Headshot - what is it? Modern slang and its analogues.

Headshot - what is it?  Modern slang and its analogues.
Headshot - what is it? Modern slang and its analogues.

In computer games, there is a large number of a wide variety of terms that originated a very long time ago and managed to take root very strongly. Accordingly, every gamer must know the basic concepts in order to understand what other players are talking about. For example, one of the most popular terms is headshot. This is a term that is used in a large number of games now, and almost everyone knows what it means. But if you are just starting to play computer games, then it will be useful for you to know what a headshot is. This is a term that will help you sort out certain situations and communicate with other gamers calmly.

What it is?

So, first of all, you need to find out what this term means. It's actually pretty simple. Headshot is a headshot kill. This is a tracing paper from English, where the word is made up of two smaller words: head is translated into Russian as "head", while shot in this case is "shot". The result is a "headshot", which, in fact, it is. Well, now you know what a headshot is. This is a good start, but you still need to learn a few more important points that will help you better navigate the world of computer games.

Scope of use

Naturally, you are unlikely to hear this term if you play a racing simulator or a quest. Why? The fact is that not in all genres you can shoot at all, let alone shoot aimed at the head. So the question arises, in which games does headshot exist? It is quite reasonable to assume that he most often appears in a variety of shooters, that is, in those games where you can shoot aimingly at opponents. Of course, there are exceptions, and in some other games you can also get headshots, but such cases are rather exceptions to the rule.


Now that you know that headshot is a headshot, it's worth talking about what features this feature has. The fact is that in most computer games of our time, headshot inflicts maximum damage, so the enemy immediately dies after such a hit. Naturally, this does not always happen, because many games still do not adhere to the concept of realism. For example, armor is not distributed locally, but throughout the character's body, so a headshot may not kill.


A headshot is a very important element of almost any shooter. Each gamer tries to hit the enemy in the head in order to quickly deal with him. Naturally, this is not so easy to do, so it does not always work out. However, in some cases, this is done by the main rule. For example, there are tournaments in which gamers have to kill opponents only with headshots. As you might guess, the best gamers participate in these tournaments. After all, a player needs to train for months in order to achieve an excellent result.

The head is the smallest part of your opponent's body, so you need to aim very well to hit the head in almost every case. And given the fact that all this happens on the move, one can only applaud those gamers who are able to take a large number of headshots. Naturally, we are not talking about shooting from a sniper rifle, because it is much easier to hit the head through the scope. One way or another, a headshot is a very important element of almost any shooter, so every gamer should have an idea of ​​what it is. Also, you should train your accuracy to be able to take headshots as often as possible. This will allow you to achieve incredible efficiency on the battlefield.

With the development of the Internet and various electronic devices, no one is surprised by the appearance of electronic drawings made by various artists. Graphic tablets and modern programs allow you to easily draw, paint, edit and process the result of creativity of "modern Picassos" without much difficulty. But, as you know, new opportunities give rise to new needs, so the speech of a certain circle of creative people most often undergoes changes. Such deformations also affected artists.

Modern slang and its analogues

Finding a good artist used to be a whole mess, not to mention the fact that the price of your own portrait, for which you had to pose for a couple of hours, sitting motionless, had to be agreed in advance.

Paintings painted from a living person really were of some value, and, as I remember from history, the creations of artists were often exhibited at an honorable place in the house as the pride of the family. In the modern world, everything is much simpler - many pencil masters just need to ask them to draw something "for a chocolate bar". And, if they are not too busy, they will gladly fulfill the request. This is what "request" means in the modern slang of the world wide web artists.

By the way, the English language has its own "request". The meaning of the word here is specific - "request". In Facebook, for example, there is a Friend request function, that is, a request to add a friend, but we use this word in a broader sense.

Other words from the lexicon of the authors

Such newfangled words came, of course, from the English language. The tendency to dilute the language in other words is explained by the fact that English is easy enough for many Internet users to comprehend, and the words in it are simply shorter.

Even those who studied at an art school will hardly understand the modern designation of many.Therefore, the following dictionary may be useful:

  • Gift - drawing as a gift to someone, from the English word gift;
  • art is, in principle, any drawing by the author, even drawn "out of nothing to do";
  • fanart - a drawing based on a work, using characters from there;
  • sketch - a small sketch or sketch, pencil sketch;
  • a request is a drawing "to order", and, as a rule, made for nothing, from the heart;
  • Collab - a joint work of two artists;
  • trade - exchange of drawings between masters.

The most interesting thing is that modern web image gurus call a simple drawing on paper the word "traditional", which means "traditional", that is, ordinary. Indeed, there is sometimes a very big difference between drawings on a graphics tablet in the editor and those drawn by hand. But having mastered all the functions of modern technology, artists develop their own style. For many, completing a request is like completing a daily skill development workout.

The word "request" in the modern Internet

This special slang is widespread not only among artists, but also among all Internet users, in principle. Visitors to many sites do not ask questions: and a request is what, because, even with basic knowledge of English, you can easily understand what is at stake.

Even a beginner on a forum or social network will understand that a request is a request to perform something specifically for a person, most often disinterestedly. For example, in the comments to those videos where famous songs are covered, many ask the performers to sing something else from the repertoire of another singer. This is a kind of "request" - a request, a proposal.

And this should not be confused with "challenge", which means an open challenge. That is, a person declares that someone cannot do something, and the latter must prove the opposite. But this, as a rule, is mainly an Internet showdown of the creative community, which should not be delved into, and few people are interested in this. Most people use a request, the meaning of which is already known.

Examples of executing requests

On many official pages of artists, you can see how in the comments people "requester" the implementation of some insanely complex ideas or paintings. One of the first who began to fulfill such "requests" was one of the users of the entertainment portal under the nickname Chilik.

On his page in the social. network you can see the album "Draw for me ...", where he fulfills the requests of users. Following him, other illustrators and web artists have also picked up the trend to fulfill requests, communicating with their viewers in this way.

Requests for beginners

The most difficult thing is to get used to the new area of ​​"Internet drawing" for novice artists who have not yet developed a particular style of drawing. After all, a request is a very important assignment, even if the drawing is electronic. So, before you start filling these kinds of "orders", you need to Many artists often work as illustrators or designers of web pages, and fulfilling someone's request for them is another way to relax and take a break from work. And, of course, it is important that, first of all, a person likes to draw.

Portraits to order

And to this day, the portrait remains a good gift for a person on an anniversary or on another holiday, that is, in comparison with the last century, technologies have stepped forward in this regard. In many cities, modern design studios offer to purchase a drawing of a person made from his photograph. The trick is that any artist can redraw someone in a certain style.

For example, turn a modern dark-haired lady into a model of pin-up leaflets from the 60s of the last century, and draw a royal family from a young couple or portray anything at the request of the client. This is also a kind of execution of requests, only more professionally and for money.

A line looping through paper or canvas can exude powerful emotion. And it's no surprise that shading or line drawing is one of the most basic elements of visual art.
Indeed, it is one of seven visual elements - along with shape, volume, color, size, texture and space.
But what is Line Art or Line Art?

Lineart welcomes the technique of delineating contour lines and smaller ones, indicating details and creating a complete picture, using different line thicknesses.
Line art is often black and white, but not always. Elements such as shading and color gradients are absent, which allows the focus to rest firmly on the lines themselves. These can be sketches, but not only - lines can also create a complete work of art.

It is important to remember that line art is not only about painting and graphics. Lines can be visually shaped in many ways. For example, sculptures or photographs in which the author creates implied lines by mentally drawing them through the corner and the camera.

Now that we know a little about the theory, let's look at just a few examples, starting with famous line art in art history.

Throughout art history, artists have created artwork using line as a means of visual expression.

Laocoon and his sons. Marbles. Between 27 BC and 68 AD.

The ancient sculptural group Laocoon and his sons were rediscovered in the 1500s.
It became a reference point for Renaissance artists who looked at how the sculptor used fluid lines to bring the group together.
Bending, the snake twists through three symbols, linking the group into a single composition. And in the future, artists will continue to use implied lines to create harmonious compositions in sculpture, painting and drawing.

Leonardo da Vinci. Study for Leda's head. with. 1505-1507.

Leonardo da Vinci was a talented draftsman. His sketches became valuable works in their own right. This study for the painting Leda and the Swan shows the detailed work of the line used to create shape and size.

Albrecht Durer. Melancolia I. Engraving, 1514.

One of the most famous printers in history, Albrecht Durer is the true master of the line. He was an accomplished painter, worked in both oil and watercolors, and his prints are beautiful.

Henri Matisse. Dance. Oil on canvas. 1909.

Increasingly throughout his career, Henri Matisse incorporated the rapid, expressionistic penetration of his drawings into paintings. One of his most famous works, The Dance, is largely based on contours. Looking at bold, flat colors and vibrant outlines, viewers perceive the power and movement of the dancers across the Matisse line.

Pablo Picasso. Portrait of Igor Stravinsky. 1920.

Moving away from the articulated, classic drawings he produced early in his career, Pablo Picasso created a wealth of clean, simple outline drawings using a single, unbroken line. In fact, these outline drawings have become some of the most iconic imagery ever.

Jackson Pollock. No. 5, 1948, fibrolite oil. 1948.

Jackson Pollock is the king of abstract expressionism, his work is entirely based on dripping lines of fluid paint, these lines he dynamically moved through the paintings. The most famous works were created during the "drip period" from 1947 to 1950, when he stunned the world of modern art with this innovative technique.

Keith Haring. Red Hot + Dance. Album cover. 1992

Kate Hering's bold style is defined by thick black outlines, often filled with bright, flat color.
The corporate identity defined the career and made his work instantly recognizable. Hering's outline drawings continue to live on today and continue to influence artists, illustrators and graphic designers.

Today, lines are just as important in contemporary art. From sculpture to painting, the line art tradition continues with the work of leading-edge artists.

David Moreno. Expression lines of a quick pencil sketch. There is something kinetic, even mesmerizing, about these unique works, which are composed of hundreds of narrow steel lines. Here we see the loose, impressionistic quality of the sketches transfer to sculpture.

Using a similar technique for shading, he is able to create tonal effects with carefully placed lines that are viewed from a specific point of view. The liveliness and dynamism of these sculptures really sets them apart.

Ava- only the face \ muzzle of the character.

Adopt / Adopt / Adoptable - creature designs specially crafted for sale

Art- drawing.

Arter- painter

Artota- drawings.

VIP / vipka / WIP / work in progress - screenshot showing unfinished work in progress.

Gift / gift- drawing as a gift. This is usually received by friends, idols or just people / characters who are nice to the artist. As a rule, they are drawn depending on the wishes of the artist himself.

Digital / DJ / digital - drawing, digital art, made in any graphics program on a computer.

Kiriban(English kiriban, came from the Japanese kiri no ii ban) - "good number to stop") - any picture for a screenshot, which contains an interesting, round or beautiful (although absolutely any) number displayed on the counter (participants , watchers, visits, views, etc.), which the owner of the page had previously thought of and announced on Kiriban. If you hit the right number - make a screen and show it to the author - he draws art for you as a gift.

1) milestone, an interesting number displayed on the counter (visits, views, etc.), for example 11111, 222222, etc. or chosen by the owner of the page in order to reward the one who reached him.

2) a gift / reward to someone who has reached this number.

3) the very system of rewarding those who have reached Kiriban.

/ as for me it is a cross between increasing subscribers and the system of anniversaries. /

Clone- a series (usually a certain amount, but this depends on the desire of the artist himself) of variously colored versions of the same template (whether it is only line, line with shading, possibly with a background) with possible changes and additions. The methods of obtaining can be any.

Collaboration - joint work on one art. the options for dividing tasks are different. the number of drawers can be any (for example, sketch from the first, line from the second, paint from the third, shading from the fourth).

Commission / commission / commission / Commission / Commission / Commission / commission - drawing to order, for money. It is negotiated and made to order, it is paid both in various currencies, and, for example, by points for YES, votes in VK and other means.

Line / lineart / line - neat outline, clean outline of the sketch.no color or shade that you can paint yourself. the coloring is shorter.

Overpaint (aka redline) - sketching of work, drawing on top of a finished or almost finished image by another artist. Can be used for hints or for identifying / correcting operational errors.

Character / character / char / furson / person. as an option, there is the term "viola" - it hints .. it can be either a second version of oneself, or just a menagerie so that there is someone to draw. can be a separate entity; or maybe in kinship with the characters of other authors. naturally with the consent of these same authors.

dyed I propose to connect with coloring. this is usually the stage / level of work. used to describe work when ordering; or by the painter himself to create a price list.

Complete - color drawing with background and all details

Request / request - free drawing to order on request.

Reference / refka / ref / reference sheet - information sheet. Art that shows the character and contains information about him, a kind of passport, so that it would be easier for others and for you to draw him. a description of the character showing his appearance and personal details

has two meanings:

2) Photography is a landmark. It helps to understand, compare or depict the desired drawing with its help.

draftsman - the one who draws. wiki: "drawing, making drawings; also an artist who knows the art of drawing.

Sketch- sketch, quick sketch, no painting or background. Easy, quick drawing, which is the basis for further refinement, but also a separate art. This is not a "contour without painting and background", it is a SKETCH, it can be in color, and with a stroke and even with shadows, the Internet can introduce you to the term sketch, or if you are studying in thin. institution. You can decide for yourself what the sketch is for you in the degree of elaboration.

Traditional / Tradishka / traditional - drawing in traditional materials (paper, canvas, wood, fabric, almost anything)Art created with traditional tools (pencil, paints, crayons, etc.)

Trade / AT / art trade - exchange of drawings. Easier, you paint for me, I paint for you. This is usually done by agreement.

Freeline / Free line / free line - line, which you can paint yourself. line free to use (it happens with shading, and with a background, and different options for details,sometimes it can be changed, but this is already as the artist will allow), but in compliance with copyright (that is, you must indicate the author or keep the author's signature). Possibilities for its use are specified in the description.

Fullbody / full / full body - when the figure is full-length.

Half body - when in the figure the character is half height, the figure is waist-length, half the body

Headshot - drawing of the head, portrait, bust of the character.

Furry - (from the English furry - fluffy, covered with fur) - a genre of creativity about anthropomorphic animals and a community of its fans. Anthropomorphism of characters is expressed in human behavior, facial expressions, speech, details of anatomy, walking upright or wearing clothes. Anthropomorphic characters can also be four-legged animals, beast-like fictional creatures, or non-speaking animals, shown to be empathetic. Simply put, "furries" are animals that, to varying degrees, behave like humans. Furry fans are called furries. The word "furry" is also sometimes used in this sense, and "anthropomorph" is a synonym for furry characters.

Furson(English fursona, fur + persona), or personal furry, phenotype is a personal character of a furry fan. As a rule, this is an individual anthropomorph with a name, description of appearance, character and background. In its simplest form, an indication of the type of animal or a picture of an avatar can be considered furson.

Feral- Zoomorphic character (zoomorph), or feral (feral), quadruped, quadruped (quad) - various designations of a furry character with animal anatomy, as opposed to anthropomorphs (anthro), which have the structure of the human body. a character that predominantly repeats the proportions of the body and the mode of movement of the prototype species (zoomorph).

Challenge- the essence is as follows. in a certain dimension and period of time, the owners of creative thinking and those who simply want to participate in the discussion draw / create on a certain topic within a certain period.

inking / outlines- stroke, outline (sketch) .. line in general.

flat coloring- flat / even color. just fill with color.

Shading / shade - literally "shading". overlay shadows.

highlights- literally "lighting effects".glare / reflections / reflexes.

palette(I do not know how such tasks are correctly called) - several specific colors are given and you need to draw a picture using only these colors.For example, tasks for Virink contests, although mixing of the given colors is allowed there according to the task - and
" As a rule, the organizer gives several colors to the participants, and they use them in their works. Using the colors you get when mixing means greatly increasing the range of shades, so no. Sometimes it is allowed to use neutral colors, i.e. white is acceptable. But in fact, depending on the conditions of the battle, it is better to contact this question directly in the comments under the competition)"


OC / original character- an original character. This can only be a character that was invented by the author not in some of the already existing universes, but in his own (or in the real world) character invented by the author himself

FC-Fan (dom) -character- fan character. This is a character that was created in the realities of some alien world, invented by someone else. character invented from the existing world, for example MLP. Accordingly, all our ponies are FC, fan characters from the MLP world.

OS session- collaborative drawing in Open Canvas

ACEO-trade (Art Cards, Editions and Originals)- exchange of traditional drawings small cards for exchange or sale, measuring 2.5 x 3.5 inches (approximately 6.3 x 8.9 cm). Usually hand-drawn, but ASEO can also be a photograph or a collage. The work can be distributed both in the original and as a printout (in the case of printing, ACEO is numbered and signed on the reverse side).

YES / DA- short for DeviantArt, a site for artists from around the world

FA / FA- short for Fur Affinity / Furaffinity, a site for foreign artists dedicated to furries. the campaign was originally created for anthro - both art and authors. now it's a cookie jar. anthro, manga, realism, photography, sculpture, fennecs, music, stories, communication, and so on. I find it difficult to call one word.

FN / FN- short for FurNation, site of Russian furry artists