Types of culture mass elite folk. Forms of the existence of culture (folk, elitar and mass culture)

Types of culture mass elite folk. Forms of the existence of culture (folk, elitar and mass culture)

Elitar (from FR. ELITE - the best, elected) culture is designed for a narrow circle of people who understand art; Includes classic works, as well as newest trends, known only to a little. IN a certain sense This is the culture of the so-called elected - people highly educated, endowed with spiritual aristocratism, valuable self-sufficiency. Critics elitar culture It is said that in it art exists only for art, although it should be guided by a person; It closes in his close Mirka and actually does not benefit humanity. At the beginning of the twentieth century in the circles of the metropolitan Russian intelligentsia, decades, the direction proclaiming the full gap with the surrounding reality, the opposition of art acquired great popularity real life. At the same time, within the framework of elite culture, there is a constant search for a new, creative understanding of ideals, values \u200b\u200band meanings, an aesthetic freedom and commercial independence of creativity are assumed, the complexity and a variety of artistic development forms are reflected.

People's, or national, culture involves the absence of personalized authorship, is created by all people. It includes myths, legends, dancing, tales, epos, fairy tales, songs, proverbs, sayings, symbols, rituals, rites and canons. Elements folk culture may be individual (statement of legends), collective (song execution) and mass (carnival processions). These works reflect the unique experience and the specific character of this or that nation (ethnos), everyday ideas, stereotypes of social behavior, cultural standards, moral standards, religious and aesthetic canons. Folk culture exists mainly orally, characterized by homogeneity and tradition, relies on the submission of the people about himself and the environment. It can exist in two main species - popular (reflects modern life, morals, customs, songs, dancing) and folklore (appeal to the past and its key moments).

Mass culture is focused primarily on commercial success and mass demand. She satisfies the unassuming tastes of the masses, and its products are hives, the life of which is often very short. They are quickly forgotten, displaced by the new flow of pop culture, and the momentary needs and requests of people become a guide for development. Naturally, such works are focused on averaged standards and a standard consumer. Mass culture is practically not related to religious or class differences. Media and mass culture Inclusive. The culture becomes "mass" when its products are standardized and distributed among the general public. Distinctive feature Mass culture is their focus on commercial profit, the satisfaction of mass demand. Today we are practically every day with a mass culture. These are numerous serials that go on television, and talk shows, speeches of satyrikov, pop concerts. All that literally collapses the media on us.

31. Cultural Uiversal.

Cultural universals are such rules, values, rules, traditions and properties that are inherent in all the cultures of tours, regardless of geographical location, historical time and social device societies.

In 1959, the American sociologist and ethnographer George Murdoch allocated more than 70 universals - common element cultures: age gradation, sport, a full decoration, calendar, compliance with cleanliness, community organization, cooking, work cooperation, cosmology, courtroom, dancing, decorative art, fortune telling, interpretation of dreams, division of labor, education, etc.

Cultural universals arise because all people "in whatever part of the world they live are physically arranged in the same way, they have the same biological needs and faced with common problemswho put in front of humanity environment. People are born and dying, so all nations have customs related to birth and death. As they live joint Life, they have a division of labor, dancing, games, greetings, etc.

Universals may arise from several bases. For example, science arises from the desire to achieve the knowledge and desire of a person to facilitate their life. The policy arose from the desire of some people to stand out over others and from the desire of people to entrust the permission of part of their problems to other people. The desire for benefits (benefit) is one of the main human properties and universal. In this regard, the crushing can be seen - more precisely, the concretization is universal.

The process begins with the most common universal, saying that a person is. It is from the abstract awareness of being begins creative thinking man. Universal emerges - a name. Sustainable birth-related images appear.

From these universals, as well as from the properties, they are not included in them, the universals of the second order appear, the most mobile. They are the result of an increasing transition to abstraction. At the same time, they are based on existing universals and on the inalienable properties of human nature. They are most susceptible to change because they absorb many of the most different parameters in various combination. Such universals include, for example, the existence of the state. A policy arises around the state.

And finally, the three-order universal is a culture.

T. Parsons is offered the concept of evolutionary universal. These are ten properties or processes that consistently arising during the development and complication of any public Systems Regardless of them cultural specificity and variety of external conditions. Four of these evolutionary universals are present in all known social systems: (1) Communication system; (2) the kinship system; (3) a certain form of religion; (4) Technology. Further - the emergence of social stratification (5), followed by the cultural legitimization of this stratified generality, understanding it as unity (6). Then arise: bureaucracy (7), money and market complex (8), a system of summarized impersonal norms (9), system

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    The formula of elite culture is "art for art", its creation formed by a part of society - writers, artists, philosophers, scientists. Mass culture and "averaged" level of spiritual needs: social functions, kich and art.

    Elite, or high, culture, is created by a privileged part of society or in order to order professional creators. It includes elegant art, classical music and literature, as well as innovative directions. ELITARIAN CULTURE is a complex and difficult culture for an unprepared perception. Commercial benefit is not a target for its creator, seeking innovation, full self-expression and artistic embodiment of their ideas. The appearance of unique works of art, which sometimes bring their creators not only recognition, but also considerable income, becoming very popular.

    The main sign of elite culture is the orientation on a narrow circle of experts prepared for the perception of complex on the form and content of works. This can be attributed to the novels of J. Joyce, P. Picasso painting, films A.A. Tarkovsky, music A. Shnitke, etc.

    Mass culture is a commercial culture, since works of art, science, religion, etc. They are in it as subjects of consumption capable of making profit when selling, if the tastes and requests of the mass spectator, reader, music lover are taken into account. Mass culture is called differently: entertainment art, anti-expature art, kich (from him. Zagalonism - Haltur), semi-courtyard, pop culture.

    Her main features: wide circle consumers, commercial orientation, publicity and entertainment, standardizedness, simplification and, in a certain sense, democraticity. These are pop music, soap serials, comics. Mass culture is inseparable from mass informatics (media), it originated and spread simultaneously with the advent of Kin-Tematicograph, radio illustrated magazines, etc.

    Pop culture and elite culture are not hostile to each other. Achievements, artistic techniques, the ideas of elite art through the time they cease to be innovative and adopted by the mass culture, increasing its level. At the same time, pop culture, which makes a profit, with time, enables the film companies, publishing houses, models to provide support to the creators of elite art.

    Folk culture - The specific area of \u200b\u200bculture is national, this is its most sustainable part, source of development and the storage of traditions. This is a culture created by the people and extensive in the folk masses. At the end of the XX century. It unfolds in the space between the classic folk tradition and the mass culture. Her layers:



    Applied creativity;

    Student, school amateur ideas I.T.D.

    Folk culture is created by anonymous creators who do not have professional training. It is called amateur, or collective.

    Often it is transmitted orally. Often, works are the works, the authors of which are known, but they are perceived as folk works. This happens if the works correspond to the main sign of popular culture - correspond to the values \u200b\u200bof the people, reflect people's character.
    Posted on Ref.rf
    So, songs''Katyusha''''y, Moroz, Moroz''''''a there are authors, but most people consider these songs.

    IN recent decades They spoke about the displacement of the'Knizhny culture''''' culture on-screen. Young people get acquainted with the works of literature not in the script, but by filmms. Computer''virtual reality''', the Internet, the body displaces traditional trips to theater, dance flooring and mugs of amateurness. In this regard, some scientists talk about screenculture like Ob. special video Culture.

    Elite culture

    Elite, or high culture is created by a privileged part of society, or by its order by professional creators. It includes elegant art, classical music and literature. High culture, such as painting Picasso or music by Schnit, is difficult to understand the unprepared person. As a rule, it is ahead of decades ahead of the perception of the average humanized person. The circle of its consumers is a highly educated part of society: critics, literary critics, regulars of museums and exhibitions, theater, artists, writers, musicians. When the level of education of the population is growing, the circle of consumers high culture expands. To its varieties can be attributed secular art and salon music. The formula of elite culture is "art for art."

    Elite culture is intended for a narrow circle of a highly educated public and oppose both folk and mass culture. It is usually incomprehensible to wide masses and requires good preparation for the right perception.

    The elite culture include avant-garde directions in music, painting, cinema, complex literature of a philosophical nature. Often, the creators of such a culture are perceived as residents of the "Elephant Tower", extinguished by their art from the real everyday life. As a rule, elite culture is non-commercial, although it can sometimes be financially successful and go into the category of mass culture.

    Modern tendencies Such that the mass culture penetrates all areas of "high culture", mixing with it. At the same time, mass culture reduces general cultural level Her consumers, but at the same time herself gradually rises to a higher cultural level.

    Folk culture

    Folk culture is recognized as a special form of culture. Unlike elite culture, folk, culture is created by anonymous creators who do not have training. The authors of folk creations are unknown. The folk culture is called amateur (not in terms of level, but by origin) or collective. It includes myths, legends, tales, epic, fairy tales, songs and dancing. By execution, elements of folk culture can be individual (statement of legends), group (performance of dance or songs), mass (carnival processions). Folklore - another name folk creativitywhich is created by various layers of the population. Folklore is localized, i.e. it is associated with the traditions of this area, and democratic, since everyone participates in its creation. Contemporary manifestations of folk culture include jokes, urban legends.

    Mass culture

    Mass or publicly available culture does not express the exquisite tastes of the aristocracy or spiritual searches of the people. The time of her appearance is the middle of the XX century, when the media (radio, print, television, grams, tape recorders, video) penetrated most of the countries of the world and became available to representatives of all social layers. Mass culture can be international and national. Popular I. pop music - bright example Mass culture. It is understandable and accessible to all ages, all the segments of the population, regardless of the level of education.

    Mass culture, as a rule, has a smaller artistic value than elite or folk culture. But she has the most wide audience. She satisfies the momentary requests of people, reacts to any new event and reflects it. Therefore, samples of mass culture, in particular lumps, quickly lose the relevance, are obsolete, out of fashion. With the works of elite and folk culture, this does not happen. Pop culture is a slang name of a mass culture, and Kitch is its kind.

    Screen culture - an option of mass culture shown on screens (movies, video clips, television series and television programs, computer games, PSP, game consoles, etc.).

    In addition to cultural levels, the types of culture are also distinguished:

    Dominant culture - This is a combination of values, beliefs, traditions, customs guided by most members of society. For example, most Russians love to visit and receive guests, seek to give their children higher education, friendly and friendly.

    Subculture - Part common culture, system of values, traditions and customs inherent in a certain group of people. For example, national, youth, religious.

    Counterculture - The type of subculture that opposes the dominant. For example, hippie, emo, criminal world.

    One of the forms of culture associated with the creative activity of a person to create an imaginary world is art.

    The main directions of art:

    ü music

    ü Painting, sculpture,

    ü architecture,

    ü Literature and folklore,

    ü theater and movies,

    ü sports and games.

    Specific art as creative activity It is that art is figurative and visual and reflects the lives of people in artistic images. For artistic consciousness, specific ways of reproducing surrounding reality are also characterized, as well as funds with which the creation of artistic images. In the literature, the word is the word, in painting - color, in music - sound, in sculpture - volume-spatial forms.

    One of the types of culture is also the media (media).

    The media is periodic print edition, radio, television, video program, newsreel, etc. The situation of the media in the state characterizes the degree of democratization of society. In our country, the Regulations on freedom of the media is enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

    By the nature of the creations, you can allocate the culture presented in single samples and mass culture. The first form of the characteristic features Creators are divided into folk and elite culture. Folk culture It is a single product most often nameless authors. This form of culture includes myths, legends, legends, epos, songs, dances, etc. Elite culture - a set of single creations that are created famous representatives The privileged part of society is either professional creators. Here we are talking about creators having high level Education and well-known enlightened public. This culture includes art, literature, classical music, etc.

    Mass (public) culture It is products of spiritual production in the field of art created by big circulations Based on the general public. The main thing for it is the entertainment of the widest masses of the population. It is understandable and accessible to all ages, all the segments of the population, regardless of the level of education. Its main feature is the simplicity of ideas and images: texts, movements, sounds, etc. Samples of this culture are aimed at emotional sphere man. At the same time, mass culture often uses simplified samples of elite and folk culture ("remixes"). Mass culture averaged spiritual development of people.

    Subculture - This is a culture of any social Group: a confessional, professional, corporate, etc. It, as a rule, does not deny universal culture, but has specific features. Signs of subculture become special rules of behavior, language, symbolism. Each society has its own set of subcultures: youth, professional, ethnic, religious, dissident, etc.

    Dominant culture - Values, traditions, views, etc., divided by only part of society. But this part has the opportunity to impose them into the whole society or by virtue of that, that it is an ethnic majority, or by virtue of the fact that it has a coercion mechanism. The subculture that opposes dominant culture is called a counterculture. The social basis of the countercultitution are people to some extent alienated from the rest of society. The monitoring of the counterculture makes it possible to understand the cultural dynamics, the formation and distribution of new values.

    A tendency to evaluate the culture of his nation as good and correct, and another culture - as strange and even immoral named "Ethnocentrism" Many societies are ethnocentric. From the point of view of psychology, this phenomenon acts as a factor in the unity and stability of this society. However, ethnocentrism can be a source of intercultural conflicts. Extreme forms The manifestations of ethnocentrism are nationalism. The opposite acts cultural relativism.

    Elite culture

    Elite, or high culture It is created by a privileged part, or by its order by professional creators. It includes elegant art, classical music and literature. High culture, such as painting Picasso or music by Schnit, is difficult to understand the unprepared person. As a rule, it is ahead of decades ahead of the perception of the average humanized person. The circle of its consumers is a highly educated part of society: critics, literary critics, regulars of museums and exhibitions, theater, artists, writers, musicians. When the level of education of the population is growing, the circle of high culture consumers is expanding. To its varieties, secular art and salon music can be attributed. Formula of elitar culture - " art for art”.

    Elite culture It is intended for a narrow circle of a highly educated public and confront both folk and mass culture. It is usually incomprehensible to wide masses and requires good preparation for the right perception.

    The elite culture include avant-garde directions in music, painting, cinema, complex literature of a philosophical nature. Often the creators of such a culture are perceived as residents of the "Elephant Tower", extinguished by their art from a real daily life. As a rule, elite culture is non-commercial, although it can sometimes be financially successful and go into the category of mass culture.

    Modern trends are such that the mass culture penetrates all areas of "high culture", mixing with it. At the same time, the mass culture reduces the general consumer level of its consumers, but at the same time itself gradually rises to a higher cultural level. Unfortunately, the first process still flows much more intense than the second.

    Folk culture

    Folk culture recognized as a special form of culture. In contrast to elite culture, popular, culture is created anonymous creators who do not have training. The authors of folk creations are unknown. The folk culture is called amateur (not in terms of level, but by origin) or collective. It includes myths, legends, tales, epic, fairy tales, songs and dancing. By execution, elements of folk culture can be individual (statement of legends), group (performance of dance or songs), mass (carnival processions). Folklore is another name for folk creativity, which is created by various layers of the population. Folklore is localized, i.e. is associated with the traditions of this area, and democratic, since all those who wish are involved in its creation. Anecdotes, urban legends can be attributed to modern manifestations of folk culture.

    Mass culture

    Mass or publicly available does not express the exquisite tastes of the aristocracy or spiritual searches of the people. The time of her appearance is the middle of the XX century, when media (Radio, printing, television, gramzapsy, tape recorders, video) penetrated in most countries of the world And the representatives of all social layers became available. Mass culture can be international and national. Popular and pop music is a vivid example of mass culture. It is understandable and accessible to all ages, all the segments of the population, regardless of the level of education.

    Mass culture is usually possesses less artistic valuethan elite or folk culture. But she has the widest audience. She satisfies the momentary requests of people, reacts to any new event and reflects it. Therefore, samples of mass culture, in particular lumps, quickly lose the relevance, are obsolete, out of fashion. With the works of elite and folk culture, this does not happen. Pop culture - The slang name of the mass culture, and KITCH is its kind.


    The totality of values, beliefs, traditions and customs, which are guided by most members of society, is called dominant Culture. Since society breaks into many groups (national, demographic, social, professional), gradually each of them forms its own culture, i.e., the system of values \u200b\u200band rules of behavior. Small cultures are called subcultures.

    Subculture - Part of the total culture, system of values, traditions, customs inherent in particular. Say O. youth subculture Subculture of the elderly, subculture of national minorities, professional subculture, criminal subculture. The subculture is different from the dominant culture with the language, looks for life, behavior, hairstyles, dress, customs. Differences can be very strong, but the subculture does not oppose the dominant culture. Its culture from drug addicts, deaf-and-dumb, homeless, alcoholics, athletes, lonely. The children of aristocrats or middle class representatives are very different from their behavior from children from the lowest class. They are reading different books, go to different schools, focus on different ideals. Each generation and social group has their own cultural world.


    Counterculture Indicates such a subculture that does not just differ from the dominant culture, but is opposed, is in conflict with dominant values. The subculture of terrorists is anti-counter human culture, and the Hippie youth movement in the 1960s. Drew the dominant US values: hard work, material success, conformism, sexual restraint, political loyalty, rationalism.

    Culture in Russia

    The state of the spiritual life of modern Russia can be characterized as a transient from defending values \u200b\u200brelated to attempts to build a communist society, to finding a new meaning public Development. We went out on the next round of the historical dispute between Wessengers and Slavophiles.

    The Russian Federation - multiethnic country. Its development is due to peculiarities national cultures. The uniqueness of the spiritual life of Russia is a manifold cultural traditions, religious beliefs, moral norms, aesthetic tastes, etc., which is associated with the specifics cultural heritage of different nations.

    Currently, in the spiritual life of our country is observed contradictory trends. On the one hand, mutual penetration different cultures He contributes to interethnic understanding and cooperation, on the other - the development of national cultures is accompanied by interethnic conflicts. The latter circumstance requires a weighted, tolerant attitude towards the culture of other communities.