As a mass culture affects society. "Positive and negative impact of mass culture

As a mass culture affects society. "Positive and negative impact of mass culture

1. Positive sides
First, the mass culture is "democratic", because it is addressed to all people without the difference in the nation, class, level of poverty or wealth.
Secondly, the mass culture seems to compensate for an emotional deficiency, which is increasingly present in our lives, because it (mass culture) is entertainment. Everyone has the right after challenging labor week, for example, in the same cinema, and from the soul to have fun, walked on some American comedy, which does not have much sense and related to all signs to mass culture. People have full right not only to "work the brains", but also just have fun.
Well, thirdly, thanks modern means Mass communication people became available many works of art with high artistic value. So on television, we have the opportunity to watch movies that were shot still in the last century, some play or concert ... We can find a lot on the Internet, really interesting and useful - a book or reproduction of the picture famous artist.
You can also add that, due to the mass culture, the elite becomes available today. You can not go to the theater, but climb on the Internet and find the necessary music or setting, information. Previously, there was no such possibility for the majority of the population. And anyway, how not to twist, but the elite remained. And it is she who directs a massive culture in the right direction, promotes what is profitable.

2.Negative sides.
On the other hand, the mass culture is aimed at producing a "mass person", borrowing its thoughts from radio and telecasts, advertising, glossy magazines. Borrowing thoughts and samples of behavior, a person becomes a simple performer of the specified roles with an atrophied personality, i.e. Man dewriting.
People do not want to think, do not want to write their own, but also just read. A person no longer expresses himself in anything, but only consumes ready. Mass culture is aimed at simplifying society. Everything is easier and easier, all the same thing and one more. Under influence mass culture Not only individual people, but also the relationship between them are dewritable. People are increasingly communicating over the Internet, write letters on the Internet, marry the Internet, without leaving home, order products and so on. But people are very important to look in the eyes of each other when talking to understand that each of them is sather. Now it is, unfortunately, disappears.
Production of mass culture imposes certain norms and values, while actively affecting human psychology. A person becomes a "prisoner" of this culture, and no one is trying to get out of this captivity. Mass culture, and in particular, TV series, talk shows, various websites on the Internet take too much free time modern man, just brazenly "steal" him!
But after all, if you think, there would be no mass culture without the masses. Nowadays, people are indeed dependent on mass culture. They themselves do not imagine their lives without it.
"Mass culture" makes from people a gray faceless mass and puts us simplified samples and stereotypes of behavior ..

Positive I. negative influence Mass culture on society.

To begin with, I would like to reveal the concept of mass culture itself.

"Mass culture" (eng. Mass Culture), in philosophy, sociology, the concept, generalized the expressing state of bourgeois culture from the mid-20th century. This concept characterizes the peculiarities of production. cultural values In modern industrial society and mass consumption, i.e., subordination to him as his goal (mass production of culture is understood by analogy with a flow-and-conveyor industry).

In my opinion, mass culture has a number of signs that affect people: entertainment, funny, comics sentimentality, running book-magazine publications; Formalization for subconscious, instincts - thirst for possession, a sense of property, national and racial prejudices, cult of success, cult strong personality; POSITIVE INFLUENCE

The most important, if not determining, sign " mass society"It is a" mass culture ".

Responding to the general spirit of the time, it, unlike the social practice of all previous epochs, becomes from the middle of our century, becomes one of the most profitable sectors of the economy and even gets the relevant names: "Entertainment Industry", "Commercial Culture", "Pop Culture", " leisure industry ", etc. By the way, the last of the above designations opens another of the causes of the "mass culture" - the appearance of excess of free time in a significant layer of workers' excess of free time, "leisure". People have increasingly the need to "kill time". Its satisfaction is natural for money, and the "mass culture" is calculated, which manifests itself mainly in the sensory sphere, i.e. In all types of literature and art. Especially important channels of the general democratization of culture for recent decades Stained cinema, television and, of course, sports (in his purely spectator part), collecting huge and not too legible audiences movable only by the desire for psychological relaxation.

To fulfill its function - the removal of strong production stresses - "mass culture" should be at least entertaining; Failing to people often with insufficiently developed intellectual beginnings, it largely exploits such spheres of human psyche as subconscious and instincts. All this is true and the prevailing topic of "mass culture", receiving large income from the exploitation of such "interesting" and understandable to all people by how love, family, career, crime and violence, adventure, horrors, etc. Curious and psychotherapeutically positively, that in general the "mass culture" of life, it is difficult for truly unpleasant or depressing the audience of the plots, and the corresponding works are usually completed by a happy ending. It is not surprising that, along with the "middle" person, one of the consumers of such products is a pragmatically tuned part of youth, not burdened by life experience, not increasing optimism and still thinking about the fundamental problems of human existence.

Mass culture is able to play today and positive role, acquiring the masses to the most difficult spiritual and moral problems in adapted form. But whether the individual will leave further search for cultural musical values, or will be content with the acquired surrogates of mass culture - this is already directly dependent on the personality itself. An exceptional role here belongs to education, artistic and aesthetic education.


Mass culture, especially in its strong commercialization, is able to outpire and high and folk culture.

For many Russians, and again, first of all, young, characteristic lack of ethnocultural or national self-identification, they cease to perceive themselves as Russians, lose their Russianity. Socialization of young people occurs either on traditionally-Soviet, either on the Western model of education, in any case, with a total. Russian folk culture (traditions, customs, rites) by a majority of young people are perceived as an anachronism. The lack of national self-identification in Russian youth leads to a lighter penetration into the youth environment of westernized values.

In many features, youth subculture simply repeats, duplicates the television subculture. It should be noted here that since the early 1990s. Mass culture in its screen, television species is becoming increasingly negative. For example, out of 100 films most popular in Leningrad video rooms, 52% had all the signs of militants, 14 horror films, 18 karate films. At the same time, according to expert film, there was not a single film that is distinguished by artistic aesthetic value, and only 5% have certain artistic advantages. The repertoire of cinemas for 80-90% consists of foreign films.

No less negative consequences It can be noted in the development of musical culture. Such a kind of mass culture, like rock music, was first forbidden in our country at the official level, and then it is also uniformly extomed and idealized. Why speak against that rock music that is associated with folk traditions, traditions of political and author's song? There are both directions like punk rock, heavy metal, etc., which undoubtedly carry a countercultural, vandalist character. Many musical directions are characterized by pessimism syndromes, motives of death, suicide, fear and alienation. A loss humanistic content It happens in rock music due to the distortion of a natural human voice with all sorts of wheezing and squealing, who was deliberately broken dead intonations, the substitutions of men's votes are familiar, and vice versa.


Attitude towards mass culture is most often ambiguous: it is highly despised, express concern about her onslaught, in the soft version it is condescendingly, but no one has yet escaped contact with her.

From the above, you can conclude what, mass culture - this is the culture of the masses; culture intended for the people's consumption; This consciousness is not a people, but the commercial cultural industry; She is hostile to truly folk culture. She does not know traditions, has no nationality, its tastes and ideals change with dizzying speed in accordance with the needs of fashion. Mass culture appeals to a wide audience, claims to be folk art.

Master's student

Averkin Tatiana Nikolaevna, Honorary Worker general Education Russian Federation, Teacher of History and Social Studies, VuVK. A.P. Kiselieva, Voronezh


Mass culture is a form of culture that dominates among the majority of the population, characterized by low high-quality signs, orientation on the "middle man." One part of society criticizes mass culture, considering it faceless and propaganda. Another part recognizes its effectiveness in support of the spiritual and moral association of individuals. At the same time, no one denies the global effect that has a mass culture on collective consciousness and mind. This article is devoted to a more detailed study and analysis of the presented influence, as well as its relationship with various spheres of society.

Mass Culture Is a Form of Culture Dominant Among The Majority of the Population, Characterized by Low Quality Characteristics, Orientation Toward The "Average Person". One Part of Society Criticizes Mass Culture, Considering It Faceless and Propagandistic. The Other Part Recognizes Its Effectiveness in Supporting The Spiritual and Moral Unification of Individuals. AT The Same Time, No One Denies The Global Influence That Mass Culture Has On Collective Consciousness and Reason. This article Is Devuted to A More Detailed Influence, As Well As Its Relationships with Different Spheres of Society.


culture; Mass culture; moral values; society

culture; Mass Culture; Moral Values; Society.

UDC 316.7

Mass culture is one of the fundamental attributes of the spiritual sphere of modern society. A bright example of mass culture is the creation of the "Hollywood Industry" and the emergence of such genres of cinema as horrors, militants and serials. Such products are focused on the mass consumer, which craves "bread and spectacle" and does not set themselves thorough thoughtfulness and understanding of what is happening on the screen. The so-called "Hollywood" films are one of the most common and "efficient" tools of influence on the consciousness of people over the past decades.

Mass culture has become one of the inalienable components modern era. Moreover, this phenomenon imposed his imprint absolutely to all spheres of society, which can be easily traced on the basis of all changes rendered on the existence of humanity.

For example, mass culture has a great influence on the political sphere. First of all, it introduces the individual to the current system public relations, stopping attempts and prompting the riot against it. With the help of media, citizenship of politics occurs, the level of their political participation increases. However, it is worth noting and reverse side This medal. Extreme politicization of many printed publications Often is the basis for the formation of the reader's opinion, which is not able to recreate own picture World. Due to the spread of the influence of the mass culture, the policy is perceived through images (image and stereotypes). There is no complete understanding political processesThe introduction of policies is formed under the influence of PR, advertising and agitation. In such conditions, the likelihood of disseminating false information, the introduction of citizens misleading with the help of media and other tools. One of the most bright examples A similar situation can be a scandal caused by the appearance of photographs of the Serbian death camp in the nineties of the 20th century, which turned out to be a fake, but they played an important role in accusing Serbia in the destruction of civilians.

Among the economic consequences of the influence of mass culture should not be noted stimulation technical progress, availability, cheapness of products (due to its standardized), and, consequently, the ability to meet the needs of the poorest groups of the population and, as a result, raising the standard of living in all corners globe. So, for example, over the past ten years, the economic growth of some African countries located south of the Sahara desert amounted to more than seven percent. In addition, mass culture preaches the need and importance of the development of production technologies, technical innovations. Since most researchers agree that the mass culture originated in the United States (a country where pragmatism and manufacturability was erected into the rank of basic values), and technological innovations are also applied to the spread of mass culture. On the other hand, mass culture limits the stimulation of the production of unique and high-quality products. So any economic agent, whether it is a firm, as the main economic goal, positions the maximization of the profits, which can be achieved including through an increase in production. One of the concomitant factors and methods to achieve this goal is to reduce costs by supplying the consumer of homogeneous and unified products, which will certainly be characterized positively.

The enormous impact of mass culture and on social sphere. The same homogeneous production of mass culture acts as a certain integrating force, rapping the peoples and promoting globalization.

Due to its versatility and orientation for each individual, regardless of his social statusMass culture erases the boundaries between classes. All this, ultimately, helps to reduce the level of social tensions in society.

Nevertheless, the spread of mass culture caused a sharp increase in the level of patriotism of nations. Separate cultural communities began to defend the right to national originality, struggling with universal unification. Enough to remember the policies of the Ukrainian authorities to restore significance ukrainian language as one of the revival measures of national self-consciousness.

Among the negative social consequences of the mass culture should be mentioned by the passive perception of reality by individual, conservatism, orientation is not for reality, but for advertising, television and radio images, conformism, as the main type of personality behavior, unwillingness and inability to change the existing public order and eliminate the flaws in it.

Although the time of birth of mass culture is considered to be the middle of the 20th century, it is worth considering that its separate features can be seen before that time. So you can bring the quotation of Russian philosopher A.I. Herzen, who says that the mass (people) - the inhibitory force, which does not give society to develop progressively: "He keeps for the depressing life, for close frames ... He even takes a new one in old clothes ...". The mass resists innovations, it is afraid of a new one. This prevents the development of society along the path of progress.

Perhaps the most notable imprint imposed mass culture on the spiritual sphere of society's life. Mass culture when using non-hard tools ( typical images, standardized plots) helps the individual better oriented in modern world, To get even a primitive, but idea of \u200b\u200bthe relationship between people. Through art culture, mass culture gives society the opportunity to join the culture more high level. Copying and adopting the achievements and samples of elite culture, the mass culture spreads them, popularizes through the media, cinema, in other ways. Moreover, it is due to the proliferation of mass culture that the poorest segments have gained the opportunity to use high-art fruits. Also, it is also impossible not to take into account the overall increase in the level of literacy of the population, an important role in which the mass culture was played.

At the same time, most specialists noted that the negative consequences of this phenomenon are still more than positive. A well-known sociologist, a researcher of the mass culture of H. Ortega-I-Gasset wrote: "The peculiarity of our time is that the ordinary souls, not being deceived about their own order, and weanly approve their right to her and impose it to everyone everywhere." Universalization, standardization kills high artin which society simply does not need.

Human spiritual activity products in mass consumption society are oriented primarily to satisfy primary needs. The reassessment of values \u200b\u200bis: postmodernism - the dominant philosophical direction in the era of mass culture - proclaims the principle of enjoyment as the main goal of art. "Everything in the world relatively, there is neither" good "nor" bad "art," the post-modelists are appropriate, guided by the principle of denial of the hierarchy of values. Modern Art And the mass culture goes as the main trajectory of their movement choose the path of commercialization. This path is directed not to the moral improvement of the person, but to meet the needs, basic instincts. The primary task of such a culture is to entertain, but do not provide "food for reflection." It should not be noted and the outlined trend of the denial of such values \u200b\u200bas chastity, patriotism, family. The chastity is declared moral inferiority, the patriot is opposed to a cosmopolitan - "citizen of the world", the family institution is experiencing a deep crisis.

Thus, it is safe to argue that the mass culture at the present stage of its existence is an integral element of public relations that have a huge and ever-increasing influence on various spheres life of society. At the same time, both political and economic, and socially, and in spiritual spheres can be distinguished both positive and negative consequences of this influence. That is why the main task of civilization for the coming years is to prevent the negative impact of mass culture, restricting the further decomposition of art, as well as the suppression of its transformation into a tool to meet basic needs. To achieve this result, a clear and meaningful change in the values \u200b\u200bof the mass culture in all its manifestations, the introduction of the ideals of a higher level culture. This process can be organized primarily by mixing mass culture with elitar, having, obviously, a higher value base.

Bibliographic list:

1. Ilyin A. Subjectivity inside the mass culture // Knowledge. Understanding. Skill. 2008. № 4.
2. Rivel MA Archbishop genocide. Monsignor Stepinac, Vatican and Taspanic dictatorship in Croatia 1941-1945. 2011. P. 244.
3. Ortega-I-Gasseth H. Mass Rezings. 1929. P. 311.


12/22/2017, 13:39 Adibekyan Oganes Alexandrovich
Review: Adibekyan Oganes Alexandrovich. Article Kanishcheva K.V. Written mustache, meaningful to the public, her scientists, politicians, journalists. It is recommended for printing. But it is proposed to take into account if the author agrees. It is necessary to specify the wealth of the content of the term "culture", where knowledge, morality, behavior, law-abiding, peacefulness, etc. should not be delayed by the United States of America, it is worth contacting other countries in the world. According to the "mass of people", it is necessary to take into account the representative office in it of poor and rich, but in politics, stipulate the prevalence of representatives of the rich, who affect their benefits on public consciousness. No need to forget the use of the term "classes".

12/22/2017, 14:23 Erstein Leonid Borisovich
Review: That's what I say. I would like to see what specifically the author decides. As they tried to solve other authors and in the lack of past decisions and the advantages of the current solution. There are obvious contradictions in the text, for example, in one place the author writes "Since most researchers agree that the mass culture originated in the US ...", in another he gives next definition Mass culture "Mass culture is a form of culture that dominates among the majority of the population, characterized by low quality signs, orientation on the" middle man. "." ATTENTION Question, such a culture that did not exist before the USA? Full nonsense. By the way, the abstract, where I took this definition, should generally keep what article is about. The conclusions are stunning "in this way, it is safe to argue that the mass culture at the present stage of its existence is an integral element of social relations that have a huge and ever-increasing influence on various spheres of society." Is it not obvious? Further, this process can be organized primarily by mixing mass culture with elite, having, obviously, a higher value base. " What is the "Base of Values"? He knows only the author (although I suspect that he does not know). Conclusion, you can only publish after serious refinement. While it is not science ..

    Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 3.

    Historical conditions and stages of formation of mass culture ............ 4

    Social functions of mass culture ................................................... 5

    Negative influence of mass culture on society ...... ... ......................6

    Positive functions of mass culture ......... ... ..................................7

    Conclusion ......................................................................................................................... 8

    List of references ..................... ... ..................................................................... ..9


Culture is a combination of industrial, public and spiritual achievements of people. Culture is a system of means of human activity, which is constantly being improved, and the human activity is stimulated and implemented. The concept of "culture" is very multi-valued, has different content and different meaning not only in every way, but also in different sciences and philosophical disciplines. It must be disclosed in differential dynamic aspects, which requires the use of categories "Public practice" and "activities", connecting the categories "Public Being" and "Public Consciousness", "Objective" and "subjective" in the historical process.

If we recognize that one of the main signs of genuine culture is the heterogeneity and wealth of its manifestations based on national-ethnic and class differentiation, in the 20th century the enemy of the cultural "polyphony" was not only Bolshevism. In the conditions of "industrial society" and HTR, humanity as a whole found a clearly expressed trend towards the template and monotony to the detriment of any types of originality and identity, whether it is about a separate person or about certain social layers and groups.

Culture modern society The combination of a wide variety of cultural reservoirs, that is, it consists of a dominant culture, subculture and even a counterculture. In any society you can allocate high culture (elitar) and folk culture (folklore). The development of means of mass information led to the formation of the so-called mass culture simplified in the meaning and artistic relation, technologically accessible to all. Mass culture, especially in its strong commercialization, is able to outpire and high and folk culture. But in general, the attitude towards mass culture is not so unequivocal.

The phenomenon of "mass culture" in terms of its role in the development of modern civilization is estimated by scientists not unambiguously. The critical approach to the "mass culture" is reduced to its accusations in neglecting by classical inheritance, in the fact that it allegedly is a tool of conscious manipulation by people; enslaves and uniform the main Creator of all culture sovereign personality; contributes to its alienation from real life; distracts people from their main task - "spiritual and practical development of the world" (K. Marx). Apologetic approach, on the contrary, is expressed in the fact that the "mass culture" is proclaimed by a natural consequence of irreversible scientific and technological progress, which it contributes to the cohesion of people, above all youth, regardless of any ideologies and national-ethnic differences in a sustainable social system and not Only does not reject the cultural heritage of the past, but also makes his best samples in the property of the widest folk layers by replicating them through printing, radio, television and industrial reproduction.

The dispute about the dangers or beneficialness of the "mass culture" has a purely political aspect: both democrats and supporters of authoritarian authorities are not attempted to use this objective and very important phenomenon of our time in their own interests. During the Second World War and in the post-war period, the problem of "mass culture", especially its most important element - the mass media, was studied both in democratic and in totalitarian states.

Historical conditions and stages of formation of mass culture

Features of production and consumption of cultural values \u200b\u200ballowed the cultural scientists to allocate two social forms of the existence of culture: mass culture and elite culture. Mass culture is called such a type of cultural product, which is every day produced in large volumes. It is assumed that all people consume mass culture, regardless of the place and country of residence. This is a culture of everyday life, represented by the widest audience on various channels, including the media and communication.

When did the mass culture appear? Regarding the sources of mass culture in cultural studies there are a number of points of view.

We give as an example most common in the scientific literature:

1. The prerequisites of the mass culture are formed from the moment of the birth of humanity, and in any case, at the dawn of Christian civilization.

2. The origins of the mass culture are associated with the appearance of an adventure, detective, adventurous novel in the European literature of the XVIIXVIII centuries, which significantly expanded the audience of readers at the expense of huge circulation. Here, as a rule, lead as an example creativity of two writers: Englishman Daniel Defo, the author of the well-known novel "Robinson Kruzo" and another 481 lives of people of so-called risky professions: investigators, military, thieves, etc. and our compatriot Matvey Komarov .

3. A large influence on the development of mass culture was provided by the law on compulsory universal literacy in the UK, which allowed many to master the main type of artistic creativity of the XIX century - Roman.

Nevertheless, all the above is the prehistory of the mass culture. And in his own sense, the mass culture has manifested itself for the first time in the United States. The famous American political analyst Zbigniew Brzezinsky loved to repeat the phrase, which became over time: "If Rome gave the world right, England - parliamentary activities, France - culture and republican nationalism, then the modern USA gave the world a scientific and technical revolution and mass culture."

The phenomenon of the emergence of mass culture is as follows. For the turn of the XIX centuries, it became characteristic of a comprehensive massization of life. She touched on all its spheres: economics and politics, management and communication of people. The active role of human masses in various social spheres was analyzed in a number of philosophical essays of the 20th century.

X. Ortega-I-Gasset in the work of the "Mass Rewell" displays the concept of "mass" from the definition of the "crowd". The crowd in quantitative and visual is the set, and the set from the point of view of sociology is the mass, - explains Ortega. And then he writes: "The society has always been the moving unity of minority and mass. The minority is a set of persons allocated especially, the mass is unreasonable. Mass is the middle person. Thus, a purely quantitative determination goes into high-quality "

Very informative for analyzing our problem The Book of the American Sociologist, Professor of Columbia University D. Bella "End of ideology", in which the features of modern society are determined by the emergence of mass production and mass consumption. Here the author formulates five values \u200b\u200bof the concept of "mass":

1. Mass - as an undifferentiated set (i.e., the opposite of the concept of class).

2. Massage - as a synonym for ignorance (as X. Ortega-and-Gasset wrote about it).

3. Mass - as a mechanized society (i.e., a person is perceived as an appendage of technology).

4. Mass - as a bureaucratic society (i.e., a personality loses its individuality in favor of heriatory). 5. Mass - as a crowd. The psychological meaning is laid here. The crowd does not argue, but obeying passions. By itself, a person can be cultured, but in a crowd is a barbarian.

And D. Bell concludes: Mass - there is an embodiment of herdness, unified, patterns.

An even deeper analysis of the "mass culture" was made by the Canadian sociologist M. McClhan. He also, as well as D. Bell, comes to the conclusion that the mass communication tools also generate a new type of culture. Mascoten emphasizes that the starting point of the "industrial and typographic person" was the invention in the XV century of the printed machine. Mclun, determining the art by the leading element of spiritual culture, emphasized Esquepist (i.e., leading to real reality) the function of artistic culture.

Of course, today, the lot has changed significantly. Masses became educated, informed. In addition, the subjects of the mass culture today are not just mass, but also individuals united by various connections. In turn, the concept of "mass culture" characterizes the peculiarities of the production of cultural values \u200b\u200bin the modern industrial society, designed for the mass consumption of this culture.

Social functions of mass culture

In social terms, the mass culture forms a new public layer, called the "middle class". The processes of its formation and functioning in the field of culture are most specpated in the book of the French philosopher and sociologist E. Morena "Spirit of Time". The concept of "middle class" has become fundamental in Western culture and philosophy. This "middle class" became the rod of life of an industrial society. He also made such a popular mass culture.

Mass culture Mythologizes human consciousness, mystifies the real processes occurring in nature and in human society. There is a refusal of rational start in consciousness. The purpose of the mass culture is not so much filling the leisure and removal of stress and stress in the person of industrial and post-industrial society, how much to stimulate consumer consciousness at the recipient (i.e., at the viewer, a listener, reader), which in turn forms a special type - passive, non-critical The perception of this culture in humans. All this creates a person, which is fairly easy to manipulate. In other words, manipulating the human psyche and exploitation of emotions and instincts of the subconscious sphere of human feelings, and above all the feelings of loneliness, guilt, hostility, fear, self-preservation.

Formed by mass culture, mass consciousness is diverse in its manifestation. However, it is distinguished by conservatism, inertness, limited. It cannot cover all the processes in development, in all the complexity of their interaction. In the practice of mass culture, mass consciousness has specific means of expression. Mass culture is more oriented not on realistic images, but on artificially created images (image) and stereotypes. In mass culture, the formula is the main thing.

Mass culture in artistic creativity performs specific social functions. Among them, the main thing is illusory-compensatory: the admission of a person to the world of illusory experience and non-rapid dreams. And all this is combined with an open or hidden propaganda of the dominant lifestyle, which has its ultimate goal distraction from social activity, adapting people to existing conditions, conformism.

From here and use in the mass culture of such genres of art as a detective, melodrama, musical, comic.

Negative impact of mass culture on society

Culture of modern society A combination of a wide variety of cultural reservoirs, that is, it consists of a dominant culture, subculture and even countercultures.

34% of Russians believe that mass culture has a negative impact on society, undermines its moral and moral health. The All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (WTCIOM) came to this result as a result of conducted in 2003. survey.

29% of surveyed Russians stated on the positive impact of mass culture, who believe that the mass culture helps people relax and have fun. 24% of respondents believe the role of show-business and mass culture greatly exaggerated and convinced that they do not have a serious influence on society.

80% of respondents are extremely negative about the use of abnormative vocabulary in public speeches Show business stars, considering the use of obscene expressions by an unacceptable manifestation of promiscuity, inflating.

13% of respondents allow the use of abnormative vocabulary in cases where it is used as a necessary artistic agent, and 3% believe that if it is often used in communication between people, then attempts to ban it on the stage, in the movies, on television is just a chanting .

The negative attitude towards the use of abnormative vocabulary is reflected in the estimates of the Russians around the conflict between the journalist Irina Aroyan and Philip Kirkorov. 47% of respondents stood on the side of Irina Aroyan, while the pop star was supported only by 6%. 39% of respondents did not show interest at all about this process.

47% of the surveyed Russians believe that bright characters Television, being samples and idols for a significant part of young people, must meet higher moral requirements than those that are presented to ordinary people. 41% consider stars of show business with the same people as everyone else, and 6% of respondents believe that some elements of causing behavior from pop characters as people are creative and extraordinary.

The development of means of mass information led to the formation of the so-called mass culture simplified in the meaning and artistic relation, technologically accessible to all. Mass culture, especially in its strong commercialization, is able to outpire and high and folk culture.

The modern Russian culture is also inherent in such a phenomenon that sociologists called the westernization of cultural needs and interests, primarily youth groups of the population.

For many Russians, and again, first of all, young, characteristic lack of ethnocultural or national self-identification, they cease to perceive themselves as Russians, lose their Russianity. Socialization of young people occurs either on traditionally-Soviet, either on the Western model of education, in any case, with a total. Russian folk culture (traditions, customs, rites) by a majority of young people are perceived as an anachronism. The lack of national self-identification in Russian youth leads to a lighter penetration into the youth environment of westernized values.

In many features, youth subculture simply repeats, duplicates the television subculture. It should be noted here that since the early 1990s. Mass culture in its screen, television species is becoming increasingly negative. For example, out of 100 films most popular in Leningrad video rooms, 52% had all the signs of militants, 14 horror films, 18 karate films. At the same time, according to expert film, there was not a single film that is distinguished by artistic and aesthetic value, and only 5% had certain artistic advantages. The repertoire of cinemas for 80-90% consists of foreign films.

No less negative consequences can be noted in the development of musical culture. Such a kind of mass culture, like rock music, was first forbidden in our country at the official level, and then it is also uniformly extomed and idealized. Why speak against that rock music, which is associated with folk traditions, traditions of political and author's song? There are both directions like punk rock, heavy metal, etc., which undoubtedly carry a countercultural, vandalist character. Many musical directions are characterized by pessimism syndromes, motives of death, suicide, fear and alienation. The loss of humanistic content occurs in rock music due to the distortion of a natural human voice with all sorts of wheezing and squealing, who was deliberately broken downstream intonations, the substitutions of men's voices were familiar, and vice versa.

Positive Functions of Mass Culture

The most important, if not determining, the sign of "mass society" is the "mass culture".

Responding to the general spirit of the time, it, unlike the social practice of all previous epochs, becomes from the middle of our century, becomes one of the most profitable sectors of the economy and even gets the relevant names: "Entertainment Industry", "Commercial Culture", "Pop Culture", " leisure industry ", etc. By the way, the last of the above designations opens another of the causes of the "mass culture" - the appearance of excess of free time in a significant layer of workers' excess of free time, "leisure". People have increasingly the need to "kill time". Its satisfaction is natural for money, and the "mass culture" is calculated, which manifests itself mainly in the sensory sphere, i.e. In all types of literature and art. Especially important channels of the general democratization of culture over the past decades have become cinema, television and, of course, sports (in his purely spectatorship), collecting huge and not too legible audiences movable only by the desire for psychological relaxation.

To fulfill its function - the removal of strong production stresses - "mass culture" should be at least entertaining; Failing to people often with insufficiently developed intellectual beginnings, it largely exploits such spheres of human psyche as subconscious and instincts. All this is true and the prevailing topic of "mass culture", receiving large income from the exploitation of such "interesting" and understandable to all people by how love, family, career, crime and violence, adventure, horrors, etc. Curious and psychotherapeutically positively, that in general the "mass culture" of life, it is difficult for truly unpleasant or depressing the audience of the plots, and the corresponding works are usually completed by a happy ending. It is not surprising that, along with the "middle" person, one of the consumers of such products is a pragmatically tuned part of youth, not burdened by life experience, not increasing optimism and still thinking about the fundamental problems of human existence.

Mass culture is able to play and have a positive role today, entrying the masses to the most difficult spiritual and moral problems in adapted form. But whether the individual will leave further search for cultural musical values, or will be content with the acquired surrogates of mass culture - this is already directly dependent on the personality itself. An exceptional role here belongs to education, artistic and aesthetic education.


Attitude towards mass culture is most often ambiguous: it is highly despised, express concern about her onslaught, in the soft version it is condescendingly, but no one has yet escaped contact with her.

Of course, the mass culture has its positive moments. Entertaining, delivering sensory pleasure, she gives a person the opportunity to forget about his problems, relax. However, the works of mass culture are low and only imitate the techniques of genuine art, are designed for an external effect.

The spread of mass culture does not mean the disappearance of the culture of elitar. It would be a simplification, however, to represent a mass culture only negatively, like a monster, devouring all the human in man. Analyzing the mass culture, you should not consider it and exclusively in the key ideological, as it was more recently.

In the works of modern researchers, you can find different instructions on the time of the emergence of mass culture: some believe that it existed even in ancient civilizations. We consider it, however, that the mass culture is a product of modern civilization with characteristic features of urbanization and universal education. Almost before the beginning of the 20th century there were quite clearly separated by elite culture and folk. The first was widespread in cities, among those who had the opportunity to obtain appropriate education and upbringing. The second was often created by human illiterate people, but being media traditions.

The process of urbanization that reset the significant masses of the peasants and the petty bourgeoisie in the city, led to the fact that people, withdrawing from nature that fed a folk culture, was not able to join urban culture, which required not only the elementary reading and writing skills, but much greater Education, time and material opportunities. The new urban mass needed the forms of culture available to it.

Thus, mass culture is a multifunctional, objective phenomenon modern stage Cultures in which all segments of the population are inevitably involved, and the problem is enclosed in the management of the dynamics of mass culture, that is, the development of effective mechanisms for the selection of the necessary and promising areas and the sejection of those that lead to the irreversible degradation of cultural property and samples.


1. Parhomenko I.T., Radugin A.A. "Culturality in matters and answers", Moscow "Center" 2001

......................................................... 3 2. Philosophical Basics Mass culture ...
  • Mass culture Multicolia, but it is depleting

    Article \u003e\u003e Political science

    Traditional culture. Perspectives mask culture And in Russia, and all over the world and joyful, and sad. Basically mask culture and mass society ...

  • The time of the generation of mass culture - 1870 (in the UK, a law on universal literacy was adopted).

    IN further development Mass culture contributed:

    1) in 1895 - the invention of cinema;

    2) in the middle of the twentieth century. - The emergence of pop music. Society is the unity of most and minority. Mass - many people without special advantages.

    The man of mass is the one who does not feel any gift or differences from everyone. The minority is a group of people who have opened their goal to the highest norm. Literary products and artistic novels. A crucial role for the formation of mass culture was played by movies, radio, since cinema - the foundation of the aesthetic principles of mass culture. He developed ways to attract spectators, the main thing was the cultivation of illusions. Special quality of mass culture is the ability to deliver the consumer from any intellectual effort, having paved for him a short way to pleasure.

    Signs of mass culture:

    1) serial nature of products;

    2) primitiveness of life and relations between people;

    3) entertainment, fun, sentimental;

    4) Natural image of certain scenes;

    5) The cult of a strong personality, a cult of success.

    Positive sides of the mass culture:

    1) a wide range of genres, styles;

    2) satisfaction of the requirements of many sectors of society.

    Negative sides of the mass culture:

    1) mass culture depends on ideological policies;

    2) is entertainment;

    3) a small amount of works is the question of the purpose and sense of life, its values;

    4) not all works are performed on high professional level and possess aesthetic value;

    5) forms a massive world view with non-critical beliefs and views.

    As an opposition to mass culture, elitar culture is the main task of which - to preserve in culture creative principle, form values \u200b\u200band create new aesthetic forms. Creative elite is a dynamic socio-culture of education, small, but influential. These are active people, brightly gifted, capable of creating new forms. All that they create, frighteningly new, breaks existing stereotypes and rules and is aware of the society as something hostile.

    Elite culture diverse, multidirectional, with a high percentage of a complex experiment. It gives rise to the discovery, and the urge, but only it is capable of generating a new one.

    Mass culture does not recognize such elite type Culture, refusing to him in elitism and in culturality, and evaluates it as non-professionalism, anti-imagination, blessing. Mass culture is a special phenomenon, it has its own laws of the emergence and development of forms. It prefers to monotony and repetition, possesses election memory. However, the mass culture is a mandatory component of any cultural and historical process, it has its own laws.

    Classical culture - average between elite and mass culture. According to the method of creating a classical culture of elitar, however, in the process of development, the traverse of mass causes.