Dance marathon. Scenario of an entertainment program in the summer camp about the event of the "Dance Marathon" program

Dance marathon.  Scenario of the entertainment program in the summer camp about the event of the program
Dance marathon. Scenario of an entertainment program in the summer camp about the event of the "Dance Marathon" program


This marathon is designed for students in grades 10-11. To participate in "START DANCE" you need to assemble a team of 8 people from the class, come up with a distinctive team sign (T-shirts of the same color, emblems, baseball caps, scarves, etc.)

Time frame: 1-1.5 hours.

Command location:

The task on the cards for the first round.

The task and the number under which this team will perform is written on the cards.

Seeing Gagarin into space; Sculpture of love; Mega Dancer; Loud applause for the bowing actor.

Event progress

Labels with the class designation are glued to the floor (the diagram is presented earlier). While the teams take their places, the music from the movie "Step Up" is played.

First tour

During the first round, the music from the film "Step Forward" is played.

Hello teams. We ask you to take your seats in the hall according to the signs on the floor. Each team stands in a circle, the captain takes a place in the center of his circle. Let's welcome the participants of the "START DANCE" dance marathon: team 11 "A" class, team 10 "B" class, team 11 "B" class and team 10 "C" class. We are delighted to welcome you here today. I would like to introduce you to our today's jury.

Representation of the jury members.

I will ask the captains to come to me. I have 4 task cards for you. The captains draw the card. And they go to their teams. And so, the task: to depict with a pantomime what you have written in the card. The assignment is being graded, it will not. You have 30 seconds to prepare.

The team with card # 1 shows how they greet all our competitors. The team with card number 2 shows how much they love all the contestants. Team # 3 - how exciting everyone will be at our dance marathon. And team # 4 shows how they will support all participants.

And now thunderous applause to each other.

Second round

You are ready??? Let's go then!

Dances only:

And now the team captains move to the neighboring team, clockwise, and show how to perform the movements, and the team repeats the movement after the captain. The referee does not evaluate the team captains, but the teams.

And we continue! Dances only:

And now we dance all together to the music, moving in a circle.

Third round

It's time for the third round. We call it dance confusion. You will hear melodies of different genres, your task is to move to the beat of the music, as synchronously as possible, repeating the movements of the team captain. The jury will evaluate the correspondence of the movements to the given music.

And now, while the jury sums up preliminary results for 2 rounds, we are dancing together.

Announcement of the results of the first two rounds.

Fourth round

It's time for the last round. This tour is called a tutorial. The team captains, in turn, show the movement for 4 counts, and all the rest repeat after them.

Captains are invited to the stage. The teams are scattered around the assembly hall and all together, at the same time, learn the movements, which the captains show in turn. Each dance bunch is first taught to count, then to music.

Each team, in turn, goes to the stage and shows the learned movements. The judges evaluate how synchronously, correctly and to the music the movements are performed.

Grading system

The judges evaluate how much, harmoniously, synchronously and in accordance with the instructions of the leader, they perform the tasks of the team. The task of the judges is to judge the team, not its captain.

Evaluating each competition, the judges will have to choose two teams out of four that best meet the requirements specified above.

The judges summarize the results after each round, as well as announce the results.


dance marathon "START DANCE"

This marathon is designed for students in grades 5-6. To participate in "START DANCE" you need to assemble a team of 8 people from the class, come up with a distinctive team sign (T-shirts of the same color, emblems, baseball caps, scarves, etc.)

Purpose: development of the communicative and creative qualities of students.

Expanding the horizons of students; Team building.

The main equipment and materials that are used during the dance marathon are equipment, microphones, audio recording with modern dance music.

Venue: the assembly hall of the school.

Time frame: 45 minutes.

Command location:

Event progress

The dance marathon consists of several rounds:

Greetings, placing them in specially designated places (this tour is not rated); voicing the rules of the marathon; Warm-up; Dance confusion; Training.

Labels with the class designation are glued to the floor (the diagram is presented earlier). While the teams take their places, dynamic dance music sounds.


Hello teams. We ask you to take your seats in the hall according to the signs on the floor. Each team stands in a circle, the captain takes a place in the center of his circle. Let's welcome the participants of the START DANCE dance marathon. We are delighted to welcome you here today. I would like to introduce you to our today's jury.

Representation of the jury members.

We also have guests today. These are the winners of our dance marathon among grades 10-11.

Representation of assistants.

They will help you today. Show, prompt. You can seek their help.

First tour

Are you ready to dance ?! Then let's get started! For a start, I suggest just dancing to our incendiary music.

And now we will carry out the next task, I will tell you, for example, only the right hand is dancing, and you are dancing with the right hand as synchronously as possible. In this round, the jury will evaluate the technique of your performance and the timing of your movements.

You are ready??? Let's go then!

Energetic dance music sounds and the teams dance to it.

Dances only:

Head; - only the right hand;

Our assistants help you, show you how to perform the movements.

Left shoulder; - only the left hand;

Right shoulder; - left arm and head;

Shoulders and head together; - only hips;

And we continue! Let's dance more actively! Dances only:

Stomach; - everything except the right leg;

Hips and arms; - only the right leg;

Hips, arms, head; - the whole body except the head.

While the jury sums up the results, we all dance together to the music, moving in a circle. Our assistants dance with you.

Announcement of the results of the first round by the members of the jury.

Second round

It's time for the second round. We call it dance confusion. You will hear melodies of different genres, your task is to move to the beat of the music, as synchronously as possible, repeating the movements of the team captain. The jury will evaluate the correspondence of the movements to the given music.

I want to draw your attention, our assistants will show you how to dance correctly to the melodies that will sound today. But they will start showing movements 5 seconds after the start of its playback, this is so that you yourself can orient yourself. You can seek their help.

List of melodies (see appendix).

And now, while the jury sums up the preliminary ones, we dance together.

Announcement of the results of this round.

Fourth round

Music from the film "Step Forward" is playing.

It's time for the last round. This tour is called a tutorial. Now one of our assistants will show you the dance moves, and you will need to repeat them, learn and dance them for our jury.

Our assistant is invited to the stage. The teams are scattered around the assembly hall and all together, at the same time, learn the movements that are shown to them. Each dance bunch is first taught to count, then to music.

Each team, in turn, goes to the stage and shows the learned movements. The judges evaluate how synchronously, correctly and to the music the movements are performed. This round is evaluated on a 10-point scale, that is, each team can receive from 1 to 10 points.

Announcement of results. Winner's reward ceremony.


dance marathon.

(1-4 grade)


« Business card ».

"B" class.

"In" class.

"G" class.


Starshow - goo-goo.

School 43 is our school

The jury will give the floor.

(Jury .)

« Build a letter ».


Starshow - goo-goo.

School 43 is our school .

The jury will give the floor.


« Balloon ». I invite one boy and one girl from each class to the stage. So, listen to the task, I give each pair a ball, your task is to dance while holding the ball with your foreheads and backs. The task is clear, then let's start.


« Guess the dance "



Until next time, meetings!


dance marathon.

(5-6 grade)

Hello guys! Today we havestartin Is a dance marathon, we will dance throughout the competition. The more synchronized you dance, the more chances you have to win. But before we start our marathon, I present to you our jury. The composition, which includes ...

So, I am announcing the first competition, which is called« Business card ». In this competition, you need to say the name, the motto of the team and dance to a certain music. So, I invite to the stage: "a" class.

"B" class.

"In" class.

"G" class.


In the meantime, our esteemed jury sums up the results for the first competition. We will learn two chants:

Starshow - goo-goo.

School 43 is our school

The jury will give the floor.

(Jury .)

The second competition of our marathon is called« Build a letter ». This competition involves 10 people from each class. I invite the team captains to the stage, they pull the letter and at my command they run to their class and build the letter.


The jury is summing up the results for the second competition, but we will repeat our chants:

Starshow - goo-goo.

School 43 is our school .

The jury will give the floor.


You can earn extra points for your team by participating in a competition called« Dance with squat ». I invite one boy and one girl from each class to the stage. So, the task is simple: the couples dance to the music. As soon as the music stops, the boy kneels down, and the girl runs around him and sits on his knee. The couple who did it later than everyone else is eliminated. The task is clear, then let's start.


The last competition of our marathon is called« Guess the dance " you need each class to stand in a circle, and how the music will sound, you have to guess what kind of dance it is and dance it. The more friendly and synchronized you get, the better. So, we started.


In the meantime, the jury sums up the results. I want to ask you, did you like our marathon? The jury is ready to announce the results.


Until next time, meetings!


dance marathon.

(7 - 8 grade)

Hello guys! Today we havestartin Is a dance marathon, we will dance throughout the competition. The more synchronized you dance, the more chances you have to win. But before we start our marathon, I present to you our jury. The composition, which includes ...

So, I am announcing the first competition, which is called« Business card ». In this competition, you need to say the name, the motto of the team and dance to a certain music. So, I invite to the stage: "a" class.

"B" class.

"In" class.

"G" class.


In the meantime, our esteemed jury sums up the results for the first competition. We will learn two chants:

Starshow - goo-goo.

School 43 is our school

The jury will give the floor.

(Jury .)

The second competition of our marathon is called« Build a letter ». This competition involves 10 people from each class. I invite the team captains to the stage, they pull the letter and at my command they run to their class and build the letter.


The jury is summing up the results for the second competition, but we will repeat our chants:

Starshow - goo-goo.

School 43 is our school .

The jury will give the floor.


You can earn extra points for your team by participating in a competition called"Autograph". One participates the person from the class. Each participant receives a piece of paper and a ballpoint pen. At my command, the participants go to the hall and in two minutes try to collect as many autographs as possible. The task is clear, then let's start.


The last competition of our marathon is called« Guess the dance " you need each class to stand in a circle, and how the music will sound, you have to guess what kind of dance it is and dance it. The more friendly and synchronized you get, the better. So, we started.


In the meantime, the jury sums up the results. I want to ask you, did you like our marathon? The jury is ready to announce the results.


Until next time, meetings!


dance marathon.

(Grades 9-11)

Hello guys! Today we havestartin Is a dance marathon, we will dance throughout the competition. The more synchronized you dance, the more chances you have to win. But before we start our marathon, I present to you our jury. The composition, which includes ...

So, I am announcing the first competition, which is called« Business card ». In this competition, you need to say the name, the motto of the team and dance to a certain music. So, I invite to the stage: "a" class.

"B" class.

"In" class.

"G" class.


In the meantime, our esteemed jury sums up the results for the first competition. We will learn two chants:

Starshow - goo-goo.

School 43 is our school

The jury will give the floor.

(Jury .)

The second competition of our marathon is called« Build a letter ». This competition involves 10 people from each class. I invite the team captains to the stage, they pull the letter and at my command they run to their class and build the letter.


The jury is summing up the results for the second competition, but we will repeat our chants:

Starshow - goo-goo.

School 43 is our school .

The jury will give the floor.


You can earn extra points for your team by participating in a competition called"Dance with a mop". Participants are invited to the stage. The task is the following, while the music is playing, the couples dance as soon as the music is turned off, the couples must be walked by the partners. This must be done very quickly. Since at this time, a participant without a pair throws a mop and grabs the first person who gets to him. The participant, left without a pair, will have to dance with a mop. The task is clear, then let's start.


The last competition of our marathon is called« Guess the dance " you need each class to stand in a circle, and how the music will sound, you have to guess what kind of dance it is and dance it. The more friendly and synchronized you get, the better. So, we started.


In the meantime, the jury sums up the results. I want to ask you, did you like our marathon? The jury is ready to announce the results.


Until next time, meetings!

Larisa Savlyuk
Scenario of the competition for the best sports dance for students of the "Dance Marathon" correctional school

Competition program script

« Dance marathon»

(competition for the best sports dance)

(music sounds, appears Dance and presenter)

T: Hello everybody. I have the most best day of the year... Hooray finally, I waited for my holiday.

V: First, you need to say hello to everyone.

T: Oh, I almost forgot. Hi, I'm Dance, and with pleasure I want to announce to everyone that today is a holiday sport dance.

V: Dance, you, as always, exaggerate everything. Today competition program« Dance marathon» and our teams will compete for the title best dance team will show all their skills, desire for victory, creative imagination

T: And that's what I'm talking about. Just imagine how many interesting and unusual things will be today - just like at a real holiday.

V: Okay, I agree - our teams will decorate any holiday, but since this is still a competition, there must be members of the jury.

T: Let's call them something festive, well ... let's say - choreographers.

V: Choreographers?

T: Yes, because only true professionals can appreciate our teams.

V: Performance Jury: Irina Anatolyevna,

Sergey Ivanovich, Elena Viktorovna.

T: Can I start our holiday dance competition?

V: Of course, and who will you announce first?

Every day, from hour to hour

They were preparing for you

And what happened

You will see now.

V: Well, who is performing?

T: What I forgot - 1 squad.

(performance of the 1st squadron)

V: Thank you guys for speaking. Our jury gave its marks. And we continue on our dance competition... Where is our Dance.

T: Don't worry, I'm already here! Watched the last rehearsal of our next contestants... You need to see this!

V: So what's the matter - announce.

Team from 2nd squad

Will dance to you now, friends

Dance modern

They say that he is awesome.

(performance of the 2nd detachment) ___

V: This applause, of course, is for the team from the 2nd detachment. How awesome was your dance, of course, the jury will decide.

(output Tarakhtushka dance)

T: Here, I'm getting ready to be a real fan.

V: And who will you support this time?

T: As whom, our next contestants

Forest cones are always on top

I call you to dance

Mastery to show everyone

(speech of the 3rd detachment) ___

V: Yes, Dance you were just great. Only a true professional can support the speakers this way.

T: Yes, what am I there. I am sure that as soon as we announce the next contestants, they will be supported, not only with this (points to the rattle, but also with loud applause.

V: You speak so confidently, as if you know exactly who will be performing now.

T: Of course.

These are the guys from the Ice Melting squad.

V: I suggest dance to everyone else

He is cheerful and also mischievous,

As soon as the music starts to sound

Everyone wants it dance!

V:Dancing, beauty and sport

Everyone in this team is

5 squad on dance floor

It's a great honor to invite.

(performance of the 5th detachment) ___

V: I think that every team has fans. What we will now check (check)

Host - I hear a quiet flap of a wing ...

How light the night is, how daring the day ...

And smooth lines a moment, a wave ...

Oh how they dancing ...

Dance of birds 6 squad

T: And I know that the next team, for a very long time and painstakingly preparing for our competition.

V: It seems to me that everyone prepared the same way, rehearsed, prepared costumes, chants, composed dancing.

T: Maybe, but if you saw how they prepared. I could only hear one, two, three, four (repeats several times)

V: It seems to me that you are now repeating a warm-up in a physical education lesson.

T: Of course, because the coach led them.

What to explain to you all if it's better to see once

How to be healthy and skillful

AND dance all day

8 squad will show boldly

They are not too lazy to perform here.

(performance of the 8th detachment) ___

V: Unfortunately, this was the last competition number.

T: And it seems to me that even despite the results of our holiday sport dance was a success

(word for the awarding of the jury)

In the meantime, the jury is deliberating for you dances out of competition 9 squad.

Questions for the quiz.

1. What is the oldest type of folk dance art... Performed today. (Round dance.)

2. What was the name of the teacher dances in Yu's fairy tale... Olesha "Three Fat Men"? (Razdvatris.)

3. Waltz from A. Rosenbaum's hit - ... (Boston.)

5.In Argentina on December 11 everyone dances... After all, this day is declared a national holiday by a special government decree and it is called ... (Tango holiday. "Argentine tango" dance.)

6. What country is considered home dance"Lady"? (Russia.)

7. Dance with screams"Assa!" - ... (Lezginka.)

8. What is the name of the partner in dance? A. Order bearer. B. Laureate. B. Cavalier. G. Cavalier.

9. The most pleasant noise for artists during a performance is ... (Applause.)

10. What is the name of the time for eating sweets in the theater buffet? (Intermission.)

12. What is the name of the "theatrical" variety of Russian chocolates? A. "Wig". C. "Mask." B. "Make-up." D. "Role".

13. What quality should a good ballerina have? A. Eversion. B. Lumbarity. B. Resourcefulness. D. Clumsiness.

14. According to Ilze Liepa, dance helps to make beautiful not only the body, but also ... (Soul.)

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Scenario of the brand event of the "Dance Marathon" camp

The development is addressed to organizers of extracurricular activities, teachers-organizers of institutions of additional education and is designed for students of any age

Target : aesthetic education of children by means of choreographic art.

Tasks :

  1. Organization of meaningful leisure for children.
  2. Expanding the horizons of students in the field of dance art.
  3. Creation of conditions for fostering artistic taste and love for beauty.

The show program is held in a dance or assembly hall.

Required: audio equipment, phonograms, a screen with a video projector, video material.

The room is decorated with reproductions of paintings about dance art, photographs, posters with aphorisms about dance. For example:

"The king can be judged by the way they dance during his reign."

(Chinese proverb)

"Tell me what is your favorite dance and I will tell you who you are" (Dassie)

"Dance is the only art for which we ourselves serve as material" (Ted Sean)

"A dance cannot be told, it must be danced." (Paige Arden)

"Dance through the ages"

Leading.Before the start of our evening, we conducted an express survey and asked the question: “What do you like in the art of dance?” The answers were as follows: “These are beautiful movements”, “beautiful music”, “grace, bright costumes”, “dance causes a feeling of pleasure ”,“ Brings joy ”, etc. Each of your answers contains the word "beauty!"

What does it mean to touch beauty? Here are the reflections of one person on this matter: "I plucked a flower - and it wilted. I caught a moth, and it died in my palm. And then I realized that you can touch beauty only with your heart."

Yes, beauty needs to be able to not only see and feel. Beauty must also be protected! This is the hardest part. To capture beauty in the soul, remember it, always carry it in the heart - maybe this is the highest manifestation of human culture?

So, we dedicate tonight to the beauty, the beauty of dance - the most exciting, most sublime and beautiful of all arts, since dance is not just a reflection of life, dance is life itself!

(Music plays)

Leading.Dance is an ancient wanderer. He came to us from the hoary antiquity ... In my opinion, he is the same age as “Homo sapiens.” Everyone knows that labor formed a person, and I will add - also dance! It reflects, dating back to the earliest times, the need of a person to pass people their joy or sorrow, through the movements of their bodies.

Leading.Archaeologists in different parts of the world have discovered rock paintings depicting dancing men. Almost all important events in the life of primitive people were marked by dancing: birth, death, war, the election of a new leader, the healing of the sick. The dance expressed prayers for rain, sunlight, fertility, protection and forgiveness. Many peoples of Africa still play the instruments of our distant ancestors. And their music has preserved to some extent the features of primitiveness.

Leading.We tried to recreate perhaps one of the first dances of mankind, and this is what came of it.

(All units are divided into dance groups and perform the dance of Fire.

You can use a recording of African drums as a soundtrack)

Leading.There was also another art. Let's remember what they danced at the royal courts of Europe in the 16th-17th centuries. Who knows?

(Participants of the evening name polonaise, morisca, rigodon, bure, pavane, chime, volta, galliard, minuet)

Leading.And yet all these dances were created by the people. And in high society, the folk dance style changed in accordance with court etiquette. And in 1661, the Royal Academy of Dance appeared in France. And King Louis XIV of France ordered dance teachers to meet regularly and talk about dances, reflect, take care of their improvement.

(All units are divided into dance groups and perform a dance (any of your choice))

Leading.Here came the twentieth century, life has changed - it has become faster and more fleeting. The dances have also changed, new ones have appeared.

Leading.In the 1920s, Argentine tango conquered everyone. His true homeland is Spain. Now for a surprise!

(All units are divided into dance groups and perform a dance )

Leading.And in those days they danced the foxtrot, the Charleston. In the 40s of the twentieth century, rock and roll, boogie-woogie, twist, shake appeared. Each dance entered the arena swiftly and aggressively, it appeared like “caliph for an hour” and quickly gave way to another.

(All units are divided into dance groups and perform a dance rock'n'roll)


A cheerful man was born.
Fashions and rhythms changed too
But we can't live without dancing

(All groups are divided into dance groups and perform the dance of little ducklings)


Time passes, century after century ...
A person always lived in worries.
But on every holiday and at leisure time
The fun dance was my best friend.

(All detachments are divided into dance groups and perform the "Merry Zoo" dance)


Time passes, century after century.
Let the snow melt between us.
And let on our big planet
People are dancing and the sun is shining.

(The evening continues. Dance music of various styles and trends sounds. Games and dance competitions are held.)


Questions for the quiz.

  1. The muse of dance in Greek mythology? (Terpsichore.)
  2. What is the oldest form of folk dance art? Performed today. (Round dance.)
  3. What was the name of the dance teacher in Yu. Olesha's fairy tale "Three Fat Men"? (Razdvatris.)
  4. Waltz from A. Rosenbaum's hit - ... (Boston.)
  5. When is International Dance Day? (April 29)
  6. Everybody dances in Argentina on December 11th. After all, this day is declared a national holiday by a special government decree and it is called ... (Tango holiday. "Argentine tango" is a famous and beloved dance all over the world.)
  7. Which country is considered the birthplace of the dance "Barynya"? (Russia.)
  8. Shouting dance "Assa!" - ... (Lezginka.)
  9. What is the name of the partner in the dance? A. Order bearer. B. Laureate. B. Cavalier. G. Cavalier.
  10. The most pleasant noise for the artists during the performance is ... (Applause.)
  11. What is the name of the time for eating sweets in the theater buffet? (Intermission.)
  12. The most ballet skirt is ... (Tutu.)
  13. What is the name of the "theatrical" variety of Russian chocolates? A. "Wig". B. "Mask". B. "Makeup." D. "Role."
  14. What quality should a good ballerina have? A. Eversion. B. Lumbarity. B. Resourcefulness. D. Clumsiness.
  15. According to Ilze Liepa, dance helps to make beautiful not only the body, but also ... (Soul.)

If graduates stay at school all night after the official part, it is necessary to think over in detail and draw up an entertainment program. This program can consist of several parts:

1. Dance marathon.
2. Beauty Contest "Miss Graduate" and "Mister Graduate".
3. Concert of amateur performances.
4. Entertaining games.

Since graduates will sit down at the festive table several times and celebrate this first and important event in their life, it is advisable to hold a dance marathon after the first feast, a beauty contest and an amateur concert after the second, and in the morning, when the children want to sleep, entertaining games ...
Two presenters are selected for the celebration - a boy and a girl. They must be able to sing, dance, joke and entertain the audience.
In addition, you can set aside a separate room and equip it as a cinema, where throughout the evening, those who wish can watch videos about their school life (if any), feature films and cartoons.

Dance marathon

Presenter: Dear friends! In a few hours, we will forever part with our beloved school. But this time has not yet come, let's have fun from the bottom of our hearts!
Host: We start our graduation party with "School Waltz". Maestro, music! (Students should learn a waltz before their graduation night.)
Presenter: Now, from a slow and smooth waltz, let's move on to modern rhythms. The school disc jockey presents his dance program. (Everyone is dancing to some rhythmic dances.)
Host: Let's move on to the "Romashka" dance marathon. Whoever dances the proposed dance better will receive a prize. So here we go!

A large chamomile is attached to the wall. The name of the dance is written on the back of each petal. Participants in the marathon receive individual serial numbers. The presenter in turn tears off the petals and announces the dance that is written on the back. Everyone is dancing. The couple who performed the dance better than others wins. The jury consists of teachers and parents present in the room. After the end of each dance, the jury will present prizes: a bunch of grapes, bananas, a bunch of carrots, a bunch of lettuce, a bag of apples, a bunch of bagels, etc.
Dance music for this marathon is pre-recorded.

Presenter: And now another competition, but it requires a lot of flexibility and endurance. This is a dance on the newspaper. Only couples compete. The prize is a surprise.

Unfolded newspapers are laid out on the floor of the hall. They include music, which consists of five fragments:
1 fragment - participants dance on a whole newspaper.
Fragment 2 - participants dance on a newspaper folded in two.
Fragment 3 - participants dance on a newspaper folded in four.
Fragment 4 - participants dance on a newspaper folded eight times.
Fragment 5 - participants dance on a newspaper folded sixteen times, i.e. the young man stands on one leg, holding the girl in his arms and swaying to the beat of the music.
The winner is the couple who will never leave the newspaper until the end of the competition.

Host: And now dancing is for everyone. Another dance selection is offered by the school disc jockey. (Several dances are danced.)
Presenter: At the end of the marathon, we will hold a fun dance competition called "The ball has burst!" The couple whose balloons burst during the dance will receive a prize - a balloon with a surprise.

Each dance couple receives 4 balloons, which are placed in turn between partners at the level of the abdomen (first dance), chest (second dance), between the backs (third dance), between the foreheads (fourth dance). During the dance, the partners, pressing against each other, must crush the ball.
The jury will determine the winner.

Beauty Contest "Miss Graduate" and "Mister Graduate"

Before the start of the competition, a jury (an odd number) is selected from teachers, parents and guests of the holiday. They sit at a separate table in front of the stage. On the table are containers with the numbers of the participants in the competition. The chairman of the jury has an envelope with questions for the participants of the third round.
Each participant of the competition receives a personal serial number.

Host: We continue the festive evening and invite you to a beauty contest. Dear teachers, parents and guests, dear jury, we ask you to be extremely objective when choosing the winner and winner of our competition.
Presenter: The competition is held in three rounds. Contestants will be judged in three categories: elegance, talent, erudition. The winners will receive valuable prizes.
Host: No one doubts that among. the contestants are all elegant, all talented, all polymaths. But still, some of them are a little more elegant, talented and erudite. And there are those in which all these qualities are combined into one whole. Who is this?
Presenter: Patience, friends. We'll find out soon. So, let's start the first round. The elegance of the competition participants is evaluated. Dear members of the jury, you must select five winners for boys and five winners for girls. Music!

To the music, first the girls come on the stage, then the boys. They make several passes around the stage and slowly go backstage. The jury members put five beans into the girls 'containers, then five beans into the boys' containers. After the votes have been counted, the chairman announces who has made it to the second round.
Losers' containers are removed from the table.

Host: We are starting the second round of our competition. Now the participants of the competition must show their talents to the jury. It can be a song, dance, poem, trick, spoken genre, etc. - whatever you want. The jury will select two boys and two girls.

Contestants take turns on the stage and perform a number rehearsed before the holiday. After the screening, the jury votes again, dropping two beans into the girls 'containers and two beans into the boys' containers.
The jury chairman will announce the winners.

Presenter: And, finally, the third round is the last. This is a polymath competition. Who will win? Passions are running high! A participant under number is invited to the stage ... The floor is given to the Chairman of the jury.

The chairman in turn asks questions to the participants of the competition: two or three questions to each. Then the jury deliberates, choosing the winners.

Host: All participants of the competition are invited to the stage. I now give the floor to the Chairman of the Jury.

The chairman of the jury announces the winner of the Miss Graduate and Mister Graduate beauty pageants. The winners are tied on the chest with ribbons with the words "Miss Graduate" and "Mister Graduate". Memorable gifts are given. Everyone applauds and congratulates the winners.

Presenter: Now let's see a concert of amateur performances. After all, each participant in the competition prepared his own number. And even if he did not win, he has something to entertain and please us with. So, the first to speak ...

Entertaining games

Everyone gathers in the hall. The boys sit down opposite the girls.

Presenter: Now we are going to play the game "Guess the guy by the ears."

Each girl is blindfolded in turn and, turning several times, is brought to one of the young men. She must determine who it is by her ears. The girl who guesses the owner of the ears wins. She gets a prize.

Host: And now the young men must find their Cinderella. The next game is called The Crystal Slipper.

The boys leave the hall. They take off one shoe from the girls and give it to the boys. The girl's second leg is closed with a tight bag. The boys, entering the hall, must determine whose shoe they have and put it on the girl's leg. Then, when all the shoes are on the girls' feet, the bags are removed. The winner is the one who found the pair.

Presenter: Everyone loves to play in burima since childhood. Let's play with you too. A team of girls (no more than five people) must compose poems for rhymes: “a candle-stove, a well-done cucumber; table-floor; the crown is the end ".

A team of young men (no more than five people) receives rhymes: “turnip-cap; hooligan cockroach; swore, fought; caught, punished. " While the teams are writing poetry, we will also play rhymes.

A game is played with the audience. The presenter throws a balloon into the crowd and names any word, and the one who catches it speaks to her the word in rhyme. Then the verses of the teams are read and the team with the funniest verses wins.

Host: And now the Zombie contest. The winners will receive a prize.

Two young men stand side by side: hand in hand. The touching hands are tied, and with their free hands, the right of one young man and the left of the other, they must wrap the soft toy in paper, tie the bundle with a ribbon and tie a bow.
Whoever can handle it gets a prize.

Presenter: Everyone is invited to the delicious "Try and Bite" contest.

Those who wish come up to a rope stretched at the level of the nose, on which oranges, apples, bananas, pears, etc. are suspended, and try to bite off a piece of them, holding their hands behind their backs. Whoever succeeds gets this fruit.

Host: And now there is a competition for real men. All drinkers are invited to the demonstration table. Choose any drink, but you can only drink it if you quickly (in three minutes) fill your glass with this drink using a teaspoon.
Presenter: At the end of our entertainment program, a win-win lottery. I ask you to pull lottery tickets with numbers from the drum. (When all tickets have been distributed, awarding of winnings begins.)
Presenters (in turn): The owner of the lottery ticket number 1 receives, etc.
1. Universal cleaning device for the morning toilet (toothbrush).
2. Travel agency souvenir (badge).
3. The right to a car (lottery ticket).
4. Remedy for anger (donut on a string).
5. Guiding thread (spool of thread).
6. Apparatus for transmitting thoughts over a distance (postal envelope with a stamp).
7. The most fashionable clips (clothespin).
8. A piece of school (chalk).
9. Spare parts for sneakers (laces).
10. English lock (pin).
11. The fixator of thought (pencil).
12. Typewriter (pen).
13. Antique hanger (nail).
14. Measuring device (centimeter).
15. Tool of labor (spoon).
16. Diet food (chewing gum).
17. Crystal chandelier (light bulb).
18. Disinfectant (soap).
19. Universal backpack (plastic bag).
20. Means for weight loss (skipping rope).
21. Aircraft (ball).
22. Bird of the future (egg).
23. Washing machine (eraser).
24. Artist's painting _____ (postcard).
25. Electric lighter (box of matches).
26. Sewing machine (needle and thread).
27. Tear absorber (handkerchief).
28. Remedy for talkativeness (dummy).
29. Fruit of temptation (apple).
30. Hair dryer for hair styling (comb).
31. Kiss M. Monroe (lipstick).

Host: Congratulations on your wonderful winnings and we hope that you will keep them all your life. Let them resemble fun and cloudless school years;
Host: Our entertainment program is over.
Host: It's time to say goodbye to school with friends and teachers. But we will meet more than once. After all, school friendship is the strongest. And now the farewell waltz. Ladies, invite your gentlemen!

Everyone dances to the sound of "School Waltz" and disperses.