Husband Ingeborgi. Romance Aristocratchki

Husband Ingeborgi. Romance Aristocratchki
Husband Ingeborgi. Romance Aristocratchki

One of the few actresses in the post-Soviet space, which were able to declare themselves in Hollywood, is 55-year-old Ingeborg Dapkin.

Attractive and endlessly talented woman, repeated owner of prestigious filmmakers in the nomination for the best female role, the actress, awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Lithuanian SSR shortly before the collapse of the Soviet Union. In her filmography - the famous Soviet, Russian and Hollywood paintings, and in life - many bright events.

All this will tell the biography of Ingeborgi Dapkunay. You will also learn what is engaged in the recent years of the movie star and is it true that Ingeborga Dapkin became a mom.

Early years of life

Your childhood and youthful years of the future star of the domestic and foreign cinema spent in the hometown of Vilnius, in Lithuania. There she was born in early 1963 (accurate birth date of celebrities - January 20, 1963). Not so much there are people who spent their childhood as Ingeborg Dapkun.

Her parents were intelligent and respected people who occurred far from the last place in society. Father of the future actress (the nationality of which is Litovka), Petas Edmundas Dapkunas, was a diplomat. And Mom, Ingeborg Sabalite, worked in the hydrometeorological center of the meteorologist.

Soon after the appearance in the daughter's family, Ptyatas Edmundas and his spouse returned to their professional activities, leaving her native Lithuania. Baby Ingeborg remained on the care of her grandparents. They have lived constantly, and parents in Moscow began to visit, only when he matured, and only during the holidays.

The acting talent in the girl began to wake up in early childhood. Most likely, the fact that the aunt and grandmother Ingeborgi worked in the Vilnius Opera House. And already at the age of 4 years, Inga debuted on his stage in the opera stage of "Chio-Chio-San" Puccini. The first performance of the heroine of our story was so enchanting and unforgettable that young actress immediately received a role in another performance.

Even after these first roles, the girl became a popular theatrical star, which was made a lot of attractive offers. So, in active creative activities that INGEBORGA DAKUKUNE combined with study at school, the early years of her youth passed.

Youth and flowering of creative activity

After graduating from school, the talented girl filed documents for admission to the Lithuanian state conservatory and in the 1980s became a student of the Faculty of theatrical skills and choral art, hitting the course who was led by the famous Lithuanian director, actor and teacher Jonas Waitkus.

His first role in the movie promising artist Ingeborg received, learning in the last year. A year before the diploma, she received a proposal to play in the film "My Little Wife." Ingeborga Dapkunay, whose biography is represented in this article, happily agreed and in 1984 first appeared on the screen in the image of the girl named Auxe.

Next year she was lucky to participate in three different film projects of Lithuanian producers. These were films: "Electronic grandmother", "Night whispers" and "Zodiac". Already then, work in Cinema Ingeborg Edmundovna Dapkin successfully combined with participation in theatrical productions, because immediately after release from the Conservatory, she began working at the Drama Theater in Kaunas.

After some time, the talented ascending movie star returned to Vilnius and settled in the youth theater, where he worked until 1990. At that time, the audience could see a variety of performances with the participation of our heroine ("Seagull", "King Lear", "Hunger", etc.).

At the same time, the Lithuanian actress received invitations to shoot and, if possible, tried to agree on them. In 1987, four films were released on Soviet screens, in which our heroine was involved. Its popularity grew, and Glory about actress Ingeborg Dapkunyat spread to the entire Soviet Union.

Particular attention to her person was associated with the release of the film "Interdestochka", which caused a large resonance among the Soviet public. In it, Ingeborg Daequentely played the girl "easy behavior" than the Soviet public struck. This memorable image brought actress not only than fame, but also later - the main roles in domestic films (first in the short filing "F Minor", then in the Oscar-free picture "Burnt by the Sun", as well as in the Art Film "Moscow Region").

The whole filmography filmography consists of 62 paintings, including those who have found Russian series and full-length paintings, as well as Hollywood "Action". And this is not the limit, because 55-year-old Ingeborg Daperse, living now abroad, continues to receive invitations to shoot.

Over the past two years, Ingeborg Dapkunayte decorated as seven filmmakers. Information on which films with the participation of Lithuanian-Russian movie stars were removed abroad, offers Wikipedia on the page with the biography of Ingeborgi.

Private life is not for cameras

Ingeborga Edmundovna has always led a rather modest lifestyle, trying not to advertise his hobbies and not to do its privacy as a public domain. Her name does not often fall into the news of secular life. Despite this, the personal life of the actress has always been interested in her fans and spectators of the Soviet generation. Moreover, the movie star was married three times, and all her husbands were personalities very popular.

Ingeborga Dapkin, her personal life, children and careers are one of the topics discussed in the world of show business, as the actress remains at the peak of popularity to this day.

His first spouse talented film actress, the star of domestic and foreign cinema, met, being a student. Arunas Sakalauskas was a classmate of our heroine, who managed to conquer her heart. Marriage lovers registered a few months after dating. But soon their relationships were crashing, and spouses, issued a divorce, decided to stay friends.

The second time under the gentleman of Ingeborg Dapkuni went completely unexpected for himself. After the first divorce of Ingeborga Edmundovna with his head rushed to work, actively filming into the cinema and playing in the youth theater. Working in the next statement, the actress received a proposal from its partner in the scene, which was John Malkovic, to pass samples in the London theater to participate in the play "Speech Error".

Having left there, Ingeborg Dapkin successfully passed the casting and at the first rehearsal met his fate - Simon Stokes. Their relationships were developing rapidly, and soon Ingeborg Daperse and the director of "Speech errors" Simon Stokes decided to get married. After the wedding, the actress decided to stay in the capital of Great Britain and get new citizenship.

But after a little more than ten years, the family actresses faced an obstacle that could not overcome. Being married, Ingeborg Dapkin began to closely communicate with one of the most famous directories of the world - Emir Kusturia, who also consisted at that time in legal relationship. Then INGEBORGA DAKUKUNE designed with her husband a divorce that was peacefully and civilized, without scandals and mutual public accusations. In turn, Kustrica also divorced. The initiator of this was the wife of Kusturica, who learned about his relationship with the Russian movie star.

About your relationship of Ingeborg, Dapaque and Emir Kusturica began to speak openly only in 2009, when both were already officially free. The novel of two celebrities lasted about four years. Ingeborg Dapkin and the children of her beloved from the previous marriage perfectly laid. Kusturica planned to make an inge offer, but this did not happen for unknown reasons.

Secrets of personal life

After these relations, Ingeborga began to hide his personal life more thoroughly. Therefore, there is no accurate information when Ingeborg Dapkin and Dmitry Yampolsky (her current husband) began to meet. Wedding Actresses with a famous restaurant and a lawyer took place in 2013, on the eve of Valentine's Day.

The media was attributed to Ingeborg to the pregnancy, especially when it became aware of her new marriage. Previously, with previous spouses, actress failed to know the joy of motherhood. Ingeborgi's current husband, despite the difference between them, won the confidence of a talented movie star and became the father of her only child at the moment.

The son of Dmitry and Ingeborgi, whose name is Alex, appeared a little over a year ago. But for the first time, the media learned about it only recently, after the celebration of the 55-year-old anniversary of the actress. In honor of the birthday of the movie star "First Channel", organized a surprise for Ingeborgi Dapkuni - show a documentary film about the life of a talented litolon.

At his premiere, for the first time in the public, ingleborga appeared together, and her son, a year old kid Alex. Before that, few people were aware of such dramatic changes in the personal life of the actress. Moreover, lately she tried not to give an interview.

Recall that this year the actress turned 55 years old. Despite their age, Ingeborg Dapkin has an excellent physical form and an attractive appearance. It is not surprising that its secrets of beauty (which are in proper nutrition and regular physical exertion) are interested in many fans of the movie star.

Currently, Ingeborg Dapkin, the latest news from the life of which often appear in domestic and foreign media, is still actively working. She takes part in the shooting of new films, from time to time appears in entertainment television shows. But the most part of his time the famous blonde is dedicated now to his family and a small son. Posted by: Elena Suvorov

Ingeborg Dapkunayte (lit. Ingeborga Dapkūnaitė). Born on January 20, 1963 in Vilnius. Soviet and Lithuanian actress theater and cinema. Honored Artist of the Lithuanian SSR (1989).

Father - Peter-Edmund Dapkunas, diplomat.

Mother - meteorologist.

Parents worked for a long time in Moscow, and the daughter came to them only on vacation. In Vilnius, Little Ingeborg remained in the care of her grandparents, as well as aunt and uncle (musicians in the theater orchestra), who did everything so that she did not feel a long lack of parents.

In the four years in Geborg, in the protection of your grandmother, bring Sablin, the administrator of the Vilnius Opera and Ballet Theater, first came to the scene as a son of Madame Butterfly in the Opera Puccini Opera "Chio-Chio-San". After the "Opera Debut", dramatic art at first seemed like a little girl not so interesting, due to the lack of dancing, songs and music. In addition, childhood and youth passed with a focus rather to the sports career: Ingeborga was not without success engaged in figure skating and basketball - a national sport.

On Mount Tauras, near the house where Ingeborg lived, there was a palace of trade unions, which was the theater studio, where Ingeborg was engaged in 3 years.

Immediately after school, Ingeborg enters the Lithuanian Conservatory at the Faculty of Choral and Theatrical Art, Yonas Weitkus. She was also going to enter the Institute of Foreign Languages, but the Conservatory exams were a month earlier.

"She was always immediate, very fun, and I don't even remember that she was angry with someone. This" deadly "smile killed everyone, and the nickname was Gaga. I don't know why it was called it, but stretched for She has a nickname from school, "her first husband told about Ingeborg.

After graduating from the Conservatory in 1985, it begins to work as an actress in the Kaunas Dramatic Theater.

Then - in the Youth Theater in Vilnius under the leadership of Eymuntas Nyakroshus. He participated in the productions of Chekhov "Seagull", Gogol "Nose", rehearsed Cordelia in the "King Lira". Later he played in the play of John Malkovich "Mistake of Speech", "Monologists of Vagina" Yves Ensler (dir. Roman Kozak), "My Blue Friend" Catherine Kovaleva (Theater. Pushkin).

In the State Theater of Nations (Moscow) plays a capital role in the play "Zhanna" in the formulation of the Ilya Rotenberg, as well as Prince Myshkin in the premiere of Maxim Didenko "Idiot".

The movie debuted in 1984 in the film Ramundas Banionis "My Little Wife."

The first fame received after the picture "Interdestochka"in which she played the role of a prostitute Kisuli. "Because there were no sex in the Soviet Union, especially prostitutes, and we are talking about the film, which was the Soviet" beauty. " It was the story of Cinderella in the USSR. I love this film, although now he looks a little naive, "said it later.

The actress told about a funny episode during work on the Interdevochka. Several scenes of the film in which Elena Yakovlev was a nurse, and Dapkin and Rozanov played women of easy behavior, starred in an ordinary hospital. Having finished late in the evening the next episode of the picture, the deadly tired actresses decided to drink coffee in the nearest open cafe. Women did not take into account that in the images of currency prostitutes look a little strange - in very short dresses, with bright make-up, disheveled hairstyles and long overhead nails. Yakovlev also stayed in a white medical coat. Sit down for a free table, the ladies were waiting for twenty minutes while the staff of the cafe would pay. Finally, the waitress approached the table and stared at Dapkin.

Dapkuny asked the girl three cups of coffee, but she asked, from which surgery they declared in a decent cafe, and refused to serve two defiantly dressed women and the "doctor." The actresses tried to explain that these are just scenic costumes, but the waitress was adamant and asked them to leave the room. "Have you seen yourself in the mirror? We know you, such actipers! Ladies, I ask for a way out! ", - said the waitress.


In 1992, he became a laureate of the Golden Aries Prize as the best actress of the year for the film "Cynika".

Especially wide popularity to actress came after the film "Tired by the Sun"Where Dapkunaytely performed the role of Marusi, Kotov's Combridge Wife. The film itself received the Oscar Prize.


A big success in the audience and film critics used the picture "Moscow Nights", in which the actress brilliantly performed the role of Kati Izmailovaya. The tape collected many different prizes. The actress itself was awarded the special prize of the jury of the "Star of tomorrow" at the International Geneva Film Festival (1994) and received a statuette of Nick (1994) for the best female role.

In 1993, a debut took place in Hollywood, in the television series "Alaska Kid". In the same year, she moved to London, where he begins to play in the London theater.

Its partners in the West at different times were the best American actors: in the film "Mission Impossible", she played with, in the picture "Seven years in Tibet" became the wife of the main character -.

Directors have always been valued in actress grace and cold chic.

In 2014, Ingeborg Dapkin became the winner of Oleg Yankovsky Prize.

Starred in the role of Impertaritsa Mary Fedorovna in the film "Matilda".

The actress was invited many times as a member of the jury to prestigious film reforms. In particular, she was a member of the Jury of the Sinefondson program of the Cannes Film Festival of 2003, the International Berlin Film Festival of 2005, International Film Festival in the 2005 Mar-Del Payment, the 67th Venice Film Festival of 2010.

Worked on television. In 2005, he was the leading Russian version of the realistic show "Big Brother" on the TNT channel. Within 95 days, Ingraborg and the audience followed the life of the participants, and on Friday, the actress led a live broadcast, during which the fate of one of them was solved.

In 2006, he was a member of the project "Stars on Ice", rushed paired with Alexander Zhulin. Also repeatedly was the guest of a TV show, such as "at night looking", "ProjectorParisHilton", "Evening Urgant" on the first channel.

In the final of the Eurovision Song Contest 2009, held in Russia, announced points that received the participants of the competition by voting viewers.

He is engaged in charity, is the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Moscow Characterization Foundation for Help Hospitage "Vera".


Ingeborgi growth check: 166 centimeters.

Personal life Ingeborgi Dappen:

The first husband - Arunas Sakalauskas, her fellow students, subsequently - the actor and TV presenter, in 2001 he starred in the band "Bi-2" on the song "My Love".

"We are friends with Ingia, and we have a long-standing agreement - do not spread about each other," Sakalauskas said.

Second husband - Simon Stokes, British theater director. They met in 1992. Officially divorced in 2009, although before this has already lived separately.

The actress had a novel with Serbian director. According to rumors, because of this, the Roman Director broke up with his wife maya. But before the wedding between Ingeborg and Emir, it did not come.

In February 2013, married for the third time for the lawyer and the restaurant Dmitry Yampolsky. He is 10 years old. In February 2018.

He has a son, whose name is Alex. For the first time, the actress, who was removed to the 55th anniversary of the actress. Blond boy ran to the set. After that, Ingeborga with a smile took him to his hands.

Alex - Son Ingeborgi Dapkunay

Filmography Ingleboragi Dapkunay:

1984 - My little wife - Auks
1985 - Electronic Grandmother - Electronic Grandmother
1985 - Zodiac - Girl
1985 - Night whispers - Inga
1986 - Chameleon - Veronica Game
1987 - Sunday Day in Adu - Ingeborg
1987 - Mysterious Heir - Asya Yerichonov
1987 - Costers - Veronica Bergs
1987 - 13th Apostle - Maria
1988 - Red Fern - Kama-Basya Zalevskaya
1988 - Autumn, Chertanovo ... - Maria Avavarina
1988 - Crossing - Kama-Basya Zalevskaya
1989 - Interdestochka - Kisulya
1989 - F Minor - Katya
1990 - Nikolay Vavilov - Natalia Karlovna Lemke
1991 - Cynic - Olga
1992 - Good Guys (The Good Guys) - Sanda
1993 - Rock False: Mrs. Lee Harvey Oswald (Fatal Deception: Mrs. Lee Harvey Oswald) - Luba
1993 - Alaska Kid - Sally
1994 - Moscow Evenings - Katya Izmailov
1994 - Tired by the Sun - Marusya
1996 - On Dangerous Earth (On Dangerous Ground) - Asta
1996 - Mission Impossible (Mission: Impossible) - Hannah Williams
1996 - Letters from the East (Letters from the East) - Maria / Mother
1997 - seven years in Tibet (Seven Years In Tibet) - Ingrid Harrer
1999 - Sunburn (Sunburn) - Karolin Kramer
1999 - Sex and Death (SEX "N" Death) - Sean
2000 - Moscow - Masha
2000 - Rostov-Dad - Elya
2000 - Shadow of the Vampire (SHADOW OF THE VAMPIRE) - Michelin
2002 - War - Margaret
2002 - Loneliness of blood - Maria
2003 - Kiss of Life (Kiss Of Life) - Helen
2003 - Chic - Asya
2004 - Winter heat (25 degrés en hiver) - Sonya
2005 - Night seller - owner's wife
2006 - on stage - faith
2007 - Hannibal: Climbing (Hannibal Rising) - Mother Hannibal Lecter
2007 - on stage - Vera Tunin
2008 - Morphy - Anna Nikolaevna
2008 - New Earth - March
2009 - farewell business (L "Affaire Farewell) - Natasha
2009 - Merchant - Margo, mother of genes
2009 - Volunteer - Lena
2009 - Katya: Military History - Maria Alekseevna Barsukova
2010 - Orange Juice - Dasha
2010 - Cadence - Lisa
2011-2014 - Heavenly Court - Morpheus
2012 - 30 beats (30 Beats) - Alice, call girl
2012 - Moscow 2017 (BRANDED) - DUKCHEK
2012 - Vallander (Wallander) - Baiba Liepa
2013 - Sherlock Holmes - Mrs Hudson
2013 - winter will not
2014 - Grigory R. - Empress Alexander Fedorovna
2014 - Smell "Moscow - Russia" - conductor
2015 - Occupied (OKKUPERT) - Irina Sidorova
2016 - The artist kills himself (Bloody Cakes) - Clarissa Stern
2017 - - Inga Veerma, Detective Division of the Murder Police Narva
2017 - Zhanna - Zhanna
2017 - Matilda - Maria Fedorovna

In the documentary film Ingeborg appeared in a completely unexpected image. She told that he had always did not like when Inga called her, but being shy shy to fix the spoken.

It was told about such famous people like Evgeny Mironov, Konstantin Ernst, Alexey Popogrebsky, Tatyana Drubich, Valery Todorovsky and John Malkovich.

"I am grateful to you for the fact that we are friends for many years and for initiating me to different projects and actions. And I like it when familiar women ask all the time: "What does she do? Why doesn't she change? Take years, and she is exactly the same! " They do not know that you are a wizard, "Konstantin Ernst told in the film.

But really, is it possible to present at least for a minute that Ingraborga is already 55! In one of the interviews, the star told his secret of "eternal youth." "My grandmother lived to 103 years without a single wrinkle. But she didn't do anything with him. One, the only advice on her was - the face must be cleaned in the morning and in the evening. And I follow him, "the actress shared.

In addition, it never sunbatches, because the active sun is dried and old the skin is constantly engaged in sports and cares for himself.

In the tape, the star demonstrated the excellent knowledge of several languages, remembered samples and shooting in many of the most famous paintings since the Interdevochki.

Especially for the film Ingeborga showed her little son Alex. At the end of the ribbon to her sitting on stage, a small blond boy is suitable, the artist takes it on his arms and leaves. There is no doubt that this child does not remain: he is a copy of his talented mother.

Son dapkin gave birth to her husband, the restaurant Dmitry Yampolsky. Their secret wedding took place five years ago in the UK.

"Honestly, we rarely collect guests at home," Dmitry admits. - Usually meetings pass in our institutions, I am a restaurant. And at home we can eat together, drink and go somewhere further, "told Dmitry in an interview with the journal" Snob ".

What do you think Alex is similar to Ingeborg?

INGEBORGA DAKUKUNE - Famous Lithuanian actress of films and theater. Daequente was born in 1963 on January 20 in Lithuania in Vilnius.

Ingeborgi's mother worked as a meteorologist, and his father was a famous diplomat. For many years, the parents of the future actress worked in Moscow, and the little Ingeborg came to them only on vacation, so she was raised and raised her grandfather and grandmother, and sometimes aunt and uncle.

The common efforts of relatives tried to do everything necessary for Ingeborgi so that it was easier for her to survive a long lack of favorite parents. From the earliest childhood, she performed in the stage in the theater. The first debut actresses occurred when she was only 4 years old - she participated in the opera stage of "Chio-Chio-San" Puccini.

Interesting creative activity and a rich personal life of Ingeborg Dapkunay. Are there any children from Lithuanian actress? The fact is that she always tried to make an excellent career, so the children practically did not think. For 20 years of acting career, Ingraborga managed to be held in many films and worked with the most famous directors.

The actress played in such famous films as "bold by the Sun", "Mission of Impossible", "Morphy" and many others. These roles glorified the actress not only in the countries of the former USSR, but also around the world, where they know and love. In his years, Ingraborga looks great, which allows it to actively engage in creativity.

In 2013, the actress was starred in the Russian fantastic film "Moscow 2017", where she again demonstrated his talent and professionalism.

Such hard work, tours and constant shooting were reflected on personal life Dappen. It is known that she had two marriage, which very quickly sued no. None of the first, nor from the second husband did not have children.

In February 2013, Ingeborg married a successful Dmitry Yampolsky restaurant, who under her for 12 years. Nowadays, let's get a few restaurants in Moscow and in St. Petersburg, he also owns some shares in a law firm. Enviable after all the bride of Ingeborg Dapkunay! The children appeared from the actress only from marriage with Yampolsky, and it's not her native siblings, but from the last marriage of her husband.

The first two marriage from the actress were with the famous creative people. The first husband Arunas Sakalauskas was a Lithuanian famous actor who was also her classmate. After the divorce with him, Ingeborga again decided to try happiness with the British director of theater Simon Stokes, but again the marriage did not hold on for a long time. They say that precisely because of the lack of children, the star couple divorced.

The misfortune and bad luck for personal life forced the actress to engage only by his career. Conquer the hearts of Lithuanians and Russians, Ingeborg decided to try to reach the top and in Hollywood. The actress very quickly noticed and offered a role in the film "Mission impossible", where she starred with Tom Cruise, who had already managed to glorify the whole world.

After this picture, Ingeborg began to come other suggestions, and soon she appeared again on world television screens in the "Seven years in Tibet" painting, where she was lucky to play together with the famous Brad Pitt.

In this film, Ingraborg offered one of the main roles, so the actress very quickly became famous for the whole world. After conquering Hollywood, in 2004, I participated in the shooting of the French-Russian film "Winter heat", where she fell out the opportunity to get acquainted with the director Stefan Vuye, famous for the whole world.

Conquer the cinema, the actress began for television. In 2005, she was offered to become a TV presenter popular to the whole world of the "Big Brother" show, which went out on Russian TV channel TNT.

For two months, the actress and viewers watched the life of participants behind the glass. Next year, an interesting and bright couple Alexander Zhulin also appeared in the TV show "Stars on Ice" and Actress Ingeborg Self. Personal life, children and history of the actress even more interested in her fans, but the star itself very little accentuated on this attention.

In 2008, she once again lit up on television screens, namely on the first channel - as a guest of a popular comedic transfer "ProjectorParisHilton". A year later, she appeared on Eurovision, where the participants' points covered, and in the same year divorced her second husband.

At about the same time, the Lithuanian actress broke the family of Emir Kusturians, who for the sake of Ingeborgi, let's leave the wife of Maya and two children - daughter of the Dunya and the Son of Stryor. Roman Ingeborgi and Emir started at one of the film festivals and lasted several years, but before the wedding did not come. Although the star couple very often thought about it.

Having made an excellent career, the actress became more and more likely to think about his personal life and actively began to build female happiness. This time, the Lithuanian star decided to come to this issue very seriously and look for a man who was not related to her genus classes.

The young 38-year-old Dmitry Yampolsky has long noticed the actress, so their romance has become very quick and began to actively develop. Soon, they decided to give their official relations and quickly played a wedding. Now Ingeborga acquired not only a loving man and family, but also began to educate the adoptive child. Daughter Ingeborgi Dappen now feels the happiest, because she finally gained a real family!

Despite their age, let me not deny that in the future she will finally get on their child and dedicate life only to him. The actress hopes that this is her last marriage, which will make her the happiest woman around the world.

Ingeborga Dapkunaite (Eng. Ingeborga Dapkunaite) was born in a small town called Vilnius. While she was very small, her parents lived and worked hard in the Russian capital, the diplomat in the profession, and Mom is a meteorologist. All childhood, Dapture lived with relatives, coming to Moscow infrequently, mainly for the summer.

  • Real Name: Ingeborg Edmundovna Dappen
  • Date of birth: 01/20/1963
  • Zodiac sign: Capricorn
  • Height: 166 centimeters
  • Weight: 52 kilograms
  • Waist and thighs: 63 and 85 centimeters
  • Shoe size: 37 (EUR)
  • Eye and hair color: gray-green, blond.

The creative biography of young dating began for another 4 years thanks to Grandma. The fact is that native uncle, aunt and, of course, the future stars worked in the theater. They were that they influenced the choice of the girl. Her debut became a small role in the opera performance of "Chio-Chio-San", and after it many theatrical proposals were sprinkled. In addition to art, the future actress INGEBORGA DAKUNEY very much loved to skate and basketball, but these hobbies did not influence the firm decision to devote all their lives to acting skills. In high school them. Solomey Neris, remember about it, as a modest and shy girl - the future world famous theater and cinema.

After receiving school education, the girl successfully entered the conservatory. She, like many peers, did not like her own appearance, but the only thing she was sure - this is in her talent, developing exclusively with the help of hard work, patience and desire to go forward.

Then she was accepted in the Kaunas Drama Theater. In parallel, she participated in many opera performances of Vilnius and youth Lithuanian theaters.

In this difficult period of time, the personal life of Ingeborgi, they already boiled in the whole. While studying, she managed to marry the leading television projects of Arunas Sakalauskas and divorce him. Friend and partner in the scene John Malkovic invited it to London, try to present the "Speech Error". And on the first day of rehearsal, the fate brought her to the director Simon Stokes, who in the consequence became its second legitimate husband. And the divorce of them fell for 2009. But for a long time Inga, there is no one and after 4 years the third time married Dmitry Yampolsky, a lawyer for profession and part-time successful restaurant. Now Actress is 55 years old and she has a favorite career, nationwide glory, loving husband and son (born 2017).

Theatrical work

Official Theater Career Actress Ingeborgi Dapkunayte began in 1985. She had the main roles in many famous performances, for example, in the "Seagull", "King Lire" and "Carmen".

For many years, a talented person will work in England. And a little later, she will go to Chicago at the invitation. In that theater, its most successful work, according to the public, was part in a provocative submission with the scandalous name "Monologues of Vagina". Surprisingly, but there was no hint of vulgarity, rather, it was an emotionally heavy monologue.

Ingeborgi Dapkunaye filmography

Back in the student years, Inga received the first stellar role in the film "My Little Wife." She got the role of a fun and loose girl, which grateful viewers still remember.

But the real fame of the girl gave the role in the famous film from the incredibly talented director of the Todorovsky Interdevechka. There she played a prostitute with a gentle nicknamed Kisulya. Since then, she has become recognized on the streets, calling Ingeborgu to "interdevochka". The next, no less important filmmaker was "Cynika", there it was a decadent of Olga. After a couple of years, the young actress will receive the first prize - the Golden Aries Prize. After some time, she again participates in the new Kinolent of Todorovsky "Moscow Region" in the role of Catherine.

Thanks to his heroine Marus, from the film "Burnt by the Sun" from the director N. Mikhalkov, beauty Inga is becoming even more famous and demanded in the world and cinema. Large work and the immense talent of the Baltic Actress Ingeborgi Daptay in this picture attracted the views of many directorists of abroad, inviting her to play in their paintings. In the movie School "Seven Years in Tibet" Ingeborg, Dapkunaytely played with the star Hollywood delirium Pit, and with Tom Cruise starred in the film "Mission Impossible".

On the whole, the roles of women who get a talented artist combine at the same time kindness and hardness, mystery and sadness, beauty and intelligence. Easy special Baltic accent and the unique execution of each role gives actress special privileges on all castings.

Life artist now

Ingeborg Dappeat now devotes itself, mostly Russian cinema. In addition, it is a member of the Moscow Fund of Assistance with the promising name "Vera".

Not so long ago, the Moscow School of Activities, Outdoor Diva, was the last and most important project of the Lithuanian Diva after the courses have passed. The key task of this school is to give the opportunity to learn young people of the desired creative profession. The director will be the Ingeborg itself, Robert McKa and John Malkovich will also work there. The educational institutions of the educational institution will be well-known actors of Russian and foreign movies. And after learning to all students, good work will be proposed on the profile.

In parallel with the development of own projects, Lithuanian actress Ingeborg Dapkunayte continues to take part in a variety of television programs. For many years, she drank in Russian cinema that many viewers now hardly believe that she is not local.