Mounts Reborn Online. Almost Alive: Amazingly Realistic Reborn Dolls Who Buys Reborns

Mounts Reborn Online.  Almost Alive: Amazingly Realistic Reborn Dolls Who Buys Reborns
Mounts Reborn Online. Almost Alive: Amazingly Realistic Reborn Dolls Who Buys Reborns

A child appears in one of the most ordinary families. An excellent healthy boy, height 59 centimeters, weight 3.5 kilograms. Mom doesn’t want a soul in him, she dresses him up in beautiful suits, lulls him, rolls him in a stroller. Her son is just a miracle, he does not cry, does not stain diapers, does not raise his parents at night, because he is a doll. The most naturalistic of all possible is a reborn doll.

1. It differs from a living baby only by the still glass look and the absence of breath. Reborn hair - thin mohair, vinyl body, glass eyes.

2. He is part of a huge collection of handmade dolls, made to order and sent to his "mom" in a wooden box by mail. "He's not alive!" - the uninitiated exclaim with admiration after the first impression, and horror replaces emotion.

3. It would seem an innocent toy, but why does it realize the primitive, most terrible fear of any mother - to see a child who does not move, does not breathe, does not blink?

4. Manufacturers of baby dolls talk about the beneficial effects of their "wards" on the mental state of women. Taking in her arms a heavy doll that looks so much like a living child, a woman experiences the same feelings as when she sees a real baby. Childless ladies realize their maternal instinct, mothers of adult children remember their youth. At the Moscow exhibition in October 2011, girls over 30 gathered around the demonstration tent. " Despite the fact that the cost of the reborn doll starts from 20 thousand rubles, there were many interested. One - bought a "brother" for an already existing reborn, the other chose a "daughter" for herself.

5. Collector Inna Bogdanova, mother of an adult son, already has 70 doll children. They live in the living room of an ordinary Moscow apartment, she combs their hair, dresses them up, but, of course, does not take them out for walks. “This is my hobby, - says Inna, - I always wanted a lot of children, but there was no opportunity.”

6. However, more and more girls and women are making "reborns" not in addition to living children, but instead! Dolls buy a crib, a stroller, clothes for the season, a reborn is bathed daily, smeared with cream, photographed, and the photo is posted on the Web. The forums are filled with posts about how we walked ", suggestions - Check out our suit" and even questions - How do you sleep? " The usual conversation of young mothers, isn't it? It is only alarming that we are talking about the non-living.

7. 49-year-old Linda Jacobson, a collector from America, the homeland of reborns, admits that she makes up for the need for young children by buying herself naturalistic dolls. “We go to the park, I take them with me when I walk the dog, I carry them in a stroller or carry them in a sling, or lull them in a blanket, and many people think that my kids are real.” Linda is very happy when people on a walk take a doll for a living child and are interested in his age and name. But when a woman is asked about a real adoption, she replies that this option is not for her, it is very difficult and too expensive.

8. Baby dolls have become very popular all over the world, the most famous case related to them happened last year.

9. The Australian policeman saw a lifeless child in the car, rushed to the car, broke the glass, and what was the policeman's surprise when a doll was in his hands!

10. There are several versions of the origin of reborn dolls. According to some reports, these babies "began to be born" in the United States in the late 1980s. According to others, it turns out that reborn began to develop after the appearance on the market of dolls of the Spanish company Dolls by Berengeur. These "kids" were positioned as play dolls, and then began to be used as mannequins to demonstrate children's clothing. Now they are the subject of collectors' search. The most famous doll of the Dolls by Berengeur company is the baby doll La Infanta Leonor, an exact copy of the daughter of Prince Philip of Asturias and his wife Princess Letizia. This doll was a huge success and was sold out instantly.

11. Then puppeteer masters began to appear, giving the dolls, already like living babies, a truly human believability. Reborn translated from English means "reborn" or - born again. "

12. At first, artists worked on ordinary play dolls, then sets appeared - the basis for creating toy babies. Now you can order a doll of any race, sleeping, smiling, and of different "ages" - from premature babies to first graders. In addition, there are fragrances that give the doll a baby scent. " And recently - what miracles! - masters have learned to imitate breathing and heartbeat.

13. Reborns came to Russia in 2007-2008 and have already gained enormous popularity. At first they were purchased abroad, but now their own masters have appeared - Daria Panova, Galina Gaisina, Lyubov Firsova.

14. Each reborn doll is unique, so it has a name. date of birth and passport. It all starts with a blank - mold, they are of several types. A mold is a set of head, arms and legs. Sometimes it also includes a textile body stuffed with filler and weights to give the doll weight. The surface of the workpiece is degreased, slots for the nose and eyes are made, and the most difficult work begins - painting. The dolls are painted with acrylic or oil paints. First, the "baby" is given a natural shade, and then the master applies a unique pattern to the skin of a living child: veins, capillaries, marbling, specks and so on. To fix the result, the workpiece is covered with a special varnish, which also gives the skin some roughness and adds realism.

15. The next stage is the "implantation" of mohair hair. This is a very painstaking work: each hair is glued one by one to the doll's head. At the final stage, glass eyes are inserted, the body is stuffed with synthetic fluff with a plastic or glass weighting agent.

16. In America, in the state of Illinois, there is a school for expectant mothers, where pregnant women undergo a "young fighter course" - they learn how to deal with children. Many mothers-to-be have never seen a newborn baby up close, and using the example of dolls, the school staff quite clearly tell the students about children, explain the principles of care, teach how to hold, swaddle, and put on diapers. Women confirm that after such lessons they feel much more confident, because the reborn is very similar to a living child. “A one-day-old baby looks like an alien,” says one of the mothers, “if I saw my Zach for the first time without preparation, I would be scared, he is so fragile and awkward! But during the course we were shown newborn dolls, and I knew that the first puffiness would pass, the legs and arms would not be so tightly compressed, and my baby would become a handsome man! " Pregnant women admit that they really liked “playing with dolls”, they imagined that this was their already born child, and the maternal instinct began to “work - in advance.

17. But many psychologists insist on this. that such games are nothing more than sublimation and escapism, a departure from reality. There is nothing reprehensible in the dolls themselves and their collecting, they can really have a beneficial effect on the psyche, but immersion in their life, replacing a living person with a toy, neurotic attachment lead to the fact that lovers of baby dolls become patients of psychologists, and sometimes psychiatrists.

18. A terrible tragedy happened in the family of Anna from Moscow: her child, little son, died in a car accident. She could not forgive herself for this, she could not survive the grief alone, and the whole year of treatment in the clinic did not give anything. The doctors advised giving birth to another child, but their patient was unable to cope with her fear and pain of loss. Then one of the experts advised to buy a reborn. The girl followed the advice, and the craftsmen made a doll - an exact copy of the deceased baby. The toy was supposed to become a medicine, a softening of the transitional stage between the awareness of the tragedy and further life.

19. Anna started to come to her senses little by little, taking care of the reborn. The depression is over, and it's time for a new stage - to prepare for the birth of a real baby. However, time passed. and Anna did not even think to leave the doll, the girl transferred all her love for her son to her. “I will no longer be able to give birth to a child. - she says, - I will constantly be afraid of losing him, but with a doll it's not scary, I like taking care of her, walking with the baby, it seems to me that his cheeks turn pink on the street.

Hyper-realistic reborn dolls, depicting babies in every detail, gained popularity several years ago. For some, they delight, for the majority, bewilderment and dislike. Meanwhile, fans of reborns, regardless of public opinion, ride dolls in strollers, dress up like babies, and arrange photo shoots with them.

At home, Alina Aleinikova, a resident of Samara, has several ready-made baby dolls, separate vinyl "baby" hands, legs and heads, as well as paints, fillers, glass eyes and combed mohair, very similar to human hair. The work table of the master looks a little frightening for an ordinary person: very artificial body parts look like real ones. But Alina's family treats her hobby with understanding.

Alina Aleinikova, an engineer by the main profession, became interested in reborn dolls about 4 years ago. “On the Internet, I was looking for toys for my six-month-old daughter. Having looked at many pictures, I realized that since my childhood, the dolls, unfortunately, have not become better, - Alina sighs. - And then I came across a photo of a reborn doll! .. The sensations were extremely ambiguous. The artificial baby was depicted asleep and on the one hand looked very much like a real one, and on the other - like a dead one ... "

A little frightening baby firmly settled in Alina's soul. Continuing her search on the Internet, she saw the reborn with her eyes open. “It was a cute baby, I liked him ... I wanted to have the same one. But the prices for reborns were prohibitive. And I thought, why don't I do the reborn myself. After all, I am an artist, I graduated from an art school, I was always fond of design, I did something with my hands ... In general, I decided to try, ”recalls Alina.

From Germany, a friend brought Alina a "blank" for a reborn - a vinyl unpainted bald head and arms and legs of a baby doll. Such "blanks", called "molds" in the professional language, are widely sold abroad for making reborns as a separate type of creativity. Sculptors create sculptures, manufacturers cast molds from them and sell them to reborn artists. Such a mold turned out to be in the hands of Alina Aleinikova from Samara.

Your own special handwriting

“I suffered for several months. It was very difficult to make the painting look like real leather. A separate story is rooting, that is, "implantation" of hair. Even now it takes me at least two weeks. And then for me it was almost unrealistic! I spent many nights on the forums of reborn masters, reading recommendations, asking for advice, redoing something, washing off the paint and painting again ... ”- says Alina. Finally, her first doll was ready. Of course, the artificial baby was far from ideal, and dissatisfied with herself, but persistent Aleinikova decided to try again. By the way, she even managed to sell that first doll.

Now Alina Aleinikova has about 50 dolls on her account. “Every time I try to make the“ child ”even better, more realistic. I even developed my own handwriting - a certain method of applying paint. I don't tell his secret to anyone, because I reached it myself by trial and error, - Alina grins.

Alina has a separate card for each of the 47 dolls, where the height, weight, photo and name of the “child” are indicated. “I call them by their resemblance to real children: the children of my friends, acquaintances ... For example, this one looks like my niece Masha, and I named her Masha,” Alina says, lifting one of the dolls in her arms. - I even made a reborn, similar to my husband in childhood, and gave it to my mother-in-law. She did not react very unambiguously ... But she still keeps it in a display cabinet, ”Alina says cheerfully.

Relatives did not immediately understand

According to her, the family initially reacted to her hobby without enthusiasm. "Mom and mother-in-law reproached and shook their heads, they say," How so, they are like the dead. " But the feeling of "deadness" passed very quickly. After all, these are just dolls, only special ones, - recalls Alina. - And my husband scolded me for spending my family budget on materials for reborns. But he also had to put up with it. "

Meanwhile, Alina orders molds from foreign sculptors via the Internet. “I buy only those molds that have hooked me with something. Right now I am stubbornly looking for the one that will look like my daughter Sveta in childhood, - the master says dreamily. - The fact is that when Sveta was little, I simply did not have time to be touched and admire her. These happy moments gradually fade out of memory. All that remains is to look at the photos. A similar reborn is like a photo. Only one that you can touch. "

Who buys reborns?

Not only Alina herself wants to have such an unusual, voluminous "photo" of her child from infancy. Many people buy her dolls precisely because they look like their children or themselves in childhood. The second part of the buyers are collectors. “For example, one family from St. Petersburg bought five of my reborns. In general, they have a huge collection of a wide variety of dolls, ”says Aleinikova.

In Samara, they bought only one reborn from Alina. “Unfortunately, our city does not have a high enough standard of living. People are simply not up to these expensive dolls, ”Aleinikova said.

It is difficult to sell reborns: they are expensive - at least 12 thousand rubles, and there are few amateurs. “I even try to make dolls no more than 20 thousand rubles. Nobody will buy it more expensive, ”Alina sighs. Despite this, Alina chooses buyers for her reborns carefully: “If I don’t like a person, I will not give him the doll. I'd rather give it to a person who is pleasant to me and I will be sure that he will treat her with care. Better than giving the result of my work to just anyone. "

“While I am making a doll, it becomes my favorite. I even sometimes talk to a reborn when I paint or photograph him, they say, "Well, let's sit down like this for a picture." But I don't get it crazy. I realize that these are just dolls, - Alina laughs. - In general, it was psychologists on TV who caught up the horror around the reborns: that they are made or bought only by crazy childless aunts. For example, I have not come across such. And when I finish doing the next reborn, my interest in him immediately fades away. "

The toy is not for children

Alina also does not sell a doll if it is purchased for a child. “Reborns are not for children,” Aleinikova says firmly. “They don’t understand how fragile the dolls are and how much work is invested in them, how hard they are to create. Children turn dolls into bastards. Several times I saw what became of my reborn in children's arms. To say that it was a pity is to say nothing, ”the master says gloomily.

How reborns are made

And the work is really huge. The master receives a monochromatic blank of a baby doll with sealed eye sockets and nostrils. “The first thing I do is open my eye sockets and put my eyes in. And immediately the doll acquires its own character, "liveliness". To catch the eye is the most important thing. The look depends on how realistic the doll will look, ”Alina says with inspiration. Then it takes several hours to grind the nostrils, degrease the doll with vodka. Then the complex dyeing process begins. Layer by layer, the master applies veins, capillaries, skin tones, its porosity and dullness ... Staining takes at least two weeks.

Then at least two weeks - for the "implantation" of hair, eyelashes. Only then the doll is stuffed with plastic granulate and synthetic fluff, all parts of the “body” are connected and dressed. Alina Aleinikova buys clothes for reborns in children's stores and orders them via the Internet.

“As cynical as it sounds, I compare my work with the work of a taxidermist who makes stuffed animals. After all, a reborn, pardon the expression, is such a stuffed child. Although, I'm afraid, other reborn masters will not support my opinion, ”Alina Aleinikova confesses.

Sometimes Alina is tempted to play naughty, using the sacred horror of people in front of pseudo-babies. “Sometimes I want to take out a reborn to the street so that the grandmothers will cry! But I'm an adult and I don't allow myself this, - Alina is having fun. - And once I was taking a reborn in a cradle to the dacha for a photo shoot. So the taxi driver was all worried, he says: "Let me close the windows, otherwise he will blow the baby." I, chuckling to myself, said: "Well, close it."

Now Alina has plans to conquer the world reborn market. To do this, she promotes her creations at online auctions. “I would like to make really expensive dolls, without putting any restrictions on myself because of the fear that no one will buy the doll. In Russia, for example, there is no way to sell a reborn with dark skin or narrow eyes. And I want to make them! Selling badly "scops" - dolls with closed eyes, because people think they are dead. My hands are still itching to make twins. They are reluctant to buy, because it is twice as expensive, and I definitely would not want to separate them and sell them separately ... In general, for Russia, reborns are still exotic that is not in decent demand. But it's okay, I will conquer other frontiers, ”summed up Alina Aleinikova.

Mountable animals

You can get your first mount (Transport) by completing a chain of story missions in the Land of Spirits. Mounts differ from each other in appearance and speed of movement.

After accepting the task, you can choose one of four mounts. To do this, double-click the left mouse button on the mount you like.

The movement speed of each of the mounts offered to you is 60%. In addition, they can be either permanent or temporary. After completing the story mission, you will receive a mount for a period of 3 days.

To mount a mount, press the "C" key on your keyboard.

1. Select the "Transport" tab;

2. Click on the "Quick Cell" button;

3. The mount icon will then appear on your character's skill bar. Just left-click on the icon and you will saddle your mount.

After choosing your favorite mount, you can continue your journey.

If you need a new vehicle, be sure to check out the premium store. You will not be able to purchase two special items - transport blanks and transport runes, by combining which you can create a transport of the desired appearance with the passive ability you need.

The speed of any transport procurement is 120%. In total, there are blanks for pets of the following type:

M-17 Skat

Lord of fire

In addition, the following transport runes are also available in the store:

  • Simple Transport Rune: Based on the workpiece, it creates a similar vehicle that does not have any abilities.
  • Enemy Slow Rune: Created vehicles will slow enemies around them by 20% every 3 seconds.
  • Rune of Recovery: An activated vehicle will restore you 4% HP and 4% HP every 4 seconds while you are on it.
  • Rune of Control: The received transport will increase your resistance to control by 200, restore 3% HP and MP every 4 seconds while you are on it.
  • Rune of protection: Activated transport will add 7000 to P. and the Mage defending the hero for 60 seconds after dismounting the hero. No more than once every 2 minutes.
  • Rune of attack: The created transport will add 7000 to the physical. and the Mage attacks the hero for 60 seconds after dismounting the hero. No more than once every 2 minutes.
  • Haste Rune: Activated vehicles will increase the hero's movement speed by 30% for 60 seconds after dismounting. Not more than once every 10 minutes.
  • Rune of Daze: An activated vehicle will daze all enemies within 15 meters for 3 seconds when dismounted. Not more than once every 10 minutes.

To create a transport, you need to right-click on the transport rune in your inventory, and then LMB on the blank.

Note: be extremely careful, because after using any rune (even a simple one) you will not be able to change the ability of the transport with the help of another rune.

Material: boxes
Finally, I got my hands on a project that I had conceived a long time ago - tables of all the boxes that were found in Reborn. Unfortunately, this is a long and laborious case, so it will be published in parts; at the moment, the first batch is ready - a table on the boxes of Heaven. Continuation as it follows)))

UPD. Added a table for boxes of the Sun + some fixes for the previous tables.
Less than a year later, I finally finished off these tables. And thank God, otherwise it kept dragging on and on, and there was no end in sight. The continuation in the form of the combat parameters of the boxes will follow - but definitely not in this post, and certainly not in the near future) Unless it will be really boring for me and there is nothing to do

The boxes are actually, as the name suggests, small portable cubes that are endowed with tremendous power and contain weapons (sometimes in the form of animals), and which feed on the flame of the Owner's Death Will. To use boxes, the owner's flame, box, and ring must match (i.e. Hurricane flame, Hurricane ring, and Hurricane box, for example). The higher the rank of the ring, the cleaner the flame will be and, accordingly, the stronger the weapon from the box will be. It should also be noted that the flame of Heaven can open any box, but it will not be able to fully release its full potential.
The original idea for the box weapon came from the 16th century biologist Geppetto Lorenzini. He came up with 343 different boxes with different non-existent animals, but at that time there was still no suitable technology to create them, so the drawings he made after his death were inherited by the secret community of which he was a member. And only a few centuries later, three scientists belonging to the same secret community - Arcobaleno Verde, Innocenti and arms dealer Koenig (German Koenig) - found Lorenzini's records and after five years of research created a prototype weapon from boxes based on using the mafia rings, which solved the problem with the power source. After creating the boxes designed by Lorenzini, they also created new types of them - for example, boxes with conventional weapons. They started selling Mafia boxes at very low prices to fund their further research. As a result, of all three scientists, only Koenig survived, going underground, and continued to create new boxes (we do not know what Innocenti died of; Verde died from trinisitte radiation, but Uni was resurrected along with the rest of the arcobaleno and turned the Vongola boxes into rings which Tsuna and the Guardians took with them into the past). The strength of the boxes corresponds to the strength of the flame, but, of course, also depends on the characteristics of the boxes themselves.
According to Khibari's research, there are unnaturally many coincidences in the history of the appearance of the bolls. It was eventually revealed that Byakuran had used his powers and looked into parallel worlds to help complete the box technology. In addition, Byakuran has also shown that he has enough power and knowledge to create dinosaur boxes; he implanted these boxes into the bodies of the True Funerary Wreaths, turning them into one whole - and increasing their combat abilities many times over.

The uniqueness of the boxes of Heaven lies in the fact that they need to be opened very carefully, only after a long and very specific setting - for this you need to enter the "one rhythm" with the beast from the box, synchronize with it. Kyoko in chapter 237 suggested that the actions of the beast from the box of Heaven also strongly depend on the mood of its owner.

Sky Boxes
TsunaThe Vongola Box that TYL! Tsuna left to himself from the past to fight Milfiore. At first, Tsuna could not open it - when he tried to release the beast from the box, he attacked him. However, the form he took to attack was not his true form, as Tsuna had incorrectly released him. In the end, Tsuna managed to sync with him and release him from the box, after which Leone di Cieli (Lion of the Sky), the version of Vongol, appeared. His mane is made of Heaven's flame, and he wears a helmet (or perhaps a visor) on his head. Tsuna named him Nuts. Like the Lion of Xanxus, Nuts uses the harmony of the Sky in his growl, thus making objects around him extremely fragile. All of the Vongola's boxes were constructed in the past, during the first generation, allowing them to transform from beasts into weapons.


Modo Difesa: Mantello Di Vongola Primo(Defense Mode: Cloak of the First Vongola) - Nuts transforms into a long black cloak that emits Skyfire. Tsuna wears a cloak, attaching it to a metal plate on his glove with the Roman numeral I. Reborn described the cloak as "a vast sky, all-encompassing and all-encompassing."

Modo Attacco: Mitena di Vongola Primo(Attack Mode: Gauntlet of the First Vongola) - Nuts fuses with Tsuna's gauntlet and transforms into a steel gauntlet. Like the cloak, the glove also bears the Roman numeral I. Using the glove, Tsuna can concentrate an enormous amount of flame for a single attack, called the Big Bang Axel.

Leone di Cieli Version Vongola
XanxusThe Lion, which is the original form of the Xanxus Box Beast. When Xanxus was furious in the battle with Rasiel and he showed the scars left by the Zero Ninth Breakthrough, the lion turned into a liger.Leone di Cielo (Lion of the Sky)
Liger, along with the features of the Lion of the Sky, also has the features of the Hurricane Tiger. Its main attack is a roar, which carries the harmony of the Sky, which turns the enemy into stone. Olgert stated that attacks with this type of harmony are extremely rare. Its roar also contains Hurricane vibrations that destroy the enemy. The peculiarity of the flame of Xanxus' Fury is that, together with the harmony of Heaven, it contains the destructive power of the Hurricane; thus, when Xanxus releases a flame, he uses two of its types at once. Xanxus gave the liger the name Bester.Ligre Tempesta Di Cieli (Ligre of Hurricane and Sky)
DinoA horse whose mane and tail are composed of Heaven's flame. She is able to fly through the air, as well as paralyze other animals from boxes, trampling them with hooves. Dino named her Scuderia.Cavallo Alato (Sky Horse)
Dino used it against Daisy. Pegasus of the Sky is the release of the Horse of the Sky, so to speak, its true power. His wings are used to synchronize with the enemy (using the harmony of the Sky) and then cut him, the enemy, into pieces.Pegasso Supel Salto Volante (Pegasus of the Sky)
ByakuranThis box was made using Milfiore's highly advanced technology to order specifically for Byakuran. This dragon's abilities are unknown. He seems to be acting like an ordinary (if I can say so about a dragon) beast - in any case, when Byakuran ordered him to attack Tsuna, he launched a frontal attack without any tricks, destroying Nuts in the process. The second time, when Byakuran ordered the dragon to rip out Tsuna's heart, he was stopped by the Lancia family ring - again, why this happened is unknown. After that, the dragon turned black with two heads, taking on its more powerful form - this happened when Byakuran began to fight Tsuna in full force - but was eventually destroyed by Tsuna anyway with the help of the restored Nuts and a new version of the Vongola ring.White Dragon

Hurricane Flames are destructive, so Hurricane Bins are generally only for attack.

Hurricane boxes
GokuderaC.A.I. system - a complex construction of four boxes of the Hurricane and four boxes of Rain, two boxes of the Thunderstorm and two boxes of the Sun, as well as four boxes of the Cloud. Only those who can use these five of the seven types of flame can use the system - until now, the only such person was and remains Gokudera. The weapon released by the system consists of four bone circles that can protect the wearer from attack or grab weapons from the enemy's boxes. The Hurricane Flame on the bone side of the circles is covered with a thin layer of Rain Flame, which neutralizes some of the attack. The system itself consists of sixteen boxes, for which there are four rings of the corresponding types, Uri and Flaming Arrow. For attacks, dynamite is used, charged with the flame of the Hurricane + another type of flame, which gives dynamite its unique properties; the strongest combination is Hurricane Flame and Thunderstorm Flame, which together create a Blazing Thunder attack. Dynamite is loaded into a Flaming Arrow, from which it is shot at the enemy. Gamma believes that the system is Innocenti's work, as it is uncommon for conventional boxed weapons.

  • Uri is a leopard cub, weapon from the C.A.I. She (he? Uri's exact gender is unknown) has little physical strength and often disobeys her owner. After absorbing many of the Sun's flames from Ryohei's box, she grew into a giant leopard with flaming Hurricane flames in circles on its shoulders; as a result, her strength increased dramatically, so that she was able to withstand the foxes of Gamma. Her real name might be Leopardo Tempesta Ver. Vongola(Hurricane Leopard, Vongol version). Uri is a weapon from a box that can eat both ordinary food and fire.
  • Blazing Arrow is part of the C.A.I. in the form of a cannon, which is worn on the left hand. At the end, facing the palm, there is a skull into which ammunition is charged - bullets or, in the case of Gokudera, dynamite. If it is out of ammunition, it simply releases a strong gust of wind that extinguishes the flame of Death's Will. The cannon can also shoot out streams of pure flame.
C.A.I. system or Cambio Arma Istantaneo (Instant Weapon Change System)
The Vongola Box that TYL! Gokudera left to himself from the past to fight Milfiore. Reborn said she was completing his C.A.I. and brings it to perfection.

Cambio-form: G. Archery- Uri transforms Gokudera's Flaming Arrow into a bow modeled after the primary weapon of the first Hurricane Keeper. The bow is similar to the Flaming Arrow - in particular, it is still attached to Gokudera's left arm. When Gokudera fires it, he releases a concentrated arrow of flame called the Tornado Flame Arrow.

Hurricane Vongola Box
BelphegorA small mink whose fur emits the flame of the Hurricane, so that it can destroy everything it touches. She is incredibly fast, so it is almost impossible to avoid her attack. Also, the mink can create a shield from the Hurricane flame by quickly swinging its tail.

Flame of the Red Lotus- with the help of the flame of the Hurricane, the mink creates a strong fire that cannot be extinguished.

Visone Tempesta (Hurricane Mink)
RasielSeveral bats that use the weak flame of the Hurricane for echolocation (orientation in space). When Hurricane's flame bounces off an object, about 80% remains inside the enemy and destroys it. The name of this technique appears exclusively in the anime: Onde Super Fiamma(super flame waves).Pipistrello Tempesta (Hurricane Bats)
BaishanA huge snake, classified by Gokudera as Tsuchinoko, which grows by feeding on the flames of other capsules, and as it grows, its strength increases accordingly. Her body is covered in Hurricane flames, destroying everything she touches. Baishana said that this is a relatively new weapon developed by Koenig.Serpente Tempesta (Hurricane Serpent)
Beetles whose jaws are covered in hurricane flames. They move in random trajectories at high speed, so it is almost impossible to hit them or avoid their attack.Cervo Volante Tempesta bel Otto (Eight Hurricane Deer Beetles)
TazaruThree rotating discs follow the target until they reach it. Their speed increases as they consume enemy flames, until they finally become one and a half times faster than the target. They also cannot hit the owner.Dark Slicer
Thorns composed of the Hurricane's flame. They appear on the owner and pierce the one who is nearby.Thorns
Tazaru & NazaruA long scythe whose blade is covered in hurricane flame. When the owner swings it, it fires an arc of Hurricane flame.Dark braid
BianchiSeveral scorpions that release Hurricane flames from their tails. They can cling to walls and easily destroy them (walls).Scorpione di Tempesta (Hurricane Scorpions)
SpannerThe box weapon mentioned by Spanner; probably, it can dig underground passages to objects of interest to the owner and has destructive properties. It could also mean that Spanner's attribute is Hurricane.Talpa Tempesta (Hurricane Mole)
ZakuroHurricane Box, whose weapon is the T-Rex dinosaur. Science Milfiore went so far that they were able to model an animal for the box, which became extinct sixty-five million years ago. In addition, the box is implanted into Zakuro's body, so that when activated, he acquires some of the physical characteristics of a T-Rex - for example, his skin becomes the skin of a dinosaur - which in battles puts him on a fundamentally different level compared to other fighters. In addition, his reaction speeds up and he himself increases in size, and also receives a high degree of regeneration, although he spends more time on recovery than Daisy.

Magma infiammato(Fire Magma) - A stream of magma that Zakuro releases from his hand and burns everything in its path.


The Flame of Rain has pacifying properties, so it can be used for both attack and defense.

Rain Boxes
YamamotoA swallow that can create a wave of Rain's flame for a more effective attack, and even a heavy downpour to hide its owner. In addition, with the help of the "pacification" property of the Rain Flame, it can slow down the enemy or other material objects. Yamamoto named her Kojiro.

Cambio-form: Kojiro connects with Shigure Kintoki and the result is a long sword with a decorative image of the number I on the hilt, and the hilt itself takes the form of a bird's silhouette with outstretched wings.

Rondine di Pioggia ver. Vongola (Rain Swallow, Vongola version)
The Vongola Box that TYL! Yamamoto left to himself from the past to fight Milfiore. The weapon of this box is the Rain dog, which carries three short swords of Yamamoto on its back, together with Shigure Kintoki, making up a special technique of fencing with four swords. Yamamoto named her Jiro. With the help of short swords, Yamamoto can move quickly, releasing streams of Rain flame from them (in fact, Tsuna uses the same principle using his gloves). Yamamoto usually squeezes them between his fingers. He can also use short swords as throwing knives.
Strangely, it is not Jiro, a weapon from Vongola's box, that takes on the combo form, but Kojiro, a weapon from another Yamamoto's box.
Akita di Pioggia ver. Vongola (Rain Dog, Vongola version)
SqualoGreat White Shark Covered in the Flame of Rain. Can fly through the air, sometimes used as a means of transportation; can also eat other people's animals from boxes.Squalo Grande Pioggia (Heavy Rain Shark)
Glo XiniaA giant squid named after the mythical Kraken, which only had its tentacles visible. The squid strikes and grabs foes with its ten tentacles covered in Rain's flames.Kraken di Pioggia (Rain Kraken)
Weapon from a box in the form of a riding whip covered in Rain's flames.Riding whip
ChromiumSnowy owl covered in rain flames. Can create a tidal wave that washes away other people's flames of Death Will and neutralizes other attacks, such as illusions, for example. Originally belonged to Glo Xinia, but was captured by Mukuro, after which her Rain flame changed to Mist flame and she changed properties.Gufo di Pioggia (Rain Owl)
OlgertA large pelican that releases a wave of water to extinguish other people's flames. Also, a similar wave can be used as a shield (Maximum Defense).Pellicano di Pioggia (Rain Pelican)
A huge elephant covered in Rain's flames, which can shoot a stream of water from the Hobbot to extinguish other people's flames. It's big enough to crush three people with one foot. The box can also be used to summon two or three elephants at once (the last one is Elefante Triplice).

Martello Della Terra(Hammer of the Earth) - the elephant surrounds itself with a sphere of Rain's flame and stomps with its front feet, crushing everything that is under them. The more elephants, the more destructive power, and the power of three elephants at once is enough to destroy the entire castle.

Martello doppio(Double Hammer) - This is the same technique of the Hammer of the Earth, but performed by two elephants at once.

Elefante Forte Pioggia (Heavy Rain Elephants)
BasilDolphin covered with Rain's flame; can receive telepathic commands from its owner. The Rain Dolphins are the only boll species that can link other bolls together into one telepathic network. Basil gave his name Alfin.

Dolphin's fins- the dolphin releases razor blades from its fins, and thus can calm its opponent from within.

Delfino di Pioggia (Rain Dolphin)
BluebellA box implanted in Bluebell's body; she opened it with the words "Open, the gates of Hell." Initially, her box contained an ichthyosaur, recreated by scientists Milfiore.

Bomba ammonite(Ammonite Bomb) - Bluebell creates a huge shell covered in Rain's flames that explodes at her command.

Barriera medusa(Medusa's Barrier) is an invisible sphere around Bluebell, consisting of Rain's flames, but it can make its borders visible at will. The sphere is filled with 100% pure flame of Rain, which, due to its "pacification" property, slows down the movement of molecules to zero.


The Cloud's flame has multiplying properties, so it can be used with equal efficiency for both peaceful and military activities.

Cloud Boxes
KhibariA small hedgehog, which immediately after being released from the box curls up into a ball. When he absorbs another's Flame of Death Will, his needles grow, creating Globe Eagle- the enemies trapped inside it gradually die from a lack of oxygen, which, moreover, is additionally compressed by the hedgehog itself. The Eagle Globe can only be destroyed from within by a stream of purer flame. The hedgehog can also create small pieces of the Eagle's Globe to protect against enemy weapons or as steps. One of the forms of the Globe Eagle allows you to create a kind of closed arena for battle, placing both enemies and the owner of the box inside yourself, while pushing out all the other weapons from the boxes. The creation of this form is quite difficult (in the absence of the Vongola TYL ring! Hibari was forced to use three weak rings at once) and dangerous for the box itself, which is easy to destroy in this way. This shape allowed Khibari to compensate for his lack of a ring that could withstand his flames.
There are also boxes with several hedgehogs at the same time; their maximum number in one box is three.
Porcospino di Nuvola (Hedgehog of the Clouds)
The Vongola Box that TYL! Hibari left to himself from the past to fight Milfiore. The weapon in this box is essentially an improved form of Cloud Hedgehog. Hibari named it Roll.

Cambio-form: The hedgehog transforms into handcuffs with thorns on the inside, covered with the flames of the Clouds, which can multiply and grow in size to capture enemies. They got their name - "Alaudi's handcuffs" - after the name of the first Guardian of the Cloud, Alaudi proper.

Vongola's Box
TYL! Hibari instead of the usual tonfa uses the tonfa from the box, which are covered with the flame of the Cloud. Like the old tonfa, these have some built-in weapons, as well as a number of innovations.Tonfa
Lal MirchLong centipedes that can entangle, squeeze and even pierce enemies, as well as absorb other people's flames. Lal Mirch calls her Samsa.Scopolendra di Nuvola (Albach's Centipede)
NigellaWeapon from a box in the form of a bear. Unfortunately, the Serpente Tempesta (Hurricane Serpent) ate him before his abilities were revealed.Demon Bear
IrisIris uses a whip covered in Cloud's flames on her Death Squad of Stems. (Death Stalk Squad, I don’t know exactly how to translate this into Russian - compiler's note) by forcing their muscles and ligaments to grow. This significantly increases their muscle mass and thus physical strength, and can give their limbs an inhuman length.Whip of the Cloud
KikyoSeeds placed on the target will gradually sprout into flowers, feeding on the Flame of Death's Will and the victim's body. When the flowers sprout, their roots dig into the body, drawing out all possible nutrients, which is accompanied by blooming flowers and a spray of blood.Campanula di Nuvola (Cloud Bells)
A box implanted into Kikyo's body; it originally contained a Velociraptor, recreated by Milfiore's scientists. During the activation of the box, Kikyo's appearance does not change as much as that of the rest of the Venks, but, unlike the others, his hair turns into streams of Cloud flame. With the "reproduction" property of the Cloud's flame, the number of Velociraptors can multiply to the size of a flock.
According to Kikyo, he is the strongest of the True Funeral Wreaths.
Velociraptor di Nuvola

The Flame of the Mist has creative properties - with its help, you can create not only ordinary illusions, but also real illusions, which in their properties will not differ in any way from real objects.

Mist Boxes
Chrome & MukuroOriginally owned by Glo Xinia, but was captured by Mukuro and changed from Rain to Mist. After Chrome defeated Glo Xinia, the owl stayed with her, retaining the characteristics of the Owl of the Mist even after Mukuro left her.Gufo di Nebbia (Owl of the Mist)
Vongola's box that TYL! Chrome (TYL! Mukuro? This moment is not entirely clear) left to itself from the past to fight Milfiore. It's the same Owl of the Mist, owned by Chrome, but with armor on its wings.

Cambio-form: Demon Spade "s Devil Lens(Demon Spade's Demonic Lenses) - The Mist Owl transforms into a collapsible set of three lenses. These lenses have the ability to see even through the most powerful illusions - for example, through those that Torikabuto created with his box, which was implanted into his body. When Mukuro uses the lenses, he sees the enemy's state and all his weaknesses.

Vongola Mist Box
FranFran's weapon looks like a miniature Belphegor, covered in the flames of the Mist.Untitled
Lal MirchIt floats in the air with the help of the Mist's flame like a small balloon. Warns the owner of an approaching enemy.Balloon
GenkishiSeveral thousand slugs that create the illusion of any type of space in the room they occupy. These illusions are real (the so-called "true illusions") due to the creative powers of the Mist's flame. They can also act as weapons, self-destructing upon contact with material things.

  • Danzo Spettro Spada(Phantom Sword Dance) - Combining his skill as a swordsman with the abilities of his box, Genkishi unleashes a flurry of sword strikes in parallel with the firing of the illusionary rockets created by his box. This attack can only be avoided by moving at an incredibly high speed.
  • Extra Danzo Spettro Spada- Genkishi creates nine copies of himself that surround the enemy, and each of them uses Danzo Spettro Spada... This attack creates a dense flurry of blows and explosions, leaving no room for retreat or maneuver. According to Basil's description, from the outside it looks like a solid mass of flame.
Spettrale Nudiblanc (Spectral Sea Slugs)
A powerful sword of the Mist that looks like a large broadsword with an insect-like hilt. He is able to create several copies of himself and simultaneously attack the enemy from different directions, as well as throw arcs of the Mist's flame from the blade of swords.
According to Shoichi, the Spettro Spada, along with the Nebbia Numero Due and the Ossa Impressione Hell Ring, make up a set Armamento da guerra Armatura... Rumor has it that this episode is Koenig's best work.
Spettro Spada (Phantom Sword)
This box covers its owner with armor similar to the armor of a medieval knight, but the parts of the armor are not connected in any way, held in the air by the flame of the Mist. The kanji "幻" (literally phantom, illusion) is depicted on the left side of the chest plate, and the face of the owner outwardly turns into a skull. The armor enhances its wearer's illusions.
According to Shoichi, the Nebbia Numero Due, along with the Spettro Spada and the Ossa Impressione Hell Ring, make up a set Armamento da guerra(lit. Weapons of War), which in turn is part of a series of weapons Armatura... Rumor has it that this episode is Koenig's best work.
In turn, Genkishi says that the true power of the kit in general and the ring of Hell in particular is the illusory skeletons erupting from the mouth of the "skull". These skeletons take on the appearance of a close enemy and choke him, or simply do not allow him to move. Genkishi also said that skeletons are associated with the lives of those they represent. However, these illusions are affected by Zero Breakpoint: Version One, as they are created from the flames of the Mist.
Nebbia Numero Due (lit. Fog number two)
TorikabutoHundreds of flying kites that can pierce even the toughest surfaces thanks to the small amount of Thunderstorm flame that covers them. Combined with Torikabuto's illusions, snakes can become part of his body, attacking the enemy until only the head and spinal cord are left of the whole body.

Genma: Rete Serpente di Mare(Illusion Magic: Sea Serpent Net) - The snakes stretch in a line and freeze, forming a lattice cage around the enemy. Over time, the snakes move closer and closer to make it impossible for the enemy to move.

Mist Sea Serpents
A box implanted into Torikabuto's body; after its activation, it turned into a hybrid of a man and a moth with a stylistic depiction of eyes on the wings. When someone looks at these "eyes", he loses control over all five senses and does not distinguish between the reality around him, which is due to the strongest flame of Torikabuto Mist. However, Chrome overcame this obstacle thanks to the cambio form of the Vongola box and indicated to Tsuna where to direct the blow.Untitled

The Flame of the Thunderstorm has strengthening properties, due to which the object covered with it becomes unusually durable.

Thunderstorm boxes
LamboThe Vongola Box that TYL! Lambo left to himself from the past to fight Milfiore. In the Future Arc, he and Ryohei were taught how to operate Gokuder's box.

Cambio-form: Lampo Shield- the buffalo takes the form of armor and a shield that cover Lambo's body. In the middle of the shield there are two horns that Lambo uses as a weapon, and a Roman numeral I. Also included in the armor is a helmet with a crest and two rings surrounding Lambo's own horns. This form has incredibly strong defensive abilities, and can also produce intense flashes of lightning called Corna fulmine(Italian "Horns of Lightning").

Gyuudon (Thunderstorm Buffalo)
LevyAn electric ray covered with Thunderstorm's flame, thanks to which it can fly. He also carries several spears on his back, and is endowed with the rare ability to amplify the flame of its owner at the expense of his own flame. It can also be used instead of a shield, protecting the wearer from blows. Levi named him Livya.

Super Levi Volta (Volt)- spears are separated from the back of the ramp and hit enemies with multiple lightning strikes.

Torpedine Fulmine
Dendro KilumLarge shoulder pads with three turbines each. Once charged, the turbines release Thunderstorm's flames, creating a powerful explosion upon contact with an object.Turbine Shoulder Armor
A massive spear covered in the flames of the Storm. Thanks to the strengthening property of the flame, Thunderstorms can pierce almost anything.Lancia Elettrica (Electric Lance)
A Thunder Boar with five times the strength of the Electric Lance. The blow of his horns emitting the flame of the Thunderstorm is called Doppio Corno Lancia("Double Spear Horns").

Triplo corno lancia("Triple Horns Spears") - during this attack, the owner mounts the wild boar and, with an Electric spear in his hand, rushes to the enemy.

Elettro Cinghiale (Electric Boar)
GammaEight billiard balls connected to each other by the fire of the Thunderstorm. Their movements are impossible to calculate and impossible to completely dodge - even for TYL! Hibari.

Electric tower- Thunderstorm's flame between billiard balls creates a tower of pure electricity. This blow affects all objects within its structure, although strong flames can protect against it.

Plasma shot
Two foxes covered in the flames of the Thunderstorm; they can be used as shields or simply to shock any target with an electric shock. Their initial form (white) is actually incomplete; their true power was released only after opening another box in which Gamma had imprisoned her at one time, and after that they became Nero Volpi(Black foxes). In this form, they are much stronger - in particular, their flame is enough to fill the entire hangar.Elettro Volpi (Colulu & Widget), Thunderstorm Foxes

The flame of the Sun has stimulating properties, therefore it is most effectively used to heal various wounds and accelerate growth.

Sun Boxes
RyoheiUsing the stimulating properties of the Sun's flame, the scalpel increases the speed of healing to the point that cuts and scrapes heal in a few seconds. A side effect is that the treated area of ​​the body then itches and itches terribly.Sun scalpel
A long rope covered with the flame of the Sun, which cannot be broken without assistance or without a very strong flame.Rope of the Sun
The Vongola Box that TYL! Ryohei left to himself from the past to fight Milfiore. Kangryu - female kangaroo; This box was originally created using the latest Vongola technology, and after merging with the Vongola box, Kangryu also acquired two gun barrels on the back, boxing gloves, metal rings around the chest and tail and metal shoulder pads, as well as the Vongola emblem on the forehead. Kangryu can create and store weapons covered with the flame of the Sun, having previously charged it with its own flame in its own belly bag. While this box is primarily intended for passive support, it also has tremendous power on its own.
Taienrankuga(Flame Fangs of Heavenly Hurricane) - Combined Kangryu attack with Uri and Alfin.

Cambio-form: Knuckle's Maximum Break- Kangryu shoots Ryohei with a high concentration of Sun flame from weapon barrels, after which he enters a state of "maximum breakthrough" (something like Tsuna's hyper mode) and the Sun flame is ignited on his gloves, protective forehead and boots. This technique maximally activates all Ryohei's muscles and nerves, which is why it cannot be used for more than three minutes.

Kangryu (Kangaroo of the Sun), Vongol version
Boxing gloves impregnated with the flame of the Kangryu Sun, which gives them the ability to quickly repair damaged areas. This ability made them immune to Hurricane's destructive flames.Gloves of the Sun
Irie ShoichiThe entire Japanese base of Milfiore is a weapon from a box that is activated by the flame of the Sun. Each of its rooms is a separate block, between which there is a little free space - this is done so that you can swap the blocks at any time after activating the box. The base of this box is a group of giant Venus Flytrap of the Sun, which actually move the blocks.Melone base
Ginder DeliriumA weapon from a box, which, when not activated, looks like tiny spider eggs falling into the enemy's body. After their activation by the owner, the eggs begin to grow and spiders hatch from them, simultaneously tearing apart the enemy's body. They can also weave a web from the flame of the Sun, which blocks movement.Ragno Ciel Sereno (Spiders of the Sun)
LussuriaPeacock, whose plumage is covered with the flame of the Sun. When he opens his tail, the effect of his flame is extremely intensified and the wounds of everyone around him are quickly healed - however, at the same time, their hair and nails grow just as quickly. Lussuria named him Ku.Pavone del Sereno (Peacock of the Sun)
DaisyRhino covered with the flames of the Sun. His abilities are unknown to us, as he was destroyed before he demonstrated them.Rinoceronte del Sole (Rhino of the Sun)
A box implanted into Daisy's body; after its activation, it turned into a hybrid of a human and a lizard with wings from the flame of the Sun. This form greatly increases his strength and speed, and also gives him the ability to use the flame of the Sun to regenerate any part of his body. Daisy is the weakest of all True Funeral Wreaths.Untitled