Star novel: Shakira and Gerard Peak. What is the weight and growth of Shakira, the parameters of the shape, eye color, chest size, biography full Shakira name

Star novel: Shakira and Gerard Peak. What is the weight and growth of Shakira, the parameters of the shape, eye color, chest size, biography full Shakira name
Star novel: Shakira and Gerard Peak. What is the weight and growth of Shakira, the parameters of the shape, eye color, chest size, biography full Shakira name

Shakira, the biography of which an example of a brilliant take-off of Columbia to American Music Olympus, never ceases to delight fans with original creative projects. On the originality of her creativity, the origins of the talent of Shakira, her love story tell me more detailed.

Shakira: Biography singer

The incendiary Shakira in spirit and blood of the daughter of Latin America. It was presented to the world a sultry climate of the northern part of the Caribbean coast, where the native city of the star is located - the port of Barranquilla.

The birth of a daughter in 1977 was looking forward to the merchant jewelry, Levani on the origin of William Shadid and his wife - Nidia Ripoll. Shakira was born in February, the 2nd. She was born under the most creative sign of the zodiac - Aquarius.

Shakira is the only child born in this marriage, but not the only heirs of his father. Loving William consisted of several marriages in which eight different children were born. Thus, Shakira can boast a large number of brothers and sisters in the father's line.

The fact that a unique girl was born in the Samed family, it became clear when Shakira turned a little more than a year. A half-year-old girl with ease mastered the alphabet, and at a three-year-old could easily read the fairy tale. At four, she was already ready for school.

As introductory tests showed, Shakira has unique cognitive abilities: it quickly remembers the information and quickly processes the data. He was talking about a girl-Wunderkind.

Moreover, in four years she began writing poetry. Her first poem was called "Crystal Rose". Therefore, it is not surprising that Shakira song began to compose very early. The first musical composition created by an eight-year-old girl was devoted to the deceased brother. Father, which grows back due to the loss of his son, went for a long six years in sunglasses to hide his sadness. These dark glasses and became a symbol of spiritual pain, which little Shakira told about.

But this is not the only passion for the young Shakira. She was engaged in ballet and oriental dances, had excellent sports indicators, sang in school chore.

Live, cheerful, restless, harmoniously folded, with beautiful appearance, Shakira attracted attention to others. Her talents were noted by the tessary Commission of the show "Long live children!", Where the girl won.

The real singing career of the girl began when she was barely fourteen. The start was given by the representative of Sony Music named Siro Vargas. He contributed to the record and release of the first album of the future megalist "Magia" (Magia). With his exit Shakira found the first fans.

Its popularity was so significant that a sixteen-year-old girl was sent to represent Colombia at the International Festival, held in Chile. She took the third place by performing the author's song Eres.

Soon, young Shakira came out the second collection "Danger" (Peligro). He was not so successful in a commercial plan as the first album, but the reason for this is not as songs, but in the advertising miscalculation. Soon, her first collections began to consider promoalboms.

For some time, Shakira suspends active creative activity, because it is preparing for the end of the elder school. In eighteen, she creates and releases a song collection called "Bare Feet" (Pies Descalzos). The song-hit in it was the composition "Where are you, heart?". The album was very popular in Latin America and actually made the name of a young performer.

Creativity Shakira has unique features: Latin American Folk, the ballad character of the songs are combined with acoustic electronic effects, which creates an absolutely new style direction in pop music.

Songs from the album Pies Descalzos conquered American listeners. He diverged with huge circulations (5 million copies), so he was assigned the status of platinum. For a whole year (until 1997), Shakira tour lasts, during which more than 20 performances took place.

This year was very fruitful, because the singer wrote a lot of new songs. Before you start recording, Shakira at the airport stole a suitcase where there were lyrics and notes of songs. However, this did not stop the creative gust of the girls. It is very quickly restoring and adding new compositions by combining them into the collection with the symbolic name "Where are the thieves?" (Dónde Están Los Ladrones?).

The girl herself sorted the release of this collection and did not lose. He became platinum five times. The first day of sales broke all imaginable records - three hundred thousand copies.

Shakira's successes are marked by American creative associations and the music community. For five years, from 1996 to 2001, a Latin American performer:

  • was named "woman of the year";
  • received the title of "Man of the Year";
  • she was presented with Grammy in the nominations "Best Latin American Album" and "Best Women's Vocal Rock Execution".

In 2001, the performer is taken for creating an international collection. For him, the girl chose the original name - "Laundry" (Laundry Service). It was the first English album in her meeting.

The single to the album Whenever, wherever, which was created under the influence of the music of the Incas (it was used by Charango - a tool resembling lute, and a multi-flute - Flute Pan), made Shakir world famous.

Shakira criticized the fans for giving preference to the American pop manner, leaving authentic folklore melodies. However, the success of the singer did not decrease. She quickly conquers popularity. This disc is also becoming platinum, and Shakira was recognized as the "best performer" (according to MTV Video Music Awards).

Shakira travels in Spain, implementing a number of charitable programs. This activity influenced the creation of a Spanish-speaking music collection Fijación Oral, Vol. 1, separated by the world by four millionth edition. For him, Shakira received four grammy.

A young performer sang some compositions in a duet with Alejandro Sans and Mighel Bose, Annie Lennox, Steve Wander and Asher. But the special delight of the public summoned her duet with Beyonce. They recorded the Single Beautiful Liar to the Albom Beyonce.

Since 2007, Shakira has moved from active work on the stage. Returned to work in 2009, releaseing the SHE Wolf electronic music album. She took part in the American version of the "Voice" show, where he became one of the coaches, created a hymn for Football Mundial, who passed in South Africa.

In 2014, the Sakira nominal album appeared. Shakira, whose clips have repeatedly received prestigious Music Awards Grammy, were a kind of artistic embodiment of her best musical compositions. However, the public has attracted the clip, in which she sang a duet with Rihanna. It was a video series illustrating the main theme of the song CAN't Remember to Forget You.

Shakira is actively engaged in charity. She repeatedly emphasized that his father instilled her feeling of compassion and understanding that successful people were obliged to take care of those who were deprived. Therefore, in 2003, the singer becomes the ambassador of goodwill, participates in AIDS fighting company. Bangladesh and Spain visits charitable shares, as well as the Arab part of Jerusalem.

In 2010-2014 A young woman becomes a member of the initiative group of the White House, whose activity is aimed at creating educational programs for hispanic-speaking Americans. It takes part in the international UN projects, for which he was awarded a prize of the International Labor Organization. For educational activities aimed at combating dependencies, MTV awards to her the reward "Release your mind".

Sensual Shatyr songs, frank and inspirational. She consistently expresses its colorful Latin American cultural principle in musical compositions.

The singer became the first who committed a Latin American breakthrough in music. She made not just listening to her compositions, and listen and worry. The performer itself surprises tranquility and hardworking, cheerfulness and kindness.

Shakira: Personal Life

Personal life Shakira is not less saturated than creative activity. She happened long enough to look for the only one who conquered her heart. On the account of the popular performer a lot of broken hearts.

Her recycling and young people with whom she stayed in a long romantic relationship - successful and independent people who took place in their professional segment.

Shakira novels were repeatedly discussed by Internet communities, since the singer was always extremely sincerely with fans about his personal life. Anticipating the spread of various rumors and gossip, Shakira about heart matters told on her social networking page.

Passionate and incendiary Colombian, who has an unusually attractive female charisma, has always been a masale object. The first officially known her fan is a successful Argentine lawyer and the Son of the former President of Argentina Antonio de La Rua. Shakira met him, barely turned 23 years old.

These romantic relationships were long enough: eleven years of Shakira lived in a civil marriage with Antonio. A representative man not only accompanied Shakira at all secular events, but also engaged in bureaucratic issues of its creative activity.

The singer repeatedly focused on what De La Rua believes, although they did not officially issue relations.

Shakira in 2011 reported that they decided to live with Antonio separately, although later both insisted on what was partitioned even earlier - in 2010.

It would seem that a pair of peacefully, without mutual claims, did not prevent de la Rua two years after the gap, in 2013, to submit to the singer. He demanded monetary compensation (no less - $ 100 million) for taking an active part in the development of a Career of the Columbia Star. The court rejected this claim.

The reason for the separation of Shakira with Antonio has soon opened. In total, the paparazzi began to notice the singer on football matches, in which the Spanish national team participated. Rumors went and were born speculation, which was inappropriate, because the star was still the civilian wife Antonio de La Rua.

Therefore, Shakira after a year after parting with the previous husband placed on social networks their joint with a new boyfriend photo. They were a player of the football team Gerard Peak.

With a young man who was ten years younger than Shakira, the singer got acquainted during the recording of the clip to the football single Waka Waka. Soon they began to meet and live together.

Shakira and peak are not officially married, although they raise two sons. The firstborn parents called Milan (5 years old), and the second child is 3 years old - Sasha. Couple lives in Barcelona.

The peak in 2017 stated that Shakira took the proposal to marry him. Soon there was news that the wedding preparations are underway.

Shakira with the birth of two sons suspended creative activity. This is how she described her motherhood:

I am a mama tigress. I spend a lot of time and energy to be sure: my children actively develop their cognitive, creative and behavioral skills. I am in my life in my life with great passion, so when maternity has become my main job, I started to invest a lot of strength into this part of life. This is a beautiful, delightful, inspirational occupation, but at the same time very extinguishing.

Shakira emphasizes that the children have become the meaning of her life, so creativity has moved into the background, turned into a hobby. She is not a pity to lose the rating, the popularity of which she worked hard from fourteen years, because children demand great attention and its participation in their little lives.

Shakira has already become a legend of a special style direction in the modern musical world - Latin American rock.

Despite the fact that now she is oriented to raise the sons, not going to leave the musical field. Before completing the career, there is still a long way, so it will still have a lot to say the world of music.

Shakira Isabel Mesabara Ripol - the most famous Columbia performer. What is noteworthy, it is one of the most successful Latin American singers on the international pop pop. Shanira songs are characterized by a very unique style of execution. This is a mix of Latino, pop rock and folka. And by themselves, its performances constantly represent entire shows consisting of impressive productions and oriental dances. And although she is already slightly in 40, even though it is still popular and loved. It is known that Shakira is engaged not only by musical performances, but also charity.

Few know that the full name of the performer given to her at birth is Shakira Isabel Mesbarak Ripol. Thus, it turns out that Shakira is not a pseudonym, as many fans could assume, but only part of the real name of the singer. Like her name, fans of this luxurious Latin American are also interested in her height, weight, age. How old is Shakir - to calculate easy. Currently, she is already 41 years old. But at the same time a woman is surprisingly miniature. So with the growth of only 157 centimeters, a woman weighs 46 kilograms. And it's despite the fact that she has two children!

Because if you want to look at Shakira photos in youth and now, but it is unlikely to notice a significant difference. After all, it is still luxurious.

Biography and personal life Shakira

Shakira - the famous and long-known performer from Colombia. It is probably even the most successful of the Latin American singers on a modern stage.

She was born in February of the 77th year in the town of Barranquil. Her father - William Nebarak, Shadid, a rich man who owns a jewelry store. In addition, it is known that he was fond of writing prose. Mom - Nidia Ripoll was engaged in the house and brought up more seven brothers and sisters Shakira.

It is known that the girl did not immediately become a singer. After graduating from school, she tried to start an actress career. And it began with the series of melodramas, in which the girl immediately played the title role, which was appreciated by critics, and TV Guia magazine organized a personal photo session for her.

There is nothing surprising in the fact that Shakira became the world star still very young. The debut album of sexual Latin American received in the 97th year at once two rewards and was positively perceived by musical critics.

It is noteworthy that when Shakira came to Bogota to record an album, there was an unexpected - most of all things were stolen, including lyrics. And the young singer had to start working on her first album from the very beginning. This incident, by the way, the singer decided to mention in the title of his disk.

In addition to music, Shakira is engaged in charity. For example, she founded a special fund assistance fund.

Shakira's biography and personal life have been worrying her jar fans for a long time. Currently, the singer continues to actively develop a career. Last year, she even took part in the Eurovision International Competition, which was held in the capital of Ukraine. After that, it was engaged in promoting his last album. Information about this was lit in the instagram of the singer.

As for the personal life of this magnificent woman, she is still not married, despite age. For ten years, the singer was in relations with the lawyer Antonio de La Rua. They did not make marriage officially, but Shakira simply argued that they did not need stamps to talk about the seriousness of the relationship.

Their romance ended in 2010. And soon Shakira got acquainted with the football player Gerard Peak, who became the father of her children. But not spouse.

Family and Children Shakira

Family and children Shakira occupy an important place in her life. As, however, in the life of any woman. Despite the fact that she was already slightly in 40, officially she never had a husband. She had a relationship with two men. And from the last of them, Shakira gave birth to two beautiful boys. After the aforementioned lawyer, she met a football player named Gerard Peak. It was in 2010.

Their relationships began, despite the ten-year difference in age. She even introduced him to fans in social networks. In 2013, and then in 2015, Shakira gave birth from him two sons. But a couple of years later they broke up. The official reason is a shortage of time on each other.

Sons Shakira - Milan and Sasha Peak

Sons Shakira - Milan and Sasha Pee Both more little boys. The singer gave birth to them from the famous football player named Gerard Peak, who, however, did not become her official spouse for all seven years of relationship. Milan five years old, and Sasha is three years old. Both of them live with mom, who loves them very much.

But even their appearance could not ultimately save couples. The initiator of parting, according to official information, became Shakira itself. And the reason is the lack of a football player of the time for her and their common children. The boys themselves are still calmly rejoice in life and absolutely not thinking about the problems of the future.

Shakira husband

The question of whether the Shakira husband really existed - a rather controversial. Official sources argue that in fact Shakira never really married. But all his relationship considered serious. According to the woman herself, her and her man do not need stamps in passports to consider the relations official. Therefore, it can be said that both of his men she (let and conventionally) considered her husbands. Although they did not have any documents.

In any case, Shakira is still young enough and looks luxurious. Therefore, the likelihood is that one day she still meets the one who will officially be able to call his husband.

In addition to a great voice, Shakira also has an absolutely luxurious appearance. And it is not surprising, because Shakira is not only a singer, but also a wonderful dancer. This is a woman about whom they say "all with her": and hair, and figure, and voice. All this together helps her do great performances.

And looking at the hot photos of Shakira in a swimsuit, it remains only to admire the way she was able to return the figure to the norm after the second birth! Furious photos are completely easy to find in the network. Some fans even do not mind to look at the pictures where their favorite singer is naked. But it will be more complicated to find such.

Instagram and Wikipedia Shakira

Like many other pop stars, instagram and Wikipedia Shakira are freely available and are one of the main sources of the most reliable information for fans. Wikipedia contains information about the Shakira family, her personal life, as well as the most complete information about the formation of a singer's career.

Instagram performer also enjoys extremely popular. And this proves at least more than 48 million subscribers in its profile! If you sign on its page, you can literally monitor the life of Shakira and receive information from the first mouth.

Shakira - a real star at the music chaise. She is not only a singer, but also the author of many songs, dancer, producer, model and choreographer.

Shakira was born and grew up in the north of Colombia. She was born on February 2, 1977 and was the only child in the family of his parents. However, for his father, she turned out to be the youngest child, he had eight more children from his first wife. Father, Arab by nationality, was the owner of a jewelry store in the city of Barranquil, in addition, he was a writer. Since childhood, the girl surrounded music, books and jewels.

Shakira, as they say, from young and early. She learned the alphabet very early - in 1.5 years, and in three years already wrote and read. She composed his first poem in four years, it was called "Crystal Rose". Experts who tested her at this age were conclusion that she had unique abilities.

At first, the parents believed that Shakira would be either a writer, or by the artist, as she had yet drawn well. When the girl went to school, it turned out that she also dances perfectly. Then everyone decided that she would become a dancer or ballerina. At the age of 8, it turned out that she also sings great, it became clear that Shakira would become a singer, especially since at this age she wrote her the first song, which he devoted his father and broken down on a motorcycle to one of the summary brothers.
In addition to all listed talents, the girl was distinguished by beauty and even won the "Child" of the Atlantic.

The first of her performances before the public took place when she was 10 years old. Then she demonstrated oriental dances. Shakira also sang in the school choir, but since she turned out to be too strong, she had to leave the choir. Teacher singing decided that she did not sing, but howl like a goat.

However, in subsequent years, the girl took an active part in many competitions and events than to attract attention. Once the theater producer approached it and offered to help career promotion. She helped convince the executive producer Sony Colombia to listen to the girl. Shakira made a strong impression on this man named Chiro Vargas, and he took her cassette to show the artistic director of the company. He did not pay any attention to the performer. Then Vargas himself organized the arrival of the leaders of his organization and introduced to them by Shakir, who performed three songs. Everyone was pleasantly amazed. This was the moment of signing a contract with it. Work began on the record of the first album "Magic". Songs began to twist on the radio, and for 14 years they knew many in her Native Columbia. The album entered the songs of its essays from the age of 8 and until the album record. The plate brought fame singer, but it turned out commercially failed. At the same time, Shakira presented his country at the famous singing contest of Latin American countries with the song of its own essay. At the competition, she received the 3rd place.

A year later, Shakira recorded his second album, which was not too successful, from him only one song deserved attention.
Shakira did not put his hands, but, on the contrary, began to record a third album, which was simply obliged to be successful, otherwise the whole career would fly to Tarara. In parallel, she ended high school and filmed in the film " Oasis", Which was founded on the real events of one famous tragedy.
In the 94th year, Sony has already been going to terminate the contract with the girl, but that in time he presented them with a new song of his essay "where you, the heart", which soon became a real hit.
The third her album was a breakthrough and had excellent commercial success, she had many fans. Behind the release of the album followed the first tour of the world. In the same year, she awarded the titles "Man of the Year" and "Woman of the Year". Now in the asset of the singer already 10 albums and world love and popularity.
For the time she went to the tops of the musical Olympus, she had different kinds of novels that were not long and ended with partings.

Shakira's personal life

Shakira with Antonio de la Rua.

In 2000, she began relations with the son of President Argentina by lawyer Antonio de la Rua. A year later, rumors about the ambulance were even crazy, however, they remained rumors. Nevertheless, the novel lasted as much as 10 years, which singer recalls with great warmth. After parting, they remained only by business partners. True, later Antonio filed a lawsuit on Shakir, trying to sue his remuneration as its partner, as well as divided the jointly acquired property.

Shakira with Gerard Peak

In 2011, the singers had a new novel - a player FC Barcelona. He starred in one of the clips of Shakira.

Shakira with Gerard Peak and Son

Relationships developed rapidly, and after 2 years she gave birth to his beloved first son, and in two years, in January 2015, the second son. The family lives in Spain.

Beautiful foreign performers and actresses of the whole world, their photos and facts of biography are accommodated

In early December 2005, speaking on two famous TV shows on the ABC TV channel "Good Morning America" \u200b\u200b(1975) and "Saturday Night Live" (1975), Shakira reiterated its influence on America's musical life, fulfilling a duet with Alejandro Sanzom (Alejandro Sanz ) The composition "La Tortura", (the premiere of the song took place on December 2), which included the "40 best video clips" list. Shakira, after the stalking success of his first album "Oral fixation 1" (Fijacion Oral 1), November 22, without the slightest interference, releases the second album in English - "Oral fixation 2" (Oral Fixtation 2), having received for him on the 33rd annual The awards ceremony The title "The most famous Latin performer", thereby proving that her star of her talent shines as brightly as last year.

Talented singer Shakira was born on February 2, 1977 in the town of Barranquila, Colombia. Her full name is Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll (Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll). Being a youngest child in the family, Shakira inherited from the parents, Father of William Mebarak Shadid (William Mebarak Chadid) and Mother, Nidia del Carmen Ripoll Torrado, Lebanon Colombian origin and exotic appearance. From the young age, Shakira listened to Colombian and Lebanese music on a par with English-speaking songs, of them preferring such groups like "Nirvana", "Led Zeppelin", "The Police" and "The Cure". "I was in love with the sounds of rock. But at the same time, since my father is a native of Lebanon, I am predicted and Arabic music. Therefore, I am a combination of all these styles, and my music is a mixture of various emotions that are reflected in the same song" - she admits.

Shakira began writing music at the age of 8, and in 10 years already won in talent search contests. In 1990, a 13-year-old girl, whose name from Arab is translated as "executed grace", hoping to make a career in the model business, moved to Bogota. Shakir's model did not have succeeded, her outstanding talent noticed Miguel Kubillos and Pablo Teddy from Sony Music Corporation, later they were offered Shakir to sign a contract with the corporation. Over the next year, her album "Magia" came out, which enjoyed incredible success. It collected songs that Shakira composed between 8 and 13 years. The second album, "Peligro", was released in 1993 and was no less successful than the previous one. But accustomed to everyone to achieve perfection, Shakira, remaining dissatisfied with the released album, switched to acting skills, playing the role of Louise Mary in the Colombian soap opera "Oasis" (El Oasis).

Apparently, the music again found a response in the heart of Shakira, and in 1995 it comes out of her third album "barefoot" (Pies Descalzos), in which Rhythms of rock and roll are organically combined with oriental motives. This album, with the embellished composition "Esto Aqui", ranked first in the ratings of eight countries, and in the United States came out a platinum disk. In 1997, Shakira stopped being filmed in the series "Oasis", fully switched to music. For the further development of the musical career, it is decided to invite to the position of their manager and producer Emilio Estefan younger. Cooperation with the spouse of Gloria Estefan has brought its fruits - the next album "Donde Estan Los Ladrones?", Released in 1998, became even more sold than all previous ones. Thanks to the Singla "Such Eyes" (OJOS ASI) Album, for 11 weeks lasted on top of the chart in the United States, more than 4 million copies were sold out, and became multiplatin in America and platinum in Spain. Thanks to the release of the Album, Shakira quickly gained world fame, she was also the only one who added Eastern motives to their speeches and the belly dance. At the end of the year, Shakira receives a reward from World Music Awards in the category "Best Latin American Performer," and in the late 90s becomes the best executor of Latin America. Mondering the success of the Single "Such Eyes", Gloria Estefan offers Shakir to translate a song into English. From that moment on, Shakira understood - to write songs and make a show, she needs to improve his English skills.

Starting learning the language, Shakira performed on the MTV television channel in the program "MTV Unplugged", the first program that came out in Spanish. In early 2000, the singer releases the album "MTV Unplugged" - version of the album "Donde Estan Los Ladrones?", Behind who receives the Grammy Prize in the category "Best Latin American pop album" and two more premiums: "Best Female Pop Vocal" for the composition "Such eyes" (OJOS ASI), and "The Best Women's Rock Vocal" for the song "Eighth Day" (Octavo Dia).

Improved skills in English, Shakira began to conquer international recognition. In 2002, she released the album "Laundry Service", with two outstanding compositions: "Whenever, Wheraver" and "Underneath Your Clothes". Soon the album becomes three times platinum and diverges over 10 million copies. Thanks to the Laundry Service album, Shakira receives another Grammy award and 5 Awards MTV Video Music Awards of Latin America. "I feel careless, and it's wonderful," says Shakira. "When I look at my last life, I feel the updated, as if I washed away with myself everything that was. That is why I called my Laundry service album," explains the singer choosing the name of the album. Later she will hold a world tour called "Tour The Tour of the Mongoose). DVD version of the tour "Grandes Exitos Shakira: Live & Off The Record" is planned for release on March 30, 2004, along with a CD discing on which 10 compositions from the tour are collected.

In 2005, Shakira, already known as the representative of Pepsi Cola, records the Fijacion Oral Volumen 1 album, planned to release on June 7, 2005, and its English version - "Oral Fixation 2", which will be released in November of the same year. Luis Fernando Ochoa (Luis Fernando Ochoa) and Lester Mendez (Luis Fernando Ochoa) were helped at work on albums (Luis Fernando Ochoa) - Saucers and co-authors of songs. Her last single, "La Tortura", filled with duet with Alejandro Sanzom, took the first place in the American Chart Latin Track. Also with Alejandro Sanzom Shakira made a popular television show in Germany "Wetten, Dass ..?", Having performed the song "La Tortura" by the duet.

Talent Shakira is truly unique, unusual and impressive, here as described His laureate of the Nobel Prize Gabriel Garciaz: "Gabriel Garcia Marquez):" Music, executed by Shakira, imposes his own, no matter what the imprint, not one person in any person, in any way Aged, will not be able to sing and dance as it, at the same time sensually innocently, as if on the move in the invention. " Shakira organized the Bare Feet Foundation (Pies Descalzos), whose purpose is to give training and satisfy the basic needs of homeless and affected by violence in Colombia children. Also, the singer is a goodwill ambassador UNICEF. As for personal life, already for five years Shakira is engaged with Antonio de La Rua, the son of the former President of Argentina.

Biographies of celebrities


02.02.17 10:55

In school she was told that she was "how the goat", but she became one of the best-selling singers of modernity. Looking at her attractive appearance, you will not think for anything that the scholars would be laid behind this leacion. She is a star, a benefactor, poet, composer, the favorite of the public and the companion of one of the most famous players - Shakira. The biography of Colombiyki is a bright example, which can be achieved if you don't hit the talent in the ground!

Biography Shakira

Goddess of Lights-Wunderkind

The full name of the star, which is marching today is 40 years old, - Shakira Isabel Mesabara Ripoll, she is the only child of Nidia and William Mebarak Shadidid. When Shakira was born (February 2, 1977), the family lived in Barranquil (Colombia). With Arabic, the name of the singer is translated as "full grace", with Hindi - as the "Goddess of Light". Shakira and carries light to people - for many years!

In the pedigree mother Shakira were Catalans, Castillas and Italians, the father was born in New York, where his ancestors-Lebanese moved. William was already married earlier, so the singer Shakira has eight senior sisters and brothers. The baby grew very intelligent, began to read and write long before the school, and in four years old surprised the parents to the first poem. Dad gave a seven-year-old writing machine, and she recorded her poems. One of the brothers died when the girl was two years old, and the father put on sunglasses so that no one saw him tears. So Born the song "Your Dark Glasses", which Shakira composed in 1985.

Her fascinated belly dance

Once, William led her daughter to a restaurant, where the game was played by Dumbek (Arab drum, accompanied by the belly dance). Shakira was fascinated. She studied at the Catholic School and already sang - in the choir, where was soon expelled. The music teacher wrinkled from the strongest vibrato and said: "You are a goat!". However, the girl was not embarrassed and continued to sing already solo, who also took the lessons of the belly dance.

First contract - with "Sony Music Colombia"

As a child, the future singer Shakira felt the first strong sensations from speeches on stage - she gave her art at concerts in his hometown, and the schoolgirl liked to sing and dance in public. The local agent Monica Ariz supported Shakira and presented the young talent of Chiro Vargas, who worked at Sony Music Colombia. I had to show perseverance, but this led to the signing of the first contract in the biography of Shakira.

However, the Debut Studio Album "Magia" (1991) and the Peligro Disk following him (1993) did not cause an excitement. Commercial failures only have won the girl, however, she took a pause to finish school.

Breaking into American charts

Already the "adult" album of the singer Shakira "Pies Descalzos", who saw the light in 1996, became the leader of several hit parades (truth, not American), but one of the singles from the disk took the fifth line in the US Charter.

In support of the Album, Shakira conducted the first tour, consisting of two dozen performances. The fourth album "Dónde Están Los Ladrones?", Started in two years, was still warmer. But the finally the English-speaking market was conquered when the singer Shakira "issued" a stunning disk "Laundry Service" (in 2001). After a year, Hit from this album "Whenever, WHEREVER" was recognized as a sales leader.

Increasing popularity and anthem World Cup

Further, the popularity of beauty that raised Latin American music to a new level used by ethnic tools and motifs, masterfully performed by the belly dance and amazing the voice range, only gained momentum. In 2005, Shakira released two albums at once - Fijación Oral, Vol. 1 "and" Oral Fixation, Vol. 2. The composition "Hips Don't Lie" was recognized as the best-selling hit (at that time).

Although the next two disks of the singer became the "victims" of Shakira disagreements with the brand "Epic Records", their reviews were still excellent. And the achievements of Colombiyki by that time (2010) reached incredible heights. She performed duets with colleagues-stars, released clips, gained a record number of views (and subscribers in social networks).

Sale of Shakira albums (as approved by the media) passed for 70 million, this is the best result for the Columbian artist. In 2010, she wrote the "Hymn" of the World Cup in South Africa "Waka Waka". On YouTube, the musical video on this song has seen more than 629 million users.

Voiced the parody of myself

In 2014, the singer released the album "thesis" ("Shakira"), the single from which ("CAN'T REMEMBER TO FORGET YOU") used incredible popularity. In 2016, an animated full-length film was released, in which there is a cute parody of Shakir - Pop Star Gazelle, which Shakira itself and voiced. And the cartoon itself, and the character came out wonderful, smart, kind, ridiculous and funny!

Shakira received a star on the Alley of Glory in Hollywood and on 2 seasons entered the jury of the American show "Voice". She laureate two Grammy (and eight Latin Grammy), won 28 "Billboard Latin Music Awards" and many other awards and premiums.

Ambassador of Good Will with High Ai Que

Special attention performer and composer paid and pays charity. She is the ambassador of the goodwill Unicef \u200b\u200bwith its own foundation, attracted millions of dollars. In many ways, thanks to this, the singer Shakira entered the hundreds of the most powerful women of the planet (according to the "Forbes") - twice, in 2013 and 2014. Shakira struggles with hunger, stands for the rights of poor children on education and a decent life.

In the biography of Shakira, much amazing. She is a polyglot, and although her native language is Spanish, the beauty owns Portuguese, English, Catalan, is to be worn out in Arabic and French. She studied the course "History of Western Civilization" in the University of California, incognito, under its second name "Isabelle Mebarak". Sources claim that Ai Que Singers Shakira - 140, so she probably intelligent representative of pop culture.

Shakira's personal life

Alcher Antonio.

At 23, Shakira became a companion of a lawyer from Argentina Antonio de La Rua, later she argued that the conclusion of marriage was not required, they also felt like her husband and his wife.

This union lasted for a long time, but at the beginning of 2011, the personal life of Shakira changed - she stated that he broke up with Antonio by mutual agreement. However, the star was mistaken: the offended de la Rua wanted compensation (allegedly, he performed the responsibilities of the singer's manager) and first planned to sue 250 million from the ex-girlfriend, but then a suit was made by $ 100 million.

Music connected them: Roman with a peak

After the central defender "Barcelona" Gerard Peak Bernabeu took part in the Music Clip Shakira ("Hymn" World Cup of 2010), these two began to meet. Shakira announced its relations in March 2011. Interestingly, Spaniard Gerard Peak and his beloved was born on one day - February 2, but with a difference of 10 years (football player younger).

Charming Quartet: Gerard, Shakira and Children

They are very beautiful couple, Gerard and Shakira! Children from this union - Milan, born on January 22, 2013, and Sasha, who appeared on the light after 3 years, is also charming.

Both sons were born in Barcelona - Father and mother singer live there. From there, the Gerard, with whom the singer, is still "civil marriage". Shakira's personal life is not going to change - it is satisfied with such a order of things. Interestingly, in honor of whom Shakira called one of the children, Sasha? Not a Latin American and not Spanish name!