Hawaiian style menu card. Music

Hawaiian style menu card.  Music
Hawaiian style menu card. Music

The outfit can be the same for both men and women. A costume for a Hawaiian party consists of a skirt and a flower garland (lei). And that, and that accessory is made extremely simple.

If you need to quickly craft a costume for a Hawaiian party, consider the simple option. For a skirt, you just need an elastic band and a satin ribbon. For a flower garland, you also need a few items, namely:

  • colored paper;
  • strong thread;
  • darning needle with a thick eye;
  • cocktail rolls.
Let's start at the bottom of the outfit. To make a skirt with your own hands, tie an elastic band below the waist, cut off its excess edges, remove. Now you have to cut a lot of ribbons. Measure the length of the future skirt. The length of the ribbons should be 2 times this figure obtained.

Fold the first ribbon in half, placing the fold on the elastic. Slip both ends of the tape back under the elastic, pulling up through the loop formed in the tape, tighten. Do the same with the rest of the elements.

The more ribbons there are, the more magnificent the skirt will become. To prevent these elements from wiping, singe the ends over a candle or lighter flame.

It remains to learn how to make a garland to hang around your neck. Fold the sheets of colored paper "accordion" so that there is a distance of 8 cm from fold to fold. Draw a template of a future flower with wavy edges on cardboard or paper. Apply it to folded paper and cut multiple colors at once. Set them aside for now.

Cut the cocktail tubes into 2cm pieces. Here's how to make the garland next. With your own hands, or better with the help of your daughter or friends, start creating a lei. To do this, thread the thread into the eye of the needle, start stringing flowers and segments of cocktail tubes on it, alternating fragments.

At the end, remove the needle, tie the ends of the threads and the garland is ready. Now the fair sex can put on a swimsuit, skirt, lei - and the Hawaiian costume is ready. Attire for men can include swimming trunks, shorts, and of course a garland. And here's how to do it the second way.

For her, corrugated paper or fabric that does not wrinkle, such as tulle or taffeta, is suitable. Having chosen the material, cut it into long strips 6–8 cm wide. Now you need to sew each in the center with a basting stitch. Having designed the first strip in this way, collect the second one on the same thread, placing them close to each other. Once you've made your corrugated paper jewelry of the right length, you can put the garland around your neck and go sparkle at your Hawaiian party!

If this hot holiday beckons you, and there are no suitable materials for making clothes at hand, everyone has trash bags or ordinary cellophane bags. The next Hawaiian skirt is made from them.

Measure the elastic around your hips. From plastic bags, cut thin strips along the entire length, tie them with an elastic band, bending in half, and the Hawaiian skirt is ready.

Hula Dance Wear for Hawaiian Party

If you enjoyed making Hawaiian suits and want to craft a slightly more sophisticated outfit in this style, check out How to DIY a Raffia Skirt, which is sold in florist shops. In such a new dress, you can visit Hawaiian parties more than once, since such a skirt is durable and even intense movements will not harm it.

Take the raffia, unpack it. To smooth it, dampen it with water. Pull out the fibers, let them dry.

Here's how the Hawaiian skirt is made next. Now take a braid, cord or elastic band, which will become the basis of the outfit. Elements will also be tied onto it - in this case, strips of raffia bent in half.

See how to do it.

If you want to speed up the process, optimize it. To do this, first, on the fingers of your left hand, roll knots in the center of several raffia fibers without tightening. Then insert the cord into the loops, tighten them.

You will have a Hawaiian skirt that you can wear to parties or go to the hula dance classes that are so popular on this island.

How to arrange such themed parties?

After making a costume for the holiday, you have succeeded, you need to set the tables and prepare a treat that matches the given topic.

The Hawaiian party usually takes place in the summer. Therefore, you can spend it right under the open sky in nature. But you need to know the weather forecast in advance to be sure that rain is not expected. If there is a possibility of short-term precipitation, then it is better to arrange awnings over the tables.

Decorate them with paper or satin ribbons to create the mood you want. Now you need to move the tables and lay the same tablecloths on them. Then you will get the right impression that this is one long table.

Chairs should also be consistent in style. To do this, you can sew covers on them. How to do this, read the article presented earlier. In it you will find many simple ideas on how to sew chair covers. Hang a flower garland on each and tie a large ribbon bow.

To avoid the hassle of washing dishes, it is better if it is disposable. For a Hawaiian table party, plates with vibrant colors look great. Indeed, on this day, everything should be filled with variegated colors. Glasses are suitable for multi-colored plastic. It is good if there are natural or made paper flowers in vases on the tables.

The appliances are arranged, the space is decorated, it's time to prepare the treat. It doesn't have to be hard, as a Hawaiian party is an active pastime. These are dances, funny contests. Therefore, juices, a couple of cocktails and light snacks will be excellent components of the menu.

What to cook for the holiday?

Let's start with the appetizer dishes. Hawaiian Toast is both exotic and hearty.

Their composition:

  • wheat bread;
  • ham;
  • hard cheese;
  • a pineapple;
  • butter;
  • pitted cherries.
It is better to buy sliced ​​bread, specially made for toast. But if not, chop the loaf into slices with a thin knife. Hard cheese and ham can also be bought pre-cut or made yourself. You can cut pineapple with your own hands or buy canned slices of this fruit.

You can pre-brown the bread slices in the toaster or not. Grease them with butter, top with ham, pineapple on top, and then cheese. It remains to bake toasts in a slow cooker and you can serve.

If you only have a skillet on hand, prepare a Hawaiian appetizer in it. To do this, split the pan over high heat, then muffle it to minimum, brush with butter, lay out the prepared toast.

In a skillet, the Hawaiian appetizer is cooked with the lid closed until the undersides of the bread are browned.

Here are some other dishes for a holiday dedicated to a given topic. The next fruit salad is sure to please the kids. It consists of:

  • 1 cup coconut, chopped into strips
  • 1 cup heavy cream or unsweetened yogurt
  • 1 cup diced pineapple
  • 1.5 cups small marshmallow balls
  • 1.5 cups tangerine slices
  • grated nutmeg.

Before cooking, the tangerine slices must be peeled from the film. Dry them and the pineapple cubes on a napkin.

This salad looks good in transparent bowls. Place the tangerine wedges down in each first, then layer them with yogurt or cream. Decorate with marshmallow balls, sprinkle with nutmeg grains on top.

If you want a more satisfying menu, you can prepare hot dishes on the table - bake chicken, chopping it with oranges and / or pineapples. Also, seafood will be appropriate on the table, because in Hawaii they are mined in large quantities and many dishes are prepared.

A variety of iced punches and exotic cocktails decorated in a specific way are also to be served.

A cocktail called "Hawaiian Beach" would be very appropriate. It stands from:
  • 4 parts pineapple juice;
  • 3 parts light rum;
  • 3 parts ginger ale;
  • juice? lime;
  • 1 tsp Sahara.
Combine all the ingredients except the ale and beat with a blender. Put the pieces of ice in large glasses, pour the cocktail, pour the ale. Garnish each serving with a slice of lime by cutting a thin circle on the side and sliding it over the glass. Also, mint leaves can be used as decoration.

Non-alcoholic cocktails can be prepared for children. For example, "Weathervane". For it, use all the ingredients taken in the same proportion:

  • Cherry juice;
  • strawberries;
  • sprite;
  • Apple juice.
All this must be whipped with a blender, poured into glasses and served immediately.

Do not forget to put fruits on the festive table in spectacular flowerpots. These elements make a great decoration, and the fruit can be refreshed at any time, for example, in between fun competitions, which must be thought out in advance for a Hawaiian party.

Fun Hawaiian Party Contests

Limbo - the game with that name is unchanged on such holidays. To prepare this competition you only need:

  • round fruit;
  • 2 high poles;
  • rope.
Everything is extremely simple - the poles need to be sharpened, driven into the ground, and the rope pulled at the top. The players line up behind her. The first participant clamps a tropical fruit with his chin and goes under the rope so as not to hit it. In this case, you can only lean back. Anyone who touches the rope, drops a fruit or breaks the rules will be eliminated from the competition. After each stage, the rope must be lowered lower and lower. When only one participant remains, he is declared the winner.

Such fun contests will give you the opportunity to move around and have fun to your heart's content. The next one will also require dexterity from the participants ... mouth. For this entertainment you will need:

  • bananas;
  • rope.
All plots are divided into 2 or more teams, from each one a player is selected. A banana must be tied by its "leg" to a rope, the other end of which is attached to a high place. It can be tied to a branch of a tree or to a nail driven in under the roof of the veranda. Next, you need to eat the banana without touching it with your hands. Whoever does it first wins.

You can also hold interesting contests, determining the winner by the volume of the applause: who has the best Hawaiian costume, the most “Hawaiian” voice. For the latter, let everyone who wants to perform a song that, in their opinion, is suitable for this theme party. You can also choose the mermaid of the evening, it will be the most beautiful or talented girl.

Do the Hawaiian Hula dance together. To do this, let the presenter say what needs to be imitated at the moment, it can be:
  • fluttering of plants from the wind;
  • movement of algae;
  • life of the ocean, land, mountains;
  • a story about bad weather.
You can turn this dance into another fun competition. Write the assignments on the signs in advance. Distribute them to the participants, let them show one of the listed Hula movements so that those present guess what it is. In this case, the player must "dance" all these movements. You can time the time, which player will have faster guesses, he will win.

It's good if you make a palm tree in advance. It can be made from plastic bottles or from cardboard and balls. For a final idea, dig a pole into the ground, wrap it with cardboard, paint it brown. Tie balloons, attach to the top of the barrel.

Such a palm tree, made with your own hands, will become not only a central decoration, but will also help to hold another funny competition. For him, attach notes with cheerful wishes to this artificial tree with glue or paper clips and invite the guests to tell fortunes. Let everyone take the note they like and read its contents aloud.

Making accessories for a Hawaiian party

They will help to ensure that the Hawaiian party is flawless, and all the nuances are taken into account.

You can make invitations to the holiday yourself. Since this is a Hawaiian themed party, it will be funny if you hand-write or print an invitation, tie it to an exotic fruit (coconut, banana), and then personally hand it to the addressee.

You can make a postcard with flowers, because Hawaii is a land of flowers as well as the sun. So that it does not fade even in the evening, let there be a lot of light! Light the lanterns that you have decorated with your own hands. Floating candles will also be appropriate, they can be placed in the pool, pond and light at sunset. Various LED lights, garlands will also help to decorate the evening in the evening.

Another important touch of the holiday concerns the design of drinks. See how to make and decorate an exotic cocktail party. We also suggest that you familiarize yourself with the process of making a Hawaiian costume. After that, it remains to repeat the ideas presented. Have a fun and unforgettable Hawaiian party!

Hawaii is one of the most favorite vacation spots and vacations. People from different cultures and countries flock to Hawaii to enjoy endless summers, clear waters and stunning scenery. Hawaii can satisfy not aesthetic but also gastronomic needs. Because here you can enjoy not only the tranquil atmosphere of the island, but also the local cuisine, which over the years has turned from unpretentious food into gourmet food. Local dishes have absorbed all the best culinary traditions from around the world. Hawaii is a place where you can not only have a great rest, but also get acquainted with the unique local cuisine.

History of Hawaiian cuisine

The art of cooking didn't come to Hawaiians overnight. Decades ago, an ordinary meal could have consisted of semi-finished products brought from the mainland and fruits growing on the islands. Despite the fact that many different fruits grow in Hawaii, the most important was pineapple, which was also the only edible of all. That is, at the time, you could count on pineapple or convenience foods (usually frozen pizza) for dinner.

But when tourists flocked to Hawaii, the situation changed. Gradually, they began to grow new fruits and vegetables here in order to constantly update the menu, and the cuisines of the eastern countries (Philippines, Japan, Korea, and other Asian countries) began to gain more and more popularity. Plus, Hawaii's climate was perfect for growing essential foods. Fish dishes became very popular. But these were not complete copies of dishes from other countries - the Hawaiians supplemented and modified them, creating their own dishes. When it comes to food in general, Hawaii is not unique in its use of pineapples, but in the use of various herbs and spices and other ingredients. The names of these dishes may seem rather strange to visitors, but this does not in any way correlate with the taste, which is always excellent.

What is Hawaii without tarot?

Hawaii has transformed its cuisine with influences from different countries, but their staple foods have not changed. Tarot has always been a staple food. Taro (kahlo) is grown in different parts of Hawaii and thanks to the climate of the islands, it grows all year round.

Taro leaves and tubers are used for food. The taste of this plant may seem bland and tasteless to those who have never eaten it, but taro forms the basis of Hawaiian cuisine not because of its special taste, but because of its availability and prevalence. Due to interactions with other cultures (especially with Asian countries), tarot has spread outside Hawaii.

Truly local food

If you want to enjoy authentic Hawaiian food, then instead of expensive restaurants, visit local eateries. One of the popular Hawaiian dishes is plate lunch, a three-compartment paper plate with fried fish in batter, some meat with teriyaki sauce, some salad and gravy. At first glance, there is nothing special here, but this dish tastes great. The teriyaki and gravy combination is surprisingly delicious and you will definitely ask for more. Another popular dish is the taro plant purée, which has a strange purple color. This shouldn't surprise you, as purple is the natural color of the plant's tubers. Unpretentious, but delicious, much sweeter than regular mashed potatoes. And one more thing: while vacationing in Hawaii, do not forget to try the roast suckling pig!

Since coconut trees grow almost everywhere in Hawaii, it is not surprising that coconuts themselves (the Hawaiian name is haupia) are often used in the preparation of various types of foods: gelatin, puddings, coconut-filled donuts and much more. You can consume coconut milk fresh or canned.

If you are watching your weight, then in Hawaii you should be especially careful: most dishes are high in calories. There are also many foods high in starch.

There are also many places in Hawaii where you can enjoy cuisines from other countries (China, Japan and Europe).

Unique Hawaiian Lunch

Anything that is eaten on the islands can be found easily on land and in the water around the islands. Since Hawaii is a chain of islands, there are many fish dishes here. Feel free to try fish dishes you don't know the names of (such as mahi mahi, ahi and opakapaka), they all taste good. Vegetarians will delight in the abundance of fruit and vegetable dishes that are delicious.

But the pinnacle of culinary bliss in Hawaii is the luau - a traditional Hawaiian feast, a tribute to the joys of life. Great food is combined with great music here. A traditional luau pir is a little different from a luau held for tourists: it can last for several days, since all the activities, even preparing the place for cooking, are part of the ceremony. But even if the luau lasts only a few hours, this is not a big deal, because, in any case, you will have to plunge into the friendly atmosphere, great local music and enjoy the island food.

Hawaiian cuisine took a long time to develop and today the islands combine different cuisines of the world. The inhabitants of the island took a little from each culture, and made eating food not just a process of satisfying hunger, but a whole wonderful ritual.

How to spend your favorite holiday fun, unusual and at the same time on a budget? It's very simple! Throw a Hawaiian Party! It will take only a few hours to prepare it.

Outfits, entourage for a Hawaiian party.

First, you need to prepare invitations for guests. There are many options for invitations - they can be made in the form of a map of the island of Hawaii, as well as in the form of a fish, a volleyball, beach slippers, and a bikini. Thanks to this, the guests invited by you will feel the atmosphere of hot summer and relaxation.

Clothing for a Hawaiian party should be bright and lightweight. Girls can wear bikinis and hula skirts. It is easy to make such a skirt yourself from ordinary rain. Bright shirts with palm trees and shorts are suitable for young people. On the neck of each party participant must have leis - wreaths of flowers. It is very easy to make lei yourself - buy buds of artificial flowers (for example, red and yellow mallow buds) and put them on the fishing line.

Leis, boas, artificial flowers and palms are suitable for decorating a room. Palm trees can be made to order from balloons.

A good addition would be face make-up or body art. The symbolism is again Hawaiian, you can draw flowers, fish, shells. For this, water-based face painting paints are suitable; you can buy them in specialized stores.

Do not forget about the decoration of the table. When decorating it, it is also better to use flowers, wreaths. Each dish can be given an original name associated with the island of Hawaii.

Large shelves with various fruits look great, they will be an excellent addition to the design and will undoubtedly be in demand by guests. If a birthday is being celebrated, you can make a congratulatory wreath on the door with the name of the birthday person. It is easy to decorate it with the help of multi-colored decorative umbrellas.

Preparing for a Hawaiian party script.

- "Limbo". A plank is set at a certain height. All players in turn need to go under it, without touching the floor with their hands and other parts of the body. Each time it is necessary to lower the bar lower and lower. The most flexible and courageous wins.

Game "Dance with a coconut". Participants are divided into pairs. Each pair is given a coconut, or its substitute (balloon, ball). The couple needs to dance to Hawaiian tunes without dropping the coconut. The couple who coped with the task better and more original than others wins.

Game "Artist". Each participant is invited to depict a palm tree without hands. They put a sheet of paper on the table, you need to take a marker in your mouth and draw it not only quickly, but also beautifully.

Competition "Mystery". This competition is held with close friends. Each participant is given a sheet on which he must write a little-known fact from his life. The sheets are then collected and mixed. In turn, each participant takes out a piece of paper and tries to find the author.

- "Banana Paradise". Several couples are called, each of them is given a peeled banana, which they take with their teeth from both ends. At the command of the leader, the participants begin to eat a banana. The fastest and most creative pair wins.

An excellent competition called "I never". All the participants in the party sit down at the table and take turns calling a phrase that begins "I never ...". For example: “I have never jumped with a parachute,” “I have never repaired a car,” etc. The task is to name such an option so that other participants will definitely have it! Whoever has done his conceived at least once gets a point. After 3 (or 5.10 - as you prefer) points, the participant leaves the game. The task is to stay in the game.

Wave splash, tall palms, moonlight glare on the water, cocktails, coconuts - what do you associate with a Hawaiian party? If you have been planning to get together with friends for a long time, but do not want the meeting to turn into another dull gatherings, a Hawaiian party is a great idea to organize a truly bright and memorable holiday.

How to organize a Hawaiian party, choose costumes, food and entertainment? Let's figure it out.


During the warmer months, the best solution is, of course, an open-air Hawaiian-style party. It's great if you have the opportunity to arrange a holiday on a sandy beach by the sea or at least a lake. You can also just find a nice clearing and set up a spacious tent on it, scattering pillows on the floor.

Jump wedding

If you expect that the party will drag on until late at night, think about the lighting in advance. To preserve the surroundings, it is better to abandon electric torches and use the light of campfires and torches.

Hawaiian party at home

Even when a blizzard is raging outside the window, you can recreate the atmosphere of a bright beach holiday in your apartment. For a Hawaiian party to be successful at home, you need to think through everything to the smallest detail. And it's better to start with decorating your home.

M&N Party Store

It is not necessary to spend money - you can make almost all decor items with your own hands. Think about what associations you have when you think about these? Surely, one of the first will be long flower garlands. And although fresh flowers are expensive, you can make them yourself from paper (like origami) or buy some artificial twigs. These garlands - leis - should be hung around the house, as well as put on the guests who come around the neck, saying the joyful greeting “Aloha!”.

Parties and picnics
Tip: If you decide to celebrate a birthday Hawaiian party style, be sure to decorate the birthday boy's chair with a garland of flowers.

Another important attribute is vases and baskets with fresh exotic fruits. No Hawaiian party is complete without coconuts, pineapples, oranges, and other citrus fruits. You can also place some flowers next to the fruit and light small tea candles.

Baby and breakfast

It's just great if you have a few glass vases or aquariums at home. They can be filled with water, fresh flowers or sand.

Let's celebrate!

Hawaiian Party Costumes

When drawing invitations, be sure to remind your guests of the dress code. For a Hawaiian party to be truly atmospheric, everyone must be dressed appropriately.


Taking into account the fact that you have to be transported to a sunny beach, one of the main elements of any outfit will be. It is better to choose something bright, juicy shades. You can choose an original skirt and hair ornaments for it.

Aim For Awesome

By the way, you can also make a skirt for a holiday with your own hands. Cut the satin ribbon into pieces of the desired length and sew them in a circle to the wide elastic band that will be at the waist. Skirts made of natural materials - for example, willow branches, will look really cool. The bikini top or top can be adorned with vibrant colors.


All kinds of colorful sundresses, light dresses, short-sleeved shirts and even a beach pareo are also great clothes for a Hawaiian party. Make the most of your imagination.

Scripting a Hawaiian Party

Speaking about how to make a Hawaiian party, it is worth noting that coming up with a script and various entertainment is perhaps the most difficult task.

Happy giraffe
To help guests fully immerse themselves in the atmosphere, start with the traditional “Aloha!” Greeting. Each newcomer should wear a garland of flowers around his neck.

The next stage is, of course, a festive lunch or dinner. Give your guests a chance to enjoy the treats and cocktails, after which you can move on to the entertainment program - dances, games and competitions.

The Barefoot Hawaiian

Hawaiian Party Contests should also be thematic. Here are some ideas you can take note of:

  • One of the most popular entertainment on the islands is the Limbo game. Two people are holding a stick decorated with multi-colored ribbons, and the third is trying to pass under it without losing balance. Each time the stick is lowered lower and lower.
  • Your guests will also love the fun Hawaiian party contests with prizes. To warm up, you can do a little quiz asking Hawaii-related questions. Just be sure to prepare and answer options - you do not want the party to turn into an exam in geography?
  • It's a great idea to do something like Hawaiian forfeits. All participants take turns writing tasks on pieces of paper, and then also taking turns out and performing them. Of course, they should be thematic - for example, perform the national hula dance or make cocktails for all guests.


An adult Hawaiian party scenario can include more romantic entertainment, such as dancing with someone while holding a coconut.

Hawaiian Party Music

It's great if you can set aside some time beforehand and get to know the traditional music of the Hawaiian Islands. Hawaiian party music should be subtle and melodic.


Albums are a great option for the background. Jack de Mello - Steel Guitar Magic Hawaiian Style(1994) and Kana King & His Hawaiians - The music of Hawaii.

Hawaiian menu

The basis of the festive table, of course, will be fresh fruits. Your guests will be able to eat them at any time during the entire party. It is also better to serve something light for dinner:

  • oven-baked chicken (previously the meat can be marinated in soy sauce or fruit juice);
  • Hawaiian pineapple, butter and ham sandwiches;
  • from crab sticks;
  • sausage and cheese cuts;
  • assorted fruits and vegetables with skewers.

Holiday Idea

Particular attention should be paid to the selection of cocktails. Be sure to use the drink of real pirates - rum. It can be mixed with orange and grapefruit juice, coca-cola, coconut cream.

What drink

An integral part of the Hawaiian birthday party is the birthday cake. An ice cream cake garnished with fresh fruit pieces is best.

It is quite easy to organize a birthday or New Year in the style of "Aloha State", and such a celebration will bring a lot of pleasure. And, of course, one of the highlights of such a holiday is Hawaiian cocktails. Their composition and preparation methods will be discussed below.

A place

Ideal for a Hawaiian-style party outdoors. A great place for this is the beach. However, a perky holiday will be successful in the country, and even in the apartment. In the latter case, guests will not be able to swim or light a fire, and the rest of the pleasures and entertainment of improvised Hawaii are at their service (of course, if the owner takes care of this). It's still more fun at the dacha, especially if there is a pool or a river flows nearby. Here you can cook a barbecue, and pour each other with a hose or water pistols.

In a word, for a Hawaiian party, the main thing is not the place, but the mood and surroundings. Garlands of flowers, exotic fruits, shells - everything that reminds of the sea and the sun is suitable for decorating a room. And don't forget about the music! Correctly selected compositions will create an atmosphere of sunny islands even in the middle of an apartment in a snow-covered city. Or maybe there is a master of the ukulele among your friends? Then he will definitely become the soul of the party.

A few words about the menu

Hawaiian cocktails, the recipes of which are offered below, will not do without "company". The principle of making the menu is that food should be light. Fruits, vegetables and seafood are the main ingredients for the table. Of course, you can cook traditional salads, but disguised as Hawaiian food. However, it is better to give up mayonnaise and heavy dishes, after which it is very difficult to dance.

Fruit salads and a variety of canapes go well with a Hawaiian-style party. vegetable kebabs, barbecue, ice cream - great options for the holiday. Food should delight not only the tongue, but also the eyes. Bunches of bananas, weighty pineapples can be both food and decoration.

Hawaiian alcoholic cocktails

No adult party is complete without alcohol. However, it is not enough just to buy the usual alcoholic drinks and arrange glasses. Not every alcohol is suitable for every occasion. And at a Hawaiian party, strong drinks are not only a means to relax and have fun, but also part of the entourage.

Party-appropriate cocktails mix liqueurs, fruit juices and various syrups. Glasses are often garnished with pineapple or orange slices. Hawaiian party cocktails can easily become a permanent part of the holiday cuisine.

Blue Hawaii

The main drink at such a party is undoubtedly the Blue Hawaii cocktail. It is based on the Blue Curacao liqueur. Its unique aroma is created by notes of orange peel, cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg. Changing the rest of the ingredients creates new Hawaiian cocktails. Here is the composition of the drink, close to the original, based on 4 servings:

  • a glass of cold orange juice;
  • half a glass of Blue Curosao liqueur;
  • half a glass of light rum;
  • half a glass of coconut milk;
  • ice - about 4 glasses.

All ingredients are mixed in a shaker and the finished cocktail is poured into glasses. When serving, the drink should be garnished with pineapple slices.

Variants and history

Vodka is often added to Blue Hawaii. Rum goes well with Blue Curosao. Coconut milk can be substituted for liqueur or even cream. In the vastness of the network, there are many variations of the recipe.

The author of the cocktail is Harry Yee, a Hawaiian bartender. The drink was first mixed in now distant 1957. In fact, the popularity and culture of Tiki began with him. Before the invention of the cocktail, the resort was considered accessible only to the very wealthy.

"Mai Tai"

Another favorite Hawaiian cocktail is called Mai Tai. Its history dates back to 1944. Place of invention - Oakland (California). The drink got its unusual name, as they say, thanks to the guests from the island of Tahiti. “Mai tai roa ae,” they said after tasting the cocktail. This expression is translated as "not of this world." Since then, the name has stuck.

For cooking you will need:

  • dark rum - 40 ml;
  • light rum - 20 ml;
  • orange liqueur - 15 ml;
  • almond syrup - 15 ml;
  • lime juice - 10 ml.

The ingredients are mixed with a shaker and poured into tall glasses, garnished with lime zest, mint and a pineapple wedge. The drink is best served with a straw.


Two types of rum are present in another recipe. The Hula Hula cocktail is distinguished by its bright greenish-yellow color - it will be an excellent company for the Blue Hawaii.

Ingredients for two servings:

  • rum, light and dark, 30 ml each;
  • lemon juice - 30 ml;
  • sugar syrup - 30 ml;
  • passion fruit juice - 50 ml;
  • kiwi and carambola to taste.

The shaker mixes rum, juices and syrup. Ice, crushed kiwi slices are spread on the bottom of the glass, all this is poured with liquid. The drink is garnished with kiwi and carambola slices and served with a straw.

"Lava flow"

The vibrant Hawaiian cocktails described above will only benefit from being next door to another companion. A drink called "Lava Stream" will perfectly fit into the company.
For cooking you need:

  • rum - 45 ml;
  • coconut syrup - 30 ml;
  • pineapple juice - 60 ml;
  • strawberry puree - 45 ml;
  • some ice cream or vanilla milk;
  • ice - 0.5 cups.

All ingredients are mixed in a shaker except for mashed potatoes. The cocktail is poured into glasses and decorated with strawberry mass.

Drinks at the children's party

If the holiday is being held excluded. However, this does not prevent guests from fully enjoying the spirit of Hawaii. Replacing alcoholic drinks is easy enough. One of the options is Hawaiian Cocktail tea, which includes hibiscus, orange peel, rose hips, apple, strawberry pieces and other ingredients. The unusual taste is just right for such a holiday. It can be served in tall glasses, decorated with pieces of fruit.

A variety of smoothies will work as well. Bright and aromatic mixes and juices from fresh fruits will bring a lot of pleasure to both children and adults. And it's not worth talking about the health benefits. If you connect your imagination, you can even find a replacement for Blue Hawaii.

In short, organizing an Aloha-style party is not difficult. You won't even have to work on the costumes for a long time: a hula skirt or shorts, bikinis, colorful T-shirts for children. Drinks, be it a Hawaiian cocktail with alcohol or fresh juices, as well as the menu in general, are made up of fairly simple ingredients. By the way, if there was no shaker at hand, do not despair. It can be replaced with a plastic bottle or glass jar. In a container, Hawaiian cocktails are mixed, and then carefully, so as not to get ice and large pieces of pulp, are poured into glasses. The main thing is not to replace the shaker with a blender or mixer: these devices will create drinks that are completely different in consistency and taste. In them, the ice is crushed and dilutes the main composition, the cocktail becomes less saturated. However, fascinating contests and games, dances and an atmosphere of unrestrained fun are unlikely to notice such a trifle.