Children's converted dances for adults per party. Planting wedding contests: do not let you miss guests and young

Children's converted dances for adults per party. Planting wedding contests: do not let you miss guests and young
Children's converted dances for adults per party. Planting wedding contests: do not let you miss guests and young

Your guests do not like to dance. Or, on the contrary, do not put your guests at the table, because they constantly dance? And for those for others there is an excellent option that will arrange all. Spend your anniversary dance contests for guests. Competitions can be arranged for different music so that everyone "found" something and participated in contests.

In fact, there are many dance contests, and they are all beautiful in their own way. And we will try to describe for you as many such contests.
The first competition will help to meet all guests. To do this, you need cutting songs with different names. And you make a list of guests by name and turn on the cuts in the queue order. And guests, having heard a song about his name. Go to the hall and dance for this music. And so all guests take turns when he hears a song about his name. And when all guests entered the hall and dance, you can define someone who came out more spectacular. He can be handed a prize.

The next competition is very interesting and if you remove it on the video, it will turn out to be super cinema! But first it is necessary to make a lodder to the competition. You need things you can wear on your feet: flippers, skiing, rollers, huge shoes and everything else that you can find. And to each inventory to come up with a riddle, for example:
Two long boards
Put on socks.
Two sticks in your hands you will take
And quickly go in the snow?
(answer - skis)
Who guess, he comes out and puts on skis on his feet. And so on, so far the entire inventory will not be deed and the guests will not wear it. And when everyone was put on her legs, the music turns on, and the guests begin to dance! You just imagine. How will guests be dancing in skis or in flops?! Change the music more often to make more diversity: Waltz, Rock, Pops, Cha-Cha-cha, Chechenetka, and so on. You can even Lezginka, then laughter will be!

And now ask your guests to remember the songs in which there are numbers. That is songs about numbers. And who from guests calls the song, he goes into the center and dances under her. And for the guests more Yaros participated in the competition, show them the prize for which they fight. And who will give more songs and will be better, that prize will receive. And there are such songs such:
18 I already;
Argentina Jamaica 5-0;
Million Scarlet roses;

Competition for car lovers. You need pictures of different car brands. And the participants as much as pictures. You will assign participants to another room and show them cars, that is, every given a certain brand of car. And explain that they come out in turn and to the music, and at the same time show their movements of the car. They can invite girls or friends to ride with them. And while men are preparing, you explain the essence of the competition to guests. Let them look carefully, because after the competition they have to determine who traveled on what brand! And who can determine, he will receive a prize - he rides with a man in his car.

Next, the competition in the form of dancing for all guests. All guests dance in a circle. Then the lead chooses a girl and a guy to the center. They dance the seconds of thirty, the music is silent, and they must be originally saying goodbye to each other. After a man chooses another man, and he dances with his partner. And again, the seconds are thirty, after which the music is silent and the dancing in the center again they say goodbye. And the girl is already outgoing, but she chooses another, which will dance instead of it. And so on, until everyone is dragging. And after the presenter chooses the winners: who is better than dance (what a couple), and who better said goodbye to each other. They are awarded prizes.

If guests are present at your holiday a different age, that is, a different generation, then arrange a dance battle between them! To do this, divide guests for generations, for example, for 35 in one corner, to 35 in another corner. And include small musical cuts of different years. When you turn on the music from the 80s, then those who are for 30 are dancing. When something new and modern, those who are up to 35 years old are dancing. And the last dance can be included a song from the 80s, but in recycling on modern way. Then they dance all together! And after you declare that there are no winners, because music unites all generations.

Music is always and everywhere accompanies us, reflecting our mood, like no other type of art. Few among people there are those who do not kill at least mentally favorite melodies.

It is impossible to present a holiday without music. Of course, contests requiring encyclopedic knowledge and musical education, for the usual company of funny friends, relatives, colleagues are not suitable: why to put someone in an awkward position? Musical games for adults must be fun, to occur at ease, focus solely on the love of singing and music.

National Music Game Karaoke

For the past decades, the musical fun karaoke became truly robbed. In the park of recreation, on the coast, on the square on the day of the Fair, at the celebration of the birthday, at the wedding, the microphone and the screen with a running line attract crowds of those who want to try their strength in the vocal, support performers or just try. There are even television projects, whose participation in which are invited to all those who wanted passersby.

Guess the melody

At corporate parties, men and women willingly participate in the game that has become popular, too, thanks to the famous TV shows "Guess the melody". Two participants or two teams declare the lead, with how many first notes they guess the famous melody. If players manage to do it, they get points. If the melody from the three or five of the first notes is not guessing (it must be said that three is not even for the connoisseur), the opponent makes his application.

The tour lasts until the melody is called or up to 10-12 notes when the lead, without having received the answer, calls the work itself. It then sounds performed by players under the phonogram or professional vocalists, which decorate the event.

A simpler version of the game is to guess the artist or. For this, Tamada chooses fragments of not the most famous hits. It is necessary to take into account the age of the participants. Those who are 30-40 are not fond of teenagers, as they will not know the songs of 60s, 70s.

Music casino

4-5 players are invited to participate. From the equipment you will need a familiar tip with an arrow, as in "What? Where? When? ", And the table with sectors for tasks. Tasks are two or three tips contained in theses or questions that will help the players guess the name of the singer or singer.

The chip is that questions should be not too serious, rather with humor. For example: "He believes that it is better no way instead of somehow" (A. Buynov), "For his shocking appearance and wheezing in his voice, this singer scares naughty kids" (N. Gigurda), "He is so alone for the whole country" . Basque).

If the player is guessing, the side passage sounds. Promotion for the winning will be the right to order the next music composition of the evening.

Song in pantomime

One of the players should exclusively with gestures to portray the content of some rows of the song. His teammate partners should guess what the song is trying to "voice" with his pantomime "caring". In order to "mate" above the wriggling pantomime, you can persuade the participants of the commencements under any circumstances to not call the correct answer, but to, on the contrary, simplify the task can be called just the name of the artist or. Play two or three teams are offered 2 songs for each team. Award for victory - Honorary right to sing together karaoke.

Musical games for adults at the table

Pouring musical games for adults keep the audience while it is interesting. Therefore, to a well-known competition "Who is confirable" It is necessary to approach creative. It should be not just songs in the text of which are contained women's or male names, color names, dishes, cities ...
More interesting when Tamada will offer the beginning: "What! .." Players are singing "What you cost, swinging, thin rowan ..." or another song with such a word at the beginning. Maestro in the meantime, as if, maybe it may be a few notes from different songs, sometimes this tip helps to avoid unwanted pauses.

By the way, the video example of such a game is a wolf scene with the choir of boys' boys from the famous series of cartoons "Well, wait!". We look and teach!

Another fun musical game is only for the sake of entertainment - it is "Add". Tamada offers everyone a familiar song. While he explains the conditions, this melody sounds quietly. Performing a song, participants at the end of each line add funny phrases, for example, "in socks", "without socks", alternating them. (With tail, without a tail, under the table, on the table, under the pine, on the pine ...). It will turn out: "There was a birch in the field ... in socks. In the kudryaya field stood ... without socks ... ". You can offer one team to prepare phrases for the "add", and the other - choose a song, and then sing together.

Musical games for adult parties are good because they quickly raise the mood of the entire company and help to relax, leaving after only pleasant emotions and vivid impressions of the class holiday spent in the company of friends.

Must be original. Be sure to come up with any active entertainment, and dance contests are suitable for this, as it is impossible. They help to stir up guests, send the energy of the most active in the right direction and discharge the most shy.

Dance contests can be collective or individual, Pass in the form of a competition or a real dance battle. It can also be simply collective dances with the lead. And most importantly, it is not necessary to dance at all to participate in such contests.

The right moment for the first dance competition is some time after the start of the banquet. First you need to create a certain atmosphere, cheer out guests and stir them. Then it will be easier for them to overcome the stencil and go to the dance floor.

Note! Active and calm contests need to alternate. Everything that is associated with dancing is applied to active entertainment, so you should not force guests to dance if they just run or jumped. But after quite you can arrange dancing.

You should not conduct dance contests on an empty stomach, guests must at least eat a little. But pull them out due to the table immediately after the tasting is not worth the hot. You can hold contests after snacks or some time after serving the main dishWhen guests expect dessert. Also a dance competition, a collective dance or flashmob can be a worthy completion of the holiday.

How to prepare?

For dance competitions at the wedding, the following will be needed:

  1. spacious room;
  2. music equipment and audio recordings;
  3. good lighting.

Selection of songs for contests is separate art. It is better to prepare several dozen diverse compositions in advance to be able to choose music under the current mood of guests. It is necessary to be able to very clearly reduce the time interval for its inclusion, so that the awkward pauses do not arise. For music should answer the one who can good to handle equipment. It is best to hire a professional DJ.

Also guests must be given enough space so that they can move freely. Do not hold such entertainment near the tables with food. For dances, at least 3 square meters should be assigned. This is enough for a small group of dancing guests.
Dance competitions are selected depending on the size of the room. What it is spacious, the more opportunities for their holding.

The dance floor should be well lit
. So the correct atmosphere is created, because the dance part is always in the spotlight. During events related to dancing, you can enable disco lighting, play with spotlights or arrange a laser show.

Funny contests for guests

Wedding dance competitions There is a huge amount. They are chosen depending on the following factors:

  1. age of invited;
  2. contingent present;
  3. premises size;
  4. preferences of guests and young.

Usually, the selection takes care of the lead, but the newlyweds themselves can also make proposals. Here are some options for original dance competitions.

Dance of the peoples of the world

Several pairs are selected from among guests. They can consist of those who are in relationships and from completely unfamiliar people. Param gives a task to dance several dances of various nations of the world. It doesn't matter that they do not know how to do it, because this is all salt. Music of various nations includes: Russian, Caucasian, Gypsy, Spanish, Chinese or Indian.

Feature: Couples can dance at the same time under the same music, or each of them gives a separate task.

More fun when special attributes are issued for the competition: national clothing, shoes or hats. After the contest is completed, the winner is determined by applause. Instead of steam, you can also invite individual people, but only when guests have slept enough.

Lopni Ball

it very active competition who especially like youth. For it, several steam will be required. Ball balls are tied to the alarm of girls. The goal is to burst into the balls of all rivals with your feet, while connecting hands with your own partner. All this happens under fun music, laughter and encouragement cries of guests. It is very funny to observe when each in a pair runs to his side. If the pair crashes hands, it leaves the competition. Wins the one who managed to burst all the balls of rivals.


The more the person participates in such a competition, the more interesting. First, everyone starts to dance together while the presenter does not cry: "Troika!" Guests must immediately crash into groups of three people and continue to dance. Then lead shouts: "Four!" Accordingly, guests must crash for groups of four people.

It can also be tops, six, seven and so on. There should be no one for couples, otherwise the meaning of the competition will be lost. After each team of the lead, people who could not unite into the group. In the end there are 2-3 people who become winners.

The most stronger

This is a very simple contest, however, you need to choose the right time to hold it. It is best to spend it closer to the beginning of the event, when guests have not had time to drink a lot. A couple of strong men and fragile girls are invited to the dance floor. The task of every man is to take a girl in the arms and to complete with her to the end of the melody. He who lowered the girl leaves. At the end remains the most hardy.


About the famous Limbo dance did not hear only the most lazy. His essence is that in the room there is a smooth rope, under which a person must pass to the music, flexing back. Rope can not touch. In this competition there may be a large number of participants, but you should not invite more than 10 people to ensure that the competition is not delayed.

Participants alternately pass under the rope, trying to not touch it. You can only pass in one way - flexing back. When everyone went under the rope for the first time, it falls below 5 centimeters. Now it is much more difficult to walk under it, and the intensity of passions is enhanced. Then the rope must be lowered another 5 centimeters, and so on. Every time the participant drops out, who touched the rope. Do not call for such a contest of people who have problems with the spine.


Up to 15 people can participate in this competition.. The presenter invites several guests to a dance floor, which are in a circle. The first participant takes a hat and puts it on his head to a neighbor, and he is his neighbor, and so continues until the music end. He, who in his hands will remain a hat, drops out of the game. They play until only one participant remains, which becomes the winner.

There is a more interesting option for this contest. Participant, in the hands of which the hat remains, does not leave, but comes to the lead. At the lead in the hands of the list of duties that the losers must fulfill. It can be:

  • the obligation to invite young a week after the wedding for tea;
  • come to newlyweds to visit with a bottle of brandy;
  • call every hour during the day and speak nice words.

You need to put a tick opposite the task that you like. Accordingly, each participant of this competition receives its instruction, the list of which is at the end read the lead. Tasks can be any, most importantly, so that they are funny, funny, pleasant to perform And in no case are not hurt.

Body parts

Competition is suitable for the most active guests. Its essence is that you need to dance individual parts of the body. For example, the presenter asks to dance with his right hand. Music turns on, and all participants begin to dance only with their right hand. Then you can dance left foot. After that, you can depict the dance of the head or right ear. In this competition, he won the loud applause in whose address.

I know this dance

For this contest, you need to pick up melodies from popular movies, which heroes danced some dance. These films should be widely known. Several guests are invited to the site. The presenter includes music from the film, and you need to repeat the dance as accuratelywho danced under her. It wins the one whom the guests are loudly applauded.

Reference! Nothing terrible if someone from the guests did not look at a certain movie cornocarte, because he can repeat over other guests.

Cheerful spectacle

For this contest, you need to prepare cards with scenarios. Several guests are invited to the site, and the pair or group of three people are better. The task of each team is to dance any situation from a famous movie or cartoon. The presenter distributes cards with tasks and gives commands time to cook. Everyone is dancing in turn, and the task of other guests is to guess what they are trying to portray. There are usually no winners in such a competition, all participants receive.

Dance Battle

A very incendiary competition in which a large number of guests can participate, up to all participants of the solemn event. Spend it better at the very beginning of the dance block to prepare all those present for him. Participants are divided into two teams that compete with each other. For example, men can compete with women.

Under the same music team in turns perform any dance. In order to warm up people, the lead can show movements to teams. As musical accompaniment, it is better to use cutting from short passages of famous dance hits. The main thing is that the melodies are incendiary. After each dance, the master declares the winner, which is determined by the applause of guests who are not involved in the battle, or the lead itself. Of course, doing all this is needed with jokes to not offend anyone.

What should I avoid?

At different weddings, the same errors are often allowed when conducting dance competitions. The first and most common one is to start dancing from an individual contest. If you put a person for the middle of the hall, he invariably begins to shove. Other guests feel, and the atmosphere becomes tense. Therefore, it is better to first carry out collective dance contests, and it is worth calling a separate person to the dance floor only when the presenter is already enough to disperse the public.

Make dancing older people tooIf they do not want it. Of course, many of them do not mind moving, but if you know that someone has health problems, be sure to warn about it.

Useful video

Of course, besides those listed above, there are many others. Some of them you can see in the next video:


Do you need dance contests at the wedding? Definitely yes. Throw all doubts if it seems to you that guests will be shy or wished to participate in such events. Professional Tamada will be able to pull anyone on the dance floor, from this holiday atmosphere will be even brighter, cheerful and incendiary. Even if the guests are shy to dance, they will charge emotions from others and in the end will also come to the dance floor and will light.

As sang in the Soviet cartoon crocodile gene "Unfortunately, a birthday only once a year!", Therefore, it is simply necessary to do this event cheerful and bright.

Buy cake and invite guests only half of the case. Organize a holiday that will remember everything, that's what is needed. The atmosphere should be not only solemn, this day should be filled with fun and joy.

Raise the mood at the birthday day as the very birthday and its guests will help inective contests.

Merry contests for adult company

Competitions imply entertainment not only for participants, but also for observers. It is important that people with humor come to fulfill the tasks felt relaxed. The lead also gives an example how to behave.
Positive mood, smiles, dancing and humor and fun contests - everything you need for an unforgettable birthday for adults: friends, relatives, close and colleagues.

"Gifts for guests"

It's no secret that the birthday girl will give a lot of gifts. Why not take care of a guest? Competition "Gifts for guests" is quite fun and interesting. The main thing is that he will leave each participant a present in memory of this day.

Various gifts are reported on the thread. The task of guests with tied eyes cut the thread and get your gift.

Necessary attributes: Small gifts, threads, scissors, eye dressings.

Prizes every guest will receive already during participation, if it tries well.


A few pairs must participate in the competition that will fight against each other. Rivals will have to stand on all fours face to each other. On the backs of the participants you need to attach sheets with words. The task of the opponent is to read someone else's inscription and save their own gaze.

The winner will be the one who quickly cope with the task. To tear off the floor of the palm and knees is strictly prohibited. The person who will hold a contest must follow the compliance with the rules and define the winners.

Necessary attributes: Sheet of paper and markers that can be written word.

As a prizes, you can make thematic gifts - the bell, horseshoe or something like that.

"Merry Farm"

Competition was created for teams with a large number of participants. The minimum number of teams is two. Players in each team should be at least four.

Each teams get the name - the name of a animal that usually lives on the farm. It can be pigs, horses, cows, sheep, goats, chickens or pets - cats, dogs. Command participants must remember their name and sound that publish these animals.

The presenter will have to tie the eye to participants, and mix them with each other. The task of each team is the fastest of others to get together. Make them can only on rumor. Everyone has to bust or meow. Depending on the belonging to a specific team, to let yourself know and find other participants. The team wins, whose players will gather faster and take each other's hands.

Necessary attributes: Dense eye bandages, preferably black.

As prizes, it is better to choose animal figures or small soft toys. You can also distribute candy or cookies in the form of beasts. A low-budget version - Cutting "Cow" for winners.

"Dance Poy"

A fun competition for the birthday of "Dance Poy" will raise the mood not only to the participants, but also to the audience. Merry music is included, and participants are distributed with numbers with numbers. The maximum number of players is ten.

Under the music, participating will have to draw a fifth point in the figure, which they came across, constantly repeating it. The participant wins, the "dance" of which the most prompt spectators.

Necessary attributes: Sheets of paper on which numbers are written, the music you want to enable.

Every prizes will suit anything. You can give a diploma of the most dance pope.


Competition "Obzhorka" is not a low-budget, but it is worth it. You need to purchase cream cakes equal to the number of participants. Under the bottom of the cake plays the key or any other thing to be found.

Players behind their backs bind hands. Their task of mouth get a thing hidden in the cake.

Necessary attributes: Light cakes (cream or whipped cream), handing for hands.

As a prize, you can give another cake or pastry.

"Other thoughts"

This competition was assigned to themselves many leading weddings and corporate events, as he always passes with a bang and causes a storm of positive emotions.

The leading should prepare song trimming in Russian. They will reflect the thought of the participants. It is best to alternate male vocals with female not to confuse.

The host holds the palm above the head of one of the guests, the music immediately turns on, and everyone hears what the participant thinks about.

Necessary attributes: Musical cuts with words.

Please note that the fragments of the songs are chosen correctly.

The prizes are not needed, because almost everything and the winner will not have to determine.

"With replenishment!"

To participate need a couple: men and women. The task of this competition does not find winners, but to cheer guests.

A man and a woman allegedly fall into a situation where they become parents. The new daddy really wants to know who he was born, set many questions. With his wife, it is possible to communicate only through a dense soundproof glass. The task of a woman answering questions a man with gestures.

Prizes can be given not for victory, but for participation.


To participate in the competition you need to attract two girls. Prepared and already inflated balloons should be scattered around the hall. For each girl, it is best to fasten the mentor who will follow the successes and achievements.

The task of girls to the music burst as many balls as possible, however, to do it with hands according to the rules of the competition forbidden. Wins the one that burst more balls for a certain time.

Necessary attributes: bandages to tie hands, balloons.

A prize for the winning girl can be any trifle: hygienic lipstick, comb, mug or plate.

"Congratulations to the birthday"

Competition is held for all sitting at the table. Everyone in turns must wish something like one birthday. It is impossible to repeat.

The participant wins the participant who will say more congratulations. The rest are depicted one by one, if you can not remember something new and original.

"While the match is burning"

While the match is burning, the participant must tell his story of the acquaintance with the birthday girl as colorful. All guests take part.

Matches are lit in turn: one shoes, the other lights up. When everyone hurry, stutter and stutter will become extremely fun. Or maybe someone shakes something superfluous? It is interesting to listen and have fun.

"Flying gait"

The birthday name is removed in one end of the hall, and the guests go to another. Each of the guests includes different music, which they must demonstrate their gait.

Going to the birthday of a flying gait, the task of the guest to kiss the celebration of the celebration and return back. The competition implies a maximum of attention to the person who will have a birthday, and the music gait of the participants will lose the mood to everyone.

"Defective Congratulations"

It is necessary to prepare a lot of postcards in advance on which there are congratulations in verses. The more difficult rhyme, the better.

Each participant is given two candy, which according to the rules of the competition must be placed behind both cheeks. The task of the participant is to read congratulations on the expression. The prize will receive the one who will make the most prompt guests.

As a prize for participation, Chupa Chups is perfect.

"Poisonous bite"

All participants in the contest allegedly biting a poisonous snake in the leg. Since life is full of fun, they should not despair, but to dance.

Dancing participants first find out that they have no legs. We can not move in numbers of body, but you need to continue to dance. And so with fifth to the head. Wins the one whose dance was the most incendiary in spite of everything.

Incentive prizes and the chief present for the victory must be made unequivocal. For example, for participation - mugs, and for victory - a bottle of champagne.

"Find on the rumor"

It's time to check the birthday girl on how well he knows his guests. Voices of loved ones and friends can be found out of thousands. Let's try? The birthday name turns back to guests.

Each guest calls the name of the jubilee in turn. You need to learn whose voice. Since the participants will change their voices, it will be very fun.

Now you understand, thanks to what entertainment is a birthday, will be unforgettable?

You need to choose more likely contests in advance. Prepare all the necessary attributes, as well as prizes.

Decide those who will hold contests. It is best to choose the most funny person from the whole company, which can be able to progress the people and attract the attention of the public. Birthday will be perfectly, if each will take part in the players and competitions.

Do not forget to come in a great mood, it will certainly be transmitted to everyone around. Give a smile to people and get them in return. The exchange of positive energy will configure everyone to the right direction.

Follow multiple simple but helpful tips:

  • Clearly formulate the conditions, explain the tasks to the participants, ask if they understood you.
  • All contests write on paper. So you will not forget their sequence, what they conclude, which presents for them are prepared, as well as attributes. This will ensure convenience personally to you.
  • Do not forced to participate in those people who do not want to do this. Everyone can have their reasons for each, perhaps a person is shy, and maybe his mood has not yet overtake that high level when you want to rejoice at yourself and share this joy, win and be involved in everything.
  • Decide in advance with the budget that will be directed to the purchase of prizes. They are better to buy more than less. It is impossible to allow you to leave someone without a deserved prize.
  • Between each competition, do not forget to pay attention to the birthday man. Dilute the evening with jokes, congratulations and dancing.
  • Alternate moving companions with mental, give participants to rest. You can first hold a dance, and then the competition at the table.
  • When conducting feel confident. If the fear of speeches is the leading, then what to talk about the participants.
  • Support the participants and ask for this observing guests. The unity of invited to everyone will benefit, especially if not everyone is familiar with each other.
  • If you have this opportunity, then participate yourself. You are applying for all guests. Have fun in full.
  • Praise and thank you for participation.

No matter how many years have you become, it is the birthday of a holiday that remains loved at any age. Conduct it, breaking over the full program, because it is such bright moments that our life is entertaining and beautiful.

Throw the rules like "the main thing is not a victory - the main part of participation," go to the end, defeat, get prizes. Let them not be too valuable, but very pleasant. It is from such little victories that big.

And in conclusion, we suggest you to see the test for real men called "Earth in the Illuminator" as well as other fun competition for adults on the video:

The entertainment program of the child's birthday, which is planned to be carried out at home, parents are primarily thinking about two issues: "What competitions will be appropriate?" And "Which of them will be able to become a highlight of a solemn event?" We can safely assure you - dance and music games will be an excellent option. Fears relating to the grinding of the room are somewhat exaggerated. If the total area of \u200b\u200byour apartment exceeds 30 square meters - the organization and holding of perky dance and other house competitions for birthday will not cause you any difficulties.

Dance Birthday Contests

"Lambad with a tray":prepare for competition chairs and trays. Divide the children to the pair. Participating guys sit on chairs, and you place the tray between them, which they must press belly. It is impossible to support it with your hands, it is also forbidden to touch each other. As soon as you launch the Music composition "Lambada", the contestants should start their dance, rhythmically, in the tact of music by shaking the hips. If during these movements the tray falls to the floor, the couple drops out of the competition. The winners are the participants who coped with the task.

"Dance with Mop": Divide children into two teams: a team of boys and a team of girls. Build them in a row opposite each other. One participant in the hands of the usual mop for washing floors is issued. You include music that players have to dance. When she stops, the guys need to change the partner as quickly as possible. A player with a mop at this time throws her and grabs the first partner's eyes that fell into his eyes. A participant who failed to find himself a couple during the stop of music, takes a mop into his hands and begins to dance with her.

"Take up ...": You can share children for two teams, and you can simply offer the guys to participate together together. Include music, children dance. From time to time, dancing must be interrupted by the lead team: "HOW FOR ...". The participants of the competition must have time to capture that they were proposed: for green, lilac, black, for paper, behind the chair, for their nose, for someone else's hand, behind the knee of the lead and the like. Players left the game, who did not have time to take up the specified objects and objects in time.

"Dance Sport": Divide the children to several commands, better if there are three or four. Let each command, let's task: come up with and execute dance to certain music. For the preparation of fifteen minutes. After this time, each command shows its number, and you define the winners.

"Robot dance": Tell the children that now they have to be transferred to the disco of the future. In the future, as you know, there are many of the most diverse robots that love to dance. In order not to differ from the main population, children need to learn to dance just like it. Turn on the music in the style of "techno" and dancing begins! Define the winner should the perpetrator of the celebration.

"Music Reliefs": For ten to twenty minutes you include any music, children at this time can perform a wide variety of physically active actions: jump, run, squat, dance, press, spinning and the like. When you turn off the music, the game participants should instantly lie on the floor. A child who did it last, dropping out of the game. The game continues until only one winner remains.

"Dancing in a circle": children become a circle at a distance of one meter from each other. You choose a leading, whose task is to transfer the rhythm and the nature of sounding music. All other children must repeat his movements. As soon as the music changes, the next player standing on the left for leading, adopts the initiative into his hands. The competition continues until all the participants in the game do not try on the role of the dancer.

"Eh, apple, what are you going to go?": Offer the boys to fulfill the dance of the apple sailors. Evaluate the execution will be a special jury, consisting only of guests - girls. The participant, graceful and virtuoserous others danced his dance, becomes the winner of this contest. As a reward, you can give the boy a big red ripe bully apple.

Musical Birthday Contests

"Musical Hat": Children become in a circle, one of the participants of the game on the head is watered with a hat. You include music while it sounds, a child in a hat takes her away from his head and transmits a neighbor on the right. The task of each player: prevent the hat to stay on it at the time of the music stop. A participant who made such an observation, leaves the game. So continues until one winner remains. Instead of hats in this competition, you can use any other garments.

"Choral singing": participants need to be chosen to perform any famous cheerful song and sing it all together, choir. According to your team: "quietly" children shut down, but continue to sing about themselves. Then, on the team "Loud" the guys begin to sing, but already out loud. Highlights of the game: Usually, during the "silent" singing, the guys change the rhythm and after the team sing aloud, they make it a swamp. It turns out very funny.

"I will not throw out the song songs":divide children into two teams. The task of the first group of participants: to fulfill a small passage from any popular song. The task of the second group: taking one word from this passage, recall the musical composition in which this word is mentioned, and execute an excerpt from it. The team, who failed to cope with his task during the competition, is considered a loser. The second is awarded the title of the winner.

"Small choir": Participants of the game are sitting on the chairs. At this time, you draw some ridiculous and funny faces at this naked knees, the knees themselves need to decorate with cakes, bows, panamans and the like. On the shin of children, we put long multicolored knitted socks in a strip, the feet should stay bare. Tension before children a sheet so that only legs remain in the field of view of the audience. According to your team: "A small choir came to us, a small choir because of the forest came to us, because of the mountains," children begin to sing cheerful songs and chastushki, tangling with their singing.

"Sound operator": prepare the props in advance: jars with dry croups and pasta, plastic bags, baking sheets, saucepans with lids, wooden and metal spoons, shoes, whistle and the like. Suitable will be any items with which you can produce voice. In addition, you will need any audio support. Divide children to the team, first the first participation takes part in the competition, then the second. The essence of the game: You turn on a fairy tale, which, for example, begins with the words: "Once a frosty winter night, we walked through the forest" and pushing pause. Contestants at this time should be reproducing snow crunch under legs at this time. When they do it, you must click on the play button, the fairy tale continues. So each team should be able to show their fantasy, smelting and not confused along the contest. The game of children who is more interesting and more qualitatively made an audioskagovka voice acting is wins.

"Song about ...": in advance invent and write down on small sheets of paper titles of any items, plants, animals and the like. Divide children into two teams. For the competition, one participant is called from each group. They pull the leaves from your hands, read the word written on them, and sing a song in which it is mentioned at least once. The winner is the team, in which the results of the competition turned out to be the greatest number of guys who managed to cope with this task.

"Musical Records": Divide children to the team. First assign the name "Maxi", the second is "mini". The task of the first team: remember and perform as many songs as possible about everything is great, large, numerous, wide, high and the like. The task of the second: invent and fulfill songs about everything is the smallest, low, a few, insignificant and so on. For the convenience and speed of the competition, you can think in advance and write a list of topics for performing songs. The winner becomes the team, who managed to sing more songs compared to the opponent team.

"Guess the melody": Prepare for a contest chair or table, candy and music without words (melody). Put the candy on the chair, divide the children to the team, from each of which at a time to participate in one pair of players. The guys get up on both sides of the chair, you turn on the melody. As soon as someone from the competing remembered the name of the song, he must grab the candy and give an answer. If it turns out to be right, the candy goes to the player, if not, he puts it into place. A team of children becomes the winning team, who has the greatest amount of candy at the end of the competition.

Other Home Birthday Contests

"Paper Shredders": This competition is very difficult, so it is better to invite only boys to participate in it. Prepare five or six sheets of the newspaper in advance. Inconsider the guys to stand in a row and issue everyone in hand on one newspaper sheet. The task of contestants: break the newspaper using only one palm, the second at the same time should be tight pressed to the body. The winner becomes the participant, who managed not only to break the newspaper for the smallest amount of time, but also for the greatest number of pieces.

"Balls": Prepare nine balloons and nine threads to them. Three participants distribute props and let the task: for a certain amount of time, for example, in one minute you need to be able to inflate all the balls and tie them with threads. The winner becomes a child, faster than others coping with this task.

"Pass the parcel":prepare a box, pour candy in it and put a few small soft toys there. Wrap the box in a plurality of paper layers. Plant children in a circle and tell them that the postman just delivered the parcel to your address, but did not say who she was intended. Invite the guys to learn about this very interesting way - the parcel needs to be transferred from hand to hand, pulling off from its packaging one small piece. That child who will tear off the last piece, can pick up the package to himself.

"Prilent Nose": children together draw on a piece of paper a funny little face of a little man who has no nose. At this time you make it out of plasticine. When the children are finished to draw, attach a sheet to the wall or to the door with the help of a stationery or scotch. Each participant alternately tie his eyes, giving a plasticine nose in the hands and offer to come up to the drawing and try to join the drawn the nose. Children who not only managed to attach nose to the drawing, but also made it true (in the right place), receive prizes.

"Good Words Birthday": Invite children to form a circle, in the center of which will stand the culprit of the celebration. The task of the guys: passing each other an air ball or rubber ball, call one kind word characterizing a birthday room. Children who think about the options too long or can not come up with "epithets", drop out of the game.

"Pass the coin": Prepare one, preferably a very small coin. Offer children to sit in a circle. The essence of the game: one participant puts the coin on the index finger of his right hand and transfers it next to a sitting player already in his right hand. The receiving must cover the coin with its index finger, then both players turn it out, and the transmitting can remove its finger. Children dropping coins are dropped out of the game. The winner becomes the last, the most dexterous player awarded for the efforts of the prize.