Nadya pen personal life children. Hope pen - biography, information, personal life

Nadya pen personal life children.  Hope pen - biography, information, personal life
Nadya pen personal life children. Hope pen - biography, information, personal life

She went out in public with her first child Leo... December 26, 2017, when I posted a photo from the children's holiday on her Instagram. Then the chubby little boy in dark glasses caused emotion among the subscribers of the star. "Wow. How the baby grew up! ”,“ What a beautiful family! ”,“ My dear child, it's just a miracle, ”they wrote. Two days ago, the singer decided to go out again with her grown-up son. The celebrity showed Lev to her colleagues at the pre-party of the international competition "", which took place on November 14 at the Moscow restaurant "Boat".

Nadia Ruchka and her husband showed their son for the first time

Nadia dressed up a noticeably grown boy in stylish plaid trousers with suspenders and a gray sweater. Light-haired and dark-eyed, he looks a lot like his father, an oil company employee. Denis Boyarko... His relationship with Pen became known in 2016, when the couple first came out together. In November of the same year, Denis made his beloved an offer, which Nadia accepted. True, the bride and groom's wedding was postponed due to renovations.

Nadezhda Alexandrovna Handle. She was born on April 16, 1981 in Nikopol (Dnepropetrovsk region). Russian singer and actress, poetess, soloist of the "Brilliant" group.

Parents worked at a local metallurgical plant.

From the age of 5 she began to study ballet. At the age of 9, Nadezhda, as a promising one, was offered to study in Moscow at a ballet boarding school, but her parents were against it. So Nadezhda said goodbye to her dreams of ballet.

She graduated from a special school with a physics and mathematics bias.

In the 11th grade, she was invited to an all-Ukrainian beauty contest in Kiev and to shoot a video in Moscow. Winning the competition earned her her first fee - two thousand dollars.

After graduating from school, Nadezhda went to conquer Moscow, where she entered the Moscow Institute of International Economic Relations (MIMEO) as an "international economist".

In parallel with her studies, she worked in a modeling agency and studied with a teacher from Gnesinka.

In 1999 she received an offer to sing in a group "Party", which was the beginning of her stage career.

She also worked as a casino administrator and host.

In early 2004, she was offered to replace in the group. Leaving four professions, Nadezhda becomes a soloist of the "Brilliant" group.

She made her debut in the video "New Year's Song". With her participation, the group soon released the singles "New Year's Song", "Palms in pairs", "Eastern Tales", "My brother paratrooper".

Then the group performed with:, Nadezhda Ruchka. Later, the composition changed several times.

Shiny - New Years Song

Since 2006, he has been acting in films, making his debut in the film "Hello, I'm your dad!". In 2009, she starred in the comedy film "FUNCTIONS: Episode One" directed by Sarik Andreasyan. Then there were the tapes "New Year SMS-ka" (the waitress Nadia) and "The third duel" (Sveta).

She starred for men's magazines, in particular, appeared on the cover of Playboy.

In early 2010, together with her partner dancer Eldar Sayfutdinov, she became a participant in the new season of the dance show of the Russia 1 TV channel “Dancing with the Stars. Season 2010 ". In 2013 she took part in the "Island" project.

In 2015, Nadezhda released her first book, The House of the Soul.

In 2016, Nadya Ruchka presented her debut solo composition "With whom you will meet the New Year", which was released in early 2015.

Nadya Ruchka feat Brilliant - With whom you will meet the New Year

Growing Hope Handles: 167 centimeters.

Hope Pen's personal life:

Was in a relationship with the singer.

In 2013-2015 she met with Maxim Osadchim (ex-husband of actress Elena Korikova).

In 2016, Nadezhda began dating Denis Boyarko, an employee of an oil company. In April 2017, it became known that. On the morning of August 17, the soloist of the "Brilliant" group at the Moscow Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology named after Academician V.I. Kulakov.

Filmography of Hope Pen:

2006 - Hello, I'm your dad! - episode
2009 - "LOPS: Episode One" - Maria
2011 - New Year SMS - waitress Nadia
2015 - Third fight - Sveta

Discography of Nadezhda Ruchka (as part of the "Brilliant" group):

2005 - Oriental Tales
2008 - Classmates
2016 - Best 20

Hope Handle Singles:

As part of the "Party" group:

Give love
Rowan red traffic light
Alone in the wind
Heart in half
Spartak is a champion
Not yours anymore
City of Angels
Evening of the seventh day
Doll Malvina
No! Yes!
I believed - did not believe

New year song
Honestly (together with Boris Moiseev)
Sea captain
Palms in pairs
Brother is my paratrooper
Oriental Tales (with Arash)
Agent 007
Tili dough
Like a star
You know honey
My dear
Green eyes
What is it from? (together with "Heroes")
To the Equator
Don't give me to anyone
Painters team


2016 With whom you will meet the New Year

Video Clips of Hope Pen:

As part of the "Party" group:

2000 - Give love
2000 - Rowan red traffic light
2001 - Alone in the wind
2001 - Heart in half
2002 - Spartak champion
2003 - Not yours anymore

As part of the "Brilliant" group:

2004 - New Year's song
2005 - Palms in pairs
2005 - My brother is a paratrooper
2005 - Eastern Tales
2006 - Agent 007
2008 - Classmates
2008 - You know, honey
2010 - Ball
2013 - Lose
2015 - Team of painters


2016 - With whom you will meet the New Year (lyric video)

Nadya Ruchka is a popular singer who has adorned the repertoire of the famous group "Brilliant" with her vocals, and with her appearance - more than one cover of glossy magazines. However, few people know that the creative biography of the beauty is not limited to music: Nadia is also a writer and actress.

Childhood and youth

Nadezhda was born on April 16, 1981 in the city of Nikopol, in the Dnepropetrovsk region. The girl's parents worked in the metallurgical industry, her grandfather was the head of the shop at the plant.

The craving for creativity woke up in the girl quite early: while still in kindergarten, Nadya Ruchka participated in concerts, danced, and went to the ballet studio with pleasure. When Nadya was nine, the girl's parents were offered to send the child to Moscow, to a boarding school for gifted children who are fond of ballet. However, they did not agree, and Nadia remained in Nikopol.

At school, the girl showed interest in the exact sciences, doing well in physics and mathematics. When Nadya was in high school, two events happened at once that influenced the further fate of the girl. Firstly, who was on tour in Nikopol, noticed the young talent and offered Nadya Ruchka help if the girl decides to try to conquer Moscow.

Nadezhda also received the title "Miss Fantastic Lips" at a beauty contest organized by one of the cosmetics companies. An impressive prize - two thousand dollars - allowed the girl to move to Moscow, although Nadia's parents still opposed her daughter's bold plans.

In the capital, the girl did not rush into the pool with her head, but continued to study. The girl entered the prestigious institute of international economic relations, but devoted her free time to a modeling career. I must say that Alexander Serov did not give up his promise and helped Nadezhda pay for the first semester of college education. The singer also found a place for the girl: Nadya Ruchka was happily sheltered by a Serov fan.

Later, the future star admits that life in the capital turned out to be far from cloudless, she had to earn a lot of money, there was not enough finance. The parents were rescuing, passing their daughters homemade goodies, cereals and canned food.


However, the series of tests soon ended. In 2001, the girl was invited to the "Party" group. This is how Nadya Ruchka's musical career began. In addition to performances, the girl found time to improve her vocals: Nadezhda took lessons from one of the teachers of the legendary Gnesinka.

Despite the first success, there was still not enough money, and Nadya Ruchka constantly worked in several places. The girl had a chance to work as a promoter, casino administrator, and model.

The experience of working with a musical group was not in vain - in 2004 Nadya Ruchka joined the girl group "Brilliant". It was here that real glory awaited the girl: the whole country sang the songs of the "Brilliant", the names of the soloists were known even to those who were not music lovers, and the photos of Nadya Ruchka and colleagues in the band were adorned with numerous magazines.

And of course, music lovers are looking forward to the pop diva's return to the stage with new songs and projects.


  • 2005 - "Eastern Tales"
  • 2008 - Classmates
  • 2016 "Who will you meet the New Year with"