Revived Alexandria library, Egypt. Influence of the Alexandria Library on Scientific Antique Knowledge

Revived Alexandria library, Egypt. Influence of the Alexandria Library on Scientific Antique Knowledge
Revived Alexandria library, Egypt. Influence of the Alexandria Library on Scientific Antique Knowledge

Everything that is connected with the Alexandria library does not give rest to the scientists of the minds to this day. And if there is at least a bit of a chute over the mystery of the curtain, the history of the disappearance is more on rumors and guesses than in historical facts.


Incredibly beautiful and majestic was ancient Alexandria. Founded by Alexander Macedonian on various information somewhere in 332-330 g. BC. And named in his honor, it was completely built out of the stone. Alexandria was located on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, not far from the Nile delta and was combined with a curtail with the famous Alexandria (Farosky) Lighthouse, which was considered one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. According to the plan - it was supposed to be a city of scientists and the center of world science. All in Alexandria was unusual and the brilliantly - and the tomb of her founder - Alexander the Great, and the palaces of the royal dynasty of Ptolemyev, the beginning of which put the Ptolemy lag (nicknamed Soter), friend and faithful companion Alexander Macedon, and the temple of Poseidon, and the theater. But the main attraction, which attracted all scholars' minds here was the Alexandria library.

To date, there is no accurate data about the date of its foundation (somewhere at the beginning of the first century BC), nor about its location, nor about its size, or about the device, nor the funds, which have established it. According to various assumptions in the funds of the Alexandria library, there were from 700,000 to 1,000,000 papyrus scrolls, based on this, the library's building should have been large-scale and grandiose. It was built, most likely, as part of the palace complex in the royal quarter, named Bruhaeon.

The inspiration and creator of the Alexandria Library, as can be judged from the information that had reached us, was Demetrios (Demetrios) Falersky. Extremely smart and sign for its time. Thanks to the mind and charisma, he became a folk tribune in Athens, and then 10 years (317-307 BC) of the rules of Athens as the governor. He was an outstanding organizer and lawmaking, published many laws, but also considered the legislator of fashion. It is known, for example, that he was the first of Athenian men in due time he blew her hair with hydrogen peroxide. Later Demetrius Falersky was dismissed and engaged in writing scientific and philosophical works.

Demetrius Falersky was seen by the Egyptian ruler - Ptolem and Sothera, who persuaded the scientist to come to Alexandria as an advisor and mentor for the royal sibling. It was a demetery and convinced Pharaoh to create an Alexandria library. Apparently, she was part of Museyon (a museum, the so-called "MUZ Palace"), such an academic town for writers, researchers, scientists and philosophers of the time in which they worked and worked, and in addition, those were trained here Who wanted to master the book wisdom. One of the main destinations of Museyon was to give a brilliant education to the heirs of the royal throne and raise the decent Egyptian elite. For the needs of Museyon, university, observatory, library and even botanical and zoological gardens were specifically built.

Demetrius Falersky led the Alexandria Library at 295-284. BC. In 283 BC, after the death of Ptolemya I, his heir, Ptolemy II, sent the guardian of the library to resign and he died from the bite of the snake away from the capital. Demetriya Falersky attributes the development of the concept of formation and replenishment of book funds, accounting and cataloging systems of papyrus scrolls, as well as the device of the library itself. In addition, it is considered the founder of scientific literature, since it was Demetri that successfully coped with the task of publishing critical works, dedicated works Great Homer. The task in front of the library was their ambitious - to collect all the books of the world in its funds!


From the moment of its founding, the Alexandrian library has faded the fame of the most complete and valuable book assembly, competing with the libraries of Pergamum and Rhodes. It was believed that in the world there is not a single little valuable work, the copies of which would not be stored in this library. It is believed that her base was the books mined as trophies during military campaigns by Alexander Great.

According to the advice of the Keeper of the Alexandria Library, Demetrius Falersky, Pharaoh was acquired by the Aristotle library, which is famous for the rarest manuscripts and considered the most valuable at the time.

In the main mass of the Library Funds were represented by the works of Greek authors, but there were manuscripts with religious, historical and mythological texts of the peoples belonging to egyptian kingdom. For example, the religious texts translated into Greek were kept here for the first time from the pentateuction of the Old Testament. The gathering of the book heritage of the peoples inhabiting Egypt was not a priority of the library, but at the same time allowed us to take into account national and religious subtleties and nuances when creating the laws of the Egyptian state and the organization of a single social defendant.

Pharaohs from the genus Ptolemyev spent astronomical amounts for the acquisition and copy of valuable manuscripts. Wanting to get the rarest manuscripts and valuable works, the rulers of Egypt did not spare any means. For example, a passionate connoisseur and collector of book rare rarities Ptolemya II Philadelph, without trading, missed all the most famous Greek books. In addition, the replenishment of funds was carried out quite simple, but in an effective way. According to one of the legends, the royal decree prescribed all navigators who went to the port of Alexandria, to sell or donate a scroll into ships. There was even a special customs service, carefully taking the entire ship luggage and published to replenish library Funds Book values \u200b\u200bfound.

All that could not be bought, - corresponded by the special royal state of scribes. Valuable literary works Bold in Alexandria to copy. But there were cases, moreover, quite frequent when the owners were returning copies instead of originals. In support of this, there is a legend, according to which the originals of the famous Greek authors are brought from Athens to Alexandria - Sofokla, Eurypid and Eschila, on bail to a huge amount for that time - 15 silver talents. But, for the sake of maintaining original original originals, after copying Ptolamey, III returned to Greece their copies, sacrificing with the fabulous monetary pledge.

Manuscripts not only bought and copied, but also exchanged. A significant part of the library funds amounted to copies (duplicates) of already existing works. They were used to replace the fundamental funds that came into disrepair, as well as exchanged on books that were not presented in the library.

Papius who served material for the manufacture of manuscripts, in a fair amount produced on the banks of the Nile. Therefore, the lion's share of the Tsarist Library was Papiral scrolls. But the waxed smells were kept here, and letters carved on the stone and expensive foliants from parchment.

In addition to storage, actually, library funds, as practiced in many libraries of that time, the Alexandria library also served as the royal archive. Here, records of the ruler conversations, reports and reports of the concedes, other important state documents. At the same time, all the cases were scrupulously and grouped in detail, as a result of which the chain of events was traced: from the idea or decision of Pharaoh to whatever the issue - until the final incarnation of him into life.

Over time, the library funds have become so extensive that with Ptolemey Ptolemey III Everguete, in 235 BC, it was decided to establish its branch, the so-called "subsidiary" library. Such a branch served as a library at Sierapeon - the temple in honor of the god of Serapis (Sarapis). She was in the Alexandrian Quarter Rakotis. Its foundation consisted of approximately 50,000 scrolls, the basis of which was religious literature, as well as duplicates of papyrus stored in the main library building.

Founded as part of the religious complex, the branch library itself was considered to be a cult structure, before it was even required to undergo a special calculation rite. This temple library, among other things, contained texts related to the formation of a new cult of the Sewer's God, which was created to unite into one entire religions of Greece and Egypt, and served as a prototype of a single world religion. He led the "child" library of the Supreme Priest of God Scerapis.

Thus, in Alexandria, there were virtually two libraries - one secular, and the other is religious.


There is a few versions that led to the decline and disappearance of the Alexandria library. But none of them is fully confirmed and not refuted officially.

The beginning of the end of the Alexandrian Library is a fire that arose during hostilities (48 BC) between Julia Caesar, who supported the young Tsaritsa Cleopatra in her claims to the royal throne, and her brother and his spouse, juvenile Ptolem, XIII Dionisia, and also Sister Arsinoe. According to one of the versions, Julius Caesar himself ordered to set fire to the departure of Roman ships ready for the departure, so that the Romans headed by him did not have a temptation run, on the other - the fire broke out uninhabited as a result of fierce street fighting. One way or another, but as a result of this terrible fire, ships and part of the ancient city are burned down. But the most terrible loss was the destruction of a tens of thousands of invaluable papyrius scrolls, most of which were immersed on ships to be evacuated in Rome, part was in port warehouses, part - in the library itself. Someone speaks doubts about the death of the most valuable rarities from the funds of the Alexandrian Book Treasury during this fire. There are a number of skeptics who are confident that the cunning and cunning Julius Caesar managed to send all valuable bookstate on the ships in the direction known to him, and in order to hide the embezzlement of book treasures - staged a fire. The fire deftly hid the traces of the crime, while damaging the main building of the library and absorbing the unfinished Caesar part of the book wealth.

Nevertheless, Tsaritsa Cleremema, the heiress of the kind of Ptolemyev, was very much worried about Alexandria lost. The library's victim from the fire was rebuilt again. Later, Mark Anthony's insanely enthusiastically, he presented with 200,000 unique papyrius scrolls delivered from the Funds of the Pergamine Library as a gift. With this gift, he significantly restored victims of library funds.

As a result of the Civil War, stirred by the Roman Empire, Mark Anthony and supported His Cleopatra suffered defeat. In 31 BC Egypt has lost its independence, becoming one of the Roman colonies. And the Alexandria Library passed to the property of the Roman Empire.

The following blow to the famous library has undergone during the war with the queen Palmyra Zenobia (Xenobia, Zinovia). Zenobia Septimia, who dreamed of the sovereignty of his kingdom, announced the independence of Palmyra in 267, defeated the Roman legions sent to her doubt and conquered Egypt. In 273, the army of recalcitrant zenobia was broken by Luziem Domita Averalian. But as a result of hostilities, the Egyptian capital and the main library of the Egyptian pharaohs suffered from ruin and fire. Some sources are blamed in this rebellious queen, and others, and most of them, the culprit is considered to be Averalian. After these events, some of the surviving scrolls were transferred to the child temple library, and the part was taken to Constantinople.

But it was not the last fire, which happened to survive the world famous library. The times when Christians were subjected to persecution and persecution ended. Now they have come to dictate their conditions to the inviera. After signing the Edict of the Emperor Feodosia and the Great about the prohibition of pagan cults, in 391 in 391 bloody clashes between Christian fanatics, headed by Alexandrian Bishop Ferofil (Teofil), and pagans. They turned around by irreparable blow to the Alexandria library, the funds of which were broken from alien Christian work ideologies. Wanting to destroy all heretical books, contrary to Christian verbation, the library was almost completely defeated, and invaluable manuscripts were destroyed and devoted fire. It was the "subsidiary" library in Serapeon, because the sacred texts pursued by Christians, was undergone with the greatest destruction and destruction, together with the pagan temple of Serapis.

However, there are sources that argue that in this deftly created Christians, some mysterious individuals seized and taken out great amount representing the greatest value of sacred scrolls. Say that some of these manuscripts have repeatedly flooded in different time In different places so that no less mysteriously disappear again. So it really is - no one knows, but the fact that the fish is best to catch in muddy water - everyone knows!

During these pogroms, the library suffered irreparable losses, but did not cease to exist. But former Slav And the greatness of her to revive and failed.

Finally, the death of once the majestic and most extensive libraries in the ancient world are associated with Arab conquerors. According to those who came to us, this information happened in 646, when Alexandria was captured by the troops of Omar Khalifa (Umar) І. At first, library funds were looted by the age of conquerors, and then exposed to destruction. According to the legend, the Khalifa lobster winner was asked how to do with a great multitude of books stored in Alexandria. He, being a fierce fanatic Muslim, who won one-sole book - Quran, replied that if the manuscripts confirm the same as written in the Quran, they are useless, and if they contain what is contrary to the only divine book, then they are extremely harmful. In both of these cases, they are to be destroyed. According to one of the versions, by performing the order of his lord, the Arab warriors burned all the contents of the library in the giant bony. On the other, the manuscripts were minimized in huge convolutions and thrown into hot water In the city bath, because of what was irreparable spoiled.

According to opposite information, the Omar conqueror sent a huge number of rare manuscripts from the funds of the Egyptian Tsarist Library as trophies. Later, they appeared in the personal book collections of a number of respected representatives of the Arab world. Those who know the reverence of Arabs in front of science and knowledge, even thoughts do not allow that any of the representatives of this enlightened people could destroy valuable manuscripts.

However, the mystery of the disappearance of the Alexandria Library also remains unsolved. Was it someone's well-planned action? Or or religious fanaticism and insane wars dispelled the former glory of the book treasury, serving the Mecca of education and the scientific thought of the ancient world? It is unlikely that we are ever destined to find out. And if somewhere in a secluded place and stored ancient rarities, sometime the pride of the Alexandria library, then their owners are unlikely to open them their secret. The treasures stored by them are too valuable, the knowledge contained in fragile scrolls may be too powerful.

Where did the Alexandria library disappear?

Alexandria library - One of the largest libraries of antiquity, which existed under the Alexandria Museum.

Idea library
Alexandria library - The most famous of the ancient, but not the most ancient library known to us. Idea library - This is the idea of \u200b\u200bpreserving and transferring knowledge from the past to the coming generations, the idea of \u200b\u200bcontinuity and initiation. It is not completely randomly randomly the existence of libraries in the most developed cultures of antiquity. The libraries of the Egyptian pharaohs, the kings of Assyria and Babylon are known. Some functions of the libraries carried out the meetings of sacred and cult texts in the ancient temples or religious and philosophical communities like the Brotherhood of Pythagore. There were also enough extensive private collections of books in the ancient time. For example, the library of Euripid, which he, according to Aristophan, used when writing his own works. The library of Aristotle, which created largely due to the donations of the famous student Aristotle Alexander the Great. However, the value of the Aristotle library repeatedly exceeds the total significance of the books collected by Aristotle. For with absolute confidence, we can say that the creation of the Alexandria library has become possible in many respects thanks to Aristotle. And the point here is not even the fact that the book assembly of Aristotle was the basis of the library of the Likement, which became the prototype of the library in Alexandria. The followers or students of Aristotle were all who are more or less involved in the creation of the Alexandria library.
Among them should be called Alexander himself, who embedded the theory of the philosophical act of his teacher, spread the boundaries of the Hellenistic world so much that the direct transmission of knowledge from the teacher to the student was made in many cases simply impossible - creating the prerequisites for the foundation of the library in which The books of the entire Hellenistic world would be collected. In addition, Alexander himself had a small acquisition library, the main book of which was "Iliad" of Homer - the most famous and mysterious Greek author, whose study of the work of the entire first librarians of the Alexandria library. It should not be forgotten that Alexander was founded by the city itself, in terms of which he drawn five of the first letters of the alphabet, which means: "Alexandros Vasylene Genos Dios Extis" - "Alexander-Tsar, the production of Zeus, founded ...", - Meaning that the city will be very glorified including verbal sciences.
Foundation of the Alexandria Library
The creation of the Alexandria Library is associated with the Alexandria Museon, based on about 295 BC. At the initiative of the two Athenian philosophers, Demetrius of Falersky and Strathon-Physics, who arrived in Alexandria at the invitation of Ptolemya I at the very beginning of the III century. BC e. Since both of the named husbands were also mentors of the royal sons, one of the most important functions, and perhaps the first task of the newly created museum was to ensure the high level The formation of the heirs to the throne, as well as the elite elite of Egypt. In the future, this was fully combined with a full-fledged research work in the most different industries Knowledge. Both areas of activity of the museum were impossible without the existence of scientific and training libraries. Therefore, there is reason to believe that the library as part of the new scientific and educational complex was founded in the same year as the museum itself, or after a very short time after the start of the latter. In favor of the version of the simultaneous basis, the museum and the library may also testify that the library has been mandatory and an integral part of the Athenian Likement, which, beyond any doubt, and served as a prototype when creating an Alexandrian Museon.

The first mention of the library is found in the famous "letter to Philochate"
The author of which, approximate Ptolemy II of Philadelph, reports in connection with the events of the translation of the Holy Books of Jews to the Greek Next: " Dimitri Faliree, Head of the Tsarist Library, received large sums to collect, if possible, all the books of the world. Walking and removing copies, he, as much as his strength, brought to the end of the desire of the king. Once in our presence, he was asked how many thousands of books, and answered: "Over two hundred thousand, king, and in a short time I will take care of the rest to bring to five hundred thousand. But I inform you that the laws of the Jews deserve to rewrite them and have in your library».
The role of Demetry Falersky in creating a library. The role of Demetry Falersky was not reduced to the management of the funds of the library and the formation of its book fund. First of all, it was necessary to convince the king of Ptolemy I Smera in the need for an existence of an unprecedented scale of the library. Apparently, this task was more difficult, rather than may easpled after more than two millennia after the existence of a widely developed network of libraries of various sizes and status: from personal to national. Additional difficulties were associated with the fact that a new case required quite large cash, which were needed by a young monarchy for the content of the army and fleet, conducting an active external and internal politicians, Development of trade, large-scale construction in Alexandria and other regions of the country, etc., while Demetrius Falersky skillfully used his position the nearest Tsarist adviser and the author of the Ptolemeevskaya capital of Alexandria. Using his own authority, he justified the need to open the library in that "the power of the word in the battle is, such in the state the word power is not enough to introduce a cult of a new syncretic deity, which was the cult of serapsum, but also required deep knowledge Traditions, history, legislation and beliefs of peoples inhabiting the state.
For the speedy discovery of the Library, Demetrius used his status of the teacher of one of the heirs of the royal throne, convincing the Saker's Ptolemy in the fact that learning wisdom through reading best booksThe continuity of power, the prosperity of the country and the ruling dynasty will also be promoted. Apparently, it was a fairly serious argument for the king, who, of course, Alexander the Great childhood, of course, had a very convincing example of the beneficial effects of books from the Aristotle's meeting on the greatest king of his time. Yes, and the experience of the Demetry of Falersky and Strathon Physics, acting as teachers of the heirs of the throne, was probably evaluated as quite successful - because in the future the responsibilities of the mentor of the heir to the throne and the library manager often performed the same person.

Library device

The figure Demetry Falersky was key not only on the issue of initiating the opening of the Alexandria library, but also in the development of device plans, as well as the most important principles of its functioning. Out of doubt, the prototype of the Alexandrian Museum and the library served as the device of the Athenian Liqukey. But here the richest appearance is extremely important. personal experience Demetry Falersky, who, having passed the path from the ordinary student to the nearest friend of the leader of the Fauofrast, could evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of the library of the Likement, the basis of which the book assembly of Aristotle served. The experience of a successful ten-year Athens management was also valuable, during which Demetrius Falersky conducted large construction worksand also made it possible acquisition of the garden and the structure of the Liqukey in the ownership of the FEFRAST. Therefore, the opinion of Demetry Falerski seemed no less important and in the development building plans and architectural solutions of the Alexandria Library.
Any reliable information about appearance And the internal device of the premises of the Alexandria Library has not been preserved. However, some finds suggest that book handwriting scrolls were kept on the shelves or in special grats, which were located in rows; Passages between rows provided access to any unit of storage. Each scroll had a certain similarity of a modern catalog card in the form of the plates attached to it, on which the authors were indicated, as well as their names.
The library building had several side attacks and covered galleries with rows books Shelves. Apparently, there were no reading rooms in the library - however, the workplaces of scroll correspondencers who could also take advantage of the library and museum staff for their work. Accounting and cataloging of purchased books were probably from the day of the foundation of the library, which completely corresponds to the appeals at the courtyard of Ptolemyev, according to which records of all cases and conversations from the moment of proclaiming the king of any business until its fulfillment. It is thanks to this, the librarian at any time could answer the question of the king about the number of books already had in repositories and plans to increase storage units.
Formation of a book fund
The initial principles of the formation of the Book Fund were also developed by Demetrius Falersky. From the "Letters of Aristoes" it is known that before Demetria Falersky, the task was to collect, if possible, all the books of the world. But when there have not yet been catalogs of literary works and there was no understanding of world literature as a single process, only a librarian based on its own knowledge and horizons could determine specific priorities. In this sense, the figure of Demetry Falersky was unique. Pupil Liqukey and Frieof, Orator and Legislator, Government of Athens, transformed by the Rhapsodes in the competition of Gomerists, Comrade Menandra, who had a complete picture of the modern and ancient tragedy and comedy, as well as access to the manuscripts of Eschila, Sofokla and Euripid in the theater Dionysus in Athens, demetry naturally allocated the following directions of the formation of the new library book fund:
1. Poetry, primarily epic, primarily homer;
2. Tragedy and comedy, primarily - ancient: Eschyl, Sophocl, Euripid;
3. History, right, oratory;
4. Philosophy, which included not only philosophical essays in modern understanding - but also works in all the well-known industries of science: physics, mathematics, botany, astronomy, medicine, etc. etc.
The first priority was the compilation of a full canon greek literature that time. But since the texts of Homer, Eschil, Sofokla and other authors went in a variety of lists, required to agree on a single version of the most important for greek culture texts. That is why all available options for the most authoritative works were acquired, which were stored in a variety of copies in the Alexandria library. At the same time, it was the Demetrius Falersky, work was launched on identifying and textual criticism of the Homer's poems. It is on the basis of the Demetrius of the Falerian text collected by Demetrius, as well as his critical work "On Iliad", "On Odysse", "Sandor of Homer", Zenodot Efesse, following Demetrius, the head of the Alexandria Library, took the first attempt to criticize the texts of Homer. It is a demetry of Falersky, therefore, therefore, the investigator of scientific literary studies should be considered.
From the very first years of its existence, the Alexandria library showed interest not only to the Greek literature - but also to some books of other peoples. True, this interest existed in a fairly narrow area and dictated the purely practical interests of ensuring effective leadership of a multinational state, whose peoples worshiped by various gods and were guided by their own laws and traditions. It is the need for writing universal legislation and establishment that, if possible, the general lifestyle, and dictated interest in religion, the legislation and the history of peoples living in Egypt. That is why in the first decade, the existence of the library in Alexandria was transferred to the Greek law of Jews, which became apparently the first book translated into the language of other people. At about the same years, the Counselor of Ptolemy Sothera Egyptian Priest Manephone writes in Greek "History of Egypt".
It is also known that Ptolemy II Philadelph personally wrote kings, with many of which was related to him to send everything from the works of poets, historians, speakers, doctors. In some cases, the owners of the Alexandrian library sacrificed the rather significant amounts of pledge - in order to leave in Alexandria the originals of particularly valuable books taken to copy. In any case, this story came out with the tragedies of Eshil, Sophocla and Euripid, whose lists were kept in the archives of the Dionysus Theater in Athens. Athens got a deposit of fifteen silver talents and copies of the ancient tragedies, the Alexandria library - the originals of invaluable books.


The leading role of Demetry Falersky in the creation of the Alexandria library largely predetermined the high position of all subsequent leaders of the library in the hierarchy of officials of the Ptolemyevsky yard. Despite the fact that the library formally was part of the museum, the librarian, unlike the Museum ruler, which had only administrative functions, was a much more important figure. As a rule it was famous poet Or a scientist who also headed as the priest of the highest rank Alexandrian Museumon. Frequently, the librarian part-time was also the educator of the heir to the throne; The tradition of such a partnership also took its beginning from Demetry Falersky.
Information regarding the first managers of the Alexandrian library, which have come to our time, are not always consistent with each other - however, the following list of librarians of the first one and a half years after the founding of the Alexandria library appear to the truth.:
Demetrius Falersky(years of management Library: 295 - 284 G. BC) - founder of the library, formed the basis of the library fund, developed the principles of configuration and functioning of the library, laid the foundations of the scientific criticism of the text;
Zenodot Efessky (284 - 280 g. BC) - Grammar of Alexandria school, published the first critical texts of Homer;
Callima Kirensky (280 - 240 g. BC) - the scientist and poet made up the first directory of the library - "Tables" in 120 books of scrolls;
Apollonium Rhodes (240 - 235 G. BC) - Poet and scientist, author of "Argonautics" and other poems;
Eratosthene Kirensky (235 -195 BC) - mathematician and geographer, teacher of the heir to the throne Ptolemy IV;
Aristophane Byzantine (195 - 180 g. BC) - Philologist, author of literary and critical works on Homere and Hesiod, other ancient authors;
Apollonium Aidographer (180 - 160).
Aristarkh Selfracy(160 - 145 G. BC) - scientist, publisher of the new critical text of Homer's poems.
Starting from the middle of the II century. BC. The role of the librarian is steadily reduced. Alexandria library no longer leads authoritative scientists of their time. The responsibilities of the librarian are reduced to normal administration.
Flowering and death of the Alexandria Library
Thanks to the activities of the first successors, Demetry of Falersky, as well as the heirs of Ptolemy I Sothera fairly quickly came true forecast of the first librarian regarding the number of books that will be collected in the Tsarist Library. Already by the end of the board, Ptolemy of Philadelph, the library stores contained from 400 to 500 thousand books from around the world, and to i c. AD The library collection counted about 700 thousand scrolls. In order to accommodate all these books, the libraries are constantly expanded, and in 235 BC. With Ptolemye III Evergue, in addition to the main library, located together with the Museon in the royal quarter Bruheyon, a "subsidiary" library was created in the Rakotis quarter at the Serapisa Temple - Serapeyon.

The subsidiary had its own fund out of 42800 scrolls in the main student books, including a huge number of doublet works that were in a large library. However, the main library also had a huge number of copies of the same works, which was determined by several reasons. The library was completely deliberately acquired a huge number of handwritten copies most famous works Greek literature to highlight the most ancient and reliable lists. To the greatest extent, it concerned the works of Homer, Gesiod, ancient tragic and comic authors. The technology for storing papyrus scrolls assumed a periodic replacement of books that had to be disretened. In this regard, the library, in addition to researchers and keepers of texts, had a numerous staff of the text of the text. A significant part of library funds made up the books of Museum staff, engaged in the study and classification of the ancient and modern texts. In some cases, job commenting work, and then comment comment took truly hypertrophied forms.
These circumstances, as well as the absence of a faithful understanding of many ancient terms, does not allow at least approximately estimate original textsStores in the Foundations of the Alexandria Library. Obviously, only the interest of those percent of those reached our time literary wealthwhich had an ancient world. If in some of their manifestations, the desire to collect all the books of the world and could seem painful passion - yet Ptolemyi had a completely clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat advantages gives monopoly knowledge. It is the creation of a library that attracted to Egypt best minds His time, turned Alexandria for several centuries to the center of the Hellenistic civilization. That is why the Alexandria library has experienced tough competition from the libraries of Rhodes and Pergam. In order to prevent the increasing influence of these new centers, a ban on the removal from Egypt papyrus, which for a long time remained the only material for the production of books. Even the invention of the new material - parchment could not significantly make the leading position of the Alexandria library.
However, one case is known when competition from Pergamum turned out to be a saving for the Alexandria library. Under this event, we mean the gift in 200,000 volumes from the meeting Pergamm Library, Mark Anthony, presented by Cleopatre, soon after the fire 47 BC, when Caesar during the Alexandrian War, in order to prevent the capture of the city from the sea, ordered the set chasing the fleet in the harbor, and the flame, as claimed, including and coastal warehouses with books. For a long time it was believed that this fire destroyed the entire assembly of the main library. However, the other point of view is prevailing, according to which the library burned significantly later, namely in 273 AD. Together with the Museon and Bruheyon, in the reign of Emperor Away, who led the war against the queen Palmyra Zynovia. The small "subsidiary" library was destroyed in 391/392. AD, when, after the release of the Edict of Emperor Feodosia, the Great about the ban on the pagan cults of Christian, under the leadership of Patriarch, Ferofila defeated Serapeyon, which continued to serve Serapis. Probably, some parts of the Book Assembly of the Alexandria Library were preserved up to 7 in. AD In any case, it is known that after capturing Alexandria Arabs in 640 AD In the city launched a large-scale and uncontrolled trade in the books from the Museon's Assembly, partially restored after the fire 273 AD. The final sentence of the Alexandria library was made by Caliph Omar, who, being asked how to do with books, answered: " If their content is consistent with the Koran, the only divine book, they are not needed; And if not consistent, they are undesirable. Therefore, they should be destroyed anyway».

There is an opinion that our distant ancestors, in the main mass, were people ignorant and uneducated.

Smart among them numbered units, the rest were pleased not with the knowledge of the knowledge, but incessant wars, the seizure of other people's territories, the abduction of women and endless pearts with an abundant wrinkle of alcoholic beverages and immense eating fatty and fried food. All this did not contribute to health, therefore, the life expectancy was at a very low level.

Weighing argument, completely refuting such a judgment, serves, based at the beginning of the III century BC. e. It can be safely called the greatest storage facilities of human wisdom that has absorbed all the achievements of the civilization of the previous era. Tens of thousands of manuscripts written in Greek, Egyptian and Jewish languages \u200b\u200bwere kept in her walls.

All this invaluable wealth naturally did not lay the dead cargo, the Tesha is the pride of its crowned owners. It was used for its intended purpose, that is, served as a source of information for everyone. Anyone who strives for knowledge could easily get them, going under cool vaults of spacious halls, in the walls of which special shelves were arranged. They were kept parchment scrolls on them, and the libraries' employees carefully transferred them to numerous visitors.

Among the latter there were people of different material wealth and religious. Everyone had a full right to be completely free to get acquainted with the information that interested him. The Alexandria Library never was a means of profit, on the contrary, it was kept on the money of the reign dynasty. Doesn't it serve as a bright proof that our distant ancestors set knowledge at no lower feats on the fields of battles and other similar acts of restless human nature.

An educated person in those distant times, enjoyed tremendous respect. It was treated with undisguised reverence, and the tips perceived as a guide to action. The names of the great philosophers of antiquity and now everyone has a hearing, and their judgments cause modern man genuine interest. The sake of objectivity should be noted: many of these greatest minds could not take place if there was no Alexandria library.

So who is obliged by humanity so great masterpiece? First of all, Alexander Macedonsky. Its participation here is indirect, but if it were not for this great conqueror, it would not be the cities of Alexandria. The story, however, completely eliminates the subjunctive inclination, but in this case you can retreat from the rule.

It was at the initiative of Alexander the Great laid this city in 332 BC. e. In the Nile Delta. He was named after the invincible commander and laid the beginning of a multitude of similar Alexandrium in Asian lands. Such, during the reign of the Great Conqueror, built as much seventy. They all have sunk in the darkness of centuries, and the first Alexandria remained and today is one of the largest cities of Egypt.

Alexander Macedonian died in 323 BC. e. His huge empire broke into several separate states. They headed their diagehi - comrades of the Great Conqueror. All of them were immigrants from Greek lands and passed a long fighting path from Asia Minor to India.

The lands of ancient Egypt went to Diacea Ptolemy Lagu (367-283 BC). He founded a new state - Hellenistic Egypt With the capital in Alexandria and laid the beginning of the Ptolemyev dynasty. I existed the dynasty for a long 300 years and broke with the death of Cleopatra (69-30 BC. E.) - Daughter Ptolemy XII. Romantic image This striking woman still serves the subject of numerous disputes among historians and all those who are not indifferent to fervent love passions mixed with a cold political calculation.

Ptolemy lag gave his children a brilliant education. According to the example of the Macedonian kings, who murdered their children to the leading philosophers of that time, the newly minted lords invited Demetrius Demetrius (350-283 BC) and Strathon Physics (340-268 BC). These scholars were students of the theophrass (370-287 BC. Er). The same, in turn, studied by Plato and Aristotle and continued the case of the latter.

It was expressed in a philosophical school. She was called Licles, and her students were called peripatetics. The library had a library. She did not contain big number Manuscripts, but the principle of organization and work of such an institution itself was well-known and Demetrius Folrian, and Stratonia Physics. It is with their filing Ptolemy lag and caught fire the idea to create an excellent library in Alexandria.

For the sake of objectivity and historical accuracy, it should be noted that the idea concerned not only the library. The first Greek king of Egypt was assumed to create musayion - Museum. The library was considered as part of it - the necessary addition to the Astronomical Tower, the Botanical Garden, anatomical office. It should have been kept information for those who will do medicine, astronomy, mathematics and other scientists necessary for society.

The idea, of course, brilliant, once again emphasizing the high intellectual and spiritual level of people who lived in that distant era. But Ptolemy Lagu was not destined to embody her dreams to life. He died in 283 BC. Eh, and without following the global and necessary project.

The royal throne took His Son Ptolemy II Philadelph (309-246 BC.). Already from the first year of the Board, he, in accordance with the will of the Father, closely took up both the foundation of the Alexandria Library and Museion.

Stories, unfortunately, is unknown when all this grand idea was embodied. We do not know accurate date, a specific day, when the first visitors entered the spacious halls and took into the hands of a scroll with invaluable information. It is not known even a specific place where the Alexandria library was located, and as she looked.

It is only known that the first keeper of this greatest public institution was Zenodot Efessky(325-260 BC. Er). In Alexandria, this respected ancient Greek philosopher came at the invitation of Ptolemy Lag. He also, like his colleagues, was engaged in the upbringing of children of the first Greek king of Egypt and apparently produced on the indelible impression of his knowledge and horizons.

It was to him Ptolemy II Philadelph and entrusted the solution of all organizational issues related to the library just started working. These questions were the great set. The first and most importantevaluation of the authenticity and quality of manuscripts.

Papiral scrolls containing invaluable information were bought by a kingdom home from various people, in small libraries belonging to individuals or philosophical schools, and sometimes they were simply confiscated during customs inspection on ships casting their anchors in the Alexandria port. True, such confiscation has always been compensated by monetary remuneration. Another thing - whether the amount of the genuine value of the manuscript was appropriate.

Zenodot Efesse and was the main arbiter in this delicate matter. He appreciated the historical and informational value of documents submitted to him. If the manuscripts were answered by the hard standards, which presented the Alexandria library, they immediately passed into the hands of skillful masters. The latter checked their condition, restored, gave them a proper readable look, and after that, the scrolls occupied their place on the shelves.

If in the hands greek philosopher There were manuscripts with some inaccuracies, incorrect data, then he marked the corresponding paragraphs with special signs. Subsequently, any reader, getting acquainted with this material, saw what could be believed unconditionally, and what was doubtted and was not true and accurate information.

Sometimes the first keeper of the Alexandria library delivered an obvious fake, bought from unclean people. There were a lot of those who wish to buy on the sale of scrolls at that time. From here it is seen that over the past 25th centuries, the human nature has changed little.

Also Zenodot Efesse engaged in the classification of manuscripts. He shared them on various topics so that the library employees could easily find the material required for the reader. The theme was the great set: medicine, astronomy, mathematics, philosophy, biology, architecture, zoology, art, poetry and many-many others. All this was entered into special directories and provided with relevant references.

Divided the manuscripts also in languages. Almost 99% of the total material was written in Egyptian and Greek. Very bit of scrolls were written in Jewish and some other languages \u200b\u200bof the ancient world. Here were also taken into account the addresses of readers, so some valuable materials written on a rare language were translated into Greek and Egyptian.

Much attention in the Alexandria library was given to the conditions for the storage of invaluable manuscripts. The premises were thoroughly ventilated, the employees were ensured that they were not damp. Periodically, all the scrolls were checked for the presence of insects in them, the documents reinforced the same subjected to immediate recovery.

All this work was very complex and time-consuming. Manuscripts numbered a great set. Different sources Call different numbers. Most likely, the scrolls lay on the shelves in the halls and in the repository of at least 300 thousand. This is a huge amount, respectively, the staff of the Alexandrian Library workers represented a large team. All these people were kept at the expense of the royal treasury.

Under the arms of the Alexandria Library

Ptolemyi absolutely free of charge 300 years spent huge funds for the maintenance of the Museyon and the library. From the generation to generation, the Greek kings of Egypt did not only have not cooled to this brain, but on the contrary, in every way tried to expand him and improve work.

With Ptolemye III Evergieta (282-222 BC. E.) Appeared a branch of the Alexandria Library. It was founded at the temple of Serapis - the Babylonian God used by Ptolemyes as the highest deity equal to Osiris (King morbon world In the ancient Egyptians). There were many such temples on the underlying Greek dynasty lands. Each of them wore the same name - Serapeum.

It is in Alexandrian Serapeuum and a branch of the library is located. This once again emphasizes the significance of this public institution, since Sierapeums indulged in great political importance. Their function was to smooth religious disagreements between the original inhabitants of these lands of the Egyptians and the Greeks, which large quantities came to ancient Egypt on permanent accommodation After coming to the power of Ptolemyev.

With Ptolemae III, Alexandria library, for 40 years, led the third keeper (the second keeper of Callima - a scientist and poet) - Eratosthene Kirensky (276-194 BC. Er). This venerable husband was a mathematician, astronomer, geographer. He was also fond of poetry and understood well in architecture. Contemporaries considered him not inferior to the intellect of Platon.

At the urgent request of Tsar, Eratosthen Kirensky arrived in Alexandria and plunged into a diverse, interesting and difficult job. With it, it was completely translated from Jewish to Greek " Old Testament" This translation of biblical commandments that are guided and modern humanity, called "Septuaginta".

It was at the same time a "Astronomical Catalog" appeared in the Alexandria Library. It included the coordinates of more than 1000 stars. There was also a lot of work on mathematics in which Eratosthen was a big dock. All this has enriched the greatest public institution of the ancient world.

Systematized, selected with special care sources of knowledge contributed to the fact that a lot has come to Alexandria educated peopleseeking to improve and deepen their knowledge in different fields of science.

In the walls of the library worked an ancient Greek mathematician Euclide (273 BC), Archimedes (287-212 BC), philosophers: dam (203-270 BC) - the founder of neoplatonism, church (279- 207 BC), GELESIY (322-278 BC) and many, many others. The Alexandrian library was very popular with the doctors of ancient Greece.

The case was that, according to the existing laws, on the lands of the Balkan Peninsula it was impossible to engage in surgical practice. Cutting the body of a person is categorically prohibited. In ancient Egypt, they looked at this question very differently. The centuries-old history of the creation of mummies is already in itself assumed the interference of the cutting tools. Without them, the mummification would be impossible. Accordingly, surgical operations were considered as an ordinary and habitual matter.

Greek eskulapses used any opportunity to go to Alexandria and it is in the walls of Museyon to improve their skills and get acquainted with the internal device human body. The necessary theoretical material they drew in the walls of the Alexandria library. There was a huge amount of information. All of it was set out in the ancient Egyptian scrolls, carefully renovated and sorted.

The case of Eratostine Kirensky continued to other keepers. Many of them were invited from Greek lands as teachers for venance offspring.

It was a well-established practice. The library keeper at the same time was a mentor of the next heir to the throne. A child with a young years, he absorbed the atmosphere itself, the spirit of the greatest public institution. Growing and receiving power, he already considered the Alexandria library as something native and to the pain is close. The best memories of childhood were associated with these walls, and therefore they always holished and cherished.

The Sunset of the Alexandria Library falls in the last decades of the I millennium BC. E.. The increased influence of the Roman Republic, the struggle for power between Cleopater and Ptolem XIII led to a serious political cataclyism. The intervention of the Roman commander Julia Caesar (100-44 BC) helped Cleopatre in her desire for the sole and undivided reign, but negatively affected the cultural heritage of the Grand City.

By order, Julia Caesar was set fire to a military fleet, speaking on the side of Ptolemy XIII. The fire has become ruthless to devour courts. Flame languages \u200b\u200bshifted to urban buildings. Fires began in the city. They soon reached the walls of the Alexandria Library.

People engaged in the salvation of their lives and property did not come to the help of those servants who tried to save for future generations invaluable information captured on the scrolls. In the fire killed the manuscript of Eschil, Sofokla, Euripid. The manuscripts of ancient Egyptians who contain data on the origin of human civilization are ever sunk. The fire ruthlessly devoured medical treatises, astronomical and geographical directories.

All that with great time centers was collected throughout the Mediterranean, died in fire in a few hours. The three-year history of the Alexandria Library ended. It was 48 years before. e.

Naturally, when the fire and passion faces the fire, people looked around and were horrified. Cleopatra, who received undivided power from Caesar's hands, tried to restore the former greatness and pride of his ancestors. According to her order, the library was rebuilt anew, but the soulless walls could not replace what was kept behind them.

Another fan of the Queen of the Roman commander Mark Anthony (83-30 BC) tried to help staff the library with new manuscripts. They were delivered from different places controlled by the Roman republic, but these were not far from those manuscripts on which the great philosophers of antiquity were studied.

In 30 BC e. Cleopatra committed suicide. With her death ceased to the Ptolemyev dynasty. Alexandria has become a Roman province with all the consequences arising from here.

The Alexandrian Library continued its existence, but no longer did any serious money infallion. She existed even three hundred years. The last mention of the library falls on 273 years. This is the time of the rule of the Roman emperor Aureliana (214-275), the crisis of the Roman Empire and the war with the Palmy kingdom.

The latter was the province awaited from the empire, proclaimed its independence. This is new state Education Very quickly gained power under the Queen of Zenobia Septimia (240-274). The city of Alexandria was on the lands of this kingdom, so the anger of the Roman Emperor Aurelian was reflected in him.

Alexandria was taken by storm and burned. This time, the Alexandria library can no longer save anything. She died on fire and forever stopped their existence. True, the version is that the library is partially restored after this fire, and it existed for another 120 years, finally rushing into non-existence at the end of the IV century.

These were the years of endless civil wars and the time of the reign of the last emperor of the Unified Roman Empire Feodosia I (346-395). It was he who ordered the destruction of all pagan temples. The library was located in Alexandria at Serapeuum (Serapis Temple). According to the order of the emperor, it was burned among many other similar structures. Final remnants of the greatest chassis of human knowledge were finally died.

This could be put in this sad narration. Fortunately, on Earth, though rarely, but miracles occur. Alexandrian library was revived as Phoenix Bird from ash. It happened this miracle in 2002 in the city of Alexandria.


The climax of people appeared the greatest construction with the original architecture of glass, concrete and granite. It is called "". Tens of states took part in the construction of this building. He led the works of UNESCO.

The revived library has huge areas, many reading rooms, storage, designed for 8 million books. Main reading room located under the glass roof and most The day is chosen by the sun.

Modern people gave tribute to distant ancestors. The great traditions were revived, buried under the pile ash almost 1000 years ago. This once again proves that human civilization does not degrade, but continues his spiritual growth. Let this process go slowly, but it is inevitable in the stream of time, and the thrust of knowledge does not fuss with generations, but continues to take over the human minds and makes us do similar noble deeds.

The article wrote Ridar-Shakin

Based on the materials of foreign publications

Alexandria library was one of the largest in Antique world. Founded by the successors of Alexander Macedonsky, she supported the status of an intellectual and educational center in the V century. However, throughout her long history Once at once were strong Mira This, trying to destroy this light culture. Let us ask yourself: why?

Main librarians

The library contained priceless documents.

It is believed that the Alexandria library was founded by Ptolem I or Ptolem II. The city itself, which is easy to understand according to his name, founded Alexander Macedon, and it happened in 332 BC. Alexandria Egypt, who, according to the plan of the Great Conqueror, was destined to become the center of scientists and intellectuals, it became probably the first city in the world, completely built out of the stone, without the use of wood. The library consisted of 10 large halls and rooms for the work of researchers. Still argue about her founder. If you understand under this word of the initiator and the creator, and not right at the time of the king, the genuine founder of the library, most likely, should recognize a person named Demetrius Falersky.

Demetrius Falersky appeared in Athens in 324 BC, as a popular tribune and seven years later, he was elected by the governor. He ruled Athens 10 years: from 317 to 307 to our era. Demetrius issued quite a lot of laws. Among them is a law that limited the luxury of burials. In his time, there were 90,000 citizens in Athens, 45 thousand admitted foreigners and 400 thousand slaves. As for the identity of the demetry of Falersky himself, he was considered the legislator of the modes of his country: he was the first Athenian, lightly hair with hydrogen peroxide.

Later, he was dismissed, and he went to the cut. There, Demetriy wrote a huge number of works, one of which having a strange name - "On the light beam in the sky," as Ufolog believes, was the world's first work on flying plates. In 297 to our era, Ptolemy I persuaded him to settle in Alexandria. Then Demetrius and founded the library. After the death of Ptolemya I, his son Ptolemy II sent a demetry to the Egyptian city of Beadiris. There is the creator of the library and died from the bite of a poisonous snake.

Ptolemy II continued to engage in the library, was interested in sciences, mainly zoology. He appointed the keeper of the library of the Zenodot Ephesus, who performed these functions until 234 to our era. The preserved documents allow to extend the list of the main custodians of the library: Eratosthene Kirensky, Aristophane Byzantine, Aristarh Samofraki. After that, the information becomes foggy.

The librarians over the centuries expanded the meeting, adding papyrus, parchments to him, and even if you believe ledge, printed books. The library contained simply priceless documents. She began to appear enemies, mainly in ancient Rome.

First looting and secret books

Thomas Cole "The Path of the Empire. Destruction "1836

The first looting of the Alexandria library was led by 47 BC, Julius Caesar. By that time, she was considered a repository of secret books that give almost unlimited power. When Caesar arrived in Alexandria, there were at least 700 thousand manuscripts in the library. But why did some of them begin to inspire fear? Of course, there were books in Greek, which presented the treasures of classical literature, for forever we lost. But among them should not be dangerous. But all the legacy of the Babos's Vavilonian Priest fled to Greece could well be alarmed. Beros was a contemporary Alexander the Great and lived to the era of Ptolemyev. In Babylon, he was the priest. It was a historian, astrologer and astronomer. He invented a semicircular sunny dial and created the theories of the addition of solar and lunar rays, anticipating modern work on the interference of light. But in some of their works, Beros wrote about something very strange. For example, about the civilization of the giants and whether about aliens, or the underwater civilization.

The library Alexandria stored and full collection Works of the Manephon. Egyptian priest and historian, contemporary Ptolemy I and Ptolemya II, was dedicated to all the secrets of Egypt. Even his name itself can be interpreted as "lovers of a total" or "knowing the truth of a total." This man supported relations with the latest Egyptian priests. He was the author of eight books and gathered 40 carefully selected scrolls in Alexandria, which contained intimate egyptian secrets, among other things, probably, the "Tota Book". In the Alexandria library were kept and the works of the Phoenician historian of Mokus, which is attributed to the creation of an atomic theory. There were also exceptionally rare and valuable Indian manuscripts.

From all these manuscripts there is no trace. It is known that before the start of the library destruction: there were 532,800 scrolls. It is known that there were departments that can be called "Mathematical Sciences" and "Natural Sciences". There was also a general catalog, also destroyed. All these destruction are attributed to Julia Caesar. He took part of the books: some burned, others left. Until now, there is no complete confidence in what exactly happened. And two thousand years after Caesar's death, he still has supporters, and opponents. Supporters say that he does not ride anything in the library itself; Perhaps a certain number of books in the port warehouse in Alexandria burned down, but they set fire to them in no way. Caesar's opponents, on the contrary, argue that a huge number of books destroyed deliberately. Their number is definitely not defined and ranges from 40 to 70 thousand. There is an intermediate opinion: the fire on the library spread out from the quarter, where there were fights, and she burned randomly.

In any case, the library was not completely destroyed. Neither opponents nor supporters of Caesar talk about it, their contemporaries - too; Stories about the event, the closest to him in time, still take away from him for two centuries. Caesar himself in his notes does not apply to this topic. Apparently, he "seized" individual books, which seemed to him the most interesting.

Accident or "People in Black"?

Emperor Diocletian, destroying alchemical manuscripts

The most serious of the following libraries were, most likely, was confined to Zenobia Septimia, Tsaritsa Palmyra, and Emperor Aurelian in the course of their war for the domination of Egypt. And again until complete destruction, fortunately, did not come, but the valuable books were disappeared. The reason is well known for which the emperor Diocletian is fed to the library. He wanted to destroy the books that contained the secrets of the manufacture of gold and silver, that is, all the works in alchemy. If the Egyptians are able to produce as much as possible gold and silver, then the emperor argued, they are able to arm a huge army and defeat the empire. The grandson of Rab Diocletian was proclaimed by the emperor in 284. It seems that he was inborn Tiran, and the last decree signed by him before renunciation on May 1, 305, ordered to destroy Christianity. In Egypt, a major rebellion broke out against Diocletian, and in July 295, the emperor began the siege of Alexandria. He took Alexandria, however, if you believe legend, the horse of the emperor, entering the conquered city, stumbled. Diocletian interpreted this incident as a sign of the gods who command him to spare the city.

After taking Alexandria, frantic searches for alchemical manuscripts began, and all found were destroyed. Perhaps they contained the main keys to alchemy, which is now lacking for the comprehension of this science. We do not have a list of destroyed manuscripts, but the legend some of them attribute to Pythagora, Solomon and even Hermes himself trismegist. Although this, of course, should be treated with the famous fraction of skepticism.

The library continued to exist. Despite the fact that she was exposed to ruin time, the library continued to work until the Arabs destroyed it completely. And Arabs knew what they did. They have already been destroyed in the most Islamic Empire itself, and in Persia many secret work on magic, alchemy and astrology. The conquerors acted according to their motto: "No other books are needed, except for the Quran." In 646, the Alexandria library was predicted by fire. The following legend is known: Khalif Umar Ibn Al-Hattab in 641 commanded the commander Amra Ibn al-Ace burn the Alexandria library, saying: "If this books say what is in the Quran, they are useless."

The French writer Jacques Berzhier said that there were books in that fire, perhaps ascending to pratvilization that existed to the present, human. Alchemical treatises were killed, the study of which would really achieve the transformation of the elements. Proceedings on magic and evidence of a meeting with aliens, which was spoken by Beros were destroyed. He believed that all this series of pogroms could not be random. It could be carried out by the organization that Berry conventionally calls "People in Black". This organization has a century and millennium and seeks to destroy the knowledge of a certain kind. Few remaining manuscripts may be well and understood, but carefully protected by secret societies from the world.

Of course, it can very much even be that Berry just allowed himself to dream, but it is not excluded that there are some real real interpretations behind all this, but with difficulty aware of the reasonable interpretation.

There is an opinion that our distant ancestors, in the main mass, were people ignorant and uneducated. Smart among them numbered units, the rest were pleased not with the knowledge of the knowledge, but incessant wars, the seizure of other people's territories, the abduction of women and endless pearts with an abundant wrinkle of alcoholic beverages and immense eating fatty and fried food. All this did not contribute to health, therefore, the life expectancy was at a very low level.

Weighing argument, completely refuting such a judgment, serves, based at the beginning of the III century BC. e. It can be safely called the greatest storage facilities of human wisdom that has absorbed all the achievements of the civilization of the previous era. Tens of thousands of manuscripts written in Greek, Egyptian and Jewish languages \u200b\u200bwere kept in her walls.

All this invaluable wealth naturally did not lay the dead cargo, the Tesha is the pride of its crowned owners. It was used for its intended purpose, that is, served as a source of information for everyone. Anyone who strives for knowledge could easily get them, going under cool vaults of spacious halls, in the walls of which special shelves were arranged. They were kept parchment scrolls on them, and the libraries' employees carefully transferred them to numerous visitors.

Among the latter there were people of different material wealth and religious. Everyone had a full right to be completely free to get acquainted with the information that interested him. The Alexandria Library never was a means of profit, on the contrary, it was kept on the money of the reign dynasty. Doesn't it serve as a bright proof that our distant ancestors set knowledge at no lower feats on the fields of battles and other similar acts of restless human nature.

An educated person in those distant times, enjoyed tremendous respect. It was treated with undisguised reverence, and the tips perceived as a guide to action. The names of the great philosophers of antiquity and now everyone has a hearing, and their judgments are caused by the modern person of genuine interest. The sake of objectivity should be noted: many of these greatest minds could not take place if there was no Alexandria library.

So who is obliged by humanity so great masterpiece? First of all, Alexander Macedonsky. Its participation here is indirect, but if it were not for this great conqueror, it would not be the cities of Alexandria. The story, however, completely eliminates the subjunctive inclination, but in this case you can retreat from the rule.

It was at the initiative of Alexander the Great laid this city in 332 BC. e. In the Nile Delta. He was named after the invincible commander and laid the beginning of a multitude of similar Alexandrium in Asian lands. Such, during the reign of the Great Conqueror, built as much seventy. They all have sunk in the darkness of centuries, and the first Alexandria remained and today is one of the largest cities of Egypt.

Alexander Macedonian died in 323 BC. e. His huge empire broke into several separate states. They headed their diagehi - comrades of the Great Conqueror. All of them were immigrants from Greek lands and passed a long fighting path from Asia Minor to India.

The lands of ancient Egypt went to Diacea Ptolemy Lagu (367-283 BC). He founded a new state - Hellenistic Egypt With the capital in Alexandria and laid the beginning of the Ptolemyev dynasty. I existed the dynasty for a long 300 years and broke with the death of Cleopatra (69-30 BC. E.) - Daughter Ptolemy XII. The romantic image of this striking woman still serves the subject of numerous disputes among historians and all those who are not indifferent to fervent love passions mixed with a cold political calculation.

Ptolemy lag gave his children a brilliant education. According to the example of the Macedonian kings, who murdered their children to the leading philosophers of that time, the newly minted lords invited Demetrius Demetrius (350-283 BC) and Strathon Physics (340-268 BC). These scholars were students of the theophrass (370-287 BC. Er). The same, in turn, studied by Plato and Aristotle and continued the case of the latter.

It was expressed in a philosophical school. She was called Licles, and her students were called peripatetics. The library had a library. She did not contain a large number of manuscripts, but the principle of organization and work of this institution itself was well-known and Demetrius Folrian, and Stratonia Physics. It is with their filing Ptolemy lag and caught fire the idea to create an excellent library in Alexandria.

For the sake of objectivity and historical accuracy, it should be noted that the idea concerned not only the library. The first Greek king of Egypt was assumed to create musayion - Museum. The library was considered as part of it - the necessary addition to the Astronomical Tower, the Botanical Garden, anatomical office. It should have been kept information for those who will do medicine, astronomy, mathematics and other scientists necessary for society.

The idea, of course, brilliant, once again emphasizing the high intellectual and spiritual level of people who lived in that distant era. But Ptolemy Lagu was not destined to embody her dreams to life. He died in 283 BC. Eh, and without following the global and necessary project.

The royal throne took His Son Ptolemy II Philadelph (309-246 BC.). Already from the first year of the Board, he, in accordance with the will of the Father, closely took up both the foundation of the Alexandria Library and Museion.

Stories, unfortunately, is unknown when all this grand idea was embodied. We do not know the exact date, a specific day, when the first visitors entered the spacious halls and took into the hands of a scroll with invaluable information. It is not known even a specific place where the Alexandria library was located, and as she looked.

It is only known that the first keeper of this greatest public institution was Zenodot Efessky (325-260 BC. Er). In Alexandria, this respected ancient Greek philosopher came at the invitation of Ptolemy Lag. He also, like his colleagues, was engaged in the upbringing of children of the first Greek king of Egypt and apparently produced on the indelible impression of his knowledge and horizons.

It was to him Ptolemy II Philadelph and entrusted the solution of all organizational issues related to the library just started working. These questions were the great set. The first and most important - evaluation of the authenticity and quality of manuscripts.

Papiral scrolls containing invaluable information were bought by a kingdom home from various people, in small libraries belonging to individuals or philosophical schools, and sometimes they were simply confiscated during customs inspection on ships casting their anchors in the Alexandria port. True, such confiscation has always been compensated by monetary remuneration. Another thing - whether the amount of the genuine value of the manuscript was appropriate.

Zenodot Efesse and was the main arbiter in this delicate matter. He appreciated the historical and informational value of documents submitted to him. If the manuscripts were answered by the hard standards, which presented the Alexandria library, they immediately passed into the hands of skillful masters. The latter checked their condition, restored, gave them a proper readable look, and after that, the scrolls occupied their place on the shelves.

If a manuscript came into the hands of Greek philosophers with some inaccuracies, incorrect data, he marked the corresponding paragraphs with special signs. Subsequently, any reader, getting acquainted with this material, saw what could be believed unconditionally, and what was doubtted and was not true and accurate information.

Sometimes the first keeper of the Alexandria library delivered an obvious fake, bought from unclean people. There were a lot of those who wish to buy on the sale of scrolls at that time. From here it is seen that over the past 25th centuries, the human nature has changed little.

Also Zenodot Efesse engaged in the classification of manuscripts. He shared them on various topics so that the library employees could easily find the material required for the reader. The theme was the great set: medicine, astronomy, mathematics, philosophy, biology, architecture, zoology, art, poetry and many-many others. All this was entered into special directories and provided with relevant references.

Divided the manuscripts also in languages. Almost 99% of the total material was written in Egyptian and Greek. Very bit of scrolls were written in Jewish and some other languages \u200b\u200bof the ancient world. Here were also taken into account the addresses of readers, so some valuable materials written on a rare language were translated into Greek and Egyptian.

Much attention in the Alexandria library was given to the conditions for the storage of invaluable manuscripts. The premises were thoroughly ventilated, the employees were ensured that they were not damp. Periodically, all the scrolls were checked for the presence of insects in them, the documents reinforced the same subjected to immediate recovery.

All this work was very complex and time-consuming. Manuscripts numbered a great set. Different sources call different numbers. Most likely, the scrolls lay on the shelves in the halls and in the repository of at least 300 thousand. This is a huge amount, respectively, the staff of the Alexandrian Library workers represented a large team. All these people were kept at the expense of the royal treasury.

Under the arms of the Alexandria Library

Ptolemyi absolutely free of charge 300 years spent huge funds for the maintenance of the Museyon and the library. From the generation to generation, the Greek kings of Egypt did not only have not cooled to this brain, but on the contrary, in every way tried to expand him and improve work.

With Ptolemye III Evergieta (282-222 BC. E.) Appeared a branch of the Alexandria Library. It was founded at the temple of Serapis - the Babylonian God used by Ptolemyes as the highest deity equal to Osiris (the king of the afterlife in the ancient Egyptians). There were many such temples on the underlying Greek dynasty lands. Each of them wore the same name - Serapeum.

It is in Alexandrian Serapeuum and a branch of the library is located. This once again emphasizes the significance of this public institution, since Sierapeums indulged in great political importance. Their function was to smooth religious disagreements between the original inhabitants of these land the Egyptians and the Greeks, which in large numbers came to ancient Egypt for permanent residence after the arrival of Ptolemyev.

With Ptolemae III, Alexandria library, for 40 years, led the third keeper (the second keeper of Callima - a scientist and poet) - Eratosthene Kirensky (276-194 BC. Er). This venerable husband was a mathematician, astronomer, geographer. He was also fond of poetry and understood well in architecture. Contemporaries considered him not inferior to the intellect of Platon.

At the urgent request of Tsar, Eratosthen Kirensky arrived in Alexandria and plunged into a diverse, interesting and difficult job. It was completely translated from Jewish to the Greek Language "Old Testament". This translation of biblical commandments, which is guided and modern humanity is called "Septuaginta".

It was at the same time a "Astronomical Catalog" appeared in the Alexandria Library. It included the coordinates of more than 1000 stars. There was also a lot of work on mathematics in which Eratosthen was a big dock. All this has enriched the greatest public institution of the ancient world.

Systematized, selected with special care sources of knowledge contributed to the fact that many educated people who are committed to improving and deepen their knowledge in different fields of science came to Alexandria.

In the walls of the library worked an ancient Greek mathematician Euclide (273 BC), Archimedes (287-212 BC), philosophers: dam (203-270 BC) - the founder of neoplatonism, church (279- 207 BC), GELESIY (322-278 BC) and many, many others. The Alexandrian library was very popular with the doctors of ancient Greece.

The case was that, according to the existing laws, on the lands of the Balkan Peninsula it was impossible to engage in surgical practice. Cutting the body of a person is categorically prohibited. In ancient Egypt, they looked at this question very differently. The centuries-old history of the creation of mummies is already in itself assumed the interference of the cutting tools. Without them, the mummification would be impossible. Accordingly, surgical operations were considered as an ordinary and habitual matter.

Greek eskulapses used any opportunity to go to Alexandria and it was in the walls of Museyon to improve their skills and get acquainted with the internal device of the human body. The necessary theoretical material they drew in the walls of the Alexandria library. There was a huge amount of information. All of it was set out in the ancient Egyptian scrolls, carefully renovated and sorted.

The case of Eratostine Kirensky continued to other keepers. Many of them were invited from Greek lands as teachers for venance offspring.

It was a well-established practice. The library keeper at the same time was a mentor of the next heir to the throne. A child with a young years, he absorbed the atmosphere itself, the spirit of the greatest public institution. Growing and receiving power, he already considered the Alexandria library as something native and to the pain is close. The best memories of childhood were associated with these walls, and therefore they always holished and cherished.

The Sunset of the Alexandria Library falls in the last decades of the I millennium BC. E.. The increased influence of the Roman Republic, the struggle for power between Cleopater and Ptolem XIII led to a serious political cataclyism. The intervention of the Roman commander Julia Caesar (100-44 BC) helped Cleopatre in her desire for the sole and undivided reign, but negatively affected the cultural heritage of the Grand City.

By order, Julia Caesar was set fire to a military fleet, speaking on the side of Ptolemy XIII. The fire has become ruthless to devour courts. Flame languages \u200b\u200bshifted to urban buildings. Fires began in the city. They soon reached the walls of the Alexandria Library.

People engaged in the salvation of their lives and property did not come to the help of those servants who tried to save for future generations invaluable information captured on the scrolls. In the fire killed the manuscript of Eschil, Sofokla, Euripid. The manuscripts of ancient Egyptians who contain data on the origin of human civilization are ever sunk. The fire ruthlessly devoured medical treatises, astronomical and geographical directories.

All that with great time centers was collected throughout the Mediterranean, died in fire in a few hours. The three-year history of the Alexandria Library ended. It was 48 years before. e.

Naturally, when the fire and passion faces the fire, people looked around and were horrified. Cleopatra, who received undivided power from Caesar's hands, tried to restore the former greatness and pride of his ancestors. According to her order, the library was rebuilt anew, but the soulless walls could not replace what was kept behind them.

Another fan of the Queen of the Roman commander Mark Anthony (83-30 BC) tried to help staff the library with new manuscripts. They were delivered from different places controlled by the Roman republic, but these were not far from those manuscripts on which the great philosophers of antiquity were studied.

In 30 BC e. Cleopatra committed suicide. With her death ceased to the Ptolemyev dynasty. Alexandria has become a Roman province with all the consequences arising from here.

The Alexandrian Library continued its existence, but no longer did any serious money infallion. She existed even three hundred years. The last mention of the library falls on 273 years. This is the time of the rule of the Roman emperor Aureliana (214-275), the crisis of the Roman Empire and the war with the Palmy kingdom.

The latter was the province awaited from the empire, proclaimed its independence. This new state education very quickly gained power under the Queen of Zenobia Septimia (240-274). The city of Alexandria was on the lands of this kingdom, so the anger of the Roman Emperor Aurelian was reflected in him.

Alexandria was taken by storm and burned. This time, the Alexandria library can no longer save anything. She died on fire and forever stopped their existence. True, the version is that the library is partially restored after this fire, and it existed for another 120 years, finally rushing into non-existence at the end of the IV century.

These were the years of endless civil wars and the time of the reign of the last emperor of the Unified Roman Empire Feodosia I (346-395). It was he who ordered the destruction of all pagan temples. The library was located in Alexandria at Serapeuum (Serapis Temple). According to the order of the emperor, it was burned among many other similar structures. Final remnants of the greatest chassis of human knowledge were finally died.

This could be put in this sad narration. Fortunately, on Earth, though rarely, but miracles occur. Alexandrian library was revived as Phoenix Bird from ash. It happened this miracle in 2002 in the city of Alexandria.


The climax of people appeared the greatest construction with the original architecture of glass, concrete and granite. It is called "". Tens of states took part in the construction of this building. He led the works of UNESCO.

The revived library has huge areas, many reading rooms, storage, designed for 8 million books. The main reading room is located under the glass roof and most of the day will flood the sun.

Modern people gave tribute to distant ancestors. The great traditions were revived, buried under the pile ash almost 1000 years ago. This once again proves that human civilization does not degrade, but continues its spiritual growth. Let this process go slowly, but it is inevitable in the stream of time, and the thrust of knowledge does not fuss with generations, but continues to take over the human minds and makes us do similar noble deeds.

The article wrote Ridar-Shakin

Based on the materials of foreign publications