Vocal lessons for beginners: free videos to practice at home. Several reasons to start singing now

Vocal lessons for beginners: free videos to practice at home.  Several reasons to start singing now
Vocal lessons for beginners: free videos to practice at home. Several reasons to start singing now

People who are just starting to sing, if they have never done vocals, professional teachers give one important advice: to learn how to sing correctly, you need to learn how to breathe correctly. When life is not about singing or acting, we do not pay any attention to our own breathing, and therefore the advice is somewhat surprising.

However, it quickly passes, it is only necessary long time stretch one note, located, for comfort, approximately in the middle of the vocal range. The air from the lungs quickly ends, and the soloist is forced to "take" breath, that is, take a breath in order to continue the sound. But the performance is not a warm-up, the voice must sound even and beautiful, and for this, the breathing must be long. Video lessons by Elizaveta Bokova will show you how to learn how to sing correctly.

You can watch this awesome post right now, or read up on what's ahead of you first:

What is aperture and how does it help a singer?

To draw more air into the chest and sing loudly is for those who have never had to sing for a long time (professionals sing for hours - literally all day). In fact, the air is not drawn into the chest, but "into the stomach." Didn't you know that? You can consider that one of the main secrets has been revealed to you! Our diaphragm helps us to regulate and consciously hold our breath.

A short excursion into medicine. The diaphragm is a thin but very strong muscle-membrane that sits between the lungs and the digestive tract. The power of sound supply to natural resonators - chest and head - depends on this organ. In addition, the active work of the diaphragm has an overall positive.

Respiratory gymnastics according to Strelnikova

In order to develop and train the diaphragm, the author of the video lesson uses some exercises of the famous vocalist Alexandra Strelnikova, who proposed a unique technique not only for those who want to know how to learn how to sing correctly, but also to cure various diseases. One of them, simple and effective, is done like this:

  • we exhale completely through the mouth;
  • we put our palm on the diaphragm area to control breathing;
  • we begin to rhythmically draw in and relax the stomach from 5 to 10 times, while we do not inhale the air;
  • we try to gradually increase the exercise time to 30-50 seconds.

To learn long breathing will help ... Hands!

In addition to this technique, other exercises that are generally accepted for teaching vocal are used. For example, to learn to feel the diaphragm, holding a quiet whistling or buzzing consonant sound for a long time. The main difficulty is to make it very even and as long as possible.

The third exercise is as follows: we take a breath and begin to pull any vowel sound (for example, uuuu or iiiii). In this case, you need to help yourself to sing ... with your hands! This is an associative method. You need to place your hands in such a way as if the volume of your breathing is concentrated between them. Another association is as if you are holding the ends of the thread and stretching it, and it stretches quite calmly and smoothly.

What else will help you learn to sing correctly?

In addition to developing the strength of the voice and the healing effect, correct breathing with the diaphragm helps to preserve the health of the vocal cords. The sound finds a powerful support in it and works in full force, without overloading the latter and not forcing them to work for "two". However, diction and open, clear pronunciation of sounds, especially vowels, play an important role in singing.

Observing the singing professionals allows you to notice how they open their mouths wide and give voice and sounds. Their eyebrows are raised, their facial muscles are stretched - on the face is the so-called "vocal mask", which helps to raise the palate and get a strong, beautiful sound.

You can learn other secrets of beautiful and professional singing from the rest of the vocal lessons, which are suitable for anyone. You can get these lessons by clicking on this banner:

Summarizing what has been said, it is safe to say that without correct breathing the singer will not be able to sing for a long time (and singing should be easy and pleasant), and it is breathing that is the basic skill in mastering the difficult art of vocal.

In conclusion, we invite you to watch another video lesson on vocals by the same author. The essence and theme are the same - how to learn to sing correctly, but the approach is a little from the other side. If something is not learned the first time, then it's time to get acquainted with the repeated explanation:

We bring to your attention best videos vocal lessons for adults in Russian. They are also suitable for experienced performers. The training exercises were compiled by professional teachers, the vocal master class was recorded in a video format .. Please note: in order to fully master the material, an experienced person's control is required from the outside, so only classes with a teacher will give the maximum benefit.

Learning to sing from scratch - video tutorials:

Why do we need video tutorials for beginners?

The study pop singing presupposes the compulsory mastering of the basic principles of the art of singing. An easy way to learn the basics is to watch video vocal lessons online for free. A person independently chooses video courses for viewing and studying, focusing on the existing voice problems without spending money. After that, it is already easier to draw a conclusion about the need for full-time studies and the direction for development. You can also use our techniques for off-line study, saving the video you like from Youtube, using any program as "video lesson - lesson 1" or under another convenient name.

A vocal video tutorial will help:

  • understand the work of the larynx, ligaments, jaw during the performance of songs;
  • find out what the setting of correct breathing is;
  • make the voice strong, beautiful, deep;
  • study the basic vocal performance techniques;
  • find exercises to expand your vocal range, development ear for music;
  • get rid of clamps;
  • reveal other secrets of vocal techniques.

Benefits of video courses

Video training is beneficial for the following:

  • You can study at a convenient time of the day at home, on the road, on a business trip, in nature. There is a free minute - devote it to watching videos and singing practice;
  • The videos are suitable for children and adults. Separate interesting effective workouts are dedicated to each age;
  • The student independently determines the load. There is a desire, strength, time - you can continue learning, there is a feeling of fatigue - reschedule the learning process;
  • Available form presentations, visual exercises, detailed comments of professionals allow you to successfully master such a complex educational material like video singing lessons.
  • It's free!

Full-time education is always of better quality!

Initial vocal lessons with students.

The initial period of classes with the student, and especially the first lesson, is a very crucial moment for the leader. The fate of further studies often depends on how you manage to conduct the first lesson.

The first lessons are not only educational. They deepen the acquaintance with the student: both with his voice and with his mental makeup. In these lessons, individual traits of the psyche and character are revealed: the student's activity in the classroom, his susceptibility to skills and activities, memory, the ability to collect and retain attention, volitional character traits, such as perseverance and self-confidence.

As a result of such a detailed acquaintance, an individual plan of work with the student is drawn up (along with the education of the general, necessary skills of voice formation, methodological ways of eliminating the negative features of voice formation are also outlined, as well as an individual approach to the student's personality).

Lessons with beginners should be short-term, if possible daily. The voice should be developed at the beginning in the central part of the range, starting from the most favorable sounding vowels on primary sounds, using a moderate voice strength. For the correct organization of work, an examination of the vocal apparatus by a phoniatrist is necessary. A visit to a doctor and his assessment of the structure of the vocal apparatus can be useful in determining the type of voice that is characteristic of this student... Diagnostics of the type of voice is one of the important tasks of the first period of work with a student.

Training sessions you should start by organizing the preconditions for voice formation - with establishing the correct position of the head and body. To do this, it is necessary to ensure that the singer's posture is natural - so that he stands straight without tension, his shoulders apart, his chest slightly lifted and his lower back bent. The head should not be bowed down or thrown back.

Inhalation is directly preceded by voice formation; it largely determines exhalation. If inhalation is carried out with the help of movement (protrusion) of the abdominal wall at rest chest, then the exhalation will occur due to the movements of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles. The same is true with an inhalation taken into the upper chest - exhalation in this case will be carried out mainly by the muscles of this area. The inhalation can be regulated deliberately and therefore special attention should be paid to its organization. After this, it is necessary to achieve a silent and fairly calm inhalation, which is characteristic of the lower-femoral-abdominal breathing.

The next pedagogical task is to organize the desired sound attack. This is usually a soft attack. It is necessary to remember about an individual approach in choosing an attack, depending on the student's voice formation. The main thing is to ensure that the attack is clear, so that the singing person picks up the sound immediately, without "entrances" and overtones, as if "from above". Exercising such an attack can be helped by exercisingstaccato... Taking sound "from above" is associated with the installation of the oropharynx in the half-yawning position.

At the beginning of the training, correctly organized inhalation and attack of the sound are the moments of paramount importance, since they largely determine the character of the sound.

Together with the presentation of the sound, they master the ability to sing, pull the sound in approximately equal sound strength (mezzoforte). Thus, they instill the elementary skills of uniform exhalation, respiratory support and the skill of canted singing based on it. For this purpose, primitive exercises are used.legatoon several nearby sounds.

Already in the first lessons, you need to sharpen auditory attention student to changes in the timbre coloring of the singing sound. First, the student will identify the most common properties of sound, such as rounded and non-rounded sound, the place of its greatest resonance. Then, auditory perception and evaluations will become more and more complex. The student will already be able to determine whether the sound is sufficiently or excessively rounded, how it sounds - in a high or low position, whether it is bright, etc. Along with the appreciation of sound, a critical attitude towards it will also develop.

The ability to hear various features singing sound, critically approach them and recognize by these features how the vocal apparatus works, it is customary to call vocal hearing.

The upbringing of the ability to subtly hear and navigate in singing sound - upbringing of a highly developed vocal hearing - is the main link in the entire educational process.

And from the very beginning, in order to create favorable conditions for vocal skills, the student must first of all be taught to hear himself well, the peculiarities of his sound.

In the initial period, the main auditory criteria are formed, the foundation for the assessment of vocal sound is laid, on which not only vocal and technical, but also art education singer.

Vocal lessons for beginners focus on developing hearing, rhythm and learning the basics musical notation... Only after this does the beginner begin practical exercises, namely breathing, chanting, etc. In this article, you will learn with what distinctive feature and what to expect in general if you are a beginner.

A lot of people who are going to do vocals often postpone going to the studio in a distant box, referring to some circumstances. Often this happens due to self-doubt and fear of taking the first step in an unknown direction. It is worth remembering that vocal lessons are an educational process that turns a beginner into a professional.

Probably, if you are reading this article, then you are just going to study vocals. I am convinced that you were overcome by such thoughts as: what will happen in the first lesson? I will look ridiculous and in general I will have to sing, but I am shy. This is normal, but I hasten to reassure you - you will not sing for a long time. At least if you are studying with professionals who know how to work with beginners.

It should be understood that vocal for beginners, beginners is an area of ​​pedagogy that includes working with various aspects, as the removal of psychological barriers, so the development of musicality and voice training. Vocal studio"singing lessons", located in Moscow, has gathered a wonderful teaching staff with vast experience in teaching vocal for both beginners and established vocalists.

How are the first vocal lessons

As we already know that when you come to the studio you don't have to sing. You may ask, what then are we going to do in singing lessons? Vocals are our natural instrument, and as you know, in order for the instrument to sound, it needs to be infused. Actually, this is what you will do closely and diligently with the teacher.

To begin with, you must complete the compulsory short theoretical course, which will allow you to have general idea about the process of singing, about how to reproduce the correct singing sound what muscles are involved, what sensations you should feel when singing. Also in mandatory vocal lessons for beginners include work on ear, solfeggio and rhythm.

After theory, of course, you move on to practice. Usually, practice begins with vocal breathing, since the very process of singing begins with a sigh. Vocal breathing exercises are enjoyable and often fun. All you need is to breathe intensively and rhythmically forcing your diaphragm to work actively. There are many precautions, including a quick inhalation and a slow exhalation, while the air flow should be evenly distributed throughout the entire exhalation.

Vocal breathing is the base (as is commonly believed), but I would not devote much time to it. After breathing exercises the practice of entering which will begin with specific mooing, or trilling lips with closed mouth the teacher will run you through the notes in order to warm up your ligaments. It should be remembered that, in general, our vocal apparatus is a living organism and you must definitely warm up your vocal cords every time before chanting.

After you have warmed up the vocal chords well, you will start chanting. In the first lessons, these chants will be within one octave. Here the teacher will hear how your hearing is. After that, you will begin to do specific exercises that will help you find a vocal position and direct the flow of air into the resonators.

How soon will I sing in class?

As you know, in order to learn to sing, you need to master singing in the mix and in the head register. It is the head voice that gives rise to both a beautiful, dense bottom of the range, and a "juicy" mixed voice when the head voice and chest voice merge. This is usually in the middle of your range. It is the head voice that is the key to vocal success so the singing lessons instructors spend most of their time finding your head voice and fixing it. It is the upper resonators that will allow you to sing in the entire section of the range in a balanced way without shouts and breakdowns on falsetto.

Until you have mastered the technique of singing in the mixed and head registers, there is no point in singing. You will only fix mistakes and sing low, when you try to sing higher, you will either sing loudly, increasing the pressure on the ligaments, thereby switching to a cry, or completely break into falsetto.

The conclusion can be made based on the above. Only after a while and only after you have acquired and strengthened the skill of singing in the head register, you will have a misquot and a strong balanced chest voice will come up. You will sing freely and connected throughout your range. Only after that you can proceed to the performance of the works. Only when your instrument is tuned in all parts of the range should you switch to singing, this will strengthen your skills and you can work on melismas and riffs, which will give your voice the highest professionalism.

What do they do in a vocal lesson, what are the stages of a vocal lesson? - This question is often asked by readers. Let's talk today about what a vocal lesson is, and what sections - stages a vocal lesson consists of.

Let's start with the fact that the word "vocals" in translation from Italian "voce" means "voice".
We view vocals as technological process artistic singing. Because the art of singing is images and emotions, it is a process in which not only sound, but also a meaningful word is involved.
Each vocalist must be proficient in vocal technique, that is, to freely control his voice. To control the voice, it is necessary to formulate the voice, master various techniques of singing, and then it is already possible to form a stage image and manner of performance.

Voice is a universal instrument, and therefore a vocal lesson is held in an individual form, that is, the teacher works in a lesson with one student. In addition to the teacher, there should also be an accompanist - a person accompanying the student, that is, playing on musical instrument mainly on the piano. Often these functions are combined by the teacher. The reasons are different - a banal saving of hours, that is, money that goes to pay for the work of an accompanist. Or is it a shortage of specialist accompanists.
On the one hand, when the teacher himself plays in the lesson, the time is used optimally - there is no need to explain and set tasks to the accompanist. Especially if the student is engaged pop vocals, and performs the repertoire to the soundtrack. Ideally, there should be both a teacher and an accompanist in the lesson.

And ideally, the student should master in the lesson:
- theory and technique of singing
- a set of vocal and technical exercises for the development of the voice, aimed at developing accurate intonation, expanding the range, mobility and flexibility of the voice
- singing breathing skills
- work on improving articulation and diction
- study the structure of the vocal apparatus, have an idea of singing set, types of sound attacks, about resonators, know the rules of hygiene and voice protection. This is what you should do in a vocal lesson.

The main stage of the vocal lesson

The main stage of the vocal lesson- this is the development of the voice and the mastery of singing breathing.
The first, the main part of the lesson, is devoted to special exercises for developing singing breathing and forming the correct vocal qualities.
After the chants and exercises, work begins on learning the repertoire, which will help in mastering the singing technique. Mastering the repertoire is carried out using backing tracks and live accompaniment.

The repertoire can be divided into three categories:

1 - songs of high difficulty

They differ in a wide range, big amount vocal effects. Performing such a repertoire for a novice vocalist is an impossible task. The desire to sing complex songs is not enough, you need to realistically assess your capabilities. The performance of such a repertoire will cause bewilderment among the audience, to put it mildly, and a teacher who has made a performance of a dubious level will receive criticism from the administration and colleagues. Singing songs of high complexity is not an adequately set goal for a beginner vocalist. Learn - perhaps sing for yourself and your loved ones - please. Your family and friends are loyal to you, and, most likely, the performance will not be criticized. This is what students do music school who are often recruited to perform at class and school events.

The task of the vocal teacher is to correct the performance - to “comb”, “smooth”. This is when the teacher is confronted with the fact - "I will sing such and such a song at school tomorrow ...". Often in a general education school, when compiling concert programs no attention is paid to the correspondence of the repertoire to the age and vocal-technical capabilities of the child who sings adult songs, naturally not understanding the meaning and not being able to convey the character and image of the work. In this case, it is necessary to carry out educational work, explain, convince, look for relevant interesting material.

songs famous performers, which the student likes very much and are close in character and mood. It is better to take such songs as educational material. Songs should be practiced to the maximum - as far as the student's capabilities allow. Again, consider whether to put these songs on show. After all, the songs are famous, and your performance, willingly or unwillingly, will be compared with the performance famous singer... And, most likely, this comparison is not in your favor. It's good if the student's version is better, or at least not worse. And if not?

songs for novice performers, in which you can show your capabilities - vocal, technical and artistic.
Most the best way- search for songs not known a wide range of listeners. This path is long and painstaking. But the teachers know that the search for educational, and even more so, concert and competitive repertoire is a constant work. But a song that matches the age, character, vocal abilities of a student is already a success in itself. It remains only to learn and work to the maximum.

And so, the song chosen for work, and even more so for a concert performance, should:

- to like is required condition!
- have an appropriate range
- match the tonality. (The key can be changed!)
- be without overstated performing complexity
- fit in character, age appropriate

The song is selected. We start working on it. First of all, you need to listen to the working material several times, analyze the vocal nuances, find out the tonality, range, character and content of the song. The words of the song should be written, or better printed on a separate sheet as a poem, dividing the text into lines according to musical phrases, divided into verses and choruses.

Work on the character and content of the song

When working on the character and content of the song, one should
- expressively read the text with logical accents by phrases and sentences.
- to work on the clarity of the pronunciation of consonants at a slow, and then at a moving pace. Learn the text in separate parts, better combined with musical phrases and sentences.
good results can be achieved by pronouncing the text in a chant - recitative. This will help to develop cantilena and singing vowels. After all, we know that only vowel sounds are sung in singing, and consonants are pronounced clearly and shortly.
Do not forget to identify in the song and in each of its parts - verse, sentence, phrase - the culmination - the brightest point in terms of dynamics and intensity of passions. It is useful to sing a song, or better separate parts mentally, controlling the performance with your inner ear.

The following difficulties may arise during execution:
- it is difficult to sing extreme sounds (high or low)
- jumps in the melody
- inaccuracies in intonation
- the melodic line is not convenient for playing
- Difficulty performing very fast or very slow pace... V fast pace the clarity of pronunciation suffers, and in a slow one - defects in singing breathing appear - there is not enough air for a long phrase. The sound on long sounds fades away, is lost semantic load
- unable to convey the character of the song
- I don't like the song

Let's look at the difficulties that arise.

- If it is difficult to sing high or low sounds, you need to identify extreme sounds that sound good for the vocalist and change the key so that the sounds do not go beyond the boundaries of the notes convenient for the vocalist.

- The complexity of the melodic move. The solution to the problem is to choose a melody of a complex melodic move on the instrument, analyze the melody, identify movement, find the tonic and basic sounds of the triad, identify the interrelationships of sounds - that is, involve the knowledge of solfeggio in the work and apply it in practice. Next, you should imagine the movement of the melody and show the progressive movement of the hand. To educate the melody, to play it on the piano as a keepsake. Involve the inner ear in the work - before playing, imagine mentally each sound and combination of sounds.

- Difficulty performing at a fast pace
For a start, we pronounce the text at a slow pace, like a tongue twister, without music. Pronounce clearly and distinctly. We are gradually increasing the pace.
Then, for better consolidation, we sing separate phrases - without accompaniment and phonogram, without playing along on the instrument. Make the pronunciation of the text at a fast pace lightweight with active and mobile articulation. Determine the pivot words and syllables, and pronounce the rest of the text easily, with a desire for the pivot word.

- Can't convey the character of the song
Recommendation - develop your artistic ability, select songs that are close in emotional mood and character.

- Don't like the song
Do not teach her - and the whole solution to the problem. Everyone knows the saying - taste and color ... - be sure to apply it when choosing a program. From the repertoire suggested by the teacher, the student chooses works that he likes. In turn, the students offer songs that they like, and the teacher must analyze the songs for compliance with the student's age and experience - life and vocal, as well as for compliance with vocal and technical capabilities. And then jointly make the right decision - to choose a high-quality repertoire. And start working on the study of the repertoire.

Irina Anischenko