Height interpretation according to the dream book. Why dream of height and fear of falling: you are afraid of life's difficulties

Height interpretation according to the dream book.  Why dream of height and fear of falling: you are afraid of life's difficulties
Height interpretation according to the dream book. Why dream of height and fear of falling: you are afraid of life's difficulties


I dreamed that the opera "Madame Butterfly" was going on in a huge skyscraper, in the same tall hall. I listen to her, but not inside, but outside: an endless staircase is leaning against the building, I am sitting at the very top. And it's very scary that I will fall if the stairs deviate to the side, so I do my best to lean against the building. But at the same time, I am amazed at how wonderful the music is - better than in life, just angelic
I don't associate sleep with anything
25 years old, gender - female


You can try to connect with reality. Let's try. A building, a skyscraper is a symbolic expression of our meaning of life or a set of life-defining meanings. You would like to find yourself in a building with great music. But they have to hang out somewhere outside of him. The ladder is our life path, that is, the fate along which we walk. In our collection there is a dream where a girl walks up the stairs and looks for her apartment, and her aunts in curlers and with trash cans meet her. In my opinion, many aunts with trash cans are called. Search. Very similar dreams.


I dreamed that I was sitting on a skyscraper. My husband was sitting next to me on the corner of the skyscraper. The roof was covered with soft fabric, and I felt that there was a gap between me and my husband under the fabric on the roof, so I asked him to give me his hand to help me get down. But he didn’t want to serve it, and it made me afraid, I was scared and didn’t know what to do. But what two men reached out to me and helped me by substituting a ladder. I experienced fear in a dream.


It seems to me that the most important thing you need to pay attention to in your dream is fear. And ask yourself the question: what intense fear am I experiencing in my life now? What is it connected with? What am I afraid of? Your association will be the main key to understanding sleep.

In my opinion, in


Very curious from the point of view of psychoanalysis. Previously, I periodically had dreams in which I was at a high altitude (but did not fly), and this was due to either neutral or pleasant sensations. I know how Freud interprets dreams related to height. In real life, I experience some fear of heights, sometimes it intensifies, but if I try, I can overcome it. Now is just such a period, I feel some discomfort even being on the balcony of the 7th floor. For a short time, I several times saw dreams related to altitude, and each time I felt fear (in a dream this is the first time!) I myself cannot associate this dream with anything. This, apparently, is something subconscious, but why does fear suddenly arise? The only thing with which, it seems to me, all this can be connected - at the moment I am quite keen on one person, but firmly decided not to allow any intimacy with him, so I have to resort to constant self-hypnosis ... But still, a clear connection I do not see. I would like to hear your explanations for such strange metamorphoses of my dreams. Thanks in advance.


Hello oraKool!
Yesterday I dreamed: I was sitting on the windowsill from the outside of the window, with my legs hanging down, and I was calmly talking with my mother, who is in the kitchen behind a CLOSED window. I hear her perfectly, I answer something, no fear that I might fall, no. But then the thought occurs to me that I am sitting high and that there is nothing to fall down, as there is nothing to do, under me there is not even a seat as such, there is not even anything to hold on to. Well, it was as if I did everything in a hypnotic state, but I woke up and the consciousness (awareness) of reality terrified me. I start to think frantically how to open the window, try to remember how I got here, look down - high. Feelings are quite real, as if this really happened. Then I remember that in some of my dreams I was rescued at the last moment in the same situation, only there I already slipped and was picked up on the fly and it happened playfully. That's the whole dream. Yaroslav, how to understand that at first I was not afraid and sat quietly, and then “woke up” and everything changed like that? After all, this is a dream, I am alone, in one place - on the windowsill, and such feelings are extreme. Something I do not understand.


This is what it is about. The ego-image is an extremely strange structure, it keeps aloof from the rest of the psyche, although without it not a single thought arises in it (sometimes it even comes to inflation, when the ego denies the psyche, considering itself the center of the universe). There is (you, Lena) some problem, the acceptance of which from the point of view of the unconscious is essential, but the ego-image is afraid of it. Then the psyche "plunges" him into a kind of trance state and shows that the problem is not terrible, there is nothing to be afraid of, etc. [: I sit on the windowsill from the outside of the window with my legs hanging down, no fear, I sit high]. Then the trance is removed and the ego-image is face to face with its own fear [here the thought comes to my head the realization of reality terrified me]. This kind of training occurs in your dreams more than once: remember, then you walk over a cliff, and then you are afraid, then your child is climbing a shaky staircase?


Good day! I want to tell you about the dreams that I have been seeing since the age of 16 (now I am 18 years old). They are not always alike, but the meaning of the dream is the same.
The dream begins differently, but in all cases I find myself on the top floor of a building (earlier it was a high-rise building in which I live, and now a country house). This is not even a floor, but a floor frame. And I walk, balancing on the rails that hold the building together. Tell us what the essence of these dreams is. Thank you in advance.


And one more dream that I had recently: I and two of my friends are sitting on the cornice of the window, with our legs hanging down. And I'm terribly afraid, just wild. And they are not afraid. I understand that I am sitting relatively safe, that is, I have to do something like that in order to fall, but the fear still does not go away. A couple of times I already start to "slide" from the cornice, each time clinging to something and returning to the same position. Then I climb inside the room, again overcoming the horror that I will break loose. And I find out that we were not sitting on the cornice of an ordinary window, but on the cornice of the balcony window, that is, there was a balcony under us (it’s strange that I didn’t see it) and that, in principle, I could not break….
I was interested in the dream by the fact that this is not the first time I have dreamed of mortal danger and fear, but in the end it turns out that the situation was initially harmless. (For example, from dreams sent to OraKul - dream # 903)


Falling asleep, I thought about the person I love very much. And then I dreamed that I was somewhere not at the top of a plateau overlooking the sea or the ocean ... wonderful weather - the sun, clouds and wind .... I am overwhelmed with a great sense of contentment, calmness, happiness ... I don't need anything else ... ...
ps This is how I imagine paradise to myself now ...


It seems to me that your dream reflected your thoughts before going to sleep with the help of images. In fact, you dreamed what you were thinking. The high plateau symbolizes the degree of ascension of your senses, from the height of which you can see something infinite, beautiful and deep - the sea, the ocean.




On New Year's Eve, I had a dream, an element of which periodically appears in my dreams and makes me feel an incredible feeling of fear and tension. Past dream (similar to New Year's): I'm climbing incredible heights
(there is always a ladder in such dreams) up a ladder, sometimes rope, sometimes stable and solid) to get into some room or just climb somewhere, and while I continue to move up the stairs, I do not experience any extraordinary feelings or fear, but when I get almost to the floor I need or just a steady surface, I always find myself on the last step (between it and the place where I need to get a fairly visible space that needs to be stepped over and hooked on the edge of the floor of the floor), but then I very quickly begin in my mind to figure out how to step there, from the stairs, in order to also maintain balance and not fall, and then without expecting any trick, completely by accident, I throw my eyes down and I am seized by a terrifying feeling of panic from the huge distance between me on an unstable step and the ground , which is completely invisible due to the incredible height ...
In general, my heart begins to pound with horror, and I hold on to my wooden step with one hand, which constantly oscillates in time with the swinging staircase, and with the other I try to grab onto the solid matter, where I was originally going.
Feelings are very difficult to convey in words: this is a very strong sudden fright, and a feeling of helplessness, I constantly lose my balance, swaying like a blade of grass. Everything ends well (I never fall), I still pull myself together, overcome my fear and grab the edge of the floor, pull myself up in my arms and climb up. Moreover, there, as luck would have it, turns out to be a very narrow door and I have to make more efforts to squeeze through inside keeping balance. Then I don't remember how the dream developed after this vivid episode ...

And the last similar (this New Year's) dream (I also remember only a part) is a little different, I am not in such an immense space:
I go around the store to buy gifts and decide to go up to the second floor of the store, again up the stairs, as always go up the last step, look down and freeze in shock from the height I managed to climb. It is difficult to get to the second floor because of the space between the last step and the floor itself; in order to be there, you simply need to stay with one foot on the step, and push off with the other, maintaining balance and good spirits, and jump over. But I can't do anything at all, because I am squatting, I am wearing some kind of summer cotton dress in a yellow shade, although I never wear dresses and went to the store to buy gifts for the new year, and I hold onto the edge of the steps with my hands, experiencing a very strong fear of heights. then I start to remember how I jumped with a parachute (not in a dream), that is, in a dream I have a memory, and I relive the moment when I left the plane in panic fear of heights and the unknown, having experienced everything in myself again, I look again down and I begin to understand that I am just winding myself up, since the distance from me to the floor is no more than 1.5 meters. I am very surprised at my unreasonable fear, calmly jump off my step and go to the counter with underwear for some reason.

Such dreams about height, imbalance and fear of falling are periodically repeated (I cannot of course say how often, I remember all of them, even in my childhood I dreamed.

In general, I sometimes have very plot dreams and interesting ones.

I will definitely write more.


I made new, special friends. I feel good and calm with them, they have unlimited possibilities and do everything for my well-being. I behave rather passively, they have prepared some kind of surprise for me and are taking me somewhere. We find ourselves in a mysterious country on New Year's Eve. This day is considered very important and unique in this country, and I also get a sense of exclusivity. Friends lead me to the sea and we suddenly find ourselves on a high rock sticking out right out of the water not far from the coast. We are on a rock, on a small rocky area, high above the sea. The sun is warming, gentle waves are splashing below. We lie sunbathing, then we dive right from this height into the sea and swim with great pleasure in warm and clear water, then we climb up the cliff. The feeling of complete bliss, like playing on the rocks and in the sea, lasts almost the whole day. And the day seems long, very long. I am indescribably happy and I tell my friends that I am infinitely grateful to them and amazed at their sensitivity, because this is how I dreamed of spending the New Year's Eve. Only now, it's a pity my children weren't with me, I ought to bring them here too, so that they can enjoy themselves. And in general, I say, now it's probably time to go somewhere to wash, put yourself in order after the beach, get ready for the New Year, at the same time find children. Friends nod silently, but their faces become somehow serious and a little sad, as if I had upset them with something. It is interesting that they are silent during the whole dream, only I speak to them. They understand me, but they don't say anything. At the same time, they seem to be the directors of everything that happens to me. Further, in accordance with my wishes, I find myself in some kind of room such as a pool dressing room. There are some public showers combined with a toilet, just not like in ordinary swimming pools. There are separate cubicle rooms, each with a shower and a toilet. I try to take one of them, but I constantly fail. Either it is already occupied, then you have to let someone ahead of you. I really want to wash and go to the toilet, but time passes, and I just can't do it. I feel bad. By this time, friends had already disappeared somewhere. Suddenly some honey appears. workers who take me to the doctor. I’m either fainting or falling asleep. Then I wake up and see a woman doctor who shows me a computer screen on which my insides are depicted in a longitudinal section in the form of multi-colored outlines. The doctor explains how, with the help of some procedure, she cleared my insides of impurities and disinfected them with some kind of aerosol, and now I will feel better.


It seems, Mei, that you have given up something negative [I want to wash and go to the toilet, but time goes by, but I can’t do it, I feel bad] and this causes a subjective feeling of freedom [a feeling of complete bliss, so in games on the rocks and in the sea, almost a whole day passes, and the day seems long, very long]. However, this is not just a rational act - as we can see, it was not without the activity of the internal healing potential [the doctor explains how, with the help of some procedure, she cleansed my insides of impurities and disinfected them with some kind of aerosol, and now I feel better].
It was not by chance that I changed the places of the events in my decoding - when the phases of the state "good" - "bad" - "good" are encountered, then often the first "good" is given on credit, the Unconscious seems to show (see the fairy tale about the frog princess: they feel good, he burns the skin and they feel bad, then he looks for it and again it’s good), that the second “good” is possible for a longer period, if you take active actions (for you this activity is shown by other sides of the personality - some honey appears. workers who take me to the doctor).
I would not be surprised if the newly found friends turn out to be personally grown homeless people from past dreams - at least, the discharge of negativity and cleansing is evident.


Thank you Yaroslav! I myself had several decryption options, but one completely did not fit, so I did not write anything. The fact of refusal from something negative, even if only in thoughts, really took place. At one time I was captured by one dubious idea, and just before the previous dream with the homeless people, I mentally tried it very hard on myself. And before the last sleep, I realized the uselessness and harmfulness of this idea for me. So, you are probably right. And from such discernment, is it really all from observation and research?


I very often have a dream in which I find myself at a certain height (often on the roof of a house) I do not understand how I get there, but I’m very afraid to get off, or I just don’t see a way. I feel such fear that it brings my limbs together. I always find myself on some kind of narrow surface, i.e. can't help but look down ... what could that mean? about myself: 19 years old, student, modest, often unsure of herself, impressionable, in fact, I'm afraid of heights.


It began with the fact that I sat on a high beak-shaped ledge and read a book. Then my mother called me, and getting off is very scary - I am sitting on horseback, there is nothing to lean on with my feet. I ask her to help, she refuses and leaves. Fear chills me, but what can I do, I calm down and still get off.

I'm on the balcony, the glass is fogging up. I breathe on it, a clearing appears, I lean against the glass with my face, I see a sea rocky coast and move there. None other than the Scandinavian god Odin approaches me, sitting on a stone by the sea. I see him in detail, one-eyed, everything is as it should be. Just watch not for long, because we begin to passionately make love. The stones are hard, however, after finishing the process, we talk a little and he disappears. Left forever, I understand, of course, God, what else to expect from them. And I find myself outside the window on the balcony, however, looking out there, I see there Odin leaving along the rocky shore, and more pictures. It turns out that the treacherous god, having abandoned me, nevertheless left in return the gift of clairvoyance, though only in relation to his own person - I can only predict the events of his life.


All the time I dream that I am at any height and I am in danger of falling, for example, standing on a dilapidated, rotten bridge that sways over a large and deep body of water, or on an old balcony that is crumbling and about to fall. At the same time, I feel GREAT fear, although in reality I am not at all afraid of heights. Being in such a position, from fear, I practically cannot move, I only cling to everything that is possible with a stranglehold, trying not to fall. There is a feeling of hopelessness, since I cannot leave this dangerous place. Sometimes I fall, unable to resist, but I never reach the surface. At the moment of the fall, when I realize that I could not resist, it falls on me like a bucket of cold water, my heart stops, but I do not wake up, and after flying a few meters the dream simply ends, flowing into another. This dream disturbs for 3 years, repeating periodically, I would very much like to understand it, but nothing comes to mind. I am 19 years old, female.


The fall symbolizes the departure from the authentic (corresponding to the original intention) path of development. If you start to fall while in the middle of the swinging bridge, it indicates indecision. Crossing the bridge to the other side would mean achieving the goal. Old, broken bridges represent stagnation that can lead to psychosomatic illness.


a tall tree I'm sitting on it I'm very scared in a printsype sitting there is not scary but I'm afraid to move so as not to fall! I'm afraid to get off! downstairs brother friends! I understand that if I fall then I will not be killed! Oshushcheniya disturbing dream was very real!


Hello! Before, I often (now less often) dreamed about the fact that I was climbing to some peak: each time these peaks are different, rarely repeated - they were rocks, mountains, bridges, giant mushrooms. During such dreams, I feel a great fear that I’m about to fall, I’ll fall, but I climb higher and higher and something is saving me, I’ve never fallen, I’ve been at the top all the time. I am 21 years old, female. I connect this dream with my fears about illness and death, and dreams in this way try to tell me that these fears are groundless and everything is in order. I don't know how it really is. Tell me.


I dreamed that my parents and I went to Moscow and we climbed onto the roof of a very tall building to view the city, and suddenly my head began to spin and it became very scary (I never noticed in my life that I had a fear of heights). my parents felt great and as soon as I began to realize that I was about to fall. I slipped and hung over the abyss for a few minutes, but then somehow miraculously the upper part of my body outweighed and I was again on the edge of the roof. The problem was that to return to the building it was necessary to pass in one place along the edge of the roof and I could not do it. My parents returned inside the building and laughed at me. I was very offended and even decided to fall for evil. In the end, my dad came back to help me. The dream ended with me trying to walk along the edge of the roof with him. I rarely dream, but this one was so vivid. What does it mean?


Me and a friend. We got on the hell of a floor. We stand on the cornice, I look down, People seem to be small dots, floor about 12. We stand and chat about the headmistress (what a bastard she is). Then I look down again, not so high, the height is about the level of the 5th floor. We are standing, and people are not paying attention to us. On the cornice, in full view! And they don't even blink in our direction. A friend offers to break the glass, then everyone will look at us accurately. We hit the glass with all our might. Terrible crash. Everyone, naturally, is looking at us. In the crowd, we notice the headmistress. She has a terrible displeased face. We go down from the cornice. She scolds us and takes a fine for broken glass of 2000 rubles.


I love writing fantasy stories, drawing graphic novels, and spent half the night with my characters. When I finally got up from the table, I thought that the characters from the story read had settled in my head ... But I did not know how firmly. At night I had the following dream. —— I was sitting behind a hospital. He was tall, and the side where I was sitting was shady. It is quite possible that I ran away from there. There was green grass and a wooden bench. It was very important that people in white halls, constantly leaning out of small windows, still thought that they were not being watched. So I sat down on this bench and pretended to be asleep. It affected them, and they did not pay any attention to me. Suddenly I was wearing a black crepe dress with swirls and ribbons (I noticed the change myself). Further, I am already wearing a white shirt with pink stripes, black trousers and leather, black boots - that is, I am dressed as one of the assassins from my own history, the so-called "Assassins". I kicked off the ground and flew to the roof. (The Assassins can do this.) Partly I did it by force of will, and partly with the help of boots that acted like springs if enough to push off the ground. Now I had to go downstairs. It was more difficult because it is easier to stimulate the upward flight than to stop the downward fall. (I knew that nothing would happen to me, but it was unpleasant for me to fall ..) Then I felt ashamed, Assassin all the same ... But as soon as I put my foot on the cornice, I was stopped by a group behind me. They were two girls and one young man. They stood, like me, on a flat, concrete roof, bathed in the sun of the sunset, and, apparently, had just left a booth with a ladder leading to the attic. They smiled, and I immediately realized that they were, that is, Artisans. Despite this, I realized that I had to fight against them. A guy with blond hair and a striped shirt let the girls pass by him (one with black hair in a ponytail and a shirt like mine, and the other with blond hair). They simply put their foot on the cornice, and took turns flying away on business. I prepared to fight him, but he apparently did not have time either, since he soon left the fighting position and tried to slip past me. When I tried to attack, he just held me with one hand, and the other ran his finger across my skin - it became incredibly pleasant, and I seem to fall in love with him, despite the fact that I hate blondes. He slid off the roof after his colleagues, but I clung to his shirt, and flew with him, holding on to him, and literally lying on his back. This did not anger him in the least. At that moment, I suddenly changed my gender, and turned into a sophisticated young man (I still kind of saw myself from the outside) with black hair and bright blue eyes. He smiled slightly when he felt how I crawled, or rather crawled over him, trying to lay my pelvis on his. ... Then, Black-haired somehow caught me, and dragged me somewhere by the hand. She wanted to know something from me, but I didn't want to tell her. As a result, she decided to torture me. We came to the entrance to a garden, there were skewers with holes to throw coins. She took out a coin and said: You still have a chance to tell me this, then I won't torture you. Such a thought flashed through, to beg her not to torture me, but I immediately felt ashamed. Then she shrugged her shoulders, tossed the coin, and dragged me into the garden. The garden was laid out in the Japanese style, that is, it was bright and blooming, with a blend of pink, yellow and white flowers, somewhere there was even a golden statue of Buddha. Further, there was a statue of the Empress, who was worshiped by my opponents. Next to the statue was a notebook with a table in which there were written in blue, paste pen such things as the last 5 thoughts of the Empress, the empress's well-being, etc. "Well, how is the Empress doing?" I asked caustically, as my new acquaintance could not tear herself away from the notebook. My comment made her angry, in my opinion, because she muttered something like: "Now I'll take care of you ..." She dragged me into some room with mats on the floor (the doors were bamboo and covered with tissue paper, and the wall behind me is oak) ... There she threw me on the mat, and she sat down next to me, and began to tell something about her relatives. It was long and tedious, and finally I said something that reminded her that she wanted to torture me. But she just started to caress me! At first, I liked it, but then, as it were, I stopped feeling what she was doing to me and fell asleep. Falling asleep, I grabbed onto her waist, as I was thinking about that blonde. She looked at me and said, "Still, she touches." This ended the dream ...


It is touching that all the characters in the dream have a positive attitude towards the hero in which the author is embodied. Therefore, they do not harm him. This is the plasticity that characterizes talented people. Of course, the "embodied author" everywhere bends his sensual-romantic line, and the dream itself reflects the operational plan of the story you are composing. The story turns out to be erotic, but it illustrates how Being gives birth to existence and how it loves it.


Thank you so much for the decryption ... You know, lately, despite the fact that I have a psychologically difficult period, in my dreams everyone treats me well. I often dream of fights, adventures, and even more often that I fly, but most often, the relationship between my enemies and me takes on a friendly (much less often: erotic) character.

And this was the first time that I got into MY history. That is, I often think that I find myself in my favorite films and books, but getting into my own story is almost the second time in my life (except for this case I remember only one, I was 9-10 years old then).


By the way, I forgot to say: in my dream there were characters that are not in my story ... That is, they belonged to the group of people in question, but there are no such characters, besides the young man I turned into.


I was actually never afraid of heights, but in a dream this is my only fear, the last time I dreamed that I had to save my girlfriend (whom I have never seen before) she wanted to jump off the bridge, and I could not even get up because that I was scared (it was very high there) and yet she jumped down and hit the ground in my eyes. at the moment I am 19 years old, female, and I do not know with what such a dream can be connected

Since ancient times, humanity has been trying to unravel the secrets that dreams carry. Plunging into them, people can look into themselves. Details that were not noticed during the day come up at night. Having relaxed, a person can calmly analyze the current situation and even predict its outcome.

The dream book helps to understand the images that came at night. Height is a specific symbol. For different social groups, nationalities and religions, it can be interpreted differently. However, the common features for all can still be traced. What the dreamed height means will be easier to understand by delving into the details.

General associations

Interpretation of a dream about height you should start with a general understanding of this symbol. For many categories of people, it means approximately the same thing. Height can seem to be something significant, outstanding and great. If it is "achieved", it can be associated with success, achievement of the goal. Moreover, not everyone can rise to such a height.

There is also a common expression "to mark high". This means that a person sets himself difficult, sometimes impossible goals. They can also be quite prestigious tasks.

It is difficult to conquer heights. You can break loose and fall down. If you fall from a height, you can get serious injuries or even die. Everyone knows that. Therefore, many people have a fear of heights.

You can also climb to a height in different ways. Someone is carried there by an elevator, while someone has to take special equipment and, overcoming all difficulties, climb to their goal. Many also know that you can hover above the ground or look at it from an airplane window. What does each specific image mean, the dream book will help you figure it out. Height evokes various emotions. It is they who determine the message of the symbol seen.

Varieties of height dreams

To understand what do dreams mean, it is necessary to divide them into subgroups. Each of them can mean something different. And it is necessary to consider a dream from the position of the category to which it belongs. The sign that the height carries in itself can be both auspicious and negative. In any case, dreams warn us, warn us against making a mistake. Conventionally, the following categories can be distinguished:

  1. Stand high and look down, afraid to fall.
  2. Fall down.
  3. Fall to the ground.
  4. Stand on the roof, observing the surroundings.
  5. The desire to jump.
  6. Fly on an airplane or other apparatus.
  7. Stand on the top of the mountain.
  8. Skydive.
  9. Seeing another person fall.
  10. I like to be on top (to stand on a hill, soar in the sky).

In accordance with the listed options, you should select the category to which the night vision belongs. This will make it easier to figure out what the symbol you see warns or says.

Ancient dream book

Our ancestors were also engaged in the interpretation of such dreams. In their time there were no skyscrapers or high-rises yet. However, humanity had an understanding of heights for a long time. Perhaps the secrets discovered in ancient times will help interpret the dream in the present. This knowledge has been tested by many generations.

Standing or falling from a height in a dream - could portend a disease for a person. Soaring in the sky, however, was a good sign. This boded great joy. The peoples of Asia interpreted such symbols as a warning. They believed that climbing to a height was commendable for a person. However, the higher it rises, the more likely it is to fall. Therefore, you need to be careful not to fall into the abyss.

The Islamic dream book says that such a symbol speaks of the need to take care of your loved ones. You need to think about the most important, meaningful. This is a family and close people. Therefore, such images were associated with relatives.

With the symbols presented, our ancestors interpreted ambiguously. It was important to take into account the details of the dream. Fear is a negative sign. Can warn of impending danger. Only positive emotions that the dreamer experiences can portend prosperity.

Afraid of heights

Many people can afraid of heights in a dream... This is not an unfavorable symbol. Perhaps it is a fear of change or impending problems. Not every person can calmly accept the changes in their destiny and come to terms with them. Therefore, it is normal for people to worry and fear. However, everything that is happening in life now leads to improvement.

Fear of the future and change can manifest itself in dreams of heights and their fears. Almost always, such an image does not carry any negativity. Rather, on the contrary, it portends the successful completion of what has been started, overcoming the obstacle. The difficult period will end soon. If a person is not afraid of difficulties, he will never dream of this. Therefore, looking inside yourself, you need to face your fears and fears. You don't need to be afraid of them. Everything is going as it should be.

Perhaps soon some of the relatives or close friends will need help. Fear of heights can mean fear of responsibility. A heavy burden can fall on the dreamer. However, by helping another, he will be able to improve the situation in life not only for himself, but also for a loved one.

In some cases, fear of falling can mean an imminent journey. A business trip or vacation will be the discovery of something new, will help broaden your horizons.


If the dreamer happened to be afraid of heights in a dream, and even fall down, this may indicate other events in life. In addition to changes, this means high demands of a person for himself. He sets himself almost impossible goals. At the same time, one's own personality can be perceived very critically.

Such a person has shouldered an unbearable burden. If he sees himself falling and is afraid of heights, this means that he needs to stop. It is required to rethink the goals and objectives set for oneself. Some of them should be discarded. Everything should happen gradually. If you wait for everything at once, you may fail.

Each subsequent task should lead to the goal. However, you should not take on several tasks at the same time. If you happen to fall from a height in a dream, you should look at the situation realistically. Everything can be achieved, but subject to a constructive strategy. You can't waste so much energy. Otherwise, they will not remain. It will be impossible to finish what you started.

This is a powerful warning. A person should treat such a dream as responsibly as possible. Own subconsciousness warns of the likelihood of going beyond the boundaries of the available forces. Only by taking control of the situation, you can move on.

Break down

If the focus of the dream was not on the fall itself, but on the moment when the person fell down, this image also has a special meaning. It's common enough dream. Fall from a height also does not apply to negative signs.

Most often, this kind of night vision comes to people who have only recently received a new high status at work or in society. They are afraid of losing what they have achieved. However, this will not happen. You just need to get comfortable in a new place. This will take some time. The fears will pass very soon.

To break down is often brought to patients with a serious illness. This means that the crisis is over. Then the person will recover. If the dreamer was not sick, the fall portends deliverance from danger. Perhaps the person did not even know about her. It will open over time. However, by a happy coincidence, the person was able to overcome the threat without loss.

There is no need to be afraid anymore. The difficult period is over. The worst thing has already happened. Then life will begin to improve. This is a good omen. It takes time. Everything will fall into place, the threat has passed.

Jump on your own

Maybe similar to the previous one dream. Jump from a height in it, the dreamer is told independently. He does this of his own accord. This situation means that a person is ready for change and yearns for it. He wants to change something in his life and is even ready to take risks. For example, a person wants to sell his apartment in a noisy big city and move out of town. Or, on the contrary, he strives from silence to the mobile, dynamic reality of the metropolis.

Such a dream advises to listen to yourself. You need to understand what the dreamer really wants. In this case, you do not need to pay attention to those around you. You should honestly admit to yourself what your heart longs for. Without this, a person cannot feel happy. Having understood his desire, a person can decide to take the first step on the path to happiness. He wants a big change.

If a person sees in a dream how he landed on the ground, this means the end of the period of change. Now everything fell into place. The obstacle was overcome. This is a new life.

When is it descend from a height in a dream on a parachute, it speaks of the need for thrills. Ordinary and routine are tired of the order. A person wants extreme, new vivid impressions and emotions. Maybe it's time to go on vacation.


People often dream about the opposite. dream. Climb to the height or being at a height - this can also be considered a good sign. A person who climbs up overcomes obstacles in his life path. He is confident in his victory. With all his efforts, the dreamer will achieve the goal in reality.

If he was able to climb the mountain and observe the vastness from a height, success will come in the near future. Perhaps it will be a new position that the person was striving for, or another personal peak. Such a dream speaks of high ambitions and movement forward.

If the dreamer did not see how he climbs to a height, but stands on the roof of a building or on a balcony, an observation deck, this indicates insufficient action. A person only plans his brilliant future, but does nothing for this yet. Perhaps he needs to look around, assess the situation around. But without action, success is unattainable. Therefore, you should think about how the goal will be achieved.

If a person is lifted up by an elevator or other transport, this indicates an easy achievement of the desired. Everything is going well. Luck floats into your hands. However, it is necessary to understand whether this is what a person wants. If he surrenders to the will of the current and allows circumstances to decide his fate, will he be satisfied with the result? If so, then boldly go to the goal. The path is open.

Soar high, see another person fall

One of the best omens is considered watch from a height in a dream hovering in the sky above the ground. This speaks of great success, happiness. A bright period has come in a person's life. This is abundance, fullness of life, joy. The dreamer was rightfully successful. If he experiences euphoria in a dream, this indicates a gift from fate. He finds happiness.

If you have to soar in the sky on an airplane or other aircraft, this indicates the habit of making unrealistic plans and dreams. A person cannot really look at things. He builds sand castles, condemning himself to disappointment in the future. You need to descend from heaven to earth and look at the real world around you. This is the only way to achieve what you want.

A dream about height can show the image of another person falling down. This speaks of a revision of their worldview. Someone's example (positive or negative) can lead to different thoughts. A person draws certain conclusions for himself based on someone else's experience. This is a rather auspicious sign. He says that a person learns from the mistakes of others.

If a loved one or a child fell from a height, it is necessary to consider the relationship with him. Perhaps they are not harmonious enough. This is a warning about the need to establish a common language with the person whom the dreamer saw.

Other interpretations

There are many varieties dream books. Height is interpreted by them ambiguously. So, the dream book of yogis says that seeing a tall building or climbing to a height is to achieve something. This is gaining new knowledge, opportunities, or simply moving up the career ladder.

Dream Interpretation Vanga speaks of striving for perfection of the surrounding world, if at night the image of heights came. A person wants to develop and improve others. Miller's dream book says that such symbols indicate the presence of obstacles in life. They interfere, but do not exclude the possibility of achieving the goal. It all depends on the mood of the person. What he is ready to go to in order to overcome everything in his path.

Tsvetkov's dream book says that, sensing height in a dream, a person starts some kind of risky business. Moreover, he is ready for this and moves along the path voluntarily. Juno's dream book interprets such a dream as a symbol of perspective and new opportunities. Such dreams can warn of danger or speak of luck and prosperity. It all depends on the circumstances, mood in a dream. Having made the right conclusions in reality, you can avoid many problems, resolve some situations.

Having considered what interpretation the dream book gives to height, fall and rise to a hill, as well as many other symbols, everyone will be able to correctly understand the image that has come. This will allow you to organize your life correctly.

Anchor points:

The meaning of "high" dreams

The dreamed height can become a symbol of the fact that you always achieve what you want. However, a dream in which you fell from a height warns of illness. Did someone else fall in your dream? This means that troubles threaten your relatives, close people. As a result of the fall, you crashed - your hopes are not given to come true, if someone else died in a fall from a height - do not risk in vain, the risk during this period will not be justified. You have reached the height which allows you to touch the stars, which means now the moment is favorable for all undertakings. If you admired the heavenly heights, then a joyful event awaits you. There is a dream about material prosperity in which you aspired, rose in height in absolutely any way. You saw in a dream how climbers conquer - this dream means your timidity, even cowardice. Competitors in achieving the goal is guaranteed by a dream in which you did not climb up alone. Soaring at high altitude above the ground is a deafening success. During the ascent, something interfered with you - it means that you have to work a lot to achieve the goal - there will be constant obstacles and obstacles. Being at a height, you felt an unsteady support under you, a swaying surface - such a dream speaks of your instability, you stand uncertainly on your feet.

You, being on top, felt a sense of fear-you should be more responsible and serious, otherwise you may soon face the letter of the law. If you feel comfortable and free, then you will soon achieve success in your career. Watching what is happening below from a height means being a stubborn and hardworking person.

Briefly about the main

Being afraid of heights in a dream is a sign of upcoming life changes according to most dream books. Psychology, on the other hand, determines the meaning of such fear as emotional depression, depression.

More often than not, people who have such dreams are slow and indecisive. Their subconscious mind gives them clues that they need to take risks, otherwise the opportunity will be missed.

Ambitious and active people in real life experience a similar fear in their dreams about an event that could bring them bad luck. On the contrary, you need to settle down and weigh your decisions again.

TOP 4 negative interpretations

  1. Getting injured in almost all dream books - a bad sign. The sleeper can expect problems, financial losses or deterioration in health.
  2. Climbing off something high- retreat. Perhaps in the life of the dreamer there are too impossible tasks.
  3. Hold on tight to something before falling- false hopes that prevent you from achieving what you want.
  4. Fall from a height and get scared- obstacles await you.

TOP 3 neutral interpretations

  1. Fright before falling- need rest. Or the person is on the verge of making an important decision.
  2. Fear of heights- the desire to be free, to take off unnecessary obligations.
  3. The person who really suffers from acrophobia- fear of heights - can see such a dream in difficult life situations. A dream does not bring signs, but only shakes up the psychological state, helping to cheer up.

Fear of heights in a dream, why is it according to Miller's dream book?

According to Miller's dream book, a vision can mean loss or disappointment.

Depending on the location of the person at the height, the interpretation of the dream is specified:

  1. In the sky, parachute jump. It is recommended not to get involved in adventures in the near future and not to take unnecessary risks.
  2. High-rise building, roof, skyscraper. Most likely, a person is tormented by doubts and it is they that do not allow completing an important matter. First, you need to understand the nature of your emotions.
  3. Mountain. An omen of health problems, it is worth paying special attention to this.
  4. Ferris wheel. Scrolls through your thoughts, helping to find a mistake in business or personal relationships.
  5. Falling into the river. Serious health problems. But if in a dream a person crawled out of the water, the disease in reality will quickly recede.
  6. The fear of heights arose in connection with the destruction of a house or mountain - such a sign speaks of fatal changes in life.

Video: interpretation of the fear of heights in a dream

Filmed by the "Night Owl" channel.

Why do I dream of a fear of heights according to Freud's dream book?

According to Freud's dream book, the fear of heights is a dream of people who are experiencing difficulties in relations with their partner. Height means a manifestation of feelings, and to be afraid of it in a dream is to be afraid to confess to a loved one of affection.

In a dream, a person can stay not at a height, but near it:

  • at the foot of the mountain;
  • in front of the entrance to a high-rise building;
  • at the door to the balcony.

Such a dream foreshadows that in a relationship with a chosen one, you will have to show imagination in order to conquer or maintain passionate connections.

For men:

  • sleep represents the fear of losing your strength and attractiveness.

What does a dream in which you are afraid of heights mean, according to Vanga's dream book?

Wangi's dream book interprets the fear of heights as follows:

  • striving for self-development;
  • the need to work on personal development;
  • desire to improve the universe.

A falling plane in a vision indicates that attempts to improve a difficult situation in life will not bear fruit.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Tsvetkov believes that the fear of heights in a dream is felt by people whose intended business is very risky. It is worth revising plans and possible problems.

I dreamed of "diving from a height" - an amazing and successful thing awaits the one who dreamed.

Loff's dream book

According to Loff's dream book, fear of heights portends financial stability:

  • saw a high-rise building in a dream - career success;
  • to climb high stairs - an increase, as well as a transition to a new level of development.

Dream interpretation Hasse

The meaning of the fear of heights in this dream book is that close friends and relatives are in serious danger. The dream is given in order to warn of the threat and save loved ones.

Dream interpretation of Nostradamus

In the dream book of Nostradamus there are two meanings of the fear of heights:

  • a huge height suggests that all events that occur in a dream will happen in the distant future;
  • to see many people on the dais - belittling your talents and capabilities in front of others.

Dream interpretation of Meneghetti

A terrible dream can be dreamed by people according to Meneghetti's interpretation in such cases:

  • being at a high altitude means imminent physical illness;
  • looking at the sky - joyful events;
  • falling is a disease, serious problems.

Dream interpretation Longo

A person who was frightened in a dream of heights can interpret what he saw as follows:

  • has too many demands on himself;
  • will not be able to achieve the desired;
  • the acquisition of an obligation that cannot be fulfilled.

Dream interpretation of Azar

According to this dream book, the fear of heights and falling is a good sign. You can expect an invitation to a new job or a career takeoff.

Dream interpretation Veles

The dream interpreter Veles explains the fall from a height by the fact that in reality a person got involved in a dangerous business. Perhaps, in reality, a dreaming person should not do things that he will regret.

Falling in the toilet or into a cesspool - in life, the owner of such a dream will make a terrible impression on people.

Aesop's dream book

In Aesop's dream book, there is an interpretation of the following dream: fear caused by a child falling from a balcony or roof.

There are two interpretations of the vision:

  • the baby in reality is waiting for the discovery of new talents and skills;
  • the one who dreamed should do an unusual thing, it is this that will bring him happiness.

You need to pay attention to the health of children if in a dream real kids fell into a well or pit. This is a possible request for help that the child cannot voice in reality.

English dream book

In the English dream book, there are several meanings of the feeling of fear in a dream:

  1. Falling from a height - losses and problems.
  2. A person in love who is in doubt about the chosen one may interpret the vision as a waste of time. Chances are, the relationship won't be happy.
  3. For businessmen, this is also a bad sign. In business, difficulties and losses await.
  4. People who are going on a long journey and have a dream associated with a fear of heights should be careful. This is a sign of disaster and an unlucky journey.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

In the Wanderer's dream interpreter, there is a decoding of such dreams associated with the height:

  1. Fear of heights in the elevator, fear that he will fall. Dreams of those who are afraid to commit an important and necessary act. To get rid of the nightmare in reality, you need to decide on a difficult step.
  2. The elevator falls. Expect regret for the time spent, it is worth revising plans for the near future.
  3. Objects fall on a person from a height. A harbinger of mortal danger.

French dream book

In the French dream book, the fear of falling from a height portends trouble and trouble.

How the dream ends can serve as a clue for the future:

  • the person who survived and rose after the fall will conquer his problems;
  • someone who died or was injured in a dream can expect difficulties and bad news.

Assyrian dream book

The meanings of the feeling of horror due to height in the Assyrian dream book:

  • falling into the abyss - an exciting business and a new acquaintance await;
  • break in a vision - in the near future there will be no success in work;
  • falling from high and low heights promises the emergence of serious and minor problems in life, respectively;
  • falling off a mountain or a high-rise building is a business that a person implements will not bring success.

Dream interpretation of the healer Akulina

To fall from a great height in a dream, the dream book of the healer Akulina interprets as follows: great luck awaits after overcoming difficulties.

Modern dream book

The fear of heights, according to the modern online dream book, tells a person that he has no material support in life. This state worries him and does not allow plans to be realized.

The fear of cosmic heights, on the other hand, portends the opening of new possibilities. A person who is dreaming will not be ready for them, so you should pay attention to this in real life.

Chinese dream book

The Chinese dream book connects height with spirituality. This means that the fear of her is the fear that has settled in the soul in connection with the changed circumstances.

Perhaps a person in life expects:

  • difficulty in achieving the goal;
  • career;
  • change in financial status;
  • moral shock;
  • increasing social status.

Muslim dream book

The Muslim dream book interprets the fear of heights as follows:

  • looking out the window at a height personifies a person's thirst to free himself from the framework and get the desired freedom;
  • jump into the abyss - you need to take a risky step in order to get what you want;
  • descend from a height carefully or jump with a parachute - any action requires discretion, you cannot rush to make a decision;
  • standing on a high cliff - a person's position in life is very precarious, it is necessary to reconsider priorities.

Islamic dream book

The fear of falling in the Islamic dream book symbolizes the difficult, even unrealistic tasks facing a person.

Various variations of the dream complement the interpretation:

  • hanging at a height - waiting for overcoming difficulties, after which the desired goal will finally be achieved;
  • standing on the balcony - being too demanding of yourself, not seeing the real reasons for your failure;
  • being on the roof is a sign of gaining higher spiritual strength;
  • sitting in the Ferris wheel - a change of power: either you will become higher, or you will lower;
  • any climb, like an elevator or a staircase, symbolizes progress in life or career.

Russian dream book

Sleep values:

  1. A dream associated with height, according to the Russian dream book, is a good sign. It leads a person to important life changes.
  2. Fear of heights in dreams is a signal from the brain that a person lacks extreme situations and emotions, which generates adrenaline in the blood.
  3. Being on a high-rise building means the rapid development of relationships for a person in love.
  4. A child or family members, who are on top, symbolize a crisis situation. It is worth spending more time with your family.

Slavic dream book

The height in the Slavic dream book also has several interpretations:

  • to see a cloudless sky - a happy future;
  • being afraid to fly on an airplane - fear of a love relationship;
  • diving or falling of an airplane - a crisis in the family or problems at work.

According to the Slavic dream book, a person who sees a catastrophe at a height, but does not feel horror, knows exactly how to solve problems.

Ukrainian dream book

Fear of heights in a dream promises a quick change in existing affairs - these can be both positive and negative changes.

Climbing from a hill - not noticing the obvious solutions to problems in reality.

Family dream book

Feeling fear from the sight of heights according to the family dream book is unfortunately.

Dream interpretation of Felomen

Fear of heights, according to Felomen's dream book, means changing a streak of bad luck for great luck. Very soon, all complex problems will be solved for a person who has seen heights in a dream.

Esoteric dream book

The esoteric dream interpreter advises anyone who sees a fall in a dream or has a fear of heights to become more self-confident and find the right motivation.

Love dream book

A love dream book says that interpretations in books cannot always reflect reality. It is worth listening to your feelings from the lived dream and thinking about how this applies to real life.

Individual frames of what you see can be analyzed as follows:

  • a jump into an abyss, from a roof or from a window, is seen by those who will soon commit a rash act;
  • often the fear of heights is dreamed of by lonely people;
  • height in different variations is one whose life is undergoing major changes.

Dream interpretation for women

For women:

  • A fall from a height in a women's dream book portends a great disaster. Moreover, if the one who dreamed was injured, then painful losses await her in life.
  • A woman who stands on top and is very scared is too arrogant in life and behaves unworthily.
  • If she sees someone on the roof, it means that she is not confident in herself and this prevents her from achieving her goal.

Dream interpretation for men

For men:

  • Being high in a dream is to have too ambitious plans. Fear is personified by the doubts occurring in the soul of a man.
  • In a dream, someone may be standing next to him - this person in real life does not rejoice in the success of the person who has had a dream and does not support him.
  • The conquest of a mountain means an increase in material well-being, and falling from it means failure and collapse of the business.

Dream interpretation of Juno

The height symbolizes many possibilities. To be afraid of heights in a dream is not to decide in reality to do a deed that will bring prosperity.

Climbing down a mountain or a high-rise building - in life you need to refuse a tempting offer, perhaps it does not promise happiness.

A huge hill or flight is a sign that promises good news for Juno's dream book.

Lunar dream book

According to the lunar dream interpreter, to see the height means to move up the career ladder and take a new post.

There are other meanings:

  • fall from the top - difficulties will arise in the work;
  • a long flight into the abyss - insoluble problems in the family;
  • fall injuries - despair and depression;
  • paralyzing fear of heights in a dream - loved ones are in danger.

Intimate dream book

An intimate dream book interprets the fear of heights as follows:

  • watch someone's flight - soon you will have to reevaluate a loved one;
  • parachute jump - a desire to experience new emotions in an intimate life;
  • to be afraid for another person who is at his best means to see a partner who will play an important role in his personal life.

Winter dream book

Being at a high altitude with fear according to a winter dream book means committing wrong actions.

Other interpretations:

  • going down from a height - missing out on opportunities;
  • rise - new career paths.

Home dream book

The fear of heights according to the home dream book is interpreted as new achievements.

Actions that occur in such a dream are deciphered as follows:

  • being in a dream very high in the mountains or in space - a change in lifestyle or a feeling of loneliness;
  • to see something very high - in reality, the owner of the dream is impressed by some person or event;
  • standing on a building - staying in a state of spiritual development.

According to the home dream book, any fall in a dream is doubt, lack of confidence in one's abilities.

Creative dream book

According to this dream book, if a person has a feeling of fear of heights, it means that in reality he has raised the bar. Having great claims to yourself means feeling your imperfection. Such a dream shows the sleeping person his weaknesses.

Dream interpretation of the subconscious

A person who goes to bed and has a fear of heights subconsciously answers to himself important questions.

Possible interpretations:

  • climbing up and then falling into the abyss are difficult tasks in life that will not bring success;
  • breaking in a dream from a great height is an insurmountable problem;
  • to fall and get up - victory over any difficulties;
  • to be very afraid of heights - an overly critical attitude towards oneself;
  • to stand on a hill - the distance to the ground under the one standing speaks of the size of the ambitions inherent in him;
  • jump down or readiness for it - changes in life are needed;
  • to climb to a height is to achieve a better social status.

Video about fear of heights in a dream

Filmed by the "House of the Sun" channel.

Very often people have a dream in which they fall from a height. What is the height of dreaming about - a folk omen says, this means that a person is actually growing. But the period of active growth lasts mainly in childhood and adolescence, and dreams of falling happen in adult dreamers. So what do these dreams actually prophesy to us?

  • Dream Interpretations give a general interpretation of such plots and explain that falling from a height is more often observed by individuals who, in real life, take on overwhelming tasks, often dream and hope for a sudden win.
  • Do not be afraid if in a dream you had to fall - this will not be an omen of something serious, you just need to understand why a great height is actually dreaming: such a dream opens a person's eyes to reality and the reasons for his failures, while hinting at the fact, that the sleeper is too critical of himself and demanding of people.
  • The dream book claims that it will be possible to overcome all obstacles in reality to the one who sees his own fall in a dream. And if at the same time the dreamer does not receive injuries and injuries, then in reality he will not have to sacrifice anything to implement his plans.
  • People often dream that they have a fear of heights. Such dreams are a subconscious reflection of their real ambitions and reverent attitude towards the achievements. The dream book recommends letting go of all worries and doubts and fully enjoying their victories.
  • If true altruists and public figures in a dream have a desire to make a jump into the abyss, then in reality such people experience overwork from all sorts of responsibilities and duties. The dream book claims that such a dream makes it clear that such individuals do not need to give up their mission, they just need to take a break from business and how to relax.

  • Dream Interpretations also explain in detail why the fear of heights dreams. People experience such fears in reality when they are not one hundred percent sure that they are right and consider their ideas too innovative. However, such dreams try to make it clear to the dreamer that he has nothing to fear, he just needs to finish what he started and get the desired result.
  • For leaders in a dream, being afraid to fall from a height means seeing from the side all the pros and cons of their character. The dream tries to convey to the dreamer's understanding that his desire to control people is not a need, but just another whim. And even when the desire to be a leader in his real life is fulfilled, the result will be a heavy burden of responsibility.
  • Sometimes dream books warn that if in a dream a person made a jump from a height, then in reality he will have to face grief and disappointment. It is also said in the dream book that all the troubles will not be long-lasting and especially tragic, but the dreamer, despite this, will take them to heart quite close.
  • Often, the dream book connects what the height is dreaming of and the willingness to jump from it, with the desire of people to feel euphoria in their reality. The beauty of free flight in a dream makes it clear to the dreamer that only everyday life and acquired complexes prevent him from realizing his destiny in reality.
  • When in a dream a sleeping person witnesses a fall from a height of another person, then he needs to correctly prioritize in real life and reassess his own values. The dream book advises getting rid of arrogance and arrogance and then everything will fall into place.

How to interpret the fear of heights in a dream

  • Why is the fear of heights dreaming? For people to acutely feel such fears in a dream, according to the dream book, means the onset of a period for mobilizing all mental and physical forces in order to be ready for all life trials that await them in reality.
  • If the sleeper sees himself in a dream standing on a dais, then in reality the position of this person is not leading, rather the opposite - he is always in the shadow of events. The dream book says that fears in a dream before falling can indicate the stability and strength of all aspects of the dreamer's life.
  • Sometimes people have to watch in a dream the events from the past from a bird's eye view. The interpretation of such a plot is as follows: a person will definitely achieve in reality everything he wants only if he makes every effort for this. Dream Interpretations promise that the result of such efforts will only be positive.
  • Parents need to remember that everything that dreams of falling from a height of their children is associated with warnings and recommendations from dream books to pay more attention to their own children, especially their mood and emotional outbursts in behavior.
  • Miller's dream book gave dreams of height the exact opposite meaning. That is, the sage argued that a person who sees himself on top of a mountain in a dream has never reached heights in reality. In such cases, the interpreter's advice was the same: it is necessary to accept everything as it is, not to exchange your life for constant rivalry and competition.
  • A decisive jump and a clear fall down in a dream will be a warning to the sleeper. The main character of such a dream is a person capable of such extraordinary actions, but, despite this, the dream book gives him advice to remain reasonable in real affairs, otherwise he will be disappointed.

  • Why dream of such a height, before which a person does not feel fear? In fact, according to dream books, the interpretation of such a dream is simple: in reality the dreamer will be able to achieve any success. At the same time, he will be able to maintain his high positions for a long time.
  • But if in a dream the sleeper clearly experiences fear of falling, then he needs to be careful in real life. Dream Interpretations warn of the possibility of injury or being involved in deception. It is possible that the environment of the dreamer of such a dream is not friendly enough to him at the moment.
  • It is imperative that adults pay attention to dreams in which children fall from a height. The dream book recommends taking into account the personality of this child, perhaps it is he who needs support and understanding.