Club Hour "The Profession of Poultry". Catalog of Professions (Agriculture)

Club hour
Club Hour "The Profession of Poultry". Catalog of Professions (Agriculture)

Still: egg or chicken?

Eight o'clock in the morning. On the beginning of the working day on the "Youth" poultry farm notifies revuv. Here it is installed long, from the last century, and, apparently, not in vain: the siren acts cut down, and I instantly tune in to work feats. As they say, the pipe is calling for official duties.
By the way, I prepared in advance and read a curious note on the Internet about the fact that all the same appeared first: an egg or chicken. A couple of years ago, British scientists simulated the process of chicken egg. As it turned out, Protein Ovokladinin plays a key role in its formation. It is he who is in the body of the bird, participates in the creation of a shell. Consequently, at first there was a chicken, scientists were concluded. On this interesting fact, my knowledge in the poultry farming, unfortunately, ended.
Especially since another more important is more important for the reader: how does an egg get on the dining table? What are the nurses feed? And is it terrible Salmonella, how is her little? For answers to these and other questions, I go to the village of Pervomayskoye on the "Youth" poultry farm as an ordinary employee. So, I'm on the threshold of new discoveries!


I do not just enter the assistants not just to the senior zootechnic Nikolay Mutilin, I go to adopt the experience of a person who wanted to work in agriculture from the seventh grade. Imagine, for him, labor weekdays is not a routine, but a children's dream has come true. I think that in love with the profession mentor is a real find for a beginner. To the shoulder to the shoulder with him, I will have to comprehend the Aza poultry farming - the highest-tech direction of animal husbandry, according to Nikolai Petrovich.
I will say that getting into the factory is not so simple. Take and come here a person from the street is impossible. "Foreign entrance is prohibited" - warning signs are easy to notice on the most important objects - houses and a combustible workshop. At the bandwidth, packages and bags are visible. This is eloquently "says" sign on the wall. Of course, tough precautions are not a whim of the leadership and not even desire to maintain a commercial secret. The winged pets are strongly susceptible to infections and stress, so their peace and health - above all.

Omelet without remorse

Strictly observing all the requirements for the appearance of employees, having a white shape - a bathrobe and a hat, having received a few pairs of Bahil, I go to the first task. True, we pass by the incubator: even the "agrarian" journalist will not be allowed into it - all of the same security reasons. Oh neither twice, it is a maternity hospital - only for birds, and sterility - in priority.
The first in our route is an acclimatizer, a poultry house for the cultivation of young people aged 1 to 105 days. A kind of kindergarten for chickens, where they reach adults and become nurses. By the way, the Dutch livestock breed is bred on the poultry farm - Cross Highsex white.
- At this stage, the roosters are rejected, only chicken remains. By the way, do you know that the chicken bear eggs and without the participation of the rooster? - asks me a mooring, for which I have a round of my eyes from surprise. Famous for many since children's fact, for me - residents of the village - turned out to be a real news!
- The rooster is needed only for the fertilization of the egg, - continues the chef mentor, - in order for the feathery offspring.
It turns out, chickens will never get out of the store eggs. Fu, now I will fry an omelet without remorse! That's really, the age of living - the age of learning.

Silence and peace

In the poultry house, where we went next, it seems dark with unusual. But gradually the eyes adapt to lighting in 10 luxury - dim, as if the night light burns. The intensity of light is the most important condition for the development of the bird. Its lack will make chickens underdeveloped, and the oversuetration will provoke too rapid growth. Another primary requirement is temperature and humidity, as well as a strictly defined amount of feed per day. In "youth", imported equipment is monitored for all technological indicators. On the monitors displays the data required for the uninterrupted operation of the poultry house. The task of slavery operators is to see deviations from the specified parameters on time and prevent changes in mode. Any error in the poultry farming is fraught with serious consequences.
- You know, the chicken carries eggs as an automatic - Nikolai Mutlin resorts to this comparison to describe the process of emergence of eggs to light. - The thing is that the follicles inside the chicken resemble a bunch of grapes. The biggest "berry" comes out first, then the next and so on. Any stress - and the follicle may not form. - On this phrase, I started to photograph a pretty chicken, peacefully keen grain.
A bright outbreak, festered the room, obviously did not like the haggles: loudly bombing, they nervously slammed the wings. Apologizing before nurses for the invasion of a personal life, I hurried to be reted. But the loud guzzle of discontent was long passed on the birdhouse. "They let the fox in a chicken coop," I thought, understanding that two days in this situation could be interpreted in two ways.
In general, the conclusion suggests such: sharp movements are not allowed in the poultry house, loud sounds and extraneous noise - from all this feathery shakes and are subject to stress.

Technology and tradition

Poultry houses, perhaps, the most peaceful work on Earth. Marina Varaksin has been working at the factory for ten years and knows all the subtleties of the process. In the morning, up to 11 hours, and after lunch, she, expressing a professional language, "drives" an egg. At this time, the primary sorting occurs - dirty and battered are placed separately. "Work monotone and tense," says Marina, not distracted. Fingers of her hands quickly move the eggs - a dozen ten, a hundred per hundred.
How the products move along the conveyor, follows the mechanic operator Valentin Martynov and the bird of Elena Shavrina. They will show with closed eyes, why so many levers and buttons on a huge shield. After primary sorting, the eggs are sent within a two-hour trip to the warehouse in "Anaconda" - so workers dubbed a long, wriggling conveyor on the street, externally resembling the usual tube.
And those eggs that are stained with chicken litter, and therefore were rejected, leaving the horse harvested in the cart. As I see, modern technologies are peacefully adjacent to the verified Dedov methods. Although the horse is from the discharge of exceptions. "Youth" has long been moving along the rails of progress. It is modern technologies and imported equipment that make the production process at all its stages fully automated.

Pleasure from the process

We move to the warehouse - the end item in the route Zootechnik Mutilina. I feel that I barely deal with your feet. Tired. Was. "How much do you get over the day?" "I am interested in, meaning a huge area where the factory spread out. "Kilometers 10, probably, together with the distance to the house," Petrovich replies, as the subordinates call it.
In the warehouse is lively and noisy. The process of packing eggs in a plastic or cardboard container is also fully automated. Manual work is reduced to zero. Fixer operators, among which most are a fair floor representative, follow the work of the equipment.
- Probably, this is the main thing in the work - to see the results of our own labor in the form of finished products? - I'm preparing at Mutilina.
- Huge pleasure - when we perform a plan. A fascinating process - you need to consider the diet so that the products it turns out exactly as much as it is necessary. At the poultry farm every minute on the account - during feed, remove the litter, make vaccinations and many, a lot more, - the zootechnic is responsible.
- And who follows the quality of products and most importantly - for its safety. How do you struggle with notorious salmonellosis?
- In this part, we have specialists of two laboratories - zootechnical and veterinary. Each party of feed and products is checked, "says Nikolai Petrovich. "By the way, my wife is heading the veterinary laboratory - Galina Nikolaevna, so that we are for the quality of the products produced by the family," he smiles.
- Does the houses of navel dilute?
- Not now. By the way, our employees can only contain the breed of chickens that are in the factory. Strict rule.

Half a million per day

So, bypass is completed. The head goes around from the flow of information. One, of course, can not cope. No wonder the same house is fixed about 125 people. They, in turn, are divided into brigades - for the cultivation of young, parental flock, industrial nurses, incubator, korotosh. Each has a clear task.
Now I understand that the main thing in the work of the bird is patience and meticulous scrupulousness, because the feathered lightningly react to a negotiable attitude. As a result, a case is possible and a decrease in productivity.
Impressive scales of the poultry farm "Youth". On a day, 500 thousand eggs are produced here. The enterprise from the "Monsters" category: its structure includes pools, and animal husbandry, as well as the production of own dairy and meat products, chain stores. Employees - about 800 people.
Moreover, aware of the situation that originated in the enterprise in connection with the crown of grain in this arid year. "What managed to prepare has already ate," director Evgeny Davydov states. - High price for grain is one problem, the other is its lack. Just nowhere to buy. " With the adverse outcome of "youth" can stop. But then it will be possible to reach today's level of production until 2018.

The editorial office of the newspaper thanks for the help of the organization of the project "The journalist changes profession"
Evgenia Davydova, director of JSC "Youth Poultry Farm".

Olga Lisitsa
Pervomaisky district

Hello guys!

Which of you knows what is this profession - measures? What does the farmer do?

Right! The farmer has a large farm, a lot of land, there are cows, goats, sheep, pigs, there are poultry - chickens, ducks, turkey, geese.

Imagine that the early spring has come. The farmer leaves in the field on the tractor and plow the earth. Sometimes sons help him or hired workers. If the farmer does not have his tractor, then for plowing the field it hires a tractor driver and pays him.

When the fields are plowed, they need to fall on time. Here, the farmer comes to the rescue - agronomist.

Agronom is a specialist in cultivating agricultural crops of vegetables and cereals. He knows when it is necessary to start serving, where and what culture to sow how to care for her: when to water when fertilizes how to deal with harmful insects.

The whole Friendly Farmer family is a wife, sons, daughters - helps him in this hot time, about which Russian peasants folded the saying: "Summer day feeds."

Soon on the fields of the farmer they will drive rye and wheat, the tasty will become barley, cling to the juice of oats. Large leaves curls in the Cabbage Cabbage Circlasses, greeted beets, carrots, green dill, parsley.


I will tell you guys

Farmer - who is this.

He raises tomatoes for us.

All in the works he is a day-day!

Sow poultry ringing

Sweet foliage birch,

Sow farmer rye, wheat,

And buckwheat, and oats.

He raises in a wide field

Many different vegetables -

From cabbage to beans

For salads and boors.

Feats and plant -

After all, the Earth loves sweat!

Farmer greenery supplies

We are with you all year round.

Many farmers are breeding livestock and bird.

In the meadows, beauty-buretles grazing on green rusters. For them, the farmer mows her grass, dries and collects in a stack of scented hay. Millars are milking cows, and drivers on special machines will take milk for dairy, where delicious dairy products are obtained from it: cheese, ryazhenka, kefir, cottage cheese, sweet cheese, sour cream and yogurt.

Otrada Fermery

There is a farmer of Otild -

Young tricks herd.

They are affectionate, beautiful.

They are leisurely

On green meadows

On river shores.

The tricks they chew

Children milk give.

In winter, the cows live in warm cowshes, the farmer feeds them with hay, grain and other feeds.

Many farmers hold a flock of home goats, sheep, grow pigs, chickens, geese.

In autumn, when the harvest time comes, a farmer has a lot of worries. In the fields floats, collecting ripened bread. The grain is poured with a gold stream. So, we will have plenty of delicious fragrant bread!

The whole sense of the farmer's labor is to collect a good grain harvest, vegetables and feed the fruits of their hands of people.

But not every person can become a farmer! Farmers hard work, daily, without holidays and weekends!

Only one who loves the whole soul to the Mother-Earth, who agrees to live away from large cities with their elegant streets, shop windows, theaters and shops, who knows and loves nature who wants to be delicious and squeezing hundreds of people, can be the master of the earth - good Farmer.

Tell us about the farmer profession. What grows a farmer in the fields?

Who helps farmer?

What knowledge should have a farmer to successfully conduct the economy?

What qualities need to farmer?

Who supplies us vegetables, fruits, grain?

What domestic animals are farmers breed?

Would you like to become a farmer?

If we talk about decorative varieties, they have large flowers. Petals may fall quickly, but new ones are dissolved in their place. All flowers that bloomed through one day begin to fade and fall. In full color, a group of these plants is very beautiful. This can be compared only with blue skies. This beautiful plant is unpretentious and cold-resistant. He is not terrible frost. The location should be sunny, but the soil can be any, without water stagnation. About this beautiful plant everyone knows those who grow flax. The profession is unusual and requires special training.

What are varieties?

All experts know that there are such varieties of yellow fiber, yellow, long-term, tauride, thin-film. Zhopheol fiberglass looks like Austrian. Only the petals of it have a light blue color, they clearly seen the veins of dark color. Yellow Len prefers outdoor places and warm sections. The reproduction occurs with the help of seeds, but the plant does not tolerate the transplant. Perennial flax can have blue and white flowers. Blooms in June-July. On the slopes it can be branched. Len Taurical has and distributed in the south-east of Europe. Tricarous flax has chopped stems, white flowers and lilac. Blossom starts from June and continues until the end of July.

It is all that everyone should know those who grow flax in Russia. Places must be open and sunny, the best plants will develop on the soils of the lungs and fertile.

Benefit from flax seeds

Those who grow flax and watermelons should know everything about the benefits of these plants. Flax has not only useful, but also therapeutic properties. It is quite widely used in folk medicine. They are considered to be panacea from a huge amount of diseases, and in cooking as a dietary substance. In flax seed, three types of fatty acids are contained. It is three times more than in

In folk medicine, this is an antitussive and also beautiful laxative. It is actively using it and as a rejuvenating agent, because it has vitamins E and A. With the help of flaxseed oil, they take care of hair, nails and leather. Take into food seeds are needed crushed and drink with plenty of water.

You can also add flax seeds in porridge, salads and milk products.

Who grows Len?

Many professions in agriculture are associated directly with the names of the plants. Who grows Len? What is the name of the profession? They are called flanges. It is these people who know some secrets and own certain technologies, since this profession is quite ancient. All technologies were transmitted from one generation to another - and everything in order to achieve significant yields.

Flax is natural raw materials. It gets durable, hypoallergenic and high-quality material from it. Those who grow flashed, the name of the profession was not found. After all, they really enjoy respect and honor.

How do specialists prepare?

Lesodov are prepared at special departments in agricultural institutions. But the most important thing for those who grow Len is a profession. After all, it is necessary to love her to absorb the experience of masters.

Lens care

For flax, it is necessary to drain the soil, and transplanted this perennial once every three or five years. The soil should be fertilized and alkaline. Everyone who grows Len, the profession obliges to know that this plant loves very much at the same time can be high, and low. Also, all experts know that such a plant, like Len, loves wet soil very much, but in the event that you grow annual, then the drought is nestric. After the flowering ended, all the inflorescences that were brought, be sure to cut off.

How does flax breed?

Everyone who grows Len, the profession obliges to know that the perennials hang directly into the soil in spring or autumn. Later you should proper shoots. Perennials are evyted into containers. After that, young plants transplanted into the pots and at the end of the summer they are breeding with cuttings or bushes that are separated. In the first year of the plant's life, it is necessary to strengthen or put in a place that will be protected.

Fun can attack fungi, which leads to fading and appearing rot. You can deal with these problems with the help of special preparations. The nodules may appear from nematodes, so it is necessary to plant velvets together with flax.

What are taken into account when growing flax?

Lena Dolgunets is the most important culture. They appreciate it not only for flapping, but also for the oil that gets from the seed. After all, it is a highly high food product.

When the plan of measures for the cultivation of flax is drawn up, the features of the culture itself, processing, soil and measures to protect plants are taken into account. All this has a big impact on the crop and product quality, which will be considered the final. And it is not important that it is fiber or seeds. In the event that the products will be used for food purposes or medical, technology must be safe. And this concerns absolutely all, without exception, growing stages.

Len attracted man for a long time. This plant could easily be cut down, but it was bent when the wind to the earth itself, and then again straightened. And then it turned out that Lub Corn is the same as the linden. Len is a very strong plant that people used even earlier than wheat.

Agriculture is called a separate sector of the economy, aimed primarily on providing people with food. The importance of this industry is difficult to overestimate. Survived professions related to agriculture, there are many. And, of course, they all require any knowledge and skills.

What are the professions of agriculture: list

The most popular in this area are specialties:

  • agronomist;
  • mechanic;
  • machine milking operator;
  • animal husband;
  • poultry house;
  • vet.

On the question of which professions are related to agriculture, there is another answer - the beekeeper and a browner. They are not as common as, for example, a machine milking operator or a livestock, but also enough in demand.

Features of the profession of agronoma

The technologies for agricultural work are constantly being improved and changed. The duties of agronomist primarily include the right organization of production processes, cultivation of crops, harvesting and transporting crop under these conditions. Also, the people of this specialty are engaged in the preparation of various types of reporting and scientific documentation. The formation of veterinarians usually have higher. To date, the profession of agronomas is included in the list of the most sought-after in Russia.


This is one of the main specialties of such a sector of economics as agriculture. The professions of the combiner and tractor driver have always been one of the main ones. The mechanic is called a specialist who can manage all kinds of agricultural machinery. In addition, the duties of these workers include the knowledge of the design features of the machine, as well as the performance of their planned maintenance and repair.

The profession of the mechaniser is considered one of the most difficult on the village. People of this specialty work often in extremely unfavorable conditions - in the heat, rain and cold. In addition, it usually has overtime in the period of sowing and harvesting. Fortunately, recently, increased requirements in terms of convenience began to be presented to the design of tractors and combines. Cabins of new models are insulated, equipped with air conditioners and heaters. But still the work of the mechanic will always remain difficult, and therefore honorable.

Machine millet operator

Answers to the question of which professions in agriculture are the most common, there are many. But the most famous is the operator of machine milking. About the people of this specialty in Soviet times many films were shot and a huge number of poems and songs were written. The profession of milking was then unusually honorable. Women of this specialty appeared on blue screens in the image of healthy, cheerful ruddy girls in a shock. However, of course, the profession of machine milking operator is actually very complex, and romance in it is not so much.

Getting up to milking accounted for dawn - at five in the morning. Their obligations include the carriage of the cow's udder, her feeding. But the main occupation of representatives of this profession is, of course, the milking animals. This operation is produced three times a day. Like the mechanic, the profession of milking is very important in agriculture.

Livestock breeder

It is also very common in the village profession. Agriculture specialty can belong to animal husbandry or crop production. The main activity of the zootechnology is, as one can already be judged by the name, breeding and growing of various kinds of farm animals. Employees of this specialty should provide them with the most comfortable conditions for detention and reproduction. In addition, the duties of the livestock include monitoring the health of "wards" and preserving the purity of the breed. Also, the people of this specialty are followed that in the diet of cows, pigs, sheep, horses and goats, all the necessary components are present: vitamins, minerals, proteins, etc.

Among other things, livestock breeders conduct cleaning and disinfection of cowshes and pigsties, take part in preventive measures in order to prevent the spread of epidemics. They followed both the animal grazing procedure in the summer, as well as the process of harvesting feed for them for the winter.

Poultry house

Responsibilities among representatives of this profession are almost the same as in a livestock. The only difference is that the poultry carries out the representatives of the pennate: chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys, etc. It is also one of the most common specialties of the country's economy such as agriculture. Professions associated with bird care are very complex and responsible.


Grow and breed animals man started a thousand years ago. Approximately the same time there is a veterinarian profession. In ancient times, people of this specialty accompanied the caravans and army, following the state of the health of horses and camels, and professional veterinary schools were opened in the Middle Ages. In our country, this specialty appeared on the initiative of Peter the first. It was this emperor who once brought high-class veterinarian specialists from Europe to Russia.

Today, as in the past, the main task of an agricultural worker of this profession is the treatment of animals. Also, his duties include the implementation of preventive measures. Veterinarians take childbirth in animals, make vaccinations, carry out sterilization or insemination. Representatives of this profession and control over the use of various kinds of chemicals in the cultivation of crops intended for feeding.

Currently, the veterinary locator is available in each settlement. Even in the cities there are similar clinics. True, they are engaged in treating non-agricultural, but ordinary pets - cats and dogs.


Professions of agriculture exist different. At the modern enterprises of this industry, not only bodily bred animals and grow plants. Popping also applies precisely to this field of national economy. The specialty of the beekeeper is quite rare in our country. However, this does not mean that it is not interesting or unaware. Profession is fascinating, but, like any other agricultural, pretty heavy and very responsible.

The duties of the beekeeper include the formation of new families of bees, ensuring their wintering and honey collection. Also, people of this profession are struggling with diseases of the insects entrusted to them, repair the hives and inventory. Despite the relative rarity, the profession of the beekeeper will always exist, because honey loves many people. In addition, the product is very useful.


Rabbit breeding, Nutry, Pesttsi is also one of the specializations of such an industry as agriculture. Professions associated with the care of such animals are also pretty in demand. Chests are responsible for the content and reproduction of rabbits and nutria. Their obligations include control over the preservation of the livestock, cleanliness of the breed, such as feeding, preventing diseases and care.


This profession appeared in agriculture not so long ago. However, it is almost impossible to present crops and animal husbandry without it today. First of all, the agro-ecologist monitors the use of fertilizers and all sorts of chemicals on the fields when growing with agricultural plants. The tasks of this specialist include mainly the development of recommendations for the amount of harm from them to a minimum. Also, agroecologists in agricultural enterprises are engaged in the restoration of exhausted and exposed soil erosion.

Where you can get a s / x specialty

Today in our country there are many educational institutions of different levels, the tasks of which include the preparation of employees of such a branch as agriculture. The profession of this orientation can be obtained in many cities of our country. Agronomas and veterinarians usually end the universities and technical schools. In mechanisters are trained in technical schools and colleges. The same applies to the milk and poultry.

The most famous higher educational institutions in which the profession of agricultural workers can be obtained, we have agricultural universities in our country:

  • Orenburg.
  • Kuban.
  • St. Petersburg.
  • Altaic.
  • Voronezh, etc.

Also high-class specialists prepare NSHA. Timiryazeva. Of course, the success of the development of such an industry as agriculture directly depends on the quality of education of young professionals. Professions (examples of them were given above) of this group require the presence of intelligence, snarling, the speed of thinking, and often physical endurance. In any case, to the process of learning future veterinarians, agronomists, milkers and mechanisters should be approached with full responsibility.

The boys of all times and peoples love to watch Westerns. In them, the brave cowboys fight the Indians and shoot the pistols. However, the shooting of colts is just a side and extremely rare occupation of the inhabitants of Prairies. First of all, judging by the literal translation, the cowboy grows cows, the profession is or a calling, it is difficult to say. However, the Cowboy's profession can be translated and more complicated, and more accurately: a distiller of livestock, shepherd, cattle breeder.

Driving livestock could last for a whole year, so the cowboys were forced to acquire the simplest skills of professions, which were usually serviced by a cow's life: calf, veterinarian, sweatshirt, militant and even breeder and zootechnics.

Modern animal belts

In modern animal farms, which provide major cities in uninterrupted supply of meat and making products, a cow shepherd was dissolved in a professional collective for livestock breeders, with one or more specialties each. As a rule, these are people urban and with higher education. The traditional specialties added a new - operator of livestock complexes and mechanized farms.

Those who are engaged in growing cows by the Dedov method (villages villages) are usually referred to as cattlemen and farmers. Such can themselves be specialists of a wide profile or hire the same veterinarians, milkers, veal and breeders.

Serious scribbling work. Even if you have a single burenka, forget about the weekend, vacation and hiking to the theater. The cow is capable of attaching to you and link you to yourself, invisible chains of production need and care for live, giving the joy of creatures.

And a little about secrets ...

Have you ever experienced unbearable joint pains? And you do not care what you know what:

  • the inability to move easily and comfortably;
  • discomfort with rages and descents on the stairs;
  • unpleasant crunch, clicks are not on your own accord;
  • pain during or after exercise;
  • inflammation in the field of joints and swelling;
  • caught and sometimes unbearable new joint pains ...

And now answer the question: does it suit you? Does such pain be tolerated? And how much money did you "merge" for ineffective treatment? Right - it's time to finish with this! Agree? That is why we decided to publish an exclusive interview with Professor Dikulemin which he revealed secrets of getting rid of pain in the joints, arthritis and arthrosis.