Holy Equal-Apostles Nina, Georgian Enlightenment. King Iversky Mirian and Queen Nana

Holy Equal-Apostles Nina, Georgian Enlightenment. King Iversky Mirian and Queen Nana

Holy Nino (280-335)


Equivalent - The name of the saints, especially glorified by the preaching of the Gospel and the appeal of peoples in the Christian faith.

In the Orthodox Church, the name of equivalent to the Apostles attached to: St. Mary Magdalene (as a community apostles); The Holy First Points Fekle (a student of the Apostle Paul, who turned many pagans in Christianity in Seleucia Isavria); Holy Martyr Apfi, Saint Averkiya, Bishop Ierapol; Holy Tsar Konstantin I Great and Mother of His Elena; Holy Nino (Georgian Enlightenment); Saint Patrick (Enlightener Ireland); Borisa I (Burgaria Bustor), Holy Kirill and Methodius (Slavs); Holy Prince Vladimir I Svyatoslavich and his grandmother of His Olga (cross Russian land); Saint Nicholas (Japanese archbishop).


According to the pious legend of Iiveria (Georgia) is the lot of the Blessed Virgin; According to the special will of God, she fell out lots of gossip there to save people the gospel of her son and Lord Jesus Christ.

Saint Stephen Svyatogorets says that in the ascension of the Lord of our Jesus Christ is not the sky of his disciplers together with the mother of Jesus Maria were in Zion Gornice and expected a comforter, according to the command of Christ -not to get out of Jerusalem, but to wait for the promise from the Lord (Lux. 24, 49; Acts 1, 4). The apostles began to throw lots to find out who among them in which country to preach the gospel. The recent said:

"I want and I throw my lot with you, so that I don't stay without a lot, but to have a country that God will choose me."

According to the Word of the Mother of God, they threw lot with reverence and fear, and for this lot she got the Iveryan Earth. Having pleased with the joy of this lot, the Most of the Virgin wanted to immediately, at the descent of the Holy Spirit in the form of fiery languages, go to Ieria. But the angel of God told her:
- "Do not leave now from Jerusalem, but stay until time here; you got the lot on the lot with the light of Christ subsequently, and your dominion will be there there will be there."

So says Stefan Svyatogorets. It is the predetermination of God on the enlightenment of the hever, after three centuries, according to Christ, and the performer was a predicted Virgin Virgin. After the specified time, she sent with his blessing and its help to the sermon in the holy virgin Nino.

Life of Saint Nino

Holy Nina (Nino) Born in Cappadocia (Ok. 280) and was the only daughter of noble and pious parents: Roman governor Zavulone, relative of the Holy Great Martyr George, and Susanne, sisters of the Jerusalem Patriarch. At the twelve-year-old age, Holy Nino came with his parents in the Holy City of Jerusalem.

According to their mutual agreement and on the blessing of the Patriarch of Jerusalem, the Zealon devoted his life to the ministry to God in the Deserts of Jordanian, Susanna was delivered to Diakonisa at the Temple of the Merzhnaya Coffin (to serve as a poor and sick female), and the Education of St. Nino was entrusted with the pious Staritz Nianfore. The Holy Nino showed obedience and adjacent and in two years, with the help of the grace of God, firmly followed the rules of faith and with diligence daily read the Holy Scripture. Her heart flashed with love to Christ, who had undergone, to rescue people, goddres and death. One day, when she, crying, emphasized the evangelist describing the crucifixion of Christ the Savior, her thought stopped on the destiny of Hitona Lord (John 19, 23-24).

To the question of Holy Nino, where Chiton is the Lord, Staritsa Nianfora explained that the "unrequisite" Hiton of the Lord, according to legend, is attributed to the Mrtshetsky rabbi Eleazar in Ieria (Georgia), called the father of God's mother. Preching Virgo, during his earthly life, was called upon by the apostolic lot for the enlightenment of Georgia, but the angel of the Lord, who appeared to her, predicted that Georgia would be her earthly lot later, with the time of time, and the fishery of God prepared her apostolic ministry on Athos (also considered a lot God's mother). Nianfor added that the inhabitants of this country, as well as the neighboring Armenians and many mountain tribes still remain immersed in the dark misconception and dishes.

Thined in the heart of Holy Nino, these stories of the old man. Nino and Danish and Nosnially prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary, however it will make it seemingly to see Georgia facing the Lord, and may help her to find Hiton the Lord. And the Queen of Heavenly heard the prayers of the young righteous. One day, the last Verva was in a dream and, handing a cross woven from a grape vine, said: "Take this cross, he will be a shield and fence against all visible and invisible enemies. Go to the country of Iverland, gospel there Gospel Ie. Gentlemen Jesus Christ and unite grace from him:

- "I will be a patronage to you."

Waking up, Holy Nino saw a cross in his hands ( it is now stored in the Tbilisi Zion Cathedral near the northern gates of the altar in kyota, accommodated silver; On the top lid of the kyot are placed chased miniatures from the lives of Holy Nina), Rent a spirit and, coming to his uncle, Patriarch Jerusalem, spoke about the vision. Patriarch Jerusalem blessed the young Virgin on the feat of the apostolic ministry.

And when it was time, convenient for departure to the far path, Patriarch led Nina to the temple of the Lord, to the Holy Altar, and, having put her saint his saint hand on her head, prayed with such words:

- "Lord God, our Savior! Releasing the Syrota" Schroektitsa for the sermon of your deity, who betray her in your hands. Blagovoli, Christ, God, be a companion and a mentor everywhere where she will gnaw about you, and give the words to her strength and wisdom, which no one is able to resist or object. You, the Most Holy Theotokos Virgo, assistant and the intercession of all Christians, have taken over its own power against the enemies of visible and invisible to this sortie, which you self elected to your gospel of your son, Christ of our God, among the nations of the pagan. Be always a cover and irresistible protection for her and do not leave her, the Holy Will will not fulfill her His Holy Will! "

On the way to Georgia, the Holy Nino miraculously avoided martyrdom from the Armenian king of Tiridat, who was subjected to her companions - Tsarevna Ripsimia, her mentor of Haiania and 35 virgins (September 30) who fled to Armenia from Rome from the persecution of Emperor Dioclitiana (284-305) . Guided by an invisible hand, she disappeared into the bushes of wild, not yet blossomed roses. Fear shocked and fate his girlfriends, the Holy raised his eyes to the sky with a prayer about them and saw at the top of a light-blooded angel, joining a light orarara, with an incense cadyl in his hands, accompanied by a lot of celestialists, he came from heavenly heights. Angel turned to her with the words:

- "Stand up and go to the north where the greenery ripens, but where there is no reapers."

Later, the sleep was given to Nino: she was a majestic husband; His hair was falling on his shoulders, and in his hands he had a book scroll written in Greek. By turning the scroll, he filed him to Nina and commanded reading. Waking up from sleep and seeing his wonderful scroll in his hand, Holy Nina read the following Gospel sayings in it:

  • "True I tell you: where it will be preached by the Gospel of this in the whole world, it will be said in memory of it and what she did" (MF. 26, 13).
  • "There is no male, nor female: for all of you are one in Christ Jesus" (Gal, 3, 28).
  • "Then he says (wives) Jesus: Do not be afraid: go, hear you to blame mine" (Matt. 28, 10).
  • "Who takes you accepts me, and who takes me, takes you by sending me" (Matt. 10.40).
  • "I will give you the mouth and wisdom, which will not be able to contradict or confront all opposed to you" (Luke 21, 15).
  • "When will lead you to the synagogues, to the authorities and authorities, do not care, how or what to answer, or what to say, for the holy arc teach you at that time. What should say" (Lux 12, 11-12).
  • "And do not be afraid of killing the body, the souls who cannot kill" (MF. 10, 28).
  • "So go, teach all the peoples, the kreat of them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teach them to observe everything that I commanded you; and this, I am with you in the days before the late century. Amen" (MF 28, 19 -twenty).

Reinforced by this divine vision and consolation, the Holy Nino continued his journey and appeared in Georgia in 319. Overcoming the road, hunger, thirst and fear, she reached the ancient Cartalin city of Urbnisi, in which he lived for about a month, stopping in Jewish houses and studying the morals, customs and the language of the new people for her.

Glory for her soon spread in the vicinity of Mtskheta (the ancient capital of Iberia - Georgia), where she failed, for her preaching was accompanied by many signs. On the Day of the Prescription Transfiguration of the Lord (August 6/19), on the prayer of St. Nino, during the pagan sacrifice committed by the priests in the presence of Tsar Mirian and the numerous people, were overthow with a high mountain idolais - Armaz, Gazi and Ghaim. This phenomenon was accompanied by a strong storm, which suddenly arose among the clear day.

Having arrived in Mtzhetu, Holy Nino found shelter in the family of a childless tsarist gardener. They and his wife Anastasia were very sick of loneliness and accepted Nina as sister. Subsequently, at the request of Holy Nina, the husband of Anastasia arranged a small tent in the corner of the garden for her, in the place of which a small church will be built in honor of Holy Nino in the future, in the fence of the Samtavra Women's Monastery. Holy Nino, putting a cross in this tent in this tent to her, spent there days and nights in prayers and singing of Psalms.

St. Nino created wonders, committed by Her in the glory of Christ the name. The first in Iberias who accepted Christianity was an honest married couple, sheltered Nina. The prayer of Saint Anastasia was resolved from his infertility and later became the mother of a numerous and happy family. After this miracle, the spouses believed in Christ.

One woman with a loud plan was walked through the streets of his dying child, calling for everyone about help. Taking a patient child, Holy Nino lowered it to his own, arranged from the leaves, bed; Praying, she laid his cross from grape vines on the baby and then returned the child with a live and healthy mother. From that time, the Holy Nino began to openly and to preach the gospel and call the Iverai Gentiles and Jews to repentance and faith in Christ. Her piecely righteous and chaste life was known to everyone and attracted to holy eyes, hearing and heart of the people. Many - especially Jewish wives - began to come to Nino, to listen to the new doctrine of the Kingdom of God and eternal salvation from her mouth, and began to secretly take faith in Christ. Such were: Sidonia, the daughter of the High Priest of the Cartaline Jews of Alfar, and six other Jewish women. Soon, he believed in Christ and the Affare itself - after he heard the interpretation of St. Nino ancient prophecies about Jesus Christ and how they were fulfilled on it as a Messiah.

Aviafar told Nino Tradition about Hiton Lord:

- "I heard from my parents, and those heard from their fathers and grandfathers that when Herod reigned in Jerusalem, the Jews who lived in Mtskhete and in the entire Kartalin country were received by the news that the Persian kings came to Jerusalem that they were looking for a newborn Male's baby from the offspring of David, born mother without his father, and called him the Jewish king. They found him in the city of David Bethlehem, in the wretched Vertepe, and brought him as a gift His country. After that, thirty years passed, and here the great-grandfather, I received a letter from Jerusalem from Jerusalem from Anna's high priest.
"The one who came to worship the Persian kings with their gifts, reached perfect age and began to preach that he was Christ, the Messiah and the Son of God. Come in Jerusalem to see the death of him, which he will be devoted to the law of Moiseev."

When Elioz gathered together with many others to go to Jerusalem, his mother, piety of the Staritsa from the genus of the High Priest Elijah, said to him:

- "Stay, my son, in the royal call, but begging you - do not be at the same time with the wicked against the one who they planned to kill; He is the one who pretended to the prophets. Who represents a riddle for sages, secret, hidden from the beginning of centuries, Light for peoples and eternal life. "

Elioz, together with the carnival Longin, came to Jerusalem and attended the crucifixion of Christ. Mother remained in Mtskheta. On the eve of Easter, she suddenly felt suddenly in her heart as if strikes a hammer, knocking nails, and exclaimed loudly:

- "Nowadays the Kingdom of Israel died, because he betrayed the death of the Savior and the deliverer of him; this people will be held in the blood of his creator and gentlemen. Mount to me that I did not die before this: I would not have heard these terrible blows! Not to see me More on the Earth of the Glory of Israel! "

Having said it, she died. Elioz, who was present at the crucifixion of Christ, acquired heiton him from the Roman warrior to whom he got along the lot, and brought him to Mtskhetu. Sister Eliosis Sidonia, welcoming his brother with a prosperous return, told him about the wonderful and sudden death of his mother and the death words. When Eliosis, confirming the premonition of the mother regarding the crucifixion of Christ, showed his sister, Hiton, Sidonia, took it, began to kiss with tears, pressed him to his chest and immediately fell dead, and no power could escape from the hands of the deceased this sacred clothes "Even the King Herdsky himself, who came with his nobles to see the extraordinary death of the maiden and who wanted to take out his clothes to Christ. Elioz betrayed the Earth's body of his sister, together with her Schoronil and Hiton Christ and did it so secretly that no one knows the sideways of Sidonia until now. Some assumed only that this place is in the middle of the royal garden, where the shady cedar standing there and now grew up since that time; It flies from all sides believers, honored by some great power; There, under the roots of the cedar, by legend and is the Coffin of Sidonia. "

Hearing a tradition, Holy Nino began to come at night to pray for a tree. The mysterious visions that were in this place, assured her that the place was holy and in the future will become famous. So, one day, after making a midnight prayer, Saint Nino saw: from all the surrounding countries, the flocks of ferrous birds flew out of all the surrounding countries, from here they flew to the Aragva River and washed in her waters. After a little, they rose up, but already white as snow, and then, dropping on the branch of the cedar, they announced the garden by the paradise songs. It was a clear sign that the surrounding peoples would enliver the waters of Saint Baptism, and on the site of the cedar there will be a temple in honor of the true God, and in this temple the name of the Lord will be slavo.

Knowing that the kingdom of God and the salvation of the Iverai people closely, the Holy Nino constantly preached the people of God. Together with her they worked in the evangelism of Christ and her students - especially Sidonia and her father's father. The latter was so jealously and persistently argued with the previous ones of the Jews about Jesus Christ that suffered from them even the persecution and was convicted of breaking with stones; Only King Mirian saved him from death.

At this time, Just Christ Vera not only spread in the neighboring Armenian kingdom, but also in the Roman Empire, King Konstantin became a Christian and the patron of Christians. Iveria was then under the authority of the Romans, and the son of Miriana, Bakar, was at that time the hostage in Rome; Therefore, Mirian did not obstruct the Holy Nino to preach Christ and in his city.

Mirian's wife, Queen Nana, was a zealous idolatry. Holy Nino healed her from a serious illness, putting his cross on the head of the patient, on her feet and on both shoulders and did, thus, there was a criste on her. And Nana, adopting holy baptism, from the idolatry became a zealous Christian (her memory is performed on October 1). She made Holy Nino with his approximate girlfriend and a constant interlocutor, her soul his soul with Holy teachings. Then the queen closer to the wise elder of Aviara and his daughter Sidonia, and learned from them a lot in faith and piety.

Despite the wonderful healing of the spouse, King Mirian (265-342), listening to the sciences of the pagans, was ready to subjected to the holy nine of cruel torment. "At that time, as the execution of the Holy Righteous execution was made, the sun focused and impenetrable blades covered the place where the king was located." The king is suddenly blind, and the width affected by the horror began to begging his pagan idols about the return of daylight. "But Armaz, sneak, Gaim and Gazi were deaf, and the darkness was multiplied. Then frightened unanimously appealing to God, whom Nino preached. Mark instantly dispersed, and the sun illuminated all with its rays." This event was made on May 6, 319.

The King Mirian, healed by Holy Nino from blindness, adopted the Holy Baptism with his retinue. Mirian was for Georgia for whom the emperor Konstantin Great was at the time for Greece and Rome. The Lord elected Mirian to the head of salvation of all the Iverai peoples. Immediately, Mirian sent ambassadors to Greece to the king Konstantin with a request to send a bishop and priests to him to baptize the people, to teach him the faith of Christ, to put and approve in the Holy Church of God in Eventory. In the meantime, the ambassadors with priests were not returned, the Holy Nino continuously taught the people of Christ the Gospel, pointing to the true path to the salvation of the souls and the inheritance of the heavenly kingdom; She taught them and the prayers of God to God, thus preparing to the Holy Baptism.

The king wished even before the arrival of priests to build the temple of God and chose a place for this to indicate the Holy Nino - where the mentioned Great Cedar stood, where Hiton the Lord was hidden by legend. And there was erected in Georgia in Georgia (first wooden, now the Stone Cathedral in honor of the 12 Holy Apostles, Svetitskhoveli).

Cedar was conceded, six pillars were outstretched from six bits. When the carpenters wanted to raise the seventh pillar, squeezed out of the cedar barrel to put it in the base of the temple, then everyone was amazed, since no power could have shifted him from the place. Holy Nino stayed all night at the place of construction with his students, praying and pouring the stump of a filling tree with tears.

Early in the morning was the Holy Nino's wonderful young man, gicked up by a fiery belt, and told her ear three of the mysterious words, hearing that she fell on the ground and bowed to him. Then this young man went to the pillar and, hugging him, raised him high on the air. The pillable pillar, like lightning, so that covered the whole city.

The king and the people gathered to this place; With fear and joy looking at the wonderful vision, everyone was surprised how this heavy pillar, not supported by anyone, then rose up, then sank down and stump rushed, on which Ros; Finally he stopped and became motionless in his place. From under the base of the post, the inhibitory and healing world began to expire, and all those who suffered from various diseases and wounds, with faith of making this world, received healing.

After several years in 324, Christianity was finally established in Georgia. However, the mountains of Georgia remained unemployed. Holy Nino went to the upholders of the Aragvi and Iori rivers, where he served the Gospel to the Gentils. Many of them believed in Christ and accepted the Holy Baptism. From there, Holy Nino passed in Kakheti (Eastern Georgia) and settled in the village of Bajab, in a small tent on the mountainside. Here she led a mobility life, staying in constant prayers, turning to Christ the surrounding inhabitants. Among them was the Queen of Kakheti Soda (Sofia), who accepted baptism along with his alarms and many people.

Emperor Konstantin sent a skill-friendly architecture to the structures of stone churches. He presented the Ambassadors of Mirian except a large amount of gold and silver, another part (foot) of the life-giving Tree of the Cross of the Lord, who at that time was already acquired (in 326) Saint Elena, Mother Constantine Great; He also presented to them and one of the nails, which were nodded to the cross the preching hands of the Lord. They were still given crosses, the icons of Christ the Savior and the Blessed Virgin of the Virgin, as - in the foundation of churches - and the relics of the Holy Martyrs. At the same time, the son of Miriana and the heir to his Bakuri, who lived in Rome, was released to his father.

The ambassadors of Mirian, returning to Iberia with many priests and architects, laid the foundation of the first temple in the village of Erushetti, on the border of the Kartalin Earth, and left a nail for this church from the Cross of the Lord. The second temple, they founded in the village of Manglisi, in forty versts south of Tiflis, and here left the above part of the life-giving tree. In Mtskheta, the stone temple was founded in the name of the Transfiguration of the Lord (now the Samtavro temple); At the request of the king and the instructions of Holy Nino, he was laid in the royal garden near the Saint Nino tent. She did not see the end of the construction of this majestic temple.

At that time, the residents of Mtskheta contemplated a wonderful vision; In continuation of several nights, the newly created temple decorated a bright cross with a crown of stars in the sky. At the onset of the morning dawn, four brightest stars were separated from this cross - one to the east, the other to the West, the third illuminated the church, the bishop's house and the whole city, the fourth, refreshing the refuge of St. Nino, rose to the top of the cliff, on which one rose Majestic tree. Neither Bishop John nor the king could not understand what it means this vision. But Holy Nino ordered this tree, make four crosses from him and put one on the mentioned cliff, the other - to the west of Mtskheta, on Mount Thhot, - the place where the King Mirian first blinded and then he turned out and turned to the true God; She ordered the third cross, she ordered the royal daughter-in-law, the wife of Reva, Salomia, so that she waded him in his city Udyazarma; She intended for the village of Bodby (Budi) - possession of the Kakhetian queen of Sali (Sofia).

In the message to the king, Mirian, she asked him to send the Bishop of John, so he to make it on the last path. Not only bishop John, but also the king himself, together with all the clergy, went in Bajab, where the mortal evidence of Holy Nino witnessed many healings. By catching the people who came to worship, Holy Nino, at the request of their student, told about her origin and life. This story, recorded by Solomy Ojarm, served as the basis of the lives of Holy Nina. St. Nino showed it to betray her body in the same wretched tent in which she lived, so that the newly-based Kakhetian church would not remain a limit. A reverently joining the Holy Taine, the Holy Nino moved peacefully to the Lord in 335 (according to other sources, in 347, on the 67th year from birth, after 35 years of apostolic feats).

The king and the bishop were removed to move the precious remains of the Saint in the Mtskhetsky Cathedral Church and to bring them to the burial of the livelihood, but, in spite of any efforts, the coffin of Holy Nino could be shifted from her very place. The body of Christ's Blagovets was buried at the place of her wretched tent in the village of Budi (Bodby). At the grave of her in a short time, the king Mirian laid down, and his son, King Bakur, completed and consecrated the temple in the name of the relative of St. Nino-Saint Great Martyr George. This temple was updated many times, but he never was destroyed, while the church was established by Bodbian Metropolitan, eldest in the whole Kakheti, from which the Gospel sermon began to spread to the Mountains of the East Caucasus.

The Lord glorified the body of the Holy Nino's body, hidden by her command under prior (and after her in Georgia there is a custom not to open the power of the saints). The coffin had numerous and continuous signs and miracles. These graceful signs, as well as the Holy and Angel Life and the Apostolic Works of the Holy Nino, which she took and with Glavovila, prompted the young Iverai Church, with the consent of the Antioch Patriarchate, to name Georgia's enlightenment equivalent (the name of the saints, especially glorified by the preaching of the Gospel and the appeal of peoples in The Christian faith) and, by the rank of her saints, set her memory 14 (27) January, on the day of its blissful death. In Iberia, they began to build a church in the name of Holy Equal-Apostles Nino. Until now, there is still a small stone church against Mtskheta in her honor, built by the king Vakhtang Gorgasali on the grief, on which Holy Nino destroyed his prayer of the Armaz.

In Georgia, the Holy Nino consider Georgian enlightenment and heavenly patroness of the country. As a result of the activities of Holy Nino, in 326, Christianity was announced in Iberia of the State Religion. Holidays dedicated to the Holy Nino (Ninooba) spreading Christianity in Georgia, the Orthodox Church celebrates twice a year: June 1, the day of her arrival in Georgia is celebrated, and on January 27 (according to the old style - January 14) - her death day.

Cross Holy Nino

Cross Holy Nino - Christian relics, a cross woven from grapes, which, according to legend, the Virgin Mary presented Holy Nina before sending it to Georgia.

After the death of Holy Nino, the cross was kept until 458 in the cathedral of Svetitsky helh, but after strengthening the pagan persecutions, the cross was taken by Inok Andrey and was transferred to the Taron region, in Armenia. Later, the cross was covered in various Armenian cities and fortresses for about 800 years. In 1239, the Georgian Queen Rusudan turned to the Mongolian commander Charmagan, who captured the city of Ani, where at that time there was a cross of Holy Nino, and asked him to return him to Georgia. Charmagan satisfied the request of the queen, and the cross returned to Svetitskhoveli. During the danger, the cross was repeatedly covered in the Church of the Holy Trinity (Church of the Gerghet Trinity) on Mount Kazbek or in the Fortress of Ananuri.

In 1749, Georgian Metropolitan Roman, departing from Georgia to Russia, secretly took the Cross of St. Nino with him and handed him to the Georgian Tsarevich to the Georgian Tsarevich to Bakar. From this time, for more than 50 years, the cross was kept in the village of Lyskov, Nizhny Novgorod province, in the estate of Georgian princes. In 1801, Prince Georgy Aleksandrovich presents the Cross of Holy Nino Emperor Alexander I, who commanded returns to the relic to Georgia. Since 1802 the Cross of St. Nino is stored in Tiflis (Tbilisi) of the Zion Cathedral near the northern gates of the altar in kyota, accommodated silver. On the top cover of Kyota, chased miniatures from the lives of Holy Nino are placed.

The Georgian Orthodox Church commetes the Holy Nino twice a year: January 27, on the day of her death, and June 1 - on the day of her coming in Georgia.

According to the chronicles, Holy Nino was born about 280 in Cappadocia (modern Turkey). The father of her naval was a relative of George Victorious, the mother of Susanna - the sister of Jerusalem Patriarch Juvenalia.

Nino held childhood in the hometown of Kolasters, in his youth lived in Jerusalem. Her spiritual education was engaged in the pious Styrich Nianfora. She instilled her love not only to the Holy Scriptures, but also to a distant unknown country with high, eternal glaciers covered. Nianfora has told Young Nino and that Hiton Christ (the Savior's Clothing, Woven His Music Mother) is located there, in the Caucasus, in the city of Mtskheta, the capital of pagan Iverie (Georgia).

Ninoob's holiday is celebrated in Georgia especially solemnly. Services on this day are held not only in the capital, but also in all other Orthodox churches of the country.

Only in the capital of Georgia there are five temples erected in honor of the Holy, and in the Zion Cathedral of the Assumption of the Mother of God, a cross from a grape vines, accused by her hair, is kept. Parishioners today can be attached to this cross.

© Photo: Sputnik / Igor Boyko

Reproduction of the icon "Holy Equal-Apostles Nina"

Nino began to pray to the Virgin Mary, so that she helped her see this shrine and visit this mysterious country. And once again, Nino dreamed that she was handsing her Mother's Mother's cross from a vine and sends to Gospel to Ieria. Waking up, Nino discovered this grape cross in his hand. Touching it with his braids, Nino came to his uncle - Patriarch Juvenalia, told him about what had happened and told his desire to go to Georgia for sermons. Uncle blessed the niece, and she went to the road.

Her road accommodated a lot of dangers. Nino met with death face to face in Armenia, here she saw how the servants of King Tiridat were cut by swords on the part of the body of her spiritual sisters dedicated to God. Nino managed to escape, and she, Castle and Unharmed, was reached, finally, to Iveria.

Having come to Mtzhetu, Nino settled at the royal gardener. With her prayer, she helped his wife to cure from infertility. Many other miracles accomplished. He cured Tsaritsu Nanu. After some time he was healed from the blindness and king Miriana. There is a legend that during the hunt of the king Mirian suddenly descended Darkness, the king first turned with a prayer to God, whom Nino preached, and Light illuminated all the sky. It was after this case that the sovereign believed in God. The king of Mirian and the Queen Nana, together with children and relatives, adopted holy baptism in the waters of the Aragvi River. In 324, Christianity was announced in Georgia by state religion.

© photo: sputnik / alexander iMedashvili

As for Hiton, the Lord, in search of which the Holy Nino went from Jerusalem to Ieria, then the Georgian chronicles speak briefly about him. Nino heard such a legend: In the first century, a resident of Mhzet Elias bought at the warriors in Jerusalem, who had Jesus Christ, Chiton the Lord. Returning, he handed him his sister Sidonia, who, taking heiton, died in place. Hiton could not free up from her arms, and she was buried with him.

A large tree has grown on the grave of Sidonia, which became sacred for the residents of Mtskheta, he was worshiped as an unknown deity. Equal to the Apostles Nino, who brought the good news in Mtskheta, providya the special thank of this tree, stabbed the king Mirian to cut down this tree, make four cross from him and install these crosses on the tops of the mountains in four sides of the then Georgian state.

When the tree was cut and laid on the ground, the healing gracious world began to opened from the remaining stump, which was expired until the XVII century, before the invasion of the Persian conqueror Shah Abass. The wonderful stump of the Gracious Tree began to be called a life-giving pillar, the Georgian Svetitsky helped.

© Photo: Sputnik / Besik Pipia

The first in Georgia in Georgia was built in Georgia in honor of the twelve apostles of Christ, which was rebuilt in the XI century. Thus, the main cathedral of the Georgian Church stands at the site of the burial of the Hiton of the Lord, which is still in this holy place. All the main church events of the Georgian Church, in particular the intronization of the Catholicos Patriarch, occur in Svetitskhoveli.

At the end of his life, Nino settled in Kakheti in the town of Bodbe, having built himself, in his custom, Chalash, in which he lived, and prayed, and preached. She baptized both locals and the Kakhetian queen Sofia (Suite) with her yard. 35 years lived in Georgia Nino. Thanks to her merits, Christianity was reborn and strengthened, preached in the first century and the apostle Andrei and the First Called.

Nina, equal to the Apostles, Enlightener of Georgia

Holy Equal-Apostles Nina, Georgian Enlightenment, was born around 280 in the city of Kolasters, in Cappadocia, where there were many Georgian settlements. Her father, the naval brought himself relative to the Holy Martyr George († 303; Memory April 23 / May 6). He originated from a noble family, from pious parents, enjoyed the location of Emperor Maximian (284-305). Being at the Military Service, the emperor, a naval, as a Christian, contributed to the liberation of captive galls who adopted Christianity. The mother of Holy Nina Susanna was the sister of Jerusalem Patriarch.

Twelve years from the family of Holy Nina came to Jerusalem together with their parents who had the only daughter. According to their mutual agreement, and on the blessing of the Patriarch of the Jerusalem Zavill dedicated his life to the ministry of God in the Deserts of Jordanian, Susanna was delivered to Diaconisa at the Temple of the Holy Sepulcher, and the upbringing of Holy Nina was instructed by the pious Staritz Nianfore.

Holy Nina showed obedience and adjacent and in two years, with the help of the grace of God, firmly skill to fulfill the rule of faith and read the sacred Scripture with diligence.

Once, when she, crying, empathized by the evangelist who described the crucifixion of Christ the Savior, her thought stopped on the fate of Hiton of the Lord (John 19, 23-24). To the question of Holy Nina, where Hiton is the Lord, Staritsa Nianfora explained that non-rented chiton of the Lord, according to legend, is attributed to the Mrtshetsky rabbi Eleazar in Ieria (Georgia), referred to as the father of God's mother.

Holy Nina often had to hear about this country from Jews, settled there and came to Jerusalem to the Easter holiday. Having learned that Georgia was not yet enlightened by the light of Christianity, the Holy Nina prayed to the Most Holy Mother of God: yes it will encourage her to see Georgia facing the Lord and may help her to find Hiton the Lord.

Queen Heavenly heard the prayers of the young righteent. One day, when Holy Nina revealed after a long prayer, the prechile Virgin appeared in a dream and handed the cross woven from the grape vines, with the words: "Take this cross, he will be a shield to you and fend off against all visible and invisible enemies. Go to the country of the Iverland, the gospel there is the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and are unite grace with him. I will patronize you. "

Waking up, Holy Nina saw a cross in his hands (now is stored in a special navel in the Tbilisi Sion Cathedral) and the Spirit rejoiced.

Another time the Savior appeared and gave her a scroll in which it was written: Go and teach all nations, peasant in the name of the Father, and Son, and the Holy Spirit (Matt. 28, 19).

With delight, Nina was hurried to declare his uncle, Patriarch Jerusalem, about these dreams and her commands. Patriarch and her mother blessed His holy on that feat, to which she inspired and uncontrollably sought, and indeed the Lord brought Nina to make him.

On the way to Georgia, the Holy Nina miraculously avoided martyrdom from the Armenian king of Tiridat, who was subjected to her companions - Tsarev Ripsimia, her mentor of Haiania and 35 Dev (IV centuries; MEMORY on September 30 / October 13) who fled to Armenia from Rome from Rome Emperor Diocletian (284-305). The Lord's fortified by the views of the Angel, Holy Nina continued his journey and appeared in Georgia around 319. Glory for her soon spread in the vicinity of Mtskheta, where she failed, for her preaching was accompanied by many signs. On the day of the presveral transfiguration of the Lord on the prayer of Holy Nina during the pagan sacrifice committed by the priests in the presence of Tsar Mirian and the numerous people, were overthow with a high mountain of the idols of Armaz, Gazis and Ghaim. This phenomenon was accompanied by a strong storm.

Entering the Mtskhet, the ancient capital of Georgia, the Holy Nina found shelter in the family of a childless tsarist gardener, whose wife Anastasia on the saint prayers was resolved from misfortune and believed in Christ. Slightly it became known in the vicinity, because it provided wonderful assistance to suffering. Sick in many began to come to her, and the Holy Nina prayer healed their ailments and preached about Christ. Her words, wonders, performed by her, virtuous life acted greatly at the surrounding inhabitants, and many of them were convinced of the true God. The airfare, the former first of the First Priest, and his daughter Sidonia for the adoption of the Christian faith became employees in the dissemination of the evangelical teaching.

Holy Nina loved to spend his days and nights in prayer under the magnificent cedar, under which, in Georgian legend, was hidden in the land of Siton Savior. In this place, the first Christian temple in Georgia was erected (first wooden, now the Stone Cathedral in honor of the twelve of the Holy Apostles, called Svetitsky, which means the "Living Tip").

Holy Nina healed from a serious agence Georgian Tsarevna Nanu, who, adopting a holy baptism, became a zealous Christian from idolatry (memory October 1/14). Despite the wonderful healing of the spouse, King Mirian (265-342), listening to the sciences of the pagans, was ready to subjected to the holy nine of cruel torment. At that time, as the execution of the Holy Righteous execution was made, the sun was alarmed and the impermeable blade covered the place where the king was located. The king is suddenly blind, and the horror of the retinue began to begging his pagan idols about the return of daylight, but they were deaf and darkness multiplied. Then frightened unanimously appealing to God, whom Nina preached. Instantly scattered darkness, and the sun all illuminated with its rays. This event was made on May 6, 319.

And the King Mirian, healed by Holy Nina from blindness, soon turned to the true God. On the advice of Nina, the king sent to request the Byzantine Emperor Konstantin (306-337) to send bishop and priests to commit the sacrament of baptism over the people. The bishop who arrived in the capital of the Bishop with the King and Diakons and all the people met with great honor and joy, and soon the commission of Holy Baptism began (324 g.; According to other sources, 326). Before everyone accepted the holy baptism of the king, behind him the queen with children. After that, having prepared the baptism of the bridge on the Kura River, the bishop committed a water brute and baptized everyone to know the royal. The place is still wearing the name "Fike noble", and a few below "Found the Welcome" two Ierhea and the deacons baptized at the time all the people who took Holy Baptism so diligently and sought it with such hasty that performed by the mysterious rite was Many confused. Such a diligence occurred from the fact that the people remembered the instructions of Holy Nina, who told them that who would not be baptized, he could not find eternal light. Thus, almost all the bravery accepted the Holy Baptism, with the exception of the Caucasian Highlanders remaining in the darkness of paganism.

After that, the king sent ambassadors to Constantinople asking the emperor to send architects to the architects to build temples. The emperor accepted the ambassadors well, fulfilled their request and, together with them, sent many architects in the newly promoted edge, handing out a large amount of money for the construction of churches at the disposal of the bishop.

Moven by holy diligence, Nina continued to preach the gospel. She tried to spread the word of God between the mountaineers and accompanied by Presbyter Jacob and one Daacon went to the upper reaches of the Aragvi and Iori Rivers. And many of the Highlanders accepted the Holy Baptism. From there, Holy Nina passed in Kakheti (Eastern Georgia) and settled in the village of Bajebe in a small tent on the slope of the mountain. Here she led a mobility life, staying in constant prayers, turning to Christ the surrounding inhabitants. Among them was the Queen of Kakheti Soda (Sofia), who accepted baptism along with his alarms and many people.

Having made its apostolic ministry in Georgia, Holy Nina was notified by more than a close dem. In the message to the king, Mirian, she asked him to send the Bishop of John, so he to make it on the last path.

Not only bishop John, but also the king himself, together with all the clergy, went in Bajab, where the mortal evidence of Holy Nina has witnessed many healings. By catching the people who came to worship, Holy Nina at the request of his student told about his origin and life. This story, recorded by Solomy Ojarm, served as the basis of the lives of Holy Nina.

A reverently joining the Holy Taine, Holy Nina showed her body to be buried in Bodbe, and peacefully moved to the Lord in 335 (according to other sources, in 347 on 67 from birth, after 35 years of apostolic feats).

The king, clergy and the people, the sorry about the death of Holy Nina, wanted to transfer her honest body to the Cathedral Mtskhetsky Church, but could not move the coffin of the foggy of the selection of her place. At this place in 342, the King Mirian founded, and his son King Bakur (342-364) completed and consecrated the temple in the name of the Saint Nina of St. George's St. Nina; Later, a female monastery was founded here in the name of Holy Nina. The relics of the saint, on the command of her hidden under proud, were glorified by many healings and wonders. The Georgian Orthodox Church with the consent of the Antioch Patriarchate called Georgia's enlightenment equivalent and, ranked saints, set her memory on January 14/27, on the day of its blissful death.

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III. Church of Christ in Georgia, Colchide and Abkhazia. A few years after the appeal to the Christianity of Armenia, Georgia was also followed. The lantern enlightening was judged by the Lord to be one pious wife from Cappadocia named Nonn, or Nina. She is

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Mirian, an equivalent king of Iversky and Nina, Holy Queen Enlightening Georgia by the Light of Christ the Gospel brought the Holy Equal-Apostles Nina, coming there in 319. Slava about her soon spread in the vicinity of Mtskheta, where she failed, for her sermon

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Nina, equivalent, Georgian enlightened Holy Equal-Apostles Nina, Georgian Enlightenment, was born around 280 in the city of Kolasters, in Cappadocia, where there were many Georgian settlements. Her father, the naval brought himself relative to the Holy Great Martyr George

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Tamara Great, the Blessed Queen of Georgia, Holy Pazarovaya Queen Georgia Tamara Great Born around 1165. It was from the ancient Georgian dynasty of Bagratiov and from 1178 he was a co-guarantee of his father, George III. Holy Tamara

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Nina Kartashova. In one of the trips across Russia, the Lord is great, truly omnipotent and impoverished. And the man, his creation, according to his image and the likeness is captured in uniqueness. God knows each of us by name. We are similar, but unequal, because there are no identical lines on the palm, no

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Nina Kartashova

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Betania Monastery In Georgia, Betania Monastery is located approximately 20 km south-west of Tbilisi. This small ancient abode, arranged in the name of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary placed on the ledge of a huge mountain, on top of which is a large wooden cross.

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Equal to the Apostles Magdalene, Myrimositsa (i) on August 4 (July 22, under Art. Art.) Holy Female Mironositz: Mary Magdalene, Maria Cleopova, Salomia, John, Martha and Mary, Susanne and Others; Righteous Joseph Arimate and Nicodemus - 3 Week (Sunday) after Easter Shore

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Teaching 2nd. Holy Equal-Apostles Nina, Georgia's Enlightenment (should take care of the good of the neighbor) I. St. Nina, the memory of which is committed today, was the niece of the Jerusalem Patriarch and was brought up in Jerusalem. From Jews who came to Jerusalem for the holiday

From the book Orthodox calendar. Holidays, posts, name days. Calendar Removing Icons of the Virgin. Orthodox bases and prayers Author Muderova Anna Yurevna

Holy Equal-Apostles Nina, Georgian Enlightenment Holy Nina lived in the IV century from the Nativity of Christ; She was born in the city of Cappadocia from Zavulone's governor and his wife's wife. Her father, man pious. I wanted to devote the rest of my life to the service of God and for

From the book of prayers in Russian author

Equalizable Nina, Georgia's enlightened for a pious legend, accounted for stored in Iberian (Georgian), as well as the entire Eastern Orthodox Church, Georgia is the density of God's motherhood: on a special will of God, her lot gave her gospel

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The first factor of the Equal-Apostles Fekla Holy Purposean Equal to the Apostles Fekla was born in the city of Icon. She was a daughter of noble and rich parents and was distinguished by unusual beauty. At 18, it was gaining a nonest young man. Hearing the sermon of the Holy Apostle Paul

From the book of the author

Holy Nina, equal to the Apostles (+335) Holy Nina (Arm. ????? ?????, load ?????? ????, Greek. ???? ???? ??? ????????) - the Christian enlightener of Georgia. Revered in a face equal to the apostolic. It is, according to Eastern Orthodox gortgage literature, about 280 in the city of Kolasters in

From the book of the author

Equalizable Olga (+969) Princes? Nya Oh? Dela, in baptism barely? On (approx. 890-11 July 969) - Princess, which has ruled by Kievan Rusy from 945 to 962 after the death of her husband, the Grand Duke Kiev Igor Old. The first of the Russian rulers adopted Christianity before the baptism of Russia, Holy

, May 19 (cargo; Memory of entry equal to Nina to Georgia)

Twelve years from the family, the Holy Nina came to Jerusalem with his parents who had the only daughter. According to their mutual agreement, and on the blessing of the Patriarch of Jerusalem, the naval dedicated his life to the ministry of God in the Deserts of Jordanian, Sosanna was delivered to Diaconisa at the Temple of the Holy Sepulcher, and the upbringing of Holy Nina was entrusted with the pious Staritz Nianfore. Holy Nina showed obedience and adjacent and in two years, with the help of the grace of God, firmly speaking to execute the rules of faith and read the sacred Scripture with diligence.

One day, when she, crying, empathized with an evangelist describing the crucifixion of Christ the Savior, her thought stopped on the fate of Hiton of the Lord (John 19, 23 -24). To the question of Holy Nina, where Chiton is the Lord, Staritsa Nianfora explained that an unrequired chiton of the Lord, according to legend, is attributed to the Mrtshetsky rabbi Eleazar in Ieria (Georgia). Having learned from the old man Nianfore that Georgia was not yet enlightened by the light of Christianity, the Holy Nina prayed to the Most Holy Mother of God, and it would prompt her to see Georgia facing the Lord, and may help her to find Chiton the Lord.

One day, the Maiden Virgin appeared in a dream and, handing the cross woven from a grape vine, said:

"Take this cross, he will be a shield to you and fence against all visible and invisible enemies. Go to the country of the Iverland, the gospel there the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and lick the grace of him: I will be a patronage to you".

Waking up, Holy Nina saw a cross in his hands, rejoiced by the Spirit and bandaged the cross with her braids. Then, coming to his uncle, Patriarch Jerusalemsky, she told about the vision. Patriarch Jerusalem blessed the young Virgin on the feat of the apostolic ministry.

On the way to Georgia, Holy Nina miraculously avoided martyrdom from the Armenian king Tiridata III, which her companions underwent - Tsarevna Ripsimia, her mentor of Haiania and 35 virgins, facing Holy Nina and who fled from Rome to Armenia from from the persecution of Emperor Diocletian (284-305 ). The Lord prepared the Holy Nino to another fate, so he inspired her to hide in a pink bush. When the danger passed and the punishers were separated, the Holy Nino continued his way.

At Lake Paravani, she met with the shepherds from Mtskheta, who told her about her region and reported that they would soon be returned home. Recommending the Gentiles from the Lord again, Nino asked the permits from the shepherds to accompany them. The Lord who was fortified by the visions of the Angel, who was for the first time with Kadilil, and in the second - with a scroll in his hand, have undergone great difficulties in the way, Holy Nina finally reached Georgia in the year. She arrived in the city of Urbnisi and remained there for some time. Soon she, together with the Gentiles-Urbnisians, who went to worship against the Armaz idol, arrived in Mtskhetu, the capital of Georgia.

Slava about her soon spread in the vicinity, for her sermon was accompanied by many signs. On the day of the transformation of the Lord, on the prayer of Holy Nina, during the pagan sacrifice committed by the priests in the presence of the Tsar Mirian and the numerous people, were overthow with a high mountain idolais - Armaz, Gazi and Ghaim. This phenomenon was accompanied by a strong storm and hail. A fright crowd in fear ran away in different directions.

Holy Nina found shelter in the family of a childless tsarist gardener, whose wife, Anastasia, on the prayers of Holy Nina, was resolved from misfortune. Then the spouses raised Christ and became students of the Holy Virgin. For the Saint Nino, followers of the Christian faith stretched, and soon she became so famous that many pagans began to contact her for help and, having received it, believed in Christ. The holy moved into a secluded place near the northern feature of the city, where she settled in a chaolache in his blackberry bushes (and where the abode of Samtavro appeared), and from there continued his sermon.

Holy Nina healed from the grave age of the Georgian Queen Nanu, who, adopting Holy Baptism, became a zealous Christian from the idolatry. But, despite the wonderful healing of the spouse, the king of Mirian (265-342), attentive to the sciences of the pagans, was ready to subjected to the holy nine of cruel torment. Once, during the royal hunting on the Tkhotskaya Mountain, while he plucked the execution of the Holy Righteousness, the sun focused and impenetrable blades covered the place where the king was located. Mirian suddenly blinded, and the horror of the retinue began to begging his pagan idols about the return of daylight. " But Armaz, sang, Gaim and Gazi were deaf, and darkness was multiplied. Then frightened unanimously appealing to God, whom Nina preached. Instantly scattered darkness, and the sun illuminated all with their rays". This event was made on May 6th.

King Mirian, healed by Holy Nina from blindness, adopted holy baptism with his retinue. After several years, Christianity was finally established in Georgia.

The chronicles tell that Holy Nina, according to her prayers, was openly, where Hiton the Lord hides, and the Christian Temple in Georgia was erected there - he first wooden, and now the stone cathedral in the name of the 12 Holy Apostles, Svetitskhoveli. By the time, with the help of the Byzantine Emperor Konstantin (306-337), who was sent at the request of Tsar Mirian to Georgia of the Antioch bishop of Eustafia, two priests and three deacons, Christianity was finally strengthened in the country. However, the mountains of Georgia remained unemployed. Accompanied by the Presbyter of Jacob and one Diacon, the Holy Nina went to the upper reaches of the Aragvi and Iori rivers, where the Gospel was preached by the Gentiles. Many of them believed in Christ and accepted the Holy Baptism. From there, Holy Nina passed in Kakheti and settled in the village of Bodbe, in a small tent on the slope of the mountain. Here she led a mobility life, staying in constant prayers, turning to Christ the surrounding inhabitants. Among them was the Queen of Kakheti Soda (Sofia), who accepted baptism along with his alarms and many people.

Having made its apostolic ministry in Georgia, Holy Nina was notified by more than a close dem. In the message to the king, Mirian, she asked him to send the Bishop of John, so he to make it on the last path. Not only the bishop John, but also the king himself, along with all the clergy, went in Bajebe, where the mortal evidence of Holy Nina has witnessed many healings. By catching the people who came to worship her, Holy Nina, at the request of their student, told about his origin and life. This story recorded

Georgian enlightened, where this holiday is called Ninooba and celebrate especially solemnly.

In connection with the holiday, the Catholicos Patriarch, all Georgia or the second on January 27 will hold a worship service in the Zion Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The head of the Georgian Orthodox Church also serves prayers in honor of the commemoration of the country's Christian enlightenment on January 26 in the evening. In the Zion Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin, a cross from a grape vines, accomplished by the Holy Nino's hair, from whom the enlightenment came to Georgia. Parishioners will be able to make the shrine after the prayer and the day of the saint. The Holy Nino Georgian Orthodox Church comes twice a year: January 27, on the day of her death, and on June 1 - on the day of her coming in Georgia.


Holy Nino was born around 280 in the city of Kolasters, in Cappadocia, where there were many Georgian settlements. Like many saints, it originated from a noble family. The father of her naval was a relative of St. George the victorious, the mother of Susanna - the sister of Jerusalem Patriarch Juvenalia.

Holy Equal-Apostles Nino

On a missionary feat of Nino to a large extent, the event that happened to her still in early adolescence was largely promoted. At the age of 12, Nina came with his parents in Jerusalem. Here her father on the blessing of the Patriarch went to the wildlife, and the mother was delivered by Diaconisa at the Temple of the Holy Sepulcher.

Nino was given to the upbringing of the pious Staritz Nianfore, which was engaged in her spiritual education. The Holy Land, where he was born, preached and committed miracles, took the godfather and rose the Savior, shook the soul of the girl.

Once, when reading the evangelist, who described the execution of Jesus Christ, I was visited by thought, and where the Hiton of the Lord was now located in the lot of their Roman warriors. It may not be so much the great shrine permanently.

In Nianfora, she learned that, according to legend, an unrefined Hiton of the Lord (the Savior's Clothes, woven with the Mrtsy Mother) was redeemed at the Roman soldiers with Mtskhetsky rabbi ELIOSOM and was attributed to Ieria (Georgia). And then, young Nino decided that it was she who should find this great shrine. The future saint prayerlessly prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary, so that she helped her to find Chiton the Lord. And one day, Nino dreamed that God's Mother hands her cross from a vine and sends to Gospel to Gospel. Waking up, Nino discovered this grape cross in his hand. She kissed him trembling. Then he cut off part of his hair and rided them the cross in the middle, thereby devoting him to his ministry.

Cross of Holy Equal-Apostles Nino, who were awarded "persons who took an active part in the restoration of Orthodoxy in the Caucasus"

She went to his uncle, Patriarch Jerusalem, to tell about the vision and about his decision. Seeing in the sign of the fishery of God, he blessed the young naval on the feat of the apostolic ministry.

The thorny way to learn that the Tsarevna Ripsimia is sent to Armenia to Armenia, her mentor of Haiania and 35 Christian girls who fled from Rome from the persecution of Emperor Diocletian, and Nino decided to go along with them.

On the way to Georgia, the Holy Nino miraculously escaped the martyrdom from the Armenian king Trudat III, which all its companions underwent.

The Lord's fortified by the visions of the angel, who was the first time with Kadilil, and in the second - with a scroll in his hand, the Holy Nino continued his journey and appeared in Georgia in 319. Slava about her soon spread in the vicinity of Mtskheta, for her sermon was accompanied by many signs. So, on the day of the transformation of the Lord on the prayer of St. Nino, during the pagan sacrifice committed by the priests in the presence of the Tsar Mirian and the numerous people, the strong storms were minimized with a high mountain idol - Armaz, Gazi and Ghaim.

Baptism of Georgia

The first faithful to Christ became a childless royal gardener and his wife Anastasia, who settled the Holy Nino. With her prayer, she helped Anastasia to cure from infertility.

Cross Holy Nino in the Jvari Monastery

Having learned about the power of prayers of righteous, soon the crowds of patients and suffering began to flow. Many of the healing received by Nino's prayers were shortly baptized.

Georgia was then under the rule of the Roman Empire, where Christianity was already established, so the King Mirian was forced to not hurt the Holy Preach Christ in his city. However, Mirian's wife - Queen Nana, was a zealous admirer of idols. He believed in the Equal-Apostles Nina, she believed in Christ and from the idolatry became a zealous Christian, but her spouse was in no hurry to contact the true faith. There is a legend that during the hunt of the king Mirian suddenly descended Darkness, the king first turned with a prayer to God, whom Nino preached, and Light illuminated all the sky. It was after this incident that he believed in God.

Diptych icons of Our Lady and St. Nina from Tbilisi

The king of Mirian and the Queen Nana, together with children and relatives, adopted holy baptism in the waters of the Aragvi River. After several years in 324, Christianity was announced in Georgia by state religion.

First church

The sacred legend indicates that in the first century of our era Rabbi Eliazo, who was present at the crucifixions of the Lord and protested against the unfair court of Sanhedrin, bought Hiton the Lord from Roman warriors and, arriving in Mtskheta, handed him with his pious sister Sidonia. The girl who heard about the preaching of Christ and recognized his Messiah, taking this shrine in his hands, died on the spot. Hiton could not free up from her arms, and she was buried with him. A large tree has grown on the grave of Sidonia, which became sacred for the residents of Mtskheta, he was worshiped as an unknown deity.

Service in the Church of Svetitskhoveli in the city of Mtskheta

Three centuries later, the Holy Equal-Apostles Nina came to Georgia, which since childhood wanted to come to Ieria to worship the Great Shrine. By bringing the good news in Mtskheta, she asked Tsar Mirian to cut down this tree, make four crosses from him and install these crosses on the tops of the mountains on four sides of the then Georgian state.

When the tree was miraculously spooled and laid on the ground, the healing gracious world began to opened from the remaining pillar, which expired until the XVII century, before the invasion of the Persian Shah Abbas. Pillars became referred to as a life-giving - Georgian Svetitsky helped. Above him, the first church in Georgia was consecrated in honor of the twelve apostles of Christ. By the time, with the help of the Byzantine Emperor Constantine (306 - 337), who was sent at the request of the Tsar Mirian to Georgia of the Antioch bishop of Eustafia, two priests and three deacons, Christianity was finally established in the country.

Svetitskhoveli Temple in Mtskheta

In the first half of the 11th century, the architect Arsukidze on the site of a wooden church was erected by a majestic cathedral.

Thus, the main cathedral of the Georgian Church stands at the site of the burial of the Hiton of the Lord, which is still in this holy place. All the main church events of the Georgian Church, in particular the intronization of Catholicos-Patriarch, occur in.

Apostolic ministry

Despite the fact that Christianity was declared in Georgia by the state religion, the mountainous regions of the country remained unemployed. Accompanied by the Presbyter of Jacob and one Diacon, the Holy Nino went to the upper reaches of the Aragvi and Iori Rivers, where he was preached by the Gospel to Gentils. Many of them believed in Christ and accepted the Holy Baptism. From there, Holy Nino passed in Kakheti (Eastern Georgia) and settled in the village of Bajab, in a small tent on the mountainside. There she led a mobility life, constantly prayed, turning to Christ the surrounding inhabitants. Among them was the Queen of Kakheti Soda (Sofia), who accepted baptism along with his alarms and many people.

Reproduction icons "Holy Equal-Apostles Nina"

Having committed its apostolic service in Georgia, Holy Nino was notified more than a close dem. In the message to the king, Mirian, she asked to send Bishop John to prepare her on the last path. The king, together with all the clergy, went in Bodbe, where the mortal evidence of Holy Nino witnessed many healings.

Testing the people who came to her worship, Holy Nino, at the request of their student, told about his origin and life. This story, recorded by Solomia Ojarm, served as the basis of the lives of Holy Nino. Having joining the Holy Holy Tyne, the Holy Nino won her body to be buried in Bodbe, and peacefully moved to the Lord. It happened in 335 on the 67th year from birth, after 35 years of apostolic feats.

Saint Nino's grave in Bodbe

At the burial site in 342, the King Mirian founded the temple in honor of George Victorious, a relative of Nina. Later, a female monastery was founded here.

The relics of the saint, hidden under proud, were glorified by many healings and wonders. The Georgian Orthodox Church, ranging by Nino to the Family of Saints, called it equivalent to the Apostles, that is, the disciples of Christ-apostolam like to spread the faith of the faith.


In Georgia, they honor the holy Nino, as the enlightenment and the heavenly patroness of Georgia. Only in the capital of Georgia there are five churches of Holy Nino, where the Nino holiday is celebrated especially solemnly. On days dedicated to the Holy Solemn services pass in all Orthodox churches of the country.

Orthodox Ninooba Holiday in Bodbe

Every year, in the summer, a large group of children, adolescents and young people makes a pilgrimage in the footsteps of the Equal-Apostles Enlightenment of Georgia. The route fully corresponds to the path of Saint Nino in Georgia.

The feat of his life Holy Nino completed in the village of Bodbe (Kakheti, East Georgia). The Cathedral was built over the grave of St. Georgia in the name of the heavenly patrons of Georgia - George Victorious and Nino - three-penette basilica of the IX century. Currently, the temple has the largest women's monastery in Georgia. In the gorge in the northeast of the monastery is the source of Saint Nino (Nios Tskaro) with healing water. Currently, a bathing and a small church are built there in the name of her parents - Saints Zavalone and Susanne.