The use of ultraviolet radiation. Ultraviolet radiation in medicine, application

The use of ultraviolet radiation. Ultraviolet radiation in medicine, application
The use of ultraviolet radiation. Ultraviolet radiation in medicine, application

UV radiation is electromagnetic waves that are invisible to human eye. It occupies the spectral position between visible and X-ray radiation. The interval of ultraviolet radiation is customary to divide into Middle, medium and far (vacuum).

Biologists made such a separation of UFLs so that it can be better to see the difference in the effect exerted by rays of different lengths per person.

  • Middle Ultraviolet is called UV-A,
  • medium - UV-B,
  • far - UV-s.

Ultraviolet radiation comes from the sun and the atmosphere of our planet Earth protects us from the powerful impact of ultraviolet rays. The sun is one of the few natural UV emitters. At the same time, the far ultraviolet UV-C is blocked by the atmosphere of the Earth almost completely. Those 10%, the long-wave rays of ultraviolet fall to us in the form of the sun. Accordingly, that ultraviolet that falls on the planet is mainly UV, and in small quantities of UV-B.

One of the main properties of ultraviolet is its chemical activity, thanks to which UV radiation has great influence on the human body. A short-wave ultraviolet is considered the most dangerous for our body. Despite the fact that our Planet protects us as much as possible from the impact on ultraviolet rays, if you do not comply with some precautions, you can still suffer from them. Sources of short-wave-type radiation are welding machines and ultraviolet lamps.

Positive properties of ultraviolet

Only in the 20th century began to conduct research that proved positive effect of UV radiation on the human body. The result of these studies was the identification of the following useful properties: strengthening human immunity, activating protective mechanisms, improved blood circulation, extension of blood vessels, increase the permeability of the vessels, an increase in the secretion of a row of hormones.

Another property of ultraviolet is his ability change carbohydrate and protein exchange human substances. There may be affected by the UV rays also on the ventilation of the lungs - the frequency and rhythm of respiration, an increase in gas exchange, the level of oxygen consumption. The functioning of the endocrine system is also improved, vitamin D is formed in the body, which strengthens the musculoskeletal system of man.

Use of ultraviolet in medicine

Quite often ultraviolet apply in medicine. Despite the fact that in some cases ultraviolet rays can badly affect the human body, with proper use they can be useful.

In medical institutions have long come up with a useful use of artificial ultraviolet. There are various emitters that can help a person with ultraviolet rays. cope with various diseases. They are also divided into those that radiate long, medium and short waves. Each of them is applied in a certain case. Thus, long-wave radiation is suitable for the treatment of respiratory tract, for damage to the bone-topic device, as well as in the case of various skin damage. We can also see long-wave radiation in solariums.

A little different function is being treated middle-wave ultraviolet. It is prescribed mainly to people suffering from immunodeficiency, metabolic disorders. It also applies in the treatment of disorders of the musculoskeletal system, has an anesthetic effect.

Shortwave radiation It is used in the treatment of diseases of the skin, with diseases of the ears, nose, during the damage to the respiratory tract, with diabetes, with damage to the heart valves.

In addition to various devices emitting artificial ultraviolet, which are used in mass medicine, there are also ultraviolet LasersWith a more point action. These lasers are used, for example, with microsurgery of the eye. Such lasers also apply for scientific research.

Use of ultraviolet in other spheres

In addition to medicine, ultraviolet radiation is used in many other areas, significantly improving our lives. So, ultraviolet is excellent disinfectingand applied, including for processing various items, water, indoor air. Ultraviolet and in printing: It is using ultraviolet that various seals are made and stamps are made, paints and varnishes are dried, cash bills are protected from fake. In addition to their useful properties, with proper feeding ultraviolet can create beauty: it is used for various light effects (most often it happens on discos and on speeches). Help UV rays also in finding fires.

One of the negative effects of ultraviolet exposure to the human body is electrophthalmia. This term is called the defeat of the organ of vision of the person, in which the cornea is burned and swells, and cutting pain appears in the eyes. This disease may occur if a person looks at the rays of the sun without a special protective device (sunglasses) or stays in a snow-covered area in sunny weather, with very bright light. Also, electrophthalmia can also be earned with quartzing of premises.

Negative consequences can be achieved thanks to the long, intensive effects of ultraviolet rays on the body. The consequences of such can be quite a lot, right up to the development of various pathologies. The main symptoms of excessive exposure are

The consequences of strong irradiation are the following: hypercalcemia, growth delay, hemolysis, imminent deterioration, various burns and skin diseases. Most of all are subject to excessive irradiation, people constantly working outdoors, as well as those people who constantly work with devices emitting an artificial ultraviolet.

Unlike UV emitters used in medicine, solaria are more dangerous For a person. A visit to Solariyev is not controlled by anyone, in addition to the person himself. People who are often visited by the solarium in order to achieve a beautiful sunburn, often negative the negative consequences of UV radiation, despite the fact that frequent visits to solariums can even lead to death.

The acquisition of a darker color of the skin occurs due to the fact that our body struggles with the traumatic effect on it UV radiation, and produces the coloring pigment, called melanin. And if the redness of the skin is a temporary defect passing through for a while, then appearing on the body of freckles, pigment stains that occur as a result of the growth of epithelium cells - resistant skin damage.

Ultraviolet, penetrating deep into the skin, can change skin cells at the gene level and lead to ultraviolet Mutagenesis. One of the complications of this mutagenesis is melanoma - tumor of the skin. It is she who can lead a person to a fatal outcome.

In order to avoid the negative effects of UV rays, it is necessary to ensure yourself some defense. In various enterprises working with devices emitting artificial ultraviolet, you need to use overalls, helmets, shields, insulating screen, protective glasses, portable screen. People who are not involved in the activities of such enterprises should be limited to excessive visits to Solariyev and lived in the open sun, in the summer time of the year, use sunscreen, sprays or lotions, as well as wearing sunglasses and closed clothes from natural fabrics.

There are also I. negative consequences of lack of UV radiation. The long-term absence of a workflow can lead to a disease called "light starvation". The main symptoms are very similar to the symptoms of excessive exposure to ultraviolet. With this disease, the person decreases immunity, the metabolism is disturbed, fatigue, irritability, etc. appears.

Ultraviolet radiation of the Sun and artificial sources depending on the wavelength divide on three ranges:

  • - area A - wavelength 400-320 nm (long-wave ultraviolet radiation UV);
  • - region b - wavelength 320-275 nm (medium-wave ultraviolet radiation UV-B);
  • - area C - wavelength 275-180 nm (short-wave ultraviolet radiation UV-C).

In action is long, medium and shortwave radiation on cells, fabrics and the organism there are significant differences.

The region A (UV-A) The long-wave radiation has a diverse biological effect, causes skin pigmentation and fluorescence of organic substances. UV - Rays have the greatest penetrating ability, which allows some atoms and body molecules to selectively absorb the energy of UV radiation and move into an unstable excited state. The subsequent transition to the initial state is accompanied by the release of light quanta (photons) capable of initiating various photochemical processes, first of all affecting DNA, RNA, protein molecules.

Photothechnical processes cause reactions and changes from various organs and systems that form the basis of the physiological and therapeutic effects of UV rays. The shear and effects (photoerithema, pigmentation, desensitization, bactericidal effect, etc.) occurring in irradiated UV - rays, and others) have a clear spectral dependence (Fig. 1), which serves as the basis of the differentiated use of various sections of the UV spectrum.

Figure 1 - Spectral dependence of the most important biological effects of ultraviolet radiation

The irradiation of medium-wave UV rays causes a protein photo gallery to form biologically active substances, and the effects of shortwave rays more often leads to coagulation and denaturation of protein molecules. Under the influence of UV rays of bands in and C, especially in large dosages, changes occur in nucleic acids, as a result of which cell mutations are possible.

At the same time, long-wave rays lead to the formation of a specific photoreactivation enzyme that promotes the restoration of nucleic acids.

  1. The most widely UV radiation is used with therapeutic purposes.
  2. UV rays are used for sterilization and disinfection of water, air, premises, objects, etc.
  3. Their use with preventive and cosmetic purposes is very common.
  4. UV radiation and diagnostic purposes are used to determine the reactivity of the organism, in luminescent methods.

UV radiation is a vital factor, and its long deficiency leads to the development of a peculiar symptom complex with "light starvation" or "UV failure". Most often, it is manifested by the development of Avitaminosis D, the weakening of the protective immunobiological reactions of the organism, the exacerbation of chronic diseases, functional disorders of the nervous system, etc. D.K. Contingent, testing "UV insufficiency", include workers mines, mines, metro, people working in buffone Workshops, machine branches and in the extreme north.

Ultraviolet irradiation

Ultraviolet irradiation is made by various artificial artificial products with excellent wavelengths λ. The absorption of UV rays is accompanied by a number of primary photochemical and photophysical processes, which depend on their spectral composition and determine the physiological and therapeutic effect of the factor on the body.

Long-wave ultraviolet (DUF) The rays stimulate the proliferation of cells of the Malpigiyevic layer of epidermosis and tyrosine decarboxylation followed by the formation of a schipovoid-shaped formation. Next is to stimulate the synthesis of ACTG and other harmonies, etc. It turns out various immunological shifts.

Duf rays are weaker than other UV rays biological, including eryymo-forming effect. To enhance the skin sensitivity to them, photosensitizers are used, most often the compounds of the Fourocumary row (Puvalen, Beroxane, psoralen, amminofurin, etc.)

This property of long-wavelength radiation allows it to be used in the treatment of skin diseases. PUVA-therapy method (used salicylic alcohol).

Thus, it is possible to highlight the main characteristics. medical effects Duf rays:

  1. Therapeutic effects are
  • - photosensitizing,
  • - Pigment-forming
  • - Immunostimulating.
  1. Duf-rays, as well as other areas of UV radiation cause a change in the functional state of the central nervous system and its highest bark of the brain cortex. Due to the reflex reaction, blood circulation is improved, the sector activity of the digestive organs and the functional state of the kidneys is enhanced.
  2. Duf rays affect the metabolism, primarily mineral and nitrogen.
  3. Local appliques of photosensitizers with limited psoriasis forms are widely used. Recently, UV-in is used as a sensitizer as a sensitizer as possessing greater biological activity. Combined irradiation of UV-A and UV-B are called selective irradiation.
  4. Duf rays are used for both local and general irradiation. The main indications for their use are:
  • - Skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, vitiligo, seborrhea, etc.)
  • - chronic inflammatory diseases of internal organs (especially respiratory organs)
  • - diseases of the supports and movement of various ethnology
  • - Burns, frostbite
  • - Sliding wounds and ulcers, cosmetics.


  • - acute anti-inflammatory processes,
  • - diseases of the liver and kidney with a pronounced violation of their functions,
  • - hyperthyroidism
  • - Increased sensitivity to duf radiation.

Middle-wave ultraviolet(Suf) radiation has a pronounced and versatile biological effect.

When absorbing the souf radiation quanta in the skin, low molecular weight products of protein photolysis and lipid peroxidation products are formed. They cause changes in the ultrastructural organization of biological membranes, protein-lipid complexes, membrane enzymes and their most important physicochemical and functional properties.

The photoclamp products activate the mononuclear phagocyte system and cause degranulation of labrocytes and basophils. As a result, in the irradiated region and adjacent tissues, biologically active substances (keinin, foregnostinn, heparin, leukotrienes, thromboxanes, etc.) and vasoactive mediators (acetylcholine, histamine) are released, which significantly increase the permeability and tone of vessels, and also contribute to the relaxation of smooth muscles . Owing to the humatic mechanisms, the number of skin capillaries increases, the speed of local blood flow raises, which leads to the formation eritoma.

Repeated Suf-irradiations can lead to the appearance of rapidly disappearing pigmentation that promotes the increase in the barrier function of the skin, increase its cold sensitivity and resistance to the action of toxic substances and adverse factors.

Both the erythemical reaction and other shifts caused by the souf rays depend not only on the wavelength, but also from the dosage. In phototherapy, it is used in erythemical and suberymmetric doses.

The exposure to the soufly rays in suberymmetric dosages contributes to the formation of vitamin D formation, which after its biotransformation in the liver and kidneys is involved in the regulation of phosphorous calcium exchange in the body. Suf-irradiation contributes to the formation of not only vitamin D1, but also its isomer - ergocalcifemine (vitamin D2). The latter has an anti-grade effect, stimulates the aerobic and anaerobic path of cell respiration. The Suf-rays in small dosages also modulate the exchange of other vitamins (A and C) cause the intensification of metabolic processes in the irradiated tissues. Under their influence, the adaptation-trophic function of the sympathetic nervous system is activated, the disturbed processes of various types of metabolism are normalized, cardiovascular activity.

Thus, the souvenrow radiation has a pronounced biological effect. Depending on the irradiation phase, it is possible to obtain erythema on the skin and mucous membranes or carry out treatment in a dose that does not cause it. The mechanism of therapeutic effect of the erythemny and non-educated doses of the SUF is different, therefore will be different and indications for the use of ultraviolet radiation.

Ultraviolet erythema appears at the exposure place of UV-in 2-8 hours and is associated with the death of epidermis cells. The photolism of proteins are produced in blood flow and cause extension of vessels, skin swelling, leukocyte migration, irritation of numerous receptors leading to a number of organism reflex reactions.

In addition, photolysis products falling in blood flow have a humoral effect on individual organs, nervous and endocrine systems of the body. The phenomena of aseptic inflammation gradually subscribe to the seventh day, leaving behind the skin pigmentation at the irradiation site.

The main therapeutic effects of Suf-Iluction:

  1. Suf-emission is a vitaminally forming, trophobutimulating, immunomodulating - this is suberymmetric doses.
  2. Petrachpic, analgesic, desensitizing is an erythene dose.
  3. Bronchial diseases, asthma, hardening is an uncericious dose.

Indications for local use of UV-B (suberies and erythemal doses):

  • - acute neuritis
  • - acute Meozit
  • - Punchy skin diseases (furukul, carbuncoon, sicosis, etc.)
  • - Rozh
  • - Trophy ulcers
  • - Sliding wounds
  • - Proleside
  • - inflammatory and post-traumatic diseases of the joints
  • - rheumatoid arthritis
  • - bronchial asthma
  • - acute and chronic bronchitis
  • - acute respectable diseases
  • - inflammation of the appendages of the uterus
  • - chronic tonsillitis.

The ultraviolet radiation of the spectrum in the total irradiations of the body eliminate the phenomena of d-hypovitaminosis associated with the lack of sunlight. Normalizes phosphorous calcium exchange, stimulate the function of sympathetic-adrenal and pituitary-adrenal systems, increase the mechanical strength of bone tissue and stimulate the formation of the bone corn, increase the resistance of the body of the body and the body as a whole to harmful factors of the external environment. Allergic and exudative reactions decrease, mental and physical performance increases. Other disorders in the body caused by solar starvation are weakened.

Indications to the general use of UV-B (Needer Doses):

  • - D-hypovitaminosis
  • - metabolic disease
  • - predisposition to minecraft diseases
  • - Neurodermit
  • - Psoriasis
  • - bone fractures and bone corn
  • - bronchial asthma
  • - chronic diseases of the bronchial apparatus
  • - Hardening the body.


  • - Malignant neoplasms
  • - inclination to bleeding
  • - systemic blood diseases
  • - thyrotoxicosis
  • - Active tuberculosis
  • - ulcerative ulcer of the stomach and duodenal intestine in the stage of aggravation
  • - Hypertensive disease II and stage III
  • - Detacked atherosclerosis of the arteries of the brain and the crown arteries.

Shortwave Ultraviolet Radiation Spectrum(Couff) radiation.

UV radiation of the short-wave range is an active physical factor, since its quanta possess the greatest reserve of energy. It can cause denaturation and photooliz of nucleic acids and proteins due to excessive energy input of its quanta with various molecules, primarily DNA and RNA.

Under action on microorganisms, it leads to the inactivation of their genome and protein denaturation, which leads to their death.

When radiation, the cof rays occurs a bactericidal effect, since the direct hit of their protein is disliked for viruses, microorganisms and mushrooms.

Kouf rays cause the expansion of blood vessels after a short spasm, primarily sub-owned veins.

Indications for the use of cuf radiation:

  • - irradiation of wound surfaces
  • - Prolesidery and almond niches after tonsillectomine with bactericidal chain
  • - Sanitation of nasopharynx in acute painting diseases
  • - treatment of outdoor otitis
  • - Disinfection of air in operating, procedural, inhalers, resuscitation branches, patient chambers, children's institutions and schools.

Skin and her function

The human skin is 18% of human body weight and has a total area of \u200b\u200b2m2. It consists of leather of three anatomically and physiologically closely interconnected layers:

  • - epidermis or postcases
  • - Derma (skin actually)
  • - Hydrometerma (subcutaneously fat lining).

The epidermis is built from various in the form and structure, layers of epithelial cells (epitherocytes). At the same time, each overlying cell occurs from the underlying, reflecting a certain phase of its life.

The layers of the epidermis are located in the following sequence (bottom to the top):

  • - basal (D) or germs;
  • - a layer of spinged cells;
  • - layer of keratogial or granular cells;
  • - epeidine or brilliant;
  • - horny.

In addition to epidermocytes in the epidermis (in the basal layer), cells are located capable of producing melanin (melanocytes), Lagergans, Greenstain cells, etc.

The dermis is located directly under the epidermis and is separated from it the main membrane. In the dermis distinguish the papilla and mesh layers. It consists of collagen, elastic and reticulin (argirophilic) fibers, between which is the main substance.

In the dermis, in fact, there is a puffing layer in the skin, richly equipped with blood and lymphatic vessels. There are also plexuses of nerve fibers, giving rise to numerous nervous endings in the epidermis and dermis. In the dermis are laid at various levels sweating and sebaceous glands, hair follicles.

Subcutaneous fatty fiber is the deepest layer of skin.

The functions of the skin are complex and diverse. The skin performs the barrier - protective, thermostat, excretory, exchange, receptor, etc.

Barrier - a protective function that is considered to be the main function of human skin and animals is carried out at the expense of various mechanisms. Thus, the durable and elastic horny layer of the skin is opposed by mechanical influences and reduces the harmful effect of chemicals. The horny layer, being a bad conductor, protects the flowing layers from drying, cooling and operation of the electric current.

Figure 2 - Skin structure

Skin fat, the product secretion of sweat glands and flakes of the exfoliating epithelium form on the surface of the skin emulsion film (protective mantle), which plays an important role in the protection of the skin from the impact of chemical, biological and physical agents.

The acidic reaction of the water-lipid mantle and surface layers of the skin, as well as the bactericidal properties of the skin, are an important barrier mechanism for microorganisms.

In defense against light rays, the pygment melanin is played.

The electrophysiological barrier is the main obstacle to the penetration of substances into the depths of the skin, including in electrophoresis. It is located at the level of the basal layer of the epidermis and is an electric layer with heterogeneous layers. The outer layer due to an acidic reaction has "+" charge, and addressed inside "-". It should be borne in mind that, on the one hand, the barrier-protective function of the skin weakens the effect of physical factors on the body, and on the other hand, physical factors can stimulate the protective properties of the skin and thereby implement therapeutic effects.

Physical thermoregulationthe organism is also one of the most important physiological functions of the skin and is directly related to the mechanism of action of hydrotherapy factors. It is carried out by the skin by heat emission in the form of infrared rays (44%) heat resification (31%) and evaporation of water from the surface of the skin (21%). It is important to note that the skin with its thermostat mechanisms plays a large role in the acclimatization of the body.

Secret-excretory function The skin is associated with the activities of sweat and sebaceous glands. It plays an important role in maintaining the homoseostasis of the body, in the performance of the skin of barrier properties.

Respiratory and resorption functionclosely interrelated. The respiratory function of the skin, consisting in the absorption of oxygen and isolating carbon dioxide, in the overall balance of respiration for the body of a large value does not have. However, breathing through the skin can increase significantly in conditions of high air temperature.

Skin resorption function, its permeability is of great importance not only in dermatology and toxicology. Its value for physiotherapy is determined by the fact that the chemical component of the action of many therapeutic factors (medicinal, gas and mineral baths, mud, etc.) depends on the penetration of their component ingredients through the skin.

Exchange function Skin has specific features. On the one hand, in the skin only its inherent exchange processes (the formation of keratin, melanin, vitamin D, etc.), on the other hand, is actively involved in the overall metabolism in the body. It is especially great its role in fat, mineral, carbohydrate and vitamin exchanges.

The skin is also a place of synthesis of biologically active substances (heparin, histamine, serotonin, etc.).

Receptor functionskin provides its connection with the external environment. This function of the skin is carried out in the form of numerous conditional and unconditional reflexes due to the presence of various receptors mentioned above.

It is believed that on 1 cm2 of the skin 100-200 pain points 12-15 cold, 1-2 thermal, 25 pressure points.

Interrelations with internal organs It is related closely - skin changes are reflected on the activities of internal organs, and violations by the internal organs are accompanied by shifts in the skin. This relationship is particularly clearly manifested with internal diseases in the form of so-called reflexogenic, or pain, Zakharin-Ging zones.

Zakharin-Ging Zone Certain areas of the skin, in which reflected pain, as well as pain and temperature hyperesthesia often appear in diseases of the internal organs.

Figure 3 - Location of Zakharin-Ging Zone

Such zones for diseases of the internal organs are also revealed in the scope area. For example, pain in lobno-nasal region corresponds to the damage to the tops of the lungs, stomach, liver, the mouth of the aorta.

Pain in the average flag area Light, hearts, ascending aorta.

Pain in the front and temporal area Light damage, hearts.

Pain in the dark area damage to the gatekeeper and the upper part of the intestine, etc.

Comfort zone The area of \u200b\u200btemperature conditions of the external environment causing a person subjectively good heat supply without signs of cooling or overheating.

For naked man 17.3 ° C - 21.7 0

For a dressed man 16.7 ° C - 20.6 0С

Pulse ultraviolet therapy

Energy Energy Mechanical Engineering MSTU them. N. E. Bauman (Shashkovsky S. G. 2000) developed a portable apparatus "Melitt 01" for local irradiation of the affected surfaces of skin coatings, mucous membranes with highly efficient pulsed ultraviolet radiation of the solid spectrum in the range of 230-380 nm.

The mode of operation of this unit pulse-periodic with a frequency of 1 Hz. The device provides automatic generation 1, 4, 8, 16, 32 pulses. Output pulse power density at a distance of 5 cm from the burner 25 W / cm2


  • - purulent-inflammatory diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue (furuncul, carbuncoon, hydraenite) in the initial period of hydration and after surgical opening of the purulent cavity;
  • - extensive purulent wounds, wounds after necratetomy, wounds before and after autodermoplasty;
  • - granulating wounds after burns of thermal, chemical, radiation;
  • - trophic ulcers and sludding wounds;
  • - erysipelas;
  • - herpetic inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • - irradiation of wounds before primary surgical processing and after it in order to prevent the development of purulent complications;
  • - Disinfection of air of rooms, car interior, bus and ambulance.

Pulse magnetic therapy with a rotating field and a changing frequency of repetition of pulses automatically.

The basis of therapeutic action is well-known physical laws. The electric box moving along the blood vessel in the magnetic field, the Lorentz power acts, perpendicular to the charge velocity vector, constant in constant and alternating, in a variable rotating magnetic field. This phenomenon is implemented at all levels of the body (atomic, molecular, subcellular, cellular, tissue).

The effect of impulse magnetic therapy of low intensity has an active effect on deeply located muscle, nervous, bone tissue, internal organs, improving microcirculation, stimulating metabolic processes and regeneration. Large density electric currents induced by a pulsed magnetic field activate the myelinated thick fibers of the nerves, as a result of which the afferent impulsation is blocked from the pain in the spinal mechanism of the "portion block". The pain syndrome is weakened or eliminated completely during the procedure or after the first procedures. According to the degree of severity of an anesthetic effect, pulsed magnetic therapy greatly exceeds other types of magnetic therapy.

Thanks to the pulsed rotating magnetic fields, it is possible to indicate in the depths of the tissues without their damage to electric fields and currents, significant intensity. This allows us to obtain a pronounced therapeutic anti-reflection, anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, stimulating regeneration processes, bostimulating effects of action, which in terms of severity exceed several times therapeutic effects obtained from all known low-frequency magnetotherapy devices.

The pulse magnetic therapy devices are a modern effective means of treating traumatic damage, inflammatory, degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the nervous and musculoskeletal system.

Therapeutic effects of pulsed magnetic therapy: analgesic, anti-refective, anti-inflammatory, vasoactive, stimulating regeneration processes in damaged tissues, neurosulating, peaceful.


  • - diseases and traumatic damage to the central nervous system (ischemic brain stroke, a transient brain circulation disorder, the consequences of a brain injury with motor disorders, closed spinal cord injuries with motor versions, children's cerebral palsy, functionally hysterical paralysis),
  • - traumatic damage to the musculoskeletal system (ears of soft tissues, joints, bones, tensile bonds, closed fractures of bones and joints in immobilization, in the reparative regeneration stage, open fractures of bones, joints, injuries for soft tissues in immobilization, in the reparative regeneration stage, hypotrophy , muscle atrophy as a result of hypodynamia caused by traumatic damage to the musculoskeletal system),
  • - inflammatory degenerative dystrophic damage to the musculosisomuscular system (deforming osteoarthritis of joints with synovite phenomena and without synovite phenomena, common osteochondrosis, deforming spondyliz of the spine with secondary root syndrome phenomena, cervical radiculitis with phenomenon phenomenon phenomena, chest radiculitis, lumbling radiculitis, ankylosing spondylititis, scoliotic disease in children),
  • - surgical inflammatory diseases (postoperative period after operational interventions on the musculoser, leather and subcutaneous tissue, fading wounds, trophic ulcers, furuncular, carbuncules, phlegmons after surgery, mastitis),
  • - diseases of the bronchopulmonary system (bronchial asthma light and medium severity, chronic bronchitis),
  • - diseases of the digestive organs (hypomotor-evacuation disorders of the function of the stomach after the stomach and wagotomy, the hypomotor dysfunction of colon, stomach and gallbladder, chronic hepatitis with a moderate impaired liver function, chronic pancreatitis with secretory failure),
  • - diseases of the cardiovascular system (occlusion lesions of the peripheral arteries of atherosclerotic genesis),
  • - urological diseases (stone in a ureter, condition after lithotripsy, imony of the bladder, the weakness of the sphinker and detrusion, prostatitis),
  • - gynecological diseases (inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages, diseases caused by the pitipofunction of the ovaries),
  • - chronic prostatitis and sexual disorders in men,
  • - Dental diseases (periodontal diseases, sealing pains).


  • - severe hypotension,
  • - blood diseases,
  • - inclinations to bleeding,
  • - thrombophlebitis,
  • - thromboembolic disease, bone fractures to immobilization,
  • - Pregnancy,
  • - thyrotoxicosis and nodal goiter,
  • - abscess, phlegmon (before opening and draining cavities),
  • - malignant neoplasms,
  • - feverish condition
  • - cholelithiasis,
  • - Epilepsy.

A warning:

Impulse magnetic therapy can not be used in the presence of an implanted pacemaker, since induced electrobotentials may disrupt its operation; with various metal free objects lying in the tissues of the body (for example, fragments during injuries) if they are at a distance of less than 5 cm from inductors, since when the magnetic field pulses passes, objects from electrically conductive materials (steel, copper, etc.) can make movements and cause damage surrounding tissues. Impact on the brain area, heart and eyes are not allowed.

Of great interest is the creation of impulse magnetic devices of low intensity (20-150 mT) with a frequency of pulses of pulses approximately coinciding with the frequency of own biopotential organs (2-4-6-8-10-12 Hz). This would provide a bioresonance effect on the internal organs (liver, pancreas, stomach, light) pulse magnetic field and positively influence their function. It is already known that positive effect affects the frequency of 8-10 Hz on the function of the liver in patients with toxic (alcoholic) hepatitis.

For many years of its development, medicine has achieved significant success. This science uses the development of physicists and chemists in everyday practice, which facilitates the diagnosis of diseases and makes them therapy as efficient as possible. Modern methods of treatment are now practiced even in small medical institutions, in almost every polyclinic there is a special office of physiotherapy treatment, where many unique devices work. Doctors are widely used in their practice and ultraviolet radiation, let's talk about its place in medicine, and discuss the use of ultraviolet radiation in medicine just in more detail.

Ultraviolet radiation is electromagnetic waves whose length ranges from 180 to 400 nm. Such a physical factor is characterized by a variety of properties, and can have a pronounced positive effect on the human body. It is actively used in physiotherapy - for the more successful treatment of a number of diseases.

Ultraviolet rays are capable of penetrating the skin to a depth of no more than one millimeter, causing a number of different biochemical changes in it. Experts allocate several varieties of such radiation, they can be represented:

Long-wave radiation (wavelength ranges from 320 to 400 nm);
- average wave radiation (wavelength indicators are between 275 to 320 nm);
- shortwave radiation (the wavelength varies from 180 to 275 nm).

All varieties of ultraviolet radiation have a different effect on the human body.

Long-wave radiation

Such ultraviolet radiation is characterized by pigment qualities. If you get into the skin, it provokes the development of a number of chemical reactions that are accompanied by the production of melanin, and the skin as it is sunbathing.

Also, long-wave radiation has a pronounced immunostimulating effect, increasing the local immunity and non-specific resistance to the human body of the aggression of many adverse factors.

In addition, such a kind of ultraviolet irradiation is characterized by photosensitizing properties. Its impact leads to an increase in skin sensitivity and to the active development of melanin. Therefore, persons with dermatological diseases, long-wave radiation causes swelling of the skin and erythym. Therapy in this case leads to the normalization of pigmentation and structural features of the skin. A similar type of treatment is classified as photochemotherapy.

Long-wave ultraviolet radiation in medicine is used for therapy of chronic inflammatory processes of respiratory organs and diseases of the bone-topic apparatus that have an inflammatory nature. Also, such an impact is used in the treatment of burns, frostbines, trophic ulcers and diseases of the skin, represented by vitiligo, psoriasis, mushroom-shaped mycase, seborrhea, etc.

Weightwood radiation
This type of ultraviolet therapy has a pronounced immunostimulating effect, contributes to the development and assimilation of a number of vitamins, helps to eliminate pain and inflammation. In addition, the average canvas is characterized by desensitizing qualities (reduces the sensitivity of the body to the effects of proteins photodegradation products) and stimulates the trophic (improves blood flow, increases the number of operating vessels).

This type of ultraviolet therapy helps to cope with inflammatory lesions of respiratory organs and with post-traumatic changes in the musculoser. It is resorted to the treatment of inflammatory lesions of bones and joints represented by arthritis and arthrosis, as well as in the elimination of vertebrogenic radiculopathy, neuralgia, mositis and plexitis. In addition, the average canvas ultraviolet radiation is shown to patients with solar fasting, diseases of exchange processes and with silent inflammation.

Shortwave radiation

Such a kind of ultraviolet radiation has a pronounced bactericidal and fungicidal effect (activates the reactions that help to destroy the structure of bacteria and fungi), contributes to the detoxification of the body (helps to develop a substance in the body that can neutralize toxins). In addition, shortwave radiation is characterized by metabolic properties - during its implementation, the microcirculation occurs, as a result of which the organs and tissues are saturated with a significant amount of oxygen. Even such therapy corrected blood coagulation abilities - changes the ability of blood cells to the formation of thrombus and optimizes coagulation processes.

The shortwave radiation is used in the therapy of a number of skin diseases represented by psoriasis, neurodermatitis, skin tuberculosis. It is treated with various wounds, silent inflammation, abscesses, as well as furunculae and carbuncules. Such therapy helps to cope with otitis and tonsillites, cure osteomyelitis and eliminate long-term non-healing peptic lesions on the skin.

The shortwave ultraviolet radiation is used in the complex treatment of rheumatic lesion of cardiac valves, coronary heart disease, hypertension (first second degree) and a number of illegality of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcerative ailments and gastritis). In addition, such an impact contributes to the elimination of acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory organs, diabetes therapy, acute andxite and chronic pyelonephritis.

Like any other impact on the body, ultraviolet radiation has a number of contraindications to use.

Oxygen, solar rays and water contained in the Earth's atmosphere are the main conditions that contribute to the continuation of life on the planet. The researchers have long been proven that the intensity and spectrum of solar radiation in a vacuum existing in space remains unchanged.

On the ground, the intensity of its impact, which we call ultraviolet radiation depends on the set of factors. Among them: the season, the geographical location of the area above sea level, the thickness of the ozone layer, cloudiness, as well as the level of concentration of industrial and natural impurities in the air masses.

Ultra-violet rays

Sunlight comes to us in two bands. The human eye is able to distinguish only one of them. In an invisible spectrum and are ultraviolet rays. What do they represent? This is nothing more than electromagnetic waves. The length of ultraviolet radiation is in the range from 7 to 14 nm. Such waves carry our planet of the most huge streams of thermal energy, which is why they are often called thermal.

Under ultraviolet radiation, it is customary to understand an extensive spectrum consisting of electromagnetic waves with a range, conditionally divided into distant and close rays. The first of them are considered vacuum. They are completely absorbed by the upper layers of the atmosphere. In the conditions of the Earth, their generation is possible only under the conditions of vacuum chambers.

As for neighboring ultraviolet rays, they are divided into three subgroups, classifying in ranges on:

Longs ranging from 400 to 315 nanometers;

Average - from 315 to 280 nanometers;

Short - from 280 to 100 nanometers.

Measuring instruments

How does a person define ultraviolet radiation? To date, there are many special devices designed not only for professional, but also for domestic use. With their help, the intensity and frequency is measured, as well as the value of the obtained dose of UV rays. The results allow them to assess their possible harm to the body.

Sources of ultraviolet

The main "supplier" of UV rays on our planet is, of course, the sun. However, today the person invented artificial sources of ultraviolet, which are special lamp devices. Among them:

Mercury-quartz high-pressure lamp capable of working in a total range from 100 to 400 nm;

Luminescent vital lamp generating waves from 280 to 380 nm long, the maximum peak of its radiation is between the values \u200b\u200bof 310 and 320 nm;

Refined and ozone bactericidal lamps that produce ultraviolet rays, 80% of which is in length of 185 nm.

UV benefits

Similar to the natural ultraviolet radiation, which comes from the Sun, the light generated by special devices affects the cells of plants and living organisms, changing their chemical structure. Today, researchers are known only by some varieties of bacteria that can exist without these rays. The remaining organisms, hitting the conditions where ultraviolet radiation is missing, will definitely die.

UV rays are able to have a significant impact on taking place metabolic processes. They increase the synthesis of serotonin and melatonin, which has a positive impact on the work of the central nervous, as well as the endocrine system. Under the action of ultraviolet light, the production of vitamin D is activated. And this is the main component that promotes the absorption of calcium and prevents the development of osteoporosis and rickets.

Harm UV rays

Doodling for living organisms Hard ultraviolet radiation is not allowed to earth ozone layers in the stratosphere. However, the rays that are in the middle range, reaching the surface of our planet, are able to call:

Ultraviolet erythema - strong skin burn;

Cataract - the closet of the lens of the eye, which leads to blindness;

Melanoma - skin cancer.

In addition, ultraviolet rays are able to provide a mutagenic effect, cause failures in the work of immune forces, which causes the occurrence of oncological pathologies.

Skin lesion

Ultraviolet rays sometimes cause:

  1. Acute skin damage. Their occurrence contributes to high doses of solar radiation containing the rays of the average range. They affect the skin for a short time, causing erythema and acute photodermatosis.
  2. Delayed skin damage. It occurs after long exposure to long-wave UV rays. These are chronic photodermatitis, solar herodermia, photoborescence of the skin, the occurrence of neoplasms, ultraviolet mutagenesis, basal cell and flat-cell skin cancer. Herpes is located on this list.

Both sharp and delayed damage are sometimes obtained with excessive hobbies with artificial sunbathing, as well as at visits to those solariums that use non-certified equipment or where the Calibration activities of UV lamps are not conducted.

Skin protection

The human body, with a limited number of any sunbathing, can cope with ultraviolet radiation. The fact is that over 20% of such rays can delay healthy epidermis. To date, protection against ultraviolet to avoid malignant formations will require:

Restrictions on the time of staying in the sun, which is especially relevant in the summer midday hours;

Wearing easy, but at the same time closed clothes;

Selection of efficient sunscreen.

The use of bactericidal properties of ultraviolet

UV rays are able to kill fungus, as well as other microbes that are on the subjects, the surface of the walls, gender, ceilings and in the air. In medicine, these bactericidal properties of ultraviolet radiation are widely used, and the appropriate application is applied. Special lamps producing UV rays provide sterility surgical and manipulating premises. However, ultraviolet bactericidal radiation is used by doctors not only in order to combat various nosocomial infections, but also as one of the methods of eliminating many diseases.


The use of ultraviolet radiation in medicine is one of the methods of getting rid of various diseases. In the process of such treatment, a dosage effect of UV rays on the patient's body is carried out. In this case, the use of ultraviolet radiation in medicine for these purposes is possible due to the use of special phototherapy lamps.

Such a procedure is carried out to eliminate diseases of the skin, joints, respiratory organs, peripheral nervous system, female genital organs. A ultraviolet is appointed to speed up the wound healing process and for the prevention of rickets.

Especially effective use of ultraviolet radiation in psoriasis therapy, eczema, vitiligo, certain types of dermatitis, prurigo, porphyry, prurit. It is worth noting that such a procedure does not require anesthesia and does not cause a patient unpleasant sensations.

The use of a lamp producing ultraviolet allows you to get a good result in the treatment of patients undergoing severe purulent operations. In this case, patients also helps the bactericidal property of these waves.

Application of UV rays in cosmetology

Infrared waves are actively used in the field of maintaining the beauty and human health. Thus, the use of ultraviolet bactericidal radiation is necessary to provide sterility of various premises and appliances. For example, it can be preventing the infection of manicure tools.

The use of ultraviolet radiation in cosmetology is, of course, solarium. In it, with the help of special lamps, customers can get a tan. It perfectly protects the skin from the possible subsequent burns of the Sun. That is why cosmetologists recommend that several sessions in the solarium are recommended before traveling to hot countries or the sea.

Required in cosmetology and special UV lamps. Thanks to them, the polymerization of a special gel used for manicure occurs.

Definition of electronic structures of objects

Ultraviolet radiation and physical studies are used. With it, it is determined by the spectra of reflection, absorption and emission in the UV region. This allows you to clarify the electronic structure of ions, atoms, molecules and solids.

UV spectra of stars, the sun and other planets carry information about the physical processes that occur in the hot areas of the studied space objects.

Water purification

Where are the UV rays are used? Ultraviolet bactericidal radiation is used to disinfect drinking water. And if the chlorine was used for this purpose, then today its negative impact on the body has been studied quite well. So, the pairs of this substance are able to cause poisoning. The chlorine itself provokes the occurrence of oncological diseases itself. That is why ultraviolet lamps have become increasingly used to disinfect water in private homes.

UV rays and swimming pools are used. Ultraviolet emitters to eliminate bacteria are used in the food, chemical and pharmacological industry. These areas also need clean water.

Disinfection of air

Where else does a person use UV rays? The use of ultraviolet radiation for air disinfection is also becoming more and more common. Recyclamps and emitters are installed at the massacre of people, such as supermarkets, airports and train stations. The use of the IFECH effect on microorganisms allows to disinfect their habitat in the highest degree, up to 99.9%.

Household application

Quartz lamps, creating UV rays, have been disinfected and cleaned air in clinics and hospitals over the past years. However, recently, ultraviolet radiation in everyday life is increasingly finding its application. It is very efficient to eliminate organic pollutants, such as fungus and mold, viruses, yeast and bacteria. These microorganisms are especially quickly distributed in those rooms, where people for various reasons closely close windows and doors.

The use of bactericidal irradiating conditions in domestic conditions becomes appropriate at a small housing area and a large family, in which there are small children and pets. The Lamp with UV radiation will allow periodically to disinfect rooms, minimizing the risk of occurrence and further transmission of diseases.

Similar devices and tuberculosis are used. After all, such patients do not always undergo treatment in the hospital. While at home, they need to disinfect their home, applying as ultraviolet radiation.

Application in criminalist

Scientists have developed a technology that allows you to detect the minimum doses of explosives. To do this, use the device in which ultraviolet radiation is produced. Such a device is able to determine the presence of dangerous elements in the air and in water, on the tissue, as well as on the skin of the suspected crime.

Ultraviolet and infrared radiation is also used with macro photography of objects with invisible and mallowing traces of the perfect offense. This allows criminologists to explore documents and traces of a shot, texts that have been changed as a result of their infinity with blood, ink, etc.

Other applications UV rays

Ultraviolet radiation is used:

In show business to create light effects and lighting;

In currency detectors;

In printing;

In animal husbandry and agriculture;

For insect fishing;

In restoration;

For chromatographic analysis.

The sun sends us light, heat and ultraviolet (UV) radiation. We all exposed to ultraviolet radiation from the Sun, as well as from artificial sources used in industry, trade and other sectors of the economy.

The region of ultraviolet radiation includes waves with a range of 100 - 400 nm and is conditionally divided into three groups:

  • UV (UVA) (315-400 nm)
  • UV-B (UVB) (280-315 nm)
  • UV-C (UVC) (100-280 nm)
All UVC radiation and approximately 90% of the radiation UVB when passing through the atmosphere are absorbed by ozone, water vapor, oxygen and carbon dioxide. The least exposed to the atmosphere of UVA radiation. Thus, ultraviolet radiation, reaching the earth's surface, mainly consists of a UVA and a small part of the UVB of radiation.

The influence of natural factors on the level of ultraviolet radiation:

Height of the Sun.

The higher the sun in the sky, the higher the level of ultraviolet radiation. Consequently, the level of ultraviolet radiation varies depending on the time of day and season. Outside the tropics, the highest degree of radiation is observed in the summer months when sunshine in Zenith in the middle area.


When approaching the equatorial regions, the radiation ratio increases.


The degree of ultraviolet radiation is higher with a cloudless sky, but even if there are clouds, the degree of ultraviolet radiation can be high. In this case, ultraviolet radiation, scattering, is reflected in various surfaces, and therefore the overall level of ultraviolet radiation can be quite high.


With an increase in height, the decreasing layer of the atmosphere absorbs ultraviolet radiation to a lesser extent. With an increase in height for every 1000 m, the level of ultraviolet radiation increases by 10% - 12%.


The ozone layer absorbs part of the ultraviolet radiation directed to the earth's surface. The thickness of the ozone layer changes throughout the year and even the day.

Reflection from the surface of the earth

Ultraviolet radiation is reflected or dissipated in different degrees of various surfaces, for example, pure snow can reflect up to 80% ultraviolet radiation, dry coastal sand about 15%, sea foam of about 25%.
  1. More than 90% of UV radiation can penetrate through a slight cloudiness.
  2. Clean snow reflects up to 80% UV radiation.
  3. UV radiation is intensified by 4% when lifting for every 300 m.
  4. People working in the room are exposed to UV radiation 5-10 times less than people working outdoors.
  5. In water at a depth of 0.5 m, the level of UV radiation is 40% of the level of UV radiation on the surface.
  6. 60% of the total amount of UV radiation we get at a time of 10-00 to 14-00 h.
  7. Shadow reduces the level of UV radiation by 50% or more.
  8. White sand reflects up to 15% UV radiation.

The effect of ultraviolet radiation on health

A small amount of ultraviolet radiation is useful and necessary to produce vitamin D. Ultraviolet radiation is also used to treat some diseases, among them Rahit, Psoriasis and eczema. Treatment is carried out under medical supervision, taking into account the benefit of treatment and risk from the effects of ultraviolet radiation.
However, the prolonged impact of ultraviolet radiation per person can lead to acute and chronic lesions of the skin, eye and imma system.
A popular misconception is that only the ceiling population should be concerned about the excessive "stay in the sun". Dark skin has a greater content of the protective pigment of melanin. People with such skin have a smaller percentage of skin cancer. However, skin cancer is diagnosed with this population group, but often at a later and more dangerous stage.
The risk of eye damage and the ultraviolet radiation system does not depend on the type of skin.
The most famous acute lesions as a result of excessive effects of ultraviolet radiation are solar burns and tan, with long-term exposure, ultraviolet radiation causes degenerative changes in cells and blood vessels, which leads to premature aging of the skin. Ultraviolet radiation can also cause acute eye damage.
Chronic lesions include skin cancer and cataract.
Every year there are 2-3 million cases of ill-quality skin cancer and 132,000 cases of melanoma skin. Unlockable skin cancer can be removed surgically and rarely leads to a fatal outcome, malignant melanoma is one of the indicators of the causes of the mortality of the ceased population.
Every year about 12-15 million people are blindd by Qatarkt. According to studies, up to 20% of cases of blindness can be caused or enhanced by the impact of the Sun, especially in India, Pakistan and other countries close to the equator.
There is also an assumption that ultraviolet radiation can increase the risk of infectious diseases and limit the effectiveness of vaccinations.
However, despite all the above, many consider intensive lighting normal. Children, teenagers and their parents perceive tan as an indicator of attractiveness and good health.

Risk group

  • Long stay in the sun as a child increases the risk of development in the future of skin cancer and can cause serious damage to the eyes.
  • All children under 15 have sensitive skin and eyes - protect them and give them a good example!
  • Children under one year should not be under the right rays of the Sun!
  • Parents, protect children from the Sun! Teach them the use of sunscreen and the regime in the sun!


The depletion of the ozone layer is likely to strengthen the adverse effects of ultraviolet radiation, since the stratospheric ozone is its effective absorber.
With a decrease in the ozone layer, the protective filter represented by the atmosphere decreases. Accordingly, the population and the environment are subjected to a higher degree of ultraviolet radiation, especially the radiation of the UVB, which has a great influence on the health of people, animals, marine organisms and the life of plants.
Computational models predict that a decrease in the stratospheric ozone by 10% may cause an additional 300,000 non-malignant, 4500 malignant diseases of the skin cancer and 1.6 - 1.75 million cases of cataract annually.

Global Solar Ultraviolet (UV) Index


Since the 1970s, an increase in the amount of skin cancer diseases among the ceiling population is noted. This increase is associated with the habits of the population to remain "in the sun" under its ultraviolet component and the common opinion on the attractiveness and benefits of the tan.
Thus, there is an urgent need to raise public awareness of the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, which is aimed at changing the habits of the population to prevent the tendency to increase the cases of skin cancer.
The global ultraviolet index is a simplified measure of measuring the level of ultraviolet radiation on the ground surface and the indicator of potential danger to the skin. It serves as a means of raising public awareness and warning about the need to apply protective measures from the effects of ultravioletve radiation.
The WFFI was developed by the World Health Organization with the assistance of the United Nations Program on the Environment, the World Meteorological Organization, the International Commission for Protection against Neonizer Radiation, the German Federal Office for Radiation Protection.
Starting from the first announcement in 1995, several international expert meetings were held (Les Diablerets; Baltimore, 1996; Les Diablerets, 1997; Munich, 2000) in order to streamline informing the public about the Wenp and the intensification of the use of IFI as a means of protection against the Sun.

What is a global solar ultraviolet index?

The global solar UV index (UFI, UV Index, UVI) characterizes the level of solar ultraviolet radiation at the surface of the Earth. UV index accepts values \u200b\u200bfrom zero and above. At the same time, the larger the value of the UV index, the greater the potential danger to the skin and the human eye, and the less time required for causing harm to health.
The values \u200b\u200bof the UV index correspond to the levels of exposure to the ultraviolet radiation of the Sun in the following categories:

Why do you need ultraviolet index?

The UV index is an important means of increasing the awareness of the population on the risk of excessive stay in the ultraviolet radiation zone and prevents the need to use sunscreens. The level of ultraviolet radiation and, therefore, the values \u200b\u200bof the UV index are different during the day. It is usually shown the maximum value of ultraviolet radiation, observed in the 4-hour period in the area of \u200b\u200bthe sun shelf. Sunny noon lasts from 12 hours to 14 pm.
People, building plans for the day and solving "in what to go out" are usually guided by the weather forecast (or view from the window) and especially the air temperature forecast.
Similar to the temperature scale, the UV index shows the level of ultraviolet radiation and the possible danger of sun exposure.
Knowing a UV index forecast, each can make a choice that promotes health.

Required protection measures depending on the value of the UV index
Protection is not required Requires protection Increased protection required
Stay out
does not represent
At midday hours
Stay in the shade!
Wear clothes
Long sleeves and hat!
Use sunscreen!
Hall watches Lind
Outdoor Stay in the shade!
Be sure to wear clothes
Long Sleeves, Hat,
Use sunscreen!

Even for people with very sensitive light-skinned skin, the risk of harm to health is minimal at the values \u200b\u200bof the UV index below 3, and under normal circumstances, the use of protective agents is not required.
Protection is necessary at the values \u200b\u200bof the UV index above 3, the gain of protective measures is required at the value of the UV index 8 and higher. In this case, you need to use all the protective equipment:

  • Limit on the sun at midday clock.
  • Stay in the shade.
  • Wear clothes with long sleeves.
  • Put the widescard to protect your eyes, face and neck.
  • Protect eyes with glasses with an adjacent rim.
  • Use sunscreen with solar protection factor (SPF) 15+. Do not use sunscreen to extend the time of staying in the sun.
  • Protect kids: This is especially important.

Myths and reality

Sunny tan is useful. Tan is the protection of the body from further damage to ultraviolet radiation.
Tan protects from the sun. Dark tan on light skin is limited protection equivalent to SPF (sunscreen factor) approximately equal to 4.
You do not boot on a cloud day. Up to 80% of solar ultraviolet radiation penetrates through cloud cover. Fog can increase the level of ultraviolet radiation.
You do not stop while in the water. Water represents minimal protection against ultraviolet radiation, and reflection from water can increase the level of ultraviolet radiation.
Ultraviolet radiation is not dangerous in winter. The level of ultraviolet radiation is usually lower in the winter months, but reflection from snow can double it, especially at altitudes. Be especially careful in the early spring, when the air temperature is low, but solar UV radiation is strong.
Sunscreen is a means of protection, I can increase the sunbathing time. The sunscreen should be used not to extend the time of staying "in the Sun", but in order to enhance protection against ultraviolet radiation.
You do not "burn" if you take breaks during sunbathing. The impact of ultraviolet radiation tends to accumulate during the day.
You do not stop if the solar heat is irremissible. Sunny tan is caused by ultraviolet radiation, which cannot be felt. Feeling heat of the sun, we feel its infrared, and not ultraviolet radiation.


  • Tan does not stop ultraviolet radiation! Even if your skin is tanned, limit your stay in the sun at midday and apply sunscreen measures.
  • Limit the time to sunbathing! Tan is an indication that your skin has received an overdose of ultraviolet radiation! Protect your skin!
  • Wear sunglasses, a widescard and protective clothing, use SPF 15+ sunscreen.
  • The use of sunscreen - the means is not to extend the time of your stay "in the sun", but to reduce the risk of staying "in the sun" for health.
  • Receiving some medicines, as well as the use of spirits and deodorants make skin more sensitive, causing serious sunburns.
  • Stay "in the Sun" increases the risk of skin cancer, speeds up the aging of the skin and harms his eyes. Protect yourself!
  • Shadow is one of the best means of protection against solar radiation. Try to stay in the shade at half the afternoon when the degree of ultraviolet radiation is highest.
  • Cloudy in the sky does not protect from the sun. Ultraviolet radiation penetrates through the clouds.
  • Remember that skin harm and eyes cause ultraviolet radiation, which cannot be seen or feel - do not be deceived by moderate temperatures!
  • If you intend to be outdoors during the day, do not forget the sunscreen, hat and long sleeves.
  • During your stay on the ski slopes, do not forget that the height and pure snow can double ultraviolet radiation, do not forget about sunglasses and sunscreen! In the mountains, the level of ultraviolet radiation increases by approximately 10% every 1000 m.
  • Information sources:
    1. Materials of the site of the World Health Organization (WHO).
    2. "Global Solar UV Index. A Practical Guide." "Global sunny UV index. Practical guide.", WHO 2002
    The management is recommended by the World Health Organization, the World Meteorological Organization, the United Nations Environment Program, the International Commission for Protection against Neonizing Radiation.

    The prognosis of the UV index and the thickness of the ozone layer is provided.