Happy and unhappy numbers from different nations. Japanese figures: Features of use

Happy and unhappy numbers from different nations. Japanese figures: Features of use
Happy and unhappy numbers from different nations. Japanese figures: Features of use

Numerology, despite its name, it is not science, rather, it is alchemy in numbers. The mathematical concept of numbers by definition does not contain anything except the category of quantities, while numerology assumes that numbers have some esoteric properties.

In Russia, we often follow the traditions when we believe the number "7" happy, and "13" - a number that should be avoided in every way, in order not to smooth out. We already spit on the left shoulder three times on the reflex level, three times knocking on the tree and, following the saying, "God Trinity loves," we spend three branches of the three branches with the Russian Tricolor. But that God does not like, so this is the "number of the beast" 666, which recently recalled on the occasion of the introduction of Inn's individual numbers of taxpayers.

Indeed, a person gives the number of properties that are not inherent in mathematical standards. Some numbers become "special" due to the natural order of things. So, with the number "1" the concepts are associated: championship, uniqueness, versatility, chance. Nature itself predetermined the breakdown of the year for 12 months and the duration of the week at 7 days: the lunar year (i.e. "month") lasts about 30 days (more precisely - 29,5306 days), which for 4 stages of the moon are divided into periods of 7 days, and 365 days a year (more precisely - 365,2422 days) are divided into 4 seasons, each approximately 91 days, in which 3 full lunaries are stacked. As a result, 4 seasons for 3 months each give a 12-month calendar with 7 days of weeks. The creation of the Christian God of the world in seven days De Jure seems to be recognition of solar mechanics De Facto. On the other hand, the attitude of days and months of the year does not constitute integer proportions, which indicates a more complex device of the world than in the hourly mechanism with gears.

However, human nature does not know the boundaries of reasonable. Mystic, religion, astrology, pseudonuka contributed to the understanding of the numbers as a special form of matter. "What is the wise? - Number! " - said Pythagoreans in the West in the V century. In the east, wisdom, as a product of the activities of outstanding minds, was not at least, and she together with the magic numbers entered the flesh and the blood of the cultures of the eastern peoples. China and Japan are confirmation.

The simplest manifestation of numerology is in vocabulary, in the formation of sustainable phrases with numerical. At the same time, the proper meanings are enshrined due to either by individual philosophical-religious interpretations of these numbers, or the properties of hieroglyphs, which are recorded. In Japanese, there are a lot of similar words. They give at the subconscious level such associative connections, which, in the opinion of rationally thinking people, cannot exist in nature itself.

With the number "2" (nor), obviously, a number of philosophical concepts meaning duality are associated. So, Niganron is "dualism". This is the basis of this - the Chinese yin and yang, as well as the complementary concepts associated with it: a big-small, male female, light-dark, etc. Among political terms is the system of the two-chamber Parliament of Japan Niinsay - the Chamber of Representatives and the Chamber of Advisors.

The hieroglyph denoting the number "3" (San) coincides with reading another hieroglyph denoting "birth", so "3" is considered a "good" number. The number "3" meets as part of many words and concepts: Sanze - "Three Worlds" (past, real, future); Sansay - three great teachers or teachings (Buddha - Buddhism, Confucius - Confucianism, Lao Tzu - Taoism); Sansu-No-dzinggi - three symbols of the power of the imperial Japan (octagonal mirror, magic sword, jasmic suspensions); Sambo - "Three Treasures" (Buddha Images, Buddhist Sutras, Buddhist Monastic Community Property); Sanasay - "Three Forces", existence (heaven, land, man); Sankagan - Triad; Sandaday Tokyu - "Three generations living under one roof"; Sangun - "Three Army", the Great Army (land, sea, air force); Santosaji - "Politics of three heads", triumvirate; Sankay "3 species" - three of the most beautiful places in the Japanese Empire, etc.

In Japan, the "bad" number is considered "4", since the hieroglyph denoting this number is read like a hieroglyph denoting "death" - si. In a number of words, the hieroglyph "4" is read not as si, but as a Yong, in order not to angry the gods and do not stick to the trouble on himself and others. Maybe the trample on the spot in the negotiations on the southern smoke is due to the fact that in the Japanese term of Örto ("four islands") is something lifeless? Also, the "bad" number is considered "9", since his reading - ku - the Japanese is associated with another hieroglyph, meaning "torments, difficulties". In Japanese hotels and hospitals there are no rooms with number 49, since the Sico's associated word means "deadly torment", "deadly agony". During the wedding ceremonies to pronounce the words where there are these SI and KU, is prohibited similar to how it is indecent to speak badly about the dead at the funeral. On the other hand, the Russian appeal "bitter!" At the Japanese wedding, probably, it would look like a wish of a fly in a honeymoon.

With the number "5" (th) associated a whole range of oriental religious and philosophical concepts: the year - five great started in Buddhism (land, water, fire, wind, sky), Gogho - five moving starts (tree, fire, earth, metal, Water), Goacu - five sins (murder, theft, treason, perjury, alcoholism-drug addiction), Huzu - five major virtues (humans, justice, politeness, wisdom, loyalty), Huzu - five passions (pleasure, joy, passion, anger , grief), Gorin - five relationships between people (between the father and son, the owner and servant, husband and wife, brothers, friends), year 5, Five Continents (Asia, Africa, Europe, America, Oceania), year old - five oceans, Gokoku - five cereals (rice, wheat, millet, cannabis, beans), Gosekku - five festivals (January 7 - Nana-Kusa "Seven Herbs", 3.3 - Dzoo-no-Schka "Girls Festival", 5.5 - Tango-No- Schack "Festival of boys", 7.7 - Tanabata "Festival of Stars", 9.9 - Tyo-no-Schka "Festival Chrysanthemum"), Goko - five Chinese Class And others, and others, and others. Five Greats began the same year, they also found the expression also in temple buildings - in the pyhylain pagodes of the year, but. In the game for victory you need to lay out in a number of 5 knuckles. In Japanese accounts, Soroban is not 10 knuckles in a row, and 5. If adding to the list is still purely human - five fingers Gosi, five parts of the body Gotay (head, neck, chest, hands, legs), five internal organs of Humano (lungs, heart, The spleen, liver, kidneys) and five organs of the feelings of Gokan, the number "5" rightfully can be called "human number".

The number "7" (City, Nana) in Japan, as in Russia, also "good" number. Known "Seven happy gods" City Pukhukhdzin: God health Daikokutan (with a bag), God trade Ebisu (with fish), God of wealth Bysymontain, Goddess Health and Wisdom Bendzaytan, Highless God of Health and Longevity, Fukurokud, God Longevity Dzürhzin and Puzzy God Pleasure Heji. According to one of the Japanese versions, the Russian Matryoshka is the "daughter" of the puppet images of these gods, which themselves are an option to the toy in the form of a 12 embedded eggs in the 1880s, in the 1880s, which came to Russia from the Japanese port city of Hakodate in Russia. The number "7" meets in many phrases: Nanafusigi - seven wonders (light), Citidogran - seven buildings in Buddhist temples, Haru-No-Nanakus - seven spring herbs, aki-no-nanakus - seven autumn herbs, satin - seven (spontaneous ) Disasters, etc.

The hieroglyph, meaning the number "8", resembles the road leading to the sky. And is it not the symbol of the octal path in Buddhism? The number "8" entered even one of the ancient names of Japan - Yasimakuni, i.e. "Country of eight islands." The hieroglyph, meaning the number "10", has the appearance of the cross, so it is included in the words meaning: crossing roads, cross-fire, red cross or crossword. Obviously, in Russian there is no similar kind of associative connections due to graphics of letters. However, with the image of the number "69" and in Europe, and in Asia, an acrobatic figure from the Kama Sutra is inextricably linked.

A significant contribution to the creation of the global cult of numbers was made by Buddhism, in which, on the basis of laws associated with a number of numbers from 3 to 12, a variety of numerical combinations are formed. In this row: "3" - Triad, 4 truths of the states of Nirvana, 5 Skandh, 6 senses, "7" - one step to the octal path, "9" - one step to the perfection of Bodhisatatva, 10 of the perfection of Bodhisatatva, "11" - One step to a 12-riche full cycle. All-witting Buddha can be represented by the arrangement of three rows: the first - from 3 to 12; second, after multiplying the first row to 3, from 9 to 36; The third, after multiplying the second row to 3, - from 27 to 108 (in particular, in Buddhist rosary of 108 bones). In Buddhist canons of the departed, they commemorate after 7, 14, 35 and 49 days, and not after 3, 6, 9, 20 and 40 days, as taken from Christians. Yes, and during the marriage ceremony, according to the principle of Sansenkudo "3 and 3 - 9 times," the bride and groom drink rice wine - sake - three sips in three nodes, and not how much the soul asks.

Japanese verses are also written in accordance with numeric sequences. So, poems in the form of a tank, there is a poetic miniature of 31 syllables following in the ratio of 5-7-5-7-7. Poems Haiku correspond to a truncated numerical row 5-7-5. Here the account is conducted in the number of syllables - the letters of the Japanese alphabet. It is obvious that the session in Russian is based on several other principles - the principles of the rhythm and rhyme, and only keystones are capable of counting the number of letters, words or lines in Evgenia Onegin.

The numbers also act as inaccurate categories "little", "a lot", "several" or "different". The saying "get lost in three pines" The number "3" is "a small amount". On the other hand, in idiome "to go to all four sides" the number "4" means "anywhere." In Russia, the number "7" also has the meaning of "somewhat" or "a lot", which was reflected in the sayings: Seven times will death - one noise, seven one is not waiting for, seven troubles - one answer, seven nannies child without eyes, onions from seven ailments, etc. In Japan, the same load can also carry numbers. For example, Nisan "2-3" - several; Sijo "4 sides", Happo "8 sides" (Four sides of the world, plus diagonal) or Sijo-Happo - all directions (i.e. "anywhere"); Gobugobu "5 parts and 5 parts" - equally; Sitan-Hakku "7 troubles, 8 flour" - all sorts of misfortune (Wed with a day of seven sweats); Nanacassouch "7 accessories" - all necessary for life; Nana-Corobi I-Oki "7 times fell, 8 times rose" - fight to the end; Ztyu-Hakku "8, 9 out of 10" - almost certainly; Dzunin-Tiro "10 people, 10 desires" - how many people, so many opinions; Shibysibo "404 Diseases" - all sorts of diseases; Yatikusa "8000 herbs" - all herbs, etc. etc.

Do not cost the side and birthdays. In Russia, they are usually marked annually, while the dates ending with zeros and five are highlighted. In Japan, annually on November 15, the synthist festival of the City-Go-San ("7-5-3" - "good" numbers!) For boys who are 3 or 5 years old in the current year, and for girls who are executed in the current year 5 or 7 years. Also in January, those whom in the current year marks 20 years old, celebrate the "day of majority". However, separate birthdays are traditionally not accepted. There is a nationwide festive day - the birthday of the emperor of Japan (at the current Emperor Akihito - December 23). It is possible that the Japanese's Own Birthdays are not celebrated because of the traditionally negative relationship in Japan to the manifestation of any individualism, while the birthday of the Divine - the Emperor of Japan - acts as a day of unity of the nation. But also in Japan, as a tribute to the older generation, special ages are highlighted, having special names: 60 years old (Kalendar Returning Kannaky - the name from the 60-year-old Chinese cycle), 70 years (Coki), 77 years old (Kiju "Joyful longevity" ), 80 years old (Sandzu "longevity under the umbrella"), 81 years (Handzu), 88 years old (Baidze "Rice Little Little"), 90 years old (compilation "final longevity"), 99 years old (Hakuju "White longevity"), 108 years (sadzu) and others.

In Russia, the cult of numbers is not practiced. And it is not even customary to count anything special or outstanding. Only "three components of Marxism", "26 Baku Commissioners" or the spiritual number of the feast of the "era of stagnation" - 3.62 (vodka states). But to no one to the head will come to talk about three, five or seven great poets, writers or musicians of Russia, thereby canonizing and opposing the rest. Moreover, not all wonderful people in Russia were in Ladakh with the Orthodox Church. Some Japanese, studying Russian and Russian culture, are engaged in, in particular, the research of the poetic heritage A. Block. But it seems that no one in Japan studies the phenomenon of the author's song and the creativity of such songwriters such as, for example, B.Okuzhava, A. Galich, V.Vysotsky or Y.Vizbab. Isn't it because A. Block already "counted" and hung the "Classic" label on him, but there are no bards yet?

However, there is in this approach and positive parties. If we recognize this or that event of its significance, it assumes that it cannot be not known and cannot but remember. Maybe numerology and is the psycho-emotional "glue", which cementing important concepts, contributing to their memorization and in the future, not giving memory to get rid of parts from the "sad wisdom" knowledge?

Now let's talk about the most unsuccessful number from the point of view of the Chinese number - 4.

Classical Chinese numerology in the Four does not see anything bad. This number symbolizes stability, rationality and equilibrium.

Four in the classic culture of China


Four sides of the world - north, south, west and east;

Four seasons of the year - Summer, Winter, Autumn and Spring;

Four worthy classes of a noble person - a game on a musical instrument, chess, calligraphy and drawing (we talked about this in the article about c);

Four Great Themes of China - Penlai, Yuyan, Shamporan and.

As you can see, the Four is very popular in the classic culture of China. In the religious sphere, it is also common:

Four main text in Taoism;

Four sacred text of Confucianism.

Figure 4 in modern China

All the positive aspects of the four are leveled only by one phonetic coincidence. Chinese 4 is read as "sy" in the fourth tone.

On many sites on the Internet you will see "SI", but it is not. Transcription "SI" took from English sources where "Si" write. And what else to write? There is no letter "s" in English. They write the closest transcription - "Si". From English, this error smoothly moved to the Russian Internet.

Chinese 4 is read as "sy" in the fourth tone. And the word "death" is read as "sy" in the third tone. This phonetic association and provided four such bad fame.


We have 13 considered a bad number, but we are not afraid of it as much as the Chinese fourths. And this is not only a Chinese phenomenon.

In Japanese, 4 is pronounced as "Shi" similar to the word "death";

In Korean, 4 is pronounced as "sa" similar to the word "death";

In Vietnamese, these words are similar, but more remotely.

Tetrafibia is the phenomenon not only Chinese, but characteristic of the Southeast of Asia. Often in buildings there are no 4, 14, 24, and so on the floors, there are no floors from 40 to 49. There is still no 13th floor in Hong Kong. Hong Kong used to be the colony of Great Britain, and they inherited from the British dislike to among 13. As a result, the 50th floor according to the number 35th in fact.

Hong Kong builders can be understood. Apartments and offices are more expensive here than the higher floor. Any property on four floors in the room, on the contrary, is cheaper. In this way, they are "stuffing" the price of real estate, and tetraphibia is not the main motivation.

Taiwanese and South Korean armed forces fundamentally use the number 4 in the ordinal numbers of ships and aircraft. But the Chinese army despised Tetrafobi, and does not pay attention to it.

Almost all the Chinese avoid four in the rooms of phone numbers, houses, apartments, cars, or anything.

Some combinations of numbers in China sound frightening. 14 - Want to die, 24 - you will easily die, 74 - you will definitely die and 94 - die forever. The last phrase sounds analogically for us, but for the Chinese there is a sense in this, and this is the meaning of this terrible.

In neighboring Japan, the number 49 sounds the most terrible way - "pain to death".

Numerology, like science, has long been popular with people. It is based on the idea that all events in our lives can be brought to simple mathematical formulas. There are several basic numbers in the life of each person: the number of birth, the number of birth, the number of the path, the number of fate and the number of compatibility.

Each figure has its effect on behavior, character and decisions taken by a person. For example, the Four was a symbol of calm and stability in life. She endowed a person with the ability to correctly calculate their strength, solid character and excellent potential.

Four in numerology is considered an equilibrium symbol. Many scientists compare this number with a square, which is one of the most solid geometric shapes.

Over the centuries, the Four was crowded into the very existence of humanity. The most vivid examples of:

  • 4th end of the world (North, South, East and West).
  • 4 years of year (Spring, summer, winter and autumn).
  • 4 natural elements (Earth, fire, air and water).
  • 4 epochs (Golden, Silver, Bronze and Iron Century).
  • 4 times of day (Morning, day, evening and night).
  • 4 temperament (Melancholic, Sanguine, Choleric and Phlegmatic).
  • 4 stages in human life (childhood, youth, maturity and old age).
  • 4 phases of the Moon (First quarter, full moon, third quarter and new moon) and so on.

For many millennium examples accumulated a great set. Some of them are associated with religion, others with science. In Christianity, the Four meets much more often than the troika, which is considered to be a symbol of this faith.

For example, if you contact the Bible, you can see some interesting facts related to this number:

  • In paradise and hell was four rivers.
  • Four main archangel (Mikhail, Gabriel, Rafail and Uriel).
  • Four Great Prophet (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel and Ezekiel).
  • Four end at the cross.
  • Four riders Apocalypse (Plague, War, Hunger and Death) and so on.

In a person's life, this number symbolized confidence and ordering. It indicated perfection and harmony. It is believed that the Four is a sign of creation and sequences in the chaos of life peripetia. People born fourth differences often have logical and rational thinking, landed desires, like planning and avoid unjustified risks.

In numerology, the Four is defined by such concepts as fundamentality and organization. This is the number of square, which is the symbol of order and completeness. In Pythagore Pythagore, the figure indicated that a person pays a lot of attention to the material side of his own life.

He does not have high ambitions, likes to follow the rules, is distinguished by clear moral principles. If the Four is the number of fate, it is pointed to the mathematical warehouse of the mind and a tendency to accurate sciences.

Negative qualities of this figure in numerology are sarcastic and stubbornness. It highlights such features like peeling, hot temper and inability to put up with other people's disadvantages. People born under this number are rarely lucky, in all in life they have to seek hard work. No matter how they needed, do not know how and do not like to make assistance from the outside, even when close people are offered.

Four is widely used in magic and witchcraft. During many rites to focus their own energy, a person needs to put four burning candles around himself. It is believed that in this way he will clon his aura, preventing it in contact with the world and protects himself from foreign impact.

People who receive the four of their birth, name or fate are inclined to idealize others.. They try to see only the best parties in everything, are considered optimists and have an unpretentious character.

Conflicts entered only in cases where they are openly provoked, open collisions are preferred otherwise. They know how to appreciate every agentime of their own life, easy friendsth, they are considered reliable and faithful satellites.

Four is considered a symbol of a family and a home. It introduces an orderly and reliability, confidence in tomorrow and a loved one. People born of this number always support the connection with their relatives, they appreciate someone else's kindness and care.

Four become beautiful parents and educators. They know how to find a common language, even with the most unpleasant interlocutor, inspire the surrounding trust, easily achieve influence in society.

As partners choose people, completely opposite. Thus, they designate a new vertex that they try to conquer. In family life, they try to remake the beloved person and his principles for themselvesAlthough they have a tendency to sacrifice their own desires in favor of loved ones. Do not tolerate orders, in response to someone else's authority can be aggression and stubbornness.

In various world cultures, the influence of the four can be traced equally clearly. For example, the Scandinavians in Asgard traced four rivers, as in Christian Eden. In the myths of the ancient Germans, the world stands on four dwarfs, which reminds us the Babylonian and Egyptian legends about flat land on the backs of the backs of four elephants.

Starlovyman made this number of magical power by tying it with the number of major protective elements.

In ancient China, the Four is the number of land itself. It meant four gates from the Imperial Palace, the four seas that were washed by the state, four great mountains. Four is the number of Yin, the West is considered his patron. In Confucianism, which to this day is considered the main religion of China, this is the number of four main books - Conversations Confucius, the teachings about the middle and great teachings, the book of Meng-zi.

Often the four called the number of death, it was missed in numbering houses and apartments. For the Chinese, this figure means the same as for us the number 13, which, by the way, also gives four.

In America, Maya believed that heaven would rest on the shoulders of the four giants, worshiped four great gods, in their calendar had four colors of the year. Other meso-American nationality, aztec, believed that the whole world was lying on the branches of four mighty treeswhose vertices pierced not only the heavenly arch, but even time itself.

In ancient Persia, the people were divided into 4 castes, each of which corresponded to one of the four elements.

In Japan, as in China, people were afraid and confused this number. In the country, the Four fear became a real phobia. The car numbers ending with this figure are prohibited in the elevators there is no button of the fourth floor, there are no tables in restaurants, and in local hospitals - chambers with the same number.

In Angelic Numerology, the Four denotes a practical approach to the case and a sense of responsibility in humans. This is a symbol of talent and excellent abilities. The number indicates a man wise, hardy and able to learn not only on its own, but also on other people's mistakes.

Many mystics believe that the Four is able to push a person to important actions and decisions when his hands are lowered. This is a strength combination, the number of four elements and four sides of the light. It is capable of providing a strong impact on the life of life from outside, increase the potential and attract good luck.

If throughout your life you also meet the combination 4, 44, 444 And so on, you can assume that you are lucky. Thus, fate shows that you should not be afraid of anything, you get support from higher strength.

A person who is everywhere meets the message from his angels in the form of a number 4 knows what he wants from life. It has a sharp living mind, observed and active. Changes and any trouble makes easily, trying not to pay too much attention to negative parties. He is used to apply the maximum effort in any case, for which it takes, everything comes to the end, for which he gets a generous remuneration and the patronage of fortune.

The Chinese people have always been famous for their superstition and serious relations to legends and generally accepted traditions. This is especially true of the magic of the numbers, which is respected from ancient times and even slightly afraid, because it can be controlled by people's life. Figure 4 in China is considered the most terrible. Due to such respects, the Chinese had even a special term "terafobia" - fear of figures 4.

What is the reason for such fear? Everything is simple. The bottom line is that the number 4 in China sounds approximately as the word "death". Four - 四 Sì, death - 死亡 Sǐwáng.

Even a different writing and tone of pronunciation could not protect the number from such a sad fate.

That it became more clear, for the Chinese, the four means the same thing that for us number 13. This is a devilish number that brings solid troubles and troubles. By the way, in the poor value of the number 13 in China, they do not believe, but in solidarity with European tourists, the Chinese also try not to use this number.

Panic and fear, which sows its presence of a number 4 in China among the local population, led to the fact that the government had to resort to the removal of this figure from the universal turnover. Arriving to China and settled in the hotel, you will not be able to find no floor in it, no number signed by the number four. Most often, the staff uses the substitution of the letter F or simply the floor or the number that follows in order, sign the fifth. Also applies and signature 3 "A".

It is not possible to definitely do it all, there are elevators with numbers 4, and floors and rooms of houses, but the most superstitious still try to remember the meaning of the figure 4. Most recently, in one of the hotels in China, I have three times, we wanted a long-term corridor, looking for my Number with digit "2034". It was simply not turned out, 2036 was immediately 2036 (even side).

Many know the story that the existing hospital at number 4 almost stopped their activities, because patients refused to undergo treatment in it, explaining their position in that, agreeing to cross the hospital's threshold with a "dangerous" number, obviously ordered themselves . In this regard, the hospital had to be renamed urgently.

The unfortunate digit 4 in China, in the end, led to the fact that the country was banned and issuing car numbers containing this magic figure. The fact is that almost all the motorists who "lucky enough to get a registration number from the Four refused to receive it, frightened by the fact that at best to get into an accident on such a vehicle or to die at all. Even despite all the paper, the revision of documents, confusion in registration services and huge queues there, the figure 4 in China became prohibited.

By the way, the fate of the "unfortunate" and "avoidable" number of the number was not only fourth, but all other complex numbers that contain it. For example, 14, 24, 54, 742, etc.

Whatever it was, no matter how many people wanted to believe in Chinese ancient superstitions, but I will not deceive the statistics. And she says that most often deaths in China occur in the fourth number. Such data provide American sociologists, analyzing the data about the mortality of the Chinese residents in the United States. Superstition is this or fiction? The question remains open, but statistics - the science is accurate, therefore, to understand the Chinese, which with fear belong to the figure 4, it is very possible.

Although even despite such sad data, many modern Chinese remain cold-blooded towards the magic four. Even considering the fact that the basis of Chinese Numerology is Taoism - a tradition, tested by time.

I will also add something that digit 4 in China may have a positive value. For example, the number 48 in the literal translation sounds like "deadly money", but denotes "enormous wealth", which is earned by honest hard work.

Believe in this superstition or not, this is your personally, I will add from myself that this phenomenon is not explained in any way.

If you want to know more about the traditions and culture of China, everyday life and superstitions, and in parallel to study Chinese (or even get higher education), we suggest familiarizing yourself with the possibilities of obtaining long-term language courses, undergraduate programs and magistracy.

Japanese figures at the beginning of the study cause many questions, as they have a different pronunciation, the Japanese actually, which is pronounced by hieroglyph and Chinese, pronounced by the reading of the hieroglyph. To learn the numbers is not difficult, the main thing is to remember in which case a kunny or onan reading is applied.

Also, some numbers have two pronunciations - here it is only necessary to learn and remember in which combination of this or other sound of hieroglyph is pronounced.

The following are the tables of the abstract account without applying to days, years, the number of objects, etc. It's like us when we just consider up to ten: one, two, three, four, five, and so on. In this case, the Chinese pronunciation is applied.

Abstract number of numbers from zero to ten

NumberHieroglyphHiragana (onan sound)Pronunciation (Romadzi)Value
0 ゼロ、れい zero, Reizero
1 いち ichi.one
2 ni.two
3 さん sANthree
4 し、よん shi, Yon.four
5 go.five
6 ろく roku.six
7 しち、なな shichi, Nana.seven
8 はち hachi.eight
9 く、きゅう ku, Kyu:nine
10 じゅう jU:ten

To help you children's videos, you will not only remember the pronunciation of numbers from 0 to 10, but also hear how the Japanese make it, since in some numbers (including in subsequent discharges) there is a reduction or lengthening of sound. It is always useful to hear the pronunciation of the native media.

Numbers from 10 in Japanese

Japanese figures after 10 are remembered simply, it is enough to learn the first ten. Each subsequent number is the result of adding 10 and the desired figure. So 11 is 10 + 1, in Japanese it looks like this: and 一 / じゅう + いち / Ju: Ichi

NumberHieroglyphHiragana (onan sound)Pronunciation (Romadzi)Value
11 十一 じゅういち ju: Ichi.eleven
12 十二 じゅうに ju: NI.twelve
13 十三 じゅうさん ju: San.thirteen
14 十四 じゅうし
ju: Shi.
ju: Yon.
15 十五 じゅうご ju: Go.fifteen
16 十六 じゅうろく ju: Roku.sixteen
17 十七 じゅうしち
ju: Shichi.
ju: Nana.
18 十八 じゅうはち ju: hachi.eighteen
19 十九 じゅうきゅう
ju: KYU:
ju: Ku.
20 二十 にじゅう ni Ju:twenty

Tens of Tens in Japanese

As you notice above, dozens in Japanese are obtained as follows: First, we call the desired number and add 10 to it. Visually it looks like this - 2 * 10 \u003d 20 / and 十 / に and じ ゅう

NumberHieroglyphHiragana (onan sound)Pronunciation (Romadzi)Value
10 じゅう jU:ten
20 二十 にじゅう Niju:twenty
30 三十 さんじゅう sanju:thirty
40 四十 しじゅう
50 五十 ごじゅう goju:fifty
60 六十 ろくじゅう rokuju:sixty
70 七十 しちじゅう
80 八十 はちじゅう hachiju:eighty
90 九十 きゅうじゅう KYU: JU:
100 ひゃく hyaku.one hundred


  • 九十 / きゅうじゅう / kYU: JU: / Ninety

In this combination, only one pronunciation cannot be used the second meaning of the number 9 (KU)

How will the figure 38 will look like? Correctly: 3 * 10 + 8, 三十八 / さんじゅうはち / Sanju: Hachi,

In this video, you can get acquainted with Japanese numbers from the smallest to very large. From the first time it is possible to be difficult to understand everything, but when you master the Japanese account, in my opinion a very informative video.

Figures in Japanese from 100

Above we learned that 100 in Japanese is read as / ひゃく / Hyaku. The discharge of hundreds is formed by a combination with the number you need. So figure 500, this is a work 5 and 100, i.e take the number 5 / / go and add /ひゃく / hyaku \u003d. 五百 /ごひゃく / gohyaku.

At the same time, in the category of hundreds, as well as in the discharge of thousands there are new rules of stunning, sound unconditions and doubling sounds, it must be remembered!

If one hundred will be said, then the change in pronunciation 一百 / いっぴゃく / ippyaku.

NumberHieroglyphHiragana (onan sound)Pronunciation (Romadzi)Value
100 ひゃく hyaku.one hundred
200 二百 にひゃく Nihyaku.two hundred
300 三百 さんびゃく SanByaku.three hundred
400 四百 よんひゃく yonhyaku.four hundred
500 五百 ごひゃく gohyaku.five hundred
600 六百 ろっぴゃく roppyaku.six hundreds
700 七百 ななひゃく nanahyaku.seven hundred
800 八百 はっぴゃく happyaku.eight hundred
900 九百 きゅうひゃく KYU: Hyaku.
nine hundred
1000 せん sEN.one thousand

Figure 777, in Japanese will look like this: 七百 七十七 / なな ひゃく ななじゅうな な / NanaHyaku Nanaju: Nana

Figure 357 - 三百五十七 / さん びゃく ごじゅうな な / Sanbyaku Goju: Nana

Account in Japanese - thousands

The principle of digits is the same as before, a thousand is added to the number, it is only necessary to remember some features.

NumberHieroglyphHiragana (onan sound)Pronunciation (Romadzi)Value
1000 せん sEN.one thousand
2000 二千 にせん Nisen.two thousand
3000 三千 さんぜん sandzen.three thousand
4000 四千 よんせん yonsen.four thousand
5000 五千 ごせん Gosen.five thousand
6000 六千 ろくせん rokusen.six thousand
7000 七千 ななせん nanasen.seven thousand
8000 八千 はっせん Hassen.eight thousand
9000 九百 きゅうせん KYU: SEN.
nine thousand
10000 まん man.ten thousand

Figure 1094 in Japanese will look like this: 千九十四 / せんきゅうじゅうよん / Sen Kyu: Ju: Yon

Number 6890 - 六千八 百九十 / ろくせ ん は っぴゃくきゅうじゅう / RokusenhappyAkukyu: ju:

Account from 10 000

  1. Units
  2. Tens of thousands (まん / MAN)
  3. Hundreds of millions (おく / OKU)

Each class has 4 discharges - units, tens, hundreds, thousands.

If our number looks 000 000, then in Japan 0000 0000. 1 mans - it is 10 thousand

1 0000 - まん - Ten thousand

10 0000 - じゅうまん - one hundred thousand

100 0000 - ひゃくまん - one million

1000 0000 - せんまん - Ten Million

1 0000 0000 - おく - one hundred million

10 0000 0000 - じゅうおく - billion

100 0000 0000 - ひゃく おく - ten billion

1000 0000 0000 - せん おく - one hundred billion

1 0000 0000 0000 - ちょう - trillion

Thus, the number 1 1111 is 一 万一千百十一 / いちまんいっせんひゃくじゅういち / IchimanissenHyaku Ju: Ichi

Japanese numerals

Next, get acquainted with the list of Japanese numerals. There are only ten of them and they have been preserved from the Old Man. Previously, one in Japanese sounded as "hee", two - "Fu", three - "Mi" and so on. Japanese numerals are used in certain cases, such as:

  • when you need to say the number of months from one to ten. For example on April 2 will be 4月 二日 / しがつ ふつか / Shi Gatsu Futsuka
  • when it is necessary to say the number of days (from 1 to 10) expressing the period of time. For example: 3 days - 三日 / みっか / Mikka.
  • when specifying the number of small items (cake, bag, chair, etc)
  • when order
  • when you specify age (if the countable suffix is \u200b\u200bnot used, indicating the age さい), etc.

You can use such a hint that if the word will be used in an interviewal sentence いくつ / ikutsu / how much? The answer should be used with numeric Japanese origin. If the question consists of a Chinese (on-one) read option 何 / なん, な / Nan, Nani / questioning word - What?, How much, then the numbers shown above are used in the tables.

Table of Japanese numerals from one to ten

NumberHieroglyphHiragana (onan sound)Pronunciation (Romadzi)Value
1 一つ ひとつ hittsu.one
2 二つ ふたつ futatsu.two
3 三つ みっつ mittsu.three
4 四つ よっつ yottsu.four
5 五つ いつつ itsutsu.five
6 六つ むっつ muttsu.six
7 七つ ななつ nanatsu.seven
8 八つ やっつ yattsu.eight
9 九つ ここのつ kokonotsu.nine
10 とお Tō.ten

And for clarity in the same table, I will place Japanese numbers from 0 to 10 in onn and kunny reading:

NumberHieroglyphHiragana (kunny sound)Pronunciation (Romadzi)HieroglyphHiragana (onan sound)Pronunciation (Romadzi)Value
1 一つ ひとつ hittsu.いち ichi.one
2 二つ ふたつ futatsu.ni.two
3 三つ みっつ mittsu.さん sANthree
4 四つ よっつ yottsu.し、よん shi, Yon.four
5 五つ いつつ itsutsu.go.five
6 六つ むっつ muttsu.ろく roku.six
7 七つ ななつ nanatsu.しち、なな shichi, Nana.seven
8 八つ やっつ yattsu.はち hachi.eight
9 九つ ここのつ kokonotsu.く、きゅう ku, Kyu:nine
10 とお Too.じゅう jU:ten