Folk tales about animal names. Animals in Russian folk tales

Folk tales about animal names. Animals in Russian folk tales
Folk tales about animal names. Animals in Russian folk tales

You looked into the site category Russian folk fairy tales. Here you will find a complete list of Russian fairy tales from Russian folklore. Long-known and hotly favorite characters of folk fairy tales will meet you here with joy, and again will tell you about your interesting and entertaining adventures.

Russian folk fairy tales are divided into such groups:

Fairy tales about animals;

Magic fairy tales;

Household fairy tales.

Heroes of folk tales of Russians are often represented in the face of animals. So the wolf always displaced the greedy and evil, Fox cunning and a smelter, the bear is strong and kind, and the hare of a weak and cowardly man. But the moral of these stories was that it was not worth it to hang a yarm even on the very evil hero, because a cowardly hare can always be met, which can freeze the fox and defeat the wolf.


Russian folk tale plays an educational role. Good and evil clearly delimited and gives a clear answer to a specific situation. For example, a bun, who ran away from the house, considered himself an independent and brave, but he had a tricky fox on his way. The child, even the smallest, will make a conclusion for himself, that after all he could be on the site of a kolobka.

Russian folk tale is suitable even for the little ones. And as the child grows, there is always a suitable instructive Russian fairy tale, which will be able to give a hint or even the answer to the question that the child can not solve himself.

Thanks to the beauty of Russian speech russian folk tales read pure pleasure. They are stored and folk wisdom and light humor that skillfully intertwined in the plot of every fairy tales. To read fairy tales to children is very useful, as this is well replenishing the vocabulary of the child and helps him further correctly and clearly shape his thoughts.

There is no doubt that Russian tales will enhance and adults in the world of childhood and magical fantasies on a lot of happy minutes. The fairy tale on the wings of the magic fireband will be carried out in the imaginary world and will more than once will take away from everyday problems. All fairy tales are presented to familiarize themselves absolutely free.

Russian folk tales read

In some kingdom, some state, namely, in which we live, there was a landowner. The landlord had a cat, called His Vaska Muska. The landowner loved Vaska Muski, and the cat worked his cat is good - in the bread labases caught rats and mice ...

Lived on Grandfather courtyard Gray chicken chicken chicken and a cheerful root cockerel. Once the chicken chicken in the grandfather walked. And over the village there was a big cloud, hit the thunder from the clouds. Grad sached, like a major peas ...

Lived, were on the same yard the goat yes Baran; They lived together: hay block, and that in half. And if the forks in the side - so one cat Vaska! He is such a thief and a robber, every hour on the fishery, and where what is bad lies, so his belly hurts ...

He lived, she had one peasant sheep. Nevalubil her owner, nagged nagging! She decided to leave the house. She went, went. She met Lisa: - Where are you, sheep, go? ...

Goat and ram in a deaf grass forest to pinch, take a walk on the attorney. We went, went, got lost in the Dark Forest. Located in a deaf cup, watching the wolves under the tree dinner cook. Goat Baran Tikhonechko says: - What are we going to do, Baran friend? Seen, we disappeared. We will eat us lighted wolves ...

There were lived cat, Drozda and Cockerel - Golden Grab. They lived in the forest, in the hut. A cat yes Drozd go to the woods of firewood to chop, and the cockerel is left. Going away - strictly punish: - We will go far, and you stay home, but do not give voices when the fox comes, do not look in the window ...

We lived - the grandfather yes babe da granddaughter Masha. They did not have a cow, no pig, no cattle - one goat. Goat, black eyes, foot curve, sharp horns. Grandfather this goat loved very much. Once the grandfather sent the grandmother goat to graze. She grazed, grazing and drove home ...

Meets with the fox of the crane: - What, Fox, can you fly? - No I do not know how. - Sit down on me, teaching. Lispsy village on the crane. Her crane is highly high. - What, fox, you see the earth ...

There were an old man with an old woman. They had the granddaughter of Alyonushka. Gathered girlfriends to go to the forest on the berries and came to call her. Long old men did not let his granddaughter. Then they agreed, only ordered her to keep up with girlfriends. Girls walk through the forest, collect berries. The village behind the village, Kostik for Kostik - Alyonushka and lagging behind the girlfriends ...

Fox with Zhuravl made friends. Here the fox thought to treat the caravel, went to call him to visit him: - Come, Kumanyuk, come, dear! I'm treated! I went crane on a sought feast. And Fox headed manna porridge and smeared on a plate ...

There were an old man with an old woman. They sowed repka. Here the bear was sought to steal repka. The old man went to see and sees: a lot of turnips narrated and scattered around. He looked home and tells the old woman ...

Once it was sitting in the forest under the tree a man and ate bread. I saw his wolf and asks: - What do you eat, man? - His bread, - the one answers. - Give me a bread to try. Man cut off the scruff of bread. The wolf ate, littered: Delicious was bread ...

There was once an old woman-taller, and she had a goat with kids. In the morning, people will stand up, they will take care for work, and the old woman all walks on the stove. Only to dinner will rise, will take, go go - and let's talk. Says, says, says - and with neighbors, and with passersby, and with himself ...

Lived, there were fox yes hare. The fox was an icy, hare - Lubyana. Spring has come Red - the fox is melted at the fox, and the hare stands in the old way. Here is a fox and asked him to spend the night, yes, it is from the election and kicked out. Going dear bunny, crying. He meets the dog. - Toffee, etc., etc. What, bunny, cry ...

Russian folk fairy tale "Teremok"

There is a mouse over the field. Sees - stands teremok:

Nobody answered. Occashed the door of the mouse, entered - began to live.

Rides a frog. Sees - teremok:

- Who lives in Teremchka, who lives in a low?

- I, Mouse-Nomushka, and who are you?

- I'm a frog-cuckoo. Let me in.

And they began to live together.

Run a bunny. Sees - teremok:

- Who lives in Teremchka, who lives in a low?

- I, Mouse-norushka.

- I, frog-cuckoo, and who are you?

- I'm a bunny-blind, the ears of debts, the legs are short. Let me go.

- OK Go!

They began to live threesome.

Fassel runs, asks:

- Who lives in Teremchka, who lives in a low?

- I, Mouse-nowood.

- I, Piglet-Kubashka.

- I, bunny-blind, ears debts, the legs are short, and who are you?

- I'm chanterelle-sister, lizavet-beauty, fluffy tail. Let me go.

- Go, Lisushka.

They began to live fourwise.

Runs on the field of the wolf. Sees - teremok, asks:

- Who lives in Teremchka, who lives in a low?

- I, Mouse-norushka.

- I, frog-cuckoo.

- I, chanterelle-sister, lisuette-beauty, fluffy tail, and who are you?

- I am a wolf-wolf, big mouth. Let me go.

"Okay, go, just livenly live." They began to live in fist.

The bear is wandering, wrecking Kosolapiy. I saw the teremok - zared:

- Who lives in Teremchka, who lives in a low?

- I, Mouse-norushka.

- I, frog-cuckoo.

- I, bunny-blind, ears debts, the legs are short.

- I, chanterelle-sister, lizavet-beauty, fluffy tail.

- I, wolf-wolf, big mouth, and who are you?

- I am a bearish, Truppy-Flap!

And I did not ask for teremok. In the door, he does not pass, climbed up.

Hardened, slept - and the terems collapsed. Already managed to run out - the mouse is a newer, a frog-cuckoo, a bunny-blind, the ears of debts, the legs are short, chanterelle-sister, lizethet-beauty, fluffy tail, wolf-wolf, big mouth.

And bearish, Truppy-Lyapysh, went to the forest.

Fairy Tale "Rumor Rumor"

Lived grandfather yes babe

And they had a rockey rush.

Demolished the chicken egg:

The egg is not simple, gold.

Grandfather beat, beat - not broken;

Baba Bila, Bila - did not break.

Mouse fled,

The tail waved:

The egg fell

And broke.

Grandfather and Baba cry!

Chicken bitch:

- Do not cry, grandfather, do not cry, babe.

I demolish the Egg Other

Not golden - simple.

Fairy Tale "Repka"

Santa Republic was planted - a big-pre-gracious repka rose.

He became a grandfather from the ground to drag.

Pulls, pulls, can't stretch.

I called my grandfather to help the grandmother.

Grandma behind the grandfather, Dage for a repka.

I called grandmother granddaughter.

Granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for the grandfather, Dedka for a rep.

Tent-pulled, can't pull out.

Click granddaughter bug.

Bug for granddaughter, granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for the grandfather, Dedka for Rust.

Tent-pulled, can't pull out.

Crack cliking cat Masha.

Masha for a bug, bug behind his granddaughter, granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for the grandfather, Dedka for a repka.

Tent-pulled, can't pull out.

Cat clikled Masha mouse.

Mashka for the Masha, Masha for a bug, bug for granddaughter, granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for grandfather, Dedka for a repka.

Pull-pull -

pulled out

Fairy Tale "Kolobok"

There were an old man with an old woman.

So asks the old man:

- Cook me, old, bun.

- Yes, from what bake something? No flour.

- Eh, old woman. On the barn, they feel sowed on the borders - so it will go.

The old woman did it: you walked, scored two flour, kneading the dough on sour cream, rolled the bun, frohed it into the oil and put it on the window.

She was tired of a bun - he rolled down from the window to the bench, from the shop on the floor - yes to the door, jump through the threshold, in Songy, from Seine on the porch, from the porch to the courtyard, and there is behind the gate, further.

Rolling a bun on the road, and towards him hare:

"No, you don't eat me, oblique, and better listen to what I sleep to you."

The hunger of the ears raised, and the bunkelock was singing:

- I am a kolobok, bun,

On the barn

Scraped on bubkes

On sour cream bumps,

In the stove of Sazhen,

On the window is waving.

I left my grandfather

I left my grandmother,

From you, hare,

Do not sce go.

Rolls a bun on a path in the forest, and towards him a gray wolf:

- Kolobok, Kolobok! I will eat you!

- Do not eat me, Gray Wolf: I'll sleep a song. And bunkelocks:

- I am a kolobok, bun,

On the barn

Scraped on bubkes

On sour cream bumps,

In the stove of Sazhen,

On the window is waving.

I left my grandfather

I left my grandmother,

I went from the hare,

From you, wolf,

Do not sce go.

A bunker rolling over the forest, and the bear comes to meet him, the brush is breaking, the bushes to the ground neut.

- Kolobok, Kolobok, I eat you!

- Well, where you, Kosolapoy, eat me! Listen to my song better.

Kolobok soldered, and Misha and ears spend:

- I am a kolobok, bun,

On the barn

Scraped on bubkes

On sour cream bumps,

In the stove of Sazhen,

On the window is waving.

I left my grandfather

I left my grandmother,

I went from the hare,

I left the wolf,

From you, bear,

Halong to leave.

And rolled Kolobok - the bear just watched him.

Rod rolls, and to meet him Lisa: - Hello, bun! What kind of fitting, rumbling!

Kolobok is glad that he praised him, and sang her song, and Lisa listens and even closer to sink:

- I am a kolobok, bun,

On the barn

Scraped on bubkes

On sour cream bumps,

In the stove of Sazhen,

On the window is waving.

I left my grandfather

I left my grandmother,

I went from the hare,

I left the wolf,

From the bear gone

From you, fox,

Do not sce go.

- Nice song! - Lisa said. - Yes, it is a misfortune, a dove that is old, I began to hear badly. Sit down to me on the muzzle Yes, it is still sudden.

Kolobok was delighted that his song praised, jumped fox on the face and soldered:

- I am a kolobok, a bun ...

And fox him - gam! - And ate.

Fairy tale "Cockerel and leggings".

There were cockerels and chicken.

The rooster was in a hurry, everything was in a hurry, and the chicken knew himself:

- Petya, do not hurry. Petya, do not hurry.

Kleval somehow the rooster legumes, and in love and stifled. Eashed, does not breathe, it does not hear, as if the dead lies.

The chicken was frightened, rushed to the hostess, shouts:

- Oh, the hostess! Give the Maslitsa Maslitsa Petushka to smear: Pokhok the cockerel of a bean grain.

The mistress says:

- Fuck speed to the cowhrum, ask her milk, and I soak by my Maslitsa.

Rushed chicken for a cow:

- Korovka, Golubushka, give Milk soon. From milk, the hostess will somete the Maslitsa, Maslitsa, Lazhka, the rooster of the neck: Powered by a cockerel bean.

- Go back to the owner, let him bring me fresh herbs.

The chicken is running to the owner:

- Master, owner! Give soon a cowhole of fresh herbs, the cow will give a milk, the hostess will knock out of the milk, Maslitsa, Maslitsa, I smear the rooster of the neck: Pokhok the cockerel of a bean grain.

- Fuck speed to the blacksmith for oblique.

With all the legs, a chicken snap rushed:

- Blacksmith, Kuznets, give a good braid soon. The owner will give a cowhide of herbs, the cow will give milk, the hostess will give me a maslice, I am a gaze of the crested Cherry, fed to the cockerel of a bean one.

The blacksmith gave the owner a new braid, the owner gave a cowhow of fresh herbs, the cowman gave milk, the hostess knocked the oil, gave Maslian a church.

Skilled chicken chicken crook. Bean grave slipped. The rooster jumped up and shouted to all the throat: - Ku-Ka-Re-ku!

Fairy Tale "About a fox with a rill"

I picked up somehow chanterelle on the road Rock. He came to the village with her and knocks on the extreme hut:

- Tuk!

- Who's there?

- This is me, chanterelle! Stop overnight, good people!

- We have so closely.

- Yes, I am not a loan. Spot on the bench, tail under the bench, a rolling pin under the stove.

- Well, if so, come in.

The fox lay down to sleep, and in the morning I got up before everyone, burned the ringer in the stove and the owners wakes up:

- And where is my rolling rollers? Give me now for her chicken!

What to do - I gave the owner to her chicken.

Here is chanterelle on the road and sings:

I found a chanterelle a ringer,

He took her chicken in return.

By evening came to another village and again to the first hut:

- Let the good people, spend the night!

- We are lacking place for us.

- And I do not need to be places: under the window a break, the tail will put it, the chicken in the corner will put.

Let her And in the morning, nor the light either dawn, the fox rose, ate the quarrels of the chicken and the cry raised:

- Who thieved my chicken? I will not take less clarification for it.

Gave it the clarification. And again she goes yes sings:

I found a chanterelle a ringer,

He took her chicken in return.

Chanichell came with chicken

Lisher left with a clarification.

And in the third village, under the evening he knocks.

- Knock Knock! Stop spending the night!

- We have so seven along the beings.

- So I am not a stya. He herself near the wall, the tail under the head, the opener of the stove.

- Okay, arrange.

Fastened fox. Again in the morning jumped up, the cuisine was ate, the pynes in the stove burned and squeezed:

- Where is my favorite duck? Give me for her at least one girl.

And in a man, though a lot of children, but sorry for him to give the fox. I planted then he was in a bag of a dog.

- Get, redhead, the best girl!

Pulled out a fox bag on the road and says:

- Well, a girl, a girl, sighing a song!

Hears - someone grieves in the bag. She was surprised, untied the bag. And how to pop up - and well, you tremble!

Rushed the cheating to run, and the dog behind it. And he drove red off from the village.

Tale "Masha and Bear"

There were grandfather and Baba, and they had granddaughter Masha. Girlfriends gathered on the berries, call with them Masha.

"Go," the grandfather and grandmother said, "Yes, look, do not fall behind where everything is there and you."

Masha went.

Suddenly, from where neither take is a bear. I was afraid, turned Masha. Grabbed her bear and brought.

And girlfriends came running to the village and told that they lost Masha.

I was looking for-looking for her grandfather with my grandmother, but did not find, they began to cry, began to grieve.

And the bear brought Masha to his home and said:

- Do not cry, do not eat you! I am bored for me, you will stay with me.

I can't help with tears, I began to think Masha, how to leave the bear. She lives at the bear. The bear ran to her honey, berries, peas - everything. Not glad Masha.

- What are you not happy about anything? - asks the bear.

- What should I rejoice? How I do not grieve! Grandpa and grandmother think you ate me. Graduating from me a hotel - body with cakes. Let learn that I am alive.

Bearing a bear flour, mad to Masha Pirogov - a big dish. Found a bear body where the pies fold.

Said Masha Bear:

- You will not eat dear. I will look from the slide - I will see.

While the bear was going, Masha was hended time, climbed into the body and covered himself with the cakes.

He took the bear body, poured on his back and bent.

Going along the trails past the Christmas tree and birch, where in the ravine descends, up rises. Tired - says: - What a heavy body!

Sad on Penoska

Feed the pobe.

Masha heard and screamed:

- See see!

Not far to Grandfather Yard.

Grunted the bear:

- Vish, what's the eye!

Highly sits

Far looks.

Going, goes, says again:

- Sadie on Pozook,

Feed the pobe.

And Masha shouted again:

- See see!

Do not sit on Pozook, do not eat a cake -

Very close to the grandfather of the courtyard!

The bear did not sit on Penos, did not eat the pie, went further. I got to the village, I found the house of the house. Tuk-Tuk in the gate! Lailed a dog. And others came out from everywhere. Such a bang raised!

Only grandfather and grandmother opened the gate, the bear threw off the body - and the southwer. And dogs behind him, catch up, bite. Barely ran away.

Grandfather and grandmother saw the body, approached closer, the granddaughter got out of him, lively and healthy. The eyes of their grandfather and grandmother do not believe. Hug her, kiss. And about Masha what to say! So I was glad!

Steel grandfather, grandmother and Masha live in an old, kind, well, and bad forget.

Fairy Tale "Goat Dereza"

We lived - the grandfather yes babe da granddaughter Masha. They did not have a cow, no pig, no cattle - one goat. Goat, black eyes, foot curve, sharp horns. Grandfather this goat loved very much. Once the grandfather sent the grandmother goat to graze. She grazed, grazing and drove home. And the grandfather sat down at the gate and asks:

"I didn't eat, I didn't drink, my grandmother was not grazing." As I ran through the pavement, the maple leaves grabbed, - that's all my food.

The grandfather was angry at the grandmother, revealed and sent the head of the goat's goat. She grazed, grazing yes home drove. And grandfather sat down at the gate yes asks:

- My goat, goat, black eyes, curve leg, sharp horns, what did you eat, what did you drink?

And the goat in response:

"I didn't eat, I didn't drink, my granddaughter was not grazing." As fled through the pavement, the maple leaves grabbed, - that's all my food.

The grandfather was angry with his granddaughter, dreamed, went the goat himself. Paz, Paz, Having fed and hit home. And he himself ran, sat down at the gate and asked:

"My goat, goat, black eyes, a foot curve, sharp horns, did it eat well, did I drink well?"

And goat and says:

- I did not eat, I did not drink, but I fled through the pavement, grabbed the maple leaf, - that's all my food!

The grandfather was angry with a cheater, grabbed the belt, let's get it on sides. I barely rushed and ran into the forest.

In the forest, I came running and climbing the hatch, the door locked the door, climbed the stove. A bunny in the garden cabbage eating. Came a bunny home - the door is locked. I knocked a bunny and says:

- Who, who my Hutku takes, who does not allow me to go to the house?

- I am a goat-deres, black eyes, a curve leg, sharp horns! I am the top-top legs, burst you with horns, tale notice!

Bunny scared, rushed to run. Sits under the bush, crying, the paw of tears wipes.

Walking past gray wolf, drain side.

- What are you, Zainka, cry, about what tears are poured?

"As I, Zaineka, don't cry, like me, gray, don't grieve: I built myself a hut on a forest edge, and I climbed into her goat-deresses, I didn't let me go home.

Gray wolf came to the hut and shouted:

- Stay, goat, from the oven, free the bunny hut!

And the goat to him in response:

- How to jump out how to emphasize how to score legs, bury the horns - they will go bulls on the Zakolem!

Wolf scared and away ran!

Sitting bunny under the bush, crying, tears sails with a paw. There is a bear, a fat leg.

- What kind of zainka, cry, about what, sulfur, tears are poured?

"As I, Zaineka, don't cry, like me, gray, don't grieve: I built myself a hut on the forest edge, and the goat-deresses climbed to me, I didn't let me go home.

- Do not burn, Zainka, I will save her.

I went to the hut bear yes let's roar:

- went, goat, from the oven, free the bunny hut!

And the goat to him in response:

- How to jump out, yes, how to emphasize how to score legs, burst into the horns - they will go bulls on the Zakolem!

Bear frightened and well run!

Sitting bunny under the bush, crying, tears sails with a paw.

There is a cockerel, a red scallop, on the legs of spurs.

- What are you, Zainka, cry, what are you, ceremony, are there tears?

- How I do not cry, how not to grieve: I built a hut, but I climbed the goat-deresses in it, I don't let me go home.

- Do not burn, Zainka, I will save her.

- I chased - I did not kicked out, the wolf driven - did not drive out, the bear was driven - did not drive out where you, Petya, expel!

- Well, let's see!

Peter came to the hut Yes, how to shout:

"I go, I go soon, on the legs of the spurs, I carry the sharp braid, to demolish the goat! Ku-re-ku!

The goat was frightened yes how it slam down from the furnace! From the oven on the table, from the table on the floor, yes on the door, yes in the woods run! Only her and saw.

And the bunny again lives in his hut, boats carrot, it is bounted.

Russian folk fairy tale "Fox-sister and Wolf"

Lived grandfather da Baba lived. Grandfather says Baba:

"You, Baba, Peka Pies, and I feed Sani let's go for fish."

I caught fish and drove a whole WHO. Here he is going and sees: the chanterelle rolled out with a camber and lies on the road. Grandfather tears from the war, walked to a chanterelle, and she would not worry, lies herself as the dead.

- That will be a gift to his wife! - said his grandfather, took a chanterelle and put on WHO, and he himself went ahead.

And the chanterelle immediately impeded the time and began to throw it away from the war, everything is fish and fish, everything is fish and fish. Raised the whole fish and left herself.

- Well, the old woman, - says grandfather, - What collar brings you to your fur coat!

- There, on the car, - and the fish, and the collar. Baba came to Vasu: no collar, nor fish, - and began to scold her husband:

- Oh, you, such a fucking! You still upheat!

Here the grandfather cooked that the chanterelle was not dead. Growned, chapped, but there is nothing to do.

And the chanterelle gathered all the scattered fish in a handful, sat on the road and eats himself. Gray wolf comes:

- Hello, sister!

- Hello, brother!

- Give me fish!

- Naoul himself eat.

- I can not.

- Eka, because I caught up! You, brother, go on the river, lower the tail in the hole, Sydi Yes, say: "Fish, fish, and small, and great! Fish, fish, and small, and great! " Fish to you on your tail sticks out. Yes, see Siti a little longer, otherwise you can't catch!

The wolf and went to the river, lowered the tail in the hole and began to sentence:

Caught a fish,

and Mala and Great!

Caught a fish,

and Mala and Great!

Following him and Lisa appeared; It goes near the wolf and draws:

Clear, clear in the sky stars,

Murzni, Murzni,

wolf tail!

- What are you, chanterelle-sister, say?

- I help you.

And herself, the cheating, hesitantly says:

Murzni, Murzni,

wolf tail!

For a long time, the wolf was sitting at the hole, the whole night did not go from the place, the tail of it and boosted; I tried to raise - it was not there!

"Eka, how many fish took - and do not pull out!" - He thinks.

It looks, and women go beyond water and shout, enjoying gray:

- Wolf, Wolf! Bates him, beat him!

They came running and began to bang the wolf - who is a rocker who is a bucket who did what. The wolf jumped, jumped, tear off his tail and got started to run away.

"Good," thinks, "I will repay you, sister!"

Meanwhile, while the wolf fade his sides, a sister chantechka wanted to try: Would you be able to pull something else? He climbed into one hut, where women baked pancakes, but got his head in a tub with a dough, smeared and runs.

And the wolf towards it:

- So you teach you? I felt all myself!

- Eh, Wolf-brother! - says chantech-sister. "You even made the blood, and I have a brain, I betrayed me with your own way: I will rush.

"And that is true," says Wolf, "where are you, sister, go, sit on me, I will take you."

The chanterelle sat on his back, he is her and led.

Here is a dead sister sits yes slowly sings:

Broken unbound lucky

Bitted Nebitant luck!

- What are you, sister, say?

"I, BRATCH, I say:" Bate of the broken lucky. "

- So, sister, so!

The word "fairy tale" is witnessed in written sources not earlier than the XVII century. Educated from the word "causing". Moveed: List, list, accurate description. Modern value acquires from the XVII-XIX century. Previously used the word Basni, until the XI century - Koszchuna.

The fairy tale is needed by targeted appointment for the subconscious or conscious learning of the child in the family of the rules and goals of life, the need to protect their "range" and a worthy relation to other communities. It is noteworthy that the fairy tale carries a huge information component transmitted from generation to generation, belief is based on respect for its ancestors.

Folklore fairy tale - genre of literary creativity; Epic genre of written and oral folk art. The type of narrative, mainly prosaic folklore (fabulous prose), which includes the separating works, the texts of which are based on fiction.

In fairy tales, the nature of the people, his wisdom and high moral qualities appear.

The folklore fairy tale, which is based on the traditional plot, belongs to prosaic folklore (fabulous prose). To date, the following classification of Russian folk fairy tales has been adopted:

1. Tales of animals

2. Magic fairy tales

3. Household fairy tales

Russian folk tale of animals -this is one of the oldest folk genres. In it, the echoes of the myths about totem animals, stories about the origin of animals and birds, legends about the relationship between the world of people and the world of animals, etc. The centuries-old man's experience was captured here for the development of the world of nature, comprehending the most important laws of his being.

Fairy tales of animals differ significantly from other types of fabulous genre. Their specifics appear primarily in the features of fantastic fiction. According to Y. Grimma, the possibility of an animal fiction affected the views of primitive people. With the decomposition of this epic, a fairy tale of animals and fables was distinguished.

Anikin V.P. In his book, the Russian Folk Fairy Tale argues that the appearance of fairy tales of animals preceded stories directly related to the beliefs about animals. In these stories, the future main characters of animal fairy tales acted. These stories have not yet had an allegorical meaning. Under the images of animals, animals were implied. Such stories directly reflected the ritual magic and mythical concepts and views. Mythical stories have differed in vital. It can be assumed that they talked with guarantees and taught how to treat animals. Using compliance with the famous rules, people sought to subjugate the animal world to their influence. Such was the initial stage of the origin of fantastic fiction. Later it was based on animal fairy tales.

In the Russian folk "animal" fairy tale, two worlds mutually reflect each other - the world of people and the world of animals. The fairy tales of animals "have a person in the range of the first vital ideas, explain the essence of many phenomena, introduce the characters and relationships of people." This creates a special kind of narrative conditionality. An animal and man in animal fairy tales are interchangeable, the tolerance of functions with some characters to others makes the primary action, and not performing its subject.

The possibility of interchanged characters creates in folklore identical on the meaning of images and parallel plots. So, the beginning of the fairy tales "Cat and Lisa" and "Baba Yaga and Zhir": in the first fox, she takes a rooster, having lumbric his song, and the cat goes to save him; In the second zhir, Baba Yaga, who launched his song, and the cat and sparrow hurry to the aid. Practically identical in the plot, composition and ideological meaning of the fairy tale "Fox with a ringer" and "Old woman-Lapothnik", in which the heroines are changing the roller's rolling / lap on a chicken, a chicken in a gusacoo, a turkey, and so on to the bull / girls.

V.Ya. Proppus, giving the definition of animal fairy tales, suggested: "Under the fairy tales of animals, such fairy tales will be implied in which the animal is the main object or subject of the narrative. On this basis, animal fairy tales can be distinguished from others, where animals play only an auxiliary role and are not the characters of the narration. "

Fabulous Animal Epos - Education Special, little similar to the stories from the life of animals. Animals here act in harmony with their nature and act as carriers of a particular nature and manufacturers of certain actions that should be attributed primarily to a person. Therefore, the world of animals in fairy tales is a form of expression of thoughts and feelings of a person, his views on life.

For Russian animalistic fairy tales, allegorization is characterized, where it is possible due to the use of allegorical (fastened) imagery. From here the main topics of Russian fairy tales about animals - the human characters, the advantages and vices of people, the types of human relationships both in household and in the social sphere, up to a sharp social satire on a social structure.

The man has long felt the relationship with nature, he really was her particle, struggling with her, looking for her protection, sympathizing and understanding. Obvious and later brought to the fastened, the parable meaning of many fairy tales about animals.

Fairy tales about animals for children tell children, in mind, about the habits, signs and lives of our smaller friends. It may be fairy tales in verse or in prose. More realistic - older children or just with the participation of animals - for kids. Today I will show you the best copies of those and others.

Hello, dear readers. Even the smallest children, we read fairy tales, trying to instill love for the book and knowledge of the world. Most books for baby contain pictures with animals. Mom, dad or grandmother reading them, pay attention to the baby on the picture. Ask if he recognizes the character, say what sounds he publishes in real life. So begins the path of the baby into the world of wildlife. The child grows and learns more and more facts about animals, insects, birds.

I would say that the peak of interest in everything is located between the 2nd and 6th year. Do not miss this time, be afraid that the baby will not understand or that he will be uninteresting at school. Giving knowledge gradually, you enrich his inner world, laid the love of everything alive. The main information of the child of this age receives of course from fairy tales, here we will talk about them today and talk.

Book in Maze.

It is difficult to find a parent who does not know the data of the work of Samuel Marshak. And yet I can't leave this book without attention, in addition, I put it on the first place for the baby and not only.

All 172 pages are divided into sections. In the first short poars about the beasts. In the second poems for children 3-7 years old. Further fairy tales are in verses about a stupid and intelligent mouse - this is the perfect combination of fairy tales so that the child understands not only how not to do, but also received an example of proper behavior.

In this beautiful collection there are poems about each month, colors and letters. But the main reason I made it to the article is almost all works about animals. Little listeners will find out how animals and birds look like. Illustrations here are bright, their set.

Book in Maze.

If you are looking for fairy tales about animals for children of 2.5-5 years, then this book of Tamara Kryukov will fit perfectly. She is about a small, inquisitive hedgehog that left without permission from home.

In his walk through the forest, he learned a lot of interesting things. Where does the squirrel live and why she is a fluffy tail, why the hare is long ears, where the mole lives and why he need such big paws, why the frog wriggled eyes and whom fox hunt. In the second fairy tale, hedgehog met pets, learned about the peculiarities of each of them. And the third tale will tell the children about how they are preparing for the winter squirrel, hamster, bunny, wild ducks, bear and hedgehog himself. Good Quality Book, Tight Paper Offset, Stitched and Skinned Pages, Solid Cover, A4 Format.

Book in Maze.

This book in the soft cover is reprinted already 10 times! I bought the 3rd edition when Alexander was 2 years old. The soft cover at this age served as a plus, since two fairy tales are located on the reversal, and the baby is not able to concentrate on one page when there are the same bright pictures. Therefore, I just fucked the book as a magazine and the question was decided by myself. Fairy tales collected here will help the parent to decide on themes that the child must master before entering school.

At first I did it - I read fairy tales on 1 topic, then we beat her. For example, there are assembled here: Where did your pets come from, why the bear is sleeping in the winter, for which the beasts warm fur coat, what a cow gives us how to sleep animals, how they are saved from predators, for which you need tails, which relatives in cats Such a whale, why a pig lies in a puddle, for which a wolf is needed in the forest. Even more fairy tales here about birds and insects. I think now you understand why this encyclopedia is described by me in this article. By the way, after each fairy tale, the picture is given the elementary information about the read, so the book and is called the Encyclopedia.

Book B. Ozone

I think that the works of Sergei Kozlov do not need a submission. This book attracted my attention during the collection of the collection "Golden Tales in the illustrations of the best artists." Each reversal of the book looks like a separate picture written by oil. Every smear of the artist, who Evgeny Antonenkov is overlooked. The ABC Publishing House made a 25cm large-size book for 25cm, which makes it possible to consider illustrations even better. Paper dense, matte, coated. Font clear, excellent size. In short, the quality of the publication on a solid 5-ku.

Opening a book, you get the feeling that you get in fairy tales about the days of the year: "Winter Tale", about the New Year, "Spring Fairy Tale", "Unusual Spring", "Hedgehog and Sea". Of course, the work is included here. "Shake! Hello! ", Familiar to us since childhood. In total, 10 fairy tales were collected in the book, each of which holds the friends of the hedgehog and a bear at the time of the year - starting with the winter and ending in the fall. I agree with the publisher that recommends the book for children 6+. I agree that in 3 years old, the kid will not appreciate these illustrations, it will not capture the language of writing Kozlov. We have this book went well at the age of 5.

Publication of almost square size 21 cm by 22 cm, the pages of coated, fully filled with the illustration on which the text is located. The book is stitched and punched, on the cover there is a lacquered flower.

Book in Maze.

This is one of my favorite books in the children's library. I am very glad that the Publishing House "The Good Book" was reprinted. I am sure that many more children and their parents will fall in love with this beautiful bear. This fairytale about polar animals: white bear, northern deer or caribou, seal, blue kite. As can be seen from the name, the little bear is going to look for the sun. On the way, he admires the polar night and the Northern Light, and also meets other residents of those places. As a result, he returns to his beloved mother at that moment when the Sunoon again came to the country of eternal snow.

Cute, like live illustration in purple-blue-pink colors. Paper matte coated. The publication is well stitched, the cover is solid. Went to children from 2 to 6 years. At the end of the book, encyclopedic information is available in an affordable language. It is intended for parents who will fill with the questions of small intelligence.

Book in Maze.

Another book of Tamara Kryukov, who will tell the children about where Mammoths left, where did the red hat from the dyatlah, why the ostrich does not know how to fly, why the bat is asleep and as Lisa Blokh studied. Here you need to consider a very important point. The book is suitable for children after 4 years, when the main information on these issues has already been considered and the child has developed imagination. That is, it is necessary to read these fairy tales to children who understand that the mammoth figuratively took the shelling skin. To discuss fairy tales here many topics. After reading each of them with Alexander, we first discussed read, correlated information with the real life of animals and only after that I started following the next fairy tale.

At the end of the book gives a fairly long, but easily readable and perceived poem about natural signs in nature. The "Forest Calendar" tells the child about the fox, which decided to learn about all the signs at the time of the year. These signs relate to forest animals and birds. We liked this part of the book most.

Book in Maze.

I think that everyone is familiar with the works of Vitaly Bianchi. Therefore, I just write that despite the fact that this is Mahar - a good collection. It includes 9 fairy tales about forest animals, birds and insects. Pleasure, from reading and viewing illustrations, animal lovers are provided. This collection can be recommended to children from the 4th, the fairy tale "How Mrai Hurry Home" will be clearer. But the whole book will be available to understand the years with 5 years. The Publisher itself recommends a book for mid-school age.

Illustrations are not catchy, but big and understandable. There are many of them and they clearly match the written. Book format 29 cm for 21 cm, offset paper, pages are dense enough. The font is large, suitable for children for independent reading.

Our duty as parents, teach children to love living beings, instill an understanding that everything that exists in nature has it right. Fairy tales about animals for children are the starting point in this difficult business. Today I have everything, dear readers, in the following articles I will introduce you to the stories and encyclopedias about animals. In order not to miss new articles, subscribe to the newsletter in the right pane.