is closely intertwined with the change of seasons, remnants of pagan beliefs, and household chores. Usually at this time agricultural work was over, the peasants were preparing for the winter, the girls gathered for gatherings, and the autumn wedding season began.

The people believed that the cover is “the meeting of Autumn with Winter”. People were waiting for the first frost, which "covered" the ground and was an omen of impending cold weather. The peasants also associated the word "veil" with the custom, according to which, after the wedding, a woman could only walk with her head covered. Only unmarried girls were allowed to go "simple-haired".

The material was compiled from open sources.

On Saturday, September 27, Orthodox believers celebrate the Feast of the Exaltation of the Honorable and Of the Life-giving Cross Of the Lord, one of the 12 main holidays of the Orthodox Church. The holiday appeared in about 326, when, according to church tradition, the Cross of the Lord was found, on which Jesus Christ was crucified. The search for the Cross, as well as Calvary and other places associated with the life and ascension of Jesus Christ, was engaged in the mother of Emperor Constantine the Great, Queen Elena. During the excavations she organized, Queen Helena found the Cross, as well as other artifacts of that time.

On this day in all Orthodox churches solemn services are performed. The culmination of the Divine Liturgy is the appearance of the priest, dressed in purple vestments, with the Cross of the Lord in his hands. The believers in the church take turns approaching the shrine and kissing it, and the priest anoints the parishioners with holy oil.

Divine Liturgy In honor of the feast of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia will also celebrate in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow.

In Russia, on the day of the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord, there were various signs and traditions. So, for example, it was believed that on this day all reptiles, snakes and lizards, crawl into one place to make themselves a nest for the winter. Therefore, the gates and doors in the houses were carefully locked so that the snakes did not crawl into the house. In addition, it was considered dangerous to go to the forest, because it is on this day that bears arrange dens for themselves, and do not wait for uninvited guests.

The Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross was considered the end of the "Indian summer". The peasants were making final preparations for the winter. There were proverbs and sayings associated with the Exaltation:

“Exaltation is in the yard, the last shock from the field is moving, the last cart is in a hurry to the threshing floor!

"The fur coat for the caftan stretches to the Exaltation!"

"The exaltation will sweep away the caftan, put on the fur coat!"

"Exaltation - the last cart has moved from the field, and the bird - in flight!"

"Exaltation moves autumn towards winter!"

Exaltation has one day of the forefeast and 7 days after the feast. On the very day of the Exaltation, believers fast. And in Russia on the festive week it was customary to go home and chop cabbage. These days were called "cabbage evenings", young people loved to gather in houses, watch girls chop cabbage, drink mead and kvass, have fun. In addition, the guys looked closely at the girls, choosing a "cabbage" bride for themselves. The wedding was usually played on Pokrov Day - October 10. On Saturday, September 27, Orthodox believers celebrate the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, one of the 12 main holidays of the Orthodox Church. The holiday appeared in about 326, when, according to church tradition, the Cross of the Lord was found, on which Jesus Christ was crucified. The search for the Cross, as well as Calvary and other places associated with the life and ascension of Jesus Christ, was engaged in the mother of Emperor Constantine the Great, Queen Elena. During the excavations she organized, Queen Helena found the Cross, as well as other artifacts of that time.