Celebration of the day of Slavic writing. Day of Slavic writing and culture

Celebration of the day of Slavic writing. Day of Slavic writing and culture
Celebration of the day of Slavic writing. Day of Slavic writing and culture

All educational institutions and educated people celebrate the day of Slavic writing and culture, let us talk more about this holiday.

When the date of the day of the memory of Kirill and Methodius

The holiday of Slavic writing and culture is celebrated annually by Slavic states. It falls on May 24, is a cultural and religious, dedicated to, partly, Cyril and Methodius, who are founding the founders of the Slavic letter.

History of the holiday of the day of Slavic writing and culture

Konstantin, who, with baptism, was given the name Kirill, and his brother Methodius belonged to a knowledgeable Slavic race. They lived in the 9th century, were born in the city of Soluni, were Orthodox. In the middle of the 9th century, the Byzantine monarch, the brothers were sent to Khazar Kaganat to turn people into Christianity that they had managed to do. Later (862), the Moravian monarch invited them to Moravia, where the Slavic ABC was developed. Cyril and Methodius have been transferred to the Slavic language of the main religious books - the Gospel and Psalrty. The church was killed by the brothers in the 9th century, and in Russia to celebrate their memory day only in 1863, appointing it on May 11 (according to a new style - May 24). The holiday of Slavic culture and writing in the USSR found its name in 1985, and his date remained unchanged. The first tradition to celebrate this holiday was introduced by Bulgaria, which today it honors more than other countries.

The foundation of Greek writing became the Phoenician alphabet, she, in turn, was taken as the basis of Latin. Greek letter has become the basis and Slavic writing. A special contribution to its creation was made by Konstantin (Cyril). Methodius was a loyal assistant for him.

It is known that the brothers invented two types of alphabet - Cyrillic and a verbolian. The second was created earlier, but because of its difficulty, she did not fit, unlike Cyrillic, created a little later.

Slavic language quickly spread among the southern Slavs - Serbs, Bulgarians, Croats; Eastern Slavs - Ukrainians, Russians, Belarusians; Western Slavs - Slovaks, Chekhov. He became the progenitor of all modern languages \u200b\u200bof the Slavic Group.

The invention of writing Kirill and Methodius made the greatest contribution to the development of culture, literature of Slavic peoples.

In Russia, the city, which is the symbolic capital of the celebration, was chosen for the celebration. So it lasted until 2009, until the Moscow Patriarch was made a proposal to celebrate the holiday more largely. Since 2010, Moscow began the capital of Slavic writing and culture.

Traditions celebrating Memory Day Memory Cyril and Methodius

The day of Slavic writing and culture is customary to note with the holding of cultural and scientific events - festivals, scientific forums, exhibitions, poetic evenings, book fairs, concerts, etc.

The celebration does not pass educational institutions where quizzes are held, contests, literary readings. Seminars and forums dedicated to the history of Slavic peoples are confined to this day.

In this holiday, students, students, adults honor the memory of Cyril and Methodius with the laying of flowers to their monuments. Mandatory event on this day - the hearing and singing of the hymn in honor of the enlighteners.

The memory of Kirill and Methodius and in churches are honored, where the ministries dedicated to them are held on May 24. On this day, renovated temples, monuments of enlighteners open.

From this article you will learn:

You know how to read and write with school bench, thanks to which today is actively and quickly managed with keyboard and sites. Do you know who you owe these unique skills? Of course, his first teacher, but if you look much deeper ... On May 24, Cyril and Methodius day will be celebrated in Russia - the saints of equivalent Solong brothers who created the Slavic ABC. Here they are our first teachers.

Kirill and Methodius: the history of the Solong brothers

Kirill and Methodius: the history of the Solong brothers

About Kirill and Methodius on the network a lot of information. In order not to spread the thought of the tree, we will collect all the facts and lay out a brief chronicle of their lives decorated with curious facts.

  • Names

The names of the Solun brothers are their monastic naming, and in fact, Cyril from birth was called Konstantin, and Mikhail - Mikhail: such native Russian names ... And Kirill-Constantine was also a nickname in the world: a philosopher. Now we can only guess about the reasons why he got it.

  • Origin

Konstantin (years of life 827-869) was younger than Michael (815-885), but he died much earlier. And between them their parents had five more sons. Father was a military officer. Some do not understand where the brothers born in the Greek city of the Fesaloniki could know the Slavic language perfectly. But Thessaloniki was a unique city: they were talked to Greek in It, and at Slavic adverbs.

  • Career

Yes, yes, it is a career. Before the tonsion to the monks, Mikhail managed to become a strategist (the Greek military rank), and Konstantin heard the smartest and educated person in the entire Greek state. Constantine had even a touching story of love with one of the daughters of the Greek dumb. Marrying, he would make a brilliant career. But Greek decides to devote their lives to God and people. The brothers become monks, gather around themselves like-minded people and begin to work hard on creating alphabet.

  • Missions Konstantin

Konstantin walked into different countries with embassies, addressed people to Christianity, taught them alphabet. For the prescription, we only know about three missions: Khazar, Bulgarian and Moravian. It remains only to guess how many languages \u200b\u200bknew in fact Konstantin.

After his death, the brothers left followers and students who contributed to the spread of Slavic alphabet, on the basis of which our modern letter was created.

Pretty informative biographies. It is difficult to imagine that someone since someone has conceived such a global task - to teach the Slavs to the ABC. And after all, not only conceived, but also created ...

History of the holiday of Slavic writing

History of the holiday of Slavic writing

How and why May 24 began to day Cyril and Methodius? This unique case, when they found a common point of contact with the state festival and Orthodox. On the one hand, Cyril and Methodius are saints, revered by the Church, and the value of writing for the public perfectly understands the state. So it happened a happy merger of two global understandings. However, the path of becoming this holiday was not from the lungs, if you proceed to the stages:

  1. Russian Holy Synod In 1863, decree determined that in connection with the celebration of the anniversary date (millennium) of the Moravian mission of equivalent Cyril and Methodius, from May 11 (and on a new style - 24) to establish a celebration in honor of Methodius and Cyril annually.
  2. In the USSR, in 1986, when the date of the 1100th anniversary of the death of Methodius was noted, on May 24, officially was announced by the Government of the Holiday Slavic Culture and Writing.
  3. The Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR in 1991 adopted a decree on holding every year the "Days of Slavic Culture and Writing".

Through the burned all these transformations and tests of the day of Cyril and Methodius appears to us as it is now.

Day Cyril and Methodius: Customs and Traditions

Day Cyril and Methodius: Customs and Traditions

Any celebration, especially if it goes deep into centuries, is always associated with certain traditions and customs dictated by the daily peasants in Russia. Some elements are reborn and adapt to modern living conditions, and something irretrievably goes into the past. And how do you meet the day of Cyril and Methodius? Maybe one of the traditions of the holiday will have to your taste?

  • Prayers, worship, goddes

In Orthodox churches on May 24, there are laudatory chants in honor of the Equal-Apostles Brothers. It can be prayers or whole services, but anyway, any Orthodox man seeks that day in the temple, put a candle Cyril and Methodius. Many parishes and dioceses are made by the crusters in honor of the brothers to show the importance of their acts for the entire culture of Russia.

  • Scientific conferences

As a rule, on May 24 there are various scientific conferences, the symposia of the most different level - from school to All-Russian. Most often the subject of such scientific meetings is the fate and history of the Russian language. In parallel with this, all sorts of thematic exhibitions are drawn up and contests are held.

Here is such a day, Cyril and Methodius, in Russia, in the Russian Orthodox Church, in the heart of every Russian man. This is our story that we must holy honored and respect, transfer to our children. I would like to wish, with the introduction of all computer technologies, people still do not forget the book as one of the main values \u200b\u200bleft to us by the Solong brothers.

Slavic Culture Day and Writing - a holiday dedicated to the Day of Memory of Saints Equal-Apostles Cyril and Methodius, Slovenian enlighteners, May 24.. It is celebrated both in Russia and in some other Slavic countries. In Russia, festive events take place within a few days.

Memory of Saints Equal-Apostles Cyril and Methodius

Saints Cyril and Methodius

Holy Brothers Kirill and Methodius - Christian preachers and missionaries, enlighteners of Slavic peoples. In 863, the Byzantine emperor sent brothers in Moravia to the preaching of Slavs. The brothers made up the first Slavic alphabet and transferred liturgical books to Slavic. Thus, the foundations of Slavic writing and culture were laid.

The memory of the saints of equal to the Apostles Cyril and Methodius was noted in the Slavic peoples in antiquity. Then the celebration was forgotten and restored in the Russian Church only in 1863, when it was decided to recall the Slovenian enlighteners 11 (24 across n. Art.) May.

Modern celebration

In 1985, the 1100th anniversary of the death of CV was noted in the Slavic world. Equal Methodius. For the first time in the USSR, on May 24, he was declared the day of Slavic culture and writing.

On January 30, 1991, the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR adopted a resolution on the annual days of Slavic writing and culture. Since 1991, state and public organizations have taken the days of Slavic writing and culture together with the Russian Orthodox Church.

During the period of celebration, various church events are held: dedicated to Saint Cyril and Methodius of worship in the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin and other temples of Russia, processions, children's pilgrimage missions for monasteries of Russia, scientific and practical conferences, exhibitions, concerts.

Since 1991, in the framework of the celebration of the days of Slavic culture and writing, the annual spiritual and cultural expedition "Slavic stroke" is held on the cities of Russia.

It is interesting

In Bulgarian schools on the eve of the Day of Saints, Kirill and Methodius are held "days of letters" - quiz and educational games.

In the Czech Republic, the day of memory of the Kirill and Methodius brothers and the holiday of Slavic writing is celebrated on July 5th.

Centers celebration of the days of Slavic culture and writing

Until 2010, every year the center of the celebration was transferred to any of the Russian cities. In 1986 it was Murmansk, in 1987 - Vologda, in 1992 and 1993 - Moscow.

Monument to the Saint Equal-Apostles Kirill and Methodius. Slavyanskaya Square, Moscow

Since 2010, Moscow has become the capital of Slavic writing.

Day of Slavic writing and culture

The purpose of the lesson:

Reveal the value of the holiday: the day of Slavic writing and culture

Tasks lesson:

1. To children love for their native speech, native language, domestic history.

2. Sign up students with the origins of the creation of Slavic alphabet.

3. Abate respect for the creators of Cyrillic, national pride in the language.


Computer, presentation.

During the classes

Teacher's word:

Today we will talk about our history, about the emergence of Slavic writing. Every year on May 24, Russia is celebrated the day of Slavic writing and culture. Without culture, letters, writing can not live a nation, people, state.

On May 24, the Slavic peoples are Russian, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Bulgarians, Serbs, Chekhov, Slovaks, Polyakov - a special holiday is celebrated - "Day of Slavic writing."

On the broad Russia - our Mother -

The bell ringing is bottled.

Now the brothers Saints Cyril and Methodius

For the works are glorified

Remember Kirill with Methodius -

Brothers nice, equivalent

In Belarus, Macedonia,

In Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Praise the brothers wisdom in Bulgaria,

In Ukraine, Croatia, Serbia.

All the peoples that they write Cyrillic

What is since ancient times by Slavyansky,

Glory the feat of the first points,

Christian enlighteners.

Rusolay and seruly

The face is all bright and glorious heart,

Trees, Rusichi, Polyana,

Tell me, who are you?

We are Slavs!

His article all the priesthood

All different and all similar

You are called now - Russians,

Since ancient times, who are you?

We are Slavowyan!

Writing is a real treasure that man mastered.

So in antiquity, people exchanged information, sending various objects to each other. Opened cumbersome and not particularly understandable. When people realized that they would exchange interlaced items - the thing was troublesome, they became these items to draw.

(3, 4, 5, 6 slide. Folded drawings)

Such images were found on the walls of the caves, in which ancient people once lived. These are the first steps of a person to create writing. Gradually, people began to replace drawings with symbols.

(7 slide. Fold symbols and letters)

The inscriptions were made on the stones, a rock, on the board. Of course, to transfer such "letters" to the distance was uncomfortable and this sign could be understood differently.

There was time. Gradually, people moved to signs that began to be called letters. So the writing originated.

(Slide 8. Appearance of writing)

(9, 10, 11, 12, 13 slide. Cyril and Methodius)

On the screen you see the image of two brothers in the monastic robe. This is Cyril (in the world of Konstantin) and Methodius (in the world Mikhail). Who are Kirill and Methodius? (Report)

They were from the Macedonian city of Soluni. Cyril studied theology and taught philosophy. He was nicknamed by a philosopher, and in Russian sage. Since childhood, he dreamed of writing books, understandable to the Slavs, and for this it was necessary to come up with Slavic letters. It turned out to be a very difficult case and one Cyril could not cope with him. He began to help the elder brother of Methodius. They worked a lot and as a result there was an alphabet. It was 38 letters. Part of them were taken from the Greek alphabet, and some were specially invented to transfer the sounds of Slavic speech. So the Slavic peoples received their writing - the Alphabet, which was called Cyrillic in memory of her creator. It was in the 9th century.

More than 1110 years ago, the brothers Kirill and Methodius brought the light of writing and knowledge to the lands of Slavs. It happened in 863.

The brothers were born in a large family of a commander who served in Soluni, in the town on the border of Bulgaria and Greece. Methodius was older brother for 6 years. The boys since childhood knew two languages: native Greek and Slavic, since the population of the town consisted half of the Greeks, half of Slavs.

Konstantin, thanks to a living and rapid mind, passion for teaching and adjacent, received a brilliant education at the imperial courtyard. Both brothers lived a spiritual life, did not attach much importance to wealth, glory, career. The younger brother translated, wrote, creating an alphabet, in Slavyansky. The eldest - published books, led the school, wrote hymns and poetic sermons.

First, Konstantin depicted sounds common in the Slavs and Greeks. Every unknown sound he tried to record differently. If the signs seemed awkward, he replaced them. Each letter should be simple and clear - easy for writing. After all, books Slavs will need many. And the easier there will be letters, the sooner you can rewrite the book. After all, people will be ineptly writing, with their hands unusual for writing. Letters should be beautiful so that a person, barely seen them, immediately wanted to master the letter.

In connection with the advent of Slavic writing, the temples began to be allowed, where German priests preached, and were full of churches where Slavic speech sounded. Could not put up the Germans and declared brothers and their books outside the law. That's where I had to brothers together with the disciples to go to Rome. In Rome, Dad himself went to the brothers, adopted Slavic books, consecrated them.

Konstantin was not destined to return home. Heavily ill, he accepted the victim, received the name Kirill and a few hours later died. With this name, he remained to live in the bright memory of the descendants. Dying, Kirill said Brother: "Here, brother, we were with you a couple in one harness and plowed one furrow. And I fall on the field, finishing my day. Do not dare to leave your whore ... "

Methodius, burying his brother, returned to the Slavs, but on a false denunciation was concluded in the dungeon. For two and a half years, the light is light for the one who carried the lights himself. With great difficulty, students managed to achieve the liberation of Methodius. His educational and teacher activity continued until the last days.

(14, 15, 16 slide. Alphabet. Glaglitz and Cyrillic)

The verbs and Cyrillic are the first Slavic alphabets. The name of the ABC "Glagolitsa" comes from the word verb, which means "speech". And "Cyrillic" is named after her creator. In the ancient Russia, the verbs was used to transfer church texts and existed 3 centuries, and in household writing used Cyrillic. In Cyrillic, 43 letters, subsequently, this alphabet has become the basis of the Russian alphabet.

(17, 18, 19, 20, 21 slides. First books)

In 988, the Palace School of "Book Teachings" was opened in Kiev. There was a new book culture center, the school joined the Kiev Rus with European civilization.

Books in Russia were very expensive. They were made on parchment: the skin of the sheep was soaked in lime, dried, then rubbed the honey.

From well, blue of such depth
My kite grows, four walls,
Gorgeous horse, shutters-lace - apart ...
Pink east. Rose is illuminated.
Wooden fairy tale, lazy peace,
What is your shore for me, such?
In whimsical bends of the roof patterns?
Yes a fatal horn? Yes swirle reed?
Seen, the memory archival began to sick,
If there is nothing to regret in the wilds of concrete
So at least to entertain you from the depths,
From Cyrillic woven songs-epic.
Wooden tale, forgotten Russia,
You make the arrow to my soul through.
And I do not know why it happens that
Like water from the well, your old man ...

(22, 23, 24 slide. Berevyaniy diplomas)

In Russia, another material for the letter - Beresto has long been used. Signs on Beresta were applied bone rod.

From the 10th century on the basis of the verbs and Cyrillic in the Old Russian language the literature applies. Most often it was church books, teachings, scientists.

(25, 26, 27, 28, 29 slide. First books and chronicles)

(30 slide. First printed machines in Russia)

Over time, more comfortable machines appeared, and with them a modern alphabet.

Good book, my satellite, my friend,
With you interesting it is leisure.
You learn truthful and valiant to be,
Nature, people understand and love.
You value you, you shore.
Without a book, I can not live.

(31, 32, 33 slide. ABC)

The appearance of the letters of the Slavic alphabet helps us see the world through the eyes of our ancestors. Each letter is individual, unique and has its name: lead, people, beech, az, earth.

The names of the letters were to remind people about such words that could not be forgotten: "Good", "live", "Earth", "People", "Peace".

"AZ" and "Buki". It turned out the word "alphabet".

(34 Slide Proverbs)

They say in the people: "At first," Az "yes" Buki ", then and science." It is from the Azov that begins the path of each of us into the world of knowledge.

Guys, listen to proverbs about the benefits of exercise.

    Who wants to know a lot, one must sleep.

    Go to science - tolerate flour.

    God's will stand behind, people live with science.

    No flour and science.

    Nothing to think - the eyelids.

(35 slide. Continue the proverb)

Only 43 letters-sister look at us from an old scroll. Names they became the basis of modern Russian language.

Russian language.
I love my native language!
It is understandable for everyone,
He singeh,
He, like the Russian people, Multicoligo,
As our power, mighth.
He is the language of the moon and planets,
Our companions and rockets,
On the round table
Talk to it:
Unequivocal and straight
He is like the truth itself.

(36, 37 Slide. Monuments Kirill and Methodius)

In honor of Chirill's enlighteners and Methodius, a holiday was established - the day of Slavic writing and culture. This holiday came to us from Bulgaria, where this tradition has been over 100 years old. To this day, on the eve of the holiday of Bulgarians, there are flowers to monuments Kirill and Methodius.

In our country, the holiday began to be celebrated since 1986. In 1992, the sculptor V.Klikov created a monument to Slavic enlighteners, Cyril and Methodius, which was installed in Moscow.

On May 24, all of our people will celebrate the holiday of Slavic writing and culture. On this day, a monument to Kirill and Methodius was opened in Moscow in Slavic Square. At the foot of this monument installed a non-day-free lamp - the sign of eternal memory. Since then, every year on May 24, we celebrate Cyril and Methodius.

It is a pity that the holiday of Slavic writing We began to celebrate with a great delay, because in other Slavic countries this day is celebrated long ago, in many ways, very colorfully and truly festive.

(38, 39Slide. Saints Cyril and Methodius)

Solun brothers Kirill and Methodius are the pride of the entire Slavic world. They said: isn't the sun shine for everyone, isn't it raining for everyone, isn't it all feeding the earth? All people are equal, all people are brothers, all the same in front of the Lord, and everyone needs a gram. The Orthodox Church of the Kirill's brothers and Methodius ranked with the faces of the saints.

In the monastery cell narrow,

In four deaf walls

About the land about the Old Russian

The priest recorded the monk.

He wrote in winter and summer

Illuminated with dim light.

He wrote from year to year

About the great people.

(N. Konchalovskaya)

And to write down and convey to us "the affairs of the long-lasting days" helped the Slavic Alphabet, which, about two millennia, came up with brothers Kirill and Methodius from the distant Greek town of Soloniki.

(40 slide)

Two brothers, Cyril and Methodius,
Thank you want to tell you!
For the letters that we really need us
To teach us to read.

In writing history there are many entertaining facts. Here is some of them.

The biggest book in the world - "Super Book", has dimensions of 2.74x3.07 m, weighs 252.6 kg and contains 300 pages. She was published in Denver, Colorado, USA in 1976.

The smallest book on salewas printed on 1x1 meter paper. This is a children's fairy tale "Old King Cole", published in 1985 in Scotland. Pages it can be carefully turned over with a needle.

The smallest book in the world - Until recently, it was "Kobzar" T.G. Shevchenko - a miracle of the Ukrainian engineer's hands created by microtechnics. It is made in a single instance and consists of twelve text pages and two illustrations. Pages are sewn painted by web, and you can turn them with a pointed end of the hair. The cover is made of the petal of immortelle and decorated with gold stripes on both sides. Seven such editions easily fit at the end of the match, and you can read the book only with the help of magnifying glass. It can easily be done through the needle or hide in the eyelashes. Later it turned out that this little book is not the limit for miniaturists. Zhmelinsky Codeset created Tomik Pychov A.S. Pushkin with a volume of 0.0064 cubic meters. MM! The portrait of the poet engraved on the cover of the book. If you look at the book with a naked eye, it looks like a dust, because it is 15 times smaller than the poppy seed. If you look into the microscope, you can see a pretty chubby tomik.

The most original autograph Writer belongs to Maxim Gorky. In the spring of 1937 Italian fishermen in the vicinity of Palermo caught a huge turtle weighing 100 kg. Their attention attracted the inscription made on the shell: "released a Torto Turtle on April 1, 1922. The turtle weighs 52 kg and its length 90 cm. Toto loves Sardinics very much. Maksim Gorky. Capri. "

First handwritten book in Russia - "Kurats". Began to go out in 1621. By order of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich. The content of the newspaper was considered a state secret, since it contained excerpts from foreign newspapers about various events in Europe. Kurats read only the king and his closest environment. The newspaper was produced in a single copy.

The first printed newspaper in Russia - "Vedomosti" began to be published by the decree of Peter1 and was intended for the mass reader.

The most ancient library of the world - This is a collection of clay books of Tsar Ashurbanipal in Ninevei (7th century BC).

The very first library in Russia It was created by Yaroslav wise in Kiev in the Sofia Cathedral in 1037.

The largest library of the world - US Congress Library in Washington.

The largest library in Russia - Russian State Library in Moscow.

On May 24, annually in all Slavic countries there is a day of Slavic writing and culture. The origins of this holiday are inextricably linked with honoring the saints of equivalent Cyril and Methodius - the enlighteners of Slavs, the creators of Slavic ABC.

Kirill (the secular name Konstantin; OK. 827-869) and Methodius (the secular name is unknown; approx. 815-885) - brothers, Greeks, natives of the city of Solun (Fessonalki), came from the family of the Byzantine commander.

Methodius initially dedicated himself to a military career, but about 852 he accepted the monastic stop, later became the igumen of the polychron monastery at the Vifficon Olympus (Small Asia). Cyril from the young years was distinguished by the sciences and exceptional philological abilities. He was educated in Constantinople in the largest scientists of his time - Lev Grammar and Fothia (future patriarch). After training, he accepted the San Priest, performed the responsibilities of the librarian, according to another version - saint Sophia's Cathedral in Constantinople and taught philosophy. In 851-852, as part of the embassy of Asicrit (the Word Secretary), George arrived at the courtyard of the Arab Caliph Muttavakil, where theological disputes with Muslim scientists were led.

Cyril and Methodius amounted to Slavic ABC, translated from Greek to Slavic language several liturgical books (including chosen readings from the Gospel, Apostolic Messages and Psalrty), which contributed to the introduction and distribution of Slavic worship, as well as relying on deep knowledge of Greek and Eastern Cultures and summarized the experience of the Slavic letter, offered their alphabet to the Slavs.

The heritage of Cyril and Methodius had a huge impact on the culture of Slavic states: Bulgaria (and through it - Russia and Serbia), the Czech Republic, Croatia (in the latter, until the newest time, the verbolic written tradition was preserved). Writing developed by Cyril and Methodius had a huge impact on the development of Russian book and literature. In the consciousness of many generations of Slavs Kirill and Methodius - symbols of Slavic letters and Slavic culture.

Kirill and Methodius cult was widely distributed in all Slavic countries, both Orthodox and Catholic (the brothers were canonized shortly after death). The church established in the X-XI centuries, Kirill and Methodius's memory (May 24) in Bulgaria was subsequently turned into a holiday of national education and culture.

In Russia, the celebration of the Day of Memory Day of the Holy Brothers is rooted in the distant past and he was held mainly by the Church. There was a period when, under the influence of political circumstances, the oblivion of the historical merit of Kirill and Methodius came, but in the XIX century this tradition was revived.

Officially, at the state level, the day of Slavic writing and culture was first celebrated in 1863, due to the 1000th anniversary of the creation of Slavic ABC, Saint Cyril and Methodius, was adopted a decree on the celebration of the Day of Saints Kirill and Methodius on May 11 (24 on a new style).

During the years of Soviet power, this holiday was unfairly devoted to oblivion and restored only in 1986. The idea of \u200b\u200brenewing the nationwide, public celebration of the memory of Cyril and Methodius and the days of Slavic writing and culture in Russia was born in 1985, when Slavic peoples, together with the world public, celebrated the 1100th anniversary of the death of St. Methodius, Archbishop Moravian and Pannonsky.

In 1986, the first holiday was held in Murmansk, he was called the "Writing Day", in the following years the holiday was held in Vologda (1987), Great Novgorod (1988), Kiev (1989) and Minsk (1990).

On January 30, 1991, the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, his decision announced on May 24, the holiday of Slavic writing and culture, thereby giving him state status.

During the period of celebration in the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin, in all temples of Russia there are divine liturgies, processions, children's pilgrimage missions for monasteries of Russia, scientific and practical conferences, exhibitions, concerts.

Traditionally, an international scientific conference "Slavic world: community and diversity" is held.

Within the framework of the days of Slavic writing and culture, the ceremony of awarding the winners of the International Prize of St. Equal-to-apostolic brothers Kirill and Methodius established by the Moscow Patriarchate and the Slavic Foundation of Russia. It is awarded state and public figures, figures of literature and art for the preservation and development of Kirillo Methodius heritage. Prize winners are awarded by the bronze sculpture of the Saints Equal-Apostles Brothers Kirill and Methodius, a diploma and a commemorative medal.

Material prepared on the basis of RIA news and open sources