Literary leisure "In the country of fairy tales S. Perro" in the preparatory to school group

Literary leisure
Literary leisure "In the country of fairy tales S. Perro" in the preparatory to school group

Tatyana Vasilyeva
Literary leisure "In the country of fairy tales S. Perro" in the preparatory to school group

Explanatory note.

Work description:

Charles name Perret - One of the most popular names in Russia talenikov Along with the names of Andersen, Brothers Grimm, Hoffman. Wonderful fairy Tales Perro from Collection Tale Tales Mother Goose: "Cinderella", "Sleeping Beauty", "Puss in Boots", "Tom Thumb", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Blue Beard" They are glorified in Russian music, ballets, movies, theater performances, in painting and chart dozens and hundreds of times.

Based on fairy Tales Perret - famous folklore plot, which he outlined with his own talent and humor, lowering some details and adding new ones, "Holding" language.

His stories fairy tales w Perro took not from books, and from the pleasant memories of childhood of June. Fairy Tale Charlet Perra First of all, virtue, friendship and help of neighbor, and for a long time remain in the memory of adults and children for a long time. Most of all fairy tales came to children. And it is Perret can be considered a hedge of the children's world literature and Literary Pedagogy.

This material will be useful than older teachers. preparatory to school groups. This game quiz can be held as a final tales Sh. Perret with the participation of parents.

purpose: Consolidate and clarify the knowledge of children about fairy tales of Charles Perret.


Ensure the development of a horizon of children.

Contribute to the consolidation of knowledge about read tales.

Provide the development of psychic processes: speech, imagination, memory, thinking.

Shape teamwork skills to promote group cohesion.

Preliminary work: Acquaintance with the writer is a brief biography, portrait viewing. Acquaintance SO tales Sh. Perret reading fairy tales, team, listening in recording, watching cartoons, dramatization, viewing illustrations and books. Making emblems, dividing on commands, inventing team names, captain selection (together with children). Prepare prizes.

Methodical techniques:

Visual: Portrait of Sh. Perret, illustrations for tales sh. Perret, exhibition of children's drawings with the image fabulous heroes, exhibition of books with fairy tales, Presentation.

Wonderful: conversation, problem situations, guessing mysteries, situational conversations;

Practical: Gaming situations.

The course of the game.

In the world a lot tales

Sad and funny.

And live in the world

We can not without them.

Let the heroes tales

Give us warmth.

Let good forever

Wins evil!

Dear Guys! And you love fairy tales? And what are there fairy tales? (children's responses).

- What words are most often starting fairy tales? ("Lived once …", "In some kingdom, in some state ...").

Today we will go on a journey to fairy tale. Fairy tales There are fun and sad, but necessarily with a good end. IN tales Always wins good. And back tales are very interesting, in miracles occur fairy tales. So today we will have a lot of interesting things on the journey. IN the country of what fairy tales Today we will go, try to guess yourself. (show illustration of fairy tales sh. Perret)

Yes guys today we learn how good you know fairy Tales Sh. Perret. To do this, we need to divide into two teams. Each team must choose a name and captain. Quiz consists of various contests. The rules of competitions are very simple. For each correct answer, the team receives 1 point. If the team has no answer, the rival team has the right to respond. The tasks of all contests are associated with names, heroes fairy tales or authorwho wrote them.

The team may include parents (Moms). They are good wizards, their role is to maintain order and help teams. They are allowed to rescue their team once, participating in the competition « Fairy TaleYes, there is a hint ".

So, let's begin.

1 contest "Workout".

In this competition, two teams at the same time take part. You are all responsible together.

To visit the grandmother went,

Pies suffered her.

Gray wolf followed her

Deceived and swallowed.

(Little Red Riding Hood)

You know the girl this,

She is in old fairy Tale Shot.

Worked, modestly lived,

Did not see a clear sun,

Around - only dirt and ash.

And called the beauty ...


IN the fairy tale of that miracles is full,

But terrible all one -

All in the palace, which struggled Mor.

Realities became the royal court.

Dark forest got up as a fence,

Closing inclusion overview.

And there is no passage in more often

The palace is three hundred years.

This is this fairy tale like it?

(Sleeping Beauty)

Know this plush

Nobody will be accepted:

Cannibal, like a mouse,

Managed to swallow!

And spurs ring him on her legs,

Tell me who is it?.

(Puss in Boots)

Intelligence of this boy

Saved him and six brothers,

At least he is minted, he deleted

So who of you read about him?

(Tom Thumb)

Each command will be set by 12 questions. You need to answer immediately without thinking. If you do not know the answer, say "further". At this time, the other team is silent, not suggests.

Questions for the first team:

1. How many brothers were in the family at Sh. Perret? (5, he was the youngest).

2. The name of this heroine, comes from the word "ash"? (Cinderella)

3. Who carried a red hat pies and a pot of oil? (grandmother)

4. How many faces in fairy tale"Sleeping Beauty"? (8)

5. What was before the donkey skiing when she hit the magic wand on the ground? (Chest with Dresses)

6. What said Young fairy king and queen? (That the princess will not die, but will fall asleep for 100 years and the prince will wake it up)

7. What was the name of the owner of a cat in boots? (Marquis Karabas)

8. Who had big hands, big ears, big eyes, big teeth? (At the wolf)

9. To whom, at the request of the cat, the cannibal turned into the first time in fairy tale"Puss in Boots"? (In lion)

10. Whose house was recruited by a boy with a finger and his brothers (househouse, "Tom Thumb")

11. For what provinicity of the young wife was waiting for the most terrible punishment"Blue Beard"? (Strictly setting was forbidden to open and enter a small room.

12. How many years did the princess slept? (100 years)

Questions for the second team:

1. How many tales all wrote sh. Perret? (11)

2. What was the name of the heroine, which received his nickname thanks to the headache? (Little Red Riding Hood)

3. What a hero fairy tales Were wearing red boots?

(Puss in Boots)

4. What girl on the ball lost a shoe? (Cinderella).

5. What was the name of the wizard in fairy tale"Oslay Skura"who helped the princess? (Magician Lilac)

6. What words do you need say in fairy tale"Little Red Riding Hood"So that the door opens? (Dinner for the rope of the child is mine, the door and opens)

7. What happened to the stupid beautiful princess when she loved the Rica Khokholok? (She became smart).

8. Who went to the inheritance the middle son of Melnik in fairy tale"Puss in Boots"? (Donkey)

9. Which vehicle fairy turned a pumpkin with a magic stick in fairy tale"Cinderella"? (In the carriage).

10. What color was a beard in a very rich man (blue, "Blue Beard")

11. What a decree issued a king for his subjects in fairy tale"Sleeping Beauty"? (Banned under fear The death penalty is spinning and stored in the house of spindle and spindles.

12. With what a boy with a finger wanted to bring his brothers for the second time? (With bread crumbs).

3 contest "Guess what subject is extra".

In the magic chest there are objects from one of tales Sh. Perret(Name this fairy talebut one subject is superfluous among them. You will need to find it and say from what kind of tales.

For the first team: Red hawp, pot, pie, wolf mask, a piece of bread. (bread - from fairy tales"Tom Thumb":

"The boy with his finger knew what to come up with. When the mother gave all seven sons for breakfast on a piece of bread, he did not have his own stake. He hid the bread in his pocket to throw bread crumbs on the way instead of pebbles ... ".

For the second team: shoe, gingerbread, invitation to ball, pumpkin, horse figurine (gingerbread - from fairy tales"Gingerbread house":

Marie and Jean went to the glade, in the middle of which there was a house. Unusual house. It had a roof from chocolate gingerbread, the walls are made of pink marzipan, and the fence is from large almond nuts.

4 contest "Captain Competition".

Portraits lie on the table talenikov. You need to find a portrait of S. Perret. One captain is looking for a portrait and shows him, and we will start your eyes while the second. Then will guess the second captain.

"Musical pause".

Turn on the song of the Red Hap, the children are dancing to the music.

5 competition "What's wrong?". (Competition of artists)

Make illustrations of various heroes of fairy tales Perro(Red hat, cat in boots, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty) For each team. It is necessary to find that lacks in the picture and draw. (Each team has the same pictures).

6 competition "On the roads fairy tales»

Children are invited to listen to texts tales - Putanitsa. They must be called fairy talesthey say about them.

For the first team:

One queen was born the son is so ugly that tale saynor a pen describe, but he was reasonable and eloquent.

Here sent him somehow a mother to hold her grandmother. He took a basket with cakes and a pot of oil and went through the forest. She walked and got lost in more often.

He wandered for a long time in the forest and saw white pebbles on a path. He went, where the pebbles indicated. Watching - the house stands on the clearing.

He lived a cannibal. I returned to the evening went home, I found a prince, I wanted to eat it, but postponed until the morning. He ordered his wife to feed him well, so as not to lose, and lay. sleep.

Here the cat knocked into the house. It saidThat walked past and decided to express my respect to God.

Cannibal accepted him friendly. The cat was respectful and wanted to make sure that the cannibal can turn into any animals. Cannon, wanting to surprise the guest to turn first in the lion, and then in the mouse. The cat caught the mouse and ate her.

Now the prince is free and again went through the forest. Soon he came across the old castle in more often. All slept in the castle. The prince saw a beautiful princess, kissed her. She woke up and immediately loved him.

The good fairy gave her a beautiful ball gown and crystal shoes.

("Rickke-Khokholok", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Tom Thumb", "Puss in Boots", "Sleeping Beauty", "Fairy gifts")

For the second team:

The same queen was born daughter, an unusual beauty. But she was very stupid, and speaking with her all hurried away. Princess was very saddened.

She sent her mother to a source for water. She met her old woman who asked to drink. Gave her a princess to get drunk. And Fairy, and it was she, offered her to go to the ball.

She gave the princess a magic carriage carriage and warned that at 12 o'clock the witchcraft spells.

Princess went on the road. Soon she saw on the forest glade kota: He caught rabbits for royal cuisine. The cat showed the princess road to the palace.

The palace was very big, there were many rooms in it, the princess climbed into one of the towers and saw the old woman who was nodding wool. The princess took the spindle, rooted finger and fell asleep for 100 years. Duke left her in a small secret room and locked the key.

("Rickke-Khokholok", "Fairy gifts", "Cinderella", "Puss in Boots", "Sleeping Beauty", "Blue Beard")

Competition for parents « Fairy TaleYes, there is a hint "»

Guess what fairy Tales Sh. Perry teaching:

For parents first teams:

"Premium decorates childhood

Rather large inheritance

The son was a given father.

But who inherits the cleverness,

And courtesy, and courage -

Rather, it will be well done. "

(Answer : "Puss in Boots".)

For parents, the second teams:

Of tales follows one,

But rather the most loyal were!

All we fell in love with

For us perfectly and clever. "

(Answer : "Rica-Khokholok")

As well as precisely fairy tales, and. For more than three hundred years, all the children of the world love and know these fairy tales.

Fairy Tale Charlet Perra

View the full list of fairy tales

Biography Charles Perra

Charles Perret - Famous French writer-storyteller, poet and critic of the era of classicism, member of the French Academy since 1671, now known mainly as the author " Tales Mother Gusory».

Name Charles Perret - One of the most popular names in Russia, along with the names of Andersen, Brothers Grimm, Hoffman. Warrant tales Perro from a collection of fairy tales of the Mother Goose: "Cinderella", "Sleeping Beauty", "Cat in Boots", "Boy With Finger", "Red Hap", "Blue Beard" are glorified in Russian music, ballets, films, theater performances , in painting and schedule dozens and hundreds of times.

Charles Perret Born January 12, 1628. In Paris, in a rich family, the judges of the Paris Pierra Pierro parliament and was younger from his seven children (together with him, the twin brother Francois, who died after 6 months). From his brothers Claude Perro was a famous architect, the author of the eastern facade of Louvre (1665-1680).

The boy's family was concerned about the formation of her children, and at the age of eight years, Charles was sent to the Bove college. According to the historian Philipp Arjes, Charles Persian's school biography of a typical excellent student. During the training, neither he nor his brothers had never been bits in rods - the case for those times an exceptional one. College Charles Perra threw, without accustomed.

After college Charles Perret For three years, private lessons of law takes and eventually receives a lawyer's diploma. I bought a lawyer's license, but soon left this position and enrolled with Clerk to my brother Architector Claude Perro.

He enjoyed the confidence of Jean Kolbera, in the 1660s, he largely determined the policies of the yard of Louis XIV in the field of arts. Thanks to Kohlbera, Charles Perra in 1663 was appointed secretary of the newly formed academy of inscriptions and elegant literature. Perra was also the general controller of the Royal Structures. After the death of his patron (1683), he fell into disfavor and lost his pension paid to him as a writer, and in 1695 he lost the place of the secretary.

1653 - First work Charles Perret - Partial Poem "Troy Wall, or Burlesque Origin" (L'Origine du Burlesque).

1687 - Charles Perra reads in the French Academy of his didactic poem "Age of Louis Great" (Le Siece De Louis Le Grand), which began the beginning of a multi-year "Sphere about ancient and New", in which Nikola Bouoye becomes the most fierce opponent. Perpo opposes the imitation and has long been established by the worship of antiquity, arguing that contemporaries, "new", surpassed the "ancients" in the literature and in the sciences and that it is proved by the literary history of France and recent scientific discoveries.

1691 – Charles Perret first addressed to the genre fairy tales And writes "Griselde" (GRISELDE). This is a poetic processing of Bokcchchcho Novel, final "Decameron" (10th novel X day). In it, Perso does not break with the principle of plausibility, magical fiction here is not yet, as not and coloring the national folk tradition. The tale wears a salon-aristocratic character.

1694 - APOLOGIE DES FEMMES (APOLOGIE DES FEMMES) and a poetic hanging in the form of medieval fabrico "fun desires". Then the fairy tale "Olepenty" (Peau d'Ane) is written. It is still written by verses, withstand in the spirit of the poetic novel, but her plot is already taken from a folk fairy tale, widely distributed in France. Although there is nothing fantastic in the fairy tale, but fairy appears in it, which violates the classic principle of believing.

1695 - I release your fairy tales, Charles Perret In the preface writes that his fairy tales are above antique, because, unlike the latter, they contain moral instructions.

1696 - In the magazine "Galanta Mercury", anonymously published a fairy tale "Sleeping Beauty", for the first time fully embodied the features of a new fairy tale. She is written in prose, poems poems attached to it. Prosecical part can be addressed to children, poetic - only adults, and moral lessons are not deprived of playfulness and irony. In a fairy tale, fiction from the secondary element turns into a leading, which is noted already in the title (La Bella Au Bois Dormant, the exact translation is "Beauty in Sleeping Forest").

The literary activities of Perra account for the time when fashion appears in the Higher Society. The reading and listening of fairy tales becomes one of the common hobbies of secular society, which is comparable, with reading detectives by our contemporaries. Some prefer to listen to the philosophical fairy tales, others give tribute to the fairy tales of the old, which came in the retelling of grandmothers and nyanyushki. The writers, seeking to satisfy these requests, record fairy tales, processing the plots familiar with them since childhood, and the oral fabulous tradition gradually begins to move into writing.

1697 - A collection of fairy tales is published Tales Mother Gusory, or stories and fairy tales of old times with moral teachings "(Contes De Ma Mere Oye, Ou Histores et CONTESDU TEMPS PASSE AVEC DES MOALITES). The collection contained 9 fairy tales, which was a literary processing of folk fairy tales (as they believed, heard from the feed of the son of Perro) - except for one ("Rica-Khokholok"), who became Charlf's himself. This book has widely glorified Perro outside the literary circle. Actually Charles Perret introduced folk fairy tale In the system of genres "high" literature.

However, Perpo did not dare to publish fairy tales under his name, and on the book released by him was the name of his eighteen-year-old son - P.Darmankura. He feared that with all the love for "fabulous" entertainment, the Scripture will be perceived as a non-serious occupation, throwing a shadow with his frivolousness to the authority of a serious writer.

It turns out that in philological science there is still no accurate answer to the elementary question: who wrote famous fairy tales?

The fact is that when the book of fairy tales of the goose Mother's tales first came out light, and it happened in Paris on October 28, 1696, the author of the book was marked in dedication to someone Pierre D Armankur.

However, in Paris quickly found out the truth. Under the magnificent pseudonym D Armankur was hiding anyone else, like the younger and favorite son of Charles Perro nineteen-year-old Pierre. For a long time it was believed that the writer's writer went on this trick only to introduce a young man into the highest light, specifically in the circle of young princess of the Orleans, the niece of King Louis-Sun. After all, it was she who was devoted to the book. But later it turned out that the young Perpo on the Council of his father recorded some folk tales, and there are documentary references to this fact.

In the end, the situation finally launched himself Charles Perret.

Shortly before the death, the writer wrote memoirs, where everything was described in detail all the little-faded affairs of his life: the service from the Colber Minister, editing the first universal dictionary of the French language, poetic ODA in honor of the king, translations of the Italian Fairee, the three-volume reader about comparing the ancient authors with new Creators. But nowhere in his own biography of Perpo did not mention the authorship of the phenomenal tales of Mother Goose, about the unique masterpiece of world culture.

Meanwhile, he had every reason to put this book in the register of victories. The book of fairy tales had unprecedented success in Parisian 1696, every day in the shop of Claude Barben was sold at 20-30, and sometimes 50 books per day! Such - on the scale of one store, - did not dream today, probably even Bestseller about Harry Potter.

During the year, the publisher repeated the circulation three times. It was unheard. At first, France, then the whole europe fell into the magical stories about Cinderella, her evil sisters and a crystal shoe, reread the terrible fairy tale about Knight, the blue beard who killed his wives, was sick for the courteous red cap, which was swallowed by an evil wolf. (Only in Russia, translators fixed the final of the fairy tales, our wolf kill the woodcutters, and in the French original the wolf ate and granddaughter).

In fact, the tales of the Mother Goose became the first book written for children. Prior to this books for children, no one specifically wrote. But then children's books went avalanche. The phenomenon of children's literature himself was born from the masterpiece Perra!

Huge merit Perret that he chose from the masses of folk tales Several stories and recorded their plot, which has not yet become final. He gave them tone, climate, style characteristic of the 17th century, and nevertheless very personal.

Based on fairy Tales Perret - The famous folklore plots, which he outlined with the talent and humor inherent in him, lowering some details and adding new, "referring" language. Most of all fairy tales Come to children. And it is PERRO that can be considered the ancestor of the children's world literature and literary pedagogy.

"Tales" contributed to democratization of literature and influenced the development of the world fairy tradition (Brothers V. and Ya. Grimm, L. Tik, G. H. Andersen). In Russian, the Fairy Tales first came out in Moscow in 1768, called "Tales of Magicians with Mravolation." Operas "Cinderella" of J. Rossini, "Castle of the Duke of the Duke of the Duke" B. Bartok, Ballets "Sleeping Beauty" P. I. Tchaikovsky, Cinderella, S. S. Prokofiev, etc.

The literary fairy tale is a whole direction in the artistic literature. Over the many years of its formation and development, this genre became a universal genre covering all the phenomena of the surrounding life and nature, achievement of science and technology.

Just as a folk tale, constantly changing, absorbed the features of a new reality, the literary fairy tale has always been indeedly connected with the socio-historical events and literary and aesthetic directions. The literary fairy tale has not grown in scratch. The foundation was the folk tale, which became famous thanks to the records of folklorist scientists.

The first on the field of the literary fairy tale was French writer Sh. Perso.

The huge merit of Perra is that he chose several stories from the mass of folk fairy tales and gave them tone, climate, reproduced the style of his time. At the end of the XVII century, during the rule of classicism, when the fairy tale was revered by a "low genre", he published a collection " Fairy Tales of My Mother Goose"(1697). Thanks to the Persian, the reading public found out sleeping beauty, a cat in boots, a red hat, a C-finger boy, a donkey skin and other wonderful heroes. Of the eight fairy tales included in the collection, seven were clearly folk with pronounced National flavor. However, they were already a prototype of a fairy tale literary.

Charles Perro now we call the storyteller, and in general, in the life of Perrah was a masting poet of his time, academician of the French Academy, the author of the famous scientific papers. But worldwide fame and recognition of descendants did not bring him thick serious books, and beautiful fairy tales "Cinderella", "Cat in boots", "Blue beard".

At the heart of the fairy tales, the famous folklore plots, which he outlined with his own talent and humor, lowering some details and adding new, "Having" a language. Most of all these fairy tales came to children. And it is PERRO that can be considered the ancestor of the children's world literature and literary pedagogy.

The first of his fairy tales in verses were "Grizeld", "fun desires" and "donkey skin" (1694), which later entered the collection "Tales of Mother Goose, or Stories and Fairy Tales of Thosefrom teachings "(1697). Without deciding to speak openly, as the creator of the works of the "low" genre, he signed the first edition of his son - Perso D "Armankur - and on his behalf he was dedicated to the young niece of Louis XIV Elizabeth-Charlotte Orleans. The author of the" Tales of Mother Gusani "retold They are so entertaining and witty, that even liked even the sophisticated court king of Louis XIV.

Many teachings in fairy tales flow from the "program of education" girls - future court letters, as well as boys - future cavaliers of the yard. Focusing on the stray plots of French folklore, Perra gave them aristocratic halanery and bourgeois practicality. The most important element for him was morality, so he completed every fairy tale poetic moral. Prosecical part can be addressed to children, moralizing - only adults.

Despite the long, lush and boring name, the book was very interesting. And soon after the princess, many, many children and adults learned amazing and instructive stories about the hardworking Cinderella and the cunning cat in boots, about a friendly boy with a finger and about a cruel man on a nicknamed Blue beard, about the unfortunate princess, who was walking, and fell asleep a hundred years. In Russia, seven fairy tales from this collection are especially known: "Red Cap", "Cat in Boots", "Cinderella", "Boy with a finger", "Oslay Skura", "Sleeping Beauty", "Blue Beard".

About the fairy tales of S. Pershot so wrote I.S. Turgenev: "They are cheerful, entertaining, relaxed, not burdened with either excessive morality, nor the author's complaint; They still feel the trend of folk poetry, which once created them; They have exactly the mixture of incomprehensible and miraculous and ordinary, elevated and funny, which constitutes a distinctive feature of a real fabulous fiction. "

Blue beard - Character Fairy Tale Sh. Perro "Blue Beard" (1697), owner of houses in the city and village, big wealth. The nickname got along the blue beard, which urged him. His wives disappeared without a trace. He marries one of two daughters of a notable lady, his neighbor. Leaving for a long time in the village of affairs, the blue beard gives his wife the keys to all rooms, forbidden to open only one of them (in which they hung on the walls of the body killed by their former wives). Returning, he in the footsteps of blood on the key from this room realized that the wife came there, and declared her sentence for healing: death. The brothers - Dragun and Musketeer are saved at the last minute, piercing the blue beard with swords. Next follow two poems "morality"In the first one is condemned by female curiosity, in the second one is argued that such husbands are found only in fairy tales:" There are no thieves in the world :) There are no such things in risen. / Husband is now, even with jealousy, / judis around his wife in love with a cock, / and his beard be even Peg's master, / do not discern - she is in whose power? ".

At the base, perhaps, the most famous fairy tale Perro "Little Red Riding Hood" Les folklore plot, which was previously not subjected to literary processing. Folklore knows three fairy tale options. In one of the options, the girl is fleeing. An option with a happy finals (hunters come, a wolf kill and remove grandmother and granddaughter from his belly). The brothers of Grimm took advantage. Prap finishes the story by the fact that "the evil wolf rushed to the red hat and ate her."

Also related to the folklore and are original, put to the service of the tasks of the century, pursue the goal to enter into a circle of reading the aristocratic salons of Paris Folk stories and other fairy tales: "Mr. cat, or a cat in boots," "Cinderella, or a crystal shoe", "Boy with a finger".

The writer sought to relate every plot with a certain virtue: patientity, hard work, intelligence, which generally made a set of ethical standards close to folk ethics. But the most valuable virtue, by chalk Perso, are good manners: they open the doors to all palaces, in all the hearts. Sandrillon (Cinderella), a cat in boots, Rickka with a Khokholkom and his other heroes win thanks to courtesies, graces and suitable clothing. A cat without boots is just a cat, and in boots - a pleasant interlocutor and a deft assistant, for its services to the owner who deserved peace and contentment.

"Cat in boots" sh. Perro -this is a fairy tale about how the cat is a plow and passage - made his owner, a poor village guy, the rich and noble, the son-in-law of the king. And everything began quite ordinary. The cat with cunning caught rabbit and driven him to the king: "Here is a sovereign, a rabbit from the sart of Mr. Marquis de Karabas". Mind and resourcefulness, aobility and practicality in all circumstances are good features. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthis fairy tale: nobility and hard work - the path to happiness. Charles Perra, one of the creators of the literary fairy tale in France, continues in his work the tradition of folk fairy tales, where the mind takes over in the fight against injustice. In folk fairy tales, disadvantaged heroes are necessarily happy. Such is the fate of the son of Melnik from Cat in Boots.

Who has become a world literary myth, a fairy tale "Cinderella" It differs from its folk basis and stand out among other fairy tales of a vividly pronounced secular character. The story is greatly combed, the grace of presentation attracts attention. Father Cinderella - "Nobleman"; The daughters of her stepmother - "noble girls"; In the rooms they have parquet floors, the most fashionable beds and mirrors; Ladies are engaged in the choice of outfits and hairstyles. A description of how the sacred wizard dressing Cinderella and gives her a carriage and servants, relies on the folk material, but it is given much more in more detail and "sophisticated."

Story "Sleeping Beauty" (Accurate translation - "Beauty in Sleeping Forest") first embodied the main features of a new fairy tale. The fairy tale is based on the folklore plot, known for many nations of Europe, is written prose, it is attached to the poetic moral moral.

Traditional fabulous elements are connected to Perp with the realities of modern life. So, in the "Sleeping Beauty", the royal childless couple goes to be treated on the water and gives various vows, and the young man awakened the princess "Treaten to say her that her dress is like his grandmother ...".

Diligence, generosity, the resourcefulness of representatives of the simple people of Perso tried to approve as values \u200b\u200bof their circle. The poetization of these qualities makes his fairy tales important and for a modern child.

In Russia, Fairy Tales appeared in 1768 entitled " Tales of wizards with morals ". In 1866, under the editors of I.Sturgenheyev, there is a new publication of fairy tales, already without moraling. In this form, with some abbreviations and adaptation, the collection began to go to the young reader in the future.

16.2. Fairy tale brothers Grimm. Wealth content, fascinating plot, humor.

Brothers Grimm, Jacob(1785-1863) and William(1786-1859), are known as founders of Germany - science on history, culture and the language of Germany. Their long-term works are a fundamental "German dictionary" (the last volume - 1861) was written "The History of the German Language" (1848). Worldwide glory not only in the scholar of the world, but among children brought brothers Grimm "Children's and family fairy tales"(1812 - 1815), collected and processed by them. Two volumes contain two hundred fairy tales - the so-called "fabulous canon".

Jacob and Wilhelm Grimmzhi in the era of the origin and the heyday of romanticism, as an important direction of world culture of the turn of the XVIII-XIX centuries. One of his manifestations was the desire to better learn its own people, the revival of interest in folklore, the folk language, culture. Most of the fabulous plots were collected by the brothers Grimm, professors-philologists, during their numerous expeditions on rural Germany, recorded from the words of the teachers, peasants, citizens. At the same time, Jacob, more academic and pedantic-strict collector, insisted on the thorough preservation of oral text, and Wilhelm, more prone to poetry, offered to record artistic processing. As a result, their disputes were born a special the style of literary processing of an oral folk fairy tale, which is called the Gimmin.The Grimmin style became the first example for the factors of the following generations. Saving the characteristics of the language, compositions, the general emotional and ideological content, the Grimm brothers passed the properties of German folklore fairy tales, at the same time informed them the features of fiction, retreating in their own way.

In the treated brothers, they became an important part of children's reading in many countries of the world.

Fairy tales written for babies: "Grandmother Blizzard", "Snow White and Seven Dwarfs", "White and Rose", "Bremen Musicians", "Porch Pot", "Golden Goose", "King Drozdobodorod", "Boy-C-Finger "," Seven Bravets "; Smart Elsa, "Delete Tailor".

The fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm have some common composite and stylistic signs that do not allow them to confuse them with any other. Fairy tales rarely use traditional instances ("lived - were ...", "in some kingdom, in some state ...") and didactic, moralizing endings. The heroes of their household fairy tales most often ordinary people - peasants, workshops, artisans, soldiers. They find themselves in situations that can be easily represented. The border between fairy tale and life is easily overcome by the reader, and he is able to draw conclusions himself, guided by common sense and feeling. In fairy tales of animals and magic fairy tales, the same folk rules of moral evaluation of heroes are operating. Kindness, hard work, mind, humility, courage, dedication turn out to be the grounds for overcoming adversity, injustice, malice in the fairy tales "Brave Tailor", "Cinderella", "Porch Pot", "Grandmother of Metelitsa", "Brother and Sister", "Smart Elsa " Proverbs, sayings, promotions are used by the brothers Grimm with a big tact, organically enter the speech of heroes, making the story more exciting, brighter, but not overloading it. Simplicity, transparency of the plot action and the depth of moral and ethical content is perhaps the main distinctive features of the fairy tales of Grimm. Their "Bremen Musicians" continue their journey through times and countries.

In the German versions of such fairy tales as "Wolf and Seven Cats", "Cinderella", "Red Cap," Boy-C-Finger ", the reader will find a lot in common with Russian, Bulgarian, French fabulous plots.

The column of the Grimm brothers served as a rich source of plots for stories writers. In the middle of the 1820s, the fairy tale began to translate in the middle of the 1820s, and then from the original.

alcchik with his finger - the youngest of the seven sons of the woodcutter and his wife, a seven-year-old child of small growth (at birth there was no more finger, from where the nickname). M. S p. Saves himself and brothers, when the Father, not being able to feed them, removes children into the forest and leaves there: M. with n. Finds the way home on pebbles that throws on the road. But for the second time he only has bread crumbs, which screaming birds, and children, wandering through the forest, will raise in the house of the cannibal. His wife, a kind woman, wants to hide them, but cannibal finds children and is preparing to eat them in the morning. Then at night M. with p. Putting the caps of his brothers on the head of the seven daughters of the cannibal, sleeping on the next bed, and the brothers are their golden crowns. Having got up at night, eating her daughters in his daughters in the night, and the next morning in seven-mile boots starts to catch up with the killed children. M. with p. Hides the brothers, and then sends them home, he removes his boots from an aslended cannibal and quickly reaches his dwelling, where all his wealth takes deception. At home he is happy to meet their relatives. Further, the percomes also leads other versions of the endings associated with seven-mile boots: M. with p. Performed the king's instructions; delivered letters of lovers; The death craft earned a lot of money to which the father acquired and the brothers, and the wonderful bride was played.

The fabulous stories of Charles Perre are known to everyone. They inspired many composers to create musical works. Directors and screenwriters also did not disregard the amazing fairy tales of this author, and a lot of wonderful films were created based on his works. Fabulous characters Perra come to life in amusement parks, on scenes of theaters, in computer games and remain among the most beloved, as hundreds of years ago.

History of french fairy tales

In France, the XVII century, the dominant direction in art was classicism. Including in the literature. The works of antique authors were considered a role model. At the time of the king of France, Louis XIV in art flourished the cult of antiquity.

Mythological stories and heroes of ancient stories prevailed in the work of painters and poets. They glorified the triumph of the mind and debt over the feelings and, of course, they chased the power of the monarch, allegedly uniting all the forces of the nation. Soon the interests of the bourgeoisie came in contradiction with the interests of the monarch clothed in power, and opposition sentiment intensified throughout France.

The mood of society naturally affected art. In the environment of French writers, an argument about the superiority of the ancient and modern authors. The few opponents of classicism claimed that it was possible to write wonderful works and without imitating the ancient authors. In addition, new authors are superior to ancient already because they have better knowledge and a horizon.

Among the initiators of this historical dispute about the need for change was the Charles Perra-royal official and a member of the French Academy. In his work "Comparison of ancient and new authors", he called on the authors to display modern life, draw images and plots from the surrounding reality, and not from the ancient literature.

about the author

Charles Perra was known primarily as a poet and publicist, one of the founders of the Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Painting. Even writing fabulous stories for children, he remained a moralist and used his works for learning and developing a person. But before you list the works, including the list of Charles Perso's fairy tales, I would like to introduce readers with the history of the writer's life.

Charles Perra appeared on 01/12/1628 in the family of the judge. His parents were concerned about the formation of children and in the eight years of the boy sent to college as his brothers. They all studied perfectly and have never been punished with rods, which is absolutely not typical for that time. Even at College, Charles was engaged in literary studies, but after disagreements with his teacher decided to leave her studies.

He studied the biblical texts, the works of the fathers of the church and secular writers, the history of France and was engaged in translations. At the same time, Charles visited the lessons of law and soon became a certified lawyer. Having bought a license, Perra is spent the position of lawyer for some time. But it quickly bored. Charles decided to gain a foothold at the courtyard and, leaving the law practice, he got a clerk to his brother, who occupied the position of the position of the main tax collector.

In 1663, Charles ranks the post of secretary at the Academy of Inscriptions and serves as Jean Kolbera - Minister of Finance of France. Charles Perra also worked as a controller in the inspection of royal buildings. Master for all hands, Perpra took direct participation in the creation of Versailles, he also wrote the first guide to the Maze of Versailles.

Being a rather prolific writer, Charles wrote as a light poetry, such as the gallant "Dialogue of Love and Friendship", and the "impressive" works on the topic of architecture. Many of his works are forgotten, although they represent a rather extensive list. But forever entered the history of literature and, moreover, brought his author to his author with a small list of Charles Persian fairy tales.

Founder of a fabulous genre

Perro to prove the rightness of his words, decided to show his own example that morality can be removed from the plots displaying people's life and modern life. He took up the processing of folk fairy tales, which at that time were not considered at all as a separate literary genre. As a result, in 1697, the Charles of Perra fairy tales. The list in the alphabetical order included in the first collection of "Tales of Mother Goose" works like this:

  • "Cinderella";
  • "Puss in Boots";
  • "Little Red Riding Hood";
  • "C-finger boy";
  • "Rica with Khokholcom";
  • "Blue Beard";
  • "Sleeping Beauty";
  • "Fairy".

The tale of "Rica with the Khokholcom" belongs to Peru the author himself. The seven other products of the collection represent the folk tales, who heard them from the breadlord of the son. The writer made the famous folk plots with his own humor and talent. Some details lowered, added new ones. And the fairy tales filled with a great master became well known outside the literary circle.

The works were in an instructive nature that the author noted in the name of the collection - "stories with moral instructions." Charles Perra showed its compatriots writers that the folk tale is not worse than the ancient works can carry an instructive character.

In a secular society, a fashion appeared on fabulous stories. Gradually began to appear and works of other authors - philosophical fairy tales, antique stories in modern presentation and fairy tale of their own essay. In the following editions of the collection "Mother Gusani" include three more fairy tales of Charlet Perro. List of alphabetical negotiation:

  • "Grizeld";
  • "Oslain Schurd";
  • "Funny desires."

Thanks to all this, an independent literary genre began to develop.

The list of Challa's fairy tales Pup is small as a lawyer, academician and a dignitorn, he feared that such a frivolous occupation would throw a shadow on him. Therefore, he published the first compilation, indicating the name of the eleventh-year-old Son P. D'Armankura. Nevertheless, the truth is that the author of fairy tales is no one else like Charles Perra, Paris learned very quickly.

The works of the author

In 1653, Charles Perp published the "Troy Wall". In writing a parody poem, he relied on his perennial research. Perra, like his brothers Claude and Pierre, defended the superiority of new writers in front of ancient. "Poetic art", he wrote the works of the "Age of Louis Great" and "parallels of the ancients and new".

In proof of its allegation that his contemporaries are no worse than ancient authors, he produces the impressive volume of the "famous people of France of the XVII century," where they gathered the biographies of famous historians, artists, poets, scientists of the XVII century.

In the philosophical study "Apology of a woman", his father tells the Son about the need to marry. The author talks about the virtues of a woman, about love, serious and gentle feelings, about mercy and compassion. In short, teaches the Son to seek the perfect wife - "Pearl" in the life of the sea. Other works of the author:

  • Portrait D "Iris (" Portrait of Iris ", 1659);
  • ODE SUR LA PAIX ("Ode of the World", 1660);
  • ODE AUX NOUVEAUX CONVERTIS ("Oda Newly Valued", 1685);
  • La Création Du Monde ("Creating Peace", 1692).

In 1755, Charles writes "Memories of my life", in which he told about important milestones of his life: the service of Kolber, editing the first French dictionary dedicated to the king of works, translations, three thousand, dedicated to the comparison of the ancient and modern authors. But neither the word did not mention the collection of "Mother Gusani", but it was this list of Charles Persian fairy tales became a masterpiece of world culture.

What is his fairy tales?

The works of the author written for children are very popular in all countries. Despite several French grace, the fabulous stories of Charles Perro occupied a worthy place in the literature. Merry, entertaining, with a bloom of folk poetry, they naturally reveal the foundations of human morality. Children are much easier to perceive these magic and wonderful stories than moral conversations.

Charles Perra perfectly showed on the example of his fabulous stories, that children are able to notice good and bad, kind and evil. To amused by the beauty and pretty fairy tale, they extract the necessary lessons. Undoubtedly, fairy tales leave space for imagination, and children believe the wonders of fairy tales. But as soon as the time comes, they will learn to distinguish imaginary from the actual. And the lessons learned from the first books will remain with them forever.

First collection in Russian

"Magic fairy tales" Perra was translated into Russian by the famous writer I. S. Turgenev and published in St. Petersburg in 1867. Turgenev worked on the translation of almost 2 years and, judging by his articles, remained dissatisfied with his quality. But despite this, his translation is one hundred years old is considered one of the best. A special charm of the first edition gave illustrations of Gustava Dore.

Once again I list the fairy tales of Charles Perro. The full list of theirs will be the following:

  • "Grizeld" (1691);
  • "Cinderella" (1697);
  • "Cat in boots" (1697);
  • "Red Cap" (1697);
  • "C-finger boy" (1697);
  • "Oslay Schurd" (1694);
  • "Rica with Khokholcom" (1697);
  • "Blue beard" (1697);
  • "Funny desires" (1693);
  • "Sleeping Beauty" (1696);
  • "Fairy" (1697).

The collection was deafening success and was translated into many languages \u200b\u200bof the world. Many musical works, animated and artistic films and even masterpieces of classical ballet have been created based on fairy tales.