Wonderful properties of holy water. Consecration of water (church traditions and superstition)

Wonderful properties of holy water. Consecration of water (church traditions and superstition)
Wonderful properties of holy water. Consecration of water (church traditions and superstition)

A candidate of theology, teacher of comparative liturgici in SPBD, Chronicles of the Nikolo-Epiphany Maritime Cathedral in St. Petersburg, tells the theological meaning and history of the emergence of a sanctification of water.

Birth of tradition

The sanctification of water is not among the seven essential church sacraments, but undoubtedly has a mysterious, sacramental character. In other words, during the commission of prayer and liturgical action, it is invisible, but the sanctifying and transforming grace of the Holy Spirit is completely actually designed. In an ancient prayer for the sanctification of water (VIII century), it is said: "Lord Almighty, the Creator of Water, the creator of everything that all fill and converts everything, change, transform and consecrate water and make it force against any attack of the enemy and acknowledged by her drink, Washed and sprinkling, in the health of the soul and body to remove any suffering and any disease. " The fall of Adam and Eva led to damage, the distortion of nature is not only humanity, but also the entire tweak world (Gen. 3: 17). Christ - the new Adam restores, heals and revives human nature, and with it all the universe (see Rom. 8: 21). The liturgical chin of water marks the transformation of the world, primarily the main element of his element - water, "power, action and the host of the Holy Spirit" returning it to a primitive state.

In the Orthodox Church, there are three china sanctification of water: 1) the sanctification of water in the rank of saint baptism; 2) the great consecration of water committed on the feast of the Epiphany (baptism) of the Lord Jesus Christ; 3) Small sanctification of water perpetrated throughout the year.

The spiritual life of a person is bred in the water of saint baptism. Christ said in a conversation with Nicodemus: "True, truly tell you if someone is not born from the water and the Spirit, can not enter the kingdom of God" (John 3: 5). In the sacrament of saint baptism through a three-year immersion in the water, a person is cleared of original sin, from all the limits committed personally before baptism, enters into a new life with the Triune God in his church.

The litter chin of the sacrament of baptism includes a special prayer for the consecration of water, in which the sacrament will be committed. Like the waters of the River Jordan, consecrated by the baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ and the phenomenon of the Holy Trinity, the water of Saint Baptism acquires special properties reported by the Holy Spirit in response to the prayer of the Church - the ability to wash the spiritual impurity and be "demons into the jurisdiction", i.e. to reflect Devil action.

However, at the dawn of the history of the Church, the tradition of consecration of water was arose for purposes not related to the sacrament of baptism. The oldest prayers for the consecration of water, which came to our time, are contained in the "Evhology" of Holy Sepion Tmuit (Egypt, IV century), also a monument to the Syrian origin "Testamentum Domini" (V-VI century) contains prayers of the sanctification of water and lodge for patients, which Made for Divine Liturgy. The prayer "Velia Esi Lord and the wonderful of your business", which is among the sanctification of water to the Epiphany, made in our time, is drawn up no later than the VIII century. According to legend, the current liturgical chin of the great sanctification of water was the saint sofronia, the Patriarch of Jerusalem (about 560-638).

Chin sanctification

The great consecration of water in the church charter is performed twice: on the day of the forever (Epiphany Christmas tree) and the day of the holiday, in conjunction with Divine Liturgy. Contrary to common misconception, there is no difference in the "fertile strength" between water, consecrated in the one or another day. First, the water is consecrated by the same liturgical rank. Secondly, initially the consecration of water was performed on the eve of the holiday, as evidenced by St. John Zlatoust, as well as typics. Two-time sanctification of water entered the practice of the Orthodox Church after the XII century.

After a calamon prayer, the clergy comes out of the altar to the cooked vessels with water or, if the sanctification takes place outside the temple, heads with the procession to the water, where sanctification will be committed. The chorus or the people sings the stimit (special chants) "The Gloral of the Lord in the waters screams ...". It is performed by each, which symbolizes the general prayer that the church is attributed to the throne of God (see Rev. 8: 3). After the end of singing, the stimplea is read by three paremia (reversal) from the book of the Prophet Isaiah, in which the coming of the Lord to Earth and the abundance of the graceful gifts given to the person. Then the prokimen "Lord - Enlightenment My and the Savior, who, whom," reading from the first epistle of the Holy Apostle Paul to Corinthians (10: 1-4) and the reading of the Gospel of Mark (1: 9-11), in which the baptism is narrowed Savior.
Next, deacon reads a great deal with special powers about "all-sanaten waters of the weather simil and the action and the host of the Holy Spirit", about giving the water "blessing of Jordanov", about giving it grace "to the healing of spiritual and bodily dismissions", "In the outdation of every naval and invisible enemies, "to" the consecration of houses and at all means. " At the end of the project, the priest reads the prayer "Veliy, Lord and wonderful of your business." It is significant that both for for forgiveness from the project and the text of the most prayer before the words "you are a worm, humoring the king, coming and now the host of the saint of your spirit, and consecrate the water of this", are identical to the appropriate petitions and prayer from the chinasurization of baptism. This suggests that the sacrament of the baptism and the chin of the Epiphany sanctification of water has a genetic connection, and the prayer itself of the Epiphany sanctification of water is the later processing of prayer from the rank of the sacrament of baptism. In addition, there is another important similarity between the baptismal sanctification of water and the Epiphany consecration, which stressed the protopsychiatrist I. Meyendorf: "The Byzantine rite of baptism inherited from Christian antiquity of a strong invalid focus on exorcism. Conscious rejection of Satan, the sacramental expulsion of the forces of evil from the soul of the Khfected could implied the transition from slavery under the rule of "Prince of this world" to freedom in Christ. Liturgical exorcizms, however, had in mind not only the demonic forces, managing the human soul. The "great consecration of water" on the feast of the Epiphany clears from demons, the fundamental beginning of which, water, seemingly asylum "hidden evil spirits".

After the end of the prayer, the priest plunges three times in the water the cross with the singing of the path "in Jordan the Lord's bachers ..." and after that he sprinkles the people with holy water. At the end of the kropling, the chorus sings the poem of "Inem, Vermina, herself about us of God's glory ... I am writing a waste of water with fun Briat: the grace of Bo Spirit is true than the wrong thing is invisible from Christ's God, and our Savior Suns."

A small sanctification of water according to the Charter of the Orthodox Church is held on the holidays of the Council of Pentecost, the origin of the Honesty of the Lamaning Cross of the Lord (August 1/14 - therefore, sometimes this rank is also called "Augustus consecration"). Small sanctification of water also relies on the days of the throne holidays, before the beginning of the consecration of the temple, as well as at any time, when the clergy and the church people have the need for Holy Water.

It's no secret that people have long been using Epiphany and holy water to get rid of diseases and healing of their spirit.

Every year on January 19, people go to church to take an unusual liquid, and thousands of people who wish to strengthen health hurry to swim in the hole, without looking at and not in vain. There are various cases of healing of patients due to the properties of Epiphany grace.

In fact, the conducted water studies taken in one of the churches showed that the frequency spectrum of fluid radiation is similar to electromagnetic indicators of healthy organs of the human body. Thus, the unusual properties of the holy water arise due to the information program embedded in it in the form of a balanced set of frequencies of a healthy person.

If few people doubt in the miraculous qualities of the Church, then not everyone knows that an ordinary water supply for a holiday also becomes bioactive and able to maintain its unusual properties during the year and longer. Studies have shown that water taken from under the crane January 19, during the day changes its structure. Experiments included a measurement of biofield, acid-alkaline balance, hydrogen potential and the results of the effects of fluid per person with external and internal use.

The data obtained by research says that the properties of the holy water have a positive effect on human health. A reusable increase in the biofield was recorded, as well as the improvement of its energy and physical indicators when using the baptic fluid externally and as a drink. This contributed to health promotion, strengthening human protection from the effects of pathogenic radiation of the external environment. It can be assumed that the meaning of holy grace is that it cleans the body from harmful toxic and pathogenic formations.

It has been established that the properties of which were studied for several years, has two maximum biological activity during baptism: at night, about two hours, and at noon. Moreover, in these peaks, the highest electrical conductivity, changing during the day, and the samples taken correspond to these parameters for a long time.

It follows from this that it was January 19, a change in the structure of all water existing on Earth, and this is a cyclical planetary phenomenon. And it doesn't matter much where it is from: whether it is in a bottle, a jar or is in the sea, a river or in the form of snow. And already water takes its standard structural state.

All the samples taken in baptism have retained their properties in the future, and the maximum bioactivity showed dialed about two hours at night. As shown experiments, it was this healing fluid that does not lose amazing qualities when diluted and mixing. Water from other sources returns its usual properties the next day.

Therefore, if in the baptism from the quarter of the first night during the day, to dial liquid from the crane, it will have the properties of holy water all year. And in order to get the maximum bioactive impact, not plunge into the hole, then, since half of the second to two nights, it is necessary to take a shower or at least wash in the usual water supply.

Biolocation studies have proven that the treatment of holy water gives a tangible wellness effect. She is in tens and even hundreds of times raises the size of the human biological field, fills its energy. After a single bathing on January 19, during the year, it is enough to drink the baptismic fluid in small quantities, preferably on an empty stomach. The properties of the holy water will preserve the increased level of the biofield and will have a positive effect on health.

What useful holy water? This is the most common and universal method to deal with the negative, cure from spiritual and physical wounds. Believers drink water every day, it helps them to think only about good, displaces adverse thoughts, protects from fears and other experiences. Of course, it is best to go to church and consecrate the water there, but what if this process wants to do yourself? The only thing that should always be next to consecration is unshakable faith in God. This article will be how to properly sanctify water at home, and what power it has.

How to independently consecrate the water at home?

The first thing you need is a large bank, desirable three-liter. It is necessary to fill it with simple water, let the liquid stand in it for some time. Now, you should read special prayers over a filled bank, holding hands in the water, and cross it three times.

"God is great-named, creating miracles, right to bear numbers! We have to come to your praying slave, Vladyko: Drop the spirit of your piggy and consecrate the water of this, and give her grace of deliverance and the blessing of Jordanov: Satisfaction is a source of nonsense, sanctifying the gift, sin, resolutions, senses, demons of death, implantation, an angelic fortress : Yako da WSI Hispancing Yu and the receiving from Does have to clean the soul and body, for healing harm, into a change in passion, to leaving sins, in the outdation of the evil, to the sprinkling and sanctification of houses and for any favor. And Elika, which in the Desha, or on the spot of fairly living water, the water will sprinkle, but all sorts of uncleanness will be released, but will get rid of harmlessness, below Tamo Yes, the spirit is destructive, below the air is harmful, and will take away any dream and the barking of the enemy There is, hedgehog, or to the health of living envy, or peace, the sprinkling of this water will reflect. Yako yes blessing and glorifying the precessive and magnificent name yours, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and are constantly and forever. Amen."

Those who wonder if it is possible to sanctify water at home, now they know the answer and may not be afraid to hold a similar ritual. It is not necessary to go to church to make a father. If you believe in God, you often visit the church and read prayers, then you will not have any problems with how to consecrate water yourself.

What is the power of holy water?

There are many confirmation of the fact that God exists. The icons that the peacelochat arising in the sky in the sky, wonderful healing, a fertile fire that can be touched. But another fact is holy water. This is not just a liquid in the vessel, it is water that can be stored for years and not dirty.

The believers are correctly said that this is something inexplicable, because it has the properties that are beyond the minds. It can be consecrated at home, expel the evil, to hold the rite of baptism. Holy water is a universal tool that can be done. Those who make a ritual of sanctification independently for the first time, it is necessary to drink holy water and give a drink to everyone who lives in the apartment. It will be fine if the apartment will be consecrated by water from the same bank. But for this you need to prepare an apartment:

  1. Be sure to make general cleaning in the house.
  2. Wash each angle several times.
  3. And only then take the rag, moisten it with holy water and wipe the corners.

But this is not all the wonders that the holy water can do. It is necessary to drink consecrated water as often as possible in case you think that there is a damage to you, the evil eye or conspiracy. The power is that the sacred liquid can cure, it is worth only to drink it. It may be the best "tablet", if something hurts very much.

What is the difference between the Epiphany water from the saint?

Epiphany water is sanctified on a special day, namely - on Christmas Eve, January 19th. Also, this day is called the holiday of the Great Water Engineering. For this water, people are built by queues, because it is her stronger and healing. But it is interesting that even the doctors themselves do not deny the magical properties of baptic water - and it is amazing. It turns out that the source, consecrated on January 19, directly on Christmas Eve, is considered literally the miracle of the Lord God. Such water must be washed, you should drink on an empty stomach. There were cases when an inexplicable way only a couple of drops took people from a deep coma.

How to consecrate the baptized water? The best way to do is to come with the whole family to the baptismal bathing to the hole and after the words of the father, who plunged the big cross into the water, to score several bottles. After that, it is necessary to consecrate the house with fresh and clean source.

Holy water is a little different concept. If you can cross it yourself, being at home and reading the prayer, it is impossible to sanctifying baptic water at home. Here playing a role of action. For holy water, you can choose any day, for Epiphany - only January 19. Another difference is that different prayers are read during consecration. So, the baptismic water is much stronger and more powerful than holy. This is the difference.

The best place for storing cans with water is a corner with icons.. It is this area that is considered the cleanest. Also, you should always cover the filled bears with covers. If the sanctified water ends, it is possible to simply add ordinary water, which also becomes saint.

Real examples of healing

Believers already know that there are quite a few phenomena, which is simply impossible to call "chance". Many are given a diva, as it would seem, the usual fluid is capable of treating any diseases, remove damage and much more. After these examples that occurred in real life, I want to believe in the Lord God even more.

Example 1.

In 1872, a miracle happened. The girl named Maria fell ill with an incomprehensible disease, which was not known to anyone. She refused voice ligaments, she could not speak. And after a while, the girl began to behave like a foolish person: she crashed everything that came across her arm, danced and fought in the seizures. During his illness, Maria was very thin and literally looked like a living skeleton. Above it, Korpel Doctors who tried to do everything possible to at least somehow help a poor girl. Everything was unsuccessful.

Realizing that it is necessary to somehow deal with the demons in Mary's head, her family took her to the holy source about. Seraphim. Before bathing, the girl was launched and aumed with such a force that many strong men could not keep it, but as soon as Mary plunged into the source - she calmed down.

According to the father, who watched the whole situation from beginning to end - this is a wonderful property of the holy source so affected it. After all, some time, the girl began to talk, although before that was silent for more than six months.

Example 2.

One good surgeon lived in the USSR - Valentin Feliksovich Waro-Yasenetsky. Believers at that time already knew that he was not only a doctor with golden hands, but also the archbishop. During any operation that took place at his desk, Valentin Felixovich always lied church candle, put the icon and took the Iodine in the hands to draw them a small cross on the body.

Usually, all the cuts on the body were wiping the hydrogen peroxide so that the blood turns into and no longer flowed, but the surgeon did it with holy water. Neither one patient who operated on the archbishop was not found for infections and complications, even though wounds were processed not by medical path.

Example 3.

This case occurred in an ordinary modern family quite recently. The spouses had only Dean a child, the wife really wanted the second baby. The husband was against and every time the conversation was tied about the second child, he stopped him. Wife did not have anything, how to approach icons and pray. It didn't make sense to leave the family, because everything is very good, there is love, feelings, harmony. One thing is only - the husband does not want another baby. The mother-in-law suggested that the Girl of Holy Water, which could well help in this situation. This is incredible, but the spouse later changed his decision and said he really wants a child.

Proper treatment with holy water

If water has healing and wonderful properties, this does not mean that with it you can contact how you please. Even in everyday life there are special rules for handling holy water that must be strictly observed.

  1. It is always important to drink holy water on an empty stomach in the morning and a few minutes before sleep. Even one small cup is enough to start and finish every day with good thoughts.
  2. Holy Water needs to be drunk in unlimited quantities, if a person feels longing, sadness, despondency and other unpleasant emotions.
  3. As soon as the glass drags, it is important to pray to God. This prayer will take no more than a minute, which can be performed by the Almighty.
  4. Any wound or place on a body that hurts strongly treated with holy water. It is necessary only to moisten it with a rag and attach.
  5. It is important to store water in the place where it will be fine. Corner with icons - the most suitable, which may be. This is the most consecrated place in the apartment, therefore, as soon as holy water has been introduced into the house, it is important to put it on the images of the saints.

If a person wants to feel God in his life, his support and power - it is important to believe in it. Holy water will be useless if you drink it, while not believing in the Lord. Each who concerns the consecrated liquid is at least once a week on weekends to attend the church. Only in this case, the healing power of the holy water can be experienced truly.

How to sprink your house holy water

In this article:

The evil eye is a negative energy program, which differs from damage not only by the power of exposure, but also by the method of guidance. Such a negative is formed under the influence of any negative feelings and emotions of a person, for example, due to jealousy or envy. Bad feelings contribute to the accumulation of negative energy, which, when achieving a certain volume, can break out and cause harm to other people.

Holy water for many centuries is considered one of the most effective funds from the evil eye and other types of negative. Consecrated water can be used both with other methods of combating negative energy and separately.

In addition, there are a number of cleansing magical rituals, which will require a liquid charged church energy.

What is evil eye and how to deal with him

The evil eye is sometimes considered a type of damage, but this is completely incorrect, because such a negative can be induced without ill intent, and, people who do not even think about causing someone evil. Because of this, the evil eye is the most common type of negative energy, the victim of which anyone can become without exception.

The evil eye is a rather weak form of negative energy, and it is easy enough to fight. In most cases, a believer will be able to get rid of negative impact with the help of a prayer, icons and holy water alone.

What is holy water

Holy Water is called water taken in consecrated sources or in churches. It is possible to charge the water of Christian clean energy yourself and on your own, for this it is enough to fall into a vessel with clear water. Sanctual native cross and seven times read the prayer "Our Father". Many clergymen say that water charged in this way is not truly sanctified, since only the servants of the Lord have enough power for this ritual.

Their opinion can be easily explained, because they do not want a simple person to understand that all the power lies in its very faith, and the priests, churches and the dome is just a bright cover, but not the essence of Orthodoxy and Christianity as a whole.

Jesus Christ taught people faith and said that they did not make themselves idols, they did not worship the idols, but this is what some are achieved today, not pure on hand, the gorshors.

Holy Water can really do (charge) on their own, but it is only available sincerely believing people who do not doubt their faith and never depart from her.

In order to consecrate water, an important role plays not the one who spends the ritual, but the time of the old rite. It is best to charge the liquid with energy into large Orthodox holidays, especially for baptism, because baptismic water has long been considered unique.

Even in our age progress, many local residents believe that stocking of baptismic water is plenty - these are their sacred debt, and with this faith it is hard to argue, because such miraculous water can always be useful. Such a liquid can be used not only to clean the body and soul from negative energy, but also to get rid of various diseases.

Holy Water - Panacea from many misfortunes

From which they used to be treated with holy water

Our ancestors of centuries used holy water for the treatment of a variety of diseases. Some evidence of this application and wonderful healing reached the present day. It is known that in the Ryazan region, holy water was used even with snake bite. During the Verbal South Road, the Holy Willows insisted on the kidneys, and it was this liquid that allowed to fight poison.

In the Novgorod region, special honors for a long time enjoyed the baptic water, it was used to treat hematomas and abrasion, and also lubricated any injuries on the body. In addition, it was believed that such water is the only reliable drug during diseases in infants. Of course, today should not forget about modern drugs, because they are really able to save lives.

In Russia, holy water was used not only for external and internal use. It was since then that the tradition of Epiphany swimming in the hole reached our days, because before this reservoir is sanctified, and therefore we can say that people swim in the already holy water.

It is believed that swimming in the holes for baptism is capable of riding a person from any diseases, even the most serious. In addition, even completely healthy people are descended into the hole in preventive purposes. The most amazing thing is that after such bathings there are practically no cases of colds, even sick people, cold water does not bring any complications.

Holy water today

Consecrated water and today retains its miraculous properties. In addition to the baptismic water, the Jordanian water, recruited on January 18, Sretenskaya Water, recruited on February 15, and Sunza water, recruited on August 19, will also suit the fight against the Sloga and Slaughter.

To get rid of a simple evil eye, sometimes enough just to sprinkle a sick person with holy water and let him drink a few sips. Little children, among other things, the holy water need to wash, and wet them the head.

This method is a very good washing of household negative

With a strong seed, you can use the rite with the bathroom. Type half of the bathroom with warm water, the temperature of 36-38 degrees Celsius, and then pour the cross-cross-off-water in the bath with a little consecrated. After that, sitting in the bath and read any conspiracies known for you from negativity or prayer, will suit the well-known "Father our". If, after receiving the bath, you will notice a rash or even bruises on the body, then you should not be afraid, these are good signs, testifying to the beginning of the process of cleansing the body from negative induced energy. In addition, you can add several spoons of salt in the bath.

There are many folk superstitions about how to use and from what holy water helps:

  • from all types of damage, the water is best helped, taken from three different crinic to sunrise;
  • from the springs and crinic water will be the cleanest and useful;
  • well helps from any diseases of water, which flows through the movement of the sun, that is, from the east to the west;
  • cline contributes to the purification of water, because water from the spring or river with the clay channel will be more useful than water taken from the reservoir with a stone bed;
  • an additional dignity has water that flows down the hill;
  • from witchcraft will help to protect the water that flows from the spring and is open to the wind and the sun;
  • the human body is best absorbed by fresh well water, especially if it just gives a day in a new clay jug with an open neck;
  • holy water helps well against insomnia, for a strong sleep, you can make compresses on the forehead made of cold liquid;
  • warm legs for legs will help from headaches, in which a small amount of holy water is added;
  • so that in the house there were no bugs, spray with holy water beds and all bed linen.

Holy water is one of the most powerful sources of Christian energy. With proper use, this fluid can help in a variety of life situations, ranging from manifestations of negative magical energy, ending with difficulties in personal life and diseases.

It is important to remember only that the Holy Water will have force only if you yourself will believe in this force, by virtue of God. For truly believers in any situation, other sources of otherworldly power, except the icon, holy water and prayer.

Why are water sanctified? How do it do? What properties does the Holy Water acquire? All of these questions you will find answers in our cognitive article!

Why are water sanctified?

Water occupies an important place in our daily life. However, it has the highest meaning: it is characterized by healing power, which is repeatedly said in the Holy Scripture.

In the New Time Time, water serves as a spiritual revival of a person to a new, fertile, purification from sins. In a conversation with Nicodemal Christ, the Savior says: "True, truly tell you if anyone can not be born from the water and the Spirit, can not enter the kingdom of God" (John 3, 5). Christ himself at the beginning of his ministry took the baptism of the prophet John the Forerunner in the waters of the Jordan River. In the chants of service, this holiday says that the Lord "Purification of the Power of the Power of Human Giving"; "The jets consecrate the Jordanian, the power of crushed the sinful, Christ, God ...".

How do baptic water sanctify?

The water binding is small and the great: small accomplished during the year repeatedly (during the prayer, committing the sacrament of baptism), and the Great - only on the feast of the Baptism of the Lord (Epiphany). The water binding is called the Great for the special solemnity of the rite, imbued with the memoir of the Gospel event, which has become not only the valid of the mysterious ablution of sins, but also the actual consecration of the nature of the water through the immersion of God in the flesh itself.

Great water binding is committed according to the charter at the end of the liturgy, after seamvon prayer, on the very day of the Epiphany (6/19 January), as well as in the forever of the Epiphany (January 5, January 5). On the very day of the Epiphany, the water binding is performed with a solemn procession to the sources of water known as the "Jordan movement".

Do unusual weather conditions affect the course of the festival of baptism and the sanctification of water?

There are no need to treat such traditions as magical rites - the feast of the Baptism of the Lord celebrate Orthodox and in hot Africa, America, and in Australia. After all, the palm branches of the Entrance festival of the Lord in Jerusalem were replaced by willow in Russia, and the consecration of grape vines on the transformation of the Lord - the blessing of the harvest of apples. Also on the day of the baptism of the Lord will be consecrated all the waters regardless of their temperature.

Archpriest Igor Pchelins, press secretary of the Nizhny Novgorod diocese.

How to use holy water?

The use of holy water in the everyday life of the Orthodox Christian is quite conspicuous. For example, it is used on an empty stomach in small quantities, usually together with a piece of prosphora (this is especially true of the Great Aguiam (water, consecrated on the eve and on the very day of the festival of the Lord of the Lord), Kropyt His home.

The special feature of the Holy Water is that, even in a small amount to the water, it is reported by graceful properties and it, so in the event of a lack of holy water, it can be diluted with simple.

We must not forget that the consecrated water is the church shrine, with which the grace of God, and which requires a reverest relationship.

Holy water is customary to use with a prayer: "My God, my God will be the gift of your holy and holy water to leaving my sins, in the enlightenment of my mind, to strengthen my spiritual and bodily forces, in the health of my soul and my body, in the conquest of passions and Impressions of my formerly mercy of your prayers of the Mother of Mother and all saints of yours. Amen".

Although preferably - from awe to the shrine - to take on an empty stomach into the shrine, but according to a special need for God's help - with death or attacks of evil forces - you can drink it, without hesitation, at any time. With reverent, the holy water remains fresh and enjoyable for a long time. It should be stored in a separate place, better next to the home iconostasis.

Is it different in its properties of water, consecrated on the day of baptism and in the Epiphany Christmas Eve?

- There is absolutely no difference! Let's go back in the times of Patriarch Nikon: he specifically clarified from the Antioch Patriarch, whether it is necessary to sanctify water on the day of the Baptism of the Lord: after all, on the eve, on Christmas Eve, the water was already sanctified. And he received a response that sin will not be, it can be done again so that everyone can take water. And today we come after one water, and the next day after another - they say, here the water is stronger. What is it stronger? So we see that people do not even listen to prayers who are read on sanctification. And they do not know that the water is consecrated by one rank, the same prayers are read.

The holy water is absolutely the same in both days - both on the day of baptism, and on Christmas Eve Epiphany.

Priest Mikhail Mikhailov.

Is it true that swimming in the corner of baptism cleans all sins?

This is not true! Swimming in the hole (Jordan) is an ancient good popular custom, which is not the same church sacrament. Leaving sins, reconciliation with God and his church is possible only in the sacrament of repentance, during confession in the temple.

Is that holy water "does not help"?

Saint Feofan Spanner writes: "All grace, coming from God through the Holy Cross, Holy Icons, Holy Water, Relics, Consecrated Bread (ARTOS, Antidor, Disformation), etc., including the Holy Body Community and Blood Community, is only for Those who are worthy of this grace through the repentant prayers, repentance, humility, serving people, the deeds of mercy and the manifestation of other virtues of Christian. But if there are no them, then this grace will not save, it does not act automatically as a talisman, and is useless for wicked and imaginary Christians (without virtues). "

The wonders of healings occur in our days, and they are countless. But only those who accept her with a lively faith in the promise of God and the power of the prayer of the Holy Church, those who have a clean and sincere desire to change life, repentance, rescue, are honored with the wonderful actions of the holy water. God does not create miracles where they want to see them only from curiosity, without sincere intention to take advantage of them to their salvation. "Rod is crap and adulterial," the Savior said about his unbelievers of contemporaries, - looking for signs; And the sign will not give him. "The holy water brought us advantage of us, we will take care of the purity of the soul, about the high dignity of our thoughts and actions.

Is water really bachechenskaya all week?

Epiphany water is one since its consecration and year, and two or more, until its stocks of the house run. Taken in the temple on any day, she never loses its holiness.

archimandrite Amvrosiy (Ermakov)

Grandmother brought me baptic water, which a friend gave her, but she gives shaggy and I'm afraid to drink it. What to do in this case?

Dear Sofia, by virtue of various circumstances, although it is very rare, it happens that water comes to a state that does not allow internal use. In this case, it should be poured into some kind of unexpected place, - say, in the flow river, or in the woods under the tree, and the vessel in which it was stored, no longer allowed into domestic use.

archpriest Maxim Kozlov

Why can holy water spoil?

That happens. Water must be typed in pure containers in which water should not be cleaned. Therefore, if we previously kept something in these bottles, if they are not very clean, you do not need to gain holy water in them. I remember, in summer, one woman began to pour holy water into a bottle of beer ...

Often, the parishioners love to make comments: for example, one of our priest began to explain that he was sanctified the water wrong - I didn't get the bottom of the tank ... because of this, they say, the water will not be sanctified ... what, the diver should be? Or that the cross is not silver ... it is not necessary to get to the bottom and the cross can be wooden. You do not need to make a cult from the holy water, but it is necessary to treat pious! One of my friend a priest, in 1988, there was a water bottle that was kept from 1953 or 1954 ...

It is necessary to refer to water pious and gently and most of the pious life.

Priest Mikhail Mikhailov.

Is it possible to use unresolved holy water consecrated on the relics of saints oil and prosphoras?

On the one hand, it is possible, because what could be harmful to a person from the fact that he will get through the holy water, or will fool up with a butter, or will the prosfora? But only you need to think, from which side it can be useful to him.

If this is some people approaching the fence of church, if he, not yet deciding to be baptized, let's say, in the past militant atheist, now, on the prayers of his wife, mother, daughter or someone else from loved ones, does not reject at least these external As if the signs of church, it will be good and pedagogically, it will lead it to a more significant in our faith - to the worship of God in the spirit and truth.

And if such actions are perceived as a kind of magic, as a kind of "church medicine", but at the same time a person does not seek to choke to become an Orthodox Christian, only soothes himself, that here I do something and this will serve how - That is a faith, then this kind of consciousness does not need to provoke. This is based on these two possibilities, you decide in relation to your particular situation, you need to or do not need to offer any of your loved ones church.

Archpriest Maxim Kozlov.

Questions and Answers about Holy Water

If God sanctifies all the water nature on Earth on January 19, why then the priest sanctifies the water on this day? Asked the Batyushka, he replied that he did not know. Alla

We know that the water is consecrated and becomes saint, on which a special prayer rank is performed - the opinion that all the waters are consecrated on this day. Based on the expansion interpretation of some expressions from the feast service of the Epiphany and is not part of the Orthodox fault. In addition, think logically - if all the waters are consecled, they are sanctified everywhere, including in the places of bad and unclean. Ask yourself - how can the Lord caress the Holy Spirit to act in uncleanness?

Yours faithfully

Holy alkius kolosov

Hello, Nikolay!

Consecration of water is performed in one rank (equally) and 18, and January 19. Therefore, there is no difference when you take water - 18 or 19 January, and the other water is Epiphany.

John the Baptist performed a rite called "baptism". But the very concept of the cross as the symbol of Christianity, from which, as I think, the word "baptism" occurs with the crucifixion of Christ, that is, later the very death of John the Baptist. Then why did John had a "baptism", and not, for example, "ablution"? Thank you. Igor.

Hello, Igor! In the Greek text of the Gospel, the baptism is marked with the verb "Baptizo" - immerse, and in the first sense - to bury. This fully complies with the context and meaning of the actions of John the Baptist. The term "baptism" arose with the actual Slavic translation of the Gospels, when such a specific effect was typical, first of all, Christianity. However, I failed to find accurate information about the history of this term. It is very likely that the sacrament of baptism came to the Slavic world earlier than the term for him. Perhaps that is why it was elected exactly such a term as more clearly explaining what happened on Jordan, and is now an inextricably linked in the presentation of people with the adoption of Christ. Sincerely, the priest Mikhail Samokhin.

On the day of the baptism, the Lord plunging into the ice font or a screaming of water can be considered the baptized and wear a cross? Sincerely, Alexander.

Hello, Alexander!

No, dipping into a hole and dummy is not enough to consider yourself baptic. It is necessary to come to the temple so that the priest makes the sacrament of baptism.

Sincerely, the priest Alexander Ilyashenko

Good day! Tell me please, is it true that if a unresolved person comes to church on January 19 and will be the whole service, then after that he can consider himself to be baptized and can wear a cross and go to church? And in general, can a non-free man go to church? Many thanks, Elena

Hello, Elena!

Unresolved man to go to church can, but to participate in church sacraments (confession, communion, weddings, etc.) he can not. In order to become baptized, it is necessary that the sacrament of baptism is committed on a person, and not the presence in worship on the feast of the Baptism of the Lord. Come after worship to the priest and tell him that you want to take baptism. For this purpose, your faith is needed in our Lord Jesus Christ, the desire to live on his commandments, as well as some knowledge of the Orthodox fault and the Orthodox Church. The priest will be able to answer your questions and help prepare for the sacrament of baptism. Help you Lord!

Sincerely, the priest Alexander Ilyashenko

Batyushka, I have a baby daughter for 6 months and when I swim it, then add holy water into the water. Can I drain this water or not?

Hello, Lena!

When bathing your daughter, the holy water in the bath is not necessary: \u200b\u200bbecause the holy water can be poured only into a special, not tramped with legs, place. Better let's drink the saint water to drink, and also regularly approach Her Holy Taine.

Sincerely, the priest Alexander Ilyashenko

Hello, tell me, please, is it possible to throw the glass bottle in which the holy water was kept, in the trash can? If not, what to do with it? Marina

Hello, Marina!

In this bottle, it is better to continue the holy water to continue, but if it does not work, then it must be dried, and then you can throw it away.

Sincerely, the priest Alexander Ilyashenko.

Is it possible to give holy water to animals? If not, why? After all, they are also creatures of God. Thank you for your reply. Elena

Hello, Elena! What is the need for a shrine of an animal? It all depends on the specific situation. Based on the literal interpretation of the words of the Lord: "Do not shrine the dogs and do not throw your pearls before the pigs, so that they do not bother with their legs with their own and, contacting you, did not confuse you." (Matt.7,6) without any particular need to give the shrine animals not It follows At the same time, in church practice, there are cases when during Mora animals they sprinkled and looked around holy water. The grounds for such daring, as you can see, should be really extremely serious. Sincerely, the priest Mikhail Samokhin.

Do you have to swim on baptism? And if there is no frost, will there be a swimming bass?

In any church holiday, it is necessary to distinguish its meaning and the traditions of the tradition. In the festival of the baptism of the Lord, the main thing is the Epiphany, it is the baptism of Christ by John the Forerunner, the God Father's reading from heaven "This there is a son of my beloved" and the Spirit of the Holy, coming to Christ. The main thing for a Christian on this day is the presence in church service, confession and communion of the Holy Taine of Christian Tain, the communion of baptismic water.

The established traditions of bathing in cold holes are not directly related to the very holiday of the Baptism of the Lord, are not mandatory and, which is especially important, do not purify a person from sins, about which, unfortunately, a lot is said in the media.

There are no need to treat such traditions as magical rites - the feast of the Baptism of the Lord celebrate Orthodox and in hot Africa, America, and in Australia. After all, the palm branches of the Entrance festival of the Lord in Jerusalem were replaced by willow in Russia, and the consecration of grape vines on the transformation of the Lord - the blessing of the harvest of apples. Also on the day of the baptism of the Lord will be consecrated all the waters regardless of their temperature. P rotoIeri Igor Pchelins, press secretary of the Nizhny Novgorod Diocese

Is it possible to get holy water if the gypsy was smoothed me? Maria.

Hello Maria!

Holy water is not water for swimming, and faith in the evil eye is superstition. Holy water can be drunk, it can be sprinkled, sprinkling the house, things. If you live according to the commandments of God, often visit the temple for confession and communion, pray and observe posts installed by the Church, then the Lord himself will keep you from all bad.

Sincerely, holy. Dionysius of candles.

Tell me: Can the grace of God leave the holy water and consecrated items because of our sins or it is impossible? And yet: how to get rid of evil and negative? Sincerely, Alexander.

Hello, Alexander!

It all depends on how a person belongs to holy water and sanctified subjects, with the reverence of whether he keeps the received shrine. If so, then there is no reason for excitement, the grace obtained in consecration will go to a person to favor spiritual and bodily. And the Lord keeps from any evil, it is necessary to live according to God's commandments.

Sincerely, holy. Dionysius of candles.

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