Download enlarged water consumption and drainage rates for various industries. Nazarov Alexander Dmitrievich, Associate Professor, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Lectures (1)

Download enlarged water consumption and drainage rates for various industries. Nazarov Alexander Dmitrievich, Associate Professor, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Lectures (1)

The arrangement of communications in the construction or modernization of the house is a rather complicated and responsible process.

Already at the stage of designing these two important engineering systems, it is necessary to know and clearly comply with the rules for water supply and drainage to avoid further operational problems and conflicts with environmental services.

In our material we will try to deal with these difficult, at first glance, rules, and tell our readers for what the water meter needs, and how to correctly calculate the volume of water consumption.

Rules for the preparation of water balance

The calculation of the ratio of water consumption and wastewater is performed for each object individually with the assessment of its specifics.

The appointment of a building or premises is taken into account, the number of future users, the minimum (maximum) intended consumption of water for household or production needs. Water takes into account all - drinking, technical, its reuse, waste drain, storm discharge into the sewer.

Declaration on the composition and properties of wastewater - it is passed by certain categories of subscribers

Objectives and tasks solved by drawing up balance:

  1. Obtaining permission to water consumption and drainage when connected to a centralized system;
  2. Selection of water and sewer pipes of optimal diameter;
  3. Calculation of other parameters - for example, the power of the submersible pump, if we are talking about the use in private home ownership;
  4. Obtaining a license for the right to use natural resources (relevant again for the above example - its own independent water source);
  5. The conclusion of the second order contracts - let's say, you rent the square in the office center, the Gorodokanal subscriber is the owner of the building, and all tenants receive water from its (owner) of the water supply and in its same sewer dumps. Consequently, you should pay the owner of the building.

The water balance is a table in which the ratio of the water used and the drains of Ukraine is given for the year.

Unified form approved at the federal form of such a table does not exist, but the initiative is not prohibited, and waterochannels offer their samples of filling for customers.

The balance of water consumption and drainage can be compiled independently in MS Excel or take advantage of sewage and water supply professioners

In general terms, the compilation of the water balance for a small enterprise will look like this:

  • Step 1. We enter the first three columns consumer groups with numbering, name and quantitative characteristic.
  • Step 2. We are looking for standards for each group on water consumption, using internal technical regulations (on the operation of bathrooms and shower), certificates (from the personnel personnel department about the number of personnel, from the dining room about the number of dishes, from the laundry on the volume of washing), SNiP 2.04.01-85 - " Internal water supply and sanitation of buildings. "
  • Step 3. We calculate the overall water consumption (cubic meters / day), we determine the sources of water supply.
  • Step 4. We introduce data on water management, noting separately irretrievable losses (watering lawns, water in the pool, etc., which does not go into the sewer).

As a result, the reasonable difference between the drainage and water consumption can be 10-20%. The value of up to 5% is neglected, as a rule, it is believed that the draining of the sewer is 100%.

In addition to timely payment for water supply and drainage services, the Subscriber takes on other obligations

Requirements for installing water meters

Accurately calculated water balance is a significant argument in justification. You can try to challenge the overwhelmed averaged tariffs of the supplier, including the cost of water losses as a result of accidents on pipeline, repair work, leaks in basements, to prove the need to take into account the seasonality factor, etc.

The practice shows, however, that the truth is difficult to achieve, and the best way out. According to his testimony, the amount of water used is determined to drop.

In the presence of a counter, the calculation of water is simplified: 1 cubic meter is multiplied. So, on pipes with cold and hot water. It is important to monitor the preservation of the seal and periodically (once a few years) to check the serviceability.

For sewer systems, drainage meters are not provided (with the exception of specific industrial enterprises). Their volume is equal to the volume of water consumed.

General and contribute to saving housing and communal costs. The amount of money in receipts directly depends on the number of saved cubic meters. Mass introduction into the life of water meters disciplines both Vodokanal employees. Uncontrollab to the consumer losses from the loss of water on worn water supply and sewage networks are now impossible.

Water supply rules are complemented by provisions relating to the installation of meters and commissioning them. You can install the device with your own hands and invite a wizard to the house for sealing.

Two requirements are imposed on the installation of the water meter:

  1. To put the device with a coarse cleaning filter to protect against fine garbage located in tap water.
  2. Use the reverse valve at the exit from the meter in order to prevent it in the opposite direction.

Before purchasing the meter, you must check its passport data and verify them with numbers available on the case and parts of the device. It is also necessary to inquire about and make sure that the mounting kit is available.

Check the performance of the purchased device before purchasing it and before connecting it to the highway.

Examples of calculating water consumption and drainage

Load on pipelines and devices that provide uninterrupted water supply to various sanitary equipment (kitchen sink, bathroom faucet, toilet, etc.) depends on the indicators of its flow.

In the calculation of water consumption, the maximum water consumption is determined per day, hour and second (both general and cold and hot separately). There is its own method of calculation on the drainage.

Based on the results obtained, the parameters of the water supply system are set to SNIP 2.04.01-85 - "" and some additional (the diameter of the counter of the counter, etc.).

Example 1: Calculation of volumes by formulas

Initial data:

Private cottage with a gas water speaker, 4 people live in it. Santechpribor:

  • crane in the bathroom - 1;
  • toilet bowls in the bathroom - 1;
  • crane in the sink in the kitchen - 1.

It is required to calculate the flow of water and select the cross section of the supply pipes in the bathroom, bathroom, kitchen, as well as the minimum diameter of the inlet pipe - the one that connects the house with a centralized system or the source of water supply. Other parameters from the mentioned building standards and rules for a private house are not relevant.

The method of calculating water consumption is based on formulas and regulatory reference material. Details The calculation technique is shown in SNiP 2.04.01-85

1. Water consumption (MAX) in 1 sec. Calculated by the formula:

Qame \u003d 5 × Q × k (l / s)Where:

q. - Water consumption in 1 sec. For one device under paragraph 3.2. For bathroom, bathroom and kitchens - 0.25 l / s, 0.1 l / s, 0.12 l / s, respectively (Appendix 2).

k. - coefficient of application 4. Determined by the probability of plumbing ( R) and their number ( n.).

2. Determine R:

P. \u003d (M × Q 1) / (Q × n × 3600)where

m. - People m. \u003d 4 people;

q 1. - the overall maximum water consumption rate for the hour of the greatest consumption, q 1. \u003d 10.5 l / h (Appendix 3, the presence in the house of the water supply, bathroom, gas water heating column, sewage);

q. - water consumption for one device in 1 sec.;

n. - Number of plumbing units, n. = 3.

Note: Since the value q. Miscellaneous, then replace q * N. By summing the corresponding numbers.

P \u003d (4 × 10.5) / ((0.25 + 0.1 + 0.12) × 3600) \u003d 0,0248

3. knowing P. and n., Determine k. Table 2 applications 4:

k \u003d 0,226 - bathroom, bathroom, kitchen (based on N × P, i.e. 1 × 0,0248 \u003d 0,0248)

k \u003d 0,310 - Cottage in general (based on n × p, i.e. 3 × 0,0248 \u003d 0.0744)

4. Determine Q seconds:

bathroom Q seconds \u003d 5 × 0.25 × 0,226 \u003d 0.283 l / s

sanusel Q seconds \u003d 5 × 0.1 × 0,226 \u003d 0.113 l / s

kitchen Q seconds \u003d 5 × 0.12 × 0,226 \u003d 0.136 l / s

cottage in general Q sec \u003d 5 × (0.25 + 0.1 + 0.12) × 0,310 \u003d 0.535 l / s

So, water consumption is obtained. Calculate now the cross section (inner diameter) of the pipes by the formula:

D \u003d √ ((4 × q s) / (pi × v)) (m)Where:

V. - water flow rate, m / s. V. \u003d 2.5 m / s at paragraph 7.6;

Q seconds - water consumption in 1 sec., M 3 / s.

bathroom D. \u003d √ ((4 × 0,283 / 1000) / (3.14 × 2.5)) \u003d 0.012 m or 12 mm

sanusel D. \u003d √ ((4 × 0,113 / 1000) / (3.14 × 2.5)) \u003d 0.0076 m or 7.6 mm

kitchen D. \u003d √ ((4 × 0.136 / 1000) / (3.14 × 2.5)) \u003d 0.0083 m or 8.3 mm

cottage in general D \u003d √ ((4 × 0,535 / 1000) / (3.14 × 2.5)) \u003d 0.0165 m or 16,5 mm

Thus, the bathroom requires a pipe with an internal cross section of at least 12 mm, for a bathroom - 7.6 mm, kitchen sink - 8.3 mm. The minimum diameter of the input pipe for the supply of 3-sanitary pribers is 16.5 mm.

Example 2: Simplified definition option

Those who frighten the abundance of formulas can make a simpler calculation.

It is believed that the average person consumes 200-250 liters of water per day. Then daily consumption on the family of 4 people will be 800-1000 liters, and the monthly consumption is 24,000-30000 l (24-30 cubic meters). In private houses in the courtyards there are pools, summer souls, drip irrigation systems, i.e., part of the water consumption is irretrievably taken out to the street.

Approximately a quarter of the total water, intended for household needs, merges into the toilet

Water consumption increases, but still there is a suspicion that the approximate standard of 200-250 liters is unreasonably overestimated. And indeed, after the installation of the water meters, the same family, without changing their household lows, winds 12-15 cubic meters. m, and in saving mode it turns out and is less than - 8-10 cubic meters. m.

The principle of drainage in the urban apartment is: how much we consume water, so much and drain into the sewer. Consequently, no counter cost up to 30 cubic meters. m, and with a meter - no more than 15 cubic meters. Since in the private sector, not all consumed water comes back into the sewage system, it would be fair to use a decrease in the reservoir: 12-15 cubic meters × 0.9 \u003d 10.8-13.5 cubic meters. m.

Both examples are conditional, but a table with a real calculation of water consumption and lead, which can only be done by a qualified engineer, should be available in all business entities (enterprises, residential foundation), carrying out water fence on drinking, sanitary and hygienic, production needs and reset effluent.

Responsibility for the accuracy of the data used in the calculation is assigned to the water user.

In the bathroom and toilet, the owner of the apartment in a high-rise building uses water much more often than in the kitchen. The owner of the country cottage has the priorities of water use depend on the full or partial availability

Rationing - the basic rule of any calculations

In each region there are their water consumption standards (drinking, on sanitary and hygienic needs, in everyday life and household). This is explained by a different geographical position, weather factors.

Take the daily norms of the volumetric parameters of water consumption and drainage distributed for needs in the economy and everyday life. We will not forget that they are the same for the supply and allocation of water, but depend on how much the dwelling is landscaped.

Regulatory values \u200b\u200bof water consumption:

  • with a street waterproof column - from 40 to 100 liters per person;
  • residential house apartment without bath – 80/110;
  • same with baths and gas heaters – 150/200;
  • with centralized cold and hot water supply – 200-250.

For pet care, birds also have water consumption standards. They include the cost of cleaning of the edges, cells and feeders, feeding, etc. 70-100 liters are provided on the cow, a horse is 60-70 l, a pig - 25 liters, and on a chicken, turkey or goose - just 1-2 liters.

Because of a small water leakage, water costs will grow significantly. Some stock on an unexpected water consumption is better than a fate when performing balance payments.

There are norms for the operation of motor vehicles: Tractor equipment - 200-250 liters of water per day, car - 300-450. It is necessary to plan water consumption for fire extinguishing for all buildings and buildings, regardless of operational purposes.

Even for gardening sockets there is no exception: water consumption rate for extinguishing fire outside - 5 liters per second for 3 hours, internal ignition - from 2 to 2.5.

Water for fire extinguishing take from the water supply. Fire hydrants are installed on the water pipes in the wells. If this is technically impracticable or unprofitable, then you will have to take care of the water reservoir. This water is prohibited to direct on other targets, the reserving period in the reservoir is three days.

Consumption of irrigation water per day: 5-12 l / m 2 for trees, shrubs and other plantations in the open soil, 10-15 l / m 2 - in greenhouses and greenhouses, 5-6 l / m 2 - for lawn grass and flower . In industry, each industry has its own characteristics of the rationing of water consumption and removal of waste effluent - water bodies are pulp and paper production, metallurgy, petrochemistry, food industry.

The main purpose of rationing is to economically substantiate the norms of water consumption and discharge in order to rational use of the water resource.

Over the day off (apartment cleaning, washing, cooking, bathing under the shower and in the bath) The average daily water consumption can be exceeded by 2-3 times

Relationship of water consumers and service provider

Having entered into contractual relations with the organization of the water supply and sewage economy, you become a consumer of water supply / drainage services.

Your rights as a user provided:

  • require a supplier of continuous provision of adequate services (regulatory water pressure, safe for life and health its chemical composition);
  • claim the installation of water meters;
  • require recalculation and paying offense in case of incomplete amount (Act must be drawn up within a day after submission of an application);
  • terminate the contract unilaterally, but subject to the notification of this in 15 days and full payment of the services received;

The subscriber has the right to receive information on payment (state of the personal account).

No water or flowing barely? Call the dispatch service and require the arrival of the representative of the Vodokanal to compile an act

List of rights of the second side:

  • stop (with preliminary notice in a few days) Fully or partially supplying water and taking the effluent in the unsatisfactory technical condition of water supply networks and sewage;
  • require admission to the client's territory for removing indicators of water instruments, check seals, inspection of water and sewage systems;
  • conduct planned warning repairs on schedule;
  • turn off the water debtors by payment;
  • stop water supply without warning in the event of accidents, natural disasters, disconnecting electricity.

Disputes and disagreements are solved by negotiation or in court.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

How to competently make the calculation of water consumption:

Water economy. Water consumption is reduced by 70:

In order to be perfectly to understand the intricacies of water supply and removal of wastewall from the point of view of the rules, it is necessary to be a specialist with profile education. But everyone needs general information to understand how much we get water and how much we pay for it.

Economic consumption of water and bringing a specific consumption to the level of true needs is not mutually exclusive concepts, and it is worth it.

If after studying the material you have questions about calculations or water consumption standards, please ask them in the comments. Our specialists are always ready to clarify incomprehensible moments.

a common part
Purpose of norms
The role of water in production
Water use schemes
Water loss in the water supply system
Water quality requirements
Water use rationality criterion
Using standards
I. Fuel industry
A. Coal and shale enterprises
1. Coal and shale mines and cuts
2. Coal enrichment factories and combustible shale
3. Coal Briquetry Factories
B. Peat Industry Enterprises
4. Peat briquette plants
5. Factories peat heat insulating plates
6. Enlarged water consumption standards and wastewater per unit of products in the fuel industry
II. Heat and power industry
1. Condensation (CAC and NPP), gas turbine and vapor-gas power plants, thermal power plants (CHP)
2. Enlarged water consumption norms and wastewater amounts per unit of production in the heat and power industry
III. Ferrous metallurgy
A. Mining production
1. Careers
2. Rudnikov (mines)
3. Crushing and sorting factories
4. Enrichment factories of ores and non-metallic fossils
5. Factories Popaist
B. Metallurgical factories and goals
6. Agglomeration production
7. Domain production
8. Steel-smelting production
9. Rental production
10. Pipe plants
11. Ferroalloy plants
12. Methybal plants
13. Cocochemical plants
14. Rudniks. Plants and Tsehi Refractory Products
15. Enlarged water consumption norms and wastewater quantity per unit of products in ferrous metallurgy
IV. Non-ferrous metallurgy
1. Mining enterprises
2. Music factories
3. Metallurgical plants
4. Enlarged water consumption standards and wastewater amount per unit of products in non-ferrous metallurgy
V. Oil and Gas Industry
A. Oil industry
1. Oil industry and primary oil preparation
B. Gas industry
2. Gas producing enterprises
3. Gas processing plants
4. Compressor gas transportation stations
5. Summer Gas Sustained Bases
6. Instructed water consumption standards and wastewater number per unit of production in the oil and gas industry
Vi. Oil refining and petrochemical industry
1. Oil refinery
2. Petrochemical enterprises
3. Production of synthetic fatty acids (SGC)
4. Plants of synthetic rubber and other products
5. Rubber Industry Plants
6. Plants for the production of carbon black (planting plants)
7. Enlarged water flow rates and wastewater number per unit of products in the oil refining and petrochemical industry
VII. Chemical industry
A. Mining and chemical production
1. Apatite, phosphate and surfactant mines and processing factories
2. Sulfuric mines, processing factories and serfavil plants
3. Combines (mines and factories) of potash fertilizers
B. Production of main chemistry
4. Production of calcined soda
5. Production of caustic soda by ferritious and limestone
6. Production of burning lime, carbon dioxide and lime milk
7. Production of sodium bicarbonate
8. Production of calcium chloride
9. Serockotic capacity
10. Production of platform acid in Czechos
11. Production of glauble salts in Czech Republic
12. Double Suphhosphate Production
13. Production of ammonium
14. Production of nitroammophos
15. Nitroposki production
16. Production of extraction phosphoric acid
17. Production of yellow phosphorus, phosphoric acid and sodium tripolyphosphate
18. Production of complex fertilizers
19. Production of calcium carbide
B. Production of nitrogen and organic synthesis products
20. Ammonia production
21. Production of ammonia water
22. Production of weak nitric acid
23. Production of ammonium nitrate
24. Urea production (carbamide)
25. Methanol production
26. Production of acetylene to thermo-oxidative pyrolysis
27. Production of Caprolactama
G. Production of chlorine and organic and chloroorganic synthesis products
28. Production of chlorine and caustic soda
29. Production of synthetic glycerol
30. Production of carbon and perchlorethylene quarrel
31. Production of acetic acid
32. Production of acetic acid and acetic anhydride (jointly)
33. Production of methylene chloride
34. Production of ethylene oxide by direct oxidation
35. Production of Glycolia
36. Production of chlorobenzene (according to Poland and Czech Republic)
37. Production of methyl methacrylate in Czech Republic
38. Manufacture of plexiglas in CCHSR
39. Production of polycarbacin
40. Production of Sevin (naphthylcarbamate)
41. Production of cineta
D. Painting Industry Enterprises
42. Paint and varnish plants and production
43. Plants and Casters of the Pigment Industry
E. Production of organic intermediates and dyes
44. Polyester production in Czech Republic
45. Production of phthalic anhydride in Czech Republic
46. \u200b\u200bProduction of dimethyl telphthalate in Czech Republic
47. Production of nitrobenzene in Poland
48. Production of azocrase in Czech Republic
49. Production of anthraquinone dyes in Czech Republic
J. Production of plastics and phenols
50. Low pressure polyethylene production (high density)
51. Production of plasticizers
52. Production of phenol formaldehyde resins
53. Production of phenol formaldehyde press powders
54. Production of carbamide resins with liquid-phase method
55. Production of epoxy resins
56. Production of ion exchange resins
57. Production of polycarbonate resins
58. Production of polyformaldehyde resins
59. Production of foam polystyrene (expanded polystyrene)
60. Production of emulsion polystyrene
61. Production of acrylonitrilbutadienistical (ABS) plastic (Japanese method)
62. Production of acetylcellulose by a semi-continuous way
63. Production of vinyl acetate and its derivatives
64. Production of polyvinyl acetate dispersion (PVAD)
65. Phenol production in Poland
3. Production of chemical fibers
66. Production of viscose textile thread, viscose staple fiber, viscose technical thread, cellophane and lacquered film
67. Production of copper-ammonia fiber
68. Production of acetate silk
69. Production of survouring-rectified
70. Production of synthetic fiber Capron
71. Production of synthetic anid fiber
72. Manufacture of synthetic fiber Loven
73. Production of synthetic fiber Nitron
I. Production of air separation products
74. Operating oxygen in VNI
K. Chemical and Photographic Industry
75. Production of cellulose triacetate
76. Production of film films
77. Production of magnetic tape
78. Production of gelatins
79. Production of photobumagues
80. Production of precipitate fertilizers
81. Enlighted water consumption standards and wastewater quantity per unit of products in the chemical industry
VIII. Forest, woodworking and forestry industry
A. Forestry and Woodworking Combines and Plants, Furniture Factories
1. Foresting plants
2. Production of tree fiber plates
3. Production of joinery and construction products and planed parts
4. Production of wood flour
5. Production of technological chips
6. Production of fibrolite plates
7. Furniture factories
8. Plywood plants
9. Production of chipboard
B. Lesochemical production
10. Caniforous extraction production
11. Caniforous-terrent production
12. Pyrolysis (dry distillation) wood
13. Processing of wood resins
14. Production of acetic acid by extraction
15. Production of acetate solvents (ethyl acetate and butyl acetate)
16. Enlighted water consumption standards and wastewater per unit of products in the forest, woodworking and timber industry
IX. Cellulosic and paper industry
A. Wood Production, Cellulose, Semicellulose, Paper, Cardboard
1. Production of wood mass
2. Production of sulphate pulp and semicellulose
3. Production of sulfite cellulose
4. Manufacture of unbleached bisulfite semicellulose
5. Production of paper and cardboard
B. Processing of side products of sulfate-cellulose production
6. Obtaining a tall oil decomposition of sulphate soap
7. Obtaining tall oil with rectification of fatty and resin acids
8. Discallation of sulphate turpentine
9. Enlarged water flow rates and wastewater amounts per unit of production in the pulp and paper industry
X. Light industry
A. Enterprises of the primary processing of flax, cannabis, wool, silk, jute and cotton
1. Plants of primary processing of flax (flax goods) and hemp stems (Pencows)
2. Wool primary processing factories
3. JUTO-Kenafa Plants
4. Sliced \u200b\u200bfactories
5. Creator Industry Enterprises
6. Tsehi seed disinfection
B. Fabric production enterprises
7. Combines of linen fabrics
8. Cotton fabric fabrics
9. Combines of silk fabrics
10. Spinning-thread factory
11. Camsal-Sukonny Combines
12. Kamble-spinning factory with fiber dyeing workshop
13. Tonkone factory with fiber dyeing workshop
B. Enterprise Knitted, Breaking and Sewing Industry
14. Knitted, stocking and sewing factories
Kozhevo-shoe enterprise
15. Peeling plants
16. Leather plants
17. Shoe factories
18. Production of flooded rubber
19. Manufacture of shoe cardons
20. Plants of artificial leather, polyvinyl chloride film and synthetic leather
21. Production of raeling cellulose material (SCM-1)
D. Fur Factories and Wallen Felt Enterprises
22. Fur Factory
23. Wallen-felt factories
24. Enlarged water consumption standards and wastewater amounts per unit of production in light industry
Xi. Bakery, meat, dairy, fisheries and food industry
A. Enterprises for the processing and storage of grain
1. Mukomolny factories, feed plants, mining materials, plants for the processing of hybrid seeds of corn, elevators, bakery enterprises and sales bases
B. Bakery, Confectionery and Vegetable Industry
2. Bakery
3. Pasta factories
4. Confectionery factories
5. Fruit and vegetable cans
6. Yeast shots
B. Enterprise of the Milk Industry
7. Molk-receiving and dairy separators, transmission and pectoral plants, urban milk factories, butterfly plants, cheesery plants, lactic plants and dry solid milk plants
Meat Industry Enterprise
8. Meat processing plants, meatoptilite plants, meat processing plants, poultry plants
D. Enterprises of commodity fish farming, reproduction of fish stocks and fish processing enterprises
9. Enterprises of commodity fish farming
10. Enterprises of reproduction of fish stocks
11. Fish processing enterprises
12. Refrigerators
E. Butlery oil industry
13. Oil extraction plants
14. Hydrogenation plants
15. Rafinization plants
16. Margarine plants
17. Manion production
18. Glycerin Plants and Fatty Acid Production
19. Plants of natural detergents
20. Olipowed plants
21. Plants of synthetic detergents
J. Enterprises of the perfumery and cosmetics industry
22. Perfumery-cosmetics factories
23. Combines of synthetic fragrant substances
24. Watercase and aluminum tubers
3. Sugar enterprises
25. Becklock plants
26. Sakharafineta plants
I. Enterprises of winemaking, brewing, alcohol, liquor-vodka and food-dotted industry, juices, beverages and feed yeast
27. Primary winemaking plants
28. Factories of secondary winemaking
29. Wine champagne plants
30. Cognac plants
31. Grape juice plants
32. Malted plants
33. Brewing plants
34. Non-alcoholic beverage plants (fruit waters)
35. Production of mineral waters
36. Production of alcohol from molasses, yeast and waste carbon dioxide
37. Limonic acid plants
38. Potato-starch plants
39. Corn-starch plants
40. Production of starch molasses
41. Malto Fallow
42 Production of Crystal Glucose
43 Spiritzavoda on grainfactor raw materials
44. Liquor-vodka plants
K. tobacco-fermentation production
45. Tobacco-fermentation production
46. \u200b\u200bGeneral conclusion
47. Enlarged water consumption standards and the amount of wastewater per unit of products in baker products, meat and dairy, fisheries and food industries
XII. Machine-building industry
1. Foundry, machine-tool and instrumental plants and goals
2. Production of abrasive materials in a piece
3. Production of abrasive grinding materials
4. Production of abrasive instrument
5. Diamond production
6. Plants of heavy, energy and transport engineering
7. Chemical and Oil Engineering Plants
8. Automotive Industry Plants
9. Bearing plants
10. Farms of agricultural engineering
11. Plants of construction, road and municipal engineering
12. Mechanical engineering plants for light, food, printing industry and household appliances
13. Instrument-making plants
14. Galvanic Courses in GDR
15. Communication factories
16. Enlarged water consumption standards and wastewater quantity per unit of products in the machine-building industry
XIII. Electrical industries
1. Plants of hydrogenerators and large electrical machines
2. Transformer plants
3. Plants of high-voltage and low-voltage equipment
4. Electric welding equipment plants
5. Plants of electrothermal equipment
6. Plants of chemical sources of current
7. Factories of electrodes
8. Plants for repair of electric motors and transformers
9. Plants of asynchronous electric motors with a capacity of up to 100 kW, crane and traction electric motors of constant and alternating current, generators with a capacity of up to 100 kW, electric motors with a capacity of 10-100 kW, mobile power plants
10. Condenser equipment plants
11. Plants of power semiconductor devices and converters
12. Electricular bulk plants
13. Plants of lighting equipment
14. Plants of Elektrovozov
15. Outdoor transport plants
16. Cable products
17. Plants of electrical insulation materials
18. Electrotechnical porcelain plants
19. Enlighted water consumption standards and wastewater amounts per unit of products in the electrical industry
XIV. Electronic industry
1. Plants for the production of electrovacuum devices
2. Production of semiconductor devices and microelectronics products
3. Production of radio components and radio components
4. Production of piezoelectric and ferrite products
5. Production of products from ceramics and glass
6. Production of special technological equipment
7. Production of blocks, components of parts and spare parts for the production of the electronics industry
8. Enlarged water consumption standards and wastewater number per unit of products in the electronics industry
XV Construction Industry
And enterprises of non-metallic building materials
1. Crushed stone plants
2. Gravel and sandy and sandy enterprises
3. Stone processing enterprises
4. Production Talc, Kaolina, Graphite
5. Slyudy mines and factory
B. The plants of binders and products of them
6. Cement plants
7. Plants asbestos-cement products and pipes
B. Plants, cellular and silicate concrete, brick and ceramic plants
8. Plants of silicate concrete and silicate brick
9. Plants of clay brick, ceramic blocks, tiles of sanitary ceramics, ceramic sewer and drainage pipes
G. Sanitary equipment factories
10. Sanitary equipment plants
D. Glass Production
11. Glass plants
E. Plants of soft roofing, insulating and polymeric materials
12. Production of roofing cardboard
13. Production of Ruberoid
14. Tiona production
15. Production of waterproofing and sealing materials
16. Production of polymeric materials
17. Production of thermal insulation materials based on mineral wool
J. Production of reinforced concrete products
18. Production of reinforced concrete products
19. Production of the Construction Industry in Czech Republic
20. Enlarged water flow rates and wastewater number per unit of production in the construction industry
XVI. Other industries by A. Film studios and Film Factories
1. Film studios
2. Film factories
B. Railway stations and enterprises
3. Railway stations and enterprises
B. Motor transport and auto repair enterprises
4. Motor vehicles
5. Author repair plants
G. Household Services
6. Factories of chemical cleaning and dyeing
7. Enterprises for the repair of household machines and devices
8. Enterprises for the repair and manufacture of furniture for individual orders
9. Repair companies and shoe sewing
10. Enterprises for services Photos
11. Enterprises for sewing and repairing clothes for individual orders
D. Medical Industry Enterprises
12. Production of drugs, medical equipment and tools
E. Transportation and storage of oil and petroleum products
13. Bases of petroleum products
14. Pumping stations and bulk points
15. Plants of records in Czech Republic
16. Enlarged water flow rates and wastewater per unit of production in other industries

When buying private housing, it is necessary to implane in the question of which there should be water supply and drainage on SNiP, because water consumption is necessary for the economic and communal needs of a person. And building standards and rules just regulate their arrangement.

The water consumption rate is the permissible maximum amount of appropriate quality water, which is necessary to meet the needs of people living in a certain housing. Water consumption norms are determined by the rules of the executive authorities.

Water consumption dependence

The amount of water consumption depends on the level and quality of people's lives. Turning to the story, we can notice that in 1890 one resident of the capital used 11 liters of water every day. After 20 years, the Muscovite has already needed 66 liters per day. At the moment, on the norms of SNiP water consumption by a resident of Moscow has become very increased and is about 700 liters per day.

Water consumption directly depends on the climate, where the person lives, and from the work he performs. Doctors assure us that a person needs to be used a day to 2 liters of liquid.

Plus, in various climatic conditions, the need for water is different. For example, in the southern regions you need a greater amount of fluid than in the northern.

Difference in water consumption

Oscillations depends on technology and from humanity habits. As we said earlier, the difference in fluid flow is associated with a human residence climate, but also from working conditions, or more and more than weekends. This affects the annual, indicated in the bottom of water consumption. Daily fluctuations vary from the day mode, in general, from sleep and wakefulness. In apartments, water consumption in winter increases due to central heating, in comparison with private houses or rural areas. Partially, according to SNiP, water consumption over the week depends on the weekend and is 30%, it is always Saturday and Sunday.

It has been proven that the daily fluctuations of water consumption are associated not only over time of day, but also with the organization of leisure of households, in particular these television programs, movies, holidays and other interesting events that are held at home. There is also a tremendous difference in the consumption of cold and hot water.

On average, the family living in Russia with two children uses about 7,000 liters of hot water and 10,000 liters cold.

Daily water consumption

SNiP water consumption standards under documentation are used on drinking and domestic needs. This is cooking food, and daily hygiene, and much more. And for a private house, a vehicle washing is still added, watering the local area and flower, the filling of the pool and so on. Consider the daily standards of water consumption SNiP:

  • Cooking - 3 liters;
  • Water for drinking - up to 2 liters;
  • Hand washing (without water stop) - up to 8 liters;
  • Oral hygiene (without water stop) - up to 7 liters;
  • Toilet bowl - up to 12 liters at a time;
  • Taking a shower - 20 liters / minute;
  • Bathroom adoption - 150 liters;
  • Washing - up to 100 liters;
  • Washing dishes - up to 10 liters at a time.

Total we get from 300 to 570 liters per day. At the calculation it is clear that the water consumption of SNiP is significantly different from the actual indicators. Therefore, it is logical to think about saving water consumption.

Norms of drainage in private homes

Water disposal, as well as water supply, is an essential element of the modern comfortable life of a person.

Living in a private house, the necessary amenities, such as kitchen and bathroom, require and fence used water, and not just water supply. And drainage SNIP for private houses per day for a person, we give below:

  • With water supply and sewage (without bath) - 120 liters;
  • With water supply, and bathrooms - 225 liters;
  • With center. hot water supply - 300 liters;
  • With center. Hot water supply (the height of the structure is more than 12 meters) - 400 liters.

The daily water disposal is uneven for 1 hour, but this difference is usually not taken into account in the calculation of expenses, because the water lead takes into account the minimum and maximum coefficients per day, the clock with general non-uniformity. According to these, we see that water supply and drainage of SNIP does not correspond even by planned indicators. For example, if a person lives in a house with water pipe, sewage, bathroom and uses 500 liters of water, while according to the standards it is obliged to remove only 225 liters.

The calculated rules have long exceeded the real flow of water, so residents of private houses try to save.

With the help of various filtering installations, it is possible to use technical water to other needs, of course, not to drink it, but it is quite suitable for watering and washing the car.

Task for the course work

The degree of fire resistance of the building of the production building II.

Width of buildings up to 60 m.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe enterprise is up to 150 hectares.

Volume of buildings:

I production corps 100 thousand m 3

II production building up to 200 thousand m 3

The number of workers shifts 3.

The number of workers in shift 600 people.

Water consumption for production needs 700 m 3 / cm.

The number of workers in shift hosting shower 80%.

Source data on the settlement

The number of residents in the settlement of 21 thousand people.

Layout building 5.

The degree of improvement of residential buildings: internal water supply, sewage and centralized hot water supply

Type of public building: Factory-kitchen (type "B") of up to 2500m 3 meter 5000 dishes.

Material of pipes of the main sections of the water supply network and plumbing: cast-iron with a polymer coating applied by the centrifugation method.

Water pipeline length from NSII to Water Tower 700 m.

1. Definition of water consolments and the calculation of the necessary consumption of water for economic and drinking, production and fire needs of the village and enterprises

1.1 Definition of water consolments

The combined economic and drinking and fireproof water supply should provide water consumption for economic and drinking needs of the village, economic and drinking needs of the enterprise, household needs of public buildings, manufacturing needs of the enterprise, extinguishing possible fires in the village and in the enterprise.

1.2 Calculation of the required water consumption for household and drinking and industrial needs

The water consumption standards for economic and drinking needs for settlements are determined by SNiP 2.04.02-84, paragraph 2.1, Table 1, Note 4 and depend on the degree of improvement of residential buildings. The rate of water consumption per person is accepted 300 l / day.

Estimated (average per year) Daily water consumption, m 3 / day for economic and drinking needs

q - specific water consumption per inhabitant, received on Table 1 SNiP 2.04-84; N f - the calculated number of residents.

, m 3 / day.

Daily consumption, taking into account water consumption for the needs of the industry providing the population with products, and unrecorded costs increases by 10-20% (clause 2.1, note 4).

Estimated water consumption per day the largest water consumption

To SUM.max - the rate of daily irregularity of water consumption;

To SUM.max - takes into account the lifestyle of the population, the mode of operation of the enterprise, the degree of improvement of buildings, the change in water consumption for the season of the year and the days of the week.

For a building equipped with internal water supply, sewage and centralized hot water supply, we take to SUM.max \u003d 1.1.

Calculated clock Maximum water consumption

To C.Max - the coefficient of clock unevenness of water consumption;

where a max is a coefficient that takes into account the degree of improvement of buildings, the mode of operation of enterprises and other local conditions is made according to claim 2.2.

b Max is a coefficient that takes into account the number of residents in the settlement is made in Table 2, paragraph 2.2.

, m 3 / day

Water consumption for economic drinking needs in public buildings

q common. - the rate of water consumption by consumers per day for a public building is accepted by Appendix 3;

N Communication - the number of meters.

Water consumption for economic and drinking needs of factory-kitchen

m 3 / day

The total water consumption in the village.

M 3 / day

Industrial enterprise.

In accordance with clause 2.4. , applications 3 and according to the task, the rate of water consumption for economic and drinking needs per person in shift

Water consumption in shift

N cm - the number of operating in shift.

m 3 / cm

Daily water consumption


n cm - the number of shifts.

m 3 / day

Number of shower nets

where n cm is the number of workers hosting shower.


Water consumption in shift

0.5 m 3 / h - water flow rate per one shower grid (Appendix 3);

Daily water consumption

where n cm is the number of shifts; n cm \u003d 3.

m 3 / day

Water consumption on the production needs of the enterprise on the task M 3 / cm, which is distributed evenly by the hour of shift (eight-hour shift with a lunch break for one hour, during which production does not stop). The work of eight-hour shifts

Water consumption of water

m 3 / h

Daily water consumption for production needs

Thus, the estimated daily flow consumption of the enterprise will be

The total consumption of water per day in the village and enterprise is equal

On the village and enterprise, the largest water consumption takes place from8 to 9 hours, at this time it is spent by 574.3 m 3 / h or

L / S.

On the enterprise settlement consumption

L / S.

Estimated consumption of public building (hospital).

L / S.

Village spending

We are building a schedule for the water consumption of the combined water pipeline by day of the day (Fig. 1).

Fig.1 - Determination of the estimated water expenditures for fire extinguishing

The calculated costs of water for outdoor fire extinguishing in the settlements and industrial enterprises are determined by SNiP 2.04.02-84, paragraph 12.12-2.23, and for internal fire extinguishing software SNiP 2.04.01-85, P.P.6.1-6.6.

Since the plumbing in the village is projected by combined, then according to SNiP 2.04.02-84, paragraph 2.23 with the number of residents of 21,000 people accept 1 fire. With a five-storey building, water consumption is 15 l / s per fire.

Water consumption for the internal fire extinguishing in the village in the presence of a kitchen-to-2500 m tub bafiction, according to SNiP 2.04.01-85, paragraph 61, Table 1 take 1 jet of 2.5 l / s

According to SNiP 2.04.02-84, paragraph 2.22 at the enterprise we accept one fire, because The area of \u200b\u200bthe enterprise is up to 150 hectares.

According to paragraph 2.14, Table 8, Note 1, the calculated water consumption for the building is accepted

According to SNiP 2.04.01-85, P.61, Table 2 The estimated consumption for the internal fire extinguishing in the production building is accepted at the rate of 2 jet 5 l / s each:

L / S.

2. Hydraulic calculation of the water supply network

Common water consumption per hour of maximum water consumption, i.e. From 8-9 hours, it is 159.53 l / s including the concentrated consumption of the enterprise is 34.83l / s, and the concentrated consumption of public building 0.58l / s.

Figure 2 - Calculation diagram of the water supply network.

1. Empire uniformly distributed consumption:

2. Determine the specific consumption:

l / S.

where is the length of the plot;

m - the number of areas;

j - site number.

3. Determine travel selections:

The results are shown in Table 1.

Table 1 - Travel expenses

Plot number Length of the site, m Travel selection, l / s
1-2 1000 12,412
2-3 1500 18,618
3-4 1000 12,412
4-5 1500 18,618
5-6 1500 18,618
6-7 500 6,206
7-1 1000 12,412
7-4 2000 24,824
10000 124,12

4. Determine the nodal expenses:


where is the sum of travel selections in areas adjacent to this node;

Table 2 - Nodal expenses

5. Add concentrated costs to nodal expenditures. A concentrated consumption of the enterprise is added to the nodal consumption at point 5, and at point 3 - a concentrated consumption of public building.

Then q 3 \u003d 15,515 + 0.58 \u003d 16,095 l / s, q 5 \u003d 18,618 + 34.83 \u003d 53,448 l / s

The values \u200b\u200bof nodal expenses are shown in Fig. 3, taking into account the concentrated expenses

Figure 3 - Calculated scheme of the water supply network with nodal expenses.

6. Perform a preliminary distribution of water costs in the network sections. We will first take it for a plumbing network with maximum economic water consumption (without fire).

The dictational point is point 5. Pre-outlined the direction of movement of water from point 1 to point 5 (direction is shown in Fig.3). Water flows can go to point 5 in three directions: the first 1-2-3-4-5, the second -1-7-4-5, third -1-7-6-5. For node 1, the ratio should be performed . Values \u200b\u200bl / s and


, .

As a result, it will turn out:

Check l / s.

In case of fire, the water supply network should provide water to fire extinguishing at the maximum water consumption of water to other needs, with the exception of expenses at an industrial enterprise per shower, irrigation of the territory, etc. (§.2.2), if these costs entered consumption per hour of maximum water consumption. For a water supply network shown in Fig. 2, water flow consumption should be added to the node flow at point 5, where water is taken to an industrial enterprise and which is the most remote from the input point (from point 1), i.e.

The diagram of the water supply network with pre-distributed costs in the usual time is shown in Fig.4.

Figure 4 - Calculated diagram of a water supply network with pre-distributed costs with economic and industrial water consumption

In case of fire, the water supply network should ensure the flow of water for fire extinguishing at the maximum water consumption of water to other needs, with the exception of expenses at an industrial enterprise per shower, irrigation of the territory, etc. (p.2.21 SNiP 2.04.02-84), if these costs entered per hour of maximum water consumption.

Hydraulic network calculation during fire.

Since, the nodal costs in the fire will be different than an hour of maximum water consumption without a fire Define nodal expenses as they thought without a fire

For node 1, the ratio should be performed . Values \u200b\u200bl / s and l / s are known, but are unknown. We ask arbitrarily one of these quantities. Take, for example, l / s. Then,

For point 7, the following ratio should be observed.


The values \u200b\u200bof l / s and l / s are known, and unknown. We define an arbitrarily one of these quantities and accept, for example, l / s. Then,

Water costs for other sites can be determined from the following relations:

, .

As a result, it will turn out:

Check l / s.

Figure 5 - Calculated diagram of the water supply network with nodal and pre-distributed expenditure in the fire.

7. Determine the diameters of the pipes of the network.

For cast iron pipes.

According to the economic factor and the pre-distributed water flow throughout the network in a fire in table 3, cast-iron pipes GOST 9583-75 and GOST 21053-75 determine the diameters of the pipes of the plotting of the water supply network:

Linking a water supply network with maximum production water consumption.

Link is performed until ΔH ≤ 0.5 m

Δq '\u003d ΔH / 2σ (H / Q)

For a plot 4-7, which is common to both rings, two corrections are introduced - from the first ring and from the second. The sign of correction flow when transferring from one ring to another should be saved.

Determination of pressure losses at maximum host.-Industrial water consumption.

where ,

Power losses in the network with maximum economic and industrial water consumption are: h c \u003d 10,9596 m.

Determination of pressure losses at maximum host. - industrial water consumption and fire.

Water flows from point 1 to point 5 (dictating point) As can be seen in the directions of arrows, they can go through 3 directions: first - 1-2-3-4-5, second - 1-7-4-5

Water flows from point 1 to point 5 (dictating point) As can be seen in the directions of arrows, they can go through 3 directions: first - 1-2-3-4-5, second - 1-7-4-5, third - 1-7-6-5. Medium pressure losses on the network can be determined by the formula

where ,

Power loss in the network with maximum economic water consumption (without expenses for shower at the enterprise) and in the fire constitute

h 1 \u003d 2.715 + 6,2313 + 6,6521 + 11,9979 \u003d 27,5927 m

h 2 \u003d 2.5818 + 12,8434 + 11,9970 \u003d 27,4722 m

h 3 \u003d 2.5818 + 3,6455 + 21,1979 \u003d 27,4234 m

3. Determining the mode of operation of the NS II.

The choice of the operating mode of the second lifting pump station is determined by the water consumption schedule. In those hours when the supply of NS- II is more water consumption of the village, excess water enters the water tank tank, and in the clock when the supply is less than the water supply of the village, the lack of water comes from the tank of the water tower. To ensure the minimum tank of the tank, the water flow charts tend to bring closer to the water consumption schedule. However, the frequent switching on and off pumps complicates the operation of the pumping station and adversely affects the power supply control unit for pumping units. Installing a large group of low-feed pumps leads to an increase in the area of \u200b\u200bthe NA-II and the efficiency of the pumps with a small feed lower than more. Therefore, they take two or three-stage operation of the NS-II.

With any mode of operation of the NS-II, the pump feed must ensure fully (100%) water consumption by the village. We accept the two-stage mode of operation of the NS-II with the supply of 2.5% per hour from the daily water consumption. Then one pump per day will supply 2.5 * 24 \u003d 60% daily water consumption. The second pump must submit 100-60 \u003d 40% of the daily water flow and it must be turned on by 40/25 \u003d 16.

In accordance with the water consumption schedule, the second pump is proposed to enable at 5 hours and turn off in 21. This mode is shown by the dotted line.

To determine the regulating capacity of the water tower tank, will be Table 3.

Table 3 - Water consumption and operation mode of pumps

Times of Day Hour water consumption 1 option Option 2
Submitting pumps Admission to Buck Consumption from the tank Balance in the tank Submitting pumps Admission to Buck Consumption from the tank Balance in the tank
0-1 2,820 2,5 0 0,32 -0,32 3 0,18 0 0,18
1-2 2,530 2,5 0 0,03 -0,35 3 0,47 0 0,65
2-3 2,330 2,5 0,17 0 -0,18 3 0,67 0 1,32
3-4 2,370 2,5 0,13 0 -0,05 3 0,63 0 1,95
4-5 3,120 2,5 0 0,62 -0,67 3 0 0,12 1,83
5-6 3,800 2,5 0 1,3 -1,97 3 0 0,8 1,03
6-7 4,370 5 0,63 0 -1,34 3 0 1,37 -0,34
7-8 4,980 5 0,02 0 -1,32 3 0 1,98 -2,32
8-9 5,730 5 0 0,73 -2,05 6 0,27 0 -2,05
9-10 5,560 5 0 0,56 -2,61 6 0,44 0 -1,61
10-11 5,370 5 0 0,37 -2,98 6 0,63 0 -0,98
11-12 5,290 5 0 0,29 -3,27 6 0,71 0 -0,27
12-13 4,620 5 0,38 0 -2,89 6 1,38 0 1,11
13-14 4,570 5 0,43 0 -2,46 6 1,43 0 2,54
14-15 4,800 5 0,2 0 -2,26 6 1,2 0 3,74
15-16 4,980 5 0,02 0 -2,24 6 1,02 0 4,76
16-17 5,470 5 0 0,47 -2,71 6 0,53 0 5,29
17-18 4,790 5 0,21 0 -2,5 4 0 0,79 4,5
18-19 4,640 5 0,36 0 -2,14 3 0 1,64 2,86
19-20 4,370 5 0,63 0 -1,51 3 0 1,37 1,49
20-21 4,160 5 0,84 0 -0,67 3 0 1,16 0,33
21-22 3,720 5 1,28 0 0,61 3 0 0,72 -0,39
22-23 3,110 2,5 0 0,61 0,00 3 0 0,11 -0,5
23-24 2,520 2,5 0 0,02 -0,02 3 0,48 0 -0,02
V tank \u003d. 3,88 V tank \u003d. 7,61

In column 1, clock gaps are affixed, and in column 2 hour water consumption in% of daily water consumption in accordance with the column 11 of the table 1. In column 3, the pump feeds in accordance with the proposed operation of the NS-II.

If the supply of pumps is higher than the water consumption of the village, then the difference of these values \u200b\u200bis recorded in column 4 (admission to the tank), and if below - in column 5 (tank consumption).

The remainder of water in the tank (graph 6) by the end of a certain gap is defined as the algebraic sum of two graph 4 and 5 (positive when entering the tank and negative at consumption of it).

The adjusting tank of the tank will be equal to the sum of absolute values \u200b\u200bof the greatest positive and lowest negative value of the graph 6. In the considered example, the tower tank capacity was 3.88% of the daily water consumption.

Let's try to analyze the other mode of operation of the NS-II. Setting the supply of pumps 3% of the daily flow of water by each pump. One pump for 24 hours will supply 24 * 3 \u003d 72% daily flow. The other of the other will have 28% and it should work 28/3 \u003d 9.33 hours. The second pump must be included from 8 to 17 hours 20 minutes. This mode of operation of the NS-II is shown on the graph of the barccotted line. Adjusting tank tank is equal

7.61%, i.e. In this case, the tank capacity of the tank will be greater. We choose the first option with the supply of 2.5% of the daily pumps.

4. Hydraulic calculation of water pipes

The purpose of the hydraulic calculation of water pipes is to determine the loss of the pressure during the passing of the calculated water consumption. Water fluids, as well as a water supply network, is calculated on two modes of operation, to skip economic and drinking and production costs in accordance with the mode of operation of the NS-II and to skip the maximum economic and drinking, production and fire expenditures, taking into account the requirements of paragraph 2.21 SNiP 2.04. 02-84. The technique for determining the diameter of the pipes of water pipes is the same as the diameters of the pipeline pipes.

In this course, the project is given that the waterways are made of asbestos-cement pipes, the distance from the National Assembly to the water tower m.

Considering that the project adopted uneven operation of the NS-II with the maximum supply of pumps P \u003d 2.5 + 2.5 \u003d 5% per hour from daily water consumption, water consumption, which will be held on the waterways will be equal to:

Since the waterways should be laid at least two threads, the water consumption is equal to:

l / S.

From Annex II of Methodical Indications, we determine the diameter of the water pipes: d \u003d 0,280m., D p \u003d 0.229m.

The water velocity in the waterway is determined from the expression:

At the flow rate q of water \u003d 69.63 l / s, the speed of water movement in the waterway with a calculated diameter of 0.229m. will be equal to:

m / S.

Power losses in the waterway are determined by the formula:

h water \u003d 0.012 700 \u003d 8.4 m

The total consumption of water in fire extinguishing conditions is equal

l / S.

Water consumption in one line of water pipes under fire extinguishing conditions will be equal to:

At the same time, the speed of water movement in the pipeline will be equal to:

m / S.

h water \u003d 0.028 700 \u003d 19.6 m

Power losses in waterways at (h water., H water.)) Will be taken into account when determining the desired pressure of the economic and fire pumps.

5. Calculation of the water tower

The water tower is intended to regulate the uneven water consumption, storage of an inviolable fire supply of water and creating the desired pressure in the plumbing network.

5.1 Determination of the height of the water tower

The height of the water tower is determined by the formula:

where 1,1 is a coefficient, taking into account the pressure losses in local resistances (clause 4, Appendix 10);

h C - the loss of the pressure of the water supply network when working in its usual time;

Z AT, Z VB - Geodesic marks, respectively, at the dictational point and at the installation site of the tower. The minimal pressure of H is in the dictational point of the network with maximum economic and drinking water consumption at the entry into the building according to paragraph 2.26, SNIP 2.04.02-84 should be equal to:

where n is the number of floors

5.2 Determination of water tank tank capacity

The tank of the water tower should be equal (paragraph 9.1. Snip 2.04.02-84).

where W speech is the adjusting tank of the tank;

W D.Z. - the volume of the inviolable stock of water, the value of which is determined in accordance with P.9.5 SNIP 2.04.02-84 from the expression:

where - the supply of water required for a 10-minute duration of extinguishing one outer and one internal fire;

Water supply for 10 minutes, determined by the maximum flow of water for economic and drinking and production needs.

The regulatory volume of water in tanks (tanks, tanks, water towers) should be determined on the basis of graphs of receipt and selection of water, and in their absence according to the formula shown in paragraph 9.2. SNiP 2.04.02-84. In this course, the water consumption schedule has been determined and the operation of the NS-II was proposed, for which the regulatory volume of the water tower tank was K \u003d 3.88 from the daily flow of water in the village (section 4)

where m 3 / day.

Since the greatest settlement consumption of water is required to extinguish one fire in the enterprise,

m 3.

In this way

According to Annex III of Methodical Indications, we take a type of water tower with a height of 32.5m with a tank capacity W B \u003d 800m 3.

Knowing the tank of the tank, we determine its diameter and height


6. Calculation of clean water tanks

Clean water tanks are designed to regulate the uneven operation of the pumping station I and II rise and storing the inviolable stock of water for the entire period of fire extinguishing.

The regulating capacity of clean water tanks can be determined based on the analysis of the operation of pumping stations I and II lifts.

The operation of the NS-I is usually taken uniform, since such a mode is most favorable for the equipment of the National Assembly I and the structures for water treatment. At the same time, the NS-I, as well as the NS-II, should supply all 100% of the daily water flow in the village. Consequently, the hourly supply of NS-I water will be 100/24 \u200b\u200b\u003d 4.167% of the daily flow of water in the village. The mode of operation of the NS-II is given in section 3.

Fig.7. - Mode of operation of the NS - I and NS-II

To determine W reg. We use the grafoanalytic method. This is compatible with the work schedules of the NS-I and NS-II (Fig. 8). The regulating volume as a percentage of the daily flow of water is equal to the area "A" or is equal to it by the sum of the area "b".

W reg \u003d (5-4,167) * 16 \u003d 13.33% or

W Reg \u003d (4,167-2.5) * 6 + (4,167-2.5) * 2 \u003d 13.33%

The daily water consumption is 10026.85 m 3 and the regulating volume of the reservoir of clean water will be equal to:

Incomprehensible water supply W N.Z. In accordance with paragraph 9.4. SNiP 2.04.02.-84 is determined from the conditions for ensuring fire extinguishing from external hydrants and internal fire cranes (pp.2.12.-2.17., 2.20., 2.22.-2.24. SNiP 2.04.02.-84 and pp. 6.1.-6.4. SNIP 2.04.01.-85), as well as special means of fire extinguishing (sprinkirov, drakelers and other who do not have their own reservoirs) according to PP.2.18. and 2.19. SNiP 2.04.02.-84 and ensuring maximum drinking and production needs, for the entire period of fire extinguishing, taking into account the requirements of paragraph 2.21.

In this way:

When determining the volume of inviolable stock of water in tanks, it is allowed to take into account the replenishment of them with water while extinguishing the fire, if the water supply to the tanks is carried out by water supply systems I and II category in the degree of water supply degree, i.e.:

wheret T \u003d 3h. - the calculated duration of the extinguishing of the fire (paragraph 2.24 SNiP 2.04.02.-84).

When determining Q PRD, water expenses on the territory of the territory, reception of the shower, washing the floors and the washing of technological equipment at the industrial enterprise.

In this example, Q ¢ -q shower \u003d 764.96-0 \u003d 764.96 m 3 / h

Q ¢ Poster \u003d 764.96 m 3 / h or 212.49 l / s.

W n.з.Х-П \u003d q ¢ poster . T T \u003d 764.96 . 3 \u003d 2294.88 m 3.

During the extinguishing of the fire, the NS-I pumps are supplied at 4.167% of the daily flow rate, and during T t will be filed

Thus, the volume of inviolable stock of water will be equal to:

Full volume of clean water tanks

According to paragraph 9.21. SNIP 2.04.02-84 The total number of tanks should be on the same marks, when one tank is turned off, at least 50% NH should be stored in the rest, and the equipment of the tanks should provide the possibility of incorporating and emptying each tank. We accept two types of 1600m 3 typical tanks (annex IV methodological instructions).

7. Selection of pumps for the second lifting pump station

It follows from the calculation that NS-II works in uneven mode with the installation of two main economic pumps in it, the submission of which will be equal to:

The necessary pressure of household pumps is determined by the formula:

where h water - the loss of pressure in the waterways, m;

H N.B. - height of the water tower, m;

Z VB and Z N.S. - geodesic marks, respectively, the installation site of the tower and NS-II;

1.1 is a coefficient that takes into account the pressure losses on local resistance (clause 4, Appendix 10).

Pumping pumps when working during a fire, we determine by the formula:

where h waters. Foam and H s.Pozh - respectively, the loss of pressure in the waterways and water supply network during fire extinguishing, m;

H is the free pressure at the hydrant, located at a dictational point, m. For low pressure plumbers H high \u003d 10m;

Z at - geodesic mark in the dictational point, m.

Pumping station we build on the principle of low pressure. At regular time, one or group of economic pumps is working. In the event, an additional pump is included in the work with the same pressure as economic pumps and supplying water flow to fire extinguishing. From the type of pumping station, the switching chamber device depends (Fig. 9).

Selection of pumping brands can be performed by summary graphics of the Q-H fields (Appendix XI and XII). On the graph of the abscissa axis postponed the supply of pumps, along the ordinate axis, the heads and for each pump brand are fields, within which these values \u200b\u200bmay vary. Fields are formed as follows. The upper and lower boundaries are respectively characteristics.

Q-H For this pump brand with the highest and the smallest diameters of the impeller produced by the series. The side boundaries of the fields limit the area of \u200b\u200bthe optimal mode of operation of the pumps, i.e. The area corresponding to the maximum values \u200b\u200bof the efficiency. When choosing a pump brand, it is necessary to take into account that the calculated values \u200b\u200bof the supply and pressure of the pump must lie within its field Q-H.

The proposed pump unit must provide a minimum amount of overpaps developed by pumps with all modes of operation, due to the use of regulating containers, regulating the number of revolutions, a change in the number and type of pumps, replacing the working wheels in accordance with the change in the conditions of their work during the calculated period (p. 7.2. SNIP 2.04.02-84).

The calculated values \u200b\u200bof feed and pressure, accepted stamps and the number of pumps, the category of pumping station is provided in Table 4.

Table 4 - Estimated values \u200b\u200bof feed and pressure, accepted stamps and number of pumps, category of pumping station


1. Snip 2.04.02-84 "Water supply. External networks and facilities. " - M.: Stroyzdat, 1985.

2. Snip 2.04.01-85 "Internal water supply and sewage system". - M.: Stroyzdat, 1986.

3. Shevelev F.A., Shevelev A.F. "Tables for hydraulic calculation of water pipes". / Reference manual. - M.: Stroyzdat, 1984.

4. Lobachev P.V. "Pumps and pumping stations", - M.: Stroyzdat, 1983.

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Enlarged norms can be applied in the development of feasibility studies (TEO), the design of water supply and sewage systems for industrial assemblies and districts, the preparation of general schemes for the integrated use and protection of water resources, designing both newly under construction and reconstructed water supply and sewage systems, operational planning Water pipelines and sewers, as well as can serve as a criterion for rational use of water in certain existing enterprises.

a common part


Purpose of norms

The role of water in production

Water use schemes

Water loss in the water supply system

Water quality requirements

Water use rationality criterion

Using standards

I. Fuel industry

A. Coal and shale enterprises

1. Coal and shale mines and cuts

2. Coal enrichment factories and combustible shale

3. Coal Briquetry Factories

B. Peat Industry Enterprises

4. Peat briquette plants

5. Factories peat heat insulating plates

6. Enlarged water consumption standards and wastewater per unit of products in the fuel industry

II. Heat and power industry

1. Condensation (CAC and NPP), gas turbine and vapor-gas power plants, thermal power plants (CHP)

2. Enlarged water consumption norms and wastewater amounts per unit of production in the heat and power industry

III. Ferrous metallurgy

A. Mining production

1. Careers

2. Rudnikov (mines)

3. Crushing and sorting factories

4. Enrichment factories of ores and non-metallic fossils

5. Factories Popaist

B. Metallurgical factories and goals

6. Agglomeration production

7. Domain production

8. Steel-smelting production

9. Rental production

10. Pipe plants

11. Ferroalloy plants

12. Methybal plants

13. Cocochemical plants

14. Rudniks. Plants and Tsehi Refractory Products

15. Enlarged water consumption norms and wastewater quantity per unit of products in ferrous metallurgy

IV. Non-ferrous metallurgy

1. Mining enterprises

2. Music factories

3. Metallurgical plants

4. Enlarged water consumption standards and wastewater amount per unit of products in non-ferrous metallurgy

V. Oil and Gas Industry

A. Oil industry

1. Oil industry and primary oil preparation

B. Gas industry

2. Gas producing enterprises

3. Gas processing plants

4. Compressor gas transportation stations

5. Summer Gas Sustained Bases

6. Instructed water consumption standards and wastewater number per unit of production in the oil and gas industry

Vi. Oil refining and petrochemical industry

1. Oil refinery

2. Petrochemical enterprises

3. Production of synthetic fatty acids (SGC)

4. Plants of synthetic rubber and other products

5. Rubber Industry Plants

6. Plants for the production of carbon black (planting plants)

7. Enlarged water flow rates and wastewater number per unit of products in the oil refining and petrochemical industry

VII. Chemical industry

A. Mining and chemical production

1. Apatite, phosphate and surfactant mines and processing factories

2. Sulfuric mines, processing factories and serfavil plants

3. Combines (mines and factories) of potash fertilizers

B. Production of main chemistry

4. Production of calcined soda

5. Production of caustic soda by ferritious and limestone

6. Production of burning lime, carbon dioxide and lime milk

7. Production of sodium bicarbonate

8. Production of calcium chloride

9. Serockotic capacity

10. Production of platform acid in Czechos

11. Production of glauble salts in Czech Republic

12. Double Suphhosphate Production

13. Production of ammonium

14. Production of nitroammophos

15. Nitroposki production

16. Production of extraction phosphoric acid

17. Production of yellow phosphorus, phosphoric acid and sodium tripolyphosphate

18. Production of complex fertilizers

19. Production of calcium carbide

B. Production of nitrogen and organic synthesis products

20. Ammonia production

21. Production of ammonia water

22. Production of weak nitric acid

23. Production of ammonium nitrate

24. Urea production (carbamide)

25. Methanol production

26. Production of acetylene to thermo-oxidative pyrolysis

27. Production of Caprolactama

G. Production of chlorine and organic and chloroorganic synthesis products

28. Production of chlorine and caustic soda

29. Production of synthetic glycerol

30. Production of carbon and perchlorethylene quarrel

31. Production of acetic acid

32. Production of acetic acid and acetic anhydride (jointly)

33. Production of methylene chloride

34. Production of ethylene oxide by direct oxidation

35. Production of Glycolia

36. Production of chlorobenzene (according to Poland and Czech Republic)

37. Production of methyl methacrylate in Czech Republic

38. Manufacture of plexiglas in CCHSR

39. Production of polycarbacin

40. Production of Sevin (naphthylcarbamate)

41. Production of cineta

D. Painting Industry Enterprises

42. Paint and varnish plants and production

43. Plants and Casters of the Pigment Industry

E. Production of organic intermediates and dyes

44. Polyester production in Czech Republic

45. Production of phthalic anhydride in Czech Republic

46. \u200b\u200bProduction of dimethyl telphthalate in Czech Republic

47. Production of nitrobenzene in Poland

48. Production of azocrase in Czech Republic

49. Production of anthraquinone dyes in Czech Republic

J. Production of plastics and phenols

50. Low pressure polyethylene production (high density)

51. Production of plasticizers

52. Production of phenol formaldehyde resins

53. Production of phenol formaldehyde press powders

54. Production of carbamide resins with liquid-phase method

55. Production of epoxy resins

56. Production of ion exchange resins

57. Production of polycarbonate resins

58. Production of polyformaldehyde resins

59. Production of foam polystyrene (expanded polystyrene)

60. Production of emulsion polystyrene

61. Production of acrylonitrilbutadienistical (ABS) plastic (Japanese method)

62. Production of acetylcellulose by a semi-continuous way

63. Production of vinyl acetate and its derivatives

64. Production of polyvinyl acetate dispersion (PVAD)

65. Phenol production in Poland

3. Production of chemical fibers

66. Production of viscose textile thread, viscose staple fiber, viscose technical thread, cellophane and lacquered film

67. Production of copper-ammonia fiber

68. Production of acetate silk

69. Production of survouring-rectified

70. Production of synthetic fiber Capron

71. Production of synthetic anid fiber

72. Manufacture of synthetic fiber Loven

73. Production of synthetic fiber Nitron

I. Production of air separation products

74. Operating oxygen in VNI

K. Chemical and Photographic Industry

75. Production of cellulose triacetate

76. Production of film films

77. Production of magnetic tape

78. Production of gelatins

79. Production of photobumagues

80. Production of precipitate fertilizers

81. Enlighted water consumption standards and wastewater quantity per unit of products in the chemical industry

VIII. Forest, woodworking and forestry industry

A. Forestry and Woodworking Combines and Plants, Furniture Factories

1. Foresting plants

2. Production of tree fiber plates

3. Production of joinery and construction products and planed parts

4. Production of wood flour

5. Production of technological chips

6. Production of fibrolite plates

7. Furniture factories

8. Plywood plants

9. Production of chipboard

B. Lesochemical production

10. Caniforous extraction production

11. Caniforous-terrent production

12. Pyrolysis (dry distillation) wood

13. Processing of wood resins

14. Production of acetic acid by extraction

15. Production of acetate solvents (ethyl acetate and butyl acetate)

16. Enlighted water consumption standards and wastewater per unit of products in the forest, woodworking and timber industry

IX. Cellulosic and paper industry

A. Wood Production, Cellulose, Semicellulose, Paper, Cardboard

1. Production of wood mass

2. Production of sulphate pulp and semicellulose

3. Production of sulfite cellulose

4. Manufacture of unbleached bisulfite semicellulose

5. Production of paper and cardboard

B. Processing of side products of sulfate-cellulose production

6. Obtaining a tall oil decomposition of sulphate soap

7. Obtaining tall oil with rectification of fatty and resin acids

8. Discallation of sulphate turpentine

9. Enlarged water flow rates and wastewater amounts per unit of production in the pulp and paper industry

X. Light industry

A. Enterprises of the primary processing of flax, cannabis, wool, silk, jute and cotton

1. Plants of primary processing of flax (flax goods) and hemp stems (Pencows)

2. Wool primary processing factories

3. JUTO-Kenafa Plants

4. Sliced \u200b\u200bfactories

5. Creator Industry Enterprises

6. Tsehi seed disinfection

B. Fabric production enterprises

7. Combines of linen fabrics

8. Cotton fabric fabrics

9. Combines of silk fabrics

10. Spinning-thread factory

11. Camsal-Sukonny Combines

12. Kamble-spinning factory with fiber dyeing workshop

13. Tonkone factory with fiber dyeing workshop

B. Enterprise Knitted, Breaking and Sewing Industry

14. Knitted, stocking and sewing factories

Kozhevo-shoe enterprise

15. Peeling plants

16. Leather plants

17. Shoe factories

18. Production of flooded rubber

19. Manufacture of shoe cardons

20. Plants of artificial leather, polyvinyl chloride film and synthetic leather

21. Production of raeling cellulose material (SCM-1)

D. Fur Factories and Wallen Felt Enterprises

22. Fur Factory

23. Wallen-felt factories

24. Enlarged water consumption standards and wastewater amounts per unit of production in light industry

Xi. Bakery, meat, dairy, fisheries and food industry

A. Enterprises for the processing and storage of grain

1. Mukomolny factories, feed plants, mining materials, plants for the processing of hybrid seeds of corn, elevators, bakery enterprises and sales bases

B. Bakery, Confectionery and Vegetable Industry

2. Bakery

3. Pasta factories

4. Confectionery factories

5. Fruit and vegetable cans

6. Yeast shots

B. Enterprise of the Milk Industry

7. Molk-receiving and dairy separators, transmission and pectoral plants, urban milk factories, butterfly plants, cheesery plants, lactic plants and dry solid milk plants

Meat Industry Enterprise

8. Meat processing plants, meatoptilite plants, meat processing plants, poultry plants

D. Enterprises of commodity fish farming, reproduction of fish stocks and fish processing enterprises

9. Enterprises of commodity fish farming

10. Enterprises of reproduction of fish stocks

11. Fish processing enterprises

12. Refrigerators

E. Butlery oil industry

13. Oil extraction plants

14. Hydrogenation plants

15. Rafinization plants

16. Margarine plants

17. Manion production

18. Glycerin Plants and Fatty Acid Production

19. Plants of natural detergents

20. Olipowed plants

21. Plants of synthetic detergents

J. Enterprises of the perfumery and cosmetics industry

22. Perfumery-cosmetics factories

23. Combines of synthetic fragrant substances

24. Watercase and aluminum tubers

3. Sugar enterprises

25. Becklock plants

26. Sakharafineta plants

I. Enterprises of winemaking, brewing, alcohol, liquor-vodka and food-dotted industry, juices, beverages and feed yeast

27. Primary winemaking plants

28. Factories of secondary winemaking

29. Wine champagne plants

30. Cognac plants

31. Grape juice plants

32. Malted plants

33. Brewing plants

34. Non-alcoholic beverage plants (fruit waters)

35. Production of mineral waters

36. Production of alcohol from molasses, yeast and waste carbon dioxide

37. Limonic acid plants

38. Potato-starch plants

39. Corn-starch plants

40. Production of starch molasses

41. Malto Fallow

42 Production of Crystal Glucose

43 Spiritzavoda on grainfactor raw materials

44. Liquor-vodka plants

K. tobacco-fermentation production

45. Tobacco-fermentation production

46. \u200b\u200bGeneral conclusion

47. Enlarged water consumption standards and the amount of wastewater per unit of products in baker products, meat and dairy, fisheries and food industries

XII. Machine-building industry

1. Foundry, machine-tool and instrumental plants and goals

2. Production of abrasive materials in a piece

3. Production of abrasive grinding materials

4. Production of abrasive instrument

5. Diamond production

6. Plants of heavy, energy and transport engineering

7. Chemical and Oil Engineering Plants

8. Automotive Industry Plants

9. Bearing plants

10. Farms of agricultural engineering

11. Plants of construction, road and municipal engineering

12. Mechanical engineering plants for light, food, printing industry and household appliances

13. Instrument-making plants

14. Galvanic Courses in GDR

15. Communication factories

16. Enlarged water consumption standards and wastewater quantity per unit of products in the machine-building industry

XIII. Electrical industries

1. Plants of hydrogenerators and large electrical machines

2. Transformer plants

3. Plants of high-voltage and low-voltage equipment

4. Electric welding equipment plants

5. Plants of electrothermal equipment

6. Plants of chemical sources of current

7. Factories of electrodes

8. Plants for repair of electric motors and transformers

9. Plants of asynchronous electric motors with a capacity of up to 100 kW, crane and traction electric motors of constant and alternating current, generators with a capacity of up to 100 kW, electric motors with a capacity of 10-100 kW, mobile power plants

10. Condenser equipment plants

11. Plants of power semiconductor devices and converters

12. Electricular bulk plants

13. Plants of lighting equipment

14. Plants of Elektrovozov

15. Outdoor transport plants

16. Cable products

17. Plants of electrical insulation materials

18. Electrotechnical porcelain plants

19. Enlighted water consumption standards and wastewater amounts per unit of products in the electrical industry

XIV. Electronic industry

1. Plants for the production of electrovacuum devices

2. Production of semiconductor devices and microelectronics products

3. Production of radio components and radio components

4. Production of piezoelectric and ferrite products

5. Production of products from ceramics and glass

6. Production of special technological equipment

7. Production of blocks, components of parts and spare parts for the production of the electronics industry

8. Enlarged water consumption standards and wastewater number per unit of products in the electronics industry

XV Construction Industry

And enterprises of non-metallic building materials

1. Crushed stone plants

2. Gravel and sandy and sandy enterprises

3. Stone processing enterprises

4. Production Talc, Kaolina, Graphite

5. Slyudy mines and factory

B. The plants of binders and products of them

6. Cement plants

7. Plants asbestos-cement products and pipes

B. Plants, cellular and silicate concrete, brick and ceramic plants

8. Plants of silicate concrete and silicate brick

9. Plants of clay brick, ceramic blocks, tiles of sanitary ceramics, ceramic sewer and drainage pipes

G. Sanitary equipment factories

10. Sanitary equipment plants

D. Glass Production

11. Glass plants

E. Plants of soft roofing, insulating and polymeric materials

12. Production of roofing cardboard

13. Production of Ruberoid

14. Tiona production

15. Production of waterproofing and sealing materials

16. Production of polymeric materials

17. Production of thermal insulation materials based on mineral wool

J. Production of reinforced concrete products

18. Production of reinforced concrete products

19. Production of the Construction Industry in Czech Republic

20. Enlarged water flow rates and wastewater number per unit of production in the construction industry

XVI. Other industries by A. Film studios and Film Factories

1. Film studios

2. Film factories

B. Railway stations and enterprises

3. Railway stations and enterprises

4. Motor vehicles

G. Household Services

6. Factories of chemical cleaning and dyeing

7. Enterprises for the repair of household machines and devices

8. Enterprises for the repair and manufacture of furniture for individual orders

9. Repair companies and shoe sewing

10. Enterprises for services Photos

11. Enterprises for sewing and repairing clothes for individual orders

D. Medical Industry Enterprises

12. Production of drugs, medical equipment and tools

E. Transportation and storage of oil and petroleum products

13. Bases of petroleum products

14. Pumping stations and bulk points

15. Plants of records in Czech Republic

16. Enlarged water flow rates and wastewater per unit of production in other industries

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Council of Economic Communications All-Union Research

Institute of Water Supply, Sewer, Hydraulic Constructions and Engineering Hydrogeology (VNII VOGEO) State Building of the USSR

Enlarged norms

Water consumption and drainage

For various industries

Moscow Construction Writing 1978.

For intermediate values \u200b\u200bof air temperature and natural water temperature, the coefficient C \\ is determined by interpolation.

For open heat exchangers of the irrigation type of water loss to evaporation, twice and formula (2) takes the following form:

QHSP ~ 2CIQ 0 M, (3)

where the value from \\ is accepted as for the cooling and splashing pools.

Water loss on the system from the system in the form of drops q (if the water in the system is used as a coolant) depend on the type, design and size of the cooler, and for open coolers - from the wind speed, etc. The value of the loss of panels q yn from the recycled water cooler can be determined by the formula

OUI \u003d 6 2 Q 0, (4)

where C 2 is the coefficient of water loss on the injury, equal: for sprinkles 0.015-0.02; for splashing cooling towers with simple blinds 0.01-0.015; For open cooling towers with lattice blinds and tower cooling towers without watering agents 0.005-0.01 and with waterlows 0.003-0.006; For fan cooling towers with single-row waterbornels 0.003-0.005 and with double row water trap 0.0015-0.003 (less important for coolers of greater productivity); For open heat exchangers of irrigation type 0.005-0.01.

Water loss to evaporation from the water surface of natural reservoirs, as well as on the transpiration of water, vegetation should be determined by the instructions "Guidelines for the calculation of evaporation from the water surface of water bodies" (hydrometeoisdate, 1969).

Water loss to filtering<Эф из таких сооружений, как наливной (искусственный) пруд-охладитель или пруд-осветлитель (шламо-накопитсль), применяемых при использовании воды для охлаждения или обогащения ископаемых, определяют специальным расчетом. Эти потери незначительны при водонепроницаемых основаниях и слабо-фильтрующих ограждениях (дамбах). При хорошо фильтрующих основаниях и ограждающих дамбах, состоящих из галечника и песка, размер этих потерь может достигать десятков процентов от притока воды. В начале эксплуатации пруда-охладителя и пруда-осветлителя потери обычно больше, затем они уменьшаются по мере кольматации пор в основании и ограждающих дамбах.

The above-mentioned reverse water supply system is given in column 15 tables.

To comply with the water balance 2q N oct \u003d 2q y 6, in a circulating water supply system, the loss is covered by the same amount of water added to the system:


In addition, from a circulating water supply system, it is possible to replace purge water (ZPod "replacing it with fresh water from the source in the same quantity: F ^ Dob-FProd. Then the amount of water added to the system from the source will be:

PDOB PDOB "P FDOB ^ bp t" ^ Prod * (5)

In the enlarged norms, the costs of water revolt and consistently used Q (graph 5) are given, as well as the amount of water added to the system<З ДО б (графы 6-9) для компенсации безвозвратного потребления и потерь <2б.п (графа 15), продувки и собственно сточных вод Qct (графы 10-14). При этом также учтено поступление

body in water supply system with raw materials and semi-finished products. Additionally, it is necessary to take into account the receipt of water with auxiliary substances, from atmospheric precipitation, drainage and infiltration waters.

In turn, the amount of water added to the system (graph 9)<3 Д об, складывается также из количества технической воды Q T exH (графа 5), количества питьевой воды, используемой для производственных целей, (Зпнт.произв (графа 7) и количества питьевой воды, используемой для хозяйственно-бытовых целей, <Зпит.хоз (графа 8):

"Qrexh 4" fpit.prove + q Pit.Hoz * (6)

The total number of sewage incoming in the water bodies Q

f 10) includes:

a) the number of purified production wastewater, reuse that it is impossible for technological conditions or is impractical, q n p. C T (graph 11);

b) the amount of purified (together with industrial or independently) household wastewater ( (graph 12);

c) the amount of purge water and wastewater that do not require special purification, FProd (Count 13);

d) the number of filtration waters from the pond-clarifier and the march monk<3ф (графа 14).

The total amount of wastewater by the formula is determined.

QCT "QNP.CT 4" QNPOA 4 ~ Q (J) 4 "Q6BIT.CT * (7)

These water drains of the enterprise (after appropriate purification and processing) are partially or completely in quantity (zp.ispolyz can be reused on the replenishment of a circulating water supply system (see Fig. 3). Then the enterprise produced in the water branch will be:

QC6P.BOA "QCT" QN-use * (8)

Taking into account the reuse of purified wastewater in the water supply system, water can be required from the source:

QHCT-Odobi SP. Pripolyz * (9)

The water consumption consistently used, and the amount of purified wastewater used re-in the circulating water supply system is indicated in column 5 and in the rate of fresh water expenditures from the source (columns 6 and 7) or normal of the amount of wastewater produced in the pond (columns 10- 14) do not enter.

Water quality requirements

The quality of water used on production sangs is established in each particular case, depending on the purpose of water and the requirements of the technological process, taking into account the raw materials used, the equipment used and the finished product of production.

Water should be harmless to health with possible contact with her service personnel and should not have negative organoleptic properties (with an open water supply system).

Water used to cool products or equipment should not create mechanical, carbonate or other deposits and contribute to the development of corrosion and biological fours. To fulfill these requirements during the operation of cooling circulating water supply systems, in most cases, cleaning and (or) water treatment is needed.

To prevent mechanical sediments, it may be necessary to filter or set up the addition or part of the windwater

from suspended substances. The permissible content of suspended substances is specified in the process of exploitation of water supply systems, depending on the speed of water movement in heat exchangers and equipment and hydraulic size of suspended substances.

To prevent carbonate sediments, it is possible to use the purge water supply system, acidification, phosphathetic, recaparbonization, or water softening by adding lime and by ion exchange. In some cases, especially at high concentration coefficients, in the circulating water supply systems, the problem of outstanding salts from the system may occur. For this, well-known methods of water desalination are applied.

To prevent corrosion of pipelines and heat exchange equipment, you should choose resistant materials, providing protection for coating materials or appropriate water treatment inhibitors of corrosion.

To prevent biological fours in heat exchange equipment, it is recommended to periodically chloride the circulating water. Water chlorination is usually produced by gaseous chlorine. The use of sodium or potassium hypochlorite is also allowed. The dose of chlorine should provide the content of residual active chlorine in the waste water after the most remote heat exchangers of about 1 mg / l for 30-40 minutes.

To remove biological fours, as well as mechanical sediments in closed heat exchangers, in the necessary cases, a device may be provided for a periodic hydropneumatic washing of devices or for washing the devices with water or a mixture of water with air and with an additive of abrasive materials (quartz sand, polyethylene crumb). Hydropneumatic flushing should be carried out with water and air in the ratio of 1: 1 to 1: 2.

When using purified urban wastewater as an additive to cooling circulating systems, additional water should be continuously chloride, while the time of contact of water with chlorine must be at least 30 minutes, the residual dose of chlorine must be at least 1 mg / l, the incorporate should be Not more than 1000 (the number of bacteria in 1 liters of water).

Requirements for the quality of water of each category may be different and are determined depending on the nature of production. Accordingly, the composition, and the concentration of dirt of circulating water and water produced in water reservoirs will be different.

In tab. 2 shows only approximate requirements for the quality of water used in the circulating water supply systems of industrial enterprises.

These requirements are conditional in nature, since they largely depend on the type of heat exchange equipment, water temperature, temperature of the cooled product or equipment, the nature of weighted and solvable substances, etc. For example, with finely suspended substances, low hydraulic size and high speeds of movement Water in the equipment The permissible concentrations of suspended substances may be higher than the specified. COPC Water Code can also be higher or below the specified value. If the CPD is determined by the presence of substances in water, for example, corrosion, biological fours of heat exchange equipment, odors, pricing, grinding the heat exchange surfaces, then the specified limit may be lower. Similar considerations can also lead to an increase in the limit of total pickling, sulfate content, chlorides, etc. Their permissible concentrations of

gut was determined by the works of solubility, especially when the corrosion inhibitors are used.

Table 2. Exemplary requirements for the quality of circulating water when using surface and underground sources


Water used as a transporting, absorbing, extracting and other medium


cooling without fire heating surfaces of heat exchange

cooling with firing heat exchanging surfaces 1


Depending on the technological process.

Weighted substances 2.

With gravity up to 10,000 when flotation up to 200

Ethosolized. .

Not normalized


Not normalized


carbonate. . .

Not normalized

When cleaning gases, revocative water treatment is necessary.

Alkalinity overall. .

Not more than 4.

No more than 3.



I do not ignore

^ Bobsch * .......


any ......

When gravity is not normalized, with flotation 10

Not normalized

bOD 5 .......

Biogenic elements in the adding water:

nitrogen common ....

Not normalized

phosphorus (in terms of

on p 2 0 5). * . .

1 In metallurgical ovens, evaporative cooling (boiling water) is used.

2 is refined depending on the speed of the cooling water in heat exchangers and from the hydraulic size of suspended substances.

3 is permissible without the use of corrosion inhibitors.

To determine the requirements for the quality of additional water, it is possible (with a certain approximation) of the values \u200b\u200bindicated in Table. 2, divide into concentration coefficient (evaporation), provided that the components of contaminants are not volatile and do not fall into the precipitate.

To select the method of cleaning and processing water, the establishment of water regime, in particular the circulating water supply systems, selection

Water use rationality criterion

The efficiency of water use in production can be estimated by the following three indicators in the aggregate.

The technical perfection of the water supply system is estimated by the amount of recycled water used as a percentage:


The rationality of the use of water closed from the source is estimated by the use ratio

FIST FSBR FIST _, A. and - ~ "- 1.

Read more QCBip.

Irretrievable consumption and water loss

p _ qhct ~ b qcbip qc6p.boa

Qhct "b s? Cheese4 ~ ^ Ambassador ~ F" Q06

In formulas (10) - (12), the following notation was adopted: Q 0 6 and QNOTN - the amount of water used in the turnover and sequentially; QHCT I.<Эсыр - количество воды, забираемой из источника и поступающей в систему водоснабжения с сырьем и др.; QcGp.boa- количество сточных вод, сбрасываемых в водоем.

Using standards

The average annual costs, M 3, water and the amount of wastewater are determined by the formula

where n is the volume of production; Q is the average annual enlarged rate of water flow or the amount of wastewater per unit of products or raw materials.

If the composition of this enterprise includes a number of independent industries specified in the tables of enlarged norms, the costs of water and the amount of wastewater are determined by the formula

Ш \u003d znq \u003d n 1 q 1 + -n 2 q 2 + n s q, - \\ ----- b n n q n. (fourteen)

To obtain the maximum (as a rule, in the summer) and the minimum (in winter) water costs and the amount of wastewater, the coefficients of change of the norm by season of the year for years and to the winters are:

FMAKS "C cell and fmin" ^ СZIMF "(15)

where q is an average annual enlarged rate corresponding to expenses in the spring and autumn period.

The total consumption of fresh water taken from the source (columns 6-8) is given in column 9 of the tables of enlarged norms, and the return of wastewater in the pond - in column 10 (the sum of the graph 11-14).

Irrevocable consumption and water loss in the water supply system and sewage system of the enterprise or production (graph 15) is the difference between the total consumption of fresh water from the source (graph 9) and the return of wastewater in the reservoir (graph 10).

Formed wastewater from the purge of circulating water supply systems and strokes from small consumers using water by direct

motor circuit (once), as well as purified wastewater, the quality of which corresponds to the above requirements, directly or after the corresponding doctor and processing can be used again for certain purposes (without release them in the reservoir).

When the wastewater is reused, the flow rate of the coil (graph 5) is increased, the consumption of technical water from the source (columns 6-9) and wastewater reset decreases (column 10). The percentage of the use of recycled water P 0 B according to formula (10) and the coefficient of water use /< и по формуле (11) повышаются.

The coefficient of water use increases during the burial or waterproof, as well as when burning them together with waste, for example, oil products.

In tab. 3 shows the average specific costs of water and the amount of wastewater on the production of the most important types of products in the national economy. The nomenclature of the most important types of products is adopted in accordance with the CSB certificate "USSR and the Union republics in 1976". Medium specific costs can be used for indicative calculations of water consumption and the amount of wastewater in the industry as a whole as of today and forecast for the next 10-15 years.

Table 3 Medium specific costs of water and the amount of wastewater on the production of the most important types of products in the national economy of the USSR

Type of products


Current and consistently used genus

Fresh water from source

Irretrievable consumption and water loss



Oil mining. .

Mining gas "conditional". . .

Coal mining in mines ....

Mining iron ore in mines.

1 ton raw ore


Rental with cast iron and steel ......

Steel pipes.


Mining enterprises. .

1 taled

Zinc plants.

Lead "

Copper Plants (Draft Copper)

Nickel plants.

1 t f-aminstein

Alumina plants ....

Cryolite plants ....

1 t Fluorine

Continuation of table. 3.

Type of products


Fresh water from source

Irretrievable consumption and water loss

Aluminum plants ....

1 t aluminum

Titanium plants

chuckle 1 t titanium

Magnesium plants

sponges 1 t refining



Complex fertilizers ......

bathroom magnesium 1 t

Nitrogen fertilizers ......

Chemical plants protection products. . .

Soda calcined

Caustic Soda: Ferritic Method. .

(comes with raw materials 13.2)

limestone. .

Sulfuric acid.

Synthetic fibers ....

Polycarbonate and polygaged (GDS) resins.

Oil refining industry

Oil refineries of fuel profiles. . .

Oil refineries with petrochemical production .....

Auto strokes

1 conditional

Engineering turbine ....

tire 1000 kW

Metallurgical equipment .....

Machines metal-cutting. .

Continuation of table. 3.

Type of products


Current and consistently used water

Fresh water from source

Irretrievable consumption and water loss

Oil apparatus.

Chemical equipment and spare parts for it ....

Technological equipment and spare parts for it for food, meat and dairy and fishing industry ....

Main locomotives. . .

Cargo cars.

Cars freeware loading capacity: up to 1T. . .

1 car

Cars passenger. . .

Buses. . .

1 bus

Spare parts for cars

Tractors. . .

1 tractor


combined. . .

1 Combine


Spare parts for combines. .

Excavators. .

Motorcycles and motor collections. .

1 Motorcycle

Bicycles and motorbikes

10 mopeds

Forest and pulp and paper industry

Sawmill plants ....

1 m 3 logs



I t Belena


cellulose Same


Cardboard car.





Precast concrete ....

Continuation of Table Ya

Type of products


Current and consistently used water

Fresh water from source

Irretrievable consumption and water loss

Silicate brick. ...

Soft roofing materials: roofing car gon ,.

Window glass: boat method. . .


Electrical industries

Generators for turbines ....

AC electric motors ....

Light industry



woolen. .

silk. .

Loved knitwear ....

Upper knitwear

Leather shoes.

1000 pairs of shoes

Food industry

1 t Ready

Alloyous products in terms of milk ....

products 1 ta milk

/. Fuel industry

A. Coal and shale enterprises

The fuel industry includes enterprises for the extraction and enrichment of coal and combustible shale.

1. Coal and shale mines and cuts

Coal mining and combustible shale are produced in mines and cuts mechanical and in minor volumes (up to 2%) hydraulically.

1.1. Water supply and sewage

When coal mining, the water of drinking quality water is spent on dusting, air conditioning and other needs. Water technical (mainly from the mine) is consumed in the boiler room, with air conditioning, when booking the developed space, for cooling compressors, hydromonitors, etc. The water supply system is recycled, the losses are filled with technical water or water from the economic storage water supply.

In the mines and in the cuts, the water supply system is recycled and direct-flow. The wastewater is formed mainly from the administrative and consumer combine, repair shops, boiler room, etc.

With underground coal mining at one or another depth of the surface, there is a flow of groundwater in production. With a mechanical method of coal mining, these water is collected, brightened, then used in processing factories or for other needs, and excess them are discharged in the reservoir. WATER WATER CONSTRUCTIONS FROM HYDROSHT, as a rule, is used in a closed cycle on the hydropup and transportation of coal and in the reservoirs are not reset. The costs of shaft waterproof are given in Table. four.

Table 4. Consumption of mine (career) waterproof, m 3/1000 ta

Coal pools

Coal pools


Donbass within

slates ....

Kuznetsky ....

Siberia (without kuzbas


UDC 628.17 (083.75)

This is printed by the decision of the section of the literature on the engineering equipment of the editorial board of Stroyzdat.

Enlarged water consumption and drainage standards for various industries / Council of Economy. Mutual assistance, Vni Valgeo Gosstroy USSR. - M.: Stricken-Edition, 1978.-- 590 s.

The book presents the integrated norms of water consumption and drainage on a unit of products or raw materials in more than 2,000 industries of various industries and coefficients change standards for the season of the year (summer-winter). Brief characteristics of production, wastewater characteristics are given, reflects the requirements for the quality of cooling water and others. The norms are given separately for the revolving, consistently used, fresh technical and drinking water, for the amount of wastewater produced in the reservoirs or used after cleaning and processing.

Enlarged norms can be applied in the development of feasibility studies (TEO), the design of water supply and sewage systems for industrial assemblies and districts, the preparation of general schemes for the integrated use and protection of water resources, designing both newly under construction and reconstructed water supply and sewage systems, operational planning Water pipelines and sewers, as well as can serve as a criterion for the rational use of the Vedas in individual existing enterprises.

The book is intended for specialists working in the field of planning, designing, construction and operation of water management systems.

Table. 248, Il. four.

30210-600 947(01)-78

TRANSFER. - Standard., 2nd Salt.-59-78

Stroyzdat, 1978.

P "Rodolement Table 4

Coal pools

Coal pools

Karaganda. .

Near Moscow

Far East

Pechora ....

Urals ......

Central Asia. . .

Bashkiria ....

ServoGol ....

Note. Above the line - 1975, under the line - 2000

1.2. Water quality requirements

Used waters of mine waterfronts in quality can be divided into three main types:

waters are minorineralized (up to 0.5 g / l) contaminated only by suspended substances (up to 25 g / l); Removes lightening (coagulation, settling, filtering) and chlorine disinfection;

water with moderate mineralization (up to 1 g / l) contaminated with suspended substances and iron (up to 9 g / l) and having pH \u003d 2.8-4; Neutralization is necessary, lightening and chlorination;

water mineralized (over 1-1.5 g / l) contaminated with suspended substances; In addition to clarification and disinfection, the desalination is needed by electrodialysis or other method.

Most of the mines, as well as at coal-rich factories, purified mine waters are usually used for technical needs. Detailed regulatory requirements are shown in Table. five.

Table 5. Regulatory requirements for water quality,

used enterprises of the coal industry



Water used to cool equipment and product (without contact with it) at temperatures of the cooled product or wall 80-400 ° C

Water used as a medium absorbing and transporting


social impurities


Not normalized

Weighted substances.

Ethosolized. .



total. . . . .

Not more than 7.

Not more than 7.

Not normalized

carbonate. . .

Alkalinity overall. .

Dry residue ....

Beablish ..... permanga oxidation

Not normalized

natno ......

BPKD, ......

Phosphorus (in terms of

Not more than 1,5

Not more than 1,5


The further development of industry, the intensification of agriculture and the improvement of the cultural and living conditions of the population, provided for by the decisions of the Communist and Workers' Parties and the Government of the CMEA Member States, are associated with significant increase in water consumption. Simultaneously with the increase in water consumption increases the amount of wastewater.

An important role in the problem of rational use and protection of water resources belongs to the rationing of water consumption and drainage. This is especially true of those regions in which water resources are limited or exhausted. From solving the problem of rational use of water to a certain extent depends on the further development of the economy of each country of the CMEA.

In recent years, organizational and technical measures have been conducted in the USSR in other CMEA member countries, aimed at economical water consumption and a decrease in wastewater discharge in reservoirs, and the construction of wastewater treatment and other water treatment plants in order to prevent pollution of natural waters.

Scientific ruling of water consumption in industry is one of the aspects of socio-economic development, which is important in economic integration and in the international socialist division of labor

Currently, in a number of industries, there has been a tendency to reduce the specific consumption of fresh water taken from sources, and discharge of wastewater in reservoirs per unit of products and a unit of fixed assets. This occurs as a result of the introduction of circulating water supply systems and reuse of purified wastewater, replacement of water cooling by air, transition to evaporative (boiling water) cooling, as well as developing anhydrous and low-water technological processes.

In some countries, the CEA members are developed for water consumption predictions for the needs of the national economy, the general schemes of the integrated use of the protection of water resources for the period from 15 to 50 years. In the USSR, such a scheme was developed for the period until 1985 and is currently drawn up to 1990-2000. To develop the specified forecasts and schemes, as well as projects for the development of water supply and sewage systems, water consumption and wastewater rate per unit of products are necessary.

An equally important task is togging water leave by existing industrial enterprises and regulation of its consumption in industrial processes, which is feasible only in the presence of water consumption and drainage standards. Thus, the norms of water consumption and drainage are the basis of the forecast of the development of water management, allow you to reduce the consumption of fresh water from sources and reduce or stop resetting pollution into reservoirs.

Real "enlarged water consumption and drainage regulations for various industries" have been developed on the task of the State Committee on Science and Technology of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and to address the meeting of the heads of water management bodies (CRVO) of the Council of Economic Assistance Council. They are approved by the meeting of the leaders of the water bodies of the SEA member states at the meeting on September 16-19, 1975, while it was recognized as appropriate to use them in the CEA member countries taking into account local specific conditions. The norms are suitable for use for the period 1978-1990. With clarification for subsequent periods of five-year plans. These norms are compiled on the basis of previously developed norms and are supplemented with requirements for water quality data in the composition of wastewater and norms for a number of new industries.

204 Scientific Research and Design Institute of Sectoral Ministries and Offices of the USSR, including heads: Higrotort, NIIOSugol, Vnipiermetrochloroprotech, Kazmekhanob, Tep-Loelectroproekt, Basherpineft, VNIIPNTH, Vnipitransgaz, All-Union Association Neftekhim, Voronezh Branch VNIISK , Rubber project, VNIIHSR, Kioihim, Gigcs, VNIIG, GIAAP, Lennygiprochim, VNIIV, VNIIV, HYPILKP, GProplast, NIIPM, KazNIIThPhotoproject, GIPROLESPROM, VNPCUMPROM,

TsNILKhI, IVNITI, Giproniisahprom, TsNIIPromzernoproekt, Giprorybprom, KaspNIRKh, Gidrorybproekt, VNIIMP, listening, Giproavtoprom, Gipropribor, Hip-rostanok, Giproavtotrans, Giprostroydormasch, PKTIremont, Giprotyazhmash, NIIOGAZ, VNIIzheldortransporta, TsPKBremstroyproekt, NIPIOTSTROM, Giprokino, Hip-roniipoligraf, Gipromedprom, GIMERSHOW, VNIIPROECTASBESTECTECENT, HYPROPROMIMA-THATRIAL, VNIIPROEKTPOLYMERKROVL, GIPROCEMENT, VNIINOD, PKB GIS, GIPRO-SAYTIYKHPROM, VNINIZHESTON, VNIUTOZOZOZOZOZOLATION, as well as Institutes of other Member States: Institute of Water Problems and Nippilodokanalproekt People's Republic of Bulgaria, Vituki of the Hungarian People's Republic, Institute of Water Economy of the German Democratic Republic, Institute of Environment and Institute of Meteorology and Water Management of the Polish People's Republic, Institute of Water Management of the Socialist Republic of Romania, Water Management Czechoslovak Socialist Republic. General leadership and coordination of works carried out VNII VYKHEO (director of the Institute Dr. Tech. Sciences, prof. S. V. Yakovlev).

F. Shabalin

"The enlarged norms of water consumption and drainage for various industries" are prepared for the press of water consumption and drainage laboratory

niya - Head

and drainage of N. Katyushin, Art. Engineers A. S. Kosyakov and L. I. Skripnichenko. The work took part Art. Technician M. G. Vasilyeva. At the last stage, work on the preparation of the norms for the press was performed in the laboratory of the revolving water supply, the head of the Cand. Tehi. Sciences V. A. Gladkov.

head of the Sector of Water Consumption


The enlarged rate of water consumption includes all the costs of water in the enterprise, both manufacturing (including the preparation of steam) and economic drinking, on the soul, as well as in the canteens, laundries, etc. (without water costs in the residential village or city). Rangered wastewater consists of wastewater produced in water bodies - purified production and household, industrial, not requiring special purification (cooling water), and filtering from clarifier ponds, tailings and slurry, related to the unit of main products or raw materials.

The rate of water consumption and drainage and water loss is determined by: a) the nature of production, the composition of the raw materials and the resulting product; b) the role of water in the production process; c) water supply and sewerage scheme; d) the quality of the source water; e) conditions of water use (heating temperature, composition and degree of contamination) and the possibility of regeneration (cleaning and processing); (e) Geographic and climatic, engineering and geological and hydrological conditions.


The following terminology was adopted in the enlarged norms of water consumption and drainage.

Water is a turnover (circulating) -wode used in the process or for cooling products and equipment and after cleaning and cooling in cooling towers or other structures is re-supplied for the same purposes.

Water consistently used - water used alternately in several industrial processes or in equipment without intermediate processing and cooling with subsequent release in the reservoir.

The water is fresh - water of a natural source supplied for production purposes (purified or crude); It can be served directly to consumers or to replenish the revolving water supply system.

Drinking water - water intended for economic and drinking purposes, but can also be used for production needs; By its quality meets the requirements of GOST to drink water.

Water waste - water used in the production process and discarded in the reservoir.

Water is waste, reused, - water, which, after use in the process (or in everyday life) and the appropriate cleaning and processing, is partially or completely reused for certain technological purposes or to replenish the circulating water supply systems.

Water consumption - the amount of water (consumption) used for certain purposes per unit of time.

Watering - the amount of wastewater discharged in the reservoir or waterclock per unit of time.

The quality of water is a set of physical, chemical, biological and bacteriological indicators that cause water suitability for use in industrial production, everyday life, etc.

Requirements for water quality - quality indicators that water should satisfy for the most efficient use of it in the process.

Purpose of norms

Enlarged norms of water consumption and drainage per unit of products are intended to develop forecasts, feasibility studies and design of water supply and sewage systems of industrial components, economic and administrative districts, as well as to compile general schemes for the integrated use and protection of water resources of river basins, individual districts, republics or the whole country.

The enlarged norms of water consumption and drainage can be applied in designing both newly under construction and reconstructed water supply and sewage systems of industrial enterprises.

Guided by real-enlarged norms, you can establish differentiated norms or evaluate the rationality of water use on each current enterprise.

The role of water in production

In the book for each industry industry, the names of the production used by them of raw materials and the resulting product are given, for which the integrated expenditure rate of water, its loss and wastewater relief in the reservoir is installed in the tables. The tables indicate the form and method of production (graph 2).

Water in industrial enterprises is used, as a rule, for auxiliary purposes and in the composition of products only in some industries in relatively small quantities. Accordingly, the role performed by water in industrial water supply systems can be divided into four categories:

the category I water is used to cool the equipment and the product in heat exchangers (without contact with the product); water is only heated and practically not contaminated (with good heat exchangers);

the category II of the II is used as a medium absorbing and transporting impurities, without heating (enrichment of minerals, hydrotransport); Water is contaminated with mechanical and dissolved impurities, but does not heat;

The role of water in each production is indicated in the text.

Water use schemes

The rate of water consumption and the amount of wastewater produced in the ponda are indicated in tables for a particular system (circuit) of water supply (column 4), described in the text in production: with direct

(one-time) use of water (Fig. 1, a); with sequential (two-three-time) use of water (Fig. 1.6); With the turnover of water (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Current water supply schemes

a - with cooling; b - with cleaning; e is cooled and cleaning the revolving water; P - production, about-cooler of circulating water, NS - pumping stations; Sun - water treatment facilities; K - camera additive and water treatment; Q n water production for production; Q n .n - water loss in production; Q hcn - waters on evaporation; Q o - exhaust water consumption; Q un - Water loss on the charge, Q C6P - the flow rate of the water;<3д 0 б - расход добавочной воды; <З оСа д - потери воды с удаляемыми осадками

According to the requirements of the foundations of water legislation of the Union of SSR and the Union republics (Article 24), the water supply system should, as a rule, with the turnover of water for the entire industrial enterprise or in the form of closed cycles for individual workshops; At the same time, it should be provided for the necessary wastewater treatment, cooling water cooling, processing and reuse of wastewater (without release in reservoirs). Sequential or direct-seeing water use on production needs with a discharge of purified wastewater in the reservoir should be allowed only if it is impossible or inappropriate to use it in a circulating water supply system and, as a rule, without processing chemical reagents.

The rate of drainage is determined by the water consumption rate and loss of water in the process of its use in accordance with the enterprise or production adopted water supply scheme. When setting the norm of drainage, it is taken into account:

a) the feasibility of extracting and using valuable substances contained in wastewater;

b) the necessary and possible degree of wastewater treatment against pollution obtained in the process of use;

c) Requirements for industrial water with consistent and current water supply systems.

With direct-flowing water supply (see Fig. 1, a) the amount of q c ct varied in the water branch is determined by the formula

QT - Q (QE.N N "FSHL)\u003e

where q is the amount of technical fresh water taken from the water branch; Q 6N - irretrievable water loss;<3 ШЛ - потери воды, удаляемой со шламом (осадками из сооружений по очистке сточных вод).

With water supply scheme with sequential use of water (see Fig. 1,6) used in the first (P-1) and the second (P-2)

water waters return to the same reservoir as with a direct-flow scheme, minus loss.

Three main circuits of turning water supply are possible (see Fig. 2), respectively, the purpose of water in production.

If water is a coolant and in the process of use only heats up, not polluting, then in the system of revolving water supply, this water before re-use for the same purposes is pre-cooled in the pond, splashing pool or on cooling towers (see Fig. 2, a).

If water serves as a medium transporting mechanical and dissolved impurities, and in the process of use is contaminated in a circulating water supply system, this water is subjected to cleaning in a pond-clarifier, sumps, filters, etc. (see Fig. 2, b) .

With a complex use of water, when it is a transporting medium and simultaneously serves as a coolant, for example, when cleaning gases, etc., water in a revolving water supply system is cleared of contamination and cooled (see Fig. 2, B).

At the enterprises of a particular industry, one or another type of water use may be predominant.

In all cases, with round water supply for individual industries, there is a common stock of the enterprise, the water of which (after appropriate cleaning and processing) is fully or partially reused to replenish the circulating water supply systems (for example, according to the scheme shown in Fig. 3); At the same time, atmospheric precipitation (rain and snow) and drainage groundwater can also flow into the overall stock.

Water loss in the water supply system

For water supply systems, water balance is recommended, including losses, the necessary discharges and the addition of water into the system to compensate for declining it. In some industries, water is also included in the system with raw materials or a recyclable intermediate.

The overall decrease of water from the circulating water supply system (in relation to the diagram shown in Fig. 2) per unit of time or per unit of production is consumed from the costs shown in Table. one.

Water decrease from the system

Table 1. Flow and water loss in the water supply systems of the enterprise

Water intake in Q NOCT system

1. With source raw materials and semi-finished QCBIP

2. With auxiliary substances (fuel, reagents, etc.) Q b cn

3. With atmospheric precipitation (rain, melting snow)<2атм

4. In the form of mining or mine waterproof, underground (drainage), in-filtration water, etc. FPodz

5. From the water source Q H

6. Sew water reused after cleaning, qct.hobt

1. Non-reflective consumption - UROS with product and waters QE.N

2. on watering floors, travel, plantings (sv

3. On evaporation in the cooler of the windwater<2исп

4. Clamp with air cooler cooler Q YH

5. Evaporation natural from the water surface qncii.ect

6. Transpiration with water vegetation<3трансп

7. Filtration from the water supply system in the soil (2F

8. Reset water in reservoirs for the refreshment of circulating water (purge)

9. Resetting wastewater itself in the water QC6P.CT

Irretrievable consumption and water loss in production in places of use<3б.п складывается из количеств уносимой с продуктом Qy H .npoA и с отходами Q yH .oTx воды, определяемых технологическим расчетом.

Water consumption for watering floors, travel and plantations (2 p odul is determined by SNIP P-31-74.

Water loss to evaporation when it is cooling in cooling towers, splashing pools, ponds-coolers and natural water bodies taking heated water, Q MCA can be determined with a sufficient approach by the formula

C? KSP "Ciqoa ^, (2)

where DT is the water temperature difference, hail; It is calculated as the difference in temperatures heated U and the water supplied to the consumer 11; Q 0 - the amount of cooling circulating water, m 3 / h; C ± - Water loss coefficient for evaporation.

For cooling and splashing pools, the coefficient C \\ is accepted depending on the air temperature (dry thermometer):

Temperature, ®c ...... ....... about 10 20 30

Ci coefficient ............. 0,0010 0.0012 0.0014 0.0015

For ponds-coolers and windwater lighter ponds, the CJ coefficient is adopted depending on the natural water temperature in the reservoir:

Natural water temperature in the reservoir, ®c. 0 10 20 30

Ci coefficient ..... 0.0007 0.0009 0.0011 0.0013