Anton Shtun where he studied. What is the growth of Anton Shastun from the show improvisation? Creative Career Anton Shastuna

Anton Shtun where he studied. What is the growth of Anton Shastun from the show improvisation? Creative Career Anton Shastuna

Creative Biography Anton Shastuna

Anton Shatun is a young and very talented artist of the conversational genre. He became known to the wide audience after he began to act in the improvisation show. According to the official site of Agent Anton Shastun, he was born in Voronezh, in 1989. There he graduated from school, and then entered the Faculty of Economics and Management. And it was in the student years that he decided to try himself in KVN, going into the university team. Over time, he even became the BV captain. The guys quickly broke into the league of the Russian Center and even became its champions.

Anton Shazhun performed in the Comedy Club, Gum Battle. His first speeches at the beginning did not impress any impression. But in 2013, he was still rehabilitated, but Anton did not hit the final. Then the young comedian returned to his hometown, where he began to perform in local entertainment shows. His monologues began to enjoy great success than he attracted his attention. And in 2016, he fell to the project improvisation, where he achieved star status. And today, his name is widely known among connoisseurs of first-class humor. Many began to strive to order a wedding, corporate by Anton Shastun. It should be noted that the project improvisation has no previously trained scenarios, and not every artist may appear in such a format. And Anton easily copes with this kind of performances. That is why he is so in demand now at events - the artist quickly finds an approach to any audience.

Anton Shtun (in Instagram - Anton.Shastoon) - Russian comedian. Born on April 19, 1989 in Voronezh. In the student years began to act in KVN in the team "BV", at some point becoming captain. At first they performed in the urban league, then in the League of the Center of Russia, where they won.

The next step was "Comedy Club". He participated twice in the program "Comedy Battl". In this show, participants oppose the judges and viewers with their comedy sketches, trying to earn their sympathy. Sergey Svetlakov, Garik Martirosyan and Semyon Slepakov come as judges. He came to this show twice, but could not get to the final, although the last time, in 2013, several rounds passed.

One of the show in which Anton Shazhun also participated throughout the six years, "a controversial question", in which speakers on the scene play scenes based on the plots proposed by the audience. Such conditions are very complex for the actor, as it cannot prepare for a presentation in advance.

Since 2016, a young comedian, together with his colleagues in the previous show, were invited to such a transmission on the TNT channel - "Improvisation". Photo Anton Shastun from "Improvisation" is in his instagram. There is also no prepared scenario here, but among the conditions the participation of the viewer is not expected. What else can be seen in his instagram?


Instagram Anton Shastuna (official website) - Anton.Shastoon. He has a lot of subscribers - 418 thousand. Publications at the moment - 342. In his instagram, many photos and video recordings from all programs in which he participated, as well as personal pictures with friends and colleagues. We can see where he traveled in which entertainment was participating. As in life, in Instagram Anton is a funny person who can often be seen with friends or colleagues. His instagram is not so fascinating, but allows fans to look into the personal life of a young man.

the site managed to communicate with the actor of the Show "Improvisation", as well as the hero of the dream and the cause of the girl's tears, Anton Shastun on the set of hard comedic "money or shame" TV channel TNT4 .. A skillful improviser told why not a single rose ceremony on the show " Bachelor, "as refers to the yumor 18+ and whether the girls can get into his instagram stories.

"Apparently, few people are interested."

- Say honestly, did you prepare somehow parley attacks uncle Viti?

- No, this was not. Within the framework of the program, there is no such goal at all as "soak" or crush Uncle Vitu. It is impossible on its field.

- Million - is it a lot or a little to disgrace?

It depends on how to disgrace and as a person treats it. I believe that all humorists should ideally have a sense of self-irony. It is very stupid to be offended by humor. Million after all on Konu, what's the difference that uncle Vitya is joking there.

- Anton, you are so popular and give so little interview. Why? Shy or hiding something?

- I always give an interview when I come to the interview! Apparently, few people are interested.

- We will fix it! When was very young and not famous, could imagine that you would work on one of the most popular channels of the country?

- Of course he could not. I played in KNN for many years. It makes no sense to hide it - in our country most people employed in humor played this wonderful game. At first it was just in the buzz, I liked to spend the time. Increasingly saw people who, thanks to KVN, made himself somewhere higher, so I had such thoughts.

- Who did you want to become in childhood?

- When I asked the same question in English lessons, I answered: Driver! Driver. But as I started playing in KVN from the 10th grade, since then I wanted to be on the scene.

"Send intimate photos, and then nothing to tell in an interview"

- We told on social networks that we would take an interview with you, and, I think you can predict what question from them was the most popular. So: Does Anton Shtuna have a girl or not?

- I always answer this question equally: everything is fine in my personal life!

- Why is not married yet?

- Yes, I do not know, I do not give this value. Not married and not married, I have no need yet.

- And of the proposals of something caretaker in social networks come?

- I often ask me about this, but nobody sends me intimate photos. Send, otherwise I have nothing to talk in an interview!

- By the way, in April the roller appeared in the network, where you tell you that you will become a new bachelor. And all the girls said: "Yes, finally, it is suitable for us." Why not go to the "bachelor"?

First, I do not name there. But even if they called, it seems to me that the transfer of "Bachelor" will not work with me. It is very difficult for me in life to say "no" people. Highly! As I imagine: I stand with roses, around the girl, and I have to say to someone: "Only you are." I'm nine hundred times! Show "Bachelor" It will not benefit. When Egor Cre is participating, there are no questions. He is not a humorist. When Timur Batrutdinov is involved there, for example, Timur Batrutdinov, you are waiting for jokes, laughter, because it always perceived a person in a different way. When he stands with a stone face and seriously selects girls, it seems that this is the beginning of some number and now from the bushes hills the Kharlamov. In no case want to throw a stone in the Timur garden, he coped with the task. But I think, much better when not comedy artists participate in the show.

"We all sometimes do something not according to the rules"

- Another question from our subscribers - where is so many rings and bracelets? Do they mean something or is it for beauty?

- They don't mean anything! I somehow have a ring in school, and rushed. Any different imagined, I change them, combine. Also also bracelets. Without them, I feel uncomfortable.

"Okay, let's talk about humor." How to learn to improvise? Did you get right away?

If we mean improvisation as a genre, then it learn for a very long time. For example, I have been eight years old. This is such a genre of comedy, in which experience is more important than in others. If you want to learn how to improvise - improvise! If you carry out a parallel with a standup, then everyone can, sitting at home, write jokes, come up with them and even have success. In improvisation, there is also a chance to successfully perform the first time, but it is minimal. It makes no sense now to deepen into theoretical knowledge, you just need to play improvisational games and memorize the moves in them, techniques. The most important thing is to have a wide range. Go to the cinema, to the theater, be aware of everything. It is not necessary for inspiration, but to know different characters. If I will tell me at a concert from the auditorium that in the next scene I need to become Daeneris Targaryen, then I must understand who she is.

"Many say that in" improvisation "everything is script, and you have rehearsals. What are you doing there? And what is spelled out in the script?

No script! A creative group is working on the show, which invents themes for improvisations, characters, locations, initial conflicts - all that Pavel Will is asked. Rehearsal we call the meeting before the performance. But for us it is essentially training. We play improvisational games to keep yourself in shape. There are more than 150 such games! In the show we show them portion. This season for the audience appeared new, but for us they are all familiar. We also conduct technical parties before shooting when they spend on a very small audience and remember how to do everything after the summer break. But on the set or concerts, we never know the themes and situations in which we will be supplied.

- Have you ever been shameful for your improvisation? In the Spirit: "Oh, what I blurted"?

What I like most in the genre of improvisation is a huge number of rules. There are a lot of them, tell them, tell them, but at any training at the very end you will say: "Now forget all these rules." Suppose we improvise, and suddenly I did something not according to the rules. For example, it is impossible to block offers. This is when I tell me: "I went fishing," and I answer: "No, I will not go." This situation does not mean that everything, shtown, borrowed and enough! No, most importantly - you can not stop. The viewer sees everything. If at some point we change in faces and we will burn each other with a look for violations, then everything collapses! Of course, we all sometimes do something not according to the rules, but never was ashamed for it. Some failures even go in a plus, the new humor is born of them.

"Hard humor is good"

- You came to the new season "Money or Shame". Are you not afraid of uncle Vitu?

Uncle Vitu is not afraid, he is a funny grandfather! He managed to make me laugh in "Comedy Battle" when I was sitting there in the jury. I'm fine with a sense of humor, so he will not be able to hurt me.

- You have a reputation of a very good comedian. How do you feel about hard humor?

- Hard humor is good! I like the show "Money or Shame", "Frozhar", calmly treat the jokes 18+. Any humor may be, just there is your time and your place.

- Before filming, you have noticeably worried. Is this feeling right now?

- I worried if I do something right. Always when they are invited to shoot, I think that it depends on me how they will pass. I try to be the most open, substitute as a comedian. I worry before every exit to the scene, it is still from school. When I went to the board, I could wash my palm from the board, so sweating. And when it came out, all the experiences disappeared.

- Are there any things over which you would not be joking?

I repeat: everything should be your time and your place. Now we are joking on the death of Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin, but I think when he died, no one joked about it the next day. Or, for example, about the disabled people somewhere to joke absolutely not the topic, not in the cashier and insulting, but on the "open microphone" and in the "Frozhar" Sergey Kids, who himself laughs over his disabilities and allows you to do this. And it looks absolutely normal.

- What do you think, how would Uncle Vitya show himself in "improvisation"?

- I think he would have everything! Maybe we will call him someday.

- With whom in life most of all communicate from colleagues?

- We have been friends with Dima very long ago, before the "improvisation" began. He is older than me, taught me to play KVN and in general, humor. I studied at school when he came like a humor guru to type the team, and with time they became colleagues with him. With the "improvisation" we all communicate, and with arsion, and with Sergey. Soon we will go on a tour of 40 cities, it will not be possible to communicate with each other there (laughs).

- What is usually going on the scenes?

- Everyone has their little traditions. Arseny, for example, decided to charge everyone with oxygen. It comes up to everyone, folds the palms like a cup, brings to the body and sharply beats. I do not know why this is called "charging" and where is oxygen. But this is still at the beginning of the filming, you can think about, and when there is a third motor on the third shooting day, then I want to sit more, drink tea with lemon. One oxygen will not cost!

Photo TNT

Unpredictable and loving many comedy show "Improvisation" returns. Today, January 13, 2017, at 20:00 on the TNT channel there will be a premiere of the second transmission season. Some experts in the field of this humor argue that there are only four people on television, who can joke without a scenario, and this is a team of "improvisation": Anton Shtun, Arseny Popov, Dima Posov and Sergey Matvienko. One of the four is Anton Shazhun - on the eve of the premiere of the new season, it was told about what was happening behind the shower.

Correspondent: Tell about the secrets of the work on the show "for the scenes". Is there really no scenario?

Anton Shazhun: In the show "Improvisation" there is really no scenario, the only thing that is harvested in advance is the themes that Pasha Will offers. In our transfer, except for four actors and Paul as a leader there is a creative group. This is a group of authors invent topics for the show. Naturally, all this is preparing without us, and indeed we very rarely see the creative group. Then the invented topics Pasha gives us, sometimes changing something on the go. We do not invent anything in advance, and we have no harvested humor. Everything is honest.

Corr.: Were there any barriers to Paul? You have already been familiar when you participated in "Comedy Battle"?

A.Sh.: Yes, I participated in the humorous show "COMEDY BATTL". I speaking, I passed on, but I could not come for some reasons to the next stage. We can say that it was then that I met Pasha (smiles). Naturally, I saw Pasha Will on Transfer, then we exchanged a pair of phrases. And when work has already begun on "improvisation", we learned more densely. Pasha is a wonderful person. To be honest, we feared a little dating and working with Pasha, as he was already the humorist, comic and a big star on a Russian scale at that time. Thought that there may be some missing between us, but it turned out that Pasha is a good guy, it's easy to work with him, he is a big professional and we are equal to him.

Corr.: To the Show "Improvisation" in their circles, you knew you as an actor genre of Standap. Why did not continue to work in this veter, but began to engage in improvisation? After all, it is probably the most difficult genre ...

A.Sh.: In fact, I have been doing improvisation very long ago. It began in Voronezh in a club show, designed for 50 people. We grew up, soon switched to the room more, began to perform in the theater, and only then a producer was noticed from the TNT channel, inviting us to work in the program. The work process on the show was very long, we shot pilot issues, and only three years later the transfer came. By the way, I began to engage in Standap, even later than improvisation.

Corr.: Often in improvisation you get women's roles. What do you think, why did Pavel Volya charge these hard parties?

A.Sh.: There is such (laughs). In fact, when the themes of the creative group are coming up, all roles are already spelled out. For some reason, the creative group exactly solves, but sometimes Pasha takes these spontaneous solutions, and I have to play women's roles. I do not even know what it is connected with.

Corr.: Star guests come to your program. Does any difficulties arise when you work with people who have nothing to do with the genre of improvisation?

A.Sh.: Yes, they have nothing to do with improvisation, but they are not required to improvise or joke. With all the stars work quite easily. Everything went to the dialogue, were active and cheerful. There was no guest who was sitting and offered bad words to the game "Suflor". Everything always passes positively.

Photo TNT

Corr.: Is it difficult to give interviews for stars?

A.Sh.: I actually turn off my head at that moment and answer without thinking. Naturally, I keep myself as part of decency. At least, no one has any complaints about me. It seems to me that while I do everything well.

Corr.: You graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Management. Is this an education somehow useful to you or did you make a choice completely in favor of creative activities?

A.Sh.: Yes, I am a training manager, and it did not use me anything. I never worked in the specialty. At that time, when I ended the university and wrote a diploma, I understood that I would go on the creative path. So it turned out: first KVN, then the standap, and now I am doing improvisation.

Corr.: In one of the interviews to the question "How many seasons a show is calculated?" You answered you plan for life. Wouldn't you like to realize yourself in some other project?

A.Sh.: Well, in the "bachelor" will not take me for sure. As for the standa, well, I write something, but it all ends at the phone's notes. While I have enough "improvisation" to spill your humor.

Corr.: Anton, and finally the question that is interested in very many girls: is your heart busy?

A.Sh.: I have a girl, but I will not say anything else (smiles).

The new season of the Show "Improvisation" can be seen on the TNT channel from January 13 at 20-00.

Thanks TNT for the materials provided

Russian humorist and actor Anton Shazhun, known to the audience as a participant in programs "Comedy Battl" and "Improvisation" on the channel "TNT".

Biography Anton Shastuna

Anton Shatun. Born and O. cumshot high school in Voronezh. Subsequently, he entered the Voronezh State Agrarian University, where he studied at the Faculty of Economics and Management.

Anton's humorous sketches began to joke and write in school years, this passion passed into studenthood, where Anton quickly entered the team KVN "BV". The team performed for several years, including becoming the "Start" league champions.

Together with several other colleagues, Anton for six years participated in the improvisational show "The controversial question", honing his humorist's skills in continuous contact with the spectator.

Creative Career Anton Shastuna

Anton began their attempts to hit the television with participation in the popular humor program on TNT - "Comedy Battle". The first attempt was not crowned with success, and he did not hit the telestir. In the second time, in 2013, he managed to impress the viewer and the jury as part of Sergei Svetlakova, Slepakov seeds and Martirosian Garika. Shtun passed several stages, but did not get out in the final.

The next television transfer with his participation was the humorous night show "Do not sleep".

In early 2016, the TV project "Improvisation" started on the TNT channel, where Anton, Arseny Popov, Dima Posov and Sergey Matvienko, together with the invited star, improvise under the leadership of the lead: resident "