Dance games for children's camp, playground, entertainment for children. Dance competitions for adults Dance competitions for a fun company

Dance games for children's camp, playground, entertainment for children.  Dance competitions for adults Dance competitions for a fun company
Dance games for children's camp, playground, entertainment for children. Dance competitions for adults Dance competitions for a fun company

Of course, the last pair wins.

Competition "Cinderella"

Guests are divided into two teams and split into pairs "man + woman". One participant of the competition portrays "Cinderella" - instead of a partner, he is given a mop, with which he must dance. As soon as the presenter turns off the music, couples break up and quickly form again with other partners. “Cinderella” at the same time throws away the mop and grabs the first person to dance, but always a man - a woman and a woman - a man.
The one left without a pair becomes "Cinderella" and dances with a mop until the next melody!

The game of "round dance of nations"

Guests need to be prepared for this entertainment: talk about the traditions and welcoming rituals of the selected countries (or better yet, show them). The essence of the game: demonstrate these movements to each other, and possibly choose some kind of ritual for a corporate corporate greeting.

Participants stand in two circles: in the inner circle they move clockwise while dancing, in the outer circle they move counterclockwise. When the melody ends, the presenter calls out a country aloud, moves are prompted, and the dancers, standing opposite each other, depict the appropriate greeting: -

  • the French are hugging;
  • -Chinese - fold their hands in front of the chest in a prayer gesture;
  • -Norwegians - exchange a strong handshake;
  • -yakuts - rub their noses;
  • -Russian - kiss three times;
  • -Japanese - bow low;
  • - New Guineans - playfully move their eyebrows;
  • -Africans - clap their hands on their hips and grimace with joy.

You can think of other funny gestures, for example, introduce the Martian ritual into the game - turn your backs to each other and shake your hands between your legs. In general, there are no winners in this game, but everyone has fun!

After everyone has danced a lot, you can invite guests to arrange banquet contests for a corporate party.

Do not forget that the winners of any dance competition at the corporate party should receive prizes - albeit inexpensive, but always memorable or funny. Successful corporate party!

Dance contests at a party are a great way to woo the audience and entertain everyone invited. The party should not be limited to a feast, but if the dance floor with glowing balls is still empty, try to get employees off the table with dance contests.

Incendiary dances will add fun to any holiday, be it New Years, March 8 or the company's birthday. Moving to music brings a lot of positive and uplifting. And if a prize is provided for a dance, the dancers turn on competitive excitement.

Balloon dance

If the dancers dropped the ball, tried to hold it with their hands, or it burst, the couple is eliminated from the dance game. The victory is won by the two people who managed to dance the longest.

Do as I do!

Those who wish to dance are invited to the stage and lined up. The host chooses one person to be the soloist. This participant shows the movements to the music, and the rest of the dancers after him must repeat the steps. When the music dies down, the soloist assigns another participant to replace himself.

Round dance of nations

Before the start of the dance part of this fun party competition, the host should talk about the traditions of greeting among different nations. When they meet, the Norwegians shake hands, the French embrace, the Chinese fold their palms as if praying, the Yakuts rub their noses, and the Russians kiss three times.

Guests of the holiday form a circle, and inside it - another one. The two circles should move in different directions to the music. As soon as the melody ends, the presenter says the name of the country, and the participants who are opposite each other should make an appropriate greeting. There are no winners in this game, but everyone can have a lot of fun.

Dance on a sheet of paper

The presenter chooses five couples, whose task is to dance on a piece of Whatman paper. During the pair dance, the participants should not go beyond the sheet. If a "spade" was noticed, the couple is eliminated from the dance competition. When the music ends, the sheet needs to be bent in half and the dance continues in an even smaller area. The most accurate partners who have managed to hold out the longest win.

Dance with a mop

An odd number of people participate in this festive dance game. The two teams must become in male / female order. The one who was left without a pair gets into a mop or some other object.

Music turns on - and everyone starts dancing. As soon as she stops talking, each member changes pairs. The one who danced with a mop drops the tool and grabs the first dancer that comes along. And again, someone is left without a pair, so he will have to dance himself. Spectators and participants of the competition receive a lot of positive emotions during the game.

As the crocodile Gena sang in the Soviet cartoon "Unfortunately, it's a birthday only once a year!"

Buying a cake and inviting guests is only half the battle. To organize a holiday that will be remembered by everyone is what is needed. The atmosphere should not only be solemn, this day should be filled with fun and joy.

Incendiary contests will help to cheer up both the birthday person and his guests.

Fun contests for an adult company

Competitions mean entertainment not only for participants, but also for observers. It is important that people approach tasks with humor and feel relaxed. The host gives an example of how to behave.
A positive attitude, smiles, dances and humor and funny contests are all you need for an unforgettable birthday for adults: friends, family, relatives and colleagues.

"Gifts for guests"

It's not a secret for anyone that the birthday man will be given a lot of gifts. Why not take care of the guests? The "Gifts for Guests" competition is quite fun and interesting. The main thing is that he will leave a present to each participant in memory of this day.

Various gifts are tied to threads. The task of the blindfolded guests is to cut the thread and receive their present.

Required Attributes: small gifts, threads, scissors, blindfolds.

Each guest will receive prizes during participation if they try hard.


Several couples must participate in the competition, who will fight against each other. Opponents will have to get on all fours facing each other. On the backs of the participants, you need to attach the sheets with the words. The opponent's task is to read someone else's inscription and save his own from the gaze of others.

The winner will be the one who completes the task faster. It is strictly forbidden to tear off the palms and knees from the floor. The person who will conduct the competition must enforce the rules and determine the winners.

Required Attributes: a sheet of paper and felt-tip pens with which you can write a word.

As prizes, you can make thematic gifts - a bell, a horseshoe or something like that.

Farm Frenzy

The competition was created for teams with a large number of participants. The minimum number of teams is two. Each team must have at least four players.

Each team gets a name - the name of an animal that usually lives on the farm. It can be pigs, horses, cows, sheep, goats, chickens or pets - cats, dogs. Team members must remember their name and the sound that these animals make.

The presenter will have to blindfold the participants and mix them with each other. The task of each team is to get together faster than others. They can only do this by ear. Everyone should bark or meow. Depending on belonging to a particular team, to make themselves known and find the rest of the participants. The winning team is the one whose players get together faster and take each other's hands.

Required Attributes: thick blindfolds, preferably black.

It is better to choose animal figurines or small soft toys as prizes. You can also give out candy or animal cookies. Low-budget option - "Cow" sweets for the winners.

"Booty dance"

A fun birthday contest "Booty Dance" will cheer up not only the participants, but also the audience. Fun music turns on, and sheets with numbers are distributed to participants. The maximum number of players is ten.

To the music, the participants will have to draw with the fifth point a number that they have come across, constantly repeating it. The winner is the participant whose "dance" will amuse the audience the most.

Required Attributes: sheets of paper on which numbers are written, music that needs to be turned on.

Anything will work as prizes. You can present a diploma to the most dancing priest.


The Obzhorka competition is not low-budget, but worth it. You need to purchase cream cakes equal to the number of participants. A key or any other thing that needs to be found is placed under the bottom of the cake.

The players' hands are tied behind their backs. Their task is to get the thing hidden in the cake with their mouths.

Required Attributes: light cakes (cream or whipped cream), hand bandage.

As a prize, you can give another cake or cake.

"Someone else's thoughts"

This competition was appropriated by many leading weddings and corporate events, as it always goes off with a bang and causes a storm of positive emotions.

The presenter should prepare in advance the cuttings of the songs in Russian. They will reflect the thoughts of the participants. It is best to alternate male vocals with female vocals so as not to get confused.

The presenter holds his palm over the head of one of the guests, the music immediately turns on, and everyone hears “what the participant is thinking”.

Required Attributes: musical cuts with words.

Make sure that the fragments of the songs are selected correctly.

Prizes are not needed, since almost everyone will participate and there is no need to determine the winner.

"With replenishment!"

To participate you need couples: men and women. The goal of this competition is not to find winners, but to amuse the guests.

A man and a woman allegedly find themselves in a situation where they become parents. The newly made daddy really wants to know who was born to him, to ask a lot of questions. You can communicate with your wife only through dense soundproof glass. The woman's task is to answer the man's questions with gestures.

Prizes can be awarded not for victory, but for participation.


It is necessary to involve two girls to participate in the competition. Pre-prepared and already inflated balloons should be scattered around the hall. For each girl, it is best to assign a mentor who will monitor her successes and achievements.

The task of the girls is to burst as many balls as possible to the music, however, it is forbidden to do this with your hands according to the rules of the competition. The winner is the one that bursts more balls in a certain time.

Required Attributes: bandages to tie hands, balloons.

Any trifle can become a prize for the winning girl: hygienic lipstick, hairbrush, mug or plate.

"Congratulations to the birthday boy"

The competition is held for everyone at the table. Each in turn should wish the birthday boy one thing. You cannot repeat yourself.

The participant who says the most congratulations wins. The rest drop out one at a time if they cannot remember something new and original.

"While the match is burning"

While the match is burning, the participant must tell his story of meeting the birthday boy as colorfully as possible. All guests are welcome to participate.

The matches are lit in turn: one goes out, the other lights up. When everyone is in a hurry, stuttering and stuttering can be extremely fun. Or maybe someone will shake up something superfluous? Interesting to listen to and have fun.

"Flying gait"

The birthday man is taken to one end of the hall, and the guests go to the other. Each of the guests is played with a different music to which they must demonstrate their gait.

Heading to the birthday man with a flying gait, the guest's task is to kiss the hero of the occasion and come back. The competition implies maximum attention to the person who will have a birthday, and the musical gait of the participants will cheer everyone up.

"Defective congratulations"

In advance, you need to prepare a lot of postcards on which there are congratulations in verse. The more complex the rhyme, the better.

Each participant is given two sweets, which, according to the rules of the competition, must be placed on both cheeks. The participant's task is to read the congratulation with the expression. The prize will be awarded to the one who will amuse the guests the most.

Chupa-chups is perfect as a prize for participation.

"Poisonous bite"

All participants in the competition are allegedly bitten by a poisonous snake in the leg. Since life is full of fun, they should not despair, but dance.

Dancing participants first learn that their legs are going numb. You cannot move the numb parts of the body, but you need to continue to dance. And so from head to toe. The winner is the one whose dance was the most incendiary in spite of everything.

Incentive prizes and the main present for the victory must be made unequal. For example, for participation - mugs, and for victory - a bottle of champagne.

"Learn by ear"

It's time to check the birthday boy on how well he knows his guests. Voices of loved ones and friends can be recognized from a thousand. Let's try? The birthday boy is turned with his back to the guests.

Each guest calls the name of the hero of the day in turn. You need to find out - whose voice it is. Since the members will change their voices, it will be a lot of fun.

Now do you understand what kind of entertainment will make your birthday unforgettable?

You need to choose your favorite contests in advance. Prepare all required attributes and prizes.

Decide who will run the contests. It is best to choose the funniest person from the whole company who can provoke the people and attract the attention of the public. The birthday will be great if everyone takes part in the games and competitions.

Do not forget to come in a good mood, it will surely be passed on to everyone around you. Give a smile to people and get them in return. The exchange of positive energy will set everyone on the right track.

Follow some simple but helpful tips:

  • Clearly formulate the conditions, explain the tasks to the participants, ask again if they understood you.
  • Write down all competitions on paper. So you will not forget their sequence, what they are, what presentations are prepared for them, as well as the attributes. This will provide convenience to you personally.
  • Don't force people who don't want to participate. Everyone may have their own reasons, perhaps a person is shy, or maybe his mood has not yet reached that high level when he wants to rejoice himself and share this joy, win and be involved in everything.
  • Decide in advance on the budget that will be used to purchase the prizes. It is better to buy more than less. The possibility of leaving someone without a well-deserved prize should not be allowed.
  • Remember to pay attention to the birthday person between each competition. Spice up the evening with jokes, congratulations and dancing.
  • Alternate active and mental competitions, give the participants time to rest. You can first hold a dance, and then a competition at the table.
  • Feel confident when conducting. If the presenter has a fear of speaking, then what can we say about the participants.
  • Support participants and ask observing guests to do so. The unity of the invitees will benefit everyone, especially if not everyone knows each other well.
  • If you have such an opportunity, then participate yourself. You set an example for all guests. Have fun.
  • Praise and thank you for your participation.

No matter how old you are, it is a birthday that remains a favorite at any age. Spend it, coming off the full program, because it is with such bright moments that our life is entertaining and beautiful.

Ditch the rules like "The main thing is not victory - the main thing is participation", go to the end, win, get prizes. They may not be very valuable, but very pleasant. It is with such small victories that big ones begin.

And in conclusion, we invite you to watch the test for real men called "Earth in the window" as well as other fun birthday contests for adults on the video:

Have you ever been to a party where there was no dancing? Yes, without dancing, a holiday is not a holiday. The guests especially want to dance somewhere after 3-4 toasts, when the blood has warmed up. And to help them, and at the same time to have fun. We offer to play dance competitions. For a fun company of people, these contests are definitely suitable. They will play with interest and get maximum pleasure. Take a look and choose the best ones.

The competition is a journey through musical countries.
Each country has its own music. And in each country they dance to their own music in a special way. In this competition, your guests will also dance to the music of different countries. For example, under the Georgian, under the French and under the Polish.
Everything is simple here: certain music turns on and the guests dance. Whoever danced better wins a prize.

By the way!
This competition can be used to meet guests. For example, ask: are there guests with Polish roots in the hall? Or maybe there are those who once had distant ancestors in Poland? There are such? Come out to me to the music! And then the national Polish melody comes on. And you do this with all the guests, just change your words so as not to repeat yourself.

Competition - dance with body parts.
Do not be alarmed, there is nothing criminal here. On the contrary, this is a fun competition and guests will love it.
Couples participate in the competition: a boy and a girl. They dance like a slow dance. But there is one thing, but! - when the song is turned on, they should put their hands to each other in the place about which they are singing in the songs. For example:
- well, where are the pens, well, where are your pens (which means the hands should be on the handles)
- dance Russia, and cry Europe, and I have the best ass (here I put my hands on each other's ass)
There are many songs about body parts. Choose the ones that suit your company.

Competition - repeat after me.
All guests participate in this competition. They stand on one side, and the leader on the other. The presenter makes the first movement to the cheerful and groovy music. Then they all repeat it together. Then the presenter shows the first and second movements. The guests repeat all this to the music. Then the leader repeats the first and second movements and adds the third. And the guests repeat all this to the music. And so on until there are 5-7 dance moves.
After that, the presenter can change and show his movements to his own music.

Competition - characters from films.
We all watch films, and there are heroes in the films. For example, these are: cowboys, macho, bandits, sailors, and so on. Call 4-7 men on the stage. They determine by lot. Who plays what role. The men leave for another room. The music turns on and the hero comes out. If the cowboy song comes on, the cowboy comes out. If a bandit, then a bandit and so on. And they don't just go out, but dance to their own music. After all the dances, ask the rest of the guests to say who played what role. And you will be awarded a prize for the best actor.

Competition - oriental dances.
For the competition you need girls, for example 4-6 girls. They go with you to another room and there they put on oriental clothes: a scarf, a bandage on the face and a band on the waist. An oriental melody turns on and a girl in an oriental dance comes out. After dancing for a minute or two, the girls invite the men to their dance. Those men who agreed go out. During the dances, the girls must quickly pass on their oriental clothes to the men. That is, take off your scarf and tie it to a man and do the same with other details of clothing. When the men are dressed up, the girls leave and the men continue to dance.

Competition - a musical umbrella.
As you may have guessed, you need an umbrella. Attach beautiful pieces of paper to it, on which the names of the dances are written: lezginka, tango, lambada, and so on. Each dance twice. All guests stand in a circle and the music starts. The guests dance and pass the umbrella to each other. As soon as the music stops, then whoever has an umbrella in his hand rips off any one card. And the game continues on. When all the cards are in the hands of the guests. Then the rest sit in their places. And those with cards continue to play. And then you need to find your mate, and dance your dance with her.

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Must be original. You definitely need to come up with some active entertainment, and dance competitions are perfect for this. They help to stir up guests, direct the energy of the most active in the right direction and stir up the most shy ones.

Dance competitions can be collective or individual, take place in the form of a competition or a real dance battle. Also, it can be just collective dances with a leader. And most importantly, to participate in such competitions, it is not at all necessary to be able to dance.

The right moment for the first dance competition is some time after the start of the banquet. First you need to create a certain atmosphere, cheer up the guests and stir them up. Then it will be easier for them to overcome the constraint and enter the dance floor.

Note! Active and calm contests must be alternated. Everything related to dancing is active entertainment, so you shouldn't force guests to dance if they just ran or jumped. But after that it is quite possible to arrange dances.

You should not hold dance competitions on an empty stomach, guests should have at least a little snack. But pulling them out from the table right after tasting hot is not worth it. You can hold contests after appetizers or some time after the main course is served when guests are expecting dessert. Also, a dance competition, collective dance or flash mob can be a worthy end to the holiday.

How to Prepare?

To hold dance competitions at a wedding, you will need the following:

  1. spacious room;
  2. musical equipment and audio recordings;
  3. good lighting.

Choosing songs for competitions is a separate art. It is better to prepare several dozen diverse compositions in advance in order to be able to choose the music for the current mood of the guests. It is necessary to be able to very clearly catch the time interval for turning it on, so that there are no awkward pauses. The music should be answered by someone who knows how to handle the equipment well.... Your best bet is to hire a professional DJ.

Guests should also be given enough space to move freely. You should not carry out such entertainment near the tables with food. There should be at least 3 square meters for dancing. This is enough for a small group of dancing guests.
Dance competitions are selected depending on the size of the room. The more spacious it is, the more opportunities for holding them.

The dance floor must be well lit
... This creates the right atmosphere, because the dance part is always in the spotlight. During dance events, you can turn on disco lights, play with floodlights, or put on a laser show.

Cool contests for guests

There are a huge number of wedding dance competitions. They are selected depending on the following factors:

  1. the age of the invitees;
  2. contingent of those present;
  3. the size of the room;
  4. preferences of guests and young people.

Usually the host takes care of the selection, but the newlyweds themselves can also make suggestions. Here are some variations on original dance competitions.

Dances of the peoples of the world

Several couples are selected from among the guests. They can consist of both those who are in a relationship and complete strangers. Couples are given the task to dance several dances of different peoples of the world. It doesn’t matter that they don’t know how to do it, because that’s the whole point. Music of various nationalities is included: Russian, Caucasian, Gypsy, Spanish, Chinese or Indian.

Peculiarity: couples can dance at the same time to the same music, or each of them is given a separate task.

It is even more fun when special attributes are issued for the competition: national clothes, shoes or hats. After the end of the competition, the winner is determined with the help of applause. Instead of couples, you can also invite individuals, but only when the guests are amused enough.

Pop the balloon

it very active competition, which will especially appeal to young people... It will require several pairs. Balloons are tied to the girls' ankles. The goal is to burst the balls of all opponents with your feet, while connecting your hands with your partner. All this takes place to the accompaniment of cheerful music, laughter and cheering shouts of the guests. It's very funny to watch when everyone in a pair runs in their direction. If a couple disengages their hands, they are eliminated from the competition. The winner is the one who managed to burst all the balls of the opponents.


The more a person participates in such a competition, the more interesting it is. First, everyone starts dancing together, until the host shouts: "Three!" Guests should immediately split into groups of three and continue dancing. Then the host shouts: "Four!" Accordingly, guests should be divided into groups of four.

It can also be fives, sixes, sevens, and so on. Do not split into pairs, otherwise the meaning of the competition will be lost.... After each team of the leader, people who could not unite into a group drop out. At the end, 2-3 people remain, who become the winners.

The most hardy

This is a very simple competition, however, you need to choose the right time for it. It is best to hold it closer to the beginning of the event, when the guests have not yet had time to drink a lot. Couples of strong men and fragile girls are invited to the dance floor. The task of every man is to take the girl in his arms and dance with her to the end of the melody. The one who put the girl down is eliminated. In the end, the most resilient remains.


Only the laziest have not heard about the famous limbo dance. Its essence is that an even rope is pulled in the room, under which a person must pass to the music bending back. You cannot touch the rope. This competition may have a large number of participants, but you should not invite more than 10 people so that the competition does not drag on.

Participants take turns walking under the rope, trying not to touch it. There is only one way to pass - bending back. When everyone has passed under the rope for the first time, it sinks 5 centimeters lower. Now it is much more difficult to walk under it, and the intensity of passions intensifies. Then the rope must be lowered another 5 centimeters, and so on. Each time the participant who touched the rope is eliminated. You should not invite people who have problems with the spine to such a competition.


Up to 15 people can participate in this competition... The presenter invites several guests to the dance floor, who stand in a circle. The first participant takes a hat and puts it on the head of a neighbor, and that one to his neighbor, and this continues until the music ends. Anyone with a hat in their hands is eliminated from the game. They play until only one participant remains, who becomes the winner.

There is also a more interesting option for holding this competition. The participant, in whose hands the hat remains, does not drop out, but approaches the presenter. The facilitator has a list of responsibilities that the losers must fulfill. It can be:

  • the obligation to invite the newlyweds a week after the wedding for tea;
  • come to the newlyweds for a visit with a bottle of cognac;
  • call every hour during the day and say nice words.

You need to put a checkmark in front of the task that you like. Accordingly, each participant in this competition receives his assignment, the list of which is read out at the end by the presenter. Tasks can be any, the main thing is that they are funny, funny, pleasant to perform and in no way offensive.

Body parts

The competition is suitable for the most active guests. Its essence is that you need to dance with separate parts of the body. For example, the presenter asks you to dance with your right hand. The music turns on and all participants begin to dance with only their right hand. Then you can dance with your left foot. After that, you can depict the dance of the head or the right ear. In this competition, the winner is the one in whose address the loudest applause sounded.

I know this dance

For this competition, you need to choose melodies from popular films to which the heroes danced some kind of dance. These films must be widely known. Several guests are invited to the site. The presenter includes music from the film, and you need to repeat the dance as accurately as possible who danced to her. The winner is the one to whom the guests applauded the loudest.

Reference! It's okay if one of the guests did not watch a certain movie, because he can repeat after other guests.

Cheerful performance

For this competition, you need to prepare scenario cards. Several guests are invited to the site, and preferably couples or groups of three. The task of each team is to dance a situation from a famous movie or cartoon... The facilitator distributes task cards and gives the teams time to cook. Everyone dances in turn, and the task of the other guests is to guess what they are trying to portray. There are usually no winners in such a competition, all participants get it.

Dance battle

A very incendiary competition in which a large number of guests can participate, up to all participants in the solemn event. It is better to conduct it at the very beginning of the dance block in order to prepare everyone present for it.... The participants are divided into two teams that compete with each other. For example, men can compete with women.

To the same music, the teams take turns performing a dance. In order to warm up people, the facilitator can show movements to the teams. It is better to use a cut from short excerpts of famous dance hits as musical accompaniment. The main thing is that the melodies are incendiary. After each dance, the presenter announces the winner, who is determined by the applause of the guests not participating in the battle, or the host himself. Of course, all this must be done with jokes, so as not to offend anyone.

What should i avoid?

At different weddings, dance competitions often make the same mistakes. The first and most common of these is to start dancing with an individual competition. If you put a person in the middle of the room, he invariably begins to feel shy.... Other guests feel this as well, and the atmosphere becomes tense. Therefore, it is better to first conduct collective dance competitions, and it is worth calling an individual person to the dance floor only when the presenter has already warmed up the audience enough.

Making older people dance is also not worth it. if they don't want it. Of course, many of them do not mind moving, but if you know that someone has a health problem, be sure to warn the host about this.

Useful video

Of course, besides those listed above, there are many others. You can see some of them in the following video:


Do you need dance competitions at a wedding? Definitely yes. Throw away any doubts if you think guests will be shy or unwilling to participate in such events. A professional toastmaster will be able to pull anyone to the dance floor, this will make the holiday atmosphere even brighter, more cheerful and incendiary. Even if the guests are embarrassed to dance, they will be charged with emotions from others and in the end they will also go out on the dance floor and light up.