"Winter landscape". Landscape monotype in the younger group (circle)

"Winter landscape". Landscape monotype in the younger group (circle)

Anna Lapina

Floats crystal Winter

Over the Mirozdan.

As overflow crystal

Snow sparkling.

Draw monotype technique with children: All ingenious - just

The kid constantly strives to smear in anywhere, and then with the enchanting view, removes intricate figures on the walls with the handles? Rejoice: even if you do not grow up a modern Michelangelo from your Chad, but you can be confident that creative principle It is certainly present. Consequently, yours the most important task There should be help in developing the crumbs of this little talent. And the excellent method to send regular to the peaceful loss of surrounding items can become technique drawing« monotypia» . This cunning word Greeks called the receipt of the drawing of the pattern from one surface to another.

A bit of theory

Before making monotype, It is necessary to decide on the choice of modotipiy dly detei materials. The main rule is no rules except security. You can draw on a wide variety of surfaces (paper, cellophane, plastic board and even a kitchen bastard) and any paints (Finger, Watercolor, Gouache). And as a tassel, you can use any rebunny material up to cotton sticks and your own fingers.

Painting montotype technique It will not leave indifferent small artists, because you never know which result will turn out at the end. Yes, and each subsequent imprint will differ from the previous one, and whether it is not a reason for the development of fantasy.

How to do monotype. Practical exercises

The most simple montotype technique for children - This is when on one monotipiy dly deteypiece of the sheet to draw everything that the soul, and then bend the paper in half and get a mirror reflection picture. You can also print the drawing on the second sheet - and the picture will be even more original. Now it's time to practice fantasy and try to solve, which in the end it turned out. The picture can be left as it is or trying to make it more expressive. Such technique It will be happy to master even a small karapuz.

A little more original option monotypia: Drawing on a glass or plastic surface. You can, on the entire plane, apply a smooth layer of the paint of the same color, then draw a woven wand or finger. Or randomly put multicolored blots And portray your caalee-malya. After that, it remains only to sprinkle "Workpiece" Water and top applied sheet of paper. It is desirable that the latter is not wet as long as possible. Having been following the corner of paper, we pull the sheet with a sharp movement and let him dry. Now you can play again in "Ugadica".

The main thing is not to harm!

Before giving your baby completely plunge into creative process, show him the basic principles montotype techniques. And then give him the opportunity to draw some masterpiece yourself. The main thing is not to interfere in the process, but to provide young artist Full freedom for fantasy. Helping makes sense only if the Kroch himself will ask about it. And it is necessary to do it dosage, it is better to explain again. Well, and praise little genius - This is a prerequisite!

For our masters The class we needed.

Drawing on a glass or plastic surface. You can, on the entire plane, apply a smooth layer of the paint of the same color, then draw a woven wand or finger.

Or in random order to put multi-colored blots and depict your caalee-malyaks. After that, it remains only to sprinkle "Workpiece" Water and top applied sheet of paper.

And with great interest we look at what we have.

And now we will fantasize a little.

That we see the waterfalls zoyarened, the snow is everywhere that crystal scattered frost.

A little hofantazing, we get such an interesting picture.

But another one is our drawing.

Thanks for attention!

Publications on the topic:

Good evening, dear colleagues! I propose to your attention " Christmas decorations"Do it yourself in the technique of plasticography. Tasks: 1.

Good day, dear colleagues. I suggest you children's master class In the technique of "quilling". Children preparatory group made.

In our group, a master class was held with parents on the topic "Drawing by non-traditional techniques". Experience shows that draw in unusual ways.

Purpose: Master - Class Designed for children younger school age, teachers, educators, parents and just creative.

Master - class designed for children of younger school age, teachers, educators, parents and just creative people. Backpack.

Monotype "Lake Baikal". Drawing a landscape phased for children 6-8 years

Master class drawing a landscape for children 6-8 years old "Lake Baikal"

Author: Natalya Aleksandrovna Ermakova, teacher, municipal budget educational institution additional education Children "Children's art school named after A. A. Bolshakova, "city Great Luki, Pskov region.
Description: Work can be performed with children 6-8 years. Material can be useful to educators preschool institutions and educators of additional education.
Purpose: Work will serve as an excellent design of the interior and children's creative exhibitions.
Purpose: Creation of Lake Baikal landscape using non-traditional drawing techniques (monotyping, finger palette, card drawing).
- learning children to draw landscape of the lake with a reflection of the surrounding landscape of nature in its waters using various techniques and drawing techniques;
- Ensure the skills of working with paints, the ability to build a composition, plan stages of work;
- Light interest in working with non-traditional drawing techniques.
Monotypia - an amazing genre, which essentially occupies a median position between painting and graphics, between art and psychology. Monotypia is a way of freedom of expression, this is a projection inner world. Translated by S. greek Monotype is one imprint. Figure is applied first on a flat and smooth surface, and then it is imprinted on another surface, in our work monotype will be multilayer.
Finger-palette- There is one of the types of monotype, make a palm or finger in paint and leave the imprint on paper. The paint is not only visible, but also feel!
Drawing a cardis also a variety of monotype, where the drawing is created using various fingerprints created by cards different shapes and sizes.

Hello, dear guests! Our homeland - Russia is rich water resources. This is clean stocks fresh water, and boundless salty seas and lakes with amazing history and beauty. Today we will turn our gaze to Lake Baikal. This lake is in itself not little unexplored than attracts many people to themselves. Arriving once, you will forever be captured by these places. Baikal Big freshwater lake. It is located in Eastern Siberia on the territory of Buryatia and the Irkutsk region. Baikal is the deepest planet lake. Its maximum depth is 1640 meters. The area of \u200b\u200bthis lake is more than 315,000 sq. Km, it is the main reservoir of fresh water of Russia (90% of the total volume of reserves). The origin of Baikal still causes scientific disputes. The age of the lake scientists traditionally determine 25-35 million years. This fact also makes Baikal unique natural objectSince most lakes, especially glacial origin, live on average 10-15 thousand years, and then filled with or fertilize and fear.

Baikal ... Cordhouse, defender, Grozny Lord and a harsh owner who has an incredible mystical and spiritual force. The huge power of unimaginable volumes of water itself has the strongest emotional impact, and therefore it is not surprising that the lake, which at all times local residents They called the "Sea" not just a character and a place of action of the legends, but also the object of spiritual practices of many religions - from paganism to Christianity.
The only river arising from Lake Baikal - Angara. More than half of the catchment area of \u200b\u200bthe hangar is Lake Baikal. Every year, the river takes more than 60 cu from Baikal. km of water.
The indigenous people say: "Baikal - Father and his daughter - Angara." And after all, however, it is impossible to imagine this mighty northern giant without his faithful companion - Angara. Age of hangars is incomparably less than mighty Baikal, presumably only 50 thousand years. In one of the legends of the lake it says that Baikal had the only daughter - hangar. She fell in love with Yenisei and decided to escape to him. Baikal, having learned about it, tried to block her path, throwing to the source of the stone, but the hangar ran further, then Baikal sent her nephew behind her - Irkuta, but he regretted the hangar and turned off the way. The hangar met with Yeniseem and drove further with him.
Baikal! Run in taiga north
Through the night of Siberian lights.
On the hangar and Yenisei -
Baikal otlbestka they!
Not sleep deaf, not a wild stone,
Not the memory of the trouble - other
Industries of the Great -
Your day today, Siberia.
But these royal water,
But the mountains in the Size semi-mongrel, -
Baikal - invaluable gift of nature
Yes, it will be eternal on earth.

(Alexander Tvardovsky, 1959)

The water of this beautiful lake is chisty and fresh. While we have something to be proud. Water in the lake is so transparent that individual stones and various items are visible at a depth of 40 m. At this time, Baikal water is blue. In the summer, in the summer, when the water of plant and animal organisms develops in a warm sun, the transparency decreases to 8-10 m, and the color becomes blue-green and greens.
It is a lake multipoint and diverse, as it is huge and here is a rich flora and fauna. There is a scientific direction engaged in the study of lakes, it is called Limnology. In Irkutsk Academgorodok there is a Limnological Institute studying Baikal. Learning Baikal and independent scientific organizations, such as the Baikal Research Center (ANO). Baikal - World Territory natural HeritageBy the data of the Limnological Institute of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2,630 species and varieties of plants and animals live in Baikal, 2/3 of which are endemics, that is, they only live in this reservoir. Such an abundance of living organisms is due to the large content of oxygen in the thicker of the Baikal water.

Baikal Loda presents a lot of mysteries to scientists. So, in the 1930s, the Specialists of the Baikal Limnological Station discovered the unusual forms of ice cover, characteristic only for Baikal. For example, "Sings" - cone-shaped icy hills up to 6 m high, hollow inside. External species They resemble ice tents, "open" in the opposite direction from the shore. Sopgia can be located separately, and sometimes form miniature "mountain ranges".
In 1996, Lake Baikal was absolutely deserved to the UNESCO World Natural Heritage Objects. Somewhat later in 1999, the Festival "Day of Baikal" was created, which very quickly grew from the regional event and received world recognition. Today, the Festival of Baikal takes place on the second Sunday of September. However, long before this date the organizers arrange numerous contests different areas creativity whose results will be presented at the festival. Film festivals, contests of visual art and crafts of folk crafts, theatrical productions, natural seminars and many other stations events create the appearance of a unique festival.

Materials and tools:
Still paper A3.
-Akvall and gouache
-Andash simple, brushes
-plastic card (I use thin plastic boards for modeling, they need to cut into small cards with scissors)
-bank for water
Strip for brushes
-palitra (sheet of paper)

Master class move:

We start working with the preparation of a sheet of paper to work, as the main part of the figure will consist of prints. We need to bend the sheet in half horizontally, and to smooth the fold line. Then with help simple pencil It is necessary to draw lines of the future terrain.

And proceed to working with watercolor, in blue, paint the water space of the pattern.

Then we fold the sheet in half to create a print, it is necessary to smooth out a soft leaf with palm to the imprint better quality. We had silhouettes of the mountains with their reflection in the lake, and the blue sky.

At the top of the mountain range you need to draw a darkening forest band. We will work with a palette to get gray (mix white and black paint.), And we apply the resulting color to the top of the hill.

Then make a print.

Next, draw a forest strip on the next top, and partially paint the surface of the earth gray. White places in the drawing is the ungraining snow, and again the imprint.

Similarly, draw the surface of the earth on another vertex, we make a print.

We will no longer work with prints, now we need to supplement our landscape with picturesque details. With the help of green gouache foreground Works, gouache applied a thick layer.

Then with the help of the card, we create a grass relief, as if a card with a scraper along the painted surface.

Thin brush draw tops of trees on mountain hills.

We add clouds to the landscape, we make their contours more thanks (gouache), add to the lake surface of blue strokes (watercolor).

What do you do when you are concerned? Or anxious? Have you tried to apply art therapy? They say very helping. One species of such psychological discharge is monotypia. And this technique is applied from the kindergarten. Of course, not to remove stress (except that the tutor), and for the development creative potential Karapusov. Consider the subtleties of the preparation of classes in monotype in a children's educational institution.

What is the essence of the technique of ottis

Translated from Greek monotype indicates a drawing of one imprint. An image is applied to the surface (smooth, rough), then a sheet of paper is applied to the picture, pressed, gently separated - the drawing in the monotype technique is ready.

Professional drawings in monotype technique - this is a completely unique genre of creativity

Monotypia originated by chance, and its spread in Russia we owe the artist of the beginning of the twentieth century Elizabeth round, which shed paint to the printed board, put the paper to wipe the spot, and when he raised the sheet, then saw interesting image. Subsequently, she repeatedly used this technique to create his paintings.

IN children's garden Monotype begins to be applied in working with children 4-5 years, that is, in medium group. At this age, the guys can already complement the drawings with their own images, and not just repeating the actions of the educator. The image obtained by printing can be left as in the form in which they turned out, and you can draw separate parts for a more reinforced picture. Monotype useful for:

  • development of imagination;
  • expanding ideas about the world;
  • development of creative abilities and fantasies;
  • education independence in work.

Features of the preparatory stage

The implementation of the tasks of the tasks depends on the care of the training of the occupation. So the planning stage needs to be given enough time and effort.

Paints and base

For monotype, you can use gouache and watercolor. As for the latter, it is not worth it too much to breed with water, otherwise the image will get fuzzling. Watercolor has an indisputable advantage - it is easily flushed, if, for example, the imprint broke a little. But from Guosha, very beautiful divorces are obtained.

Gouache, diluted with water, gives very bright and beautiful in the form of divorce

In some kindergartens in class fine art Acrylic paints are used. But for monotype, they are very uncomfortable, as they quickly dry and practically do not wash off.

Professionals use to create paintings in Montotype technique oil paintsBut it is difficult for children with them.

As a basis for a picture (that is, the "sizes") can be used:

  • dense sheets of paper (for example, watman density);
  • thick glossy paper;
  • film (due to the complexity of working with this type of material, it is rarely used and only in classes with older children);
  • plastic board;
  • glass;
  • tile tile.

Takers Monotype

The beginning of acquaintance with technology occurs from learning to create object images. This means that the sheet of paper is folded in half, on one part we draw half the image on the same part and, until it dried, cover the second part of the sheet. So the symmetric drawings are obtained.

With older children, you can apply landscape monotype: on one half of the sheet (or a smooth surface) draw a landscape, we combine with the second part and get one-piece image. In this way, it is convenient to draw, for example, reflection of the forest in water.

The following option to create print on paper requires certain skills in the work. We will need a plastic board. Dark paint is applied to it, then the plot is drawn with a cotton wand and a sheet of paper is applied - an imprint, like a drawing made by a candle.

For a dark background, you can use a cotton wand, which will simply read the contour, and a brush with dark paint is used to draw a pattern on the paints of light tones.

If the picture is used light colors, then the image draws a darker paint on the board, and a brush is used, and not a cotton wand.

Another unusual way Get an impression - smith a sheet of paper and deploy before applying paint on it. So the imprint will be more textured.

Video: Non-priority Montotype option with paints on water

How can you draw a picture

You can add the resulting picture in two ways:

  • stepwise adding elements and combining surfaces to obtain an impression;
  • doring the ready picture.

To create bright patterns, often prints are described with pencils, wax crayons or even markers. This allows you to make the necessary accents in the image. In addition to supplementing the arrangement composition, you can use:

  • coloring (filling the color of the individual details of the drawing);
  • dorisovka (some elements are applied to the finished drawing, for example, animals in the forest).

Compilation scheme and an example of an abstract

To create a success situation in class when each kid feels involved in a common cause, enjoying work, teacher need to develop a lesson in very detailed.

Monotypia gives children to feel the joy of creativity, not making great efforts and without much time

Tasks for drawing classes using monotype:

  • continued acquaintance with monotype;
  • education of love for nature;
  • development of imagination;
  • the vaccination of the feeling of collectivism and mutual assistance.

Equally important and rationally distribute the time allocated for each of the steps of work on the topic. Traditionally, these are three stages of illumination of the theme:

  • The introductory part (up to 5 minutes). At this stage, the teacher uses different techniques in order to correctly motivate the guys to work (reading books, the declamation of poems, role-playing games, staging from the studied fairy tales, etc.).
  • Main part (up to 20 minutes). The stage, which includes work on the pattern, as well as the "break" on the physical attachment and finger gymnastics. Fizkultminutka can be replaced articulating gymnasticsespecially if before drawing the kids were sport games or walk.
  • Final stage (up to 5 minutes). This time is given to the praise of kids for work, creating an exhibition ready work and the reflection of children (in the form of answers to questions, for example, "Did I like the occupation?", Is I satisfied with my work? "," Whose drawing seems to me the most successful? Why ", etc.).

Since monotype does not require too much time, the main part can be trimmed in favor of the introductory and final Stages. But no more than 6-7 minutes.

Fragment of drawing abstract in the medium group "Magic Butterflies", author Julia Homazovazova

Below is a fragment of the abstract, which can be used in the preparation of classes with children in kindergarten.

  1. The educator takes pictures of butterflies from the envelope and
    places them on the easel. Children view them, reveal similarities and differences in colors, shape, size, come up with butterfly names. Educator: "I will now wave a magic wand, and you will also turn into butterflies and fly a little."
  2. Fizminutka: slept a flower and suddenly woke up,
    (torso right, left.)
    I didn't want to sleep anymore
    (Torchhead, back.)
    Moved, reached out
    (hands up, pull.)
    Up and flew,
    (Hands up, right, left.)
    The sun will only wage the sun,
    The butterfly is spinning, goes.
  3. Educator: "Butterflies rested and it is time for them to return back. I
    wave a magic wand, and you will turn into children again. Guys, and let's try to draw butterflies today! But we will not simple butterflies, and magic!
  4. Children apply paints at will on one half of the sheets of paper. Educator: "Add more water, she needs us so that our miracle happens. "
  5. -Good, well done. And now the leaf will be brought in half and carefully alleged his palm, expand. What happened? The drawing is symmetrically imprinted on the second half of the sheet, so that the butterfly placed
    wings and is about to take off!

Examples of work in monotype technique in kindergarten

Below are several instructions for work in monotype technique.


Children are applied paint so that the outline of the butterfly wing


  1. Guys, bend the sheet in half, placing it horizontally.
  2. We will draw on the left half of the sheet. So, closer to the middle we make a thick line of blue paint.
  3. From this line, we have stains of red, orange, yellow tones, making them as if in the form of a butterfly wing.
  4. We fold the sheet by the collar and stroke the hand.
  5. Deploy the drawing, draw the mustache.

Video: Butterflies in Montotype technique


For this picture, the base is required (or tile) and cotton wand.

The brighter the shade of blue, the more clearly the patterns will be visible


  1. Divorce blue gouache Water, dry up a brush.
  2. On the tile we apply strokes paint, trying to make them as thick as possible.
  3. Making a chaotic lines with a cotton wand, wiping paint.
  4. We apply a sheet of paper and press it to the base.
  5. Gently remove the sheet. Drawing ready.

"Summer Day" (landscape monotypia)

This example of monotype shows how to create a reflection in the water.

Landscapes in monotype technique are obtained very live and bright


  1. We fold the sheet in half vertically.
  2. Draw at the top. On the left, we denote the trunk of the tree, draw the leaflets.
  3. In the background we make strokes green paint - Forest.
  4. On the right at the top draw horizontal cloud touches.
  5. We fold a sheet by collar, press.
  6. Slowly removing upper region. The picture is ready.

Photo Gallery: Drawings in Montotype Technique

Thanks to Monotype, children learn to create symmetrical images
Butterflies can be painted with dots using fingers or cotton swabs Drawings in monotype technique can be supplemented with applications, for example, by penguins observing the Northern Lights. Some images can be planned in advance, and some are obtained after drying the imprint the complexity of the butterfly pattern depends on the shape of the wings: it is the easier, the younger children.

Natalia Shishlyannikova

Subject: "Winter landscape"


Find out children S. new technician unconventional drawing - monotypia.

Develop creative imagination in children, raising diligence, perfection, accuracy. Learn to use a brush and watercolor paints, draw with cotton chopsticks.

There are many ways - how to make monotypeBut for the kids I chose the easiest. It lies in the fact that the paint is applied to one surface bent smoothly in half the sheet and imprinted on another. With the kids using this technique, you can cook background for the future drawing, eg: Aquarium, summer meadow. winter landscape.

Since the winter and nature is approaching, I have already pleased with the first snow, I decided to offer children to draw winter landscape.

First prepared material.

Start K. work.

We fold exactly in half the album sheet and quickly paint one side of the sheet with a tassel, using blue watercolor paint.

Fold a sheet exactly in half and well smoothed

Gently reveal the leaves

We get a unique impression - ready backdrop for winter landscape

Cut the leaf in Popolam

Then Fizkultminutka:

In the yard y on frost

To nose not frozen

It is necessary to stop legs

And palms pat

Snowflakes fall from the sky

As on a fabulous picture.

We will catch them

And show my mother's house.

Rested and proceed to work.

My kids painted a tree and snowball

Snowpowder draw white gouache and cotton wand

There were such masterpieces.

Publications on the topic:

Circular work "Small patriots" The relevance of the problem of children, starting with preschool age, suffer a deficit of knowledge about the native village, the Republic of the country, features.

How are you know to new We usually with the children we make crafts as a gift Mom, we did such postcards last year. We needed:.

The goal is to fix the drawing skill by the method of the nitcographic. Develop fantasy, imagination. Learn to see in chaotic images familiar items.

Circular work "Skillful fingers" goal: To teach children to listen to speech, to delve into the meaning; Correct words with actions.

Circular work in the middle group "This amazing clay" Approximate planning of classes. September Classes "Acquaintance with clay" software content: introduce children with clay, its properties:.

Topic: "Fruits and vegetables" goals: expand and clarify the presentation of children about vegetables and fruits, their signs, a growing place, learn to guess.

Winter landscape step by step

Master class on the topic " Winter evening»- Landscape in Montotyping technique

Pervukhina Elena Yuryevna, teacher of additional education,
Place of work: Maow to "Center for Additional Education",
P. Mezhdurechensky, Kondinsky District, Khmao-Ugra
Purpose: Image of winter landscape in monotype technique.
- to acquaint with Montotypia technique;
- Develop creative skills, fantasy, imagination;
- to educate love and interest in your homeland, nature.
The master class is addressed to children of 6-10 years, teachers of additional education, educators, parents. It is described in detail the steps of the winter landscape image in the available monotype technique.
For work it is necessary: Paper for watercolor, gouache, soft brushes #1 and №5, brush brush, glass format A4, scissors, sequins.
Every time of the year and time of day is unique and beautiful in its own way. Winter is a great time of year! It is mysterious, frosty and of course snowy. And especially tempting long, calm and magical winter evenings. In the evening, everything is starting to fall asleep and the atmosphere of calm and peace reigns around. Air clean, fresh and frosty, they breathe easily and calmly. It seems that with each breath you inhale energy and health.

As beautiful snowy trees in the light of the moon. As if silver or pearl decorated their Mother Winter. Snow sparkles and overflow. And it's just indescribably beautiful! The purity and freshness that snow and frost give us around. Fabulously beautiful and mysterious evening in the winter snowy course. The atmosphere of magic and fairy tales around.
Russian poets melted the wonderful winter evenings in their work.
Charger in winter
Warred, the forest is worth
And under the snowy fridge,
Fixed, dumb,
Wonderful life he glitters.
And it is standing, beyond
Not a dead and not alive -
Sleepy magic is fascinated
All OUTAN, all
Light chain Poohova ...
Fedor Tyutchev

Today we draw a landscape "Winter Evening" in the unusual monotype technique.

Stages of work:

1. Cook everything you need.

2. We take a sheet of cardboard and put it under the glass, it will be better visible to our work. We begin to apply white drifts, along the horizon line and white clouds in the future sky. We work the thick paint, which is applied generously on the glass brush.

3. Next, we take purple and blue colors and apply on the glass stain, denoting the winter sky. Paints apply generously to get a good imprint. At the bottom of its work, under the snowdrifts, we depict the reflection of the sky on the frozen stroy of the lake, it reflects on it white clouds and a mysterious evening sky.
Monotype is extraordinary, and the magic technique! We do not depict anything concrete, we only think and apply paint stains, monotype itself for us will draw an extraordinary picture.

4. We denote the future forest along the horizon line, we are applied by vertical movements, we use the color of ocher. The color of the trunks is determined in the choice of ocher.

5. Take a little clean water On the fingers and apply, as if sprinkling on the paint. You can take a brush and help the paints are a little mixed with each other.

6. Replacing blank sheet Paper over glass with paint. Tightly press and smooth paper.

7. We draw in magic technique. And so that the miracle happened we need to pronounce magic spell: SNUR-RE, SNUR-RE, SNUR-RE, VIPS! Miracle, Miracle will get!
Then remove the template in smooth motion.

8. We look at us. We will try to see the magic outlines in these unusual stains.

9. Then white gouache tinting snow drills along the horizon line.

10. And now we will deal with details. We draw them, too, in Montotypia technique. To do this, make a print of a future house. I will cut a rectangle of white thick paper, 4 * 5 cm. Correct the corners, so that the house has a roof.

11. Color the roof of the house in red, the house itself will be orange. Do not forget that we will receive a house imprint, so the gouache is applied with a thick layer.

12. Then we turn the painted house, paint down. We try to get on the snowy surface of the shore at the lake.

13. Quickly remove the print of the house and turn it over 180 degrees and apply it again without updating the paint layer. So we get an imprint of the reflection of a house on the ice surface of the lake, its image is not so bright and clear as the imprint of the house itself on the shore. But this is the reflection, and the reflection can never be more important than the reflected item.

14. Draw a brown gouache, a thin brush, twigs and trunks of trees, as well as small parts Domika: logs and pipe.

15. Be sure to draw the window in the house, it burns light, there is cozy and warm. White smoke from the pipe seems to say that the stove is token here and we are surely waiting here to warm up after walking around the frosting winter evening.
On the street it became so frosty that Iaven appeared on the trees!
We depict a dry brush and a white gouache.

16. The last strokes - we apply a little blue brilliance on the edge of the location of the inlet on the trees, on the roof of the house.

17. The finished picture is placed in the frame.