Learn to dance club dances at home. Social dancing

Learn to dance club dances at home.  Social dancing
Learn to dance club dances at home. Social dancing

Do you want to feel freedom of movement, plunge into the atmosphere of creativity and enjoy the grace of your own body? The workshop of the artistic movement "Agora" invites girls and women to classes in harmonic gymnastics with live piano music.

Komsomolsky prospect, 46, bldg. 1

Dance school TSEKH
Traffic. Rhythm. Life.

Large dance plans and ambitions will help to realize in the dance school TSEKH. The studio teaches all types of modern dances. It is especially important here team spirit- in the classroom, the groups move towards staging their own performance. In joint work on a production, dancers not only hone new movements, but also learn to act in concert.

st. Skakovaya, 24

Tango has long been a symbol of passion. At the Planetango school you can attend not only individual or group lessons, but also take dance lessons for a specific event. A professionally staged dance will help you to amaze your friends and acquaintances.

Nizhnyaya Krasnoselskaya st., 35, bldg. 59

There is an opinion: in order to achieve results in ballet, they need to practice from childhood. But the experience of the Balleta studio proves the opposite: with regular training, it is quite possible to learn this. high art and in adulthood. V choreographic school conduct individual and group lessons for children and adults.

st. 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya, 6

Historical dances are beautiful and interesting. In the studio "Trianon" they are engaged not only in staging and practicing movements, but also lectures on culture, art and history of dance different eras... The school teaches a variety of dance styles, from the Middle Ages to the twentieth century.

Nizhegorodskaya st., 26

If you are looking for oriental exoticism, but belly dancing is not inspiring, pay attention to India with Bollywood, cheerful music and bright saris. Classes of energetic and spectacular Indian dances are held at the Devi Dance School, and groups can be joined at any time.

Bolshoi Kiselny lane, 7, p. 2

In this school, they decided not to waste time on trifles and opened 60 directions at once. So, whatever you want to learn is most likely there. The program includes classes for children from three years and for adults without age restrictions, even if you consider yourself to be retired. The main thing is that you want to dance. In addition to dance training there are just useful master classes for a healthy back and proper weight loss. Classes are held in the very different time, both in the morning and in the evening, so you will definitely find time to dance in your busy schedule.

st. Suschevskaya, 21

st. Bakuninskaya, 14, bldg. 1

The teachers of the school in the center of Moscow focused on popular modern trends. Therefore, if you want to comprehend the skill, for example, sirtaki, then it is better to look for another hall. Here - only drive, energy and challenge. Teachers will be happy to teach you dynamic popping, eclectic jazz funk, energetic krump, impressive vogue and other popular and fashionable styles today. Periodically, trainings are conducted by specially invited foreign dancers, but also among the in-house teachers - the winners international festivals, the strongest dancers of the CIS and Europe, who still take an active part in the championships. However, the students are also not a mistake and show high results in competitions. But if you are not ready for world recognition, you can check the level of your skill at in-club championships and battles.

per. Krivokolenny, 14

The Fiery Ballet groups are open to all comers aged from three to 70 years. And although it is rather strange to imagine your granny performing a passionate Latin or go-go, for women of silver age they will find decent training here. For the rest - a huge selection of all known modern trends, from classical choreography for beginners and flamenco to modern jazz and strip plastic. The possibilities of this dance school are not limited only to choreographic directions. In addition to dance lessons, there are special fitness programs.

Veskovsky lane, 3

st. Sadovaya-Spasskaya, 19, bldg. 1

The creators of this school do not hesitate to declare that over the two decades of its existence, the Model-357 has become unique and even elite. You can check this only on yourself, but what you can vouch for is a sufficient number of spacious rooms and a convenient schedule, thanks to which the laboratory can provide the work of 120 groups and guarantees suitable conditions for full development in dancing, creativity and the manifestation of their internal qualities... Customers can choose from 25 styles. You can find out which of them suits you more than the rest on the Days open doors which are arranged here regularly. Work your way from a beginner to a dance floor star under the guidance of teachers who have won a place in the dance sky.

st. Pravdy, d. 24, p. 7

Goncharny proezd, 8/40

An army of dancers, beating out the rhythm in a single impulse, is able to captivate the audience from the first movements and sounds. Irish dances quickly became popular in Russia. But how long can you look at the artists when you want to perform something similar yourself? Moreover, there are places in Moscow where you will be taught this art. The Maria Singal School is one of the first in the country where the spirit of Ireland reigns. Enrollment in children's groups is carried out from the age of five, in adults - from the age of 11. There is no upper limit, as well as restrictions on the level of training. The school teaches the main types of solo and group dances according to the standards adopted by a professional international commission.

Preobrazhenskaya sq., 12

A school where you will not only have fun mastering new movements, but if you wish, you can join a team of professionals and take part in competitions with them. For several years of the existence of this studio, teachers have gained enough experience to conduct classes in different directions... Now there are classes for literally everything modern styles, and the groups are recruited from the age of three. The smallest are taught the basics of choreography and gymnastics, and for adult clients - club dances, hip-hop, strip-plastic, crump, break-dance and everything that one can only dream of. There are professional children and youth dance groups, possible individual sessions in all directions at a convenient time.

st. Shukhova, 14, bldg. 9

st. Brateevskaya, 16, bldg. 3

st. Borisovskie ponds, 26, bldg. 2

st. General Belova, 18

st. Eletskaya, 11, bldg. 2

Each dance studio Dance First schools are located in the center of Moscow near key metro stations and road junctions. All conditions for the development of students and teachers have been created here and dance groups are regularly created. The educators promise to teach anyone who comes to move well. And at the same time you will get the opportunity to put yourself in order, participate in competitions, not to mention the emotions and impressions that you will get from going on stage. In addition to constant training according to the schedule, from time to time, master classes from world stars are held here, trips to dance camps and theme parties.

st. Malaya Dmitrovka, 5/9

Leningradskiy prospect, 7, building 1

Relatively young, but promising studio opened in winter 2015. Masters teach 19 directions and strive to find a personal approach to each student, depending on their abilities. For each direction, specialists have developed effective training programs, thanks to which it is easy to achieve high results in a short time. There are children's classes, dance classes for beginners, group and one-to-one classes, fitness development programs and a Pro-Am program when a couple dancing couple consists of a professional and an amateur. In addition, for its students, the school conducts thematic dance parties with the participation of guests and teachers.

st. Kherson, 43

Pole dancing combines sports, fitness and, in fact, dance art, and those who perform them are helped to reveal all sexuality in themselves as much as possible. Even if it seems to you that you and sexuality are the North Pole and a volume of poems by Zinaida Gippius. In "Aurora Dance" you will be shown what real pole dancing is, and will make you understand that you can do that too. In the future, you will understand all the versatility of half-dance and discover its new sides. At the same time, increase your flexibility, develop plasticity and self-confidence. Stretching classes are also held in this studio. Often free trial classes are practiced here, and each student, coming to classes, chooses the direction that is closer to her in order to get incomparable pleasure.

st. Aviation, 67/1

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It's hard for people who are seriously interested in learning how to dance in a club not to be jealous. Finding an answer to a question is a powerful proof of their free time, which they spend a lot of fun.

At the heart of good dance lies musical composition... In any city great amount night clubs. Pops in them sounds occasionally, in the first place is Electonic music... Many people do not know how to move the body when an electronic musical composition sounds. They sit at a table and drink liquor, waiting for a suitable motive.

There are two ways to solve the problem. The first involves changing one's own attitude towards the music played in clubs. The second suggests finding a nightclub where the DJ works with the wishes of the crowd.

Modern club youth, in spite of loyalty to popular musical styles, meets with delight retro sets and sensibly reworked pop music.

DJs strive to satisfy the wishes of young people, and administrators worry about the attendance of the establishments. Find night club with the right music, it's not hard. But another question arises - "how to dance to it"?

Step-by-step action plan

  • Start by meeting the popular club music... Download some songs and listen for a few days. The player will help. Accompany the audition with dancing. Make it sound when you work or communicate.
  • You will have several favorite works and your own direction will be determined. If you want to move while playing music, do it for fun. You can't force yourself.
  • Then move on to more active actions. Visit a nightclub and take a close look at the dance floor. Surely, there is a dancer on it, whose movements will please. It will remain to adopt them imperceptibly.
  • After this "outing", pay special attention to your homework. At home, carefully work out the movements borrowed from an experienced dancer. Try to improvise as the character and atmosphere of the dance depends on the DJ and the dancers.
  • Over time, learn to dance well. If that doesn't seem like enough, sign up for a dance school and take your skill to the next level.

You will achieve great success in the club, if you feel free and feel how to control your own body. Sometimes it is not given to a person to become a dancer. I think there are only a few of them. Almost every lover of nightclubs can conquer the pinnacle of club dancing.

Many guys want to learn how to dance cool in clubs because they don't want to look ridiculous in the eyes of their friends. Even people who occasionally drop in to nightclubs dance well if they follow the rules.

Club dances are varied, it is not difficult to choose the right style that will make you look dignified on the dance floor.

You can bring originality and uniqueness to the style by successfully combining elements of various dances.

Professional dance schools

  1. Lessons in the direction that you choose on your own, will teach you how to dance, introduce you to people, help you lose a few pounds, improve your physical health and have fun.
  2. Constant training will teach you to relax, make your movements free and relaxed. If there was stiffness and constraint, such ballast will pass.
  3. Choose your school carefully. If you liked a certain option, be sure to visit free lesson, explore the dance hall and chat with the instructors.
  4. You won't be able to dance professionally right away. It will take no more than ten lessons to prepare for dancing at the disco. Just repeat the movements learned in the lesson at home.

Workouts for guys at home

  1. If you don't have time for dance school, practice at home. Homeschooling is slightly less effective in terms of effectiveness. The main thing is the desire to learn dancing.
  2. There is a wide selection of training videos on the Internet, watching which you will learn the secrets of professional dancers.
  3. During home workouts, constantly look at yourself in the mirror to control your movements and make them perfect. Home teaching alone is not enough, it will take constant practice on a real site.

Lesson for beginners

How a guy should behave in a club

  1. If you're in a club, try to relax. Do not think that the dance will be unfashionable. Release your emotions and have fun. It will turn out to move beautifully if the movements are relaxed and confident.
  2. Listen to the rhythm on the dance floor. Strive to match your movements. Improvise. If you constantly dance to the pattern, it will quickly get bored.
  3. Only a man dances beautifully with flexible body and excellent plasticity. Support physical fitness doing sports and doing exercises.

By using simple recommendations any guy will quickly learn to dance. If you manage to put your soul into the dance, the fair sex will certainly throw you admiring glances. Beautiful dance will help you get to know your body better and learn inner world.

Club dances are striking in variety. They help girls connect with guys, which often leads to the onset of romantic relationships. Some women of fashion try to stand out from the crowd with the help of dancing, moving attractively and gracefully.

Let's imagine that you are in a beautiful nightclub. You are sitting at a table, drinking tequila, your favorite musical composition begins to play. Under the influence of incomprehensible forces, you slowly rise and move towards the dance floor. What's next?

  • Listen carefully to the rhythm. If you manage to penetrate them, the dance will turn out to be graceful and graceful. A person who is out of rhythm brings disharmony to the site.
  • Let go of insecurities and relax. Relaxed movements look beautiful. During the dance, have fun without clogging your head with thoughts.
  • The first movements are always slow. On the first measure, do not wave your arms, such movements are very tiring. To the middle dance program you get tired.
  • It is not recommended to shoot from the sides while dancing. Use this weapon with caution in nightclubs.
  • Don't copy the movements of other dancers. Dare to improvise, make the movements original and unique.

I will add that only girls with flexible and plastic bodies manage to move beautifully. If everyday life not very active, at work you have to sit at the table for hours, the body's reaction to going to the club can be unpredictable. It's not hard to avoid this. Exercise daily and stick to healthy way life.

Video tutorial for beginners

Based on personal experience, I will note that the girls behave more relaxed and free on the dance floor. Sometimes there are shy people. If you are one of them, enroll in a dance school. By attending classes, under the guidance of a teacher, you will get rid of complexes and free your body.

The benefits of dancing

Any girl wants her leisure time to be rich, interesting and useful. Many women attend dance school. Very good, because this is the guarantee of a strong physical and psychological health.

According to doctors, dancing must be practiced regardless of profession, age and gender. Movements tone blood vessels, muscles and joints, which has a positive effect on well-being. Scientists have proven that people who regularly attend dance classes or dancing houses, have strong immunity and stable metabolism.

Dancing helps to alleviate the problems associated with the spine. Posture becomes perfectly even. If you are interested,

Ever since in public places banned smoking, dancing at night in restaurants and nightclubs is a good cardio workout. Especially if you« owl» and love to go to bed in the morning. Especially if you dance actively and for a couple of hours in a row. Especially if you refrain from drinking alcohol and high-calorie snacks. We have selected for you 9 decent places in Moscow, where you can dance to the advantage of your figure. And also walk a new dress or sneakers, or just show off strong abs in a short top, it's not for nothing that you continued to visit the fitness club all winter and train hard.

1. Dirty Blonde

Great place on the Kuznetsky Most for dancing. There are many nice restaurants around, where you can first meet and eat a vegetable salad or, and then go dancing. Dirty Blonde is guaranteed to dance to the Spotlight Band and Bulldozer Bands or DJs every Friday and Saturday. The audience gathers here very stylish - to match the institution - pretty girls and young people from 25 years old, cheerful, but very decent company. The concept of the bar, by the way, dates back to the 1920s, the days of the American "Prohibition". The cocktail list was created based on the TV series "Boardwalk Empire", and if you get hungry, there are many light and completely non-nutritious dishes on the menu like tuna tartare (470 rubles), hummus from green peas (370 rubles) or baked beets with pomelo (340 rubles) ... It is better to dress smartly here, although it will be quite appropriate to come right after work in the office.

Address: Kuznetsky Most, 6/3
Dancing: Fri-Sat 24:00 - 6:00
Music: pop
Average check: 1500 rubles

2. Bar BQ Cafe

Three restaurants of the chain on Friday and Saturday nights turn into party-bars with dancing until the morning. The audience here is quite motley - there are both students and older people (30-35 years old). The place is popular, so it is quite possible to come across dancing celebrities like singer Mitya Fomin or "stars" popular TV series"Treason" by Vyacheslav Chepurchenko. You can dress almost as you like. Both hipsters and young ladies in cocktail dresses come to BQ Cafe, but evening casual style prevails. Admission is free, deposits on the tables are valid (2000 rubles per person). If you suddenly stay late until the early morning, the 24-hour restaurant kitchen starts feeding delicious breakfasts from 4:00, among which there are healthy vegan dishes. By the way, every last friday Tigrus party is held in all establishments for a month as part of charity project help to the Amur tigers.

Addresses: Trubnaya pl, 2; Pyatnitskaya, 25, building 1; Manezhnaya pl., 1, bldg. 2
Dances: Fri-Sat 23:00 - 6:00 (on Pyatnitskaya and on Thurs)
Music: pop, soulful house, disco
Average check: 2000 rubles
Cost of a bottle of water: 120 rubles

3. "Spotlight"

A popular bar on Kitay-Gorod, where the most interesting author's cuisine and an original cocktail menu are combined with a nightclub program. On Thursdays you can dance to the DJs, on Friday and Saturday to the famous cover groups Spotlight Band and Bulldozer Band, and on holidays it is quite possible to see the performances of such “stars” as “City 312” and Uma2rman. It is better to book tables in advance, but it is quite possible to sit down and just at the bar. The atmosphere in the bar is very relaxed and pleasant, the audience is positive. If you get hungry, the food here is excellent. The menu even has a fitness section with very useful non-nutritious meals, well, from 6 o'clock in the morning you can already have breakfast.

Address: Slavyanskaya sq., 2/5
Dancing: Thu-Sat 21:00 - 6:00
Music: pop
Average check: 1500 rubles
Cost of a bottle of water: 250 rubles

4. Timeout Rooftop bar

This rooftop bar offers stunning views of Moscow with the onset of unforgettable outdoor veranda dance parties. The audience is just great - fashionable youth, expats, a creative get-together. Parties start at sunset and can continue until the early hours of the morning. It's better to dress smartly, the dress code is more like a cocktail. In general, this is exactly the place where you should walk your new cocktail dress. Admission is free, sometimes there are concerts and live electronic performances. And the bar is also famous for its original cocktails (400-800 rubles), so if you suddenly want to raise your mood, then you should choose them.

Address: Bolshaya Sadovaya, 5/1, hotel "Beijing", 13th floor
Dancing: Fri-Sat 21:00 - until the last guest
Music: tech house, disco, positive techno
Average check: 1500 rubles
Cost of a bottle of water: 150 rubles

5. Duran bar

Another fashionable place located on the territory of the Trekhgornaya Manufactory. It is quite difficult to get here, as there is very strict face control at the entrance. You can try to book a table, another option is to dress up beautifully and fashionably. Stylish girls and boys are admitted very willingly. The effort is worth it. On Fridays, Duran bar hosts excellent parties with dj residents of the project, concerts with world-famous stars, European and Russian DJs... There is also an original menu from the famous chef Nikolai Bakunov and an excellent cocktail menu.

Address: Rochdelskaya, 14, p. 19-20
Dancing: Fri-Sat 23:00 - 6:00
Music: deep house, pop
Average check: 2000 rubles

6. Chips

This is a whole three-storey club and restaurant complex in the very center of Moscow, opposite the Central Department Store. At the first level, food is delicious, which we have already discussed. On the second one is dancing, on the third there is a rooftop veranda with panoramic views. In the club (on the second floor), if you wish, you can also eat, but there is an abbreviated kitchen menu. It is worth dressing smartly here, you can walk a new dress or shoes, but stylish jeans with sneakers are also quite suitable, since there is no strict dress code in Chips. The audience is very pleasant - young, fashionable and successful. Admission is free, but you will have to pay a deposit at the table in advance. From time to time, world-famous DJs are brought to the club, so it's worth following the poster.

Address: Kuznetsky Most, 7, entrance from Petrovka
Dancing: Thu-Sat 22:00 - 6:00
Music: deep house, house
Average check: 2000-3000 rubles
Cost of a bottle of water: 350 rubles

7. Aloha bar

Cheerful noisy bar in hawaiian style, where on Fridays and Saturdays they actively dance to European dance hits from 23:00 until the very morning. It is better to go here in jeans and sneakers, as there is a chance that you will be brought to the bar counter, where dancing is even welcome. Aloha bar has its own residents - DJ Mazai, DJ Miami, DJ Salamandra, sometimes Olesya Bond and Max Vishnevsky perform. Admission is free, but you will have to make a deposit at the table (2000 rubles per person). The audience here is motley. Many people come here to have dinner and sit with friends after work, and as a result, they remain dancing and having fun all night.

Address: Myasnitskaya, 38, p. 1
Dancing: Fri-Sat 23:00 - 6:00
Music: deep house, disco house, euro dance
Average check: 1500 rubles
Cost of a bottle of water: 200 rubles

8. Spiritless Bar

In this bar on Tverskaya, owned by famous writer Sergey Minaev, journalists, PR specialists, marketers, creatives like to gather, in general, masters of words and representatives creative specialties... On Thursdays, jazz and soul plays here, on Fridays and Saturdays they actively dance to deep house and pop. Admission is free, face control is sparing, cocktails are named after famous contemporary writers... There are "Murakami", "Beigbeder", "Bukowski" and a dozen more delicious drinks 500 rubles per serving.

Address: Tverskaya, 12, bldg. 2
Dancing: Thu 20:00 - 24:00, Fri-Sat 20:00 - 5:00
Music: deep house, pop
Average check: 1500 rubles
Cost of a bottle of water: 280 rubles

These are, of course, not all nice places to go to on Friday or Saturday nights. There are, for example, other great bars such as Keanu on Patrick or La Stanza... Sometimes very active dances are arranged here, and sometimes they just enjoy cocktails, pleasant company and warm spring evenings. In general, how lucky.

A slow dance begins with an invitation. Traditionally, the guy should invite. Sometimes the host announces a white dance. This means that girls are invited. However, in modern society it is not very important who invites whom, so if you want to dance with a guy, but he is not too active, feel free to go to him yourself. Invite to a slow dance with a smile, and then your partner will definitely not be able to refuse you.

How to dance a slow dance so as not to embarrass yourself in front of your partner?

Take a dance position. Traditionally right hand girls should lie in the guy's hand. Left hand the girls are on the guy's shoulder, and the guy's right hand is on the girl's waist. Sometimes it is permissible to place both of the girl's hands on the boy's neck, and both of the boy's hands on the girl's waist. Put your feet in a comfortable position, at a distance of about 30-40 cm from each other. The distance between the couple should be at least 15-30 cm. Only if you are in a relationship can you get closer.

In any slow dance is led by a guy. To do this, he must slightly pull the girl by the hand, showing her where he is going to move. A girl needs to feel her partner and follow him. All movements should be smooth and gentle. Harsh movements in this dance will be inappropriate.

If you don't know how to dance, it's not scary, everyone learns sometime. Before dancing, you can ask your partner if he can dance. If so, let him teach you. There is no shame in this. They will be happy to help you with this. Here are some more helpful tips.

  • Do not lift your legs, but slide them on the floor. This will prevent you from stepping on your partner's toes.
  • Make eye contact with your partner periodically to show that you are interested, but don't stare at them all the time.
  • Have a casual conversation while dancing.
  • If you step on your partner's foot, apologize and be careful in the future. If they stepped on you, do not be angry.

And don't forget to thank your partner when the dance is over. This old-fashioned gesture is very sweet and quite appropriate.

Come on, everyone will start dancing together in a modern way at home? It is unlikely that there is an opportunity to resist such a temptation. There is not a single person in the world who does not reveal himself during the dances! And as modern newfangled dances offer so many all kinds of unique approaches and movements! Previously, everyone walked around and around, and called it dancing. And now, basically, incendiary novelties have burst into the world, demolishing everything in their own way.

At first it seems to anyone that he will never be able to move like that. But a little time passes, and he already dances faster than everyone else! And how many uncertain words there were at the very beginning. In any case, each Internet user has a unique opportunity, literally, right now, "on the fly" to jump into a dance, repeating the movements shown in the video.

A colossal surge of energy! And many will feel what they have never felt in their lives. Such are they - modern dances, for which you don't really need any instructors. Moreover, in many people the talent to move beautifully, lives from birth. So to speak, it is laid in them by Mother Nature herself, with whom, oh, how dangerous it is to argue! Better not to start these senseless arguments. And start dancing this minute.

Video: Strip-Dance Video tutorial for beginners!

Video: Go-go dance! Strip of plastic. How to learn to dance at home?

Modern dance lessons on video: Beauties teach how to dance beautifully!

A selection of video lessons of modern dance at home for beginners:

Below is a selection of step by step videos modern dance lessons for beginners at home, which will no doubt teach you something useful and useful. The video squares are small, click "full screen" or double click on the video for a more convenient viewing.

If you have questions, objections or want to express your opinion or point of view, then you can always freely leave a comment below. We wish you good luck in your endeavor!