The use of innovative technologies in technology lessons in primary and high school.

The use of innovative technologies in technology lessons in primary and high school.

Modern innovative technologies in school education

Pedagogical technology - It is thoughtful in all detailsmodel joint pedagogical activities for the design, organization and conduct of the educational process with unconditional provision of comfortable conditions for students and teachers (V.Monakh). Currently, Russia is becoming the formation of a new education system, oriented into the world educational space. This process is accompanied by substantial changes in the pedagogical theory and practice of the educational process. The educational system is modernized - other content, approaches, behavior, pedagogical mentality are offered.

Today in Russian education proclaims the principlevariatives which makes it possible to pedagogical teams of educational institutionsselect and design the pedagogical process for any model, including author. In this direction there is progress of education: the development of various options for its content, the use of the possibilities of modern didactics in increasing the effectiveness of educational structures; Scientific development and practical substantiation of new ideas and technologies. At the same time, it is important to organize a kind of dialogue of various pedagogical systems and training technologies, testing in the practice of new forms - additional and alternative state education system, use in modern Russian conditions of holistic pedagogical systems of the past.

Under these conditions, the teacherit is necessary to navigate in a wide range of modern innovative technologies, ideas, schools, directions, not to spend time on the opening of the already known, and use the entire arsenal of Russian pedagogical experience.Today, it is impossible to be a pedagogically competent specialist without studying the entire extensive spectrum of educational technologies. Modern pedagogical technologies can only be implemented in an innovative school.

Innovative schoolan educational institution is called, whose activities are built on the original (copyright) ideas and technologies and is a new educational practice. The innovative school is a polysisystem with educational, labor, artistic, aesthetic, sports, scientific activities, including various forms of communications and communication of children and adults. Modern innovative schools most often arise on the basis of ordinary mass schools, deeply developing and implementing one or more of their functions on the original technological basis. The following distinctive quality (criteria) of innovative schools can be distinguished.

Innovation: The presence of original author's ideas and hypotheses relative to the restructuring of the pedagogical process.

Alternative: The difference between any of the main components of the educational process (goals, content, methods, means, etc.) from the traditional, accepted in the mass school.

Conceptual Educational Process: Consciousness and use in the author's model of philosophical, psychological, socio-pedagogical or other scientific grounds.

Systemity and complexity of educational process.

Socio-pedagogical feasibility: Compliance with school goals to social order.

Availability of signs or results that determine the reality and efficiency of the author's school..

Modern innovative technologies in education

At the moment, a wide variety of pedagogical innovations apply in school education. It depends primarily on the traditions and status of the institution. Nevertheless, it is possible to distinguish the following most characteristic innovative technologies.

1. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in subject learning

The introduction of ICT into the content of the educational process involves the integration of various subject areas with informatics, which leads to the information of the consciousness of students and understanding the processes of informatization in modern society (in its professional aspect). The awareness of the emerging tendency of the school informatization process is essential: from the development of primary information on computer science to the use of computer software in the study of general education items, and then to the saturation of informatics elements of the structure and content of education, the implementation of the fundamental restructuring of the entire educational process on the basis of information Technologies. As a result, new information technologies appear in the school methodological system, and graduates of schools are preparing for the development of new information technologies in future work. This area is implemented through inclusion in the curriculum of new items aimed at studying computer science and ICT. The experience of using ICT in schools has shown that:

but) an open-type school information environment, which includes various forms of distance education, significantly increases the motivation of students to study subject disciplines, especially usingproject methods;

B) Teaching informatization is attractive for the student that the psychological tension of school communication is removed by the transition from the subjective relationship of the "teacher-student" to the most objective relations of the "student-computer-computer", the effectiveness of student labor increases, the proportion of creative works increases, the possibility of in obtaining additional education on the subject in the school walls, and in the future a focusing choice of university, prestigious work is aware; c) Teaching informatization is attractive for a teacher in that it makes it possible to increase the productivity of its work, increases the general information culture of the teacher.

2. Personality - oriented technologies in the teaching of the subject

Personal-oriented technologiesthey put the personality of the child in the center of the entire school educational system, ensuring a comfortable, conflict and safe conditions of its development, the realization of its natural tensilers. The identity of the child in this technology is not only the subject, but also the subjectpriority; It is the goal the educational system, and not a means of achieving any distracted goal. Ppeople in mastering studentsindividual educational programs In accordance with their capabilities and needs.

3. Informational - analytical support of the educational process and the management of the quality of schoolchildren's education.

The use of such an innovative technology as an information - an analytical methodology for managing learning quality allows us to objectively, impartially trace the development of each child's time separately, class, parallels, schools in general. With some modification, it may become an indispensable tool in the preparation of a cool - generalizing control, studying the state of teaching any object of curriculum, studying the system of work of a separate teacher.

4 . Monitoring of intellectual development.

Analysis and diagnosis of the quality of learning of each student using testing and building graphs of the dynamics of academic performance.

5 . Educational technologies as a leading mechanism for the formation of a modern student.

It is an integral factor in modern learning conditions.It is implemented in the form of students' involvement in additional forms of personality development: participation in cultural events on national traditions, theater, centers of children's creativity, etc.

6. Didactic technologies as a condition for the development of the educational process of the OU.There may be implemented both already known and proven receptions and new ones. This is an independent work with the help of an educational book, game, design and protection of projects, training with the help of audiovisual hardware, the system "Consultant", group, differentiated learning methods - the system of "small groups", etc. Usually in practice various combinations of these techniques are used in practice. .

7. Psychological and pedagogical support of the introduction of innovative technologies in the educational process of the school

It is assumed to scientific and pedagogical substantiation of the use of certain innovations. Their analysis on the methodical councils, seminars, consultation with leading experts in this area.

Thus, the experience of the modern Russian school has the widest arsenal of the application of pedagogical innovation in the learning process. The effectiveness of their application depends on the established traditions in the general education institution, the ability of the pedagogical team to perceive these innovations, the material and technical base of the institution.

And the future has come
Robert Jung

"Everything is in our hands, so you can not omit them"
(Coco Chanel)

"If the student at school did not learn to do anything himself,
That and in life it will only imitate, copy "
(L.N. Tolstoy)

Feature federal State Educational Standards of General Education- their activity, which puts the main task of the development of the student's personality. Modern education refuses the traditional presentation of learning outcomes in the form of knowledge, skills and skills; GEF wording indicate real activities.

The task requires the transition to a new systemic activity The educational paradigm, which, in turn, is associated with the fundamental changes in the activities of the teacher implemented by the new standard. Education technologies, the introduction of information and communication technologies (ICT) also change the extensive opportunities to expand the educational framework for each subject in a general education institution, including in mathematics.

Under these conditions, the traditional school that implements the classical formation model has become unproductive. In front of me, as in front of my colleagues, there was a problem - to turn traditional training aimed at the accumulation of knowledge, skills, skills in the process of developing the identity of the child.

Care from the traditional lesson through the use of new technologies in the process of learning allows to eliminate the monotony of the educational environment and the monotony of the educational process, will create conditions for changing the activities of students, will allow to implement the principles of health. It is recommended to make a choice of technology depending on the subject matter, lesson purposes, the level of training of students, the possibility of meeting their educational queries, the age category of students.

Often, pedagogical technology is defined as:

. The totality of receptions is the area of \u200b\u200bpedagogical knowledge reflecting the characteristics of the depth processes of pedagogical activity, the features of their interaction, which ensures the necessary effectiveness of the educational process;

. A combination of forms, methods, techniques and means of transmitting social experience, as well as the technical equipment of this process;

. A set of ways to organize an educational and cognitive process or a sequence of certain actions, operations related to the specific activity of the teacher and aimed at achieving the goals set (technological chain).

In the conditions of implementing the requirements of GEF LLC, the most relevant becomes technologies:

v Information - Communication Technology

v Critical Thinking Technology

v Project technology

v educational technology

v Heart-saving technologies

v Problem Technology

v game technologies

v Modular technology

v Workshop technology

v Case - Technology

v Integrated Training Technology

v pedagogy cooperation.

v Technology Level Differentiation

v Group technologies.

v Traditional technologies (classroom system)

one). Information - Communication Technology

The use of ICT contributes to the achievement of the main objective of education - improving the quality of training, ensuring the harmonious development of the individual oriented in the information space, introduced to the information and communication capabilities of modern technologies and with information culture, as well as to provide existing experience and identify its effectiveness.

Achieving the goals I plan through the implementation of the following tasks:

· Use information - communication technologies in the educational process;

· To form students of sustainable interest and desire for self-education;

· To form and develop communicative competence;

· To send efforts to create conditions for the formation of positive motivation to teaching;

· Give students knowledge defining their free, meaningful choice of life path.

In recent years, the issue of the application of new information technologies in high school is increasingly raised. These are not only new technical means, but also new forms and methods of teaching, a new approach to the learning process. The introduction of ICT to the pedagogical process increases the authority of the teacher in the school team, as the teaching is carried out at a modern, higher level. In addition, the self-assessment of the teacher himself is growing, developing their professional competencies.

Pedagogical skill is based on the unity of knowledge and skills corresponding to the modern level of development of science, technology and their product - information technology.

Currently, the ability to receive information from different sources, use it and create it yourself. Widespread use of ICT opens up new opportunities for the teacher in teaching its subject, as well as greatly make it easier for its work, improve training efficiency, allow you to improve the quality of teaching.

ICT application system

The ICT application system can be divided into the following steps:

1 Stage: Detection of educational material requiring a specific feed, an analysis of the educational program, the analysis of thematic planning, the choice of topics, the choice of the type of lesson, identifying the characteristics of the material of the lesson of this type;

2 Stage: selection and creation of information products, selection of ready-made educational media resources, creating your own product (presentation, training, training or controlling);

3 Stage: Application of information products, application in lessons of different types, application in extracurricular work, application when managing scientific research activities of students.

4 Stage: Analysis of the efficiency of ICT use, study of the dynamics of results, studying the rating on the subject.

2) Critical Thinking Technology

What is understood under critical thinking? Critical thinking - The type of thinking that helps critically refers to any allegations, do not take anything to faith without evidence, but be at the same time open new ideas, methods. Critical thinking is a necessary condition for freedom of choice, quality of forecast, responsibility for their own decisions. Critical thinking, so, in fact, some tautology, synonymous with high-quality thinking. It is rather the name than the concept, but it is under this name with a number of international projects in our life, those technological techniques that we will lead below came.
The constructive basis of "critical thinking technology" is a basic model of the three stages of the organization of the educational process:

· At the stage call From the memory "is called", the existing knowledge and ideas about studied are updated, personal interest is formed, the purposes of consideration of a particular topic are determined.

· On the stage comprehension (or the implementation of the meaning), as a rule, the student comes into contact with the new information. It is systematized. The student gets the opportunity to think about the nature of the object being studied, learns to formulate questions as the age of old and new information correlates. There is a formation of its own position. It is very important that already at this stage, with a number of techniques, you can already track the process of understanding the material.

· Stage reflections (Reflection) is characterized by the fact that students fix new knowledge and actively rebuild their own primary ideas in order to include new concepts in them.

In the course of the work within this model, schoolchildren seize in various ways of integrating information, learn to develop their own opinion on the basis of understanding various experiences, ideas and ideas, build conclusions and logical evidence chains, express their thoughts clearly, confidently and correctly towards others.

Functions of the three phases of the technology of development of critical thinking


Motivational (prompting to work with new information, awakening interest in the topic)

Information(call "on the surface" of existing knowledge on the topic)

(Conflectuous exchange of views)

Conference content

Information(Receiving new information on the topic)

Systematization(Classification of information received by categories of knowledge)


Communication (Exchange of opinions on new information)

Information(acquisition of new knowledge)

Motivational(prompting to further expand the information field)

Estimated (correlation of new information and knowledge available, its own position,
process evaluation)

Basic methodological techniques for the development of critical thinking

1. Reception "Cluster"

2. Table

3. Training assault

4. Intellectual warm-up

5. Zigzag, Zigzag -2

6. Reception "Insert"

8. Reception "Ideas Basket"

9. Reception "Compilation of Synkievins"

10. The method of control issues

11. Reception "I know ../ I want to know ... / I learned ..."

12. Water circles

13. Role-out project

14. Yes - no

15. Reception "Reading with Stopping"

16. Reception "COMMUNICATION"

17. Reception "Celebrated logical chains"

18. Reception "Cross Discussion"

3). Project technology

The project method is not fundamentally new in world pedagogy. He arose at the beginning of this century in the United States. He was also called the method of problems and was associated with the ideas of humanistic directions in philosophy and education developed by the American philosopher and teacher J. Deweyas well as his student V. Kilpatrick. It was extremely important to show the children of their personal interest in acquired knowledge, which may and should come in handy in life. This requires a problem with real life, familiar and meaningful to the child, to solve which he needs to attach the knowledge gained, new knowledge that has yet to be purchased.

The teacher can suggest sources of information, and may simply direct the idea of \u200b\u200bstudents in the right direction for self-search. But as a result, students should solve the problem independently and in joint efforts, applying the necessary knowledge sometimes from different areas, get a real and tangible result. All work on the problem is thus acquiring the contours of project activities.

Purpose of technology - Stimulate students' interest in certain problems involving the ownership of a certain amount of knowledge and through project activities involving these problems, the ability to practically apply the knowledge gained.

The method of projects attracted the attention of Russian teachers in the early 20th century. The ideas of project training arose in Russia almost in parallel with the development of American teachers. Under the leadership of the Russian teacher S. T. Shatskyin 1905, a small group of employees was organized, which was trying to actively use design methods in the practice of teaching.

Later, already under Soviet power, these ideas began to be quite widely implemented to school, but not sufficiently thought out and consistently and the decision of the Central Committee of the CSP / B / In 1931, the project method was convicted and since then until recently in Russia no longer undertaken any serious Attempts to revive this method in school practice.

In the modern Russian school, the project system began to revive only in the 1980s - 90s, due to the reform of school education, the democratization of relations between the teacher and students, the search for the active forms of cognitive activity of schoolchildren.

Practical application of project technology elements.

The essence of the project technique is that the student himself should actively participate in knowledge. Project technology is practical creative tasks that require their use to solve problematic tasks, material knowledge for this historical stage. As a research method, she teaches to analyze a specific historical problem or a task created at a certain stage of the development of society. Having mastered the design of the design, the schoolboy tears creatively to think, to predict the possible options for solving tasks facing it. Thus, the project technique:

1. It is characterized by high communicativeness;

2. implies the expression of students of his own opinion, feelings, active inclusion in real activities;

3. The special form of the organization of communicative and note of schoolchildren in the lesson of history;

4. Founded on the cyclical organization of the educational process.

Therefore, as elements, so actually the technology of the project should be applied at the end of the study of the topic on a specific cycle, as one of their species of a repeated generalizing lesson. One of the elements of this technique is a project discussion, which is based on the preparation method and project protection on a specific topic.

Stages of work on the project

Activities of students

Teacher's activities



The choice of project theme, the definition of its goal and tasks, the development of the implementation of the idea plan, the formation of microgroups.

Formation of the motivation of participants, counseling on choosing the subject and genre of the project, assistance in a selection of necessary materials, developing criteria for assessing the activities of each participant at all stages.


Collection, analysis and systematization of collected information, recording Interviews, discussion of collected material in microgroups, nomination and testing of the hypothesis, design of the layout and poster report, self-control.

Regular advisory on the content of the project, assistance in systematization and processing of material, advice on project design, tracking the activities of each student, assessment.


Project registration, preparing for protection.

Preparation of speakers, assistance in project design.


Evaluation of your activity. "What gave me work on the project?"

Evaluation of each project participant.

four). Problem technology

Today under problem learningit is understood as the organization of training sessions, which involves creating a teacher's problem situations under the leadership of the teacher and active independent activities of students for their resolution, resulting in creative mastery of professional knowledge, skills, skills and development of mental abilities.

The technology of problem learning implies the organization under the leadership of the teacher of independent search activities of students to address learning problems, during which students have new knowledge, skills and skills, develop abilities, cognitive activity, curiosity, erudition, creative thinking and other personally significant qualities.

The problematic situation in training has a learning value only when the proposed student has a problem assignment corresponds to its intellectual possibilities, contributes to the awakening of the student desire to exit this situation, to remove the resulting contradiction.
As problematic tasks, training tasks, questions, practical tasks, etc. However, it is impossible to mix the problem task and the problem situation. The problem task in itself is not a problem situation, it can cause a problem situation only under certain conditions. The same problematic situation may be caused by various types of tasks. In general, the technology of problem learning is that there is a problem with the right to participate in the teacher directly or independently investigate the paths and ways to solve it, i.e.

v build a hypothesis

v outlined and discuss ways to verify its truth,

v Are argued, conduct experiments, observations, analyze their results, argued, prove.

According to the degree of cognitive independence of students, problem learning is carried out in three basic forms: problematic presentation, partially search activities and independent research activities. The inegencies of the informative independence of students take place when problematic presentation: the message of the new material is carried out by the teacher himself. After putting the problem, the teacher reveals the path of her decision, demonstrates students to the course of scientific thinking, makes them follow the dialectical movement of thought to the truth, makes them as if accomplices of scientific search. In terms of partially search activities, work is mainly sent by the teacher with the help of special issues encouraging Training to independent reasoning, actively searching for a response to individual parts of the problem.

Problem technology, like other technologies, has positive and negative sides.

Benefits of problem learning technology: contributes not only to the acquisition by students the necessary system of knowledge, skills and skills, but also to achieving a high level of their mental development, the formation of their ability to independently extract knowledge by their own creative activity; develops interest in learning work; Provides strong learning results.

Disadvantages:large time spent on achieving planned results, weak manageability of students' cognitive activity.

five). Gaming technologies

The game along with difficulty and teaching is one of the main types of human activity, an amazing phenomenon of our existence.

A-priory, the game - This is a type of activity in situations aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience in which the self-government is also improved.

Classification of pedagogical games

1. In terms of application:





- Psychological

2. Software (characteristic) character of the pedagogical process:








3. By gaming technology:



- Role




4. According to the subject area:

-Mathematical, chemical, biological, physical, environmental



- export


5. By gaming environment:

-Bez objects

- with objects


- single




- cyclic, with movement means

What tasks solves the use of such a form of training:

It is more free, psychologically liberated knowledge control.

- Search the painful reaction of students for unsuccessful answers.

- The approach to students in learning becomes more delicate and differentiated.

Training in the game allows you to teach:

Recognize, compare, characterize, reveal the concepts, justify, apply

As a result of the application of game learning methods, the following objectives are achieved:

§ Cognitive activity is stimulated

§ Activates mental activity

§ spontaneously remember information

§ Associative memorization is formed

§ Strengthens motivation to the study of the subject

All this indicates the effectiveness of learning in the game process, which is professional activities having features like teachings and labor.

6). Case - Technology

Case technology combine both role-playing games and project method, and situational analysis. .

Case technology is opposed to such types of work as a repetition of the teacher, answers to the teacher's questions, the retelling of the text, etc. Cases differ from conventional educational tasks (tasks, as a rule, one solution and one correct way, leading to this solution, cases have several solutions and many alternative paths leading to it).

The case of the actual situation (some input data) is analyzed in the case technology, the description of which simultaneously reflects not only any practical problem, but also actualizes a certain complex of knowledge, which must be assimilated in the resolution of this problem

Case technology is not a repetition of the teacher, not retelling a paragraph or article, not an answer to the teacher's question, this is an analysis of a specific situation that makes raise the layer of knowledge gained and apply them in practice.

These technologies help to increase students' interest to the subject studied, develops such qualities from schoolchildren as social activity, sociability, the ability to listen and competently express their thoughts.

When using Case -Technologies in elementary school in children occurs

· Development of analysis and critical thinking skills

· Connection of theory and practice

· Representation of examples of decisions

· Demonstration of various positions and points of view

· Formation of alternative evaluation skills in uncertainty

The teacher is faced with the task - to teach children both individually and as part of the group:

· Analyze information

· Sort it to solve a given task,

· Detect key problems

· Generate alternative solutions and evaluate them,

· Select the optimal solution and form programs of action, etc.

In addition, children:

· Get \u200b\u200bcommunication skills

· Develop presentation skills

· Formed interactive skills, allowing to effectively interact and take collective solutions

· Acquire expert skills and skills

· Learn to learn, self finding the necessary knowledge to solve the situation problem

· Change the motivation for learning

With active situational learning, the analysis participants are presented with facts (events) associated with some situation at its state at a certain point in time. The task of students is the adoption of a rational decision, acting within the framework of the collective discussion of possible solutions, i.e. Gaming interaction.

The methods of case-technologies activating the learning process include:

· Situation analysis method (method of analyzing specific situations, situational tasks and exercises; case-stages)

· Incident method;

· Method of situational roles;

· Method of parsing business correspondence;

· Game design;

· Discussion method.

So, the case-technology is an interactive learning technology, based on real or fictional situations, aimed at the development of knowledge as to the formation of students with new qualities and skills.

7). Technology of creative workshops

One of the alternative and effective ways to study and extract new knowledge is workshop technology. It is an alternative to the classroom - the urban organization of the educational process. It uses pedagogy of relations, comprehensive education, training without harsh programs and textbooks, project methods and immersion methods, the exclusive creative activity of students. The relevance of the technology consists in the fact that it can be used not only in the case of studying a new material, but also when repetition and consolidation of the previously studied. Based on his experience, I concluded that this form of lesson is aimed at both the comprehensive development of students in the learning process and the development of the teacher himself.

Workshop - This is a technology that suggests such an organization of the learning process in which the teacher - the master introduces his students to the process of knowledge through the creation of an emotional atmosphere, in which the student can show himself as a creator. In this technology, knowledge is not given, but are built by the student themselves in a pair or a group with a support for your personal experience, the teacher - the master only provides it with the necessary material in the form of tasks for reflection. This technology allows the personality to build its knowledge itself, in this its great resemblance to problem learning. Conditions are established for the development of creative potential and for a student, and for a teacher. Communicative qualities of the individual form are formed, as well as the subjectivity of the student - the ability to be a subject, an active participant in activities, independently determine the goals, plan, carry out activities and analyze. This technology allows you to teach students independently formulate the objectives of the lesson, find the most effective ways to achieve them, develops intellect, promotes the acquisition of group activities.

The workshop is similar to project training, because there is a problem that needs to be solved. The teacher creates conditions, helps to realize the essence of the problem over which it is necessary to work. Students formulate this problem and offer options for its solution. Different types of practical tasks can be performed as problems.

The workshop necessarily combines individual, group and frontal forms of activity, and training comes from one to another.

The main stages of the workshop.

Induction (Behavior) is a stage that is aimed at creating an emotional attitude and motivation of students to creative activities. At this stage, the inclusion of feelings, subconscious and the formation of a personal attitude towards the subject of discussion is supposed. Inductor - everything that encourages the child to action. As an inducer, a word, text, subject, sound, drawing, shape - all that is able to cause the flow of associations is possible. It may be a task, but an unexpected, mysterious.

Deconstruction - Destruction, chaos, inability to task with existing means. This is working with material, text, models, sounds, substances. This is the formation of the information field. At this stage there is a problem and is separated from an unknown, work with information material, dictionaries, textbooks, computer and other sources is carried out, that is, an information request is created.

Reconstruction - Recreation from the chaos of his project to solve the problem. This is the creation of microgroups or individually its world, text, drawing, project, solutions. The hypothesis is discussed and put forward, the ways to solve it are created, creative works are created: drawings, stories, riddles, goes to fulfill the tasks that the teacher gives.

Socialization - This is a relationship with students or microgroups of its activities with the activities of other students or microgroups and the presentation of all intermediate and final labor results to assess and detect their activities. One task is given on the whole class, it works in groups, the answers are communicated to the whole class. At this stage, the student learns to speak. This allows the teacher to master the lesson in the same pace for all groups.

Placement - It is hanging, a visual representation of the results of the Master and students. It can be text, scheme, project and familiarization with them all. At this stage, all students go, discuss, allocate original interesting ideas, protect their creative work.

Break - sharp increment in knowledge. This is the culmination of the creative process, the new allocation of the subject of the subject and awareness of the incompleteness of his knowledge, prompting to a new deepening in the problem. The result of this stage is insight (illumination).

Reflection - This is awareness of the student of oneself in its own activity, this is an analysis of the student of their activities implemented, this is a generalization of the feelings arising in the workshop, this is a reflection of the achievements of your own thought, their own worldview.

eight). Modular learning technology

Modular learning arose as an alternative to traditional learning. The semantic meaning of the term "" Modular Learning "is associated with the international concept of" Module ", one of whose values \u200b\u200bis a functional node. In this context, it is understood as the main means of modular learning, a complete information block.

In its original form, modular training originated in the late 60s of the 20th century and quickly spread in English-speaking countries. Its essentially consisted that studying with a small help of the teacher or completely independently could work with the individual curriculum proposed by him, including the target action plan, the Bank's bank and methodological guide to achieve the didactic objectives. The functions of the teacher began to vary from the information and controlling to the advisory-coordinating. The interaction of the teacher and studying in the educational process began to be carried out on a fundamentally different basis: with the help of modules, a conscious independent achievement of the student defined level of preliminary preparedness was provided. The success of modular learning was predetermined by compliance with parity interactions between teacher and students.

The main goal of the modern school is to create such a system of learning that would provide the educational needs of each student in accordance with its inclinations, interests and opportunities.

Modular learning is an alternative to traditional learning, it integrates all the progressive, which is accumulated in pedagogical theory and practice.

Modular training, as one of the main goals, is pursuing the formation, students, skills of independent activities and self-education. The essence of modular learning is that the student is completely independently (or with a certain dose of assistance) reaches specific goals of educational and cognitive activity. Training is based on the formation of the mechanism of thinking, and not on the operation of the memory! Consider the sequence of actions to build an educational module.

The module is a target functional node, which combined: learning and technology mastering them into a high-level system of integrity.

Algorithm for building an educational module:

1. Formation of the block-module content of theoretical educational material theme.

2. Detection of educational elements theme.

3. Detection of connections and relationships between the educational elements of the topic.

4. Formation of the logical structure of educational elements theme.

5. Determination of levels of learning the learning elements.

6. Determining requirements for the levels of learning elements of the topic.

7. Determination of awareness of the assimilation of the educational elements of the topic.

8. Formation of the block of algorithmic prescription of skills and skills.

The system of actions of the teacher to prepare for the transition to modular training. Develop a modular program consisting of KDC (complex -dactic objectives) and a set of modules that ensure this purpose:

1. Structuring learning content to certain blocks.
A cdz is formed, having two levels: the level of assimilation of the educational content of students and the orientation for its use in practice.

2. From the CDC is allocated by the IDC (integrating doedactic objectives) and modules are formed. Each module has its IDC.

3. The IDC is divided into CDC (private didactic goals) on their basis, UE (educational elements) is allocated.

To manage students' teaching, the principle of feedback is important.

1. Before each module, to conduct input control of ZUN students.

2. Current and intermediate control at the end of each UE (self-control, or interconnection, reconciliation with a sample).

3. Output control after completing the module. Purpose: Reveal the gaps in the assimilation of the module.

The introduction of modules to the learning process must be made gradually. Modules can be inserted into any system of training and thereby strengthen its quality and efficiency. You can combine the traditional system of learning, with modular. Well fit into a modular system of learning. The entire system of methods, techniques and forms of the organization of UPD students, the work is individual, in pairs, in groups.

The use of modular learning has a positive effect on the development of independent activities of students, on self-development, to improve the quality of knowledge. Students skillfully plan their work, know how to use educational literature. Well owned by general educational skills: comparisons, analysis, generalizations, allocation of the main, etc. The active cognitive activity of students contributes to the development of such qualities of knowledge, as durability, awareness, depth, efficiency, flexibility.

nine). Heating technology

Providing a student opportunity to preserve health for the period of training at school, the formation of the necessary knowledge, skills and skills on a healthy lifestyle and the use of knowledge gained in everyday life.

Organization of training activities with consideration of the lesson with a complex of health-saving technologies:

· Compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements (fresh air, optimal thermal regime, good illumination, cleanliness), safety regulations;

· The rational lesson density (time spent by schoolchildren on learning work) should be at least 60% and not more than 75-80%;

· A clear organization of academic labor;

· Strict dosage of training load;

· Change of activities;

· Training, taking into account the leading channels of perception of information by students (audiovisual, kinesthetic, etc.);

· Place and duration of TSO;

· Inclusion in the lesson of technological techniques and methods that contribute to self-knowledge, self-assessment of students;

· Building a lesson, taking into account the performance of students;

· Individual approach to students taking into account personal capabilities;

· Formation of external and internal motivation of students' activity;

· Favorable psychological climate, success situations and emotional discharges;

· Prevention of stress:

work in pairs, in groups, both on the ground and at the board, where the slave, more "weak" feels support for a friend; stimulation of students to use various ways to solve, without fear of mistaken and get an incorrect answer;

· Conducting physical attachments and dynamic pauses in the lessons;

· Focused reflection during the entire lesson and in its final part.

The use of such technologies helps preserve and strengthen the health of schoolchildren:, prevention of overworking students in lessons; improving the psychological climate in children's teams; the acquisition of parents to work to strengthen schoolchildren's health; increasing the concentration of attention; Reducing the incidence of children, anxiety level.

10). Technology integrated learning

Integration - This is a deep interpenetration, merging, as far as possible, in one educational material of generalized knowledge in a particular area.

The need for occurrenceintegrated lessons is explained by a number of reasons.

  • The world surrounding children will learn them in every diversity and unity, and often the objects of the school cycle, aimed at studying individual phenomena, will crush it into fragmented fragments.
  • Integrated lessons develop the potential of the students themselves, encourage active knowledge of the surrounding reality, to understand and find causal relationships, to develop logic, thinking, communicative abilities.
  • The form of integrated lessons is not standard, interesting. The use of various types of work during the lesson supports the attention of students at a high level, which makes it possible to talk about sufficient efficiency of lessons. Integrated lessons reveal significant pedagogical capabilities.
  • Integration in modern society explains the need for integration in education. Modern society requires high-class, well-trained specialists.
  • Integration makes it possible for self-realization, self-expression, teacher's creativity, contributes to the disclosure of abilities.

Advantages of integrated lessons.

  • Contribute to an increase in the motivation of the teachings, the formation of the cognitive interest of students, the holistic scientific picture of the world and consideration of the phenomenon from several sides;
  • More than ordinary lessons contribute to the development of speech, forming the skill of students to compare, summarize, draw conclusions;
  • Not only deepen the idea of \u200b\u200bthe subject, the horizons expand. But also contribute to the formation of a versatile developed, harmonically and intellectually developed personality.
  • Integration is a source of finding new bonds between facts that confirm or deepen certain conclusions. Surveillance students.

The patterns of integrated lessons:

  • the whole lesson is subordinate to the copyright,
  • the lesson is combined by the main thought (lesson rod),
  • the lesson is a single whole, the stages of the lesson are fragments of a whole,
  • stages and components of the lesson are in logical-structural dependence,
  • the dydactic material selected for the lesson corresponds to the plan, the information chain is organized as "this" and "new".

Teachers interaction can be built in different ways. It can be:

1. Parity, with equal shared participation of each of them,

2. One of the teachers can act the lead, and the other - an assistant or consultant;

3. The whole lesson can lead one teacher in the presence of another as an active observer and guest.

The technique of an integrated lesson.

The process of preparing and conducting an integrated lesson has its own specifics. It consists of several stages.

1. Preparatory

2. Executive



2. organization of a creative group,

3. designing the content of the lesson ,


The purpose of this stage is to bring part of students to the topic of the lesson, to its content.. Methods for challenge the interest of students can be various, for example, a description of a problem situation or an interesting case.

In the final part of the lesson, it is necessary to summarize everything that has been said in the lesson, to summarize the disconsiders, formulate clear conclusions.

At this stage, an analysis of the lesson is carried out. It is necessary to take into account all his advantages and disadvantages.

eleven). Traditional technology

The term "traditional training" implies primarily the organization of training in the XVII century on the principles of didactics formulated by Ya.K. Komensky.

Distinctive features of traditional cool-term technology are:

Students of approximately one age and the level of preparation are a group that maintains mainly permanent composition for the entire period of study;

The group works on a single annual plan and program according to the schedule;

The main unit of classes is a lesson;

The lesson is devoted to one training subject, the topic, by virtue of the group students work on the same material;

The work of students in the lesson is managing the teacher: he evaluates the results of studies in its subject, the level of training of each student separately.

School year, school day, class schedule, educational holidays, breaks between lessons - attributes of a cool-manner system.

According to its nature, the goal of traditional learning represent the education of the personality with the specified properties. According to the content of the goals, they are primarily focused on the assimilation of knowledge, skills and skills, and not on the development of the person.

The traditional technology is primarily an authoritarian pedagogy requirements, learning is very poorly connected with the inner life of the student, with its diverse requests and needs, there are no conditions for the manifestation of individual abilities, creative manifestations of the individual.

The learning process as traditional training activities is characterized by lack of independence, weak motivation of academic labor. Under these conditions, the stage of implementation of educational purposes turns into labor "from under the stick" with all its negative consequences.

Positive sides

Negative sides

Systematic training

Ordered, logically correct feeding material

Organizational clarity

Permanent emotional impact of the teacher's personality

Optimal resource costs with mass training

Template building, monotony

Irrational distribution of lesson time

On the lesson is provided only by initial orientation in the material, and the achievement of high levels is shifted to homework

Students are isolated from communicating with each other

No independence

Passivity or visibility of students' activity

Weak speech activity (average student speaking 2 minutes per day)

Weak feedback

Averaged approach
No individual learning

Passing levels by pedagogical technologies


On practice


Knows the scientific foundations of various PTs, gives an objective psychological and pedagogical assessment (and self-esteem) of the effectiveness of the application in the educational process

Purposefully and systemically applies technologies of learning (COM) in its activities, creatively simulates the combination of various things in their own practice


Has an idea of \u200b\u200bdifferent PT;

Reasonably describes the essence of its own technological chain; actively participates in the analysis of the effectiveness of the learning technologies used

Mainly follows a learning technology algorithm;

Owns techniques for the design of technological chains in accordance with the goal;

Uses a variety of pedagogical techniques in chains and methods


Formed general, empirical idea of \u200b\u200bPT;

It builds individual technological chains, but the desire can not explain their intended purpose within the framework of the lesson;

Evade discussion

questions related to PT

Applies PT elements intuitive, episodically, uninterrupted;

Adheres to any activity of any one learning technology;. Permits violations in the algorithm (chain) learning technology

To date, there is a sufficiently large number of pedagogical training technologies, both traditional and innovative. It is impossible to say that some of them are better, and the other worse, or to achieve positive results it is necessary to use only this and no more.

In my opinion, the choice of this or that technology depends on many factors: the contingent of students, their age, the level of preparedness, the subject of classes, etc.

And the most optimal option is to use a mixture of these technologies. So the educational process for the most part represents a cool-term system. This allows you to work according to the schedule, in a specific audience, with a specific permanent group of students.

Based on the foregoing, I want to say that traditional and innovative learning methods should be in a permanent interconnection and complement each other. Do not give up the old and completely switch to the new one. You should remember the statement "All new it is well forgotten old."

Internet and literature.

1) .manvelovs.g. Designing a modern lesson. - M.: Enlightenment, 2002.

2). Larina V.P., Khodireva E.A., Okunev A.A. Lectures in the classroom of the creative laboratory "Modern Pedagogical Technologies". - Kirov: 1999 - 2002.

3). Petrusinsky V.V. IRGU - training, training, leisure. New School, 1994

four). Gromova OK "Critical thinking, how is it in Russian? Technology of creativity. // BSh № 12, 2001

The rapid development of society dictates the need for changes in the technologies and methods of the educational process. Graduates of educational institutions should be prepared for trends with changeable modernity. Therefore, the introduction of technologies aimed at an individual approach, mobility and remoteness in education seems necessary and inevitable.

What is "Innovative Technology"

Word " innovation"It has a Latin origin. "Novatio" means "update", "Change", and "IN" translates as "in the direction". Literally "Innovatio" - "in the direction of change". And this is not any innovation, but after the application of which there are significant improvements in efficiency, quality of activity.

Under technology (Greek Techne "Art", "Mastery", Logos "Word", "Knowledge" - Science of Art) It is understood by the combination of methods and processes used in any matter or in the production of something.

Any innovation finds its implementation through technology. In this way, innovative technology - This is a technique and the process of creating something new or improving the already existing in order to ensure progress and improve efficiency in various fields of human activity.

Innovative educational technologies

The methods used are not so effective in relation to the new generation of students. Standardized training does not take into account the individual qualities of the child and the need for creative growth.

Despite a number of problems that are not solved by the old ways, there are difficulties with the introduction of innovations. The teacher must understand that the introduction of innovative methods helps not only his pupils more efficiently absorb material, developing their creative potential. But it also helps the teacher to implement its own intellectual and creative potential.

Types of pedagogical innovation

In school, the most diverse pedagogical innovative techniques apply. The profile orientation of the educational institution, its traditions and standards play a huge role in choosing a huge role.

The most common innovations in the process of education:

  • information and communication technologies (ICT);
  • personal-oriented learning;
  • project and research activities;
  • game technologies.


Implies integration of teaching disciplines with computer science,as well as Computerization of estimation and communication in general. The computer can be used at any stages of the educational process. Schoolchildren study work with basic programs, study material thanks to electronic textbooks and benefits. Using a computer and projector, the teacher sets out the material. Presentations, charts, audio and video files thanks to clarity contribute to the best assimilation of the topic. Independent creation of slides, schemes, memory cards helps to structure knowledge, which also helps memorize.

Availability of computer, Internet and special programs makes it possible remote teaching, online excursions, conferences and consultations.

At the end of the study of the topic as control can be used tests on the computer. Schools use the system electronic journalsin which you can track the results of a separate child, class or academic performance on a specific subject. Included in everyday life and electronic diarieswhere estimates are set and homework are fixed. So parents can recognize the scores of the child and the presence of tasks.

It is important to teach schoolchildren to use the Internet, search engines and social networks. With a competent approach, they become an inexhaustible source of information and the method of communication of schoolchildren with the teacher and among themselves.

Popularity is gaining popularity creating a teacher of your own website. Thanks to him, it is possible to share interesting books, benefits, articles, educational videos and audio, remotely respond to the questions of students. It can be used in the development of a group project: Participants are divided with each other and curator by developments, results and solve emerging problems.

Personal-oriented training

In this case the main acting person in learning is a child. The goal is to develop a student of a schoolboy, taking into account its individual qualities. Accordingly, non-students are adjusted to the educational system and the style of the teacher, and the teacher, using his skills and knowledge, organizes training according to the characteristics of the class.

Here you need to know the teacher of the psychological, emotional and cognitive features of the student team. Based on this, it forms plans for classes, selects methods and methods for presenting the material. It is important to be able to awaken the interest of the student to the outlined material and work collectively, speaking not so much by the leader as a partner and the advice.

If desired, an educational institution is possible differentiation of students. For example, the class has a class at a specific attribute as a result of testing; further division according to interest; Introduction of profile classes in high school.

Project and Research

The main goal is to develop the ability of independent, creative search for data, setting and solving problems, involve information from different spheres of knowledge. The task of the teacher is the awakening of interest in search activity and creating conditions for its implementation.

When working on a group project, the skills of working in a team, communications, skills listen to someone else's opinion, criticize and take criticism.

The use of this technology in school develops the ability to know the world, analyze facts, draw conclusions. This is the basis and assistance in admission to a higher education institution and work on the thesis and master's dissertations.

Gaming technologies

The value of the gaming technology is that, being inherently rest, it performs an educational function, stimulates creative implementation and self-expression. Of course, it most applies to the younger group of schoolchildren, as they correspond to their age requirements. Use it must be dosed.

At the request of the teacher, the whole lesson can be held in a game form: Competition, Quiz, KVN, setting scenes from the work. It is possible to use game elements and at any stage of classes: at the beginning, in the middle or at the end as a survey. Properly organized game stimulates schoolchildren's memory, interest, and also overcomes passivity.

Changes in the educational sphere are necessary and inevitable. And it is worth noting that for the most part pupils are happy to take something new, interesting, unusual. They are ready and capable of perception. Last word - for teachers.

Many useful materials using innovative technologies are presented in the "Publications" section. You can draw interesting techniques and ideas from the works of colleagues.

All-Russian Conference on the topic: "Innovative technologies in high school."

SUBJECT : The use of innovative technologies in school as a way to prepare students when choosing a professional sphere.

TARGET: "The effectiveness of methodological forms in the educational process when using innovative technologies at school when choosing a future profession.

Short description:

The humanization of education implies a real-functioning system that ensures the unity of continuous general cultural, moral and professional development of the individual. This socio-pedagogical principle requires revision of the content and technology of education in relationship with the humanization of society. In the pedagogy, innovative technologies are considered in connection with the formation of the readiness of the person to quickly upcoming changes in society through the development of creative abilities, self-learning skills.

The humanization of the pedagogical process determines the interest in the problem of professional communicativeness and aims to apply innovative technologies in the learning process (in particular, foreign languages), in which the chief emphasis is placed on the formation of professional-significant communication skills.

An innovative school is an educational institution, the main task of which is the innovative activity of teachers and students based on the basis of copyright innovative ideas in the form of an original educational practice.

The emergence of such an innovative school is based on the platform of the usual mass school, where the specialists of innovative projects in education are developing and applied on an original technological basis one or more functions of the complex. The innovative school is a complex dynamic system with its structure of the sectors of educational services. Learning is involved in all areas of activity and can realize themselves in the full spectrum of scientific programs. This participation occurs in various forms of communication between adults and children.

The effectiveness of methodological forms in the educational process when using innovative technologies.

The introduction of innovative technologies is through the implementation of the project of the informatization program, the purpose of which, improving the quality of education by informatizing the educational process. Completed school media library, licensed programs, electronic textbooks, presentations for lessons acquired.

Use by teachers in the lesson:

    Personal-oriented training

    Information and Communicative Technologies

    Design Technology

    Heating technology

    Block-modular technology

    Game technologies.

Personal-oriented technologies in teaching the subject playing a decisive role in the innovation of education so that the child's personality personality and the provision of all the necessary conditions for the livelihoods and development of creative potential. This innovative idea of \u200b\u200beducation is manifested in individual educational programs, taking into account the age, the possibilities and needs of the child. The pedagogical team is involved in prefigurement preparation, which made it possible to create conditions for the personal and professional self-determination of schoolchildren, new training programs have been created, and elective courses are developed.

The direction is successfully implemented - work with gifted students. This work is carried out both through educational and extracurricular work, individual activities. The result of effective work is that annually studied our schools become winners, winners at different levels. The monitoring service is developing at school. So, according to the research results, there is a positive dynamics of the quality of school learning programs.

A teacher who is capable of and ready to implement innovation in school can take place when he realizes itself as a professional, has an installation on the creative perception of the available innovative experience and its necessary transformation.

An important modern pedagogical innovation in Russia is educational technologies that form a cultural portrait of a student, as well as didactic technologies as the main condition for the development of the educational process.

In modern society, many agree with me, learning children is easier than to bring up. The process of education requires a more subtle approach to the child and this is a process of constant creativity. The activity of the class teacher is primarily aimed at working with the study of the whole class. It forms motivation to the teachings of each individual child, studying its age-related features for the development and incentive of cognitive interests. However, the education of the personality should be oriented not only for the assimilation of a certain amount of knowledge, but also on the development of the abilities and qualities of a person, allowing it to act and effectively work in modern economic conditions.

The class teacher must be in the epicenter of innovative activities of the educational institution. Therefore, from the class teacher, work is waiting for work filled with both new content and new technologies for the design of the educational process.

The widespread ICT introduction into the educational process made it possible to expand the arsenal methodological techniques that contribute to an increase in the effectiveness of pedagogical labor.

The main directions for which the school works is:

1. Anti-legal education.

2. Cultural and educational work.

3. Social and patriotic education.

4.Pizcultural and wellness.

5. Work with parents.

6. Labor activity.

Working for each direction it is impossible to do without modern information technologies. A man in nature trusts more eyes and perceives through the visual analyzer. The computer becomes a means of disseminating and sharing information between the student and the teacher, and contributes to the development of an increased interest in the child around the world. For example, the use of distance learning makes it possible to most accurately solve the tasks of the intensification of the educational process, including regulatoryly to manage quality when using remote technologies.

Today, with the expansion of international cooperation in all fields of activity, one of the first places in the list of professionally important skills occupies knowledge of a foreign language, and therefore, intensive technologies for foreign languages \u200b\u200bshould be widely implemented in the educational process, which is done in schools.

Thus, the experience of the modern school has a diverse arsenal application of pedagogical innovation in the learning process, the effectiveness of the use of which depends on the accumulated traditions in the education institution, the ability of the pedagogical team to perceive modern pedagogical technologies, the material and technical base of the institution.


1. Aylamazyan A.K. Education and communication. Pedagogical informatics, 1998, №7

2. Angelovski K.A. Teachers and innovation. 1991

3 http.// Catalog of educational resources.

4. http.// iyazyki.. ru - Internet - the publication "Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bin School".

Municipal State Community Institution

Busurlinovskaya Secondary school №4

Municipal seminar

"System workforce approach as the main condition for the implementation of GEF"

Theme performances:

"Innovative pedagogical technologies of training and education as part of the implementation of GEF"

Prepared primary school teacher

first qualifying category

Levchenko Elena Vladimirovna

Buturlinovka, 2013

The use of modern innovative technologies in learning is one of the most important trends in the educational process. In the domestic education in recent years, innovative, including interactive technologies, have become increasingly used in the study of most disciplines.

The advantages of innovative pedagogical technologies are as follows:

Increase efficiency and quality learning;

Provide motives for independent cognitive activity;

Contribute to the deepening of interdisciplinary relations by integrating information and subject training.(Slide 1)

Pedagogical innovation- innovation, transformation in the pedagogical area associated with new ideas, inventions, discoveries, research, projects.(Slide 2)

In the implementation of the implementation of GEF, the teacher acts not only as a teacher, but also as an instructor, mentor, consultant, curator, manager, assistant. The student becomes an active participant in the educational process, which can think, think, reason, to speak freely. The implementation of GEF cannot be carried out without a clear answer to the question "How to teach?" The teacher should know a specific and understandable algorithm of his activity, which first, would not destroy personal practical experience, which would fit into a new idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is good for children and what will help the student to become successful in the modern world.

Modern education priorities encourage teachers to find new modern efficient pedagogical technologies, allowing to achieve higher learning and education results, introduce new educational technologies in the educational process.

What is pedagogical technology? This is the construction of a teacher's activities in which actions included in it are presented in a specific sequence and suggest achievements of the projected result.(Slide 3)

Consider the basic technology of second-generation standards used in an educational institution.(slide 4-5)

Information and communication

Technology based on creating an educational situation

Technology based on project activities

Technology based on level differentiation

Heating technology

Problem-dialogic learning

- "Portfolio"


Distance learning technology

(Slide 6) Information and Communication Technologies In educational activities, they carry out information support for the educational process, create an open (but controlled space). The schools of the school are actively used in educational and frequent activities, participate with students in the competitions of the Intel program - "path to success", preparing presentations. This technology contributes to the upbringing of independence, responsibility, allows the child to learn with interest.

(Slide 7) Level Differentiation

This is differentiation of requirements for the level of development of basic and elevated levels. With this technology, the principles are followed: the openness of the requirements system, the basic level, the obligation of its development by all students and voluntariness in the development of elevated levels of requirements, work with rolling stock groups.

(Slide 8) Training based on "Educational Situations".

The educational task is to organize conditions provoking children's action.

(Slide 9) Heating technology

The main task is to protect physical, mental, spiritual, social health. In our school, teachers use V.F. Bazar technology technology, including:

Massage rugs for blood circulation Stop and prevention flatfoot;

Visitious, motor trajectories (oplichers), removing the visual stress;

It is planned to use the contact - the change mode of dynamic poses.

Morning gymnastics is regularly held.

(Issue 10) Project activity

The inclusion of schoolchildren in project activities teaches them to reflect, predict, foresee the result, forms adequate self-esteem.

The task of the teacher is to find and organize interesting forms of knowledge of the surrounding world. In this direction, the work of circles was organized at the school: "The path to success", "I study the world."

(Slide 11) "Portfolio"

This is a way to fix the accumulation and evaluation of individual achievements of schoolchildren in a certain period of training. Students demonstrate their achievements in various fields: educational, creative, social.

(Slide 12) Problem - Dialogue Training

It is important in the lesson of the opening of new knowledge to pass 2 stages: 1 - setting the problem (stage of formation of a new knowledge), 2 - Solution Solution (Formulation of the lesson's topic or question)

(Slide 13) Research

The essence of technology isperfection research capacity and research behavior skills for students.

The teacher must clearly and skillfully lead the research activities of his students.

(Slide 14) Distance learning technology

The essence is that training and monitoring of the material is taking place using a computer network, on-line and off-line connections. It takes place in the form of working with gifted children (participation in distance Olympiads, Internet Quiz). School teachers are actively involved in webinars, scientific and practical conferences, discussing topical issues of training and education.