Learning to dance baby dances at home. Learning to dance modern dances at home

Learning to dance baby dances at home. Learning to dance modern dances at home

Finding an interesting activity for a child is an everyday task for any good mother. The toys are tired, the designer is abandoned, the weather is too bad for walking. What to do with a child?

All children, without exception, feel music and rhythm, but they still have to learn how to dance. In addition to being very fun and exciting, the baby will get a lot of benefits from dance lessons:

dance develops coordination and gross motor skills;

- dance develops the collective and individual thinking of the child;

- dance develops independence;

- dance raises the emotionality of the child to a new level of development;

- dance develops a sense of music and imaginative thinking.

Dance classes for children at home are available from 2-3 years old. At this age, you can already create stories for them and compose movements. To help parents, a variety of children's songs with the movements already described. For example, songs from the collection "Songs with Mom" ​​by Zheleznova provide an opportunity to join dance and music even for one-year-old crumbs.

Before you teach your child to dance, look for a few simple dance sequences that you can learn with a crumb without musical accompaniment. Put the child in front, pronounce the movements and immediately demonstrate them. For example:

Two steps back, two steps forward, circled!

Stomp your feet, clap your hands!

They moved their shoulders and jumped!

Thus, the child learns to alternate movements in time and memorize them. Repeat these simple steps until your child gets bored. If the baby does not want to dance from the very beginning, do not stop classes. Do the movements yourself, provocatively and fun. Let the kid understand that dancing brings pleasure and no one forces him. As soon as things get better, gradually increase the pace of the dance until the movements are adjusted to automatism.

After that, you can start dancing with music:

- Prepare a fun and perky song and invite the baby to dance.

- Make with the baby a semblance of a train, it will be a trailer;

- Let the baby repeat simple movements after you - squats, claps, turns, jumps, run the train around the room and again return to repeating the movements.

Baby dances for kids

Now you can move on to the development of individual movements.

1. Jump dance.

Jumping is a very energetic movement, but babies learn it much later than walking and running, because jumping requires them to have maximum concentration and good coordination in order to push off their feet from the floor and maintain balance when they land. Do not forget that the music for such lessons should be rhythmic and perky, so he will begin to stamp his feet. Take the baby by both handles and jump to the music. Gradually release it from support. Remove one hand first, then both. Very soon, the baby will begin to jump without any help at the first sounds of a familiar cheerful song. Come up with a funny dance story for him, for example, say that waking up in the morning like this, sparrows dance on twigs. Of course, you should not expect coherence of movements and complete falling into the rhythm from the child. The main thing is that the child receives a charge of vivacity and positive emotions from the movement, and everything else will follow.

2. Snowstorm

Who among us as a child did not dream of learning to fly? This simple dance of snowflakes will give the little dreamer that very cherished feeling of flying. Find smooth instrumental music without a well-defined rhythm. Spread your arms, you can take a light silk ribbon in your palms to create the effect of flight, and sweep in a circle around the room, or throughout the apartment. The baby will be watching you and soon he will want to know how much fun it is? Run around the apartment, run into the rooms, and there you can easily spin in place. Running, strictly speaking, is useful as a separate physical exercise, and circling and turning additionally develop coordination and flexibility. The child feels his body and the surrounding space in a completely new way. A couple of workouts and the arms and legs of the child move smoothly and to the music. It's a real dance.

3. round dance

Dancing with friends is even more fun. Such a simple dance as a round dance will teach the child to coordinate their movements with other small dancers, work in a group and to the music. Kids dance it easily and with great pleasure. Another indisputable advantage of the round dance, along with simplicity, it is also very visual. Children look at their neighbors in a circle and see all the necessary movements. The collective social involvement of the crumbs is also important - each participant will be infected with fun from a couple of first circles. The round dance will help to relax, join the team, you can forget about shyness and timidity, and there is nothing to say about the development of large motor skills and motor memory. Everyone knows the old loaf motif. But you can come up with any simple poems, for this it is not necessary to be a poet.

By the way, a large team in the early stages is not necessary. You can also lead a round dance with your mother. The main thing is to instill in the child the ability to obey collective rules, to alternate movements with an eye on the leader's commands. The fun will be in full swing when the baby begins to clap his hands, stomp his feet and repeat all the movements after his mother. By the way, if you decide to come up with a text for the round dance yourself, you can take into account topics that are interesting for the baby for educational purposes. Come up with a rhyme that emphasizes the positive aspects of obedience, or food.

4. Dancing with toys

The imagination of a child truly knows no limits. Choose your baby's favorite soft toys for dancing, turn on cheerful music, and try to control them as if the toys themselves are dancing. They can dance on a table, on a chair, or on a sofa. When a child cannot yet coordinate his movements correctly, and you want to see a good result, let his beloved soft friends dance for him. This will amuse the baby and give food for new fabulous fantasies.

Useful video

Rhythmic movements to music help a person express his inner world and feelings with the help of body movements. Children, beings spontaneous and open to the world, are very fond of dancing. If parents believe that in the future their child will dance professionally, then his acquaintance with and movements under it should begin as early as possible. You can lay the foundations for a sense of rhythm in a baby long before the first visit to a dance school.

Any physical activity in modern society, in which most people suffer from physical inactivity, is very useful. Dancing classes bring not only pleasure, but also obvious benefits to the child's body:

  • Contribute to the training of the vestibular apparatus and the development of coordination of movements;
  • Strengthen muscles, form the correct posture;
  • Develop flexibility, plasticity and a sense of rhythm;
  • Helps to get rid of accumulated energy; this is especially useful for children suffering;
  • They teach to perceive information by ear and contribute to the development of figurative thinking.

Young children love to repeat everything after adults, including movements and gestures. Dancing is a whole layer of culture that has absorbed the historical traditions of both an individual people and all of humanity. Classes in any direction, from folk dance to classical ballet, broaden the horizons of the child, contribute to his development and increase the level of education.

Video how to teach a child to dance

Dance lessons for different ages

From 6 months to a year and a half, the baby needs to begin to develop a sense of rhythm and harmony. An adult can, taking him in his arms, make smooth rhythmic movements to the music, which over time the child will really like. From 1 to 3, the child is already becoming a full-fledged partner in a dance couple. Parents or other adults may well keep the baby company on an impromptu dance floor at home or away. Adults should be very careful about the baby's attempts to express themselves through dancing. Ridicule or ironic comments can discourage a child from experimenting.

In dance schools and rhythmic studios, children from 3-5 years old are engaged in rhythm. Teachers in such schools are usually professionals. If from an early age a child has a positive attitude towards dancing, then his childish spontaneity, love of music and desire to communicate with peers will be a good start for a successful start to dance classes.

Recommendations for choosing musical accompaniment for dance classes

Dance tunes for a child should be rhythmic, positive and incendiary. From the first months of life, babies listen with pleasure to musical compositions from children's cartoons, and later they dance with pleasure to Russian folk songs. The melodies of the modern stage are not suitable for cultivating a sense of taste and rhythm - they are too heavy for children's perception.

Music should not sound too loud so as not to injure the child's hearing. Before going to bed, it is recommended to put on classical compositions that relax the nervous system well and bring up musical taste. Funny children's songs are suitable for daytime listening.

The dance moves shown by the parents should gradually become more difficult. In the first months of life, the baby is taught to nod his head to the beat of the music and clap his hands. By the age of one and a half years, the baby can already begin to try to move rhythmically in a round dance and combine steps with claps and other hand movements. From 1.5-2 years old, they begin to master dance movements in pairs, children are taught to alternate an equal number of steps left and right to the beat of the music. For the development of imaginative thinking during dances, parents are advised to offer the child jumps on the spot, calling it the “dance of the little sparrow”, or mincing movements of the legs in the form of short runs, which can be compared to falling raindrops. It is quite possible for a child to begin to combine several elements in one dance: stomp in place, turn around in a circle with hands on his belt, alternate steps to the sides with jumps.

Additional accessories diversify home dance classes well: ribbons, bows, scarves and even spoons. They can be tapped to the beat of the melody, which develops a good sense of rhythm in the baby.

At home, the child can show the elements of dances that he learned in or at the studio. So he will understand that adults are interested, that they take his hobby seriously and with respect.

Homework will help your child approach dance lessons with professionals more prepared. The movements of the baby will be filled with harmony, differ in smoothness and beauty. This will help him enjoy dancing, gradually the child will become more self-confident, sociable and, most importantly, dancing will help him become a harmonious, comprehensively developed personality.

Attention! The use of any medicines and dietary supplements, as well as the use of any medical methods, is possible only with the permission of a doctor.

Your beloved, adored baby is growing up. He is already trying to sit up. It's fun to play in the arena. He enjoys familiar toys, every day he is more and more interested in the world around him. It's time to teach your child to dance. Experts recommend starting to teach dance from the age of six months. But our "dancer" is not even sitting down yet! No problem! How to teach a child to dance at home? Take him in your arms or put him in a sling and move to calm pleasant music. The kids love it. And along with the pleasure, he will already get the first experience of the correlation of music with the simplest dance movements.

When the baby is already confidently standing, even while holding on to a support, having heard the sounds of his favorite music, he himself will begin to squat amusingly. Praise him, admire him, applaud him. Include for him a variety of melodies from children's cartoons. But the music should not be too loud, it should give pleasure, and not injure the baby's delicate hearing. And, of course, do not frighten with its loudness.

In fact, teaching a child to dance is not so difficult. By the age of one and a half years, together with the baby, it is already possible to perform simple steps.

Learning to dance

At about the age of one and a half years, the baby is already able to dance independently. How to teach a child to dance? Yes, very simple. Show him the simplest moves. Turn on cheerful music, dance with him, stomp, clap, raise your hands, spin around you, because dance is a great opportunity to cheer up not only yourself, but also your child, feel the joy of communicating with your loved one. It helps the baby develop gross motor skills, because dancing to rhythmic music, not even on his own, but in the arms of a parent, the child trains and strengthens his vestibular apparatus, and the first attempts to move rhythmically improve his coordination.

By the way, dancing classes, even at a very early age, are not traumatic. Even the little ones can dance without fear of injury. In general, dancing forms the correct posture in a child and serves as a good prevention of many diseases of the spine.

It is important! When our children dance with enthusiasm, they splash out the accumulated negative emotions, not to mention the fact that when people dance from childhood, they acquire a beautiful walk, grace and individual plasticity for life.

If you are dancing with your child at home, then by the age of three you will certainly have a question: where to teach a child to dance beautifully?

If your baby does not attend kindergarten by this time, where teachers regularly work with him, you should think about his further physical development. Your participation here is no longer enough, the help of specialists is needed.

Where to teach a child to dance? For now, at this stage, any children's dance studio will do. Just pay attention to her curriculum: it should reflect a comprehensive, thoughtful approach to both collective and individual studies. In a good dance studio, they include a general initial musical development, plasticity, rhythm and, of course, classical choreography.

Even for the smallest children it is useful to study the dances of the peoples of the world in the studio. It broadens their horizons. And performances in bright national costumes not only add positive emotions, but also teach you not to be embarrassed by a large audience.

How to overcome the shyness of a child?

It also happens that the baby seems to move with pleasure to the music, and growing up, he began to be shy about dancing. Dance as often as possible with him, show that you are pleased to move in the dance and it is doubly pleasant to dance together.

If your child is already attending a dance studio, consult with their teacher on how to teach children to waltz. After all, learning to dance this wonderful dance is best, of course, from childhood. Children are very willing to learn everything new, and the body of a child, faster than the body of an adult, remembers both new loads and new movements.

Dose loads

Parents of modern kids believe that the more varied the activities of their child, the more successful he will be in his future independent life. Therefore, kids literally from the cradle are taught to read, draw, music, dance. Take a closer look at the little man, consult with him. Perhaps he is much more interested in drawing or swimming. Don't pressure your child!

It is important! Don't force your child to do what he doesn't want to do! Of course, it's great if a child dances willingly, draws with enthusiasm, swims, reads a lot, but not even every adult can endure such loads! And what to say about the child? And this is not even the point, although the load must be selected taking into account the characteristics of each child, but the fact that all children have different cravings for various kinds of activities.

Of course, dance is art, it is creativity, it is beauty. It's nice to look at beautifully moving children, so flexible and plastic, but not for all kids, dance is a way of self-expression. There are children who, growing up, begin to be ashamed of their dense clumsy body. Such kids, as a rule, are calm and reasonable, they do not like fuss and running around, they are not at all musical and not plastic.

Dancing for such children is a real torment because they do not have an innate sense of rhythm, their body is not plastic. Find something for such a child to his liking and he will be grateful for your understanding, and he will dance at home, among his own and for his beloved parents, not embarrassed by clumsy steps and turns.

From freedom of movement to freedom of communication

The task of dancing is to teach the child a beautiful gait, proud posture, the ability to control his own body. This experience, acquired in early childhood, remains with him for the rest of his life, allowing him to move from freedom in movement to freedom in communication.

Being engaged in a dance studio, the child gets used to communication in a team and adapts much easier and faster at school. Not to mention the fact that dancing develops in the baby a sense of confidence, responsibility and self-discipline.

Dance is one of the oldest arts, which allows a person to convey information about himself with the help of his body: his condition, his thoughts, feelings, deeds. For a child, communication and self-expression through the body and movement is the earliest way of communication. Teaching a child to dance at home, we give him a huge weapon: the ability to control his body. Through this skill, we expand his communicative repertoire and instill in him a motor culture, the components of which are correct posture, beautiful gait, development of rhythm and musicality, coordination of movements, individual plasticity.

This article is devoted to what conditions to create, what movements to start with and what games to play with a child under 2 years old in order to develop the natural ability to move into dance at home.

It is impossible to teach a child something that is not in your lifestyle. So with dancing, they should be in your life. Let's figure out which terms it could be considered necessary And sufficient for the development of dance self-expression:

  • Music or soundtrack

Dance is movement to music. He largely obeys the musical law. Therefore, music and sounds are an indispensable companion of dance self-expression. What music to choose? Diverse! And let it be not only classics, beautiful melodies and children's songs. Include rock, pop, ethnic, nature sounds, jazz, hip-hop, country, reggae and whatever you can find in your playlist. Dance is an emotional expression, music is an assistant. Therefore, diversify the possibility of emotional response of the child. Watch, you may be very surprised to see what kind of music the baby will respond to: the one that you like, leave it, the one that you don’t like, put it off. Do not decide for him what to listen to and what music to dance to. If you are afraid that active music will overexcite the child - choose a time well before bedtime, but do not deprive him of the sound variety.

  • Space

It should be. If everything is crowded in the apartment, and there is no place even for walking, do not expect that the child will strive to dance. Make room so that the swing of the arm or leg does not rest against the closet, and the jump is not accompanied by a hit on the table. There is no way to organize the space at home - dance on the street, at a party, on playgrounds!

  • Attributes

Toys, ribbons, hats, musical instruments launch a flight of fancy and allow you to significantly expand the range of movements. For example, you can make the “rain noise” musical instrument, which is very exciting for children (see how to make it).

  • Example

Dance with your child, involve others in this process. Enjoy this time together. Show that you like to dance, and even more like to dance with him. Your little dancer will definitely respond to such behavior and join you.

Want to expand your dance looks? Watch videos of performances, go to concerts.

Constituent elements teaching kids to dance at home (games / exercises / tasks / forms):

Do you want to play with your child easily and with pleasure?

  • Development of coordination, rhythm and musicality

Dancing in mom's arms is the first lesson to start at birth and continue until you can lift the baby. This is the first experience of correlation between movement and music, the first experience of relationship with dance. Swinging to the beat of the music, circling, changing tempo, levels of movement (down, near the floor, at mom's chest level, up on outstretched arms), body positions (column, on the side, back, upside down) are a great way to develop a sense of rhythm and coordination. Be sure to connect dad to the training of coordination and the vestibular apparatus: dad's opportunities will add drive and excitement to your classes.

Arm yourself with a variety of musical instruments and accompany your favorite tunes. Do not despair, it will not be possible to get into the rhythm right away, but if enthusiasm and optimism do not leave you, success will definitely come!

  • Movement repertoire development

All dance steps have been transformed from the basic forms of human movement - walking, jumping, jumping, sliding, turning and swinging. So you, in teaching a child, start this long and interesting process with elementary movements: show how to clap and shake your head to the rhythm of the music, start bouncing (it won’t work right away with two legs, let him jump with one), show how it’s done, taking his hands and jumping together. Learn to move forward and backward. Then gradually begin to complicate the movements. Dancing with the baby, watch his movements, select those that he likes and succeeds the most, display, repeat several times, and then start to complicate: show (commenting with words to emphasize) what else can be done (raise your hands a little higher, shake your fingers, add steps, shake your head).

  • Learn to perform and alternate movements on command/instruction/musical text
  • Minimum memorization and construction
  1. Learn the simplest sequence of movements, for example, 2 steps forward, 2 claps, turn, 2 claps. Try to overlay these dancing for children to different musical compositions, trying to get into the rhythm.
  2. We choose music and make a certain movement for a specific piece of music. The difference from dramatized songs is that your movements are not determined by the instructions of the song.

3. Remember the well-known games: round dance, loaf, brook - they are quite suitable for the formation of the ability to move in a team, navigate in space, and are available for this age.

The most important thing! Listen to your baby: he should like what he is doing. If he does not like to dance, do not force him, no matter how great your desire to introduce the child to the art of dancing, no matter how useful this activity is. Perhaps your little one is one of the few for whom dance is not a way of self-expression. There are other ways to develop motor activity, coordination, agility and musicality, choose the one that he likes.

Let me remind you once again that our recommendations on how teach your child to dance at home are not aimed at educating a dancer from the cradle. They are aimed at arming the child with a way of direct self-expression: not only through drawing, modeling, academic success, but also through movement, dance. Therefore, do not get tired of praising, admiring, encouraging, applauding your child, noting his successes, even the smallest ones.

Do you dance with your child at home? Tell us in the comments below.

How to learn to dance for children?

In modern culture, there are a huge number of different areas of human activity. One of the most mysterious and beautiful directions is considered to be dance. In turn, the dance itself also has a very branched system and classification, which indicates the diversity of this difficult art. Dancing should be learned from childhood, and the earlier, the better. Let's think about this topic together. How to learn to dance for children you will learn only from us! So:

Teaching a child to dance

First of all, you need to understand that the child must start with the simplest actions. At the first stage, be prepared for the fact that you first need to teach the child to hear the music and feel its rhythm. This is the most important thing that connects movement and music. We will offer you some simple dances that your child will surely enjoy at any age.

Why exactly these dances will be easy and useful for your children. The fact is that waltz and fashionable rock are basic dances with the simplest rhythm and performance technique. As practice shows, even those children who do not hear music the first time (do not feel the rhythm) cope with the dance after a few lessons. And this develops coordination in them and gives a very good muscle tone, which positively affects their general condition and body health. Dancing is health, both physical and psychological!