Ways of divination for love at home. Fortune telling at home

Ways of divination for love at home.  Fortune telling at home
Ways of divination for love at home. Fortune telling at home

Since ancient times, girls have been interested in learning about future love or the truth about the real feelings that a young man has for them. Independent fortune telling, which is carried out at home, will help answer relationship questions.

It is quite simple to charm yourself on love, because the assortment of methods using various attributes is huge. Fortune-telling is used for many generations in a row, and they, in turn, reveal the truth and show the right path.

If you are ready to find out the true feelings of your beloved, they will reveal secrets and help you understand the further development of the relationship.

How to guess for love - the preparatory stage

Decide on the purpose of the ritual. If you just want to have fun, no special preparation is required. When you are serious about finding out the future, there are some rules to follow.

  • If you are guessing with your friends, call those who believe in the veracity of the process. There should be no skeptics in the company.
  • Seriously think about whether it is worth carrying out the ceremony, because this is magic, which means it can have certain consequences.
  • Don't invade the future without good reason.
  • Prepare to see honest answers, not always positive ones. If you see something that you don't like, do not dwell on bad information.
  • Follow the rules of fortune-telling, otherwise you can get problems.
  • The most truthful divination on the full moon, however, turning to it for entertainment, there is a risk of causing trouble.

Ways of simple fortune-telling for love at home

There are many types, several of the most common ways will help you find out the truth.

Ritual with a pen and a sheet of paper

One of the simplest and safest is the ritual with a pen and a sheet of paper in a cage.

The method will help you find out what feelings a particular young person is experiencing. The nuance of the ceremony is that left-handers need to write with their right hand, and right-handers, respectively, with their left. In the corner of the sheet, write the name of the beloved, and draw a heart in the center.

Along the contour of the heart, separate whole cells from those that have touched the contour. Cross out whole cells of three, and those that remain will tell you about the result of fortune-telling.

Explanation of the number of cells remaining:

Fortune telling on the thoughts of a beloved using threads

Prepare balls of yarn in five different colors: white, red, blue, green and black. Cut off five small pieces of each color, put them in a small bag or box and say the words: "What I want to know in my dear heart and soul, tell me the whole truth."

After that, take out 5 threads - when all of a different color fell out, the higher powers cannot give an exact answer to the question. When there are two threads of the same color, it means that the predictions will come true at different intervals.

The meaning of colors

Rite of passage for the relationship of the betrothed on playing cards

It is recommended to read odd numbers in the late evenings. Shuffle the deck, slide the cards with your little finger and shift them to the bottom. Each card after the shift will reveal the secret about the feelings of the young person and the further development of the relationship.

☞ Interpretation of the dropped cards

  • Cherva - Symbolizes love
  • Cross - Adversity Coming
  • Tambourine - Joy and happiness
  • Pica - Troubles and troubles
  • 6 - Unexpected news, travel
  • 7 - Fun, entertainment
  • 8 - Discussions of the future
  • 9 - Mutual love
  • 10 - Happy future, plans and dreams
  • Jack - Problems
  • Lady - Rival or ill-wisher
  • King - Chosen One, Chief, Colleague
  • Ace - Strong and stable relationship

Fortune telling on the mirror

Rituals with mirrors are considered the most dangerous and rarely girls decide to carry them out at home.

Fortune-telling is quite simple - put two mirrors opposite each other so that you get a kind of maze of reflections, and light one candle in front of them. Say: "The bridegroom-mummer, come to me for supper." After that, he should appear in the reflection. You need to quickly say: "Chur, me", if you do not have time to do this, misfortune will happen.

Modern fortune telling by phone

Enter any combination of numbers in your phone and dial the number. Next, listen carefully to the voice and phrase that will be answered:

What do you hear?MeaningWhat do you hear?Meaning
Male voiceNew acquaintance in the coming year"Speak"Success in love depends on you
Female voiceIntrigue and envy from rivals"So who is this ?!"Don't be too intrusive
"Yes"No one will refuse in the coming yearLine is busyYour actions will affect the future of your relationship.
"Hello"Implementation of plans and goalsNumber dialed incorrectlyPayback for the mistakes made
"I'm listening"Wait for help from a strong personSilenceNothing serious awaits

Walnut shell prediction

Insert a small candle into half of the shell so that this "boat" does not turn over. Place the shells in a container filled with water. The sooner the candle burns out, the sooner you expect marriage.

How to find out the name of the betrothed?

Leave at midnight at the intersection and ask the first person you meet for his name. This will answer the question about the name of the future groom.

Alternatively, write men's names on small pieces of paper and place them in a small bag or box. After that, mix and take out the first one that comes across - this will be the name of the betrothed. Usually this type of fortune telling is carried out on the night before Christmas.

Fortune telling on a lover using matches

Take two matches, one associate with yourself, and the second with a young man for whom you have sympathy. Set them on fire at the same time while holding them upright. When they are completely burned out, look at their position, it will tell about his attitude towards you.

When conducting a ritual, it is important to follow the rules that will help you get truthful answers.

  • First, choose the right day and time for the ceremony. The ideal time is considered to be evening after about seven o'clock. As for the day - choose any day except Saturday and Sunday, as well as church holidays.
  • It is recommended to charm on the future and love, being alone in an empty room. Do not tell anyone about the ritual, otherwise otherworldly forces may not give truthful answers.
  • When divining, fully concentrate on the process. Turn off all devices that disturb the silence: mobile phone, TV, computer, radio. Close windows and doors tightly to keep the room calm.
  • If you decide on fortune telling, faith will help a beneficial result. Do not guess out of interest, without faith in magic, otherwise you will not get honest answers to the questions asked.

In what cases does the prediction fail?

There are several reasons why fortune-telling turns out to be false.

  • You are still inexperienced and cannot correctly interpret the answer you saw.
  • At the time of the divination, your thoughts were focused on something else.
  • During the ceremony, there was a bad state of health or mood.
  • Your emotional state is unsettled.
  • Fortune telling happens too often.
  • The question is incorrectly asked.

Following the advice described in the article, the result of fortune-telling will certainly be truthful and effective.

The most important thing to remember is that our happiness depends only on us, so do not dwell on the answers received. Listen to your heart and go to your goals and dreams!

New Year's and Christmas fortune-telling has always been of particular interest. And all because of the fact that there is a belief: from January 6 to January 19 and on New Year's Eve, predictions give the most accurate results. Also, such days include a person's birthday and name day.

However, no matter what day you decide to find out your future, it is worth remembering that, opening the curtain of secrecy, you ask for help from higher powers, but what forces will answer you is a separate topic for conversation. Do not be afraid, but many magicians warn that fortune telling at home is possible only if clear rules are followed.

There are a few simple rules to ensure you get the best results.

By following these simple rules, you will get the right result, which you can focus on.

How to become a fortuneteller

First you need to decide whether you want to conduct some kind of rituals all the time or you just need to tell fortunes to yourself and your loved ones for the holidays. If you decide to become a fortune teller, then responsibility for the result falls on your fragile shoulders... And it is completely logical that you are wondering how you can tell fortunes at home. Check out a small part of the practices. You can find the rest yourself. It is better to practice first on yourself, and only then demonstrate your knowledge to friends and family.

Fortune telling options at home

Often, the fair sex wants to know more about the future or current boyfriend. You can, of course, use the services of a professional fortune teller. But is it worth it? This will require money from you and a careful choice of a person who will look into your destiny. Fortune-telling for love at home can be done independently. And the result will be no worse than in a magic salon.

Fortune-telling options:

Fortune-telling for love at home is also recommended to be carried out on mirrors. One of the ways may sound scary, but many who have tried it claim that the result is worth it. To carry out the ceremony, take 3 mirrors, put 2 on the sides and one in front of you (this way you get a kind of mirror corridor), undress completely, sit in front of the mirrors and light a candle. And now wait and watch carefully. Your loved one should appear clearly in the reflection.

Fortune telling at home is one of the most popular methods to open the veil over the secret of the future. From time immemorial, representatives of the beautiful half of humanity have dreamed of learning about what awaits them in life, love. The most common methods of fortune telling were rituals for the betrothed. They were carried out on maps, on paper, and using other objects.

Much has changed since then, but fortune-telling has remained the same: they were passed on from mother to daughter, from grandmother to granddaughter, and so on.

Execution rules

When conducting a fortune-telling ceremony at home, it is very important to follow simple, but at the same time effective rules that make the result true:

  1. the sacrament of the rite.
    It is very important to guess for the future all alone. Regardless of whether the ritual is performed on paper or maps, there should be no one in the room except you. In addition, no one should know about the performance of the ritual, even the closest people. Magic is a sacrament and publicity can negatively affect the result and its truthfulness.
  2. time.
    Special attention should be paid to the time of the fortune-telling. It is best to guess for the future, for love and for the betrothed in the afternoon, in the late afternoon. The ideal time is after seven in the evening.
  3. day of fortune-telling.
    You can conduct a ritual for love on any day, except Sunday and church holidays. It is also not recommended to guess with the ringing of bells.
  4. concentration.
    When performing a ritual for a betrothed or love, you need to fully concentrate on this process. To do this, turn off the phone, radio and TV, close the windows and doors tightly and surrender completely to this process.
  5. belief in ritual.
    You can do the ceremony only if you believe in its effectiveness. This is the only way you can find out the truth. It is not recommended to guess if a person does not believe in magic and does the ritual out of interest.

Following these simple rules, the ceremony at home will turn out to be truthful and effective. You should also pay attention to the details of each individual fortune-telling.

Ritual with a pen and a leaf

Exists great amount rituals that allow you to know the future of a person.

Such rituals are performed both on maps and on paper. Now we will consider the ritual for the love of the betrothed. For it you need a piece of paper in a small cage and a pen.

With your left hand, you need to write the name of the betrothed in the corner of the sheet, and draw a heart with the same hand in the center. Those with the right hand draw with their left hand, left-handers do the opposite.

Now you need to separate all whole cells along the contour of the heart from those that have touched the line-contour of the heart.

  • one cell - the young man loves you and wants to be with you, but it is quite possible that he still cannot admit such feelings to himself. Therefore, you can show a little initiative - and a happy future will noticeably come nearer.
  • two cells - love for you does not live in a guy's heart. Naturally, this can change, but it will take time.
  • no cells. It is quite possible that everything will turn out in the best way for you, but you will need to wait.

Rituals on paper are very simple to perform and even a person ignorant of magic can do such a ritual. And the result of such a magical event is true.

Sometimes love bursts into our lives unexpectedly, and we do not know what to expect from it. Feelings that have arisen in the heart can give rise to a lot of questions, the answers to which are sometimes unrealistic to find without the help of fortune-telling. Fortune-telling for love, which was used in ancient times, can reveal the truth and show us the right path. Are you ready to find out the truth about your loved one? Find out the truth about the feelings that he has for you and the further development of your relationship? Then these five fortune-telling will help you figure it out.

First fortune telling

One of the most ancient, will help you find out the name of the one who has a feeling of love for you. Take a piece of paper and cut it into small strips. On each strip, write the name of someone you think might be in love with you. Then take a bowl of water and glue papers with names around its entire circumference. After that, light a small piece of a candle, place it in a walnut shell (or in any other object that will not sink in water) and run this whole structure in the center of a bowl of water.

To which piece of paper the candle floats up and sets it on fire, the person whose name is written on the piece of paper loves you. In the same way, you can find out the development of relations with your soul mate. Only instead of names on pieces of paper, you need to write events that can occur in your relationship (parting, wedding, birth of a child, etc.).

Second divination

Fortune-telling can answer the question about your relationship and the sincerity of the feelings of your chosen one or chosen one. Take two candles. One candle is you. The other is the person you are interested in. Light your candle with your left hand first, then the candle of your other half. The essence of fortune-telling boils down to how two candles will behave. Watch them burn.

If both candles burn evenly and without cracking, then your relationship will be calm and stable. If your candle begins to crackle or smoke, this is a sign that you will soon change your attitude towards the one you are guessing at. Perhaps you yourself will break up with the person you are interested in. If his candle starts to crackle, then that person does not have strong feelings for you. If both candles burn with a crack and melt, then it will be very difficult for you together. In this case, it is unlikely that you can be together.

Fortune telling on wax

This fortune-telling is one of the most truthful fortune-telling for a loved one. With the help of this fortune-telling, you can get an answer to any question about a relationship and a loved one. To do this, you need to take a candle and a plate of water. Light a candle and wait for the fire to melt the wax at the base of the wick. Then take the candle in your left hand and tilt it over a plate of water. The wax will drip and shapes will form on the surface of the water.

The interpretation of divination with wax, as a rule, takes place on the basis of clear figures formed by drops of wax. These figures can be interpreted independently, it is enough just to show imagination. If the figure on the water is not like anything, then the prediction can be interpreted by the location of wax blots and drops. If you see several drops of approximately the same size, then strong love awaits you. If you saw one big blot on the water, this is a sign of loneliness or unrequited love. If there are several drops and they stuck together in front of your eyes, then this is a harbinger of happiness and mutual understanding in love. If the drops have formed a strip, then you still have to fight for your love. It can also mean checking your relationship for reliability and loyalty.

Finding out your fate, finding out the name of your soulmate and guessing on relationships - such a desire does not leave people alone even in the 21st century. And all because curiosity and the desire to predict events prevail over us. Fortune telling is a great way to satisfy your curiosity. True, it happens that fortune-telling does not always come true. This is because our life is an unpredictable thing, and everything in it can change at any moment. However, most people in our world trust and use them as a reliable source of information. We hope that your fortune-telling will come true and do not forget to press the buttons and

29.07.2013 15:25

From time immemorial, people wanted to know what the future awaited them and resorted to fortune-telling for this. ...

    I tried fortune-telling on the phone for fun. She called, picked up the phone by a young man who was on roaming. He got very angry with me for the expensive call and quickly hung up. And a couple of weeks later he called back and apologized for being rude. We started talking by phone. And this month he comes to meet and on our first real date! This is how it happens!

    Alexandra, wow! Fate! And many do not believe in fortune-telling! I myself really like to guess using a table with numbers, as described here in the first method. It always comes true by the way! It is very interesting now to tell fortunes by phone, by SMS, by the elevator - I will definitely try! Simple and interesting! Thanks! Now I also tried to read fortunes on the keyboard - it turned out just what it is)).

    I am a supporter of traditional fortune-telling, and when I saw this article, at first I did not believe that this happens. Is it possible, having written random names in a Word, hope that this will be the same one? After reading it, I immediately did it and forgot it. And now I am writing a comment here because I was wrong. Well, could it be a coincidence that I chose Polina? We have been meeting for two months. And according to other fortune-telling, it also agrees that she is the one I was waiting for. For example, for this, for love:.

    This is how I met my boyfriend) At the party we were sitting with friends, making fun, sending SMS. And they sent him to a random number. It turned out that he lived almost in a neighboring house and came to our party, after which we had a romantic relationship) Thanks to this fortune-telling, I am very happy)