Methods of creating the original text (writings). Writing "in the form of a letter"

Methods of creating the original text (writings). Writing
Methods of creating the original text (writings). Writing "in the form of a letter"

An article on how to properly prepare and write, using all tactical literary techniques in writing an essay in the form of reasoning.

The writing-reasoning is always the goal of convincing the reader (listener) in anything, change or consolidate his opinion on a certain issue (if the author's opinion and reader coincide.

Therefore, the basis of reasoning, its rod becomes clearly formulated, understandable and sounded from different positions one main thought .

We write an essay-reasoning on a free topic

Step one . Clearly and fully specify the thought you want to prove.

You can check the success of this step as follows. Read the wording to several people: if they do not have any questions about your position (objections to the essence of the question - not counting), then the wording is successful. Now you can move to writing an essay-reasoning.

What parts is the writing-reasoning?

The complete writing-reasoning consists of 3 parts. It:

  • thesis (the thought, judgment, the position you formulated and which will be prove);
  • arguments (each of them should serve as visual, accomplished, and therefore convincing evidence of your thought);
  • output (He is essentially repeating the thesis, but brings it to a new level by broad generalizations, forecasts, recommendations, etc.).

Optional, but the desired part of the argument is a brief entry, whose task is to involve the reader into a dialogue, designate the essence and relevance of the problem.

Example . The topic of writing-reasoning - "The first love…". Cancel about the first love can be infinite (as well as about other issues), because I do it immediately step first - form a thesis.

With the thesis "First Love is the most important stage in the life of a person who will affect all future relationships and on the identity itself" the introduction may be like this: "For teenagers, it becomes the meaning of life, and in adults it causes an indulgent smile. However, in vain, parents and acquaintances will smoke: according to psychologists, the source of our "adult" happiness and misfortune is hidden in the first love. "

Main part: arguments, content arguments

The argument in the composition-reasoning should take at least 2/3 of the total volume. The optimal number of arguments for a small (school or examination) essay is three.

The best arguments are well-known historical facts (or not very well-known, but which can be easily found in authoritative sources - encyclopedias, reference books, scientific works, etc.). Good proof will be statistical data discussed events. In the practice of school essays, the most significant argument - literary workBut not all, and that episode, the storyline, the story of the hero, who confirm your thought.

To find the arguments correctly, Mentally, once again, pronounce your thesis and ask him the question "Why?"

Example . Take another thesis related to the topic "First Love" - "Love - it means to get better" Why?

  • In an effort to please another person, we are improving. Literary argument. Tatyana Larina, wanting to solve Onegin's soul, holds days in his library for reading books, greedily peppering in the mark left by Eugene, and meditating over the read. She not only understands, finally, with which man brought her fate, but herself grows spiritually and intellectually.

Argument can serve personal experienceBut remember that such proof is the least convincing and to predend it in the form of expansion to the main facts known and authoritative.

Step two . Pick up arguments confirming your thought, and place them in the following order: " very convincing - sufficiently convincing - the most convincing ".


The conclusion deepens the thesis, it contains - let not explicitly - tips, rules, offers forecasts.

Example. First love, in whatever age, it happens, can make from a person and a rigid, ruthless cynic, and an incorrigible romance, and a realist that does not exclude for themselves any opportunity.

The first will be deeply unhappy: he will not be able to love, which means there will be lonely. The second from the absolute optimism of "love forever" often passes to the same pessimism "Love No". And only the third is able to gain harmony. So that there are more and more adults, native, friends should be careful and seriously belong to the feelings of adolescents and children.

Objectives and objectives of the lesson:

  • show the value of the epistolar genre, its features, make a questionnaire of the genre;
  • enrichment of the vocabulary, the formation of cultural speech students;
  • upbringing attentive, careful attitude to the Word; familiarization with the moral and ethical norms of human communication with the help of the letter;
  • popularization of the genre of the letter.


  • books in the epistolar genre (F.M. Dostoevsky "Poor people"; A.P.chekhov "Vanka"; K.Simonov "Five Pages"; S.Senin "Letter of Mother", "Letter to Woman", "Letter's letter" ; A.S. Pushkin "Roman in letters") and others;
  • compositions of students in the epistolary genre;
  • statements about the letter.

During the classes

I.Teacher's introductory word:

The writing, I think is the most creative form of the student, besides the most universal. Creating the text of the writings, the student must demonstrate its reader qualifications, speech competence, analytical abilities and erudition.

It is no secret that many students with such work do not cope not quite satisfactory, because they do not feel readiness worthy of expressing themselves in the Word.

However, everyone to learn to speak well and write every person. Roman politician, speaker and writer Mark Tuly Cicero said: "Orators become". A Russian writer A.P. Sumarokov believed that "the wonderful our language is capable of everything."

Today we will talk about one of the original genres of school essays - letters, get acquainted with the form of the genre, listen to samples of writing in the form of a letter.

II.. A letter is a special form of communication that serves to transfer information to the distance.

1. What is a letter? Turn to the dictionary S.I. Ozhegova. We read:

letter - A, MN..; Letters - this

  • Written text.
  • Skill writing.
  • This or that system of signs for transmission of speech.
  • Art style manner.

(Examples to record in notebooks).

2. Types of letters.

And now let's figure it out, whether all letters are the same? Who and who writes? (to a friend, native, close, acquaintance, letter - note, president, teacher, etc.)

  • personal
  • business
  • friendly
  • official
  • congratulatory
  • letter in the newspaper.

(Record in notebooks.)

3. Episteolar genre in the literature.

greek. EPISTOLA - Message, letter.

Epistolary genre is one of the directions of fiction. In Russian literature, works are known in the epistolary genre: "Poor people" F.M.Dostoevsky, "Vanka" A. Chekhov, Poem "Five Pages" K. Simonov, Lyrical poems "Letter of Mother", "Letter to Woman", "Letter To grandfather "S.Senin," Roman in letters "A.S. Pushkin.

These works are artistic value, because they reflect the time, his problems, the relationship of people.

With letters you encountered when studying the novel "Eugene Onegin". (Letter Tatiana, Onegin)

Students can read these letters.

4. Profile of the genre.

In the genre of letters Mono write and school essay. Most often, the compositions of this species reflect the impressions of students from literary works and are reasoning about their occasion.

In order to be able to write essays in the letter genre, it is necessary to determine the form of the genre. It will include the main signs of the letter. (see pp. 50 in the book. Drozhkaya T.N. et al. "Beautiful our language is capable of everything ..."; p.21 in the book. "The best lesson of the letter")

5. Speech formulas letters.

The main parts of the letter

Speech formulas

1. Place and date of writing.

2. Greeting.

3. Appeal


Good day!

Gick you Hi!


Dear (cute, beloved, my native)!

The name and all its forms.

Friend, mommy, etc.

Information part

Basic information that needs to be present

I want to report ...

I would like to tell ...

Here are some news ...

There is nothing new…

You ask what we have a new ...


1. Total phrases:

please write;
The assumption that correspondence will be regular;


takes and farewell;

assurance in respect, friendship and love.

2. Painting.

With (deep, sincere) respect ...

Resperating you ...

Your (-a; - and) ...

Always your (-a; - and) ...

Loving you ...


See you soon!

Good luck!

III. Samples of students in the letter genre.

(see students' writings)

IV.. About the All-Russian Competition "The Best Letter Lesson."

(See books and newspapers)

V.The outcome of the lesson.

VI. Homework: Write an essay in the genre of letters for one of the suggested topics (veteran, to a friend, about the native edge, etc.).

Often, schoolchildren get as home to writing an essay. It may be reasoning, description, and sometimes the narration. Such a task is not difficult, but requires compliance with some rules.

Features of reasoning

Text-reasoning is one of the most difficult forms of texts that schoolchildren have to face. After all, work on such an essay is based on the understanding of causal relationships between objects or phenomena. It is distinguished by a special structure, a clear form. In the argument, a non-plot method of construction is used, and logical (examples of text-narrative, reasoning will be discussed below).

The purpose of such a work is the disclosure of causal relationships between objects or phenomena of the surrounding world, the transfer of the author's reflection on the specified subject. In such a text, an assessment is given, justifying or the rejection of this or that thesis.

Text structure

Text-reasoning must necessarily contain the following structural elements:

  • Thesis. This is the idea that the student will disclose in his work. For example, on the exam, this is the phrase that is given directly in the task.
  • Argument. In other words, the evidence that the schoolboy leads to the support of his point of view. The student can rely on experience from his life and on the opinion of famous personalities.
  • Output. The result, for which an essay was written. Schoolboy also need to designate that this conclusion is confirmed by examples.

Writing rules

What are the rules for writing text-reasoning? At the lesson, the teacher is often drawn by schoolchildren on the following points:

  • Definition of text logic. The schoolboy must think logically, denote in his work causal relationships.
  • Competent accession. It should contain several proposals in which existing opinions on this topic, problems and judgments will be described. You can also give the statements of famous people, however, it is better not to overdo it. Entry should be meaningful and capacious.
  • Think over the theses. They should not dwell on the problem in detail, because all reasoning and explanations will be given in the text. Theses can be somewhat, depending on the chosen student of the problems.
  • Pick up arguments. Since evidence is always given several, you can use the transfer: "First ...", "Secondly ...". However, if the student doubts, then other introductory words can be applied: "On the one hand ...", "On the other ...".
  • Write a conclusion. It is summarized here all the above. You can apply the design "So ...", or "in this way ...".

Text-reasoning: Example

Consider a small example of text-reasoning on the topic "Harm smoking".

"Everyone knows that smoking brings enormous harm to the body. However, not everyone adhere to this idea in practice, and in our country the number of smokers is still great.

Why people knowing how dangerous smoking can be, do not throw this habit? Probably the reason is that their awareness of danger is not deep enough. If this moment, the doctor put a scary diagnosis to the smokers, it would be necessary to assume that he would have a mig, the desire to "climb." Psychologists recommend throwing this harmful habit to remember that internal organs resulting in smoking. And on the contrary, to help abandon the cigarette can understand how much the person becomes if he cries itself. "

Features of art text

Sometimes schoolchildren need to write artistic text-reasoning. In this case, the work should contain as elements of reasoning and aspects of artistic text. The latter must be remembered that such text should contain various language products - comparisons, epithets, metonimia, metaphors.

In order to write good artistic text, the author will need good imagination, literacy. Do not do without personal ideas, baggage personal experience. If all these items are present, you can proceed to consider the following rules, sticking to which, you can write a beautiful artistic text.

  • Basic - feelings. So that the text is beautiful, during his writing you can turn off self-control, and write those ideas that come to mind. Editing can be engaged later.
  • Observation. In order to develop this quality, you can carry a notepad and handle with you. Recorded dialogues, situations, behavioral features in the future can be useful for work on writing-description, or text-reasoning.
  • To draw inspiration, it is useful to attend a variety of exhibitions, watch movies, admire the beauty of nature. The more diverse the life of the student, the easier it is to write a good essay.
  • A huge role for a student can also play reading. After all, to create good and high-quality essays - including texts-reasoning - you need to read a lot, note the features of the style of different writers. Many well-known writers began with imitating or adding famous works.

Text-narration is characterized by the fact that in it the events or phenomena are described one after the other. The scheme for building such an essay is as follows:

  • Report a place of action.
  • Talk about the main acting person.
  • Describe actions, the order of their commission.
  • Specify to complete the events.
  • Make a conclusion.

An example of essays-narration

Consider reasoning can also be included in this however they should not occupy a central place in it. The essay will talk about the fragment of the life of a fictional character - the pensioners Margarita Nikolaevna.

"Spring in the morning of April 25 in the city ... There was a good weather. Margarita Nikolaevna, a lonely pensioner who lived in one of the old houses on the street ..., went out to walk. She went a couple of stops and turned around the corner. Suddenly, Margarita Nikolaevna realized that she did not meet any person on the street. She continued his journey, and suddenly because of the corner appeared the figure of a man in a police form, scarf and a cap. Frightened by the absence of people on the streets, Margarita Nikolaevna began to call a policeman: "Comrade Militizer! Be kind, explain what happens here? " However, the guardian of the law, not turning around, went ahead.

Margarita Nikolaevna from the last strength accelerated the step, and began to catch up with him. An elderly woman almost got out of his strength, but still caught up with a strange passerby. But when she turned around, there was no limit to surprise: in the form of a policeman turned out to be a huge dog, looking at a woman with smart eyes. "Sudarnya is forced to inform you that this night the power in Kamensk captured the dogs. All people are resettled in special enclosures. You were not subjected to these sanctions for an exceptionally good attitude to representatives of our kind throughout life. If you want to visit any of the relatives, you need to get a special certificate. "

School writing to write easy. Adhering to simple rules, you can get a good assessment at school, as well as gain the necessary experience. Knowledge of the necessary rules described in this article will help cope with such a task.


Although letter It assumes the free movement of thought, you need to make in advance. This will help not get confused in your own theses and do not go to a dead end in reflections. In addition, the well-thought-out structure will make your text understandable not only to the addressee, but also for any reader.

Nic letter Cannot do without contacting the interlocutor. You can use the image of a familiar person to additionally do not think through its psychology when making a letter. If you like to fantasize, you can contact the fictional character invented by you or existing in the well-known works of art. Also in this task, you can afford such a luxury as a conversation with the classics of literature and painting, with great scientists of the Renaissance or with the modern ruling elite.

After you can move directly to the topic of the letter (and therefore the theme of writings). In the free style, tell me what is important and interestingly affected by the problem. Perhaps it is relevant any circumstances. If some minor episode came across to reflections or accidentally heard, mention and about it.

All your thoughts on the given topic will build up the type of expression: first name the thesis, then go to the proof of the statement or pictures, examples that can serve as an illustration. In conclusion, make a conclusion or designate the complexity of the problem and the need to solve it (you can offer ways to solve or at least outline the direction in which it is worth moving).

Because you are writing letterThe arguments can be interrupted with questions to the imaginary interlocutor. You can even assume that he will answer, and agree or argue with his replica. To give liveliness and vitality, you can provide text with several lyrical deviations.

At the end of the letter, once again express your interest in the response answer and say goodbye to him.

It may seem that in our turmoil and the rapid century, with its emails, short messages and mobile phones, the ability to write lost their relevance. Is it so?


Of course, in our time, Epistolar lovers have, where to turn around. From time to time, those of those who decided to change the place of work may be necessary to make a resume. What can you do, the willy-noilies have to be creative.

But if the resume is the need limited by formal requirements for its design, then "accompaniment" to a resume - a kind of deployed explanatory, which can break through the impassive persons of the potential employer. How to write accompanying letter?

First of all, bother to find out with all the available families and name, as well as the position of the person to which your resume will fall with the accompanying letterm. Personal appeal in, beyond doubt, will play your hand - any person

How to write an essay-reasoning

Let's start with the definitions, what is "reasoning":

  • the conclusion, a number of thoughts set forth in a logically consecutive form ("Dictionary of the Russian Language" Ozhegova S.I.);
  • one of the three essay elements, defined as the deployment of thought according to a specific scheme; evaluable development of some distracted position to the degree of its obvious clarity("Literary Encyclopedia");
  • functionally semantic type of speech performing a special communicative task - give speech argued character (come logical to a new judgment or argument expressed earlier) and drawn by lexico-grammatical means of causal semantics ("Stylistic Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language").

So, reasoning - These are the thoughts outlined in accordance with the logic, supported by evidence related to the chain of arguments and develop into convincing conclusions.

The reasoning reveals and describes the reasons and the relationship of any phenomena. In his beginning, as a rule, placed thesis - approval, the truth of which must be proved by argumentsgood and convincing arguments. The writing can be based on the reasoning approval(the truth of the launched the thesis) and the reasoning refutations (Provins the falsity of the extended primary position). A writing is given the opportunity to use not only direct facts, but sometimes evidence from nasty. Building evidence, the written author can rely on personal experience, newspaper and journal publications, films, bring examples from life and literature.

Before starting work on the writing, it is necessary to clearly formulate the idea that it will be necessary to prove. Then, based on the approval requiring the argument, the plan of future creative work is drawn up.

Overalling scheme

1. Entry.
2. Thesis.
3. Arguments: arguments, evidence, explanations, justification; examples, cases, facts, numbers; Opinions of authoritative people, approval, quotes ...
4. Conclusion.

Entry into writing-reasoning is a small introduction in the subject. It can be formulated as a question or contain a quote. The positive thesis will be the starting point for subsequent reasoning, and most of the writing will be argument - at least 2/3 of the total volume of text. It is believed that the optimal number of arguments for writing-reasoning is three.

In the role of arguments can be:

  • historical facts;
  • statistical data;
  • episodes, stories of literary works confirming the proven thought;
  • proverbs and sayings, aphorisms;
  • opinions of reputable people ...

The most convincing, in your opinion, the argument is best to have the last.

Conduct arguments in proof of its position using the following words and phrases:

Turn to (fact, memories of anyone, scientific data ...)

It is enough to bring such an example ...

This can be proved as follows ...

Confirmation said may be the following fact ...

I will give another example, proving my point of view, ...

This is easily verified by contacting ...

For example...

Suppose ...

According to the testimony (someone) ...

Suppose ...

As; because…

First, secondly, etc.

In the table below, other lexical means suitable for various types of reasoning can be seen from the "Stylistic Dictionary of the Russian Language".

The output completes your essay. It must be convincing, because This is a conclusion, result, a consequence of your reasoning. He almost duplicates the thesis, but leads it to a new (deeper) level by generalizations and possibly forecasts. The output can be formulated using the following words and expressions: so, summarizing the said, thus, based on our reasoning, therefore...

The writing-reasoning will become more convincing under the following conditions:

  • the main thesis corresponds to the topic of writings,
  • selected evidence is sufficiently weighty,
  • between parts of the essay close logic,
  • conclusions are clearly formulated.

The form of output (in particular, evidence) is correct if no logic rule is violated in it.

Materials used in preparing the heading:

  1. Aliyev G. Learning to reason [Text]: School essay and problems of His writing / G. Aliyev // Primary School: Ad. to gas. "First Saint." - 2001. - № 30.
  2. Litniewskaya E.I., Bagryantseva V. A. Methods of teaching Russian in high school: Tutorial for students of higher educational institutions / Ed. E. I. Litnievskaya. - M.: Academic project, 2006. - 590 s.
  3. Nikitina N. N. Algorithm for writing writings-reasoning (part C) when preparing for the exam. 11th grade.
  4. The article "reasoning" in the "Stylistic Dictionary of the Russian Language".