Non-traditional drawing equipment Cleaxography. Master Class

Non-traditional drawing equipment Cleaxography. Master Class
Non-traditional drawing equipment Cleaxography. Master Class

Lydia Genyush.

Master-class is designed for parents and educators, as well as children preschool age - From 3 to 6 years.

Purpose master class:

In our time, a fairly non-standard type of visual activity was widespread - cleaxography. Klyaxography is a dressing printed on paper arbitrary blots to the recognizable artistic image.

Unconventional drawing forms cause live interest in children. Especially klyakography T.. k. Usually for blots we make a remark, but when used this method On the contrary, they praised.

Making blots(black and multicolored) And considering them, already a 3-year-old child can see images, items or individual details. "What does it seem?", "Who reminds you of you?" - Such questions develop thinking and imagination.

Cleaxography - This is a great way to have fun and with benefit to spend time, experiment with paints, create unusual images. Inflatable blots It is impossible to precisely predict how they disperse, they are transported to each other, and what will be the final result. Such an occupation will be interesting and adults and children. And not only interesting - but also useful: for example, as articulating gymnastics. Also painting Blowing through the straw strengthens the health and strength of the lungs and respiratory system (which is especially useful when coughing).

I would like to note that with this species drawing goodit turns out to portray various trees (Fixed trunks, branches, etc.) are obtained.. Try, you will like the result!

purpose: Acquaintance with this image like cleaxography, show its expressive opportunities.


Cause interest to "Revival" unusual forms ( kleaks, learn dorize object details(kleaks, to give them the finishes and similarities with real images; Learn to see unusual in the usual;

Develop creative thinking, flexibility of thinking, perception, imagination, fantasy, interest in creative activity; Relieve the accuracy of B. paint drawing.

Materials for work:

Album sheets;

Gouache or watercolor;

Large brush or you can use a pipette;

Drink tube;

Water in the jar;

Wet cloth - wipe hands if you are blocked;

Cotton swabs;


- feltolsters.

Node move:

Organizational part.

Educator: Guys, and you know what is blot?

Responses of children.

Educator: Blots is a mark, stain left paint. Blot maybe a way drawing.

The educator offers the attention of children a few finished drawings taken by the admission cleaxography.

Children train on an additional sheet of paper of one paint.

Fizkultminutka "Children like paint»

Here we took paints in your hands, (hands of hands to catch in "lock", rotational motions. round)

And not in the house boredom.

To be fun (Cotton in your hands)

Bright paint do not regret!

It's true! (Stood, jerk hands in front of the breast)

Well, what to hide?

Children love, very love paint! (Tilting turns left-right hands on the belt)

And in the tram on the window!

This is what the little animal (Hands on the belt, the slope of the body forward)

Many legs, one macushkin?

Whether the beast-forty (Jumping in place)

Is there a line in Larök?

It's true! (Cotton you hands)

Well, what to hide?

Children love, very love paint! (Jumping in place)

On paper, on asphalt, on the wall

And in the tram on the window! (Cotton in your hands) (E. Uspensky)

Cleaxography can be combined with different techniques visual arts, such as monotype, appliqué and others. Some of them are presented in this master class.

This method drawing« blots» You can use in working with children 3-4 years and older.

Macaus brush in diluted paint and splash on a sheet of paper. The thick paint is the time rich color, but harder it blows away.

Take the tube, and blow through it on multicolored drops of paint, they turn into blots. At the same time, the sheet of paper can be rotated - blots It turns out even more interesting!

Cleaxography using cotton sticks

With the help of a large brush set klyaksu in the corner of the sheet.

With the help of the tube blow paint in different areas. It turned out this tree!

Thinking a little, this tree reminded me of Rowan, alone growing on the slope. With cotton sticks pain the berries.

It is about such a rowan, perhaps and wrote a poem "Rowan" Irina Tokmakova.

Red beatt

I gave me a rowan.

I thought that sweet,

And she is like Hina.

Whether this berry

Just did not dose

Then Ryabina tricky

Would you like to swing?

Cleaxography using felt-meter

As well as in previous works klyaksu and blow with a tuber of a barrel and branches. And what did it work for the tree? Of course, pine!

With the help of green feltwasters Testing needles.

Over the yellow fuss of the cliff

The old pine throat

Roots barely buggy

She does in the wind she. (Timofey Belozers)

Decorating all the twigs with lush needles, proceed with the decoration of the clearing around the pine. Apply blots Green and blow with a tube. It turned out stems of colors!

Testing On the sebels of leaves and flowers - dandelions. Now the lonely pine is not boring at all!

Cleaxography + Plasticography

Using plasticine Create marine bottom: Lepim bright fish and pebbles.

But what is missing in this picture? Of course, marine algae! Via magic Kleax And the tube appears and marine grass! Blots They are located between the pebbles, and if the paint goes slightly onto plasticine, nothing terrible, it can easily be laid with a cloth and work will not be spoiled.

Well, not a seabed! Testing Bubbles and drawing ready!

Fish fish caught up

Fish ponytail wie

Published in the belly - caught up!

Hey, girlfriend! How are you? (T. Ot)

And this method drawing suitable for older children (5 - 7 years). We recruit paint on a brush and spray on a sheet of paper. With the help of the tube blow magic blots. And now the most responsible moment - you need to include your imagination!

In each kleakse

Someone is

If in klyaksu

Brush to get out.

In this kleaks -

Cat with tail

Under the tail -

River with bridge,

On the bridge -

Crank with flowers.

Under the bridge -

Sudak with trick.

Figure must be considered from different sides and only then dorisite individual detailsSo that the image becomes more recognizable.

Klyaxography + Monotopia

Pre-prepare background with techniques - Monotopia..

The dried layer is applied blots different color and blow up with a tube.

Here is just a small part of what can be performed using « magic Kleax» - cleaxography. What else techniques Fine art can be combined cleaxography - It will tell your fantasy!

Node outcome.

The educator together with the children consider work, draw up the exhibition.

About the benefits of a pencil and brushes


…. Klyaksu brush for laughter

We will put - here is a hindrance!

The blots this is very angry:

- Klyax to be not suitable for me,

I will not kleakova is a prose,

I will be a chamomile or a rose.

N. Alekseevskaya.

Looking for an interesting drawing technique for children? Such so that you could have fun and exciting time to spend something useful? There is something you need! Cleaxography Drawing techniquewhich will surely enjoy the children.

It's so cool to draw with merry Kleax! And no rules, no restrictions - only funny blots everywhere! For this, you will need quite a bit - a regular sheet of paper and paint, and also - a plastic tube for juice.

Cleaxography Drawing technique

Start follows with the largest and liquid blots. After you painted it - just blow on it in different directions, carefully inflating the drawing along the sheet. And then - put another klyaksu, and ... when Klyax is enough - take a look at the drawing and try to determine what it looks like. Maybe on a funnieged animal? Or on the clouds of an unusual form in the sky? Or maybe on a flowering plant?

Dorisite small partsTo finish the plot. Try to fantasize with the child, and you will see how simple, interesting machinery For a long time you will pass your firm!

Purpose: To form skills to apply the technique of "blowing" in practical activities. Tasks: educational: - to know children with the "blowing" technique or the so-called "klyaxography"; expand vocabulary; -Ploping and enriching the knowledge of children about different types artistic creativity. Developing: - Form creative thinking, steady interest in artistic activities; - develop artistic taste, fantasy, ingenuity, spatial imagination; - form the skills and skills necessary to create creative work; - Develop a desire to experiment, showing bright cognitive feelings: surprise, doubt, joy of recognition of the new; - Immediate imagination, fantasy, interest in creative activity. Educational: - to educate hard work and the desire to achieve success in their own difficulty; - educate attention, accuracy, purposefulness, creative self-realization; - to educate interest in this kind drawing.

Cleaxography Great way It's fun and with benefit to spend time, to experiment with paints, create unusual images. Cleaxography is a type of drawing, which refers to non-traditional techniques. Klyaxography helps to form a skill to transmit silhouette reflection, work out the skills of work with paints and brush. It greatly develops creativity, fantasy, imagination, brings up the aesthetic perception of works of fine art, and also raises empathy. Psychologists are successful correctional classes. This type of drawing helps to develop the eye meter, coordination.

Materials: paper, mascara or gouache Liquid diluted in a bowl, plastic spoon, tube (beverage straw). Method of obtaining an image: The child is crying a plastic paint with a plastic spoon, pours it onto a sheet, making a small stain (bliss). Then it blends the tube to it so that its end does not touch the spots or paper. If necessary, the procedure is repeated. The missing details are described.

Cleaxography - One of the non-traditional drawing techniques, and, probably, the most undervalued. And in vain ...

Have you met children who do not like to splash and smear the dirt? This feature of the child can be used in order to creative development. , Drawing with palms and kleaxography - all these "cultural" methods of smearing and spraying, only no dirt, but paints.

Thanks to the klyaxography, creative imagination is developing hard. A drop of paint, getting on a sheet of paper spreads, it is always unique. Droplets are always different in shape and size.

The bluster itself does not carry any point, but drawing, we give her an outline, a drop-point turns into an item, in the image, in the drawing.

If you want to develop a fantasy and a child's imagination an unusual way, then this article is for you. By the way as an adult, this technique also helps to move away from stereotypes.

Necessary materials:

Prepare a sheet of paper, brush (the hard brush is best suited), you can use even a toothbrush. So kleks will be more :), liquid paints (paint needed to dilute small quantity WATER), even better for this occupation is suitable for a multi-colored mascara (it already has the desired consistency).

Selection of theme for klyaxography

As such, there is no topic. It is always a flight of fantasy and unexpected solutions. But at first, mental activity can be directed to a certain direction, ask, so to speak, direction. For example, to see amazing planets in the blots, the arrival of birds, unexpected animals, underwater world, scattered berries.

Drawing technique (slotsography). First method

We recruit paint on the brush (more more), start sprinkling it, slightly hitting a brush about a finger or hand. You can simply shake the tassel. A lot of small and medium droplets will appear on the sheet.

You can add large drops using a brush or pipette.

This method brings thoughts about water or about the sky. Here are the planets; No - this is unusual stars; Yes, there is no jellyfish or still a boat.

Second way

The second method is similar to the first, but the sheet is wetted with water. We dose the number of klex. They should be less, otherwise they will merge into one honey blossom. The blots can be modified by adding parts: points, lines, mugs.

The advantages of this technique is that the child's fantasy is not limited. And you can learn a lot of interesting things about him. At the first lesson, the baby may need to help: find the image in the blossom. Then your child will pass, and you will have some free time.

Abstract drawing classes for the older group.

Topic: Klyaxography. Blowing the tube

Purpose: Development in children of imagination through non-traditional technology drawing - klyaxography.


Educational: consolidate knowledge of basic colors, introductory with non-traditional technician Drawing Cleaxography - blowing up the tube.

Developing: Develop the creative thinking of children (by distressed situations), curiosity, imagination.

Educational: insplit interest in inventive activity

Expand and intensify the dictionary: cleaxography, blots, inhollow tube.

Equipment : capacity with soap solution, transparent container with clean drinking water,listed sheet, gouache, wide brush, jar with water, coating tube,wet wipes, drawing tassel.

Preliminary work: reading a fairy tale V.G. SUYEEVA "We are looking for a klyaksu"

Plan lesson

1. Input part: 4 min

Creature problem situation

Creating a motive for children's activities

2. Main part: 13 minutes

Fine activity


Fine activity

3. Final part: 3 min

Evaluation of children and self-esteem

Summing up the classes

The duration of the lesson 20 min

Structure occupation

Parts of class

Input part

Creating a motive for children's activities

Children fit the teacher's table. In the hands of the teacher, a coating tube.

- What do you think for what is she needed? (children's responses)

Teacher drinks from the tube, makes a storm in a glass, letters bubble, just blowing ...

Imagine, and I can draw with the help of a tube. Do you know how? (children's responses)the educator brings to ensure that the children ask them to teach.

Sit on your jobs.

2. Main part

Guys Drawing with a tube is a non-traditional drawing equipment, and it is called kleaxography.

With the help of the Cocktail tubes, we will blow the drawing, and that you will succeed depends on you. You take a brush, make it in the water, then in the paint and drip on paper, it turned out to be a little blossom. Brush remove to the side. Now, with the help of the tube, we inflate a blossom and get a pattern. All will be your pattern, unique. The teacher demonstrates the drawing process.

In the meantime, your blots will dry, I propose to make a fideline.

Fizminutka. "Clock"

Tik-so, tick-like -

All the clock go like this:

Tick-like. (Tilt the heads to one, then to another shoulder.)

See soon, what time is it:

Tick-like, tick-so, tick-like. (Rash in the tact of the pendulum.)

Left - once, right - times

We can also so. (Feet together, hands on the belt. At the expense of "Once" head tilt to the right shoulder, then to the left, like watch.)

Tick-so, tick-like.

Your patterns were dried, look carefully on your drawing. Who sees what? You can draw using a conventional drawing brush. Fantasize guys, feel free to.

Your work is ready, carry them on the loss table.

3. Final part

Guys, what interesting W. Work you turned out.

The teacher asks for children to tell what they drew.

Then I am interested in children, what work did you like most and why.
Guys, what you today well done! You great bottled! Tell me, A. what we from you today did you do? (Answers children)

how and than we didked ? (Answers children) as called technique that we used in his work?

And who will say, for why we painted with your cocktails?

I see that you all learned to draw in this technique.

You are big great!

Thank you you!