Scientific organization of labor.

Scientific organization of labor.

Introduction …………………………………………………… .. ………………… .3
Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of the organization of labor of personnel …… ..… .5
1.1. The concept, elements and directions of the organization of labor of personnel ... .. ... 5
1.2. Modern approaches to assessing the efficiency of labor organization ... 12
Chapter 2. The essence and specifics of the organization of labor of civil servants …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 16
2.1. Content and principles of labor organization of civil servants …………………………………………………………………… 16
2.2. Distinctive features of the organization of labor of civil servants ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 21
Conclusion ……………………………………………………… .. ………… ..25
Bibliographic list …………………… .. ……………. …………… 28
Appendices …………………………………………………… .. …………… .31


The relevance of the topic is justified by the fact that in the modern world for most enterprises, the most important task is the effective use of human resources. The management staff are faced with questions about the formation of production units, their provision with highly qualified personnel who clearly see their goals in achieving production efficiency and the competitiveness of products and services in the market. The main role in this is played by the correct organization of labor and management at the enterprise. A careful approach to the organization of labor and management makes it possible to obtain a high-quality workforce, which, in turn, guarantees the efficiency of the enterprise. In turn, in relation to the organization of work of civil servants, the problem under study also acquires additional relevance. This fact is due to the need to find an optimal system for organizing personnel labor, taking into account the specifics of state and municipal management. For these reasons, the relevance of a comprehensive study of the content of labor organization is increasing, taking into account the specifics of the organization of labor of civil servants.
The degree of elaboration of the problem. In domestic and foreign literature, important theoretical and practical issues of labor economics are raised and studied, the terminological and conceptual apparatus of the theory of organization and management of labor is clarified, and appropriate methodological approaches are developed. However, the direct problem of the development of the organization of labor, taking into account the specifics of public service, as a theoretical direction is not concretized. Certain aspects of the problem under study were disclosed in monographs and publications of the following authors: A.V. Nikolsky, M.A. Dzhabrailova, L. Vlasova, M.N. Burtseva, V.P. Bardovsky, N.V. Zakharkina, A.O. Makarova, A. Sh. Galimova, A.V. Guseva, S.M. Zhukova, E.A. Smurygina, I.I. Kakadiy, E.N. Smolentseva and others.
The relevance and level of elaboration of the problem of organizing the work of personnel determined the choice of the topic and the setting of the goal and objectives of the study.
The aim of the work is to study the theoretical foundations and specifics of the organization of labor in the public service.
The implementation of this goal required the solution of the following tasks:
- to explore the concept, elements and directions of the organization of labor of personnel;
- to identify modern approaches to assessing the efficiency of labor organization;
- to characterize the content and principles of labor organization of civil servants;
- to study the distinctive features of the organization of labor of civil servants.
The object of the research is the organization of personnel labor.
The subject of the research is the organization of personnel labor in the system of state and municipal administration.
The methodological basis of the work was the methods of comparative, systemic, analysis, general scientific research methods.
Course work on the topic: "Organization of personnel labor" consists of an introduction, two chapters, four paragraphs, a conclusion, a list of sources and applications.


1. Anisimov, V.M. HR service and personnel management: practical. the personnel officer's manual / V.M. Anisimov - M .: Economics, 2014 .-- P. 405.
2. Bazarov, T.Yu. Personnel management / T.Yu. Bazarov - M .: Academy, 2012 .-- 224 p.
3. Burtseva, M.N. Rational organization of labor and management as a factor in improving the efficiency of an enterprise / M.N. Burtsev, V.P. Bardovsky, N.V. Zakharkina // Fundamental research. - 2016. - No. 8-2. - S. 310-314.
4. Bukhalkov, M.I. Personnel management / M.I. Bukhalkov - M .: Infra-M, 2014 .-- 458 p.
5. Vesnin, V.R. Practical personnel management: A manual for personnel work / V.R. Vesnin - M .: Yurist, 2014 .-- 496 p.
6. Vlasova, L. Organization of labor / L. Vlasova // Internet magazine "We manage the enterprise" - №10 - 2013.
7. Genkin, B.M. Economics and sociology of labor / B.M. Genkin - M .: Norma, 2014 .-- 448 p.
8. Gusev, A.V. State civil service in the system of social organization of labor / A.V. Gusev // Russian legal journal. - 2012. - No. 5. - S. 183-190.
9. Dzhabrailov, M.A. Modern approaches to the organization of labor of the personnel of telecommunication companies / M.A. Dzhabrailov // FGBOU VPO "Tambov State University named after G. R. Derzhavin" - No. 10 - 2015. - P. 38-43.
10. Dobrolyubova, E.I. Strategic management of human resources in the public service as a tool for optimizing their number / E.I. Dobrolyubova // Questions of state and municipal management. - 2015. - No. 1. S. 124-140.
11. Zhukova, S.M. State civil service in the Russian Federation: monograph / S.M. Zhukov. - Orenburg: LLC IPK "University", 2014. - 116 p.
12. Zhulina, E. Economics and sociology of labor / E. Zhulina, N. Ivanova - M .: Infra-M, 2014. - 214 p.
13. Kibanov, A. Ya. Personnel management: textbook / A.Ya. Kibanov. - M .: INFRA-M, 2013 .-- 136 p.
14. Makarova, A.O. Actual problems of management and organization of labor in Russia / A.O. Makarova, A. Sh. Galimova // Young Scientist. - 2013. - No. 1. - S. 159-161.
15. Marenkov, N.L. Labor resources management / N.L. Marenkov - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2016 .-- 368 p.
16. Maslov, V.I. Strategic personnel management in the XXI century / V.I. Maslov - M .: Eksmo, 2014 .-- 216 p.
17. Maslova, V.M. Personnel management: textbook and workshop for an academic bachelor / V.M. Maslova - M .: Yurayt Publishing House, 2015 .-- 492 p.
18. Morgunov, E.M. Models and methods of personnel management / E.M. Morgunov - M .: CJSC Business-Cola "Intel-Sintez", 2013. - 452 p.
19. Nikolsky, A.V. Labor organization - the foundation of labor rationing / A.V. Nikolsky // Internet magazine "Science of Science" - Volume 7 - №4 - 2015.
20. Odegov, Yu.G. Evaluation of the effectiveness of work with personnel: a methodological approach / Yu.G. Odegov, K.Kh. Abdurakhmanov, L.R. Kotova - M .: Publishing house "Alfa-Press", 2015. - P. 60.
21. Svergun, O. HR-practice. Personnel management: as it really is / O. Svergun - SPb: Peter, 2014 .-- 234 p.
22. Smolentseva, E.N. Features of labor of civil servants / E.N. Smolentseva // Bulletin of the Chelyabinsk State University. - 2014. - No. 2 (331). - Issue. 9. - S. 100-102.
23. Smurygina, E.A. Basic principles of labor organization in the system of state and municipal management / E.A. Smurygin, I.I. Kakadiy // Scientific journal "Discourse". - 2017. - No. 2 (4). - S. 127-132.
24. Personnel management of the organization / Ed. AND I. Kibanova. - M .: INFRA-M, 2015 .-- 465 p.
25. Shkatulla, V.I. Personnel manager handbook / V.I. Shkatulla - M .: NORMA, 2015 .-- 312 p.

Overall volume: 32

Year: 2018

Scientific organization of labor- this is such an organization of work in which the practical implementation of specific measures is preceded by a thorough scientific analysis of labor processes and the conditions for their implementation, and the practical measures themselves are based on the achievements of modern science and best practice. In practice, NOT is designed to solve three main interrelated problems: economic, psychophysiological and social. Economic challenge consists in creating conditions for the production of competitive goods (the rational use of technology, materials and raw materials, which ensures the economy of living and materialized labor for the production of a unit of output, an increase in labor productivity, an improvement in the use of working time), an increase in production and an increase in profits. Psychophysiological task associated with the creation of the most favorable working conditions, ensuring the preservation of physical health and safety of people, maintaining a high level of their performance. Social challenge is aimed at increasing the degree of people's satisfaction with work, creating conditions that ensure the growth of their professional knowledge.

The content of NOT as a sphere of practical activity (many authors in this case talk about the organizational support of personnel activity) is determined by the 10 elements and directions that form it. Let's consider each of them: Labor activity of personnel ... The labor process is carried out in time and space. The object of the spatial application of labor is the workplace - this is the primary link in the production process, its organizational and technical basis. It is here that the combination of the three main elements of this process takes place and its main goal is achieved - a qualitative change in the subject of labor. Therefore, for the timely and high-quality execution of production tasks, each workplace must be organized in a certain way, in particular, it must be equipped with everything necessary, planned and maintained in accordance with the nature of the specific work. Scientific organization of labor. After the functional division of labor has been implemented and its cooperation has been thought out on the scale of the entire organization, it is necessary to make a deeper division and cooperation of labor within it - to divide labor between individual sections, workers, to arrange workers, to ensure the relationship and synchronization of their activities, to determine the rational organization of workers places. Target planning ... It includes the setting of long-term goals and the development of quantitative criteria, their achievement in the organization. Formation of life goals of employees for the next 5-10 years. Optimization of internal corporate goals, organization and life goals of employees according to the criterion of the quality of working life. Personal work technique ... Includes types of tools for personal work, time management technology based on key tasks, time planning, "elephant technique" and the achievement of goals. Organization of labor processes. Organizational support of labor activity involves the organization of labor processes, i.e. determination of techniques and methods with which a specific type of work can be performed. The study of work processes and the determination of the necessary expenditure of working time for its implementation allow us to identify and design the best methods and techniques of labor and rationally organize workplaces. Labor rationing ... Organizational support of personnel activities is impossible without defining a measure of labor, the means of establishing which is labor rationing. At the same time, rationing serves as a means of assessing various options for organizational support of personnel activities. Since any organizational change to one degree or another affects the cost of working time, labor rationing allows you to quantify these changes and choose the most rational option. Working and resting conditions ... An integral part of the organizational

ensuring the activities of personnel is the creation of working conditions. Working conditions are a significant factor that has a great influence on the health and performance of a person, his life expectancy. They are of great economic importance, since the efficiency of the implementation of labor processes depends on them. Improving working conditions also plays a large social role, increasing the attractiveness of work, fostering a creative attitude towards work. The results of the work of the personnel of the enterprise depend on the results of the work of each employee. Therefore, for joint activities of people, it is necessary to maintain a certain order (compliance with the beginning and end of work, regulated breaks, etc.), and in addition, a specific mechanism for maintaining

labor discipline. Social and labor relations ... At present, the term "social and labor relations" has entered into scientific circulation and is actively used, representing the relationship between employers, employees, trade unions and employment centers. Optimization of staff workload ... It has been established that a uniform workload of personnel affects the final results of production and reduces the loss of working time to 25% of the total fund. HR automation ... Provides for the use of software systems for planning, accounting, control and analysis of personnel work in order to facilitate routine work and increase the productivity of skilled labor. According to the above elements, there are also 10 directions of personnel labor organization. These directions are universal, they apply equally to all personnel. However, in relation to each specific category of personnel, these general directions are manifested in a specific form, determined by the characteristics of this type of work, functional duties of employees, etc. The tasks of improving and maintaining the existing, existing organizational relations are implemented through the scientific organization of labor.

49 (19) Division and cooperation of labor:the concept of division of labor, forms of division of labor (technological: operational, subject, detailed and functional: professional and qualification

Under division of labor at the enterprise is understood the delimitation of the activities of workers in the process of joint labor, their specialization in the implementation of a certain part of the joint work. Intra-production division of labor consists in the allocation of various types of work, which are partial production processes, and assigning them to certain workers in order to increase labor productivity based on accelerating the assimilation of labor skills by workers, specialization of tools and jobs, parallel execution of operations. The number of partial processes (types of work) is determined by the organizational and technical characteristics of the enterprise. The division of labor at the enterprise is simultaneously carried out in the following basic forms: technological (operational, subject, detailed); functional (professional, qualification). Technological division of labor is carried out on the basis of dividing the production process into stages (procurement, processing, assembly), redistributions, phases, partial technological processes and operations. Within the framework of the technological division of labor in relation to certain types of work, depending on the degree of differentiation of labor processes, the operational, detail and subject division of labor differs. Operational division of labor provides for the distribution and consolidation of operations of the technological process for individual workers, the placement of workers, ensuring their rational employment and optimal loading of equipment. This is achieved by deepening the specialization of workers, which contributes to a high level of labor productivity, the formation of a stable dynamic stereotype of performing labor techniques, the use of specialized equipment and tools, and the mechanization of labor processes. Subject division of labor provides for the assignment of a set of works to a specific contractor, allowing the complete manufacture of a product (for example, assembly of an electrical switch, electrical outlet). Detailed division assumes the assignment of the production of the finished part of the product or part to the contractor. Functional division of labor provides for the isolation of various types of labor activity and the performance of specific work by the appropriate groups of workers specializing in the performance of production or other functions that are different in content and economic significance. According to the functional division of labor, there is a division of all workers into main, engaged in the direct release of products or in the performance of basic work; auxiliary, who do not directly produce marketable products themselves, but provide with their labor the work of the main workers; serving, who by their labor create conditions for productive work of both main and auxiliary workers. Managers, specialists and employees are allocated into separate functional groups. Within the framework of the functional division of labor, professional and qualifying division of labor. The first is carried out depending on the professional specialization of workers and involves the performance of work at workplaces within a particular profession. Based on the volume of each type of these work, it is possible to determine the need for workers by profession, both for the enterprise as a whole and for its structural divisions. The qualifying division of labor is due to the varying complexity of work, requiring a certain level of knowledge and experience of workers. For each profession, the composition of operations or work of varying degrees of complexity is established, which are grouped according to the assigned tariff categories or qualification categories. On this basis, the number of employees for each profession is determined,

The division of labor is inextricably linked with its cooperation. The deeper the division of labor, the more important cooperation becomes.

Cooperation labora at the enterprise exists as an association of workers in the course of joint execution of a single process or a group of interrelated labor processes. Specific forms of labor cooperation are diverse, since they are inextricably linked with the organizational and technical characteristics of the enterprise. However, despite such a variety, it is customary to reduce them to three main forms - inter-workshop, intra-workshop and intra-division cooperation of labor. Interdepartmental cooperation is associated with the division of the production process between the shops and consists in the participation of the collectives of the shops in the general labor process for the enterprise for the manufacture of products. Intrashop cooperation consists in the interaction of individual structural divisions of workshops (sections, production lines). Intra-precinct cooperation consists in the interaction of individual workers in the process of joint labor or the organization of collective labor of workers united in teams.

56(26) Motivation to work as an element and function of personnel management

Motivation is the process of encouraging oneself and others to engage in activities aimed at achieving the personal and general goals of an organization. Or, motivation (as a mechanism) is an internal mental mechanism of a person, which provides identification of an object that can satisfy a need and triggers directed behavior to acquire this object. Therefore, it is not entirely correct to talk about the motivation of a person or staff on the part of the organization's management. We can talk about organizing or managing the motivation (motivational processes) of a person or staff.

The main potential of an enterprise (organization) lies in its employees. No matter how great ideas, the latest technologies, the most favorable external conditions exist, it is impossible to achieve high efficiency without well-trained personnel. It is the people who do the work, submit ideas and enable the enterprise to exist.
Without people, there can be no organization, without qualified personnel, no organization can achieve its goals. Human resource management deals with people and their relationships within the organization.

The implementation of both strategic tasks and goals and short-term plans of any organization involves the implementation of certain actions by its personnel, the totality of which can be called production behavior. The main meaning and purpose of personnel management of an enterprise (organization) is to ensure the behavior of each employee required to achieve organizational goals. The effectiveness of the use of human resources in an organization depends both on the ability or potential of employees and on their willingness to work, i.e. on the level of labor motivation.

ensure that employees are motivated to work in a given organization, therefore, labor motivation is a central, strategic function in personnel management, and any manager of an organization knows from his own experience that for the long-term success of any enterprise, the most important thing is the desire of the organization's employees to work productively, with full dedication.


One of the most important areas of ensuring the social orientation of the market economy is a rationally structured work organization at all levels of management. Work organized on a scientific basis is the leading factor in the growth of its productivity and reduction of production costs - the basis for ensuring the competitiveness of economic entities of a market economy.

The formation of an effective system of labor organization that meets the requirements of a market economy requires an analysis of the factors of its development.

The problems of labor protection affect many aspects of the life and activities of labor collectives, the organization of production and labor, the organization of production management, is of a multifaceted and multifaceted nature. The difficulty lies in the fact that a solution must be provided at every stage of the production process, at every production site, at every workplace. The creation of a fundamentally new, safe and harmless to humans equipment and technology requires a systematic, integrated approach to solving the problems of labor protection.

Health and safe working conditions are ensured by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which regulates labor relations between workers and employees and contains mandatory labor protection standards. Guided by this Code, rules for safety and industrial sanitation are being developed.

The object of study of the course project is the Tyumen Research Center, the scope of which includes the preparation of project documents, the formation of programs of geological and technological measures for subsidiaries of TNK-BP, solving the problems of supporting the development of oil and gas fields and its improvement, interpretation of the results of seismic exploration and expertise reports of contractors in the seismic part of the exploration of new deposits.

The subject of the research is the organization of labor at the Tyumen Research Center of TNK-BP.

Objectives of the course project:

-determination of the essence and the need to improve the organization of personnel labor;

-justification of the choice of personnel, the state of the organization of work of which it is advisable to investigate (category of personnel, employees of a particular section of a large organization);

substantiation of economic, social, psychophysiological criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the organization of personnel labor;

analysis and assessment of the effectiveness of the existing labor organization of the selected category of personnel (the system of production relationships, the techniques and methods of work used, the standards of work performance, working conditions, the state of labor rationing, the use of working time, provision of the necessary resources, the conformity of the nomenclature and quantity of equipment, other technical means, including those related to the reception and transmission of information, the nature of the work performed, etc.);

substantiation of measures aimed at improving the organization of the workforce;

development of a draft regulatory and methodological documentation governing the organization of personnel labor;

-assessment of the economic and social efficiency of the project to improve the organization of personnel labor.

1. Methodological aspects of assessing the level of labor organization of the personnel of the enterprise

At the enterprise, it is customary to distinguish between three types of organizational activities:

Labour Organization;

organization of production;

organization of management.

The organization of labor in a broad sense is the process of streamlining the elements of labor processes. The enterprise distinguishes the following main directions of labor organization: division and cooperation of labor; design of work processes, workplaces, systems for their maintenance, work and rest regimes; creation of favorable sanitary and hygienic, psychological and social working conditions; formation of efficient labor collectives (including brigades).

Systems of organization and regulation of labor are developed on the basis of principles that are determined by the fundamental provisions of economic theory and sociology. The most important of these principles are: efficiency; complexity; consistency; objectivity, concreteness, dynamism; legitimacy; positive attitude of employees towards the enterprise.

The principle of efficiency expresses the need to establish the organization and labor standards at which the required production results are achieved with the minimum total cost of labor, material, energy and information resources.

The principle of complexity expresses the need to take into account the relationship between technical, economic, psychological, social and legal factors affecting the organization and labor standards.

The principle of consistency means that the organization and labor standards at the enterprise must correspond to the final results of production and take into account the relationship between the costs of resources at all stages of the production process.

The principle of objectivity expresses the need to create equal opportunities for all employees of the enterprise to comply with the norms. In particular, this means the need to organize and rate work, taking into account the group differentiation of employees by gender and age, which is especially important when rate setting the work of students, young employees and persons of pre-retirement age.

The principle of concreteness means that the organization and labor standards must correspond to the parameters of the manufactured products, objects and means of labor, its conditions, the type of production and other objective characteristics that, for a given accuracy of calculations, affect the amount of necessary labor and other resources.

The principle of dynamism follows from the principle of concreteness and expresses the objective need to change the organization and labor standards with a significant change in production conditions for a given accuracy of calculations.

The principle of legitimacy expresses the need for strict observance of laws and other legal acts in the organization and regulation of labor.

The principle of a positive attitude of workers to the enterprise means the need to create such a system of organization, regulation and remuneration of labor, which ensures an overall positive attitude of workers towards the functions performed, the social environment and the enterprise as a whole. This principle can also be called the principle of job satisfaction.

The differentiation of activities is carried out by groups of industries: agriculture and forestry, mining, construction, manufacturing, transport, communications, trade, etc. Further differentiation is taking place in individual industries and sub-sectors.

Modern enterprises can be both diversified, i.e. producing a wide range of products, as well as specialized in individual products or services. Large enterprises have a complex structure characterized by the division of labor between production units and groups of personnel.

According to Bazarov T.Yu, the main types of division of labor at the enterprise are: functional, technological, subject, professional and qualification.

According to the functions performed at the enterprise, four main groups of personnel are distinguished: managers, specialists (engineers, economists, lawyers, etc.), workers and apprentices.

The technological division of labor is due to the separation of stages of the production process and types of work. In accordance with the peculiarities of the technology of manufacturing products at the enterprise, workshops and sections of the enterprise are created.

Subject division of labor involves the specialization of production units and employees in the manufacture of certain types of products (mosaics, tiles, tiles).

The professional division of labor is characterized by the knowledge and skills necessary to perform a certain type of work. The composition of the professions is mainly determined by the technology and the equipment used.

The qualifying division of labor is determined by the difference in work complexity. This, in turn, also determines different periods for training personnel to perform the corresponding functions. The complexity of the work performed is the most important factor in the differentiation of wages. For a quantitative assessment of the qualifications of personnel, the categories of the wage scale are used, which includes 17-25 categories in various countries.

Based on the functional, technological and subject division of labor, professions and skill levels are formed. Thus, at the enterprise, the professional and qualification division of labor can be considered as secondary in relation to the functional, technological and substantive.

The choice of forms of division of labor is determined, first of all, by the type of production. When choosing the most effective level of differentiation of the production process, the technical, psychological, social and economic boundaries of the division of labor are taken into account.

Technical boundaries are determined by the capabilities of equipment, tools, fixtures, requirements for consumer qualities of products.

Psychological boundaries are determined by the capabilities of the human body, the requirements for maintaining health and working capacity. The need to take into account psychophysiological boundaries is due to the fact that a high degree of specialization causes monotony of work, which leads to unfavorable consequences for workers. As a result of the research, it was found that the duration of the repetitive elements of the work should not be less than 45 s; the work must be designed so that at least five to six human muscle groups are involved.

Social boundaries are determined by the requirements for the content of labor, its necessary diversity, opportunities for the development of professional knowledge and skills.

Economic boundaries characterize the impact of the division of labor on the economic results of production, in particular on the total costs of labor and material resources.

The division of labor presupposes its cooperation. It is carried out at all levels: from a workplace where several workers can work, to the country's economy and the world economy as a whole. At the enterprise, the most significant problems of labor cooperation are associated with the organization of teams.

The concept of "working conditions" is used to designate the parameters of the working environment that affect the health and performance of employees of the enterprise. Working conditions at an enterprise are determined by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Art.209), which enshrines the concept of working conditions as follows:

Working conditions - a set of factors of the working environment and the labor process that affect the performance and health of the employee.

Harmful production factor is a production factor, the impact of which on an employee can lead to his illness.

Hazardous production factor is a production factor, the impact of which on an employee can lead to his injury.

Safe working conditions - working conditions under which exposure to harmful and (or) hazardous production factors is excluded or the levels of their exposure do not exceed the established standards.

The working environment is characterized by sanitary and hygienic working conditions (temperature, noise, illumination, dustiness, gas pollution, vibration, etc.), labor safety, work and rest regime. Based on the characteristics of the production process and the production environment, compensations can be established to neutralize the adverse effects of production factors on the body of workers.

In Art. 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation defines the obligations of the employer to ensure safe conditions and labor protection. In particular, the employer is obliged to ensure: “the safety of employees during the operation of buildings, structures, equipment, the implementation of technological processes, as well as tools, raw materials and materials used in the production; use of means of individual and collective protection of workers; working conditions corresponding to labor protection requirements at each workplace; the work and rest regime of employees in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

purchase and issuance of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment, washing and neutralizing agents, at their own expense, in accordance with the established standards to workers engaged in work with harmful and (or) hazardous working conditions, as well as in work performed in special temperature conditions or associated with pollution; training in safe methods and techniques for performing work on labor protection and first aid in case of accidents at work, instruction on labor protection, internship at the workplace and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements, safe methods and techniques for performing work; non-admission to work of persons who have not undergone training and instruction in labor protection in accordance with the established procedure, training and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements; organization of control over the state of working conditions at workplaces, as well as over the correct use of personal and collective protective equipment by employees; certification of workplaces for working conditions with subsequent certification of work on labor protection in the organization; non-admission of employees to the performance of their labor duties without undergoing mandatory medical examinations (examinations), as well as in the case of medical contraindications; informing employees about working conditions and labor protection at workplaces, about the existing risk of damage to health and the compensations and personal protective equipment due to them;

taking measures to prevent accidents, preserve the life and health of workers in the event of such situations, including providing first aid to victims; compulsory social insurance of employees against industrial accidents and occupational diseases; familiarization of employees with labor protection requirements; development and approval, taking into account the opinion of an elected trade union or other body authorized by employees, of instructions on labor protection for employees; the presence of a set of regulatory legal acts containing labor protection requirements in accordance with the specifics of the organization's activities. "

The parameters of the production process and the production environment characterize the technical, sanitary and hygienic and psychophysiological aspects of working conditions. In modern enterprises, significant attention has also begun to be paid to the ethical, aesthetic and socio-psychological aspects of labor. An integrated approach to the analysis of the impact of labor on a person in the English-language literature began to be denoted by the concept of quality of work life. The literal translation of this expression into Russian - the quality of working life - although it is sometimes used in Russian literature, seems to us not very successful. The working conditions at the enterprise can be characterized in two aspects.

The quality of the working environment is the degree of compliance of the sanitary and hygienic working conditions with state standards. This indicator characterizes working conditions in the narrow sense of the word.

The quality of working conditions (in the broad sense of the word) is the degree of compliance with international and Russian standards of technical, sanitary and hygienic, aesthetic, social, economic and other characteristics of an enterprise that affect the health of employees and their social well-being.

There is reason to believe that the term “quality of working conditions” more accurately expresses the meaning of what is defined in the English-language literature by the term quality of work life.

An important indicator of working conditions is its severity and intensity. The severity of labor determines the total impact of all factors of the labor process on the body of workers. Labor intensity is characterized by the amount of human energy expended per unit of working time.

The main factors affecting the intensity of labor at the enterprise include:

the degree of employment of the employee during the working day;

the rate of labor, i.e. the number of work movements per unit of time;

the efforts required when performing work, which depend on the mass - the items being moved, the characteristics of the equipment, the organization of work;

the number of serviced objects (machines, workplaces, etc.);

the size and weight of objects of labor;

the size of batches of workpieces;

specialization of the workplace;

sanitary and hygienic working conditions;

forms of relationships in production teams.

Methods for assessing the intensity and severity of labor take into account:

energy costs of workers;

pace of work;

employee views on the degree of fatigue;

psychophysiological characteristics of fatigue.

These indicators should be applied taking into account the characteristics of the analyzed work. In particular, measuring the cost of physiological energy and the pace of work cannot be used to assess the intensity of mental work. When analyzing the severity of labor at an enterprise, one proceeds from the degree of employee fatigue, assessed both subjectively (based on interviews with personnel) and objectively (based on an analysis of psychophysiological characteristics). It is also necessary to take into account factors, the influence of which does not appear immediately (radioactive radiation, carcinogens, etc.).

The medical aspects of working conditions are set out in the document: “Hygienic criteria, assessment and classification of working conditions in terms of hazard and hazard factors of the working environment, the severity and intensity of the labor process. Guideline R 2.2.755-99 "(Moscow: Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, 2009). The scientific foundations for establishing indicators of the working environment are considered in works on physiology, psychology and labor protection.

Based on the information presented above, it can be concluded that the formation of the production environment at the enterprise is carried out taking into account the characteristics of the technology and differences in the employees of the enterprise by gender, age, health status, qualifications, psychological and social characteristics. Systems of recommendations and normative materials of varying degrees of generality and obligation have been developed (recommendations of the International Labor Organization, national, sectoral, regional, factory norms), which should be used in the design of working conditions. In particular, enterprises take into account restrictions on the participation of women in a number of industries with harmful working conditions (metallurgical, chemical, mining enterprises); by the maximum mass of transported goods (for men and women); on permissible levels of radioactivity, dustiness, gas content, noise, vibration, etc.

2. Research of the level of labor organization of the personnel of the enterprise

.1 Characteristics of the elements of the organization of labor of the enterprise

personnel organization labor

Let us consider the level of labor organization on the example of a specific enterprise - the enterprise LLC "TNNTs". Tyumen TNNTs is a powerful research structure, irreplaceable in the development of natural resources of Russia, work in a scientific center is very prestigious, but specific - these are experts in geology and seismic exploration, petrophysics, doctors and candidates of sciences in the field of geological exploration and oil refining.

The Tyumen Petroleum Research Center (hereinafter referred to as TNNTs) performs work for more than 100 TNK-BP fields in Western and Eastern Siberia and the Volga-Ural region, and the TNNTs core storage facility stores more than 80 thousand linear meters of rock samples collected from TNK-BP fields according to all over Russia.

The head office of TNNTs LLC is located in the Tyumen business center Owental Tower, where it occupies about 90% of office space. The Tyumen Petroleum Research Center is a part of the TNK-BP oil company as an oil production enterprise of the TNNTs.

The constituent document of TNNTs LLC is the Charter of the Company that meets the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

LLC "TNNTs" carries out the following activities:

Production of building materials - ceramic and facing tiles, tiles for baths and jacuzzi, various types of putties; paints and varnishes used in construction;

Trade and commercial activity;

Development of new industries.

In the conditions of the formation of market relations, enterprises that have received the right to independently resolve the issues of organizing wages use various models and approaches for this. However, there is no databank on foreign experience in this area and on domestic in-house models of labor remuneration, which is just being formed, employees of the department of labor and wages organization, as a rule, do not have sufficient knowledge to choose the optimal model of remuneration for labor at their enterprise.

The main elements of the organization of labor remuneration at TNNTs LLC are: labor rationing, tariff system, forms and systems of wages. Each element has a strictly defined purpose.

The main forms of labor organization. Depending on the nature and volume of work performed and the tools used at the same time, the TNNTs enterprise uses various forms of labor organization, the main of which are:

individual, in which one worker is employed at the workplace;

brigade, in which a group (brigade) of workers is simultaneously occupied at one workplace.

The enterprise also uses the most progressive varieties of these forms of labor organization:

multi-station work, when one worker (or a group of them) simultaneously serves several pieces of equipment (machines, apparatus, etc.);

combination of professions, when one or another worker (or their group) performs a number of functions that are usually performed by workers of other specialties (professions);

complex brigades, in which a group (brigade) of workers of different specialties (profession) and qualifications is employed at one workplace.

The basis for the formation of tariff scales at the present time at LLC "TNNTs" is the analytical method of evaluating work. This method assumes the analysis of works according to the following important criteria:

special knowledge and skills (qualification required) - professional education, work experience, requirements for mental abilities;

load - the impact of work on the human body;

responsibility - material responsibility, responsibility for personnel in the production process, responsibility for maintaining production secrets;

working conditions - the impact of the environment in the production process, including the safety of the workplace.

Additional payments for working conditions. Unfavorable working conditions, if it is practically impossible to improve, at the enterprise are compensated for the employee primarily by increasing the time of rest, additional free meals at work, preventive and therapeutic measures. If this is not enough, additional payments are introduced to tariff rates based on certification of workplaces and labor processes according to existing methods. Shift surcharges are established for work in the evening and night shifts. Additional payments for the level of employment during a shift are introduced mainly for multi-tool operators, adjusters and maintenance personnel.

The administration of the enterprise has the right to set the shift time of the employee within the standard time. The combination of various types of activity, if for each of them the load is insufficient, is a necessary element of a normally organized production. Additional payments are established not for the fact of combining professions (functions), but for the ratio between the normative and actual levels of employment.

Allowances. Increases for productivity above the norm in the form of piecework extra work at TNNTs LLC may occur if the reason for the overfulfillment of the norms was the employee's ability to do this work, exceeding the average level. Violations of technology and safety precautions, excessive labor intensity, erroneous norms cannot be considered an objective basis for getting piecework extra work.

Prizes. There are two main types of bonuses at TNNTs LLC:

for high-quality and timely performance of work;

) for the personal creative contribution of the employee to the overall result of the activities of the unit and the enterprise.

The enterprise introduced premiums to pay at the tariff from the effect, which will be realized at all workplaces where the innovation is introduced, and the amount of the rationalizers' earnings is greater. The payment of the bonus is closely related to the quality of the work performed, therefore the employee receives a reward for the quality and the enterprise ultimately produces better products.

Social payments (benefits). Social payments at the enterprise are carried out according to the following items: 1) transport; 2) medical care and medicines; 3) vacation; 4) food during work; 5) advanced training of employees of the company; 6) insurance the lives of employees and their families; 7) membership in clubs; 8) out-of-town trips and picnics; 9) consulting on legal, financial and other problems; 10) savings funds; 11) other expenses.

The form of labor remuneration at TNNTs LLC characterizes the ratio between the cost of working time, labor productivity and the amount of earnings. At the investigated enterprise, two main forms of remuneration are used: time-based and piece-rate.

Time-based is the form of payment in which the amount of earnings is proportional to the actual hours worked.

In the case of a piece-rate form of remuneration, employees' wages are charged at predetermined rates for each unit of work performed or manufactured products. Piecework wages stimulate, first of all, the improvement of volumetric, quantitative indicators of work. Therefore, it is used in production areas with a predominance of manual or machine-manual labor: it is in these conditions that it is possible to take into account the quantity and quality of products produced, to ensure an increase in the volume of production and the validity of the established labor standards.

Table 2.1. Composition and structure of FZP in TNNTs LLC in 2012, thousand rubles

Indicator The reporting year Absolute deviation of the plan fact Working: 65 810.871 785.6 + 5 974.8 Including: pieceworkers 41 319.346 828.2 + 5 508.9 Recipients 24 491.524 957.4 + 465.9 ITR: 51 082.452 537.4 + 1 454.6V t. h .: managers21 859.123 117.0 + 1 258.1 Specialists 28 989.629 183.2 + 193.6 Employees 233.7236.6 + 2.9 Total for 116 893.2124 322.6 + 7 429.4

Absolute savings or cost overruns in workers' wages may result from changes in the average wage per worker or changes in the average number of workers.

Table 2.2. Composition of the average annual salary in TNNTs LLC in 2012, thousand rubles

Indicator The reporting year Absolute deviation of the plan fact Working: 99.1107.1 + 8.0 Including: pieceworkers 108.4121.3 + 12.9 Recipients 86.587.9 + 1.4 ITE: 178.6183.1 + 4.5 Including: managers 204.3224.4 + 20.1 Specialists 165.6 163.0-2.6 Employees 58.447.3-11.1 Total 124.1 129.9 + 5.8

Salaries for specialists and employees of TNNTs LLC are established on the basis of certification in accordance with the job requirements and personal qualities of the employee. For managers, a tariff-free, contractual remuneration system is increasingly used. The system of remuneration for employees of a specific subdivision of TNNTs LLC is developed by specialists of the labor organization department based on the listed conditions and requirements. The main requirement for the remuneration system is the objectivity and consent of the employee with the form of payment established for him. The higher the level of specialization of workers, the more fund-forming factors should be taken into account.

In OOO TNNTs, there is an absolute overspending on the wages fund of all personnel in the amount of 7,429.4 thousand rubles, which is 6.3% of the planned wages fund.

Table 2.3. Calculation of absolute savings and cost overruns in OOO TNNTs in 2012, thousand rubles.

Indicator The total amount of absolute deviation Including due to changes in the number of deviations from the average wages Total for the enterprise + 7 429.4 + 891.6 + 6 537.8 Workers: +5 974.8 + 713.0 + 5 261.8 Including: pieceworkers +5 508.9 + 626.5 + 4 882.4 modernizers + 465.9 + 86.5 + 379.4 ITD: +1 454.6 + 178.6 + 1,276.0 Including: managers + 1,258 , 1-539.0 + 1797.1 specialists + 193.6 + 659.2-465.6 employees + 2.9 + 58.4-55.5

A more detailed analysis of the use of the wage bill shows that there is an overspending due to the planned number of employees. In this regard, an absolute cost overrun was obtained for the wages fund of workers (by 713 thousand rubles), including pieceworkers (626.5 thousand rubles) and time workers (by 86.5 thousand rubles), specialists (by 659 thousand rubles). 2 thousand rubles) and employees (by 58.4 thousand rubles). And also the absolute savings due to the payroll of managers for 539 thousand rubles.

The remuneration system is annually adjusted based on its focus on high quality work, efficiency and timeliness of their implementation, achievement of the goals set for the employee and the organization in accordance with its mission.

The structure of income depends on the form of ownership of the organization, its size and age, innovative development, stability of functioning. An employee's income structure is determined by a specific situation.

In TNNTs LLC, norms and standards are established with the aim of:

  1. avoidance of unnecessary waste of resources;
  2. ensuring the established mode of operation of the enterprise;
  3. avoidance of deviations from the specified characteristics of the products;
  4. compliance with normal working conditions and environmental protection;

5) creation of databases for planning the activities of the enterprise.

Labor rationing at TNNTs LLC is the establishment of scientifically grounded labor costs and its results: norms of time, number, controllability of service, output, standardized tasks. Without this, it is impossible to take into account the amount of labor, the individual contribution of each employee to the overall results.

A certain person is responsible for observing and adjusting each standard: a worker, foreman, engineer, economist, head of a workshop or department. Typically, to enhance the role of standards, staff wages are linked (to varying degrees) to the level of compliance. Sometimes it is completely determined by the standards, for example, with piecework and lump-sum forms of remuneration. In accordance with the objects and tasks of standardization, TNNTs LLC basically has a grouping of norms and standards by the scope of application and by objects of standardization.

In terms of the scope of application, the regulatory framework is divided into:

norms established on the basis of state and industry standards and requirements;

subject, detailed and operational standards.

According to the objects of rationing, the regulatory framework is classified according to labor, material and financial resources.

Labor standards and regulations include:

the standard of labor intensity of marketable products, defined, as a rule, as the number of employees per 1 thousand rubles. marketable products of the enterprise (person / rub.);

the standard of wages in the full cost of production (coefficient);

the rate of expenditure of working time (in hours or minutes for one radio, part, assembly, product, type of product, type of work) to perform a given amount of work at a given technical and organizational level of production. This type of norms is the initial, basic one. Other types of labor standards are defined as being derived from the norms of the time;

production rate (productivity) - the amount of products in physical or value terms, manufactured per unit of time. The reciprocal of the time-norm;

the rate of the total labor intensity of a unit of production - reflects the labor costs of all categories of industrial and production personnel for the manufacture of a unit of production (hour / piece, etc.).

Official salaries regulate the level of remuneration of managers, specialists, employees by differentiating their monthly salaries in accordance with the category or contractual agreement.

The norms and standards of labor costs and wages at TNNTs LLC are used in the calculations:

the number of employees;

labor productivity;

wage fund (wages);

cost of production and other indicators.

The headcount ratio is a predetermined calculated value that determines the number of employees to perform a unit of a specific work or service a specific facility.

The number of employees should be distinguished from the number of employees.

Table 2.4. Calculation of staffing requirements for the planned year

Personnel category Reporting year Planned year Headcount rate per 1 kg of product Headcount rate per 1 kg of production Headcount Key workers 1.3213591.321359 Auxiliary workers0.66170.6617 Managers0.1681730.151156Specialists0.383910.3824250.0255-92541

Labor standards and standards in a number of cases are the starting point for calculating the production capacity of enterprises and calculating the calendar-planning standards used in operational scheduling, especially in areas where manual labor is used.

The organization of a workplace is a set of measures aimed at creating at the workplace all the necessary conditions for highly productive work, at increasing its meaningfulness and protecting the health of the worker. It includes: the choice of rational specialization of the workplace and its equipping with equipment, rigging and inventory; creating comfortable working conditions; rational planning; uninterrupted service of the workplace for all functions.

The organization and maintenance of workplaces largely depend on the type of production. In LLC "TNNTs" jobs prevail where a large number of technological operations are performed. These workplaces are equipped with specialized equipment, rigging and tools.

According to the professional affiliation of TNNTs employees, jobs are allocated for the main workers and auxiliary workers, engineers and employees. According to the mechanical equipment, there are manual, mechanized and automated work places.

At automated workstations, the entire technological process is carried out without the direct participation of the worker, who retain only service functions (control, adjustment, repair, supply and removal of parts).

The equipment of workplaces is determined by their production profile, specialization, the degree of mechanization and automation of technological processes. The set of equipment for the workplace at TNNTs LLC includes:

main technological equipment (molding presses, mixers);

auxiliary equipment (lifting and transporting, stands, seats); - inventory (tool cabinets, bedside tables, shelves, racks, etc.);

containers for blanks and finished parts (boxes, pallets, cassettes, racks, containers);

technological equipment and tools (clamping and locating devices, keys, cutting and measuring tools);

organizational equipment (communication and signaling devices, tablets for documentation);

labor protection devices, sanitary and hygienic and cultural and household devices (fences, protective screens, industrial ventilation and lighting, industrial waste collection devices, interior items).

Equipping with auxiliary equipment (lifting and transporting, roller tables, slides, tilters, etc.) in addition to general shop devices is carried out taking into account the production profile of the workplace, analysis of labor and technological processes.

One of the issues of organizing workplaces at TNNTs LLC is their rational layout. The layout of the workplace is understood as the rational spatial arrangement of all material elements of production at the workplace (equipment, technological and organizational equipment, inventory, etc.), which ensures the economical use of the production area, high-performance and safe work of the worker. Distinguish between external and internal layout of workplaces.

The external layout is the appropriate placement of the main and auxiliary equipment, inventory and organizational equipment at the workplace. It is designed taking into account the working and auxiliary space (zone).

Working area - an area of ​​three-dimensional space, limited by the reach of the hands in the horizontal and vertical planes, taking into account the rotation of the body by 180 ° and the movement of the worker by one or two steps. Tools and objects of labor that are constantly used in work are located here.

Rational internal layout of the workplace is a reasonable placement of technological equipment and tools in the tool cabinet, the correct arrangement of workpieces and parts at the workplace. It should provide a comfortable working posture, short and low-fatigue labor movements, uniform and, if possible, simultaneous performance of labor movements with both hands. The design of a rational internal layout at the enterprise is carried out taking into account the reach of the worker's hands, which is a section of three-dimensional space, limited by the trajectories of the worker's hands in the horizontal and vertical planes.

To efficiently complete production tasks, each workplace needs various types of services - delivery of materials and workpieces, adjustment and repair of equipment, etc. Combinations of various types of services form a system of servicing workplaces, sites and workshops. This is a set of ongoing activities that regulate the types, volumes, frequency and methods of performing auxiliary and service work to provide jobs with everything necessary for high-performance labor.

staff manager labor

2.2 Calculation of indicators reflecting the level of organization of labor of personnel

Labor productivity is an indicator of the economic efficiency of workers' labor activity. It is determined by the ratio of the quantity of products or services produced to the cost of labor, i.e. production per unit of labor input. The development of society and the level of well-being of all its members depend on the level and dynamics of labor productivity. Moreover, the level of labor productivity determines both the mode of production and even the socio-political system itself.

Labor productivity is a dynamic indicator. It is constantly changing under the influence of many reasons and factors. Some of them contribute to an increase in labor productivity, while others can cause it to decline. In addition, the conditions in which the labor process takes place also affect the level and dynamics of labor productivity. Conditions either enhance the effect of one factor or another, if they are favorable, or weaken it.

For example, natural and climatic conditions significantly affect the results of labor and its productivity in agriculture. Social conditions associated with the forms of ownership of the means of production and with production relations can also, other things being equal, have a significant impact on labor productivity.

The average annual output of one employee is equal to the product of the following factors:

where is the average annual output of 1 employee;

The proportion of workers;

The number of days worked;

Working hours, hours;

Hourly output of workers, thousand rubles

With the growth of labor productivity, real prerequisites are created for increasing the level of labor remuneration. At the same time, funds for labor remuneration must be used in such a way that the growth rate of labor productivity outstrips the growth rate of its payment.

The main indicator characterizing the performance of personnel is the indicator of labor productivity. The difference between performance and efficiency is that performance is measured in physical terms.

Labor productivity characterizes the efficiency, effectiveness of labor costs and is determined by the amount of products produced per unit of working time (output), or labor costs per unit of products produced or work performed (labor intensity).

To assess the level of labor productivity in the analysis, a system of generalizing, partial and auxiliary indicators is used.

Generalizing indicators include the average annual, average daily, average hourly output of one worker, as well as the average annual output of one worker.

The level and dynamics of labor productivity is influenced by many factors; factors are called driving forces or reasons under the influence of which labor productivity changes. Some of them contribute to its increase, others can cause a decrease. The first group of factors includes everything that is associated with an increase in the productive power of labor, an improvement in the organization of labor and production and the social conditions of life of workers; to the second - the unfavorable influence of natural conditions, shortcomings in the organization of production and labor, the negative influence of negative elements of the social situation.

So, the efficiency of labor is determined by its productivity in their close relationship, which must be constantly taken into account when determining the factors and reserves for the growth of labor productivity.

2.3 Identification of shortcomings in the organization of labor of personnel

The tasks of safety measures at the enterprise "TNNTs" LLC are to study the features of production and service processes, analyze the causes of accidents and occupational diseases, and develop specific measures to prevent them. Fire fighting technology helps to implement measures to prevent and extinguish fires and develop effective ways to extinguish them.

Traditional methods of ensuring labor safety, improving its conditions do not correspond to the modern level of production development, are ineffective. Their most significant shortcomings include: lack of a systematic approach to the organization of labor protection in production; low level of information support for labor protection tasks; lack of scientifically grounded methods of control, analysis and comprehensive assessment of the state of labor protection; imperfection of the used criteria and methods of moral and material incentives for work in the field of labor protection; low efficiency of preventive measures, irrational planning and distribution of funds for labor protection.

Labor protection at TNNTs LLC is a set of economic, organizational and legal measures to ensure the safety of workers in production processes.

The main method of labor protection at TNNTs LLC is the use of a safety system. Safety engineering solves three main tasks:

creation of equipment, when working with which the danger to humans is excluded;

development of special means of protecting a person from danger in the labor process;

organization of conditions for safe work, including training of people. Knowledge of safety measures is necessary for a specialist of the highest technical qualification, a production organizer, but is this knowledge sufficient to ensure labor safety?

Safety engineering at TNNTs LLC focuses on the material factor of labor. However, according to international statistics, the main culprit in accidents is most often the working person, not the technician. It is a person who, for one reason or another, violates the course of the labor process prescribed by safety engineering. Various researchers point out that human guilt can be ascertained in 60-90% of accidents.

Voluntarily or involuntarily, but the culprit of the injury is often a person, regardless of whether he himself or someone else became a victim.

A person is considered to be the culprit if his actions (or inaction) were the direct cause of the incident. If an accident occurs, for example, due to a breakdown in equipment, the technician is considered the culprit. But after all, this technique was created by a person (possibly in violation of the requirements of the technology), and a person also prepared the technique for operation (most likely, in violation of the rules of preparation). Therefore, such cases, in all likelihood, can also be attributed to the human factor. Thus, there is a number of objective and subjective factors in the occurrence of accidents through human fault.

Modern trends in technical progress make it possible to predict a reduction in injuries due to the improvement of technology. However, since numerous attempts to "muzzle on a car" currently do not give sufficient effect, considerable hopes for success in curing humanity from traumatism are associated with the human sciences, and, first of all, with psychology.

The work of an organization is impossible without ensuring its safety and health protection of personnel with the help of reliable protection against various risks (threats), the losses from which can be incalculable and irreparable

A security regime is also established at TNNTs LLC, i.e. a set of norms, techniques, methods aimed at achieving security goals, which include secrecy, access control, the procedure for protecting the territory, zones, buildings, premises, structures and communications of enterprises, the selection and use of personnel, the procedure for protecting employees and their families, and also other norms aimed at counteracting external and internal threats to the organization.

First, the moral and subjective qualities of employees have a significant impact on the safety of the organization, i.e. the totality of all congenital and acquired physical and mental properties of a person, which should be taken into account in the event of the possible occurrence of non-standard situations. Personal qualities of a person cover the emotional and volitional sphere, character and temperament traits, inclinations and abilities, inclinations and interests, tastes and habits, moral character, physical development, general and special training, which cannot be ignored when designing the security of an organization. Personality traits largely determine the behavior of a person in the field of production, including his wrong, erroneous, careless actions or inaction that negatively affect labor safety.

Secondly, when creating a security system at TNNTs LLC, guided by legal and ethical standards, they remember that the protection of personnel and the protection of their health are priority areas, and as for the protection of material, financial values ​​and the protection of information, their priority is determined by the head of the organization by identifying possible threats.

Occupational safety and health of employees in TNNTs LLC is a system for ensuring the safety of life and health of employees in the process of work, including legal, socio-economic, organizational and technical, sanitary and hygienic, treatment and prophylactic, rehabilitation and other measures (Article 1 "Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on labor protection").

As a basis for developing measures aimed at creating safe and healthy working conditions, TNNTs LLC is guided by the ILO Convention and Recommendations on Occupational Safety and Health in the Working Environment, which define health as a component of human labor potential.

The factors presented in Table 1 affect the safe and healthy working conditions at TNNTs LLC. 2.5, which can affect workers not in isolation, but in various quantitative and qualitative combinations.

In case of non-observance of sanitary standards, rules and instructions on labor protection, an accident may occur, as a result of which the employee may be injured.

The main reasons for industrial injuries and occupational diseases at TNNTs LLC include: depreciation of fixed assets and low technical level of the technologies used; deterioration in the provision of workers with personal protective equipment, violation of the reliability of the work of means and systems of collective protection; lack of, in some cases, regulatory, informative and regulatory information; massive violations of technological and production discipline; low level of production culture, social activity and professional training of workers; reduction of responsibility, exactingness and control over the observance of norms and rules on labor protection; inconsistency between work and rest regimes, a sharp reduction in medical examinations.

Table 2.5. Factors Determining Safe and Healthy Working Conditions at Work

The main criteria for assessing working conditions at TNNTs LLC are the results of certification of workplaces, regardless of the form of ownership, which determine the legal basis for receiving benefits and compensations by employees working in unfavorable working conditions; correct application of lists for preferential pensions and additional vacations, preparation of proposals for improving these lists, control over the quality of certification of the workplace, differentiation of tariffs for social insurance; protection of workers employed in jobs with unfavorable working conditions.

To characterize the working conditions in LLC "TNNTs", the relative indicators of industrial injuries and occupational morbidity are determined.

Injury frequency indicator:

PC = T * 1000 / p, (2.2)

where PC is an indicator of the frequency of injury;

T is the number of injuries (accidents) in the reporting period with the loss of working capacity for one or more days;

p - the average number of employees for the reporting period of time.

Injury severity indicator:

Pt = D / T, (2.3)

where Pt is an indicator of the severity of injury;

D - the total number of days of incapacity for work in victims for cases with loss of ability to work for one or more days;

T is the total number of such accidents for the same period of time.

Disability rate:

Pn = D 1000 / p (2.4)

Indicator of material consequences of injury:

PM = Mn * 1000 / p, (2.5)

where Mn is the material consequences of accidents for the reporting period, rubles.

Indicator of expenses for prevention of accidents for the reporting period of time (Pz), rubles:

Pz = Z * 1000 / p, (2.6)

where З is the cost of preventing accidents for the reporting period.

When developing comprehensive plans for organizational and technical measures to improve labor protection at TNNTs LLC, the initial data are:

the time of the operation and the time spent on sheltering workers from danger, the number of operations and workers in the technological process;

assessment of the likelihood of the occurrence of hazardous production factors and the presence of a person in the area of ​​their action, as well as the time of exposure to a hazardous factor,

analysis of the state of safety and industrial sanitation, industrial injuries and accidents as a whole in the organization;

proposals of public organizations, managers, specialists, workers, authorized and state labor protection inspectors, rationalizers and - inventors,

advances in science and technology, experience of leading enterprises in the field of labor protection.

Based on the information presented above, it can be concluded that the measures by the nature of the impact on working conditions in LLC "TNNTs" can be conditionally divided into three types: aimed at the formation of favorable working conditions; aimed at maintaining them at the achieved level; aimed at improving the existing conditions and labor protection.

A radical improvement in working conditions at TNNTs LLC can be achieved if their formation begins long before the actual implementation of the labor process, i.e. at the design stage of equipment and technology. Improving working conditions is aimed at eliminating or limiting the action of negative factors that can adversely affect people's health, the efficiency of their work or attitude towards it.

The main problems in the organization of labor of the personnel of TNNTs LLC are the following:

lack of certification of workplaces and certification of employees of the enterprise;

the personnel reserve of managers and specialists is not formed;

photographs and timing at workplaces are not taken to establish scientifically grounded norms and standards for labor costs and working time;

high morbidity of workers during the season of colds, since staff are not vaccinated in a timely manner;

a high level of conflict in the team, which requires the involvement of a psychodiagnostician to establish a favorable moral climate among the staff;

a high level of loss of working time due to absenteeism and delays, which requires the establishment of a control system at the enterprise;

high level of staff turnover due to low employee motivation;

weak organization of social and cultural work in the team of the organization;

weak organization for the implementation of labor protection and safety measures - study of the features of production and service processes, analysis of the causes of accidents and occupational diseases, development of specific measures to prevent them.

The most significant shortcomings in the organization of labor include: lack of a systematic approach to the organization of labor protection in production; low level of information support for labor protection tasks; lack of scientifically grounded methods of control, analysis and comprehensive assessment of the state of labor protection; imperfection of the used criteria and methods of moral and material incentives for work in the field of labor protection; low efficiency of preventive measures, irrational planning and distribution of funds for labor protection.

3. Development of proposals for improving the organization of personnel labor and assessment of their effectiveness

The basic principles of increasing the efficiency of the organization of labor at the enterprise assume the observance of the following five requirements:

1.Compliance of the number of employees with the volume of work performed;

2.Conditionality of the structure of the personnel of the enterprise to objective factors of production;

.Compliance of the employee's qualifications with the degree of complexity of the functions performed;

.Maximum efficiency in the use of working time;

.Creation of conditions for continuous professional development and expansion of the production profile of personnel.

A systematic approach to the management of labor potential at the enterprise is the basis for the integrated development of both individual employees and the entire organization and its divisions as a whole.

The effective operation of the enterprise based on the conduct of personnel policy should ensure the mobilization of labor potential through the development of measures aimed at improving the use of the organization's personnel.

In accordance with the reserves for improving the use of the personnel of the enterprise and the proposed directions for improving the work of its personnel service, a program of measures is proposed aimed at mobilizing labor potential and consisting of the following measures:

1.The first component of the set of measures to mobilize labor potential should be a program aimed at improving the socio-psychological climate in the team, consisting of organizing leisure activities based on systematic visits to cultural and entertainment establishments and inviting a specialist on a contract basis, engaged in psychodiagnostics.

For the organization of leisure, an employee of the trade union committee of LLC "TNNTs" should be involved, in whose official duties an item on the functional support of this activity should be included. Functional support consists in the preliminary identification of the desire of employees to visit a particular institution and an independent search for the satisfaction of their desires, based on the rational use of the organization's resources. As a result of the imposition of additional responsibilities to make him an additional payment in the amount of 15% of the salary.

In addition, it is necessary to determine the frequency of leisure activities. Here it should be assumed that the break between them should not be more than three months and less than one (Table 3.1).

Table 3.1. Planned (in the planning period) expenses for the organization of leisure

Events Costs for an event, thousand rubles Periodicity Amount, thousand rubles Visits to cultural and entertainment establishments 299,221 months3 590.642 months 1 795.323 months1 196.88 Payment for the event organizer 2.58 Monthly 30.96

According to the table. 3.1 the lowest costs for cultural and entertainment events are planned at intervals of 3 months. In addition, it is assumed that the likelihood of cohesion in the interval of three months may be low. Monthly visits to entertainment venues will entail taking these policies for granted and therefore losing interest. Therefore, the optimal interval is two months.

The second link in the program to improve the socio-psychological climate is the introduction of a freelance employee - psychodiagnostics - an expert-type personnel consultant.

Personnel psychodiagnostics is a field of psychology, within the framework of which methods of identifying and measuring individual psychological characteristics of a person - a subject of professional activity and labor relations, are developed and implemented.

The purpose of inviting a psychodiagnostician is to study the qualities of employees that are important from the point of view of their professional success, development and effective interpersonal interaction in the labor process. Individual psychological characteristics of a person are a dynamic system that changes in the process of life and activity. Therefore, their study and analysis should be based on the disclosure of the potential of the individual for further development.

The functional duties of a psychodiagnostician include:

carry out the study, analysis and systematic description of professional activities;

to formulate the criteria used for: developing a procedure for professional psychological selection; creation of programs for adaptation, training and development of employees of the organization; formation of systems of material incentives and personnel certification; social and psychological unity of the team;

apply the technology of psychological training and individual conversations in relation to the personnel of the organization;

submit a report in the form of an expert opinion.

To search for the specified specialist, the management of OOO "TNNTs" should contact a recruiting agency, whose services for the search for a professional make up 30% of the annual salary fund of this specialist.

The salary of a psychodiagnostician is fixed - 30,000 rubles.

When selecting a psychodiagnostician, the staff of the recruiting agency will select a candidate based on the influence of factors on the results of psychodiagnostic work and the requirements for a specialist.

Requirements for the selection of a candidate for the position of psychodiagnostics:

1.The preferred education is basic psychological. As a rule, high quality training is most often found among graduates of psychological faculties of universities and pedagogical universities. Psychological specialization is of great importance. Graduates of the departments of medical psychology, general psychology and labor psychology are better at individual psychological diagnostics. The greatest experience in conducting social and psychological diagnostics is possessed by those who specialized in the Department of Social Psychology.

2.Experience of practical diagnostic work and knowledge of specific techniques are important. The professional asset of a cadre psychodiagnostician should include tests that allow solving a wide range of problems and gaining a comprehensive view of the subject. Work experience and fluency in several complex personality questionnaires (Cattell test, MMPI, CPI, etc.), ability tests (CAT, Raven's matrices, Wechsler test), projective techniques (“house-tree-man”, Luscher’s test, “drawing non-existent animal ", picturesque apperception test). It is desirable that the experience of practical diagnostic work should be at least one year.

.To identify the level of professional training of a psychodiagnostician, one can use the question of the structure of the Conclusion based on the results of a psychodiagnostic examination. The conclusion should be focused on a specific task (professional selection, inclusion in the personnel reserve, etc.) and have a structure that allows you to make a decision about the professional suitability of the subjects (compliance with the requirements of a managerial position, etc.).

the volume of the Conclusion (usually a full-fledged psychological portrait takes 1.5 - 2 pages of typewritten text);

literary style and literacy level;

the ability to present test results in an accessible language (without excessive use of special terms);

correspondence of the structure and form of presentation of the material to the tasks of testing;

compliance with ethical and deontological principles when presenting confidential information.

5.A qualified psychodiagnostician has the necessary knowledge and experience to form test batteries for a specific task. This takes into account not only the compliance of the scale structure of the methods with the selection or assessment criteria, but also the total duration and order of presentation of tests.

6.A psychologist with diagnostic experience knows the time involved in the diagnostic procedure, processing and writing the Conclusion.

.The methods used by a specialist in psychodiagnostics must meet professional requirements (be valid, reliable and have norms that correspond to the socio-demographic characteristics of the subjects).

The organization's management needs to assess the conditions for the implementation and the effectiveness of the proposed social program (Table 3.2).

Table 3.2. Conditions for the implementation and effectiveness of the social program

Implementation conditions Expected result 1. The cost of searching for a psychodiagnostician through a recruiting agency 108 thousand rubles 1. Decrease in the sums caused by the shortage of products from employees who decided to leave work 2 783.5 thousand rubles 2. The cost of equipping a workplace for a psychodiagnostician 39 thousand rubles 2. Improving the social and psychological climate in the team 3. Contract salary 360 thousand rubles 3. Reduction of costs associated with admission (medical examination) 114 thousand rubles 4. Additional payment to the wages of a trade union worker 31 thousand rubles. 5. Expenses for payment of leisure 1 795.3 thousand rubles. 4. Reduction in the amount of shortage of products among newly hired workers 24 494.8 thousand rubles. 5. Saving costs associated with training newly hired workers 432.3 thousand rubles -6. Decrease in staff turnover by 5.6%, increase in productivity by 1.88%, savings in the number of 32 people Total implementation costs - 2,333.3 thousand rubles Total savings - 27,824.6 thousand rubles Economic effect of the event - savings of 25,491.3 thousand rubles.

The introduction of this proposal at the enterprise will reduce the turnover of personnel, accordingly increase the productivity of employees, free up personnel, which in the future can be considered as an internal reserve for filling vacant positions and saving costs for their maintenance. In addition, the result is an improvement in the socio-psychological climate in the team, which will speed up the development of the potential of employees and the adaptation of newly hired ones.

The second component of the set of proposals for mobilizing labor potential will be to reduce the loss of working time associated with absenteeism due to illness. Reduction of all-day downtime will be achieved by reducing sick leave. For this, it is proposed to take measures for the preventive prevention of acute respiratory diseases - vaccination of the company's personnel in the autumn-winter and spring periods, that is, during outbreaks of influenza diseases. For this event, it is also necessary to determine the conditions for implementation (Table 3.3).

Table 2.3. Terms of implementation and effectiveness of medical prevention

Terms of implementation Expected result Costs for vaccination 261.5 thousand rubles Reduction of losses of the enterprise associated with a shortage of production of GIS 62 273 thousand rubles Increase in productivity by 4.3%, which will lead to savings in the number of 73 people. Saving costs of the enterprise for sick leave payments 10 682.3 thousand rubles Total costs - 261.5 thousand rubles Total savings - 72 955.3 thousand rubles Economic effect - saving 72 693.8 thousand rubles

The implementation of this measure will increase the efficiency of the use of personnel by reducing the loss of working time, increasing productivity and reducing personnel costs.

3.The third component of the set of measures to mobilize the labor potential of personnel is an event aimed at reducing intra-shift losses of working time and tightening discipline.

This event will allow real-time tracking of offenders, including those who did not show up for work on time, or who leave before the end of the working day. For this event to have a positive effect, it is necessary to establish financial penalties.

The management of "TNNTs" LLC also needs to evaluate the results and conditions of the proposed event (Table 3.4).

Table 3.4. Implementation conditions and effectiveness of the access control system

Terms of implementation Expected result Costs for the purchase of turnstiles 540 thousand rubles. The cost of installing the turnstiles is 180 thousand rubles. Maintenance costs of turnstiles 250 thousand rubles. System software costs 32 thousand rubles. Costs for electronic passes 174.3 thousand rubles. The cost of information support for the use of electronic passes 26 thousand rubles Reduction of in-shift downtime Reduction of the amount of shortfall in production of GIS 120 137.7 thousand rubles Productivity increase 8.3% Headcount savings 142 people. Improvement of labor discipline Total costs - 1 202.3 thousand rubles Total savings - 120 137.7 thousand rubles Economic effect - savings 118 935.4 thousand rubles

Thus, the introduction of an access control system at the enterprise will allow solving one of the problems of personnel policy - improving discipline at workplaces, as well as replenishing the previously identified reserve for reducing intra-shift losses of working time.

In addition to activities requiring funding, there are additional proposals, for the implementation of which the powers and already available resources of LLC "TNNTs" are sufficient. These are suggestions for establishing feedback with the team.

It is necessary to organize the notification of personnel about events occurring within the organization that directly affect production activities. For example, posting lists of employees who are late without good reason, presenting this in such a way that it affects the attitude of the team towards the late employee, which should have a positive effect on discipline. To hold meetings two - three times a month, at which to announce information about the current performance of work on the departments, structural divisions of LLC "TNNTs". Notify all workers of these meetings through the union. To celebrate the distinguished workers and groups of workers (departments, parties) in achieving any production results, performing work. Moral encouragement in front of others stimulates workers to work, increases self-esteem and is an important motivational factor. It is necessary to make people feel that they are in the very center of events, and not somewhere on the periphery. In such conditions, people are focused, and this gives meaning to their work, therefore, their activity is significantly intensified.

The efficiency and reliability of information about labor activity can be ensured by the existing system of primary accounting at the enterprise.

To obtain objective information about the motivational influences on employees, it is necessary to have feedback channels, such as a "suggestion box", receiving messages by e-mail, etc.

Thus, all proposals for increasing the efficiency of the use of the company's personnel will allow:

implement a personnel policy in accordance with the goals and objectives of the enterprise and employees, aimed at meeting the needs of the organization and its personnel, which will increase the efficiency of the use of personnel, the image of the organization in the eyes of its employees, the attachment of personnel to the enterprise; to increase the labor potential of an individual employee and the organization as a whole;

increase labor productivity;

stabilize the staff at the enterprise, reduce turnover;

improve the production and financial results of the enterprise, and thereby, increase the efficiency of its management.


Having considered the topic of this work, the following conclusions can be drawn.

The organization of labor in a broad sense is the process of streamlining the elements of labor processes.

The level of labor organization and its safety is considered on the example of a specific enterprise - the enterprise LLC "TNNTs". The main elements of the organization and remuneration of labor at LLC "TNNTs" are: labor rationing, tariff system, forms and systems of wages. Each element has a strictly defined purpose. The brigade form of labor organization is widespread at the enterprise.

Labor protection is a complex, multidimensional system that has its own specific goals, objectives and means of achieving them. One of the most important principles of organization of production and labor in LLC "TNNTs" is the creation of safe and harmless working conditions at all stages of the production process. Therefore, the main, main goal of occupational safety management should be considered the improvement of the organization of work to ensure safety, reduce injuries and accidents based on solving a set of tasks to create safe and harmless working conditions, medical and preventive and sanitary services for workers.

In LLC "TNNTs" jobs prevail where a large number of technological operations are performed. These workplaces are equipped with specialized equipment, rigging and tools. Heads of the enterprise, structural divisions, functional services, labor protection department, trade union committees are directly involved in solving various problems in the field of labor protection in "TNNTs" LLC. Practically all employees of the enterprise, from director to worker, are involved in this work.

Within the framework of the proposed directions for the implementation of reserves for increasing the efficiency of using the personnel of the enterprise, a set of measures was formed, which included the following proposals:

1.Development of a program aimed at improving
socio-psychological climate in the team and corporate unity through the organization of leisure activities and inviting a specialist in the field of psychodiagnostics to TNNTs LLC;
2.Carrying out preventive prevention of diseases among employees by vaccinating personnel in advance of the onset of influenza epidemics;

.Establishment of a control access system for access to the territory of the enterprise by equipping departments with turnstiles, and personnel with electronic passes.

The implementation of the proposed set of measures will allow the most efficient use of personnel, as well as implement the goals of personnel policy in the development of the labor potential of the employee.

The developed set of measures to improve the organization of labor leads to a social effect, which will consist in improving discipline in the workplace, therefore, increasing the level of labor organization. The second important point of the social effect will be a decrease in the incidence of sickness among the staff, therefore, an improvement in the health of workers and their families. The third component of the social effect will be the improvement of the socio-psychological climate in the team and the raising of the corporate spirit of the workers, therefore, the realization of the labor potential of each employee individually and of the entire team as a whole. The quick adaptation of newly hired workers will be a consequence of the favorable social climate in the organization, which contributes to the rapid development of newcomers' opportunities.


personnel organization labor

1. On the approval of the Regulations on the investigation and registration of occupational diseases: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 15, 2000 No. 967 // System GARANT.

2. On the approval of the Procedure for the application of the Unified qualification reference book of positions of managers, specialists and employees: Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of February 9, 2009 No. 9 // GARANT System.

On the approval of the Procedure for filling out information on the number and wages of employees by type of activity in the forms of federal state statistical observation: Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation of October 28, 2011 No. 98 // GARANT System.

100 Ways to Motivate Staff / Steve Chandler, Scott Richardson. - lane. from English V. Petrashek. - M .: FAIR-PRESS, 2009 .-- 184 p.

Adams B. Effective personnel management. - M .: AST, 2012 .-- 362 p.

Arutyunov V.V., Volkovysskiy I.V. and other Personnel management: Textbook. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2009 .-- 448 p.

Ashirov D.A. Personnel management: Textbook. allowance. - M .: Prospect, 2010 .-- 432 p.

Bazarov T.Yu. Personnel management: Textbook. allowance. - M .: Academy, 2011 .-- 224 p.

Basakov M.I. Personnel Management. Lecture notes. Exam preparation guide. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2010 .-- 160 p.

Borisova E.A. Human resource management for modern leaders. SPb .: Peter, 2011 .-- 445 p.

Bukhalkov M.I. Enterprise personnel management: Textbook. - M .: Examination, 2010 .-- 320 p.

Bukhalkov M.I. Personnel management: development of labor potential: Textbook. allowance. - M .: INFRA-M, 2010 .-- 192 p.

Valieva O.V. Personnel management: lecture notes. - M .: Prior-ed, 2010 .-- 176 p.

Genkin B.M. Economics and Sociology of Labor: Textbook. - M .: Norma - INFRA-M, 2011 .-- 432 p.

Gruzinov V.P., Gribov V.D. Enterprise Economics: Textbook. Benefit. - M .: Finance and statistics, 2011 .-- 208 p.

Gupalov V.K. Working time management. - 2nd ed., Rev. and add. - M .: Finance and statistics, 2008 .-- 240 p.

Dyrin S.P. Russian model of personnel management in an industrial enterprise. - SPb .: Peter, 2012 .-- 224 p.

Egorshin A.N. Personnel management: Textbook for universities. - N. Novgorod: NIMB, 2011 .-- 720 p.

Ermolovich L.L., Sivchik L.G. and other Analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise: Textbook. allowance. - Minsk: Interpressservice; Ecoperspectiva, 2011 .-- 576 p.

Zhuravlev P., Odegov Y., Volgin N. Human resource management: the experience of industrially developed countries: Textbook. allowance. - M .: Examination, 2009 .-- 448 p.

Zhuravlev P.V., Kartashov S.A. and other personnel. Dictionary of concepts and definitions. - M .: Examination, 1999 .-- 512 p.

Collective agreement of the open joint stock company "Surgutneftegas" for 2009-2012. - Surgut: RIITs NP - 120 p.

Lukashevich V.V. Personnel management: Textbook. allowance. - M .: UNITI-DANA, 2009 .-- 255 p.

Lukicheva L.I. Organization Management: Textbook. - M .: Omega-L, 2009 .-- 360 p.

Maslov E.V. Enterprise personnel management: Textbook. allowance. - M .: INFRA-M, 2009 .-- 312 p.

Mokiy M.S., Skamay L.G. Enterprise Economics: Textbook / Ed. prof. M.G. Lapusta. - M.: INFRA-M, 2010 .-- 264 p.

Motivation / Rainer Niermeier, Manuel Seiffert. - lane. with him. Zis E.A. - M .: OMEGA-L, 2012 .-- 124 p.

Newstrom JV, Davis K. Organizational Behavior. - SPb: Peter, 2010.

Odegov Yu.G., Zhuravlev P.V. Personnel Management: A Textbook. - M .: Finstatinform, 2009 .-- 878 p.

Odegov Yu.G., Kartashova L.V. Personnel management, performance evaluation: Textbook. allowance. - M .: Examination, 2009 .-- 256 p.

Pelikh A.S. and other Economics of the enterprise. Series "Textbooks and teaching aids". Rostov n / a: "Phoenix", 2012. - 416 p.

Popov S.G. Personnel Management: Textbook. - M .:
Os-89, 2012 .-- 144 p.
Raizberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh. and other Modern economic dictionary. - M .: INFRA-M, 2012 .-- 480 p.

Savitskaya G.V. Analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise. - Minsk: LLC "New knowledge", 2011. - 688 p.

Sklyarenko V.K ., Prudnikov V.M. Enterprise Economics: Lecture notes. - M .: INFRA-M, 2011 .-- 208 p.

Sokhranov N.N. Computer-aided processing and interpretation of the results of geophysical studies of oil and gas wells. - M .: Nedra, 2009 .-- 255 p.

E.A. Tatarnikov Personnel management: Textbook. allowance. - M .: RIOR, 2010 .-- 96 p.

Trenev V.N., Magura M.I., Leontiev S.V. Human resource management in the implementation of projects. Methodology and experience. - M .: PRIOR, 2012 .-- 112 p.

Organization personnel management: Textbook / Ed.
AND I. Kibanova. - M .: INFRA-M, 2009 .-- 638 p.
. Personnel management: Textbook for universities / Ed. T.Yu. Bazarova, B.L. Eremina. - M .: UNITI, 2012 .-- 560 p.

Personnel Management: Encyclopedic Dictionary / Ed. AND I. Kibanova. - M .: INFRA-M, 2008 .-- VIII, 453 p.

Tsvetaev V.M. Personnel management: textbook .: - M .: TK Welby,
Publishing house Prospect, 2010 .-- 160 p.
Chekhovskikh I.A. Personnel management: Textbook. allowance. - SPb .: Vector, 2010 .-- 192 p.

Shapiro S.A. Human Resource Management - M .: GrossMedia, 2010 .-- 304 p.

Personnel labor organization system

In a market economy, each enterprise must operate a highly efficient system of labor and production organization, ensuring the appropriate competitiveness of the products and work performed, both in the domestic and foreign markets. The organization of labor is an integral part of the organization of production. The labor process serves as a subsystem of all processes and systems of production organization in real space and time. The rational organization of all production systems can be built only on the basis of the most perfect subsystems of labor process organizations that consume the least amount of economic resources for their implementation with known market volumes of demand and supply for products, works and services.

The most important sign of a perfect organization of work processes and personnel management systems is the solvent position of enterprises, which ensures not only the production and sale of products, but also the further development of labor and production potential. This means that the organization of labor as a purposeful activity of people should soon become the basis of civilized market relations. The more perfect the organization of labor in enterprises, the higher will be its results.

Rationally organized labor is, as a rule, highly productive and highly efficient labor. The results of labor ultimately determine not only the effectiveness of the development of a particular organizational or economic system as a whole, but also the labor productivity of personnel and the standard of living of people in particular.

From an economic standpoint, any labor process includes three main interacting elements: labor itself, objects of labor and means of labor. From an organizational standpoint, the labor process is a combination of these disparate production or economic factors into a single system called the labor process. The rational organization of labor presupposes such a way of combining all elements of the labor process into a single interconnected system, in which the least amount of resources, that is, labor power, objects of labor and means of production, will be used. An integrated system of organization of labor and production must operate at all enterprises. It should include the following ten subsystems of the organization and management of labor.

  • 1. Division and cooperation of labor, the correct choice of the form and type of which creates the basis for the specialization of workers and the growth of their professional qualifications.
  • 2. The location and maintenance of workplaces, a clear and constant order of which ensures the development of the workers so-called automatic skills for performing labor techniques.
  • 3. Design of work processes, which should be based on the principles of saving working time and human energy costs.
  • 4. Substantiation of labor standards and norms, requiring the establishment of optimal labor costs for the performance of work.
  • 5. Normalization of the conditions and intensity of labor, regulating the conditions, the severity and intensity of it within the limits of permissible norms.
  • 6. Mastering work processes and labor standards, providing for the achievement of a balance between the actual and design time spent on the work.
  • 7. The economic assessment of the costs and results of labor, which consists in achieving maximum results for given labor costs, or minimum costs for given results.
  • 8. Compliance with labor and production discipline and work regulations, which are based on the fulfillment of project requirements.
  • 9. Motivation and stimulation of labor productivity, which provide for the satisfaction of the personal interest of each employee in high wages for their work.
  • 10. Development of a labor management system, providing for the complex impact of various factors on the final results of labor and production.

In improving the organization of work processes in modern production, all of the above ten subsystems should be applied consistently and comprehensively at every workplace, at all production sites and enterprises. The following problems should be highlighted.

First, the problem of the integrated design of labor, technological and production processes has not yet been scientifically solved. In the sciences of both the organization of labor and the organization of production, there are scattered recommendations on the design of individual labor and production processes. It seems now very important to create scientific methods for planning new and improving existing production processes based on the use of standards of labor movements, actions, techniques and complexes in combination with progressive technological methods and methods of processing parts.

Secondly, the problem of substantiating labor standards and norms in the transition to free market relations has lost the priority and organizing significance that it had in the centralized planned economy. According to specialists from the Research Institute of Labor, the unjustified thesis that an effective market economy and the organization of labor, production and management can be created without labor standards and norms has caused great damage to our domestic science and practice.

Meanwhile, the best foreign practice convincingly confirms that there is not a single country with a market economy in the world in which labor standards are not applied, moreover, they are quite strict, very accurate and well-grounded. Apparently, we will soon have to recall the quickly forgotten domestic experience in labor rationing.

Thirdly, normal working conditions have not yet been created at most of our enterprises, the level of its intensity is not only not normalized, but not even evaluated. But it has long been known, both in theory and in practice, that work that is not evaluated or evaluated incorrectly becomes meaningless and not very productive. Therefore, here too, a lot of scientific and practical work is to be done to normalize the intensity and increase the productivity of labor in enterprises.

Fourth, at present, all domestic enterprises lack motives and incentives for highly efficient labor. It is not only the state of insolvency of many enterprises that affects, but also the low level of the minimum wage and tariff rates, the values ​​of which do not correspond to the subsistence minimum. Due to the discrepancy between the level of wages at our enterprises and the market requirements, we consider it not only possible, but also necessary to raise it in the very near future, if not to a stable and normal market value, equal to 5.15 dollars per hour in the USA, then at least to our cost of living. It also seems necessary to introduce appropriate step-by-step changes in the system for collecting income tax from all employees of enterprises. As a first step, the income tax should be abolished on all low-paid workers whose average monthly wages do not exceed the minimum subsistence level. Then it would be necessary to establish a differentiated scale of income tax for all categories of workers. For example, for those categories of personnel whose remuneration is regulated by uniform state tariff rates, the following approximate scale of taxes by category can be established: for categories 1-6 - 0%; 7-12 - 2%; 13-18 - 5%. And for all other highly paid categories, the payment of which is independently regulated by the firms themselves and is not limited to any minimum or maximum, the tax scale can change within the current limits: from 12 to 30%. In our opinion, the recommended income tax rates will be economically more reasonable and fair than the current ones, both in relation to low-paid and high-paid workers, as well as to the state, which can thereby increase the so-called “collection” of its taxes.

Finally, fifthly, it follows from what has been said that now at working domestic enterprises a comprehensive system of management of labor, social and production processes is not yet applied, which cannot but affect both the personal labor success of certain categories of personnel and, first of all, production workers, as well as in general and on the overall production efficiency.

Division and cooperation of labor

The role-based approach to the construction of labor and production processors in any organizational system proceeds from the fact that the entire set of mental, physical and other types of human activity should have its own specific content, characterizing the complexity and specialization of the work performed, their volume and duration, a also the knowledge, experience and qualifications required by the employee. The production behavior of each employee is determined by his position in the enterprise and place in the organizational system, as well as the level of development of personal qualities. The interaction between production and personal qualities is regulated by the current system of organization of labor and production, the prevailing forms of division and cooperation of labor.

The division of labor is understood as the delimitation of the production activities of people in the course of the production of goods and services. It is a process of separating various types of labor of workers and provides for the specialization of workplaces and personnel to perform the corresponding functions, works and operations assigned to them. The correct division of labor makes it possible to arrange the categories of personnel according to their workplaces, taking into account their personal abilities, professional and business qualities, and thereby increase the degree of job satisfaction, reduce fatigue, and raise the efficiency and productivity of workers. The division of labor contributes to the growth of professional skills, improving the quality of work, raising labor productivity, reducing the duration of the production cycle, accelerating the execution of orders, reducing costs, increasing sales, etc.

There are three main types of division of labor: 1) the general division of labor provides for the isolation of various types of activity on a national scale, for example, industrial production and agriculture, mining and manufacturing, the sphere of production and services, etc., 2) private - within the industry, for example, machine tools, automotive, etc., 3) single means the division of labor within an enterprise or division.

At enterprises and organizations, there are several forms of division of labor: functional, professional, technological, qualification, etc.

The functional division of labor provides for the separation of individual jobs and categories of personnel at the Enterprises, depending on its content and functions. At all industrial enterprises, it is customary to distinguish several types of work and categories of workers according to the content of the functions performed and job duties. The most numerous functional group of personnel is represented by workers who perform the main production function at the enterprise: the manufacture of products, the provision of services and the performance of work. A group of main and auxiliary workers should also be distinguished. The former are directly involved in the implementation of the main functions in the process of Manufacturing goods, the latter ensure the implementation of such auxiliary functions as setting up and repairing equipment, control of products and materials, transportation of workpieces and parts, etc. According to the functions performed, other categories of personnel known at the enterprise are also distinguished: managers, specialists, employees, technical specialists, junior service personnel, apprentices, etc.

The functional division of labor serves as the basis for the effective use of all categories of personnel. In the course of the implementation of a variety of production and technical, organizational and managerial, economic planning and many other functions, equally productive work of all workers is required. Specialists-designers of various categories create the design of the product, develop the technology for its manufacture, and carry out the organizational preparation of production. Workers of procurement, processing and assembly shops produce products. The staff of other services ensures that it is sold on the market. Many performers are involved in servicing the processes of production and consumption of products and services. Increasing the efficiency of the functional division of labor therefore presupposes the specialization of workers, engineers and technicians and employees on the basis of a clear division of the functions of marketing, design, preparation of production, planning, management, production of goods and services, quality control of goods, personnel management, equipment repair, etc. ... Performing work on one or another function creates a production base for the formation of various professions and specialties at the enterprise.

The professional division of labor implies the isolation within each functional group of workers, depending on the technological content and type of work performed for various professions and specialties. A profession in a broad sense characterizes the type of work activity of a person, for example, a foreman, economist, manager, accountant, machine operator, blacksmith, etc. The composition of professions at a particular enterprise is determined by the constructive and technological homogeneity of the products, the methods used for processing products, the existing forms of organization of labor and production, and other features. At machine-building enterprises, for example, there are about forty professions for the mechanical processing of metals: a turner, a milling machine operator, a grinder, an adjuster, an operator, etc. The list of professions is periodically revised, under the influence of the labor market, new specialties appear, existing professions disappear or change.

The technological division of labor means the dismemberment of the production processes operating at the enterprise into separate stages, redistributions, phases and operations assigned to the respective performers. In accordance with the peculiarities of production technology, there is a distinction between subject and operational division of labor. Subject assumes the assignment to the worker of a set of works or operations necessary to obtain a finished product, object or product. Operational is based on the allocation of individual operations and their assignment to individual performers.

The qualifying division of labor is determined by the existing differences in the complexity and accuracy of the technological processes performed, as well as in the level of professional skill, production experience and personal abilities of workers. This, in turn, provides for a difference in the timing of personnel training to perform the respective functions. Currently, to quantitatively assess the level of qualifications of personnel of various categories, a unified wage scale is used, including IS grades of work complexity: for workers and employees from 1 to 10 categories, specialists - from 6 to 14, creative workers - from 7 to 17, heads of departments - from 5 to 15, directors - from 12 to 18.

The choice of the form of division of labor of personnel at an enterprise is primarily determined by the type of production, the profile and complexity of the product, the technology and organization of production. In one-off production, universal equipment, routing technology and subject division of labor are used. In the mass - special machines, operating technology and narrow specialization of workers. When substantiating the most effective forms of division of labor in specific production conditions, one should take into account the interaction of technical, economic, psychophysiological and social factors.

An integrated approach will facilitate the selection of the optimal forms of division of labor for various categories of personnel at all enterprises. At the same time, on the basis of the relevant criteria, the necessary restrictions for the entire range of factors must be taken into account. For example, under normal conditions of mass production, the principle of differentiation of technological operations is used, and in a single one - the concentration of operations. This implies the need for a very accurate substantiation of the optimal form of division of labor in the given conditions under the existing technical, psychophysiological, social, economic and other constraints.

The technical boundaries of the division of labor are determined by the passport or technical characteristics of the equipment used, the durability of the cutting tool, the capabilities of the devices used, the main operating conditions, market requirements, etc.

Psychophysiological boundaries are determined by the personal and professional abilities of the employee, the capabilities of the human body, the level of workload and physical efforts, the requirements for maintaining health and working capacity, working safety conditions, etc. The need to take into account psychophysiological limitations is associated with the fact that a high degree of specialization of the worker causes monotony of work and increased human fatigue. According to the data of special studies, the following indicators can be considered the normal psychophysiological boundary of labor activity: the number of elements in the operation - 10, the duration of repetitive operations - 100 seconds, the repetition of monotonous techniques and actions - 100 times / hour.

Social boundaries are characterized by the content of work, the availability of varied and attractive jobs, opportunities for the development of a person's creative abilities, the growth of professional qualifications, an increase in wages, etc. ¦

Economic boundaries reflect the influence of the chosen form of division of labor on the final results of labor and production activities of personnel, in particular, on the total cost of labor and material resources. The criterion of the economic efficiency of labor can be the minimum costs of living and materialized labor for the production of a unit of output, maximum labor productivity, the least fatigue of workers, the highest income, etc. ...

The combination of professions and functions contributes to the rational use of both labor resources and fixed assets. This becomes possible when the performer is not provided with full workload at the main job during the working day. A special example of combining functions can be considered multi-station service, when a worker-operator is simultaneously busy performing work on several machine-aggregates. The use of this form of combining functions is possible provided that the time of machine-automatic operation on one machine is more than the time of service of other machines. Personnel management in multi-station service, as you can see, provides for a clear technological division of labor for multi-station operators, as well as identifying the structure or ratio of the costs of machine and auxiliary time. Only on this basis it is possible to determine the worker's employment rate and substantiate the rational form of the division of labor and the combination of the functions performed by the performer.

The division of labor in an enterprise is inextricably linked with its cooperation. The deeper the division of labor in a particular organization, the wider its cooperation, the more workers are engaged in performing simple labor processes, the more performers it is necessary to combine into a single aggregate process of producing products and providing services. Under cooperation it is customary to understand the unification of all categories of personnel to participate in joint systematically organized labor activities. Labor cooperation is carried out at all levels of management: from a separate workplace where several workers can be employed, to the economy of an entire country or the entire world economy. It is a system of stable labor relations between individual performers or production units in the process of manufacturing and selling products. Examples of cooperation include individual working groups (brigades), production sites, various departments or services, and the enterprise itself, which brings together all its personnel to achieve a single economic goal.

At domestic enterprises, there are several types of production cooperation: inter-shop, intra-shop, intra-section. Interdepartmental cooperation is based on dividing the production process between workshops and ensures the interaction of personnel at all stages of production. Intrashop cooperation unites all employees in solving relevant production problems. The most important task of intra-district cooperation is to create organizational conditions for effective interaction of all employees in joint labor activities. At most enterprises, the most common forms of cooperation are production teams, uniting workers of various categories. Depending on the professional composition of workers, specialized and complex teams are distinguished. Specialized teams are usually created from workers of homogeneous professions and specialties, working on a single job, for example, assembling, installing and repairing equipment. Complex includes workers of various professions performing a complete technological stage or a complex of uniform works. In such teams, the necessary conditions are created for the development of creative abilities and professional development of all employees.

Rational division and cooperation of labor serve as the organizational basis for the effective use of all economic resources in the work process, and for improving the results of labor of individual workers and professional groups. As the world experience shows, technological and organizational innovations of recent years are aimed at the design and development of group forms of organization and labor stimulation. The group is usually taken to be a work team, a production site, a corresponding center of efficiency, say, profit - a center, or the company itself. The long-term practice of improving the organization of labor at Russian enterprises, which has become widespread in companies of economically developed countries, confirms the high efficiency of using the considered types and forms of division and cooperation of labor in market conditions.

Manufacturing process design

The design of a progressive technology and organization of production should be based on the use of scientific analysis and economic comparison of the developed options with the replaceable ones. This requires a scientific basis for the division of technological and labor processes on the basis of uniform methodological principles.

The rational division of labor according to technological characteristics can serve as the basis for a scientifically grounded division of the operations performed into separate labor elements and techniques. Modern production processes at domestic enterprises are divided into many simple elementary labor and technological processes.

Typically, each production process consists of main, auxiliary and service processes. The main process, for example, engineering production, in turn, can consist of Numerous partial processes with different structures,

the form of organization and the peculiar nature of implementation. For example, making a component part of any product is a simple technological process. The assembly of various units and machines forms a complex production process, which is divided into a number of simple processes consisting of sequentially performed technological operations, as a result of which a unit is assembled from individual parts, and a finished machine is assembled from units. Consequently, the most important component of any production process is a technological operation, which is a complete part of the technological process, performed at one workplace.

The technological operation must determine the methods of processing the object of labor, the necessary equipment and tooling, the required qualifications of the worker and other organizational and technical factors of the labor process. Therefore, a correctly designed technological operation serves not only as a reliable basis for the scientific division of labor, but also as an object for the rational organization of labor and production planning.

In mechanical engineering, depending on the degree of technological equipment of the production process, it is necessary to distinguish between the following technological operations: manual, machine-hand, machine, automatic, hardware.

In accordance with the Unified system of production preparation, each operation must be subdivided into settings, transitions, positions and other constituent elements that determine the structure and content of labor processes.

The setting is understood as a part of the technological operation performed with the unchanged fastening of the workpieces to be processed or assembled units. The boundaries of the installation are usually determined by the moments of fastening and removing the part. If all the work is done with one installation of the part, then the concept of "install" coincides with the concept of "operation".

The technological transition represents the finished part of the operation, characterized by the constancy of the tool used and the surfaces formed by processing or connected during assembly. Any change in one of these factors determines the appearance of a new transition in this operation. If the surface is processed with several tools, then such a transition is usually called complex. Each technological transition can have several work passes.

The working stroke characterizes the finished part of the technological transition, consisting of a single movement of the tool along the workpiece, accompanied by a change in the shape, size, surface finish or properties of the workpiece. An example of a working stroke is the removal of one layer of metal from the surface to be treated with a cutter.

An auxiliary transition is a complete part of the technological operation, consisting of the actions of the worker and equipment, which are not accompanied by changes in the shape, size and surface finish, but are necessary to complete the technological transition.

Examples of auxiliary transitions are work items such as setting work pieces, changing tools, removing a part, and so on. As a rule, such auxiliary transitions are performed manually and are the main component of labor operations.

Position - a fixed position occupied by a permanently fixed workpiece together with a device relative to a tool or a stationary piece of equipment. One workpiece installation can contain several positions. For example, if on a multi-spindle machine in the first position of the bar, the end is trimmed, in the second - drilling a hole, and in the third - cutting off, then the product is manufactured in one setting in three positions. In this case, the operation includes three technological transitions. If there is only one position in the installation, then these elements of the technological operation coincide in their purpose.

When designing new works and technological processes performed on metal-cutting machines, the degree of dismemberment of each technological operation into installations, transitions and other elements in most cases should be determined by the type of production, the details of the development of the technological process, the used machine models, the design of the tool, the selected cutting modes and other technical and organizational factors, which are usually amenable to accurate accounting and serve as the basis for the design of technological processes.

In modern production, all labor processes are usually subdivided into techniques, actions and movements.

Labor movement characterizes a single purposeful movement of the working organs of a person - arms and legs - to objects interacting during the labor process. The boundaries of the labor movement are the moments of the beginning and end of the movement of the worker's arms or legs to various objects. Labor movement can be accompanied by a turn of the head or body. Therefore, one should distinguish between basic and auxiliary labor movements. The main ones are the movement of the arms or legs, the auxiliary ones are the movements of the eyes, head or body, accompanying the main working movements.

Labor movements in terms of content can be simple or complex. Any labor movement starts from the starting position and ends with the touch of hands or feet to the objects of labor. All auxiliary movements are mostly overlapped by the main labor movements. Labor movements by the nature of performance Can be coercive and decisive. Compulsory Movements are performed in slow motion, in the presence of one or another control, for example, visual, and decisive ones - automatically, with high speed and accuracy. The labor movement is the original universal element that characterizes the movement of hands, yogis or the worker's body when performing the labor process in various production conditions.

Labor action is a set of labor movements of a worker and movements of objects, characterized by a specific purpose and constancy of factors of the system "worker - workpiece - device - tool - machine tool - detail" interacting in the labor process. A change in the target setting or one of the listed factors leads to the emergence of a new labor action: take an object, move it, rotate it, etc. In the process of labor, a certain sequence is observed in the transition from labor actions of one purpose to labor actions of another purpose. For example, when placing blanks in a device, the action “take an object * turns into an action“ move an object ”, then the action“ install an object in a cartridge ”,“ fix an object ”, etc. follows.

The labor method unites the complete part of the technological or auxiliary transition, consisting of a set of labor actions of the worker and characterized by the unity of the purpose, the continuity of performance and the invariability of interacting objects. Labor techniques can be basic and auxiliary, simple and complex. The totality of labor techniques forms a group or complex of techniques, for example, "install and remove a part", which includes the labor techniques "set the workpiece" before processing and "remove the part" after processing.

The structure and characteristics of the main elements of a labor operation make it possible to have uniform principles for dividing the labor process into component parts, make it possible to establish the boundaries of individual labor, technological and production processes.

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The organization of labor is a certain combination in time and space of all the basic elements of labor activity in order to achieve certain predetermined goals for the production of material goods, cultural values, services, scientific results, etc. In labor economics, the organization of labor is considered as one of the organizational factors, the content of which is expressed in specific forms and methods of connecting people and technology in the labor process.

Division and cooperation of labor, implying a scientifically substantiated distribution of workers according to labor functions, machines, mechanisms and workplaces united in a certain system, as well as in the appropriate grouping and combination of workers in production collectives;

· Labor rationing, which involves a careful calculation of labor costs for the production of a unit of products and services, as a basis for organizing labor and determining production efficiency;

· Organization and maintenance of workplaces, including: their rational planning and equipment, corresponding to the anthropometric and physiological data of a person and his aesthetic perception; an effective system of servicing workplaces in order to eliminate wasted working time and better use of equipment; certification and rationalization of workplaces;

· Personnel selection and its development, including: personnel planning, career guidance and professional selection, personnel recruitment, development of personnel development concept and its implementation (qualification growth, career planning, etc.);

· Improvement of working conditions, providing for the elimination of the harmfulness of production, heavy physical, psychological and emotional stress, the introduction of aesthetics in the production environment, the formation of a system of labor protection and safety;

· Efficient use of working time, optimization of work and rest regimes;

Rationalization of labor processes, the introduction of optimal techniques and methods of labor, including the study of labor processes using various methods and technical means, the selection of the most rational techniques and methods of labor, their improvement and implementation by organizing production instructions, training; expansion and updating of scientific and technical information;

· Strengthening labor discipline, which provides for a set of measures to strengthen production and labor discipline; the formation of a sense of responsibility, the development of creative initiative and other forms of active participation of employees in the life of enterprises and organizations.

· A special role in the organization of work is played by remuneration for work - its payment. The fact is that a person is included in the production process for economic reasons, in order to earn money. Therefore, wages (labor income) is both a link connecting a person with the means of production, and a factor (element) of the effective organization of labor.

As an object of management, it is a special organizational structure, which in its activities ensures certainty, purposefulness, strategy and tactics, planning, leadership, relationships between the subjects of the educational process, regulation, coordination of efforts, control. In this specific organization, which is an integral object, it is possible to distinguish subjects that require a special approach to the management and organization of the labor process.

The relevance of the topic of the final qualifying work lies in the need to study the organization of labor at enterprises and organizations in connection with changes in the nature of social and labor relations, in connection with the transition to a market economy, changes in the form of ownership and changes in this regard in working conditions.

The purpose of the course work is to analyze and determine ways to improve the organization of labor in the trade and installation company "Bontual".

Coursework objectives:

Consider the main tasks and the essence of the organization of personnel labor;

Study the fundamental elements of the organization of work;

Determine possible directions for improving the organization of labor in the trading and assembly company "Bontual".

1. Theoretical foundations of labor organization

1.1 The essence and tasks of the organization of labor of personnel

Labor organization is such an organization of labor in which the practical implementation of specific measures is preceded by a thorough scientific analysis of labor processes and the conditions for their implementation, and the practical measures themselves are based on the achievements of modern science and best practices. In practice, the organization is called upon to solve three main interrelated tasks: economic, psychophysiological and social. The economic task is to create conditions for the production of competitive goods (the rational use of technology, materials and raw materials, which ensures the economy of living and materialized labor for the production of a unit of output, an increase in labor productivity, an improvement in the use of working time), an increase in production and an increase in profits. The psychophysiological task is associated with the creation of the most favorable working conditions, ensuring the preservation of physical health and safety of people, maintaining a high level of their performance. The social task is aimed at increasing the degree of people's satisfaction with work, creating conditions that ensure the growth of their professional knowledge.

Any labor is productive, but the level of its productivity is different. To achieve the most rational size of labor processes, labor as such should be properly organized, and its assessment should be based on certain, reasonable economic indicators. In a market economy, the importance of various factors that affect the efficiency of production increases, since, due to the reviving competition, the effectiveness of activities becomes a decisive prerequisite for the existence and development of enterprises. Among the factors of efficiency, an important place is occupied by the organization of labor, which is understood, on the one hand, the system of production relationships of workers with the means of production and with each other, which forms a certain order of the labor process, which consists of the division of labor and its cooperation between workers, the organization of workplaces and the organization of their service, rational methods and methods of work, reasonable labor standards, its payment and material incentives, planning and accounting of labor and which is ensured by the selection, training, retraining and advanced training of personnel, the creation of safe and healthy working conditions yes, as well as the education of labor discipline. The organization of labor in an enterprise is, on the other hand, actions to establish, streamline or change the procedure for the implementation of the labor process and the associated production interactions of workers with the means of production and with each other.

After the disclosure of the essence of the organization of labor in the enterprise, it is necessary to establish its content, that is, to show which constituent parts or elements make up the very order of the labor process, which was discussed above. The organization of labor at the enterprise contains the following elements: selection, training, retraining and advanced training of workers; division of labor, that is, the arrangement of workers in their workplaces and the assignment of certain responsibilities to them; cooperation of labor, that is, the establishment of a system of production relationships between workers; organization of workplaces; organization of service for workplaces; development of rational techniques and methods of labor; the establishment of reasonable labor standards; creation of safe and healthy working conditions; organization of payment and material incentives for labor; planning and labor accounting; education of labor discipline. Changes in technology and production technology require a corresponding change or improvement in the organization of labor. In addition, the science of labor organization is enriched with new data, advanced experience of new organizational solutions arises. If production clearly reacts to everything new that manifests itself in the field of labor organization, and systematically introduces it into its practice, then we have the right to talk about the scientific organization of labor (NOT). The scientific approach to the organization of labor allows the best way to combine technology and people in the production process, ensures the most efficient use of material and financial resources, a decrease in labor intensity and an increase in labor productivity. It is aimed at preserving the health of workers, enriching the content of their work. An important feature of NOT is its focus on solving interrelated groups of tasks:

· Economic (saving resources, improving product quality, increasing production efficiency);

· Psychophysiological (improvement of the working environment, harmonization of psychophysiological loads on a person, reduction of the severity and neuropsychic tension of labor);

· Social (increasing the diversity of work, its content, prestige, ensuring adequate wages).

The development of ideas about the tasks of NOT are the provisions on its functions, that is, the specific features of the manifestation of NOT at the enterprise, its impact on various aspects of production. Analysis of the impact of NOT on production allows us to single out the following of its functions.

The resource-saving function, including the labor-saving one, is aimed at saving working time, efficient use of raw materials, materials, energy, that is, resources. Moreover, saving labor includes not only saving the means of production, but also the elimination of all useless labor. This is achieved by the rational division and cooperation of labor, the use of rational methods and methods of labor, a clear organization of workplaces and a well-oiled system of their service. Saving resources is also served by the focus of NOT on improving product quality: better quality equals more. Resource saving is one of the main levers for intensifying production. In modern conditions, the increase in demand for fuel, energy, metal and other materials must be satisfied by 75-80% due to their savings. It is necessary to focus on this not only technology, but also the organization of labor.

The optimizing function is manifested in ensuring full compliance of the level of labor organization with the progressive level of technical equipment of production, in achieving the scientific substantiation of labor standards and labor intensity, in ensuring that the level of remuneration is consistent with its final results. The function of forming an effective employee. This is the implementation on a scientific basis of vocational guidance and professional selection of workers, their training, systematic advanced training.

The labor-sparing function is manifested in the creation of favorable, safe and healthy working conditions, in the establishment of a rational regime of work and rest, in the use of a flexible working time regime, in the facilitation of hard work to a physiologically normal value.

The function of raising labor. Labor elevates the creation of conditions in production for the harmonious development of a person, increasing the content and attractiveness of labor, eradicating routine and primitive labor processes, ensuring the diversity of labor and its humanization.

1.2 Characteristics of the main elements of the organization of labor of personnel

1. Labor activity of personnel. The labor process is carried out in time and space. The object of the spatial application of labor is the workplace - this is the primary link in the production process, its organizational and technical basis. It is here that the combination of the three main elements of this process takes place and its main goal is achieved - a qualitative change in the subject of labor. Therefore, for the timely and high-quality execution of production tasks, each workplace must be organized in a certain way, in particular, it must be equipped with everything necessary, planned and maintained in accordance with the nature of the specific work.

2. Scientific organization of labor. After the functional division of labor has been implemented and its cooperation has been thought out on the scale of the entire organization, it is necessary to make a deeper division and cooperation of labor within it - to divide labor between individual sections, workers, to arrange workers, to ensure the relationship and synchronization of their activities, to determine a rational organization work places.

3. Target planning. It includes the setting of long-term goals and the development of quantitative criteria, their achievement in the organization. Formation of the life goals of employees for the next 5-10 years. Optimization of the internal corporate goals of the organization and the life goals of employees according to the criterion of the quality of working life.

4. Technique of personal work. Includes types of tools for personal work, time management technology based on key tasks, time planning, "elephant technique" and the achievement of goals.

5. Organization of labor processes. Organizational support of labor activity involves the organization of labor processes, i.e. determination of techniques and methods by which a specific type of work can be performed. The study of work processes and the determination of the necessary expenditure of working time for its implementation allow us to identify and design the best methods and techniques of labor and rationally organize workplaces.

6. Labor rationing. Organizational support of personnel activities is impossible without defining a measure of labor, the means of establishing which is labor rationing. At the same time, rationing serves as a means of assessing various options for organizational support of personnel activities. Since any organizational change to one degree or another affects the cost of working time, labor rationing allows you to quantify these changes and choose the most rational option.

7. Conditions of work and rest. An integral part of the organizational support of personnel activities is the creation of working conditions. Working conditions are a significant factor that has a great impact on the health and performance of a person, his life expectancy. They are of great economic importance, since the efficiency of the implementation of labor processes depends on them. Improving working conditions also plays a large social role, increasing the attractiveness of work, fostering a creative attitude towards work. The results of the work of the personnel of the enterprise depend on the results of the work of each employee. Therefore, for joint activities of people, it is necessary to maintain a certain order (compliance with the beginning and end of work, regulated breaks, etc.), and in addition, a specific mechanism for maintaining labor discipline is needed.

8. Social and labor relations. At present, the term "social and labor relations" has entered into scientific circulation and is actively used, representing the relationship between employers, employees, trade unions and employment centers.

9. Optimization of staff workload. It has been established that a uniform workload of personnel affects the final results of production and reduces the loss of working time to 25% of the total fund. In Chapter 8 of the textbook, indicators of calculation and a methodology for optimizing the workload of personnel are developed according to the criterion of reducing losses of working time and overloads. 10. Automation of personnel management. Provides for the use of software systems for planning, accounting, monitoring and analysis of staff work in order to facilitate routine work and increase the productivity of skilled labor. According to the above elements, there are also 10 directions of personnel labor organization. These directions are universal, they apply equally to all personnel. However, in relation to each specific category of personnel, these general directions are manifested in a specific form, determined by the characteristics of this type of work, functional duties of employees, etc. The tasks of improving and maintaining the existing, existing organizational relations are implemented through the scientific organization of labor.

2. Methodological support for assessing the organization of labor of personnel

2.1 Indicators for assessing the organization of work

organization labor personnel company

On the state of the labor organization system and in identifying all the possibilities for increasing the organizational level of an enterprise on the basis of organizationalization or organizational inputs aimed at solving the most important economic and social problems.

During the analysis of the organization of work, it is necessary:

Assess the rationalization of the established forms of division and cooperation of labor and their compliance with the technical level of production and psychophysiological and social requirements;

Check the correct placement and use of workers in accordance with their professional qualifications and organization of production;

Establish the level and causes of losses and waste of working time;

To establish the degree of compliance of the actual working conditions with the normative ones, to assess the rationality of the modes of work and rest;

Determine the degree of effectiveness of the forms of remuneration of personnel;

Assess the state of organization and maintenance of workplaces, their compliance with technical, organizational and social requirements, standards and safety and labor protection;

Assess the labor methods used by employees, the degree of their rationality, efficiency and safety;

Assess the state of labor rationing;

Determine the most effective ways to improve the organization of labor in terms of their impact on the results of the enterprise;

Obtain data for calculating the comparative efficiency of the existing and projected level of labor organization;

Reveal the influence of labor organization on other subsystems of the enterprise's PHC.

The organization of labor has an economic and social orientation, and, accordingly, gives economic and social effects. The economic effect is achieved by improving the organization of labor processes, leading to saving working time, improving the quality of products and work, better use of equipment, saving raw materials, materials, energy. The social effect is manifested in an increase in the working capacity of people, the preservation of their health, and in an increase in job satisfaction. Ultimately, the social effect is also reflected in the economic effect.

When assessing the economic efficiency of measures in the field of improving the organization of labor, it is necessary to be guided by the "Methodological recommendations for assessing the effectiveness of investment projects and their selection for financing" and "Methodology for determining the economic efficiency of measures for NOT".

In accordance with the specified Methodological Recommendations, the following are distinguished:

1. commercial (financial) efficiency, which takes into account the financial implications of the project for its direct participants;

2. budgetary efficiency, reflecting the financial implications of the project for the federal one. Regional or local budgets;

3. economic efficiency, taking into account the costs and results associated with the implementation of the project, which go beyond the direct financial interests of the participants.

Economic efficiency is determined by the value of reducing labor costs, saving material and financial resources, which, ultimately, is expressed in a decrease in production costs, in an increase in profits and labor productivity. The calculation of economic efficiency is carried out by comparing labor, material and financial costs before and after the implementation of measures for the organization of labor or by comparing actual costs with standard ones.

The main indicators of the economic efficiency of measures to improve the organization of labor, determining the feasibility of their implementation, are: growth in labor productivity, annual economic effect.

Along with the main indicators, additional or partial indicators are also used:

Release of the number of personnel;

Saving working time;

Increase in production volumes;

Increase in income (profit) per ruble of costs;

Savings on individual cost items in production (activity) costs;

The actual payback period of the investment.

The annual economic effect (E year), or the reduced cost savings in the production of homogeneous products, is determined in rubles by the formula:

(C1- C2) H B2 - EnChZed., Where

С 1 and С 2 - the cost of a unit of production (work) in comparable prices, respectively, before and after the implementation of measures, rubles;

В 2 - the annual volume of production (work) in kind (pcs., T, m 3, etc.);

E n - standard coefficient of investment efficiency;

З units - one-time costs, rubles.

When producing dissimilar products or performing dissimilar works, saving operating costs presented in the formula for determining the annual economic effect by the expression (C 1 - C 2) CH 2, h

The most effective and common way of collecting data on the current state of labor organization is the analysis of the use of labor.

The analysis of the use of labor at the enterprise involves consideration of two groups of indicators - extensive and intensive.

The analysis of extensive indicators provides for the definition of:

Changes in the total number of PPPs;

Dynamics of the number of personnel by specific functional groups;

Dynamics of the educational level for certain categories of personnel;

Changes in the age and sex structure of the workforce;

Labor movement;

Among the intensive indicators for the analysis, the coefficient is used:


Being busy with active work;

Employment in heavy physical labor;

Employment in non-prestigious jobs;

Distracting performers from their immediate functions;

Fulfillment of the norms of time.

The analysis of the use of labor force begins with a comparison of the planned and actual number of workers by category. At the same time, absolute and relative deviations are highlighted, the nature of changes is determined in comparison with the previous period, the structure of personnel and its change are analyzed.

2.2 Methodology for factor analysis of the level of organization of labor of personnel

The organization of labor at the enterprise level is formed under the influence of a number of objective (economic, technical and technological, cultural, political, legislative, social and climatic factors) and subjective (personal, social and legislative) factors (see Table 1).

Table 1

Characteristics of factors affecting the organization of work

Factor type

Factor description

Impact on the organization of work


Technical and technological - characterized by a technological structure and production technology

Determines the proportionality of the distribution of labor: the depth of the division of labor and possible options for cooperation of labor. Promotes the emergence of new forms of labor organization. Leads to a reduction in the share of manual labor in production. Partially determines the level of monotony of work


Economic - a set of a number of elements: the type of economic development, the type of economy, the size of the enterprise, the type of production, the branch of production, the form of ownership, etc.

Determines the possibility and necessity of introducing various methods and forms of labor organization, depending on economic constraints: financial, social costs and other side effects

Political - the policy of the government in the economic and social spheres

Determines the place of labor organization among the priority areas of development of national production

Legislative and legal - the impact of the legislative framework developed by state bodies

Defines the relationship between employers and employees based on labor legislation and other official documents


Social - an objective trend of changing needs in society

As a result, the expansion of the needs of workers contributed to the introduction of the principles of humanization of labor in the sphere of production.

Cultural - a set of norms and values ​​inherent in different nations and social strata.

Partially determines the propensity for collective or individual labor. - Determines the features in relation to the labor process: responsibility, propensity to innovate, etc.


Climatic - climatic conditions typical for the region

Determines the rhythm of work

Social - the cumulative influence of all personnel of the enterprise on the formation and change of the organization of labor on the basis of negotiations between the trade union and the administration

Through such negotiations, working conditions can be improved, some labor conflicts can be resolved.

Legislative and legal - development of official documents by the administration of enterprises and trade unions

Development of job descriptions, labor contracts, provisions on remuneration and material incentives for labor, etc.

Personal - the influence of specific managers, specialists and workers on improving the organization of labor at a specific enterprise based on rationalization proposals

Contributes to the improvement of various elements of the organization of labor, mainly such as the rationalization of the labor process, the introduction of advanced techniques and methods of labor; improvement of labor rationing

3.1 Technical and technological features of work performance at the enterprise

Starting from the day of its foundation - in 2004, the company has chosen the principle of integrity and quality in work, and all this time it has been steadily following it. This is evidenced by the numerous reviews of customers and dealers, and the serious authority of the company, which it has won among colleagues in the shop.

The present day of the company is a steady growth, a lot of plans and prospects for the future, stability and reliability. The constant expansion of the range of activities sets new goals and objectives for the Bontual team, and the multi-stage quality control system allows the company to constantly improve work efficiency and give serious guarantees for its products.

Stretch ceiling manufacturing technology is the latest invention. In fact, the idea of ​​decorating the premises in this way is not new. Even during Ancient Hellas, silk cloths stretched on frames were used to decorate rich houses. Modern stretch ceilings appeared about half a century ago. And they gained wide popularity in the last decade of the last century. But at the same time, few people know how ceiling panels are made.

The production of stretch ceilings is a separate stage of work, which is carried out individually for each room. In order to make the production process clearer, it is worthwhile to briefly get acquainted with how the installation of the canvas takes place. Along the perimeter of the room, at a precisely measured height, a fastening profile is installed, which is called a baguette. Next, the installers take a canvas prepared according to the size of the room, to which a special fastener is welded along the perimeter - a harpoon. It is due to this fastening that the canvas will be held in the baguette. In order to get a perfectly stretched surface, it is important that the canvas is cut correctly, its area should be 10% less than the ceiling area. To achieve the stretching of the web, it is heated with the help of gas-fired heat guns. As a result of heating, the canvas acquires elasticity, and it can easily be stretched to the desired size and fixed in a baguette. As it cools, the canvas will tend to acquire its previous dimensions, and due to this tension, a perfectly flat and smooth surface is formed.

3.2 The main directions of improving the organization of labor at the enterprise

The most important areas for improving the organization of labor at the enterprise include:

Improving the division and cooperation of labor: rationalizing the technological, functional and qualification division of labor; introduction of multi-station (multi-unit) service, combination of professions and functions; increasing the efficiency of labor cooperation (introduction of progressive forms and types of brigade labor organization);

Improvement of the organization and maintenance of workplaces: rational planning of workplaces and their chain in the area, workshop; organizational and technical equipment of workplaces; expansion of typification in the planning and equipping of workplaces; design of scheduled preventive systems for servicing workplaces, ensuring the effective use of the total working time of the main and auxiliary workers;

Improvement of working conditions: normalization of sanitary and hygienic working conditions; ensuring labor protection requirements; ensuring normal psychophysiological working conditions; streamlining of consumer services for workers; increasing the level of aestheticization of the production environment; primary mechanization of heavy and harmful work; elimination of emotionally negative labor factors;

Rationalization of the mode of work and rest (intra-shift, weekly, monthly and annual); rational shift in the enterprise and its divisions, certain categories of workers; effective use of non-working time and measures to ensure it;

Improvement of the organization of selection, training and advanced training of personnel: provision of training and retraining of personnel; in accordance with the needs of production; organization of a system of vocational guidance and professional selection; improvement of general educational and economic training of personnel; improvement of the forms and methods of professional development of personnel; creation of conditions that ensure the stability of personnel; adherence to standard programs and terms of training in professions and qualifications;

Study and implementation of advanced techniques and methods of labor: rationalization of labor techniques and movements; the introduction of progressive methods of work within the shift; instructing performers and teaching them advanced techniques and methods of labor, ensuring the saving of working time and an increase in labor productivity;

Improvement of labor rationing: development and implementation of technically sound norms, rational regulation of their revision; expansion of the rationing front for all categories of workers; development and implementation of regulatory nomograms; improvement of the organization of standardization work;

Rational organization of labor incentives: improving the forms of collective incentives for labor collectives; the use of effective systems of individual bonuses; economic substantiation of forms and systems of individual remuneration; improvement and widespread introduction of forms of moral incentives;

The main measures to reduce physical and neuropsychic tension are as follows:

1. Increasing the level of mechanization and automation of labor-intensive production processes, the use of modern high-performance technology;

2. Improving the organization of workplaces;

3. Organization of techniques and methods of work;

4. Optimization of the pace of work;

5. Optimization of the mode of work and rest;

6. Improving transport services for jobs associated with heavy work items;

7. Scientifically grounded establishment of standards for equipment maintenance and standards for its maintenance, taking into account the amount of information that an employee can correctly perceive, process and make a timely and correct decision;

8. Alternation of work requiring the participation of different analyzers (hearing, sight, touch, etc.);

9. Alternation of work, requiring mainly mental stress with physical work;

10. Alternation of works of varying complexity and intensity;

11. Optimization of work and rest regimes;

12. Prevention and reduction of monotony of work by increasing the content of work;

13. Rhythmization of labor (work according to a schedule with a 10-15% lower load in the first and last hours of the work shift);

14. Computerization of computational and analytical work, the widespread use of personal computers in the practice of production management, the organization of computer data banks on various aspects of production activities, and others.

The organization of labor of the trading and assembly company "Bontual" is based on the same laws and principles, consists of the same elements that in general make up the system of scientific organization of labor. To carry out the analysis, let us first of all characterize the personnel of the Bontual company.

According to the staffing table in Bontual since 2009, the OS staff consists of the following categories of employees:




Warehouse Manager;

Managers for drafting contracts with individuals;

Managers for drafting contracts with legal entities;

Stretch ceiling cutters;

Production department workers;


Stretch ceiling installers;

Delivery drivers;

Office and production shop cleaner;

The director of the organization organizes the work of the economic unit of the control system and the work of the entire team. The division of personnel into categories of workers is based on the principle of division and specialization of labor. Each category of workers has certain professional and special characteristics, which are reflected in the category of the wage category.

Since the company "Bontual" belongs to the trade and installation company, the main direction of the scientific organization of labor is to ensure favorable conditions for the work of employees and high-quality work. The norm of the working day of each employee at the enterprise is 8-12 hours.

When studying the state of workplaces, the following negative points were revealed: the production workshop for the manufacture of stretch ceilings is too small and poorly lit. These negative aspects significantly reduce the quality and time of workers on stretch ceilings. The solution to this problem is possible by expanding the production hall, for example, to build the 2nd floor of the building and build in more windows. To speed up the work in the shop, it is necessary to purchase the missing draw frames and different types of PVC films. This will greatly increase the efficiency of labor productivity.

There is also the problem of providing security and fire safety systems. For the comfortable work of managers in the office, it is necessary to provide the necessary office equipment and stationery. In the company "Bontual" office equipment is in a rather outdated form and insufficient in its quantity.

Based on the above, we will calculate the economic efficiency of several measures to improve working conditions. Let us consider such areas as carrying out anti-noise measures, increasing illumination at workplaces. The initial data do not reflect the experience of a particular enterprise, but they are based on the study by statistical offices of the experience of many enterprises where work was carried out to improve working conditions.

1) As a result of the anti-noise measures (installation of noise suppressors), which made it possible to reduce the noise from 94 - 108 dB to 70 - 71 dB, the proportion of the duration of the increased working capacity in the general fund of working time increased (on average for the site).

Thus, the proportion of the duration of the increased efficiency phase in the total working time fund before the implementation of the measure was 0.47%, after - 0.62%. The annual output of products by the site before the implementation of the event amounted to 800,000 rubles, after - 821,200 rubles. At the same time, the proportion of workers in this section in the total number of industrial and production personnel is 5%, the conditionally fixed costs in the agricultural sector of the annual output of products are 160,000 rubles, and the cost of technological equipment is 200,000 rubles.

Based on these data, we will calculate the economic efficiency.

1. Increase in labor productivity in the area:

P = (0.62 - 0.47) / (0.47 + 1) x 100 x 0.20 = 2.04%

Increase in labor productivity in the enterprise:

P = 2.04 x 0.05 = 0.1%

2. Increase in production volume for the site:

P = (41060 - 40,000) / 40,000 x 100 = 2.65%

3. Saving on the site for conditionally fixed costs:

Esu = 160,000 x (821,200 - 800,000) / 800,000 = 6240 rubles

4. Savings from improved equipment utilization:

Eku = (0.15 x 200000 x 2.65) / 100 = 3980 rubles

5. Annual savings:

Eg = 6240 + 3980 = 10220 rubles.

2) Increasing illumination at workplaces from 65 to 350 lux (replacing incandescent lamps with fluorescent ones), improving the operation of ventilation units, using rational painting of walls and equipment in the assembly shop allowed reducing the loss of working time and unproductive labor costs.

Thus, the annual production output by the workshop before the implementation of the event amounted to 274,890 rubles, after - 287,170 rubles, the annual time fund of one worker before the implementation of the event - 219 days, after - 230 days. At the same time, the average number of workers in the workshop is 20 people, the share of workshop products in the total production volume of the enterprise is 7.1%, the annual output of one worker in the base period is 13,000 rubles, the conditionally fixed costs in agricultural products are 238,400 rubles, the cost of technological equipment is 200,000, and the one-time costs of holding events are 2,800 rubles.

The estimated average number of workers in the workshop, calculated on the volume of production of the planned period for the development of the baseline:

287170/13000 = 22 people

Calculation of economic efficiency:

1. Relative savings in the number of workers:

Eh = (23/22 - 1) x 22 = 1 person

2. Increase in labor productivity in the shop:

P = (1 x 100) / (22 -1) = 4.8%

3. Increase in labor productivity in the enterprise:

P = 4.8 x 0.071 = 0.55%

4. Increase in production volume:

P = (2871.7 - 2748.9) / 2748.9 x 100 = 4.4%

5. Savings on conditionally fixed costs:

Esu = 238400 x 4.4 / 100 = 10490 rubles

6. Savings from improved equipment utilization:

Esu = 150,000 x 0.15 x 4.4 / 100 = 4990 rubles

7. Annual economic effect:

Eg = 10490 + 4990 - 2800 = 12680 rubles.

The overall economic effect will be:

10220 + 12680 = 22900 rubles.


Improving the organization of workers' work is ensured by the introduction of the scientific organization of labor (STO).

The scientific organization of labor is such an organization that makes it possible to carry out work with a minimum expenditure of labor and time of workers and ensures the most efficient use of material and labor resources. It is based on the achievements of science and advanced experience, allows the best way to combine technology and people in a single production process.

In the conditions of market relations for the majority of Russian enterprises, the main condition for their survival is increasing the competitiveness of products. An important role here is played by reducing the cost of production, which is facilitated, in particular, by the scientific organization of labor.

Technology, as the most mobile element of production, systematically outstrips the organization of labor in its development, which necessitates its restructuring. The very same work organization is also constantly being improved, forcing the organization to introduce more and more modern innovations in the field of NOT.

Of great importance is the creation of normal working conditions, the essence of which is to ensure a favorable environment at the workplace - the elimination of heavy physical work, work in hazardous and emergency conditions, reducing its monotony, nervous tension, etc.

Working conditions at an enterprise as the living conditions of workers in the process of their activities are both an element of the production system and an object of organization, planning and management. Therefore, changing working conditions is impossible without interfering with the production process. That is, it is necessary to combine, on the one hand, working conditions, and on the other, the technology of production processes.

Labor productivity is the fruitfulness, the productivity of the production activity of people, measured by the amount of time spent per unit of output, or the amount of output produced per unit of working time. The essence of the law of increasing labor productivity is to create a maximum product with a minimum of labor, and therefore an increase in social labor productivity objectively contributes to the progress of mankind, which is expressed in the growth of material production, in the development of science, culture, art, and all aspects of civilization.

Thus, there is every reason to assert that the skillful organization of labor is a direct factor in increasing the efficiency of a particular enterprise.

The study showed that the organization of labor at the LLC "Bontual" company meets the regulatory requirements.

The number of workers at the surveyed enterprise increased by 5.26%. According to the report, 2 people were fired of their own free will, for absenteeism and other violations of discipline, 2 people, while the turnover rate was 10.26%. The company has managed to maintain a positive downward trend in staff turnover this year, which has continued over the past 3 years.

According to the report, the average annual output of one worker was exceeded by 114.16 thousand rubles. At the same time, labor productivity increased by 21.36%. The wages fund at the enterprise increased in 2009 compared to the previous one by 859.5 thousand rubles, which is 40.45%. The average monthly wage in 2009 was 12.3 thousand rubles per employee. The proportion of labor costs to the volume of work performed decreased by 3%, which is a positive factor (given the growth of the total wages fund).

As measures to improve working conditions, the following were proposed: carrying out anti-noise measures (installation of silencers), which made it possible to reduce noise from 94 - 108 dB to 70 - 71 dB; increasing illumination at workplaces from 65 to 350 lux (replacing incandescent lamps with fluorescent lamps), improving the operation of ventilation units.

The overall economic effect from the implementation of these measures will be:

10220 + 12680 = 22900 rubles.


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