April 8 events. Holidays and events in April

April 8 events. Holidays and events in April

Significant events in the world of music - BIRTHDAYS

April 8, 1692 born - Italian composer, violinist and theorist. He developed the basic techniques of bowing, recognized by all contemporary violinists in Italy and France, and which have come into general use. He is credited with the discovery of the acoustic phenomenon, which consists in the fact that two consonant upper sounds give a lower echo.

He began to study composition in the Franciscan monastery of Assisi at the monastery organist. V 1721 year took the position of violinist and conductor of the Padua Chapel, then was a court musician in Prague.

NS about returning to Padua Tartini founded here in 1728 year violin school... V 1740 made a concert tour of Italy with triumphant success. Violin works Tartini are widespread. His sonata "The Devil's Trill"(known as "Devil's Sonata") has survived in the repertoire of violinists to this day.

Passed away February 26, 1770... He was one of the most prominent Italian music theorists of the 18th century, the author of treatises on various musical issues.

D Atsk composer and music teacher was born April 8, 1843... He studied in Copenhagen, then went to continue his studies in London, then to Berlin. V 1864 in connection with the Danish-Prussian war, he left Germany for Paris, where he studied with Hector Berlioz, and after his death he went to Italy, then to Vienna and finally to the USA, where in 1871 year inaugurated the Peabody Conservatory in Baltimore.

V about the head of the conservatory Hameric stayed up 1898 year... This period was a significant milestone in the development of this institution. Her guests were Arthur Sullivan and . Hameric distinguished by disciplinary rigor, requiring students to attend classes (which was not very accepted in those days) and admitting only a few, the most diligent, to defend their diplomas.

TO besides this, Hameric conducted conservatory concerts, many of which reached significant proportions. Undertaken by him in 1874 year The concert, composed entirely of works by American composers, is considered one of the first musical events of its kind in the United States.

In 1900, Asger Hamerik returned to Denmark, but was no longer engaged in active professional activities.

O major works Hamerica created during the American period of his activity. Hamericu owns seven symphonies (not counting the youthful, composed in 1860 year), five Northern suites, piano quintet, vocal music and Requiem (1886-1887 ), which he himself considered his most significant work. In the pre-American period Aster Hameric also wrote four operas. The composer died July 13, 1923.

April 8, 1902 born - opera singer (mezzo-soprano), soloist of the Bolshoi Theater in 1923-1924 and again in 1928-1953 ... V 1925-1927 was a soloist of the Leningrad Opera and Ballet Theater.

NS ate in the church choir, then studied singing at the Astrakhan School of Music. V 1919 year in Krasny Yar, the 17-year-old singer made her debut; she performed the part of Olga in the opera.

In 1923 Maksakova moved to Moscow. Over 30 years of stage activity, many central parts were sung, the best of which were: Carmen (), Martha ( "Khovanshchina"), Marina Mnishek ( "Boris Godunov"), Lyubasha ( "The Tsar's Bride"), Spring ( "Snow Maiden"), Ortruda ( Wagner's Lohengrin).

NS parties in operas Mussorgsky have brought Maria Maksakova two Stalin prizes. The singer taught vocal art at GITIS, headed the People's Singing School in Moscow, participated in the jury of many all-Union and international vocal competitions, and was engaged in publicism. Left memories. The singer's granddaughter is also a soloist of the Bolshoi Theater.

B Belgian French-speaking poet, bard, actor and director was born April 8, 1929... Beginning with 1952 Jacques composed songs that he performed in the family circle or at parties in Brussels cabarets. V 1953 year his first 78 rpm record came out - it was a failure. Soon after it Brel left for Paris at the invitation of the famous cultural figure Jacques Canetti, who discovered the talent of the young Belgian. V February 1954 Brel recorded a disc of 8 songs at the Phillips studio, but it did not bring any commercial or creative success. In the same year, Canetti sent the singer on tour. It is thanks to the tour Jacques finally became popular.

In 1956 Brel began collaborating with a pianist-accompanist and orchestrator François Robert, v 1957 he got a second accompanist, Gerard Joinnest- for concert performances. At the same time, his next album received the Grand Prix of the Charles Cros Academy. WITH 1958 Brel actively performed in the prestigious halls "Olympia" and "Bobino", "Alhambra". V October 1965 Brel toured the Soviet Union: his tour included Moscow, Leningrad, Tbilisi, Yerevan, Baku.

N at the peak of success in 1966 Brel decided to leave the singing and the stage. May 16, 1967 his last concert took place in Roubaix.

Started acting in films, he directed two films ("Franz", 1971 and "Wild West" 1973 ). V 1973 Brel also parted with the cinema.

NS songs Jacques Brel translated into English at different times recorded Ray Charles, Scott Walker, Alex Harvey, Dusty Springfield, Nina Simone and Terry Jax.

A American musician known as the bassist of a rock band Grand funk railroad was born April 8, 1951.

V At 16 years old, he received his first professional contract when he replaced the bassist in Question Mark and the Mysterians, which had the only hit at that time "96 Tears"... A little later to Shaher a friend joined Terry knight and drummer Don brewer, and soon a singer and guitarist Mark farner... Together they tried to change the musical direction. So in 1969 year a group was formed Grand funk railroad... They developed their own super-powerful sound style, which immediately made them the most popular concert group in the United States. 1970-1971's.

A lbom "On Time" (1969 ) climbed to 27th place on the Billboard lists, "Grand Funk" (1970 ) - until the 11th. Many attribute the group's phenomenal rise to the aggressive tactics of their manager. V 1970 year he spent $ 100,000 on a giant poster in New York promoting the album Closer To Home... The latter immediately rose to 6th place on the Billboard 200.

was born April 8, 1958... Russian rock musician, guitar virtuoso, composer, arranger - Associate Professor of the International Academy of Sciences of San Marino, Associate Professor of the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts. In addition to his music, he made many arrangements of classical music:,.

In 1976 Victor entered a music school for gifted children in the class of classical guitar in Russia and studied for 4 years. V 1987 having worked for 7 years with various teams, Zinchuk began a solo career. It was at this time that he was recognized as the best guitarist, according to a survey by the Youth Channel of the All-Union Radio. V 1995 year graduated with honors from the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts.

Included in the Russian Book of Records. The record is set in 2001 year while performing your variation of a piece of music "Flight of the Bumblebee" by Rimsky-Korsakov at a speed of 20 notes per second, according to himself Zinchuk(according to other sources - 270 beats per minute).

B Ritan rock musician, singer, first son of the band's founder (John Charles Julian Lennon) was born April 8, 1963 from marriage to Cynthia Powell.

TO The boy's real father was the manager BeatlesBrian Epstein.

M scarlet Julian inspired the band to write songs Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds and "Hey Jude".

Have same at school with a friend Justin Clayton started composing music. But to the British rock scene Julian came a little differently than his peers. Most of all, he was interested in the work of groups oriented towards modern jazz such as Steely Dan and piano miniatures Keith Jarrett... Since he was calm and dreamy at home, his favorite rock compositions were calm songs, including lyric ballads. The beatles.

NS donkey after graduation Julian lived in Wales and with Justin Clayton earned money washing dishes in a bistro. In the evenings they played music together, wrote a lot.

V one of the interviews Julian Lennon given after the release of the first solo album "Valotte" (1984 , received platinum status in America), the singer said: “I started writing songs. They were too complex at first and ultimately led nowhere. Then I listened to my father's solo albums again. It opened my eyes: the songs were clearly directed, they had a sincere feeling, character ... My father always seemed to me an old sage ... Of course, I am not yet who he was ... But I am from the same tree, believe me. "

V second album Julian Lennon "The Secret Value of Daydreaming" went out in 1986 year and became "golden". V 2011 saw the light of the singer's collection called "Everything Changes".

E dinoblood brother Juliana, also a musician.

R Russian rock musician, drummer for punk rock bands "Northern Fleet" and "King and the Clown" was born April 8, 1973... After graduating from school, he decided to devote himself to music.

O n became the first to join Mikhail Gorshenyov when he created the group "King and the Clown", and along with it and Yakov Tsvirkunov is an irreplaceable member of the team. Like everyone on the team, Alexander has his own pseudonym - Lieutenant.

Shchigolev and Knyazev Andrey- the only members of the group who served in the army. V 1995 Alexander, returning from the army, devoted himself to the group "King and the Clown"... He participated in the recording of the album "Brigade contract""Beauty Will Devour the World" (2004 ) and album "It should not be" (2006 ) as a drummer.

April 8, 1975 was born Anouk(Anuk Teuve) - Dutch singer, representative of the Netherlands in the song and song contest "Birds"("Birds") and took 9th place.

Anouk performs compositions in the style of pop-rock. Beginning with 1997 year released 10 albums (including singles, as well as live recordings from concerts).

Anouk has an original timbre of voice. Her work is especially popular in the Netherlands and Belgium. Plate "Together Alone" (1997 ) received a platinum disc in Italy and a gold disc in Sweden.

Anouk became interested in music under the influence of her mother, who was a singer and played the blues. At the dawn of her career, she sang at weddings and parties with a musical group. Shotgun Wedding... Then there was a meeting with Barry hay from the group Golden earring... He noticed her talent and offered to write songs for her (one of which "Mood Indigo").

Have Ukrainian singer (Poplavskaya) was born April 8, 1978... Passion for music and singing appeared in early childhood. Unbeknownst to her mother, she attended the children's choir "Sun", in which she became a soloist. After school she entered the music school named after. Gliera... Already in the first year I participated in competitions, sang in the Hollywood club.

In 2000 met with Dmitry Kostyuk who suggested Vlasova producer services. Together they recorded several songs. Clips were shot, songs were recorded, Evgeniya became very popular (one of the hits of that time - "I am a living river"). Her songs were played in Russia and other countries.

In the mid-2000s, Evgenia Vlasova released new videos, including an English-language remake of the song Valeria Meladze "Limbo" in duet with Andrew Donalds.

Vlasova participated in show "People's Star" and took 2nd place in charity events. V May 2010 the singer opened a vocal school.

Significant events in the world of music - DAYS OF MEMORY

AND italian composer Domenico Gaetano Maria Donizetti was born November 29, 1797... For 26 years of composing, he wrote 64 operas, many cantatas, masses, psalms. The ability to compose quickly was Donizetti amazing. While still at the Charity School of Music, he almost immediately became the best student. The first operas, however, did not bring success to the young composer. Success came later when it was delivered "Zoraida Granatskaya"... This was followed by the opera "Gypsy", which caused a very warm attitude of both the audience and critics, but the debut on the stage of the famous "La Scala" was unsuccessful. Opera "Chiara and Seraphina, or Pirates" failed. but Donizetti was not one of those who are discouraged. He responded to all attacks by composing new operas.

V about the whole world are still posed "Ann Bolein", "Lucretia Borgia", "Lucia di Lammermoor", "Love drink"... By the way, at the premiere Lucia in the Teatro San Carlo, during the scene of madness, the audience was sobbing, and the applause after the final scene was so deafening that the composer received a nervous shock and went to bed for several days.

He remained in the history of music primarily thanks to his operas. Peru Donizetti owns numerous symphonies, concerts, string quartets, other chamber instrumental ensembles, piano pieces in 2 and 4 hands.

February 20, 1802 born - Belgian violinist, composer and music teacher. He was a court violinist in Paris. V 1826 year performed on tour in Great Britain and the USA. Then he returned to Belgium, which belonged to the Netherlands during this period, and received the position of court violinist at the Brussels court of King Willem I.

N and throughout 1830s Berio toured extensively. V 1842 received an offer to take the violin department at the Paris Conservatory, but instead c 1843 taught a violin class at the Brussels Conservatory.

WITH in the name Berio connect the birth of the Franco-Belgian virtuoso romantic violin school. Violin playing textbook Berio (1858 ), translated into most European languages, until the middle of the twentieth century was (at least in Russia) the most widespread textbook; many generations of violinists made their first steps on its basis. In 1852 due to progressive blindness Berio retired. The most significant part of his composing heritage is 6 concertos for violin and orchestra. At the same time, solo violin pieces Berio, including sketches for pedagogical purposes, along with technical virtuosity, achieve artistic brilliance.

R Russian music educator was born June 12, 1821... Graduated from St. Petersburg University, while studying piano under the guidance of Anton Gerke and cello at Johann Benjamin Gross... Then he studied composition in Berlin with Adolf Marx... Returning to 1854 to Petersburg, Zaremba took over the leadership Choral Society at the Lutheran Peter and Paul Church. From the foundation Russian Musical Society v 1859 Zaremba took an active part in it, including as a teacher.

In 1862 Zarembu was invited as a professor of music theory to the newly created St.Petersburg Conservatory, and with 1867 on 1871 year he was its director. The detailed "Instruction for the St. Petersburg Conservatory" developed by him served for a long time as the organizational basis for the work of the institution. To the number of students Zaremby belong, Vasily Safonov, German Laroche, Nikolay Solovyov, Ella Adaevskaya(Elizabeth Schultz), Karl Zike, Ivan Pomazansky, Konstantin Haller, Andrey Kazbiryuk other.

I AM MPolsky in the "Musical Encyclopedia" noted that he was the first in Russia to start teaching music theory in Russian. His lectures were notable for their liveliness and imagery of presentation.

TO composing heritage Zaremby extremely insignificant: he owns an oratorio "John the Baptist", symphony, string quartet, choral compositions - all of this was practically never published or performed even during the author's lifetime.

A American opera singer (contralto) was born February 27, 1897... From the age of 6 she sang in the choir of a Baptist church, later she studied singing privately. She made her debut in 1925 and in 1928 first appeared at Carnegie Hall. Tour early 1930s in European countries and in the USSR brought Anderson widely known.

In 1939 the American public organization "Daughters of the American Revolution" was denied the right to participate in their holiday concert due to the fact that the then rules of this organization prohibited joint performances of white and black artists. In protest against this decision, the wife of the President of the United States, Eleanor Roosevelt, left the organization. Instead of this performance Anderson her concert was organized at the Lincoln Memorial Center, broadcast on radio and filmed. It was a huge success, forcing the Daughters of the American Revolution to rethink its rules. V In 1955 Anderson was the first African-American artist to perform at the Metropolitan Opera (as Ulrika in the opera "Masquerade ball"). V 1991 became a Grammy laureate in the category "For a Life in Art".

R the epertoire was composed of works Verdi, Saint Saens, Brahms, Sibelius, Mahler as well as African American spiritual songs (spirituals).

N Iderlandic singer was born May 11, 1926... She began her singing career in 1940s as part of a duet Scholten & Van 't Zelfde... WITH 1945 worked with Henk Scholten, whom she married a year later.

won the competition, gaining 21 points and ahead of performers from the UK and France. After the competition, she wrote down versions of her winning song "Een Beetje" in German, French, Swedish, Italian, which peaked at # 4 in the Dutch and # 11 in the Italian charts.

NS Later she recorded several albums, including those with famous children's songs, and also participated in television projects.

International Festival "Faces of Contemporary Pianism", which presented the leading performers of piano music to St. Petersburg.

Updated: April 13, 2019 by the author: Helena

International day of the gypsies

The holiday was established at the initiative of the World Roma Congress, held in England on April 8, 1971. Representatives from thirty countries decided to proclaim their people as a united and free nation and to support the decision by introducing national symbols - the flag and the anthem. About ten million Roma live in the world today. The geography of their settlement covers many countries, including Russia. According to some estimates, about 200 thousand Roma live on the territory of the Russian Federation. Every year on April 8, various events related to the Gypsy national culture are held: festivals, photo exhibitions, film screenings, performances. The program also includes gypsy concerts - with dances, songs and other performances.

Birthday of Buddha - Prince Siddhartha Guatama (Kambutsue)

On April 8, Buddhists celebrate Buddha's birthday - Kambutsue. In Japanese Buddhist temples, there are annual ritual services dedicated to God. History tells us that Kambutsue was first celebrated in 606 in one of the Yamato monasteries, during the reign of Empress Suiko. And in 840, the celebration ceremony was held for the first time in the palace. No one is destined to know the exact year of the Buddha's birth. Followers claim that this event took place between 560 and 490 BC.

The legend describes the birth of Prince Siddhartha Guatama: once the wife of the ruler of Shuddhodana, Maya, saw an unusual dream, where one of the gods, in the guise of a white, young and strong elephant with six tusks, descended from the sky and took possession of her, and after that the gods told the ruler that soon she will give birth to a son who should become the Enlightened One (Buddha). And so it happened. Maya found out she was pregnant. A few days before giving birth, she went to her parents, however, not reaching them, the woman gave birth right in the garden - "Lumbini grove" (Nepal), among a huge variety of fragrant flowers and singing birds.

Buddha devoted himself all his life to knowledge, and on the day of his 35th birthday he reached the highest point of Enlightenment. The next years of his life, the Prince passed on to people wisdom and knowledge leading to purification and enlightenment. The birthday of Buddha - Prince Siddhartha Guatama - is recognized as an official religious holiday celebrated in the framework of the UNESCO program on a global scale.

April 8 in the folk calendar

Gabriel Blagovest

On April 8, the Orthodox world commemorates the memory of the Archangel Gabriel, who, by the way, is revered not only in Christianity, but also in other religions. According to the Holy Scriptures, Gabriel reveals to people the secret knowledge of Genesis and the Lord. It was he who informed the Virgin Mary about the imminent birth of the Savior. Hence his nickname Blagovest (or Evangelist)

Despite the holiness of the Archangel Gabriel, in some regions of Russia there was one belief - everything that was born on that day turned out to be wrong. On this occasion, people even put together a saying: "What is born on Gabriel is ugly and ugly." On the Evangelist, the hostesses completed all the small household chores (knitting, stranding) in order to go to work in the field from the next day. There were also signs for this day. For example, it was believed that if bird cherry begins to turn green on Gabriel, then it is time to start planting early potatoes. The weather was also monitored: what it is today, so it will be on October 8.

Historical events on April 8

On April 8, Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky laid the foundation of the main holy monastery of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality - the Assumption Cathedral. The temple, built of chiseled white stone, was the largest structure in the principality, the center of the capital's architectural ensemble. All important state ceremonies took place there. And at the foot of his altar, such great generals as Dmitry Donskoy, Alexander Nevsky and so on were ordained to princes, right up to the reign of Ivan III.

For a long time, within the walls of the Assumption Cathedral rested a great shrine - the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God, which was later redirected to Moscow. The Assumption Cathedral has been “living” for more than eight hundred years. Today it is recognized as one of the greatest monuments of ancient Russian architecture and is the leading cathedral of the Vladimir diocese. Divine services are often held there, while the rest of the time the temple functions as a museum.

April 8, 1722- By the decree of Peter I, regular monitoring of the weather began in St. Petersburg

The first observations of the weather were carried out by Vice-Admiral K. Kruis. He recorded his results and calculations on paper, and then carried out in-depth analysis. Cruis' first notes were very scanty in content and included information of the following plan: "Month - date - day of the week - presence or absence of wind or precipitation - cloudiness - an approximate estimate of the temperature (hot, warm, cool, cold, cold, etc.)" ... Naturally, over time, weather observations became more and more scientific in nature, and in 1724 the first meteorological base was organized in the Russian Empire, and, after a few more months, meteorologists began to apply new methods of observing the weather. Thermometers and barometers came to the rescue.

The significance of such an invention is very great! After all, it saves several hundred lives every year all over the world. The need for fire escapes arose sharply in connection with the construction of multi-storey residential buildings. Without such a structure, it was somewhat problematic to extract people from those, especially when the fire already captured most of the room. The first fire escape was about ten meters high. A little later, thirty-meter structures came into use. Today it can be noted with confidence that the emergence of fire escapes has greatly facilitated the work of professional rescuers, and has also saved the lives of hundreds of thousands of people.

In 1783, the Russian army broke the Crimean Khanate, and on April 8, Empress Catherine II issued a manifesto on the annexation of Crimea to Russia. Grigory Potemkin, who prepared the document, received the title of His Serene Highness Prince of Tauride. In the middle of the twentieth century, Crimea was transferred to Ukraine. Then Khrushchev noted this with the usual formality, since both Ukraine and Crimea at that time were part of the Soviet Union, and no one could have assumed that the USSR would eventually collapse, and Ukraine, having declared itself independent, would not return the gift.

April 8 were born

Nikolay Rezanov(1764-1807) - merchant-diplomat, one of the founders of the Russian-American company, organizer of the first Russian round-the-world expedition of Kruzenshtern.

Leonid Starokadomsky(1875-1962) - Arctic explorer, outstanding medical worker. He was a member of the Hydrographic Expedition to the Arctic Ocean. Then the team discovered the northern land, which was called the Imperial Land. The names of almost all members of the expedition were subsequently forgotten, but Starokadomsky was lucky. Later, an island in the Laptev Sea was named after the Arctic explorer.

Nikita Mikhailovsky(1964-1991) - Soviet actor. A certain fame was brought to the actor by the film with his participation "You Never Dreamed of", released in 1980. In this film Mikhailovsky played the main role. The young actor showed great promise to Russian cinema, but a terrible illness took his life at the age of 27.

Tamerlane(1336-1405) - commander, statesman of Central Asia. He is one of the world's greatest conquerors. Tamerlane played a huge role in the development of Central Asia. Having become the ruler of Samarkand, he created a huge army, which, led by him, made many annexationist campaigns. Tamerlane also made a great contribution to the development of culture and education, he assisted in the construction of monuments and other cultural structures.

Birthday April 8

Vasily, Anna, Alla, Irina, Gabriel, Mark, Larissa, Yana, Dionysius.

What a holiday today

It is known that it was on April 8, 1918 that a decree issued by the Council of People's Commissars was issued, under which uyezd, volost, provincial and district military commissariats were established. It was this day that later began to be considered the day of the formation of military commissariats.

Since 1993, the range of tasks that were to be solved by the commissariats has expanded significantly. So, today the military registration and enlistment office is working closely with local authorities and at the same time organizing conscription into the armed forces, registering reserve officers and privates, equipment that is located on the territory of the region. Every day, a large number of social tasks arise, which also belong to the competence of the military commissariat.

The first mention of gypsies can be found in sources dated 1510 - it was then that the leader of the gypsies Vasil received a military telegram from the Lithuanian prince Alexander Kazimirovich. Much later, in 1971, in order to preserve the identity and culture of the Roma people, the International Union of Roma was created in London. As for the establishment of the International Day of the Roma, it happened on April 8, 1971 in London at the congress of Roma from all over the world - 30 countries took part in it.

Angel Gabriel is considered one of the most important angels who were created by God before man. Scripture says that angels often appeared to people in confirmation of their faith. It is known that angels were originally created as free beings, and some of them separated from God, going over to the side of Satan. They were demons, fallen angels. But the majority remained faithful to the Creator - in the Holy Scriptures they are known as the Angels of Light.

The Church speaks of the existence of nine angelic ranks, which differ in the degree of closeness to God and descending to the human race. These are Cherubim, Seraphim, Thrones, Beginning, Dominion, Strength, Power, Archangels and Angels. They are invisible to humans and constantly wander between heaven and earth. The two highest angels, Gabriel and Michael, are especially honored, since they most often take an active part in the fate of humanity.

Archangel Gabriel purposefully serves for the salvation of the human race, and his work is aimed at returning people to God if they have stumbled and departed from the faith. Also, it is the Archangel Gabriel who informs people about the main spiritual events in their lives. By the way, he also taught the forefather Moses the basics of book writing in the wilderness, a story to him about the beginning of the world, the creation of man, taught wisdom, which Moses further applied when compiling the commandments.

Archangel Gabriel also appeared to the prophet Daniel to announce to him about the time of the liberation of the Jews from Babylonian captivity, to tell about the seventy weeks and the time of the Incarnation. Also, the archangel Gabriel informed the righteous Anna and Joachim about the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary to them. And Mary, in turn, together with Joseph learned from Gabriel about the birth of Jesus Christ to them.

On April 8, 1605, a diplomat, merchant Nikolai Rezanov was born, who was the first to make a round-the-world trip. He is the prototype of the hero of the rock opera "Juno and Avos"

On April 8, 1828, Ferdinand Zeppelin, Count, General and German Airship Designer, was born.

On April 8, 1938, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan was born, who received the 2001 Nobel Prize.

Published on 04/08/18 00:20

Today, April 8, 2018, Gabriel Blagovest is also celebrated, the Day of the Air Defense Forces, the International Day of the Roma and other events.

What a holiday today: on April 8, 2018, the church holiday Easter of Christ is celebrated

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On April 8, 2018, the great Orthodox holiday is celebrated - Easter of Christ. On this day, Christians attend services where Easter cakes and colored eggs are illuminated. People try to free themselves from household chores and spend time with their loved ones.

How Bright Easter is celebrated, what are the traditions and customs on this holiday, read in more detail in the material.

Gabriel Blagovest

On April 8, the national holiday Gabriel Blagovest is also celebrated. Church on this day idhumkz recalls the Cathedral of the Archangel Gabriel. The people christened him the Evangelist for repeatedly appearing to people with good news.

Archangel Gabriel appeared to many people and brought them the good news. By his presence, he inspired the prophet Moses during the writing of Genesis. He opened the future of the Jewish people to the prophet Daniel. He appeared before Saint Anna and told that her future daughter would become the mother of the Human Savior. He was perseveringly close to Mary in her earthly life from the moment she entered the temple in Jerusalem. I told the priest Zechariah about the birth of John - the Baptist of the Lord. In a dream he came to Joseph and revealed the secret of the coming of the Messiah. He also warned about the treacherous plans of Herod and ordered to hide with his wife and son in Egypt.

According to signs, a white, clear sun at dawn means that there will be no more snow.

If the snow has not melted from the roofs, then it will lie for another month.

If there is a frost, then the spring will drag on and will be cold, and if the bird cherry has bloomed, then you can plant early potatoes.

Air Defense Forces Day in Russia and Belarus

Air Defense Day is celebrated annually on the second Sunday of April. In 2018, it falls on April 8th. The Day of the Air Defense Forces is fixed by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 31, 2006 No. 549 "On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation." The document was signed by V. Putin ..

International day of the gypsies

International Roma Day is celebrated annually on 8 April. The event occurred on April 8, 1971. On this day, the First World Roma Congress was held in London, which brought together representatives from 30 states. The result of the congress was the recognition of the ethnos as a single non-territorial nation. The Roma flag and anthem were approved at the event.

Day of employees of military commissariats in Russia

Day of military commissariats is celebrated on April 8. This date is not a day off. In 2018, the holiday is celebrated at the official level for the 12th time. The event was established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 31, 2006 No. 549 "On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation." The document was signed by V. Putin.

Fire escape birthday

On this day in 1766, the world's first product called "fire escape" was patented in America. Its technical characteristics corresponded to the safety standards of that time. Practical tests were successful. The fire escape has become one of the primary means of fire extinguishing.

Abraham, Alla, Anna, Vasily, Gabriel, Larissa, Stepan.

  • 1158 - Prince Andrey Bogolyubsky laid the foundation of the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir.
  • 1341 - Francesco Petrarca was crowned with a laurel wreath on the Capitoline Hill in Rome.
  • 1766 - The first fire escape is patented.
  • 1918 - The Russian historic Tricolor was replaced by a red flag.
  • 1920 - the highest award in the Red Army was established - the Honorary Revolutionary Weapon.
  • Tamerlane 1336 is a Central Asian statesman.
  • Nikolai Rezanov 1764 - Russian statesman and military leader.
  • Vladimir Raevsky 1795 - Russian poet.
  • Edmund Husserl 1859 - German philosopher.
  • Mary Pickford 1892 - American silent film star.
  • Sonya Henie 1912 - Norwegian figure skater.
  • Kofi Annan 1938 - Ghanaian diplomat.
  • Victor Zinchuk 1958 - Russian guitarist, composer.
  • Nikita Mikhailovsky 1964 - Soviet film and theater actor.
  • Anastasia Ermakova 1983 - Russian athlete.


Claudio Merulo(Merlotti) is an Italian composer and organist.
Dates of life: 08 April 1533 - 04 May 1604.

Giuseppe Tartini- Italian composer, violinist and theorist.
Dates of life: 08 April 1692 - 26 February 1770.

Asger Hameric- Danish composer and music teacher.
Dates of life: April 08, 1843 - July 13, 1923.

Bohuslav Grzhimali- Czech violinist and conductor.
Dates of life: 08 April 1848 - 11 October 1894.

Mikhail Kossak- Ukrainian composer and conductor.
Dates of life: 08 April 1874 - 15 June 1948.

Dimitrios Levidis- Greek composer.
Dates of life: April 08, 1885 (1886) - May 29, 1951.

Maria Maksakova- Russian opera singer (mezzo-soprano).
Dates of life: April 08, 1902 - August 11, 1974.

Raoul Jobin(Joseph Romeo Jobin) - Canadian opera singer (tenor).
Dates of life: April 08, 1906 - January 13, 1974.

Alexander Menaker- Russian actor, member of the duet "Mironova and Menaker", father and Kirill Laskari.
Dates of life: 08 April 1913 - 06 March 1982.

Carmen McRae Is an American jazz singer.
Dates of life: April 08, 1920 - November 10, 1994.

Jan Novak(Jan Novák) - Czech composer.
Dates of life: 08 April 1921 - 17 November 1984.

Franco Corelli(Dario Corelli) - Italian opera singer (tenor).
Dates of life: April 08, 1921 - October 29, 2003.

Jacques Brel- Belgian French-speaking poet, bard, actor and director.
Dates of life: 08 April 1929 - 09 October 1978.

Walter Berry- Austrian opera singer (bass-baritone).
Dates of life: 08 April 1929 - 27 October 2000.

Peggy Lennon(Peggy Lennon) - American singer, member of The Lennon Sisters.
Date of birth: 08 April 1941.

Roger Chapman- English rock vocalist, member of the Family and Streetwalkers bands.
Date of birth: 08 April 1942.

Steve Howe- British musician, guitarist of the prog rock band Yes.
Date of birth: 08 April 1947.

Larry David Norman- American musician who played in the genre of Christian rock.
Dates of life: April 08, 1947 - February 24, 2008.

Brenda Russell Is an American-Canadian singer, songwriter and musician.
Date of birth: 08 April 1949.

Mel Shaher Is an American musician known as the bassist for the rock band Grand Funk Railroad.
Date of birth: 08 April 1951.

Justin Sullivan- English musician, member of the New Model Army group.
Date of birth: 08 April 1956.

Victor Zinchuk- Russian rock musician, guitar virtuoso, composer and arranger.
Date of birth: 08 April 1958.

Izzy Stradlin(Jeffrey Dean Isbell) - American musician and songwriter, member of the group Guns N 'Roses.
Date of birth: 08 April 1962.

Julian Lennon(John Charles Julian Lennon) is a British rock musician and singer. First son and his wife Cynthia Powell.
Date of birth: 08 April 1963.

Biz Stamps(Marcel Theo Hall) is an American rapper, DJ and actor.
Date of birth: 08 April 1964.

Paul Gray Is an American musician. Known as the bassist for Slipknot.
Dates of life: April 08, 1972 - May 24, 2010.

Alexander Schigolev- Russian rock musician, drummer of the punk-rock groups "Northern Fleet" and "King and Jester".
Date of birth: 08 April 1973.

Chino XL(Derek Keith Barbosa) is an American rapper and actor.
Date of birth: 08 April 1974.

Anouk(Anuk Teuve) - Dutch singer, participant of the song contest.
Date of birth: 08 April 1975.

Alexi Laiho- Finnish guitar virtuoso, member of Children Of Bodom and Sinergy.
Date of birth: 08 April 1979.

Ezra Koenig- American singer, member of the Vampire Weekend group.
Date of birth: 08 April 1984.

Bridget Kelly- American singer-songwriter, backing vocalist Jay-Z.

Erica Sawadziri Is a Japanese actress, model and singer.
Date of birth: 08 April 1986.

Alex DeLeon- American singer, member of The Cab.
Date of birth: 08 April 1989.

Kim Jonghyun- South Korean singer-songwriter, main vocalist of SHINee's boy band.
Dates of life: 08 April 1990 - 18 December 2017.

Gabor Alfred Fehervari(Gabor Alfred Fehervari), known by his stage name Freddie, - Hungarian singer, representative of the competition.
Date of birth: 08 April 1990.

Minami Takahashi Is a Japanese singer and actress, member of the Japanese idol group AKB48.
Date of birth: 08 April 1991.


Jean Louis Adam- French pianist, composer and music teacher. Father of Adolf Adam.
Dates of life: 03 December 1758 - 08 April 1848.

Domenico Gaetano Maria Donizetti- Italian composer.
Dates of life: November 29, 1797 - April 08, 1848.

Charles Auguste de Beriot- Belgian violinist, composer and music teacher.
Dates of life: February 20, 1802 - April 08, 1870.

Nikolay Zaremba- Russian music teacher.
Dates of life: June 12, 1821 - April 08, 1879.

Charles Tomlinson Griffs Is an American composer.
Dates of life: September 17, 1884 - April 08, 1920.

Marian Anderson- American opera singer (contralto).
Dates of life: February 27, 1897 - April 08, 1993.

Quddus Kujamyarov- Soviet and Kazakh Uyghur composer and teacher, founder of Uyghur professional music.
Dates of life: May 21, 1918 - April 08, 1994.

Teddy Scholten- Dutch singer , winner.
Dates of life: May 11, 1926 - April 08, 2010.

Sara Montiel- Spanish actress and singer.
Dates of life: March 10, 1928 - April 08, 2013.

Thomas Dougal "There" Paton(Thomas Dougal "Tam" Paton) is the manager of the Scottish group Bay City Rollers.
Dates of life: 05 August 1938 - 08 April 2009.

Malcolm McLaren(Malcolm Robert Andrew McLaren) - British musician and producer. Best known as the manager of the Sex Pistols.
Dates of life: January 22, 1946 - April 08, 2010.

Laura Niro Is an American pianist, singer, composer and songwriter.
Dates of life: October 18, 1947 - April 08, 1997.

Dead(Per Yngve Olin) is the lead singer of the Norwegian black metal band Mayhem.
Dates of life: January 16, 1969 - April 08, 1991.


1967 - the 12th song contest was held in Vienna Eurovision.

1977 - a double album recorded at the Star club was released in West Germany.

1993 - the third album "I tell you you" was released in 44 countries.

2012 - the 3rd International Festival "Faces of Contemporary Pianism" began, presenting the leading performers of piano music to St. Petersburg.

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