Are there many Chichikovs in modern life? Do the Chichikovs meet in our time? based on the poem Dead Souls (Gogol N

Are there many Chichikovs in modern life? Do the Chichikovs meet in our time? based on the poem Dead Souls (Gogol N

Are there Chichikovs today? What position do they occupy in society? small essay-reasoning and got the best answer

Answer from Liudmila Sharukhia [guru]
Chichikov's character is somewhere between precise calculation and crime. This man of unusually decent appearance is engaged in illegal activities. Chichikov, by and large, steals finances from the board of trustees - an organization designed to deal with the problems of socially vulnerable citizens. If Chichikov fell into the hands of justice - and he was guaranteed hard labor and defeat in rights, that is, deprivation of the nobility. Following the adventures of Chichikov, one should always remember this. Throughout all eleven chapters of the first volume of Dead Souls, Pavel Ivanovich, as they say, "walks under the article." And only the complacency and general mental hibernation of the people around the economic criminal allow Chichikov to escape punishment for the first time. Chichikov is an excellent entrepreneur. He masterfully accomplishes his deals, knows how to find the key to each of the business partners. In addition, Pavel Ivanovich brilliantly arranges for himself administrative support, the so-called "roof". Many of the local politicians fall into his sphere of activity. The sellers of dead souls partly understand the illegality of these trading operations, but the temptation to get finances actually makes them accomplices of Chichikov for nothing. Even Gogol's contemporaries noticed that the sale and purchase of dead souls, according to the legislation in force at that time, was impossible. But time has erased these incongruities, and we are not without pleasure watching the business activity of Pavel Ivanovich. Probably, many of the readers can envy those simple times when it was so easy to deceive the state - all that is needed is a good idea, a little finances and personal charm, which Chichikov possessed in full measure. Having mentioned the business and human qualities of Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov, one cannot but dwell on the modernity of his character. Gogol's contemporaries perceived the protagonist of Dead Souls with ill-concealed disgust. Today Chichikov looks like a pretty and fairly harmless swindler. Indeed, Pavel Ivanovich did not hire killers to kill competitors, did not buy the votes of the State Duma deputies, did not sell weapons and drugs, and did not corrupt minors. Today Chichikov, of course, would have achieved some success in business, but he would never have reached significant heights. Probably, Pavel Ivanovich would have lacked the cynicism and extreme cruelty that glorified the current officials far beyond the borders of the CIS. Speaking about the character of Pavel Ivanovich, one cannot but state that Gogol intended to make his hero a worthy person. The speech about the spiritual improvement of Chichikov was supposed to go in the plot second and unfinished third volumes of the poem "Dead Souls". One can only imagine what trials, what spiritual struggles this natural-born entrepreneur would have to endure in order to become different. Fortunately, only the first and only volume of Dead Souls has remained in Russian literature forever - one of the best works written in Russian.

Answer from Valentine[guru]
If you think carefully, you will understand that the modern world is literally teeming with Chichikovs at all levels. Chichikov today is the one who, having mastered 15 state million, will put another 15 in his pocket. Chichikov is the one who will bring home full bags from the hospital canteen, not delivering portions to sick children. Chichikov is an eternal purchaser for whom there is no morality, no duty and no honor. Take a look around - and you will be horrified at how many Chichikovs are around!

Chichikov's character is somewhere between precise calculation and crime. This man of unusually decent appearance is engaged in illegal activities. Chichikov, by and large, steals money from the board of trustees, an organization designed to deal with the problems of socially vulnerable citizens. Get Chichikov into the hands of justice - and he is guaranteed hard labor and defeat in rights, that is, deprivation of the nobility. Following the adventures of Chichikov, one should always remember this. Throughout all eleven chapters of the first volume of Dead Souls, Pavel Ivanovich, as they say, "walks under the article." And only the complacency and general mental hibernation of the people around the economic criminal allow Chichikov to escape punishment for the first time.

Chichikov is an excellent entrepreneur. He masterfully makes his transactions, knows how to find the key to each of the business partners. In addition, Pavel Ivanovich brilliantly arranges for himself administrative support, the so-called "roof". Many of the local politicians fall into his sphere of activity. The sellers of dead souls partly understand the illegality of these trading operations, but the temptation to get money actually makes them accomplices of Chichikov for nothing.

Even Gogol's contemporaries noticed that the sale and purchase of dead souls, according to the legislation in force at that time, was impossible. But time has erased these incongruities, and we are not without pleasure watching the business activity of Pavel Ivanovich. Probably, many of the readers can envy those simple times when it was so easy to deceive the state - all you need is a good idea, a little money and personal charm, which Chichikov possessed in full measure.

Having mentioned the business and human qualities of Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov, one cannot but dwell on the modernity of his character. Gogol's contemporaries perceived the protagonist of Dead Souls with ill-concealed disgust. Today Chichikov looks like a pretty and fairly harmless swindler. Indeed, Pavel Ivanovich did not hire killers to kill competitors, did not buy the votes of the State Duma deputies, did not sell weapons and drugs, and did not corrupt minors. Today Chichikov, of course, would have achieved some success in business, but he would never have reached significant heights. Probably, Pavel Ivanovich would have lacked the cynicism and extreme cruelty that glorified the current officials far beyond the borders of the CIS.

Speaking about the character of Pavel Ivanovich, one cannot but say that Gogol intended to make his hero a worthy person.

The answer left the guest

Our time is simply overcrowded with Chichikovs. " , the people died out, thank God, a lot ... estates are abandoned, managed at random, taxes are paid more difficult every year. "Referring to this place of" Dead Souls ", several ninth-graders wrote that today for the current Chichikovs the time is the most convenient, favorable." Our time is very similar to the time of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol : collapse in the state, political and economic disorder, poverty and misery of the main strata of the state. "" Now in our country the situation is no better than in the days of Chichikov. Taking advantage of the plight of the country, the Chichikovs make money at the expense of other people, thereby finishing off the state. "And therefore our time is" the time of the rise of the Chichikovs. " on other people. "Moreover," now, when abilities and education are little valued, money makes a lot. "That is why" it is in our time that such people are valued. They know how to please and, most importantly, bosses. "" They remember all the same words of Chichikov's father: "And most of all please teachers and bosses. you will go into action and get ahead of everyone. " One of the main motives that sounds in many works of ninth-graders is that Chichikov reflects and expresses not only the time of Gogol, but also our time. "If you mentally put Chichikov in the current conditions, then he will not stand out among the same owners and dealers who flood the Russian immature market, make a profit through resale and are not a productive force." "Reading and reflecting on the character and behavior of Chichikov, I clearly see the hardships of our time: countless deceptions, scams, fraud and deceit." "Chichikov today could pull off such a scam that his machinations with dead souls would seem like childish babble." Moreover. According to many tenth-graders, if Chichikov was a new and unusual phenomenon in Gogol's time, then today he is a common and familiar figure. "I think that Chichikov is to some extent a hero of our time." "At that time he caused disgust and distrust among many, but now he would be respected and appreciated." "He lives for the sake of money, in order to feel all the joys of life."

The answer left Guru

Dead Souls is Nikolai Gogol's main book. Unfortunately, he did not present us with the continuation of this masterpiece. But as he said: "poetry is a pure confession of the soul" from which it follows that the reader is able to find answers in the pages of the poem.

The work raises many problems, each of them finds a response in the main character. Who is he the mysterious Chichikov, who burst into the life of Russian landowners. The author is undoubtedly imbued with love for his hero. From childhood, he notices in him a great intelligence from the practical side. From an early age, the guy was engaged in "business", never sat around, tried to build his fortune. But every time he reached the highest point of his dreams, he fell down with a crash. Is the image of Chichikov relevant today? How many people in our modern society are the prototype of the soul of the protagonist?

Arguing about this issue, I want to draw attention to modern people. With a pain in my heart, but we must admit that it has become built on an entrepreneurial relationship. Everyone needs something, everyone is looking for ways to get it. In our time, interpersonal relationships began to fade into the background, in their place came profit and stinginess. All this we can find in the literary hero of the poem "Dead Souls". The author painted a portrait of a future person, then there were still few people like Chichikov, they were just in their infancy. By our time, their number has become more than half, and there really is a problem with this.

Gogol conceived his hero with the aim of raising a highly moral person in him. It is believed that the changes were supposed to take place throughout all the volumes, and at the end Gogol was supposed to show a completely new hero. But since the continuation of the work was destroyed, we will never know if Chichikov could change.

Gogol did not make his hero only good or bad. He endowed him with such talents as - perseverance, striving for a goal, resourcefulness (an idea with dead souls), the ability to find a way out of any problem. But to such good qualities, he also adds vices to balance his personality. Vices include - stinginess, greed, lack of strong feelings for someone. And in fact, for the entire period of the narration of the poem, the author does not give us the exact question of whether Chichikov is ready to love for real.

As you know, he bought dead souls for the sake of "business", which was supposed to bring him great profit. He needed money more than ever, because he dreamed of marrying a stately and rich girl. Again, we see that in such a heartfelt affair as love and marriage, he seeks profit. It doesn't matter to him who this girl will be, how she will behave. The last refusal hurt him very much, because that girl really liked him. But the small capital did not impress her parents, so he gets an unpleasant rejection.

Is this image relevant today? From all of the above, I come to the conclusion that it is actually relevant. Gogol created the image of a person who will exist several centuries later. There are people who are just as ready to please their boss as Chichikov did. We cannot call him negative heroes, because for Gogol the positive qualities that his hero possessed seemed to him a window to the future. More can be said, this image has become a more frequent and powerful phenomenon in our society. This is not the norm, and what is actual is not always correct, it is worth remembering!

Dead Souls is Nikolai Gogol's main book. Unfortunately, he did not present us with the continuation of this masterpiece. But as he said: "poetry is a pure confession of the soul" from which it follows that the reader is able to find answers in the pages of the poem.

The work raises many problems, each of them finds a response in the main character. Who is he the mysterious Chichikov, who burst into the life of Russian landowners. The author is undoubtedly imbued with love for his hero. From childhood, he notices in him a great intelligence from the practical side. From an early age, the guy was engaged in "business", never sat around, tried to build his fortune. But every time he reached the highest point of his dreams, he fell down with a crash. Is the image of Chichikov relevant today? How many people in our modern society are the prototype of the soul of the protagonist?

Arguing about this issue, I want to draw attention to modern people. With a pain in my heart, but we must admit that it has become built on an entrepreneurial relationship. Everyone needs something, everyone is looking for ways to get it. In our time, interpersonal relationships began to fade into the background, in their place came profit and stinginess. All this we can find in the literary hero of the poem "Dead Souls". The author painted a portrait of a future person, then there were still few people like Chichikov, they were just in their infancy. By our time, their number has become more than half, and there really is a problem with this.

Gogol conceived his hero with the aim of raising a highly moral person in him. It is believed that the changes were supposed to take place throughout all the volumes, and at the end Gogol was supposed to show a completely new hero. But since the continuation of the work was destroyed, we will never know if Chichikov could change.

Gogol did not make his hero only good or bad. He endowed him with such talents as - perseverance, striving for a goal, resourcefulness (an idea with dead souls), the ability to find a way out of any problem. But to such good qualities, he also adds vices to balance his personality. Vices include - stinginess, greed, lack of strong feelings for someone. And in fact, for the entire period of the narration of the poem, the author does not give us the exact question of whether Chichikov is ready to love for real.

As you know, he bought dead souls for the sake of "business", which was supposed to bring him great profit. He needed money more than ever, because he dreamed of marrying a stately and rich girl. Again, we see that in such a heartfelt affair as love and marriage, he seeks profit. It doesn't matter to him who this girl will be, how she will behave. The last refusal hurt him very much, because that girl really liked him. But the small capital did not impress her parents, so he gets an unpleasant rejection.

Is this image relevant today? From all of the above, I come to the conclusion that it is actually relevant. Gogol created the image of a person who will exist several centuries later. There are people who are just as ready to please their boss as Chichikov did. We cannot call him negative heroes, because for Gogol the positive qualities that his hero possessed seemed to him a window to the future. More can be said, this image has become a more frequent and powerful phenomenon in our society. This is not the norm, and what is actual is not always correct, it is worth remembering!

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