The best airlines in the world. The best airline in the world

The best airlines in the world. The best airline in the world
The best airlines in the world. The best airline in the world

What, first of all, wants to get a passenger from the airline? This is comfort, reliability and safety. It will also not refuse an acceptable level of service and, of course, will not be against the punctuality of the company's employees: it is unlikely that some of us will like long delays in flights.

Guided by these requests for clients of airlines, we have drawn up the ranking of the best Russian airlineswhich is based on an expert assessment of several independent consulting agencies and the opinions of passengers who have already used carriers.

Top 10: The best airlines of Russia Rating for 2017-2018

In order for the rating to be the most truthful and versatile, we used mixed statistics in the article. First, it is a direct client survey, secondly, the assessment of experts. Employees of some consulting agencies, under the guise of "secret passengers", in personal experience checked the level of service: the cost of tickets, the quality of nutrition on board the aircraft, the overall level of service and delay time during departures (if they were). The total assessment was reduced by us in the "Total Rating" Count of our table.

A place Name Total Rating Positive customer recommendations
🏆 10. ✈ Nordavia ⭐ 3,21 out of 5 👍 40 %
🏆 9. RED WINGS AIRLINES ⭐ 3.40 out of 5 👍 37 %
🏆 8. ✈ Nordwind Airlines. ⭐ 3.42 of 5 👍 45 %
🏆 7. ✈ Utair. ⭐ 3.48 out of 5 👍 44 %
🏆 6. ✈ Method ⭐ 3.64 out of 5 👍 67 %
🏆 5. ✈ Aeroflot ⭐ 3.79 out of 5 👍 55 %
🏆 4. ✈ S7 Airlines. ⭐ 3.84 of 5 👍 58 %
🏆 3. ✈ Russia ⭐ 3.86 of 5 👍 62 %
🏆 2. ✈ Yamal ⭐ 4.14 of 5 👍 72 %
🏆 1. ✈ i-fly ⭐ 3.97 of 5 👍 75 %

10th place. Nordavia

Regional carrier, with basic base point in Arkhangelsk. Specializes in transportation within the Russian Federation, but there are foreign flights to Norway. Due to weather specifics, in winter, the number of flights is much less than in the summer. The aircraft fleet is quite "Elderly", domestic aircraft are used for servicing close regional flights: An-24

🛫 Where are the routes laid?

In the 14 largest Russian regional centers, also in Tremese (Norway).

Departure without delay: 2.63

Power Quality: 3,16

Service level on board: 3,53


The company is one of the fifteen major air carriers of Russia. On the market for eighteen years, in 2009 passed through rebranding, after which it is known under the current name. It is considered one of the main tourist charter carriers. Most aviation park - domestic aircraft.

🛫 Where are the routes laid?

Foreign charter flights on the most popular tourist routes from Moscow, St. Petersburg and several more regional centers.

✅ Evaluation issued by the Skytrax Agency

Departure without delay: 3, 08

Power Quality: 3.2

Service level on board: 3.5

8th place. "Nordwind Airlines"

Another charter passenger carrier offering charter flights to Europe to Mediterranean countries, as well as in Asian countries. The aircraft fleet is based in Moscow and consists of 24 Airbus, Boeing aircraft. Actively updates and docks new aircraft, some of them were acquired this year.

🛫 Where are the routes laid?

According to tourist routes from Moscow: Europe, India, Thailand, the countries of the Arabian Peninsula, Egypt.

✅ Evaluation issued by the Skytrax Agency

Departure without delay: 3,46

Power Quality: 2.97

Service level on board: 3.65

7th place. "Utair"

A company with partial foreign capital specializing in aviation and helicopter transportation. The main ports of the registry are located in Tyumen and in Moscow. It carries out not only charter, but also regular flights: every day the liners of the company make about three hundred departures. Over the past two years, more than 17 million passengers have been transported on its aircraft.

🛫 Where are the routes laid?

Domestic regional flights, foreign flights on tourist routes to European countries, Africa, Asia.

✅ Evaluation issued by the Skytrax Agency

Departure without delay: 3.32

Power Quality: 3,18

Service level on board: 3.83

6th place. "Method"

The main activity of the air carrier is charter flights for most tourist routes of Europe. Since 2012, it has been working closely with a large German tourist company, so part of the flight liners are carried out under the brand of TUI.

🛫 Where are the routes laid?

EU countries (Spain, France, Italy, Bulgaria, Austria), also in Egypt and Turkey.

✅ Evaluation issued by the Skytrax Agency

Departure without delay: 3.88

Power Quality: 3.69

Service level on board: 4.07

5th place. Aeroflot

The largest air carrier of Russia. The airframe is reading almost 200 liners, which includes aircraft both domestic and foreign production. It is regularly updated, the average age of aircraft is 4.3 years. Routes laid in 51 countries of the world. The customer's relationship is quite negative, although, according to many consulting companies, the level of service at an acceptable level.

🛫 Where are the routes laid?

Domestic regional routes to all regional centers, all European countries, most Asian countries, part of Africa and America.

✅ Evaluation issued by the Skytrax Agency

Four stars is a very good indicator.

Departure without delay: 3.72

Power Quality: 3.83

Service level on board: 3,89

Skytrax rating is an objective assessment of airlines from a private independent British company. The rating is five-point - from one to five stars. Among the hundreds of world companies, the current 5 stars received units.

4th place. "S7 Airlines"

The former name of the company - Siberia, is engaged in regular and charter transportation within Russia, its liners also carry out regular international flights: routes are laid in 26 countries of the world. For the past few years, more than 10 million passengers transport every year. The airframe consists of 70 aircraft, the average age of the liners is 10 years.

🛫 Where are the routes laid?

Countries of Europe, neighboring countries, Egypt, Turkey, Asian countries (China, Japan, South Korea)

✅ Evaluation issued by the Skytrax Agency

Departure without delay: 3.89

Power Quality: 3.64

Service level on board: 3.92

3rd place. "Russia"

Aeroflot's subsidiary, based in St. Petersburg, from where much is carried out by a majority of the carrier aircraft. It takes about 5 million passengers annually. Domestic flights in the country are organized, there are also regular flights to Europe. The airframe consists of 62 liners, the average age is 13 years old.

🛫 Where are the routes laid?

European countries (France, Germany), domestic flights to most regional centers of the country.

✅ Evaluation issued by the Skytrax Agency

Departure without delay: 4,02

Power Quality: 3,46

Service level on board: 4.01

2nd place. "Yamal"

Woster Siberian air carrier with a fairly large fleet of airliners, in the amount of 60 units. The main place of the registry is Salekhard, the average age of the aircraft is 11 years old. Works on 42 routes, most of which are internal. Also engaged in charter flights to European countries and Mediterranean.

🛫 Where are the routes laid?

Regional centers of Russia, countries of neighboring countries, Europe, UAE, BANGKOK.

✅ Evaluation issued by the Skytrax Agency

Departure without delay: 3.88

Power Quality: 4.02

Service level on board: 4,16

1st place. "I-FLY"

The best charter carrier today according to passengers and experts. PORT OFFICE PARTY PARKA - Moscow. The main activity is charter transportation on tourist foreign routes. Collaborates with the tourist company "TEZ-TOUR".

🛫 Where are the routes laid?

Mediterranean countries, Spain, UAE, Asian countries (China, Thailand)

✅ Evaluation issued by the Skytrax Agency

Departure without delay: 4,19

Power Quality: 3.81

Service level on board: 4.06

Which airline take advantage of the airline?

The final choice depends on your preferences. For example, if you are primarily important in security, try to choose companies using new airliners. Such, conventionally, you can consider any aircraft with age up to 12 years (after this period they must undergo a mandatory cap. Repair). Also, do not forget that the smaller the company, the smaller its financial turnover, therefore, to maintain air tools, they spend less means. Additionally, before the final choice, do not be lazy and see the statistics of accidents and incidents in the airline: these data can be found on many publicly available Internet resources.

The choice of the airline is an important and responsible thing - because it depends on how safe and comfortable will be the upcoming flight. Decide on the choice of air carrier will help this article.

top 10

The National Airlines of Qatar is no longer the first year confidently holds its position. In addition to the absolute leading in the world - this is also 1 place in the Middle Eastern Region - as well as the best rooms of the first class of high comfort, the best business class. The company serves 150 directions in all points of the world.

This airline is recognized as the best in Asia. Travelers highly appreciated first-class service, comfort, and security.

The price level of this Japanese airline at the European level, and the maintenance and flight is higher. In responses among the merits, punctuality often mark and extremely rare flight delays.

Daily makes routes to 6 continents, 62 countries, in 101 destination. The airframe is constantly updated. The largest rapid air carrier of the UAE.

Hong Kong. In the ranking, despite the reviews about flight delays. Perhaps thanks to the pilots that are professionals of their business - a soft, confident, almost imperceptible landing, a smooth flight - as well as attentive to passengers and smiling flight attendants.

The Taiwanese airline's chip is a huge selection of thematic products that can be purchased directly on board.

The German company is not the first year in the list of the best. Flexible accumulation system of bonuses, punctuality, comfortable spacious salons, user politeness - the main advantages of this air carrier.

UAE. The airline set the goal to pleasantly surprise its passengers oriental hospitality - and they do it well.

These Chinese airlines are distinguished by rapid growth, high rates of development and progress.

Reward for the best onboard staff.

If you choose among Russian companies, then prefer Aeroflot. Although our company did not enter the top ten, it takes good position in the official rating.

Watch the video: 10 most secure airlines in the world

China airlines (Top 5)

Not the first year, the company leads in his homeland, and recently occupied an honorable place in the world top. This is the largest air carrier performing charter and business flights, a cargo transportation operating on all lines and distances. Many employees have in. Managers of the organization see the main goal in creating the most pleasant conditions for each passenger. The company is actively growing and developing, becoming better every year.

  1. Air China.

Fast growing state company.

  1. China Southern Airlines.

Leader in the number of traffic; The largest group of airlines in China. Most flights within the country do the aircraft of this particular company, connect large and small cities, provinces and business centers.

  1. China Eastern Airlines.

Most routes are associated with Shanghai.

  1. China Northern Airlines.

One of the oldest companies has extensive experience.

From China to Russia, HA liners (in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Irkutsk) are making flights.

Which airline is better to fly?

The most popular directions.

To Turkey

Unanimously recognized leaders - companies with regular flights and Turkish Airlines.

Besides them, good reviews have: Onur Air., Russia.

In 2017, the flights to Antalya domestic airline "Victory". When ordering a ticket a couple of months before the flight price - 1000 p.

Prices for regular flights are higher than on charter flights - but regular more reliable and proven.

In Thailand.

According to the users of Runet, the best conditions for Thai Airlines.

Direct flights from Russia are engaged in Thai Airlines, Aeroflot ,. The rest flies with transfers.

Air Asia.- A pretty well-known budget regional carrier is a whole group of different airlines. Enjoys popularity, it has good reviews - but there is one "but": flights are often transferred and canceled, everything must be approved in advance.

Bangkok Air.- For those who appreciate luxury and expect the highest level of comfort. Expectations are justified completely.

also perform connecting flights to Bangkok.

Those who live near the state. Borders, more convenient to reach Thailand Chinese, European or Kazakhstani airlines.

Best in Kazakhstan - Air Astana.It is one of the best companies in the world, no little enthusiastic reviews, one of the tops in the CIS.

In Greece

Lovely reviews from the company Aegean Airlines.. Particularly suitable for those who go with children. Help personnel and spacious, clean interior. A simple and clear booking of tickets on the site, regular flights to Athens and Thessaloniki.

Still regular flights to Crete, Rhodes and thessaloniki carry out Aeroflot - But only during the season - the rest of the time direct flights to Athens.

Astra.- The option is the most economical, but much less comfortable. In airplanes closely, which is very uncomfortable for passengers with young children, as well as high and complete people. Positive estimates also y.

Most charter flights carry out Greek airlines, many of which have few liners in the state, and in case of breakdowns of one aircraft, the flight can be canceled. This happens not rarely, and it should be borne in mind.

In Malaysia

Unfortunately, it is impossible to get to Malaysia from Russia directly. We'll have to resort to the services of European, Asian and middle eastern airlines. This is indicated above Qatari, Arab, Kazakhstani, Singapore Airlines.

In addition to famous airlines, you can call:

  • australian company Jetstar;
  • Silk Air.known in the South region;
  • Batavia Air.specializing in flights within the region;
  • filipino Gebu Pacific Air.and Zest Air.;
  • malaysian airlines Firefly. and Malindo Air..

Flights to Malaysia make many companies from the Black List, whose planes have repeatedly tolerated crash. In addition to the worst listed - this Orient Thai.and One-Tho-Go.

Turkish airlines (top 5)

  1. Pegasus

Evoids great popularity worldwide. Develops rapid pace. Undoubted plus - favorable prices. Different punctuality. Routes in 97 directions. Young fleet,

  1. Turkish Airlines

The largest air carrier in the world and in Europe (3 place), very well known and long-faced in Russia. 200 directions for 6 continents flies, has a huge airfield. There are no obsolete models of aircraft. This is a permanent member of the top ratings, which has been checking time.

  1. Onur Air.

Young but already proven with the positive side of the airline. Completes regular and charter departures. The company employs highly qualified employees who provide security and service at a decent level. In addition, ticket prices are significantly lower than other companies operating at the same level.

  1. Sunexpress.

A good budget option flying through the most demanded tourist routes.

  1. Atlas Global

Pretty major air carrier. Flights in Russia, Europe and the CIS.

Best European airline

The best European airline, according to travelers is recognized.

Our domestic company is awarded in 4 nominations - for the best business class, premium economy class, first place in Russia and in Europe. Passengers from different countries give a lot of laudatory reviews about Aeroflot. In China, the company is recognized as the most beloved from foreign, 4 stars of the company awarded the British Agency Skytrax, five stars Aeroflot gave a passenger APEX Association from the USA.

Aeroflot confidently takes 1 position in such categories as the cost of ticket, registration, comfort and service.

Worst airlines (Top 5)

It was evaluated by the criteria for the flight comfort, the cleanliness of the cabin, the competence of the staff.

  1. Turkmen Airlines
  1. Sudan Airways.

It works only in Africa and in the Middle Eastern region. Received lower estimates on all items, except for the convenience of chairs. Therefore, on 2 place.

  1. International Airlines of Ukraine

Despite the good reviews on thematic forums, it takes 3 place due to low points in other estimated categories.

  1. Uzbekistan Airways.

Repeated accidents with human victims and poorly organized registration process.

  1. Air Koryo.

Single North Korean airlines. Travelers do not like musical accompaniment in the form of marches and food quality.

The worst airlines for safety

Here, the list of those whose aircraft are in an improper condition, often fall into accidents, pilots and staff are suspected of use of drugs and alcohol, who does not fulfill international safety requirements, or if there are carons of aircraft and other criminal actions.

  1. Nepal Airlines.

A huge amount of catastrophe with a tragic end. Not professional pilots and outdated technique.

  1. Lion Air.

Also a lot of collisions. Pilots and crew used drugs. It has preference in receiving payment - cash, 2 days before departure stops receiving plastic cards.

  1. Batrik Air.

A subsidiary Lion Air. Flights over the EU are prohibited. There are cases of technical malfunctions when making flights.

  1. Citilink.

Another Indonesian company. It is mainly internal routes, a ban on visiting space over Europe is imposed.

  1. Kalstar Avlation

The liners of these airlines did not pass in quality and safety.

The choice of airlines in the world is quite diverse, and everyone can choose the appropriate option to their taste and wallet - and most importantly choose the best of those that offer different air transportation agencies in RuNet.

This week was the next "Wings of Russia" award, but now we will not write about it, because in it the airline is assessed by a special jury according to him known to him. It is quite another thing - reviews of real passengers, which in the number of 35 thousand pieces gathered service It turned out her own award with prefers, curtisankas and a slightly unexpected result.

An important feature of the rating was the impossibility of "wreking": only those who bought a ticket could vote and made a flight on it, and not any bots that are usually present in any online voting. A similar rating was also published a year ago, following the results of 2016, so it's interesting to compare the laureates in the dynamics.

The analysis was attended by the 15 largest airlines of Russia, from the rating were excluded Azur Air and Royal Flight - they were counted by charter - as well as the "globe", because de facto is S7.

Last year, the highest assessments were honored by the Airline "Russia", "Aeroflot", S7 Airlines, Yamal and Nordwind Airlines. In the new rating, the championship belongs to Aeroflot (9.11 points out of 10 possible), which has shifted "Russia" to the second position (9.04 points). Also in the three leaders includes S7 Airlines (8.87 points). The fourth place is still at one representative of the Aeroflot group of companies - "Aurora" (8.83 points), the fifth - at the "Yamal" (8.71 points).

Passenger reviews, however, very specific. Thus, "Aeroflot" love for "excellent service" and "comfortable flights" and "" - these are common words, more useful criteria are delicious food on long flights, gifts for children and road kits. The natter criticizes most often for the delay of flights (does not know about it, but you will not spend passengers, the passenger cancellation will still consider a delay, although it is not formally) and nonsense sandwiches.

The rest look at yourself. We liked "New aircraft" Utair (in fact, the basis of the airline fleet is the Boeing 737-500 of the midst of the nineties) and all companies have the skill of pilots and. Surprising and the "Victory" rating: Below are only VIM air. Low prices, new aircraft and lack of delays do not outweigh the blocked backs and the random distribution of places in the cabin, as well as restrictions of hand-made dimensions. But at the same time, the planes fly by bit.

Company Evaluation Positive Negative
1 Aeroflot 9.11
  • great service
  • comfortable flights
  • tasty fed on long flights
  • gifts to children
  • road sets
  • characterized work of the crew
  • tablery sandwiches
  • flight delays
2 Russia 9.04
  • punctuality
  • excellent condition of aircraft
  • characterized work of the crew
  • cupcakes and Cookies
  • monitors do not work
3 S7 Airlines. 8.87
  • excellent meals on flights of every duration
  • professional pilots and flight attendants
  • excellent work of ground services
  • value for money
  • little place for hand baggage
  • flight delay
  • paid choice (in the base tariff)
4 Aurora 8.83
  • skill pilots
  • professionalism of flight attendants
  • punctuality
  • value for money
  • the very presence of flights on intracrare directions
  • lack of short flights
  • the schedule is designed uncomfortable
  • uncomfortable chairs (de Havilland)
5 Yamal 8.71
  • experienced pilots
  • good hot food (delicious, lots)
  • availability of direct flights
  • democratic prices
  • comfortable chairs and new aircraft (about SuperJet)
  • closely (about Boeing 'ah)
  • problems with online registration
  • tandy snacks
6 Nordstar 8.47
  • beautiful pilots
  • affordable price
  • no reluctant tariffs
  • good crew work and ground services
  • no meals on flights less than 3 hours
  • "Tired" aircraft
  • flight delay
  • paid choice of place when online registration and only 10 kg baggage (at the tariff "Economy")
  • uncomfortable chairs
7 Red Wings. 8.17
  • good nutrition
  • skill pilots
  • new aircraft
  • closely
  • tired flight attendants
  • indifferent terrestrial services
  • delay
8 Utair. 7.96
  • skill pilots
  • professionalism of flight attendants
  • new aircraft
  • closely
  • no food and beverages on flights less than 4 hours
  • strict hand-baled dimensions
9 Ural Airlines. 7.83
  • skill pilots
  • professionalism of flight attendants
  • power availability
  • clean in salon
  • flight delays
  • filed uncomfortable chairs
  • nutrition quality
  • online registration is not available from all cities
10 Nordwind Airlines. 7.8
  • low prices
  • beautiful flight attendants
  • the presence of soft drinks
  • flight delays
  • old airplanes
  • lack of nutrition
11 Victory 7.15
  • low prices
  • new aircraft
  • lack of delays
  • selection of places in the cabin
  • blocked backrests
  • baggage \\ hand-made
12 Vim-Avia. 6.94
  • professional flight attendants
  • humane prices
  • power availability
  • comfortable chairs
  • flight delay
  • old airplanes
  • quality and Number of Power

Skitrax's research firm presented its annual ratings by assessing the top 100 world airlines. Travelers from all over the world of the globe take part in the annual large study of the degree of passenger satisfaction with airlines in the world to identify the premium laureates. So, the best airline 2015: Qatar Airways, who received the main award for the third time in 5 years.

1. Qatar Airways

Last year, the airline took 2nd place in the ranking. Qatar Airways also achieved success in the category "Best Places of Business Class", first taking the first line. This is not at all an accident, since in Etmo year the company introduced into his fleet A380 and A350 aircraft with new reference standards of comfort, space and private life.

2. Singapore Airlines.

Last year, Singapore Airlines ranked third in this list. In 2015, they managed to climb one line above, crossing the regional competitor (and winner of 2014) Cathay Pacific Airways and Ana All Nippon Airways in the Asian closure. Singapore Airlines also achieved success in the "Best Business Class Offer" nomination, ahead of Qatar Airways and Cathay Pacific.


Last year, this company ranked first in the list, but a year later they managed to take only the third line. Cathay Pacific has achieved success in the nomination "Best Trannyokoan Airline". This is the third success of airlines in this category after 2011 and 2013. Asiana Airlines from South Korea ranked second place, and Ana All Nippon Airways is located on the third line.

4. Turkish Airlines.

Compared to last year, Turkish airlines rose to one line up, taking third place in the ranking of the best airlines. Turkish Airlines received premiums for the best business classroom and the best business-class restaurant. The main hall in Istanbul is one of the largest in the world. It is able to accommodate 1000 customers and feed them the best of local and international dishes. The process of the process is engaged in the Catering company DO & CO.

5. Emirates.

The airline emirates compared to last year dropped one line, sitting on the 5th place. The Emirates received a premium for the best amenities and comfort of the first class, ahead of the local competing company Etihad Airways and Singapore Airlines. It is worth noting that this is a very competitive category, where a very serious struggle is being conducted between competitors.


This airline made high-quality races from 9 to 6th place in the list. This happened thanks to many innovations, demanded products and services in addition to the already high level of services provided. It is a combination of available innovative services for passengers of any class allowed Etihad Airways to occupy such a prestigious place in the list of the best.


Last year, Ana All Nippon Airways ranked 6th, whereas in 2015 sank one line down. She won in the nomination "The best service at the airport," where the whole process was assessed from check-in to the flight to landing. Air Eva and Garuda Indonesia ranked second and third in this nomination.

8. Garuda Indonesia.

The Indonesian main airline Garuda for the second year in a row received a prize for the best service in Cauts. V. Much says that the airline managed to preserve the award, continuing to improve their services. The previous winner Asiana Airlines ranked second in this nomination.

9. Eva Air.

Eva Air entered the top ten world airlines in 2015, whereas a year earlier ranked 12th. She was recognized as the most pure airline in the world for the cleanest cabins, and Singapore Airlines received second place in this nomination. In the global assessment of EVA Air found itself on the 9th place, which is considered tremendous success.

10. Qantas Airways

Closes the top ten Qantas Airways airlines, recognized as the best Australia Airlines and the Pacific Zone for the third year in a row. Qantas also received the main prize for the best amenities and comfort of the business class, ahead of Qatar Airways. All this was achieved thanks to the modernization conducted over the past two years.

Travel is always anticipation of something new, unforgettable. And so that everything went wonderful from beginning to end, you should consider all the details. The most popular type of transport for a trip abroad is a plane. Therefore, it is better to study the possibilities of certain airlines. What the list of them will be described in descending order.

Delta Airlines is the global leader of passenger traffic

For all criteria Delta - the largest airline in the world. In its arsenal there is more than 1,300 aircraft. The airline has its own network of routes in 356 directions and carries out flights to 65 countries. At the beginning of its existence (the foundation date - May 30, 1924) the company was called Huff Daland Dusters. Then her aircraft were used to spray the keriforms over cotton fields in the south of the United States. In 1928, the airline was renamed Delta Air Service. And in 1929, the first passenger aircraft was sent from Dallas to Jackson.

Today, the largest airline in the world of Delta Airlines is an undisputed leader in the number of passenger traffic, as well as by the number of passenger aircraft operated, the main manufacturers of which are "Boeing" and "Airbus". About 5,000 flights are carried out daily. The company has 75 thousand qualified employees.

American Airlines USA

Despite the financial difficulties that the company experienced in the nearby past, it still enters the top of the largest airlines in the world. The company employs more than 100 thousand people. About 7,000 flights are produced daily by 350 cities. The airline carries out flights in 56 countries of the world. American Airlines and another 5 passenger traffic leaders create an ONEWORLD alliance.

The aircraft carrier has 125 aircraft "Eyrbas-A319-100", 55 aircraft "Airbas-A320-200", 178 aircraft "Airbas-A321-200", 15 aircraft "Airbas-A330-200", 9 aircraft "Eyrol-A330- 300 ", 266" Boeing 737 ", 64" Boeing-757 ", 46" Boeing 767 ", 67" Boeing 777 ", 45 aircraft" MD-82 "and 52 MD-83 aircraft.

Southwest Airlines USA

The Southwest Airlines airline is a permanent leader in the number of passengers transported. This is the largest losage worldwide. The company's fleet consists of an impressive number of Boeing 737 aircraft and performs more than 3,000 flights per day. Southwest Airlines airplanes are basically running between such as Chicago, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Houston, Orlando and Phoenix. The main advantage is that prices for the flight are relatively low, but quality is high. Cheap US flights are Southwest Airlines.

Emirates Airlines - UAE MONOPOLIST

This is a state company, the base of which is located on the territory of Abu Dhabi International Airport. The development of Emirates Airlines began with a lease of two airliners in 1985. For three years, the airline's profits began to increase rapidly, which made it possible to quickly develop the route network and equip the fleet with the most modern ships. Today, the company's route network includes 450 cities in 60 countries around the world.

The company's fleet consists of 230 aircraft "Airbas-A330", A340, A380 and Boeing 777.

United Airlines USA

This is the largest airline in the world by the number of aircraft. At its disposal is 695 airliners who regularly carry out international passenger flights. To fulfill domestic flights, the company has 569 aircraft. The airline route network connects Western Europe, Africa and Australia. United Airlines has its own bases in Chicago, San Francisco, Guam, Tokyo, Denver, Los Angeles and Washington. The basis of the air fleet of the company is "Boeing-737" and 757. There are also airbas airlines. The most popular are flights to the major cities of China and Hawaii. Russia and Eastern Europe are not included in the list of served countries.

Lufthansa - Europe's largest airline

The European airline began its existence in the distant 1926. However, only in the 60s, she began to gain momentum and became one of the largest among air carriers.

Today, airlines together with a number of European carriers forms Lufthansa Group. The main hubs of the company are located in Germany. Fleet Lufthansa Group has 636 aircraft. For passengers it is one of the most profitable airlines. Its partners can participate in generous bonus programs. Also, the company constantly holds promotions and sale of tickets in various destinations.

Air France.

This is a whole holding that united a number of French and Dutch airlines. In 2004, national carriers of the Netherlands and France merged together by forming Air France. The hubs of the company are located in Charles de Gaulle) and in Sripol). Today, AIR France is 614 aircraft. The basis is the airliners of the Concern "Boeing" and "Eyrbas".

Those who cares about the environment, this air carrier fits most of all, since the tanks of the company's aircraft are filled with biofuels. The Air France Route Network has 243 directions and serves 103 countries.

British Airways.

British Airways Airlines - the largest carrier of the United Kingdom, the base of which is located at Heathrow Airport in London. Currently, the air fleet of the company consists of 400 aircraft. The annual turnover of passenger traffic is 62 million passengers per year. The route network has more than 200 directions.

The airline has the actual developed bonus system that regular customers enjoy. Each flight gives the right to receive miles and glasses, which then can be exchanged for flights.

This is not a complete list of the largest airlines. In each country there are air transportation leaders. However, not all of them are international. In addition, this list can change every year, as some companies can develop, while others suffer some difficulties and lose their leading positions. Therefore, to say what the largest airline in the world is not so easy. The analysis affects many indicators, such as the number of aircraft, the annual volume of transportation, the availability of service centers, etc. However, the company's reliability, as well as various bonus programs, is important for passengers, in addition to this information. In any case, it is better to carry out flights with proven airlines, even if the cost of their tickets will be an order of magnitude more expensive. It is not worth saving on your life. It is better to buy tickets in advance, but reliable carriers. Moreover, almost all of the above airlines regularly conduct bonus programs and shares.