Dancing graces - lose weight with the help of oriental dances. Dance Aerobics - Best Training for Your Body Beauty

Dancing graces - lose weight with the help of oriental dances. Dance Aerobics - Best Training for Your Body Beauty
Dancing graces - lose weight with the help of oriental dances. Dance Aerobics - Best Training for Your Body Beauty

Dancing for weight loss - the choice of those who want to burn overweight and increase the life tone of the body. If we consider dancing like one of the fines directions, it is worth noting the useful cardion load, synchronized work of various muscle groups during musical training.

Regular dance training is especially recommended for those who are just beginning to attach their body to sports. Experienced athletes dancing will help to relax compounds strength training Muscles.

The advantages of dancing like a means to lose weight

1. Select dance direction In the soul, you can be sure that it will work out to work efficiently even watch training.

2. In the evening (after the working day), dance classes are much easier than, for example, step aerobics or power training.

3. Dances directly affect the development of a positive attitude towards everything around, help significantly increase self-esteem.

"For many people, dancing become a long-awaited impulse for new achievements."

4. Ability to spend training at home - there are on the Internet great amount Free video clocks.

5. Developing a sense of rhythm and having learned the basic dance movesYou can feel more comfortable and confident, even if your body has not yet gained perfect proportions.

Fitness club or home training?

Not all newcomers are decided to visit a group dance occupation. Seeing its flaws of the figure, women are afraid that their movements will look ridiculous or ridiculous. In this case, the domestic training will be some preparatory stage For "entering light".

In order for the dancing classes to give a rapid result, it is necessary to give them at forty-sixty minutes two or three times a week. As we said, your home coach is waiting for you in one of numerous video tutorials. It is recommended to engage in such a sequence: repeat dance movements several times, looking at the video user, then try to complete the lesson, looking at yourself in the mirror.

"After a couple of weeks you can perform dance movements without a video message, create your own combinations from them using your favorite music for training."

When you feel that we have mastered the world of music and movements, you should sign up for group classes with a fitness trainer so that your undertaking will receive proper development.

Dancing for weight loss at home: what to choose?

We recommend trying three main directions that are popular in fitness clubs: latino, belly dance, Zumba . The last dance direction has the greatest efficiency to reduce weight, however, due to high cardionage, people can be contraindicated with obvious overweight. The belly dance and varieties of Latino-American dances are largely affected by low part Torso, and help develop immunity against many female diseases.

Only trying everything on themselves, you can make a final choice in favor of one direction. To spur their own new love To fitness, add training to the game torque. Add to your home for creative attributes dance Style: Decorate the hair with a flower, dancing salsa or bachaty, take a handkerchief, performing the belly dance.

Slimming Dancing: Training Rules

For dance classes The same rules apply as for the rest of the Fints Training:

1) Training is allowed no earlier than 1.5 hours after meals. Feed on the day of workout follows protein food and vegetables;

2) after the classes should wait a couple of hours before eating again;

3) the use of natural power engineers is welcomed - coffee without sugar per hour before training, green tea;

4) Pay special attention to shoes. If a dynamic training is assumed - a step-dance or zombie, - the shoes must provide steady smooth step, Insurance from the dislocation of ankle.

Dancing for slimming at home - alternative to fitness for creative personalities.

Today we will talk about how you can use dancing for weight loss at home. What dance is better to choose for independent studyAs well as how effective such classes are effective for gaining harmfulness and well-being.

The dance is considered ancient art. Yet primitive people Through the television transferred joy, sorrow, expressed their desires. Dances celebrated everything essential moments In life: Birth and death, war and truce, healing of patients. Rhythmic movements praying gods about protection, forgiveness, sunlight, rain and fertility.

Modern women use dance as a means of self-expression, as well as to achieve cherished dream - Sleepiness. Today, various dance practices are one of the most sought-after weight correction systems. Fashionable fitness clubs offer a huge variety of programs, but it is worth it is not suiced. There is an alternative way to gain harmony without spending special means. This classes are dancing at home.

Dancing for losing weight at home is perhaps one of the most pleasant ways to reduce weight, as well as harmonize your own worldship. You can learn to dance using the video or just to start visiting several group lessons.

Slimming plus healing

Specialists Psychologists believe that dancing are best way Slimming. It is determined by the fact that, losing weight with the help of dance movements, it is possible to avoid stress - one of the "pitfalls" of all low-calorie diets. It is precisely because of the nervous tension, breakdown occur, during which devastating raids are performed on their own refrigerator.

Dances significantly improve the mood due to the production of endorphins, occurring during a rhythmic or smooth movement for nice music. Thanks to the dances, it is possible to achieve a significant improvement in blood circulation, the enhancement of lymphatic drainage, as well as the overall acceleration of metabolism, as a result of which the active process is launched.

In addition to great physical formDancing help to liberate, know yourself, find the inner harmony.

In what cases should be done with caution?

Despite the fact that dancing for weight loss houses are shown almost to everyone without exception, before the start of classes, it is still worth considering some recommendations. Dancing, like any other kind physical activitymay have their own contraindications.

  • Dynamic movements are not recommended for pathologies of cardiovascular, respiratory systems, high pressure and some chronic diseases: In these cases, they can provoke exacerbation.
  • Dancing should not be engaged in pregnancy, in the active phase of the menstrual cycle, at high temperature and ailment.
  • Separate types of dances (in particular, Arabic) are not shown when the vertebrae displays, the presence of neoplasms, inflammatory processes, hernias, varicose diseases.
  • Paul Dance is not recommended at the first degree of obesity (when BMI above 32), scoliosis, problems with joints, knee injuries.

Rules for dancing at home

Learn to dance home best in front of the mirror and in proud loneliness.

Now, if you do not have any contraindications, let's consider the basic rules of home dance lessons.

  • A place for dancing for losing weight at home should cause a feeling of inner harmony. Perfect if there is a mirror (or mirrors) in which you can follow your movements.
  • Any external irritants should be excluded: households are better to pay or wait for their voluntary care, turn off the phones, forget about domestic problems.
  • It is necessary to take care of comfortable clothes and shoes in advance. Many are engaged in old well-worn T-shirts and custodial workouts that in the case of dances, softly snaps, undesirable: do not forget that our ancestors used a rhythmic movement to tune in to the energy of the space, and it is unlikely that the cosmic forces will come up with the shower pants. From a more earthly point of view, it must be said that beautiful sexy clothes internally configure the acquisition of an ideal figure that is already half success.
  • Dancing for weight loss at home must be arranged daily (at least 5 times a week). Their duration depends on physical training And it should be from half an hour to an hour. After classes, it is very useful to do stretching exercises.
  • You can not dance after meals - you should wait at least an hour. The same time must pass after classes before the next meal. In order for the weight loss process to go faster, the main focus in the diet, it is necessary to shift the products into rich in fiber and proteins.
  • No need to be discouraged if the first time it does not work: with proper perseverance, the goal will certainly be achieved.

Flamenco, strip-plastic or belly dance - what to choose?

All kinds of dances help to lose weight: you can spin on the pole, choose the incendiary Latin American movements or learn how to dance the belly dance at home - with regular classes, success in any case will be provided.

Preference must be given to single dances. With pair classes, attention is more concentrated on the compliance of the partner's movements and memorizing the sequence of PA, and to reduce weight, the main thing is to focus on the work of certain muscular groups, smoothness of movements, the ability to strain, stretch and relax individual muscles.

What dances choose:

  • Oriental dances normalize metabolic processes, strengthen the muscles of the press, back, shoulders, have a positive impact on the sexual sphere.
  • Latin American rhythms are extremely energetic. Fast movements contribute to burning large number Calories. All muscle groups work.
  • Flamenco increases the muscle tone of the back and legs, improves the heart of the heart.
  • Jazz-Modern - combines R & B movements, break, step. Special dynamics and energy of PA require some preparedness, develop muscle corset and quickly lead the body into shape.
  • Strip-plastic is based on the eastern and Latin elements. Makes all muscle fibers, forming stomach, back, buttocks and legs.
  • Paul Dance contributes to maintaining muscle tone, strengthens them, gives the body more flexibility and plasticity, is an excellent aerobic load.

Of course, what kind of dance choose it depends solely on your temperament, preparation and personal preferences.
But, personally, I recommend starting with a belly dance. Oriental dances form a feminine figure, learn to move smoothly, give the flexibility and beauty of movements. In addition, it is the belly dance that is an ancient practice that reveals the inner energy and the sexual potential of each woman.

About the benefits of belly dance

I will add a few more words about the benefits arab dance. In addition, more and more dreaming to lose weight women prefer to learn to dance the belly dance at home.

Oriental dances are well worked out the figure and benefit feminine health.

East dance is well developing the abdominal press, back, hips, makes the muscles not involved in ordinary life and necessary to fulfill the main role of women - to wear and born the child. This is a great preparation for childbirth, training of rhythmic breathing, which contributes to the development of endorphins.

Experts believe that learn to dance the belly of the house - it means learn to feel yourself a real woman. Smooth, and sometimes energetic, but very erotic movements allow you to reveal the feminine essence, get rid of the inner stiffness.

Arab dance increases the flexibility of bundles, joints, strengthens them, has a positive effect on the spine, eliminates hypertension.

How to master the belly dance yourself?

There are many schools and studios specializing in learning abdominal dance. However, it is quite possible to comprehend it yourself. Eastern dance is not demanding special clothing or accessories and ideal for home development. This is not half a dance for which the sixth or not latino is required, in which you will need special dance shoes at least.

So how to learn the abdominal dance at home? The most important thing is to hold the body in the right position. In eastern movements, this is a fundamental moment, without which the dance cannot be started.


Very effective is quite simple exercise called "Rocking". To correctly execute it, you need to get up on the tiptoe, bring the legs together and bend a little in the knees. After that, a vertical line through the navel is mentally carried out, and you can begin to the rhythm movements of the thighs along the imaginary feature: in the up-down direction, back and forth.

Smile belly

Another exercise that is certainly necessary to perform is a "stomach smile." The initial position - the legs are set slightly wider shoulders, and the body is stretched. We begin sharp movements with a pelvis - it needs to throw up.

Despite the superficial simplicity, it is not possible to master this exercise immediately, but it is necessary: \u200b\u200b"Smile" greatly develops and strengthens the muscles of the press, forming a beautiful flat stomach.

Dance training are noticeably different from ordinary dance lessons. "The first, as a rule, is carried out in a fitness format, that is, dance movements and exercises are performed one after another in non-stop mode," says Alexandra Buyanova, Certified teacher of the directions of Zumba, Contemporary, ballet and others, a teacher of dance and fitness destinations, Yara-Dance Studio dance school network. - In ordinary dancers such a "hurry" no. Due to the movement without stopping (on this principle, the fabric is better saturated with oxygen), blood circulation is accelerated. As a result, many processes are activated in the body, including splitting accumulated fats. "

Are dancing training capable of transforming the body?

Of course. "Dance training is the kind of low-slab aerobics of average intensity," says Elena Ilyuschenko, wy Dance Dance Fitness Direction Lecture Teacher. - Such classes teach the art of moving, develop plastic and endurance, strengthen the cardiovascular system, contribute to weight loss. And of course, dance training involve all major muscle groups in the work. "

"Any dynamic dance training will help effectively get rid of fat deposits and achieve an elegant body with regular training with a duration of 30 to 60 minutes, with a training minimum - 3 lessons per week, - adds Katya Vix, Certified Alex Fitness coach and head of the "School of Proper Nutrition and Fitness Kati Vix". - precisely in this mode is actively burning fat depositsAnd the body becomes strong, hardy and taut. But do not forget about proper nutrition, because it gives 80% of the result. "

And yet ... sometimes dance training are powerless. "They will not help dial muscular weightbecause in class you work only with your own weight, "warns Anastasia Shimanskaya, Personal trainer, Pilates instructor, Stretching and BodyArt Fitness Fitness Lab.

Dancing and training: how to choose a direction?

Focus on your goals (to lose weight, improve posture, work out some particular area), original data (level of physical preparation and health status) and, of course, fitness preferences (what type of workout you like in principle). To make it easier for you to choose classes, we accounted for a simple guide on the most popular types of dance training.

Dance training: Zumba®

Classes of this area have already been firmly prescribed in many fitness clubs around the world. How it happened, we told

What is the essence? Lessons are an energetic mix latin dance and fitness. "Each occupation is built on the principle of interval training, when elements alternate high and low intensity, thanks to which the body becomes more enduring, and without overloads," Alexander Buyanova comments.

For whom? For those who want to lose weight and lead to the muscle tone of the whole body. Does you have "dance experience" or not - no matter. "It is not necessary to worry that coordination will be summed up - the movements are simple here, and workouts are held in the style of parties for the Writing Latin American Rhythms," says Elena Ilyuschenko.

Dance Training: Jazzercise

Choose your kind of dance training and do with pleasure!

As long as it is known, dancing helps bring the body into the form, raise the mood and tone. They affect certain muscle groups (or all at once), removing the "minuses" of the shape. Dances show the grace and refinement, the feeling of rhythm and the ability to hold. But modern women, in view of great employment, lack of means or insecurity, not always able to give preference to special dance studios. The choice stops on dancing for weight loss at home.

Dance weight loss at home

Why choose dancing for slimming at home

  • In addition to the noticeable causes of this choice (less costs, more confidence), others can be seen:
  • The usual setting. You do not need to spend time addictive to new people and the place, everything around us has long been familiar, the person is fully configured on dancing.
  • "IN opening time" No need to change the routine of the day to get into training on time. The schedule of classes is drawn up with itself, its strength and opportunities.
  • "Personal coach. If you have to share your training with other people in the hall, in which the coach also draws attention to the detriment of your development, then learn at home dancing for weight lifts for beginners is more profitable. You can always stop video in the right moment, repeat not to the end of the understood material.

What types of dances are possible for house class

Depending on preferences and desires (what exactly wants to change in the figure) you can choose different types Dance activities:

  1. Belly dance. Ideal for those who want to strengthen the press, to achieve plasticity, beautiful hips and waist, good metabolism.
  2. . Dance helps bring the cardiovascular system and muscles to normal;
    Step. Dance helps in overweight. Mains the muscles of the legs and buttocks.
  3. Strip-Dance. The work of all the muscles immediately. Helps to achieve flexibility, good shape and self-confidence.
  4. Flamenco, latin American dances other.

Dancing video for weight loss at home

Video dance lesson for beginners

Video lesson fitness dance for weight loss

As in any form of exercise, there are contraindications for people with some diseases, which will definitely benefit. Before starting classes, make sure that this species Dances will be safe for you, consult with a specialist.

Also, it is better to remember the following rules:

  • A place for dancing needs to be selected spacious and not in dark colors so that the lesson brought only pleasure.
  • It is advisable to wear sportswear, which will not make movements.
  • Mirrors will not interfere. They are playing important role, giving the opportunity to evaluate the work done by side;
  • It is important to tune in, so it will not hurt to remove extraneous stimuli (phones, computers, TV). If you need something to view the lessons of fitness dancing for weight loss, then only this gadget should be left.
  • It is better not to listen to music through headphones if they interfere with moving.

Fitness dancing for weight loss

It will be good if dancing will be accompanied good nutrition and the correct lifestyle. Also, you should not overstrain and know the measure in classes.

What success can be achieved

If you act according to all the advice, then, doing on the hour, it is realistic to get rid of 500 calories daily, find a good figure and calm, learn to rejoice in trifles and be able to get rid of bad thoughts. Over the week together with proper nutrition You can reset 500-1000 gr. And several see in the waist.

Did you like the article? Save yourself

The desire of any price occupies the thoughts of many. Only here is the "price" can be impressive: a sharp transition to hard can lead to problems of CO. But there are other, more secure ways to bring the figure to the ideal, and our review is devoted to one of them. We learn whether dancing helps and what to remember beginners.

Is it possible to lose weight from the dances?

This is true. Psychologists and at all consider dancing the best weight loss method. The fact is that such classes imply a motor in which extra calories are intensively burned. Everything is simple: more movement - tangible and "reset".

In this case, fat deposits are burned, and increases - the body becomes touched and more relief.
Add here to normalize metabolism and system operation. The result is obvious: regular dance classes are not only "expelled", but they will not give it again.

The emotional side is important: this method is not accompanied, which are often manifested at various. After training, there is a tide of strength, apathy leaves. So breakdowns are excluded, only.

The current rhythm of life is saturated with stress, and many people have the need to "release steam". Dansing is perfectly suitable for such needs: Dancing, we like splashing all the adversity, no hustle close.
One more thing - many weight loss dancing can be safely practicing at home. You will need a free space, a mirror corresponding to and. Well free time: Nothing should distract anything (some have to send households for a walk so as not to interfere).

As you can see, the benefits are obvious, the arguments of "For" are quite weighty, so it remains to choose a specific view that is best suited.

The best types for weight loss

For health purposes, almost all styles are suitable - this will confirm any coach. Although the same mentors suggest that you need to choose from individual species, because the paired dances do not quite fit.
This is true: doing with a partner, you have to "switch" to interact with him, while the guidance of harmony is reduced to the work of certain groups.

Balant ballroom dancing is more pointing to the smoothness of movements, while we need activity. Therefore, to combat weights "surplus" they will not fit.

Before you figure it out, what dances are helping to lose weight quickly, we recall that any of these techniques has the pros, and the shortcomings that need to be remembered. The main thing is not to harm yourself.

It is the strip-plastic. For classes, the pylon and some physical training will be required.
This style Noteworthy in that:

  • Combines cardion loads, Exercises on and at the same time with this also force training. Such universality cannot boast many species.
  • Normalizes blood.
  • Almost all muscle groups are involved. The main burden falls on the feet, back and.
  • The joints come to the tone and strengthen.
  • Literally a few occupations adjust, making a gait soaring.
  • Demands self-confidence. It is no secret that many women have training on the pylon steadyly associated with striptease. It is not: the main emphasis is on the work of the muscles and the execution technique.

Important!Buying shoes for dancing, pick up the products exactly in size. The material often performs soft leather, which is unlucky instantly, and if they are giving a shower just flies.

The first workouts are better to start with a mentor - Paul Dance is complicated for beginners, and the risk of injury is always present. Therefore, you need a person who will explain and show all the elements in practice. Yes, and in some health problems, it is better not to approach the pylon. This applies to diseases such as scoliosis, knees and joints. The initial stage of obesity with BMI in 32 units is also considered to be contraindicated.

This dance saw many - spectacular spectacle. But to master it with all. True, for this you will have to visit a special studio ("put" the technique is unlikely to come out).
Such classes:

  • strengthen legs and hips;
  • align, because the back has to keep smoothly;
  • "Work" with muscles, not leaving the place of fat deposits;
  • normalize breathing;
  • form a sense of rhythm, which perfectly affects;

Did you know?At solo irish dance There is your own set of rules. There are even two organizations (WIDA and CLRG), following the regulations and conducting championships among the pro.

  • having learned the technique and gradually gaining speed in movements, you are actively cleaning unnecessary calories.
In addition, this is an excellent option for creative personalities - even solo dance can be turned into a whole representation.

Picking the "mixture" of elements classic ballet, ballroom dancing, Stepa, break and other styles.

Such a "mix" is distinguished by its energy: all movements are very dynamic and fast to suddenness.
It is attractive in that:

  • he strongly loads almost all muscle groups, which is useful for weight loss;
  • ensures excellent pace of "discharge": up to 1000 kcal / hour;
  • with a gradual "retractation" does not require sports training;
  • it can be mastering at home, freeing more places and familiar with the lessons that are full on the network.
The only thing - between approaches will have to do quite a long break (especially between the first classes). Such a sharp splash of motor activity can "auch" by temporary discomfort, which comes from the undeveloped muscles. Clothing form - wide pants and t-shirts, comfortable shoes without.

Belly dance

Perhaps the first thing that comes to mind when you begin to pick up what dances do to lose weight. It (like other oriental dances) appreciate such effects:

  • strengthening muscles, hips, back and feet passes without honeycomb stretch marks;
  • the skin also comes into tone;
  • the metabolism is improved, the work of the gastrointestinal tract comes to normal, thereby guaranteeing fast weight loss;
  • plastic movements are produced. In addition to aesthetics, there is a medical side here - this is a kind of prevention and treatment of many gynecological diseases.
  • due to moderate loads, you can get rid of 450-500 kcal / hour.

For classes, you need your "entourage" in the form of a special costume. Although you can do and the belt, which is put on trousers or a long skirt.

Did you know?Choreographers allocate about 50 varieties oriental dance. Many of them "in pure form»Made collectively, remotely reminding Irish jig.

Arab dances are very popular, and many are mastering them right at home. But they have their own contraindications. So, from training it is better to refuse to women suffering from, vertebrae shifts, and a different kind of inflammation.

Another energetic style based on quick, hard rhythms. Let's notify immediately - it requires no less physical training than the "power" Paul Dance.
If there is something available, then you can fully experience all the advantages of this dance:

  • sharp movements involve all muscles;
  • high-quality cardion-loading strengthens the heart muscle and "accelerates" the blood, thereby normalizing its composition;
  • foot, hips and buttocks are strengthened, giving the forms of spicy roundness;
  • effective "burning", which is no less than 800 kcal / hour.
Be prepared for the fact that the first will become some shock for the body accustomed to the dimension: to catch at rhythm, it will have to move very actively (literally to).

If there are fears about the cardiovascular system, pick up a calmer style.

Perfect choice for people with good feeling Rhythm. Technically, it is quite complicated, but the choreographer will help "lay the foundations", showing the main movements.
First time you have to repeat all these pa and attaches behind it, but it will be more interesting:

  • the whole body is involved;

Important!Belly dance is mastered, starting with simple movements. Running on tiptoe, legs are driven together and slightly fell in the knees. Then make smooth attacks up and down, forward - back (trying to keep as you can smooth).

  • feet and hips, shoulders and hands work in one rhythm, which creates some difficulties of beginners. This is a kind of coordination training;
  • thick legs lose weight, and more thin becomes relief. This applies to the whole organism - fat is intensively leaving (650 kcal / hour is lost);
  • magnificent posture is produced;
  • muscles coming into tone, "pull up", while the movements become graceful.
From "requisite" you will need resistant heel shoes, elastic top and long wide red skirt - the image is very important for flamenco.

There are plenty of such directions - Mamba, Bachata, Jiv, Rumba, Cha Cha-Cha Chaca and the styles close to them. All of them are united by the fact that energetic movements are based, which are actively reset surplus.
Besides, obvious advantages can be called:

  • excellent emotional background;
  • focus on movement, legs, hips and buttocks. If these zones are worried, then Latina is simply indispensable;

Did you know?Mixing the most characteristic movements of all Latin American styles, three Colombian coaches developed private viewknown as Zumba. He became massive not so long ago (in 2001).

  • all major muscle groups and ligaments are strengthened;
  • availability. Steps and attacks are easy to repeat, having studied several video tutorials. Tests there are no, no special plastic skills required. Such dances seemed to be created for at home.
It remains stocking clothes and shoes. T-shirts, short skirts and shoes with strong lifting will be enough.

For a better effect, you should contact the sports club. There are many of them, and classes are recruited on all the listed styles.
Strictly speaking, dance fitness is the same dances, "diluted" elements and some power exercises that are necessary to maintain form. As a result, calories are burned more active, and the muscles become faster than elastic.

Having come to such a group, you will be under the supervision of a coach who will not only tell you how to perform certain elements, but also will select the appropriate program based on the overall health status.

Do not be afraid to tell about my problems - it will give a specialist full picture and reduce the risks.

Important!In fitness centers offer development individual occupations. They are quite effective, but at the same time, it is expensive - the work of an intelligent coach will cost a round sum.

Special costs for clothing will not need - only comfortable Mike and "Sports", supplemented with light comfortable sneakers.

About clothes and shoes are already said, so we turn to those moments that you need to know, just getting ready for classes:

  • They must be regular and not to cause painful sensations. The first few times can manifest itself, but if the pains do not leave in the future, stop and think about changing the style.
  • There is a dance for each problem zone. Remember that it is impossible to remove the "surplus" strictly on one site - many zones are involved. But you can choose a style that more "beats" at the right place.
  • Make a graph. 3 approaches a week will be effective if the training will last from 40 minutes to 1 hour. More frequent classes (5-6 times) can be carried out at 20-30 minutes.
  • Meal. Do not eat an hour before training and at least one and a half after it. Exceptions are fat and rich in carbohydrates. It is replaced by mention and about such a factor as contraindications. In pursuit of beauty stands soberly calculate the capacity of the body. Dances will not suit women who have problems with heart, vessels, high pressure and breathing, as well as injuries.

    Before starting training, it is better to consult with a doctor, especially if the diseases occur in chronic form.

    Of course, it is not necessary to act if the temperature is "chasing" and alert began. Same it is strictly prohibited and the active phase of the menocycle.

    Now you know what the various dances are useful and what they are. We hope that this information will help you choose the desired style. More positive emotions and bright colors!