Charitable project Dmitry Komarov and Andre Tana. Dmitry Komarov "Peace insicon": biography, personal life, photo personal life Dmitry Komarova

Charitable project Dmitry Komarov and Andre Tana. Dmitry Komarov
Charitable project Dmitry Komarov and Andre Tana. Dmitry Komarov "Peace insicon": biography, personal life, photo personal life Dmitry Komarova

Charitable tandem traveler and designer shows what to do good - just!

On June 13, in one of the metropolitan restaurants, the famous Ukrainian designer Andre Tan and TV presenter, the author of the project "Peace insicon" Dmitry Komarov presented a joint charitable initiative.

Previously, we note that Dmitry Komarov has been supervising its project "Cup of Coffee" for a long time, offering all the not-indulgent people gradually, as they will help to help seriously ill children. The philosophy of the project is simple - not necessarily to spend the charity tools for charity, sometimes enough to abandon the morning from buying coffee and send saved money to the needs of others. And if every time every time each will do, then the necessary amounts for the treatment will be harvested easier.

It was within the framework of the project "Cup of Coffee" Andre Tan and Dmitry Komarov created an original soft toy in the form of a triangular globe.

Dmitry Komarov and Andre Tang during the presentation of a common charitable initiative

Symbolic soft toy costs only 99 UAH

This symbolic gift will be sold on the chain of shops Andre Tana "A.Tan by Andre Tan" in just 99 hryvnia, and all the money from selling toys will be listed on the treatment of kids who helps the project "Coffee Cup".

"We have been creating toys for many years, money from sales to charity. All of them have a triangular shape and this time we also decided not to leave our concept, developing a triangular globe. A toy that projects the world inside out, break templates, non-standard approach To all that surrounds us and raises to the surface, what is so inconvenient to discuss and advertise, "Andre Tang commented on the jointly developed toy.

Andre and Dmitry told that they did not always advertise the fact that many years have been engaged in charity and try to help those who truly need it. It is relying on this experience and a project of Dmitry Komarov "Cup of Coffee" was created.

"Daily come to us dozens of letters with a request for help, and it is very difficult to realize that, unfortunately, we can help not everyone. For the existence of the project" Coffee Cup "we managed to collect about 25 million hryvnia and save not one life. I am happy that there are so many unsolicited people in our country, who realize that it is enough just to abandon something minor and save one, but life, "said Dima Mosarov.

Presentation of charitable initiative Andre Tana and Dmitry Komarova

It is thanks to such projects that you want to believe in miracles and see sincere kindness, which actually is and everyone can become part of it. Create good - just!

Recall, (Zhytomyr region). The girl was brought to Kiev, and it turned out that everything is very bad: chronic kidney disease 5 tbsp., Chronic renal failure 4 tbsp. (Terminal).

Dmitry Konstantinovich Komarov became popular in Russia after entering the channel "Friday" transmission about the journey "The World inside out". After a deafening success, Trevell show "The World inside out" biography and personal life of Dmitry Komarov began to be interested in fans. The TV program has won the title of "Favorite Telepress (2013". Dmitry is a journalist and photographer. The charitable project "Cup of Coffee", within which Dmitry calls to abandon small spending (a cup of coffee on the road to work is chosen symbol, but to give cash to helping needy, helped pay expensive operations to patients with children.

Childhood popular lead

Fans interested in the biography and personal life of Dmitry Komarov the leading "world inside out" know - he comes from Ukraine. Dmitry was born in 1983 in Kiev. Little Dima from early childhood showed the surrounding curiosity, passion for travel and adventure. Simple life since childhood seemed to the star of television boring and gray.

Komarov has a brother and sister. Ukrainian customs implied frequent family gatherings, accompanied by songs and noisy conversations. Musical family, Dima early revealed talents of this character. First of all, parents decided that the boy needs to study at the music school in the piano. Further secondary education in the musical region, Dima did not go, and did not bind his lives with music.

Dima firstborn, like many senior children in the family, really wanted a brother or sister. When the boy turned 6 years old, Mom got pregnant. The ultrasound studies showed that the family would have another son, but during childbirth it turned out that - twins. Komarov simultaneously appeared brother and sister.

Dima felt for journalism Dima in 12 years. The first samples of the pen turned out to be successful. The first articles were published in serious publications along with professional journalists. The future head was fond of photography. Dima decided to build her career on the basis of children's hobbies.

The growth of Dmitry Komarov - 180.

Where did Dmitry Komarov studied?

After graduating from school, in front of the young Dmitry, the question of choosing a profession. After a long reasoning, the young man enters the NTU - the National Transport University. The technical specialty did not interfere with the development of journalistic abilities. Dmitry continues to write articles and publish in various publications.

Successful articles have become a passing ticket to work with a special correspondent of Komsomolskaya Pravda and Izvestia in Ukraine. The specialty of the engineer was not a vocation of Dmitry, in the third year, the NTU decides in parallel to receive additional education at the University of Culture and Arts.

After completing the training, Dmitry received two diplomas: engineer and public relations specialist.

Free time spent actively and traveled a lot. Preferred to visit the zones where there were few tourists. Original culture, unknown routes attracted the lead. He preferred alone, counting, this fact is the main success of self-development. Thus, he could focus on his feelings from new impressions and analyze the feelings without interference. On the trip, he always took Ukraine flag.

Career development of a journalist and leading

The nature of Dmitry Makarova does not tolerate tedious and monotonous work. He attracted a non-corned working day. The career of the leader in the program about travel is ideal for Dmitry temperament.

In travels, he did a lot of photos, improving skills and skill. From the work organized exhibitions and photo reports. By visiting Kenya and Tanzania, Dmitry in 2005 organized the exposition of Africa. Two years later, I submitted to the public the exhibition "Nepal. Year 2064. And two years later - the exposition "Indosutra", after traveling in India.

A journey was made to the book of Records of Ukraine, which lasts 90 days. During this time, the presenter carried out a hiking transition to 20 thousand km. One of the significant events was to obtain permission to shoot a mourning rite on the shore of Ganges. The cremation process first visited a foreign photojournalist.

New Career Tiles - "The World inside out"

The photo fascinated a young man, but not a smaller passion he experienced to travel. During the trips, he received real pleasure from the knowledge of the world, from the possibility of seeing new countries, places and nature, as well as penetrate new cultures. Movement did not always go smoothly, because the guy did not even know where he would spend the night in a particular city. Problems of searching for food and spending the night did not reduce the dust of Komarov and his interest in the world. Dmitry's passion developed rapidly and gradually transferred him to close and friends. As a result, he began to travel not one.

All the adventures of mosquitoes with friends fixed in photographs, but they did not pass the beauty and full of impressions. As a result, the idea was born with a video camera. The first video films pushed Dmitry to create a television transmission. Travel The project was called "The World inside out." Being the creator of the Komarov project, acted as a lead.

The first editions were shown only on Ukrainian television through the channel "1 + 1". The style and atmosphere of the transfer have not changed, but now the mosquitoes are not alone, but with the film crew.

Releases were obtained not only colorful, but also informative. Before each transmission, the presenter was carefully prepared and studied the tradition and the usform, the place that visits. The popularity of the show began to grow after each release. Each release brought not only fans, but also a good income. In Ukraine, Makarov became very popular, soon his fame was transferred to Russia. In the releases most often, the film crew worked in exotic and unreleased by tourists countries.

Dmitry Komarov, thanks to society and good morals, attracts local residents who are glad to frank with him, reveal some secrets of culture and life. Interesting and exciting his programs are obtained, since the experienced lead finds an approach to the authorities and easily gets permits for shooting. In travels, the lead you have to teach tongues to communicate.


Heavy schedule and employment in many projects does not prevent the TV presenter to engage in charitable projects. One such project is the "Cup of Coffee". The idea came to the lead spontaneously, competing sick children, he decided not to sit, folded his arms, and come to the rescue.

With the help of the Internet, Dmitry urged others to abandon the daily cup of coffee, and saved money to send to the needy. At first, the idea was not approved, since many seemed to be funny to translate the amount equal to the cost of coffee mugs, but after a while, the idea was penetrated more and more people. Simple idea turned into a great charity movement.

Personal life of the "most beautiful man"

Dmitry Komarov's biography and personal life of Dmitry Komarov, the leading "world inside out" filled with work. Employment over the project does not leave time on family and loved ones. Not married. Creating your own family for Dmitry is a serious step to which there is not enough time.

In one of the interviews, the host noted that he had in love temperament, but any relationship belongs seriously. Short-term connections are not for it, preferably long-term strong novels. In people, he especially attracts sincerity. And as a true patriot of the country, believes that there is no more beautiful Ukrainian girls in the world.

In travels, he meets girls from different countries and cultures, but believes that to create a strong marriage with a foreigner will not work. In his opinion, finding something common with a woman from another culture is very difficult. In addition, language becomes a serious obstacle in understanding. Specificity of work and permanent employment can be a test for young, so Dmitry needs a special understanding girl. Personal life still remains in second place.

On June 13, in one of the most beautiful restaurants in the capital Atmosfera Restaurant, Ukrainian designer Andre Tan and the famous leading, and journalist Dmitry Komarov over a cup of fragrant coffee, presented a charitable project "Cup of coffee" - # Cascafe, in which the jointly developed soft toy was presented Triangular globe. The toy will be sold on the chain of shops Andre Tana A.Tan by Andre Tan in just 99 hryvnia, and all the money from sales will be listed on the treatment of kids who helps the "Cup of Coffee" project.

"We have been creating toys for many years, money from which they go to charity. All of them have a triangular shape and this time we also decided not to leave our concept, developing a triangular globe. A toy that projects the world inside out, the template breaks, a non-standard approach to everything that surrounds us and raises to the surface that it is so inconvenient to discuss and advertise ", - commented on the jointly developed toy.

Andre and Dmitry told that, despite the fact that they did not always advertise, but for many years they are engaged in charity and try to help those who truly need it. It was, relying on this experience, and a project Dmitry Komarova "Cup of Coffee" was created.

"Dozens of letters come to us every day and is very difficult to realize that, unfortunately, we can help not everyone. For the existence of the project "Cup of coffee", we managed to collect about 25 million hryvnia and save not one life. I am happy that in our country a lot of distinct people who realize that it is enough just to abandon something minor and save, let it, but life ", - talked Dima Mosarov.

It is thanks to such projects that you want to believe in miracles and see sincere kindness, which actually is. And at the same time, everyone can become part of it. Create good - just!

Dmitry Konstantinovich Komarov - a popular journalist and photographer, the author and TV presenter of the Extreme-Travel show "The World inside out" on the Ukrainian channel "1 1" and the All-Russian "Friday!", The winner of the title "Favorite Teleprises-2013" (2nd place among the best TV shows) , winner of the premium "Viva! The most beautiful is 2017. "

It is also known for the creation of a charitable project "Cup of Coffee", as part of which agitates to give up daily small spending such as the purchase of a glass of coffee on the way to work and list this money for the treatment of children. For a year and a half, with the help of subscribers, he managed to pay expensive operations abroad to five children.

The leading "world inside out" is not married. He is entirely given to his project. Excessive employment, passion for the knowledge of the wrongness of exotic countries, frequent and long business trips prevent him from creating his family.

He confessed in an interview that it was very emotional and in love, but the romantic relationship belongs very seriously. He is following the idea of \u200b\u200bshort intrigues, he prefers long-term novels. In communication most of all he appreciates sincerity. In exotic countries, he met a lot of beauties, but the most beautiful girls in the world the Ukrainians consider.

A young man is skeptical of union with foreigners. In his opinion, after a period of Euphoria and Love, only common interests and joint pastime are capable of preserving relationships. But for people who grown on different fairy tales, cartoons and books, absolutely different concepts and values, to understand each other's interests almost impossible. In addition, no matter how well a person did not learn the language of another country, communication with a foreigner will not be able to be as deep as with a compatriot.

Childhood Dmitry.

Dmitry Komarov was born in 1983, his biography began in the capital of Ukraine. His sign of the zodiac is twins, which means that Dima is a free, creative and unpredictable person. This is true! Dmitry since childhood loved adventures, travel, he is such a person who can not just stream at home, engaged in ordinary affairs.

And even the usual mode of operation - from 9 to 17 - Dima also can not tolerate. Therefore, having arranged to work, he immediately warns the authorities to prescribe a non-normalized working day.

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In addition to Dima, there was still a brother and sister, in a noisy Ukrainian family, receptions of guests and songs of the evening were often arranged. Music talent went to the boy from his parents, for this reason he was given to a music school in order to study the game on the piano. However, he did not get a serious musical education.

Dmitry recalled that in his childhood he asked mom with dad to give him brother and sister. When the boy was six years old, Mom decided to fulfill his request.

On the ultrasound, she was predicted to the boy, but the surprise was expected in childbirth: after the boy, the girl was also born. So mom with dad became the parents of charming twins, and Dima, as he asked, received immediately brother and sister.

Later, Dima brought up his brother and sister when the parents left somewhere. He told how the special pedagogical reception "Horse" used: Tedded the skin under the knee, it hurts, but efficiently. Children immediately obeyed thanks to this reception. Also when they started a transitional age, and they did not listen to her older brother, the education measures were already trying.

It was at this age that he began to write his first articles that published in serious publications! Another exciting passion of Dima was photography, he loved to take pictures of all that he saw. Very soon, this passion has become his profession.

"A cup of coffee"

The idea of \u200b\u200bcharity came to Dmitry by chance: he, sitting in social networks, thought about how many children suffer from cancer.

It is impossible to say that this good intention immediately supported, some shy to translate such small amounts. But Dmitry was able to persuade them, and the charitable movement "Cup of Coffee" was formed.

Now Dmitry can already boast of the saved lives of dozens of children! The movement really began to help many to get rid of the deadly disease. Those who gained too much money was shared with those who lacked the operation.

Dmitry Komarov was born on June 17, 1983 in Ukraine in Kiev. Today, this is a very famous journalist and TV presenter, who at the age of 34 reached amazing heights. He is not married and devotes his career all his time. The young leading in demand and is popular on the channel "1 + 1", does not deprive attention, and the Friday canal, where he leads the program "The World inside out." The biography of the journalist Dmitry Komarov is not hidden from the press and his personal life is constantly interested, it is, though secretly secretive, but cute enviable bridegroom, the idol of many girls viewers.

The life of Dmitry Komarov began in Ukraine, where he continued unpredictably develop creatively. According to the sign of the zodiac, he is twins, these people are peculiar to travel and various adventures than Dmitry from childhood, he cannot just sit at home and do something ordinary and homemade. Mosquito man movement and work from morning to evening it does not suit him. Even with employment, a young man immediately warns about the desire to work on non-normalized graphics. In his interview, Dmitry Komarov says that the sofa did not lie for a long time and reading a book is not for him. The desire to constantly change something to the vitality and self-confidence.

Komarov family for him holy

Dmitry Komarov's family is noisy and hospitable, where there is still brother and sister, constantly pass on bright memorable evenings, does not cost any guests. Dmitry's parents took over to music. He graduated from a music school and plays the piano, but in the future it did not go on this path.

As a child, he really wanted his brother and sister, and only when he was 6 years old, the parents decided to respond to his request. Before childbirth, there was not even no prerequisites for the fact that there will be a double replenishment, it became a real surprise.

Dmitry Talented Family and often he had to actively participate in the education of younger children during the departure of his parents. In the upbringing, a variety of measures were taken, which were effective even in the transitional period of growing up. Talent for journalism Dmitry Komarov felt already at the achievement of 12 years. Children in the family turned out to be versatile, sister is engaged in hairdressers, and brother with computer games and their creation.

Dmitry Komarov - Personal Life

Unfortunately, at the moment, Dmitry Komarova's personal life is not yet folded, it is likely that it is connected with the tense and stormy zeal to travel, his work does not yet give a lot of time to think about personal life. About the details man never tells and translates topics for more interesting. Komarov recalls that the first love was at 12 years old and certainly strong enough, since Dima recalls her at all interviews that relate to the past.

The reasons for finding alone are unknown to anyone, but the future wife of Dmitry Komarov will definitely not be deprived of travel. Although he was assigned the title of the most beautiful man, the bachelor life of Dmitry attracts more.

Many people say that Dmitry Komarova's girl threw him before the very filming, saying this by phone. Dmitry Silen Spirit, so it did not affect the set. After participating in the Dance Dance project, Roman with Alexandra Kucherenko is attributed to him, but Dmitry Komarov now does not comment on this, about the girls responds as a thin nature and romantic half of humanity.

Creative career Dmitry Komarova from the very beginning

On a young age, when Dmitry Komarov was 17 years old, he came to the editorial office "Telened" and asked to be taken as a photo compound. In order to start the work of Mom, writing a written permission and since then the life of Dmitry has changed radically. Numerous photos of 2018 confirm his active visit to different countries, Komarov can be called a traveler from birth.

The photo brought him the first income, he shot a lot and supplied the editors with high-quality pictures. He graduated from school and subsequently entered the University of Transport University, although his business that brought positive emotions was already found. They said that it was the parents that preferred this higher education, but Dmitry himself silent about it. After graduating from the University of Youth, at that time he entered Kiev University of Culture and Art, it was he who became an educational institution for interests. For all the time of study, Dmitry Komarov continues to get involved in photography and works in Komsomolskaya Pravda. It is no secret that some articles of mosquito wrote for the "Playboy" and "Ego", three years of his career continued as a journalist "News of Ukraine".

The world inside out

Journey is a real passion for Dmitry, therefore, the marital status remains in the status of "single". From visiting other countries, the young man is enjoyed, getting acquainted with new traditions, enjoys the picturesque nature, beautiful cities. It happened that he came in complete ignorance, and even it was unknown, where he would have to spend the night and what to eat, but when adrenaline in the blood, all this seems secondary things.

Dmitry Komarov The leading world inside out his lively mood was transferred to friends who began to travel with him. Travels allowed to make gorgeous photographs, unique staff of the surrounding nature. Soon all the journeys of Komarov began to shoot on the video and show the whole world. Thoughts and ideas led to the fact that the TV show "The World inside out" with Dmitry Komarov, who conquered the hearts of people who love to travel.

This is a beautiful and mental person who creates interesting news. Accompanied by the film crew, it meets with people, regardless of how nationality they have and who lives, get to the forces even to the very outback. Wherever Dmitry climbed, be it trees or mountains, the camera with the operator is accompanied everywhere. He even got into the book of Records of Ukraine, as it was over India over 20 km. Very soon the project has become popular and profitable, he knows not only in Ukraine, but also in Russia. Nadia Dorofeyev supported his idea of \u200b\u200bhelping children in need of difficult treatment, and in the future they are going to create a big charitable foundation.

Dmitry Komarov's ratio to Russia

The TV presenter tries to stand away from political events and takes only good achievements of different countries of the world, including Russia. Dmitry Komarov prefers, shows the life of a simple person, and not different conflicts. Perhaps something I would like to change, but it is only ordinary.