Siberia 3 Passing the dam. How to get out of the hospital chamber? Passion to the city

Siberia 3 Passing the dam. How to get out of the hospital chamber? Passion to the city

Schrödinger game: she should not have been, but how did they wait for her!

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Zoe Castillo lay in coma eight years. And then woke up and, full of strength, went to save so different worlds Dreamfall . Kate Walker conducted in forgetting as many as ten years, and so she opened his eyes. For Zoe, the best doctors followed, Kate also led to the feeling of northern shamans and conformals from the Siberian Psychiatrics. Will the former employee of the New York Law Office be proved to prove that we were not in vain waiting for her return?

Do not return to the past beloved

Sometimes stories ends so wonderful that it never comes to demand to continue. The image of a cute and timid Kate Walker, with tears in the eyes of a faithful herd of Mammoths and a dying Hans's dreamer, is stored in a hidden corner of the heart of every amateur classic quests. That is why the announcement of the continuation caused mixed feelings: a joyful expectation of a new adventure and inappropriate "Why?".

Hello, harsh Siberian simply ... Oh yeah, Kate can now be considered near.

"There are no old beloved in the world. There are duplicates, "said Andrei Voznesensky. And something was right. Warring from ten-year fainting Kate Walker To begin with, she lost one letter and in Russian localization turned into a walker. Of course, it is grammatically correct, but the associations with the Texas Ranger initially knock out of the rut.

Like a new pronunciation of Hans's surname: the emphasis in Foralberg now falls on the last syllable. Well, the leadership in the list of oddities captured the poverty of the Oscar's poverty chatting on her neck. It looks completely different, as in the second part, and the moment of extracting the organ from a good robot passed by us.

Be that as it may, Kate Walker (or Kate Woke, as her funny YuCola cliches) rises from a state hospital bed. So, we are waiting for new tests!

All for the owners of consoles

Over the past years, the genre of classic quests Point'n'Click, hotly beloved owners not the most powerful computers, seriously modified. Quests turned into adventures and moved to the console. In their footsteps obediently swept and Syberia 3..

And somehow it happened that stored loyalty and genre, and the platform was overboard: those who try to manage the Kate with the help of a mouse and keyboard, the game will seem the polar port of the console version. The space got the volume, but from the camera, the handcuffs were not removed, and when driving it sometimes selects clumsy aluminum. At a fixed viewing point, it is not easy to spend Kate on a cluttered territory - the poor girl is constantly crashed into the shoals and stumbles about each bump.

The main riddle of the game: Why is the owl square?

Not at all by chance, the developers warn from the very first screens: do not suffer, take the gamepad. And even better, moving finally on the console! Although there is their difficulties. Let's say, choose with stips from the accumulation of active points. The only necessary one is another task.

But the console version will definitely start correctly, will not display a "black screen", will not slow down on any settings and will not make another departure to replay a piece of game anew. Manual preservations are not provided, as well as the ability to skip the dialogs, so if you started playing - it is better not to distract.

Welcome to Russia?

But it is not all that bad.

This time we will not be sent to the Trans-European Tour. The new pilgrimage of Kate will be held by Siberia's open ten years ago. Rather, Siberia, because from the Russian land, Syberia 3 has the same as common as Provence with Province.

Snow-covered expanses of Siberia look quite taiga. But the quiet town of Walsembar clearly moved from somewhere from Europe. But at the same time, on his streets rust "Zhiguli", the suspicious type suggested to buy a "alcohol" and cigarettes on the cheap, and the first city dweller appears in the board with drunk captain. Yucola's northern tribe lives in yurts that are attached to the backs of snow ostrichs, and the current embodiment of Chernobyl is more like NUKA-WORLD from Fallout. .

Meet the provincial town in the Siberian Wilderness, with a pure Russian name Valsemb.

Residents of Wallisbor are protesting against the visit of nomads Yucov. Also, somehow not in Russian.

The game on ancient tradition shamelessly uses stamps about exotic Totalitarian Russia. Here you and the conspiracy of doctors, and the oppression of national minorities, and the authorities, stubbornly lose something hiding, and socialist propaganda. Sometimes the game is dangerous as the caricature. This contributes to the extended appearance of characters, which is particularly distinguished against a more realistic environment.

But wherever we entered along with the restless Kate, all places will be very, very "Socalv." Accurate recognizable parts in them are still tightly intertwined with bold fiction. All other things, locations are literally impregnated with a depleting sense of an elusive time.

Fantastic snowstores are one of the most wonderful faiths in the game.

For fabulously beautiful backgrounds, the third part is not rich, unlike predecessors. In the surround world, it is difficult to choose a jewelry-verified composite view, and the wonderful published textures under the clue can turn into a dirty cloth. But as a compensation, we sometimes allow to include panoramic review: the camera will fly away the terrain, showing what did not fall in sight.

It seems that the Skype conversation was not set!

The world has become much more alive, and not only thanks to a huge number of people everywhere: it is hardly possible to talk with each connoisseurs and sometimes even hear something corresponding to the situation! Part of "decorative" characters is still worth a post or sits, staring into the void. But enough and those who wander and trying to interact with objects or location neighbors.

They do not claiming to work in the same costumes and with the same hairstyles. Well, it happens.

And in the dialogues, Kate appeared options for answers. In some cases, we can even listen to her reflections on those or other replicas. However, with a linear plot, any choice is only a sweet illusion.

The spy dismissed the counterparty

Hardly someone becomes or not It will be playing Syberia 3 only because of the textures and animation. Real fans of cult "Siberia" much more interested in the plot and quests! But we told about the plot of the plot in preliminary materials, still a chamber, and spoilers will go. So limit ourselves to the word "exciting." But about the tasks it is worth talking in more detail!

Classic Retroquest: To slap printing manually can not be done, you must certainly configure the printing machine.

The main thing that has changed over the past years is: Kate has crushed. Now she does not pull into the inventory, everything that sees, with the calculation on "perhaps". The game acquired triggers: to take a knife, you must first find out what it is necessary. Namely: to talk with a neighbor on the ward, inspect the box, carefully inspect the box, talk again with a neighbor ... UV, can now be torn to the table, catching the desired hot spot!

Modified inventory. The most inconvenient thing in it is that it opens with one button, but another closes.

The moderate logical of the task is preserved: most puzzles can be passed without tips, if you do not rush and think. But there are exceptions. Say, take a medicine three hours before dinner - is it how much? The situation is aggravated by the fact that in Russian translation "dinner" for some reason replaced by "dinner", and before the heap of "dying", it is commented by Kate's actions, but not a word about where his pills are stored.

You are playing Kate Walker, a lawyer girl from New Yoka. She arrived in the town of Valadilene to sign a contract for the sale of the mechanical factory Anna Foralberg Concern for the production of toys. When Kate arrives in the city, she meets the sight of strange funerals: in the rain, the tired horse drags a huge catatball, robots step ahead and back in his leg, heads the procession a mechanical drummer. Mourning procession is hidden behind the gate of the cemetery church. Kate goes to the hotel. As soon as the heroine enters the hall, the control goes to the playing. Let's reveal all the secrets of the game on a computer, telephone and tablet both android and iOS (iPhone and iPod). The screenshots of the game in complex places are attached.

Management in Siberia game on a computer

Click the left mouse button, pointing where Kate moves. Usually the cursor has a kind of ring. In place of the screen, where there is a passage to other locations, the ring is highlighted. Double-clicking mouse letters kate running.
Survey the screen with the mouse cursor. Where he changes the view, there you can apply some action. The left mouse button is also used for action.
If the cursor took the type of magnifier, you can consider the object close-up, or chat with the NPC, click on the left mouse button on which the conversation starts.
If the cursor has turned into a hand, the item can be taken. If he became like a pitchfork, you need to click on this place or apply a thing from the inventory.
The inventory appears when you press the ESC button on the keyboard or click right-click. The luggage is divided into two parts: in one stored media stored - notes, faxes, newspaper clippings, books, to the other are quest things - adjustable keys, screwdrivers, fuels ... For the transition between them, serve at the top of the arrow. The word "MENU" upstairs is an output to the main game menu. For complex actions, first select the desired item from the inventory - it will appear in the frame at the bottom of the screen, - and then click the right place to apply it.
Kate has a telephone. If you need to call, select from the subscribers or type the number as on the usual mobile phone. Often, a further passage of the game depends on one phone call.
When, when you hover on the figure of a person there is a sign "Magnifier", click the mouse, and Kate enters the dialogue. Kate chooses the topic from the notepad, after which the exchange of replicas is automatically. The most useful - the words task and help. Usually they allow you to get the necessary information from the interlocutor. Get ready for sometimes to solve the problem with the same character have to speak several times.

Office in Siberia game on tablet or phone (Android, iOS)

In the lower right corner of the screen, the square is inventory. It has a telephone. Eye click to read the contents of the records found in the inventory. Inventory has access to the menu.
TAP on Earth - Move.
Circle with an arrow - a transition to another window, to another location.
Mupa - Consider the subject.
Hand - take the item or use it.
The game is saved automatically (the disk icon in the lower left corner lights up). To continue, when you turn on the game on your android, click Next.

If you do not have the right point of dialogue, it means that you did not talk to someone from the characters. Talk with heroes on all possible topics!

Full passage of the game Siberia

Hotel in Valadilene

Passage in the notary office

Passage at Foralberg Factory

Cave with Mammont.

Passage in church

Running the mechanisms in the factory

How to fix Oscar

Train passage

Passage of Barrokstadt University

We are looking for berries Sauvignon

  1. We pass 1 screen. Before you, the staircase in the lecture audience, but Kate is not necessary there. Turn into the left wing (where the skeleton is moose).

  2. The first door on your way is the library. Sign in. On the top floor, climb the stairs upstairs and take a book that stands on the shelf inverted. This is the determinant of mushrooms. We remember the name of Yangala-Cola - mushroom, which improves eyesight.
  3. Below, on the reading tables, take a book in blue binding.

    After reading it, Kate will find out all about Amerzon curties and that Barrokstadt's greenhouse has a planting of the Sauvignon plants beloved by these birds. We leave the library.
  4. We continue the way to the door at the end of the left wing, this is a rectorate.
  5. Sign in. Talk to three rectors. In conversation, be sure to touch on the topics of money and Sauvignon. Rectors will agree to give Kate money for repairing a music machine before entering the university.
  6. Get out of the rectors.
  7. Go to another wing of the corridor, until you get across the professor of Ponce, looking at the skeleton of the fossil animal. Talk to him about Hans and Plant Sauvignon. Return to the station to the caretaker. On the way Kate will call the chef.
  8. We also talk about Sauvignon too. The conversation is interrupted.
  9. We go to the bridge with the development, and there to the outlet from Perron to face it again with the caretaker. We make another attempt to ask him about Sauvignon grapes. The caretaker sends Kate back to Professor Prasu.
  10. Go to the train and take the figure of Mammoth, the professor was interested in them.
  11. Go to Professor. Show him mammoth. The professor is happy to see this artifact, he asks Kate to lend her to study and promises to invite a girl to his lecture on Yukola, then opens the door of his laboratory, which is in the end of the right corridor. Go behind him.
  12. In the closet to the left of the entrance, take the musical cylinder. Then in the front of the laboratory, raise from the window and standing there a bottle with an extract of Yangala-Cola.

  13. Ask Professor about Savignon again.
  14. Back to the rectorate again. List about the same berries. The rector is recognized that the Sauvignon berries are grown in the greenhouse and make wine, but all this is hidden, since the publicity can damage the university's reputation.
  15. Return to the train station with information about berries. Talk about them again with the station's head. Realizing that all the secrets are already disclosed, he agrees to open the entrance to the greenhouse for Kate.
  16. Go behind him on the far side of the bridge left and then on the curved alleok. Go out into the open door.

  17. Go to the left to the stewed bushes in red berries. This is Sauvignon. Cut the berries.
  18. Return to the bridge, but do not rise to it, but go to the right platform. Go before the place where there are several Amerzon cuckos under the stairs upstairs.

  19. Throw them berries.

I read the musical mechanism

Passage of gateways and departure

Customs passage

The passage of Komsomolsk

  1. Get out of the train and go to the right to a huge iron figure at the end of the station. Oscar will stop on the way, but help refuses.
  2. Go to the metal staircase on the foot of the figure.
  3. Take up to top, in the control cabin.

  4. Raise 3 items from the shelves: the drawing of the giant, the fourth musical roller and the handle from the giant control panel. In the drawing, it is clear that in the leg of the figure is hidden by the starting mechanism.

  5. Take a look at the console to the right of the bed. Insert the handle to the central slot. Slide her up and iron man will go towards the train. Driving a little, he will stop.
  6. Move the lever up the second time, he will go back and stop opposite the train head.
  7. Press the red button on the remote control at the top on the right, and the giant will lead the train.

  8. Press the lever twice down to roll back the piece of iron back. Get out of the cab and descend to the peer. Watch the video like a man in Krasnoy ran out of the train and disappeared.
  9. Go to the car. Stop the phonograph and listen to a new musical cylinder, which tells about the work of Hans on the Russians.
  10. Go on the car and find the connected Oscar. He stole his hands. You need to return them.
  11. Next to the Oscar on the floor laying nippers (ticks), lift them.

  12. The station is closed, we are looking for another way. Again rising into the giant management cabin. Rug lever up once. The giant will move slightly. Go to the stairs, jump over the train station to the visor.
  13. Floors to ride the hole in the iron wall.
  14. Head in a hole. Go forward. Inspect the cabinet on the left. Take a spark plug from the shelf.

  15. Go back. Return to the giant cockpit. Press the lever down 1 time. Go down to Perron.
  16. Go to the opposite edge of the platform.
  17. Take the lever near the boxes. The cabin will arrive. Get into it and she will take you up. Call den, but the conversation will not work out.
  18. Left will find a generator. Insert the ignition candle into the central slot. Dry the lever, light lights everywhere.

  19. Boldly, head forward - deep into the mines. Through four screens, the tunnel will end with another elevator. Sit down in it and go upstairs. We arrived.

  20. See a large door to the left, under the non-working monitor. Near the wall lever, pull it. The door will move away. This is a passage to Perron. But we still do not need there. It will come in handy.
  21. Go to the right. Climb the stairs up. A mechanical pianist sits in front of the body, inspect it. Take a screwdriver. Go down.
  22. Go down the screen and go down the metal door again. Turn left. See the ladder up and the shield on the bolts, with an uninfeced inscription. Unscrew them with a screwdriver.

  23. Close up and enter the waveleau left. It sits a kidnapper of hands and at the same time director of the abandoned plant Sergey Borodin. Talk to him by choosing the topic of the task. The director took his hands to end the mechanical musician and arrange a concert in honor of the idol - Russian singer Elena Romanskaya. And while Kate will not lead here Elena, he will not give the Oscar's hands.
  24. Go on the ladder down, and enter the Elena Museum hanging on the chains. Go on 2 shields, until on the left you will see the table with the extended box. Pull out an album from him with notes about the singer and letters.

  25. After reading the notes, you will see the name of Frank Malkovich. Maybe he knows where Elena is now. Call mom (Scroll the list of numbers until you find the right one). We learn that the singer is most likely to the resort of Aralbad.
  26. Return to the director. On the way will call den.
  27. We speak with the director on the topic Task and Aralbad. He will tell you to get to Aralbad can help a drunkard from a cosmodrome if there is a sober. Monorail walks on the cosmodrome. The director will include it when Kate will be inside.
  28. We leave from the office and go into the elevator cabin next to the right. This is Monorails. Kate rides on the cosmodrome.

Passage on cosmodrome

  1. Move right and down. Then away.

    On the way I am answering the call from Olivia, it seems she is sticking to Dena.
  2. We click on the steps on the left.
  3. We go to the right by the rocket accelerator.
  4. Close the short ladder.
  5. We go to the space capsule. We speak with the former cosmonaut Boris Shatrov.
  6. A bottle of vodka is lying on the floor, raise. Drunk man rushes and, going to look for a snack, falls into the trolley. Need to sober it.
  7. Return to the capsule. Go through 1 screen down. On the shelves on the wall on the left, take the paper (medium shelf) and the key (lower).

  8. Exit the capsule. Get down the ramp on the short ladder. To the right of the fence will see a wave with flywheel (ventel) in the form of a wheel. Screw it. Hear the murmur of water.

  9. Go to the control panel standing near the screen. Turn on it found on the shelf key.
  10. Slide the lower horizontal lever to the left and the trolley with the body will move to the left. Press the extreme left vertical lever up and the trolley will move under the pipe.

  11. Derct up the vertical lever with drawn by the bent arrows and water is spoiled on the astronaut. Alkash rubs. You can talk to him, and can not talk yet.
  12. From Alkaus step right. Then by a round design to the right to fortified between the four farms of the metal staircase.

  13. Close to the airship, around which birds fly. But to go there, you need a key. Return to Boris Tolerov.
  14. Get the dialogue with him on the themes of the airship and birds. He will give you the key.
  15. Go again on the airship. Inside, drove the lever near the autopilot. He does not work.
  16. You again need to astronaut. It changed the deployment. Go down the ladder under the round design and now go to the left. He is there. Talk. Boris will ask Kate to help him rise to the sky in exchange for help with the launch of the airship.
  17. Close up in steps. Enter the command clause of the command item.
  18. Inspect the control panel on the right. Left next to the remote control lies a cruciform key. Take it and insert the panel into the slot.
  19. Then slide the cap to the right below the panel, you will see the torn wires. Connect wires.
  20. Turn on the device by pressing the lever over the wires to the "Up" position. The screen will light up with green light.

  21. Remove the hemoanalyzer panel, take into the inventory. Probably, we need cosmonaut blood to launch a centrifuge. Leave the cut and go down.
  22. Use the hemoanalyzer on the astronaut to take blood.
  23. Close to the control cutting and insert the hemoanalyzer with blood into the hole in the panel, from where you were taken out before.
  24. Not a button sequence, click: 1 - button with arrows up-down. Light bulb lights on the panel. The capsule outside the window will rise. 2 - Press the button with the syringe. The analyzer will say that in the blood is the increased content of alcohol.

  25. Touch the needle of the hemoanalyzer to dilute the blood of the ball's ball.
  26. Press the syringe button again and the corresponding light bulb will light up.
  27. The third button with two circular arrows will spin the capsule with the astronaut and delivers it to the lift of the spacecraft.
  28. The last button (with a triangle) will send Boris to the sky. The "Start start" will write on the screen. Before the departure, he will say something about the airship and throws something to the ground.
  29. Go down. Under the empty launcher, go on the ground and find the crankshaft thrown by the astronaut.
  30. Go down past the cosmonaut capsule and right to rocket accelerators. For them, look for them barely seen a metal staircase. Close up.

  31. Go deep into the screen to the cage with the hawk. Near her mechanism. Apply the crankshaft on it. The hawk will fly to the will and turn away the birds that prevent the racing of the airship.
  32. Return to the airship. Pull the lever next to the pilot and watch the Kate flight in Aralbad.

Passage of Aralbad

How to make a cocktail

Passage of escape from Komsomolsk

Passage of return to Aralbad

If you liked the game and her passage was interesting and exciting, play in the second part of this unforgettable adventure, where, together with Hans Kate, will be burned by train in search of Siberia.

Soon we will find out that the will of the fate of us together with the whole ferry of YuCov was listed in the Baranur infected with radiation. It is necessary to check if everything is bad with the level of radiation. To do this, go to the captain's bridge and pick up the key there, which once personally manufactured in Steiner's workshop. Return to the ship's nose. You need this device.

Insert the key into the hole (1) and pull the lever. Then open the lid (2) and take points through which you can see radiation (for a patent for this invention would be fighting all the world's corporations). Owing glasses, Kate will make sure that there is no infection, and you can safely go ashore. Here you immediately make the beginning of the receipt of the emergency mode. To do this, descend from the "crystal" along the ladder, and then go ashore on the board and head to the right, to the entrance to the park.

Do not go to the gate yet, and examine a wooden waggered to the left of them. Raising her on the stairs, you will find a telescopic rod. Return to the entrance to the ferry. Apply the rod on the top of the pillar with hanging wires (to start a pillar you need to explore). Nearby is a friendly YuzC Burut, he will agree to help connect the wires to the ferry generator. Go down to the machine compartment to the ledmed control panel, where you turned off the engine during the attack of squid. Turn on the engine and leave the ferry. Electricity is restored, even though the boom and slightly dug.

Return to the park gate and inspect the machine gun sitting on the bench. No, just to return the Oscar you will not come out, for this, at least a special key is needed, which Kate has not yet. Now, through the big gate, go to the park.

At the entrance immediately turn right and go to the door there. On the table near the door there is a box of our old friend Hans, but there is no key from it yet. In the center of the room on the table there is a box - take things in it and take the gear. Above the table hangs the park with marks. Examine it.

While it is difficult to understand anything, but just in case, remember that the point on the map, designated by the Roman triple, is somehow connected with the numbers 15 and 25. From the table, go left and find the second door. Going out on the other side of the building, head to the right side of the screen to the lying clutch cars. Inspect the coupling and interact with it - the wagons will fall and clean the path. Go on to the right and read the transport with a machine-sitting in it. Inspect the towing cable - Kate will come to the conclusion that this small car will help towed a huge steam to land. A bold statement, but it is not worth arguing with the heroine. Now you need to do the driver. Kate will reset it to Earth, and after examining the cabin, will come to the conclusion that a serviceable mechanical person is needed for the car. Take the key from the hand of the fallen automation system (from the Foralberg Box) and go back to it. From the casket Kate will take a cruciform key of Foralberg and a wrench. Go to the entrance to the park and again inspect the dump machine on the bench. Open the cover on its chest (turn it up) and beat it down. Remove the non-working heart, put the heart of the Oscar in its place.

On the top of the heart there are two valves, they must be opened. The left opens with the clamping of the LKM and the subsequent rotation counterclockwise, the right accordingly needs to be opened clockwise. In the open valves you need to insert wires (1) and (2). Correctly inserted wire will remain in place and will not fall out. Now apply the wrench on the bolt Hat (3) and scroll it. We have no key for the opening hole, so the meeting with the old friend will have to postpone. Return to the park. From the subsequent catzen, we learn that not only broken automatons live in the park. From the gate, go straight, past the rotating carousel. For the geflest statue, turn left and go around the rusty red rocket.

Becamus is behind the rocket. Take a metal rod from under the bench and go back to the exit from the park. Standing face to exit, turn right and climb the stairs. At the platform with a broken trolley, pick up and read the crumpled note. Now the numbers from the poster have become slightly clearer - these are the calculations of the speed to stop the trolleys at certain points. Sitty in the rails standing on the rails. Shoot the cursor to the right side of the screen and inspect the right seat. Take the second metal rod and inspect the dashboard.

Scroll through the handle (1) so that the arrow on the dial (2) indicated to 50. Now insert the rods opposite the numbers 15 and 25 and lower the lever (3). Enjoy the trip. After the first stop, pull the rod opposite the numbers 25. In the second stop do not touch anything - here you need to get out of the trolley. Go down to the hatch, then go along the stairs and go ahead along the wagons. One of them is open, go inside. Look at the car and find the photo album on the table. Scroll to the end and get acquainted with the touching history of the album hostess. Get out of the car - you will immediately come across angry Catherine. Apologize and appear, and then talk about the beauty contest. Achievement "I am a legend" yours. Conversation with Catherine will bring you two useful things - an activation key for automatons and information that there is no radiation in the subway. It seems that migration should be continued through the subway. Return to the trolley and pull out the second rod. You will return to the park. Go to the machine on the bench and apply the key to the cruciform hole that has revealed the last. Hi, Oscar.

Our friend as always charming and stopping - he refuses to go somewhere without clothes. It remains to appeal to the only inhabitant of the park - Catherine. Go to the park and head straight, past the fountain and attractions. Go to a small metal door.

Behind the door you find out that YuCola worked out well above the bombing, but the work is not yet completed. Go further and go to Catherine into the car. There you will find culturally declared YuCov (they listen to the soap opera on the radio). Return the hostess key, then ask clothes. The resulting key apply to the cabinet in the left part of the car. You don't have to choose clothes yourself - Oscar will overcome the timidity and will come to the closet itself. Returning from the subway, be sure to talk to standing near the yard. To dissuade him to listen to the radio, get the achievement of "brains is enough."

Go to towing transport from which you dumped automaton and talk to Oscar. Get a killer "emergency mode". Yuzola put the board on the pier, go through them to the ferry and inspect the mooring ropes.

Ask standing near Yukolaov to bind the ropes to the tow. Return to the Oscar and let the forward command. As usual, it will not work from the first time. Inspect the back of the transport and apply the Foralberg wrench to the nut. Scroll until you stop the key, then the handle. Give the Oscar to the command to move forward.

Go to the place from which trolleys have encountered, and look at the ferris wheel. Hmm, and this is a good idea! Talk to the yukola sieved to the wheel, they will be tightly tied a cable to the attraction. Go around the wheel on the right and climb the stairs. Install the gear on the bar on the right and activate the lever next to, then press the red button on the remote control. Now the ferry on land, and on the wheel already exactly no one rides. Go to the ferry. After communicating with Yukola, go along the ferry to the feed and activate the lever opening the hold. Ostrichs are free, you can go down in the subway.

Olesya Klimchuk

Preparation for sailing: water

After communicating with the captain, you will receive a new task - to fill the tanks with water. Climb the ship and next to the lid of the trim, through which the coal poured, find the hose. First you need to use the red lever, and then connect the hose and fasten it. Go down, climb the water tower and activate the water supply. It is done!

Preparation for sailing: duplicate key

Take again with the captain of the steering wheel. He will say that he has lost the key. Sketch in the Steiner's workshop, but the masters will not be here. But his granddaughter will give you handle. Go down to the basement and inspect the "crystal" model. Insert the handle into the hole on the side and turn to omit the protective screen. Click on the Side button to turn on the light. Examine the ship. You need to read the inscription on the plate to allocate important numbers. They will use you. Now read the vehicle wheel. You need to set up certain values. If you select the correct value, then the anchor drops down a bit. If wrong, the anchor will rise up. The sequence will be as follows: 30, 80, 60, 90.

Pull the key to the desired anchor and get the key from the layout. This key is though duplicate, but miniature. That is, you need to make a larger model.

Go to the table to the left and not far from the place where the prosthesis was, find the device for the manufacture of keys. Boot Find in the metal box from below. Insert the workpiece into the right compartment of the device. Insert the key to the left compartment and must be hosted with the lever. Place 200% as size. You need such a key. Run the device by pressing the button on the right side. Click the key from the "crystal", Take it to the captain of the cutting and insert it into the hole to the left of the steering wheel.

Preparation for sailing: opening port locks

And that is not all! Now you need to get permission to open port locks. Run to Steiner's workshop and follow it. Climb the steps and go to the right, on the square at the Town Hall. Lift to the mayor and talk to him. Be sure to give you a permission to open the port gate. Tell him to what it will be better for the inhabitants of the Vallisbor, who are tired of YuCola.

Mayor of Wallisbor.

Return to the captain of both say that permission is obtained. But here the locks will have to open manually. Leaving the ferry, go to his stern, where you first appeared on locations, and follow the left. Move until the end until the captain wallpaper is not found near the lighthouse. Go through the door near it and remove the right from the hangers diving suit. Just below, with the floor, pick empty oxygen cylinders. In the left long part of diving helmet. But it is not all - the cylinders must be filled. On the left there is a corresponding device. First, inspect it the left part - the electric shield. Set the pressure on the 180 bar, and then click on the green button. At the right side, attach the cylinders and turn two levers in turn. Take away the cylinders with oxygen and click on the room in the corner so that Kate can change.

Immersion under water

After that, Kate Walker will be under water. Go to the right and see the first castle. Select from the ground great gear. Inspect the castle and select two more from the ground - the usual and speed gear. To the right of the castle, on the bottom lying square key. Taking it, go to the right, because this lock is not yet open.

Reaching the second lock, apply the square key to the hole and turn it. Open the door and turn the red valve until you stop. Lower the lever to open the first part of the port gate. Go towards the bottom of the screen and turn left, through the open gate. Find a broken boat and pick up next to it chain.

Run to the first lock and install the gears and chain as follows: put a large gear on the left pieces, the pin below is a speed, on the pin above - the usual one. Chain Apply to the active point to the left of the valve. Turn the valve until you stop and lower the lever. The port gate is open!

Salvation Kurka

Talk to about and find yourself in the Yukolaov camp. Job with Shaman to tell about the ferry. Go back to Valsembar and talk with Sarah. So tells that her grandfather still has not returned. You need to visit the hospital and save Steiner and Jurik.

To begin with, move to the Steiner's workshop. Pass on it and you will see the steps leading up to the square at the Town Hall. Left from them there is an open passage. Go there and pull them under the wedge wagon. Select one more - in total you will have three wedges - Two big and one small.

Climb the steps leading to the square, but do not go to the right. Go forward immediately, as rose to find the funicular. More precisely, the funicular himself will not be here - you need to call it. Examine the wooden door and inspect its lower part. Here will be a puzzle. Insert a small wedge on the right. After that, there is a large wedge next to him. Having pulled out a small wedge, insert it to the left. Then you can and will need to insert the second large wedge next to it. Pull out a small wedge and insert it from above on a big wedge on the right. The door will collapse.

Passing into the room, go down the screen and find the electric shield on the wall on the right. Opening it, pull the chop to turn on the light.

Having done it, pull the lever on the control panel ahead. Enter the funicular and launch it to return to the hospital.

Enter the hospital inside, but you will see a soldier and colonel ahead. Return out and go the helicopter on the left. Go inside and from the drawer at the far end radio. Again, go to the hospital and apply the width on the colonel. Tell me that you need to meet (Kate will pretend Efimova).

Conversation with Steiner and Jaming.

Go to the Cabinet of Zamytina and talk to him and Steiner. Move into the Efimova room and you will see a jacket chained to the chair. Inspect the chair. Turn the screen to see the back. Remove the cover on the back and see the mechanism. Try to pull the wire and see that the pendulum stops. It is necessary to fix it with something. And walking far away. Under the right hand, the juro (for you on the left) hangs the stand with the leaf. On the corner of the leaf clip - Take it and apply to the mechanism of the chair. The pendulum will stop.

Ayavska handed you a flask - there is a potion in it, which is needed by a juro. Inspect the syringe over the guy's hand, move the needle to merge the medicine, and then return it to the place. Now move the top of the syringe and pour the potion from the flask in the inventory into it. Talking with the curcken, you will need to save the guy. To do this, you need to enter a password on the panel under your left hand. But what? Exit approximation and go to the table on the left. Find a note. After reading it, you will understand that Olga deliberately rejected the part where the password is specified. Take off the table statue Olga And hit it on the dial screen. So you will break the mechanism and free the smoke.

Battle with Monster Water

After a long cat-scene, you will find yourself on the lake. First, the ship will face ice floes. You need to turn on ice. Go down to the machine compartment and go to the right. Climb on the steps and find the remote control of the ice-leather. The device is specific, as well as its launch. But if you know how to do everything right, then you will figure it out without any problems.

So, first click on the red button on the right up to start the icefall. Turn the red valve to the drive connects to the rest of the device. You will see that the lever right raised and became active.

Now you need to act quickly. Lower the lever to the right. The pressure will begin to grow, what does the moving arrow indicate on the scale. You need to quickly switch the transfer in the following order - the first, third, second. If you do not have time, the device will stall. We'll have to repeat everything first - the red button, the lever down and transmission. From the first time it may not work, but you will handle.

The next stage is a huge octopus that attacks the "Crystal" you will need to break the searchlights on the deck. Their total of six pieces. Two are at the right side, two - at the left, one - on the stern, one - in the nose. First, go to the right side and find the box on the corner of the building, which rests scrap. With it, you can break the searchlights.

Lower the nearest spotlight with the help of handles and break it with scrap. Complete to the second projector on the right side, but it breaks the octopus. Go to the nasal part, lower the only spotlight with the lever and break it with scrap.

One of the spotlights from the left side to break the same. The other will not be lowered, so you move the box to it, take it on it and scatter.

Try to approach the spot on the stern. But the approach to the last searchlight is guarded by the Monster's tentacles. You need to distract them. Go inside the building and in the general hall, under one of the benches on the left, find the box. Remove the signal rocket from it ( emergency flashlight) And apply to the last spotlight outside. Spice it.

Bench, under which the box with a flashlight is hidden.

Monster does not calm down. Go to the machine compartment and disconnect the "Crystal" engine with the lever on the wall to the right of the ledmed remote control.

Return to the deck - the monster does not leave anyway. Go to the right side where the captain is about in the boat. Talk to him - he has a plan. Follow the ingestion of the ferry and climb upstairs. Go left to find scattered books under the globe. In one of them you will find bottle vodka.. Taking it, descend into the engine room and go through the left part. On the table, find the lamp. Connect it, and then pour vodka. Now the lamp need to be treated - match They are lying around in a common hall with chairs, not far from the staircase, leading up to the steering wheel. With their help, burn the lamp, go to the captain and pass this device to him. See the cat scene.

Baranur Park: Restore Park Power

Arriving in place, you will need to find a device for measuring radiation. To begin with, go to the steering wheel and from the hole to the left of it pull out the key from the "crystal". Go to the deck and go to the right, to the nose. Climb there and go to the spotlight to find a device for issuing glasses to measure radiation. Insert the key to the hole on the side and check. Click on the lever and get glasses. So Kate will make sure that there is no radiation in the park.

Leave the ship and inspect the cable hanging from the post. Need to somehow get it. Run down and follow the long staircase. Brospopriceing with her right part, you will see a cat-scene - a car is sitting on a bench, which is well preserved. Kate will come to the conclusion that it is time to try to return to the Oscar life. But so far without the tool do it will not come out.

To the left of the staircase is a wooden hut. Climb on it and on the left side, in the end telescopic Prut.. Apply this rod to the cable hanging on the post near the ship. You need to enter the approach and click at the top active point. After that, talk to Buruk, standing next to asking to connect the cable to the ship. Enter the ferry inside and go down to the engine room. Turn on the power with the help of the lever, which is on the wall to the right of the ledge control panel. You restored meals in the park!

Baranur Park: We are looking for the entrance to the subway (the riddle on the American roller stands)

Go to the big stairs and climb on it. Through the big gate, go to the park. By the way, you should see the arriving trolley (when you come in). After hitting the park, go to the right and climb the stairs under the arch. Select from the floor crumpled note And explore it to learn about a certain formula that allows you to get to the right place. In the formula, we are talking about a certain distance to which you should drive. But on the inertia, the trolley will follow all the time.

Inspect the trolley on the rails and see the holes next to each number. Move from the control panel and look at the next seat on the right. Find here first metal Prut. Go down and go deep into the park. When the camera is behind you, then hold the left side. After the rolling rolling in a circle, there is a turn left. A little further than this turn there is a door leading to the building, but inside it will be a dead end - this is the entrance to the subway.

So, you need to go left, to a big red-white rocket, and to the left of it from the bench to find second metal Prut.

Having both rods on the hands, go back to the trolley to the right of the entrance (American slides) and make it a maximum, tugging the handle so that the shooter is located opposite "50". You insert two rods opposite "25" and "15" (note in the note). Run the trolley. When stops, remove the rod from the mark "25". The next time the trolley will stop in the indoor tunnel. Get out of it, clicking on the left, and go down.

Customize the American slides.

So you will find yourself in the subway and wage the very challenge. Follow even lower and run along the train. Enter the open car. If you want to get an achievement, then a highlight of the tumbler in the far part and scroll through the photo album to the last page (which refers to the second place of Catherine in the beauty contest). Having done this, in a conversation with Catherine you can use information and get achievement.

And the conversation will begin after you try to get out of the car. That is, in fact, you just need to log in and get out of it.

10. Holy Bridge.

  • Achievements . Questions - Answers .
  • Walkthrough

    4. Preparation of the ferry "Crystal"
    Syberia 3. Passage of the game

    Purpose: Load coal on "Crystal"

    We go to the ship, inside we climb on the very top - in the cabin of the captain. OK starts the preparation of the ferry to sailing. We charge us to immerse the reserve of coal on board. We receive a sheet from it with a code from a warehouse and tower crane.

    1. Go to the deck. On the right in front of the ladder there is a white elevation - this is a hatch, open it, twisting a round lever. In the hatch will need to pour coal.

    2. Go ascending to the shore, to the right of the crane approach the large goal. In the panel we enter the code received from the captain: 0509 .

    3. Inside the warehouse we see the trolley. Take a gutter behind the lattice door. To the left of the lattice stands the box, on it Lomik, he also takes.

    4. The square pipes are installed ahead, four pieces on each side. The coal is only in one of them. To find the filled pipeline, knock on all pipes with a lombing. Empty pipes will publish a ringing sound, and the blow to the full tube will give a deaf sound. (Full pipe is the penultimate right).

    5. Pushing the trolley forward, stop opposite the desired pipe. Now you need to put a chute between the pipeline and the trolley. (We bring to the active point, turn the mouse wheel so as not to hit scrap, but apply the object to the pipe). On the right on the pipe press the button to start loading coal.

    6. We translate the arrow on the railway so that the path led to the outside of the warehouse.

    7. The full trolley is no longer shifted by their hands, so you sit down in the loader on the rails. To turn it on, use a knife to the top button, remove it, and then put the button into the right empty place. Press the right button, lever we move forward to start moving. Towing the trolley to the street to a dead end.

    On the street we transplant in the tower crane. Access code to it is the same: 0509 . Inside a variety of buttons and levers. A pair of small buttons on the screen change the view, the rest are controlled by the crane itself.

    1. Turn the left lever to the right to the crane drove to the trolley.

    2. Turn the circular lever to the left, from this rotates the crane arrows.

    3. Press the top large button, so we will capture the trolley.

    4. Several times we move the left lever to the left to drive up to the ferry closer. At the crossroads of the railway, press the right lever to rotate the circular platforms under the crane. Thus, we get to the left dead end of the railway.

    5. Circular lever turn up, the crane arrows turns to the ferry.

    6. Press the bottom large button, it will lower the trolley in the ship's hold. If this did not happen, we move the faucet further, we are trying to lower the cargo again.

    Purpose: Fill the water tanks on the "crystal"

    We repeat the captain on the task. We receive a new order: pour water into the ferry tank.

    1. We go to the deck. Near the coal hatch now hung a pipe, inspecting it. Move the lever to the right to expand the hole. Insert the hose there. We shift the lever to the left for fixation.

    2. Go off the ship, we climb on the water tower. On it simply press the lever, and we are waiting for the water. We go to the captain.

    Purpose: Look for a duplicate key for "crystal"

    Captain Ok remembered that 20 years ago, it was specially drowned his only ferry ignition key. Steiner was a mechanical ferry designer, so another key can be from him.

    We go to the shop of Steiner. The master has already completed the prosthesis, and went to the hospital, so we communicate with Sarah. She will give us a handle to open a layout, pass to the basement.

    1. We inspect the model of the ferry "Crystal". Turn on the backlight. Insert the handle into the hole on the side, turn it to remove the layout fence.

    2. We read the memorial plaque in front of the ship, remember all the numbers encountered in the text.

    3. We look at the model itself, we see the numbers and arrow on the running wheel. We enter a combination: 30, 80, 60, 100 . From this the anchor of the ship will be extended and lower.

    4. Rug anchor, the model will reveal, inside the hidden key.

    Purpose: pick up the ignition key of a suitable size

    The found key is too small for the real ferry. You need to make an enlarged copy. We go to the workbench, begin the manufacture of the key:

    1. We look at the key, it is 50% inscription on it. It means to create a full-sized key it needs to be made twice as much. Turn the handle to the right to set a value of 200% on the machine.

    2. On the left, open a round door, install the original key there. Inside, press the key to lock the key.

    3. At the bottom of the shelf we take the key billet. It is installed in the right door.

    4. Press the red button in the upper right side of the machine. We get the key "crystal". We return to the ferry, apply the key, we look at how the mechanical engine is started.

    Master locks (Master Locksmith)
    Deciding the riddle, make the right copy from the first time.
    You need to immediately set the correct proportion of 200%.
    Awakening of the mechanism Mechanical Awakening)
    Thanks to your efforts, the mechanical masterpiece works again.
    Scene. Run the ferry engine "Crystal".

    Purpose: convince the mayor to open locks

    The ship is fully ready, but there is another obstacle outside. The port of the city is closed by underwater locks, for the exit to the open sea you need the permission of the mayor.

    We go to the city square. The mayor just went out to communicate with the rally. We are trying to persuade it to open the port. In the dialogue, you can click on the light bulbs next to the phrases to listen to Qate Walker reflections. Sooner or later, the mayor will agree.

    Purpose: Prepare Diver Equipment

    Return to the captain. Together with him we go to the lighthouse, we enter the room with underwater equipment. Inside the left of the entrance, we take empty cylinders, on the hanger for clothes we get diving suit, On the left on the table is a diving helmet. It is necessary to fill the cylinders with oxygen in a wall installation:

    1. We look at the cylinders in the inventory, we find the inscription on them with the level of pressure. We inspect the device on the wall, put pressure on it 180 bar.

    2. Press the green button.

    3. Install the cylinders into the recess.

    4. Lower a semicircular holder from above.

    5. Alternately omit the left and right lever to fill both cylinders. We can change clothes.

    Purpose: Open two locks under water

    1. In the costume we go under the water, go to the right side. We find the left huge round castle. It is not yet opening it, so we pass by.

    2. Near the right castle we find three gears and square key. Here, too, nothing to do to the end.

    3. Returning to the left castle. Insert the square key into the well. We can open the lid, and see the inside of the mechanism. Turn the red flywheel counterclockwise to the end. Then press the lever. This will open the left sash port.

    5. Returning to the right castle. We put three gears on the axis: big - left, smaller - right, stepped - bottom. Install the chain. Tour flywheel, press the lever. The port is open.

    5. Evacuation Yucov
    How to go through Siberia 3

    Purpose: Tell Ayavask that everything is ready for departure

    We return to the yukola camp to bring them on the ferry. Together with yukola, they break through the cordon riding on ostriches.

    Coming (Turning the tables)
    Secret achievement.
    2. At the entrance look into the PPC window, we see as a policeman interrogating a detective.
    A little care ...? (A Little Tenderness, Maybe ...?)
    Three times tell one of your companions, that you really like it.
    It is necessary to stroke the same snowstore three times:
    2 times - we return to the camp in the evening when YuCola begin to collect things, stroking the middle ostrich at the right wall.

    Purpose: Return to the clinic

    We turn out to be ferry. All YuCola is already here, and Steiner with the juro never returned. We go on the nose of decks, we communicate with the shaman. We go to exit from the ship, we meet Sarah. She will tell that the hospital surrounded the soldiers, and her grandfather was in captivity.

    In the city it is better to go through the right way - through the central square to meet the mayor. He will also tell about the arrival of the soldiers, but will not help anything, he will only ask not to talk about a deal with him.

    To the left of the mayor's office climb the stairs, approach the cable car station. Entrance to the left under the signboard. There is no cockpit at the station, the building is closed, and we need to somehow get inside.

    Go down on the left staircase. On the left behind the bars we see a cart, get out of it three wooden wedges. Returning to the building of the funicular, inspect the door, its lower part. You need to raise the door with a loop, having a wedge under it:

    1. Little wedge on the right.

    2. Big wedge on the right.

    3. Give the small wedge, put it on the left.

    4. Big wedge left.

    5. Let's get a small wedge, put it on top of the right wedge.

    The raised door will fall, we can enter inside. In the room on the left we look at the right wall, open the cabinet, turn on the switch to supply power.

    In the left room, approach the control panel, omit the lever so that the monorail cab is descended to us.

    We enter the cabin, on Monorails rose to the hospital on the rock.

    Purpose: find the juris

    At the top we see a military helicopter, go around it, the ladder is lowered on the left side, on it we enter inside. We search the box on board, we take a walkie-talkie, although it would be better to take a grenade.

    We are unnoticed in the hospital building, listening to the colonel dialogue and soldier. We apply a radio, we say the colonel to the voice of Olga Efimova, that we need help. All the military will rise to the top floor.

    On the left we can enter the Cabinet of the head doctor of the jam. Here the doctor is caught by the beaten by Steiner who missed in a fight with the military. Steiner is no longer going on a journey, and he tells us for the future that the heart of the automaton can be applied to revitalize one of the robots.

    Colonel, do you hear me? Receive! (Colonel, Are You Receiving Me? Over)
    You showed the soldiers that the trick always wins gross power.
    Scene. Apply a radio to distract soldiers.
    Cassandra (Cassandra)
    Prove the hospital staff that you are right, no matter what.
    Twice talk to Dr. Zamyatin:
    2 times - when we return to the hospital for the church.

    We enter the Efimova Cabinet, it turns out that the juro is transported here. We are trying to talk to him, but he does not respond to the trance. We are trying to bring it into a sense of drug that chasing the shaman:

    1. Left inspect the table, find the subject Olga Statuette Squid, and a recipe scribe from manning.

    2. Watch out the smoke chair. Move the mouse cursor left to rotate the screen. On the left, the tablet with the papers, we remove the paper clips from above. (If the camera shows the paper just below, and the clip is not visible, then you need to restart the game).

    3. We inspect the chair behind, open the back cover, inside the mechanism with gears and cables. We use clips to secure cables.

    4. We inspect the input system from the right side. Move the needle to pour green liquid. Open the syringe from the top to pour the purple shaman potion, make an injection.

    5. Open the code panel on the right below. Apply the statuette to split the panel screen. Kurk will free from handcuffs.

    Together we run to the funicular, get to the ferry. We say goodbye to Sarah and sailing until we caught up with soldiers.

    6. Lake monster
    Siberia 3. How to run icebreaker

    Purpose: Turn on the icebreakers in the engine room

    On the lake the path was blocked by a large iceront. The captain asks to include an ice-based system. Go down to the engine room, we go to the site ahead before gear. We inspect the control panel:

    1. Tighten the valve in the upper right corner to connect the shaft to the engine.

    2. Press the button below the valve to start the device.

    3. Turn on the 1st gear, pull the lever to the right of the panel, the icebreaker will start working.

    4. Quickly turn on the 3rd gear, until the arrow dropped and the motor does not stall.

    5. Quickly go to the 2nd gear, while the arrow did not exceed the maximum, and the motor did not overheat.

    Purpose: inspect the stern "crystal"

    A little later, the ferry will stop again. We go to inspect the stern, and we see the tentacle of the huge spruit. The captain will save us in time, shot from the gun. Having consistent with deciding that the lake monster attracted the light of the spotlights. Now on the ship you need to split 6 lamps.

    1. On the right stern near the box we find a broom with a red handle. First, we twist the handle to lower the lantern, then hit the lomik. So turn off the 4 spotlights.

    2. The fifth spotlight does not omit. Nearby there is a box, we move it closer, we climb him and break the lantern.

    3. The approach to the last 6th projector protects the monster. You need to temporarily distract it. We enter the passenger compartment, inspect the second row on the left, we find the box under the seats. We open it, inside the explicit fake of Russian brands: Survival of food, incomprehensible "strange package", and a lantern "Hand of Fire". Take from the box emergency flashlightwhich is actually a signal chash. We go to the deck, we light the checker and throw in the water. While the monster is distracted, we break the last searchlight.

    Purpose: Turn off the "Crystal" engine

    Monster returns. Now we decide that the gigantic squid can attract sound. We go down to the engine compartment, we go to the ice-aumed device, right from it I lower the lever, it will stop the motor.

    This also does not help. The captain decides to distract the monster from the ship using a boat. He settled there with a gramophone, and we ask for a lamp.

    1. Go in the bag. Near the coal firebox in the corner we look at the table, on it disassembled lamp. Connect two parts. But the lamp is empty, you need to find fuel for it.

    2. On the first passenger floor in the center inspect the floor, we find homemade matches YuCov.

    3. Climb to the captain on the intermediate floor. On the right inspecting the books breathing on the floor. We reveal the right book, inside the cache, take out a bottle of vodka from it, and in essence - alcohol 90%.

    4. Let's go down in the trum. Fill alcohol in the lamp, we set on the wick.

    With the finished lamp we run to the captain. But he deceived us: while we were with lighting, he managed to sail away. He decided to sacrifice his life to distract the monster from his ferry.

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