All German singers. Modern tendencies of German music

All German singers. Modern tendencies of German music
All German singers. Modern tendencies of German music

German musical groups protruding in the style of rock, began to appear in the 70s of the last century. The most notable was Ton Steine \u200b\u200bSchreben and Ihre Kinder. From the soloists allocated Udo Lindenberg.

Inglish or Doych

Previously, existing German rock bands that performed songs preferably in English, gave way to representatives of the new wave, the so-called daughter. This style was distinguished by short singles in the rhythm of rock and roll and blues, executed only in German. The texts were unpleasant, and the compositions did not differ in particular complexity. Thus, the German musical groups of the 70s did not cause much interest among the public, although the musicians had a certain number of fans. It was not always possible to find the right way to success. Much depended on the vocal component, German groups with talented soloists were more attractive for fans. Also appreciated guitarists, masterly owned by the instrument.


It all radically changed when the German groups with a versatile repertoire began to appear, which was included in both Doychok and English-speaking songs. Academicity as a manner of execution moved into the past, and the music of German rock quartets and quintets became more interesting. The musicians quickly understood what to the listeners, and the matter went to the way. Each new album has added popularity and became an incentive for further development. New German rock bands appeared one after another, the beginning of the 80s became the time of their heyday. Popularity contributed to the musical conjuncture of the time when needed new forms of execution.

Famous German groups

Gradually, a community of rock performers was formed in Germany, which consisted of already recognized singers and instrumentalists. German rock bands, the list of which is shown below are the most famous:

  • "Ramstein" (Rammsteein).
  • "Tokyo
  • "Kingdom Come" (Kingdom Come).
  • Darkestrah (Darkestrah).
  • Head Crash.
  • "Disbelief" (DisBelief).
  • "Reamonn" (REAMONN).
  • "Lacrimose" (Lakrimosa).
  • Megacherz (MegaHerz).

Not all German rock bands are given, the list could be continued.

Among the musicians speaking in the style of rock, there are quite a few performers who create work in other genres. German pop groups also enjoy well-deserved popularity in young people. A noticeable performer of pop music is all the same non-sharing parole Lindenberg, which sometimes mixes the rock and pop composition. A good example of the Popsee is a rock band "Scorpons", the composition and professionalism of which allows you to perform music in any style.


One of the most famous rock groups of Germany under the name "Ramstein" was formed in early 1994. The musicians immediately made a choice in favor of the style connecting the male and heavy metal. The scenic image of the group was in the impetus of texts and a variety of scenic shows.

After the anniversary of the 1994 debut disk Herzeleid, the producer demanded the recording exclusively in English, since it demanded that after several attempts "Ramstein" managed to record a number of German songs that entered the Album Motor Music, which had a considerable success. In the future, the group adhered to the repertoire made up of songs in the native language.

In 1995, the first tour of Ramstein tour was held, organized in support of the released album. The audience was amazed by a grand pyrotechnic show that the musicians arranged right on the scene. Thanks to the colorful fireworks, the group has gained unprecedented popularity in a short time. In 1997, almost all singles recorded by the musicians entered the top rating of musical innovations and took the first lists of the list.

The next studio album was released only in 2001, and he was called Mutter. The collection was the most unusual and shock songs created by the Group over all recent times. Thanks to this disk and the next round in his support, "Ramstein" has significantly added fans. Meanwhile, work in the studio continued, and by the decade of the group the first DVD was released, which included all the created clips and concert records.

Another album, published three years later, was called Liebe Ist Alle Da - "Love exists for everyone." The group toured a lot and performed at festivals. In 2011, Ramstein was held a foreign tour in New Zealand, Australia and the South Africa.


Scorpions is a popular German group, performs lyrical ballads and classic was founded fifty years ago, but still considered one of the most popular and revered in Germany and around the world. During the existence of the group, 150 million plates and disks were sold. On the example of the first discs (Virgin Killer, Fly To the Rainbow), we can conclude that the musicians immediately found their own style - melodious vocals and powerful support. A particularly successful album called Animal Magnetism, released in 1980, is over the years of the group's visiting card.

After four years, the Savish Group recorded the Savage Amusement album, which was a great success and took the first places in European chats. In the US, the disk stood on the fifth position.

1989 became the year of the appearance of the most weak album "Scorpons" called Crazy World. At this, the active creative period of the group ended. The new studio album was recorded only eight years later. It was a double disk called Pure Instinct, which for a long time became an irritant for the American government due to alleged immorality. At that time, the German groups preached some discrepancy on stage during performances, and not everyone liked it.

In the first decade of the 21st century, the group "Scorpions" spent a lot of time in Russia. In 2005, the team participated in the celebration of the Millennium Kazan, in 2009 performed in St. Petersburg. The last album was recorded in the 2010th and called Sting In The Tail. Then the farewell tour of the group was held, the final performance took place in September in Donetsk.

Tokio Hotel.

Tokyo Hotel is a relatively young German rock band, founded in 2001. She very quickly gained popularity, and most importantly, it immediately became known all over the world. In September 2007, the team put a record, collecting about 17,000 people in an open platform. Fans carried from the scene on the hands of the soloist of the group, put in the car and raised the car with him.

In 2009, the next album of the group called "Humanoid" was published. On this occasion, a tour of the disk support was organized. The route passed on Malaysia, Singapore and Taiwan.

Contribution to musical culture

Of course, German groups in their diversity are considerable interest for connoisseurs of modern rock. Their repertoire is regularly changing, and Doychoks gradually becomes part of the world musical culture.

what German performers are popular in Germany, but are not popular in Russia? And got the best answer

Answer from ???? [Guru]
In the 1990s, such genres such as Rock, Punk Rock and Hevi Metal were popular in Germany. German groups of that time are known far beyond the country, for example, in Russia, Rammstein (Rammstein) scored specially popular. But there were other rock bands that did not have a big army of fans around the world, but they all definitely contributed to the development of the German rock music. Rosenstolz and Die Prinzen - representatives of pop rock, Beatsteaks - Punk rock and alternatives, the performers in mixed genres, for example: Sportfreunde Stiller - Indi-Rock, Mia Group - German Rock and Pop, Oomph! - Industrial Metal and EBM (Electronic Body Music).
But on a par with rock in Germany, a Hip-Hop genre was developed, the German Rap blew up the public in 1992 by the hit "Die DA" recorded in Stuttgart by the Die Fantastischen Vier group. And everything began in the 80s, graffiti, break dance and all that.
Definitely dominant style in this country, you can call German electronic music. We all know the name Paul Van Dike. And one of the first groups that recorded music completely on electronic equipment was the Kraftwerk group, since 1970 they produce albums, straightly real Mammoths of the German scene. Germans are among the most advanced in this direction. Die Liste der Deutschen Gruppen:
German pop music:
1. Young performers and groups of Germany (2005/2006):
Joy Denalane.
Sportfreunde Stiller
Virginia Jetzt!
Wir Sind Helden.
Tokio Hotel (Download on our website Tokio Hotel - Schrei.mp3)
2. Proven successful German and Austrian performers and groups:
Die Prinzen (download on our website clip Die Prinzen - Deutschland.avi)
Die Ärzte (Download on our website Compositions with Text - Die Aerzte Der Graf, Rabell)
Die 3. Generation
Falco Und link (download on our website Composition with Text - Falco - Jeanny)
Die Fantastischen Vier.
Die Sterne.
Die Toten Hosen.
Dieter Thomas Kuhn.
Fettes Brot.
Fünf Sterne Deluxe.
Goethes Erben.
Guildo Horn.
Herbert Groenemeyer.
Jule Neigel Band
Nina Hagen.
Münchner Freiheit.
Peter Maffay.
Rodgau Monotones
Udo Jürgens.
Wolf Maahn.
Xavier Naidoo.
Yvonne Catterfeld.
Die Flippers.

Answer from Irina Church[active]
Simple and understandable: Tokyo Hotel. I hate and do not listen

Answer from ^ (O, O) ^[guru]
A lot of such. As already noted, mainly in electronic music.
Two more solid groups, in Strict Confidence and Yelworc, which appeared in the late 1980s in Germany, for a long time in Russia remained well-known in very narrow circles of fans of electro-indistial. Both groups have existed for more than 20 years (Yelworc seems to be broken after 2008), but we started them more "massively" listen only in the late 1990s
Of the younger groups, only now we have the popularity of the overall Agonoize group as a whole, began to come to Russia more often, but again, they are mostly lovers of the respective genres. From a similar area become more popular, including us, the groups of Centhron, X-RX - they have a more dance, club, but dancing under such music - the prerogative of cyberpreges, so these groups are mainly popular with them.
In general, German Electronic Underground is still interesting mainly to confident lovers. Even German rock and metal performers are on average are more famous.

Answer from Elena Mights[newcomer]
Dieter is painful Popular Pts. I advise)

Answer from 3 response[guru]

Currently, German music is highly appreciated worldwide. Germany is known to the musicians who were born here and turned the whole world with their work. But a few decades ago, those who sang in German, society did not perceive as serious. Today, residents of Germany proudly can listen to the best German music in absolutely in all genres on their native language.

In German modern music there are several directions:

Hings: Music of the 60s-70s - world famous German songs of popular artists. Among them, Wolfgang Petry (Wolfgang Petry) and Mariono Rosenberg.

New German Wave or Noye Doiteche Vella (NDW, Neue Deutsche Welle) allowed to become famous Nena (NENA); Peter Schlling; Hubert Kahu (Hubert Kah); Group "Ideal" (IDEAL).

German classical music Play: Reinhard May (Reinhard MEY); Konstantin WECKER and Max Raabe (Max Raabe) - a musician serving the first German pop group Die Comedian Harmonists (Die Comedian Harmonistis, 1938-1929), which broke up in 1935.

Representatives of punk directions: "Toten Hosen); "Erzte" (Arzte); Kraftwerk (Kraftwerke) and Nina Hagen (Nina Hagen) - playing punk music, singer made a lot of new in the cultural life of Germany. Her piercing, the sublime vocals excites imagination.

Hip-hop rapper: "Fantastischen Vier" - "Fantastic Four"); "Tick-so" (TC TAC TOE); "Fünf House party" (Fünf Haus Party - "Five home parties"); "Di Stern" (Die Sterne - "Stars").

Legendary techno and electro musicians:

  • Sven Fat (Sven Vath) - Born in Frankfurt Dj Jay and Producer, who became a popular star. The German and international techno movement of techno was greatly influenced on the feet. And so far in Ibiza, the musician is playing a technoot.
  • Klaus Schulze (Klaus Schulze) - his musical career began, being drummer. But soon he began to engage in electronic music, which continues to do and so far. Schulza is considered a pioneer of electronic music. Unlike his colleagues, he resorted to meditative music and epic sound collages.
  • D.A.F. Party (D.A. PARTEI) is a group focused on electronic music, is considered a model in electric and techno genres. 30 years ago, the group began his creative path called D.A.F., playing mostly punk music and minimally electronic tracks.
  • Kraftwerk (Kraftwerk) - musicians from Dusseldorf, the first to add synthesizer sounds to the German pop music of numerous musical generations and thereby creating a new idea. They changed the face of music forever and are still very popular in Germany.
  • DJ "Bobo" (DJ Bobo);
  • Blumhelen (Blümchen - "Flowers").

Rock, Pop, Metal and their brightest representatives:

  • "Tokyo wanted" (Tokio Hotel) is a famous German group that gained popularity far beyond the limits of native Magdeburg. Their creativity motivates young people from different countries to study the German language.
  • "Di Krupps" - based in the early 1980s, this group has been holding its position for three decades. Their first album was released in 1981 called Stahlwerksinfonie ("Stalversinfoni").
  • "Creator" (Kreator) is a group with some satanic elements, unusual vocals playing metal style.
  • Frank Farian (Frank Farian) - a singer with a deep voice, whose performances for many decades become hits for many decades. Glory to Farian came in the eighties, then he won Grammy. Initially, his music was ridiculed, but famous hits still fill the dance floors.
  • Scorpions (Scorpions) - bright representatives of German rock, are among the leaders of the top German groups. Conquered popularity in Japan, the group moved to America and for 50 years already with the whole world with his singles.
  • Sodom (Sodom) is one of the most popular German musical groups that have enormous influence on the musical direction of metal, and still remaining at the peak of popularity.
  • "Accept" (Accept) is a group that founded a typical TEVTON metal, popular in the homeland, in North and South America and in Japan.
  • Rammstein (Rammstein) is a group of directions of hard rock, known for its provoking texts and impressive fiery speeches. Gremmi premium owners, group members and to this day are pleased with their fans.

On this list of German groups and performers, of course, does not end. Although the reputation of Germany as an important musical country is based on the names of Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, Handel and Strauss, the performers and musicians of Germany are increasingly occupied by the places on the musical arena not only the country, but also in the world.

Modern tendencies of German music contribute to the involvement of an increasing number of students in the Music Academy of the country to Germany, and music lovers attend a variety of festivals: from the Wagner festival in Bairote to the Donaushingen Festival of Modern Music.

Songs have favorably affect the learning process. Words learn quickly, grammatical designs are remembered on "Hurray!". To speak honestly, to learn the words of the favorite song, do not even have to strain!

In the last article, we told about how to quickly learn German, listening to. Well, in this article we will pass in detail on modern popular music, as well as tell about hip-hop. Go!

Popular music It also is also different because words are usually fairly simple, and the grammar is simple, so if you recently learn German and love light music, then this selection is especially for you!


- German Raper, singer and DJ. Real name Carlo Waibel. Sro was born in Baden-Würtenberg in 1990. The Cro alias is the abbreviated version of its name - Carlo. In addition to music, he also tried himself in writing activities and in design. The singer himself says what executes " Raop. ", That is, a mixture of rap and Popmiski (Rap- und Pop-Musik). If an old-timer of the German musical scene of the Lyindenberg is a distinguishing feature of the image, this sunglasses and a wide-headed hat, the representative of the new generation CRO made his chief a panda mask, behind which his face is not visible. In this mask, the singer performs at concerts, takes off in the clips and even gives an interview. Oh, these star faders!

But, no, in fact, a singer mask is a defense. Cro says that without a mask, he can safely walk through the streets, not afraid to be recognized. "This is useful for my character. If I had no mask, I would probably be otherwise to treat other people, a star disease would appear. Mask is a protective shield. It would not be, I would have to behave like the last scoundrel and to defend it.»

Maxim. Maxim Richarz)
Perfers reggae and pop music. To date, Maxim has already released four albums, and from September 29, the fifth album of the singer will be available. "REPRISE". In one of the interviews, the singer admits that he wanted to be less complaining that for a root German is probably difficult, because, as joking in Germany, Jammern IST Die Erste Deutsche Pflicht. Song of an attempt to drown pain after parting "MEINE SOLDATEN" Received an unexpectedly strong response from the public. Many wrote personal stories to the singer, told about their experiences and thanked the composition that helped survive this difficult time:

And here, in addition to the class track, not just a clip, but a whole gangster movie:

Clueso. (Thomas Hübner)
- Rapper, songwriter and producer from Erfurt. The singer has already managed to publish his first book "CLUESO. Von Und über, "which contains photos, lyrics and artist stories. If at 90, Thomas would get a chance to return to himself either the body, or the mind of himself thirty years old, the singer would give the choice in favor of ... Body! The singer has a very good relationship with his grandfather, who, by the way, is also engaged in music, and is very proud of the grandson's successes. Thomas considers him his friend and always tries to find the time to meet between tours.

Last album "Neuanfang" was released in 2016. In the same year, the artist received 1Live German radio stakes award as the best musician performer.

- Rapper from Berlin with a dark past. From the age of 14, he has already traded drugs, and in the 11th grade they expelled him from the gymnasium. Instead of imprisonment for storing drugs, Bushido went to public works.

The main topics of the first songs of the Raper is a hard life on the outskirts of Berlin, which he knew not to be obscured, trade in drugs and weapons. Since 2008, Bushido has begun to do business in real estate. In the same year, the rapper publishes its autobiographical book, which took 1st place in the list of bestsellers at the Book Fair in Frankfurt am Main.

The scandalous reper has repeatedly paid fines for insulting police officers, fights, accused of plagiarism of music by Swedish and French performers, and was also suspected of ties with one mafia clan. 3 wonderful! But terrible and terrible bushido may be different:

Max Giesinger.
- German singer and songwriter. In his first group, MAX was played for 13 years. And after exams in the gymnasium flew to the year on the work program - & - Travel in Australia and the new 3land, where he was a street musician.

The popularity of the singer began with YouTube, where he laid out his cores of famous songs or the composition of his own essay. Upon returning home, Max performed in the German version of the show "Voice," where his coach was the singer Xavier Naidoo, and in which he took 4 place.

In 2014, the singer had to part with his producer and he began a campaign on crowdfunding on his album. Collect funds managed in the first 24 hours! Song "80 Millionen" From the album "Der Junge, Der Rennt" has become Radiochet. In 2016, Max made a new, football version of this song to the World Cup of Football MAX.

Mark Forster.
"Singer and songwriter, born in 1984 in Rhineland Palatz. After successful cooperation with the SIDO reference in 2013, Mark first got into the top ten performers in Germany and Switzerland. After Sido also took part in the song "Au Revoir" In the second album brand "Bauch und Kopf". The song took 2nd place in the German charts and received three gold plates in Germany and platinum status in Switzerland.

Mark never removes video when visiting concerts - it prevents him from enjoying the atmosphere. But at the same time he does not have anything against if his fans during the performance take out smartphones and include the camera mode - the artist perceives it as a kind of "applause".

Andreas Bourani.
Rose in Bavaria in the reception desk, where he hit a few days after his birth and brought up under the new name Stiegelmair. His blood parents, presumably immobally from North Africa, Andreas never knew.

At the beginning of his musical career, the artist returned his last name - Bourani to protect his parents from publicity. The singer earned in the Catholic Church, but later left it and now follows the teachings of the Buddha.

Sido Paul Hartmut WürDig)
- Rapper and actor from Berlin, he, like Bushido, that is still a dark horse. Pseudonym singer means "Super-Intelligentes DROGENOPFER" ("Superintelligent victim of drugs"), which is already talking about many things. Powl's childhood cannot be called prosperous: the future star of the rap scene flew out of the school for drug use, grew up with a single and sister's mother and sister, vagrant in Berlin ghetto inhabited by immigrants.

Sido distinguish provocative, obscene texts. This fully complies with its nature: in 2012 on the ORF show, during a discussion with the reporter of the Austrian Radio Dominique Heinzl, the singer went out of himself, and in the rustling of aggression hit the reporter with a fist in the face, as a result of which he fell. However, here Edward Snowden Sido generously offered shelter in his house.

Helene Fischer.
- Famous on all Germany and abroad, the performer of lumps and pop music, she was born in Siberia in the city of Krasnoyarsk. The family of Helena belonged to the Milk Germans, which in 1941 were exiled to Siberia. In 1988, when Helene was 4 years old, Fisher's family moved to Germany as "German immigrants." Already in Germany Helena graduated from the private music school Stage & Musical School, and in 2005 he made his debut at one of the Ard programs. Since 2011, the singer leads the annual Christmas show "Die Helene Fischer Show"where the German singers and actors and world celebrities are playing. In the spring of this year, the eighth studio album of the singer "Helene Fischer".

- The German electro-pop group was founded in 2003. Duet chose such a name in honor of the novel of the same name Gesse "Game in Beads».

The group released three albums. By the way, the participants of the Carolin Niemczyk duet and Daniel Grunetberg confessed that they are partners not only on stage, but also in life. In numerous interviews, artists were tired of fighting back from questions about the wedding, and meanwhile, they recognize that it is not easy to combine work and a joint life. Therefore, even in tours, the guys are trying to allocate time "for themselves", take a walk in a new city alone or with other participants in the tour, sit down at different places on the bus - in general, relax each other.

Caroline is engaged in the household in a pair, and Daniel turns better with money, but he also hangs longer on the phone. Caroline dreams of going around the whole world with a backpack behind his back, she believes that it will be useful to look at the world through the eyes of other people, learn how they live.

Fettes Brot.
- Hip-Hop Group of Hamburg Wills since 1992 and during this time released six studio albums, on her account such popular hits like "Nordisch by Nature", "Jein" and "Emanuela", and also this group received many prestigious music awards (MTV Europe Music Awards, Echo and COMET).

Die Fantastischen Vier.
- Old-timers of German hip-hop, though, already from Stuttgart.
The group is one of the most famous in the German-speaking hip-hop. Popularity to the group came after the release of the song Die DA.which ranked first in Austria's charts and Switzerland, and in Germany - second place. The participants of the group were voiced by penguins in German versions of Madagascar and Madagascar-2 cartoons.

And if you have your favorite performers, then write in the comments.

Natalia Hametshina, Deutsch Online

In this article we tried to collect and describe the best German performers and popular German groups. Choose what you like, listen and sink, while studying German

1. Bushido.

Anis Mohamed Yusuf Ferchichi was born in Bonn on September 28, 1978. His father was Tunisian (Anis for the first time saw him when he was 26 years old), and Mother - German. The future singer grew up in the Tempelhof region of West Berlin. He left the gymnasium in the eleventh grade. Subsequently, a criminal case for vandalism and storage of drugs was opened against him. The judge suggested Anisa: either he goes to prison, either practiced as a painter lacquer. During the practice, Anis became acquainted with the future partner of "Aggro Berlin" - Fler (Patrick Losensky). He also engaged in graffiti under the pseudonym FUCHS.

His albums earned platinum status in Germany, making it the most successful rapper in Germany.
The album, "7" was released on August 31, 2007 in Germany. On August 24, "7" already has 100,000 copies sold in Germany, which made it gold.
In 2008, Bushido released his own biography, the book immediately became a bestseller in Germany. In 2009, he issued an audience.
In the summer of 2009, Aggro Berlin broke up, which was a hostile label. Subsequently, a participant in the former label and an old friend Bushido, Fler, came out of Aggro Berlin and came up with his friend. September 11 released Collabo-Album Carlo Cokxxx Nutten II Premium Edition
February 4, 2010 in Germany's cinemas showed the autobiographical film "Zeiten Ändern Dich", which became the biggest success in the Bushido career.

2. OOMPH group!

The small music festival of the 1989th year of the city of Wolfsburg gave the life of a popular German group with an unusual, but at the same time simple and uncomplicated name Oomph! ("OOMPH!" \u200b\u200bTranslated from English - Charm, a liveliness, sexuality, drive.) It was then that three musicians met: Dero, Crap and Flyux.

Now OOMPH! - Stars of world famous festivals. They divided the scene with Marilyn Manson, Skunk Anasie, Him. Even the first lady of the German Punk Rock Nina Hagen considered it for honor to sign up with them! Such corneans of the industrial genre, like Rammstein and Megaharz, openly recognize the influence of OOMPH! on your creativity.

3. Rammstein.

Rammstein is a German metal group formed in January 1994 in Berlin. The musical style of the group refers to the genre of Industrial-Metal (specifically, its German stage of Neue Deutsche Härte). The main features of the group's creativity: a specific rhythm in which most of the compositions are withstanding, and the empty texts of the songs. Special fame of the group was brought by stage performances, often accompanied by the use of pyrotechnics who received recognition in the musical environment.

4. Tim Bendzko.

June 17, 2010 Tim released his debut album Wenn Worte Meine Sprache Wären (Rus. "If the words were my tongue"). The album has reached the fourth line in German music charts, and one of his singles, Nur Noch Kurz Die Welt Retten (Rus. "Only quickly save the world"), released on May 27, 2010, the second line. In total, more than 300,000 copies of the album were sold, he received platinum status.


The history of the group Die Ärzte began with two people: Jan Ulrich Max Max Fetter (Dirk Felsenheimer), later known as Farin Urlaub and Bela B. Previously, they played in the Soylent Grün group, named after the Soylent movie Green and founded back in 1979. However, in 1982 the group broke down and soon appeared DIE ÄRZTE.

Sahnie (Hans Runge) joined these two guys, and at the end of 1982 the newly-made team played the first concert. In 1983, winning a music competition, they made their first records - Zu Schön, Um Wahr Zu Sein! And Uns GEHT "S Prima ...

6. Tokio Hotel.

Twins Bill Kaulitz (Born September 1, 1989) and Tom Kaulitz (Tom Kaulitz) (Born 10 minutes earlier) began their views from 9 years.

After the speech in their hometown of Magdeburg in 2001, Tom and Bill met with Gustav Schhefer (born on September 8, 1988) and Georg Listing (GEORG LISTING) (Born March 31, 1987). Their similar musical preferences led to the creation of the group "Devilish".
Bill Kaulitz as a soloist took part in the TV show "Star Search" (analogue of the Russian "Star Factory"), where she came to the quarterfinal with the song The Weather Girls "It's Raining Man" (the participation of groups was not provided). Thanks to the participation in the show, the leader of the group managed to get acquainted with the musical producer of Peter Hoffmann. In 2003, after a meeting with him, the group signed a contract with an internal Universal Music division in Hamburg. Now they become known as "Tokio Hotel". The reference to Japan also corresponded to the image of performers, imitating the Japanese subculture of Visual Kei. In addition, he invited Dave Rota and David Josta to the group, experienced songwriters. Later to the team joins another producer Pat Genzner.

In some of their songs, the group affects acute social problems, such as: addiction (songs "Stich Ins Gluck", "on the edge"), orphanhood (songs "VergeSene Kinder", "Forgotten Children"), suicide (Spring Nicht songs , "DON'T JUMP")
Most of the Tokio Hotel texts are written in German.

7. Die Toten Hosen

According to the "Home" Legend, the German punk group Die Toten Hosen was born thanks to ... the most ordinary pizza! This happened in a distant eighty-thieves year, when Campino and Andi, future legendary German punk musicians, and then newcomers and the most real friends, besides large pizza lovers, decided to book this very pizza by phone. By calling the local delivery service, the guys began to wait a peddler of this calorie and tasty Italian dish. When he arrived, Campino and Andi had a pretty jerked, invited a guy to divide the meal. He, without thinking, agreed. As a result, the gatherings pumped into a kind of "apartment" - a home concert. As it turned out, pizza peddler played a guitar well. Today, the whole world knows him like Kuddela - the famous guitarist Die Toten Hosen. So, from pizza, and the history of one of the most famous punk groups of Germany and the world began.

The group actively stands for the anti-fascist movement, often calls on its concerts to combat racism and nationalism. The members of the group support Greenpeace and anti-global campaigns, oppose NPPs and the use of fur for clothing. Many songs condemn a negative attitude to foreigners, lack of political and environmental understanding.
Die Toten Hosen are patriots of their hometown. In the late 80s, the group donated 200,000 DM Fortun Düsseldorf Football Club to buy a player Anthony Baffoe. Also, the group concluded a contract with local brewery "Diebels" and supports the Youth team "Fortune" from revenue, which is now wearing a group on T-shirts. Members of the group want to be buried in Düsseldorf and therefore have now booked the graves in the southern cemetery of the city.

8. Lafee.

Christina Klein (HRISTINA KLEIN; December 9, 1990, Aachen), known as Lafee - German pop rock singer. Translated from French LA "FEE means" Fairy ". The first single of Lafee" Virus "(" Virus ") from her debut album was released in 2006. Lafee from the very beginning career was supported by the magazines" BRAVO "and SENER'S VIVA. Virus reached 14 places in the German and Austrian charts. And its second single "Prinzesschen" ("Princess") reached 11 places in German charts. "Was IST DAS?" ("What is it?") And "Mitternacht" ("midnight") also occupied positions in charts.
In 2009, the singer left his group and took up the solo career. The musicians who spent with her under the name Lafee meaning the name of the group on Tief (it deeply) and began working with a new vocalist Jan Wall.

9. Annett Louisan.

Annette Luizan (Him. Annett Louisan, real name Annette PEG) - German singer. Born on April 2, 1977 in Hafelberg.

Up to 13, Annette lived with his grandfather and grandmother in Shenhouse on the Elbe, and then, together with his mother moved to Hamburg. Here she began to attend the highest school of arts.

Luisan's pseudonym girl borrowed from her grandmother Louise. Fame came to Annette after the release of her chanson song "Das Spiel". The text to her wrote Frank Ramon, music - Hardy Kaiser and Mattias Hass. The debut album "Boheme", released in 2004, six weeks after his premiere received the status of gold, and in nine - and platinum. But that's not all. "Boheme" called the fastest flattening album in the history of the German music industry. Tickets for concerts instantly turned out to be bought. The tour, appointed for the spring of 2005, included 25 German cities (including Frankfurt, Hamburg, Munich and Berlin) and passed more than successfully.

The second disc of the performer called "UnausgesProchen" saw the light in 2005 and had all the best traditions of the French-German chanson. Luizan used such popular music styles as Waltz, Tango and Bossa Nova here. The album lasted in the German National Chart more than 50 weeks. Spring and autumn 2006 passed in countless tour.

Annette Luizan performed the title song "Der Kleine Unterschied" for the German comedy "Why men never listen to, and women do not know how to park." As a result, the composition entered the soundtrack to the film, recorded by James Last, and in the third album of the Singer itself "Das Optimale Leben". After the release of the next Solnik, Annette Luizan went to his third tour.

10. Fettes Brot.

German hip-hop Group from Hamburg, formed in 1992, after the collapse of the Poets of Peeze group. The team released six studio albums and many singles, some of which fell into the top ten songs in the German charts. Their most famous works include hits like "Nordisch by Nature", "Jain" and "Emanuela". Fettes Brot were repeatedly awarded such premiums as MTV Europe Music Awards, Echo and Comet.

The name of the group is translated from German literally as "fat bread". It was chosen by musicians after one of the first performances, when one fan made them a compliment, calling their show "Fettes Brot" (Slang. Fett - "Great"). An unusual expression so they liked that they decided to call the group with these words, refusing from the initially planned "Boris und Die Herzbuben"

11. Heino.

Heino is a German singer who is famous for his baritone and its blond hair in combination with dark sunglasses. Born in 1938.

In January 2013, Heino released a new album Mit Freundlichen Grüßen, consisting of 12 cover versions of the popular German songs of Peter Fox Die Lärzte, Rammstein and others. The album took the upper line of the German charts and received a golden disc for over 100 thousand sales.

12. Max Raabe.

Max Raabe is not exactly the usual German singer - the foster, the troll-parody, constraints other people's famous hits in the manner of the 20s-30s of the twentieth century.

Fame acquired after execution of the Kein Schwein RUFT MICH AN number. The combination of cabaretal and retro-chanson motifs of the twentieth-thirties of the last century, the image of the noble don of the soloist, its several uprouted species, "meowing" vocal and ambiguously joking text caused a completely serious cognitive dissonance from the public, and the lifelong song was unattachedly cleaned the answering machines, and telephone Company Burlili and were raised.

13. Nena.

Néna (real name Gabriele Kerner, it. Gabriele Susanne Kerner; born. March 24, 1960, Breckerfeld) - German singer and actress, representative Neue Deutsche Welle, and the eponymous group that existed in 1981-1987, which solired Gabriele Kerner. After the collapse of the group Gabriele, Kerner continued the solo career under the name Nena (from P. Niña - Little Girl).