Their place in the composition of the novel. Characteristics of Oblomov guests

 Their place in the composition of the novel. Characteristics of Oblomov guests
Their place in the composition of the novel. Characteristics of Oblomov guests

Plan Characteristics:

1. How to celebrate the visitor of the bug

2. Li raised broom from the sofa towards

3. How reflections came the bugs after the visitors' care

4. Why does the visitor comes to the broom

1) Wolves:

1. As soon as the doorbell rang, Oblomov covered curiosity, and he began to watch. Seeing that his guest - wolves, he said hello and, just he wanted to approach, said: "Do not fit, do not fit: you from the cold!"

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There was no attempts to lift the bed.

3. Oblomov began to be surprised: "Ten places in one day - unhappy!". But also thought it would be nice too to fall in love with some girl. But in the end, it came to the conclusion that his life is much better and calmer and she suits him.

4. Volkov came to see the Oblomov and tell the latest news, as well as boast of their new things.

2) Sudybinsky:

1. Oblomov was delighted by the arrival of the old colleague, having fun with him, but also said, like the Volkov: "Do not come, do not come! You are with cold."

2. At the arrival of the Sudrinsky bug, he did not even move, but was one moment during a conversation when he jumped out of bed.

3. Oblomov reasoned: "Prochess, a kind of friend, on the ears of stuck. And blind, and deaf, and it is for everything else in the world. We also have a career too!". Also Ilya Ilyich affects the nature of man's essence that with such a lifetime, like his comrade, "there is little man here". After all the reflection of Oblomov stopped at the fact that he was glad that he could sit at home all day and not messing with work unlike the Sudbinsky, which is calling unfortunate.

4. The Sudbinsky came to visit the former colleague, mentioned that "was going to you for a long time." He spoke about his official affairs and the closest plans, also tried to call Oblomov with himself to Ekateringof.

3) Penkin:

1. Before Penkin came, the bugs were still in thought after the departure of the Sudbinsky, and it turned out that at first he did not even notice the new guest. But after he said hello, he woke up, and the words sounded again: "Do not fit, do not fit: you are from the cold!".

2. For the arrival of Pencois, obcomments did not particularly respond, but during the conversations of Penkin was able to settle a little Ilya Ilyich, he first highlighted, and after and at all jumped out of bed. But after again lay down.

3. When Penkin is left, the bugs began to perplex, as possible to write all the time, especially at night. He also thought: "Yes, it is all, to spend the thought, his soul on the little things, to change the beliefs, to trade with the mind and imagination, rape your nature, worry, boiled, burn, not to know peace and move somewhere ... ". He did not understand this, although he said himself earlier that a person is not a person if he does not live, does not feel, does not use his mind and imagination. He compares Penkina with the car: "write everything, like a wheel, like a car: Write tomorrow, the day after tomorrow. When will you stay and relax? Unfortunate."

4. Penkina was the purpose of the visit: "I, you know, why did you come to you? I wanted to offer you to Ekateringof; I have a stroller." But before he said about this, he managed to start a conversation with a broom of his new article, then about literature, and after "fallen people" and about society, in general, which was able to make up Oblomov.

4) Alekseev:

1. After another call to the door of the broom, wondered: "What is it for the Rauta today?". After Alekseev came, he greeted him and immediately warned: "Do not fit, do not fit: I will not give you hands: you are from the cold!".

2. During the conversation, the bugs almost did not move from the place, even though he was kept to get up, wash and start gathering.

3. Alexsek did not leave the apartment of Oblomov until the tarantyev came, and left after him. Oblomov at the time of the care of Alekseeva did not listen to him and, sitting in the chair, "did not plunge in a nap, not that thoughtfulness."

4. Alekseev came for Oblomov, to take away to the lunch to shechin, and after with him, sheepinen, Alianov, Phailo and Kramyagin to go to Ekateringof. He tried to make Oblomov climb and start going to gather, but Ilya Ilyich dissuaded him to go for lunch to shechinin, and dine with him with Tarantyev. More brooms were finally able to talk about two misfortunes, and Alekseev listened to him.

5) Tarantyev:

1. As soon as Tarantyev came, he greeted the broom and stretched his hand, but Ilya Ilyich, as well as the previous visitor, said: "Do not come, do not fit: you are from the cold!", And covered with a blanket.

2. Oblomov met a guest lying on the bed, but Tarantyev tried to raise him from bed, "but he warned him, lowering his legs and immediately hitting them in both shoes." Tarantyev began to call Zakhar to dress the Barin. Oblomov with the help of Zahar rose and sat down in a chair.

3. After the departure of Tarantyev, Oblomov began to reflect on his problems: "Oblomov was upset and writing the headman and the upcoming move to the apartment and partly tired Tarantyev's cracks."

4. Tarantyev was invited to lunch in bulk. And since the invited came early, Ilya Ilyich decided to consult with him about his misfortunes. Tarantyev decided to accomplish the help that he succeeded. He also arrived to ask for Oblomov to lend him to his black fracture for a while, but insisted on his Zakhar did not give Frak Tarantyev.

The novel "Oblomov" is a classic, to which the interest believes, then, on the contrary, begins with a huge force. The case is in the character of Ilya Ilyich, which becomes a symbol of some epoch, and the negative hero of others.

Guests of Oblomov and the purpose of their arrival will help to understand the nature of the complex character.

Guests of Oblomova

During the novel, some guests come to the broom. All of them are different by nature, appearance and age. More often and diligently come to Ilya Ilyich Alekseev and Tarantyev. This is at first glance two opposite characters: noisy and quiet, rough and timid, brazen and meek. But actually there is a lot of common in them: the inability to build a career, the desire to eat at the expense of others.

The rest of the guests were infrequent visitors to Ilya. They were entered by random circumstances. They flew for a minute and, without seeing sense in communication, quickly left the uncomfortable house. Such guests understood that they could not repay the owner reciprocity, reported some not very important news and went. People were irritation in the life of Oblomov. They tried to return him to the turbulent and cycling life, but their views did not coincide. Oblomov, they were increasingly gone. He repelled them, not wanting even ridiculous friendly contacts. From them pulled cold from the street, and it was a cold not only in the literal sense of the word, but also in portable.


Cheerful young man is careless and cheerful. He shares with Ilya the last news, boasts new things. Guest - fashionista, lovingly sustained clothes from the last collections. He has a beautiful hairstyle. The life of Volkova is a rapid holiday. He has time to visit 10 different seats in one day:

"Ten places in one day - unhappy!".

Volkov is trying to change the attitude towards women from Oblomov. Thoughts, and not to fall in love, visited the owner and immediately melted. Saturated life did not cause envy in Ilya. He considered that his balanced and calm lifestyle, better.


Guest is a former colleague Oblomov, they served together in the office. The Sudbinsky has a speaking surname. He is the builder of his fate: makes a career, seeks to increase, receives awards. The Savdrinsky came to capture a friend, call him in to go along with him to Ekateringof. The story about business affairs did not cause interest in Oblomov. He is glad that he is not needed, as a guest to link on the ears in the career "NOTE". In the conversation of friends, the theme of the essence of a person rises, which goes to the background, leaving the desire to the ranks and hearing on the surface. Good earnings and eternal employment - what the judge colleague wanted to call.


With a proposal to go to Ekateringof, a young writer Penkin came to Oblomov. But before pronouncing the purpose of the visit, the guest spoke about his article, about literature as a whole. He trembled with Ilya thoughts of fallen people and changes in society. Ilya even jumped from a comfortable bed, but it was a minute splash. Writing even at night - it's too wrong. Sell \u200b\u200byour thoughts - also absurd. Penkin is comparable from Oblomov with a car that spins, without stopping, every day. Life without sleep and recreation - Ilya Ilyich Synonym Unfortunate.


The purpose of his visit to Oblomov, like the whole life, is to eat. He invites Ilya for lunch to a common friend, and after lunch to go with friends to Ekateringof. Oblomov offers to stay and dine with him. Alekseev is a timid man who fears himself. He does not progress, does not have his own opinion, adapt to others, losing gradually face. It becomes incredible and inside. But only this quiet guest, the bug can sound his problems.


Countryman and buddy Ilya Ilyich Tarantyev is a noisy and rude guest. He does not ask consent, trying to raise the Oblomov from the bed. At the request of Tarantyev, the servant Zakhar dress the barina. Bakes sits in a chair. Tarantyev was a guest guest, called him for lunch, but another goal of the visit is to score a black fracture. I prevented the arrogance of the guest only the servant. Tarantyev is constantly scolding, grumbling and swears. He is dissatisfied with everything in the world, looking for benefits, the ability to deceive and see.


The purpose of the visit of the doctor is the health of Oblomov. He warns Ilya about the possibility of impact (stroke), about the need to change the lifestyle, but he does not listen to his advice. Dr. Elegant and attractive. He is in the house of rich patients, so restrained and calm. The doctor has a good income, his behavior is of interest.

Question number 1.

Verification of oral homework (survey on issues)

To be able to give the characteristic of the hero on the description of its appearance, life, interior

Know the main problem of the work;

Know the artistic features of the work;

Creativity I.A. Goncharov.

Lesson number 5.

Roman "Oblomov": What is a breakdown?


Travel course:

1. Orgmant, goals:

2. Actualization:

Tell me who Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, what problems brought him from the state of peace of mind?

"It was a man of thirty-two-three years from the genus, medium height, pleasant outfacial, with dark gray eyes, but with the lack of any definite idea, any concentration in the face of the face. The thought walked in a free bird in the face, fluttered in his eyes, sat down on the half-haired lips, hid in the folds of his forehead, then completely disappeared, and then in the whole face he was growing even light carelessness. From facial carelessness passed into the poses of his body ... Softness that was a dominant expression, not a face, but the whole soul ... Rarely anxiety froze in the form of a certain idea, even less often turned into an intention ...

... The view of the cabinet hit the dominant launch and negligence in it ...

"From the gauge" Oblomov brought such news received by him: a letter of headlights from the village that income from the estate decreased by two thousand rubles, the news that from the apartment should urgently need to evaluate.

Tell us about the guests of Oblomov: who they are, as evaluating their operations of obcomments.

Wolves It serves in the army, a single man is wondering only the news of the highest light, loves to dress well, it is elegantly and gently look. Oblomov talks about him: "Where is the person here? What is it crushing and scattered? ";

Sudbinsky, Old colleague broom. He served before the head of the department, a formist who thinks only about the difference before the bosses. Oblomov speaks of him: "Alcohol ... and blind, and deaf, and it is for all the rest in the world ... and will live a lot and will not move in it a lot, much ...";

Penkinstandard Writing, who is interested in advanced issues of emancipation of women, the position of peasants, etc. Oblomov talks about him: "Yes, everything, everything, spend the thought, soul, my soul to the little things, to change the belief, to trade with the mind and imagination, rape your nature ..."

Alekseev "Neither a fish, nor meat," a man is extremely uncertain, faceless, it is very convenient for Oblomov, since it does not violate the lifestyle familiar to him and in everything agrees with the main hero;

Tarantyev, Very rude, a cargo person, whose power focused inside, because it was not possible to get outward, it is a very noisy person, it is comfortable for the breakdown by the fact that allegedly slightly brands him, although Tarantyev is not under the power to shifted Ilya Ilyich.

Question number 3, No. 4 - Let's try to figure them out together.

The description of the guests of Oblomov is undoubtedly a secondary detail of the novel. These visits are described in the II - VI chapters. Goncharov not only attracts the attention of the reader to the self-dedicated personality of Oblomov, the story of the classic covers the causes and environment that contributed to the formation of an absolutely passive attitude towards life that resembles a living incarnation of laziness in Ilya Ilyich. At the same time, the author uses completely different, for example, Oblomova is a consistent demonstration of the evolution of laziness in children and adolescent age. However, Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov would not be a valid member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences on Literature, if on this scene, the disclosure of the idea was limited. Brief description of guests Oblomov serves this proof.

Guests of Oblomov - active "pacifiers"

Lazhen Oblomov continued further, after a young age, his mastering personality of the Goncharovsky Hero. Already being educated, an adult person, Ilya Ilyich not once faced people holding a certain step in society, office in service, hobby. All of them are in the apartment of the chief hero located on the Vyborg side of St. Petersburg. Just a description of the guests of Oblomov and will become the theme of this article. Each of them in his own way trying to attract Oblomov "for the company" to deal with the same way and he himself. Guests are Alekseev, Volkov, Penkin, Sudybinsky. However, our hero, though lazy and man is careless, but educated, with normal logical thinking. Oblomov, communicating with the guests, at a certain stage it becomes clear that his laziness and the posture of the thinker standing on the sofa is better, more honest than the bustle of all these people.


Not a lover of bugs. The characteristic of guests can serve as evidence that these dating is very superficial. Let's start with Alekseev, a person of an indefinite appearance and age. He is a person at a certain stage "Lost". Therefore, everyone calls him in different ways: then Ivan Vasilyevich, then Ivan Ivanovich, then Ivan Mikhailovich. Whether he is, if it does not, society is still. Previously, he was with his post, he used a certain influence, considered himself a secular lion. He knew, invited. But there was an unexpected, and the high position was lost, in return to her "ordinary service" came to the ordinary position, and immediately Alekseev became uninteresting to others. Not in the poor of the spiritual world of this man lies the reason for what happened? Losting a position, he did not find it, to which further can be relying in life. Alekseev is an escape, a miserable shadow of the former spotlight. Oblomov gives him a destroying rating: "There is no person!"


Characteristics of Oblomov guests can not not include another characteristic character. A 28-year-old magnificent health of wolves - Ladies and France, a deeply secular man. In the context of our time, such people are called "party members". All his life is a series of visits, balls, dinner and dinners. On the one hand, it is constantly in motion, on the other hand, all its actions are meaningless, do not bring any benefit to an even account. In addition, the wolf is inherent in the mellowness of the soul, which cannot be said about Ilya Ilyich.


The Sudybinsky is a man who "understood" in the public service. He occupies a high position, but completely deleced, becoming similar to the stationery press papier. His future wedding on the daughter of the Stat adviser is also fully subordinate to the career. "Unhappy!" - Thinks about him Oblomov, realizing that never and no high thoughts and feelings break into the fat soul of this person.


Brunette with Pushkin Bakenbards Penkin - a man who chronically lacks "depths". This is definitely a parody image. He dresses with deliberate negligence. By profession, Penkin is a writer. He writes easily, but his "Patchnya" will never touch the drawing heart. It is characteristic that the writer himself inadequately appreciates his creative opportunities. It believes that "everything goes as it should." "It's better not to do nothing more than to do something!" - thinks about him.


Characteristic, a small detail, as the characteristics of Oblomov, is a complete and artistically immaculate, which was also noted by Chekhov, and Dobrolyubov. All these people, as already mentioned, come to Ilya Ilyich to invite him to go to Maevka to Ekateringof. They are trying to pull him into a really meaningless running and bustle. Oblomov finds the reason to refuse. Is he right? The situation is controversial. After all, as a result, the self-destruction of Oblomov takes a higher order than those who governed by him.

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Characteristic Ilya Ilyich Oblomov Very ambiguous. Goncharov created it complicated and mysterious. Oblomov separates itself from the outside world, is separated from him. Even his accommodation is little like inhabited.

From early childhood, he saw a similar example from his relatives, who were also separated from the outside world and protected him. In his hometown was not customary to work. When he, being another child, played with the peasant children in the snowball, then it was heated for several days. In the Oblomovka with Otskaya, the new one - even a letter who came from a neighbor, in which he asked the beer recipe, was afraid to open three days.

But Ilya Ilyich gladly remembers his childhood. He worship the nature of the crushing, although this is an ordinary village, no particularly remarkable. He is brought up by rustic nature. This nature instilled in him the poetry and love for beauty.

Ilya Ilyich does nothing, only all the time on something complains and is engaged in verbal. He is lazy, nothing does anything and does not expect anything from others. He takes life such as it is and does not try to change anything in it.

When people come to him and tell about their lives, he feels that in the bustling of life, they forget that they are in vain to waste life ... And he does not need to fuss, act, do not need to prove anyone. Ilya Ilyich just lives and enjoys life.

It is difficult to imagine in motion, it looks ridiculous. Alone, lying on the sofa, it is natural. It looks at ease - it is his element, his nature.

Let's summarize the read:

  1. The appearance of Ilya Oblomov. Ilya Ilyich is a young man 33 years old pleasant appearance, medium height, continued. The softness of the face expression was issued in it of a human-speaking and lazy person.
  2. Family status. At the beginning of the novel, the bugs are not married, lives with his servant Zakhar. At the end of the novel marries and happy in marriage.
  3. Description of the dwelling. Ilya lives in St. Petersburg in the apartment on a pea street. The apartment is launched, the servant Zakhar is rarely pierced in it, which is also lazy, like the owner. The sofa occupies a special place in the apartment, on which the breakfasts are broken.
  4. Behavior, actions of the hero. Ilya Ilyich is difficult to call an active man. Only his friend is a gallery of the gallery. The main character lies on the sofa and only dreams that he will soon rise from it and will do business. He cannot even solve urgent problems. His estate came into decline and does not bring money, so the breakdown even nothing to pay for the apartment.
  5. The author's attitude to the hero. Goncharov with sympathy belongs to Oblomov, he considers him a kind, mental person. At the same time, he sympathizes him: it is a pity that young, capable, not a stupid man lost all interest in life.
  6. My attitude towards Ilya Oblomov. In my opinion, he is too lazy and brighted, so can't cause respect. In places, he just infuriates me, I want to approach and shake it. I do not like people who are so mediocare their lives. Maybe I am so sharply reacting to this hero, because I feel the same flaws in yourself.