Ballroom dancing which dances are included. Why dancing is a men's sport

Ballroom dancing which dances are included. Why dancing is a men's sport

Ballroom dance, as a form of art, sport or active leisure, continues to attract the interest of many people of different countries and nationalities. There are a lot of ballroom dances, but only 10 of them have gained worldwide popularity. These dances are included in the international dance program with uniform requirements for their performance.

See how many of the dances below are familiar to you.

Slow waltz

The waltz is the most airy and light due to the sliding ballroom dance, belonging to the European dance group. The dance is characterized by long, flowing movements, continuous turns, as well as ups and downs. The dance is very graceful and elegant, from the side it seems that the dancers move on the floor easily, almost effortlessly.

Viennese waltz

It is a fast European ballroom dance with a subtle rise and fall. A simple and elegant spinning movement characterizes the Viennese waltz. This dance, according to most dance school students, is considered one of the most difficult to learn dances.

Tango is considered one of the most exciting ballroom dances in the European program. This sensual dance originated in Latin America in the first half of the 20th century.

Slow foxtrot

The foxtrot is very similar to the slow waltz, as many waltz figures are performed in it. The fundamental difference is in rhythm. The main figures are danced to a "slow fast fast" rhythm. The nature of the steps is gliding and smooth, with ups and downs, like a waltz. Dance from the European program.


Quickstep is a fast version of slow foxtrot. It is a very fun and rhythmic dance with very fast steps, syncopated rhythms and jogging. Quickstep is interesting to watch, simple figures are not difficult to perform. Therefore, acquaintance with ballroom dance begins with it. The same applies to European ballroom dancing.

Samba, as one of the most famous Brazilian dances, is popular with young people and the older generation. Samba can be danced alone or in pairs.

Cha cha cha is one of the five Latin American dance groups. It is a lively, flirtatious dance filled with passion and energy. The classic “Cuban movements” give cha cha dance its own unique style. Partners work in concert and synchronization, trying to execute every movement clearly and beautifully.

According to the majority, rumba is the most romantic and most sensual dance of the entire Latin American dance group. Due to its ancient origins, this dance is often called the “grandfather of Latin American dances”.

Paso Doble

The Paso Doble is considered one of the most temperamental and lively ballroom dances of the Latin American program, once created in the south of France. This is a kind of fusion of music, drama and movements of the Spanish bullfight.

Ballroom dancing is not just dancing, it is a whole art, and at the same time science, sport, passion, in a word - a whole life embodied in movement. Also, ballroom dancing is not in vain called sports - it is a colossal workout for all muscles of the body, as well as a correct and healthy cardiac load.

During the dance, the couple communicates with each other and with the audience with body language, which can express both a huge message of positive energy, and a gentle, pacified, perhaps even dreary mood - an anguish of the soul, and this depends on the type of ballroom dance.

At the moment, such directions as, for example, bachata or solo latina for girls are often ranked among the types of ballroom dancing, but this is not entirely correct. The traditional ballroom dancing program (they are necessarily paired) includes ten dances, divided into a European direction or program (otherwise called "standard") and Latin American ("Latin"). So, what types of ballroom dancing exist - let's start in order.

The king of dancing is the waltz

The noblest and most solemn dance of the classical program is the slow waltz. This direction of waltz originated at the beginning of the last century and has not undergone any changes since then. The dance has a very measured movement in three counts, like all waltz types of ballroom dances , and is accompanied by lyrical music.

There is another waltz in the standard program - Viennese, which is distinguished by an abundance of spins at a sufficiently high speed and is danced to a fast melody, thereby creating simply enchanting sensations for the audience.

Other elements of the European program

Filled with the breath of Argentine passion, tango is another element of the European program, very sensual, combining fast and slow movements. All types of ballroom dancing assign a leading role to the partner, but it is tango that emphasizes this.

The standard program also includes a slow foxtrot (dancing to a count of 4), characterized by a moderate tempo with some transitions with slow and fast, and quickstep. The latter is the most mischievous dance of the entire program, based on jumps, quick turns. The dancer's task is to combine these abrupt movements with smooth transitions to very energetic music.

Dancing to fiery Latin American rhythms

The types of ballroom dances of the Latin program are, firstly, no less exciting than tango, but at the same time, a very gentle dance - rumba.

The rhythm is slow, with an emphasis on even slower beats. Secondly, the complete opposite of rumba is jive, incredibly positive and very fast, the most modern and constantly gaining new movements.

The carefree Latin American dance cha-cha-cha is the most amazing invention of mankind, it is characterized by movements of the hips and legs, which cannot be confused with anything, and a very interesting manner of counting ("cha-cha-1-2-3").

Akin to the fiery cha-cha-cha - the samba dance, which can be both slow enough and incredibly fast, so much that dancers have to show the highest level of skill.

Samba is based on "spring" movements of the legs, combined with smooth movements of the hips. And of course, samba and other types of ballroom dances of the Latin program are a clear rhythm and frantic energy that spreads to the dancers themselves and the audience, even if the dance is not performed by professionals.

Once, when I was looking for mugs for my daughter, we came to an open day at the local recreation center and could not take our eyes off the couple on the floor. Arina immediately told me (and she was 5 years old then): "Mom, I want to dance in such a dress!" I had to sign up for ballroom dancing. Then I knew absolutely nothing about them. Even now I rely only on our 4-year experience, but still now we have at least some baggage of our own mistakes and victories behind us. There are other people's stories that take place before our eyes. And I, sample of 2013, would love to listen to the advice of those who understand the topic before making a choice.

And what is it for?

About the most important thing

Every person wants to be successful. Ballroom dancing will not give pleasure if the child does not have results on the floor in the form of points from the judges (and the ballroom dancers lose their motivation to just dance for the soul rather quickly). Anyone can dance, but, of course, there are those who will find it easier. Pay attention to your child. Here are what I think are good prerequisites for successful dancing (I'm not saying that this is a complete set of qualities, and that if a child does not possess them, then he should not go to ballroom dancing!):

Physical data. Flexibility, mobility, shape, lightness: what is given by nature and improves in training!

Hard work, dedication. If a child is accustomed to achieving results, and does not shy away from business at every opportunity, this largely determines success.

Charisma. A child who can be called bright performs well. Children who are timid or not expressing emotions find it difficult to count on the recognition of the judges. At the same time, appearance is an important factor only from the moment when it comes to the harmony of the couple (the main thing is that the partners fit each other; individually, their appearance does not matter much).

Leadership skills. On the floor, the child will face competition. It is important that he treats it without fear, accepting a certain challenge, correctly attuning himself to dance among other dancers. It can be psychologically difficult to tune in to a fight. One was pushed in the back - and he went on to dance, the other was pushed - he got upset and barely danced the program.

Non-conflict. Ballroom dancing - pair dancing. They are suitable for a child who is interested in dancing with someone, feeling a partner.

Dance fanaticism. Loving dancing is the most important thing in ballroom dancing. Usually the mothers of such children see a propensity for dancing from a very early age. There are no ballers who do not like their job, believe me. If the child does not want to dance, it is better to take him away, send him in another direction, or do not torment him with dancing at all. Too great loads in ballroom dancing weed out children (like through a sieve) quite early, real fanatics remain.


Children usually start dancing at an early age. Accordingly, first of all, to start dancing is your decision. The younger the child, the greater the role of the adult in his dance lessons. Parents need to have almost the same qualities as a little dancer:

Sensitivity. Please note, only you can notice the child's penchant for dancing. And when your joint journey into the world of ballroom dancing begins, you will share all the difficulties and rejoice in the big and small successes of your child. You have to be an assistant both in exhausting tournaments: suggesting the visits in which a couple participates, and in routine training: from snacks to being escorted to the place of training.

Hard work and dedication. First, children "mirror" adults, behave the same way - set an example for them. Secondly, the non-shifting, intensive schedule is very exhausting. “Sometimes you can skip training,” some will say ... But at a tournament you will suddenly realize that skipping immediately affects the quality of the dance. In addition, a responsible parent will remember that his child is not dancing alone. One of the partners did not come - the lesson was half-hearted for the couple.

- Non-conflict. The relationship between parents is as important as that between partners. Very often couples break up at the request of relatives. If you were able to find a common language with the "side" of the partner / partner - that's half the battle! Immediately it is worthwhile to honestly talk about how you see the near future. It is important to check your views on goals, training, frequency of performances, etc. The most successful are couples where parents work in tandem, think similarly, and maintain warm friendships.


If I could change something now, then, before sending the child to ballroom dancing, I would take her to classical choreography for children. A rug, a swimsuit, a loom and mirrors, frogs, boats and bridges - what will be interesting for a child 3-5 years old. And only after that, at 6-7 years old, I would have given to ballroom dancing. The basics of classical dance are needed in any direction. This, in my opinion, is the basis, like the letters for reading.


The key decision is the choice of the club. Things to Consider:

Location. There are a lot of activities, so it is more convenient if the road to the place will not be very long. Although I have heard many stories about how dancers come from out of town, and we do it ourselves. :)

Trainer. The main person for your child, like a teacher at school, lays down the technique and instills a love of dance. Naturally, you and your little dancer should like him - this is the key to success. You must trust the coach, he must be respectful to his charges, be moderately demanding and love his job (both dancing and teaching!). They say that the class of the trainer should be at least 2 classes higher than that of the dancer (I will talk about the classes below). If the coach is a judge, this is an additional important plus: (hereinafter we are talking about the CTSR - see the explanation below). A club may have several coaches, which is good - each has its own style; the result is more varied teaching. Sometimes there is a main trainer, and he periodically invites additional trainers to make the children perceive the material presented in a different manner.

Active couples. Ask how many and what kind of couples there are in the club. If possible, see how they perform. It's good when there are couples of different ages and classes, when a moderate number of dancers are engaged in the club. For example, the absence of couples or 2-3 couples should be alarming, as well as the proposal to train with 20 couples in a group. All this can be checked independently, if by name or on the map. All valid pairs will be shown in the table - study it. Successful couples compete regularly and earn qualifying points.

An important addition. There are 2 ballroom dancing federations in Russia - the Russian Dance Sports Union (STSR) and the Russian Dance Union (RTS). They even have their own tournaments at the international level, and the athletes of the two federations never meet on the floor. Any club to which you take your child will be a member of a regional organization (for example, in Moscow there is the Moscow Federation of Dancing Sports - MFTS), which, in turn, will belong to one or another federation (MFTS is a member organization of the CTSR). If not, then you just came to the circle, there the load will be small, and the result is appropriate: for the soul. As far as I understand, the STSR has more clubs, it has its own database of athletes (you can find your dancer in the section), sports books are issued. In general, the CTSR is a more sporting federation, while in the RTS dance is treated more like an art. An important point: if you want to change the federation, then all the results are reset to zero!

And one more digression. The club is a second family. Children spend a lot of time together, with a coach, arrange joint holidays. Parents form their own "community". It's good when a good team is selected, without odious personalities. :)

Study program, skill classes and age

Your children will come to ballroom dancing to learn how to dance 10 dances in two directions:

Standard ( W- slow waltz, T- tango, V- Viennese waltz, F- slow foxtrot, Q- quickstep)

Latina ( S- samba, Ch- cha-cha-cha, R- rumba, Pd- paso doble, J- jive)

At the very initial stage, young children are taught to dance the polka and sometimes disco, but these are dead-end branches of evolution. These dances are learned along with the slow waltz and cha-cha-cha - the first real ballroom dancing. As soon as a little dancer manages to learn three dances, the polka is forgotten forever. Quickstep and jive are added to waltz and cha-cha-cha. And, finally, samba and Viennese waltz are connected to this four.

The basics of these 6 dances are learned at the first stage of training: at the Ballroom Dance School (SBT) under the "Mass Sports" program. This is still just a preparation for serious dancing. Most often, children start dancing one at a time, as they say, solo. Gradually the coach forms pairs. But the SHBT class tournaments are always held for both singles and couples. All SBT dancers have a special skill class - H (beginner).

As soon as the children confidently dance the first six dances and are in a pair, the coach, by his decision, transfers them to the category "Sports of the highest achievements". From this moment on, we can say that your child is engaged in professional ballroom dancing. Together with the experience, the mastery class of the ballroom athlete grows: they begin to dance in the E class (6 dances), then successively move to D (8 dances - tango and rumba are added), C (10 dances are danced from this class - a slow foxtrot and paso doble are added) , B, A, S, M classes. In addition to the dances themselves, the classes differ in the allowed figures and supports. The transition from class to class is based on the results of participation in tournaments, where couples earn points. The points are saved in a general database and pasted into the sports book. Upon reaching a certain number of points, the transition to the next class occurs).

In addition to skill classes, there is a strict age gradation among ballrooms:

6 years old and younger - Children-0,

7 - 9 years old - Children-1,

10-11 years old - Children-2,

12-13 years old - Juniors-1,

14-15 years old - Juniors-2,

16-18 years old - Youth,

19-20 - Youth-2,

19-34 - Adults,

35 and older - Seniors.

The "age" of a couple is determined by the year of birth of the senior partner (if the partner was born on July 25, 2005, and the partner was born on December 10, 2006, then in 2016 the couple must dance in the Children-2 category, and from January 1, 2017 - go to the Juniors category. 1, since the partner turns 12 this year). This condition largely limits the possibilities of pairing.

Tournaments are often held strictly according to their age class. A couple where one of the partners is noticeably younger will find it more difficult to dance the more experienced peers in the other pair. The age difference in a couple cannot be more than 2 years.

Thus, your child inevitably moves into a new category in age every 2 years, and moves in mastery classes depending on the success of his performance in tournaments. You can meet couples in Children-2 of the C-class, and there are couples of Youth of the E-class. In my experience, with the same skill class, younger couples dance better than their older "colleagues." Actually, ball gowns compete for points and transitions to new mastery classes. :)


When your child comes to ballroom dance school, he will dance alone for a while, solo, even in tournaments. This can go on for quite a long time, for example, 1 year. But loneliness will eventually end and a couple will form. If this does not happen, then there is no suitable partner or the level of dancing does not allow the coach to pair the child. In general, a couple in ballroom dancing is a key phenomenon. If in mass sports it is possible to dance without a pair, then in sports of the highest achievements it is not. Actually, the problem of lack of a partner makes many people end their careers in ballroom dancing, sometimes very unexpectedly.

To create a harmonious successful couple is a whole story. This is done initially by the coach. He pays attention to the level of dancing, the external harmony of the couple, takes into account the characters of the children and the ambitions of the parents. If this is not the first time a partner has been chosen, parents can also take part in this process. As a rule, the first couples are made up of partners from the same club. But everything is not always successful, sometimes you have to look for a new partner "on the side". It is quite difficult. According to my observations, it is a little easier to find a partner, because there are more of them. :) Therefore, usually girls go to the boys' club, sometimes after a competitive viewing - all this is a long and creative process.

In a couple, mutual understanding and sympathy are very important. There are times when children specifically step on each other's feet, press on the bones of the fingers - in general, they interact not only through dance. Experienced parents pay attention to how their children communicate. True friendship can be the key to success, so it's great if there is an opportunity for some joint activities besides working on the floor - cinema, picnics, general trips to museums. If the children do not want to dance together, it is unlikely that something productive will come out - they need to think about changing partners.

After creating a pair, the realization comes that partners are highly dependent on each other, that they have a common goal. One partner fell ill - both athletes miss the tournament; someone was in a bad mood - a couple lost. But if the partners have tried, then the result may be better than each one individually, the laws of synergy are included. So a couple is very, very important. You are no longer dancing for yourself and the responsibility is half.

A pair is usually created for a long time: for several years in a successful scenario. Sometimes, to create movement, to open up new potential opportunities, it is recommended to change a partner. When - the coach will tell you. But you need to understand that the new couple needs time again to dance, it will not immediately begin to shine on the floor ...

Clothes and hairstyle

In the training room, at first, you can get by with a sports swimsuit with a skirt for girls and sweatpants with a T-shirt for boys. But the shoes will have to be purchased almost immediately. In the future, you will want to please your dancer with special training clothes - they are comfortable and not easily soiled. Special suits for girls: skirts and tops (or dresses), for boys - trousers and T-shirts. This is usually a solid black uniform that can be found in specialized stores or on the Internet. With a hairstyle, everything is simple - so that the hair does not interfere.

Tournaments are a different story. In the youngest age category "Children" (both in mass sports and in elite sports), all girls dance in high-ranked monophonic dresses, and boys - in white body shirts and black trousers. Costumes in Children are universal for all dances. Our first dress was very similar to a simple leotard with a skirt - that was enough - you could dance in it both in training and in tournaments. Gradually, the desire came to take a dress in which you will no longer sit on the floor in the gym, although it also meets all the rating criteria. There are a lot of models, although they are limited to a certain set of styles of sleeves, necks, skirts - you can find in a store or order individual tailoring. The first option for the initial stages seems to me more rational, only it is important to choose what really suits your child. A costume, especially for a girl, should stand out on the floor, emphasize the features of the child's appearance.

Difficulties start with the Junior-1 category, i.e. from 12 years old. From this moment you will understand that the suit may well cost half the salary, that it most likely needs to be sewn to order and somehow coordinated with your partner. For standard and Latin, you need different suits, including shoes. Children are forced to quickly change clothes between programs, so by adolescence they automatically cease to be ashamed of each other (I watched myself as they alternately in the locker room quickly grab dresses, trousers and change for speed). The older the dancer, the less restrictions on dress and appearance. In the future, rhinestones, makeup, jewelry, high heels are allowed. But until the age of 14, everything is pretty restrained.

Hairstyle. The sooner you learn to create it yourself, the better for you. At first, you can just do a bun with hairpins, and the boys gently comb their hair. Then you will realize that the shaggy children on the floor are a sight to behold, and you will want to use a little hairspray to fix the hair. Then you will notice a girl with curls on a smooth head, and when you have a partner and an incentive to look better than others, you will strive to get some special hairstyle. Again, I'm sending everyone to the Internet, since creating a hairstyle is a separate big topic. The main thing: the hairstyle should be very neat, the pair should look well-groomed and tidy.

I have a whole hairdressing set at home: hairpins, nets, varnishes, gels, sequins, clips and special combs ... It takes me about 1 hour and 0 rubles to get my hair done at home (not counting the cost of consumables), at the tournament, the studio's image is offered to inexperienced parents hairstyles from 1000-2000 rubles. and often also about 1 hour in time.


Training is the key to success and the main thing that will take time when doing ballroom dancing. Get ready for serious stress:

Group lessons. Coaches usually arrange 2 group sessions per week where children learn and repeat the choreography, most often separately. As a rule, these trainings are either separately according to the standard or in Latin (but at first, while there are few dances, they can be mixed). The duration is set by the trainer (for example, 1.5 hours).

Run. During the run-through training, children learn to move on the floor in conditions close to tournament conditions. If the child has a partner, then the technique of movements in a pair is worked out. The duration is usually 1 hour.

OFP. Strength exercises and stretching, elements of classical choreography - these are the necessary conditions for high quality dance, lightness on the floor. So no matter how much it seems like a waste of time to you, a visionary coach will do this for at least 1 hour a week.

Master classes in acting. It's good when there is an opportunity to improve the psychological aspects of dancing. It is specific for ballers, a lot comes with experience, but the advice of professionals helps a lot.

Training in other clubs. It's good if there is an opportunity sometimes to get to trainings in other clubs (sometimes the coaches agree on this), this allows you to learn something new. But all this is not relevant in the first stages of training. :)

Individual sessions. When creating a pair, the question arises about individual lessons. This is a special time (45 minutes - 1 hour) when the coach can put the couple on a program, work on their own mistakes, give the couple maximum attention. The number of these sessions depends only on the capabilities of the coach and the wishes of the parents (which, in turn, depends on financial constraints). Usually 1 to 5 lessons per week are offered, as I imagine it. We go to 2-3 lessons per week.

In total, about 7-8 hours of classes per week are obtained ... Of course, at the initial stages there will not be such a load, and it is quite possible that for 6-7 years you will be offered about 1.5-2 hours per week of group training. But after a year you will feel yourself overgrown with hours of dancing. :)


Tournaments are the motivation of the ballroom players. At tournaments, you can show yourself and earn points to move to the next class. As a rule, they take place on Sundays, less often on Saturdays, so for dancers Sunday is an entirely reserved day. Very often tournaments for beginner dancers are held in the morning (and then older and more experienced ones perform). Registration for the tournament opens 1.5 hours before the tournament and ends 30 minutes before, according to sports books (and for novice athletes - according to birth certificates). All tournaments are paid for both participants and spectators. Participation in each type of program is paid for, so several tickets are usually bought for a participant. Each solo participant or couple is given a number (in a couple it is attached only on the boy's back). For beginners, tournaments are held somewhat differently than for those who compete in the E-class and above. Little athletes perform solo or in pairs in categories H-3 (i.e. they dance 3 dances), H-4, H-5, H-6 (i.e. they dance all 6 dances) and ALL receive diplomas I-III degree depending on the result. In addition, competitions are organized for individual dances (for example, a slow waltz cup) and a super cup for all dances, where everything happens in much the same way as in adults: places are allocated between the participants, and the winner / pair of winners receives a cup as a reward.

The dances are judged by the jury. I will not touch on the refereeing system much now. There are no special rigid evaluation criteria, therefore the objectivity of refereeing is achieved due to the number of referees (but this does not always help). There is a lot of talk about dishonesty of judges, bias, etc. Sometimes they even organize independent competitions "judges without their pairs". It is difficult for me to comment on this, since I am not an expert and an interested person, so I will simply keep silent. The main thing to remember is that it is more difficult to judge a bright strong couple than an unremarkable, dancing not very cleanly. In the case of qualifying performances in categories H3-H6, each dancer / couple is awarded a level 1-3 by the judges, then the average is considered. In cups the system is 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2 finals (depending on how many pairs participate). At the intermediate stages, the judges only need to put crosses to the dancers they like, and in the final, distribute the first 6 places. When there are a lot of participants, they are divided by entry. At the same time, if the numbers of the participants are announced for beginner dancers, then, starting from the E-class, the athletes or parents themselves must follow the change of runs! All information is hung on an information board or shown on special displays. And here are the most exciting moments: you can see whether your child made it to the next round or not.

The tournament schedule is known in advance. It is posted, as a rule, on the website of the regional organization. Stay tuned for updates, tournaments can be added several months in advance, and sometimes 2-3 weeks in advance. Their schedule and other details are subject to change!

An important point: attaching the number to the dancer's back. This must be done quickly, as there are cases when different numbers are issued for each category of dances, and there are no large gaps between runs. There are several ways to do this:

Take the number printed on paper and pin it with 4 pins. Fast, cheap, but unreliable, as the paper can tear, wrinkle and the number will look untidy, and in the worst case, it will not survive until the end of the tournament.

The organizers always offer the option to laminate the number and attach pins to it. Reliable, but expensive (lamination of one number - 100 rubles, sometimes 6-9 different numbers are needed for a major tournament).

Insert the paper number into a regular A4 paper file, fold the excess part of the file, secure the secure number with pins. It turns out almost easy lamination. Free, but not always fast, you can change the number.

Use a special number holder. It consists of buttons that are sewn onto the shirt and a plastic envelope that is fastened with pins on the back. Reliable, fast, but you have to find it, and it's not very easy (you can look at it in off-site stores at tournaments), and you won't be able to sew buttons from your shirt anymore, i.e. 4 buttons will be on the back even when they are not needed, for example in show rooms.

Do not forget to take money, a sports book, a suit, food and water, warm clothes, a holder for a number (or pins for a number), a file for certificates to the tournament.


After the first year of study (and maybe even during the winter holidays), professional clubs offer summer / winter dance camps. Consider a children's camp themed. You can ignore this proposal, but if you are in a pair, then it is better to discuss this issue together. At the training camp, children train intensively for 5-7 hours a day, they go through the same classes, but in a short time and usually with a large number of individual trainings. The purpose of the training camp: to prepare athletes for the new season after the holidays. If there is a rearrangement in pairs (and this usually happens at the beginning of the year), the training camp helps the children dance faster. Usually the camp is a whole adventure and the children really like it. For young children who are not used to being absent from their parents, it can be difficult, but tolerable, since there are very familiar people nearby (after all, not a camp where unfamiliar children get into the shift). Sometimes training camps are held for several clubs at once (if the clubs are small). Therefore, different coaches will work with your children - usually a whole team.


Well, about the price. The costs are increasing gradually.

From the very beginning, you will have to fork out for group classes and shoes - these are the minimum costs. Prices in the Moscow region for group lessons are about 2000-4000 rubles. 2-3 lessons per week. Keep in mind that there are hardly more shoes than for a season: shoes for ball gowns are special, with soft leather soles. Price from 2000-2500 rubles.

As soon as you have to perform at the tournament (unlikely in the first six months), you will need to purchase a costume for performances. But so far simple, which means budget. I think you can even take a used one in the H-class. Avito is full of offers, and new is not very expensive. A simple dress can be taken from 1000 rubles, the ceiling is not limited, you can find a rating dress for 6000 rubles. :) Get ready that you will have to pay for participation in the tournament, this is about 400-600 rubles. for one competition (gradually the child will want to compete and will participate in the Cups) and a spectator's ticket. Do not forget about lamination of the number (if you have not prepared other options - see above). Plus food expenses, since the tournament is a long event. Usually in the H-class, this translates into 2000-3500 rubles. at once.

Further, the costs for individual lessons (individuals) will be added already in a pair. The costs of individuals depend on their number. Approximately one individual will cost 20% of the cost of group lessons per month. You can start with 1 individuals per week. For us, 2-3 individuals are optimal, but there are those who practice every day. This is a cost item that depends on you and your partner's parents. Agree with each other.

Training camps for 2 weeks will cost 30,000-35,000 rubles. But it all depends on the price of accommodation and the number of individual lessons.

Upon receipt of the athlete's qualification book, a fee is charged (one-time), as well as for club membership (annually). I don’t remember the exact amount, but no more than 400-700 rubles. in every case.

At major competitions, you need sports insurance (cost from 450 rubles) - this is unlikely to be relevant at first.

For each section, you can still write a lot, but I set myself the task of only approximately describing what awaits you and your children, if you suddenly decide to send them to ballroom dancing, and what you need to pay attention to. And yet, if you are serious, then you will have to delve into the topic yourself.

In order to strive for the maximum equalization of the chances of winning and to create fair conditions for the participants in the dance competition on the floor during sports tournaments, it is customary to classify dancers. Classes in ballroom sports dancing are determined by two main indicators: the age bracket of athletes and the level of their technical skill.

Age classification of dancers

It should be noted that the age range in sports ballroom dancing is quite wide and, in fact, has no boundaries. This allows you to join this sport at almost any stage of your life. Therefore, according to age, dancing couples are divided into five categories: children, juniors, youth, adult dancers and seniors. The category for children, juniors and seniors also has an internal gradation.

Children 0 - the eldest turns 6 and younger this year

Children 1 - the eldest turns 7-9 years old this year

Children 2 - the eldest turns 10-11 this year

Juniors 1 - the oldest turns 12-13 years old this year

Juniors 2 - the eldest turns 14 - 15 this year

Youth - the eldest turns 16 - 18 this year

Adults - the oldest turns 19 and older this year

Seniors - the youngest turns 35 and older this year

Important! A pair's belonging to a particular age group is determined by the age of the eldest in the pair. One of the partners in a pair may be younger in Children 2, Juniors 1, Juniors 2 by two years, Youth by a maximum of four years, in the Adult category - by a maximum of five years. Both senior partners must be at least 35 years old. The classification of Seniors can be divided into “Seniors 1” = 35-45 years old, “Seniors 2” = 45-55 years old, “Seniors 3” = 55-65 years old and Grand Seniors = 65 or more.

Skill classification

According to the degree of preparedness, dancers are divided into classes. Class in ballroom sport dancing- this is a certain level of physical development, psychological, technical and musical-aesthetic readiness of the dancer, providing him with the ability to use figures of a higher degree of complexity in his compositions. Classes have the following Latin designations: “E”, “D”, “C”, “B”, “A”, “S” and “M”... To participate in competitive competitions, athletes are initially assigned one of the classes of the lowest level of skill: H, which they can later change to a higher one, having distinguished themselves in competitions and earning a certain number of points. In the lower grades, there are restrictions on dance figures and complexity of compositions. The higher the class in ballroom dancing, the more movements are performed in the competition, the more difficult the dance compositions are technically and emotionally.

  • H class (Hobby - Beginners)
    Starting class, in which dancers perform from 3 to 5 dances: slow waltz, quickstep, samba, cha-cha-cha and jive. The set of dance elements is limited to basic movements.
  • E class
    The next class, which can also be the starting class. Six dances are performed in it: slow waltz, Viennese waltz and quickstep in the European program and cha-cha-cha, samba and jive - in the Latin American program. The set of dance elements is also extremely limited by the rules of the federation. To advance to the next class, the dancer must score 16 - 23 points in the competition.
  • D class
    The next step in this classification system. Eight dances are performed on the floor: slow waltz, tango, Viennese waltz and quickstep - European program (Standard); samba, cha-cha-cha, rumba, jive - Latin American. In "D" class some more complex elements are allowed, however the restrictions prevail. To move to the next class, a dancer should score 18-28 points.
  • C class
    From this class a serious dancer's career is meant. The dance program consists of ten compulsory dances: slow waltz, tango, Viennese waltz, slow foxtrot and quickstep - Standard; samba, cha-cha-cha, rumba, paso doble and jive - Latina. It is allowed to perform choreography not from the basic list, but restrictions on figures are still present. To move to the next class, you need to score 20-30 points in the competition.
  • Higher classes
    This is followed by a class in ballroom dancing B, A, S and M... Beginning with class B dancers can perform separately in the following forms: European program, Latin American program or biathlon (ten dances) and get the opportunity to perform poses and supports. The number of points to move from V v A class 22-32. A class- a class of professionals. S class: - "special" - assigned by the decision of the Presidium of the national federation based on the results of the national Championship or Championship. M class: International, master class - the highest in dance sport, exists only in Russia. This highest class is sought by dancers, for whom ballroom dancing has become the image and meaning of life.

The classification group determines the maximum permissible highest class of skill for a dancer in a particular age category. There are eight classification groups.

Classes in ballroom dancing table

Classes in ballroom sport dancing assists judges in competition judging. In addition, it becomes some kind of incentive for the dancers themselves to show their full potential and become professionals in the world of dance.

Open and closed classes

The age category and mastery class define two types of competitions in the FTSR:
competitions in which dancers take part only of the same age category, but of different skill classes (from the highest to the lowest).
competitions closed class, in which dancers compete only of the same skill class and the same age category.

In sports ballroom dancing, such a concept as "dance class of a couple" has a meaning. For a newly created pair according to federation rules, the class is determined by the class of the partner.

Thus, the developed classification in dance sports allows for a better assessment of dancing couples in competitions and objectively encouraging dancers of different skill levels.

PS: For a variety of life and reading the article, an unofficial classification of dance couples by the level of relationships is proposed.

Informal classification in ballroom dancing

So, there are four types of pairs:

  • View 1. Romeo and Juliet
    This is the most positive pair. Love promotes joint progress up the dance ladder, but sometimes partners forget why they came to the dance hall.
  • View 2. Masha and the Bear
    She is harmful and absolutely obnoxious. He is kind and patient. But the partner does not despair and somehow brings up a wonderful partner for himself. By the way, a slightly different distribution of roles is possible, when the partner is an obnoxious and harmful creature, and the partner acts as a "bear".
  • View 3. Tom and Jerry
    This pair attracts the constant attention of the trainer and everyone present. They do not miss the slightest opportunity to do something nasty to each other. They can appreciate each other very much, but they will never show it.
  • View 4. Cat with Dog
    Partners cannot communicate with each other. Life is too short to be wasted in meaningless relationships. Finding out the relationship and recriminations lead to the fact that the couple quickly breaks up.

Thus, mutual respect should be at the heart of the relationship within the couple. Only under this condition can we move forward ...

Dancing is one of the most amazing forms of artistry. They give you the opportunity to be in unity with your body and soul, as well as be content with the freedom you have acquired. In a dance, a person can show all his feelings, emotions, love, passion. This art form conveys to the audience the full inspiration of the artist and composer, all the activities and even the hidden light.

Modern dance is the contemplation of the splendor of the environment and the strength of the movements during the dance literally enchants and can penetrate into the depths of the heart, since only here is stored the most tremendous happiness for humanity - the absolute experience of love. After all, love, without any doubt, works wonders!

Types of modern dances

Such dances are simply born for those people who cannot imagine their existence without the rhythms of today's music, who are an ardent admirer of various discos and parties. And for those who wish to achieve the perfection of their body. You can master the skill of beautiful performance in the styles of such dances as:

  • Hipe is a dance of different people.
  • Disko.
  • Hip-hop - small jumps.
  • Slide man - moon steps.
  • House.
  • Plastic - plastic movements.
  • X-D is a modern club style program for young people.
  • Break is a floor dance.
  • Club dance is a club performance that contains many basic movements from different styles.

You need to try, not be afraid

Dance is life. Only in this kind of art do all the potentials open up. Dance is not only a sequence of automatic body movements, it is, first of all, a reflection of the soul and a demonstration of temperament. In dance, a person shows his little world and gives a chance to express himself to the subconscious.

There are people who are ashamed of their movements. This is especially true for persons.But children in dance feel confident, and they can succeed the first time. They are not afraid that they may look ridiculous or ridiculous. After all, dancing is also natural.

Benefit for health

Practicing any kind of dance has a positive effect on human health. They develop plasticity, strengthen all types of muscle mass, develop coordination of movements and create good posture. In addition, dance lessons give decisiveness, allow you to harden the will, which is of great importance in today's difficult world. Dancing is an ideal tool for your own spiritual and physical development. They help relieve tension and help fight depression. It is not for nothing that psychologists advise group dance physiotherapy.

Dancing for harmony

Ballroom dancing is perhaps the most beautiful and flexible sports variety. This is a real sport, regardless of what is called dancing. This kind of sport requires a lot of energy and strength. Competitions for various competitions and championships keep dancers in harmony and tone, prepare them for self-control and stamina, develop confidence in victory and strength of character. At the same time, it is an enchanting and beautiful art.

Watching the couple dancing is a real delight. Dance is life that can be shown during performance. It is also a book that I can't wait to read, it is music that draws in and carries deep into the world of dreams and dreams. Ballroom dance is a production in which only two artists are involved - a woman and a man. The performance conveys the experiences, emotions and relationships of the couple. And therefore it is always in demand and modern.

Varieties of ballroom dancing

A necessary accessory for this type of dance is a parquet floor. Only on such a floor covering, polished to a mirror finish, is it possible for the dancers to move smoothly. It should be noted that parquet is very slippery and requires certain skills and experience. It is sometimes difficult for a beginner to hold on and not lose balance during each step.

Ballroom dancing championships contain two types of disciplines:

  • Latin American dances ("Latina") - rumba, samba, jive, cha-cha-cha, paso doble;
  • European dances - slow and Viennese waltz, tango, quickstep (fast foxtrot) and slow foxtrot.

Slow dancing

This type of dance was appreciated at all times, was popular at any party, prom or wedding. As a rule, good and calm music is played under it, the gentlemen choose their partners in order to slowly spin in the movement of pleasant sensations. But it is not always the men who are invited to dance. After all, there is also a white dance. This is when the ladies choose their partners for themselves.

It is not always easy for the fairer sex to take the first step - to come up and invite the young man to dance. But slow dancing can be a good opportunity to start a conversation and get to know each other better. The main thing is not to be too annoying, but it is better to imagine yourself a little indifferent and not show your hobby. Ideally, present your proposal in such a way that it does not turn out to be uncompromising. And, perhaps, then the white dance will be able to turn into further family life for partners.

Movement, dancing means health and a beautiful body!

This art form is a very beneficial activity for the slimness of the body and the health of the body. What results can be achieved thanks to:

  • strengthen the lower muscles;
  • improve coordination of movements;
  • form an even posture and;
  • remove excess weight and correct your figure;
  • relieve stress and learn to cope with depression;
  • develop muscle plastic and relieve them of cramps;
  • be able to keep your body in good shape.

In this combination, all the central muscles of the body are worked out, there is no need to do monotonous uninteresting body movements, as when carrying out an ordinary exercise. All you need to do is turn on rhythmic music and enjoy the movement of the dance.

First, you should perform a five-minute kneading, making the pelvis, arms, body and head. Then do some squats and bends. Now that the body is warmed up, you can try to learn a few common dance moves. Ideally, they should be performed in front of a large mirror in order to control the flawlessness of the dance steps.

Dance of the newlyweds

The first dance is one of the most important and touching components of a wedding celebration for young people. It brings back memories of the first meeting, a tender kiss and romantic evenings that the newlyweds had before the wedding. And just the dance of the newlyweds begins the entertainment program at the wedding party.

The music is usually ordered by the bride and groom. As a rule, this is "their melody", which makes it possible to remember something beautiful that happened to them earlier. Which direction of the first dance - waltz or incendiary samba, energetic rock and roll or stormy foxtrot, is chosen only by the spouses.

Only one important condition is that the dance should not be ordinary, boring stamping of feet or ridiculous and funny body movements. After all, dancing is an opening of the soul, a manifestation of relaxedness and freedom of action at any entertainment event. And that is why, before the wedding, young people often go to dance groups to learn some unusual movements, so that their first dance will be remembered for a lifetime.