Influence of jazz on culture of thinking. Influence of jazz on the brain and human psyche influence pop music, music club styles and R'n'B

Influence of jazz on culture of thinking. Influence of jazz on the brain and human psyche influence pop music, music club styles and R'n'B
Influence of jazz on culture of thinking. Influence of jazz on the brain and human psyche influence pop music, music club styles and R'n'B

Heavy rock - music for sullen adolescents, which are aggressive and not too educated. Classical music prefers people calm and sophisticated, and Pops and R "N" B listen to party members, lovers to have fun.

Do you think this is true? Scientists have been investigating the impact of musical preferences on intelligence for many years. The results of their surveys are surprised. In fact, fans of pop music are hardworking, and rockers have the highest IQ.

In not so distant eighties, rockers in our country equated almost to Satanists. Gloomy guys and girls in leather jackets with rivets prevail fear on the surrounding grandmothers and young mothers.

Due to the attributes and inherent rockers of the Bunlet spirit in the consciousness of the towns, the stereotype strengthened: the fans of this music are dangerous, almost asocial personals. People cultural and educated were prescribed to listen to classical music, as a last resort - blues or jazz.

The fans of dance music belonged a little more condescendingly, however, they considered them loafers who only and can have fun. Another popular opinion was read that cheerful music raises the mood, and sad and dark melodies, on the contrary, drive depressed.

At some point, scientists became interested in the question. They decided to check whether there is a link between music and mood, character and even the level of intelligence of its listeners. The results of their research turned out to be a great surprise.

First, not all people in a bad mood is recommended to listen to invigorating Pops or major classic works. The dissonance between the mood of the artist and his own is able to drive a person to an even greater depression.

But the supervisory songs give a feeling of empathy. So if your friend is not in the spirit and listens to sad ballads, do not blame him that he wants to squander his wound. Perhaps this is his personal method of therapy.

Previously, scientists from the University of Hariot-Watt in Edinburgh led by Professor Adrian North, the head of the Department of Applied Psychology, also decided to check the connection of musical preferences with the intellect and the nature of the listeners.

During the study, scientists interviewed 36 thousand people from around the world. To determine the level of intelligence of volunteers, scientists have used classic tests on IQ, as well as a list of issues under the program of the secondary school.

Perhaps scientists asked to prove to adolescents that listening to heavy music and rap are unsafe for their brain. But the results surprised by the researchers themselves.

"One of the facts that I am overwhelmed by most of all is that fans of classical music and heavy rock are very similar," Adrian North admitted. On the joy of teenagers and to the chagrin of parents, the highest intelligence demonstrated fans of classical music ... and rock!

"In society there is a stereotype of a fan of heavy rock as a person who is in deep depression with a suicide tendency, it is believed that rockers are dangerous elements of society. In fact, they are harmless, and even useful for society as a whole. This is very thin natures" - Stresses the scientist.

However, as life shows, in adulthood, many rockers are attached to the classic works, while not refusing from the beloved metal. It is not surprising that the characteristics of the fans of both genres were similar. "And those and others are the identities of creative, relaxed, but not very sociable," says North.

The most unbelievable fans of rap, hip-hop and R "N" B were recognized - they showed the lowest results of IQ tests. But they, like Rggie fans, demonstrate a great high self-esteem and sociability. The fans of jazz and blues are not suffering from the senses - their self-esteem is also high.

If you miss verbose entry into the positive impact of classical music and details of various studies, we obtain the following. In psychology there is such a term as the "hearing way". This is the way from the beginning of the sound to the result, which is achieved by irritation of one or several nerve brain centers. Each word, musical work or just sound have their hearing paths. Accordingly, various frequency, rhythm, timbre, fluctuations in different ways affect a person, because it is directly connected with the rhythms of the brain.

Having obtained audio information through hearing organs, the brain analyzes it comparing with its rhythms. Each person has a rhythm with its frequency. That is why there are so different tastes for music. Let's go through genres.

Rock music.

In many classic works, we find information about the harmfulness to the organism of rock and the like music. Not surprisingly, in not so distant 80s and before, rockers equated almost to Satanists. In the consciousness of the "ancestors", the image of terrible, prone to violence, practically asocial personalities (which we see in our Nikita), so in those years people cultural and educated was characterized only by the "right" articles.

However, later, a curious fact was opened about rock music - scientists have proven that rockers from all Melomanians are the highest IQ.

In modern rock music, frequencies are used that affect the brain, as narcotic substances, as they combine from ultra-low in 15-30 hertz to ultra-high to 80,000 hertz frequencies. It decently excites the human nervous system.

There is still a role to play a role. Our ear perceives the sound in 55-60 decibels. The sound of 70 decibels is considered loud. The volume of sound on the site, where the walls with powerful speakers are installed, used during rock concerts, reaches 120 dB, and in the middle of the site up to 140-160 dB. (120 dB corresponds to the gradation of the ridge of the take-off jet aircraft in close proximity, and the average values \u200b\u200bat the player with headphones are 80-110 dB). In this situation, the adrenal glands also distinguish the stressful hormone - adrenaline. The effect on the body can imagine. But why it is believed that it is bad, I do not know. Personally, I am for adrenaline and all sorts of psycho-communes there - we are also engaged in every day, so why divide them to "good" and "bad"? It is stupid!

Electronic music, trance

Here, of course, the main role is moving rhythm. Rhythm In general, one of the most powerful ways to influence the human body. Simple, but powerful rhythms force a person to a response (movement in rhythm), from ecstasy to hallucinations, from hysterics to loss of consciousness.

Influence on Pop Music

Well what can I say about her? Popis more often adjusts to the heart rhythm and rather slows it than the opposite, if it is certainly not music for a party. Psychotropy in this music I do not see particularly evidence of the opposite too. Here more is "nice" - "not nice." Words respond or not. In Popce, the music has never been a strong side. In general, "it is believed" that popular music is extremely negatively affecting the intelligence. No one offense, but personally, I have repeatedly convinced - it is called "Skate" clearly not enough ....

Influence of jazz music

Jazz - practically no effect affects the mental state of the person. He is simply relaxing in the "waves" of this musical direction. But relaxation very quickly "evaporates", dissolves in the melody of music. You can also dissolve, together with them. But with one very small condition. Condition: This music is close to you. Therefore, he has so few followers, because it is a music taste, but I want to notice, excellent, because in this music a person is not looking for sensations, he enjoys the most music

Impact on human classical music

All the best words of course are given to this musical formula. There is an opinion that the classic style of music is ideal for humans and society as a whole. He leads to harmony of feelings, thoughts, mind, emotions, distinguishes all sorrow from you. So that you do not listen, find something in the classics or toolbox modern. As far as it is good, you will find enough on the network of information.

Impact on the psyche rap and hip-hop style

In the turn in the first plan of rhythm and words. Those. He can translate in his own way. But at the same time, here the leading role is given to the texts and the keywords are rather the subtext rather. I love rap, but his effect is rather at the pop level - everything solve words, there is no sound depth here. They are forced to get silent, and they can turn the essence of the rhythm in fun.

Soundtracks of horror films.

The main goal of music for these films cause fear, unpleasant emotions and create tensions. To achieve this goal in this music, periodic structures and synchronization them must be broken. Horror films are able to give rise to many people fear and anxiety, the main thing more tension and surprise in sounds.

Something like this. Do not forget that music affects the psyche of a person depending on what kind of man himself. He himself chooses that he is closer. Actually, therefore, in music, it is often possible to recognize the properties of a person. Personally, I, if I want to know about a person more, I definitely look at his audio recordings. There is something to pull out from his psychotype.

By the way, there is still a fact that people, rabbits, cats, guinea pigs and dogs under the influence of music may change blood pressure, increase the heart rate, and reduced the rhythm and the depth of respiratory movements until the respiratory stop is completely stopped. Among other dogs, for some reason, these changes are stronger than other dogs from the Pincher breeds. I do not know why, but curious.

Brain "Under Jazz"

Brain "Under Jazz"

When jazz musicians are improvised, there are disconnected areas in their brain responsible for self-censorship and braking nerve pulses, and instead included areas that open the path for self-expression.

A concomitant study conducted at Jones Hopkins University, in which musicians participated - volunteers from the Peabody Institute, and in which the method of functional magnetic resonance image (FMRI) was used, shed light on the mechanism of creative improvisation, which artists are used in everyday life.

Jazz musicians, improvising, create their own unique riff by disconnecting braking and inclusion of creativity.

Scientists from the Medical University, the National Deafness Institute speak of their interest in the possible neurological basis of the state approximated to the state of the trance, into which jazzmen fell, starting spontaneous improvisation.

"When jazz musicians are improvised, they often play with their eyes closed in their characteristic style, demonstrating the traditional rules of melody and rhythm," says Charles Limb (Charles J. Limb), Professor of Medicine, assisting a professor at the Department of Otolaryngology and Head Surgery at Medical Jones Hopkins, who himself, besides, is an experienced jazz saxophonist.

"This is a special mood of the soul," he adds, "when suddenly, suddenly the musician creates the music that I never heard, never thought about it and did not play anything like that. What happens at the exit - it turns out completely spontaneously. "

Many recent studies were concentrated on trying to understand which parts of the human brain are activated when listening to music, and, according to Limb, too little paid attention to the study of the brain activity in the process of spontaneous essay of music.

Wanting to understand what happens with his own brain in a state of "under jazz", he and his colleague Allen Brown (Allen R. Braun), professor of medicine, developed a plan for observing the functioning of the brain in the process of real-time musical improvisations.

To participate in this study, they invited six experienced jazz pianists, three of them from the Peabody Institute, a musical conservatory, in which the Lamb part-time occupies a professorship. Another volunteers became aware of this study, thanks to the rumors that spread in the local jazz community.

Researchers have developed a special keyboard on which the pianists could play inside the functional magnetic resonance apparatus; The brain scanner, highlighting the brain area that responds to various incentives, for example, identifying which areas are active when a person is involved in any kind of mental activity.

Since the device of a functional magnetic resonance image uses powerful magnets, scientists have developed a non-standard keyboard that does not contain metal parts that could be attracted by a magnet. They also used headphones compatible with this apparatus, which allowed musicians to hear the music created by them during the game.

Each musician participated in four different exercises intended to distinguish between the activity of the brain during the game of the memory of simple piano plays and the activity of the brain observed during improvisation.

Being inside the FMRI device with a keyboard arranged on their knees, all the pianists started the game from Gamma to major, well-memorable music series, which studies every novice musician. The metronome, built into the headphones, was intended to provide the same gamma game by all the musicians - in the same way, with the same time intervals.

To fulfill the second exercise, pianists had to improvise. They had to play the fourth notes of the gamma, but they could play them in any order, in which they themselves wish.

Further, the musicians had to play in the original Blues melody, which they learned in advance, while the background record played a jazz quartet, complementing the melody. In the last exercise, the musicians had to improvise with their own melodies using the same record of the jazz quartet.

Then Lamb and Brown analyzed the records taken from the brain scanner. Since the brain areas, activated in the process of memory of the memory, are those of its parts that are usually active during the game of any kind on the piano, the researchers excluded them from the painting of the brain obtained during improvisation.

Working further only with the areas of the brain, characteristic exclusively for the process of improvisation, scientists saw amazing similar patterns, regardless of whether the musicians were performed by simple improvisation with the gamut to major, or performed a more complex melody, improvising with the performance of the jazz quartet.

Scientists have found that a part of the brain, known as the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Bark of the Brain - a wide frontal area of \u200b\u200bthe brain, expanding from the center to the periphery, showed the slowdown in the brain activity in the process of improvisation. This area, as it turned out, is responsible for scheduled actions and self-censorship, such as, for example, a thorough choice of words for an interview.

Turning off this area can lead to a decrease in braking processes, lies Limb. Scientists also discovered increased activity in the middle prefortional cortex core, i.e. In the center of the frontal front side of the brain. This area is responsible for self-expression, activity expressing personality, such as, for example, sincere story about himself.

"Jazz is often described as an extremely individualistic form of art. You can easily determine the game of a jazz musician, because The improvisation of each jazzman sounds like his own music, "says Limb. "As it seems to us now, when you're talking about your own musical history, the following happens: you close the pulses that can suppress the course of creative thought."

Lamb notes that this type of brain activity may occur in the process of other types of improvisation, which are an integral part of life and artists, and ordinary people. For example, he notes, people are constantly improvised by choosing words in a conversation, as improving and with the solution of unexpected problems. "Without this type of creativity, a person could not develop, as a view. It is an integral part of who we are, "says Limb.

Jazz affects the most sides of the human life: from the deep spiritual senses of a separate listener to the culture of thinking widely. As one of the brightest directions in art, jazz music, not one decade inspired people to numerous historical musical studies, on progressive methods in writing jazz improvisations, on educational activities, it is precisely in this a great influence of jazz.

Taking into account the fact that according to the most common description of the concept of "culture of thinking" represents a synthesis of acquired and improved human qualities, we will highlight the most important of them and trace the relationship of the influence of jazz on their development.

Influence of jazz from scientific point of view

According to Doctor Robert J. Zatorre (Robert J. Zaterre) From the Montreal Neurological Institute, Jazz is a natural and comfortable component of everyday human activity, but at the same time, one of the most complex and demanding deep analysis for the brain with music.

In other words, thanks to complex areas in Jazz, especially such as avant-garde, mainstream, bobop, hard-bop Our brain works several times more active in order to understand changes in musical harmony, instrumental solo improvisations. Along with the foregoing, these jazz directions require excellent speed of reaction and permanent performing control, and as a result of which neuronal bonds of the brain are improved, which explores Dr. Robert Ztorr in their scientific works:

We consider the musical effect on the cognitive property of the brain and hearing areas, paying particular attention to the study of interactions between these systems in the musical context.

Candidate of Cultural Sciences Konstantin Ushakov He created a whole dissertation, in which a significant part is devoted to the direct influence and evolution of jazz himself and, accordingly, the change in cultural thinking of people.

The scientist describes in detail and argues about Jazz since its formation and before his state today, while at the same time analyzing every critical historical moment. Jazz in his influence is able to unite several accents that improve human mental abilities at once: learning, fast response, innovative approach and development of logical thinking.

The methodological basis of the study elected a problem-logical method. He allowed to consider the features of jazz as a phenomena of culture, identify the elements of the musical language and aesthetics, to investigate the patterns, mechanisms for the dynamics of jazz and the direction of its evolution, to determine the features of the transformation of jazz in Russia and explore the possibility of updating the domestic musical culture, through jazz innovations.

Perhaps one of the large-scale "achievements" of jazz is what powerful spiritual power it possesses! Thanks to Jazz, a revolution in racial segregation took place, reconcile people of different races and skin color and combining them, without bringing the merits of both sides. Leaving the roots in the origins of origin, jazz music is obliged to be the appearance of black people, whose talents helped create this direction, and the creative power was able to overcome most of human weaknesses and passions.

So, we realize that all the time, Jazz helps people get rid of their moral flaws, which in turn leads to the next stage of personal development - calm. Under this concept, you can mean a lot, but it is worth identifying factors such as moral stability and a predominant positive attitude.

Of course, not all people listening to jazz music are calm and balanced. However, mental endurance in such personalities is much higher than that preferring, for example, heavy music.

This explains the considerable part among listening to jazz people of complex, requiring increased concentration of occupations: surgeons, directors of large corporations and enterprises, researchers. In conclusion, I would like to note that jazz music as a whole positively affects many factors of human psyche and culture of thinking, but from an artistic point of view, this direction inspires most of the listeners to the desire to expand their preferences, which also leads to the upbringing of good taste.

How does the music we listen to, affect us?

The question of how music affects us as a whole, was interested in scientists for a long time. Everyone knows, for example, that quiet and melodic music acts on a person soothing and relaxingly, and a loud, on the contrary, excites. But this is generally. And how does the specific style of music affect the psyche of man?

How does classical music affect?

It is believed that classical music is the most beneficial than any other, affects the human body and his psycho-emotional state. The most "healing" music is the works of Mozart: in some clinics with their help, even special courses of treatment from various diseases are carried out. Classical music affects man soothing. It develops the ability to visualize, giving birth in the imagination of visual images listening to her.

According to research, most often, classical music as a favorite genre choose people who feel the sharp need for stability. Such people are prudent and incredulous, constant in their habits, have a tendency to close themselves.

How does pop music affect?

Perhaps this is the only style of music that does not affect the person in any way. Such music is most often included in order to create background. What is not surprising - the point in modern texts of pop songs is often so small that the rereading of "Kolobka" will bring much more benefit, and a funny unwildly motive is used as music, which does not distract a person from his thoughts and is not postponed for a long time in memory.

Most often, lovers of such music are people who are accustomed to treat life with ease. They do not like serious relationships, seek freedom and independence. Most of the events in their life is just the background for something more important, like their favorite music.

How do we affect the music in the style of rap, hip-hop

According to the studies of American sociologists, Rap and is a favorite musical style in most minor violators, and 72% of respondents from this category recognize that music affects their feelings. However, only 4% of them recognized that their unlawful behavior is connected with listening to rap. At the same time, if excluded from listening aggressive and depressive rap works, positive rap is able raise the mood, Call to communicate with other people, push to active actions (in the positive sphere).

The most peculiar to the inclination to the rap people in adolescence. Aggressive tracks are perceived by a teenager as a symbol of the rebellion, opposing themselves to the world. Positive - help get rid of apathy, bad mood. Very often, the fans of rap and hip-hop are people who cannot find ways for self-expression.

How does music in the style of rock, metal

The most common today is the opinion that heavy music is extremely negatively affecting the human psyche. According to this opinion, over time, the chief of rocks increases the tempering and the memory deteriorates, the destruction of moral barriers is degraded and a tendency to violence appears.

Another point of view is completely the opposite. According to her adherents, heavy music, on the contrary, favorably affects people, especially adolescents, helps to cope with tension and pressure. According to the studies conducted among adolescents, most of the excellent students prefer Rock, and this refutes the theory of memory worsening.

Preference for heavy music often give people with the inner world, in communication. They are pretty ambitious, sometimes even tend to show aggression, but at the same time they appreciate sincere relationships with people and are not shyring to show their feelings.

How does music in the style of jazz, blues and reggae

The music of these styles, like no other, can help a person. The action of her is akin to classics - it allows a person to "drown" in the melody, give relax brain.

Lovers of these directions of music are creative, respecting themselves and confident in their own power, sociable, discovered, loving social activities. Taking a favorite thing in the company of like-minded people, they are inclined to fall.

However, scientists found out that all the positive properties of music are not going to not be in the event that a person does not like this music. As experiments, lovers of a particular musical genre were invited for a long time to listen to the music, which would seem to have a positive impact. Thus, Rock lovers were invited to listen to jazz, rap lovers - classical music, and the like. It turned out that the subjects appeared, the pressure rose, sometimes even a feeling of suffocation arose.

The output suggests one - listen to the music you love, and will always be in the excellent location of the Spirit!

Video How does music affect a person?